The Beaver DEAVER, NAY TT, tEr vr o nnai Mlicalaneols. ybe CR b now a larger circulation onn ow paper pulilishid In the county. over it.sni will promote their own inter• br beAriug thin In mind. • lIATES of ADVEMCIT Tom. 1 3w. 6vr. =Anon. 1 1y,; on $5 00 1 ,8 oo 1D OD 500 . 4 00 10 00 15 00 600 000110018 00 0010 1!10 15 00+21 00 10 00 13 50 10 60 1 26 no 14 00 11 00 1.5 001411 00 25 00 03 00.40 00,75 00 p 5, '11,1111.11n 00e8••• t?. 00 TKO 'go:ire.. ........ :' .. 3 0, i nr , ,, . m onrci..l ..... .. 500 ropr moores. ........... GOO on,.(oorth c`olnoln 700 ore laof rolornn. io on Liv ( "Itipn . :: . . woo ... , . yoo.tratorr. rmit Executors' Notice!? $.3 00 pprrlol Is..N I:er nue. - 10 vir-nymerito ',to io! outdo (Ztinr!orly,except Tramierit terileing;mtich most be paid to AdN 7 anee. " ': , _ `Sate of; the Thermometer Ibr the week r od,. on th , 2311 of MetY, triB: e --- 7. A. X, 2. r, Y' 9r: it. ._ gq 17, 63 deg.. i fki; dug. -. ••• 51 do* .., ' 53 dc, , ... 49, deg. :43 deg,. . 18 - 19, 53 deg. • Ordeg, •49 dog. 00, 1 fa deg. 71 deg. 56 deg. 21, r,l deg.. 'a dog, .57 deg. at ,54 tie g. 69 deg. 44 deg. • e 21, 1 al deg. . Egi o . •m Ei2 deg. It. T. TAYLOR. A t m . pinzbani, Jr., 10Flith street, Chroid ele bading, Pltt b'u^b,,ls tho authorised *put for Tni lu gist ,clt.9. --- NEW ADVEUTISEMEPPT'& Ma Mention . of the public la directed to the fol i.,ww vor advertisements, Nyblett spot= for the trft time innts Moms to-day: . - • or:Levi Notice—John Ccnoltey. 4•Rit—flays llorford. ; _ • , cy^l•or Sale--. John Doren; eee'y. . girllaritrard, Sc.—J. 8. Winans. t irpoig Store—Thos. A...landersoo. v.—Spacial Noticca---1. IL Bence. rerSpettal Nottcca---R. A. Wllaort ( a 7 Legal NOUCC--John Caughey. i Ebthitte--The flailing (ever which tireralied in Ike% et :wino time ago.still raps with the old violence. fur :oleo time 114 ling was carried on wtthant ntitett ettel:but nett the "tables have tnrned" and we no- Vre flAterraen from Bearer frequently awry home vvc a weber—mostly salmon—which they catch :lung ale rivet. flat!deletion Iffectlng, In New 93r1f.slOostt —Our 1J publican friends in New litigitton held a mitt- Lemuel meeting I,,,that place, on.last Mond, y evening. hate not heard who the sneakers were ou the:on cl‘;‘,a, audience, we have no doubt, was a large ear, re, every io•reot, FaVO the coup, are delighted with the uondllatinne Of Grant_ and Colfax for President awl Vice Peelident. Roll on ilia ball. Somewhat c!on4pllnientary.--A /ending and hi2,bly'r. , -pvi.llll,lv citizen, of Ilia county; in writing ttl- 1t Friday on a bminess molter, concludes hiS tot, pia this - Will!: N. il.--1 lace been much pleased with your tagn• mat. and the stand you have taken in favor of thO l'oplar Vote for nominations, and as a citizen and VA:publican, I thank you for it." . .... - Look out for Tlttesem.—We e laave heard of or rrnl attempti withhi the bat. fjw weeks 'of persona ir)ing to break into liontteß In this place anti vicinity tt eight l'or i purprAeA of robbery. In two or three In. t tt.ick4t, they have been overheard, and driven away. 7 c,..t Nur revolver's In ,hoot log order, and "give them itto , " q henever jou can. They deserve no quarter and should Ncelve none. Bonorti ,to he Diad.—A general tnis . r . wea i•.stied some few weeks ago by General John N.. Spew, Co.,mrnander-in•chlef of the Grand Army • et tlv•lle;iblic. of the Milted States, 'requiring each pest of that on,tnit4tion to meet .on next Saturday, at(' In nh,ldl visit 'the cemeteries within their reach be the pnrpo, , e of Etrenkeg with Sowers or otherwise tlstr,dnie the sracce of those who felt while defend country in the late war, Thls'custom ht now Initiated a lire a View of keeping It up from year - tri year! ,e lone 115 n =lncle soldiet,of the war_ remains allire./ i n tin., sotto ty thort . nre three Posts—one in Tlenver, In Nov 111 izlitoniniid on M Rochester. They are nit In a thrivlnz On next Saturday, each st.nrill In oat way or another, carry the above order s tiat. ()niter to the lateness of Its Ippearance_ en preounn that for this year itt least, the cereinonlea 1n tla+ plsce . will be condtictc4 with an little public fi.phr a< pe , sible. All soldiers .nnd sailors, whether nolere 11. not are given a general onhv t ton In tt present and imrticipate in the proceed • • Nriztir. , fir lifondai ,miss. 13. r: while htr. C'ntim,. distiller, of Amwell nrui Into his wagon Sixteen empty Wrreik xitirlt he claimed to have purchased of Mr, Tra , l:llP, wlir) latelytkept the Iron Front ea. b"en. it tray ch. , :rvedAttrtt the Inspector's 'marks bad rot 111 , tiellter:ttod es required by law, and this fact nutinueleated to Deputy Collector Deli, that • a...way, ~t.rtrvil no the ground and Seized the barrels Sher the law will be forfeited to the Govern. 'lwo. Mr. ('atop remonstratedsgainst the seizure, nirthultil to obliterate ,the marks, but the fat dug seer' connonmate'd btifore the'olrliter- ntinn tool; place, there was nuthlitg left to Sir. Dell : . 'sett to rn tlte the ttolzrtre and repoit the - case to Ma , next .Twrrt,r,.:fivor Weq to the Commissioner of In rliantevi:enr. The net of Con j grens . ot the f 31gt of Staub, I.+':;, Ittritc.lcsn penalty of Mit• less 14nt.1000 nor t , lttriqlitt and net lees, than els months I,nr mere than three yearl imprisonment upon every ' otlicer vhh ililN 1117 knowle - dgaor inforsnntion of any slnlnton of th'e revenue law, ehlll fall to report the I tame alibore etat&l. Washington Repealer. 'nip Corn erep.—The corn crap has several fortniilnble cuenticit to co»lentl with, sayal Gertnai town .7; yraph „and . atumig tl‘cwi l l6 common ly railed the ahlti! 7100, vitieh damages 'the crop seri ongiy. ortoAbr, the liert 'and nu•tluttioloita remedies, perhaps the very best ever Pnr4lted, Is the applica tion of Fait an 00 1 ;11 t; the plant. imakes its appearance above the ground.. Take one part common, salt, and thr..o pm*, philter trypsunt, and apply about a table- Fr'lZi 111/ around each hill, tuts it will be round to be a Hire proltiction. The mixture should not come In eontoet-eith ‘the. sprontl, as ittmly destroy them.— TI,;- t 1.111111/Ini been tried on and over again by Fonlo of the hest formers of Pennsylvania, Delaware nod I ltrney, and When properly applied has never fall- Feeeeequi. We l hope old farmers n‘h ,, lu e r..a,3911 to fear the (bleed, ations of the grub Mill try thin mixture:l,l44ring aTew alter nne tons of COru without the salt, and communicate there.sult. We are aware some writers say salt U l / 1 00 rtTrct upon vermin, but we speak In tbls mat int mt th' , .'he..t authority. I- :t protectioit it,galiast the , cot Worm, do "Inch torn It ill I liratited very late this season, It Is pri/ort I las much ne. possible. The pins cirtlllzers as well as Insect pre.: . . I V r4ghtoll Nel6Vs.—A.COTictpOndOlit et the rqrntricrelal, *riling from New Brighton Vl.' nlh io.i, *mks of that place:l4 I . OIIOWR 1 1 n2hlon Se n Stirring Villve of about three and boast,* of lotvio,,' , two wool. nx .I:lett - Irv, three grid mtlla, one I,llu. two planing' taiga, one machine ehop, one t ()DC en:miring establiAhment and 'line ••• • • 'r• • • • ''' , •od•At Lpireolial congreglition have almoit thw brick church, eighty feet in length. by :0.1 1n hlth, at en vollmated calt,,of twenty-ilro 0 ..,11,11,. nee. hlille lo the Pastor. T'" o , 4 , 3'tcrian congregatio, uotwlalting th be In L , l,bacl,qhm a i in having a comfortable church to u°6 ;'-ID ln. haremuner root an elegant etructore of Pt"nc. 'tie littnaredi and twenty feet In length Rad aev ?.•tr , re o ilk. width. This building will coat arty 3 and will be ilulbhuti thy coming slim .o orthod ay ox churches arc fully represented tho Lo iser D %canto have also obtained , * toot befog. no organization of eight or ten ?dor clmiltco tido community, I rcneral oppeanotee of the crops Is P roulloin g•' — .lk io ured. and not afflicted Irti.tei rollelew aninj lLC later stag lf e et the tra it, 1t riVf. prolific •1,0.1 e fueling exioto among.' fhb people re • .case s hin United Staten Senate, sitting art of impeachment, in acquitting ILO , lateen% A uttsulli.Johnton'. • ~Y~alH!!f6'l~OPf -l3081lg8Pl11YD~li~JB: EEO gus. -WAam!arox..D. G y M*Lllst. 1809, OE 1 4/rier irges ',Your 'column of Wet week were :reed,,:rmd thinkhgt letter from- the ;redone) 0001 e04. 1 41x0t be taken Imlay, I,,:write' roe genre •,of the; mete diem:ilea the polltkalareita of ,to.di. • Of Wine yon see alreaqy aware of the adieu of the Senate pn.the,llth uttlete which .1u Aztftieitterett 'Masi all as a teat :coo, vie 'Welt in ; tbal4ay via watched ,with boutblese, ateutleu.,Liezustore were :sonittrillea;:ceprebtly: ttipee 'undee4l4'oiee, froze uout gallery end floor, liqute:Oilig to e:Ople 'Weir feelings of approbation or dlesitlehfictkm, by ever a; "movement or the . gellerke , woold -be ordered to be, cleared. 'Chicago is now the theatre . ' of action. 17944.1 . patches are arbringtere istnonnoing the,profts, as 'of tbe. convention. While all Unite tbr'Grant ere Oath date for President. them Is d treineadonsoffort. to have Oats:male Vice President ; thetas naiad have xi return of the bitter:Mutat ttattee to the Peer" w ho 'elected, bim, es we hey o had in - Andrew Johnson.' • -r it is i a matter at once . astonishing and grieving to the Iladicalltortluirn,pohple driclealmon P. - .Ctutse, occupying the position ht-does 10-day. it is pribliely known that he has usedida social. position to info -6110 th'ese d'onbiful Senators.; As soon as it hemme6 huciwit that olioiriator was undecided on impeaclunetit hs who invited - 0:i dine with thrtehtel justlee,-toxide with bhp . ; was =tired lit him until the vaseillatiog Senator %Verona lodger a rtiubtful one; Lee:media- Wet Judge abuse hisjudlcial office as has the Judge of this impeachment court; and he wohlti expose him self to the just of the people. Let me quote , froth the Chronicle: "The Conduct of ChieNnstice Chase since be co so memeed plotting for the Presidency hanAgren sub as to diarist every man' who bee the slightest regard for the dignity efiperitining to the Judicial Mike, lkievet bee ambition more colowletely - blinded a run in the requirements of decency or bonor than in the pee. of the Chief Zostice." • Finding that'Grant possessed Sale lose and egad dance of tberliepublican and Itedical, part7..there was no bops for tarn in the party whose ideas ho bad id !anted. vitume principles ho bad supported so Mem ftil for many years, he Is willing to Sacrifice all his rep utation of the put, to his ambition for the futon. and becomes a conserrativo. Oh, wad some power the gift to gfe tit, To idly onrselves as, others See tuh . It wad fra' Many a bluador free us, And foolish notion. So Salmon P. Chase announces his intention Of be coming a candidate for the Pre,eldency the Demo cratic ticket, and It that fails : 'fin willappear as an in 'dependent candidate, which eferys good Republican must airmie condemi. Independent tickets ~ are al ways ruinous to candidates. as well RS injurious to par ties. , • . The managers are makind an endeavor to ferret out the alleged influence brought to bear on the 'main , Senatoni They have•breught on the Mend-a C". Woolleyor . ho had drawn $43,000 from the • First Natio nal Bank of 'Washington, D. C., and bud been knOwn to: have offered:Z.2,W of it toward influencing Senatorial vdies in favor of acquittal, through Judge Blackman of Ohio, who refused to receive it. After accounting for e , J.000 the remaining $16.000 are yet to find ont.'-- WooLey refused at first to. account at all for it, hat, on being compelled, asserted he had sent it to Sheridan Shook, "New York, for safe keeping; having prev.i.-• onsly testified to having Bent it to : rater blituaeha, of Cincinnati. This is known to be a contradiction, and the whole a fainication of the groseet kind, as the' managers received a dispatch froom Shook denying the receipt of any such money. The investigation 18 not yet ended ; ns I see by the papers, there are quite a number:Fubpulted•to appiar to-day. The fond vote 'en impeachment will be taken on Temaday the 26th Mat, W. A. A. Edttor Argue t As yea hive always taken an interest in the Public' School of this place, at least since My acquaintance with you, I feel free to ask yeti to givehpace In the, Argue for a short notice of the school ; ias many of its friends would read, with Inter est, an thing that hat been i10n.% for Me good of their chtidred ; and certainly they would rejoice to Mow that they are doing well; therefore, to -Yon and l all whom it may interest, I direct these lines, hoping that, if parents have not time to visit schools very fre quently, they will at least feel assured that we are still alive to the welfare of those committed to our care; and that they are respectfully. Invited to. come and see fur theimelves ; and encourage 116 and their dear chit demi in our pleasant but arduous duties. I have the pleasure of saying that our school has opened, quite anspictously ; and I sal gratified that I can say of my own immediate charge, that never since my contrac tion with the school, have I been so well pleased as at the present. 'The general interest manifested by the paplis in their work, is commendable ; and their. gen eml deportitent likewise, is good. I say the same of carthe departments of the school so far as My own ob servation has gone ; and •from all I have learned from my aesistapt teachers. Bat or palally do I take pleasure In noticing the Irt terest taken by Rev. J. R. Miller, in the school. Be. has bpen kind enough to leave, in my poscssion, four very nice tinder!, worth about Rye dollars, also a valu able work on Mechanics, to be given as rewards of merit to the scholars who, by .commendable conduct during the present term of school, shall prove them selves moat worthy. lie, likewrise, tells me that he ls going to leave some Merit cards and books, :with the teachers of the other departments for a similar pur pose. This gentleman has the hearty thanks of all the teachers for his truly benevolent donation; and the writer hopes he may be abundantly rewarded by Rim Iwho taketh cognizance of ever scup of water, given Ills name. I B. B. L. Insure with the /Etna, Ilartford.—The "Etna" Insurance Company has been transacting the business of Insurance extensively for nearly half a century mid - hra during that time passed through al most every phase of experience, and acquired' an amount of practical Information not surpesed by any similar corporation : The mass of statistical record accumulated in the trunanction of so large whitefaces and ' for so long a time, furnishes a reliable basis for ealenlatlng fair rates for future operations. "It Is apparent economy, but real Imprudence, to peek for cheap or low rates, irrespective of character or stdMling. The only legitimate result of Wind* property at Wader taterates, is bankruptcy to the en deririter, and, perhaps, to the Insured also. When a Cedirmy offers to insure , at too low a rate, disap rolntment and failure are Just as certain as personal extravagance—beyond one's Income—hi next door to pciverty and want. An Insurance Company has no p/wcr to trance money by magic ;' there is no nays tell in thehl transactions; the same law is as essential to:their prosperity as to individuals; *heir income must exceed their expenditures, or they .will have an early insolvency, and be consigled to the tomb• of the Capulete." The difference between cheap insurance and cheap golds is this. When a man buys cheap goods he has them.. Good, bad or LAMP:mit, he nu them, and known jest the vidne of his purchase; bat when be gets an Insurance policy, he may wilt one, two, ten, twertywyears, or longer, until the day of Are, trouble and calamity, before he Can lest the' value of his • par- chase. When that day arrives he will not r curet hav ing adopted the part ot.wiadom in protecting himself with a reliable lErN policy. , It is the beneficent aim of Insurance to equalize and dish ibute loss; so that calamities, instead of falling With crushing weight upon .the few, shall be easily borne by the many. ' Insurance creates indepet.idence ; a person paps for his own indetimlly, and need not be en fax on his friends. - I If a proper estimate is formed of the rum and de struction occasioned by the burning of TICEIVIT-TWO Mrr nos. D °LIAM of property, among people in every grade and position, In amounts large and email, under every conc eivable circumstance, it will give a correct idea of the Company's good works, and the value of genuine underwriting. The best is the cheapest. The horning of PO l OOO,OOO to $100,000,000,, of- prop— erty the past year, makes ft Imperative on property holders to consider the reliability. of the Company in which they Inenre, and should be suiliclent )to claim Immediate attention from every cautions and sensible property.owner to the great, importance of not IW- O:ding the subject of Insurance:frit gas n" Over- I looked. • "I I a. Dwellings, Ont-Iluildings and con nta are insured In the most favorable manner-for ato of five yore or Ices. Fire and Inland Navigation Risks accepted at terms consistent with solvency and fair profit. - Sec advesk dementia Another Opium. lai DISATSAna 3:lAito -- traiiiiiriterisiStfairtikaitirialtirEfiiii.! - l ate Delon Republican Voters of Rave Conn 114 0 1 40 .6 ill ' eet at r tlie*mlf4iieat hifipbt r i l i nr i trr til i eletiefal*twut* ownheiti, 1 , ' BILIVILDAY, iltp 130 TO DAT OP Miv. and" appoint 'Relegates to a collet, Convention, to bald on ::- MONDAY, TILE lwr DAY OFI.TUNE, at 11 o'clock, a. m i . for Die, vapor gail "pupating a candidate tpi . contleacisitembl7.ialorhers T: Comity Commissioner, Poor llonso , Auditor, Coroner andTenstees of /Leadenly. . The primary meetings in the townels pa will' let be , tween the hours of 9 and 7 o'clock p m., and in the boroughs between the hafrykof7 and 9 p. in. In obedience to a resolution of County Convention !the voters of the several d'striets are repeated to in stntet their deleptes on the question of adopting the 'popular vote system to nominatingOedidates for the future. ' . . ) '.. . , The Tilting for eandidatoelu the r u ler/At district Alidl-be 14 hailoL-: Each candidate ' _ t peoenie the printing and attend ,to .the circulation or. his ow . iticketa. By order of Co. Committee. • p. L. MIME, Chairman. Tho Districts are =titled to Delegates as follows liitepend Mem" • Moon 3 New Brighton, le word..B '2d " ..8 • 84 " ..3 Now Somickly 8 7. , 10w Gallon Torth Sewidd2r, .. . . Ohio. 4 Pattettrati.. " Badenbor_ Romer , IPor.: Borough tp.. Tirld_oewater.. Th.' Beaver.. Bri,zbton Chippewa Dariington. • • Rmew ' atsMa l ' • • Franklin • Freedom her Freedom diet Green Frankfort Metielre 4... :f. r,.L a. r 4 . O ' r•t. &•11 .01 , *0 Phillip(+burg 2 Pulaski 2 Rochester bor.., ...4 Raccoon rtochPutc IP. • ~ . South Bermes 4 Bs. Clulfbor S C Announcements, ~71 We are requested to announce the names of the fol-: lowing persons u candidates for the reteitedolliceif which they are mulled „ , , I oi tbiontrsk MICHAEL vrzyA . ll),-iot . Beaver; FOR Assr . 111031/8 NICHOLSON;of Frankfort TOR PR6RiCtITINO ATTORNEY. J. R. BARRAU, of Boiough tp. JOHN B. YOUNG, of Rochester WM. S. MORIAN, of New Brighton. FOR COMISISSOIDIR, • DAVID W. SCOTT, of Brighton tp. ENOCH RICHARDSON, of Ohio tp. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. B. A. DICKEY, 'of Bridgewater. FOR POOR TWINE DIRECTOR, SAMUEL GIBSON, of Brighton tp. JOHN SLENTZ, of Ohio tp. FOR AUDITOR, , ' WILLIAM THOMAS, of . .Chlppemt tp. SAMUEL MeFARLAND, 'or Ohio tp. FOR CORONER. WILLIAM BARNES, of Bridgewater. FOR TRUSTEES OF ACADEILY !, SAMUEL MACAW, of New Brighton RICHEY EAKIN, of Brighton tp. Bally trolisid:the Vlagroi Boys 2-41 old it high up, wtth the same 'strong arms which struck the rebels down, with the same unfaltering loyalty which never, in the darkest hours, despaired of the Republic, with the same ringing cheer's which have, more than once, sent confusion to the ranks of traitors, a thrill of Joy thr ongtt patriot breasts, hope and the confident as surance of vietorytothoisetsto grieved over thoustion's Iravadal . Let the old deg Wave, bola, free in the mare air of a regenerated Land. and' leading the columns of the 'Union as "John Brown's sow goes marchinrgri" Let it goat over a people whom no power of rebellion can daunt, whom the arts of no treason can beguile, whom no false connects can sedrce, whom no rophla tries can reconcile to an oblivion of the past, with its dear but sad memories of eacritico and suffering. Lot tbo old S ag wave, in its beauty and glory, over the compact columns ottho Unlon's defenders, prompt and faithful in hours of danger, whet/let from secret conodraLora.or open, foes. - Rally, boys, around . the ssineterd gag, which no* heads the array for Grtster, Com...tx and the Union.—• Ma. Gazette. Special Order !Co. I.—The Officers and Com rades of Post 113 G. A. R., of Rochester, arc requeet ed to meet in their ball on neatTburmlay evening, May 33, at 7Y 2 o'clock. A full attendance le required, as there 15 important business to be transacted. • By order of Attest, G. AVEUILI. PENDLYTON, r. C. DANT= 132anata, P. A. - ':‘11 is reported itt Washington that JOinfscers acquit tal with the eleventh article has cost the whisky ring three Elllioins of dollars. They could well afford to i)ay it, and more, to keep him as their screen for tine months looker. It is worthy of note that the investiga tion Into the lob is already bearing its gist Mat. Read the $25,000 Woolley expranaro.—Pitts. Gamete. Attention Post 98.—The members of Post 9D. G. A. 8.. of Beaver, Pa., are earneetly requested to meet at their 'Mall, in Beaver, on Wednesday evening- Mai 27,at 754 r. e. As kinAness of importanch will be brougb*ctorc the Poet, it Ss desired that every mem ber be resent at the meeting. • , By order of D. D. JOICiSTON. P. A ' Goa, Commits said to be in hourly rocelpt of tel egrams from all quarters, pledging him such a voto as never was given Wino the to -election of Abraham Lincoln, Extract from the PlMates of the 2. 0. of 0. T., *ay IS M IB6B.—Resoled , That we return our earnest thanks to the citizens of Beaver andv icin- Sty for the generous patronage extended to the Con• ants given by oar Order. To the Commisilon era for the free use of the Court House for the occasion., k To the Rochester Brass Band and the:Beaver String. Band for their valuable services, so highly appreciated by the large audiences in attendance. To the editors of the Beiver papers for alit freely given through the columns of the same. Joint F. Daavo, W. C. T. Illtolen.—The person that took a Olney bonnet out of J. IL Bence's show window, the other day, and forgot to pay for it, sill do well by returning it, or its PriCe, or stand an exposuri,ne her name is woll known. J. B. Bas ca. The keynote of the Chicago Convention was struck by General Carl Schurz—himself a famous radical—in his speech immediately after the opening, when he spoke u follows : '`Let not passion, inflamed by the stinging disappointment in this hour, however keen our sense of 'wrong may be, earry us beyond the bounds of wisdom, and setf-respett. It is a gratifying and significant fact that our Na tional securities have advanced since the Chicago Con •ention. With the curse of Johnsonlan removed, and Grant and Colfax at the head of an administration, we shall have stability, honesty and economy. These, With the development ef otii resources stimulated by sound legislation, our country will enter on an unex-. ampled career of prosperity. The people realize this: and it is britiaturitiihat the tiationalcredit shook Im prove under the prospect,—Piffs. Corn. _Th6 dissolution of the political Arm of Chase and Greeley has been announced, °tying 'to tho unendura ble disgustof tho junior partner. The business Will be continued, however, tinder thd title of Chase aC Johnson, office in the White Ilona° building. When the Congregational Association of ?litchi gen received the sure that Grant andVolfax had been nominated. the regular exercises were impended, and the standard doxology of the Church WAS sung amid the greatest enthusiasm Alarrianco. ROBNNSTEEL—LESLIF: t R0c11.94t.r, l'a., lk fuy Btb,,lBMt, by Rev. louia P.onc,;.„tr.ltal.. Itotc.v.bicl, to 1,0%0f Loqiciat , tki• -* • •.*, • 10; +: liar IN Fla. , i;l"Ttni'Deeni Cfirectirai "io• •aa tartlet 'lOltochester. at ' the Doncaster Bowe. w: J. Letigiitittf *hit elutlri 1 Dr. •J cries, flilegate tit grade* Madkal attoa.miiiip a very interettlng report of the primed -htgo-Of that body, 1)r. G. W. longttrt read the anal easayor4telt on .rpg. motion of Dr,CunuMnghant_was furnished to Sax% retary for publication. It is appended. j• Dr. Jackson banded in $ mitten communication on Spotted fever, and spoke albs own sutfeting; when attstqed.lig it. en interesting illsclushm se ;MS the ntitstivitualt treatment' bf the disease: fallowen,i irovir which the followlag conclusions arc ttedieed Spotted fever is ebad name. The,spots, attendisig, the diseasC ate the consailleneeetneglity is the blood vessels, Whereby the buod - Impuszies arp peMnitted to exude through the with of the _sapillarleth . !jThes, spots are it4pecuitseto this &wise, but are attend- ant on may others, and may be present in am case where Mire is u brokin down condition of the blood. to also,lwo may bare this fever . without &nil spots at all. 'The proper name of the disease U Inganation of the Mein mad-spinal cord. - The question diaconal in the society' Was whether the Afttiptdogistic sir stim ulating trestmentems this ttropei' one: !, Dr. Meklipey moved a, fee bill be 'adopted, has the Society was working without ens. - Lost. mo tion for each number to subithibe lblA tOlverds the library, Was oulaotion tit Cuthhigtuon Utd over until nett meeting. • : ;, • "; '"8e11 Ctiltutto of Ini34l:eltauh" With the attainment their degree from a Medical _ . College, greater small, battOtlit Or Otiterielso. Aionatiit leattiot the nevi madn'tDOCtor think that "the book may chiskover the lessons that ire said" entl:ence forth thelr chief ditty is to put in practice the', Mee 'atonal knowledge already acqu i r ed; or if thiC sided . „. maY clothe translated into conduct thus early in theft career, there Is great danger that It will be at a itsbse vont period when they observe the pet-weary Success of a horde of Ignorant; but shrewd and - Imsmiptilwas adventurers in medicine. Vence theli mtg.* IRint' I rtes scarcely Increase from college days at theirate of , a book a'. year- - a single medical journal...wlth easy raiding"; more than "oaks" their,thlrst for IMprove ment, and holm th at pion/Abe spe nt In .fhe diligent Increase of their priffessional knowledge tire frittered away in igiving ur receiving the visits of gossiping idlers, or playing "store:box" statesman, zatrigning for petty offices or begging political position, or 'driving cheap bargains in borSes or hogs, In stocks or bonds- Now Ono great reason for the slow advance of rime vine, and for the low esteem in which the public %Amu hold tho office oUthe physidan l is the want of hoist/. and entire consecration to their chosen work, , i on the part or medical men themselves. While setae bfithein are the merest "bread and butler" prnetitienerit-4doj. lam and cents ruling their professionallt Is a* 4544 thing when such an . one Is called "doctor"; Air" be is often ,"a pestilent fellow," disturbing; peace and degrading. prefessional ;diameter ; alanit„-• ing this - physician from that 'one, and depreciail the abilities of a third In order to attain petty practise ; or titiiiiing,the same end by cunning UPC of imilittisi er. religious prejudices: In any way in short. but by faith ful study. 'rho truth is that those who become "(kid; fors" for the purpose ocveakiug monev,•conid fitid. many other occupations that - would pay them hetttet —. "eiropid that some Good-man *Might cart out fotermir the money-hangers and pint-peddlers from the (shape " of 1 medicine. however, it is not unto there we write. but • I rather unto tho nip are constantly striving for larg-: er knowledge and a higher culture, and who feel that 1 I not to advatice is scrim° agMnet Inuasnity, 1 r ' ire The importance of sclfeulurte can not be tons ng ly enforced. A culture which neither ochoole nor l hooks nor medical association alone can give , us.-” , 1 Ha unto which all of these essentially condtic i our knowkidge thus acquired mast be enriched and „made fruitful by reflection and by personal • experlenco; and on the other hand, years of experience wi alma' srpch knowledge and reflection, err little better than 'waiter poured upon the sand—or as barren tie the reeks in whose 'depths the sun's rays_"quickonll-riti htvljn germ. i We are to be fruitful,' multiply and replenish tLii cattli with medical knowledge mid skill. II But It Is Dot of dud Caltuto relating only. to intel lectual attninments—attainments that 'may perish if they du not progreso-greater tact in the ditierimiutt tlon of disease and In the application of remedies we wish especially to speak, but rather the culture of the moral And emotional nature, and the testhetie dove]. °timer& which ire are apt to neglect. if not practical ly ignore, but which are necessary for the 'complete medietti character. 4 The everlasting hills ere very firm npon theft' then , .... • _ _ • _ • • - 11111 dation; even thMigh no verdure shorild clothe theft rugged stows. or forests crown their lofty summits ; and so a physician may be very strong—strop in di-. anode sue therapeutics—and yet be destitnof,. Of at leasti,defletent in those , countiesi which win the e hearts of sufferers and make his presence in, ilie sick moat a beuediction4deptitutCof thorough in, of quick and hearty,sympathy, of kind and gentle manners. Very rarely do we meet sinedical man ins hospital or'Private praerlee,rantinganii smug at his.patients, 1 seasoning his prescriptioasmilir omits,. rude threata and harsh commands, who is regardless of the physic al or mental pain be may cause his unfortunate vic tims, and on the contrary, so tar as our ovirnOhserva non goes, those who are the highest In our prat, ession, - those .of the best knowledge and skill, mid of the largest fame, have been men in whose benign faces and gracious manners could be read the deep sympa thy which animated their hearts and whore, every word and act testified to the most considerate 'regard for those who wero called to endure physical suffer= ing, . T ll NeVertheless are we always carefal whitelOolding all harshness and unkindness. all rudeness of speech and coarseness of be.havior„- to cultivate their oppo. sites? Dora our frequent contact with suffering ren der nein the least indifferent to it ?—so common and familiar as to be trivial—the meanings of disease and' the shriek's of physical agony floating to our leers and waking no echo in the depths of our hearts I 'Do we weary of the thrice told-,.yea thousandth told tales 6f itches and-pains, aches and twins that many a time we know nte The lust punishments of violated, law—wea ry of them when our minds are oppressed with anxie ties and our bodies tired with work and deprived of regular repose? ' . .. lire know it is often hard to be patient at each times —to he kind and faithful and hopeful, and with words of sincere sympathy to cheer and strengthen the suf ferers. And yet when we remember the sot:emend which comes from the highest claristlan anthority—* commend to which his Wand utterance by one of the best pagan philosophers--a rule which' is golden for its preciousness and endurance.-"Do unto,: Menai No ?could that they should Jo unto you." ; We may and light for our darkness and strength fotOur weak ness: For let the physickui imagine himself In the suffer ers stead and reflect what manner of man in feeling. sneecit and deed, be would desire his medical adviser tO'be; then fashion himself .unto this mOdel.„ ) PhYsicians above all othbrs should be. `Venarnien." especially as the greater part of their practie6 is with , those who are most sensitive to harsh or :rude con duct; while women and ctilldreticlaim so latex a Awe of our ministration, it is peculiarly incumbent upon us to maim our whole conduct snob that it shall attract father than repel-these, and thus too, we win acquire a better knowledge of their diseases, and hive better success in the treatment of these diseases. The physician who daily adds to his store of profes- sional knowledge constantly, cultivates hialmoral and emotional nature, laying mien the alter of medicine all the wealth of the heart and mind and life, end steadi ly per-nine one sacred purpose regardless of the pas sing malice of enemies, and the defection of false Mends may never attain riches --these am the reward of very fewphyslcions--bot Nova attain a character winch In completeness of beauty and strength. - glori fies humanity, and leave behind him when he departs to that land whose *habitants are never! rick, and where them Is no more death—an examplo that shall kindle the zealous Imitation of successors and a mem ory that shall be artier blessed. - • O. W. Liacirms. Adjourned to meet at Brighton. (Load please copy.) JAL Dentuou, P. C Programme for "reacher. Institute, 1. Select Beading, by Mies M. Andere4k. 2. Query Does the enII always rise ( directly In he east I 8. Class Drill (Grammar). by J. A. Sutherland. 4. Query: Why are the days longer at the roles of the earth, than at the Equator t ' 5. Explanation "of the principles villa)} underlie DeeiMal Fractions; by B. B. Latin. • 4. query: Why do the sun and moon appear when near the meridian, then when near tho hori zon? 7. Reading Periodical, by Also A. D. Leonard. 8. Query: 'Pay do wo ace the man in the morning, while it in yet below the horizon t 9. There aro torenkr-two persons, men, tremor, and children, Who receive $2O in all the men rge Wag $3 each ; the women $2.50 each, and the children 50. npieee. POW many are there of eacluand how many did each chase receive? 10. Question for dobsta 'pesoTed, that, by society in general, wealth is preferred to education and re- Iframent. . , Prorcestortal Iterarans:-- i Scarcely a day passes now bat that some,Perion, mac or tondo, la seen up on crai Streets beeping mon el They aro ail 'strangers In this comet:ditty, .And foar- the of them appear as hearty and s s able to work as those froni whom they ask alms. :ilt this season o s f4l, year, farmen and oth ,ers need hands , and thee° , bag beggars could get s n employment at, almost any t o they nake d for it:— Work, houretei, Una whatt, t y Waiit.-- They would rather go troindcor to door; a sotrovitilAle, and thus fleece the nnsuipectingplition of the Co' meant ty of n pirt of their "sewer." :1 all ittierallY 'disposed eitizooa would give only to th . . they knew to- be de. serving of charity. we }edge , tit would not be long until toe nitifiber of strange gars now, seen every .chest would materially etc C. ~i• 1 SZAWST W. tearairiv. i Performance, intenwaed Ijith inatrnmental ninate. Institute convene at the Pabile RAW building !Thursday Jane 4114 at %r. • Br Cour:2o. ~~•' !.t Thelargestitock . eit *as, &ice/ will Gait-, ors eirisr brought .to,lpwrfir cpunty;At R. A.. Nilson* No. I,;;Diaammid, Rechaster; Ladies should call at fence's for their t linery Goods, you can savernoney by so dot Pg. N°v(-.80(41qtr.1/017',:.;:;:".= Save your money, buy the best quality of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, at R. A. Wilson's, DAPkond, Rochester. Po; - . - Geiyaar Bats Orßonnets &inn over, 'at Bence's, Beaver. Ali work warranted, at R. A. Wilson's, Boot' Shoe and Rubber Emporium. . 75 cents will buy the latest style Lathe's or Misses pearl straw Hats, at Bence's, reeve?. • Childireiki BM's. and Elaiters,inalunts* vitt • . y, at R. A. Wilson's. 1 Best_qualicy 61 hoots , Shoes and Gaiters, at R. , l6,,Nilsonro;ilarnond, Rocheatei, Pa. -, "How ill white hairs become a feel and jes ter." said Henry IV:' Saw ill, indeed they be come any one whin , "13a rrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative" occasionally applied will keep the hair as fresh tthd old,4wana in youth, To this ValuabTe article Was retraidcd the only, przc Meditl'Ovei cimiPetitora— Tri•StrAs• Great variety of fafieß Artss and Chil dren's Gaiters and,l3als.; at 11 A. Wilson's, Diamond, Rochester, Pa. Gents Gaiters and French Calf BqottiAt R. WilsOiets, piaindad; Rochester, Pa:- " See one of the Prize Cups awarded to A Speer for his celebrated Port Grape Wine,— 'Via the beat; grape wine - ever produced- ht thiskxsintrY, the standard wine for pollutant lon purposes, and the most benetteipl lin' fe males and weakly persons. , [ly, • , - Gaiters at all piioes, at R. tl, WOsen'a, No. , Diamond,Rocheater, Pa. . • Latest at}}•le of Gaiters, of all kinds, MIL A Wilson's; lio.,l,planaoo, ppehester, Pa. ROOO' ,I ISTER MARBLE WORKS !: W. 11. Marshall, TALIAN&AMERICAN mAnuLp •turtiTn.kb TIMER OF MONUMENTS. DEAD STONES, MAME MAN TLI23, STONE AND MARBLE, POSTS Vol; cf.'METE..ty Lora, G rind Stones Of A dinpetior qatitity on .laad AGEZTT . X P PR TUE Phen .!$ Hydraulic Conents, ALI. rEIISOITS DESTRINO 1101.4".tf EVE'S Ott .01. Headstones, give us a call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. We have alwaya oh baud a huge and superior stock of finished work, which we are selling lower than can be had in the 00 or eon be bad from stroallng Agents through the coun try. Ito beware of agents, call and examine for your selves before purchasing. • feb 261$7:am. TINWARE. isrsonatax AND =TAIL DEAL= IN ALL KINDS OP Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron 'Ware', . ,4" rizorosz KERTINtiCONgTANTLY ON HAND I ell kinds of TIN, COLTER AND tiILEXT - ULON WARE, which I n/111. tell 4 AT TUE LOWEST MOE ' Tin Boding, Spouting & Job Work Done to ordortnitto best possible manner,' and on shorten notice. Using noise but tho best of material, and basting nobs but the best utworkment WE WARRANT ALL WOR SHOP.OX 71171 LOWER BND OP 1 192.1rta1. failtre 01 • - BEAVER, PA. D. A MI Giro us a 'au% and Zramine our Stock Japanned ware kept constantly on hand , --- STAIE AND COUNTY TAX • r r the ° - i .N ral Tow TRE nships an,ll3ol l ug la bs A ' for tl? or ofrUlnglho State and County taxes for p the year leddiTe times and places designated below. viz ' • llookstown, 1 July 9, Hotel nt llookstown; Hookstown dhareene, 7, Hotel at Hookstown_ • .: Hanover ,k Greene, S, Sweltringer's B. 8. shop; Frankfort, —9, R. Rovenson's; Hanover, 10, Reed's store; Raccoon, 13, Hairs store; t Indepent•nee, 14, John flohnes; ~ do & Hopewell, 15, J. Davis' store; Hopewell, • 13, R, C. Peat's; FrMoon. ~ • 11, Wm . Elliott's: anklin, W, E, Antennith's ; shtl7yznonts eanbe made in the adjoining town -13.11 licenses must be paid before, the, let day of Job , . , F,,, BARNES, spedttm. . - -' • Trelelllfet. ESTRAY NOTICE. STRAYED FROM no SUBSCRIBER, IN BRA -1.7 vet, Pa4.olllm 191 k bite Derr'd tow, horned, Ntith white rack some on belly and lega, about 8 years old, and giving some nix quarts of mirk per ay ; .Arly person returning said cow to me or giving me iriforrnatkm wberd sbe may be road, will be Mem)), rewarded. MILTON RRBD.., inyo Vat. J9S. GREER, ARCHITECT, mrxiiritucKAN, . Emma,. of Arta add, MilTdo4 lB.7 !A Odke and Riddance, DEALER 121 AND kISO O.H. ANSTIIITZ. ROMSTEI I, =MM • i; : .b New Spring Goods I NO ADVANCE. FIRST OPENING SPRING GOODS IN INS I . ii El 'Fortune's F.A. GOODS. STORE , MMU' DR IN THE DIAMOND ROCHESTER' PA NEW PRINTS; NEW MUSLINS, NEW CHECKS, NEW GINGRAMS, NEW DELAINES, NEW COBURGS, ALSO, Table Pinner Crash, Red Flpnels, Witit Flannel A, YellQw Flannels, Jeans, Cassizperes, Tweeds, Drillings,• Hats a,nd. Hoop` Skirts., i Balmal Skirts, Noti6ns and Fancy ASicies Bonnet Ribbons, Millinery Goods, &c., 'Me above comprises thoinovt multiple Stack over offered to the citizens of Beaver county, and we take pleasure in assuring our customers andthose who may favor us with a call, that Qui above Mock la as chesp as over. r F. A. Fortune's CHELP DRY GOODS STORE \ • IN TEE DLOWSIOND, . • t t 110CIIESTER, rA., BIG SIGN Across the . pavement Can EVER 713 461) LW) SECURE LIARQAIN,S. t x; • . • • x w .? : , 671 FacWs Piers Facts& and enatlttow, t'en'd oat a the CoyaVor Common Pleas of the tAR: ty of Beanle., and to me di re(hed. I wit! entail 10 no • !lc sale, at the/Moira Med, the botoderwit, Dais ver,ln the tramty 'aforesaid, on, - SATURDAY, June • atlo o'etodt hi the Itirendota • - • ' • All fl,ghtl~ntsrest Aiwa chant deiritisit oi. - In and to mq solloaddgmok lots or pod* labiate In the borcrianh of Frankfort Barham /May& ermo ur t Pa., bodnded :he riarthhy tho.PnWhylarbm CD lot,. emit by Johnlllea, south Da alelan der Dharrlameas betrsomd west by Ma Washroom* Iltlis*; Were L erected *lsm two.many dottb% hio-Kit Mud* arranged far two frame sad one log sta ble. Fruit tree' oh the :lot and well of water con- eenierd. die Seised and taken to execnikm'istrt cen ely of William /bade; at the salt of John AS the same time and place all tight Ode; !aerial and data of dotendants,ala, end to the following mar eruvie„ or trivet of land lying and bring situate in the • , borough of Rochester, tkmatiof &ever and State of Pennsylvania, being lota 11 0a,911 aud 113 in Goefffe diet division of lots tn sat borough. aid tdrin ing each other and together. bounded noitlt f 0 feet by kola Noe: 128 . and 122, east one hundred toot k h f lot No. 21/1, oaths* fact by Washington' .trod. atid twor3 !sue hundred fat by lot Nott10; onahicti thee istaiamt a frame dwetling house with collar underneath. Lute enclosed and phinted with tuft trete. Reined and taken in execration aa the mmsea4 Olives Cub and Rebotita, it, his willeoll,Nte S. J. and Stephen C 701113." NO. a • Al: tight, lite; tntorest and titre of detesting, or. In and toe certain onnetory lame bona, agnate In the town of Beaver home county, Pa.. and the lot or place of ground appurtenant thereto, said lotbr log numbered one handled and alatkene In the rm. cony plan of said town, fronting Vain natl. trip , five feet and attending back quad lturitllod tad tat". (oar feet. - Seized and aka In exeention as the property of Mx Stock*, at: Batt of William Jolley. ,0 NO. 4, ALSO. _- At the same slob and place all right, lite. ttgett and claim of defendant', of. In and to the fo llowing pier° ge parcel of , land Minato ht areenetoarsishlp, Beaver eounly, 141:, bounded on the north by land of tenant Smith a heirs, on the ea t by Robinson's heirs. on the south by Pingit and Dowenn t and on the weedily Paiter's beim ; eniatataing 'B3 sOree tore or look oh which then are two alai/ Vrebkit hasee lA ttr oil &Otitis, etemn engine, WWI 4144' Alsoone other lot ot growndeltatio he Wendel of Glasgow, bounded south by Ohio rives, wet by George Dawson's heirs, north by street, and cut by land of Roar, on whlCh there la an oil well, derrick, chanty, stem engine, boiler, smoke stack, Lo. Seized and taken in execnt*n as the property of the Smith's - Ferry's lit g' CoMpaty,at the cult of Joseph M. Llppencott. NO. 5, ALSO. At the came time and place, all right. tit/e, lutenist and claim of defends:de. of. In and to a lease-hold lot twenty years of a_piece of land iri 3 Ohlo township, Da rer cortrity,-Ps.„ bound as follows : to nom se blazed sugar tree at Thompeou's line twenty.flye feet from time of hill, thence -north tel feet toad oak tree• thence eat tittl feat to ep oak sapling; thence eentth, east to came w ter line:thence west along water kit feet to a beach tree at Thompeolfe line, thence north 22 feet on Tbongson's flue, thence west 210 feet on lhompson'a line to place of beginning. Also, a piece of land in Ohio township. akniceald.lx; , ing the south end of lot No. 1.1 in the A-Itna Oil Co.'s. plan of tote, bimodal Oath by, part of Bald lot No. 11. owned by the iftna.(2ll Co., east by lot No. 13 in said PIMP. entitle by lelandatun. and west by land shove tie ecrilwd, being five rods in width )Leland Run and and eVerolltrz heck. ea ne width, five note :note or lees; on which flaw is an oil well sung ,to a depth of 911 Patin whick,there . are about IMO fact of toblpg about etO feet of seeker rods. Th ere is on the abore _tteseribed premises a steam engine, boring tools, oil tank, Seized and taken in CMCC111101) as the property of 10- seph Ady. th , c3r .lenkins. Jacob llolee and others, partners s ot the Vienna 011 Cu., at the Wilt of IC cup eth Davidson also at qm suit of ATAITIT NeKinltY. JOIIN S. LITTELL, Sheriff. Sheriffs °ldea, May 20, IrGT. GM I= and PLAIDS , ,L IMI W Geo. C. ,Speyerer, Tins just returned from the East and is now. .recetv ing.a Large and:Welt - - selected Atzxort anent of.. Spring and Summer Goods AT 1116 OLD STAND -41 Corner of Wetei` end- James eta,, rtochenter, GENERAL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, _ .. NOTIONS, . • . . "BATS, ' ' •. , CAPS, BOOTS and SLOES, GROCERIES, . ~. PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, IRON, I NAILS and CARPENTER TOOLS, ROPES and OVUM, PACKING YARN, ' OMB, • • i' 1 i'AINT9, DRY. AND IN OIL • queensware and Willow ware FLOUR, FLOUR, FLOUR; wiformATs and RETAIL Haring the sale agency ter the celebrated CANTON CI T Y .MIL L For Rochester , and 'vicinity, we offer Bonr to diad em at rittabargh rates, &arias freight front them—. Also, ' M WHOLESALE - AND BET A.LL., Alio. Wing the ageney for Battle Seale Co's p Scale& are offer to the public, Soles a& teanelhetnrera cea, comb , Ong of 11, Ray , 44ettle. Dumont, Rolling Mill and opper Rnilroad Cannier Scales. Also. Apsats for Bombe Bono BeIOW of lame and Plaster Parts for binds. Beaver Salt Manufacturing Co' F. Salt always on hand. wo have silvan a full stock on hand,. OUR MOTTO: CALL ONCE AND YOE WILL CALL.AGAIN aprVGS:IS , HouoeFurnishing Good WHOLESALE and ,RETAIL (I_CTli griIENSWAIta, LOOKING GLASSES 10 and Glassware. Also, Japan, Ttn. Wooden and Willow-ware, Market and Faacy Baskets, Brushes, Ritehen Setts. Clothes Wringers, ac., &c. Atso,Fndt Jars and. CAUL Country Dicrchanis will find it to their Idraut4 , c to eye us *call add argunins our stock be fore making their yard man& • J.& n. BEng:tit Co.. 'So. 124 Federal Street. Allegheny City. FL my' OTtly NOTICE. MAT Ort. . TrETtEIIY 61 - Vr.YrICE THAT (3E4) C. IlVtkpeyerer to our polo Agent tOr Jinn!' made at "Canton Cie/Ella, Canton, t • t • , • . • IttTNTIGTON & Tarn: ; - - - A dmlDlntratolein Motley.- Letlets. 1 of adtelnta tration on 'lter_eolate of Kee C. 'Gruber, deed. late of Marlon inwnsbtp. Mayer rotinly, - Pa. baring. been granted DI the underaigned, all person* Indebte4l to eatkestate, are_reenegted to make Immediate pay ment;and tbeee havisrg agabiet the 'garde, vlll pr mid Ihryn properly enthentterded Ent e4elltloutenl, ADAM PFEIFER, Adra'r., I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers