The. .Beavor , ;Angus. J. wur,vgn. Eorrou ♦nn Patina mon Denver, Po., Mir°, ISGS. Republicau;Stnte Ticket. AUDITOR GENERAL. WEN. .101 IN F. HAIIITHANFT s GE MONTGOMERY, COUNTY. SURVEYOR GENERAL. . 3.11011 11. CAMPBELL! OF C.I.MBIt I / 1 . COUNTY. IN addition to Itlicobillprolithiting persons having any "viilbla'admiatUre - of negro' blond Irom voting; tho Ohio egislature have introduced another, disfrauchismgall college and 'seminary students, of whateverage. The only exception is ht those cases where the i patients of the student live n the county and - township where the instinVon Is situated. It is estimated. that some 10,000 students' will be deprived of the ballot if this lie . comes,a law. / • . Tim General Conference of the lift 7 t Church met at. Chtaiga on last 'Fri lay, * and will probably be in session for several weeks. It iN composed of nine bisitops,•, tWo'hundied mid thirty delegates from sixty-'eight ..annual conferimces, representing about eight thou sand ordained preachers, with visiting repro sentatifts from similar bodies in Canada. and Europ'.; THE result of the Republican convention in (4 mane Ountir; n couple of weeks ago, does not seem to have given anything like genentl satisfaction 'oil the pmgressional nomination. It will be remembered that the conferees Were instructed to vote for J. B."Donley, ihe pres ent Bankruptcy Register. The complaint now is that the designation of &candidate for Con gress and the selection of conferees was prom' atire, some of the parties in interest not thinking that the Congressional_ question would he acted upon at that time. ThOse who are dissatisfied urge the holding of a new ci.nvention.P Atiomm.Ceiterathas flung the proffered bribe In ,the face of Andrew • .lohnson. Sehollehr . has rejected the proffer of the War Oftlee r f Why not send in the names of all the tienehils in.alump and; see Unity one of them Will stick: It wouhtsave time and prevent hard feelings among those slighted. The names mjght 'be .written on a "round rain", to show •••• Johnson has no personal feeling Tun ny, Mrs. Cady Stanton and Parker Pillsbury, hich lauds Wendell Phillips and Anna Dick inson aiul abuses General G ranti• and the Re publican party, is ; split over the country der the frank of James Brooks, the Copper- head Congressman. The Reidettion declares it hopes to see the Republican party destroy and is .therefore in full accord with the Copperheads. And yet the Phillips-Dickin son-Anthony ale nde rspn Republicans are Te tii lied as the utterances of Republicans ! THE English expedition to Abyssinia; to resc ►to certain British subjects whom the ne gro big of that country I‘..."tan. , pilV4 lll ned his allant offer of marriage was declined by Queen Victoria, has been entirely sticceiSruF Penetrating to the interior of that country; General 'Napier fought 'a • battle with 'King Theodorus on Good Friday, defeating him with great loss. The Ifortress in which the captives iicre confined. was subsequently tak- Cu ,y storm and the prisoners, who wore Anti id all living and well, were safely releas !; • ed. I=C EN; W. W. IRWIN, the new State TrCOUr er, of Ins home, in this county rin last **ea n layfor Harrisburg, to take' charge of the dut us of the dace to which ha was elected liy .he Legislatnie last February. j Those du ties began on Monday the 4th inst. General Irwin has Med so many otlicesokrespomibil ity, and so considerately and honestly lit/she discharged every duty pertaining to them, 'that we sincerely la:lima:lm will make ours of tlkutost reliable and eilleient State ofheers. Pennsylvania over had. Courteous in man ner, proinpt in action, a skillful financier, and withal a man of Um strictest integrity wo yen. turo but little in saying that the Legbdature that honored him with an election will never have cruise to regret its.thoice. At least that is the belief entertained limo by tfiesa who have been personally acquainted with him since his childhood. • • 1 • -.., . 1 . ' Trip: Seuthern 'elections have completely shown the groundless character_of_those ap- Prelienshms in Willa' certain partizan Dem- I ocmtic journals have' freely indulged. We were assured by these prophets of evil that • •4pollisions between the two races, with violent Outbreaks,outrages, riots, murders and ex .- '. terminating piipular conflicts, wmild.drencb the South everywhere with blood. The ac tual results present a contrast to these gloomy forebodings which seems almost ludicrOus `' ' why» we remember what a dreadful state of ' things was foretold.' The . Associated Tirels • dispatches; which have steadily bourne their own tar marks of being in rebel sympathy. are so uniform in that reports of the quiet and' good order by Which the electrons have been! marked, that one cannot fall to draw coniParlsons unfavorable, oven to the elpe i rience 'of seine of our own, loyal Northern communities at clectiontime. The city of NeW YOrk a!ope, voting for President ext. ..1 . , November, Will see iiiore,headabroken;bloll 'KW, e cismull and partizan outrages genera - • ly,•thanlivere remitted last weckbetwee» the CaPe Far and the 3lississlpp . l, river. • Instead • . of the Southern heart having been Are 4 by ne gro equality into an indignant _and bloody n•sirtance .te the laws, there is plenty of evi: dence, not only that the sltuatien has bcce quietly accepted, but that bemoersitle-Cen • servatoim •bas,-1•' n mans cases, cagerlY coiscii iated•Ahe neeo support:l-Ms Gazette.' • .11 , . Tiic impe diluent case is drawing to a L, close. Mana er Bingham, wha had tlio cloy ing address bOgaii his argument on Monday. After he gets through, which will be to4.lsy • pmbably, (Weilitesday).thecaso will pass in to the hands of "the Jur thefifenate. The Democrats at 'Washington and 'iliac* . here, It is said, are contidOnt of acquit al f, und on tle • other hand, the Republim d are squally cm:: - fident of his puivietton. tiro inclined to think that the ,Pretideues of :days .4e ;Imola:red - . . Tux county coin-cutler. of the Republican parikhelitlat,yettrOuloptettiCleibbi* l tt r e . quiring the sense of the Republicans' of the county to be taken on the popular vote ere, tein of nominating candiddtcsirfieVldruisir of the county • ,committee imalthergote '-c: quested the Republican no . liiis to lastfict their delegates to the a ppro4 big ccilveniloti fiVri what their wishes aratm the qisAtioii;narritl- Neitherihe resolutiiMlffll :convention ono_ year ago, nor the cull of the countY committee published at the present time, gives .us to un derstand exactly 'wluttis meant by. the - "per ular Note system." In Leto/tree county--tliey ImicliOdOs ca11ef(*. 5 044,44. 4: t ~t6 t °" plan of nominating candidates. Its ,working is eennOttAiii'lltiMitliniiiiikity moot= tags :votingthe . ia donh by !ballot Delegates 'hi. the County' etirtie!itioti itialstk!*elected at 0.0 0 I?jA l ,4g:frYil : *;. 4 f9 - *• , ti/ 0 3174 ' ‘.i)°r*1 o ughs,in the ratio of one for'eVerY filtY, .Re publican votes cast et the , prc4etling , general .eleetion.. TOeic delegates carry the risult of .the Imil.itarY.Weetings to ther,,conuty, cameo. tion. • Hero the vote, of each candidate Is con. solidated, atielifitis found that any one has a nilierily of all the voles cast, flea particular 'office, he it declared the nominee of •the,,party, for that pa : sit-ion: .' lf, however, no ono has a : majority of all the' votes 'cast !the, delegates then proceOl to vote In F onvenhon for a eitn• I didate, and after the firssi two vote's aro itaken, and no one having a majority, the candidate hiving the lowest number is dmipped,. 'and st ench succeeding: vote al:tether is thrown ToVer board, until a nomination is made. This.sys tem does not appear to he satisfactory in that county, for we notice that while one Repuhli can paper , there ;supports :the mixed system, and urges the party to adhere. to It, .the other one opposes it and advocates the adoption of theLCmwford 11. ' ', oannty plinS , : • . . The C nt w ford . county.system dispenses With delegates entirely. ...Under it the 'Republican voters assemble. at the usual placei of holding elections. They, there select one 'person to actoe judge acidtsiro persons to servo as clerks. The polls are then opened, the voting .done by ballot, and a registry it kept of all the persons voting.. None but Republicans and qualified voters are permitted to tette part— After the votes are all in, the ballots are counted and the exact number - credited to each candidate. The returns are then certife I eel to by the judge and clerks, sealed, and car ried to the county scat on the succeeding Mon -1 day by the judge. When IleNdjudges are all present from the different tow nships,t63d. bor oughs, the returns are opened, the voted are aggregated, and the person having the highest number of votes of a majority, rentember— is declared the nemhice. • • We presume its this system we arc called upon to expresso 'r views nt the approaching primary ineetings..\ At least that le the genef: , oral understanding. It is very - apparent to us, and It must be a° to a great many others, that out delegate systein In this county does not satisfy all of our penple. Complaints.are numerous. : The clihrge is frequently made at . - - ter our conventions are.heldithat the delegates . traded this .4xindidate and that ono oft, . that they were reauiptilitUsl after .coming, to the county seat, and that no man unless skilled in the art of scheming and trickery can get .a -nomination in a delegate convention. Wheth er these charges have_ any foundation or not they have created distrust in many Minds, and : talitianst. heti ilieell i 0,... IC a v epu i es rs their unwillingness ever to attend a prUnarY meeting again, ualess a change is made They reason iu this way : • "Them' is no use in my going to the primary meeting. • If the persons for whom I vote do not get a majority in the township, my vote will be lost, and I - have no expeetation that they will be able to do till% therefore I shall give myself no labor or trouble about thulliatter. But if I knew my OAR Would be counted in 'the aggregate, I would attend and cast my ballot for the. men of my choice." Another says: "My attend higithe primary meeting sent do no good, for the delegates, after they get to Beaver, will do as they please at any rate, and nominate a l ticket that suit themselves without refer mite to what I might think or say-on the sub ject" In deference to these persons 'and to their feelings in this particularwe believe that the Crawford countsystem should be given n y , trial in this county.; . If after trying , it one year, we find it unsatisfactory, :we can return to our old ways. BM, we believe after trying it once we shall wonder why:we did not adopt It long ago. 'the principal objection to it Seems to be an apprehension that the voters of a borough living near each other,. and close to the polls, will come out in all their strength' concentrate their vote on certain candidates. and nominate them in spite of the country districts, whose voters arc:scattered mid live at a greater distance frotn where . the meet ings are. held. . Bnch al thing' might occur but 103 not likely., to, , In Beaver,. for in: stance,.there is usually moresplitting ori can didates than anywherceelrio the county. But If this Were not so, the "eopUlar Vote gyre tem"• gives every Republican an equal , cluinee, and Who foregoes his privilege of attending the polls, and voting directly for: his choice f .; as sated that his 'vote will have its due weight in the Anal summing up, because of, the distance he has to go to exercise it; and if in conse quenco '. of I . this,' objectionable 'men are nominated„ it is 'his own. misfortune or' fault, auff , mit t a . defect in .. the system itself. Mathis fear of the boroughs proves entirely groundless when the matter is tested by experience. 'ln 'Crawford-the'. alerting place of tim system,large boronghs are found hero and • Mere -over-the county. - The pep.. ular vote plan was miopted therein 1860, and no effort was since nuido:or is nowbeing was :to discard it. The country districts have not bleep overriniched .by the boroughs, and no complaint is made that they, ever! have been. •For a number of years past . thus. Republican party of l o aticaster county. has been.thrcoten oil with tt "smash up". because of its ..delegate system. 'the. Crawford plan.;vras suggested as ofemedy for the evil, but the countrytiiii- T tricts protested ageluet, it, on the:ground that the boroughs •would-.control all.poininatiwt Their.political• 'troubled • continued ',to, grow.,distriCts • were again alquaded to,. They tinally yielded and consented iota it for one year., This was. in.• 1867. and , the result wna, the hest attended .primary,.meet \ingi freer !tell to the county, an itnexceptioa :ablii ticket was formed, anituow.,het few.oan Ihe found, in that county vita want,to gp ,to the. delegate- syatairii ye."l 4 lcpiiistar• coup-' ty has probably ; as many - thickly pOpoloted boroughs as auy f other county,. ,io ~tlte-*POe Iu ihe, West and iu the Rw e ; England ; States, . . I the . 1\ °pular. vote plus generally ,prosailkand d by Susan B. Antlan attribute, h a measurable do our eim i nratliAes'io harmonious workings. For, afterairbmitting his claims for it nomination to a direct vote of Ito P"?Ple;,:t defeat* candidate has no pre text ow bgting," ot\r for feeling even "sour tikarqds pa. He was neither"trad. eitrr/by a del tali at the county couven %Warier eat . of his "rights" by a ,ttottiiHriOss The Polk simply preferred some ono eise,and if he has any man liness atoll he can do no less than submit to the .lion, and take his place in ""the ranks again with asgi,mike grace aslipssNe. Nest ly allot them ilf . ,;,loolbigo p0p , 414. plan is in vogue, and hence party harmony is `aiMuttilMiffe'y is to strengthen rather, Slues „weaken tise. or- . ganization.. Another point Go Where mre will or took where we inky,. We :knovetif. no county anywhere that having . once adopted the popular vote.plart.raturned to :the dele gate system again: ^ This ciremistanee of it self is a powerful argument in .flavor of its, adoption here or elsewhere; where it doesnot , now prevaiL : The merits then of the 'rule suggested, in our visa*, are these:. Defeated candidates are p revolted from. charging their misfortunes to "Court House algae.," or -un faithful delegates. They must abide the re sult uncomplainingly or quarrel directly with the people. , enables every Republican to vote directly for the candidatei of his choice , knowing that, let the township or borough gn as ii will; his vote *ill not be lost to those for whom it was east. It will Induce alarger number of Repulicane to attend the 'primary meetings than any other plan, and - this w ill give us better men as candidates for our vari ous public offices, h consideration not to be overlooked in these office-hunting limes. It itiil rdmove, all disturbing eleMents in our party at the present time, and emnble us to act more harmoniously in the future than we beim been able to do in the past. IMfl The r .11)011100101emtie ent . Presldenttal Mov , , . A numbs}'' of military gentlemen claiming i allegiance to the Democratic party,: met in New York, l on Tuesday evening, to take meas. . I.res for securing the nothination of Gen. Han cock for. President on the Detnocratic ticket. Maj. Gen. Gorden- Granger, who ; heads the Esebutive Committee appointed by the Cleve land Convention of Ititio; presided. The Cum mittee was fully represented; and it is a sign'. &ant fact that not one of them had a word to say.fin favor of Andrew Johnson. It was con 'eluded to hold a National Convention of Democratic soldiers and sailors; in Now York on the same day with .the regular National Democratic Convention, and it was determin ed to make an effort to induce the National Faccuthe Committee to fix an earlier day for the noinination—the Fourth of July being regarded as too late. The gentlemen present were very frank in saying that Pendleton is not the • man to most agninst Grant, and that Hancock Is the available candidate. The Manhattan Club, the leading Demo cratic organization •of New York, city, has been carefully canvassing the Presidential question for some time past; and it Is stated. on competent authority, that, after a survey of th 6 whole field, the Club has crane to the conclusion that the convention cannot possi bly agree upon either Pendleton . orfieymonr; that, after a hot preliminary struggle between the friends of these parties, •Ilaticack's name will be brought forward, and a complimentary vote given; but, on account of objections to him which cannot be overcome. he wili - be set aside and Senator Hendricks, of 1ndinen,•n0in t.....5...),..... -Iw,--. ....r , -.-. • -....... .........,- --acrn -1 l i a s ' n o l , n r i k ' m.i f l o l trouble be V i t c :o - t n P il t r t l e i l i s e e i :P i n : i4s t s e i odTfchntethl the cam p aign, q m ll i rs t r in y when the?* will be relieved from Millie" anx iety by t is,' triumphant election of Gen. G runt.--Piits Corn. _ ' • Celebrathit-a Birth• Day. With n grand banquet the other day and much postprandial and bibulous oratory the . . State-rights and pro-slavery Dempemts of the North !celebrate& the birilkility of - Thomas Jefferson—Hutt honest and conicientious old Radical-4-Who, a tilave;holder himself, boldly declaredthat he trembled when he thought of the Syst l ptnand remembered that God was just. el`haristcieracyof,modern Demo .my gather- ed at the St. James to insult th e memory—by claiming his name—of our l dead •statesritan. Governor Seymour of Connecticut, the brutal Brick Pomeroy of WiscOnsin, ' lion. Edward Digerioll of Pennsylvania, Henry Clay Dean, the drunken renegkde preacher of lowa, -es - . 3lityor.Gunther Neti• York. all were there, arid apparently+ on a leYel, enjoying the most perfect equality and a delightful ciithinunibn of intellect and soul. "Nagurs," we 'presume, were excluded. • The speeches" were of the stereotyped Style, now. the exclusive property of the• Democmey—week ethnology, wbise theology; and utterly silly politics and social economy. With characteristic doughfueecl ness the South way toasted and the West, hut not the'inighty North. As a sPeelmen of the calibre of tie concern, an individual by the name of Lowe gravel) , Informed - 11M table that Jefferson had at one time made the grand de claration that "all white men were created equal," end the table listened. - Such is. the I)emocraey in out day. -Is not the 'speetaele I J humiliating ! Is not the modern, bogus, and bastard organization an insult to the names oti Jefferson and, Madison .and Randolph,: and Tompkins?—Forney's Press.' Orn. attention . a . as Calledto the fact, by fin article in the itarrisburg Said Guarci;tha all the Republicans papers •of tli % n State, the RE POSITORY ineluded,Tail to give Jacob M. Camp bell, our candidate for. Surveyor General, his lull runk as a soldier. lle entered a compa -ny of the three mouths' volunteers, of which be was elected first Re.utenaut, and was the officer who assisted to, pitch the first tent in Camp Curtin. At iheitzpirution'c.f the three months' servlo, tenitenant Campbell organ !zed' and was made COlonel of the Fifty-fourth Regiment, P. V. • After being In the field d n e d tlier tante:b l r t In: s t a v h nilL s e att h r chacßanpioh:rtluilactaingo3nr hard 4,nii ti me, Ifilff int 1B 35; rrhsn:;tc:°C, General.rachianyg L.i n i a d tl irl p e , iisa e ) :: id h ird w i i ial c et a l ll ,:h s aosa ' subordinate h rl r e tnafo l ab l e trff i e i i di : : I : :: , -aboVe flies, so honorable to aAeserviu'g soldier we give Brigadier General CumPboll 'ids proper rank at tho , bend - of our editorial col umns.--Ohamberaburg .12,ipasiterlf- ' •, , . . . , A coormiceoNDENT signing himself "Ge o r 4 gia" informs us tliathe Ims'lnstpio/1,00 worth of slaves by the eniancipatimi polley os the Repiddidan party; and asksif that Ig consistent nith that,elause • of :the Const4tuthia. which forbids pr . to" be lei for pub. ' lie .useiwitheur just compensation:. II Will reply tti bis,oingtuirwiil?)*lo4, l lo lll iigtoth.• er, • When Mir, Sakrior; *}L ing gee neeaston, t ing two'itien possessed at acott a'.Very ,ag 4 gnmetthe rind extessive number, nrdero4,tho devils to depart and enter Into s*lne which were feeding near at hand, and when the,aw ine, ,under this sudden and nul'ortimate inspiration; kicked. up their boas an& with one accord "rim down a , stcep.- place :Into,the Amami were , drowned." Width° owner , of the syane s -right of fiction. in , trespass:against their Creator for. toki ux,his private. property ,for,u.pubiic AM without pay ng. for it on then 4 0.3c0rgia!! &entitled to pay lon thuf loss of his slaw:L-21 - Yfriibtow. , ' t REPUBLICAN STATE CEN .4C•ler. 1141101P*111111111101- °Moist list of the Blembepi: , . . thirreitorrAitio± arttieigpti .of thol la jt,4 11. .. : 'to,: annightion, op.! PoWa , I . , g sgeittl en to wil , .. , chat d -, 1 .ra of t State te a l . . ~., .. Cortrthi fa, i • •..r 1 , npu , 'IA the plithirr, try: • • hi ior th ' ug COq* ntitin eaj ki . : • ;-", ' -, " i not.ra lAira:Chairman.. Adams, Edward S ePherson. • AlletrimmY, A: X; Brown, Thelma Ewing.' John Walton, Ctras. W. Batchelor. -.- . -Bawstw l D.-.1..- Imbrie,------ --- ---7------ .. . - 2:' -:—.. - '7lefflard a ''JOlMEltdritly.. -• Benry S. Bekert, A. D . , II e - i - Blab" t w ;,*!' ig , . r tr. , ,, - tittle ? ? ..: ':t ~ 4.4 ~... , - Ea Morris Lloyd.; ...- 8 4 110, 4 4 . ,1ff&r1 011 ...--- ......... ~?.,. ~ , Ntre 5. , ... , at - 74"..,- .. ., i I ,Cdamperome 11.--,Earl.• r i -i , i' Y)l4lW"„fif,i l i t i t; w g ilt! r ,.! .. Chester;Jno. M. Pomeroy, 1 1 .-PArithictM. . - ctarton. - 11. Weller. Clearfield. H. M. Swope... , . Clinton.'ll. T. Garrey. • Columbia. Dr. P. john. Crawtbrd. It. 1 1 . Miller. Cumberland, C. I'. Iltonerich. DanpbtirJ. Row intaanson. inacitta Itergtker• - , -Elk, Bern Soother.. . ~ . • , . Erteorcmas'Onunison: - I'" ' ' ' ' • - Forest.'2.lo. L. Dale. i -- •`, ' . • --- " Franklin. Jeremiah Cook, ° , ~- 1 :: . ' . : Fulton, W. M. Patterson. Greene, J. 11. Went'. Huntingdon. Geo. W. Johnston. . Indiana, Daniel Ptatqr. ~ , ~--;. Jefferson. Jai Ilentlerrlon.' —' Juniata. D. it, Wilson.. . , I.ancaiter, Milton 11. Eshelman and E. Dllllngfelt . Lawrence, Jaenb Hauss„ j . .. • - - - Lehner]. T... 1 Worth.: , ' 7..shigit; James W.' Ftillea ' • '‘ . '• • .. .. 1 4itiernc. Jilar A. Scantoi. Lye/wining, Lewis Martini ' . • • ' • McKean. Lucie, Rogers.; - . - • - - - Mercer, S. C. Koonce. Mlffiln. - •. • •-, ', ' Mtmroe. J. W. Stoke:. i.: - .- .. Montgomery, W. R. Yerkee. Menton . . Daniel Glarks. . . .. , • : Northampton. Wm. S. Kirkpatrick. Northumberland; Franklin Bound. Perry, Wm. Lonther.; . ~ Philadelphia; 'Jno.- Price Wetherill, if. C: llrn.ll, W. IL: Rem; Jae; N. Kerns,- Goo. •11. Moore. - Wm. Elliott. Samuel Ihudels, J. A. Bonham. J. G. Butter, Jas. Mlitmes. T.' J. coffer. Wm.- Sellers Gen. T. Gross, W. Harvey Money. Col. Somme' Bell; honey Eumm. ' Potter. P. A. Stebbins. Schuylkill, Wm. IL smith. • Snyder. D. U. Mover. , • . . . . . Somerset, Rd.: Scull. - , Sullietut, T. J. 'lngham.' . Susquehanna, Albert-Chamberlain. . . Tioga, W. 11. Smith. ' . • i Union , Win. Jones. Vonango.. Jas. 1.. Connelly. Warren, Myron Waters. Washington. Jon. W. MWlllhons. • - Wayne. C. P. Waller. . Wmtmereland..7. A; Waller., Wyoming. P. M. Osterhout. -: York, James ;Kell, Washington City, Captain 'Alums& Fidler, General James A. Ekin. °, L. - The liepubliCan Slat::: Central Commistee will m et at the rnoitti of the National P ilo. l's N. 1,105 Chestnut street, Philadolphi;, at two o •l 9 \ m ock r. u., on Tuestlay, the Will day of May, 1 'O3. A full attend:to Is earnestly desired. GALi:sti A A. G now, Chairman State Central Committee.. The Democrats and the Pres! - de:my. '-: Gen. Halpin° (Miles O'Reilly) in his paper, , the New York Citizen, rends the Democratic party a vigorous leCturC on what they should do about the Presidency. He tells them plain ly that if they permit the outrageous leader ship of which Brick Pomeroy's paper is the organ, to go much farther, decent men ' will leave the play. Already, lie•says, the party i is in an "awkward position," composed as it is of conflicting mid anta,gonistki .interests, 'consisteng with the stupidities of the last f iiv years," says the Citizen, "insure utter ruin." The article in this .respect !is sn outspoken that We quote the following for the benefit of our Democratic friend : "The organization happens Jobe composed of conflicting. and antagonistic elements; a large portion of it consists of actual, positive 'Ube Sontho n aleitirTßM'V nb ' would rather be kW/m(10y a Soutlipm man than kissed liy a Northern woman. These I crave ns m . ) bodily ; for their representative, 1 their wo ri lly exemPlr, George H. Pendleton; I will have hira-and no' one else,' and actually despise and repad . Goveri u Beymour-as toomuch of a war i n.. They ,itro , ...rartlitto ankr vindictive. Thy have securealie'party machinery to tliC 'llivorite,''aiitl have given him a long start i advance of all other candi dates.' , 4 , llaticock is Alva pan to are thousands of Dianci-. s for 'no other candidate for Pendleton, the fallow ...language is employed : Aly, positively, and un aw at the.ltedetv and Per sill those, for whom vire or Indirecily t by (mettle!' or idleness, the election rhead - allfl. false-hes: red IL Pendleton. Until wa il trees groin whir leaves its above; until the moon n loses its fire, Until brands gels turn ; to devils, until ire shall freeze, until every Able-became.; passible; and setnoemts vete kir the man only to'his country .. but •to ms.censpicitous only. as a le. or possible Northern by hls indirect ' support .... hei r sons and brattier:4.— Si timeswould they see' tie Ind (Aerate Republican, den. Pr deuthil chair, a person who ir is in all their views, ti r representative than a &m -y etrkept .hint from be-. :The Citizen thi nominate, for th. crate who wiil • • against Grant: ing rather emph. 'We say dist changeably as Id titans, that neve speak, help direr or illonce, by act of the utter col Northerner, Geor ter huts up hill, underground ind giics heat an .111 become men : ice shall int n thing that p not then,wll who was fa t his-section, degrading meanness, to their fo Rather a t royal. sold Grant, in if not agr is mote n Iperhead LI tag a `fft ' , Lock Haven DeMoeritt• bets of the "Grand Army of the mks. During the war while the "sneaked" off to Canada.and es in the fastnesses of the forests 9, these Same members of 'he n BNEA calls th Repuhl* Copper to hidii and m Grand from, 1 of batt "sneak who er who of the .Renuhlic: were at: the their,hreasts to the fierce shock lefe4so - ef the national flat.. -The thmen 'who eluded the draft. ily cried ' "the itnr ' is a failure," ly platted every obetaele iu the ova iea tr,eut, and wha sytepatlui ne Easof - theit•.eountry. .They nness;'-treason, and ha y thateharaeterited thsTorice of ion i but• 7were:wanting in their •ill b,efoine B Ana( creatures to, to 'Wave soldiers 'who ertisbcd litin;-ai 'Wave. • ' ' ed vii possk trod' the cour. gig • out t I nbui (Gliio);Jimrnai tells the . fol. ueral§liesunnii—, At one of the towns, where be wns brought atfonn to be sem by felloviloiti • Oro th 9 train left :ho observed° 1. looking felhaw approaching Um g. the "croWdlit a most eicited ,bellowing 'Shennaii 1 Slier man! I otv me r:' The Genetalintimated ,04 at thirmouient,vevignize his I 4 a fitmilher countenance. Don't ! or dOirn in Georgia, 'stopping ! the , mareli *here there - was a I , rastpidillooking one chick ', Goland. glued, Ye a did . 'Well,', sand the fellow, with a 1 blti sathticiiint mid morktetii , •itamprocister what whiyirred.'.'r a in an, ntile editorial on the im- Deludes with the thllowit4 parn- leave thiti subjeetwithnut saying VitOlproTed which, tp re. resides conticOon-44is Aireet tinightloa , totcd." Alabama Leg- Ildeat 'of the XIVIIr Amena. , aura bhltl (1 4 11 . Y; 40 0 14 4nck.:lilaittißtarlia ~4 4 chkgvP Ou 4 9" 4 4 "Ai:VW' s ,r ~ e'•- pG i Oi Tools,: . Engine, "Iloiler, .Bre, _For . Sale. rliirATtartimr. MAY 15TII, 1855, AT! tr' C LOdit '‘.../ M Unklavllle • being the petty of the; Elp*Creilleollianpanj. , Pr') .• : . " -4..,,._ order . of the Preeldent, _i..., • ! JOUN BORENi !key. '-nivirlME 4 4 k. I t..ii r t . - P . 3 (Local copy.) - . • $ Ateigninent al, ..PLEAS OP COURT OF COMM it.Nl ..'4lsabse.X. Moss 3 - LEAS OW BEAVER 001./Ma. ,i vs: , i. TY. NO. CI MAUCH 11:1Mil, John Hassey, I Itiul. . ' l'Assigmeo. J • • ' Interested parties are herehy no.. Ufied - ,that the- first atid'Amil icconot of John Ratuutef, Assignee of James M.-Boy - d, in trust for th.l creditors of italdilasomild. Boyd, has been filed in' the Protium. otarrfitedfice.: at Maser, and that unless seMcient to The nbatrary be shown, It will be confirmed by the Court on the first Monday of rest term. '7_IIIMMILY`:-'—^,-,, '• J O CittlettSTiTstrys.. 4 " (Local copy.) ' .77-77WC011. XCM --- l s----- :.r .' ~ r. ~_ ,I- ' , . L , • r•l' • Vs num &cons Itrantiarillavanirk . - ' • ClOUsiihnnis Orrits,Stritirtsinter Pawn's. ' , "'ll -' ..llnsynn. FALLS. , May &AM OTION • 111 . lIHREBT ' OWNS THAT , 1111 Anneal Mt of 'tares on leonine*. Centavo. till-, rye Plate . Michas: &eased. Special Taxes, are now . 401 d ' andthat the collector will be at the Heron House. ew Mighty% May 14th; at the Doncaster Herne. Mo.! chain., May 15; dcd at Geared W. lhantlton's ofdtel Beaver /lay 16.. In person orby Defety to rettelye the • The lb:molar Taxes must be paid on: or Indere tho dates above named, otherwise a penalty wilt be in tarred::: • • . A. 11001tItTsON. • 'cirOuft - • ' - ' 'Collector. • nip T:4 THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF BEA. VER cOI - NTY, MO. 310 MARCH TERM, ISM. In the matter, of an application for a Charterof - in. corporation fOr a Church in New Brighton, Brave coantr„ Pennsylvania. bythe name of the tirstaptiat Church of Maw Brighton. Bearer comity. Pa, • ' And now. to wit March 4.1. WA the foregouti in. ointment of writing haring been'perusod and exam. the Ornt. and the content,' appearing to he laWful. and their object,: kc.. not being !Murton% 'to conutnaulty;•The court direct the paid inatrnment to be ;filed in theofilce of the Prothonotary of the Court at !Heaver, and direct the said officer to give notice thereof by publication. ono grout rein to show roue tote entemd why the, decree prayed for, allot d d not gr.tuted at the June Tenn twin. • 1 tnyti - Oliat. • - JOHN CAUGHET. Prn'y; TIIE . CHEAPEST oot and Shoe Mouse IN THE , CIT Y, .t I J Borland. ANCFAcTWIRRtz., WHOI#RSALR COMAtis; *ton dealers In Bon.. Shoe:R Italdwrs.. at New Yourk Ada Lualon PEWS, Uit saving of expenses and frrilht. I f fil*o. Ain't for Phlladrlphic City made good*. at ra anitfacturent rrlder. Country Ala. - chant* and Shoo Nations ,w 1 I says mcra ryby cuffing on me balers going- Kist. . llCittods Iteceivoti•Dally 1 IsAt N 0.4.02. Thir d Stieet, • .. ar Wood. PITTSBURGH, VA. !RETAIL. STORE No. Os Mitrket. street, • _... • • -2D DOOR FROM FIFTH., ,myfrercGro. • etilißT OF COMMON PLEAS.(IIP BEA ! VRit COUNTY. NO. 313 MARC II TERM, Ia the matter of. dm application for a l'harter of in. Corporation fora March In - the borrown of Deaver. in 'lto aver county, to be known as the I:nitod Presbytai nl of Itenver. lAnti now. Merch clOth, IMI4. application presented to the Court, nod the same Navin: been pernstql tool ex intined and none of ttr artichmi conditions and I.ceri eftais being found to be illegal or inlptorr, the Conti dliect the same. to he filed in the office of the Prothon otary of thn comity of Roarer...and direct said elliccr to give notice thereof he publication sccordinc to the rule. setting forth thr application. and grant rata to Blinn* cattie to he entered why the decree prayed for. Amid not be granted at Jane Term. 'lmyG*oB:3t. .1011 N. VAC Oil Kr. Pru'y frerr HARDWARE. ST ; pRt. WHITESIDES & DRUM; l INAVE OPENED I NEW . HARDWARE STORE , , 11 79 FEDERAL ST., ALLE'aIIEYY, Near P., Ft. W; a V. u. R. nvpot, 11(TIIERE TIIEY WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY UN i llf li and 'wary description of •11 II A It I) W A It E. Locks. Ilin vs. Nails. Glass, Sash. Grind Stones. Stioe• el,. Picky, Axes, and all kinds of. Parming and Gar dening Implements. wlndrealo and retail. Carpenters .and /Urdu - aro -saner can always ust a supply of DIR,T,TIVE'S PATENT SELPIVEIt HINGE AND SASH PULLEY: ri and tams wi ll tea as Assoc:o)lc as can bo cr 'nds uat e - MEM ;: mlOl - 6;cim. W I 'Hem') Es 3 DTUE COURT 00 COMMON PLR tti OP 8E.% N VER COUNTY. NO. SU MARC/1 - TEII3I. ISC.B. fu the matter of the application fur a charter of Corp oration fur at:Mackin RuChester. Heaver county. .tinder the name and style of Alethoillet Episcopal •Church or Rochester. • And unw,to wit _March Md. IfeiB.- the . foreving ',narrower-I of %%tiring. epcctt lug the objects. articles, conditions and name. under Which tho members of the •Idethudist Episcopal Clitirelf of Rochester. comity of -Deaver. and Stahl of Pennsylvania. desks to be incur.: Ixorated, bong prefented In open Court, and haring beote perused andexantined by ne.and it appearing to its !halite object,.. articles; and conditions titerein pet ,fiwth and contained. are lawful and' not iniarions to the community ; we direct the said wilting to ire filed rin the Vice or the Prothonotary of thia county, and Ste nll.O direct notice to Lea Mao tied iu one newspaper for three week,.. 'getting forth that nu application ha s been,ntade to this Court foraitch Charter of hicorpora. tfon,-and If no itifltclent reasoc bco ehown to the mu. Rory tit the next term atlas Court. a decree and order Will be made Incormwating said Church. O • - By the Conn. • • ..... _ _ Atteld: nm7WW:a„ • PA.BSILY GROCERLESI lIE UNDERSIGNED. RAVING .PrIteIIASED 111 tho Grocery and Pjevhdcrei Otero of G. 11. Borki mer, on Brighton street. Rochester, takes pleasure in Informing his friends and the piddlc generally. that he has ndded largely to the Stock:ant Is now prepared to furnish at the lowest possible Westin artich* upuaily kept in a first class provision stun. • J. SHARP, L take pleasure; In eeennmendlngTAW, Sharp to my old enstcmtetv, end trust they still' extend to Win the 'Santo patronage so liberally bestowed noon mysolr. , . Q.ii.sEumaticti; mtyGlVlinos. Public Sale of Beal Estate. • '. ' TRACT OF LAND IN HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP. TT\•PUTISPANCE OF AN ORDER OP TILE COURT of Common Pleas of Bawer County. the undersigned Committee of the pereou and estate of Alex:macr T. Ritchie, will expose to public tale on Um premises, on THURSDA Y, June 4111, 1888, At 2 o'clock P. ht., street or pinto of land, the estate of -the said A. I'. Ritchie. situate in Hopewell township fn the county of Bearer. and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described is follows, viz:• Beginnine gt a post. thence by land of It. D. Donds north 4 thmrees and 35 minutes, w - est 118 perches to a pest, thence by land of Daniel Springer north 75 degrees west %Speech es to a white oak; north 47 degrees weld 45 perches to ii black oak Stump ; sonth 21 degrees west S 7. 5 perches to a post; thence by lands of Sprincer and Nelson Ninth 47 decrees' east 14? perche. to the place of begin hing. containing acres and MI perches. strict meas ure, about 43 acres of which are cleared and tinder fence, the bedew:ln well timbered, told on which are erected a log dwelling house, a log stable, and a frame elaudder 'mese. j TER.lllB.—Oue third of the parchase money to be paid in hatulon the contrtnttlets of the ante by the court, and the reeldue hi three equal annual menta r+om that time, with Inteteat on etch Instalment from the day of eondrmadon MILTON 'BROWN, Committee: I lll3Cnint ESTRAY NOTICE. - Q, O TRATED FROM TIieSiTINCRIBER. 1N BEA- L- Ter, Pa., on the nth of April, a red 'cow, !Worried, with white face. some white on her belly and lego, about 8 years old;, and giving some sir quarts of milk Anyperson rentiningsaid cow to:me' or giving int! information where She may be, found, will be liberally rewarded. • MILTON' BENT.p. ' myr.'ol:4t. ° List of for trial at Juno Terns' • •lerr Samuel Pismo! _ , vs. Thomas-Veal. I • ' VD , .J'ahn' M'qowert , ,vs. P., , nw, trh.R;W.Co. & Milton Townsend wife vs. John W. Wilson: llicKeszle & biome "vs. County of Deaver. D. A. Pritchard et.'al. use • Irugh Primo:on vs. J. M. Dolmes et: al. Orncey &ilickerstalf . James Lillie. Christian Marius.. -(vs. J.litsrksa,T.Divls admen ephrain - es; J. i - illownsiind chariot 'Coale vs. New Brighton wan. Co. rattereouArDividson-t Agatha siondem. Andrillvg_olmston:i_soprCes. James Narks.;e. William Bunter ; vs. John Wilson & wife. same_ - • VS. John:Wilson. William Mothered ve. James Fire et. al. , Tlesmas lirsiups 7 , • James Graham et al. • john C. Dub". , Joseph Mina's et. al.; Jobe* Barnes of Q.. .:. , 1 , 211a1t Barnes. Georro Hinds , ' • va.LP:Pt.• W. aCh.R.R.Lis, Phlllf/Worgas J• Adam llershlierger. 'leaky' Daytimes% .!, ' -Vs. stokes Dawson Oil Co. Richard Tea ' • vs. 'A: 1.• Dirapcsad'et; ma. James Leonard • 'vs. , Pen? Brawn, • • • Geo. W. Duck - '" ' • vot - liugh Andenion.:. , • • j j/Rtihis mrsachiartren; vs, Itenrraimble: ' . Woe. A. Thomism' vs. Wfil A. Gllra:ln s r -; •4.,44 I , lwou py.) =I ,crtiscmcut JOUN CAUGAEY, rro, V • 20*- 4DIII.IIf.CND. " Si ROJJESTE r a; PENVA. -&:4 T WOULD TennailYELY ANNOUNCE TO ems 1 elitism. of /leaver coonchtbitlAsse. just op.raed amber met sploodtd stock or Spring Gry Goods sod NottonsAr the room fkillerp4=4 4or /Or Nelson kr' Itocelcr, pt tun . n static& tojeitt ginotilaidt:ot—tivery.ilesariptlao: !, ne reiarrokited - init met 1* &Qr.:Obit "Plit*i Mindy% De Xll** Widte li•tnioa Mate . •• - flingbantei - Cheeks, omen* Ticks. Jeans Tweedtl u. .f enaliSmetba."4" . • lid. IndGimes; Magi, 'MAKI- - Balavorat and- cy (hods. Drees Trimmings, Men andf °-/! 4 14 1 / 4 43 • 1141131*tudg s • 'very etrear. • PAPE - R COLLARS, sb M iag ' l itn t ttrigte X Ac ia tt i o iti ntr h . bg " dcr. Lemacsn and examine-as WC aps bound to sell at PITTSBURGH PRICES. liO Tiqiumat TO snow GOODS. liem.lntber the place, room formerly etc . nplcd by 'Nelson it itnexeler, ' - I N 741 E DIAM OND_. i ROCHESTER, PA. • ' 1 • JA I NIES: A. FORTUNE. P. S. I have Fecuteil the servlcee of Warr OE.avf m orerly ofltridge%%ater. - fy.larMTie. It 0 CH ESTEA • MARBLE WORKS! W. EL Marshall, ' I) av ITALIANAAMEiIICAN MARBLE MANCFNCTUitER OF bIuNFIMENTS. ]LEAD STONF-ct 31Anut.v. 31.1 N TLLS„wroNE AND. POSTS FUR elt3tr:TE tY'LOTS, CA rind Stones' of a anjr•rlor qiiallty, on hand AGENT FOR THE Phenix Hydraulic Celnents._ 11.1. l'Eitst.)N:4 3t()7C1 . 7,1E!•:TS OR L 11. ul.drors. the no a call awl examine our Klock purcluilo;t NVe. have always on Ilan I a 1.1r...7c :nt superior -I , 4ft of rir.1.1..4 nor k, - w•• r.• can he hul in Ow city or,ran lictaJtroui thrt,ugll try. so beware at attcutst, c.illsud swoosh's fur yuur .,elros bofbre purchasing. fob :rrirr:Gru. FUTON FOIINDItY! ENGINE SHOP, , IN i--I.A.I.T_AS'I`CoN, BEAVER COUNTY,.PA 11 - I.,Vrisal refitted and era:itzed my shin' ofmnehin ere and biol.. snit havlitu secured the sixvices of the best of lueskoile , . I nui prili.dieti to warrant all work duue to give entire rnll.lltetEDU. I have on kind ilitlereut patterns nod styles id ',Engine.. Fire Clay Rolls. and 4111 prepared to make or repair all descrip tions of machinery, on reasonable!, terms. I'LO\V3 AlsiD PLOW ti.N.STINGS. • I have all the hest plow pat ternalhat mull this market annum which is the -lireat iVestent." which ham been Tic plow of the cont 4 fur the Last fifteen years. Also, almost all other 'lowa now or previously. In use. e STOVES. ! STOVES ! ,! . . !hay° on hand and! will continuo to manufacture a large aftiortiuent of \ • COOKING. FItANKIAN AND fIEATIxG STOVES. Of the late_st styles and with all the modern improve ments, which 1 will sell at inudern Among these is the GREAT ItEPUBLIC. This ttove has au extension top, which gives It a ktr:,e surface without taking op mouth room,and it is now looked upon us ono of the best and nand economical, stovesas it take* lesS fuel and is mom durable then other In use. The following. , after haying used this stove fora considerable Vii , p,th of time, May ho rekrid to in proof of *hat Is Dr. Isaac Winans, M. T. Kennedy, Eli limo, ' John Watson, Mrs. Ben. Fulton. ' , Capt. J. S. Winans, William iiauen., I•Joseph Darlimr. William Sunni, ttohert MetloWitn, Jo.tplt Mack mon... Mts..lnsoph :liar(la, Mrs. Major Wade. ! lir. J. D. McCreary, ! Mild N. Miller, David Lt•sick. : - - ("apt James Itanoiy,: , l- , Dr. C. 14.1 Turtle, • William !teed. Kelly:. Banter. -•"- -;!••:- John Mclaughliti, . -- ',. ' Samuel Tailor, Dr. Jas. E. Jackson, Tlninum Beacom, . !... John Dunlap, Milton I)avls, Marcus Baldwin, l_tdrid Lloyd, Toho )I. Duncan, • J. V: Winans. Mrs. Roht. Andrews. Mr. bible)", ~ . Mr-CasS. „I " • •• • Frederic): Kntarar. ' Benjamin You kiln. rapt. Jaute,.. Johnston; • Samuel Kennedy,. , l' . • ttcoreo Eval)s, John Jackson, . ' ! Walter Bnettimm," .••• • .• Idol. Slorhillottly : • 11. I', Itcrwri. . " • William hope, • -• mat ly .TREASURER'S SALE VOTICS 7r. 11111:6.01alt atA/1110SIblY With otruneoeslth, passed the lath dayof Mach, 1816, entitled, a ace to nlead an fatti Mx** theinole cd aching butts or taxmdc.,and the ahem subssvent facts mats *mewed thereto; sad ale serene acts coutortnity therewith, requiring and directing the sale of Unseat. ed Lands for County, titate, Somer. tichook h ew and Bounty Missoula the 41at eec a or me act April 49th, 1144, • authorising and directing th e re m teat and sale of a ll real estate re unseated lanes are now sold in satisfactioti,f the lazes due - and anpaki by the owner or IF* she the ee t imour _ Intithe aloof no ed lots In the boroughs e t B et "::;• ge wetes. Roc ter and PaLaton, for boreed, the 'Mud* lots and traetent Unseated Leed,;, to, It the eNtntzr of Beam; or set much thereof as lbo ormira& t. of taxes accrued ther of yeas no hod fluid so inch taxes t e e the , years as remain unpaid.) will be e x p oeed to itatzc sale, at tie c o urt noun, la the bortsegb of Beate r . „ it 3fo'nflay, the 81.4 of June nut, ertiuniag the sante by adloun EW enwet If • • AN liAlt!ilof Treasurer of &proßearer te. forTersons desirous of playb i ll the taxes , der ope n say tot or tract to the following list, ace notilid to du sahefore day of sale. and an pro perty n ill be wi th h e ld Roos sale on promise to pay. Fore.-=Ail property marked with a star VI a re . fumed under the 41st section of the act or April tith , Sabi List for AND IMMI !dime Richardson, !aides 11k(behen. •.. . $ Capt. Woodson Glenn, !Thomas W Darts, Sninnel Murphy, Miss Uoldship, Itlrmo Bhitee, • . Mn,. Patterson, Jurnes MeDermitt. t t natunel Dunlap, j ?how poon.Joituston, i Mr, Crawford, Mrs. Itev;Stephons, IJonathan McKenzie, .Indge Knirns, 1 Gletinrd•Kuhrhy: -., -- . selaanntrFnnk, - • ' -•• ' -dames Knowles, !Ilksvid C:,11(oon. .. 4afellnrd Staley.- .•••-, ". bliteph•Mcretrair. • ' ' David Carr, lkorge Wilson" fames Thotapbun, Mn.. Quay, Ilarri.on Wood, Milton Reed, Reetoti Grove, William Grove, Wnshlngton Kll:te. James (bailey, Robert Gruhont; ' l.llooll ( l l:fthiviumr;* 1 31110 Bradshaw, r 'Olvon Reed. • • tumid Maxwell,, J , W.,' Punklumser, %S alistu Wa,•pler. ~ ... Mr. Chnitei, henry Sulharet . . ' ?41r..Wraiv. . • - DOfd Mltthell.• L .... ' 79IVIJI1OtpfLvy VUTED 0 Beeper. Threrrahip. Ilorrin Thomas heirs,land , hearer Borough. Ale‘"adee Wm I). lot* Ptirgunon Elizabeth, part in lot' Thompeon Wm A, 2 rotas 4 t Young Peter. I lot* . Ealrin,Alexander.l,loto 111arke Tem, 1 iota" • Borough Turnashlp. Ilerrun Barron, Academy lut' henry William, bonen and lot' 31 . 1(enzie Alvin: lot, Illelngrea Win heire,tl-botot, Gordon Jae. :iota' plan,] lot, Brighlon, , Tuttnehl. Dickey Olivee - houge an ti lot' lirldlgrgrateelforough. nap . JOS. nays' plan.l DundassttotheweVend. plaloto. tield,Mend. plan. 2 lob., 'Hemp. plan. 1 lot, Porter Wm. stable and 2 lots, Wilton B, front lot.ltnytt Mendenhall 11.4 lot, Meud.plau. i Mitchel Andrew, 2 lots. Itawdon Freeman, 111ots. Chli.gotra 7btrn.hi f> i Beaver Manufacturing Co. lood• Darilogios TrorriaAip. WEnekey Elizabeth, laud' Lcous A •• •. Enrich, ilarrta.t Cu. " Hardy C A, ' L Hardy A A, Unlou Cu. Waugh 1/ 1) Ree. t. I I.yotat Janwa. 1 lot, Thontaa' John !wire. 1 lot, , 1 ..11corn William. land. I Pinola!, Tnelohip. Nita. Ft. Wayne AC. It.R. l l•tta and tt acres Intuit. Itentington, landon ItortwO. _ . 1);clwy MrA A. la n d• Meanor Mn'. 1 Imo WeIA Mary, i kit Owner Unknown. 1 lot' Rhodes M. Itatosey'r pl. 3 lots, Jatuci Thomas. 2 lots. Ownerniknowil.fur.S Oliphant. Latienster.s Bens er tar. oil co land, hottse.• lot ' Freedom Borough. Snob' , 11.1 and hit. mato Steltit• hodoxffy 71ocos4ip. _ Shoinaker Adam. lot. .Kutioo Thula/tip. Barri...Wu, land* ' Noon 7,,nakSy. Potter 11.ndi lands of Ihnolsaot h. M'Derald,Wta,adj ld's T herr " Slinlotto, ad) land. of T l'airy •••• Noel, ..4,11,11. y Torhallip. : Mitchel Jaincs heir., kind. ' i I:annec Pas Id, land* • Werrli Henry. land. : Near Thivhici, norolvA. I Ilthot ell (theirs. 1 lot' All - er-‘on II . i lot. Mend. Ones Champion W 21.1 lot 11 „0 11• Orin .' Finiihel el nlll ,O . ot* I tote A; 14110 1 , Lutz &Co, S l Pelmet: E. ki lot. Mend. plan. Winsio , .1' s, l ,, l o t. o. •'• Gould Mntla. how. , nod lot' Leslie Ell /....3 his, School plan, r.rott Win, I %Jot. Toss nsend JsonOs.ll lot., Hymn James. part of lot, I i For •••- , .n Jas heirs. 31,0... llendrie 1-aac. 1 lot. ' 1 I.litz A: linssell. 1 4 lot. 1 • Mehard .I:Mt-F. put lot, Pander Janie% .* " I Itieluird Jxuneft, Jr., 1 lot, • -Too nsend Joseph. 3 l. & lan& . /3 ,_ Wilosn V P. 3 fracti ot ons of I. , Talinit'ii Win lire, 2 frac. of loin, Old lief •hton Co, !nod. I;;Vrs hr.fitnignZA l . lt, : I i t rir. r i n u t ti e ‘ h l i : l Edward. h 7 , i v f . „. l ,, f l i li t . P . t ; Kelll , r. ijonso.l.oo,ldad)ittmute Hose S ', lueit.• _ 4(141 7h.riaAip.. adj John I ate Friterillan N P. land.* S11101(11.; David heir.. Intal. Robert : tm Archtbald, Lind, Dunda,iJAIIIVA: Inn I. Tan lott!I irtir. inn& tiblinotAttent). • L'oerif r itorooft,,. Bole? p helnt.l lot. I'innry'l.l• Erb A. Gool,l'A plan. hood 10t..• Keller 11, I lot. (Joplin , plan* 5..11,t-t A. 4lnt.. '" " • Wolontith 11. 1 lot. " " • , Elk F. I.lot. lieno*.,t)lart. Elder P 4 hnium anifhg. hon•e• and hd• I' o l.lll'v 1). 1 lot. ll'nrn•n Anti!). boo.. and tnt • lboope I lot. ”ho Itohor R. 1 lot. ;on d•a ',lnn. N1,11014E:m31 E,4 Nell) Timis. I lot. Nobs J,3 lots Plnney's plan MN - Awe. r Totrft.hi p A rhneklo .17.1;01010.01d Itrlim•rr• Ft 'V & C It It, 1100...‘ and Int• Vankltle, C beire. land• Walter* Llnnd. Parris Rmlir, halloo and lot.• FOll. J, t liii; No. pt. Gordon Amanda. holl•e and lola Ramey A V. I tot. Stun+ey'• pl. tarter Wm. land. ' Itorronit '%.sort ip. Rambo M. I lot ad Wid. Felker NEW GROCERY, (TWO DOORS EAST OF THE I'. 0 BEAVER, PA. J.; 73. CLARK, ( Successor to W. F. Clarke') o • DI;A.I.EIt IN ALL KINDS OF Olw two ES, Trovhdons, Country Protium ,t 4 FULL STORE ALL THE Ti3llE, r And tompetition Defied ! The public generally are Invited to call and elonito' lila stock. , If nut sulfed In every they niil not be required to purchase. STATE AND COUNTY TAX rrtri:'cotrsirr Tll/.15.41.' ft EH WILL ATTE 'v 1) I -A the never al Township• and itorungh..4. for Owl• , '• Pow. Or rktiv:lig• fill. Stat.! anti I'lllllllv trtv." f.' , ll ' YravltV, at - Ilif: thnoa _awl; place.. do.;l4n.dvit .1 , .....P • viz:- . Hookstown July n. Hotel at• Ilook.down:t. fireene, 7, Hotel al H.'" 1 " . "• Hanover a (treeuu, 8, 5W1•31111.!...:r.. r..S ~.!1.1, , Frankfort, • ii, It. Stertily ,, l';.; Hanover, 10,---TtenfiN , two; Raccoon. 15. Hall'.....tore: inflow:mt. nee, ' 11. John R0110....': do t Hopewell, 15, J. Hark` ~i..r..; Itopewell, • In, n. C. scow.: ..tpon. l7,Win. Filiolt . f: .. .. 1'r:1.111:1in, te _.,. E. Atitemeth 4 .......... . . . rerl'aymenta can be made In Me adjoining' iMY n "MP* -AU Hemmer must be paid Istromm 1110 1,1.1.'1 Or. J air. E. BAIINES. lipti'o2re. - . • i . . . i're4.4tirfle. Coat and Ntit eon, for Sale. +IIANN:I4 7 I.. FUR Patronage herstotom beettmed spoil him. pleasure In inrorniititz the eitlrens nfllorl .ler. Water: /leaver and enrrnundln cunlttry, dull In still prepared to ftirnkh an excellent artiekn l c'" l an.;l Nut Coal. on short notice, either or .at the Bank. nil the hi:4 of • trrnio. 'rho flank l on 511Chtley's Nutt, near linehester. '"'t tht4t. or St the Store it Tholui4 Arnim. In ter; or at the Prothonotary's olliooln Peal er. '"' promptly filled Capt lively Is Agent. P., . ly EB IE2 EMI tr , 1 9/1 41 LI 49 41 1►5911' iain!rto I zi 5 (r. 4 E mr,37:tti 44. 4,L 4n , • 19 17 I , l in " I. 3 10 1 13 14 11 EfEE 4 r• 11 3 I EMS i I i A' !M to V, 11l IP MI MI I.N 1"; MEE
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