The I3o*w J. WEMII), 'III AND PDOPUIIIETC;I2. ifravcir, Aaloolllllo',36et FOR Ulysses _And FOR VICE PRESID.NTH'" Schyyler. WM! 'APprOR GEP.MAPTY:: 1: i,jtrr. 31111W , iii matrrieSp ll l', OF .11014.;7`O0a1CRY cOrSTV:— 'KAArtyOl GEN, Juiciat • OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. iron CONGRESS, CAPT.d:COO . B HONLF.Y, trecno ciuinty: - VOIVASsEMIIIA , • I , • THOMAS NICII4)I,SON. • 11. gip.... BUFFINGTON, FOR rßossotitiNa ATTORNEY,e . J.., IiARRAII. • polt'polnnsomistt, • DA:411)(W: tCOTT:' . j Volt coustr kTIIVEYOR. • ,' S. A. DICKTI'. ito*,.Wooß 11011 , 01 DIRECTOR, ,JVLIN'SLENTZ, •• • FOR AUD ITOR. • 7' 'IVILIWir VHOMAg.' POR conomin."' . , ion:TralsTNES OF,' ACADEMY. SAMUEL MiGA.W.. RICHEY • EAKIN: WADX Ilpirron;the ex-rebel cavalry lead es. is now stttmpliig the Southern State& He brings 'merit of Ms meetings to a dose by , pm:Swing " Arse cheers fo'r - Gen: E. E. Lee.' It is aoedlesii to arty that hie auditors, being nearly all ei-rebel 8411erkgive them • Ilith a will. • :.; RIAD General Palmer's apeeph' on the. firth page of thlipsper; It prmetits the Leine:an itolved in the present l / 4 .campalgliln a terse manner. deneral P. lathe Republican can• didat• for Governor of Illinois, and was one - of the' shiest Generals in the service during the war. , -Ditainnto all the room we can 'get at the present time for political matter, we,haie made an_arrangement . with Prot. Eberhart to discontinua the *Educational Oolimn" — o'fthii Argaa fors couple of months to come. After the election it will be rimmed again. Wo assert that the Democratic party forced upon this country without mdse a long,bloOdi and etpensive war, created a vast •public debt, and imposed Ron the people untold sorrows and burdens grievous to be borne. to those who deny tins assertion we refer to the DEM. °Mats who left the CongreestonailiallsinlB6l and' also . to those who Bred on Fort Sumter firskovert acts.: . . amert,•and we challenge contrediatioM that the Deinicratie pam hi responsible for taxes,high prices, derangement of , badama;Acoittleb 10 the anivoidahle and legitimate rmits l of the war; and how sot hav ing quite rained the . empitry, they"hayeb*; infm lih, to. ask the Pim* them ; the Pricer IQ /10 _ 4 pier them, and immulem-tha ~ste ahead — ~lu and y- y anted so litrUiletretwOrilu you - submit ? . • • .• • Ir one State had to sun Dorado: Seymour five-Omen to elect him Governor two times, hOw many times will thirty-sevrOtates hale to *run•him to elect him President (or Gores nor)' of them one time! Deniocratic Journals that have done so much Sguring,on the National debt; the Freedmen's. Bureau, and other "enormous" expenditnres the/ brought about, are Invited to compote for. an AUSWOt. • • ' Tan Terre Haute (Ind.) Ewers of {he 80th : ult., saya that Frank Blaivi, in a speech' made , at Gtlman's cooper shop,An that city a iaw yearn, ago, declared be "would rata& deep wita a fail 9, Man q,.Dentocrat." The Express adds that "hnndre nr our citizens of both politi= cal parties will .41;iesi" that . they. heard Frank Blair uae . the exact language above quoted." • Glut. CARL, Sonar., onsiof the most effective' stump speakers in this country, will address the Republicans of Pittsburgh on Monday August 24th. • • • It Will be an Intellectual treat to hear flea Schurz, and we advise as many of our Repub. lican. friends as can to attend at Pittsburgh on that day. Oz of our exchangesdrlves the main are gutnent hotness follows: If there had not . beep 'slavery there would have been no slave-, holders. It the ilaveholdert had notbeen couragedhy the Democratleparty they Would not have weeded. IT &hey ,had not seeede,d there would have heal no. liar. Niters had ' been no war there would have been no bonds. It was the eneduragement the Demeeracy 'the 'north gave , to, the , seeeislonlate Im 1860 thin{ fastened the bonds upon the country, and all the bother 'vie bare bad about them is (+aphis, to ,tbit ptrty,' , ! ' We call that logto :ball& pretty ,hard to upset. ' ' . • THE stampede fnmitleymour and Blair, by War Demperats end Comiervatire mania gen: (Tal i 711°4° suRP°O '9 1 104r Inen on the Dente,. ensile ticket might: hate been • secured, his commenced in earnest: Dieting!.llsllo aiyl i diets alio! Civilians, formerly aCting . Wltit party; have itithdrairn and declari4 • for ' Grant, But.these!were only indlvideal cases. TheNtiotement On the part ,Or t ;;;-•iiuMerolis h4ty;inDattitivAre indicatimof the disin. tegraia+plethe party 'in: oaseei Sat; p er :, ham mostiMporiant moteMent hi by the War Deinocrats in New York, who are about hoiamg &preliminary meeting for' the *,ptirJ pose vot eillect)hg.!!th^ l Yinil i !' de Pend.9, organttatilia. to snppciit i t Aereging . to the movement, ttte Timei*Ai :t • 7 , They arc greatly alArmed at the present as pect utairairs,mod ate by Ite`iseiutsprepared to gobs& upon•tikr *a ivtinsit *llO Igtfdiro All that 4hg)iivii Moor br,poolllnt"Het moor giod;.tystkillainplan; ,9 , contriu_ningf their voles gni weamettolhilugtirsteti xild soothermittil.w.-Jonte of the leadingt4 • metop : the,,city / jopswite i r Democrat., ,artrbiktng parttrithik CmOirefilent ri tatcal `i marit Will tlefelifixerl 413,90z4, gi#l,ol.,4l,t,her EIEEME 1/21:=1M 'says: i verAisporialt political mosicim Was begun In Baltimore last ni ht. .. ii log emirits In It are He .1:111 • .. wh lof ed Gov. Swani over to •,' , - , ' tnetand announced eh. ,i. • "' ' • ' for Grant and Colfax. ft —•t, , • ' present William ~ ,y - . *- to :to 0 Swann while he 77T• • ~ fßs • • • . re, ... recently sueriff of this city; Thos. H. Males, late State Senator; John ThOmpsmi. tato Member - oldie Howie 'of Deltristesi.Yonng w.gr4ote oft=llol7 - lark-wit Tie . 117 Police camkstsr.itraba. 114;r id tirthe• - onstlng of Polif* - Misidils.. shiners' Woods,ll ll4 Wm* Jitttfil, ? l i ! t # ol o or, 'cilmentber of the House of l246a tfogeics.4 Adani,Bohler, Joseph Hawes,. eknumabet ot the Legislature; •Vnt. H. PentveitidtJelin 4:. Pearce. • There Were:it nintlitti erliiiittley l Projen t # ll °l'bir..l l :oo ' ,i l iioO u ,iiiiet'gthg. Feueral or State : Glivernmentiv :Ez•Pigicc Commissioner,: Valliant, presided. ',,; s Sheriff ThiOnpson:is remarks were 'lnaleallVO . F!f•lie tone of all the speakers:, Ife'said i ,t'Hitio to, ilaryland, we have witnessed ,the arrogance otthe Modern Eemeeticy.' . They have , OtP glected the Union, melt; who 'l4 theit(' fete; power,' 1 lt , i, , easterMine4 nut to ,bis; ftighte 'cued *Ate holigolia negro - equality, but dull' vote for Grant. We;have not td :be afraid Of: thesepeoploWhea*WC*l3 000 ki 804 tie 4. t.olPalt6, men fr; Par. L oWeittl ' S ;to I litigate tk conservativemovementfor.Grant"...MroVal • ilitit.said that iti coltaeltiog with' 'prominent C 1 ,0200;1400 In ;Washington be: Vatl, found he imanlineesiy:ltrfavor ofGriutt-,' A. resoltition r to prepare lin address to the Cotintry WietniattinfenslyidoPtCd;:,l - ' ''' Colftik: 33Ei drtuit Peacm,. or Blair arid wart • . la GeneralGritiit's letter ofa!riptance, the country:him an assume° W . :law; and peace, 'from' a mai, wth has never vhildad plaige once even, • Gen. Grant, in his. later of actseptance, makes the' most unequivocal pledge of,peace. Geri. Blair, seeking the nom ination, and in 'his speeth aeiiipliite 3 thc,noM• illation, threatens war. , , - • Here ie, perhaps, Jul striking a contrast as was•ever - preserted between two' candidates for the highest offices' n the gift of this. peo plc. . . Gen. Grant promises to "administer all the laws hi good faith, With economy', ,'and with the, view *rifting pate°, gitlet„;..and, pro o tec-, tio'n" everYwheve • General Blair promises to "declare Wit . 11,9, construction•laWs null and yold," and toco rn -. pel:thearmy to "diape r :lse the Soithern State Governmenta. • • ; • • • General anon, declares that be will . "exe cute tR' will of the peoide?' General Blair declares t,fmt, he will "compe the Senate (the representatives of the people to submit." - ' General Grant promisee "peace end• unl . - venial 'prosperity" through the quiet en for ce meet of law. - General 'Blair 'itemises anarchy:, war; and desolatiOn, by 'trampling Into the dust" ibe lawa ot Congress. • Genera! Grant fervently and honestly , says, "Let us have pes*.7 General Blair declares that he means to' ' haie *Wier civil War. • General Grant says he always respected the will of the totopleuurd.itl*yasillt reaped' "GeneralAloir declares that a AIMS* to destroy State GO - termer* trample the 1 1 .'ktionkrA78 o,2 *Rthig , Fonatitil: Pcizigival 'lO , • v••• leetthe Voters of thei land*: Cbccie between' these two. Let them choose. between peaCo and war; between Tommy imam& expel*, between prOiTerity and, ruin; between law and anarchy, l7 .W f; Hex. TitAnDima gravinte"died it- his mil dew. in Washington city on 'Nasdaq. idgat' 'of last week. Although In poor health kir some time past, his death came suddenly = and unexpectedlo many. of his friends.' age was spetinty-dive yeart After his' death his body.wasonbaltned; and hi Metallic 'Collin /aria state at the rotunda , of the Citpltal on last kridayiano an Saturday:was removedlC his hothe at Lancaster In this State. 'The fumed . took Iblace• on Monday and' was one of the largest and most iMposlng detnon stmtlons ever. witnessed In that place: &great Statesman and good marl bee fallen and the country will long mourn his loss. , Tan cops, fcir n,few years,past, 'have ham mei•ed the negroes uninercifully, • They have "let up" on Sambo now however,andive shall be but little surprised if some of these day% wo are called upon 'to Mate that they arc rush ing their sons and daughters into matrimonial alliances with that race: Thingsnm eildent- • fly tending-Ip, that direction. :I f ook at' the PrciCif-/ ; ' " • The Macon (Ga.) Telegraph publiedias a lst ter from one lobo Dupree, a negrO'whose ad dress is Irwinton,•yrilkituton County, Georgia, wherein the blacks are, advised to vote the Democratic ticket. In, *amending the let, ter, the Telegraph says : • 4 •;• 4 11 e giirei the best of conflict, end offers upon invitatltm, 'to addrOas . th e pie knyvf heitin Middle Georgia that may de sire to hear him. ' ' , • , "Vpon,' the flrst'fa`volablioceasioit, we have' "no doubt the DemozfatSof this cOuntory, will be glad to 'heir hun„ and *it Inyite 'hini,to ad s drisi,a public meeting at Macon. ' heir, in the course of the amnia gat Ma' Dem erats„White and Put gat glee us 4' good ba th e- Cue, where there shone aplenty to q f (hat which Is atkni and wholesaiM an 4 then , w shall q►Mr ell these nuatteta talked oyez' . at'otir lets Ar4Fiwitile, 'Democrats and black Memo, Grata haveleanted to eat tOgither, it will take' them but a. 'little while to 'averaging :their, tveisiatito Maiiiin one 'anothii • , . , . Tint N. V.; , probahly• tintielled by 'the impending publication of Brick Pome roy's rividNernieratic-sheet, finally comes outand indrdries Wade Ifainpton's'speech as none width does honor tb the Miniriainthar :iie.ter.r, This puts the; World furl of 43 4 1 .'Haluittom Our tridets bill 're member ithat Gen. Hampton's plittbrm'Metins revoluthm, intd,that litreelliedissurenniebi Newltork that if eveithe Denlocralkiverty gained pi:Ter liewonid beassistediiitlintrork of t#iriying Willi atichliiidats, Pranl~'Bl t, awl Vi r itO44P4ithWh9 irc to pOwerfel that they compel. the 4conservatire cliummt ofitheir party .to support tbempwhat 'patriot cantesitate Whelp in brhiging Peace to the country by M Aroting for Gain, add Vol emo. • .• . ME .., ~ !f.ti,~ :. he rtdabtl 1 1 8 MNiiiiie tO tie be Meta he •- ludltlon as the Rebel line In front Adan'slk 2ol 3- line too Deleo• lioeselopsemi Ibr AppomaG 33. or KeArte#, Mat Eieetor by District,. bolt* Amon. ip t6r . Grant:the . rAtuuthl'XCCll4bir_AueLfitel—Dairld. ,- . 8 Wilson - Or NM Se ' eatneltry.•• Major of .?.,rl;= tita9 • • Allitokflin actimpl lete.o Oistalbs..l* Bl a ir bid z. 41 1:4; le. V*7 : - Jit,ii.r; • ll na tte s vAiiriali at die colaahla dis We* mgernooorisatd4 o galll4lllMr C F r tII arpt rsr ith irg isale l r at tl . ar ._ =e • b aWit it eat atWV th oattheWif illkaf Verr•M ii4,llKfr. ,„. • ' s.l.l3llllWeg 144 Statoplinister; Viroefeaelivaird4kes: Ji 4.1 Swift, bpi& Johniinti Dcakeite, ed teitelitrO l orailitiocsonx. ,, tutor tlymthe; following in tthe ifootstspir of Weel 11 0* Deircoci*,ruul ir dgiClainfie; can: l 44m can raid his title elix i r. Steedmanr who would lave suPportisl Johnson; or Han , co*? or • ideOleßtin,' ropocitabse,lElcyinteii. Sefiatof Doolittle i downe* arid hirsi4ltir iti the Eie3riuCnle 44 ,4 2 1 . Gee. Zwum's.featitto aro all wet; and ho' boa: stoppodx Gen. L. D. campbelf rCPaited in be dlsorstl eel "0 1 1 1 0i 4 : 46 ?e, liftincit _ . CeUserlis;t l 4o. le out for :Grant. .ITbe Maryland COnservatlves, who have heretofore sustained §iennit " have iteid 13 10 0 4 1 40,d,e* elaeed for G rUni" :PadOl> Cushing the ISamour Vast, .with Not a single! member °Abe Osiblnet.'or Inept effeer of the 4oierinaitit, !rift Ofirn the least intlunition, of Intentlait to soppoit, Set, moor. , Mr. Ev°42l, Mr. Serratdildr. McCul- WO, and, so air as known, the other members' of the Cabinet, will support Grant fax Lat e iiidicatloni seem 4'06044'46th:0w, Johnson himself will either remain neutral. Which would be a ndkv attitude for him, or come out •in support of Arent.' ,course, Chlef-Justiee Mule, whom Seymour pritend 7 ed to support/1i the Convention as a cover to imam Lis own nominationiwill not respond With any like hypocritical 'pretense of sup er_ porting Seymour. ~Ire is inMpable Should the P reskient !support Grant, .as-he probably will, Mr. Seymtrar will probably not be honored by thesupport of More Matt a cooOnti's guard among the 410 ers of the Government. We hare • already mentioned several Deirioeratieltiernals which have' repudiated Seymour. ' Altogether, see. lug that the campaign has only been running ono month, and that we 'have still nearly three months before us, it looks very much as though the Democrats would reach Appomat• tox Court house about tire hit of Nov.:ober. We have no doubt that Gan. Grant will tea them with that magmadinity whichlas al ways distinguishod hiss:sou* towards Re . bekk .aadWili allow oilleim to vital:vibe:kid& .arma and raiVates to-go home on pwole. • But the' sooner they lower the Rebel nag the better. 4 r; • m l O4 Aiyirat. la. , • , • . • . , Mictit,for Cansrugaier",. ,1 • 1, calliV3 ; !=F • Paidit4telf., . It 10; 9 10, 0 12 . lima.; peAiae,nsag ; are leely 'ii0.810,447 in paper. WWI 1189. on . gold. basis; and beturelhe era at high prieeictEcy wern,f70,001),006 tile Debi ocidic ollmlnlstnaion ofJames Since the war deeedAn a Perked a. _about' three yaps, the • pnblie debt has beta ;IMINXII between' t1)9,;(10c1;1?9,0 V 166,0004 . 1' pita* nintir and_Fortlitii ttepiddican Poem:new 'web' teemed 1191,000,000 •of taxely that - bet fdr gds . itctiun the people, would now bb ' iniihree ieitre.the army has ,been reduced 'from 1,00416 men to about 4 0 ,0064nd 11' preposition is. now `priding pda for Its tion tu 2 50 0 0- 1 - , • * The yearsof war cost $4,4141:POO(100, and iheyeira of peat”bOut $800,00 . 000. The taxes remov.esi have been' ' i nn from do mestic industry. front he*" frokagrienitn ral prednels, from Miners* frout potroleno4 and that 'the* upon whisky. tau", been re duced 75 Pee cent., and ~.u pon. tobacco 2b per cent: _.• - ,.1 ' • _ Of the eleven States wbich' isent 'Obi rebel lion,,eight have beert ui ttied their old re, batons t M o the b* Oa)* governments and are now rep rcupenteit .qcingraw. WE had a geasnirie :old•fashioned Republi can rally at , the Court House en huitliaturday evening. The o'ottri, rdOut, yrs!IXTIPIOI4. tlilcd A ft er the transaction ; of Bottle club btisincia the Boa. of Pitts ,bnigb, delivered' an address' -replete with strong aro:Op:it's in foto of the. election of Gnu:kVau& Colbsx. , The Bearer Grant and Colfax Glee -Club, of whicit,Mr.. T. #3. An , &blitz Is leader, and the lidavat'drutkcorpit, beaded by Mr4Tho& dri lersop, we're present On the ociausion and gave thee° !ninny some excellent musio—roCal and martial: Another grand rally is air:eta! on Friday eiening i. 'the 214: , Republiquis ! turn out, and show by* your presence thation desire Grant and peace to umiak histead of Blair and the war. be threatens lit his Iforbilheid letter. • , RirceLicseil 'turn on e On nest Frlii4 evening thc•Republicani of Beaver county Will hare= oppprtunAty of hearing 'heiress didate Var L'ongress, capt.:J.` E. ' Doiile3, din cuss the pollgad ; issues of the ommiudin, the Court House ln thia,,plaCe. Other speak.- oirsf from abroad Will afsObejiresent On theoc: u(sion, Stie various Grant Ctuba, cif the iscig,h7 borhood'are SoliCited to attend., Wq hope to . see a.laige turn Old, as we hive no floatmcst that the addresses will ansplyrepaythispethit• eni!W.. 0) .9 03 ?? 1 ; Coif) i, l OO Otli tura*, and let as b a re such a demo nstration as have had no wkeFe in.Westesu l!nnkrlvazda, • the dunliugli. opened.' • ) • •. • • AT a n: tectlcig of, pe Bopublicao *l4 Conualitoe. ' , couple of weeks*, it !Vas do. tennihid to hold onripiiiitonventfon oti tber 2d offoptrnber. Blnoe . theaLit "hail beau* eertai4d , . I *.*_re would 11#'8 . 03ai d 1 Ciilty la Pramitult Suitable speakers on ibat .day.— !Do , Execattivo - onotittit*Ahi l reth r e; bri bat :FoLaidalc,*tadid'thi'l*cittiia`tO',ll . 4o: eit4 Ai;cdate tintthe propoaodlnakc i mooing *alba bekl prob. ably an; the 440:94 1 39P1ag1bw.. be fixed to aTor.taitay• ore dais oolcogivonaa , somas a inuabar or Ppeaketwirbu-bwrbcea ti4ott,to, *beard from. Inl 1 1Fit .---- --- - —4V-Vfa.--,--, Pitilt - fittiWeid andaduirseria eaesesp:tatifili ~ the waroreir legilifiennfronts-thiVediati .' wititalilstforni snO . ertairdidatkrffikliii - • • pace an itustittlieveryclhinenMarji i ' ••;1 I VY !otrierfliddlkkeoldr#.4PCStio, ti ' solostritoli vid. ,• ; 7:- ri•ii, ..'.? -VEI . t Othit Will i iireirlialkiiii *TO' 1 I can Party, with- &Wu : Alpine mord tfpif; 1144 * lieeds'lll4l**Oratkli*Vier 1 !. illi"P!' olunroM l ;Gm, self ,alkst: ei 1 Hof our compieritigsrmy is the! Trehosin t ebinel• ilitni - '1 ThereinediFbeitty Vbaft*fiddifF roughoutitile*nri theiy*ftied en iiierb field, thardefe*trteet frogietAbleyMeited aver:our Friatortea 'mutinied Seer otrudei% 'feats ;thwlired ap eiltet ' listaribey _vecitultL e 6 no rett riramero,*%gsve sonnet vote% and now they ash. in nisidAn carrYinS thenation forward ID :its natural ritullogioal destinyr to helper:direr the Mir druits•Cf the war in sit !their firiltewtoligiehitii ginned/ lag tbeißepriblieiti last on thalinuititsblebni s a in of r logetrand dusty.; end iludjrig4l4ol l : , ~ 1 ',:: l;..! . 1.:,,,i , ; . tr , •ll' !rir "1 , Aloldierk in'ROW& S unni VIC IFleton! , cridlSPartfluivail It eurinide: - arepreeeti , ' tathni n iopperhaidend,iebel lir' disgutee.:' Fin' oaf ' - •U. IK.Grant*e Wet& stipple •• est in , roxi iciyalleferickr:oflWUnloni 1 Theenerepreientliesetion; :the 'ether. grew... Thecae - 4Yispathired aith•the ask fixieracy, the other -fought •foirthe' , ll** ' The onsets's& on thephdfann itf Netlerite; al BepudiatiOn; :the sotbier • of Nattered Fiiitli, Wrinkle .andlnytilable:- Thdonei au • F •• • • you to the detainee Molise and , clop; thong"... - excieclarts forth! rights of neon, semilinfdil• for. loyalty. and-Bbeitt - for eqtiall sinffb act 1 Justice to sit • Men. Copirailbs t . :Gie7 lone is pialnlv•medeuri,andiurw choose ve -?1;,:,. :, Fordalerait Alittlito •olicause, inaAhe •loreti• are : again • vitheting‘tot the enWet.' , .; The Old•Flagi lingua Wailed and , OninV 'Orr ' heads the. Column.: Mt is:the gene brava' pa , triode soldier that led you to victory durinr the war. ,• It :la theasthisrag you an so gallantly ontrany iiii&kartly_ field. -,=> same -glorious. cause- for which :dud* • War, so! many :of 'our comrades taitl.i down their lives. Ohallittarsaid, F lhatiVii•iklititht akin vain,. and that ;tier dead' died , ‘thas ' its vain' No: you F wilt 44 reverse u the. retired l et , the battle-field,. not yen will , nos ifirgen 1 false t o your slain comrades, no r• you ~ w l4 not nos desert the old• cause and turn weir. bricks npon your old chief and leader. :You will not forget the shining record cf Dona. son and', Vieksburg, Of Chattanooga and the Wilderness, of Petersburghand Apponsattcox Conn House. not But es the men of Leixing-: ton and Bunker liiii, of Valley Forge -and Princeton, of Trenton* and of .Yorktown, of terwards with their•ballets made Washing tonthe ; first President'orthe New Sepublie, en you, remembering our common victorhr; I will by your votea r rnake,Grant the drat Pres- I !dent of the restored Union. The ',Tories and . Cowboyspf 16 of Bout iavotedagainst Gen , end Washington, but What true in Wes Fof the F Revolution wrould•not ..lunre i Unshod .. witir 1 ahaule at the thoughtof elating *vote/ing, I the.gavlorof kis could* , rlkt thc•Rebe r Yandl F Veripethead sof kodny will opPose,Gen. Grant. So. will the deserters, the beuntyjunipers,and draft gleans, but' surelysioi soklier.or Writ* will follow their Ignoble eLturplem•-who wants it said o;4 him its Arturo years, who would have . hIS abildren; , and his children's children sut- ,ferthe reproach, that, in 1 he voted .against 1 the great Soldier and honest man, who WO crushed the Pro-dlavery'Rebeilkonandwired ititalanion I, Bundy no one who loves his coral iryor 4 proud • ofirbi Country's proudest lus -._ Idlers,. Grant till again. Work:tonnes. Thomens are all anspielous . lid has never yetbeen defeated-1d usthen again female& and move into inttie. Let Abe4lrwine nent',3 and : the I bugles , 'sound ;'. Advent:6l6s colors along-the whole line ; and now, mith• God's `help,, Rodin ,the name/of .Hnuranity.and our Country, let us everywhere charge the enemy: home. • By. order -of the Committee; • •. • .• I • • ~•, IL A. Bunn* Chairmen. •• Ni: P. Carman, Beano,. ,• . • • ::! . . ... Witt. A: Snorer.t xiiid,sierijai'ler image T. 25nrcff:1 -. ' . ___ —_ . . . , • . The .following is taken' from theLaCroare DE47100'04 a leading coppethesd paper, and is in keeping ;with the Democratic Plittorm that was adopted the , :other day .In New York : "The Ides of calling In the bonds and sub stituting greenbacks for them Is repudiating, but sugarcoated tO relieve the bitterneu. It is Are to the Under—to the tender " "Call m the bonds.; "Issue interem-bearhiggreenbaelts for them dollar for dollar. • • "As Interest accrues, issue scrip, and scrip, I and. scrip upon scrip, till those.wh•i want po pe! money Can *my it trunk fall fora dollar. • *.Pay weither principatztor interest in coin , 4-but in greenbacks, , Air ilia bad: scrip. Em ploy presses and: paper:mills and ND them • eternally, the wor km en - to' be paid :at night from. the duff they, printed 'during. the day. '!Call it. what you: will---augar-CostiCas you is Repudiation: • ..c • • • "This is true , Democratic doctrine—the doe- - trine of right aadlustieeirthe doctrine whicar suita.the people:, and - yew who do-not indorse it, xlll be gmundlo pawdernnder the wheels of Repudiation.: 1. • ' • ' ' •.1 "They (DemOcratsi mete born: ffeetnen; and 4 by..t.M. - Eternal', they will regain .the freedom falsely wrested Item thetn,thmigh; therhave to people hell:With the bondholder*• and all 'their . apologiste Who dare to "bit their way to . the attalnotant QMturILIMPIN' God speed the right and =vim OIRP: :•4 • Oar !hitCiniti . 4ll:• •if we - inbeahinni, bave i esordoyed, this hetnanit betorn;lettiben, merely for specula:. tien'pr istinivocs4 of the tight of onneonn ty to the 'off*: This, time we.tute (t,to eon srey use' tveksinin' toi,osis -Tiede* tbsixe tat* innceitied;sll , it Filatiltet the enntt i reeneet.tite.pti(Dittrict' l Plated nontlnatia theinin .oreitt ‘ clui•km, Ca t. _ Jo; nepti - B. Donley: ifter nine 44'04001ot ing awl „caucusing. of heave: veil , enperse sl,thift, Sec:dent tvai'achleire4 :TirAsspfer ees'Opittsirtitirliesi.:deserriAg ii(lseotoi thitre net displayed in.t* ststiggie and t a h in - 4 " hinn , 1 0j1, 5004 1014 1 ,0 1 4*..ef Qapt.'J ?;71tgi s tW;Itiotiiiijite !wit , In.: iitt.z ir M : orlice`„Alii Ottber tientitesit the old sehOOl iitermintitil two int** the eantet: Winn thele.,*rnentative. : As issr as I:MA I.l4oinfini tbe_, iranssi ' E unti!,_l4(eb •trotiblek; 7 . ing ,Donlet: idinUnoe' hGnseif withAto ink angels * aim** eltelUefte• Alt4ougtko *40604 OW belfnt.ihnowth amen othixiNnit* of the than m i n**, Lee_ bement."oll43lityery4dmiste:And i w_bstkint it Okiertnnity weot;ofiered; arateAS3o4li,bi his stets.;itect hiatlr I , bdrorror- 1 4. 06 4 , iu1d 4Paredi . nate OY , ireynesbitritto' AO4 d_seser sod at - thebroking.flut 4110/0 ea teed iiONlnor is t 4 9 Pe°. an 4. Titegrity to • &AI tilllAXii e r i g, .arafg bearty mord r wit t . . • Mina lation'e emirWtt tied Revoludon doom of Democrats Thr e e =gal i i# 3 - WI ... ' Ilia t. • 1,! • • , reanitative of Webb . 1 ? flinty of their , hallota - sed of all wheawitaltted the cause for WV= . 41 . : .. ,, , - ttlir li bi= l b ghls, ammo( an partieritho .. . . to bear; and .' Judge iatrly -between, blamed= ids oned-Aboadref, bictopponeaLi4M , - ilttelYid: WNW lOW be toed •to.lwer w i z AO .vOteskAii will•otooduat3lan*nrialron and i noqooopuninigiondtroni , his Po . . *rev -bAW:n , batik:Fifties, WAttow ea-. tierwalleAtre artssfe de ere. *LIM" OtWitlidefable. ". ttenowin the Deep nonage entielitYstianWitn- WORM wed: On Owl tbe, other; mantas, ofotbe Distnot f19!10111$11-fartaTtbeir. ~Vats and :enlarge ' thaliconniesitkA ; AK V-- .4 2.4_ : 1.7 r.. 5•471.. a 4. - -^,Aqi,,Ni-tTP.OOIII, • - '; Debt..,l , .. , .. . ~ iliie'liciaing; ccirrcitige . n r ia4ataihfci ti) the State debt , friiiniresefh • .explattaticii. :. ‘,ll. .exhibitit if: ailititteviltetthe ITe*.tilestitike.! fey of PennsAyantit listitileki,lniviirdiiiitinne. efittier ShitOidebtind ralleirltig - ,offi!'eitiOns, 'ottlibitien.; linfi, this EC thfri, egthe - tunic tetill4.witr •the,iation ' ever experienet* o f t ,c - ~. '. . .chin sr , * o• trt*dt :The UMW' 'NW* ! •-• r . a eaealtfuttifit: to bit fl' ...--- l a ' ;...1 .. , ITirtot ELI *ffrArit....sps- F stat,,Cip:lF-, 1 'a Mgt; !obits, lifq.llso ,Chestnfir ittOt ? . Phltadelphht, Angttit - 4:' ;18118.10flisrat :Mtn' ". kg , de i; , ' G pupal ::1?Ic An' Sat :‘ rleiria ,fetnith ini,jitintir .. eiiiiiesty,Cmitien itmett; with - Sidi' oq .01 infertriatlon as may be hi our itdroSi . i . nviehtilve to qui folloivlng queitiotii 11.*e: ,••• ,- ..... • ". ' • - .. , •.. •• Wl* Anieliteini the totil.debt - "Ofthe Suite Joni:Wry- 1; 1880 t r .• 7 - •-••-• . • • *egad. now muchvras the total debt Jen ..:ttary 1,'11*? • 1 -.. , . '-'.`. • ' '• !' • 7 i2 t leird: -:, ,T0 what 'extentdaring thistetiod ho 4 awitfon been.abated Or.rePealed ? : 4 . ' .'.l o lolifit." : What einountXextraeirdinary'eii,' Onset ink*: be n Odd - by the State 'tinting ' the ke,tll3o. ''.VW . restctilly . "Yont'sr. l ! ...: '- . • •. .- ~ . • . Ailintiin• Gertntmi`a ;Vertex; ,' Hilicnisl Intim, • Angled 6,' iB4B:—/ion. -49: A: VGA*, Channel , : de: ._• ''DEAR Sin—ln- answeilb 'ouraOf this 4thinstant, Tomei • sretenient ht public del # at the ekise ofthefiscal petrlB6o; sill at Misdate': '• . . , . ,--. . Toed lime silk fiiiv. O. tow •'. • : • iicoisOilisb Total state debt August s, lelle ' - elkelit,63l ci '.- Of thli litter amonit 'the . inierest'is stop ped onl/41,61131ii,andthe iunognit ieticelna ble on p .aUttlen,'lbitltiada, - beittg • on bind for itaipaant,: - -- - . • - on real 'mil! PoOnaletitale heitheett reduced as fopowi 1. ' . ' . ; • . The net *twilit chanted to tith- cone- ' ties annually held Ile to MS, was $1,7414 , 8$ The' net , anustut ' elatipThahte to the • - ! . WIWI" Annear rot! •lealletain sad •-• . Inlia • ill/Pi/a .• - • t ./Annitil ieduithee ' f " ' ' •.' • - • : . '' '- $1 WOW t 4 • Extraordinary expensim ton large anuktint, have been paid during these yearsTer)tillita -7 iervlitesotc.; the items of :which you *SI lid in . the' jinni/al repbrte &inn this ,ottice .fron3lB6l to 1867 inclusive. • • - -; ' ' i . •-. 'ReepeCifully pines, J.F. ilAsirniasier,; . ' s .' . . . • ' ' • ... . •,' '. Auditor General. And,the foregoing record hai' Dein' rnille wlttitout'a sign of oppressite taxation: '. , -.` . • , ' ;Sitcairrinv SEWAIID has •prociahned• the I4th itmendment to .. the Constilation of the Wand" States duly.ratided by. the 'Legisla tures, of three,fouritur , of the- States.-, The Democrats declare 41mA:they wilt pest, this 'ratification as null and void, If they :get)into power,. They don't, like to see 'smoWtuttop. , al prohlbitkm.,agaipst tkei payment a • the.' Rebel debt. The principal provisions of the sinendmen4snt:„ : •;-, . I, • No State can ; sbridge thepriviinges , or . I oissini Lies idtattles so( 4he United ;Staten, of 4 persoitri Aigira.,Or notamikod bit e , United States ,and subject to ketjuirlalletion thereof.?,_The 44Pud, prot pet ho— ottprlawal is guaritne4xlA9 all, wtthbut any exception. , • 11. The basis of repreeentatios is altered. If the negroes of the South are excitided from the franchise, then the Southern States lose . the representation based upon thernuinber colored population. 1 111. No person wholes violated his oath to support the Ceustitatiott *of the United States can becometienator -.or Represents . - live; or a Presides . Eleatic. or , hold soy civil or ndlitsry office' under either - . State' or the Federal Government. But;: 4 , dist, bility can be annulled by,a two-thirds vote of each. House of Congress. . • • I W. The , validity of .the public debt—ink. eluding debts incurred for, the payment of soldierse Pentlens and hounties-ris placed be yond question. And all obligations incurred , in the aid of reWifin. are pronounced ikey,. and 'void. • -' ;I. That is the accomplished 'rerult. Arrei Ii must be observed, in regard -to political &ea. .bilities arid the Invalidity of Ahe rebel do%s that the provisions, Vr caoeftputment . ate pin C9.nfined I*4l,We. atiou to thespecial cob .of,the latevebeificts. • A Pairkiii to ramier. * mi en, New Yost ComM*lirOvestistr.]: - Tjke Cliitrmsn :Of the tenintany ; 'Wm; it the tlme. Horatio lteynwntr was noon* nated;:wai thelttbel General - Priee,of 1,114- • sourl.whoseState. never pr*AdoCto. *e* train' the Union: Ri;Goirezzior Vanoeitthe leader orate NottliCiirellna deligatlon.whlch cast to first b allot for SeYinour. and . hn aste hag to follow - .oltln t ilead,, reterned to juk ilret Mialared;'duriug,theiSrar, YAW :litres, going kt tight ttyo Yank* until belt wq hg: gen oyer,arid.. then le .would fight . thom.on the hie."' , He eubeettuently addressed the reb-, el Sold iers In the trenches, rum urged them to -9 pile 'hell„sii,(oll,of Yankees : that thelri feet would:64*mA ofthe)tindowa." , Tit/ 1 1 1 unrgi a taut rebel , who was so enthusiast for ofir; lilted' at l'lftelumuld. *tie honia froth thi Con rout hpu t arid &dared that • In Ws'. opleimi, the.Confedermc. had fought for *toddle secured by the electlsm, of Seymour. genryui. Whoo:anotharaftlm enthvlastle friendkileclared . upon the same owidon."..thit. he ld not like tlopplat, forik. bociutse.,lt - said . 'secession „wee whereas'it was.. ritere - Fttlire .than even' ;The noadneeirwere.'hotrever; unobjectionable. ul .allnittelf . 48 they,,vreuhli restore the ."lost • can• 'the gentleiMit,:iihe MUnlaited Weir: for the'PreddetiOras. rilmer. other .thark the Abet General Yieston k of 1 9 . "!irtsf..vfket Pool! , ItleCdetatt*ad.i. Itnntahtntin t than we. 'Oka 4 0 4 1 mOwnett as ko hod. Aos: - . 11 0'4* 1116 : State%etkeer n a y 114: unoo:ilp in ordoitto OoodAton. Kg.° into UP , . Newt, • n's,rnitationortweA, bi WO, Mimi., Mrs; and„Wsde .fiantiliokiihetp#oot: , recent iddtese he: . fore thOlannitand:uodet kradualoo,ofteo College, . Min whlch po ' •I 11 " . T i r - • - s of C 1t • - • .ciow. BEE MS Lim 1144 July l.s *aver Pair aab oat =di rod cowl= sate sec sd n A of three tad& go="1111116? "1"8 41411. . W1,v,,-(j --- e k ere fil a rni 4,4=411 ' 44114.60) . , 11014“.441 et :4 . • t e F. l . Tjj MN 0 11 . Y-41:1 i. lil I 1I . 11101\ 1: 1 1 iji.i. I 14NK 1 ... ~.. *' 1 a ~I . :.E.OPPASFAO I 6 I . r 4 r fa r ISM =LIM MIMEM ~,.,:„I.4I4.4aPNARROBR BROS. 1 AILII,7WD7DOWTIZZEIB; WOOL ,- AM) WILLOW W4IZ DAOON, 10111, PLOt r iE. COUNTRY. PRODUCE taken in Ex change tae. Goods.: =I Go*. Ddisent4 (Rassa 'in • ass sh e . . Vdkvet.' • ' .•• • - • • ;IluxuwasszA, PA, AM.-.1% 1319. . P. 6 l , •Vr„ CL,141,X .41 COMPANY, . • s ) lESA.NISt.EII44, N?.. SS S. *lid St. ilmadetpro, Natip . npi:! Life Of TIM VW*" Stars i?lr America. TOW TILT States •ot- Petnaylvanit and - Southern New ' L LIPISIXIII7I2ANCP. COMPINY TVa N atr r y= tnurat•rod by Spa' els! Act of . Con grew% apptunal July 23, 1963. wilt' - : cipttal ofOno Dollars sal la now tilmillo l 7 Organised and prepared for badman • - Lberal "now ofrild Its Agents 04 Solkitofe, who are limited tome r itt oar Mee. - t • Fall to be hadrit application at our odic*, -is the ispeend story of our Banking /loose. where Circulars and Pamphlets', fully describing the advantages of As Use Company; nisi be bad. - :APPlicadooll for. Coated eadl•Wastero Peonsylvarda to be wok to B. ,111, rBSRU Xmager. Towanda, W CLAIM & CO., Wo-85ikouth.Third Bt, aielrettr: SEER'S BALE. • .. - - BY VIRTUE OF SENDRY WRITS OF LEVARI Aides Fled Facies and Venditionl Expona, b awd an of the Court of Cogitate -Pleas et the Conn ty of Roarer and tome directed. I wH. rAlonw, to Re sale. at the Shalfre Mk% In Mc no tuna of ver, hs the comer atirninld. on •• • • SATURDAY, Septeliaber VMS: at Ipddockinthe faresoes.. ..• /alright. this. Interest and clalor or deem= [o" and to the tolls lot of ground fa New ton. Reavar• county, Fa.; hounded north by the old grave yard. east by . Stockholm. Run. south by Thos. Jackson. and west by Runes street Lot enclosed and planted with fruit trees—and on which there. Is erected a framer dwelling house containing four moms with cellar underneath it. Seized and taken to execution as. thn property or "Charles Tea, at tho salt of A. D. Gilliland. NO. ° . ALSO. • Artb7, same time and' place" ill right, title. interest and claim et defaidautoLin and to the following tot of Irbeteg! Zia. St a plati,of kid out'by A. prtor.Tholl. Dawson. sitdateltiOldo Umatilla!). Bearer county. PlL.boagded aiX the north and south by land of 1111)1. DarsOn. east by lot (0.64. and west bYlot 01 1:0 11 titutag inze acre of ' truant. There' is on the abort lot orie steam .entlne house, ono oil welt tubed, one oil, tank and derrick. - Seized and taken in execution as the property of the Xaboubig Oft Company, at the suit of James Lake. NO. 8, ".. . ALSO. . At the same time bbd place all rirht, title. interest and claim of defendant,of,in: and to the Millman piece of lend in Pulaski township, bounded west by Ng Dearer Creek, lee the south hyland. formerly of James Patterson. eat by land of Whisler. on, the north by. laod of Isaac Copyist. containing hi acres more or been. Also, all tight; title. Interest and claim of de fendant, of. In and; to the following piece of land in North Sewickley township, Hamer county. PL. been' , atm lak e post on Big- Deaver Creek,rbenot by land of the Dr. Adams north Eff deg. east SI perches to Wpod„ thence north Ia deg. west by land of the belts of = Robinson 07 pereht•• tett poet.- thence south by the same west 84 perehfs to a post. them. by Rig Dr Creek'solith 141 deg. east 117 petches to , re of captaining 54 yea and ITT ek on b: there Is 4 - a threntng brie d Oher.baildlngs. Seized! and taken In execution as the prone of Robettitohb, at Ow init of Edward G. &Mean.. . NO: 4, 1 "ALSO. . .• At the same this and place 41 right; title; interest ind claim of deindants,of In, and to the 941invitir de scribed lot ot toorund in Ohio township, Rearer eons -11. Pa.,.beinglio.. at in the plan t eoi lots sttrit,red by A. Wytni fberhos. Daiwa; ne at the not*. I west owner of said lot tald anti Verner allot No. OD, thence south 10 deg.. east OS oerehas Osaitahe. thence east , 4171-1110 perches to • stake, theses north IS 540 o perehes to a Guam thane., west 9 perches to the bmtnntng.containtnte one acre strict measaro, ,01. ft ea which is one ideate engine, boll , smoke stack, I toting tool s, ropes, derrick and shair7. Seised and takei4ln ezecotion as the property of the Golden Gate CHI Co., at the silt if Charles R., John ston; . . , NO. 5. •. !ALSO. I . Anther right title interest mei dam of defendant. of. hi and to the following piece Oland in Brighton town ship, bounded eat by J. 8.. Walinidge. - south by Zigier,west hy John Rhodes beira.norili by John HeriVn and —.-. Denny, anitabilagt ;00 acres - more or less, about t 5 acres Oft red; on which is erected a fnum dwelling bolas and stable, orchard on the prem. - ' - Seised and taken in - execution is 'the propeng, of James Bousbm, at the 'Mira - Janice Stephens. .. . NO.. ii, 'ALSO.. At the acme time : mei piece all dead, titleoln• terest and cialin of defendant, of. in and to the undi vided are-half of two.thirds of. all. that certain piece or parcel 'of land situate In - Ohio township; Bearer rail:ma-is-I.r thert-04,7,...i..bvirzett and by land of R. Firitetwrel south q des. east 511400 i noe mbibes to syakth9m, thence by land of the same 153 i deg; coots 1140 81,10 apost.thence by other laud of tbeesid.lesse-Bealth north 134, deg. wMtli 0408 *relies to alliblte Oak thence by Mad of the same north ISM, deg. west 81614.100 perches: to • Chestnut r 74e tt; E r l ine by; land , of the seine north 5 deg. west 11 - perebes to a WNW pile: *meshy land °COME , south 1145tteleg. west In perches ter • poi; 4benewilantrief tbelibirs of 'George Dawson.. &ed.,' walk (17=1011 perched to a . pest. thence by I Mad of :14 ninth lOW deg emit 811400 per: to the place beginning. (liteeptiwg therefrom and ' tbereout lot No. a. sold by Jesse Smith heretofore to 1 Papa- E. 'Bennett, one sere and 15 porches). The Abele described. younbes ham been divided Into ; teterreibibered Igden - but - to ibmg4bree inclusive: an d 1 bon bribe whole, excludes of lot No. Sebum 1 mend itiscres 18 pm .11-• at wide:Where I moun ' ' ' lierrie bbring w il es. taini new4mary I and edl. n tMures kr boring oil Wells -.L. s e wed and taken in execution as ' tbe property tir Janice the' snit of Jesse Eibittk.: ._ ,. NO. 7; -.:,;, A 150..--. ~. • • , - At: the' same time %nod Plat* all. tight. title. in. 'tercet and claim of defendant of, to the follow- Mg : piece or parcel of ~ orile Firaleider town ship, Beaver county, Pa.. bounded and described. • as , follow., to • wit: Begleniag at a - Clnitatit; lielict- lima.. Etlar ; + •44 I< t sue - .111 all • ; le_ _ • - - *- t " -Igia l l.' . 111 1 7 1.1 4 1 C. • 1 ZNal soak Wades wee SS 111-100 pr ix l.t l Oak no l ViM at . welt* 4-16 pet to m . Wiit o c c . wV I II4I/33•1.4* In how nortsp illit , it& 11 EV" ris. :1_01"A, „ z ai g to. -Weito 16 AIM ask. Ems MO 414 1- WAS' : lit i rettr. - 111 tailoall 11 1& 6 114arrat ill 411-1111 otwelear t ia l o thi I. age .....rx.‘ ~...1.4, Vigtil . 4Lerti it to A = 11 41=747147 4 0 oaswa ' , ll r s Irr . 4 14 0 : 41 ; Vic gio lalsN 6lw „._ jeW -4 64 •ga. t o pabliWie .1"a li t= i s and um tiont irsne 01 .1 h Is shout 80 premises underfed wi lle t=rool i Za ZVI" orehord of ablipsea taa * * g m _ Epp ssr..4 wit ~., ...eutki, ~., 50n.,..k.., ~.. tit nil ' a TIMM rillia‘Pigir7 7 . . thitftaiti /lift " ali lit. V . li.. 11 * * 1 WU of *emit° pow* of _sad. iym g situaUt In Narthemegyawy ground. moottoty bawdy! as follows: Strito tw at Orem atlas of 4ata t Alm seir.thatte minis IN oait, t : o o;1 " .. by ash! lauds to a asks. nut. etterstkois i tt r Zlerta r or,tod l VlZl Benj. Whirkop pall' 41 , Wilim. cost 71 per. to a stake, thence by odd MOM Of 11hWet north osebalf dm. wwwillil4Sper. 40 ir white ask:theneo by other b o ot. a mortgages and whew. we 4.11011-10 per. to SIR du vet creek. thence down said creek by km eramsl muses and distances, two tokens.: itonth " 1 i dm., mot SI 640 per., theme mu* 6 dm. east 4740 mi. south tilt deg., esa a 4-10 per. ambismtk 17. g 4.‘ : rest 16 440 per. to irgit=6ll4 comeniut ifristOealli pAr was 41; ed by Jot, Funk haler. imartmme. ci r r=hTtny roortMigUr. "Alleat Oil owes chignid and titan , ka t ; p remises underia:4 with a threepot veto of cal. , ' Wowed acid taken in mulow. os the vomit, of Josiah 'Gag at the suit of Joseph Fookhossor. NO 9, ALSO._ . _ Make pswiejiMept4 Wm? 401 right.ttjk, mt. sat andthirn or monism. OE is mai td aii- twit elite or parcel of land fa-Nosh. iiiivti op t , flesziEl22s2 , ! Pa.. bOutadoOtad doectilawilwsliows; at a was by Mud at Mem' Bobtmon, nottriarr.t. . west SO MO per:lot pCe&tbence math N6140g,., esti 10-1011 per. to ir acme. theses north 48 dac es . west 31 4-11/per. to s_post. thence by land of Fetterman & Co. south 1171t de fe, west ea ea pr. to Bi c % ion crook. thew" Wwllloott north 14 1 4 44it. enagrkfr LT.:Steam* of Joseph Pooknottser, Alot. nisrpad find, %Wolff. with A den. emit l;er. In a port, lrf flnd 'of mrs. lad - 4m or aceek I% deg.ontet SISS-100par. to thepher W slwaidgf,. Containing L ams. IR per, 'trig:tumours- AAR.. r- Al the same and phase, all right. title-, intetest and slabs of defendant o& in and to the fut. lowing glee §or parcel of land In North Sewickley le- Beginning at • stake. thence by land of Jos. Wank. house& north. lali dy west 80poy. to bi te walnut thence 1 1 Mar lIIMOt g.. Ibe mud nevi. WRIPIO Dock SS deg.; esit-17 per. ib a stabMtlieseil be the rams scontia de., 80 per. o to toseph stake. thence by hinds der-ywet(4 of ;BMWS ?mutt 7 4 pe=the aam place 01'W:inning. esteem. "1 lug meaty-three sexes. strict measure. on which there is erected a Sine dwell*: house. esntainitor 4 rooms and a kitchen. and a log ono hawthorn and MIN r not- ' balidiuss.: The oaths Wirt of laud underlaid with* throe foot rein of coal. and • good orchard an the Premises: About 88y acres cleared and ender Omar. Sifted and liked' ln emention se thirproparty of ' Josiah 6Aug at the suit of Joeeph BobAnsm, , • . NO. NO. 10. - „, • ALSO 14 At the glum time 804 Oloce, all right. See- lobe stn and chasm( dobndant of ,lo sod to the•fetletrina• piece orpowel °flood in Week Ser4Way.M. Sorter county. Pt.. hounded and thecrible-a• MMus: Be ginning at a post. theme north SSW Asg., an SO per. W s *not. theism north Wit dm.. swat 441-10 per, to a post, thence soak 71 deg.. won't per. to*Pol&Theeer north 77 tine, west >G per. totoma. *mon Math 114; dem. the place abeßhantm& Cantata. tug 10 acres and 100 per.. be the moss more or P.m, upon wklcit.tharolawreetwittaabialautme- AwAstahla,- wtt iti ll g a la ttret i rt l igr a °I 1 1%V 1. w ' Ire ' - w • Won . . declared 1 1 bat 11111015' into De „of that ..s tbe Demo- Nig =I 'Seised lad taken In enceentkpn ea the property of Josiah King at the Snit ofJobit Robinson. NO. 31. ' • ALSO. • • At the name time and place, all tight. title. Interest, and claba of defendant. of. In and to the followlac Wet:eta parcel of land In Industry to.. Beaver conaty.. Pa., Upended as %llama: On the east by Rote. Ovine,. ton: north by ft k P. R. ft. track. west-by !swanks' helve. south by the Onto river. Containing term more or less. on which there is erected a one state triune tberillaur bolos. Bebe the inane pereat.we weed by (barks , H. Satinet , andtfifeto /. O. Spred and bitten tomtits be Deed.. dated 'Maw* fah. Pr.l, ' and recorded in Deed Book Nn. 41. page 6ti, in the Dingo for teetsrdlng deeds. at. Braver. • Sexed end name In cretonne' as the twoonly of Meer J. Sproul. at the salt of the C.ulnaelcat Mutest Llfejnanrance Convexly, • , • Jociis.-urrEtz, sok. Sheriff'. ORlda, Beaver Atli. no„sla. angl9'll:e3t. - , :VOtICE IS 1161IEBY GIVEN THAT TICK VOL; LI toeing. .ee.tosto of ,Cxscutook A4miaLtratorr, :Quardbivie..te.. haee been duly pawed to the Reels, • tree °Mee, and will be presented ts 2 the (*Ow' Court rw catifirmatton and allowance, on Wednes day. ileptember Ind& - • • FLost acconnteg Mynah Campton aturttess. V:llla nle.'AsttnlnS.tratOni'ot Daniel'C. Chrapton. deed. • • Final amount of Ann. Usesdead, Adminisnatrix of 'Jacob Untstrad. deed Account or Marvin Ustil., Adtatedetrutoe of Atdiah MM. deed. PRILADELYBIL% TA, • Account of 3fertin Hull, Administrator of the estate 'of Thompson Hnt . deed. Account of H. Hall. Executor of liebeetzi decd. Final account of Joseph Smith. Executor of ' Smith. , . Accoont of Apew : Did; 'AtintlxilsiAtor: ' of Geo. W. }WWI. fleged.' j ' Final account of if. Grose& John Shafer, Executors of Jacob Hoenie. deed. datount of Hold. M. Rhodos. Guardian of Elijah Powell. minor, soh of Wm. Powell, deed. Final account Of Agnes Carothers d J.W. Carothers., Administrators of the estate ofJohn,Car dbers. deed. Account of Wrd. Henry, Administrator of Thome Middletou. dec'd. Rind account of Catharine, ED loft, Executrix of • Wilson Elliott. , declL Final account of Jtio., EettletFood,Executor of Witt. Gardloadse d. i I• . 1 . • . Account ofM Adtaldistrator of Abra- Lam Harlan ••• • ' Accog e riid.L. Wittman, • Administrator of John • Final accounts (Real and Permouil) of J. W. Wil liam's & Hash Yoh: rd, Admhdatiatom of Samuel Bay.dee'• Account Mi. Oflian tJ. W. Sale, AdMinktratall • of Joseph Smith. dec'd. • Accounts of Elmskes Worm Guardian of Thmem T.. Nary 7f..MhsitlWA. and 411=4 j speer, =loos eldldirn of Ras. Timmas L. !liMer., deed. , D. SINGLETON.' Register. ' • . Trial• i ritlist • T I$T Ole , CALI§U. TOR MAL AT liErlT.Yak .11.4 TerM, 1136!3.' ! . . ,I. FIRST WEEK. Andre . * Jolinifoli's N:4. Tr. James Marks i. Meltmale a Moors - . yll. County or Brant Ephraim !Smith • - ' n, J.T. Vommead Joshua Dawson . , n. Stoke* Dawson WO _ ... Poll? Boston Vs. James Allen SECOND WEEK. John Spar • vs. ' it.; W.; Tutor et al 1r Townsend sin: - vs. - Jabs W 4.1937 Willis's M othetal • vr. Jausea Fite al Itlebard Ten i . • va. ,A' J. Dimon et us L. &yak - . - • vs. W. 'Matta ~,t. A. O. tlaod J. E. Williams.,. • vs.:! James litge et el S. M. Kler'it ill: '..: ' : 1 ' Tl 4 S. Cluneerla ' • . Rodenbaugh's halm vs. Joseph Johnson et al John C. Duff Ts. Joseph Brittaln et al , Crafelle tioaderstpu: Ivo. Mane Jacob Weart • vs: I Geotife ll = L Charles Coals vs. New Rri-jtton WIL.Co D. A. Prichard et al use • . I. _ Farguson vs. J.IL . }jabots et al Ornery & Bicker/tiff •nr. James Llttlo Claristlns ; ~ 7 11stfoliseas *al Dan's Admei William Hunter vs. John Wilson et us. , Same . , i. •• vs. 'John Wilton' all Thomas H. Mason • vs. James limb= et James Buttes et al vs.Platt Barnes •• George Innis vs. ' p.p.W. se. R. R.CC Attars Robb me Sampson vs. Heery•Gamble ' • . . • JORII CAUOIIa . . anglff.l.lit. • • . Prothonotarl. PUSEY, oader enowt GRociana and WEAN; OOREKIN and DOMESTIC FR "UIT, , • ,Piciais, ape. • All kiwis of Clio* Mclnee soldon cOuisolooloo. as P^V3l4lelßnii mode. Igo. neDERAz... writs:yr, Aleglacaycity,t REGISTER'S NOTICE. Accosint of Michael Barre, Guardian .of Martha A. riramilaor chll , l Ja4 Mvkr,ltiriK , . Rsourrwa's Oren, I Beaver Aug.'B, Is6B. angl2*7lB.• 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers