11616351 ----- .4ipAtari) * 1,. :barb . OnS J P. SNITS do CO., Dianuttititerell 'lWkolirrialls Dealers ix 01 . .ga ri Guiesinires, .0040 ,1141 rd 0114 E ARE TOUR= '1113R119 AT Rs. talkor to the trade di ofgooiabk our lino, N o ch for quality and OW • soaostitloo. Oar No. I,Carbon 014 iro %WWI roosi owl st. host ittalograil Era tot. Wo bare olvx so Mado.thozow punt DUN and lEDLIE bursol‘ i 4 oldisoers. i • J. P. -BIOTIC' 'di , ',anti se., X 64 Rith, s ShallenbeiOr BrOs. BLICCWORS I '! STILES & SHALLENSERGER, I Bridgewater, Crennla. .f. MMUS . • F NE FAMILY GROUERIN Queensware,.Haraware, ir/NDON OLAV, WOOD AND WILLO WARE, BACON, Mali GIRM.V. AND • ' Country Prothice • I or rkntoill unary, SIMON 'SNITGER f& CO:, . • (At Itio od Amid, 3rd etreet 13e:tvv . , ectliett.,) DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Glto:vitiEs; ' . t„; 1 UCli AS • COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS, SY UPS, MOLASSES, SORG HUM, • RICE, PEPPERS, SPICES; • SOAPS, CANDIES, RAI- ! • SINS. ENGLISII • • CURRANTS, • • FIGS, FLOUR, FEED, FISH, GRAIN, dc., de, • Thee are 4 conetantly receiving a fresh assortrnentof these iatlclmt, and the public may rely upon getting from them as good as the market affords. All ode delivered If required. Jolt THE CHEAPEST GROCERY ,'AND TEA HOUSE CITY - al DOI ( VIER 3, RED r adN'T . - GROCEIO and TEAHOUSE,. NO. CD lODERAL Below P. F. lA/. &C. R. R. Depot, ALLEGHENY 'CITY, PA: GOUNTRY DF.ALEIIS AND QT1141113 DIMMEST id In the purchase or ; TEAS SUGARS AND COFFEES, I tntly their own Interest by calling on as before , put:basingt, elsewhere, as on. motto Is, (frock sales and . Small pronto. J. KOIIEN .I:I3RUTHERS. • declrti7:ex., • EVERYBODY LOOK AT Reasons why you should g u your BOOTS SHOE *AT THE I L BED FRONT SHOE ST RE, NO.. Ga. 63, 63. 63 .15' Fo'jr EPPEL t 'let. They sell as good. Goods as there is made. I They warrant every Pair they sal.. :W. They guarantee thelr Goods to do good 'orrice. 4th. They repair any thing they eell. ;' Mb. They rivit all their, work, making It Most do table. • 6th. Their work ix the most elegardand genteel in the Cite. . 4th. '/'heir work is the most durable and perfect ht the. City. • i Eth. Yen can buy lower than at any other place. NIL They are the beet Goods and yet the lowest I. , loth. Good' custom made, and sold less than trash VlPEnshere. 11th. The largest assortment to select from In the City. nt. No tronble to show Goods. Romcniber tho beat Goode for the least money, aro to be had at • • NO. 63, 63. 63. FIV'TI-1 ST. PITTSBURGH, PA MEII Mali IL A. Wilso, Mate WILSON .1, STEW ART,) DEALER IN Boots Shoes 3 'Rubbers, OLD VrAND. D,IADION 10,11, ROCHESTER, PA =3 RCHASIC I T A NT 3 PER801413 WISHING TO _ 007 sr. Fresh Mileb poen and Cairo, ems do m IL SO plybigto BeignlL . ikt olcq faxpoi4.l .! 1E tINDIMICW • I ?: . 1 ( r r " teetering Lime at Venport, Beaver -county, Pa.— lila are known u the • ~ ' 1 ' • . .. . ~ Filial! Mist, MO tree or etriliell;ClD alwaishlil i h on short notice. I will geniis cheap as the order lel t at the Kilns. or letters addlrest= at Beavet, Pa.. will receive prompt and moral attention. Lime delivered, whenever wanted. mtuiralEt: 1 y G. W. •PITSEY .Wholefale and - Befall Dealer • . 1 ..„ CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES . and TEAS, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUITS, !Pickles,' 4te. All kinds of Country Produce mold on commission, and prompt returns made. •;. NO. 49 PIEDERAL STREET, • Alleglieny Cityi I'cnn'a. rMvl3l3itl9. 1 . ~~i MOORE'S DRUG STORE, 1 1 t' '~~~"~I , "Power's Kilns" AMOS DOUTT. INI3HAVEIt. !day be found the beet amiortment of DRUGS, e 1 liatases, CI-1.0 WE IC _A_ I_,S, R, RS, WINES L 1 Q„U /kr' 13 r ts, Oils, I" a i AND STUFFS: En R-TICLEb, SOAPS, TOILET USJE-IF.S. ES 11.1 PATENT MEDICINES ill of the best -qrtallty. and sold cheap n be bought at any other Drug itoro • In the county. • n great variety, al er than e- Dnpon&'s Fe. mane, $1; Clark 16 cents Per bale; Cheese The Largest Stack or LAMPS £ LAMP TRIMMINGS. LANTE? , STA 'TIONERY. WINDOW GLASS & Vt.l . Ever offered outside of the city.at Moore's rug Store, and sold cheaper than CM be bought anywhere else. Let those who doubt this call and see, and they will doubt no more. jnlyl'67 ISERZLN IIIIt511! E=cia=n2 & BROTHERS. BJM AAA RETAIL DEALERS CIMEIM THING, CLO MEI s Furnishing Goads, CLAI R STREET Gentlemen NO. 29 ST (Opporite Iron Clly College.) k = PITTSBURGH, PA Clothinz made to order on short notice no ,arna:l7. NEW F4M&Y GROCERY A PROVISION STORE! Cor. Railroad Crowing and New York ht. 11.oelik'ester, Pa. ,1 I By COE at D A.R RAGH WELKE .11AY BE FOUND Vaudly ()overland Provision. Flab, Flour, Cheese, Batter, Lard, Bacon, 011, Pure Cider Vinegar. Syr. ens, Molasses. Salt, Teas, Cottene„ Sagan, Crackers, Tobacco, _Ctqa, re, Ilneonsware, Willow-ware, li'ooden-vrare. and ev• • erythittg toltietr Uri', and they kora i. by smct attention'to buimeSs - ;. • to merit a liberal sham of ' • the patronage. B. All Mid. Country Produ c t taken at the mar tot pripe. (.''OE •DA UT1.4.411. Rochester. Oct. 15t. 1E67-- oin9:6i:i/ Kr.t. , c•-rilrfr,r6 - o.vezz ==l it , !_.....::..ki ; - <•• ~ • ik<a - f. prize 1 e fr ,W -11 i. 1 1 1 : . 00 0 _ • i,.v.• .• e t ; -e-..- •-•-:. ... - :.- - c - - , •<, -••-• ' ~-;•.: .2.. ' -,....;:- • .... - - .'l. ...4 7 ,,,.. - .- ....,.. '-; r.i . l l;(' - - ;. .‘:- IF% t:' , l'`i?"i"•' - ;''... 7 1 .- A. - ; 'cr.' f• r . ." . : - ,, c . ,,v2;..1 7 ..., 11 , f ;,::.,. 1- „1,',i;•2 1 : ,F v , -. <, • ';'. l . -'.." 'v . °lv ._ .' .2 1 FiasH iItRIV - Ale, , '-, F ' 4 --..' '4.,T 1 -...,.... , .:.*:. -, %.,... , ,Lrz ~.,.. ~...:!..,:.',..:.-....t.'-'1:-.. : k MOE MBII J. Cii*S.ic.:Co's., itqCRESTER. PA.., Tun lamina) mown* itasit, LAIICInt cr and betterworted Stock of amend Meretunallee than ever before la oar bone, condatlng of NEW PRINTS, NEW DELAINES, GINGEAMS, CHECKS, - • . • FLANNELS, all colors, • JEAN,.,. TWEEDS: • . 1 - -•. • • * • CRASH, • . • DIULLS, - _ • • -BLEAOBED and BROWN MUSLINS NOTIONS IN LAttia VAUIETY. 1 fIQOP and BALMORAI, SKIRTS, BOOTS and SHOES, Purchased always In the East. at Inv est cash prices and Sold at a very small advance: 114%.,"rc2:vcristres. A complete Stock lad purchAsed its New. York and Phtladelphla,ot , MECHANICS TOOLS, EYEY 1 P1.2.32.1t, SISAP BINGES, , • I SHUTTER HINGES, LOCKS IN GREAT VARIETY. NAILS AT ILANUFACTURINo PRICES • et m, atm, sing and double strength, at Pittsbngh - prices. Paints & FRENCU RICHARD a CO's., CBLEBB4TKB BUCK LEAD, INIRMI COLORED PAINTS, J. MOORE GROUND, DRY AND IN OIL MINERAL PAINTS, LARD OIL, CASTOR OIL, TURPENTINE, BENZINE and COALE'S PATENT DRYER. nooks and Stationary! r Co 0 orlon. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. BACON,llAMS,Sle A lr e Enl a rCellrt MESS roxs, • FLOUR p in Sachs and Barrels, fresh ground. • direct. from Can ton City Mills, Ohio. All kinds of country produce taken In exchange for • goods. i• All hcsv goods dellcere4 fro: of charge CALL AfklD EXAMINE. 00It STOCK . J. CROSS Sr, C O. • , NEW YORK STREET, NEAR RAILROAD CROSSING. _, - r o'c, hest er, Pa. x.': .:I Ina NEW,JAUSLINS, FIATS awl CAPS TABLE& POCICET BUTTS, TVLVDOW GLOSS LINSEED OIL, CARBON OIL, • - •• 11. ' f i gq• . Alratek.Jt aker sag Zerwener third4itxed,, , llea*.ert A 7. ; 13#24111 1 4 , 1 . 111 4 * C !!0 31 `: l : 4 7 ltre ! l ! 41 . 4 79'7 'strong° en•labums. aiidon guaranteed. Glee. tat a um. apr1768.301. '• - 4 ," EMI . . - .LON.. • • • va n .dm aTOOVAIXia ti RSZ"e a COMPAPIYFOB nest Wo lf Um, In - & county of lieem",are be r m nottabd that an , mean). aior one President, sti lianV gets and s'fresuntrerofUl be held In the Toll Hosea at 844 Company. on the last Nonday the 27th day of April ner,lostasenting at 10 o'clock A. M. JAMES .dLLISON,. marltattd. Treasurer WALL - PAM. FOR • 1868 Spring thipply it *educed Rata NOW OPENING. TEE BEST SELECTED STOCK Brerbromtbt to thu city for mazy years. Patterns Bears rdr Ilia Pas Parlors, Colones Iteantifali Chambers, And Prima Levi. Clittreheit Those !Firing hones to 'paper, and I 311 SUCH ANTSDUTINO TO SELL AGAIN eIIOULD CALL AND =MUNE THERE BEAU UM Patterns of Wall Paper before parching else , where. DECORATIVE BORDERS, MOULDINGS AND ENRICHMENTS, IR OAK AND rntsco COLORS PLAIN GROUNDS for PANELS TO ANY SHADE OF COLOR, Stile and Panel Oaks and Marbles, ' Ceilings, Boitlets It Fillings, Clock and Gold Papers. ' OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. 4 .1 . Shidle Br Son, 56 SAIIITIIFIRLD " ST., orrirsavuon, feb29117:3m: 110CIIESTER -FOUNDRY, ANDERSON, ARRECKLE & ,CO. 1 MANE ACTuhEIIS OF MACHINE CASTINGS. Panay Truck and Car Castings- Agriculture Implements. Engine and all other Castings made at a dr4 clue Foundry. Also, titovels, Brute. Fmnts; Grate Bars. Liners Sash Weights, Hollow-Warr. Ket tles. Iron Fence. and all other Caetln's,, called for, on short notice and of the very best metal. Also, .7.. T. Anderson's Justly celebrated New Cook Stove for Coal and Wood, which took the Pi•ernium At the State Val:. retentiy II at Pittprshugh. Mi. m. Shwa combin many nOlv an littporhant principlat. L which place' It tar in advance of 01? others notv, In use. Some of the merits claimed for t; the InVentor, are Heavy Metal. Well Propiertioned, •anty . a Style and Xlrylsh, Esau of Draft ' Easily Rep F tlean;licquires bat Mlle Fuel. and the . BEST BAKER EXTANT All orders thankfully received nn:] promptly 11110 We Call Attention to the Following While living in the Dist !Used several of the meat Celebratede Cooking. Status Made in that part of the country, and on my arrival here, I was recommended to patellas(' the Crystal Palace Shire, tzth , o invent ed by Mr. Anderson) as being the hest, I did en. and need It with good. ratisfaclion. When I saw Mr. An derson's new Stoce,l was attracted by IN nest appear ance. and on examining Its Oven stud interior arrange , ate, fotmd it pbssessed many advantam:s fitsr .all I had reen. I porehsied, and have one nave In arse. We consider It superidr to any we have ever u..•(1. It is all the Inventor claims, and we think, all that couhl be desired In a Cooking Stove. . CAPT. GLUM= PEN DLETON. Rohlearen.Wov. 91st. Having one of Mr. Anderson's new Stoves In use. can fully endorse Capt. Pendleton's rtatemeut. Jona' H. WnisLan. • Haring one of Anderaon's new Stoves in nen, I etn fully endorse the above recommendation. J. WOODRUM timing one of Mr. Anderson's now Storey in rae, We are fully satisfied with Its good qnalltleo In all re- Pea.. JOBEPII iRYDI AND WIPE. . - . Having kept house/tor a long time. and used A great number °Pena Stovemof differezt patterns and styles, I consider 4, J. Anderson's hew Stove, In point of ecimonty bt fnel, ready cooking and baking for its size. sae of to sty we have used, and cheerfully ree commend if, telfeling It will :ender entire PatlAfac don. CLIA/3. LTJAINS. We hero one of Mr..J. J. Andetsola's new Stoves, man tfactured et the Rochester Ffattuily, and haring Riven It a fair trial, we find It emu", fully up In all that has been claimed for It. It heats very rapidly, takes but little fuel, and L 5 a most cafe:lent - baker, Mr. An derma may congratulate hlrettelf on haring aehleted quite a Humph ht theilue of Cooking Stores. Very reepacqulyi Beaver. tor. 23d, 1967. J.S.MUCKA. A. S. Harvey, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, mcewaware. TV JAEsTO M) ON. HAND A LARGE A WELL II selected Stoick or Teas, , Rice, Coffee, i ' Cheese, • Sugar, • 1 .Soaps, i Molasses, - ~ ; Bacon, , 1 Syrups, . . , Fish. Hardware. NAILS AND WINDOW GLASS. STONEWARE. Pine Churns, Oak Churns ' willow filnekets, Pure. Cider Vinegar. cuoict vAiitILT - FLciult tha - fiateed 1141eltii,coastatilly an illgrTrieca eery low, tell and toe. A. S. HARVEY. Bridgewater, re. octV6l:ly, Statements : Rocignerrzo. Nov. 23th DEALER IN AND Peck' Measures, 34 Bush. Measures, Split Baskets. ALSO. lgigslol . lllClNl iLr INIM WSW . a y lke from , of et end illthaninees. 814. Cotat i lpetlen,Oftratup bra* flotOlosolaa. DYIIDe " Da. 11EADAM. AND 4rerztirk. . •• lOUS P.UMt • ... Are the nitit riatlket trenedil o bret i lnr public.for ‘ll Olson of Abe LI, sad antectt.- • They setae VATIfARTM wt ut g the Streaseli oraewsle; Won vie tbetrery.gho to too those mem *Muir away all 74alesellol, Peolhtgll. Infusing pew I.lfeand NUor Into the litystean.. For sale by all 'flran taut errant,* Aftin J. MESON pia's.; oil moot is., rim: r‘aPa . „Whnlreole Agents. , • oar 41:1 ' " * , R. W &W. J. SNODGRASS, WIIOI.IMALE . ... I) ..1 : ?-0 TT 4:3-0-, I S T 6' eil comma OF I* teal and lloeenek Nieces, Allegheny, (flat corner below Depot,) . t H DEALERS IN . ______: LEADS, PAIIV7a, OILS, .VARNISH, DTESTUFFS, DRUGS. CIIERICALI3, PROPRIETARY NEDICIXES, FOR. EION and DOMESTIC PERFU JIERIES, SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLES, FANCY 1 GOODS, ST.,, 4te, i DAWSON & RICHARDSON Beaver Panel, Pa. I= INI TiAmst OC .II3ST OPENED ,LUGS STOCK OF G NOTIONS, . • BO •TS &1311 . 0135 6 - ; BLASSWASS, '1 • QUEENSWARS, TINWASk H NAILS, DUUdS, &C. Sprindote Glmsll sizes 'tad d ouble atfaitgA. spo , cW atteatiqn paid to filling orders for WO . :1 windoW VAN •te. Also, LINSEED OIL. _ CRUDE BIIR'NIisCI BEN'AINE, ' ' , COALE'S PATENT DRYER, Taints of iill Colon., Ground, Dry and in 011 Pnrchnsers will do well to eall and (months our stock of "Mots beton purchsaing elsewhere. Alf (1. Choice Brands or Florin Barret and In Seeks. AU kinds of Country produto taken In exc.:bingo tbr Goods. ' Remember the place, first door above the Cindery, ppoolte side of 'tract. , Iylo'67:tf. UNION AGRICULTURAL WORKS, ROCHESTER, PENNA., A. B. I•'I' li , Se. C 0.., r no rattlollll, lAN UFACTURE MOWERS , 'REAPERS. AY ' fLullway or Endlette Chain, and 'Lever Power o f radon,' PiZetl, Threshers and Separators, Early Mills, Cider Mills, Cane 111I1ls and Sorghum Ecaperrturs, Curu libellers, Dog Powers for Churning, and all other Agricultural Machinery. ttr.PATRING AND JOIMING Of ;11 kinds done on short notice. 2acldnes or any kind built forpartiee. liming had an-experience of fifteen years in Patents end Patent IluAneee, we are prepared to mike Models, Antditztions, &c., for parties - desiring to take out Prifeete. Haring fitted up our Factory with • NEW AND IMPROVED MACHINERY, • Select from the hest Eastern makes. In person, and emplu lig none bnt the hest Mechanics, we are pre p o do work in the best and manner. Has " secured the ierviast of A FIRS'I` CLASS PATT N SINKER, wit are also prepared to make ans. kiptl or dole of Patterns. terticular attention paid to Repairing 'Mowing and Reaping Machines, and machinery in Moral. a solicit. and hope by attention and care to tnerit. the patronage of parties wishing work done. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Address if A. D. PAIITH IC CO. ,wlr27etrit is Rochester. Pa. I;EER'S • Port Grape Wine, tord-by Uttudreau . of rotigrrigations (Or Cliurph or Communion Purpubes. A LSO :EXCELIXST YOU Lhnn' AND WeASIT rielt.sosl V 513., VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY Sieer's Port G - iape Wine, FOUR YEARS OLD thte - petly celebrated native Wine le made from thejniee of the Oporto Grape, talked In hue country: Ite invaluable. TONIC AND STRENGTTILIING PROPERTIES are unsurpassed by any other .nativii Witte. Being the . pure juice of thi r xpe, produced under Mr. Speers pestmal s km. Its purity and genuine ness ads gtiarahte , The youngest child may par take of Ha generous qualities, and the weakest !nye lid may use it to advantage. It is partleuladl hone tidal to the aged aid debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that edict the.weaker sex. It is in every respect, • A 'Writ TO rtE AEGIIn ON, ilnralids two Speer's Port Grape Wine. , Females use Speer's Port Grape Wine. Weakly persons tad a benefit by its tree. I Speer's Wines In Hospitals are preferred to other Wines. . . . . ' Sold by Drugglsteand Grocers. A, Speer`, Vineyard New Jersey.' •Oftlee. No, 213 Hmadway. New York.loctifill The trade .applied by Jol mon. Solloway Cow. dep, and Irma Richards & Co., in Phfladelp ii, and bp Geo. A. Natty and Fahnestock's hi Pittsburtb, and otberWholessis Dealers. • . .-., - , , DR. W. C. BOAItD3L/LN • -110UOLOPATIIIST 'Weed respectfatty anixotice tenet Citizens or Bea ver. Bridgewater; Rochester . and' vicin i ty . . th at he hat located Beam kw the p_reetice of the Homoeopath ic *velem of roPilleins: Oynci isilgatienel Rotel . mar IE-6elros in itieffositro irstr ntarrro navrf his Mod* endlbe •,q- mat thrp,lm est yeetitywArr 'boat II gonna.* • AVM IF sad minter wear, wiu nee TOT siotterate rani. , • GANIZENTOM GOODA CONSTAIFFI rY \ • • . •ir ' • ' _ _ • - - tioihing ma* to. order .ow AnB ron+ 4 +••• +-- notice. • el lt aae ankfi atte ltletr is t ie stor . . , - s..t toiots . I hops b! the aaos. ,DANTiii. HILLER, • ••'' BRIDGE BT. BRIDGEWATER. PA. SPRING At ail! 000 z I matt reeelVeß a Now Wolk of Goode, et the lOW Styes, foe SPIONGet Strfrig > t *SAM And iTitabe made up to order In tha Weed 1 .approved , styles, and / IihA.SONABLE TERMg. • CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER IN 'Ansi , Aral MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES. AND AT SHORT . NOTICE. GEORGE URAIIN, Broadook, ifirev Br.Otets. girs'e& em. Spring and , summer GirCOCODISI t T RA GOODVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF I S, of the • LATEST STYLES. Tor Spring and summer Wear Gentitinen's rordifidag Goods CONfiTANTLY ,ON 1517.1 b. CLOTHING MADE T 4.3 'CEDER.: to latest &id most &Atonable steer, and at aiton notice JO LIN CUO TT CROFT & PHILLIPS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, 139 FOURTH STREET• PITTSBURGH* PA RI 1,11 ~.I!AcoviriatTnit l aTf9n I gA eickTo T n " .Pl " t c lo " n. ptice and terms of ad the properties entrea ted to our care for bale, These consist of Farina: Gnat Rills. 110111ICS. Las, Stores. Coal land; Coal Works, Coal In terest. Western Lands, Hotels; Tanneries. City and Subarban Property. This Register ere print three. Times a year, on drat of May, September and Jam. , nary. , Parties wishing to buy or sell - Real Estate, no mat ter *bore the lcmtion. should not dill to consult our Regimes; a copy of which cMI be had by sending us your address. January number now ready. 1an15467:1y. IN A. X2I.RICX, E. D. DERRICK C. D. DCARIC J. K. BUCKLEY, 111. KEYSTONE STOVE WORKS Car Factory Buildings, NEW BRIGHTON, PA MERRICK & CO. .VANUPACPURERS OF AND WHOLP.BALE AN! RETAIL DEALERS IN COOKING STOVES, , HEATING STOIIISS PRONTSi and FENDERS, &c. Ruby Cooking StolYe N 05.1,9 & r. • sirtvE TWIG Til& I•'IRST 1 the State Fair as a Coal Cooking Stove, and al , e• at thelate Connty Fair. We wt. no scrap Iron hi Mils manufacture, but make them exeltudvely of No. 1 11 • Metal, and warrant then:ern every respect.. ' The Ruby has the !mired oven In the market and commines but little fuel in baking, owing to to maim proved Grate. GRATE FRONTS AIl b FENDERS We are largely engaged in the mannlhatere of Crate Fronts and Fenders, which we enamel In an oven com mon, second quality sad fine Apish. This enamel re tains Its lustre for a long time, will not born off, and makes a much shnerior finish to that of Coal Ts-. SUMMER PIECES NVe are also making Sheet Iron Summer Fleets (tot which we hare applied for a patent )pressed up to • hydraulic press. They are much lighter than cast Iron. and much cheaper. STOVES. We claim the heaviest fleeting Stove in the market for the she, and use the beet Stock hi their eonstrat , Lion. Our patterns ate not yet complete, but It It our In. cotton to keep a general sasortgent In oar line WePremium also took the at the .County#alf for Castings genendly,trod ire We entered - th tOthelmkt tesswith the determination to ase s best 04421RM' and make good work. We respeethdly moat a share of the pnbl:; t gsi and would be pleased to. see those w El tri t;t= in our line at oar woks. Prices Low to wilt the thneof biliftßlClC A M. rt.:020%7217. Law Partnership. 3. A. apt:Ol(6llAM, • 111. P. AVM. CUNNINGHAM d :KUELN: ..aek:nlriß.,- Mot r-airlAT OFFICE, THIRD ST., BZAFTR. PA. - tp:o ..::1) A l"ae•—z r al r ceAtitihis; 411 - tem blsteed toga estete 11145,401 k.. to maim Imensaists sat those basing moms 0110114 eemeA lwi ne%e nt theme mperty sutheattested Ter settlement . • - JA2II2IIII , IIBoN t User , liartteel !.^ I vl,lVifttift. Norma is 'imam an sic =AT Tux pat liershlpherctolbre matins Writhes S. J. lad' and Wm. Barnes,. la la filltelielth adman, wen a t . wind by mutual wend oil the 10th dal of serL I s 6; niannannuas min MII OC am left with 314.8ma11. at the o OCOOR Id Wank In the Beaver ants the 10th day of Ithy. and If not settled by m a i 6 7 they will be referred to o th er bands ter settlement. • J. SMALL - • WY. BARlia, IMP.• ' •it & WALL.IIFr i r gmeopattild Phystoisrit & Surgeo ns , veER TR= PROMBIONAL w. of Rochester mad ectaity. Qu o i n Rdecree & ebtoo's canter of Mame& Rochester. albeattos ems to surgery and S. • Mat ecesaltattom am be bad at arty lima agent . . tile Beavo Tails Salt w or k s I =WORKS AIM NOW VI Succusvn. dos, lot snakla_; an Irmelleas COAftE SAtirarr i T r e g M u t t L y te.._ And alio mak bit roma q Telt attimtioa of MUM, NitatittlT ArAaaRM Itivitii4 to lee mad ezaxaloe thucz:lTN, ord er ,' will te siadetlcsnod. Beari, pi4 - 40111:1188—aprISW:3m. x. --- WILL*I9I/ & HARTFORD Haire now Ppened the Finest Selection of FALL AND WINTER JESCIO'rO & SHOES; I-JONV'',IDIRJICESI NO. 100 MARKET STREET, Corner of fifth, Pittsburgh, •Pa. e 1 1 711.1,1 MM REICH. ' . Bu dzwATIM Po. SOLDIERS. TEACHERS, ENERGKIN MEN ANII women. for the Life ofGen U.S Grant, By nOR. 'amity C. DESIOI. G,Cbalrman of the Mil. silty Committee In Congress. The only work of the kind issued under the sandlot' and by the authority of Gen. Grant himself. It Is °Melia. and is tht most intensely interesting biography Over onblishrd to America. The author Is one of the most brilliant wri ters In the country. Agents will End this the yelling work of the season. Terms, the most liberal. JOSL:PH PHILLIPS. , BAILEY, FARRELL & CO.. Lead Pipe Sheet & Bar Lead MANUFACTURERS, ALSO Pig Lead ; Iron Pipe, Rubber Hose, Steam Gouges, Whistles & Valves, Iron tt. Copper Sinks and Bath TUhs, Steam Pumps, Farm Pumps and Force jumps. And erery deaription of good' for e • WATER, GAS. STEAM, Dissolution • Noce IS AL Li Which they are selling at GREAT BARGAINS Ainat Call and examine our Stock l o cretTOl:iy WANTED, AGENTS. EiGEMMMEI Publishers, TN Sansoa St., Philadelphia, l'a. aprW6B. No. 16'7 Smithfield Street, PITTSMAIGII, PENS'A Send for a kriet t!at WAtCHES FOR EVERTBOiI A STOCK OF FINE GOLD AND SILTEII ATCHES, ALL IVAIMANTEO To RUN, AND MORO UG HLY REG ULATED, Al' THE LOW FHICE, OF $lO EAcg • AND SATISFACTION • 'GUARANTEED. 160 Solid Gold flouting Watches to Volt 100 Magic - Cued Gold Watches Xis to 500 100 Ladles' Watches, enameled la/ to MO MO Gold Hunting Chronnineter Watch e, ILO to ;01 200 Gold Hunting English Inver DO to 300 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches 150 to 1:09 SCO Gold Hunting America]] Watched NO to 2:11 600 Silver Huutitg Levers 55 to 1511 500 Silver Hunting Dopiest's' to '2* MO Gold Ladles' Watches 50 to 210 11100 Gold Hunting !Amines an to 75, 1000 Misceilaneere Sliver batches 50 to 1 03 . 2,000 Hunfing Eklver Watches 25 to 5000 Assorted Hatcl es. tut kind. 10 to The above stock will be disposes] of on the mores one prlcefp_lin, giving every patron a floe Gold-or Sot Id Sliver Watch for $lO without regard to value. Wright, Jim, k Co., 101 Broadway. New York. trigb to Immediately dispose of the above magnificent Frock. Cortifidates naming the :milers are placed to sealed envelopes and well mixed. holders are Wed to tha articles tuned In their certificate. upon payment of Tin Dollars, whether it be a welch worth sl.tut or ens worth less. The retnrn of any of our rertlfleat.. enti tles you to the articles named thereon. upon payment. Irrespective of Its worth, and as no article valued at loot than $ Is named on any certldrate. 1t will at once hs` sera that this is no lottery. but a stral,teat forward legi- Balite trtiosaettda, which may be participated in even by the moat fastidious. A single certificate will be sent by !too paid. upon receipt oft] cents, five for $l. eleven for ft IMP ty-three atm elegant premium tor $5, si%ty-sly and • J more valnablejarentium for alo. one hundred and most superb watch for $l5. ° To agents or thoe4 nbhing em- PlFt4trp p rare oponrtnnity. It I s legitimate . ly &gm ldeolness. idthorized by the Government an pen to the most careful scrutiny, Watches ,"; by Rives& with bill for eollection on delivery .to tbs. no dissatisfaction can possibly occur. Try WI. Ad d revs, WRIGHT, BRYS. /t CO., Imnortere. 161 Broadway, New York. rntl:l9.6B:Bmos. TINWARE. WH OLEO/ILE AND MAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Tin, Cepper Sheet , Irtm Ware. 4 PROPOSE KEEPINP CONSTANTLY ON nANg an kinds of TIN. COPPER AND suEEr.utos I WARE, which I will sell AT TILE LOWEST PRICE Tin Roofing, Spouting & Job V t Done to order In the best possible manner, a . t ; shortest notice., Ulan none but the best of material. and barb but the beet of workmen. WE WARRANT' ALL WOB SHOP ON THE LO WET END OF rlvlal.r.a.g3trie el BEAVER, PA. Oire la a Calle-and Zzamass ausiitca: • Mianned ware kepteonstantty on hand Re! J. X. 1114Xt7ORD jlp-'2l*G: O R.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers