=I .~~tsc~!l.~zt~uu~~::~. . ~ .:~ The Howe 'flewini - kw:Aline* AItE'PII. OLDEST EMBLEM OF ANT IN TirE wpRLT) TEST . '.• • ~.. • • •• . BEING THE FIRST SEWING NAOTIINES ever made, and hero been manntneuired couttnn ally under the enpervielptint the orlol6l Inventor. : ) 110 . •,. , . . Since that lirst intrOdection 1843. She int . ro v erne nte upon thesektnachines made within the last twit years and their-rapidly growilut poPulailty attests the fact that they have:reached • t he. very acme of perfection, and that -they are not only the oldest established Ent 'helot t Itt thd . world. .. . - ; These machineti• do perfect work rim:mall fabrics whether !Inert condo, m 'king a stitch ; niso, Ititi , in. Tendon of Mr. 'town alike r.pon both of tie, labile, Sewed., Th e tee h ione, new, novel and 1111 lit IlMeilit IniiiMusted to any degree of iightuesicilnd a i.r being adjusted do not require chanziel;,,except tor 'Wiesen, I threadit -: - To these who have•nsed Vic .110we:Dinchinspit.is ,„ I not necessary for tut to speak. ; and we won Id tally add i 'to others who wish a perfect - machini to be sure and see these machines before buying 'any other. Send A for drenlar. Applications for .agencies meet bt—ad. dressed to BIBLER rb.STOOPS. - : Bole V!litsitir Nom ) . Want's, Nevi Jerpoy.Delainrc *and West• Virginia ., Office 98 SouttrBth Bt.. :Phila., and No. 4 St. Clair Bt„ Pittibitrgb, Pa.. ses4 l l:li LOOK: HERE :I LI M'•:E 1 TIIE UNDERSIGNED IS ENGAGED IN MAN D lactating Lime at Vanport,'!Deavor county, l'a.— Dia Elba are known as tbo _ "Power's MI s" - Ikea Lime, and free of stones, Co always be I ad. on short notice. 1 will sell as cheap as the chcapeaL - Alt order kit at the If lins4 Or letters addressed to me at Beaver. Pd, will receive prompt and. Careful attention. Ulna deUveited, whenever wanted. AMOS !DOUTT. slm4httl, Reinemiin; - lifeyra4 dt Seidle, Afth 4,1 door from, IFood;Pettsburo, Wholesale and - Retail Dealer in MIME JICWRLAY, WATCHES,DIAMONDS, PURE 1 Silver Ware, French'ClocksPlated ware of every descdpdon. Tea seta, Spoons, Forks, Ac., Watch rakers tool. and material, and agency of the celebra ted AMERICAN WATCHES.' We also keep the largest and mind vaned assort mot of the very, beat Awed= made CLOCKS! to be 'bend la any city east or west. • • ' Persons In wild of any article In our line either at wholesale or for their own um, will always find . ' ,ourprioes lower and our assortment huger, than any to be found west of New Yotk city. ' • WATCH 'REPAIRING. To this branch of our trade (being mu-selves practi cal watch makers) we pay very special attention; we employ s bane of the very best Artists in the country, and an and all fine, delicate and Montt ea tr oar care—for the trade or : indirlduals-Tiner rely onti t tatt: utmost satisfactlim. Work may be , sent In or otherwise. 1 RMAN.:biIiTRAN & WEIDLE. - Wholeitski and RebtilJewelers and •BliverarnithS. a _ 42 Fifth street, FITIVIIMOII . ~,,... . , • - G. P. P-USEY - , . .Wholesale and Retail Dealer IN .1 CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES • • I - 1 • • anci r rOA.o4,_. FOREIGN and DOIVIES4)O rRUIT, aue. AU kinds of Country Produce told on cominioat on, and prompt returns made. No. 49 , FEDERAL STREET, Alle;keny City, renn. 9 o. no67s:o•A• • . CYRC3-A-W.S. A LEADING EASTERN PAPER SPEAKS .AS ;,:afrom of the great Eureka Organ : There Is notblis so buttuntleing, so beantithl, so elevating as and :nothing that we heard for many 'years COWA so near the perfection of sweet sounds as the Eureka Organ, made by Shonlnger Co., New' Ra ven Conn. This instrument has, the new I .'ox Iln. nom Stop, width is such addithiti to. the old organs as to enhance their worth Aftyllfld. ' This stop cre • who l by fan, a trill - like into be werbirna of the eatheredtribe. doing AWA with the bellowing hoarseness so detrimental to wind irstrnmeet. The volume of musk It gashes forth is powerful, rich,and Alit of pleasing melody, spch as cannel s the senses Hitt Intontakss the ear. Llio prrsou would think of weariness, where a performer was touching the pearl kepi of the Eureka. These met excellent instruments are 'for sale only by the orate. • EIIEBERS. ROFFMAN, >il<OldNE A' CO., . GS Fiftlt Avenue. Abe. vents forthe celebrated MAII . SCILALL mrrrA'szn, nANos. • toct3e6s. THE PITTSBURGH • REAL Mtlit REIIBIIII . 1. ,Is PUB'SHED BY CROFT PHILLIPS, iii t Real Estate' Agents and Brokers, 011111ce AT4)S 39 Pourth St. 11- ' ..."1 PITTSBURGH', PA. f Do a N n .: a lga l t 74:) . GI T ONF. , SENT ( 3 1 c I t yl: a 0 , . . FALL. AND T E R • GOODS • aiIDNIUMSIONED BEGS LEAVE TO INFORM T bt. Mends and the public generally that , he, has „lust received a tea . stock of goods of the latest 'oohs lb; Smola and Busman svear.wldeb ho , • _ odidiat Very moderate tales. OR.NTLE.MIENEr FURNISIIING GOODS, CONSTANTLY ON BAND. • • *• • • Cloth • rade IV fader dal the shortest possible • not/ce. , 'Thankful to the yo_trie lbr past favors, I hOpe by, i elope attention to Rumen to merit a continuance of sae. ._ DANIEL MILLET', BistualZ; .1 1 .1111DGSWATXR. PA. , - Chu,. Elurs:t, ' ( ,,M•Atuy o , Caliverziper and bilimince Agent g'cif 7 • DUDS AND ADDIDOINNTS 'WitITTEN AND ir ge =te llelmal" M entm inamee enotsi 4 .%ed ec as Agent fi t n t . 'aver age, Areldent. mid MO tOCe=magtsll 1 1 4 Ado anit mite policies on lainist Abo t _Agasit ibe the "Author Line" from erst e Ocean imemmen. Tickets eqld to and from all porting loglandarelimd. timtland, Gomm's and.•France4 in Delos tn Imre brick row, Diamond. Roamer. gparie. , - wr, . Efootoe . ,..Slioio-ii*Ob erz ISE W• • Martin • 1) ,(SUCCESSOR TQ vm-soll.) 1 DE ILEA 1 1_ 0 .94 4 4 A ) i ) 9 S Rubbers ' , At the old stand, In the ][3IIA..IVION3I) II • Rocheater,.N. 1. , : WILERE ILE OrFERS . I . c . ' • .GREAT BARGAINS. _ - ALL- wpwir. Warranted.. G. W. MARTIN. CM 1:]I I' X. WILLIUCR • • *ILLRICR &;-HAR'T'FORD: Hale now Opened the Omen Selection of FALL AND WINTER • BOOTS' & SHOES, Willett they are telltneat.' GREAT BARGAINS 110 - C7 PRICES Call and examine our Stock NO. 100 , MARKET STRET, Corner of Fifth, Pittsburgh, Pa. J . PAT TERSON: . : W4O/e#o6 rkakr in and Manufacturer of BOORS SHOES AND GAITERS, IN ALL TIIEIR VARIETIEE. NO. 91 FEDERAL ;STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA. 4itgetb No. 35 SOUTH THIRD SiREET, „ ir 'PHILADELPHIA. tkENElyila h kENTB; - • L eo PENNtYIYANIA 2tB ZRIVI D ETI 9) •OF THE 11. 5" ,IO IIE r itao Of TH E Ee l () UNITED STATES - 0F AMERICA. The KATIONAL Ll7lll 4$11171t•Rell Corm ti • corporation Char•eted by apretat Act of Cnagroas, up proved July 7.5.1130. wills a _ • CARL CAPITAL, $1,000,000,. FULL PAID. L!beral terms offend to Anent* and Solicitors, who ate Invited to apoly at our ° Moo. - Fut!panto:dant., bob ad on application at our omce, lot Urn In the second story of our Bankieg Floor% 'herr Clrentara and P.:noble% fully d•ecnbteg tbe adyihtsgek omere4 by the ecrmpsoy oozy be bad. • E. 'W. CL4 RI/ itc Cat. - :Va StAtti Third ltl. , Applications Tor Central and Western Pennrrlcania to, be made to, • 'B. S. RUSSELL, Manager, • oetl4'6l.' ' Ilarrieburg. Pa. FARMERS! TRY THE • • A.LT <, • A VELA. . PHOSPHATE. , . ... .1 • - • . TT IS COMPOSED PRI:sICIPALLY •OF TIIE tELI ebrated GUANO from • • ALTA VELA. - 1 * ' eont4lns three per ccpt. of , • - • 'AMMONT.A. An ample quantity togiro Actlvity:(wlthont inluiT) to the vegetation. and large quantity of soluble • Bone Phosphate of Lime,. -- - Together with POTASII and SODA, the essential ele ments-of a • COMPLETE Auxtttt • • . • • The high estimation in which it to hold by many then, and farmers who are using it In preference to nth er kind, , is a sure gur.rantee of its value. price - 06 peer ton. Semi for a pamphlet ! Address—The Alta Vela Guano Company, 57 Broadway, New York. • F LOATR DECLINED! , . . S. J oross &Co's Rabid Prices. Beat White Wh e at Warranted. 25 liC Sack $1.85. 50 lb 'Seel • .. • Barrel ' 16.54 ---- , , SECoND qu l t ur i- r, herAnz - doinitY.! 25 lb.. Sack- , $1.10.' 50 lb. Sack' . : ' " 2.20. Big Tel • - - •'• -". . . .. ; . . 8.75; ../ .'pachepqrai* r ithaisiti:: ' -., • _- - _ STRAW ! S T R A W ! 1. SRRAW H.! Iv/MGM - RAVE . ..' YOUR - a i ntAw. Timi AV bring It Into the Russ Works. Nine Dollars per ton cash on delivery Paid for good sound Oats Straw. octlrralin. SIMPLE 4 PRY. laza [i ILIZI = ASD • f. ' .' =II grocoo, RA,ILROADS. :litcapt,,*:! . AT. kJ retails simians ~.)as itglows: grain le ring ; leaves - day:l . grain kat- P.-M., leiveuldsi4 Goma lIME, ' • Pirm. Pr. wA On and danY, Chicago at 15:46, P. int Pittsburg? at, itril Sao& Issrro. 045444 9109T4 SIS , 1040 1031 1926 rs 11115 , 115 1111 ..,E,:l 1 109' 3 132 • t SIT ~ SO 415,510 ' 600 , 001. 11 az), , aio 719 .4 - 119 149 151 I: WI • 148, 4015 ,:i 1 016 risiori 1150 :-., 100 , 12874.14 155 132 1 1 4 9 ; ? . _ 4 9. 3 15 1 1700 620 Pittsburgh. " 1 Rochester Baba • { lance ''' ' tv T.T5.....5..—..5 , 1., - ssoftion. Orville.. ..... ; ~....1 Wooster i Mansfield' " ' """ Crcatlino I. . Bucyrus' ' Ili Upper Sandusky Forest Lima Van Wert.. i Fort Want: '' "4 Columbia ' I Warsaw Plymouth 1 Valparaiso ... Chicago ?BM (3 aollto 820 Ax 1169 -- 11S6 Chicago Valparaiso Plymouth . Warsaw... Columbia Fort Warm • • 4.. - Val Wert • 1 Lima Parent. UppecBsnatullia Bucyrus Crestllne I I Mansfield Wooster Orrville Massillon r Canton Alliance - '1 ' Salem . Rochester Pittsbnrgh ME 11251px 212 I'loo ': 517 ', 1-500 t.:815,,.,: MS.'. 4110... 40 635 (558 7 ' 703-* 600 ' - tot' - • 655; MO 6115 iz , trio 1 .-: 1 WS WI 1816'110) 515 1127 046. 1157 NON . 11115rx, 1045' 1255 'lll4 ;1255aai 805 I . 155. 410 Youngstown, New' Castle and Erie' Express leave Youngstown at 2:30 In; New Castle, 4:00 p.m; girths:* at Pittsburgh, thollie, to. ,Returnlog,batvesntsburgh Ttli a. =arr. allinupgstown,lo:4s.N. Castle. t4O a. m; Yommstown. Nmi , Castle and Pittaburgh,Aecommo dation leaves Youngstown, 6alo a. In; New Castle, 7:10 a. tn; arrives at Allegheny, 10:00 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny,' 4:15 p. arrives Now Cutle, 7:(Kb p. m; Youngstown,;:: 50 m. • P. W I NTERS, General lictet don, . CLEVELAND di, PITPSBURON-RAILROAD. On and after Seidl 14, 1808, trains will leave Sta tion daily. (Sundays oteepted) ,as follows. GOMO BOUTS /bat.. E?cr' 6. MAIL. Acuom MAN 1210rx Cleveland Euclid Street....... Hudson... Ravenna . Mance .. Bayard.... Wellsville 1......1iii1 5 0 .... 11154 1 123px -I coma noirrn. I 1/524u..1Exe's. rAccox. Wellsville ' I ' 11/Wq 460th[ - .... ... r Airt i cte I:: :: '1120 ,' 527 , ' ****** • 145 ax Banana noerxi an 1 031 Hudson .. 1239 123 910' Euclid Street *** .-..... 137 - 114 7107' Cleveland .....,...1...:. 150 715 1030 IGOINO TAM :-. II Expos 'EXPOS. Matt. lAccox _, . -- Bask:. .. ..... —.111055am I 610.cx 200151 .... 8 8 =4: • ...' .. i ,. • — l l llorx llll • VI; 1. ;: —. Wellsville' ... .•• ' 115 850 480 • ;sacs '1 Smith's Ferry : SR • 912 452 985 Beaver Rochester ' ~I 1245 550 535 720 Pittsburgh ....... 1..... II 335 1055 540 840 i _ j. 001110 wrier. " I %att..' Exec/. EXP'B. Accc•x Pittsburgh...:...]..... Rochester . ! 710 MX, 1180 440 ver - ' 000 COO ' 000 Sti ßea atit's Perry . ' • 757 • 5115 MR - 535 Wellivillo .1 825 405 115 • 515 Steubenville •- .1 1 WS . 500 SO 8 .... Bridgeport • I 1 ,155 Gill Belialr I tam GM 92 5 '.... TUSCARAWA 11. S BEANO Leaves A mica N. r .11adelphla, W ; Y , 21 .. 1. m. f Bayard. %S. m. Bayed, ELlO,m; 'I , .1 N. Phllalletph SOO j F. B. 'MEYERS. General Tlekc t Agent. EEI BICHARDON er Falls, Pa 0 a V WM G ,1111 4 10 JUS ROCktILIE NOTIONS, BOOTS; , HAI OPENED A LARGE 'KOCK OP • RDWARE, 'LASS WARE, QUEENSWARE, TINWARE, NAILS, • Dlcues, &C. indow Gins cial attenti all sizes and doable strength, *pe On paid to lilting orders for large , size IyhtliOW Mass. an. Alice j" . . • 1 LINSEED ' CREWE BURNInG OIL, : • DENZINE,..,- POALE'IrTATENT DRYER, • Paints .° all Colors, Ground; Ik7 and in 011. • 'wilt '• do Well' to call and examitto our stock of Paints before purchasing elsewhere. • 4ti' ' . Aka. Choice Brim& of ' , Flour in Barrel and in Sacks. Ali Wilda 'or Country produce taken in exclave tor Goode. • f Remember theplace, fret .door abpve Ike Cutlery, pposlte side,ol: street • . 910'07:IL RACILY GROOMES! iIE UNDERSIGIiND IPBEICTIABED T tbe'GROCERY and PROVDIffiIrI3TORE of f). W.-Berklmer, itnf Brighton street, Rochester, takes pleasure in Informing Wetlands and t h e' p,nbllc gen endly.that he has added largely td the litock.and b now prepared to furnish at the lowest possible rates, all ar-• ticlesittsually kept In is first class Provision Store. • - - • - • J. SHARP. I take pleasure in retommending Capt. Sharp to my old customers,; and trust they will extend •to him the same patronagoso liberally bestowed upon n intE mit it ntrrigthnos. B ,-,..':: fARME RS . '1 aIi . .&: HN 6tio.el T . IIE TINDERS HIRED HANIG N PLACED THEIR Grist - Ma in thorough repair with new Bolts. Ac., and haring seemed the serrkes.of•William Sodhke oar old miller,', and late of the Industry, will ow, are prepared to warrant all work and give the largest , tent oat of auy mill west of the mountains. One,I(; Come ail wad. Try ua -1.; I 1413113 ER, SHINGLTsS AND LAM its cheap as the dimmest.. !... • RE. DARRAGH, • - - I Shams 1111.. /knivereounty,PL • ‘141113 MR"§"H&BROHERB. arum' D=iLtitt 2M - '0 . j:':, : p:...::_11:‘,•-xfixNi.,,p..; • AM ) : _ Gfintlemen's Furnishing - _Goixlsb., N0.29 , 5T.. STREET ; . 000;6 iron ail cargo.). ' I PITTSBURGH PA.. Clothirkg nov_trair, made to order on short notice. EME WM= -Jr , tr±-: t o y F• .3 Egz,TEXWL.IOI - 14.Z49.;'1'. - - .•-i, Vie End MO leibat MO 447 MO •315 m 393 • 313 .. 603 El 710 717 • ,741,1 9111 919'1 , 1015.. 913' 1015 1010 1011 1095 1114 1056 - 110 1117 115101 11fftPX 2ag0,07 I 128 1100 : Bi6S'l7 412 4519 855 510 TR SI& z 910' . • ..•;: t " . t Alt AND -; t. tft-. ,tt D viry-t; r t. ~;.. 70ILET - AftTICL OA , P :LIS BEM S IMM LaII LEM 901rx 1100 1110Lut In great narietnall ,the best quality . sad acdd chat* _es than can be bou#tatutiyotiustprug Store In we county. per Fannie 11111, onDenalio. Cheese. stun's, $1;- elute/441. , • , • _ TR VAStock or - LAMPEtit LamP °jai _Lem TIONRRY. VETDOW' GLASS & Ever ofinred outside of theeity.at. Moore's PrlliStore. and sold diaper than tun be bought shyaterp else, I.et those who •titudtt this call and see; and they UM doubt no more. a. lattrO: - - MOORS. 32Orn SU leg 103 141 Sid 400" ,12011REle$ ,IVIED CHERRY TONIC .BITTERS, • Use - 7Rohrer's • "tonic i Bitters, R. E. -SELLERS & , CO,; Opposite St. Charlesitote4 also entrance No. IP2 and 10,t Third street. BARRETT , ' , , Vegetable Hair Restorailve .* , rwthi,e,hiii.g.,,d Coiort priw. iszn.l.l ails I changes the fie. , zootallo ' "l e ft . nit it =• cl a the w ig actiamt I aut 4 7 ' Is • ... , 4: 1 =torsott• ,„6„A. ablikt.altrren="alutly ; _ 4. IL MAW AI co., Propthisrei 1 tau: ' -•' • ....; • Sold by 4. Mom Beaver, Pn., and all .-other • and deatenr in Medicines. MEI MEE • 'R. IN,„& W: • SNODGRASS yrupLamai , . 3if Zeo I 8 - . T 8 • . , Federal and Derek ',Streets, Allegheny, (First comer below Depot,) DSALER3Ii• LRAM PAINTIJ, OILS, VARWanr.4 • i. , DYF.-BTUIFF4I.- .DRCGift, CHEWCALIit, PROPRIBURY .MEDICZNES.7OI2-' EIGN auel D.OMESTIO -- PERFU- ' MERTES, SOAPS, TOILET AR7TCLEB,! FANCY G 0 .0119, cke.., &e. SANDS :.:vlDltzirarmLlLtw, No. 80 Fifth, Sr!et,, Pittsbnugh ROUSE • QllNitit AND - PLiVEllt 1414, Ititrito7l4 pp waned, WoOdatil mad - Willow Ware; Ama pa afall'ema. Ood4.' , ,7lltail,taaa always op' liaad• the lblb r t hS : ' . i'ealkatte.l • Veitepaaaa; - • Magda, • ; 'lca Trap, , rks ! • Salaam 'Mae F a -s, " I Ica Chats. a / A le^ "':f.- 1-24 • glabe-Lf- L ty ti;ko :A~~:33ri~'~i~e~r' ~:<~:~~ .... ~; .:,ry RIM * E S The 1.9. it ,p 7 IMPROVED AP" , REPTORER ' • uIoRITE iblitrt jiewP7l. in'ond 0 will quickly-restore. Gray Hair Wits natural color and bai, Mid prance' luxuriant grow th . It-is perfectly hitntiless, and. is preferred over every othbr , preparation by 'hose who have, a ism head of hair,. 'as Well 'as those wholwish to restore . it. The beautiful giros and pmfume imparted to the Hair Make it desirable -- fovea 4J. looms- For gale by all 1 Dragglsts. - DEPOT, 198 GREENWICH ST., N. Y. metONEnollAß. Al TILE SEPT INr' USE 2116 mil bead (n CIE Market No 45 Wodd streets, PITTSBURGH, P. _ Wholesale Agent 4 for the West Fee sale by JOUJI 11.00124'fleaver. pa, ce3V7:ly, • i Tfit FIRST PitpellUtt 4 0, Of a 11111 Tar Modal NOW avasi.in TO'__ A JIIIIPETTS HAM I RESTORATIVE New.a i r s olo edema &V i da tr , . ui1.5 , 94." ~• !):I 'i l~ , ,04•16 FICESI -NE' . . ;- „ ; • b tlf . f • 1411 A-. ' • • - -\„ , ••• r- ~*ln ,Diti -:: • • ':.,-: ,: t I . _.. :...,,. ta t#ooll ivii !: AT MEE - _Wriir ER ttjaillAfigAr''Fotttin - e'lB . . - TUE , ; :" 2 11 - batt—taltat A 'f "T",.. ±. ' 4 ?"_, 2711) • Ever uremia to Beaver Foam% and the mleopoirr PRES!! a o'o An endieii Nsiriety „ . REM'S all colors, METUNQS, KAIDSA.If 31DRES, DELAINEK' ”Q ' - &Q .; CAS." SHURE&•TWDEDB, HATS . AND • CAPS. I.IOBIERYv-GLOVES, AND -FANCY .GOODS. ,COUNTRY. PLAN- • NEW, Cheap, I • Cali* Early ent.Securti . llargains. We ate bound to sell at PlttainrC Pare*. sumptisiF t M • ang ar o .11tatlee Slit, NO ;TOL DLL' , TO WOW:GOOD& . licmembrr.the place. room Y9rnicrly occuPtZ 4 by Nelson & Bowler. PN H 1.43102r0, ROCIIiSTER, P. K. i hare anemia / the eerrieei ef Watt Daley fortnerif of Bridgewater.. IS OS. Cat. DRY •GOODS. J. W. BARKER ;dr. SILKS, And HOUSE muusurfo GOODS, CLOT3ES, CAS§/MERE§, ' • SIIEET/NG9, SATINETS, SIIIRTINGS, • PRINTS, 1 'IIOSIERY. Aatill:tuderweltr. for Ladles, Gents un d Children Cloak,* of all materials, on hand l and math to order. French Meetuctes, all wool,lfhll' width, choice. colors, BS coots, formerly. $l.OO. Water-Peosfai, good qualltk,ilß.oo. White Blankets; 10x4, nil aoot, Best prints, at 103+, cents.. •• or- Country, Merchants qu . , pplica by dress pattern*, place or package at lowest carter" rates. • NEW GOODS NEW GOODS! *SI:I39.MCS iLtS JUST RS,CEIVEI) a select assortment o, . • -.lEouii. Goods width the era to the public at the lowest poasible rues. The stock embraces every variety of Ladies and Gentlemen's Woolen Goods . ZEPSVRS. DRESS TRIM3IINGS; ••• HOOP SKIRTS, VEIL STUFFS, CORSETS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES COLLARS,. CUFFS, i HOSIERY, - COLORED CADII3RICS, EMBROIDERIES, , • 'LACES .i - • • DRILLING; ~ • •.•!L . 10 : 4 a PER 1111/SLIN. • - LADIES 30473, ° /M e MS *-T-3 :A. ill :6 which yllkbe increased ae tha season sdvancc. She seta a COOUntlattOD of, the patronatzo or her friends and•tho public generally.: Goode not on hand• can be had at twenty-four hoard• notice. Call and Eigb:iine! IFIEIMIEMBER,THE PLACE. 2d• St. Apposite the P •Seminary. gepl6tf.' " • • FALL '& -vviNT.Ela ' . 11 9§5 1 5 3 , ZeIZCZIVED I NEW EMCEE OP For. Fall and Winter wear. Geigienten's FaratsWng Gofids CLOTR/NO MADE ,To ORDER In latest and most Ciu;*tultde styles, and at stunt nottesi WILUAX 11111C11. - *axiswAria PA„ Fo,Nsupuipm.souFir.• - . 1 .rimo. :-. PAlatElt.:tt :P.112414'; i . : A1 1 .4 1 11, 0.147,E,ER 8 Otiera Roue' Auction Room, 70 1-40 Prrnzarzulitzwirsaarras Water eciolent' Bracket :Iron Tablet; Clothectiorsen, Bnsiti„ Shoes, t;aipeta . F :Dry Goods and - Nothing AT PRIVAIMSALE DAYAND aprztlati• • , . JAMES. A. FORTUNE. .WIAL3La.t.a 1313LENSE STOCK, AT 59 Market fiticet, PITTSDIT Rq P-4 . U4ESS.GQODS, MRS, E H BEACOM, Plain - and Fancy Yarns, 436c•cor•la z !MI LATEST 'STYLES, CONSTANTLY ON AND 77 - .....-• . . ZO,, -•'!". / 0r' .. 1.3:1 , ..1:41,::,.?:3-I 0 itn0 ,_:....., " ...:•.....;:. ~ii•i v - -:.1.1 4 1 ' l, k '-:' • -.. it ~.• i-.T.AP.P.1 1 -•.1,:...- - ; .:,...- . MEE t tai ' l • 64 ,, A r eYP .-. riniasSa'Ag! r . , saig.W 3 a4l ,:,-. :-.1. - ( ... f ... 1 - tf.: f=::7l-1- , ,. r,•: , : : ,!..,' - MIR T_I'AVING• ON' ILAND A. &MGR , AND .WELL AA selceted..l3liiek of, r • . • • , Teas, cottlx, Sugar, . -sYruPs• ''' .- ITetrpctlnrare. NAIISAND WINDOW GLASS; Pine Charm, Peck Mensums, • 'Oak•CGurne'. % Bush. Measures, Willow BasketS, Split Baskets. -•• CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR, By the Barrif or In Sacks. constantly on band. Prlceit very tow, eat' and. pee. • A. FL IfARVEY„' Bridgewater. ra.'• netT67:ly NEW BAR I) WA ,STORE: Ll:gi DS Y ? EtTAyER ISOS. HARDWARE Entire New Stock last opened and will be offered, to the trade at the LINEN, LOWESTE XSTERNPRI CES. NEAR' talbN DEPOT, 337 LIBERTY STREET, TINWARE. p7Mr . Ir;WW:T 7 MT! . 7M Tin, Copper leet- Iron Ware. IPROPOSE KEEPING CONSTANTISION lIANL all kinds, of TIN, COPPER Abill SHEET-LION WARE, which I will esell • ; ' AT TUE LO ;mu news . "Tin Roofing, Spouting & Job Work Done to order In the hest tunable manner. and on ehurtett notice. . • truing none but the beat or mutcrLil, r.nd tutArilug non. but the be.u.t or workmen, WE IVARRANT ALL WO IT SHOP 'ON THE Lo awn END o Thir di, t e. Ctrs 'Ur a cam. and Examine our 404 . . . : Japanned ware kept constantly on hind Joux ENGLAND. Jon EINDLxr. JOHN ENGLAND & CO., DEALERS ZI • HARDWARE it CUTLERY, AND File Manufacturers, 263 LIL'ERTY STTEEZ Old Flleo rlTTSl3l.7.litill, PA. ausSIGGS:3Gtos. T• swiocrxrq .Am • DEALER IN .13ztra-viriare 7 • . Iron, Nalim, and Agricul tural Implements. DEILDER'S lIARDWAREXECHANIc'S TOOLS, .L.P always kept on hand._ Alm), event for the WORLD'S 111UP= AND MOWER 'OlllO IIIOWEIM ad the 'roman° Tnitusiunu. or Ran . side Broadway, New Erighton. Pa. BAILEY, FARRELL & co.. Lead Pipt . Sheet & Bar Lead MANUFACTURERS, ALSO Fig Lead, Iron Pipe, Bobber Hose, Steam Guag.es, Whistles S Valres, Iron it • Copper Sinks and Bath Tubs, • Steam Pumps, Farm Pumps - and Force Pumps.. And every duertiption of goodt:fur . WATER,. GAS STEAM. No. 741 Smithfield Street. .PITTSBUBOit PENNPA. 13cod for a PrteeLiat. foprftlEtir. Glassware. Lamp*, and Carboi3Oil, J. re mania a co., ilhuimactureni an* Wlliolessio riaaleni JARS AND paurrViAic Lei corrinic. rts u ciFwate Lamm Chandeliers. Glassware and Car bcni OR trade, Murton Wlnortgliby's and Newman's &WSW= Unkii. 0. lc. and Cork Glass Jars, Rock- Leeson audit' of the very beet In tbe Markel. whole- t male end retell. MO pounds IXo. and XXV Frail Wei oat teethed, please call before purchasing; .T." P.' SMITH CO.,' • . , 187 Litialy St.,. Aittiburgh, , Po. . PROVISIONB, , ; • - . 1 . 1! •14 ."Ate , , • MU Cheese, Beeps, Daeon Fist:. STONEWARE. Pure Cider Vinegar. ALSO Importers and'dealers In • -A ST D CUTLERY. rirr§uvitcaL DEALER Tp: 41, KINDS OY BEAVBIA, PA. 6. R. ANstrun. -. , otprottnec.i:; Aew Sink, liewfloOds. B.:tio„or..er, ...;A:!,iLp_ous, SUCCESSORS TO GEO.-C. STEy'ERER. - 0. • Raving •-• returned from ; theEastwith a large stock of Goods, bought at LOWEST CASII PRICES, offer "Co. the. bublie ,at their OLD • , STAI.ND, ' , citeNEROP Wit=1110) JAXIS STREIT, 0;114'8 TEA, PR 2t.N' A. OESICR AL DEAltqad 111 DRY GOODS. • - NOTIONS, • irkrs, CAiv, - Boon. Ai.V.D • SHOES, • . ROCEILIEfc . . HARDWARE, " .140 N, NAIISiuidCARP4tiTZ3I I OOI3 ROPE. i i •OClal PACKING I'VDITE LEAD and PAINTS dry and In Oil, &Putty.. Queenaware -and Willow Waiv Flour, Flour, Flour Still having the Sole Agency of that CELEBRAT I 1 ED CANTON CITY FLOUR, for Roehroter and vli elflike We can sell dealers atPittsbarch rata, strini frelzht. . PEED, IV 1 OLESALE AND RETAIL. --ALSO AOENCY )MR-- BUFFALO SCALE C 6 Wo offer Scales At MANUFACTITILEItS PRICE • ----ALSO AGENTS FOG-- Eureka Bone Sulphate of Lime and PLASTER PARIS FOR. L A NDSi White and Water Lime at Whelesa'n' Rate.. BEAVER SALT C.O3TI'AN.y•S SAT.IT alwayson band. We always buy for Ca,ll and MI cut Ar. Cull and examine our Gooda and be coa• Ince& Retail Goods delvered free of Cha NEW FAMILY- GROCERY AXD PROVISION STORE!. Our. Uafiroad Cromningt and hew York M - I Itoches.ter,Pri. By CO E & DAARAGB Vt:IIEII.F. 3LS. T BE PUI7ND , • 1 r ..,, • Family , (;,•omiv.: and PrOVl.loo , ri , ll. P'Alur, Chr ,l r4e, Batter. Lard.ll.lcon. Oil, Pore Cider V in..zar, s•yr up4;:llohoses. Solt, Tea.% (.' , 41•0,. : , 111:•'N C6ckeN, Tobacco.' Cigars,' qat•en.uare, 1 Willow-ware, Wooden-ware. and ev- ; enthing in their line, and•they hope ,1 1 by strict attention to 'lmpure, to merit a liberal Aare or I the patronage. ' N. 13.—A1l kinds of Coantry PrAuce Liked mile market price. COE & DARRAGIE Rochester Oct. Ist. 1561--oc' t9177:1.y SIMON SNITGER & CO. • (At the old stand. 3rd strtett Itetcor, Youfai DEALERS Di , .ALL K IND S GIIO -C .1"E , {>UCII d 3 COFFEES,"• TE 3, SUET RS. Sy! UPS, MOLASSES, SORGIIU3I, • RICE, PEPIIERS,' SPICES, SOA PS, CANDI ES, RAI ' • _SINS, ENGLISH. CURRANTS, FIGS, ; • piouß, FEED, FISH, GRIUti; Sc, • They are constantly receiving a fresh a*sertre^la these articles, mid the public may rely upon 0 14 from them ns good an the market affords. All gr oda delivered i t requircil.. .:. janl3:lr. , . T. O. MORGAN SVCCESSOE TO SIIALf..ENBERGER BROS. DEAILLA IN 1'410111169 1111Wilinntil Queensware, Hirdware, NAILS. WINDOW GLASS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BACON, PL511.7 FLOUR, SALT,' LW. COUNTRY PRODUCE tiiken in Ex• chinge - for Goods. Goods Delivered Free of Oarge in all a , Villages. . DIUMIEWATZU, PA Ang• 19, 1868 J. C. Hammondll oratun ni ALL KINDS OF . . 1 Flour. Feed, Meal; &0., kko, • GR O ATS °FALL RDS BOUGHT FOR Cali A ropd assortment of the dillerent kinds of liote" toes always on liana. All goods delivered when dw Call and etc r.c. cr. Connecticut street. near the rub sc..c..m Rouse. In Rochester, Pa. Unne9'l4:4.l, 11 ZtE=! Er
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers