The Be', yer 0. .3; iVEYAND: Enrron Awn Paiyiktirbi. Bit vr, Pi., 'April 90, llle*. .Repu,l4 , 340!),Ipli*iit; Auorrott - fIENERAL, • GCS.; 40#F1 re .!!** l4l " , .131 0 , sqtrytoxintir courrii. .:: 8 13tVEYOR GXNERAL. toL.44tco7s as. cosrnELL, capFsi ccitutzw. -1 =I . it thOdider. edltorOf . the Pittsburgii . died list week tit his 'res idence In tint city. pir. Foster has been eon= neeted W i lthtifiernl pewspniworenterprlses in Plitstitirgh, sad nitst tile of the founders of the Dip,ste,h. Ile Wti's bnntine si 'W his bed ''onlY 'a • day or two p,tivrion4 to his death. kr. Foster wai a rigorous writer, and it we to his energy oi4:,httrneter Chit the Dispatch owctr z fmuch of tik . e.stiteess,Which attended its publi6tion. TlinltE is one sense, and onionly,itt which removal of Antirew!Johnson cxui tic called •, a party necessity 'the '#epubllcan party can not afford to lie recreant to its dutv., IVnen it ities the courage or the will to do litdit, it is time for it to: dle. its plain dtity - to the country is to convict the Pre.sident. The no. cessity for it to perform' that duty is of the same kind whichimakes it imperative upon every man, to obc thelTen Comm:indult:Mk Y. 7•fiGnit i c . •I , • . . lets ,''to the ItartfOrd /?eat says Gen. Grai l ?t. eltril Connecticut in Isiovcinber. tflegislotlon can secure 'Oa fair _ %iite, our friends here will be prepared to show job! ftir,such legislation when the Gen ens] Asseilibly.incets. With a Mr vote the English majority in the State would be a' myth, and many persmq who have Noted for English will vote for Grant. There itt no cam for discourtigment, even here, white no one doubts thht• the prant ticket will be a suceeli . in.theientfnt6t.' • , • Jenny. Nat.o.%, of Tennessee, one of the President's counsel 'addressed . the impeach- Mein court on last Thursday, 'and a more stu pendous failure, ft is said, Was never witnesSal in the senate Chamber. MS speech had 'a inarkld resemblance 'o those delivered by A. 1., ivt4n swinging around the? circle, audit is thought iii i NVashington that it W - its inspired 1% holly by that soon to.bel.nrited.out individ ual himself. The contrast between manager liontwell4 speech the day berme tr Id Mr. Nel- Rods WAR too striking. Everybody - - tioticed it, and white his associateshung their heads in ~itameitt his stupidity and loose ribaldry, the impeachment managers could. do no less Min laitgli at the itulicroui figure he was then cut .li 'ng. Tait elections in the 'Southern States re t. cently held are quite encouraging, and in the, ntaiu prontiscivell to the Republican party to thc future: ' Arkansas has adopted a free constitution, elected two 'United States Senators, three Rep reeentatliea to °Congress, all Rep44P o ‘'-^ and is virtually back into the UuloT!M°. • as s . 1 4fiettill i tival4n e w earn 4tTi Flraiiint,tind elected their whole ticket; The hew Stoittk_coitstitution.bas been adopted b anudaittbf betWeityil anti 40,601:1 South Canilink wait the flratStite to lisive 1.4 Union; we are..rejoiced to know thatisbelwill be among the, tip', to return to* again: Lnuisiana, alth o ugh under, rebel t i ttle, has ctilnditptm the right aide. The new :conati- 1 tetfo!rhaq been ratified, and the whotel.Re- pdblican State' ,ticket elected. Hancock's pr4criptive riil4 in that State, 'and rebel Omitting tendelcies have nova, been crowned 'with the success he imagined they would be. ' 1 news from Georgia is not so encourag . lug. Between the. Ku Kink Klan, and the ' planters threatening to discharge tie colored voi:irs'unleas they voted the rebel ticket, we lost the Slate. • ,- ' „ • ',4liisensioris in' our own ranks,' have caused us to lose North Carolina by a very small majority. When . theitiiarc healed lip, and. It islanlly probable the:, they wilt continue long, that State will take its place in Oil Pillilican column and be as sure to Vete right .as Vermont. t— I Lnter information goes to sho s i that the flret l ltisittilclies from North Carolina and '- Georgia were incorrect; and that L the now constitutions end the BOpublicans have been successful In befit of these States. ExAmiti, under the rule, way each occupy Aileen minutes on' each separate . s question, wikeitAlicir icrdict on impeachment iscon sidered in secret session. If each member avails himself of this privilege on the floor— a. most of \lho lawyer-gcnators and not a few of the ntliqrs will—thirteen hours, equivalent tkat Icastitwo daily se dons, might be con sumed on feckquestion- rising under each Ar ticte of the eleven. It-is thus within the pow er Elf tienators to occppy, if they choose. two or three weeks in disposing of all the Articles fortituatcl3', not,' every• Senator will use his privileze of debale, and the decisions of some of Ike, articles Will be governed by the decisive votes upon others. The longest de lay will not . thureforo loOked f4r, nor will it he safe to ro i ly upon a decision "In a day i?r twe as eirrected in some quarters. In this cennectioa s Oe Philadelphia Press has the following from Its cornesponuentat the Capi tol: i • . . . 1 I (in not preterd to itak(o emvassed tho Sen ate, fit such a thing is Impossible, but from close observation I havelreasan to believe that _ not a single ItepubliCan member of that body it", willing, even at this day, to repudiate the vote by which they..adopted the resolution in, , nnawer to the niessfige of We President el • nonncing the 'mineral of Secretary titanfti which reenfiltion, it rill be remembered; d - clued ilUit ' removal to be illegal. -I hare CA ratilly• ohtained,,tbe opinions of the so-cal ' led doubtful Republican members on this suii J 1 pct:and can annottace mittriratively the fach that they. have .notehangeti govir mind since they recorded their votes at that time, after ,tie exit:illative debate .0 ulna hairs. • It is ;; I :prohable, liorever. Sit , have presiopt h ly tug. mated r i.hat the Senate rW spend adsr e sf lake -two, days, in consinUatiriit before the final 3 1 011. dune; which they Will donb - tless embrace the a It t poltuaity offered to l e:plain they:colt:a ow , t eadmicaibiktyof evidence. aad for the par- i p f1e,,11 4 f trAhilig those 'reasons , *lM:slimy will I r Mot cAn 'New:4OA 4 secrecy Woji tbeir d iflienuine!, -' , • ' . = . Vl* count y pm. ' of the Democratic party met at the Court Hoop, in t• . , o last Monday. Eleven elpetioti p n ,we Ice not represented at all,! 'AK ig w e , Fianklingd'Guirc;Franko di • ,H ~ , . • • , ,Hopewell, Marion, Fatale* II • .- 7 r tp i lessßaden and New Gall!",0 Top c r " ! w t. . , . enthusiastic thaireercbunty.... Vention weever attended. The following ticket was no' mated: Fur Assembly, Join! White;. For, i i Pr4ecutins : Attorney , 'rank Wilson ; For_ Cnieiniasionei, lienry:itiooro :.iNiri. D hv etit ' ofthe Ooer, J.. M. ' ;;Viiii. Abdittitit John Id!Ctirter ; :File Tnisteea-of Acadelny , C. B. Hurst and J.; R. Blaine. Mr. White had not been formally announced as a pandj• ante for the Legislature, lett was brought for ward by the convention tit amanner. that was grossly insetting to the' tiroleintlemen who had placed' themselves' before • the' people as candidates. How this was done will be seen in another..eoliiinn. • Worse. political. treatri Inentlhan Mr: Hartford and Mr.! Hainlitoti, ri•oelveil on ' lest Menday . ie could hardly bre: aginc. Theeonvention up-to this point was dull and ilfeless, but now beitati.ilittle strife 1 that was lank inferetitingand refresbieg. Sam 1 B. Wilson and E.. B. • Daugherty liive !been the reposnized leaders of the Democracy. of this einthty fora number id*Srears, 'Recently howev r,Messrs: Kuhn, Odell,: Cunningham, . 3V ha r n anii one or t wit others, conceived the idea o wresting •the leadershiii front their handaland investing themselies with it. - At the time referred to on Monday the Kuhn fac- lionreporteda resolution denouncing the 11- bel law of the State, and indirectly endorsing the conduct of the editor of the Local. Mr. Wilson moved to .lay ' this resolution on the table. IThe Kuhn faction opposed his motion. Fiery'speeehes were made on • both sides.— Odeil protested that Mr. Wilson was rapping hint (Odell) over the knuckles In opposing. the p4sage of the resolution. Wilson nipped the bailie . And. now the fate of the resolu tion was 6 determine the relative strength of _the two 5 along, and consequently the lead ership of the Democracy of the county. A vote was soon taken, anifthis vote showed 59 in faVor of. Wilson's motion, and only 9 in fa vor of the Kuhn-Odell- endorsing resolution. The defeat of this resolution in cans a mind'. talon of the course heretofore pursued by the editor fil the Local. It has that ; significance, and iti''eddition it -indicates very clearly that the entity looks upon Messrs Wilson & Daugh erty as its leaders still, and votes that they shall not be exchanged for new and untried men. To use a very common phrase, Messrs. Koliii-Oitell & Co. were mast effectually 4 eleaneff out" on last Monday by their ow n part ;T. iti this county. 4 . .. __, 4.--..----.---. MEN THE impeachment trial Is nrving slowly on. Boutwell,Slevens and Williams have made speeches on the part of the managers and Nelson and Groesbeck fJr the defence. Groes beck's address to - the 'tate was looked upon es very able and digni ed, and we presume he'snid about the best that could be said in Ga. vet ofl his clicmt. The speech making will hardly be concluded this iweek, owing to th e fact that the Senate reqnLvot n felt days ego to permit all to sneak tag. . noweverohn tint will surely close and that the:President will be convicted and deposed Is vow conceded by nearly every person. TUE Preadent a few days ago withdrew the name ofThomas Ewing of Ohio as seer e• tory orr , a , end sent Gen. Selioffeld'a mune to the Senate for confirmation as War Secretary. This, it is and erbtond, is done without Gen.Seholielcrsiknowledge or consent, and Is supposes' 1 to t be an attempt on the part of the President to. induce a few Republican Senators to vote In his favor when the ques. Hon of his conviction is to be determined.— Gen. Schofield is a "radimi,"" and in the in- stance bore referred to, the President is aim. ply throwing a - "tub to the whale." BRITISH Statistics show that in gnTiand while the poor marry; .the well-to-do avoid marriage to such an extent that two cabman in every five of the whole number of English woman are unmarried, and the total of these unmarried amounts to the great number of 1,327,000. In London, forty-one per cent of ,he women of marriageable. ago ire spinsters, and in five English -counties there are forty , five per cent. Tan recent election in Wisconsin, in which the Repnbliins have made a handsome gain aver last year, Is the last warning to Senator Doolittle to get ready to follow his Johnson lan friend, Senator Dixen,_to the shades of private life. Both oftheso men, had they re mained true to their professions, would have been gladly continued In the Senate, and • might have been among the moat useful mem bet' ,; of that body. But in an evil hou'r they !lo an ed ;,.:1 temptation and fall , probably nev er to rise ogaitL Even had the Democrats carried' t e comice,,:ent Legislature, they would have loperseded Di.Qn with English= it 'being the general Democratiolicv to use traitors rather than to reward them. 'Jo fact, the fates de not "seem to be favorable to the Johnson Senatot,s as a body. Besides the tiro 1 -re have mentioned; Senator , John Son, ;of Maryland, has been set aside for a inan, of narrower Copperhead type: and Messrs. Mend" ri , ice, sof Indiana, lind Norton, of Minnesota, and Patterson, of Tennessee, are morally sure of beingdroppefllis soon as their respeotive State Leglslatiireslaitro the privilege 0:1' pea sing 'Open their claims. ' Ai • - Titt,trial ofGen. Cols for the murder of Mr. Hiscoct; at . Albany, N. Y.. about one year ago. is_progressing at that place at the present time. It will be recollected that Cole and Hisceek were personal friends for a number of years, and while the former was in the army. Hiacnck seduced his wife. Shortly af• ter Sole ascertained this, he shot Mien& kil" ling, almost instantly. In the trial of the case e t the defence are attemping to prove Gen. Col to hive been of insane mind at the time of the commission of the 4eed. resulting from iniuries received while serving' In the Union army.— From the prominence of the parties, and their precious good standing, the triai iselitit ing a wide.apread interest. It will 'probably bit concluded this week., 6 tioiddrMtial , imrarriitt oppas japer* and afterwards' stanstiarrisa the same *Mimi to Iffv. Ltnerdo. tiahcd st thf.:§chnoil4'. grO.Ceclattrl aa c9i914, Ailds :her book is said to be uteoccr3Atemirting. ED; Istonnt: John-Mbite,:ofDarlington, .111 . 111 nominated (or Asiernbly by the Demo critic lillOntin instimday,notwithstand itabbsr: d announeed, and twit ~'` I Hamilton and 'd•-• nation. Odellywo k+ll6vr,:' n o • and consequently tells &trio tibizonsiderable num ber of the DemoCratic party of the' county indono ; :the views of his correspondent, whose pressing lettetinduCed hint to be tiean- Wide. unworthy of the iloinination receded cp_tcaouttl was.pbditly told by law fair- man of the contention a better . man was Woattid. teeltdYe. shabbily., He came. Into timopnvention h move votesthint tQi ninninate Idm, and was actually f uotninat4and_on the first be) I ST! ,c°lvl49QP l lPlii than was IlefrAkar9--.FPr some Jt WasAViertilin. ed-lie shouldnot lie 'nondriabSti; and tp rent his, nombuttioo. Dadington - township was called, and voted V I /wipe - for White to pre vont a nomination on Oat, ballot. The Pies Ideal of the convention then said- Pr. Hamil ton was not the min that.sliould be nomina tea, and that , Whitc. would get more votes, and he ther4ore withdrew kis name. As Dr. Hamilton was notpresent and it was not done t liefore the balloting comanincial; of cottraß tt was arbitrary authority. kr. White who was a delegite, and Vice Vresident of the Convention, Toted every time for Ids own nomination, Ids township eaSt:ng a, full vote hl4. An instance of his remarkable mod esty! % If it Is tiot the first time in the. history of conventions that a man 'publicly; voted for, his own noinination,we are.greatly mistaken. It certainly-Will triwi T ess intelligent voters greatly iniiii,filvor; The dekated candidates who wereinpolitely told thily were not fit • , . and were po t wanted; will doubtless relish Mr. White's noilesty 'anti his rwßeci fur them. , . YmitPLair. On intition• of. Dr. Wendt,, • Dra. Wallace, Boarifnuinittid Werult•were appointed& com. Mitten to reportifee bill it the iiiiiAtiiegiair . Meeting... • ' ' . 10n inOtimiiir• Dr. Nippert, it was resolved thaf_the next meetingof the Institute be.beld at the National Hotel,in Beaver, on. Tuesday, Jug . 21st The following, committccii wire appoir. tell to report on scientific subjects at the next meeting. 'Obstetrics—Dr. Wendt. I= Anotheidection lenver, and this time we remain in pose,sion of the field. Of course the Democrats make a great noise about the success of their State ticket, but they are whip ped and they know it. When I tell you that in Connecticut a Governor's veto can be over ridden by a bare majority—and that we haves majority of W. , ' In the Houle and 3 in the Senate, (11 in the Hone and 1 in the. Senate last year,)—you will understand how little the success of their Slate ticket really amounts to. The real fight was for the Uni ted Slate Stnntor. The C opperheads relied on large frandulentaccataions to their vote in the large cities and towns. Their real work work was done in the close country towns. In this contest, without money, we should have been whipped to a certainty. We have the prize most to be desired—a United States Senator. This was the game which English 1 . waft laying, 'and he spent a fortune thiS sprin only to find that he had lost. Count on us or Grant next fall. • :Female Gainblers. The Washington Chronicle makes what seems to be a startling expose of one of the peculiar , features of society at the national capital. It says-: "There arc two fashionable gambling houses,, both wiii:in half dozen squares of the 'Treasnry building, which are exclusively for the use of ladies.. One. and pern.p . s the best furnished'and most largely frequente.V is situated on Fourteenth street, while the otii‘l_is in the First ward a few squares distant . places, at nearly air hours of the day. may be I,: s and richly dressed ladies, connected with familia, rhoso stand ing; is high in Um conirimnitv, earnestly engag ed in faro, and staking their money with-sn obonßon that would •excite surpnsc. The ster ner sex Is rigidly. excluded._ We are At pres ent I tufable to obtain other than the above par ticular'a. It it nintored 'that a certain Minns) case, now p ending in the District Courtvissti tributable, in a measure, to the squandering of a husband's money cm the tables of one of theseplaeds. Mme. Ruinor placing the amount of the losses as high as filly thousand dolliul." Tree Democracy art rejoicing over what they call a'victory in Ileorgia and the prospect of nleiin North Carelina. Considering that the result shits themrSlatei out tram partic ipating In the Preslueetial election, and de pr.ves the Democracy. (41beir help, when the Orton come to think about It they must con clude that the victory is most decidedly Anal ified. So long as the States eontinue themselves mktg. a pasty sense they but bite otf4 t helr own noses—to ,which we as Repub. Scam, minuet seriously abjeat—Pitts COM, , fintaoo elects ' a resjoCity of Iteiusbliciin cmincilmen, but gives MO nutiority for anon: ^Slic Judge. The totatiliPtc_sB,lome imp thousaiutless than AliV i hng Ofreltpn ingl as usual, on thy pep 0&. Of this melt the Train* , . ` . ..,Theiesscan ofllieliayftill not be lost on the Aepubliesns gf Cilleago.- They , will now tillOaralao the 1 4411413:0,111e, stork they hsfe to'llo to cam the fall. 'Chloure Ise Rilsubliesneitf fear thousend nielority on aft vita, tripthtentialgoateaa will develop the bet." MEI Meeting of the 111001041)6thile lute of Beaver Co. Ps, s, PIUSMint to a call for organizing thin aSSCF chit ion, a number of homccpathic physiciater; flotn'different pails of the County, met Atha office of Dra Parker and Wallace, in Roches ter, IP. M., April 18th, A. D. 1868. • • The meeting was called to order and its object :brie fl y stated by Dr. Wenflt; of }lira Brighton, who moved that Dr. parker be cito son Chairman, which motion, was curled unanimously: On motion of Dr. Nippert, Dr. Wallace was appointed Secretary. A committee of two was appointed to draft a constitution and ,by-laws Said committee reported a plan of organization, which, after dal consideration and some c'iscussion, was adopted and the committee discharged. On motion of Dr. Wallace, Resolvid That we now proceed to the elec tion Of officers,by ballot. - Which resulted - 2.g follows; President—Dr. G. T. Parker. Vice President—Dr. Wendt. • - Secretary—Dr. T. C. Wallace. Thalia rer—D r. N 1 ppert. , Ceniors--Dra. Wallace, Wen dt, & Nippert. Dr. Parker, on taking the chair % congratu lated. the' members of the profession on the formation of it county organization under such favorable tiuspiceq, and , e‘pressed his satisfac tion at the interest manifested. on motion of Dr. Wallace, a committee of to govern the assocuitaMpom — ra — to; re% Pert at the regular meeting. 'Tlie-thalr sip poli3ted Drs. Wallace., Wends and-BoaVdnutn, said foktilttee. • ' t" Meningitis Nippert. Homcepothy—Dr. Boarowan. Snrgery—Dr.Wallace. IWhereupon the meeting adjourned. T. C. WALLACE, BCC. The Connecticut Election. The Boston Transcript publishes a loiter from a leading Connecticut Republican itich says : - The New Itallioad. Lim! et Pets • nitlistidiss.. t - 4 By.,:•ef‘ rail is t oul feeme w in ••• i•a. • c . Fa t . ,_.., y n ber sc of de , t ' . -, 4 nine i n nn • pauy • . ?lola's* constrikting , j ai nln , • _l*lir" - Ir one pay be throughout the ititterelnel4 withh) 0 Thai of any Incorporated city, in which case a spe cie] charteretplited, Tn•pqant themismse of this autho — rity,and.or.vnission hi r , 4 5 / Kni'' ' .1#,1 1138 .* *P4 OI " 61 1.1 4 0 new winbiliiY;ntitt dee - Slat% of Its t c;lThicii antrineonwnetetwohttil beilledintit - the Beta rotary af pi e Comouniwailth, ben Wok tenths ttqlie 0014 ' . ,of w h SIO,W, per mile all,the pro ' road is legals4 f inium,sitairhave itubscribed n10(40'014 I F and spouted by the;collection of 10 per cent of the subscription. When Ills statement, prop. erly attested, shall have been acknowledged by the Secretary of State, the campany shall pastes the (following powers and privileges under the lam tact: --• .. • •i'• . ~ First : To have am 'cession by its corporate name for the period limited in its articles of association.. : ik , , .. eime - : To inking' be Stiett, itainpittit r t and defend, In any tionit oflaw.or tqaity.:: , :. Third s TO mike and de 4 common" sail, and alter the same at pleasure. Fourth: T9hold, purchase, and .convey such real sill pima nal estate as thepurpoies , of the corporation s hall require, not exceed , ng 1 the amouatlimited in the articles of mucky Hon. Frfth: To appoint subordinate otllrers and agents asibc,busmess of the.oorporationahall require, 'alai tcrallow them.isuilable Compen sation. ' Sixth: To make bv-laws'nnt inconsistent with any existing . law . for the 4nitnagtnent of its property and regulation of PA stratus, and for the transfer of its stock. , . , By this they are anthorized to carry into effect the objects.minted in their prospectus as fully - as any corporation created by special net of IVI Leaklalatnre,nnd latch -- r enterp_ankee are ' , entitled: Ili lathe milts and privileges; anti are subjected to al! the restrictions and liabilities granted or imposed in the old rail mad law of February 10,1849. Thus charter ed, the ,companica,arn required to complete and open the tint 50 MileWof the road within fiveyeata ; six month more being allowtsi for ,each additional 25 miles. Branch roads, con necting with the main line, are also author ized underthis act; and when the directors of two cmupwilesconnot agree on mutually sat isfactory-terms respecting thejanctiou of the roads, titcoourt4lUommon Pteds-ofthe Dis trict in- which - the connection is to be Made Shall have the final arbitration of the ques tion.' This is a brief sketch of the principal features of the new law, in most eriontial par ticulars similar to that of New York. Unre stricted competition Is always better than fa-• vored monopolies such as the Camden and . , Amboyof New-Jersey' is and the Penni - y(11i. Ma Central was, 3rid it would be well if every State in the Union, would follow the example of New York and Pennsylvania, granting a right of way to all who choose to avail them- selves of its privileges and comply with Its requirements. . lion. B. F. liadb Threatened; WAttam atoiii A' ril 20.—Hon: Benj. .F. Wade received the ollowininnonytn-nt 4 tot. ' ter this morning, post-marked Winchester, Kentucky, April 17. I copy,. verbatim el lit iratim : - - ( .r, - '.C . .7' ~ ...' Ben. Wade, Dim. {so caned) Thlscortontudocition Is to notify you that you ore marked and teatMedby the -K. K K..,& that ..s.ctuid you and ynt'tr infamous associates sec. ceed in your fanatiCaltt Lettish design OA/M -ine yourself elf I& called Presldecit• ml an un 'willing people brietual force *hat your/ Ids will be, bettne 8 ‘azertm4.l.W ofythe late, lamented A. L" Yon may nutheed thiti Want, ing,but go your course, andyour fate ts seal ed by a bullet by'Bl3. K. K. K. Eyes ore on your track that never sleep, and this w ill be your portion. Thad. Stevens is doomed. Gen eral Grant is watelited'also. You think your self in security, inn ',there is a vengeance availing you three grand eon.ipirators. As for Butler, the K. K. K. of New Orkmns will like him in charge at the proper time, and his por tion will also be a bullet. An indignant pen- - ple will no longer heti what you demons in human almptiare preparing for them. Go on, and you will see • Whether the BS. K. K. K. will lie. Be tamed go. time. • , • ' By order of the((Rand Commander of the , • K. W. C. C. K., April : l4, 1863. B&K.K. Xi , Tim Demneracyfnever rave - for expense when they fume an object in reay. For in stance, the Democracy of the Ohio Legisla , ture have concluded all the budriempniceed ings of that body—there is no business before it waiting action, but In order to make cap c l ital; t lie Detnocrade majority 'which &reds it, is determined to aid in the defnee of Andrew Johnson, by remaining in session to defend that villien in case he is Imp. ed. It is inferred that Ohio intends to call nut n army to.assist in keeping Andrew Jo lins n in the White Home: -They say they- are awaiting the action of- the Impeachment Court, at the expense to the, people of Ohlo. of one thousand firs 'hundred (Wars per day ! This is a specimen of Demberatie retrench ment:of public expeftses promised beforetho last State eleetion.--Wharrth erkurg De ' • ory . • . i 1 • I,li It's proposed by mine of the frie i s 6n neighbors of Frederlek Donglasi to rpm him' for Congress, whereat the follower 's o r Mos , nssey and - Wood style of IDeterratney aim osi burst with indignal ion. :We have nothing to do with the matter particularly, but we know Mr. Douglass to be 2 perfectly respectable man and that he has few auperiors ma speaker and thinker. As to Mordasey and Wood the two shining lights Of Dranoersev, if they are not pmfernonal gamblers, and are not all that professional gambler' usually'are, then com mon fame greatly slanders them. But they are white, while he is a mpo---therefore it is extremely Democratic ter 4tower honors on them and spit upon hint. ' GEN. Heap has tawanne the object of Cop perhead afinse.bp escaped, however, lon ger than he-has ar.tright to expect. When the President selected him in succeed Gen. 10 6 .--Ic, it was doubtless expected that he would asslst i t ; defeating the_policy of Congress But like a We:settler heitaii. done his duty ;.and furthermore, the A. opthem sim, under which he has lived for the last - four months, has pret ty therotighliblialelkid Out of birWwhatever conservatisin there was in him. Because he has not served the President, he is charged with,seekingto•obtallt4he &Vol' of Collgrato; in order Co get: thmugh a claim in Which his father, now deceased, bad an - interest. Ex cept Hancock, not a Union General of any distinctum but stands by Congress, and en joys the advantage ofbemg abused by thceop perheads. THE Rev. ..7 H. ICaldwell writes to the Xdhodist the reatilt t -of Lin observations in Gemgia as to the i. f nous Ku-Klux He corroborates the lacing representations we have tutti of them, and. sayslermrism prevails in many partsorthe:Bouth. Union men ev erywhere are In clangetaad some. of them have been compellsCi* flee to places of safe esTe ;i - ._..7 - • • , "A sweet spirited, deeply p io us . . :awl " 'Mot famine Cbristiop spi*iater, 14th,a,entall bnt respecutbleitick iindlifs charge; bas been nonrimi/e4 tHibittiknblb is r: i tgil Wl* America, as iris wer,iy ,it n lurszet, u derth e appietieusirtwor J tiolem s— train a city so lately - utained with the biood acme of the tua rty rs of liberty." . •- • a***s Ausilm i lWlEWASlllt ACCOUNT Wrrig* /NMI VININCIL Mr Irns nolimelisatifitimpeompultir -_ mos Law OM IBM 1111,1111114 VON WO 111 OW .11Alicu rim - - - • .. - 7r• Gam . . . c i ---- 71.- , - . i . t 7. 4 r .., • : , • 4 , 1 ki , it . t„, ••, . 4 or at lel Moo. mwraO lood ._ .l alto ;it it `: i / ms 14 k 6 ~, from J,, C. Wilma. at - i ~. ,- • IOU ' 1 wed tram J. IMme. of Its - .. , .*,,, 0 . 7, fl 5 011 • -la St Yst : . C.A.OrUna it Olbroal 011aaJlarall *WHO elm. ili 11) JI T ' " . C. A. MOW. et Manna demo la till dap, 'ln. OM ." .I... Rent Watetg m lu t atrod boa irroderickbaa_tar by Meta. T. k...6 w "- 18, Amosat to from Hoary Blee. Not, Wpm" atom% - lOW • • 7,1 ME OM .~ .-A-~C: p..c~.c: f.i^?Y.:s f .--~ r . PBM [WM - 1. :, -ir r. ;,:-; II WE 11•1 ."-- 1 ' 1868. r. - ' April I, To balknee !o Trouary. • • • • Ntiii];, - :bliCtliSeticitte. 1 9 1 E 1 E ) ,)FOR PALL • ' ..rt THE UNDESSIO rt. . .PIJLASIE I .1. township: afferalne.sala,l6o head at fine cheep (part Spanish). Mosta pre.bead. This will include the la" " Ilit ' t° Ibill° 1W0 . 01) TiIO3ILS. apritirakit. e • ' ' SWEET POTATO PLANTS: !VIM UTIIDICILSIGNED HAVE A CHOICE LOT OF liStr,, =Tr . TC . T i r ti og e htnts , attbelrstardens. y oler for ' , ate. Tlds plant is hatteriVisphd to our climate titan MI Other now cultivated. and Its yleid•ls rem fair. Persons about to engage In raisin» sweet potatoes far their own use, or for sal*. 'Would try the Nanse. mond plant. It will motto highly satisfactory. ' Our terms arc moderate. Call and see us. E. P. TOW NSE!iD b SONS. aprAireiktel . ' ' • E ezeentorio Itetlee.—Letter TWiamentary an the estate of Samuel „li eed. decd.. late 'of Darlington - township. Beaver vaulty Ett.,-Mrinsr been grantodi to the ea dl ersirned, off 'venoms ,lndpOted to the mid estate are retaliated to make immediate pay ment, and these tuniutc elslms at pleMands against the estate a said decadent, will mats kron, the tame wltluint delay. . . • , • , 'A. S. REED, E netore. J. L REED, apeNfiftfit. • , . ,TAIIS. MARQUIS it - ?UNNINGIIA3I PRACTICING PirfSICIANS, BOCHETEI2. PA: IXs'Oillce two doors east f Ankeny's, HoteL Prompt attention given to all cal s. apriPlitly• . . • • Chum. 'l3. 1 urst, "Notary Public, craveyanear ; and bilnramma Agent . • • DEN/Xf AND mmitagic_rts FitvesTirs acknowledgements taken, DC. - Haying been only cnmm ssiontrd,as Agent for serer ' NI kr.tatasa , Issmages 'lUpingsp . r , entlint the Lire, Arsident, and • Lee - ortmente, 'lmpend to take risks and wri polleint on the most liberal terms. i Also. Agent for the "Anchor Line" of drat class Ocean Steamers. Tickets sold to and from aliporta In England. Ireland, Scotland. tier and*France. Oface in Leaf's brisk row, D Hecheider, Pa, aptl9lB. , , Agents Wanted for The °Metal History :0T the War, ITS CAUkiNg.'4 7 IIARAC2IO, CONDUCT AND RESUL7V. By UM ALEICINCIXER-1. STEPIIMS. A Book rid Parties. rrurs . ditir.Ar WORK' pmts lesTiCirriz ONLY 11 complete and inipartialmutlyera of .the Causes' of the Waryet published- and giveleLboao interior lights and shadows of the great tmnfilct only known to those high !dicers who watched the fie -tide of revolution from Its fountain syringe.. and which were on accessi ble to Mr. Stephens from his position as second officer of the Confederacy. To a public that has been surfeited with apparently similar preglactions, ire promise a change of bre. honk agreeible and slain tary. and an intellectual trend of the highest order. The Great Atnerican War has AT LAST found a ,historian worthy' of Its importavee. and .at whose hands it will receive that. moderate. =did, and impartial treatment which truth and justice so urgent ly demand. 1 • The Intense desire everywhere manifested to obtain thils work, its (Metal character and ready sate, com bined with an increased commiselon make it the bat subscription book ever published. One Agent in Eaton, Pa., reports :l subscribers in three days. . One in Boston; Mass. 103 subscribers in emir days. One In Memphis, Teno. 106 subscribers In nee dive. OrSend for Circulars and see our terms, and a hill descriptiorvor the work, with Press noticed of advance sheets, &c Address NATIONAL pußusnixo I on South Stye cob St., Philadelphia, Pa. • -' NEW GROCERY, ij (TWO DOORS EAST OF THE • P.. BEAU ER, PA. J. B. CLARK, (Successor to W. F. Clarke,) /. D E c AL E R IN sis A k, KINDS' F CI KINDS' ORO, Country Produce, ste, Le- FUG!. STORE ALL THE TERM And Competition Defied! The puillesenerally are Invited to eel Land eiarritee hie clock. It not Pulled in every watt eater, they will not be required to peirehaee. &lineman, Myren it Seine, 1P0.42 Fifa. 4,1 door from WoOdXittatourgh. „ . Wholes Ale and Retail Dealer in . -VINE JEWELRY, WA C ES, DIA3101418; prims , Silver Ware, Trench Clocks, Flatellirnre or e ve der,cription. s eta, Spoons, Forks. Ate.. W akers tools and material, and agency or the tele - ted . , AMERICAN WATCHES.i We Iso keep' the lanyeat and meet wield apart meld olthe very beet American made . OtOcKs! •-"! • to be found in•*.efty eima or west. • ' • .. • • • Perseus in want 014nswartieIe ear uneAtber • whole Ws oefortitstrowo use. Will stasis IM - , our strisee 101141 e and oar otontasest Irma -tiro soy to be bind - • sweetly( blew Yak eity.• ••„ • . • WATUR,IMPATELN9. _ • - '1 To this bisial our lode (beim, intrseb . ei eel witch makers) ere pej very ' spacial Attention; Ire e iri any ass nt' tba Itm•larst Artisbilulhe' caustic"; ana an all tloe. geliptte and Metal warn too trusted toiti en cure;-for the trade or tudhlditals—rosy rely ou s ntman:tat. Watir M sent in by or othatobts. • R.EfifintAlr,a SEIDL"; , 141, S".itel,r.rda : !lplid Retail harslet:it and thlrersinitis, • • ; • . • • 42 yytit strut, • ape. Ca:l7. r q' % 1 J =I • r SE WI I ; ME Ne - irie.s tgRS.- B. BEACOX RESPECTFULLY AN= ilti-slootioed to her Pan, Mende hi Beaver. Bridge water, Rathe@ter. Freedom. and through the adjoining country that she has opened a veer 'evertor stock of SPRING 00004. which she oder, at the very lowest price". Mamie wishing any of the folloyring Goods cannot do better than by *Wills FANCY GOODS; jt3i MOIR ERY. VEIL sTUFFs. Dinka, TRIMMINGS. HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES, LACE COLLARS - ac., dC. she desires to call at tendon also to the dot that she has connected with the Variety Store, • LITERARY dr. NEWS DEPOT, and will 'apply all rodent Int MAGAZINEIL WEEK LIES, end SHEET 311111 C. Also, all the varieties of STATIONARY. Ton will be very welcome to call ' and examine; Mesta*: 'Prieenant Piet mr.srUl von. RAntmlor ptg' Pram • : Third - Street: • Sliver. nearly rV opposite the U: P. Seminary. apdS. ORPHANS' COURt SALE Valuable rarni In Darlington Tp. tri VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE OR nhanp' Count of . Bouvet county, the underriamed. Ae mhdatritor of the estate of James Murray, damp, ed, appointed by'raid Court to make sale of the teal tetate of midden:eased, after Plneeedludd will expose to pale hr public emits, or oat-cry, at the premLies, Wednesday. the Fidt day of Nay. A. D. Pins, at I O'clock. P. Nt., a tract or piece eland situate In Darlington t lonship, In the county of Beaver and State or Penns v vAnia„.bounded and described as fol. lona. ficitioning at a whits oak. tte• nee by.landa t of Muller and . Wllson,l.t.ltaft deg., W. -VAS cerebra to a stone Manta Ay Panda of Rooter Rosieli and Jamet Mae dee. E. 114.11 porches to a .tone thence by land of N. hi *dam R. liati dm. E. percheu to a stone pile: thence by land Jame" Remi t :lAN; doz. Li= perches to the place of beutn nler, voluntarist Int heron and Idt perches. strict mat astmrationt 14) aerse of which &redeemer! and In a gond elate of eentridl a the i bahuies weU timbcand, and the whole tract eon mod ohrtt *sat There are on the .ffslod two Mori (rums dwelling home, a *b....Fau7;rt ao.oretwd at.bob trent of different vied. Mks, and a never ;idling epilog of excellent stater near the derellinz. &Thep:mime money to be ptld In bond an - the ennermitlon of gale by the Contt ; and the babner In two viral annual payments with Inter est from the date of eunnrmatlon. aprMit Geo - ' - ' ":0. 7 ' • Rieyerer, Corner -iof Water and James its, • GENERAL DEALER IN DRY Or`ODS, NOTIONS, 'HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHIES. GROCERIES,. PROVISIONS, II A RD WA RE, ' NAILS and ' • CARPENTER, TOOLS, ROPES'and OCUM, PACKINO YARN, OILS, lueeas ware and Wulocw-iware WHOLESALE and RETAIL. I lisi(og the sole toir4l' ror the eeletested N 0 N's ti ral For IttltortPr end 71 tinny, we offer hour to deal. e rt a l 4 111b4 2rgb git4 [ ll6ll , 2 ' fr ,r b . C. ! r ?" llle . l* * 1 " . . P e lla 3131 31:11 WHOLES ALEAVIER'ET Al;o.laininir totelle 11*-11tellidt) • Beale cols -Stake. ire 'oder to the paMe Beale* at asannatntrill prim. tonal* ttnrot Hopper. Counter; Bev , node, Thomont, Idillditla 1011 tent Scales. • . . Abet. Atlanta Ibi Sneak* lam Ihdpbater-ot Until and Fleeter ROI tatianda. , . • _ , !fearer Batt ManufaetnrintiCer. Bait aletkrialtliiidd. we bare ahnoi a tatl stank ealtaadit: , • - 0 Ult , 11 . 0 TTO:- cittL 4zick ivo toy Ais aprE6B: ...•___" It Jig, Paid W. 8. Barclay. I V t ig r ountil.BWii. _ - - CIA. gin " Jame C. May pl Testak•-. 1- : : - 10 ft It : tim IliV tZ A IIZ I =e, ink 1 .1 ,_ • , . guv iiik 1111 : 112. 1511. I '1 1. Pd, Jog. JP airfliaaftheaisimique, le gm R. W. Illatockelabgeag knee. 4le ig, " James Winston . '" ' " • " • • .w Ott 122, S. Jamjak C. Willaten'eolise:lBllll.lbrillia tat. II g lg. er M. v. Ilartau. lit labor on Mesa* Imuki. ea ' SI ria iggaiLimilLlO*Pidd J. JI. Odell. ZOnnithigiblit 9fannieri. Vi al ng. o . .1. moles& for pub. Ordinance* IC pommy Wigan. -e, , e. ".• 1117. " 4a. %Struck. Wanting tree*. •••••• 81 sa I* o c.„Vitir.lbr ham. r ... I -- • ' aas o• - .:_gai Jahn r ssidanpanniks ea II (4) . 10486,r05. e, mAg r ti or m . ad senieft se alert, e iga. .. Wm. B. Andar. 17 00 • ! - '4 l '' Igf. --‘' IdellIF:: kir So* n= 4 -r-1, Lb ~.• . wi,g63,.181 angi 151. Paid Daniel Rbltigen toe water pipe, layi ng t wo•le ' . • NNW*, And the purchase of material. 6, • Hit. •"'•• Joe. ODeco. planting trees sad hauling stone, ue.. , ~,,,* ' so . le, • mil A. Boblimon. tor battling lumbar It ploogblnt cutters, 7 : • o ,10, 1611, tio sad ISM B. Dilkinomiklng milk Womb Safer sag ' " W. , - " * 131. Mil and Wis. White. gagingd itc h for new water pipe. ~,Mr` „„. .. .... maga gawp,, , kaullug gravel Cin road to tbe point, - •. 4. IM. ,wi Ell Reed. laboring. doing shade trees, if o um *, 'Joshua Sheldrake, for labor, • , 'At ) . • gn i . ‘r Aalborg 1111Mgcr. c". " - • VB. 'A A 8 -ml fl. , • • . .." s. lar. r• Semi. Bunsen tor aSlustang borough tp. do plicate, ' . Mt. " William Johnston. for tend scraper. vnt' 21,80- May. laborer on eastern water worts, ." Davidson 41 Bro. for lumber. ... sru„ rr rim. Om*. laborer on eastern wider lot. 1. •• /. C. Whn rt. plum II r and cleat Mg ea arm " • Andrew • Hold - arm, hauling gravel. fib., • " IL Etbrard..eleanhor clown 4 taking up hydmar, 174. . " Thos. McKtnler. for hauling. 1711. " Barb Anderson. lost en duplicate. 1868, 117. " p avld Hall. laborer on Sharon read, .•121,• '• •nte! Fbber. jw. ...m, B. Alexander. " " • * 4 ~ Vril, 114,1 - Idl, CAC Main. lost tax. or. Petting up Ordinance ,and tevenna stamps. % Or • 'Kt, ," 11.R1eInger for layiric water pipe and material lurnistied, 1,13 pi IP4. " Wm. B. Alexi:rifler. for Isbm. dime In 1866, 61 ye. ,•• Judith Barnes. for making hog pound, it .3s Inn. .4 B. C. Batton. for ran•lnesteeet. ISa . 189.. " Michael Camp. for Aar trrnpard. . 1 M l96; e jp o . 1,, Anderson, perturbinr reward antler In 1868, 2I D - Return of imsented lob , by C A. Orion, 1811, art 191, " dames Allison. for services as Tremont?. •.• . IQ in 1 _ / 64 6 4 Pi 6. iiii lEEE MI ME I 1111 IMES BEM = data M $l2 of NATIIAN EAKIN. :,..tadeldniettatnr. AT . JIM, .OLD ,ST/CND ocketsteir, - PAINTS; DUI AND IN OM FLOUR, FTol:fit, FLOUR, EZ;;;,,,G;;;',../: Balance In Treasury. FARM FOR SALE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE WS . Sue Farm ,In Brighton township. Beam county. The Faris contain& acres': about RI cleared, de b a l ance we'll timbered. and The whole nut cards fence, The buildings are all good, a fine well of 'seer at the door, ant. the farm Is well w stered. Frnitpler. t Poeseselon given at &twat ant' time. The Finn Is loated about Ity' miles frotalranport Station, nu the C. P. R. It. T he butt is known , le the .14. e F arm .. The understated will sell I:0 had of good cheep en moderate terms "patliit4to. I. C. ALLMON D D. JOHNJOS, ltioon l SZ' 301)115011a EVII4WING & PAINTING. , rt.( Ecn ANICAL DRAWINGS. MA N. DR Mtili ATI fix -Patents. Sketches. of !)boded Snick. and View. executed to order., land and portraits on Colors or Cravon..Mlniatiarce to any oar. iho thersphs touched In India Ink r la Culora. Water ey Oil. Pupils received In taloa and and mechanical or heti-band drawing Office and, studio, /o Won't; building. Beaver, Pi., west of national hotel *mai floor. front. r47""Terms moderate. [apellaikha. BEAVER COUNTY, Eli : IN THE ORPHANS' COURT IN AND FOR PAM Csou nty. before the Ron. Judges of exit .• - court. 3n the matter of the partuan 811 *TY of the rend mate . of George. smith. ' deed.. The Comm nwralth of Penn alit-ants to William Smith. (Petitioner.) rrnhithi: t% Washington borough, Washington - county, Penn's. .fames T. Smith, whose post °Met address le Librern Alleghnnv count,, Penn's.. Mary Edwards, ,a sister, residing ha South Reiter tp.. Deavre.cOlfbry eittresldi Sarah Met'serker. (wife 01 Andrew Melatakseet resldlaz when last beard from In Richland county. Olds. Nance Culbertson, ta alster,l residing Inparia unknmrn. Jane Lusk. (a rioter.) widow. of Marshal county. Wert Pa., and Ellen Parker. (a sister.) wife ofJames Parker. re• aiding when hat heard from In the vicinity of Cadiz. Ohio. you and.esch or you. are hereby cited tn is. awl appear before the Ron. Judges of our wild Orphan,' Coact. to. be held at ftrnver; In and for tke rail county of Beater. on the second Monday , `l l JIM , next. leaf. to accept or refuse to tyke the. ram{ estate of the said Geom. Smith. deed.. at the aninal* meet put upon it by an Invest dale awarded li,roar weld court and returnable to June Term. 1567. (,i the shear.) nod 0 I ~. • einfalln ar.1.41......... o. sir:, Par. pert A. containing La serfs. valued at grid Irritate purpart B. 148 amen sod' lit perches. value.] seglitt.a7 per AM. purport C. at acres and an pathes, 'cabled V. WO pee mere, and In free of nonewOrphtlararter shoe entire why the same; should not be Mid. Witness the lion. Alex^. W. Acheson. President rd our said court at Deaver. March Term, A. U. Irri. 1 . J. S. LIFFELL Shill JOITS A. Pnizrze. Clerk. ' Sheriff's ell• e, Apiil $9, 1669. ' .._ - BEAVER COUNTY, as : IN TIIE ORPIIANti';COURTIIN .I'N'll F(fl c.l111) C - 4 .;ll m d i ge "t ; ir ne l l o r itt 7. t ' fit: rntu'sss n th ' .d 1 " tA. , SEAL f rPtittou for l'artition of the re]; E. tate of James Mer, peiker, tat , if t'tor pewee , township. laid county. dere-OW. and nos t.. wit ; ribs (Unit errtirn Rule on the tetrs and le.v'. repratentativie or said deceased, In wit; A hroll , et Jolts Aireaskey. residing at ermine. Ohio. and , hl'. dean of a deceased Oster, wiz : Eleanor intsrourned with Male! MeCatrue who le now deleted. hat tear legtit el via : !Md McCann,. Pethdoner. Nay- , intern led with Eli White of Lawrence roomy. Pa. Vary Metwytte, Iraltella klmt i ngue,Morgeret alrespw. Eliza Dan illecagne, of cblppeers township. Ware county, and second etdhlren of Willis a. so olive brother of denedetft, to wit : John Me( :Ater. red • dance la unknown, William Alexander, :kane) and El mauee residence' are unknown. Third, siSo an a other mister of decedent,elz : Jane intermarried with John Dolan who is also deceased. but left issue nur• riving bee, tO.wit : John, William, apnoea, Nancy. Itosanah. Mary Ann. Sarah, Martha, and Mecum J Dolan Whose rmidenees are •nnknewe. also another sister decamped, al= Martha Moon, bad Janne. to wit John, Joseph. William. James, Robert and Nancy Ann Moore. of whom (Nancy Ann) madded in Ilooki town bot la dead. The reindenees of the others befog unknown. alsta smother sister whose holm are Marian! termarrionwillyfteti. Ikaudon of Lawrence count , . Pa.„ Wlllhunt who resides near i Clarkpirlth.. Meteir coon*, Pm, Robert who is deceased, Martha. Inter -married with Hager of the State of TOdilril. Fancy," intermarried pith -,---- lianas l r . 11 o..I3—ATIA. Jane, who lives near Clarkirille, Mercer Cm, PA . Mary intermanictl with -- 4 Johnston et iodises, also decedent iota bredher Anders - MeCaaker decess• ed whose represannuires are John. Jaen* Witham. and Emil e. intermarried with Mae. Jane / nie""r rind withillomer, and fanny Intermarried with-- Odell whose residences are unknown. derea.ied temp Left another brother who Is deceased whose reprr•ea nit! Tee are John Yorsakey. Nancy Intermarried with Sovels. ..11Ialbta. Intemnarried with Scott all tat Vir^iii nil (Collateral helrs)and all ethers Intedatted to Ph.. rause If any theylgTe why an Infinest to mate taro stns. it, of the eal Erna,.a raid dece:red.hon , d not be awarded at Mt Oriitins•Court. in be het i it Heaver tnandletrettreounty'.uf Bearer. on ties Sacsud Monday'of Jane next. ' • ' A true Co . py of little. ' J(111 4 . 8. LITTELL. Shen\ Joni A. rilAtiEn. Clerk. ' Sheriff's Office, April 201 h, ISO. _ _ STATE AND COUNTY TAX. Tns COUNTY TREASURER WILL ATTEND IN the nevorst Toornohlps and flarovorbA. for thew Pone orronolelost rho State and,Cromty vireo tor IP , . year 11361 t, at the time* and places derignotod via: ' PhilliPburgh. Kay 11, L Goullor's Siam Freedom, WlErr.keyalinr'sollace: Harmony. , • -, is, saw: Pochestnr born.; • 14, Ankeny'. hotel: Roche ter tp., . 1% Ankeur's hotel; Bridgewater, , la. alroen`a hotel; Polank!, .. .:-.- 19. R. Walls.r , 'i: • Palliton. ' : : - 20. Toll Bridge: New Brighten, I ~ 21; Hem house: do do ,• 22, if Wow; Patterson, ' 2-'‘, StemHnes sloe': Heetretown. . 211,; notheim's atom: Olassow & Oblo. .2; Jame Smith's: Industry. ~ ~,, 2 , 1, .4 Wis .sore; Brighton, ' ' 'illN Richey Padeln'.. Harlon. June 1. George Ibrtrell's: Neetti Elewlekley. le: N. Mmes. New Sewickley. - • 3 : George noneirr . "; Economy, 1 4. Georee 'Feeley a: BIC Bearer It Hallßee. 5: Grrobtotes bofri: do- ' & Homewood. rt. Johnston's hotel: Darlington Wm.. - 21; Mutation's hotel: 'D 2,l lll2ldh bOro. & tiK; 21: J. P. Dilworth's: Smith Deaver.r 23; Joseph TAlRTentle . : ChlPPewa, . - 25,;, Mrs. Cane Incluse:l; Fliantb Heaver Jr Ohio, 22,:. Kerr's r ter.: 0b - .... /.1 ' ' ' 30,.'N. ft: Dyrlngee.• l'lnowetown,' ' - :Jab. a: nom,,ke tionkowm apokstown dr, Grouse, - . 7.: Hotel at Hooky tov v: Hanover & Greens, 8, Swearingrer H. S. do?: Peanktort,. , O. It'Ffeverrotel; , Hanover. 111. - Ass 4 • M zw n • Raerotm. • 13,j Hall's store;.. Independrnce, 14.IJohn liottoftl l do .3 Hopestell, • 15.!1: NOW atom: Hopewell, I' ' NV R. C. flroWn Moon.'i ' ' 17, Wm. Mika:4: Franklin, ...'-' ''„w in, E. Nutenruth'm : . 1111rTaymenM einitin mode In the adjoining km' ^- Air: AU nentea most 'be • told before the tat del .. lit Vikla2": . • l'a . -.e. ..., . Ji. BARNES. • OW and Sat Ciaat Ow Sale. UNRESSIGI . NP 11141.441fuL FOB lIIN to Ix+l9B w an bp. tAk ,4 igegf= a 4=ig the eldselisrdribibmter, grir* water, learof sad tfartemadthiraallletry. that ha is mill prepared to rand& paztalfradardeki of Coil and lialCfad, cm abort make. Pate •1011Trord. Of la 'Oa Bank,Tai the beet of Parma. Tao Bank la heated ea Udders Rae:Wm Reetteetee:Pa. • Cadets 1•41 them er at the Ammo af Thomas Allf , fti,ln Bridzeura• er at. the INFACiVIMITY . II MIRA% Sumer, atilt.' promptly Ca p Betty la ikeab t, ffterwierr. ea. J. C. MOI.TIIII. jytT 67:17. , " erlddevrattr,fa' lA 5(1 6M • 411 ho 1 1130 • 10 .4 Ito :Is $1773 yis WM. B. TAYLOR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers