.• The Beaver Arm. BEKVIII4 OCTOBER, &rig 16611;:r LOCAL AAD 1114RCELLA111101111., no ANCl,llllitaiitiow a latiMr eAreinlitaiett than say paper publideed fs lib (Malin * advertiser. will prompts; their (ism ibibei•: eft by beasllg Oda ; RATES OF ADVERTISING,. . . . -7 Tim. 3w. 6w. 'lon. 16". 1 1.1. One square-10 lines_ $5 00 $5 00 $5 0045 00_116.151 T wo squares' S5O 500 700 10 60115 00 Three squirm - Ji 600 600 -000 11 00118 OD Four moires ' 1 600 800 10 50 15 MI, _2l 00 One•fonrth odium 1F1 2 5001000 13 50 16 50125 00 One-half column. 10 00 14 00 17 60 00140 (10 One column , •2000 25 00 - M3O 00.40 O 00 • Administrates' and Executors' Notices 118 00 Special Notices, per Hue, 10 girPsymentslobe made Quarterlyeseept Things:at Advertising, ;villa must be paid in Ad'ranee. . . state of the Thermometer he the, week Oeitoi orl.tbi942b of October," for ; t treL I it. web*: 'K 11 . 25 45 d d eg. 3 d eg . • 50 oleg.. 46 4I d eg deg. •• , m •• 10, 45'deg. 55 deg. C e des. 11, - • 43 deg. 51 deg. 42 deg. fil • 41 deg. 41 deg. 39 deg 53, 35 deg. 42 deg. • 34 de g PI, 8 3 44 2-' VS deg. 45, deg Woo. Bingham, 10 FM street, %root: balldlog,; Plttsborgb, ts the authorized agent for Tay Angus to that MI. I.ia 'X'a 3ibl{la,.l:~~Y4~ The attention or the public Is directed to the fol- lowing new sullectleennontkitldcl egpepi_ for the test time lents Attainto-4 - sy. ger Admin. Notice—Joe. C, Wlleon. . LC - Ado:oi. Notice—John Iteeven . • •!• 111 - Adeks. Notlce—A. B. % olt.• ; gC - Dleiouintion Notice—J. J. inderson, - Jos..Ar buckle. Samitel Ecoff. rfrOrgaus—lbffinan & itrimatp, Shoes & Ginme—J. U. liorleuidA ,T,lll)ry Goodt;'--J. W. Bakes & Co.. liorlcos—Mrs. E. IL Bea c om. C.frSpecial I..Zotico*-4. li. Dump. Spectid Notice—J. W Bartel', &Co. rNrSpeclid Notlcnodgrass & Ross.: ge - Special Notico—L &J. Bestwlck; . ' A Dead Covv.--On last Sabbath morning A talus 'bi e cow het i onging *oy rot TayloNiof thapisee,.-was intind dead near one of ttie'hydrants n Beaier. ' It iitui cvecrtshieci that she lima ,eseen gritt'lleil of ireent dnriuethe previous Atwood going to the hydrant she drank isutticient quantity of water to ler t : . • Opstei feopper, rte : , In Rochester.—An oys ter, fee•creem supper...tv., wtll be given in the Tow n HO Ifni Iteattester, this (%Vednesdny) evening at 6 P. Y. Proceeds for the ,banelit of the M. E. Church that glace. The supper and company will doubtless be tiptop. F n the Twenty-ant Congressional distrlOt the eon feiencejaageshaya made two - returns,part of the judges declaring Mr. Cored° elected and giving him a canttft este to the Governor, while another portion, have tar nished a ghillie tertlacatetolion. li. D. Foster. This adds another to the many contested scats from Penn sylvanla. _ -.. •.... - , iFilmhtfal Casuolity.—On last Saturday one week ngo,lttille Mr. Abner Wolf, of :Rochester, this enmity', ems driving acroes the railroad near B idea the 3 Lek exprras train. goinwest, struck hti,war . on and killed him Instantly. about 51 or 52 Years of age.• iii leaves a nil.? and four children to mourn his sodden death. , The late election secures n. Republican rotted States :ten num fron t Tennsylranial in place of Ron. (bas. R. Ruekales% Democrist and another from In. tilans In place of TI os, E. Hendrickit. Democrat Dlx., Jobosonitc, in Connecticut, will be succeeded by Ileyertor Duet:lngham, Republican; and Wisconsin will next month supplement Doolittle, e of the , a same rchool, by a Radical. • • ; • , ' • • • Before the late election,, many eald they could not vote for the Repablicans in October, 'het that they would aup p ort Grant In November; and there will be assisted by a great many more who frank Iv admit thselbrther opposition to the Great Captain le simply silly. pluitzanalq, The ,common dens* of mut men will nest moth do what common gratitude . flied to eject tast'aroek. r Iteriomi Aneltlent.-0a thetatitiost., 11111i0611 accident happened to John Dongla of Brighton 7p. Tie Wu on horseback, neer Darlington. this county, when the animal Met fright, fl ag him off end one of his feet remain* In the be was dragged a distance ore° or 40 reds, when his boot pal• led oft and left Illm living on the ground. He was soon after discovered, sad kindly eared for. Mr. ft was badly hurt, but is now recovering 'slowly? For Sale to elate a Coaeara.-100 reams Nittnrallzation Certificates, "(queer), with signatures, oral of court, and attestations , Complete ; only the names of Yotefa lacking, and these to be filial at, ilk eretlon. • . I set of stakes, ropes, &c., for Instalft setting up of a pugilists itig--say on the Ore Of 010` v , Importa n t,elec tion. • ! I cotfee•pot and fixings that have seen service Cheap for cash. Inquire.of Wm. A. Wallace, Phildelphis, Pa. The T. Sun expresses itaelf concerning Bei; monrand Dish tlna deliberately "Seymour is a good man ; a good man to Used Uti ca; a good authority on watermelons; 'he has a large stock of copper on hand, and might go into thalcopper trade. Ba le a good candidate to withdraw. lie satd when bemmapted that be could not acceptwith honor. "Aa for Blair-4re don't think ft is a good seism for they seem to be triMbled with the blights. To vt• etre them their due, howorrer, It Must be admitted thitt they don't hart a party much if they don't Won to The report et of the Sandusky, 0., livistir wicked ly intercepted the folloelog telegrams the skitter day ; trnoo r October 14.1868: To (korai) • • - ; As everybody seeris to want ',Grant fos PreSident. what do yoll think of my withdrawing in ids &Tort It'. terrible, and I hare Inept all ;night, but I ace no letter course.' Do youvo oci-i?ikio.cio-boo.boot . lionino Onlious: War um, Oct. 14, DM To IL &Maar: Don't withdraw.. Run now oat of pure cussedness, and punDh the people bY keeping before their eight. If, on the 4th of November you want proof that You have been a candidate , 01 make oath to the fact. - GIO'IIOIII.'PzxDLETOX. Teachers , Ilhartleatte.—.4„ convention of tearbere of thlit comity unit held in Roehetiter last week; and -It Is generally conceded that it was the largest and most act:cereal Assembly of the kind eversonvened in the county. • We congratnial e Superintendent Whit ham In having Secured the assistance of such distin guished help from abroad. Wenro informed thaEpep. nty State Superintendent bobnrn was .present during a part of the swig:mend renderid valuable instruction and explanatinne in regard to our School System and Its working*. .• . I Prof. Cooper of the State Normal School Was preitnt and is said to be one of the - ablest educator,. of the State, and did inneb,to Woes life and, eikere*liito the Inatitate by his spirited Jectarisi ita abli lust radian then upon the various topics la the most interesting manner. Prot J.C. PEWS,Ftnperintendenkpf the pubik schools of Washington county.. likewise Tided Polly In advancing the work. The Institute was also favored with able lectures from IhmtibleZ to p Taylor and Martin, of Bearei; finite'fii-. Ir. At others rendered their valuable aid tothek• theme= kn kneollic-rbstt ttwas shoot 04:90t.. , . Side4./4MS* iiiit tair" .•41 4 ". ci, „ [l:rom the phile:prtsis l hide wen for bin thellistitio‘ol l a r a PO lliel k °6l.llB.l.l wealth, nines tO*;1111telloOlibilot:'* 1 day in our local ealatiti. in nMIS $l . l4lK' $114•110141 ally and preelsion at thought and*Nesp4 tw i t* in treat and mar be said 1 ° . 4 4/ll# ti ello o l 4* give etate imminence 'Mack its : • 131 41 4 t0l m irDar . cormi: lOm , ieeelowl7 ol l l l l lo Ule. Idthinst., to tor Wet or the dig 11. si yen Om precilatieladsgtOwat oralle6.''srUit alas I had diemptered se Inegular. was "viewed" by my two brothers lately holding the NM Prins, and if you acted under the mdlreetien" of the Judge who beldthe Court, 1 hine nothing Mon to: *kV: l3ll 4 point. It would be !former, ha slitter te'n iseat on ihernlingeet a member, Qt QM new only regretjtjeur Milentest • sn ' practice:lW condemned is bretight to woolen; . Waiving that, I am constrained to nay that your ex pluittion of the nisli ofnitartilliaticin priftete th 70 0141 one court isnot satisfactory'. Itts wholly imniatirial whether the true average per paper be twenty-ilie thirty-five seconds, this momentary period being wh ly inadequate toasty intelligible understanding add determination of the cue. The petition mast be cogin!e ed and read, or its unlade stated to the ! lodge. there be a previoni declaration or intuition, the,certi fled copy froth the-record must be examined and Judge satiefled,ollts &inciter. One oath is to be ttil mtnistered to the applicant, and another to the with the jarats thus duubliag the number of the The Judgeinest thini form his °pink - Fifa diet catkin the erblence,of residence, moral character and fitness of the "applicant; his attachnient to the prtnerpies' pf the Constitution, end Fight disOuldon to the good or der Ind happiness ofWa in order if disposelif the great lumber daises rim thrsugh so hurriedly, you inform me that Ave of . iticireipersons were engaged in the business. Ind that tide Would give three infanta' of tints to each one: 'That would do. if tt belonged to each autiOrdinite or iipetaff to decide. 'and he wan quilded,tq , learning and capacity to do so ; but`you forget, or onilt to mention, that ; as , the court has but one Judge and one Prothnaotary, a sin gle person necessailly most examine and pats upon every ease, and. third:ire, each must toe examined and determined in the tweniy-ilve or thirty-live seeendi of time. You consequently either permitted the tuber- dinatei and tipster,. Wiled& upon titradmisakm to citizenship, unuetwett.'„arnia /of the: uses •to pass through witithitA s daterndliathWi. 4 ;7; As tn yptirfeei,' it brainatier of no ratiettitwhether they weitrpaid oz seenred.b7 5(4, that . cirtit*tance tuning butt utitionild as au diluent an the apieurop t ion of thibriqpartott_ tyttine,and, Rotaslm - pUtant in itaak; ~ • . - Of course idid notexpect you would . disc* With me the powers ofthe court or its officers but I re minded you thatnaturalleation is' itiudicil gtleioo. becaiiii sty lewur' (and tberathentotaries 'of the Su preme Coati nre ehoseti from thwbai)youwoulditnew thatthe question lenotin open one, it. *9 been decided:ln thin* v. Commonwealth, ti Nagy. 4713, by our conet.-the be pelt thett being:empires; Ory.owary, C. J, and' Inatleine• Woodwerd'i litoinpue, Strong, and Porter. It: had font before beeitadttled by the Su preme Court t ot tho l United 81ansi,ja 4 peters, 407: As a lawyer,l suppeae . dlyon.woul ,rendlly comprehend what is impned in o .IU/tidal act, and, thus percelye how far your practice bad departed ,from the alma; prtate character era Judgm , lnt of the court, It is = 7 necessary to add more. . k; r‘• -it. T: TAYLOR:: f I Uni,vittfgreat raped, truly nuts, "+:;-; DANIEL AGNEW. • Col Jollies ROSE atlowdotl„Prollionotiu,y §nprorne Court, Pitlliodelphia.: ••" ••••• • The Editor.—A schoolboy's composition on'ortm Editor" ran as follows, in a school not far from Cincin nati : , 'The editor is one of thee happiest animals la the World : lie can go to thi circus, afternoon and even ing; without paying a cent; also, tolnquesta and hang ings. lie hei free tickets to-picnics and ■trawberrJ festivals, gets wedding cakes sent him. Ind skinetimee gets slicking, but not often. for he can duce things back In the next issue, which he generally does. I never knew but ono editor to got Mkt. Ills paper busted thit day, and be couldn't take anything baSk.„. While other folks have logo to bed carry; OS' Soillor can sit up late every nigh and see QUA& is going on. The boys think it's a big thing:JO hang on till 10 o'clock. When I am a man I mean to be an editor, so feu: Stay oliViate of Weds. Tien that wli be belly. The - edi itor don's have to saw wood or do any chopping, ex cept Kith his Neilson. Itaftroads get op exclusions for him, knowning if they didn't he'd make hem get "up and git. In politics be don't care much ,who he goes for, If they are on his Bide. If they ain't* goes for 'em any . way; so it amounts to sitsrly, the sane thing. There is a great many peopli trying to be ed itors who can't, end some of them have-been In the profession for years. If I was asked if I bad rather : have an education or be a circus rider, ewould me tie an editor." Attention—To . the PablicAlleetbants and Ellpposcperrnlt me to stain to you that ixplinis tabs today are fully linty per cent cheaper thin they were one year ago. This reducton In express rates you can, credit to the Merchants Union Express Co. It runs over a kreatel territory thasi anyother Qompanyi and nearly natnitch as any two of them. Thield Compan ies h are limited togeiber and have endesioted tit run this Company ftom the field. They have issued circu lars to their agents to take , goods at any rates where the Merchant's Union camo In contract w ith them, and to keep their rates uti, where they dn not. Let me call your particular attention to the fact that under the new plan of conducting the package and money bast nese I feel ,lustitled in statlnd that this CoMpimy ton deliver such property sooner than any other Company and with greater , safety. This company' alsorpledges Itself to a prompt settlement of damages,, a speedy payment of all loses; and Immediate attention to the orders or requests, of Its patrons. • J. Fisipm, 1 Agent M. V. Ex. Co., Beaver . WIG He Hake His Word Good I—A lead lag Democrat, and bribe way a very respectable ertt zen of Bridgewater, declared in the preemie 'of quite a number of persona a few•weeks ago that If Crawford was beaten "eight hundred votes In this • county" tie would "never vote again as long as be lived." Well the election passed off and Crawford, came out mi nus SG; The question pow is will therkforesaidDe* ocrat make good his *Mid, or will he, in true Demo cratic style, '"goSlGlll4elpi. tedly declared pur pme ?We hope Mity.:r aiMaing u a man forbids this Imputation on Me , _ Distremalleilio ...Aceident at nal 1,1 4:r cheater Deptrl6-44 Vl' evening Oct tad, Dr. Adam Kresi et , on getting off , the New Brighton oxiall , 'l6ll caught, sardpe cars PARCifffr . .hti iettlet i rtthe W i rlfti et O r i n g am ' potation neceepat, ventlotrwas promptly per" ormed,tborwthe , necry bp ../4. Les% whited by Dr. Rose. Iriairrelyed therAilittlon about one-halt .., hour. - • Vi i ; ~ A terribtOrtilkilKierirs toe-tiai.eurrininded thla I "ItiklMattg m#t:ti BF, 17 ;4140 Midst Ma right arm 1 Otaatzejter'llis wife aill Ilkiliiiratokly dia. I riti tailltd44 l l , 6 ll Ma t AT l .,i , P lo4loer hie re 1 wire . l orioc:orac Ctiott imii: , ,Xard at PhhlPlblWiVattiridalltirentoilt• entire Commit- nik ;•--' ~•,ll , il k r 1 1 ...t!,,,,:. JA - o-'.._., ~t ) i 1...4 , 0c..., , . Irgekets. 14 ,21 /S be *etch& mar , ; - 1 , , c '' - ',?'"irigtioicirerc lame of you were ', - '''' • •ir-• • - Alos-610feut, ballots two ,I.W See , , ItrOiettit'en - ot 1 1 V lt el l art 21 r wt 1 t, ' Thole, eife6.4Citi ' T AiF is. es. •Ie 1 well matter therpfirme nemomatlc tifiglaigwkibfir tieccia., MSc except. i . ZeOrfivir mono and then 'shb4"%ile'ret upon the Peilke-,r.. 3 4e . P r t thellt#OPtih r 'O;4 • this ?rind. lw reilarP•rK b r a't :Y ° .-, r -rb r li q i it - # ll l l-I ft ill j FilaWallhetlidad'oriiii it: ••V ...., „., , tau frorarepureiir:QiiiiTteßidie , ' II : ~)•:•:1, . ..: a • ~......; ''" 4111iiiiiiiiiiitf.z-TholiiiWetir ~ ~. , , • ,`. c tits: tit* impriedhli CV104136 , el. B ll4ll4ust //at kailklcklio l o o Y*lo4 l •"Var light. :Ai w. , .g7t i = MI lri T o . 'i s it i.) aid let to heart, ' forehilL2 ~,,„„ . ~u,,,,v ..,..a.”, al') '4" , . Thmolii.ittimixtqf 101,3,04110t0i about ' .- . I • ThiMacilialberirThiater Pa -ed La. 7.70 pt • t* tegd_ ate* dr Led & and .G 4. 0 4 .0*** 41 4 7€1 ,Ak r 4et , 1 1 / 1 2 cents wi l l• , or t a it *Mile Lifts' linklbilekeelvft fit ilfW.Orik.ef4 ;t:11;:q1';', ; k4.s4; e liteis yaws* to seet-.410w ein you be. to see uniew zee' tor 'Wberelft J. Beitertillm, 'Standees irall',llMethro, New. Brightoo.:l7.lfiougoe.lbereyott , will see Mad know - that InV,_o(the cheapest - and tele a lot P a rlor flres Ati in , market. TIM Morn g Mori cob Steve:ls giOry'hi• deed to all tbelmtinu work!. Anti4aat and intt l evorything ehm.but that' small; kilt. There is SIM the Andersini Osialt:Stovei siiditaMlerry- Cook Stove; which cannot be Weligit -.ln addition , they-WM-with:utte r parlor end testing • Stored,. ono , „of width will' last 24 home—giving beat from the beginning of oneAsy ul tbe bmitiiiing of anOther. Alb° every kWOrplecel and new furnishing for stoves; the best, ehmpesi, andithlng• - Everything L &J, have hold'of ogoet" 'There fore, reader,. go MAUI, of-them.. , - r Aki) gr 0 0 1 i44 - 61:4 .$9.50,,i4 ( NAIL, 'E. II; s Beficoria, bast, irettina; Pa, New style tolptoril.other .skirts itt ~• , ' _ Figir44,lldrs.' R' H. BeiOones TrinitOing Stoie, Brilltti.,llcaver, Pa. THE SEARON , DILAVII ON APACZ, WHEN ALL people of thli"nortitern clime meat posseis themselvesi of bodily coz.foit sal protection from 'the weather; ,Boots and Shoes must be had for the,feet,•o4 and Caps.for the head, and.Fura lbo..other caposed paita of the human frame divine.: For that frame, divine as it is, ,will won Teel the frost-Angers of death, teatinglkasunder If their approaches are] notguarded against st• all.the weak poinla. • There Wan immense ittere-house , of 1 such bodily piotectors at NO. 24 St;'_ Clair street, Pittsburgh;; kept by Messrs. Snod grass ft Roes.,`,'' They aae benetaelors of their race in that the y keep an assortinehilnwhigh ied one cannot Gail to be tat and' plitiicd.--1. Beaver. Conner people"t siting their estab lishment iire especiallY eased by the care and attention shoostrelonp, anAthe prompt. ness with eyibiak ..'ittireli Ault sii)s supplied 1 with jest tlinartleWateNtra Alto!:' A Call andteattl!i9natter. I : ,:- r i:14::,.t. : Ma* * , 414ze slaca 4 :l l A4l o 3 4 11 111) and Clips at Ufa i..-u.. ' "Beavik.fra fitri't.— iliti' ' i l ribitiYpt ~"(Ifi l i fsrld 0844 P tion at J. ILbeteet's:...l .., ~'....! : rt, _ 2t; 't • • • r, 0^ a; ,•^1: RitY Ar aini - .. . WaittS4 • The attention •t our readers s traded to the adverßsem — ept of likessys. J. W. Barter & tittiOpit*Ohr._ :44,440 papot, Thld havetiffie 01116111 F etre' of est alli Artsb lot of Di rtion44,itvei4ffered to the labile - 1h t eNty qrßitistilirth. The senior - member bt 4414 Ifttitsfesides iirn.the east.and stiekes alllithelpuriliascrt i.uoky beibteofitimittlly on • the market.: is `ettalged to make his sejcpahni #4,,ttikre, and at. pH cesbelow the'leherallt , itireAl.t,•„ The hmise he r rethi stints iluabled to otrertetiperfori. krultite mints' 41410 r customers. eitherlttoirbel iiitrettill. We do not 1 *ant our ratite* ftiut tak, our•Nsortifol Oh; Ihitt toical - arna ' ine 1016 es `. gob& Simi: l. math- 1111e01*,- a nil3vcit kW:* ttie)fTit our . merchants who purchaselheirgoodelitn.l4, buriti,VolitrgiVittl.tkith' a mit:anti-'sea: vcftt minim caVe ingfterity with thom• hmemberithe•placo, No. 59 Ilitftrket strieff ' • ' Go Add 'see *CA, is 'BeicAam's Seliet 'assortiaeot:of ram befoie buying **whore. 3rd-st.; BraveF f Pit. • , • •... You.w • esyp mcincirb , y en gooft at Muds. - • TUE 'attentionof our readers Is called to the card of Hoffman, 'Hone. & Co.,' 58 fifth avenne,yittshurgh, to be found in another cignetto Of tedAPOPoric. ' The eliapeat Fbinnela are at Bence's. I 4 3 t 4:10 i.) or, ca;Fac!orY NEW BRIGHTON, PA • ••• ; , ; Stoves. Grate - Fronts, Fenders ac Summer CHEAPER. TSAR EYES BOLD IN THIS COUNTY. 'Ld US AT THE PRICES ! yrasTra COOt STOVE • lierYl4i?. , o. 6plonaid Baker, Line Sqinie Oren, SILSO 8. Splendid Baker, large Sqnnre Oven, 18.60 o.o„,liplandid Baker, Laripiqiiqunreen, 18 . 40 Imola= PARLOR STOVES No. 1, Juno Parlor, extra heavy, • 64 14 • 4. r 0 • 3. - .t4l•. , HEILTISCV'STOVB3. Ma No. Ribbed 'Nei 111, 64 TY. I. 4 .6 .t•• 1 st s• • Enameled. 'Gists Fronts, • o. 93, Gratols% inch. 1 $3.90 " 92, 17 " • . 3 .65 1), .. 18 " 51, *. O • 75' /11 , , to , O 121, " 21 .11 0 , - 21 54 6a 1. .. 21% .. 154, 2214 13. .. 66 • 4 tl Fen.de3rs. NO. 73, Asia - 20/4 . •Wide. • , 3.761 s , 14. " . 1 • ' O 73. Narrow*. ~,„; vls 1.76 " 14, ."- Wit/Wilt R 0441 ', Rod. 9.0 135 k:B41•• Pressed Sheet iron Summer Pieces,. Plain Enamele;ld. • EMI . jYr;q/Arm ul l entia Celol*,,r ' r Work—WForsta Gin tM a Cti (),1 .7MAINVIOSMA: ' Pa., to atirow.l4 ; =I MEI 111 10.25 11.00 17.00 _ . '&00 1.000 15.0 *l5 *l5 8.50 4.5 007 *ll 5.0 e '.',i : ~ ::~.~ 4 ~ IMI mai DM I' I , ~: .. ~ , . !:.! 7.12. ',. sr 1 •••• • - ;`4 . : r 4 '". 1..1 . ... L.,. . S:-.llMross*Cos. WM ME MOB BM IiOCIIESTR.,..-P.AI-. NULL -AND COMPLETE STOOK OF • • • T 7 ,V; Ry G .d. ... , .....• FLAN NE Plain Flannels, Bteiea Fra Flannels; erhioo, MEM :~'~"~- inihaMß, printm I ti W .. 19i loves, :E1:1M ORA.Ik,,S.KART-S;i iistmomm cAltTort Fraratztxt.;' , .:. • ." • - • . : NE . . • s,„ 7; - • r• , • - . MENS' •AN • 6• .r 7. - IAOR LIE t .., JWS, cAssmivArk Polar -4?: u . • DY MADE ;r13 L'l - ' AND DjiANT'' • . - • td' •• • " }. dv~-; i t . rf ' - '' 4X - s °6 '' ' 74. I -- '.- r -, • •.:. .: v• - , • - ....4 , ''' , ... 1, 1 ..... 4 • ' " % , •-c ; % ..--, ;iI. ' '-' ..,: . 1 ::::',% ':' HATS ,AND:./CAP,Si. EW STY LESAND, C HEAP oots and Shoes, timer and better Stook ' than we have aver before kept. Idols' and Boys',Wometue,ldlsses' and Chlldrons' Shoes ght. Ind and Otun Shoes, last Want LOW PM • V: ntg.U. : 13 CO 1:i Onr iinal StCock of kRDNIfr ARE, .AND. . N-AILS GLASS ,QIJ,FfiIiikWARE, CA.l=l. kiC7III3EL IZIAB Bacors _ BIM ,„ • Tikiittic, r ~- ~~ .~'~ Grain,, , I - 1 2 ` 7 . 1 :• ;),- a •.) -Y I **tatted's ' 1 4 nd keep oarfiff add (.l. tedtk. alum basin f eatoettiluf ner to &ow our customers ":1 1 WR 513 Y CLOSI AND 1111kiske i e08* -.''z..• !.CALL .AND Y " EI. •:$ 77.%- • .. ... . . . Jr( •-w. ". - os .. -.* ... .:'' •'.. ta R .. Sr. -CO. ;..1110011111111111k0110.11111111, •4 . 't..; 7. ....•." 4.: t'_'.:,:. .. 0. '., /• ' - . 0 :it :747,.. , A ILL. 7: '.. . .j.";"• 0 . - :: 51...10 .. '.l, ....1: :'- 1,... I r TYY: 0 10 in 1 ,0 110 - -; • , 3 i : hai r :a t; 4 . ALL-1E11(1)6' OP •t *GROVER S „ suet COFFER% ' 8 'RS. - SY R I UR% )10LieSSE.S.• SQRG RUM: BIOR, -Pt:ETERS, SPICES. SQAYS L IPANIKES: RAI; ; SIN 3; 1215411;181:i • ri is 91712.1LENTS;s r a rids, " F oun, ifsgo , " MI 411 Ithey Uri easetandy ,reeelviug t &ink eseurtnillt or these 'Melee. end the •pihile stay rely upds gutting from them u good se the market adorde, , All t. oda delivered it required. • • Jena:lr. ' MTh =.e‘ =I = '`'NEW °twist NEW GOODS ..; E WBEACO SAS JUST RECEIVED a select anorpaant o ~ • „ witch she . era , to the pOlolle at , the lowest poestble rates. The: stock embraces ereffeatiety or Lidiesancl Gentlemen,* Woolen Goods . . ;`DRESS TRlmmitivs, • • /100 P, SKIRTS, VEIL STUFFS. CORSETS, HA NDEERCHLERS. GLOVES poi.a.aim,',.:cuFFsontostEßY, COLORED CAMBRIC% • EMBROIDERIES, • • , LACES . „ DRILLING, • - PAPER MUSLIN. -,;;MWCAS, 7Pelgines, ,Ho!E;iery, 12 m• ME B *deli - ineeeorol so lbe • . Aho asks • continuation of • of her Mi li btb i r t*"°ll 7lii OM O na ! °11 1 " 1 7 11 w 1 , 3d Rt : &flat ibiaanine 114433,*.n 0 rnik-pkikez,, so o ott —l, or, ME • FLO- BA*LOVR!' . . f ' 4 CI. ,A9lO .14 S. • j r "I`'? 4 ;.• BEST •• WHITE' • - :WHEAT - WARRiter'Dp. . _ - 25 lb sack, '.-.• sl;4s' '1 2,00 Bar* 14 5 0 Sooliad Quality, I`IITARK COU. 25 115 each, $ 1,22 „ •50 " 2,44 - Barrel, • 9,75 -aochiisinso's.id;sseatf. oix • r . •,'; i: ,(*,-4 , :.; Pa t ty L x....,. Ir.' - BEE Pan .61.p9.4! Pliin and Fanny Yarns,. amortmeat of .IiADLEB WSSES,ANkI BOYS -v: - TnivEs nswtrelm • . ; Geo.:3peyre r . ,••••,. -• Has just relapsed front lb East and im now receiv ing a. Large and Well Selected Assort -, . f' :•• , ,Atittitt et and: ithunineT Goode MUM AT HIS OLD STAND Corner of Water 'and James ate., JR.ochesterviips,„,, GENERAL- - DEALER IN KRY • VOHS, aOTIONS, , -• ' ; • HATS, CAPS,- • • .• • BOOTS end SIDES, GROCERIES, ' - PROVISIONS,'' HARDWARE, • NAILS and CARPENTER TOOLS • . ROPES antotirai„ ' •• PACKING YARN; ..tinaiLlYint Orn 2ue ens Wire LAd Willow-Ware REM ~...~ ~ ,!F r FLO'o3l,:37,ouß,Loin. =I ‘root.Es.dto and RErdit. I= Ilsabg Ede sing , for the Web:stall CN .1 1 111. i•C I T :111 1 . 1i,L . For Itoehestae,piadoilidal i t a , we 0; deal are at Plttsbmkratssi sa 0 1 1 0 11 %-- Also. ~• • , ..5.7 • • :I , • W Lirtit *Ai:* k ND-aim-AZ it 1.14:: . • Also, lirtlag , :tisltgaitez for 2.8116..i1051e,i00 Scales, we ogler tothe i g r :otte, Balm at s cousb.thig 'Ootuder4 , llari vogue DiTlDOl , Rolltair slllroad El*Cl rkate 511110hif# 4 4 1 , Li# lo sad Bator ruts tor lauds. • . . Beaserflalt. g Co F. galtawasiOnhpid. trebly , altsnars a fail itothott :•,: • 1 - •.•;,; • 1.- T T • • • • • CALL tittCtrAtur - totr • AGAPI 1 , 44:P 4 q , ' • irtNi lrarts_mciastritlii Alilteter ma Viola siO'Oerizt*RlZeirt_el _ Pielut of easter 1041111 M WrOssal WIN exposer.wpo oak at tb;• Obstilrs Off. lad* , balms% 131 ,YOColfIZ a11n° 1444 ,r .2 ~ iesturaw November 71k, 11115:` ' drirlight, title, Interest dad ebbe of deilehrint of In and to the indhided Ulf part of the Mewl*, tract oe &coof lend In North Ihrwileteey tp.. Barrer coiner, Ps; bounded and deersibed se lighten; theritt ' M. &Ming ate white adios nee • rot lands ee; Abraham irituktreerer's bake, theme* by La ds Of iota Ellrowal-1 ter emelt. B. Itankhouser north 63 des., eon 1 13 Per to stikek ask, thence by lands orJes, Wthire north' 9Aidetoest6ll4o pee. to a whfte.;erak, thence by 1 otilames Tema* 'Mkt der east Il par.' to * peed. of Bmifireldi south 'l3 l 4 der, " 1 "" 4 11 P ethet w ith s eo: by setts • knee fej I em, •hs a Itaimee by Mid Linde of W hes 'of above leeldelandi of Tbeenap, 'thence by hstmentkinedialde sae b 1.44. deg.esst TT 140=o a white osk on Bag of leads ofJohn Bernardo. by same West et finlilreer. to a ethite all themes 'by lands of Benj. WOW and George Biewreill math AO der, West 111)144e0 per. to II pose thence bisaid lend* of Beiswell uortb 7 deg. , hest 71 4 4460 per til ' a lama . In public road: thenetelp• mid road three Myers! corn er* and dletseces id Ithiesre: North Sete deg.,- west 19 WOO per.; tlgreh tilt deg., wet 14'elsr, eolith 88 dee, west 40 per. to • stake on itne of binds of leltehe Ws heirs. Werke by isstmentioned - land. end , lanes of Abrehsm Bunkhouse:7s beim bath Ides% lust 86 640 Der.lo the pheeot beginning, +containing l 141 acres. Illiper...tuiet masers, be the mare more or less. On which there is erected.* dame dwailher, home contain- ing fork robins. Abe% a log home containing three' rooms, and two log stables. About 151 „ Wiettred and under lance , on which thet e b an 4: elide high) apple trees. The entire brat *MI /with a them foot rein decal, two banks open and in wetting • 1+ . 1 I Seized rind taken la execution 'Ps the property of Josiah' Ring, at the salt of Jo Deagberty, NO. 2. : . ' A LS O. ' • . All right. title. Interest and Claim of delithdentme In and to the foiriwing pleas ofgroand in North flew 1Y ile. Beaver county. As. bounded and desaibed es talkers: Beginning eta black oak, thence by lends of Bunkhouser sonthlo deg. east 14 pertto a stake; he nce by same lands south 110 ii _deg.. 'cut tit , I per.' to a•state. theme es belbeei south re deg.., west St per. to a white oak, thence as before southth neg. east le per to* stake, theVICO spinet midlands north 8614 deg. and 57 per. toe stake, thence by land of heir,. of Abraham Funkhousar south 2 deg. west 50_ per. to-a' etake;thenee by land. of mortgagee . anti Mitchell's. heirs south 88S4 dm., west 18 per. to Big Ilideer crock, thence up said creek north El der., west 19 per., north 41 deg., westle per.. north 50 deg., west Viper., north 42 dog., wed es per., north 53 deg.. west . 0 per.. north 27 d .. west riper. tea poet on lino of feeds of John ,Funk r, there* (leaving said creek) ag by bind. 'lest mentionedatorth SSi4 deg.. east 124 r. to the place of beginning, anutaleing ElOseres:str measure. more or ker , on which there 14 a cabin hedge end log stable. *beet 93 scree clamed and under fenced *boat 30 apple trees on.the land. A portion of the promisee underlaid with • three foot vein of c0a1..._ •• *abed andthken In • execution se the ,iriemrty of Josiah Risigt,_sehe pult of Joseph Benkbonier., -• NO. & - ALSO.. . i' All sight. title. Interest and claim of eekedent of. In and lonic Miming tract of land In North Newlckley tp.. Beaver minty. Pa., bounded and described a. fo, - lows: Beginning at a white oak corner oelane late of John Claire, sad now owned by Jacob Gabe and Rea nedrs heirs. south MN deg...testae pee. t.' a pest nor the rood !eluting num New Brighton to New eaalle. commonly called the State road.thenee along .ald road to a post on the Ilea of Janes Thomas' lend. tlenael along said land of James Themes north Saki deg,. cwt 79 per, tea Innen Wuxi. corner on land of said Jacob Gard, north 114 deg_ west 127 per. to a post - the place of beginning. Containing 61 acres, 2 roods and 21 per. Nearly all cleared and under few, ou wilds there 1.4 shame dwelling house end log stable. Premises nu derlald with coal. ' • ' +I + Seized snit taken ins,execation no th e lOreperly of Josiah KIM% at the enitof Ferrer Mcelielandmisiguee 4 of:James W.• Breed. ' • -. + I,' • NO: 4. ALSO. . , All tie title. Interest find claim Of ditkrident•of. In ! and to e follow-Ingo tract of lend In ,-NOrth riencickler ' iIL. Beaver eounty, Pa„ bounded see cleareibee p.ne. lows: seigneur. eta nest on the New IN.tte reed. thence by the same 'nnith 1?.1 doz., west VI 17-101 tor. thence north 12 erg: 40 mintem, east 40 5.10 per. thence . , Wirth 20 des ,: west 99 4-10 per ,, thence south Nei' dee,: were 11l 640 toe post by land of James Benne. thence I soothe deg.. east 851140 rent° a stone by lone etc Jar. Wilson. themes east 815-10 0115.115 'a: i poet by , land at James Thomas+, thence nctlh 19 deg., east 11 perches thenee north lef des*.. east 111 MO per.,• thence north C di ,Beast 8 55400 per., thence north .. MN • deg . • met 1. 10 per..thence north 0;4 deg..c.ist 7 5 - Pi per. t Ilene. tWt dw.r.4,elist 12 55450 per.. thence north Mee der.. easel-440 per.. thence +month I.odegr, mist 46 9-pi vaLlends of Frazier. east 34140 per be land' °Life top lace 'of bearinnlng, containing. ea am 4 4 per. Abont 50 acres eteared.on vs-Melo-thee:ls Idwelling tense • end • her kitchen, double * eprlig house and other ont.beildiner. orcha rd r- i In g fruit trees. Premises underlaid with coat. .' . • • • Select d sue' taken In execution As th s property of i ' Josiah King, at the snit of Thom to Runsey. • ' NO. ,5 • ' ALSO. • j • , Ali rilai. title. interest:and claim of defendsot of. in I audio the following tract of land In North ilevrickleY 1 tp, Beaver Comity,Fa. ?mended and described as rot- ; lows f+ - Beginning at Tiest,thence by land. of Woken* 1 reid lobioson. meth Ed% dog. wedl93 ii•leper.thence I by land or Alex Robinson. north 17 der. treat St pee,' .thence by land of Joseph run itinct get north Mee deg. met paper themes by lend or' veld Borikhoreee sees XI ' l . north % deg. east 56540 per. thence along the public. road b land of Isaac and John Danehem north 88 deg. east 41 per. thence meth el dog, east 14 per ' thence south 814 dee. east 19 113400 per to a locust, thence moth 7 deg. east 3 RI-100 per to a sugar tree. I thence by lead of Demo 80-mill toner ffe deg. wed 11 per, thence smith 19 deg, east 14 Der. thence non 61 e ,14 'der m 01192400 per, thence !meth 3 1 ; deg, west ii I 1.3400 per, thence south 85 deg. east 111 ft4o pc', to a wk lie oak, thence by land of True and John Darerher. 04. sonth3M deg.l2l 340 per.to the place of beginning, 100 scree cleared. on whir* there ire two lanes dynes dwelling houses. a double log barn and other oat-bafid tags, two orchard. of bearing butt tem. Prewerissuri-• containing 164 WNW and 94 per, strict umethre. About derlakt with cart Seized andesken In execute - in is the eroperty of Josiah King. at the suit of Benj. eThisler for use or Ilenrici & Lenz, Trustees, re. NO. II , , ALSO. . All right. title littered and claim of defendant it. in and to all the coal in That stratum ohod /lend known as the three Ibi.t or Dengberty vln the farm on which the said James Thomas now reptiles. In North Sewickley tp. Bein - eripmniy. Ps.. hoehded and de scribed as,follows: 80-eloping sea *lett oak on' line of lands of Furespion. thence be lands of Jebel& .1 Daugherty. northlie deg. west 711.10 per to a post. thence by same north tic deg. twest 27840 per tea pest, theme° north 1 deg. west= 540 per te a edam - ask, thence north 40% dee. eaPt, by tends of Jame* Wilson 09 2-10 per to a stone, thence by land of Thomas Ram +my and others east mots) per to a post.' thence by lands of Frazier A Fred 99 1 ; deg. ea.' 79640 per to a post, thence by lands of Meeleety A Fester math 1M deg, east 101640 per to a past, thence by lands of Dan iels mouth 88 Reg. west 01740 per to a lime thence. smith 2de ,e, we et 67 440 per to a post, thence south .13 1 4 deg. eigt sper,thenee meth srti, detr, mot 141 M-100 per to a pM.•thence by lands of John Ferguson. north 1416.10 per to the place of beginning. containing 214 acres arllsl per. Seized and taken In execution as the property •of Joilab King at the snit of James Thomas. NO. 7. • --. ALSO: : , _ _' All right, title. Interest and claim of rifiendentxlf ta.i and to the following pleats, parcels or trees of hart lying and better situate hi Chippewa tp. Beaver Co, Pa. bowi I /S a m u els Beginnine at a stone, thence by land Caunlosthenes heirs, north lel dwest ,84 per to a stone, thence by land ofJames Wels h deg. north 100 5.10 per to a stone, thence north Rider. west 44 610 per to a stone. thence north 2 der, east, 111 per to it stone. tiormenby land formerly of Win.-P. Aleorn. south 88 degi.opit'lri per to,a stone, thence by land of D. Cochran a hells, B. Meoonnaby and Mhos smelt 2 deg. west 211 per to a stone at the place of beginning containing 136 seres and 26 per, with the allowance. ' About 110 saes cleared and under fence: on which , th ere is a large frame dwelling hones and double log I home. one large framehan and den log barn, twb orchards of.twerl trait trees: • mass' underield 'with coal. • . , .. Arad the followin emitted piec e or land., glping log the above : IX rig at a post thenceby land of Isaac Cox, north 1 de , mat 92 per to a post, thence w I____ . b ra l it npt elt o o r r avld thengtV i lg r tU l e .* .if la W last at a tet l iten n le i sigh lr itl etit dezfert Af a g i rt 7 1 =1' thence south 8834 deg, met ea g.40 - per to a post, thence south 1 dee, east, leper toe post, R&M= rewthael . deg, east 341.40 per tit a post at thepleetief begianlng, con taining 49 scres, 3 roods and 18 pd., more •or less. About 40 serve cleared and tinder thew. Premises un derlaid with coal. . + Seized and taken In execution as tee property of M. B. Welsh, 0 the suit of D. Idel(innee. , -- 11 4 1)1 i,,., ' , . . -:. ALSO. ' a ,7_.• . „.-- -., • 'AlritiefrPattetitle. interest and did( et 4eferreenrif. in and to the undivided one-half ore tract of land situ ate in Brigid(' tort In the rounty•of ;Beaver, and Mate of Ps bounded on the north by land of Wkkbam and Hurst, east bylands of Sirsh Lyons and Barriers imirs. month by land.' of Barclays heirs and west by land of Hindman, connecting 114 scree, all, npder fence: *boat ninety acreirthereet being cleared end! in ii good state of cultivation, and on which are erected a two-story frame dwelling house, a frame iranary and other vet bundlers- Maori *lave' of erne ernes of =t wieqes Odtbe preletstut4be bed ls nn with allnif of coal and fire ciew- MAO, At theatre° thee trod plate; the undivided SL of a piece of tend situate in indeed! hi . In said erten- SY bounded by the Ohio Merited mods of Dr. S. P. ••=t4th, eopteleing &boat four eta ere e two -1t1M1141. 1 5 111,1110 g Iliall~ fret** ate% Soh' Other oat -bmimw. There la a good - Boat Tad' • maker of hate treason the penises. -telterein axe entkin al the oroperty of J. Phil ?U.. A' al. Pallis, at the salt_ 'or i 't I ` i • '• . ` 4 ALSO. t i • . , MIN intend and'ebthn of defendant of. In tract of land ld Chippewa tp., Beaver Mended aerth.by landeot•WM. Davidson east by lands of Bannon* Society and Dan 11d ritellrea's heinCeeleth by lands 1141110•0 Vox .and .C.•llegidzs v aritimest , by lat li eflL etclonotigby tied' 'thmli ' a be**, ceptele , liciesSioidee tNis, on whi orti.ereeted one kg 44 train dwelling Mame,' with cella!' uedeYesels •fters. Deem barn end one log beam, with other ,puti eildinpti two or thuds on the teeth. About 140 Acres cleared an-' fence. e tthove clesathed tract of lane ended with gold I: c / t3eised and taken la exeemtMs'i es the Preeerl of A. J. Weleb.ut the sutra! th 6ththfield, also at the snit o IEL Stainneld, administtator of 'S : Hershbergar dee 4 d '140; II:C o - ; el •,e; . ALSO,: - - 1 .-' • f All sit ultle,interiat and claim al 4146lwileat eels XS to.the ng lots of ground. being Noe. Uri A XS St litelkonoow plan of Ocala Want Y &1 epees =I ilitiii stneti•rcuagialowi Ira. laid an* tit lot hir= a rata taa 115 .faat to.flecoatallat , Oa arli la ikiectad a Ira itaa IMAM Olraillas 'War as. Waal sad take; Jo a•121_110111 as do katzp' Tti94hartn. at Ow let of Deka,* ifeikliego. , MIN SAITTILL. nor. ' samitioi Omn i beaver 00.11. RAI LR 0 ADS. . A~s'~': • -PITTS.. R. WAYNE & CHICAOd, On and atter Jane =Man& Trams wt daily. (Sunday/ enewted)as folkraw. Chimp/ at 53 . 1. P. lii.. taros daily l ing Plttebnrei at 1.15 PAX.. tears TILUXI GOING KIST. Pittsburgh.— Rochester .... Aiken" Alliance ___ Clanton ;1111arz 13111 1 Massillon ' :IVO ors Onvllle. ' 4 I' VG 11611 Wooster . '• DOI MO iteastleld • - o :, 400 RIO ' utline i' 1 41.1 coo -, I .. • Ann nrit. Thwyras , lon MO' Upper Benamtki ti 'as 719 ' 740 'Mt Forest Ihna ' 1 , WS • 901 Van Wert. 111013 . 1011•'• Fort Wayne liiscors tac Colombia • . I li 100 - not., Warsaw .> ISt -: OM'... Pl7moatb /OD . t 2Pl.' t' yalpand. o • 1. 417 p ..415•: Meag o ..It 101)* - ell ' Chlogo vlaPlindso PAroooth Weyer ... ColambLa . Fart Wayne Van Wert Llma Force. Upper flandtwky Bacyrna Ciratline Newfield . Woooter... . Vinton.— Alliance .1 Salem Roche:ter. . Plltabarei Youngstnro,lfew Castle 'and Etta "ILlre .an; sa harm Young.tawn titt New rasa ja .4.1t1 asylt ea al Pittsbnrgh, Beta ts t o Pitts 7:15 mm.. at Tonngstnet,n.lo:o,._ . la, tit ec a Tonngatown. New Castle and Pltbdieteith A datkro leaves Totuogptisen, aid eg. Now Cattle v l:3o a. m;•artlvea at'Aftebeny, 1000 a, IN. Retarntde, leaves Allegheny, 4: lIS p. at; strives Net caldle,llo p. at; Tonnetown, p F. U. NYRIDS, Geasidi ThatetAgas, EVELAND.a - PITTSBUitaII IicALLSOAD. On and after Sept. IJ, ISIIS„ hulas will inn Busks daily (Mondays excepted) ad : GotNo 100 T/. . - .. • • . II MAIL. Kites.' • Xata. A,c4roll . —.---.. .---.....-.. ....-3 tieVelunti ' . ", , RtlasillilOrrt ' Euclid Street. - .. $46 ' Itll ' : ' •M r:jll llndxflo • " ' •17 osn ' Its , - 44 itorolua , ' 1 ,•:015.' • /41 ' .':':.... ' SA" - Allbrned . " • ' . lllO lid .. Trayarl •1 1WellsAM3 ' I•Scie . 4llo . .I'. • , pd m : y . '.l .... " • . ' Iso Roar*. " '',• • • ~.'V - - . $ '• • ~ • ',•:* 11 3ixtt.: rxes; , — l' _ ' 4 l -.....-1. .....:-....i....t - • - Wellorltie - .`• • I. 1116111 410P31 iterrard ' \•losl.'..' 704 . • . Arnie*. - • '• 11101- • 1111 1 v , Ravenna , 16rWrat GM 111$1.ort ttlt7:l' ! - Ml' Euead Street r 137 ' 714 .- ' ...... Cleveland it 100- • 715 •••' ants 6:11,44r.' , ; ' ° ' _..._ • . - • 1 , , itcr's :Rae*. Man.. Bocci -- ..,—,....: ...--...... _........ &Bair ' I,loasam I ■ Glean 1004 ar K. Bridgeport • • :11 5 IRA • 1110 .... SteubenvilleLTllitrat; Oa. i 1117, .... WallArilio • ti 1 4 5 001. 'NV : 401iiiii Smitifte Ferry i• 11117 •• $ll iIN 011 • .....,,....- ....!t .. .. , • • 00 , i 515 BS' Pittsburgh ...... .......• BB 11115.,',....-001 MO wit 7 to wirr.' . .... , 71 - ‘ , 11.1 - Rxres : Ace* Pittsburgh llDes 100rie Allll4O Mars Rochester 710 SOS - ~ 550 • 440 Roarer' 000:, 011 OM Smith.* Perry ••=.--• MM.-, as sA Weiler - my : 610 - la • 411 - SUB Steubenville : 105 000 006. ' .... Drickeport 1015 610 o3' „•... Dollar ' - 111045 010 OS ....., _ TLISCAItIL WAS MUNCH. Mares Arms N. rlillattelpfiti. 6:0 a. m. I B a r g A . m. Havel. It 10,m. N. F b ll* d &ph 1100 p m. F. It. METERS. Gem a Ticket.Agett. • License Notice. Appssast. &x Loma. as-Nerurenbe! Beekmes. Ulla. Ernwa UM& W. W. Seely , L Rochaster Dar% Raebeeter Bore. John Chalk ' Joing A. FRAZIIiii, clan. Oct. :I. 1868.—U.. all tee iacngth of Ufa io.i Mn wtta mild Mad lathering goalies of gennineXastlle. Try_tida eOma, did stoop field by th e AMICK CIIIINICALICOMIN 48 N firth Front Street, Midair bid. mortal. T. 0. MORGAN Queensware Hardware, NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BACON. norcit, SALT, LIMN. COUNTRY PRODUCE liken la Ex change for Goods. Goods. Deikenti ; Pres ;of C7oyfop lb /a Vett,ogcs. VnLIIRIOR & ILS.B.TFORXI Hare sow Orme& the Whieuft Selett)** • f) WINTER 1300"113 & 61401:15 Which they are selling at GREAT BARGAINS 1.40177' - 81 all sad eMehl• NO. i.OO MARgat - Corner or Fifth; Pittoborgh, ova: i aellemak"" FE= =I 11 . 041 Z . ..I1 8110 ..I 1011 .I. 1•11111 .. 10+ %IDA* IMO Mans 113 111A11111 40010 BAST i• 1,Ext 0 5.1 g1e5.1 t -I- 1 ,t 1 111050 1 . 001/0 ~, us 11015 . 0 1113 112150 .. i2elpo 1.101 100 111 • .100 315 9/11 401 400 GM 011 VA 511 • 110 ono. . Pol 543 .WO 105 }lO 711 - _ 0111 sic 1100 . 4 515 inn .1 %is 1151 .1 1001 151 1 114 11545 105 'ilti '.,1455530 .113 if ISS • 410 ••••11 ••••.I OTCTMOU TO SHALLiNBERGEWIIROB. Dauss nt I~BMMIILYCROCBAI&4 Itamauiiris. PA.. Atli'. 19, zai& X. ammo's. Ito: . 80 Oitet, pittibiragh ilt ; Roust rinunwatiG GooDs; .0i4.111111 *kw, tuutkia, YA. vinne4, Woologi awl *Wow , Amid= .agdirrendi,CloaL Ilia Will skriyii of 4101 the lkollowing : iilie Spools. Ws INK , ..-Water Ooolonk Tealipeoss, • • Volislik , i ',Walsataradirote De Table rtleska. Parks, t Pl Ilakim - l esTapsi , . • • Irohersaimak- - sse • a astbakitistrih Oallie OW , . Ise Moir :;. -. t , - •.:11...t ‘, 1•. , . , • 111111114 :" " .'" ' •- "' ,4 't RAILWAY. larva Stades* iTrain ) [Mail Wm , 1/.] E 1321 rE2S ER 150,LN SUlt 1013 ;943 1013 1010 1041 1015 1114 1001 1141 1117 111434 ; 1110rx 101 11 1 5 'sr gxr Rtes. ACC° it ...../ :''' \iiitait MI 1 1 1: ICE MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers