IMINgo •• The :13e$ : . . AtTRUr mg. ox a 1' a1i4;411 . 0,0, 11 .1.*:' : O. O'A f:t: TI,eAUG Vs ban now a larger efreuistion oast any PRINT Po l 4ofelthr ids - crib/en wifirProiksoile co by bearing la mind. :--- OATES OF ADVERTISEI'I66 —.- L - 7 - • ---'-. TIME. ' ' : '. Iv!: 1 01 i. : Sm.! Itni• 1 IY. tire mitinrc--10 ilnei ", ... 8200 - $BOO $5 . 00 sBooi 10,1)0 T \'',3 rquarem.....-• 3 50j 5 00 7CO 10 00115'00 71;rett tquarge . ..: ... 4..,:..1 -;500 600 ,ipp 0000 0) y o ur oquarer, 6OD "800 10' It 00,9100 our•fonrth nolnms. 17i1000 18 IMI 15 BO 25 00 ou-batrPlaU ls .. .... i. : a 14 00 1 17 00 25 00 , 10113 '9ie column 125 00 no' Am to Inste lidennlstraterst anktieentors' I , lotteee Notice'', per llnev C...............,.........; 1 0 fry -payments tobende Quarterly,FrOpt Transie nt l k •Ocreflng, trLicli mnekbe pidd In miiipace. 4`- Aaacrur ,, •,,. -, Slate 'o f the Thentipittitt,Orln•lhe ?tiOeg .er.deig ee ele f.".thl of ~,opult, /868:, _..— - • -,,, . ---- 1- - t. - "9, 4eg: ".- 16 deg . r ° 134 - a - e g 4, 7 - 17 : ,TO deg. '.-88 deg . . i '75 deg . . ... Itt,. 73 deg, . s. ,89 deg. • 70 deg. I iv, . . 74 deg: -• • 85./eg. ,73 deg:- -0, 72 deg.. 83 deg . .7o deg. 0 vI. 65 dog. ~ 79 deg. , 63 deg. - ... 21, .s, 61 deg.-. : LI SO.deg, . 73 deg. Illnahatn, Jr., Plait Pl.pshurgb, , ,4 tho auttu4od. :agent .for Trur, Anatlqlll • • —-- - - NEW \'ADVElFrilill!Eglifa!irl% Ito attention of the public le petted to the fol lowing new-: adyertbsomonte. appear_ for the tat time in Tiretaiitie to-def • - • ItealEititt Tortilla-John Rer. trllardnute A Cutleirr*-John,ithetwa E t C o . tirßocii4Earble Works -Vg. Marshall. • rtrfletd teri-Lindeey, Sterrit it Barter.. Ortacznap ottca--John A. Frasier. reConl , fixt Hale-J. R. Slentz. per Agento Vietitcd-Zetgler biurdy at Co.. Metal Notice-John W.:lPittock: . prsnecial Notice-3. It. 'Harrah. Seey. rirSrccial Notice-School Directors, audTettcheti. e. Flour-J. A, Clark. Tb Teficherss—We are requested to state that the Iltrertbra of the Public School in Beaver,. Pa., are tesiroos of. securing the services of end teacher in od a; ln:tiose already employed, for .the remainder of the present term—eve and a half "months. Appli iatiouswill be received bs , the directkirs lentil next Frteny evening. . . . I A Festival gtveP for the benefit of the 31. E. Church In Rochester on last.Feldey;atta Satordiy ev enings. realized somewhere h the neighborhood of 1150. Those ihitttendauce enjoyed the'msehos very pleasantly. . A Sinn ft. nn Wednesday evening a horse attached tolalauggy, belonging to Mr.' David !Thum ker or Beaver; took flight at the Cassia( the elution; and getting away trent bin driver, Came up the hill aid - Into town at tali 'peed.. He at Wit. came In con tact with a post a ' nd smashed the baggy up pretty bad ly. Be was soon after brought to a Stand. No per pun was Id the boggy while the home Was "on the run." du Old bocntnent.—We were shown a few days ago a deed picked up In Prince George's county, Va.. during the war bt Mr. T .. P. McLean of this place, that "carries some age•wlth 4." It dated Jun( And, 1719, and Is consequently one hundred and thlrty-eighi years old. It was made ay• three brothers waned Leadbetter, Johil Douglass, and conveys right hundied and ei&htpeight acres of;land, for which they receive eighty•two pounds current money of ylrginla. It is a quaint old document, and written lu a very. good ,hand. The Public Behooll.—ln conseqnence of one 'IA the teachers leaving, the public i hool of this place 'did cot openon lastildnday,as we i tiOnnexid last week It would. On next Monday, however. the school will open without fall, and we are requelded by the teach tia to urge upon parents the necessity of meting ev try. effort on their, part to have their eliildr en in at tpahnee on that day. By orompt:regabirettendenee• ' can teachers bring their pupils 10*.tifa in - Mei' ablates ae they . should bo. r Democratic Club In Deaver. -In pursuance of puldhc notice given during the week, the Democra cy of Beaver and vicinity met at the Court nonce on last Saturday evening to olianize' a Beynion't7 and Their Club. M. Wilson, Esq.,* presided. The .audi• e:lce was composed of chant forty potile—twenty of ahem were repnblifans, and the balance democrats.— Ty a hoeuv-pocua arrangement it teal made to appear 'l , that there were twenty-four democrats present. ildt %that Wll=_ net the are as we truly declare and affirm.— The cnthaslaem was 'of the-unexcitable, repressible order, find no vent was given to the least particle of It Pole Raising. In llteawer.—The Republicans of Beaver are wide awake. They have no'idea Of be ing caught napping this fait as they were tat. There is Lo (manly or indifference here • on the contrary, all nre nt work.' and not a NW - of them are eirpendbak. thpir private menus in furthering the interests of the' good range. Among these we may mention John A. Frazier, Esq., and Mr. Johu Border of 2nd street. both of whom have raised poles some 70 or 80 feet In light In front of their dwellings, and dung Illegal° the breeze, inscribed with the names of Grent, and Col fax. AN honor to those gentlemen for this exhibition of their patriotism, and may they both Pie the candi dates of their choice elected, as thei , deserve to be. —... , Grand Republican Rally at Smlthq Ferry.-LA.large and enthusiastic meeting of the Re • puldicansof tirnith's Ferry and viciiitly was , held on Tuesday evening..the 18th Inst., in front of Smith's Hotel in that 'pace. The meeting was presided over by A. J. Pet r a, Esq. A committee consisting of Bev. A; J. iiynolds, Capt. Daniel Dawson and Capt. Glen, was appointed to prepare a constitution and by laws for the organization of a Grant and Colfax .Club for Ohio township. Eloquent speeches were then . made by John. M. Cook or Pittsburgh 'and Flom Thos. Nicholson of this connfq: . Nearly one hundred pen,ons present enrolled their names as members of the club before the meeting' adjourned. rOhlo town. Shin will do its duty at the October and Noveniber election, and moufup an Increased Republican majori ty. 801 l on the ball "The Tight GoeM Bravely , tin." Oar !readers will boar us witness that we have iminlgeet in no boasting thus far during the campaign. Wr shall tell them, now howeeer,bow the political situation In this county looks to ns after making all the Inquiry It was poleible to Mad for the last three or font weeks. Pim!, then, we ii*staie that the Republican party of this county, was never more thoroughly united than at the prevent time. We have Inc, "sqnabblev" in our :mks, to 11i-reeling in any quarter, and what is equal.. ly as important, we mull satisfied, with our platform' and pleased with our National,, State, Dlitriat and County tickets. Onr Republican friends too, manifest more enthusiasm this fall, thank we ever knew them to manliest at this stage of a campaign. Our opponents, en the other bend have a Platform that mearti, every thing or nothing, as politlclanneheOse toregard it, and every member of the democratic party . In this &malty . *pi originally dissatisfied with their watlchiml ticket. Threetourthwof tecut, perhaps have since Made up their minds to vote for Seymour ,and Blair, but w ill throw but little effect or enthnslasne into the canvass. Of the remaining f.iirth some Will not vote at all, 'sidle others will Cite their engies and ballots to Grant and Colfax. In this boro dgh ire know of quite number that will refrein from veding the Tammany ticket by not attending the :electlim and we 'are able to count some five or alt who will vote with as this fall that voted against us last. October.. In: nearly ev. 1 .11 7 township of the county wo hear of like favorable Prospects, and we shall be greatly surprised if oar IThifOrity at the ant election does not exceed 1000, and at the second 1200 votes. Let us work' however, from now on to make it even larger than that. IrAllor of The hearer Argus: The Georgetown Club (Edward Spence presiding) Alt In the public school Muse, on Wedneedar even int and 'Welled to speeches' frtnifJOhn M. Coo ls, , 'of Plttaborgh and Smith thirds ofiGiorgetdatet.,, The atkudance was good, ink the spirit of the "Irieettne ,emellent The warts of Übe*/ Oth' Pfwitvenw U g h ," I ° flow with irreslitahle' corer the countr4 Gen. Grant will be borne. on if fn iiictary.', -Smith Gn tls addressed the flooketwons Grant CTlnkistsw.l' nutting the pith that: Theii *el 1 - 6, 1 4 111.6 # Georgutown %Fut club prese4 , Ansl4.ll , Lawren ;welded. The schOol hocuie was filled.' We r inekatown Grant Glob means, w o rk. V e t this Goof ""tto en.• , Irjfi 'OIPITOIIIiING of t i ts PEOPLE ? ,VEAVIEII,4_AILL , Airome. vim" IREPIIIIIIMMiIita ME WIDE-AWAKES IN MOTION 1 A stirring Speech captain lien oq ppeal from •Hon. Thos. Karehall -2 • 1.• sett4ikofiriffeiVii heri to44lllt= jority at •lbe October Elec. , lion., and 1900' tor Ci .1 • • 1: • and • coital On last Frldaj:evening one of the irt.test and most Imposing point Ind dew:nudist:kw of the season opt cured in this place, atilt. irististee•ofthe -- • Grant Chib' of, Beaver. - Large delegationi froMßeitier ,Falli,.New ikighton, Rochester and Bridgewater turned out and ;ape hither', with drums beating, ciders &Yin& and lamps burning. Otte a large number etwidediwakes and Boys In Blue were among the number. Besides these,there were many of our countel jrienda present .who eameiduily • nd , squadi. l . The',erewil In et la:odadee did notnuiphei lees than ,400 gorse:is, be putting the estimate pl a different form—a f an acre of sturdy, hard-handed. honest and earn t Re publicans Who are keenlj alive , to the important, es involved in the .campaign.Y.tThe ueembly -in the yard In the rear of the Court Borne, and offer I ing abe d to order by the President of the club, H . V.' qtfily; a beautiful Bag Was prevented to the cl b by.J. F. Bravo, Esq., In behalf of the patriotic publican ladles of Beaver . .; In gretamting the deg: D. made a Lbw appropriate rermarks, which were • sponded to by the President of the organization. ' 1 .Capt. J. B. Donley, the,Repubilearreandidate ibr Coo grass In the nth dlatilet was , den Introduce d, and Wide al fine argiMent In behalf Jof the Republican platform, and gave the Seymour shd,Blale supporters a terrible scathing for their perfidy' nand many abort' comings. ID! speech occupied ebont 'cue hour and ' i quarter, and wall well received by the alit audience wile heard it. A -song was then eiing by the New Brighton Glee Club and a time played, b 7 the Beaver Falls bar band, both of which ware.lbudly applaud ed. Hop. Thes.•Matsiiall iids now loudly'called for. 'Mr. M. elem. was and we presume always will be a 'favorite with oar came reniard amid cliecis which made the town ring, and made a speech that bristled all over with sharp and telling I points.--- Ur. Marshall is a strong speaker, a powerful cam paigner, and the beauty of his polidal life; Is found in the fact that he never was, and never intends being a =Mate [or official position. ills speaking and ef forts In behalf of the Republican cause proceed from, a destrp to promote the public good. and not to further the interests of himself or any other person. His ef fort wait indeed a masterly out, and will have the ef- • feet of making him still more popular with a Deaver connty audience, if that were possible.- His speech occupied about an hour and a - halt and his hearers wouta hardly permit him to close it at alt. .Many of them would have listened all night If he would have continued his remarks. The meeting was a great shares,. andwill not fall to'secomplish munch good in, this vicinity. It made our opponents feel and look as Disc as it they were suddenly taken with ague. • • R. T r TAYLOR. Fos Tan Awns. • • The rebda rebel' d Ith a malice prepense. .... The only good rear was' want of good Dense. They threw .down IL gauntlet, not counting the Coat; Stu compromise with them for what they have hut. The rebels were necking more silver and gold, Combined with the name of an °Mee to hold; - . Like the dog lit the wetter—he was a fool, t • He drori'd his good hone for its shadow to rugs. Forgetting the true mathematical rule, That '"th' lord In the Land Is worth two In the bush." By fraud and deceit with mean thieve, on at par. They rude all their gnu* and.maufdtms of war.. • 'Tie true they return d them as ant Of much use, When Grant bad compered them to alp for a truce; . For when Greek tights with Greek much bloom wil l be • shed : No paetlive In fighting with powder 'and lead. Before the rebellion the rebels were rich, , Bet that brought them tip to the yin' laet_ditai • And Lee thought it wise to avoid the last pitch. By brae and-bravado they made a great sound, Perhaps they then thought they would•turn the world round: They (as Satan once said when i%lienring the hog;) Arc a noisy bad set to eh44r for , their woett-.. -.• But of car-splitting treason the rebels are fall; To law and to order a drag and n clog. . • For peace and for quiet the rebels wont pull, With their rickety boat and worm eaten hull. Their crimes do require theta 1 isllence to live, No taunting nor sneering that Mon to give. For none viler than -they- ever trod on the earth, None baser than they ever dreg a foul breath. , • None meaner than they ever look'd at the sun, None meaner thab May ever ishoulder'd a gun. They planghter'd our men with htteger and cold, And stole all they could of their silver and gold. Their haired and venom can notbe surpass d, To the laws and the land in years' . that are pased. Their love of the right (since rebellion began,) Is that of the ice for the rays Of the sun.' They are bankrupt in morale; prompt in delay, • And pay all their dear with a promise to pay. A fragment of Congress—of the fragment beware. Yon rebela—yen troth:we, old Seymour and Blatt. That fragment of Conarees—yon rebels so name, Stands firm by the nation its honor and fame. That fragment enacted just laws to suppress. The wrongs of the great—On the right - 6 of the less. Hence carpet bag rulers have got a free page, To harness, control, -and to /addle the'aest. - The loyal will settle the Klux. bloody Klan, • The vilest disorder that demons can plan. To unceasing mercy they pay no regard. Repeating their crimes Is our only reward. Reforming them thou is a weighty, affair. .- Rekirming from wrong requires' alt our care declare, Thatpersuade from th' wrong — forthright to declare, That so we may hope to prevent their being hnrl'd To, the regionihelow at the end of the world. X - - - - The De Weir lialat.—We noticed last spring that on the (arrant ilieiitz; one and a half miles north of Beaver, a depesiboi paint ore had been nicer eyed. Supposing our readers generally are in teresied In the development of the resources of our county, wo propose to gives kw items connected with this, as we learned them while making a short visit to the paint factory, now being built in the north west rart of the Borough. The bed of ore is three feet thick where the thine?! are now working, and is improving in both quality and quantity. It is reduced to an calcining, crushing, grinding and floating it in Water, and for this purpose the machine ry, tank, &c , necesetry, for this purpose' are nearly completed, with a Cr:O44Y for manaheturing l ane: din per day. We learn that . this paint bits been tested and is equal to any of the kind In ma - rket, and an old estab lished firm in Pittsburgh will purchase am soon,aa pre. pared. That our readers may see this Petals entirely, *diflbrent from the clay paints now in use, 'which are only mechanical mixtures.. (this beint an entirely chemical compound;) we give the analysis of, Profes 'sor Wnth, with his remarks : Lunn SAXPLE mire. • Obitipic water, " " ' ' .1.13 Peroxide of Iron, 1191 fillicious clay. . 23.19 Lime magnesia and small ain't of manganese; 2M ; sairt noLtliuro , saatrprqur --•- • Ilidroscople water, .' Peroxide of,lron,. Silleions ' " • • —o9 ' .• 25,58 Lime magnesia and manganese, 3.41 If floelY Pow.dered it Is tra excellimt•paht—oqual to .the obit-which itriatgeltiadd te arid I3e Team under the name of ortolan ds ter. It differs from the red ochre by jts„,b4rge amount of Peroxlde of iron, which in tluYUst mengonednever exceeds 39 per card. The brlghtrtsisin oolar ilapendito a great extent on the care taken in the routing .process. An analyals of. a Belghts.paint from Ds Certin glveb ut the same result as No. 4 of the above. O. W TIT/L _ link M. E. identz oversell the work and is 'deter . ' %zed that none but the, genuine article shall leave * e factory. 'When the wins are in complete order:, we shall give the , subject here referred to additional attention. • • • ' . • Couldn't Come li.—ln 1869, while Gen. Grant was commanding in Tennessee, there was a great rnsh, to speculate in cotton. - Siime - merchants in Cincinnati named Meek caught the) fever, and, thinking they, might make money, took Jesse R. Grant, father o f , the gene 1. into partnerhip„ and went to headquar *On too hope of eitttng special privileges. I general 'neared them, and, as Mr. Henry mail 1 1 sworn lo a recent law suit, made the following ark ewer to their application : I "I am always pleased, sir, to render any proper u. sistancelat my power to my Glenda ; but I em .a gen,l oral of the army of the MUM States flordirument. and I cannot discriminate between its citizens. I do not know why my father should write asking such a favor.' It can have no influence with me. The request is inf. proper, as it would give one an advantage over moth er, and would lead to that demorallutkm which it is my endeavor td prevent. • Ile :Medina • of the mill tary cannot be diverted from the work in hand, via. saving the country. You can take out ape rand. trade along the river. as others are doing, and - shall be pleate d to bear of your suttees." This la In strict, accordance with Gen. Grant's hole m tlerilV u everf y r i e r it t s t o c r 9* money bkostlinoi help from the day be enkied the army to the present.' • ,1 • Mr2IMIIIMMM:gI ME WO U 1 414 1 .1(0 "'• • - in*.aiiiiiobiliiiifit*.iesatii * 4f44 glinh4*kaidi*lol.*4 l oo# l 4l64 Ade iiner - mai* permit eit - 41111iers,-Oliti4heitibee , (11 . 1 1 1 rt'V r t.t4 IV fN ef s ' DIP I6OOI O/. ' e44:14'41. thiriatt..-.0. 311;6161 !tiloo!inSanlizir`• outdo. W. Wel h. lotiisitikirretOtidlifW the ice tswirohkactsast*:becethrePliiasktee, andl: Wk ; Bulk Oro U. 4 40-414, W.**. , ciamatitaioi irisarN4?ui artheeverasiVreept) area ' month& It laiird'oPeittiuttriorierrfOlut:hrailf pndliC Knife of r gte _town tbr the use of tat etiVitikeithisif Tuesday altsliiiisWitiellargiagiis 1ace,"4631eh.,. :ttompeeed:atiki.edlitembviAlll, tofWoildiM ,9 ° 23 e Wg' bria bs- t ri/0Va..0011 VOTMlag one Brae preeessjint with thblr 14f60,ohrittuit Inif *in* liAtettiO 4- 1•.0 3 ijtiM . 1454) 1 4 linguna Ban - 4 *dig* 'iMints pesessee ; and after matelhi* through our toy's: th en *C*O io.4*l l o l 4; l oA l 4 6 :okiti*ltf a i . o l 4 tocedoltiltir;D.:ll.J3teitiOn; Pies/dant Of the might= - glob. after mule; by the Diu& Ifi..peuMftm4Of:PltielnitOld the ;10sithi), itelltetk. .ed A dna speech, which Ise well received by thelsigO . Mullitmeln attendance. • After the oesehiskei of his speech, and mulkhkhz,khe Nair Brighton made a 'halibut very powerful speech to the people.- At its.,coneitedou the President "pi. Bailed out and he reeponded.htiefir to -:the cull InAde intnakippy so's, ~tehiCl? t#e.lciteting sidicturnz. Bearer Ads, :dui 91; 1868. -_• orgi-wdwn•r=sra.inw" '!3".' 'Editor Argus :—Parsmint to public notice given, a meeting was held th the Belch' Bebool - House at this place on Sathiday evening, tholed Ink, to pmfent•the above organization; Mr. J. E: Crane wail called to the chalr,and after sense prellminarlds the iblthwing of were reported, - : • •• Cphdri—Banuild B. ' Pettersom - • • First Meat.—Jai. W. Balt _ ' • • - Second Llaut.4—tiannwd Townsend. Tresintrer-4. Noble. •• • - - Secretaly—Ba A: Noble. • - -, • . nuance Ccultnittee—John Davis, J. B. Crane and UR. Noble;.Committee' on ?Unifonns—D. C. Patter. Borland C.D.•Baker. •Zliorecommiakmed officers will be appointed or el - at oat meet. The of uniform will be white napes, trimmed with rod, : Sad lettered "Beaver Falls &C.'," with blue ground_ on the back, and white cape with 'red binding and blue tops: i The club wilt be Well singled with, lamps.—, Oreat effbrts are being made . in thIS prosperous and growing town to roll tip, .heavy vote for our ca:Ma tes, both atitlietctober Mid November electlonsi and our boys seem to fall well understand and realize the momentum and imPOOtzd'ilitertions at IMO in this campaign, and, to adopt the words of another, that "etanalvigihmee is theories of liberty. " ? they are de. termtned to stand to their posts manfelly,an do battle thr the cause of universal liberty and equal rights to all men. 80 persons have now connected themselves with the 'company, and others are enrolling ;their names.. 1 A. G. Y. Beaver hemlnarrandjßlusleal Institute. —The workmen are nearirthrough with the improve xents on the building that have been going on during lie vacation. Three gables have fieen ran up and the ccitnnepi lilted out withtwenty7eight beautiful tops, the•gift of N.- W. Walker, Esq.. ofVeUrville, Ohio. Thicroof haalbeen covered with slate by the `Twin City tilate.Co.," of Pittsburgh, and is evidently a well executed }oh of tbe bed rooting material hi the country. ! The carpenter , and brick work. were done by )dessre. Miller.t Dolby of Rochester, and the proportions of the roof gables. ebridee, and brackets are perfect, showln g them to be tree mechanics. ' The inside work is now being painted, the walls Wig, with cheerful paper which will add greatly to Or comfort anilippearance of the rooms. The building, from its former apparently unfinished date, has tieen• trans ! formbd Into one of the most attractive .schikil !mild ! legs abe Mona anywbero. The change!. wonderful as every one remarks who comes In view or it. The, school will open Sep. 8 with departments for both sexes and all ages and 'Cages of advancement. We understand the prospecia for thn,lioarding department are flattering and we bespeak a large attendance Of day puptia 7 - assured that Prof. Taylor will not be found wanting in attention to those who may bo com mitted to his care: • Prof.. Pouter who thet.tharge of lac sic Department , Is a thortitigh student, an enthus as tic lover and experienced teaehet of thltibeiiitifidscl. once. This Institution is determined in the future as In the past to offer superior advantages In music. The Painting Department will still be under the direction of Miss Spencer, so long. a pupil of Mr. Wall, the true artist Of his profession in On city.. • Elitor'of The Beaver...lqm - The Grant Club !wads place hold legate' MSc:Hugs every Monday evening which are well attended.— They expect to be addressed by competent speakers It every meeting for some time fb come.. Mr. Drava; of. your place addietedi the Clqb at the last:lneetlOff in an able and effective manner. Ile Invited criticism or reply from any person who took exceptions to,his position, but none was forthcoming Just then, though a promise was msdthy a Democrat, present to reply at someliture time. .1 don't think, hbrrever,that any oue expecta„the piomise to be fulfilled. By the viay,itbeiClobs pf`Rocbester mast }to; aims to afford matter fot.inneetillf:dosen ifigta In the last Loci* "Great trees from little acorns grow," and :whettiott get a forma, version of proceedings had In relation to that "Piiblic discuseion;" (which I presume will be given by the proper persona,) you will laugh ae yon haven't done for a month; "Dr owning men Catch qt straws," but none but men in the utmost ex tremity would catch at so slender 'straw for support. "There were giants in those. days." .SPECTLTOIt. LINES, By one Who was present at the railing of ILr. B's Flag, August 21st. The sun in his gold-burnished eharAt rolled by. The moon swung be disc to the western sky. And the hill-tope, for Joy, purpled o'er with a blush As:the Wide-Awakes came lathe twilight's mlldbueh. The stars that came rolling in. their nightly track, Saw their own light rellectelfrom the torchlights beer, And the banners that turned o'er their roPilow light, To the loyal gave promise ,of a future brght. t the soft att of twilight by the drum-beat Woe ' REI!MMEMI • not a word; Yet we knew hearts were beating with the taps of the drum, . And the green leaves thrilled too, in bliss, u they cme. Prondly we witched them. There wvi niteld lig. Thar hearts beating bravely as they neared the •"old fin r Soon the "Star Spangled Banner" waved high In the breeae, • And the Ohio waves roll three loud cheer. tothe seas. "Thou fag of our country ob long may'et thou wave, O'er the land of the free andthe home of the brave. May'at thou glorlouvbanner of red, white and bine, _With thy stripes all unfurled wave over the true r • Bearer, ELLEN. “Straws Show 'foie the Winds Blovv.” —oii last Saturday 'ererilng the Democreey of Rae coon:tOwnshipmet at 13111 We i School House and or ganized a Seymour and Blair club, by choosing Capt. _Dairid Smith as permanent President of the organize. lion. Twenty or twenty-dye persons were present at the meeting. '- 'The Capt. Smith, here referred' th r was'a resident o f West Va. when the rebellion commenced. Ile at once left his home, went farther South, Joined the rebel ar my and continued In the rebel service, (so we are izt. tallied) four years, or until the war el Sllid. We have no particular fault to And with him for serving in thli eipaciZ,of" President, it a Septum club, in Barra &linty, ; but the Demiiraci of Raccoon township, raid never in the futtire insult their loyal neighbord claiming that they favored the Union cause ftring e war. or insist that they are 10* to the GOIMIg 9 . {pent now. The choosing of an ex-rebel to. primp twer their political gatherings b U eroof as strong Holy Writ th at they.regerd Ws °Witte war with re door than they do the U on e side; audit en: dewed with as much courage es hinitelf It is very like ly that fourtifths of them would have shot jot es to. .shot during the four years of Oter bloody shenle for . National life. Turn Oat to the reacting of the Butter Grant end Colfex..Cluh_owpest tleWreey OTCAIog, to the Court .Heuse. - Ymni. • Carnshen and Yorland, of Pittsburgh, will be present to address the meeting. . -- . The Republican (Ruh a t Raomori. township, held a meeting. on lam Nodin'evelibLiLend th . School House. Qvite s. crowd wail in awe.— The club was addressed 13J. IL- HarrakireVof thb place and Prot,Eberhaitot pew Brlded o W; • ' • • - - The sisise Normoifrifoitt Earnbego. the best place forthuyroungfflOg;S 'Western Penn sylvania to Obtain anted] gaileut;: advantages ate surpassed by no similar htstifutlon known to us. _ ''.. iiiliVittat AniefiCal sal g g3 at _ l'Ol iztr. ?tome and ab a real Bale Restorer _or_ pranr: , Ciat ono Ociao great t I P I PA I "155116"8. Ai-slislinea II (ado ie) rem Draapit albs It. Price, one De ' No 11. BEM of .....„ -; A of -.Atilia*ti.*s: : ingiustotist‘ = t meh Woks*, • ~‘ . .,,r K ij % " -"‘. fwd of , iterm l" gb '.. s . .pressltt otriii. , ft* were selleeastias of t iteera-ot : -President. lad% mixt ' 4 f . 1!!atoo , "4 17 " li n g n , ~. • 1. • • r igi al a e f, , . o tot rik. ll e k 141, 00'ne0s..Att20. , Ok la eii VeschatsibethembaleellintottschnolL.l 4. - .A.T.Kceoz. , - Ilarfargirant , .. Sag giers suss - , a owe i otral: itoo depattraento ot box;,/ !rat fisttlielth,ll74777 i ._ .,,,r ._,..1,- 1 * e i - ' r:6 5 14114 ng1 44 a 5.. T. ' - . itisiissiUeeri 4 itlta*Oriteant as '"the OkiiiiiiiitT • - i vyddiiocrammtk "the itaarottio nee, .. .' "2 . :::—..; 11, , .-; i 4iti'ici the :* .'• : :1 1 41 1 404 01001)*:: ucurzasbeeftufill 4* ,i okff::,loasiti inottai: !Maeda. not W welter talk Home 1441 ' l4 ‘ 3. “W :" ',Tiill ' 'Ctorkttowatd ' Aii'l 71".61.1111i Fai , 04 ..1 Awe !WrapllElL;'-"*.*AS'"trik7.l inoiii cin't l3 *- 4 :i 1 4 44 , ROPlu i * ft manotCratah,-,BOW' a „ -.: ~ z -:lit:. ; ~ '• ; . wilAre t9. l 4l44..i l i g ib*"v (i ii t irdia l i i quiiPaiicr*lto o4ll 4*-.os4 l o*tia*ily# l 4 , Made on 4 in - Priigiasioaff'"i'ilrOPecilq the cattipailMfjtiltlfy the aerOntheliart of the dee It ediwfil..hbf4eo ll , o *4 b: 40 14316 eV AlistitiNhili 7 0ankiketPuftwOroatto'fi.'; ' brie Our* 1 1 7-n4rc i tho te l lgr -ti kT il ia i , ° s 4 . Tadirdeeets fi ijill t this to hresid irJ the independent to be Who.** that *Mideti it has had dr Aeitkaguctoev. . polgo*Lsni ijbe..a tit I Clia.-Ilke , Sew - tub; oc,thvass, si,iii*** Aim?, Inlander of the "Iroti.Briptiair.:Matiestipciineci to kohniowNtiii..46o. 0.14 44 - Atm eildicr, and Jaiten,the stamp for Grata:. .. ' - ! . 'ini. Mlbunikee atenttodrinishig tioecribsd ti "grand Democratic ratification ractbor' or that • city; can eludes wifirthe ititlaiwing :- ~"fit,a speculation, by the pr "Oaten oithibar at the:Mak; it . was- a: success; as 'a funeral.ll was dotabithi. agate a tiatificalicin, it was a /Zee s . , _ . Sec Beue6 mcnt ifl lOotOcr, col num. The next:Annual Fnir. nf the Beaver county Agricultnrat Society stillibd held in the Fair' Ground;near Barrer; on Wednesday, Thurs day and . Friday, the 30th ,ft.r,or 'Ter:dein - her and the Ist nnd 2d day's of Mtober nest. k. !if. THItt...:HALt;; THILtrPSHIII4 . . 4 rBEA: VER COUNTY, !f -• The' next scholastic Yetir of this Class* School will commenceon Tuesday lamming: at • 'IY o'clock; •SePtpinber the . first: , 'Parente and guardians having pupils to:eend,itire re quested to send them punctually at the time Indicated; The rates el: o‘Tiiitlon are!: - .For the Higher English apinfatheinatical b ranch - es, including the Latin, Greek and. German Languages for theiavadon'of 10,weekr4$10,50; for the ordinary English iiradclies; sl,o q ; to be paid invariably in advance. • The rates for boarding, tuition, &c., can bo ascertained hy•application to.the Principal at the Hall. , taiiglifl3B:3t. FLAGS ! FLAGS! ZOO Arant Colas flags just arrival, at Beace's,l3eaver - Bt. ' • SEE BUNCH •OF GttAP On Stnntlani in another column.' Spitzes STAXDARD Wine .pirritas is highlY, -recent mended by physicians for Dyspeptics; on ac count of its tonic properties; Its :purity; and its deliciciug flavor. - „ „! • ly. Builders, you Will I:etumlt your own inter-, gists by buying four :lime Of Wm:J.:Mum, Venport, : ps, - BHOW-WW-004 0 1 114-4- i . The cheapest flags billiTestern ?eatitylva M - a may be found Ml:tenet:l s, Beaver. 3t. A. celebrated che.nuse :says: "I cells ider, after a careful cbtnparison 'Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative' by far the best hair preparation in the ma . Ocet. 'lt is the only one I can fully Indorse.' Boston Journal. Journal. ' Every one knows tha value of the'grape,llB a luscious and healthy fruit ' Spear's "Stan dard Wine Bitters" is the Ultimate 'of the grape in its properties, mildly stimulating, diuretic, sudorific, and tome. More thrift seven-eights of them are the pnre julte ot the grape, simply ,made blu lbier by Peruv Bar* , Chamomile Flowers, Snake Root, Calamus, Wild Cherry Bark, Sold'hV Driiggista Yoa TAB Amur ME •-e! EZMWMM „ .. .=~~ Special „Noticts:r GRAPE IiI.IIERS I THE -GREAT CAIIIPsy.GN..—, WAR WHERE MORE THAN, IitOOD IS SHED. • • The time has now come when thei greatest contest that ever raged on this continent is to be inaugurated. Not eteel againit steel ; but mind against mind—principlci against principles—party against party. I ' No one worthy the name of citizen Will be indifferent, No effort will be untried to ef feet-the object of the grist Politihal ann. paien of 1868. • Then, all hail l e Linalers of brave men, Wigwams, Clubs and Committees: Hang . cut your bannerston the ,eutward . Stick on'your badge pins and medalionii.— Flaunt your latiterns and make night lumi nous with your light and resodant With your song of victory. . John W. Pittock, of Pittsburgh, Pa., than whom there is rica Mai*ellitritypih wide awake, irrepressible and mho e-sou ed young American this side of the mountains, has es tablished a mammoth factory for the manu facture or campaign goods of every variety. , Retail dealers, Postmasters peddlers, exec-,,r utive committees, party 'matinees, and every man, womattand.child interested id the sue cue of their party, and hereby inforined that they can be supplied With every article need.; ed and desired for the campaign oit e the most reasonable terms,. Bea for a[pri list and see his advertisement moat ilestl i f o e.. We noticed in .hie mammoth , 'amuse quantitiei . aed varieties of ags, terns, medalions, songs, badge pins; etc. . In addition to this Mr. Pittock has the larg est assortment•of „base ball and croquet goo& and equipments west of the niddntaina Pe riodicals, books, eta., etc.. I . Grant Tanner Clubs' supplied with caps, - eipes and tdrclies. Send in yolit:oolerti. TO PURCHASERS OPIIARLIWARE. The attention of van business Men is di rected to the adverdsement of , the new Hard ware Eitablishment recently located at 887 Liberty Street, near the Union De* Messrs. Lindsay; Sterrit Si Enwer, thcrproprietere of the concern, being connected with &Manufac tory of Anvils, Bellows, ,Vises, Edge Tools, ito. r &e.; are thus enabled to offer b uyers very superior inducements: Besides being _con nected With Jinni°. msindectures,l they ate likewise extensive importers of the finest de- Folitions oPHardwarel Cutlery , ate. which they - offer to the trade sad public very. ow. Especialuttenuegli _cited to :their large assorlatant 'a-minden Hardware; Oar- , venters Tools, itc:i which were Procured frOm Eastern Manufacturing Establishments quite recontlyi and*" thetrefotd; ptottitised while the heavy decline; vhich the market has late- ly suffered; tta in full operation; and alto, gethor for cash. Call'enl examine their stock and see pride*: before buying else Where. m60)6 , 837 Liberty Sind, nent)Unien Pal , sager Berl, pittshtirgb. There wIU Oatt4 - '9tthi Board 01 Manapra of-the Ter CorlotY Atlrlooltarall Society on the sth day of September next, at i one o'clock P.lL.hat.M:Sherirsellied In the Borough of Beaver, as there It bum* of fh, - *.•5, rdedrec' -. .x-. 3. i f R. mu", l e c' Y. MMWMI=EM;EFiI arilir:7 ---------7 4 - : - .4 4 iit., t e a" . • .. k .. . tail 4 ,1 ,.. 4 Aid la 7 ; : , *I V ' . .1 . WIZ lir super'. Mr. Eng • • • of thin Atm has been iStaitled,with the hambemMbusineekinPitts• burgh, for a number of_years, and ins ample t •. • • e tri w. biliCilieritelilvWinek/Obt* . ulfehaaWitAudatsteei•thstheyeamolfet • ' - riiiiiii4 ( 4o ll t:l ll 44. 4 oFiiiiitik o', deg, Oh , biist:iiniex-40",01,000916,_ 'skilm' 10 ' beisiminidemodrpcosom 'w am, am, tai. 10111-6Wil Att,4lll liad.ft rf v m n 9 iWm° thle.bouse a -ball when in "thariskyo-It•the , place, 208•14 • • • . #; Wk i ! ) , icOrffil, Pl% - i ' - '''!''='" ". :.-.' ii3diiiiisiln d..Teachers'shotild•ittif , itllninittlAattly 6(itiv sectizOr far Lem reaWlizinhltit.linin e annual election of teschera in each scliaiiii , ifict of the State, and beirote the opening. the sob. 4 f the ens, u l a t term, these MAT teal •• - 6 - the 1 nror•ciblitiflloia f it Wit': - •• vctl at irlilale hied -Inethb • ' Ws oiN'.. cfmairidlers litell iiizide upon 'a serletof school books In the' tlifferent branches kheclituliht Aiginetheensuing ear, which books arid nr7othent BE M be wag itt the schools of the district during said pert. ' , TliklidiiikaPtiailterwo* on Mllle trillCb jaa4med after tke Manual nmettekt Ws pie: se 1 11,1tielfate Sitptthatendent:oecidee Iva. , , Healim.decides thatinaps am included inthe terms arses evened *els," • and rec ompile ifislath'atUottotet:o . 14 Fe 'lost sultabre ' _..• __ V • Guvot'e -waU-31.apia - ltd;*ographies are thelinaireit4W:best now-before -the public; and wailitithm•dteactdes to adopt ito ,Geograp phiat and'hai purcha s e •no *ape until they have teenlliiyorta ,• .- • • • ' : They are nutdniittie asked, .but , they are pronoun:o.V all conaut judges tAs,be•C an our bine/new. . . _• , , un:lt's Gemlipliiss an d IL& aki" papal.; edinpoit a neiv.plan—dre tang h t. tijimit airs ienkentirely,different*on-ausd . eniluenfly sm. pehor to, and;dte more ' thoroughly ; efficlagti l and more neliand and logicA,LUn tiny bft , maps or geegnaphies now in niii. They have within a palm past been 'adopted hamore than 1300 public schrwls ha Ohlo,,in more than 100 citleaand towns in Pennsylvania, and in more than 2000 /kaulcinlei, Ftemmanes and Col the Vatted ,Bastes,' ;41 web ;ask lb a large number of the( palblic IthoOle 'ln the tern, -Western and Bonthern States:. • • The beat articles are alWays -the: *spat, the refore,adopt do geographies until you have had an opportunity tpligramine Guyette. Pur chase no maps l a rd' ha ye ven 6 oyes's. Terms of antrod - _ *h ere. ; 64n- be learned by addressing Pro - Eberlmrt at New lirigh• • ton, Pa. • s '• y: Waggled', lately. inaIJOORUntighGARIMINTRBS ' AND pprentlef.r ••/, , • :THOS. GRANT_, • VC.: • New Galilee ra: .44 r 1 1 11 , 40r k y , • gilfdlrepPr i a r t 0.. BUB- Nam. in te_, , ,ton tt.'ll4 , of July 1868, s 'man red cow, id* star Milts kmilead; and milk. out of three teats, About six Sears of age. Any person giving me hormattotreonstabilieririll be suitably rewarded. - ' :•1 A1,11:141110LAHON. auglirtlffat. E 34iitii9s-troileC—‘ ris s ilettoiti tiotilaient I apowthartato-ot.CharleclillenqOato of te CCOOO towisoldp;Beoo2 o - - Ity; Pa«, 13e_ c_ 4,.. hats .een tad : to~thl it edi--. l *nons,--- debted mama °date, are J Aotutded .... Aupo Mediate panett,entremettat4g datum; to prft-mt the aameyritimist ! ,• • -;-• B. L. lililFtUtY. 1 • Eqlll7 • ; 8' Yr./4/) atIEBRY, TONIC' r a Uit . .„ t Use • Aioliferts: Tonic Bitterl, En====3 stilEfir No. 45 Wood : ' streetii, Opposite St. ederies H . i."4l t ilso. eniesstte No. pa and . .• • . , 104 Wrn street. PrITSBIME/li, PA. • OE AgeptH flan For sale by 2 IOIIN 111.961111, Beaver, Pa. • jalfirly. , r•, I • - t i • 1L ... LIST OF CAUSES FOR TRIAL AT SEpTEXIia n, Term, DO. FIRST WEEK. • Andrew Johnson's Run James Narks .. McKmzie & Moors vs.. Corm=a Ephraim Smith' . • n. J. T. Joshua Dawson vs. Swires-Dstirson OD Co Polly Houton .• vs. James Allen. SECOND WEEK. vs. :A. W.Vallotet al • - vs. ' John W. will.= • vs. James Fire et al vs. "A. L Diamond et as )•n.• W. • Markle & A. O. Sands J. E. Wil li ams . vs. James Uttle et at S. K. Kier,,et al vs. 'S. Cameron - Rodenbangh's heirs ' Joseph Johann et al John C. Duff • • vs. Joseph Witham et al Cathhrine Lindeman TS. .t ie Vlendereedl Jacob Wean . Ti. Wallace .Charles Coale • • vs. New :lan, X'QICo, D. A.. Prichard et abuse ' Ferguson. vs. J. IL lininiel"it al Grace) , & stekerstar vs. Jamas LlGht Christian Marks - Jacob ?arks John . Dom.,. Admr's William Ranter vL John Wilson et us Same - • " - vs. JcllliWilson Thomas N. llasqh ; vs. James Ofshard et aL . James Barnes et al. vs. Eltah Barnes George Flinnt vs. P. F. W. %C. R. R.oc; James Robb use Sampson • ". Marker , , vs. Venn Gamble • JOHN CAUGHEY, Prothonotary. 8111 John Spear • . • M. Townsend sr= Mothersl. Ric=Tes angl2lB2t. CHEAP _HELF..A.113.2 4kNOTMi ]NCOdi)l dr xotrit 1 s.;''4.7Cifai*.to:Otos; R all S. OF ..0,8 8 WHITE' WHEAT: FLOUR. 25, giack; " --- "T -- - - Barrel;. - )1,15 Second Queo4; "StARK COUPETire' - 85 1,25. -50 • 5 4 ; • - "Barrel, Boihesta; Jane le, Wei U. T. O. MORGAN streozesos tO - ' • SHALLYIkeiteBR BRO& PIICHEIBYGROCEMS - ,:qiisieniware, Rapid* . -L:7.— • WIPDO - W-elLitto, WOOll AND WIDLOW WARS, BACON_ . • B.AreorairK.' • i - - ,:.- • QOUNTRY ilifotiugg isicei change, ler , gloodc G l / 4 1 / 4 41 Paisired':Fils VI Pony_ in. eau 04$ ithDa r illterla Ale 4'111% ' -"WI' lEMZI lo; ',sluts iir 121 . --4 , ..rRESH-Aft Riv Iliffirißltrin M . 0 aa j ‘4.1f1:3 4'i tiAYIbEt; g t . 7;0 •IT.f r il,!: 4 ' • -, • ,~:- - • • rt.t,', • OkkgrAr • :1 II e. i :;* : • IMIZI (~~. El IMO MEI PRIG WS FOR 1868 Itil 9 . ::.*.. ,;.:' .. - . - 4 . , .:. If: Ai- GIMP. DRY GOODS STORE /al DIAMOND tvicatyriiPA NEW PRINTS, NEW MtiSt&S, NEW CHECKS, NAW . C3INGEWif§, NEW DELAINES, NEW COBIJRGS; Aiio, Table ' Crash, Red Flannels, White Flannel* YellOw Flannel* Jeang, Cassiiiiered Tweeds, Drillings; Tats gad Captii;' Hoop Skirts,' Balmoral Skirts, . Notions' and Fancy Artie*, Trimmings; Bonnet Ribbons, Ifillittery Goods, Acc:ii :x. ..0 CM , , , The above itoettelliti &slog cOmplete Mek eve offered to the axes of Biome ion*. and we take phew. to aletidog oar anteaters andtheee, whit , may War um with a eatt, that the Owe .ittock foie cheep is 'ter. • Ilrat =1 V. A: kokairie4s EU dittiktri 61E6 IN Tas.igaraokii; ROCIII/STER, _ Aoroit the pave kit AO: irzikpoiii 416 nano Digm‘.,Mc MSS "Aii.wia.sasaiimiag.waaviaprayrr.- GRAZID R;; ,Loprece 1 tri • ; • . 1 4 • c•i. a t , ssYCL •T • -._. A. .A ME - •tze YE' - • 11 , 5' 7 - El . - • 1 4 t " • .1! RE EEO * • fie priwo 81,134 cloobill cat 14 to4si' i W L to gooks itecia IN • PA . 1.4011! " :4" • •• 1. • . t j MILLINERY' GOOD S 4 RIBBONti, IPLOWNIU3, ILIM,-BONNETS, - • ' ,ZW IIEJ !'o LC ES . COLORED ILLUSIONS AND CRAPES;* ..y WRESTS. ', HOOP ES= AND HOSIERY:: SPLENDID - ASIKIRTNNIri - 4 . 3 f kinds • = LACP."GLOPE... .. • k • FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS, • PARASOLS AND sun SIA-.4:elit i3irsivaLA.s, , • CUFFS, AND cottant, eta - • - ' PIKAYS; VEIL ,STUFFkIe and PLAIDS: Regardless of Cost mower arnimislis swammrs." ;ORR. W; Boonaufr. F*4 1 010 1 4 asil4=ll l . opposes Mass aiIIsa i I';TI!IIMIXMILPB. irCousta Naas stiPiaid as Mini Prim: braid Tamer Clubs aspplied with cipik lipd Oral:4lomnd In your' orders. hireklew. - .11111:1131.1 WI ALTA VELA PHOSPHATE► El • . • . , - . • rr D 3 COMPOSED TiIiniCIPILLT OF TUB ebrated GUANO treat ME MUMM vr.).l Third . • 4•Street sla t' . • • • Third.sitreo!,-Betivq;.4 CCM t . ( ,•• i. 4 NE EMIR AU - kinds, ,;:, • t4--:••:t,. -, bt every deeettptioo, itc„ TLe above. w4I be jeild ont wain - env ugletatt 33176tt1i :BURGH ' nig Mailinietaq,' loimmitups . • .11m , • , CAMPAIGN : ICK:101:113 t int =MK lUID • • • • . Or - on Inn*/ 11411111 OW Oaleline; . Ws* Pint Ink %doh Boma, Tesaipassai• Ewa ;, thaw, Tatiefte, mai Or. • • . rhateimbefOsilitalisZ - 3 . eglitasibi MIMI Damian of ell gib, tai TRY THE ALTA'vEL.i. 1. • Contains thite per amt. of . I • , An ample enannlty to dire eettrtllK without hary) to the tegetaem, ands large (waft of soluble Bono Phosphate of Unto; , . • Toifother wish POTASII and SODA. egeopttal Na meoto of a - . COXPIITI XL U. The Ws estimation In erlireg It I b.I by many = ,c anna lasers wbo are ndig It to grelaremee tooth y .- Ands. Ma sure guarantee of Us yam. Price ABS Ear ton. Send ibr a pam Itlet I Addrese—The Ala Vela °nano Company, IT . new VIC birtifely. • • • One of the L*igeit MoSt suOaseefii IIOESAL RAT fftSIS Is ass old extensive end reliable Rosso of Wm. Flemming , No. 139 Wood iStrei* • PITTSBURGH, P (VTR GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT RESTIMXPEI. kJ cos, end !hand to compel* tn extent :and variety with. first Ow bogus to - 'Few The stock consists of Nen and Hays Ifs: sad Wiwi Esti. an and °Whilst* BONY ma- Dolle; Boys cud Ctilktreas Strur ust SM. Ins HSU. dant@ an toStOod tio Gal Writs , oar Mods. • . • .11141134"0 - ,tet • : .mnuatuat HAS •LbT OP true Demestl a limo e mansfsotared e • Idasselt his stom anslmy, Bessie' sisty Ida bee 1,111 sell at' =sage Mel, TOL* Islas Is :. SOld tr ry i t k i se 4 = 4. IKkosi alla vit t zL arlt a ril: ied"ll • Coacord_ Outs 0110 eidd i arattssy vise - • • ; • ILOILO • EIiEZ =EI El J - 1 :01, 0,4 4.r _ 4 ~.. t • I^ r WM •-• r • ..‘ , .ert - t'..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers