. . • . • . . • - •., . • 1 . . . , 1 . ...., . • ~ . . . - .. . -- .' a" '" . • • * in _ ,' •• ' . • ' ''' 7. - 'l7. 'e.p.7l, - 7:% , i .... - - ... •• • ' '• 711 . 100.414. .3 t •ti 96.1 ;i0 l4 : 41111 •11111 /WlNRliiiigligligialaNil • - --- • • • ;.*---- -- .• --.. ' ' •le;. -1 , ''zt..'. - •.. - .... ." ,- "ll l' • - - • .• - 2 . 1 1.1.1 „ 14 - • r -..... • f....,..ve ...„., i ; . h , ,,, _ 1 ------------1-77-7 '. • ' OW: - ' • •'' •" et „.., . , ~Itymytrri., " ,!::- " , ': . 1,-.,,t .i ~ . ,-.:;ll!rfai.,F - .--,..:- 1100 . !„., - 1.-_ , . : ''' '•' '• , ' ' d ' ~.........., 1- .. -• • '• ' ' .V - r. • '..- -• ' . .. Tllanlaillriar . ' . 77 .- r t vier namirl i trwiTla let !unit ____ ,..,, :" . • 1 . . 1 , • '•• - 1 ...iiii4tet= l, === , . •.. .• • ......,-, 0 1-• k . `.. '- ' r ' ''' ..1111014K . lingli llllllllol MlNg li g al.' ; V . W7. , 7 . . ~.• ..?4.1.,41,4-1 , tA,I ,1.-.::ti•A , 4 1,11 4 zw„ .., ..... „,, 45 .,„ .. .„,=-. ` s . ara b. _ Oa . '' .11:itmes..4 ,„,1,1%.1.itt.1 - $. 4 .,1 , :,ri..5 ..r...T. ' ,4 1 *L1.1... , .., , .t0bt r., ~,,•:,/_. ; r ..4,,.... . _ ~ p,, ! -frit, 4 ,Serrot ,-- "- 4- 011-11.1al .13 bc, TAME_ i , . , ---"---"--f---UrArallll ' ' ' : llllll4llll4ll4°}v't I"- Pri l l ',7 4:, ,- It" ': • .X .. ;°• .. 1.: - . - 71. k 1 ..'''' ' .,.. -- Z , 1- `l' , 'igmfa. - . 4 .'. ,- t • - r`' •'' 4 " .• ' ,t,.. vir _......", , - ~, ' 7 -.-7 ' . _ _RiP.Miliaillinr* ''' . A . _, , ~ . , , f , . -... ~ r- 4 . /.+' . 7 l , P rrilf. C l ' illia't7;in...; i ..;-,'; 1 ' !".:,,..i . . ;ta. ,. ,r ~ , ,, 7 :, ri. ;;Thar ?1;:• 1 ' :/,;. - 1:9 , '.7 a2.010 li 1 . : : ..... k. l. ' . - ' -"-. • : - ',. 1 , , ~, - . j , ,•,, 1 I e • ••• ..- ~ . .t.'t ,:b..1..2.-•.•.t i zi.,:1.t., - 1 .T _4..10, t.V2 , 1 , no:, . - 4.,14.41, ......h. ... VlP 4lCUalfeani r k F i r t !" ' I -A - CorreapiindeTt Of - an '-' . : :'-:. 7 I' . ': ! ; --j . t- ' .. .• a..•Ttin. ..,.. ,• . Obi ' :wlegeleat11•11011311 ~.. •-ti; •::: - --: 4 ••• • u-f-"rt. ‘,..p.11.)"./..v R, _ 4 2 , - / - n 4 4 . e2:O-1? - .:.t./.. ,: 4 :::: ,- ;ne'4") .." - - 1 : ',.f. , !%, ': .J,,Aviele. - • • Ira m ounninntippa, • E r5 t0=" 0 ,......., .., I J ourna ig i oh t: l i n o= „ , fog, : .:. . 0t ,,,,,„.„ To : , 1 .. ~... luso - - ti , - 4 •,' .., . _:. reg 4i 1 0 . ..( :... - _.....;.,....! • , ..,..... ; r.. ,„ ,, ',,: - . 1 , 1,4 , i - tli uit l : l -bitiiiiiiiii CtO~ i;;4' 1 . ;.. , 41 .., 1-::: , ~....., l a - ~ .. , ,1. 7 .,,. .f t ., . ...1 . ..1 . , .., ,:::;,, , ,i .. i ,„ . , ~ .. , : _ _ _ . .....,,.. '4 ,, r. - . --- - ~ t ik Nabsettbe,' you mist lose a eent-r Oorne Home," in one of th ... o= , 1 • ' ; • • ' ' „ I: - : - - I ' .embdaresst,,m' / - _. ' , l' • ; ! ; - _:•.7 • : - ,3 .: - .Lokort.:1::•;;- , q,:tt:." , - . . 4 -, , ,1 7 „ im p , w , coanom b lin ummas,a, 4.. ; , ;; ;Jinkineinc, . , . nava goant-. - ' Why Should yea be aftskltt 1 ; halls In London: . - ..... ; , •• : „' - 'Fer emah thus paid hi inenitylent ,; • Having reached the hall, am paid , kw , ;,....,;„,......„. ...„ , -,a,..,...4.„c.1.• z; frigi a .. , . •11.1 - 01111 , 1 0 1 0 6 1 .0.5 ( 9 / ". ... •• ...1:; , , L ,. :: 1 , • • ptimmoio,d,L; „gang Ma' tanirel car * .Amosiughauf44 . lim.'• • em itp3r. ._,' di-Fx.siiiiiiim.:l74lP. ~ ....,77,1, , mi, ,;,-.::::,..1.,44.,-.1 , ., - ..:t......,,",:, , :,,. :IF i'a la 7,!..,i,1e1..... - frraVa.. 4 . i ..".:e5%.7 Rwail if i lf - ritt , i - I t., •s. - --I On interest,lbur-feld paw.. 1 ' the admission fee ofslxpence. There • • ;• , _ :••• _-' • ' ...• „ .." I' ' str=s ll iimilso ..wileuderved, ~. ~ ~ .... aranddi44..,:c f ... ., r4,, , t( ~., :L.; r: ,.. . . . ,.. , , :cm ,. taa" . oloo _ .:_. . s.a .r- :ins 1.. $ c.. ... 1 ,, pLINIIAto• lir . r lam ; ,;; L I \ *ile.''''il'''' i; ; ''';lll64il-.' i ;2'l' ..! I.' .11 :lhaim ,-. , ".. '. i . . A ... -A. :• '' 'A! ', '• '., ?.. . i - .) . A.: i ts iirr.A reit- PIEC /4. Am mo • Ho then, and take the paper, --- ', was s 'very neat stage, With gaudy 1.. Boots : ' Shoes i----, , -m-idi-q '°'""' '.0%07,•!*.b.-=o.r.i e*i. ' - .. . - - .4 - ....... , - , -, -•-, i,"• , ~ , ..• :-, ... 1 ••• {.. ~. .. „„,.,.., - - csaisitt.a :::::::: I ! - ars vs ~ ~. ~.. :la t: -.,,; i-zt Aielitsilwiw 1 ' .•l' ' - And pay to-dity; nor pay delay, ;.. drop scenes, ai d wings ! and a toter- -; -. , , „ And in word it is infbrred, able OA omit tem , . .:t • - . 1 aa„. • tr - , - , 'I. ii,3 , ,:•'o Illii .• , ri _.. . ote liTO till you, we gra'''. ln the stalls Sat the chairman, to . • • . -. • : . Y a . ,_ , ... . 46 . •••• -" i-,‘: A disiiiidarsurwilwapik • ~..kom_goili, ~,,,,t;:;,,,,,,i .*•-• -. .-7 :,-, • 44 1, ,""" •." .•: , , ',"'" •' • t - •• r • 0911114Witb: :::: :::: ll 6 .2 . i s friend of di kee en p ce !cord as er ever eve w r lts as iii:n motley out alt o( ' t a li n e - .timesanirestaseassior Jae A. UMW. Ilannla 4 14 1140 Wrinala lO niliditli*l ! . . : II " ' ;: 4 -, i ~, .:. - „ :.,. ; 1 4 1 010 4.... 1 .-sfit •l g . .. - : imi k aii . l . c • ...,,,, ~.,„,..mrinap,...l,:;,. ..., --.J : ~..,-,,,, - . Afeil ' old II . . . . •' : '''' ' I Ina witextetar. Bearer - tocsin ts.: C atOliki ".1 gut. .'t .1:1MM:tog : Whil red iF i r hear m u : hacu lt ' u tr b s iziew ,, , 1 fiallery 9 . f the Vlctorli fl'heatre.-:-- - .; : • • .. I • turrisa=rstatt is 00 lodandriled. tin .. . ~ ~, . . ....„..; ~; , ..,i ..., ~,.., . . 4 ;,,,. : ; ...; i ii c u r y r i . . „ 0ut2 4 1 6. - • t' i _. ....._ . . ....,. it : itio L" af w,..ider si .46,1,1,4(414i • r. , 4 2 ,.. Derd to soldeenteaDlMPlSeMela_his 0411INIT , • ti - rsfor - solis,;: S - Illa tWoll • • While he Was dying off. : : It 0b• b 6 ir.:sl , 1, , - ft-abi-Psmati --4 [shoe -cgßAPigg.' TRA.3I MISR - , BOLD :IR TR:pi ._ A : ,•,,,,.1 ..„,: „. ..'', ~ .I r,- , ,, , , . ~i,..',, . :,. ~- - • Teerng......, .... is SR . .eik i regle rB lll . od . Benn ie be ed ple t :il I rly ° 3ll ln p i p na lh3d te. '''' (4- : ' .. , N. • 91 1 ''' , :C i r s4ll"-" " - Pl ff el l :" 4 "-' 94 :. a.- • - --.--- -• COUNTY: --- ' ' I 4 ' " 1.110 L....: - .N.1":1.. - 11111 1, i. •141- 103te l i e fyiropeneeir1) taltboit ill • I took the paper and I road : I with porter,' and. all were wijoyitig 'I • l'i •••• ;L. ItAIBSTWILLIANikIestr.- • t •;. . , : ..,-,- .-- • - t . - • .:;:,- As gogiogglatigialliT oo eflT - my , at •.1 ,1a11......55i.5.... •.. ;.4 I Am y r , .„,,, .„.„ ~.„ ~,,t ~.: ,1 . ,,... 1315 poy . ' femme new Pah In • r°m " , th , 4 ,lt, . their pipm-: to such an extent 'as to . • 4 . - • ; • •- • T is t• Ow rite* 4 I W IIS " g al l": t. ;•- ~--. =re • - lila - 4). "lir '-soul `" ' - ' 4 * H 0 bought a boa Tided is-h ° . , •,-, make t place almost stiffocating; A t.,,,,,,,i I n ,h, • ' - i 1 7A71/Idadaltlll2ooo.-NOSidaw4ettili4 Ad: 'r,'" -, • •,• . 1 .•. a . : - '• , .",' I . ,"" • ' )‘• ' ' - ' 2, " i n '.. "144 ' g It'br xi tai o ^ Mg ~ '' Nol-hearty as a horse. A t t b e •••N -- •••••• ••• -"-- ' 4 1 . . , .n. talalattatlon ea tba Nina* et laiS , 6dr, l' . ',. ~; , i,'•-......e• .-" _•:.,. ', . .--. ..1;• .. , • •: - .r... . 1.. 01 ,- ,...'. , ,;: t , . •-• -t • • l A= i i i r.ti's**..' IP 1 . ~, so Aso ! a ril' ~ : .•.;., 1,0 : r!. .. .1 '..•• A, I for them must lutvebeenan audienee ..- ' - .: '' , . ti, ears, Isto et Esebetter norms. ltd t , I knew a printer's debtor once, •I of nearly flve.hundred. ~ ,i iii.' -. ' ' Ir. mated to onileralgod. ell ~ , II:, li . •.- , , lrdie2f.V . ,...: eat) AID ,JO :, Hacked with* 'hooking rover, i A nigger "walk around" WAS Pled . IEI jr...,41C0 ~1%7 13 ',II 1 • ! Sebald estate We renowned to . wawa ~ •i'' Who - More tO Pfarnirt v ne g t. de.7l , being tubbed, and the shOuts o f ' ..,. . . -•-- Pelleeet. and Pendia haute: diethie.=A e i: ,;', , ppOLAT 77LT PR/IJEN i t . - 1.,- ' -I 1 : , !.... '•I '''),.....' '''.''',... ' 1 71 '1. 1 .:'' . ;" : ! !...... i .O '"'.'.;". "' "Plt F. ' 1 ' 711 " P 5 ' I" ',' '; :6 •'4 ll4l o 4 lr: vi Ci rbsr 4 ow iti iiikaa ''. - i l -1.'1°111 44 ., : pink ., spai liraiS f iki' pg. ' ..- • il, ' .. 01.., 10 ........._,.. ..„......*U 1 Wesett... . ..thell, . PwswitY•i! 'WW I, . . ' , 1 " :,‘ ' • '''' - '411 ., • - ' ." ' , ' ', '' .. i.. .. , gg i. itisita at r' d4ll ji . :lrd , 99 . 6 . 4 , ,' , 41!!0•1 1 11 • :,,.. '.-4. : , - . . ..,, x. 57 .4. . a5p , 14 „gar ~ ,It 1:,, , ~,r ~.-,„. ~.. , , .. ,r; . ~ ~.,, If her O ltn " woe ' ea e ,eet ' 1 "encom 1" whistling and stamping 'Next miming! she was at her work, of feet made the hall perfectly lie- , 'llimitiiiter, Pa. • - •-. . • A: R *Oi.V . • l4 ;#/eLifillor....•: - • - . • - -..'. . , - ;,, , .1, ..... ,_,..r.7...777. 1.atitate0ma,,r-3 imaili , A isi , pit =mons ,taii ~, ....,,,, , , ~ ~,..... ~, ~ ;, " Divested of her pain, 1 wildering. A name was announced dmalnhatnnioehe Kollimw-Lentem of Ael• ~ . Rdaltria.:.e.....:t- But mho forgot to pay her debt, , front the chairman, which - we could 1 ‘ • 11 '- mtnistraticia ea theiestenttef hen.-Bike ,C.YII, ,',, .„ , , . Mk.; deemed. tan al New &Ightollatt,l War ''.. , - • ••• ~- - . • ~. ...,, .. .. '.'"-:-..:'' ''' )... ' - '- .- ' '.co ' itiAriults. .'' 'Fgp,.,,i., lb- V i l a ein t an '' ' '''" '' • ' PUT* Cdder'lln•lPLP 'Till taken down again. ' i not Catch, and amidst slapping , P of 1 • Wlllillit I OFFXRP I been rested bathe undendinted. tit pallnla lar MEM MC 00011.STOVIR , ,•v . , . • 1%. ' • .r. ,rri . '.:. f 7 3r. 7i L I ei;;ii;;il mod tievt• •lis ' tou .t t , - . -a,- t. - "Hero Jeiude,takethesesilver wheels hands ; and stamping of feet, - there , . ti . a•basittieudante•re I%ties,wito,,lsibil= 0 ' dist° payment.'and Igoe* banger alanas: 4 :,- :,,, ,i,,i- i..,.. -:: .;;!...:it''..,..':' , ...: 1 , ."•,::'..., ~: Its:llin iwinatilis is wldelititls 1 ,..` - 10 " . ' - rr ir c.l a r e l • I°lll *wtr"''''' 24 'le ''' :se a ! 'Ai', l ' "••• "''' 1 !. -A l4 " '''' ~ L . } 7 And My Ow printer nowt"' , I was . * buzz of w ilds, is the Sang." ' I I •I ' 'l• ...- - the same.will pruned them prepatir aathautime , ru margr i; . ~, ~,,„,i ~ om umay e lk., thw aamd kind isr i : : , . cr , of u „ im. wboanmisi . 4 Van Wert.....e.'.- .. .2E, , ...mg .. - , i 5 0 ... .,. ~ ...) , Nl, , ~, , • , , , r , 5.,...,.•::1.., : :.•' 4 .: ,, , .:.,. ..e.:l I _,' , . :t • - * IST 0 • MO ADS ‘pal 4. 4:1 111 . 101111111111 4 ina l ti, ...., , tithe slept, and slept, and then awOko, The • waiter called loudly: '" Any, , 1 1GREAT 1 : ARCAINS. , j-: led tor sallensent. .-.•, 1 : . '. andaw.:lMait imo so • Noe apralsPhlet i Forest ' With health upon her brow. .1 . more ordenir and tlieseheing takenres: 1 and :duly executed, iill - :Seemed ;to I; - • . 1 - . II '' ' - . •' ' • 4°1115 ISPPI4-44 • 114.6514° " ; r '' ' - k.,.,-•:- I le n i k 4 ''''.e rl°- "' -1 .;•,,., • ,••••• ' ea, $14.01 drew-The Alia Vela Milord • Corp9lll. In Uppirared.kyl 1191:1 j 'llll 1110 r 523 •I l ; --",•-•,---- ~ - --.--- •-- Na 2 ` l °. i• s i ' i t ar t re C 2--- umal koedway . . Ithrw , ferk: ' • ~ St , ,Stii irs .V t.J"i/f.4:isinz'r"=77 In hima* , A dinallalstratotogr N01141 1 4- , snit. or Arll No. a. Splendid Dakar. Lone Dellera mew., ass _..ft.._ . f .. Al • - 0111 t.! MEI 1 I knew two men, as much alike I settle down quietly tot liken to the: . AL WORK :, ' 1 - 1. FaMlatnittott . .ols the *Mate itT 4 ohn .;tit .i lt.YNo.S.Dislead*.fthltet..4flP , ift"! . . ° M 4 ' - - • ''l-.' ' -" ' ''' . .:.,,, ."Irt"'!! I 7Dg , tl t. 111114.1 . • .4 00 ; 815 AX ' ...i.W.Te.' As e'er vou see two stumps, i - I ' deed., latent Brighton Tp., haling bane .;._._... 773 rsti And no p'hrenologist could and . 1 . song. Them was the symphonY, . , • , -au the noriseilgned, all persons Indebted to sal& a , ' A difference in their bump. ; and , another buzz of "This is it I" . • • L .3 • testate are requested to make immedlate.Parileett - :Parlor Stbtres . -.... ~.-.:.,. . -.• . '. • . ....• mop. . il .1, i m , ~. , SOP • i ' and we begat [ to feel anxiou Pres- • . ' • scot , thine haring claims spinet the' same, wit ....., War anted . Prevent. them lowlier!, etabellihmted to o ath,- __ - ' ' . °rntn•- -' 1 . Mli lg. ' 184 • 916 101111111111101MBIltslrODI ...., I , , Ono takes the paper, and his life ' ently a female came • in front 'of the • - . , la happier than eking's i• curtain amidst great applause, and ' • • . . . . , ,• • ;t, ...-, . ~c pia, Juno parks, pdts *Sri, , -:, •'• it eo ts ~.. . 4lres. :.. , ! " igm'ainwa 4 4 ••••= 4 1,- 11 . 1 .. too lletni •Wir i bi lm -P ~ ..t. ,;,„. . : . . ‘,•• . 1 ` .... lowers c. witsos. Aintiststriittle. • A l. , '" -: ' •"„ '' ~ ites '-• t • ,'-• ' • - f ••• ''' Amami . ' ' • al ' - '•• tiiiffe i WI ,a t i- k , ss * "...i • Ilia children all mut read and write, , . , ! - And talkof men anclthinge. , I conitnenced: "Father; (tear father," I •Viteestoeis Notler.-Wbereas. letters les*" 17 '• . ~; •. . • .. • • etc. Every word was distinct, and • ' i t if G. ; . MARTIN : . , • RIM . : j.• 3 - 11 mental upon the es t a te of Jai. X; DOW:4 ........ '' ire Aqua novwf :........ .. ... :•••-....-,, - • ,---' • ..- ~ . -,. - . i of Blg Heaves tp..lletiver wow. ra.:#4.agoeit . . ~. xx , . , !..,,...., , .. . . . ~ ~r i. .' us . 'AP:,.. - „ . , . DELL .. ,• .. ;,.... .. "• • • '•••. t, , T" '-" Thu other took no paper, and :, she sang the ballad wilhgreat feeling ' p • . 4 - . r • ,.;... ~' I ' • T. :, "slid" Rig • saassis; ~ .-..- • . .i „•, . _ . While strolling throtigh the wood , In order, however, to fully describe ,____ ____ . tzz%z . r , : i t i.. ;. : 7 , :: ,, , ,, ,. -, I ,l . 2 l 4 l;ri b„ ett• i trt n - 0 11 .• . r,4V.,::;; ;..i . e f ei , • : to ,: -:t': .1: . ~.a. . - 1,••.... - " I , , '-..: - iiiii -- q r i b S im itu tiiiii teat ". tr i g gees Cattle. tea ALL if.. •II - • A tree fell down , broke hie crown,! tlie scene whltli followed - melt verse, • ! milk , ' ilmllv•."l.l'lisn'•••ilowni ibiPS4v.big • 4 y - .. I , $Oll Tn. A n • And kinal litin"very gootL" ~ FPI Howe • na Plaehluew v. ,:r..s..si ~1 , ~ s t oril r I • •• a. re: afr. at 'T . ottogelinta, ,•. . .... • "t, :•'• • t !•- -i ''.; ..i , 4 ,• '''' ti . 4 • i f w d , i it is neeetrary to give "little MarY's ,I. le -. ': tilt: r - CAI,It6ON, 1 . , n d . ;.;i. , ,,i, 4.-V . "'„,_. 4,4 ..••••• t • " " ,-: -• , - .. • , , , 4 ...I. l Nict.TLURE., rv. "7. r".'" --•- . -• • 1 - •- ;Sew Castle sOd Plttatelith de- Had hobeen reucihngof the news 'I song :" • - I • • • AtE THY. " '' - - - ' - ' ''" ' ----r--4-''-'-' ' 'Enameled 'Orate - • • . .. ... "T " Tmmtd°ll " . 61° L m g .w GOO CElttEs I ' 4 At borne like neighbor Jim, ; 'Tether. deer father, come home with metiow, " i; , ..;“,utorhst , Z;iO3% ; --„Leiltzs t. teg a taniab o te vor ri, ~, 't , . PrOntill . " .' : ' '''''..' ' ".'' '''''' "-' . 1 ~•'- ' Vasfle.4llo l . isr, anises at Allogketz. 1. I - .5.1 ') I'll bet a eent that aceident my clock fu the steeple strikes one! (gong.) , •.. . . . •,- ' . ,••• .% ~ :- ~•• . -: .--- -- '.• •.! .• •• . • ... : i ...,: • . Ms, • .4;WW.VI; beat** Pit l 4. l :Z.L ., ,,lgir. ,T; ,*.• ....41: ......',.1 ::! ~ i...1b.: , : l e : • . Would not have happened htm.; Yon promised, Alcor father, that you slink! 0 , ~.. Vf r : t i l l 1 ..7 3 . r i l l:, i ;,..,,,,.,r,,:,,,,.t...4„... (.‘ in.,. -. a.. - deeci having Dena .., . we : 0 .6 15% In 1 - gird Dew Cottle4od pair. p. . _ „ . .., . ! ..• , . . 7 .1 111° .. - .o .. • ••,, ' . • - arm° home, .. ...,- • P.R. 331M10. iinisresi HOS Age*: '' .: • ..- r : •.. -.it: s., . , . -.; 01 1 1 . ) j 6l LI inaited to the undersignedoill pensone, basing . ~. ;,iii: , ..,,.:,.,".. , . ::. . ... .. tea .. i t , .. .. .. - , , I Why don't you take the papers? ;'''' A. soon its your day's work wall.' dont% ; . 1, , 1, „ zakilni against saldeetate will mem& 1 prop • ~ D „,is . . ~ . . tea Our fire hap gone out. tier house to all 05,;.: • - ' ' - CULT itleialtV a tretvisvuon aiibiloArt •'•-: • I ' • SV CII4I - • ' • ' - erly authenticated forpeyeacut. All Pereewe le- . 9 ,1, .. ig . ~. ', ,'. . ~.. , &OS , • - 5 Nor Sront the printer sneak, ,' And mother'. been' watching since Ica, : , ilOratUso yort borrow from hie boy With poor little Musts se oleic In Inv arne. iir 'ANY I THE wow)" deeded to add estate anguish° payment to the 4....-. 13,,: .. lc ,. .. ..• a.as • •On • traridtotNag.• It hi; UK Oats& Wilkens 1 A paper every week. [ dud no one to he p her'but me. •-' “ ' '.. r ...t. w-p 9 w ' ' - • /LW . .1- - 1 ir.. , • 9 4 1 9 ,0 . 01 1 11111 1( 8, Pdads 4 'l l . ) tr Pil°l"-' , ' '• . ••• • " • ''' -' • " umkr*l ir e Al . Mooli. nookiderre. i 10,,,,,t.. 1 ' r igi r9l w • ~ t. • 40° sYli .. ~ • Come home, come home, none home. ELIZA BOOM natant la.; 7 --- , " .., • . 11 . ... '. ~.•',• CM • . l• le somlV„psa., . -:- -,•:,.•-•• c 0 F.F% ES: TY.As,olaoAtt i Nor be Who takea the papers, , . , elem. father; dear father, come home." . ' . And pays him hill when due, ' At the (=elusion of the last line T he T b dn g ° l ° gin dcwi wo wAcurtr 0 7r A dsninlagragoary Nottee.-Letters kw.- 4,--;.- .. gi ,. .. ' . arse Can, live in pence with ,libel and Matt, the (Imp-scene drew up disclosing made, and hare bee , oninufactdred con nun ty . t.i . ~,,,,,Lup . t h...,,,,,,,rp0pa. amuses 4..44 . an% '''. S i n I''• , , , er_tiona. it ligni.23l3re. liWie. A0t.... • ncrs : . ptilEß3 ., - spion tinder the repervislo. of lb e original Inventor, of Hopewell tow. Deaver . county. 'hating. bass -' V• -.--.- 1 :- - 1 1 .: a • - .-' .' • ..- 3 .C ° - - '" 44 ' • ' ''' ''' -1 ' l '''' - - ' 6----717- " - ch ,,,, da. ,,,L ., ;... .. i r - 'ais„; - 'l2la si r 777. . IT - Ili; -' - . I" . . , i ~ ..._,_____. _. ,_..._,4 . ~ ...." IPa;,. MO/ASSAM_ ~; SC. 11: ::, SO A M CANDIM:tiI -- -' , fta And with the printer too. ! the father sitting at the door of a ' ' gouneA tonic understned, all person/ indehtet‘ ' L :' - - Read newt- • .... :. in to . MD . ....J..: .. , - to mild estate arr itqueetwl to make Immediate ' . public house, in a drunken,' berniud- FllifitEs . b'sve„,ll%.„ : piyme.t. and 'k w , i ii , nig c hi. ili t.,,t,, t hr o . N. .. . , . - ; . - -..- ..: - ~. , •. LA 'Ytt: :.7 -,. t ~ '.' 1 Alba% .." '• ' ions I -,.sn 1 ... '.. pa .. • . ...„ • . 1 ~ " , . .;.,-,„,„..; . i/-1 V 1...) I, _ , ....,,,, . - Haddam ..,.. . r. i, 343 . ~ ,114 433. ... . , ...i 5U 4 03.. ,: j S Gs GL . 11iff,;:..- . '',.": . • Tho Atlantic idontialy for January has tiled Stilt°, With pipe anti pot before •- . i . •Ff : ', nd . t •- r ; • I -.• . , _, ' ibovutt• . ..• .:.. l:ets ens l bw , .CURIi4,TO, ~te. . r,'" '' ' ' 'amnia by four prominent Ainorlani hint., Little MarY was. trying to Sines their first introanctlon lalt. Th ith e i lm it . ro w ve. ' 7111 , I I : LIA.1 -1 78 .. t liti e ai t itt a i oTriletuHiTP.," Adtaa ' .... t yto. , ket, Phil .. a lind „ • NW.,,1de,,,,:;•••,:: : , ~,, ~• . ,....,73 ,_. . - 101 ES • ~ .. illill ISt of lj ' . tr . Z d Yinll . '.. 1 littivi ' , Rs . ••••• • ...:•': ' • .-'' - .' ' ''•' '1 - - poets, namely : Bryant, Lowell, Taitor drag ltim front his seat, at the Rime meet upon these machines mode :w a it t , ee. : two year. and their impiety growing popularity -- - --- -------' - - 14, - Yeney . • - • • 4. WO and Whittier: The soul-mtirring lyric time pointing to a curtain behind, attests the faddist they bar reached the very 4.• C. Frock t In n theCoart of Common Pleas ..: lA -o. ,wittiest god, -._, - IR , „0„ -7. . .. • ..,. ~ L.... , ~... ~.:. , . .. _ .. ~... .1 he took un the refrain front the arms of parrectirm and that they are not on y I nee ca. : oloseer County. No. iso,Norem. . gi, pl a i n nod, : -:. : aOO .)te 11 16 - tha t o olh o i • .__:- ' smia lifilri. ` which Mao copy will find a ,phone,, in am " • . . , 8 , ~ 1 eddied established hut the,best in the world. D. B. Jedritat t her T. ISM, Foreign ,Itenchment ... .31. nod , . s! ita,,,,,v, .. . iso w . um , , ; . , w i t .nsa, ),..m,,. i.,...., .; lady, and touennigly mug: - Gone These:mac/duet a• perfect work upon all ta b. . - In debt. »7ll. every true,' patriotic American heart. h' o Qnle, fie. •, i rim winnow line or Come. in • kitig • a stitch : also,. Octoberle,lNlS, 01. motkm thee:Wert piss 15d- ~ . : _. • ' : I .._. • Wellortiln ' tr Rennl Men ...... 1 ..:. : ' tea* . ii• iiiiitusininiestlast s•llhiii,l - . AFTER EEEt,'TION. ' _____ ~7. i _ si. . a...'.. • Aw ,riogaz: rithi: kn; w.rNi as .- " . " r h o Intention of Mt Ilona alike upon both of meat against defendamt. Same day Narrand AM. • -- • ,-- •. • • . , ... , ~ , . , w ill Qu i c kly,. jaunt' Gntluts ~ Do w d ,„„,,,..„ ion . .F . 10:1 . : .i..... nim mi s i m i st ikiac- *cam pabille, ow Idy_ The other curtain was draw - n aside to tabor, sewed. who te•stos.,DCW. 110‘141111.1 davit Of deco being is 4 rule" on the !loth**. • ..,,.. , - • • . - 7 --- '.., . , . , • . . Alliance IDS 19:f 81° rAr ni fra . el r!!!! e r a - L •t '-'‘4CM all Wi • disclosing ti. wretched them with the unvarying. can be *Muted to any degreo of tight • tare tossems the damages la theabore ease. • . _.. . DX Jottri.4l. witITTI DR. , poor mother sitting on tin; ,grolmd .... I „ ' I•-• • - '' ' '''titita -natural eolcor ana v• ' Assam • • • moo ass .. ..:;...... asa - MR. . , 1 •new, and after bring adjusted do not maim Notice is therefore hereby =at sal , d dams. Presteil Shiet • lntol l milir 0 160 eS and idesined lambda growth. 3L is .. Redeem 1 tnn ,: -Z l3 - •••• n' fib .1 . - Allinadadn4hred-44 0 11 510 .44.: - . "" 1 ,:e?: i , ' Seclidatreet it fie ' Ira • ' •' DM , ~,1 „ ,,,,. - cheeping, except ler, different threads. - gra will be greased at the nese7 - s asks, ,. , The day's sharp strife is ended noW, with a sickly looking boy in her Lttp, To those who bare used the Uoire Machine. It on the intb &lot December,L9OS, ate o cloth; P. '' - ~' • - 'i , , ' .-, ' . - • : aggfggrOtgrialegh • and Ss: prafund - amass& -•, sen • , ane -. _ ,tuno -• , . 4 - •, -, Blur work is done, 'clod knowoth how and lit the act of feeding hini Mai re . t i letTreemary for who In Kak : pod we w0u1d 11... , - i5..43 1 , ; L - Jtttli CAUGHSY4 Pro, ma snameist. -- :, -- t -,- .• • . stxt • - t• • .1...• - ~,,.....,,,t i ex i by ~ ~ .. ~., ~ m a u m; ~ • ~ . T , Os NIPIRiLigs .., , , ~ ,„ „ ;.,,,,, on Jlll Ito other. wish per Et MSC DO 0; . of. “ •• with Drone:mond ,Centre. , 130 Weer MIMI ',Nur-v.: y••:•••44 Sono • • . .. As on the thronged, unrentful town. t spegni. . .. ~,,.. be sere and seethme machine s before buying - ~,,.. • "" - those whq have a ' fine head of hair; '- I : •' ' i •i. :' . .1,:. i 7 4 ' ~A. ' :" • The patience of thomoon looks down, • . Simultaneously Willi the orawing any other. Pend Mr circular. Applications for Michael Grim in the Court of Cormaima A ir.„ . ;_. ~ ;,, . . .......;.,,I. : , • ,„, .. _ , I wait to hear, besiden the wire: ; I of the. curtain the linte:dight ;itZits agencies muct. tr. addressed to re. " ).Mere of hearer mono-. No. ":" Tim vcdce " °rib ' t ""N uft cl lire.. ' • brottght to bear upon the tableaux, • • tt. Prltchard &C 0.149 March T.. ISA& VOreige - Mill Writ 111Sais ..,._ , 6041e.: utifui llit g l e thh ip lo tiNtalte , , iter"4"r ' II?' ax,'s. liti--&!:-4-1-: A n Mil, * . .-- ” ;* . •.•...:1 ', ~.r .m. m.- . ' . - - ..., ..., , •:•••,4. r ' ' 61. ' . "."125 . ''': . stiALLExiitnotir n,i04.: i 1.. s rn)E "''*" °°P ' s - .• • ••' ' • • Anmebm "` mth " .• 7..- -4-441111 VA- 11164finteiC Giee " ‘1"1111. •-.' . - ea ' l th ' H • aiakeit= stagbanina...L.- 745; aak . mem ..4 - ..: • - ..„., ..„., • ~ ... o .' •• ' ' ..' . lis it. Ardl •h al e beii ' Slow, doubtful, faint, they soon at fi rst; gfangt h e ln a trul Y -Rtartlin g el e ct.; • - • r - 00...ber10. ISid, ma platintt MO Cana cireajud • • ,, impart to, e air , .. 1 , Renovate, me,. 1: 4111 HO 'IMMO .. . , , .. i .... „..., ii i •., n 'i1.nt....:-. He strong my heart to hear the worst ! or .Mao th e ne t sole agrula for Pennsylvania, New dersey, Dela. nie d er n i t g rTe l" bhn id' he rtn ln dan g fi t ied "a ru m t e e ft on i t N b lff e Pror " Vor. ls-- . .."‘" ' : : ••••": - • ''' -•• • • . After a moment t 11 t drop 'fa i.Q vot A nd ' 7_ _. ~,au•IP ••' ' ' •,•• Radii Terry •'- 113 •• •ass ''., its . •ists - •- • ~ ...am* . Hark 1 thero the Alleghenies spoke ;' came down, anti the huly proceeded : .r ° .^. n l , w" t , vi , i t' lnlL , 5 -. tar, to matiw thu damages in the gismo ciao, ~. • - ~ . . - _, _ . , Nips!: .aby an Deagyeaa , ' ,, • • •• Dry••••• - 4 44 4 -..." "" - - 1 '. J::: 444 ' "• ' '".. ', , - " • ' ''' co ...ismuli hilt • 1., rms.., and Nu. 4 L f late That sound front lakoand prairie brOko l' ..Fether. 4cat Ulla% ante home with mellow. St Nonce Whereby given that said damages will Tri'm B, °As". /- r. .. DEPdY 't - GREaßlelf,i 11 . I L' l it *V a d lwr eargte,".". - .":r. 2 .1 :Z .: •r4;' , .4 : 11; , ra l , : • ma l e , 7 : Tile NlMherictin of triumph rent, I Pittsburgh, Pa. The cleric In the steep!. *Mites _two! (pone, genos, he assessed at the rmihottotaq's Mince. oii Me a The ltileneo of u eontinont- • • ; gong 1 Sith day of Deceinber, Itiac at 9 o'clock. P.. X... :',. • : ', .••. . ~, ~ , . _. -,.• • • - ,IT."-wr29".... Iran.. trates.iltres. Am a , r . , JOHN CANHIII4Y. Pro. ''.. _.____ The eight . has green clder, and liegty Is - 130111111.1illvli WILD CHI:MUT TONE( •'- • • ' ' . -' '' '' - Val ONEY3O4I I I -'----1 ___-__l Ossisowsrsi:Hhutbiiiiira..! -. ! That signal front Nebraska sprung, noe. • .• li 1.11. DITTERa. - e:. . , :-: -.: Panerer* , , Snow andn 41111* Weak Pet be Inw been collies. tor yon. it. - ~ ' ! ;•• '..-!. *imams. c 9-, :.• 1, .-,., .i,,,. ,• - • • • ' Ude from Nevada'n mountain tongue/- , ind e ed be/swore* m Pier eaye ha will el ik •• ''•' - , ow nom! •• ; . Walt 'Braver "`" ... "• " I Tgs " . 33° 2 017 - NAHA , - WINIPOW 0 LASB.I WOOD la that thy, answer, litrOflX . suulfroo.: - Pr .hapa before naor:lng stun dawn. ' , .-• , : ' -- ---. an 1143 sae : ,331 --- AND - WILLOW WARS" DICON. ;,.. ti! loyal lwart of 'Co:mower .1 ', . dod this was the messsge l shis scut MO to twin:- i t • ' j ~ (I° - - • - • - Wells', Ile BO - CO RO KG . . , 1 , 780, ,Ri5 c,i, 244 1,42 . , , L jr . . What st nutge glad !MIN} bt that whiclicalln Tome trickly, or he wlt be pone.' _; _ - iniaTrionsi a . ' ------:---r--- ... ..ij . lanta , iiiii , a OT O / 31,-. ''. Nn'ith.l ferry 4. - . 1 tOS From Wagner's grave and Sumpter's • I . - . , l ..•.. 1 , c ,•: ', . • „mulls? • ' , ; - I - • • •... -., .' , I N ll •IiAVF; II : ...; ~ ' &V " ' !rt ... . - " 6 . ''''") e°,. •••• . . ~ , - COUNTRY 'PRODUCE . - .64 es Is - ... Front :%th+Bl,o4lppl's fonntaln kohl ;' A soundm or the bitlOil . tl trend ,There rustled, frosilont's (limier onto In that wild burst the Ozarks spoke! Cheer answers eheur front 4 rise to net Of sun. We have n country yet! The prattle, 0 God, ho thine alone! Thou givent not for bread n iitene;. Thou Mei not led IP , through the night To blind on with returning light; Nor through the furnace have WO panned '►b,porhdt at Its mouth at lust. I Oh night of potiee, thy Right restrain ! November's moon bp slim , to wane! • ratitto on I.ho loreethugn'sPabitt On brdwo of pnwor n blessing po And givo, with full sastirtuteo Int The - weary 'heart of Freedom • ! PLEASANTER TEIANILL., :Robins in the treelpps, Blossoms in thefra.ss; (keen things s-growing Everywhere you pass Sudden little breezes; Showers of silver d Black bough and bent lc Budding out snow; Pine tree and willow tr . Fringed elm, and larch= I Don't you think -- that May time's . Pleasanter than Month? I . 1•• des,a‘pi zle orchstd, • Mellowing one by ono; Strawberries upturning ' Soft checks to the 'sun; Roses, faint with sweetness ; Llilias fair of face; Drowsy sense of mermen. ; flaunting every place; Lengths of gnltleu sunshine; Moonlight bright as day— Don't you think' that Summer's Pleasanter tlum Miy? Roger in the corn patch, ' - Whistling negro sons; Pussy be the heath-Ado nomplog with the tongs ; Chestnuts In the mhos, Bursting through the rind; Mother "ilohe peaehes" All the afternoon Don't you think that Autunite% Ph canter than June? Little fairy snow-itaktss Danelng In the flue; • Old Mr. Santa Clime, What is keeping von? Twilight and firelight ; - ' Shadows come and go Merry 'chime of sleigh bells Tinkling through the snow; Mother's knitting stockings, (Pussy 'tt got the ball;) • , Don't, you think that ,Winter'S • Pleasanter than all t- AFTER ALL. BY W11.41.\ WINTBIL The apples are ripe in the orchard, The work, of the reaper in done, And the golden woodlands redden Iu the blood of the dying awn. At the cottage door the grantisire Sint pato in his may i While the gentle wind of twilight Pkay , n with him anger hair, A woman is ktieoling beside, him; A ruff young head is nressei4 Le lie find wild passion or sorrow Against hia atm! broad. : And far from over thddlLstaind , ..The faltering echoes cow' • Of the Ilvink bleat of trnnipet, And the rattling roil of,drum And the grand sire speak,' in a whimper: ”Tho.olltl 110 man con See: l! lint we give hint to Ilk country, . .And we give our prayers LeThee.? The'vlolets Mai the tneadowu,! The roue-buds fringe the doer, And over the grime orchard r The pink-white blossoms pour. But the grandsire'm chair hi emty; The. cottage Is dark and. still; There's a tiamelesugraveln the battle field, Andtinew ono mid:TU:OUL And apallld, and leaflets woman• 11or tho cold hearth oda alone, Ana the old dock In the corner Ticks on with a etcady dnone. 1.4.001 H' TWO PICTURE/li. 1 i A of lirl tht little fame ofdear little feet, And loving arms (Timely entwining, Mother's warm kisses we tneet. Three little cups on the table,' Three little chairs ,by the wall, ' Three,littleeuriy heeds natal, Each on its pillow so autall. Alt! who cannot read me this ilddle of They They re mother's own ‘dirlingi„ dear little boy. Three little tear 'stained Meoi, Little, bare, unwashed Met; ithrinkingly, timidly stealing, In terror, lest blows they meet. Bare dry broad on the table,{ Cold, hard beach by the wnll, Straw, end a wnuty, torn blanket, That will hardly rover, them all. NO kiteiet to-night on earl' littiO brow God pity and help them I Therm moth losswoW, • • ! ' • Oullui IlioaaKammorfortuaryeam,' That on .ninon 'gamed away, In all U light gr i t , r pato my eyes to-day. i thime lime, come ho - me, CORM home. peaao rather, dear batter, wine home." The act elrop rises Bolin" and new the child has hold ofar tier pot, trying to take it fro drunken parent ; and 11S she e. es t !test two lines: "Coulenome," &c., , the other eurtaituiii drawn aside, and we next see the child stretched On its mother's lap, and as it just rleatt Its little head and falLsbuck with a gasp, with the lime-light reflecting strong ly upon it, there was a reality about the whole terrible view: Sobs were heard from all parts of the • hall, coming front the female portion' of the audient'e, while tears trickled 'down many a uffile'elleek.— We have - seen "Seam Hopley," • 'The Stianger," "Jane Snare." "East Lynn," and other .effective pieces playal,:but never befora did we witness such It scene of general crying. The principal feature called to mind the picture of the "Sister of Mercy," with the dying child ifi her lap, hod the death was fearfully nat ural. Even the lady who sang the song was atlixled, and could scarcely proceed with the third verse: ! -Father, dear father, come home with en now, The clock tu the 'Reediest:Mee three . ; ,(Coo;;, gong. The hours y ro lonely, the bourn are ao Meg, Nor poor Weeping mother sum me. Tea. we are alum poor Benny 14 dead, And gone with the angel, of light I And dicer were Me very last word+ that he said— • 4 want to him papa—good night I rime home coma 1.0110. dome home. Pledge father, dear Mardi; come home." Again the drop arose, - disclosing little Mary on her knees appealing to her father, who, with ot ele vated, is in the act of stri king her with it, as she sings "Come Heine," and then the back curtain draws aside, showing the mother praying over the child's coffin. But now the sobs burst out more freely, and two females were mirried out Minting. The scene was truly harrowing, and we gladly turned Our eye; away. An' additional verse was t sung about "Poor Benny" being with the angels abovt. The drop rose; the father, sober now, is weeping , over the coffin Of the mother, and little Mary, on her knees, - singing: "Home, home, father, dear father's come home." At this moment . the curtain is drawn aside and little Benny is sus pended over the mein with wings, roiling down upon them and point ing upwards. •The father falls for-. ward on his face, the net-drop dew seeuds, and for a minute all is-hush ed save the sober of the females. wrhere," said a witrkhg.nnan, by our side, as he heaved a sigh of re lief: "Mr. Spurgeon never preached a better sermon than that! "'an ex phreesionleft the to w hallh we assented, and 'ten ÜBLEN I ON . When'you get tired of their pOiSe, Just think wins!. a chancM there would be should it mine to a total silence. Suture ,) makes a provb-ion for strengthening the children's lungs !by isxerehie: • Bat) uumot la d gh co as to get much.ex this; way, but we never hoard a :could not cry. Crying, shouting; un ' ing tire nature's lung exeivises; mul l(' you do not wish for it in the par% lor, pray have a pkite devoted Ito it, and do net debar the girls from it, with the notion that it is improper for them to laugh, Jinni), cry,sertsum and rim e a u's in the open air. After awhile one gets used to this Juvenile mush:, and can even write and think more consecutively ~ with it (than without it, providing it due not run into obJuratory forms. We lenient her a boy' th:zt used to go to school I past our study windaiv, andl he ,gen urally made a koalinuous Fcreane or mar, • oft to the school house iand back age:-. 'We sappciiial! at first he had Li... 0 ..i.early intinlercil by some one, !in ; on enquiring hllei the 1 . id, 1 . 0111:1i 1.1111 ill lietieVOY i good etilAit ital. 'tile truth was that the poo'it litTle iellow had no mirthfulness in his is inreAtion, therefore couldn't laugh end shout ; and so nature, in her wire vompen.sations, had 'given him more largely Alie fiiculty of riming. lie seemallo thrive I upon it, amtwebelleve is stql doing; well. Laughing hallooing, however, are to be preferred, 'miens a child shoWs a decided incapacity for those exercises. Our eye alights, Just now, upon the following touching little scup, ; writ ten by an English ' laborer, whose child had ',Ain .ki:ltd by the falling of *bean:. ' " ' • ' I !manta's,: d the conrge door Nand. Or, allot vv..o Itt.A% hut. Oh! no sow !Ow, L•ittir no moot I no , gladorms or thy_ . ory td.or,! Thy merry loop her pai red g. , , I Thy loathing rim:mit barbed for o, . „ mother by iba firerlde be 1. And lirten• Fw• thy eon ; , And slowly--akorly as rhe WU: liwrAblet boos down fan: • I Der Me Modering thing gone. Mod andieterbedrhe poky-work r's Tonio Pitt = llse=:Robx Ibrat in the 'A7,f rip LERS.. & Wood streets, R. E SE • No. 4 - Dotal. alAo entrance No:161 nt Third ■trent. ' Opposite S. Cher PITTSBURGH. .. re about, tiTiet4c7tirilts of a Mlle from the Borough of Dower, In Iln bton townlhlp. cent d oing 103.3 j acres, 73 acrtw bring cebutal and In • good state of cultwa• Hun, (nearly all oil which ls well set In timothy and cloven. the balance is well tlnabend, a good portion being Want. This ham in well adapted emailgra...lg pnrpolus, being well watered by a . s etrcam. intd a comber of never-felling springs, A porthin ofit Is well located for the cut tu re of grapes. It 4 underlaid with numerous veins of mid. and Are clay end has erected on it a new tvrowtoryfrnme dwelling and other out-build- Inge. Also, four acres onand, on ethich is erected , a frame dwelling once and other out-bnildlogs, with en abundanco of fruit trees, de,, In WI bear- Int. This I:ratan:ll lot ht situate on the plain mid way between Beaver and VanpoH. and In full vi.m. of both. It 114welllorated for gardening. itsv ie log been need forth ramose and Is the most de. elrable location for a country residence any. where lobe form in the vicinity of Beaver i Abo, two lar , and . commodious dwelling houses with lots Adjoining , eitnste on the :tenth side of the Diamond. fronting the Conn ilenie, lu the Itorough of ikuter. Thee are beautifully .It uln' In Ito centre! part al the Own, and are in good order andlpair,ottettfutbleb has bee nialel• rebuilt with all be modem improvements both era. comfort and convenience. having attached al l then cett.ty outbuildings,, with stabling, d.c.. the groonds n.e +roll artange and snpplint with Analthrry, nail in abundance of. fruit of all de , rerintlOns. Map, eight ae of coal land near Sitlintlngoort no the Ohio itly .r. this laud is ell underlaid with a four anti one-ha l feet veto of choice coal, and In eaellY operated m a bank now open on the premises. Also, one-lan Interest In 8 acres amid and oil land situate ern MIII Creel:, near Donketown Deaver county. The above described property will be soil cm liberal terms, all together or In parcels tosnit perbaniere, by calling on D. A. DONE. Iloo.lleay.r-newer county.l'a.,or A. W, AIKEN. Na. I- FM ugh, Ira. ' Narictt. CAUPIS Errts M'CAtLUN BROS. ®1 irux tit reel . prrrsituituif Are now J , pru l n G3 rm.) ;nr.re Mork Of Ive l M• aimed 'Three Ply., COMMON r.t PETS, OH; CLOTH:'. r 3ITTINGS, ; WINDOW SIIDEs% • • V [ 4. And sv I I -ry thing, hrior_ting to the , I 1 -' Ill ' ills I ilt I ' VI 'l' q' It.. 1).F.1. •;':'::,... ".... •- ;Ar . MTALIXII IiIII?ti. D reo , Pillsloirgit, Pa. .I )7. 1 7; - "i t it' d m''',...ill t r'3,, P Z P ;lant 'a l k i:e% Is b... to, si"li [ nmatilslum so benutdel, earhmit. tutu m.. •, j and nothing that we !ward foe many years cat, •so near the perfection of sweet soond• as the ELI!, a Organ. mode by Shoninger .t Go., New linvrt. s one. This inetroment has the new Vox [ llamas-a Stop. which is micheddi that to Are old organ's. to sibence their worth fitly fold: - ?ht. stop create:, "ty a fan, a talll the unto thr; warbling of the' *limp feathered tribe. doing away • Ith the Lcillnrlngiter.reenera FO detrimental to wind losirnmeste. The roams_ of mode It gashes Waits powerful, rich.and toll of pleasing melody, each re outline% a the senses and Intones*ee the mir- • ' pram would think of weariness. where ea Vas lunching the 111111 kept of the Eu .". ie These annul excellen • meint are fur side * only by the nem,. ..a. I s MESSES: lIOFFNAN, 'HOENE. a ttO. i 1 .43 Filth Arcluic... Abe. agenta l forth. celebrated LARSCU/ILL' 2 MITTAIIIIR PIANOS. rialllbnalli "Serb Illttera.—A *erten • iom: edy for patifylny, the blood end cure for Live- Gomplalot,Drapepola,Chlilr and Fever.Bkk ileadr klub Skin DUeera.Cattettioulon and General Do. btUty. If *oblate" are taken according to direc tion* on the bottles we will warrant a cure In any of the shore roes. . .. Suldly all Die principle Dr 12,771. OP nod iltnre kecprzi all ISCa the country or n hot:reale by the I.•nnpricto!,• I • . De • ,I . . DISDRED ~ SPECK, ... co. fa .Imltblleld BEM , • . , ...._ 11 1 eIttiri,hl.."gr,*:e %nelkil,." - a...hrz oyc n iv.::: ;. hale. fowilhe .. t.kr tee' ttaildslm. Be yell sten have alba Mesta °ran lb. 1.14da - be ran obtain tor I hat Mum, allot vehklt be will veil at wbuireate Or retell. Bert Park. Vest Mottos, de... Mr .ak at hit shay no Mini *treat. Beaver, Pe. Trice* taw:Vale. I'aB and g, e. Dec , .1011 11LURB. , e. in. leCEt• , . . i imiaitcritor aromas. , rkaromm.llaux or BitTliDOCherri a. .. . ..• Naar Diuuurcut, VMS A. , .11 . 4 Thel3thckholdereof the - National Bank of 'ler Courtly ana hereby notified But - the Annual meeting ur CM eketion of nine' Ttl) DireTtoll,► 6 , T the °molar year, : be held .at the Wm:leg douse In Nor Brighton. on . the accoud Tuesday of , JaDuary nOst,lBD,lho lith day. between the. how, of Iwelyo o'clock and • two o'clock or the *auto day. By order of tWo Board. Dec. k, 1101. EDWARD 1100F1t, Vaalder. Aii:nrAn.`t•rgCorthl"ltiaet.:;;;Attral or Ads tald of Mrlghten tgi. , . 7te ' lver cotmty. de ceased; baring heeu granted le .11w anderslgned, folding in tuo city of Pittsburgh, Alienbetty coun ty. Pit, sill pawns hating_any claims or drum& against the Mato or said dreamt are repeated to make knorni" dos-same to The underalgnied on or.lissfore, the 41ettirdi of rhtloary amt, and those indebted to said estate anirepuirett to peke lap meet on or before that tints or leave their Ulla with Mu. Margaret May. in Bearer, the tart week lu December. SAliti=l, ULAtiti,,Adtor, Ded.rt .101poluatyAteoitiat.-4emiuic bf iceelnis Md DD ellAardeulentir by tlehool Dire4oas of North Setwickly.Tp. for bounVilzrpoirel hopt JuneStl. ISM toJane,lst, 1969, - • • • To cash on band sod outitandirbr . bur fur the years W.-141t5R, 19r4 and HOGas for lastsettletnent. .416167---116X1 IMT. By note* and-hoods radeemed By luterost on awns CH.Att: By sump. 1.00 , . By it - arrant, Wilson and Danyher. Sy Attorney lee Woo' By searnotts sundry Individuals• 74.110 By treasurers commission • - ISAG By erns in assessment. 11.00 . -4040,10 Joyo let. ibts To cash on bend'and ontstandlux _ tax I,BIAI We hereby certify that the above account to cor rect as It stands stated, JAMES WARNOCK, - . ADAM 1101.18Kil. ' THOS. OILLASI4 Auditors. dee 2.131. Speculations—Rev. ,Y. It. Fast ogers Fur 2 - 1 Sale that valu.sblo property on the corner of Second and Elk streets. (lit feet WWI) click saver, and corporation alley tort.) in the Borough of Beaver, Ikea er Co., Pa. for present living' and looking to the future tills Is Pie most desirable property for retain this town. Benuttfully toe.. and. admirably suited to business Well of Pitts burgh. and fur the education of families. The lot Coollllittil a Intl acre, in the heart of town, well cal culated to divide Into four building lots. On the grounds are plenty of frultir,ri: Early and wintet apples. Peaches, Pears, quinces, Siberi an Crab, Plums. Grapes, Gooseberries, Gurranta, three varieties. Ithasherrles four varieties, Sinew berrteo, superior qUallty. Shrubbery, .le. 'louse, stablAn rooms and kitchen, wash house, rood cistern, stabling , carriage honer and necessary out build ings. ing, price and terms enquire on the premise. of John A. Frazier,Bestir. Ca. Yooscsslois to suit purthaSer. Dec. 9, !FA OlitiMATitti-COURT NALIC.—ny shine or en order or the Orphans' Court of Dearer County. the andersismed willexpote to sale by Outran vendee, ou (be pre:elec.. on THURSDAY JANUARY "Stb.. ISID, at 1 o'clock, P. ht., oil the Following dw•cribed real estate or Jon Berger, late - of nano, r Townedp, tn the ternary Coro. eaki,dereasort. to wlb:—A II that parcel or land rib mom Ip the township aforesahLtrounded by finds of Richard Stewart, land, orlotin t A, Glbb.lands of James Wnltbani , and lands of lirgary Lauce. con taining iS acres and IS perches. atuint ono-third of the same cleared and under cultiration. - Terme— one.third in hand on confirmation of the vale by the coon. bitance in two equal inmost payments with inters:el from same time and to be secured by bond and mortgage. The purchaser to pay all expense or preparing and stamping deed. won. ' rag • &c. For tattler information, Inqatra•of the Undersigned, Si tirdockrillo, P. 0., Washington County, 11. DAVID ANDRRSON, Dee. 9. Adair ir John Berger, dcawsed. • . IRP.IIANS COII:IIIT:SALIF..—Itv virtue of an order of the Orphans Cour of Deaver County, I will cell at mobile vendee, upon the !weeds«. ou WED ,iiHriDAY. JANUA ft. tins, at I o'clock. P. 31;: all the right, title. Interest and claim of Anu Noss. late of linclodster Tp.. to said county, docensoll, nt the titre of her decease, of, in.and to all that certain parcel or Int land Malted In the township aforesaid. bounded of the. north Try lands of George Frelsch. on the east bp' lands nesman nub on the South by the track of the Railroad and the Ohio river, end en the west hr lanols of A: Lairock,contaluing about II acres about In acres cleared and Ina state of enitirarloa .Inrenoreonento—s good loon/tory frame dweiNnat hones. orchard. die.. Sr. Thin property Is eUnibla located on the line or the I'. Ft. Wayne A Chkll-' co lir.ilway and tire Ohlorirer. between Rocheeter and Fret-nom. about fit miles below Pittebtrigh.— Terms—onedbtril at the purchase moody to be paid In band on the confirmation IN the gale by the taart. The balance in two 'equal annual pay ment. from thagdate with interest and to be metal , tal by hood and mortgage. • Purchaser, to pay all expenses of preparing and stamping deed bond and meelfiage. For further Information Inquire or JACOB J. • Dec it Adm'r of Ann Noes, deed. - r - VALIJAHLR FARMS VOR SALII3.;- , - 'Lite nudeusignedoffers for gale In Allegheny comity. the amount of eight hundred acres of land In theme of one hundred acre. sad upwards: Some, 'of them would be divided WOO acre lots to emit pmehmere ; provided my two persona would per. chase a one hundred acre:oh Peasersloll of them forms will to. given by the let of April. IMO. All them farms are located within areamuMble tepee or Pittsburgh. • Also. pevrial highly Improved arms *thuds In the counties of Bearer. Ruder And Lawrence, Pa., can be bad In -Idle containing runt seventy-five to SOO scree. located to the fertile regions of there coned. and adjacent to Sebool Ilouses,Churches and Mille. Some of these Meta are loaded *kb. In five or six miles of the leading Italirolds pike sing through the counties above named, and WWII of the Lands Ile hi the neighborhood of tba Oil resions on Slippery Rock Creek. One large body of Land, containing 1%1 gems jocated within nix R a iled,he Pittsburgh Fort Wayne :Lod Chicago and dlstantld Mikes fnon Pitsbnorb, This body of land Ii well can tiled for grazing and for Sheep. The scatemplated, Railroad mash fro Creek. In Lawrence county , will rtrn within ft Me. tepee of ttoe'body of " • • .. , Perrone desirous of perthesi air 'Meld applyteas fore the let of Febrnagy next. After that flow they wmtld'esive fopet•ls • }object to top leer of One year. A regrettable credit will be given. Wane and deecriptione of these Lends can be obtained by ap. plying to the undersigned. Cwt and other : Oa. , mai* underlie Inset of the lands. ' RICICJ. ittlBll lIIIADEORD, • " • , ' • , !kcal Estate Agent. _ New Brighton. Nov. tad. IRO.-410.1.1.m... • . • voyartsa, DRYING AND PRESS. 0 ING.—The, &dent & krd bee taken oat Pat ent* tor scour:rm. Drying and hewing ca which ler excellence of Workouumbip and mind anything now la me. Clo th ing' el inendnetn ant •eae style. Work wilt be taken ta at-ar: plate of towhee.. In Arldterwahir. nt dm". sad renovated with . bat, little delay to Ibe • I GsqlU Aniati: Me . tluenie lateat Improved SewhanMaebtnee. and an !linger's. both Ot width aro growing; more and 'Dore In them.. the , lap:or ,thA r are red. Joernt vows: r.NG INN it ItEIPA IR $11191; ; IN F.A.T../.44.irpm., ESEAVIIR cotiic . rir, PA iit4 Jog reittist stet melnied itOek at 1 " 11,- sod tools, mot ki slairr roared ths omMtell Mbest ofmeebsates. I sae preperol Nmsg. • t an y f a doie to she Mfrs sathilhetion. I -gamma lad styles of So nless.% Clay Kolb. and m orepsted. to make or reps dl desetipttoos of mselatery, on ream• ells terms. • _ PDOWS AND PLOW CASTMCW: have all tee beat ploW pattern' , that snit this lintel sway whim a the "fired Wedeln" which ban been tea plow of the rouall keita Wt Mee', yearn. Also almost all older-Plows now or preslouslyin use.. STOV:hiS I kayo on hail!! and will continue to manta*. ion a largwawortmeat of , • COOKINO. FRANKLIN 1 HEATINCPSTOVEN, Of tbe latest w i d t h[d wIM- tbe mode= tro. movements, srUl sell at sondem mtgs. Amooz thew I the URBAN REPUBLIC. Thl. More has so est melon top. width Over It a Writ mesas without taking tip much nano, and It Is now looked upon ono of the best sod most rtnti omlcalitaves sir It taitesieig IBA and is mote dura ble than other ha tow. Thsfolkosind person*. after basing aged this sumo Mee considerable length of lime, may be refund to In proof of what .Is here road: J 112021 Hicherdson. /lames McGehee; Cant: Woodson Moan, I Thomas It, Davis, Samuel Murphy, • Miss Uoldship, fliram Stowe, Mrs. Patterson, ' - James MeDermitt. Samuel Dunlap. Tbompscm Jobsstern, Crswiord, Mrs. Der. Stephens. Innathim McKenzie, Jades Marne. Richard Kalcht. So imam Frimk„ James Knowles,: David Calhooa. . Richard Staley, Joseph 31eFerran,' David Cam Georg, James Thomposs, . lin. Quay. Morrison Reed. Milton Reed,. , Doane Grove. • Wllliamfirom %Valid:Won Knee. James Oodles, Moberg rdsham. • Thonms liredshaw, Milo Ittedshaw, Mum Reed. Daniel Mansell. J., W. Fankhonser. William Inseams. Mr. Chaney.. Dears Bathurst, Mr. Wm v. .David Mitchell : - Dr. lamer Winans, M. T. Kennedy; bl Reno, • • - John Watson. Mr,. Geo. Yalta,: Cant. J. William Raven.. Jamb Darling'. liellamthwart, Robert McGowan. JlWerb Blackmer. Joseph Mrs. Mayor Wad Dr. J. D. McCreary, Milo N. Millor,• David Capt. Jame. Ronal. Dr. C. R. Tottle, William Itcrd: • Kelly !tauter. John MeLanahlin, flannel Taylor. Dr. Jac. K. Jackrott Thomas DeMon, John Dunlap. " Hilton Dario. Hamm Baldwin. ' Dared M Johoan, • J. V. WIMUIf, Robt. Andre*, Mr. Lohley, Mr. Caw. Frederick Katarar. llenpir!iln Franklin. ; ' inkostn. 010 L Ulnas Samuel Kennedy, Georg* Egon.. jahigJaelrakon, flab Bachation. N. T. Reeve', rf woo noon. .• 10ffIR TIBORNIXT rrill & PAILLIPIN knOTIONEERB LEM COMMISSION ,11.EnCIIANITS, ()pia If4i'se:Afictioil !loom, No. GO Firth Strot, Pitttibilmt.h BoOle, Shoes, virpeta; Dry• Goo* and Notions AT PIDWATiC XALE DAT AND EVENING. FULL •40111SiT GOODN,-The sr:deist ' • Wont° quarries Ms friends sad the pp rally that be bar Jost ntesised • now stoek , 4l chaste Of :the latest styles for Sprlsc .intateentesr ,ableb hiyan &Ivory fift.NM3/1417e EURNISJILyG CONSTANTLY ON HAND.. • ' etilltdole made totwder es thd shoneetoottco Thankful to the public lot - past favor.. I hope by dais 3tteution to banner to wit a 0.11110• Inc . of.the titg.; inLmn. Rr....pg.GEWA72^B. the mt.... eelielbeelegensittlk- my._ We. Try tele eplegidell ikop. Solcibr the. Ale Mot CUILIIICAL X•irik Frost Stmt. Chlledeli a l±o _ ■ W i tT r A:t r ofWarti:r e I t i reli ni l= al . by /UAW A 4, bloy=d Dear laihutrY. ClLTVirMandll willl= nN Ciawb• unpa end win be odd by the bored, C 1 1 0 1 10,11 4._. ;,:ospoord • .pww . ow Ibt CRtIRLiN ' ;-• •\T • ;,. , i CZ= • , , . .t .1161 012'1 0 ' 1" - Criz 3 • IL 1 4,11 • Au I.3randi~r•...;; , t.t4, •iS Pat ITEI ri S'T U VO: Ela .1111 , 11 1.1:4"; :.;kIaPS TOIL ii 11.3 r: k-1 X44E: litil,l4llNES PATE ! 1. ut 11..;tw.c. quality,, and meld u 4 .vu iw buu,;fit at .11 oilor Pin mu, to au. . • •!... • In Brent ....vie , C.ltesprr llpiau ea( Pew a I . liL. 7.1 ctn.'s Oa , - MUM e, 617 Clurk'r, '111•, sim or )1311ti Gs." 4y4TERNS, Y. 1Y IN DU kt , ' 40...1f1: 4 ;&• PUTLY. • Weir 4,4 the, ttly. a! ,Ifouttio. DINS altrapc! bontiht aUy• . . 1.1011113 STATION E Ever Okra' Store. and MI where eh.e Lettbura whu dunt.t i i. en:! Jae. .4w , . and thry willwonta nO inur. e Inli rc: ~, ..PA 1 , 41[30,41, .11',14+./ _Atirr in ao.( .I.lo.:lnetami-il BooTs slioEs AND GArrEl44. 1.. 1 . 241 AL TH MI! VA RI 1iT1!,14, NNO.! . I .1 , S7'111,:1:11 . , , . . ;.,t , , . . .. - ii, i L, L 13 IIE Y • • A .-:. P.. „ Appb*llovi fur Central ard.iirestern' Penni II *an IS betas& la . D. N. 10.41074.14. Mover. oa1.0)11. ' • : — T!Arrl*berZ. Pa. ma maim 4, or w atm. . atm t nut RESTORATIVE til t ,PiethAr.'l44tl=ttsietrW isAiesivrorie _ Vegetate Hatt Reitarath it , 4,.. 2.1 .. .. hw lidr t .ai.nt pa r , ..t . 7r%,_ l. ~H . , 4; , H i lk . U l t il. -LW"N i A , irTir . aspd a :lF A. ,B ' ',. :' • , lift * • It IP . . 4; a lumen * ca. l' , “0011%. 4ra - & W. S NODGRASS, • • Pr 1.10L1W4 D Trefp-rIST:S I - CORNT.It OF iNiseuek Strew__ , (Fliscormerbetair DEALERS IN P . ..412NT5,01L5, VARN MILES. 7'UFFS, DRUGS. CILE.Ifr- PROPRINTAIitIip.D. : INES," FOREIGN . aid DOMVSTIU, I'ERFUt • " iIk:RLIM .S 0 APR, • . MART ANTI, . - CLES. FAN . "Ur GOODS ' de. ' . =3 LEAH DY.C -CA J : UNET. P' 'w Maker Maker and Zehraier Titbit Ascot. Homer. PI. ae MOM dd}ololor 3. Wllooo'o cake.) Gold micelle* itod4l . Oman ' malted asd vrarnanted. . took topkieu The lattogaire or the pohlte solleiteq !ad allshictton vuireaux4.. Gin as a , aperrie, to•kenistrni'Ven. losethali . Worst. tbs i . .citlzetok , et - . buyer and iridalkr ke ha*opsnod so gees Der Jitse.tte.lbr prordto Donlistrjr. ifs los kid sowsliorsl u i hi j g go Asiewca• sad Ow in Isis I !! ';' , l 1 1! 1 .94: -.1 , 4C 7 la , Ws 1101r1^ , WU& Thl street. Deaver; Ps. All work warrant o‘fet tbo4 be,. • •i P. 8. 001311ORN: . ; •' ' D -11 1 .15r: • UhILUNN, ikawit. (Ovii raz Onus.) Inas Jut returned tmerOlilo.Arliert bog km bail waged Yr tin poetise aids preillio d.l.lth am of Rite beet &allots to tbe saissen. All intik .netted tit lOW awl at wilre da. fr:Watiou4 - , • TIISCATUWAS 1...7 3ld~~iln~eeaui. ;. . lattSweit 'ISOM SeSelwary.—Urtappes es . .la the alb of September Weett.• Pupils marred at every ;oats alleiettueuef- /a tbilietatery • li=t burr autittetsreFeleed Young mew esta by the Pitedpel folebie own Aust. latisse takes se boetitua.,l • , , 1. 0 11 , Puttue.o b. to utebtfelt fetstetko .pt ras school 31.ciefeeth eallobeeklp In meaty *martsiipt. la Altaratams haportaa a Met Kt= Amid le prated at the opestog of tbe and unattsurseerdst awake. , attendasee: - 14aFtag wee.lo4 OM, /0111411 1 d,Raranwl 'Muter the put year, we lope lora barge Is:raw da rts: the SNOW* • , P' ll l' i tti r P.M .l.riu4lllll ' _ 'ff T. PARKER. !, • PIIPSILIAN Airy SUMMON 7tirdeel youtotaldsal reviCal Ng chinas Itif Noshed:, and ourroundloglowna. ho,would eaY that.be 'pun lortleallaratiou to Surgery: 111. ooteptocie ef - ,dlettagalatklug discaseaeoublos I.l‘a to offer great }elk( to pence+ saMidarorl* chronic dleseasee.% W vrtlEallo all other Olet• V a. ht a .r ri .4 tbetUagraolte of &Cloak area Itoe 'k' o g n i tl m e e =l; btu, dams rut of Coro way. store and nearly • wapiti: Ur. Joloteotio grocery. Redo eter. Seam county, Pa. E.: COL DWI' IT, • • atm WbolMile Desist In .CIG ARS: AND ,TOBACGO . I.lnerl7, opposite Wayne SL. Pittinstrgb. ' • L'tri'enarits packadmiCleirs of him eau al !Nam, no runt o uettiOr the same manic as he mut Madura , ' them under We owu auperrialon Mal 'ran catmantee pelted eatiateetkaL po!li3io e r ../1 3 IFir• ,• Wholesale•saßetail Dealer • IN an FOREIGN a.DCIMESTIC FRUIT, Pickles, Om. I AU bads at CoAntry, ,Proclaco sol 4 as cow iikywtos., owl prompt retorts mule. NO' 49 FEDERAL STREET, Aiktment'cktr, rtes. • H ouse Funalaidug Goods, WHOLESALE and HERAIL CIIITLILILY.'.' QUEENSWAIti. LOOKING t:bil Nes% Rod' Ciluertre. Also„*Jspao,. 110 Woody" Willowwore„ Market midi/one) Eas, km APlRte,itiothes Wrisem. 1e...41, ;r:..,:.: , • . 4WD CANN. .. . , .. . Co 2 *LSO ' togs to so o , rime tor moo • .sii. micas.* co, No LIR Fed eral , bt../111.eFhenj tail. Pa sept4llclf. • • MEI assi. Casein , . Z, P 11440 . . • - 3111 nurses reri and • Whoksoki Dealers it • Wax' ha eoblicettob • w ttb Lisp.; " l ebn u allig!titiessace: sod OutbaiOlk • t reratt=. iD ellirja a reet t ' lbetutts batlTl* of lb, yam beet to • Mamba l etilMs aa us 4 t=i a r= b egbaa X pY. • 7. ; P i .' SMITH it CO ~ '' • , „ atitii Pd.' . is.Rien =II Msyt; now Opened the Fineeildecili;ifiif FALL AND Wo4;ll** ; _ tit SHCON44, iraktitiii lePlpard- GREAT'iT BARGAINS • I= zio - w/pme,xomS , 210: , 100: ILILRIUM . STREET, • 1 0erier et Fifth, Pittsbeigh, Pa. IM;=Ziiiiiiii • Nell. Arri , et Yom. L ," tel'Agest. - Exchanforfor Good* Ddicaul, Fre* 01 0411 P k ,. Oha • 4 1 +1 v4idatik. - • • ' Avg; 'IV tom. I wsw,NAkiiviimr speaciar AA a.wrf . . MEN -,STIM IFLicoeheoUw. Bg con & to • R ItAL 11 I E . Flllllll !LIT /013%D Tan ti to ga binaries' Phi Tre'Vi&walak. Mgr. titreewaclautte wan_ eillet • av a r ak t=, Wcwitesewire, wreathing ,• In OW §11•011114 they leopn 47 Diectigsatir to ' - • -.7. LIBERAL 'MAIM OF ,Tiit PATE =lll, Cowry :I . tma R.aCowry Prodres s = tL...etu rier.• • • _ _ COE DAIIIII.IpIRIII Rochester Oct. la.-Vitt—cella:Li van& LW! wort* 4.9cias. "T WNW JrPiTRNCRIVILD.• 111111W:PTUOS Olt ocIVO:PR - 1 11 1‘.. I. . 'tat TEST . Sl' For pall in& Winter wow. Rentle;menws PembaNig CMV CONSTANTLIL 9 . N HAD! CLOTHING. *AIM TO PaDRF la uS r• t etyl., Ai& id art C lam • 4„ • (-4;F• Notary Public,' Conveyancer -lulu Fume, Atehit. into their livant; Jaw our atodr-ba- 'lkeda Dd. Agrnriarste andttils ' aid arkotart. %lush _ trig i r b est dal e ecaun*seioned le Agent flue oer. eget log tdre litre, LW UMW%and Lira, Wart mit, partaken% le prepared to take risk* 'IA VW* point% sir Ala wet nand tante.o Alau,tiptat ,kor the ~"Aw.lar 14ee" bet eleet OMR dreanters. • Tie sold to' mad Kis apporatta Itagland. Wag& 111Pdaed. ddrardeal! and.riance.._ -. Misery Inlet rar.rtgniaoriii Tuatara,. ttP u iv=Whair i *aiiillia " Mr l re a tiaV t ai suar.:l l : lale"tit-ther- evallAtatta nralmelerol_ 11 ; reartestall van eater* lealargekt. pay ball erred Or Illealtitratittot.; ' ' ' OPROA .0104 —OEM di Avid. Mt es. 4,1: AIM man... 044 8 ' 11. 14 r , „ slump XMONliter muitg, rsiewe lin • timid , aii imagist lad - di* . • !UM* dr, • . I#4iM4Naiitidet " • • -• • (111*,': ! • ' t I • .9 • I • •: 701111E.EOLIDAYik.:... 4 frivAftwitutulds7..fmro4lll4PAATllFJ 8 , 171=10y, ' 7 lramew=44 ". / ' V ' Amiirvisai- aid fre«..- As . weediams luau; asiate.- far isosira • 4").540 , ,ar5q-.41 - 1411 37 ":%/0.. • :Li ei , .b 4.2 r4f! Nc [TAT ..'r , ta w k I irtt , 13 -pa ; 1,4 FULL . 0- ) rsuao ... J c; -1e , ~ • .1, ,r : L J a:.l r' .1 Melllloo,._- . C Gloves, • 4-- 34e•riel , -111kLIKRUL S • ;- 1 Mr - ,M=6l[•• !I: , • I / Irgy ,• iN4/ 1 1t r Alicit 119174., t I'l /~~_ li.V~~-aPW KM C=IMOMIIII &maw Man rtcJi t, •. . . MEE IMO - c,-iat.!“. • MEI "'HtiTS , 'AND NSA; :1-.le. • • MEM n' 1 _. . ~ ~ c I'' ~:. . . =EI 800 - tssan * .bS . ls4, 4 lrjra ' sad. Obi • FOR - SAI,E - 216-.7.5. NM, .1141111MIII : GL4 S. 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