%I". 1 ;€. ;''" 4." lAMElO l l7ari, Arin • 4 / 6 4 LIME '" I14 GET TOUR LIME pßoseriit NEW •-,-0 • lictttiVrosit One trial AvIE omorinee *my enethat a tt Is the post ht LIMN evertented ibbetlelelty.ls :ken .lOPer cent better than burned the old way, and wi ll be sold at Me mime palm .Cie and we It and try wme et It belt . nwttnt'tentractr i and save 7114 . g, 41101110NEY. Tie cord la Pot the stone ration It. ao that It is emitter, free nom . dndent and ashes, and we born nothing bat the boat *teem Brick lapen need not ran it of or silt It to make their metier. ler 'they stet hoibinttpqnte; es All draw err? roar ' , boon ; you can omit • 4' r • UNE delivered promptly, vilanierver. ordered by:wag• on load, ear load. or In tae barrel. . i = imi orderg e r I n f e . s y.aC i t t axr 4 l:.. 0.. of to ~‘ W. J. DIIIA'N , . insionsap, LoOK HERst - , , . . ... . :.! .., ii , ?. - f..-;,! '.'"'"7 . ''', f'-' ' - .'. TMt UNDERSIGNED 18 ENGAGED 'IN MAN U• factoring Uwe at Vanpart, Bawl . county, Pa.— Dia Kiln. aru known as the "Power's In n s '1 . , • I. . . Fresh Lime, and free or etonen, etin elective hol ad on abort notko. li vrta sell aa cheap/1P I,tie cheapest. Al *order lelirat the Kilns, or lettere addressed to me a Beaver, ra., will receive prompt and careful attention Lime delivered, whenever wanted. A.MOS DOUTT. inadiVarlf. MOORE'S. DRUG STORE IN BEA.VER, Xt . )bent the beet seeatmetet ME • DRUGS, 21K e al a 1 312. e•ss, 011. M atE IC .A. P 'l 7 R• E P LIQUORM, WINES brttiid3:l, Paints. * 0)1119 AND tit T:UFFS: ES US HAP P.MEDICINES lh e lkirlefY, of the hest quality, and sold cheap or than can be benettat anyriMer Dreg „ Store in the catiOiy.o; Dopondfo Female Pile, 75 'onto pc,: bor.; Choeso man's, ll; Clark's, $3. ' The (cwt _Stock of • LAMM& LAMP ,S LANTERNS, 'STA TIONERY, WINDOW GLASS PU TT Y. . Ever oared Outstde of the clty,al Moore's Drug Store, anA sold cheaper than can be bought anywhere else. Let those who doubt this call and fee, and they will doubt no more. ]a3ll'if MOORE. PALIMN FOUNDRY! EKGINE & REPAIR SHOP IN ,PALi...srrolv, SEATER, COUNTY, PA ILTAVIANG refitted and enlarged my stock ofmactun ery and. tools, and having. secured the services of the best of laechallies, Para PrePaed to' mane all watt don's to it'll* entire itatlataction. I have cm bend Mewls patterns • and. spies of Itturtner, Fire Clay Rolls, And am pewW to make or repair all descrip tions of machinery, on reasonable terms. AND PLOW CASTI:4I. treiwilalehtheits a ea "6teet r i r .. u l lt e ' t i h t t hae been Tireilet of theemoty for the Let M years.. Mao. &soot di otheilrioll4 DOW Q( previously in nee. • STOVES r. BTOVES I ! I have on band and wilt eMittnne to manufacture i $ large arsortment CbORL4ORAIvSLIN_APD . 112,tTING STOVES Of tho'biteet style. and With all the modern improve ments, which I will tell et napkin rates. Among these is the GREAT REPUBLIC. Ttels Stove has an r extension tem/which viva , it a large surface without taking up death fonin.and It Is now looked upon as one of the beat and moat economical. etovesas it takes less jueirl taw durable fts other in rise.:The following P, Whin! g IMO thl• iltoya tor a Considerable Mpg, Istefiltil to9n proof of what ts tier eat . • .+ Dr. Isaac Wlntarui I M. ,T. Kennedy, E.ll 10. Cam J. 2}. Winans: . W Nom Seners.• . Jusenh*DArting, • tituart„ Itqltert IlfeGawan. Jttlfph Dhiekmore. Mrs. Joseph Marlin, Mrs. Major Wade. , Dr. Delleereary, ' „111,10-IC.MMer, aVid'reslcl. Honey, II Dr. C Tattle, Nill am Reed. . Kelly Iluntre; John.MAhtln, Dr. Jas. K. nckson, Morons Devour, John Dunktp, . • • Milton Darts. . Mamas Baldwin. David Lloyd, John M. Duncan, .1. V. Winans. 4tre.,1144,4nd1er, , - tar.14415r sar t eme. • ri f • A trrdetick . ,Begiarolajfiran=darer kl • SamCaPtifilabes = Juluaistri, Kennody, - 11 1= ' ; Willer Bnehanon, Mrs, MePhillowx, . M. T. Reeves. • Witham norm, i.:'' marlbUfly MI WINE BITTERS ! FOR TLIE WEAK, FOR THE PALE, • FOR THE RICIUX. • • FOR TIRE ABED, FOR' FRMALEIS, FOR SPRING ÜBE I I I IN BITTERS EQUAL TO TI1BMV: .. Irun o r n e.,Vc ch G 3 e r .ge s n ° . l3 ' r' ' Capt. Woodson Glenn, ThF4 -0 1 1 v 16 . a jarriki, al daltlP: lliram Slaire, tiirs .-- • . Patterson. ..- aP. 1. • ines MeDermitti - • " muel Minim); • Thompson!Johnidon, Mr. Crawford, Mrs. Rev. Stephens, ' JUilatball Ne,RODZie; J 'Age Kaletiai ltlelufin Etilahl. . • Solomon Fronk, James RD44OWICP. David Calhoon. • Richard Staley,' Joseph McFerran. D i o& parr. George Wilson, • . James Thompedn, Mrs. Quay. Harrison Roca. Milton Reed. 'Mroston Grove. ' inim Grove. Washington Engle. 1 James Galley, ; ; • "I! , earttirahatn. • ' onus Made/law. ilo „ Bradshaw, ntwk Reed. . . Daniel Maxwell. J. W. 'minimiser. William Wagner. • Mr. Chaney, lieury Sniburet, 'Mr. 'Wray. • David Mitchell. !Ipepra..letplidurd Winc Miters, —MAUR or-- - ' IVine,Herbs and. Roots. Sresn's Celebrated Wine, so wet/ known, with PERUVIAN BARK, CHAMOMILE mirwpais, . JtiNAKR ROOT. WILD en:caw/13Am °mot and and% other Hums and Roots as will In alt ca assist Digmtion, promote the, Secretions dr the aye tem In the natural Channels, and give TONE AND VIGOR ' • ^AND TUE— 1 • Young and Old, Mate and Female All nee It with wonderful success. Map • COLCP—V4 To th le white r BLOOM AND BEAUTY . To the thin f ace and care worn conntenattoi. Cams Ftvin and Creates APPETITE. :TrY _ Use , none other . , Ash for thicws slums, srO7 ?Ens. ,lipid by Druggian and Grocers. Bee that fay sigpatere Is Over the cork of each bottle. ALFRED SPEER. Passaic, N, J„ and .113 Broadway, New York. OrTrade stt Georg pplled e A by . K Johnston. Pi on, ttsim Holloway 4c4., gh ; and by all 'Wholesale Dealers. jy6'6.l. • JOHN T/lORNLEY Fr C - WOODRUFF ' .., 1 'srptlitituks ' BAROMETERS .11131 , !/•,71cLA fr; , 7 ' Iles thefollinving good qualities : g lee . . A . A • ;l Wa "411ig gt, kt y. ,-,' 1 I 4th. Durability. ' It la undoubtedly the beet Ilium eter now In nae,and can be relied upo • for accuracy. and durabtlity. Any .•• son whose Interest depend upo t• i .knowledge of the , , . COMING 'ATOM , • Should have one u it will lac of In calculable value to them in time. Send fdreircular giving description i ERAL AcIER7S.. ~ 1 , li t -l u .-- •-1 • ~ , At . 0 nth Ostactiv• JEWELERS d• OPTICIANS, 60 FIFTY STREET, 1 - Pittsburgh, Pa. PS A IMPROVED IS ' gag RESTORER , h ABIRMUSSItie ;e1..6 - •• a /n*4v it in onal o d e will vickly restore Gray Hair *, to its;nlttiral color-and beauty, and produce luxuriant_ growth. It is perfectly luirmlais, and is prekrieci over every other preparation by those who have a, fine head of hair, as well as those who wish to restore • it. The beautiful gloss and perfume imparted to the Hair =keit desirable - • . for old lend youpg. -• /War Bale by all !haul DEPOT, 108. - OREEITIOR 8T ma k I 1 Mtly. PITTSBURGH • zip • *HEAPQMOrrens CAMPAIGN: : GOODS! scrim, gm Emus • wziaxatiss • az wrisocreitMUS OP OAPTADALTIII6 [Also, Wslo g Pfao, Olunon, Bilk Bodpo, Bum* Tromparoodao, of • llama, baba, i partrilts= &mg•Books i =r ui Dosomento of an Hob, ito. anal AC DescrfsbelorkeMit. Address_ _ JOHN W.. PrTTOCK,. BoOlcselier, Stationer. sad videaliar, • oppades Post Mew pt Cousiiry Dealers *applied oa liberal tense. ' I jyBlsB:l6w. JI :It 0 hp b .. • ' SO FIRST PREMIUM 4 Alp Of a Sniper Modal ^ FAS 41111•111 DIM TO' , ale !MEM NAIII lIESTORME 10 • r ilf a litart;s u oici . taw w5it..:75,7W 1 : ' ' ] ' '------- e, 11.talltleTT•11 ~. , : ,5.!? i ti. Vegetable Hair IlestoratjvfieA= , - Rtsi n afs, :mut cieii , ' , -!. .1 roam lo wmis seem i ,` ' :lit , WIVI cglAsehrimmibi7 1:')' tee f fsd +sed Is the apa t Wil nali-Ati , ' ! abi• stale ib i Lelik , Woll. liatiOr ' J . eines . ' 7' • 'iv 0-vr i IL MINIM II CO., Prllswide* ' socusno, um - bold by J. Moons. Bearei, Pa., and all Drogg and dealers In Medicines. raarlBl7t SPEER'S STANDARD I=ll=l===!E;M= faisreselivr trNbilisiamiu mut irmusrvitu 1!-PA.T. „LI-este lbellemubit=tge. elothield arldebler_eseelltereemer. teed anyaunt te taw Otithies demo= Mint dais ftqW • Workmtli - bt Mien fa st W OM of' Madam fa*Vet. at, thilthses, ted but little to temoirsr.. •,. r ma still 41eVfor Mett e W= a brinaW pow leetilerm asa *poets" big mons iot Nem* ft iertmlime istager_key ere amd. mirrattL , - JUSEPR BRAUN. .•• , .• - Iron* Nails : : Glass, mind • heritage ; tuntl! Implements. B UILDER'S imp Ift e RDWAII,F,MECI*NICS Toms. AN Air g i trit ibr tbr a ratra i altArß oad ji as TOUNA.OO yentas: side Headway. New .11100.101,..1%. . .. . muttons. o WILLIIICH'Ac HARTFORD Have now, Okie"eitthe PALL AND WINTER Esiocrrs - SHOES, Whim Wei " " GREAT BARGAINS „ . S.low PRR,ICES Call and examine our Stock N . • o• -100 •. - MirE i r ,1 3 2 7 1 2. EXT. ;.. Collier ri , re: v0r57117:147. . . Shalleiberge Brog. 444. ,;••-. • - STILES & SHALLEIVEIERGER, - 13ridaewaier a renu 9 a. DTAlilt* ICA FINEFA Y GBOIERIES Qqeensware, Harthinixe, N 4114 WINDOW WU% BACO GLAS.4 , PISH, G , WOOD RA AND WILLOW NM • ANT! • y Produce OF TlllOl7ll ROW, 21 SIMON SNITGER It CO., (At the Old stand, Era street newer, rezes.,) • DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, Stl9l AS - COFFEES, •TEAS, SUGARS,I3YR UPS, 'MOLASSES, SORGHUM, RICE, PnPPE.RS, APICRS, SOAPS;CANDIEM,R4I - ; SINS, ENGLISIi CURRANTS, FIGS, FLOUR, FEED, FlBll,' GRAM; dz., dr. They are constantly receiving a fresh aseertmer‘tof &ize t r n e 3 l i c i : d: &A t a r t ric k n e s t el tr 7,4 4. upcon gettin,g gitir required- R.., A. , .Wilson (Late wusort avriivairr,i ..' .... i :."•„ . , % ~. ;• ) , innEn rx. `, ' '7 ; II Boots! Shoes .. : - • , . .. eg " Rubbers, 1 iti. . OLD ' STAND. i DIAMOND, • .' ROCHESTER. PA. , • DAWSONA RICHARD Beayer Falls, Pa.. EMI • *". ifOROCI AV ING JOST OPEICD A LARGB STOCK OP tILIES. tOTIONI3, , • . • BOOTS & SHOES; • . HARDWARE, ' • GLASSWARE, QIIEENSWARE, • - • TINWARE, NAILS, , TILLEGS; AC; Wladow Glass all alter and double a Spa - dal mown paidl cr adto Al w kiz ik ardera tar bugs,. elm e de. , • Also „- • •- CIiUDE 11111tNInG OIL, ' DRYER,' runts of 9 01 4 1 4 thrind, "Wood in oil. • Parrlasers Mn do veil to an and ezinnine our stock of Patrits tietwe r I:arch:mug eloanixoc. Also. Choice *ands of Flout:ln Beni] and tri Backs. AR kinds of Country produce taken kr exchange fiss Goods. • • Remember,;th& phice. tint door Oruro the Cutlery, opposite side of street. J310%431. ARD ON thapairlnts zoorit:prp OF 1 9Catilletliglt*43l43l. 'opened ware kept constantly on halt 0.8. LWOW= jleve iiir ' la iiil lihr fflaihtOtatieloi N DI. , ~ 1 11111 11 11 r :I'7 Of117: 4116. 04 Are delimit *Mb* . bides or laane. for en Clime of skeet Sok They met es aVATlEAXeleohithoet the hl thf urb or . /Ilir mi t i r Can o lgr r e at = istadetpfaiia ' hate tlielthien • • 1 : , n: ... 7 . 041/1. lad -cee!rsiligThl,e - ' ''' I,l , l l llietr SLOW& : :.%M. s ',7 ll V l , ll olll# AVM: - • -, wn : , . ,4 :--ry, ....,. sasult KEW. ,Ha s §k l ialtOTlVEage:' w h y Likayms trusekciat 1/ 1 11M 1 • • • ,p..#P flrnlsMng • , T. - • N 0.29 STREE tOPptalW iraveltriNaktim) , - •-••, PA: • to orlior Clothing"! ,oeverffPr. Orbon Ilitundlietarers as Willooketair • Sealeas' , Er • - • - delters, • •• 1, • . Glauksware .; '• •• • • ' .• " • Lard Ott.. ARE PRZPARgD TO FURNISH AT V tall or Oa diets/. wit styles of geode In our Me, whieh , for ,qualitz Wee der, tamped/Iton. Oar No. 1 urban of Int weasel he be pbre mad et least 115 deem. Ire test.' - Ire thresh.° ea Wade, the sew patent 1115 and OMAR banters sad ohlauleye. „ - 4.1 Pi 1111M1.4111401 4 • BAILEY, FARRELL 8 CO.. Lead - Sheet '&7 - - Bau-Lead xastriFicTuttins, ALSO Pig Lead, Iron '1) pel - Rubber Iftne, Btiam Guages, Whlnlea Valve,.lroti& • Copper Oinks and Bath Tan, BteamPumpa, Farm Pumps - • and Force Pumpa. An t i every delseription of, goodsfor WATER, .GAS & STEAIf. No., 167 Smithfield Street, .PFFTBBURGII, PENN'A. Bead for a Price List. rapsSloll. MUSIC IN FRONT B ops, rcILNISRED PROMPTLY • WITS Bran and German Silver Instruments, BY TUB SET OR PIECE. . • AZFO, Brass and Tenor Drums, Cymbal. and Triangles, dc.,ike., At Moos lower than can be had at any other Dime in !Ma comary.l Special indneemente offered to RANDS ANIY.YO DEALERS. Send forelmalar and filen ltet. ' HOFFMAN, > HOENE & CO. 5 a PI rr'Ti STRE ET, PITTSBURGH, PA. DEALERS IN FLAWS; ORGANS AND 331.0- deons, Sheet link and Music Books, and I. porters of Musical Inalmnnents and Strings. aprllobly. Be ineman o -, -Meyran & • &idle, .2ta.422rifFt ajdoor frog, Wooh, - ' Wholesale - and Dealer in ODVVE .Clocta, Plated Mare eve gder=. 1 1 Ware 4= Watch Miters took nadmetertat. and new of thencelekt!t '_ - A . llllltlCAllf WATCHEI). • We also keep the Wm* and moat vaned ono rt went of the very beet American made CLOCKS ! to be found In any city east or West • Perrona in want of any article M our line either a whcdesale or for their own nee, will always find one lower lower and 'our assortment than an to be found ' west of New t York city. WATCH REPAIRING. To thk branch of oar trade (being mulcts% prOctl - watch ukketto we pay very special attention; we employ a force of the very best Artlota.bs the country, and any and all fine, delicate and silincialt work: en trusted to our are--for the trade or Indhiduak-•-w;ty i Ttfkg the utmost eatiskstkin. ..Work mar be in evoke be otherwise. NETRAN & EIRIDLE. Wholesale and Retall - Zewelers and 811verstaltha. "121rtlilkY. 42 FiflA street, PITTSB Spring and Summer Cit-00C01:019 T HAVE JUST MEMO d NEW STOCK OF A. GOODE, of Nie, LATEST STYLES,- For Spring and Summer Wear. i dlIOOZ;nos Goods CONSTANTLY ON HAND. • O LOT1111;40 MADE TO 01101311 to latest and toast tashiauable s!yles, and at short notice. - WILLIAM REICH. BRIDOZWATER, P. TINWARE. °MAIM AND RETAIL DEALER illi ALL lIIIID6 OP Win o Copper & Shiseti Arieop Ware. MI T OOPOO3II. =WING CONSTANTiT ON NANO all kinds nt' "ITN, c omae AND EITIEST-Utol IL latch *ill ' • • . 1 AT TUE Lotrasrparee. • • • Tin Rooßini, SPentini & Seib Work' • • moo to 0 - tdor t f i pie bistlosetbla isoMer, anG • • - • Q lino het the beet; gt tested/1; set itiplipg - but.the beet *two:kola, • . .; . • •, •" I . WE AtitgllANT7.aue--4911 • 1 ,;. ':.; • BEATER; PL of :a aa,. wi4 Arm** our aoca► T _ ...,,~._...._ CETI 4:1 • Bp =NM •-z- •t, • • , f . . . ;4: • t'!,; ' • . _ ,i t. sa .f. , r , ' , .-+12?4t..• • ;,' t , • , ri le.:1 :.o. •. , ,r 4.- 7.- -.: ~i, r-a ll 1 0;;.i':,..7 + I •^1: , . - :f.--:' 1 VT: .. 1- ATI{ . -;,•, , r'wl l o.t.Ori "." . - 71. 4, t;,!: • • „14. V. ,11.4 rti • ,•• SS Mi l , •- 4/4. ' erO' CO 7 s . el) • ? , NISECIMM2II IMIII 101111 • . • ROCIM •.- • MEM =2 NM jth" /UrthOlith PROM Trrir FABT.' A LARene sad better assorted Stock of getikal rierettradiso than ever before in our hones, coralstlag or , •• ' • NEW PRINTS,- NEW latrSl.M4, NEW DELAINEF, OINGDA3IB,_ Y eII'ECKS.. all colors; JEAN - SL,_"`" ; CA ES; • TWEEDS, • CRASH. , DRILLS. ' • BLEACHED and • - BROWN MUSL,DIS, NOTION'S 7Sr LARGE - VARIETY. HOOP and BALMORAL bRIRTB, BOOTS and SHOES, Purchased alum, in the East, at krenst cusp Caes and scold at a very smell advance., IBL"ar'clwe4,re. A 'complete Stock Joel pare-tweed in Now York sod Phlbdelplao, of )IECHATICS TOOLS, TABLE & POCKET • CUTLERY; STRAP HINGES, • SHUTTER HINGES pCIC3II3 U GrtEA?VARIESTY. NAILS AT MANTIFACTURINO PRICKS WINDOW GLASS 1 MI Sizes, Adagio and double strength, at rittabngb • I Peke*. Paints & Oils. FILENCU RICELIND cos:. pEL EDNA TOD BUCK LEAD - stmliolesslo and COLORED ,PAINTS, GROUND, DRY AND IN 04 MINERAL PAINTS, • ] LINSEED OIL, LARD OIL, CARBON OIL, CASTOR OIL, TURPENTINE B ENZINI? and COALE'S PATENT DRYER. Books and Stationary, <3&- co eis e . COX4ITE ASSORTn=, BiSAVicHAXS,SIDES siountns,lo23s.POKK, OTTIZI In liiielteand Barrett fresh gtoubd; dtredritom Cut. tat CIO littFtt, Ohio. - au Was at Fainciy produce taken to eichuge br H • B.°l/6. • - " beiffly goods detl7erd heel ebierge. CALL dip itioca. DI CROSS & CO. NEW YORK STREET, . . 1 ,i. . . 1 .'. • . . . . . , . . . A a , *IS /Is IL 0 . :14D .C. 7#4 . 01i zzi o, .._. Fri io•ohester e Pas JIM F~l . .. _ mart,w atpx; , a , ; . s , g) fr.-, kifinititiftirintsingetwapcov rion"lest•Li • wiewawbatther•i. *no Wes 6 tau there Is Do ANTI/ACM=B Ole With. OW lathe WIWII_SLIM Q )lActitNE, \ I P roingi= ygnriasoao.troubla mini It. .. S. bai attain. - , dm* table so o 11 0 CV tattoo of obis* . the war won • Swa n elerora Stowe, Grate ..rwatc,, : e b r i =r lll,oolll ol# pikar,i - , s firare*layta oware, Yet . . •-• .. *i •. 'noon em e n At kmActOed WrifilifftriSiiiinSmberumr shoritke. isi • lour . ~,, . , ~,, , maw um tbb t. tbif amoutwalt compoloy..-- MN: i JiAbabisaleca , sidobe&ed*w CO': I ND 111**11 : 11 " 61411 ° "not air c os i4 ll 4 W 4,d • , • t e o k,,__,,,. 1 141 11 , 4 :AluML_ littl i „.....paristaproviatim,,' 4 ,: of New_ Strigliten; ear ellopted "V fib, 4tilt At the State Fair rewitlybeld at Putorhas ° r ag 1214 /11311gft - c * Ill ” militZr se Tes- -="t/iv; B 3"-'44...ristr, 'lr. " - IF-, .a.••••• Steve comblues wally new.cmcll bataßt- elide& 10Jc:bylaw tt Ow to Ounce_ 04: ' .in we. " boisteOf them .Abe eWmed 112 , VW latiolor ale ; . litt ghle/iFnd tYe Tlfit ft . " . 1 =1 6 4 0 47 1 4 6 0A 11 i i '.,:',, ~ Va .litailun' on if ,., , IME ME I BEST BAKER zutrAmmf. . All orders thankfidirwarclfedood protaptll aura.. . . Wai-0111 ,Ilitte4doll4o44lll,FAClW!Pik i, Statentab : _ _WWI!) Uri hi theltast I used storeferof the most Gelebrafed' , IttoraY mid* in that pot of the j =„00 country, and ors m arrival here. kirais .yagowowended to pumas- ea the Smye. Cake: Invent. - ratendonsoti MI Ihebeit'llvibilim, add di Mood . _ _- WbenitsaWW derson's imiertitcoms.l wasioarredad 1 1 7= ' aim motto mrmaining Ili OvitoSina mints; found It poreseaMl homy advasinnym "Awes all I bad seen. I protbseed, 1124 )111‘0110•DINW. bli use. We eouskter Itmgoeriorio.any we two ever rood. 'Yr is all the Inventor oldies, and we think, all that mould be desired Ina Cookingdtove. ,_ ~ ,• - 7 • •- , .1- Varm Clitssit. 1311112191111 ME , :•r: n 0 ~0. , ,1. .1 . , ~..t, .".. . CIE EMI • Itocuarron.t4T. tist Riming one of Yr. Anderson's new Staves In use. Itmi cadmic Capt. Pendleton's statement. • • • Jam IL Wiusura: Ratinßating one of Andelson'e new Stoves In wi s e, el:it g enema tba above mouttnendattni. • " J. Vioomoiew. =I Inswing ono of air. Anderson's new Stoics In we, we are fully *whiled with its good • gauntlet - In all re pents. Joann( Lens Ann Writ. • • • • , Rocmeirrin, Not. 2fith.. Raving kept hormator a Mug time, and used a gumt number of Cook Stove. of di/Fere:diadems and styles. I consider J. J. Anderson's ;new Steve.' In point' of economy in „fnel, ready" essokia4:l baking for Its size, impeder to an wit have and,theerfullv tee. commend it , it will entire sallsktc don. „• , - cats. Limes. J. Aplersaies atm Stoves, maw ithetured at the Rochester Foundry and bang given It a fair OW. we find it comes billy up to' ll that Mrs been claimed for It. It boats very rapidly, toms but little fuel. and is most rizoellant baker. Mr. An derson may constanande himself on having, achieved quite a triumph lb the line of Cooking Stores. Very respectfully . Bente.. Nov. sikl. 1867. J. S. BSACZEIf. MI GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, adTS and CAPS, HAVING DAND A LAME AND WELL *cloud Ulrich et re" ' Rice, • -• Coffee. Che&se, Sugar,' Soaps, Molasses, co, Syrups,_Fisk NAILS AND WINDOW GLASS. Plne Churns, Oak Churns Willow Baskets, A. BUTTS CHOICE FAMILY • FLOUR By the Barrel or in Sacks, constantly on hand. laritices very low. call awlC. A. ti. lIARVRY, Bridowater. Pa. Beaver Drug. Store. THOS. A. ANDERSON. DRUGGIST !` N VITFS TAE ATTENTION OF TAE PUBLIC I gent:tag to a full esauruarot ut 'OI.LS, •VA-RNISHES, Patty, Window Miss, &c. In tact every:lnk nanny kept In s Well sppotote d Deng and Che Store. aft of which will be sold at west posublu figures consistent with a doe is. for quality. e hope by strict and client ittention to boobies); to merit and receive a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon dit. tt 11111 THOS. A. ANDERSON. rirfe NEW FAMILY GIOCERY Illattrosi Omerese elel New Neel( S. Toutfly Otiiitedesanit /Jour. C • iteesi, Bettor, Lard, Baca*. 011 7 PuCider_ upek, Molam u tt4 Mr, Ilogeer, mugs* Criettets; Otters, fbeitewraze. • • • Wltleyor-watek litrpodsa•warelgiz aratUdas theirjitte, and t attennOti to bane.; • • tamed' tamed stiora . • • WI kinds aOuntly IN;ilduas taken at the nisi kat Flee. A. S. 1-141.-v-ey.; DEALER IN AM) . "", Hard. are. lla,retwetre. STONEWARE. Peck, Mumma; 3 Bush. Measures, Split Busk Os. Pura Cider Vinegar. ALSO octfaly. tuner 3d St. and Diamond, , n.A.VNER,i P.A-./ . , . .- Drugg l `Medicines, T 8 , AND PROVISION STORE! Roo~es~er, Pa. MM r i • Ey. 0 . 070 & D RRAG MEM wasar, 111 T sit,roiTsu 'COE & : DARRAGU. Rocleste Oct. let. 1667.—0c ' tret:l7 Fly our, L'ileed, :teal ito or DOUODT FOR casu. A xi! good oolortnient of the diamond kinds' of nook. toes always on han.L. al; goods delivered *ben do al•ed. ' Con sod ofo.. "o en'Ckbrneetitat Street; menthe Pub ear.c.: House, br2toeboster, Pi. Uunerbuy. R. W. , -& DG • :13; ; _ivilouts.4.E GISTS - CORNER • • Feder 's' sail- Liaeotk isireetst Ante' ears - • • (Flist . comer below Depot,) . • DEALERS IN LEADS PAIN= ora VARNISHES, DYE-STUFFS, DEWS.. CIIEMICALS, • PROPRIETARY MEDICINES. FOR. LION nerd DOMESTIC PERFC: , -7.l)iliEr - ARTICLES, tee. GOODS; &d, ' •• /OWN esort. CROFT & PHILLIPS, Real Estate and bisuranee ,Brokers, 139 'FOURTH- STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. 11(TE HAVE A PAM= REAL ESTATE RE(, is ter eootalning a full description of Wealth, n price and terms of ai the properties entrusted tu our tare tOr sale, These consist of Farms, Grist Mak Rouses. Leta, Stores. Coal Land, Coal Works, Coal In terest, Western Linda, Hotels, Tanneries. City and Suburban Property. is Register we print ttln.4 times a year, on drat of May, September and Jan uary. Parties wishing to buyer well Real Estate. no mat ter where the location, should not fall to consult our Register, a copy of which ran be had by sending es our address. Any number now ready. n • COICS!OXNINTS SOLICITID PALMER & PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEERS sgonttitission Opera Hausa Aactionßoom, IN. 00 FIFTII STREET, PITTSB L I;(111. Boots, Shoes, velvets, Dry Goods and Notions AT PIIIVATE SALE DAYAND EVEREY9. spr22'6lY DEPCIr HARDWARE STORE, WHITESIDES & DRUM, TUVE, °mien • mew HARDWARE STORE , 79 FEDB'RAL ST., ALLEGIII7.N7, Near F., Ft. W. a C. E. R. Depot, 7HERK THEY WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON - hand every deacriptien ut HA It D W.A - JI, E. Locke, Move, Haile, GILA. Sash. timid Stones. Shoe. Plcka,'Axee. and all kinds of Farming and Gar denim: Implements. veholexale and retail. Carpenters and Hardware Dealere.can always stets supply, of DRUM ' S PATE.NT SHUTTER HINGE AND SASH jULLEY; Oar prices and tome will be as favorable as can ho found elsewhere. , Puretutsers living do the Itallroada. cart have their geode delivered at the Depots tree of charge. tarralklda.. WILITMIDiN.Y. K. /14 =MUCK C. K. 3Tanreg KEYSTONE STOVE WORKS NEW BRIGHTON, PA iusr,Amaizas or AND 11110LES4LE 4SII COOKING STOVES. MUVES • TINGST W O RONTK FENDERS, Sm., ice. Ruby Cooking Stove N05.'7,43 & "PHIS STOVE TOOK TILE FIRST PREMIrM NI 1 the State Fair as a Coal Cooking f4tove. and II Nr at the - lute County Yale. We use no scrap iron to their ,manufacture, but make them exclusively of No. 1 PIA and warrant them In every expect. Ruby has the lamest oven Ins the market and consumes but little fuel In baking, owing to to our Inc proved (Irate. GRATE FRONTS AND I'ENDERS. We ere largely engaged .in the martnfaetaro of Grata Fronts and Fenders, which weaamel In an oven com mon, second quality and due Mush. Tide enamel re tains Its lustre for a long time, will not barn off. and tusks:muCb entwrior finish to that of Veal Tar. • Wa 'gal.° Makin Sheet Iron Summer Mecca Ow which we have applkd for a patent ))preoaed np in a 11yd/baulk . peas. They are lunch lighter Mut ca.:4 and lunch cheaper. . I i , We claim the hearted heating Stove In tho market for the gm, mid " tree the be Stock in their conetruc lion. Our patterns **not yet complete, butte le our In• entlon to keep a 1 mwortment in oar One. We *Ls** Premium at the - County Felt for Cot brelmd we hive entered In lathe heel less % rtermfrunket to wee the beet of Pig Mad and make mood work. We me—pestrallz miltst *bare of the public p• UMW, end wattle be pleased to ace LIMO Imam , : anythMu. to our Wiest Oar woke. positritls. ML'ALIF . I3 E 4 ALL lIELNDS OP ,4 ....1011XPIL PHILLIP* x 1.70 'C I ar Factory Buildings, -,- MERRICK & CO. ‘I467:IIL•DEALERS 1N SU3I3IER PIECES. UEATINO STOVES Prieto Low to soft the times. AIERRICH & CO ME ruoxrr lisrvai3s T. A. KEI.UWK, a. K. neeKLE V.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers