! ' - . - ' y- The' Beavet - Aisgus. — iTncsenawna'c'ecu°numlntheTlven' . . . ..first Distrietl this Stitty,in whlch. Shugart 1('llem, ) was 1 e sitting„meMbceanegUbiserf '.' (Rep)thc cant tant,witg decided'n thilid inft, in favor of th latter. Th y vld nce liken . , u . , this case is vry volustino9, d * leaiT that a portion if not; di of 43vi1l be fiublisha ed in pamphl forni.• Robb.o' n'tilighito the. scat is clearl established. The tetitirnonY also goes to sh or beyond all cavil that it was through Imut and forged naturalization pa peis that - theps tarried ,i" , estrtsyl c va4la htst Octabitr,'lnul tl at titti:chalitiiUn of thelieli&.l .., eralip State comutittee,ifnot.theinstietor.et these crimes, Iris at leastprivy to Mein, and gave them 'his ,4anction. I 1. IVET . A3II), EDITO AID i'ioto*rcoa. Pn. i f April 8 . , ISOM. , ge,pubpeau Stale TI ,9tNtitAt. • IbiEN. 1011 N F.- ERIBTRANWT, :14 OF MoNTGOMF.IIY COtrsTY B : IIRVEYOR !GENERAL. (70/1;:. JACOB Di. CAMPBELL, bN CAMBRIA COUNTY. TnEl,rgifilnlti re bag finally agreed to ,ad journ 'on t lie 14 fir : THE i1111)(!ilthillellt triallints . come to a poise. The mlitentie for the prmtieention was-closed got last rritlay. and the defence beginsonpext Tlntridn - F.41 far the impeachment nut 'lagers nrc vatistied 'with the , result. ' Tuscan:us, STE.v.cva, in a late htter.te a. friend inl.nneaster. has taken ground in fa-.. or•of 0 rant for President and Wade for Site President. =MO TnE•Rilnililicans of Yonkeis, New YOrk, ni•hieved a veridecisivatriumpli at the dee t ion. held ill that place onTuesday of last week. The vote was a Very full one, each party get ting not their last man." The Republicans ear viol the town by n majority df 218. The licniocratic majority hest fall was 2117. "LITTLE •Ititov" held her. election on lasi Woilnealay. Both parties did their "level hest,"lontl Gen. Burnside, the Republican , (undid:de for Governor, turns up with a ma .iority of nearly flvo thousand for Govornor.- 1 .Thlaht a gain of nearly two hundred on . lest year's' majority. Rhode Nand thuS Tolts.for equal and exact Justice tO till men, for' the hu: • peach:nen tof Andy. .4 Ohnson, and for U. S. li rant for President of the United States. t. . ~ Tux personal and ' elided friends of Gen erals Grant and ,13u pci will learn with pleas ;lire that the quarrel ra' long time existing '"Niftween these distinguished then, has been !tjalltedoy,-or by the partici interested, and am it'Fably-adjustei. , lietter friends,'•it is said, are nOt,now•to•be found about the National Cap lie', than the two persons here - referred to. • , litre Il'arrieburg'7itegraph suggest ' s'iteiion. %ViHinuiß,the ItepresentatiVo in Con. gt css from theNetity-thirti District in this t...ilatte, for'enitol Statc9 Attorney General, ip c.'ase dolinson iS deposed and Mr. Wade tills hts pl.ice. .Mt. Williams sthy be a suitable peyou for that poqition, but'unfortunatelypr ttini, very few per Sons outside of his) intuit:l- Ate District sewn to be aware of it. . . ..11pstiEsCer:t. .Imi made some . importlint changes in . 1n.4 criminal code. She has prac ticalq• allfilislithi . cai)i ta I punishment, by the emiettnent ilta hitt' declaring that no criminal shall sutler the pauttlty et . .death 'without the tt nani num g recoMmendittion of the J u ry.', She has decided that in all criminal cases the ac- cured shall be allowed to testify in his oivn he , half. And further, she has provided tliat an amendment to the Constiention shall he sub_ mined to the people next N ovembe'r, \ iug the grand Jury system. • A NEw Yew( correspondent About font• months ago a few . young Men tried, the experiment of ittnpng a new daily t :Paper in , Brooklyn. They were good writei4, and the paper was spicy . and readable;. but after a struggling . exisienee of three months it sud denly expired from want of patronage. The proprietors have just gone into bankruptcy, and it is diSeOvered that their debts for a three months experiment in journalism amounted 16 over 1t4,003.: A. history .of the struggles -and tosses of men I .: lto`luive failed In the news paper busineis during the last twenty years would be. interesting reading. Tim New York Tribi•ite of last Friday in a double-headed , talitimial. makes this an u cente t a "We. have assurances from Washiniti that Gen. Grant finds it not in: consistent with his - duty as a soldier to an- . pounce it as his opinion that the-only hope fOr the peace attic country is the success of the pending Impeachnient trial. He feels that national security demands the iremoi•al of the Probitltent. If the trial should the people can only expect mnreassumptionS ,of power, and a more determined resistance of law.— ' When the General of our l Arthics entertains Iliisvonviftion there is no rooin for doubt as to the 'liar of the Senate. The royal nation (lemmta the President's removal. ' 1-4-41.--- A 1711u : it:to fight occurred a few days ago in our ,State Legislature on the appropriation So'coinPlete . the military history of the raft on; Pemisylvania regiments. The liepuliti- cans fi!ipiiiirtal thc.mcasurc, nliiro Ilic bent oerats iiiiposeti it, on the ground, as"ll,r. Sea igitt stud, that they did not want a military )ti'stilryt.' Pennsyirania during tlta var.— Th.'y would gladly, he remarked, wipe out all reiNnld of It, and forget that it hadlver taken plad.. The appropriation howescr was Made. The soldier; of this State should hold Senator , &aright and hisTelhiw Democrats in remem , bram:c fur this thrust for services rendcred at ;.:ho most trying time in the. history of our .I:Government. • Tnit. Mowing is a feeble attempt by the . .Washington, Penni).leania, hire rsonian, to imitate the Brick Pomeroy style, now su pop- War among mute :rats: • • "Forsis Tears the Democracy has felt lm tuiliate ashamed a( Itself, because forotd Otos wrong poaitatin. It has'been a hypo crite and a liar through the war. The war is' Black Ilepublien property. What is General . i.herinan but: imurecrer..an invader of prl vale rights, and a cotton tido'? lithe Democrats are mean enough to put in nomination any imp. for President who ever wove shoulder- straps during the AbolitiOn crusade, see hope I he wilt he &kited and we will &all in our power to accomplish that end." „Nirx; the Representative from Centre Coantyin the Slate Legislature, is also Ute ed- Itor or the Bellefonte Wage/Imam • Ife nowt be . an unmitigated traitor; for in his paper of a 'elv days ago appeared an . editorial,;(and he is aid to haste Written it himself) in which it v * Was statedthat "civil liberty received such a shock when Gen. Lee , surrendered •to Gen. Grant at Appomattox Court House as it had never received before.” A man entertaining sentiments like thi.s should not be allowecito tof4Filpy.a teat in the Pennsylvania Legislature, and the sooner that body expels Lam the more creditable will it appear in the sight of all -,% trea , on of their 'I " - or,' v. • •-s As \i't the other daylittittinted AVM proba bly t he, case: t I c ordering of i Gen.hancock to the district_of the Atlantic,l is generally re. ganled Ili:ill:la of a selitinet of Mr. Johnson with which hNia.A tiffit:ialiltiis will be signal . .. ized.' The select inn of Gen:Gordon . Granger as commander at Washington, in the place. of Gen. ry, I pears to have been decided on though Mit aunonneed Asl to Granger the /Arad correspondent says : "There is good. reason to believe Gem Granger is designed for some' special mission, the time for which has not arrived,l and hi.; prolonged. presence here; together With his frequent. iatervic,ws at the White House, would:Scent to.strength en, stieli•beliet Gen. llanco k, hoWever, has not yet °Akre any changesin-departmental commanderstl has init. intimated that any such changes _ have been .Contemplatixl." Pitts. Corni MI A Good Day's Work. . . The House 4t workter m/: ayo by passing the bill coin . - manly Styled themi IEcIISTRY! BILL . The pro- t visions of the min will-hereafter obviate the use of coffee to eblor naturalizatiOn paper's in short, the Gaye' of fraudulent voters are numbered, l ' When the'bill was taken Up yesterday, the Democrats olpressed a detenninatln'n that, It Should iint - Tinss. 'Every possible inotion tore - tard its pessage was made, and the yeas and nays calleffon every question. The friends of the measure submit:LA quietly- during the morningsession, but in the afternoon the pro- Vious question was called whiekpreventasili useless debate. When the Democrats disccii •,, ered that the bill was boUnd to pass,* a large i • number left their seats, hoping that thereby the House would ba - without a quorum; and the number ofmembers was at . onUfte re duced to fifty one—exactly -a,' quorum, sonic ten Republican members being absent, haiing paired off with Democrats. The Republicans labored- flutlitully; and &ring the absence of the Democrats, accomplished, What they would not have done if the Democrats had remained in'the' hall, the suspension of the rules By a two thirds vote, to Pass the bill fi nally. When this vote was had the Demo. ends discovered their mistake, but too late to avoid it, and the bill passed tinally, With some excellent amendments offered by. Mr. Thorn, i ere ring•to Philadelphia. T. The Senate will, at once, ,concur in them and the 'bill will no doubt piiss the Senate fi nally, to day.--Har. TdeOriph, .-Ipri/ 3rd. A RAND of despe ratloot, the , tm;(dvas the Kuk Lux Klan, and composed of e*sol diem of the rebel army, was organized some time ago in the Southern States. • The mis-; sion of its members for a while scented to bel the keeping of the freed blak:ks from voting the Union ticket by means of threats of via hence to person and proPerty. Theorganiza tlim seems to be extending - to other fields, and taking upon itself additionrit:labors. Instead of confining its operations to, frightening ne ; gross away from the polls, it now hints its purpose to play The part with Wade should he become President of the United States that Booth played with President Lincoln in MI On last Saturday . .morning the PreAdentpre trinpore of the Senate(Mr: Wade) received the following letter. through the Past (flee, at Washington 11.. C. The Headlines of the let ter were printed: VEAD4VARTERS K. K. K., WAFRINGTDN D. C., April 3, ISM—GENERAL ORDER—The' C.'V. P. K. K. K. congratulatcsthe President pro import upon the timely assaisination of Andrew Johnson's predec:issor, and the pro ipeetive removal 01 the _present obstruction. By direction'of the C. V. P. K. K. K. Official S. C. K. K. K. Those who feel disposed to yeat thisllireat as ohm stgnificane.e, will bear in mind. that no person believed one week before Mr Lincoln's life was taken, that there existed, a littinambe ing so reckless and NI kited as to undertake., the desperate act. Yet a Booth *;l3 found then. Other Booths may be found now. • I Is Virginia in 18.51 a woman was indicted), tried, and sentenced to 'two years imprison ment for teaching a.slave to rend. tfie-in dletment read as follows: "And the said not having the fear of God before IterleyeS, but moved . and imtiga- Le d thereto by the; evil, did teach a certain negro woman to read the Bible, to the great displeasure of Almighty (Ld, etc?! This was a Democratic indictment, under a Democratic law, in a Democratic Statc.• ME majority of the Republican State tick et, says the Plitsburgh Commercial, in Arkam sas is ab0ut.0444 thou:void, and the Legisla ture is Repiihnean by a decisive majority.— 'lids State 'Was always reliable for the Demo cracy. It had just about as much to gain by the rebellion as, a man with everything com fortable around him has In rushing headlong into a consuming tire. But it 'went into the rebellion nevertheless—that is, the Demptrats carried it in, and we sec it to-day under 'free suffrage, Republican in every 'fibre. Arlian. sas possesses many attrations of soil and cli mate, but the.grpatest of all her attractions and adyantages is her free constitution. • Tun Connecticut election has, ns we antici pated it would, gone against the. Republican candidates. English (Dcm.) : is reported to been re-elected C overnOr by a majority of from 1500 to 2NOO. The botoulzatioi of a large body :of rk "roughs" to Conn cet ieutis said to have '''done the business" for the Republimins. . ' We have also met with a re ffse in Cin cinnati. Three tickets were ip the field in that city— Republican , Denioc - riA and Working-men's. '1 he Democrats of course won in a triangular fight of this character. They however, but barely .won the election of their ticket.. • Republicans, have however, giincd largely in other kcalitica in Ohio. Tbis re verse In Cincinnati is therefore elearliatrib• utable to local troubles, and witiin•Jl• any 'political rignifcance whaicTer.l : Gov. Insm%PmenafteactirliltAl3ll-- g c . - di ? =our.. . -. ' . .: • - i , , % el, to ti*Detntierati of this court: \v t b h7De ir tr dirn i ic nomination . r fo d r el l:t v : lmd den bL t 4" t o h r is a .. y at ea 'A r, l b hin y 7 erey sayitebt.l.iestredralt.V. a s s t illi ; L.- b tlithYr e : : :ree n : t :Yl74 t erB P: D ildl weeez et :ffil o ku n l 'a :frorn rep i: sn u S a ta lu dww4 l ee!mu n lnd le vhie. it ribm e tt : : : din : e- . reviews o metey;at.lll.l bindle, 0 ....;;' ii. 44., . ' "It is n mistake to • suppese that the bona ' lie mostly &Idly riatiltallst. ''lLtirkiiiiittil liai,;:l longing to ; children-.and. witlewp , under the order of the courts of theT'lethni cif Ititsteett *we been Invested in Government bond. _The vastamouritiheld by Llfe. and Fire Insurance Companies and sayings banks, are, in fact' hold in trust for, and afro the reliance of the great body il - •active 'business and laboring men.or woman, or of Widows anUorpliani; The savings hanks ("this State, are the de: ; positories of the poor, or of 'persons- of limit '. ed ineansilrold about' $60,000,000 - of Gkirern nient bonds.: The whole, amount held , in the State of 'New • - York r in the various forma of trust, ill not all below tr 200,000.000. -If we look into other States we shall see that 'only a small share. of these hones are held by teen known ns capitalists. But i hey belong. in fact. it not In: forma t o the business, the active end laboring menibers of society. The destruction lof these securities would "make a wide spread rain and distress whichlwould reach into every workshop and every home however bumble. *, * * , Whatever Our views may be. the payment of this debt will fall upon the:future; Do what ...We may, a generation . that will come after us,will decide. its mode,of payment and without ' , regard to anythiag;that we may Say. The depressed industry dour land,fts'imf. feting laborr, demandhatthe loatVof taxation be lightened. Ther e a Perfectattiord in the democratic - ranks as to the- - .policy, ' and need ,of honesty; and economy; but there is some difference of opinion as to - the construction of the contract )vith the public' creditor. Some hold that it is right, and that it is :due to the tax payers, that Ave- should save What' emu by paying the •prinelple of the debt- in curren cy; but they underrate the force of their. own I arztuuents. It is a mistake to suppose • that'. the i ntercsts of the bondholder and . tnxiiity ers are antagonistic. The fact is overlooked' that In order to make any saving, by giving the bondholder a - debased and worthless pa per we would bring upon 'ourselves disaster and dishonor which -• will cost a hundied-fold what we -",can save. It means that we are to give to the laborer for Id z.toil a bass carrot ey; it means that the honor ofour country shall be stained; It means that our businesd shall be kept hi uncertainty 'and conhision; if means that the laboring num shall suffer by the increased cost Of the comforts - of life; it . means that the - taxpayers shall lie burdened by a (loves nin'ent proved to be corrupt and I imbecile by this very depreciation of its mon ' ey. We can't afford to speculate upon the ; Nation's honor at so fearful a-cost. - . The , Cllmax In the Fraud Which Enabled the Democracy to Cat. ry the Twenty-F . lrd' Senatorial District. . - . • • It will be remembered by our ie*ierS thiit in the testimony taken in. the contested elec tion ease now being tried lieforen Committee of - the State Senate, a witnesk named ()'hues swore that certain fraudulent naturalization papers.lind beenaisethat those who voted on these papers had nsecl„a certetin style'of tickets, and that as he knew of these facts he had been paid $6OO by . ti Catholic Priest of Clearfield county to lease. the State. This man's testimony was coroliorated by the tick, ets afterwards found in the ballot-box; hut the Wain facts, that .he had been paid $5OO to leave the State that he might not:appear and testify to ihe fraud, wereuncorroboritted. In the ineantiniethit Priest eatiktitor tic-ntmtir and the cfmnictor of the witness was' Inv' peached by the - evidence of other witnesses brought foriVaril by the Denioeraerto - swear they would not believe him on his oath. But on TucSday the climax of this transaction of Democratic fraud was reached by the appeai , ance of the Priest in clue: lion before the Com inittee; who swore he paid VAK) to the man • o;3liira to leave the State and not appear and testify to the fraiids which he knew, had been committed by the Democracy orn certain election district in Clearfield county, in voting men-on forged naturilization papers. Hem is the fraud plainly and solidly established. It is traced to the city of Philadelphia, where men had been engaged to prepare these forged naturalization paperi; it Is traced to, the Dent , ocrittic State Central Committee; it is traced to Clearfield county; it Is brought out In the evidence of the hired agent of the Dent'ocratte leaders of Pennsylvania, and it is corroborated by the CathOlie Priest who paid the money, $360, to induce the absence of the witness to prote the tiart. A plainer case of villainy was never !by out. It fixes beyond all doubt the fraud , !by which the Denteci acy of Pennavlvania car ry elections„while it' leaves the bemoctlttle State Central Committee in the attitude of an organization conducted with ttpurpiiSe to in duce fraud at the ballot-box arid dofeat,:the ends of justice where the right bto be vindi• ceted. —ls it not due to the Catholic church that the Dishop r under whose control is the Priest who, figures in this disgraceful buainass, to at once bring that functionary td an =mint, as lie has unquestionably compromlied his cal ling as a servant of God, and • lowered the dig nity of the sect of which he Iran riwati a mem ber? No sect can afford to recognize men. as' its representatives such as:the Clearfield coun ty:priest who, by lending himself to further the foutcorruptions of the Democratic leaders deserves tcOose the confidence of the people lie Profesaes' to instruct in honesty and honor. StaaV leant • . • Tan Now Orleans Tabunegives the follow ing capital contrast of thej.wo3losesen, of whom Andrew is the latest kiibt men: . . ' -The true Moses was the meekest of men; our Moses is .the most mulish. 'lletrue Moses was a man of prayer; our Moses is a man of .oaths. The Arne Moses was slow of speech, nod had his brother for n m outh-piece; our Moses un fonunately speaks forlihnself. The true Itlci-• ses was a great law giver; our Moses is ante. nous law-breaker. The true Moses forsook Egypt, nut fearing the' wrath of its king; our Moses has gone down to Egypt for help. The true Moses turned hisliack on the foe of his country,, our Muses has turned his • back Ti his friends and the friends of his country:; Tha true Moses "endured" to the end; our 310 7 see has betrayed and abandoned the cause which he swore allegiance. The. true Moses led an oppressed people'ont of bondage; our Moses promised to do it, but left them to their foes. The true Moses labored to save theo; pie from the bite of fiery serpentS; our Moses has sought to have all the people bitten by them—i. e.,.Copperheath. Whet* thetrue. 310- ties died, the children of Israel wept for him 30 days; when our Moses shall le to the. White House for Tennessee, all the people will say amen. The man who reeled into of ought to be ruled.out. The New Hampshire Eleetlon.'• DOW IT LOOKED TO A MAX ON TIIE onourin. From the New l'oxk IVorkt jitit &phi the election: 1- "New Hampshire Democrats whp are now. Out of the State, but are entitlud to vats in it, should be sure to be at the polls 6n Tuesday next, and by their votes aux/1 the Democratic majority that is anticipated by the Democratic Stah:.Cesstral Comniittas of the State. , • IMP IT LOOKS TO A MAN UP A Tan. From the New York. World just after . thc • election: , . . "The result ayesterdars. electiies Hampshire will' disoppoint,.only.,lhose • whose judgment had been trarpcd Ly deinporory pdijieel ezeitaanw so j:?rAsto- 4.4*spete tha &Won of t lee Zmocratic candidate:A?. Stet .6:ficera. 111.11111111111111 NM abut c iptinentd: M r Welta i rinC 40 4 1 71 1 4f 2 . 6 77 4 4 9 ry all Der o y _ P l ri J i W g . •. • 2 , 41 , 11 , 11 "r1ir. 4 . , , 4 , e Law Pa nership rt ~....W.,,, E. P. KVIIN. ;-, • - 4 ." L: „:, ir_ -7 -* ~ - t 6 1 ,F . 0 . #,1.A....110k .WiN. : . .. i. 74 2 ka477 14 6 - 45 1 4 ( Miekolglin, PFFICE,• - %WIRD, ST . _ ,' , ... • :..1 • -•,.. ' , ~i , • ** . iiisyray:' - . tnEAVZOA.' * • Tt'PAKERi Honslippaoo tbOigan, And , Sllyfieon. MALVERVIDItErrO .I..the citizens ofltocbrater d Surrounding tennif fle would eaytffit 'fie int particular attar don ter altrPri' 1118 tie* Wide or distingulahtng dire: nee entwine-14u trioffecgreatrel et - to PerPorlu Iluirerlng witli chronic diocese*. De ill also aid other phyai.. dans in rumor; and thedia oats of difficult cases, by bovine timely mile*. . tar Dlffcefitr Darn; begot pt. PelfilkOn's .near the Depot. Itiwheiter. rer county.'rd. • Call and got a p!itaphfit % . ,!. • ,• SPRINt ' J D: SINNER 1; - • G CYO D S' TAlt rAiiimna*ED BRfiß giVirlltToll4oß3l hit friends and Oct nbileiresterally that he has -Just received s nenstork. of goods of the latest 'styles fur spring arid slimmer wear, which hal • offers at rem nualerste mite". • dELYTAIo,ci;Er. ,rulizseizsrm.yo GOODS . , CONST4MY oIC 1141111). , • 4 Clothing made to 'order* 'the sliorieit !.porsitife notice. • ,• • Thenitflit to the public for put faint% I hope 1131; close attenitou to inibmess to merit a continuance of thesame.- - • '-• „ . , . • , , . 1 • • pATSL *ILLER,, . • .lISI De6l ST.JiBIDOEiLiTiII' EIPRINIY& 1317 MER GOODS. /net reeelyad a New &cock al Goad!. ef the Latest Scylla, for - SPRING&SUMMERWEARi • And willo' up, to order In . the. most be nuid " • ' " approved styles, and REASONABLE TERMS. • --• . . . CLOTHING MADETO 15DI)Eit IN LATEST AND T 7/ MOST FASILLONAELE 8 LES, AND AT SMORT NOTICE. . • • , ' . GEOR. E BRAUN, • 1 • -. . • . Broad uxiff I . Nese L'righ tun: . speres:zin. - ' - • " SHERIFF I S SALE: • MITE OF A wnrrop Plißf rAms, 16, Le sued out of the. Court of Common Pleas of Beaver county, and to me ,hooted, I will expose to public talc at the/inquire O tier in Beaver, on • SATURDAY, Anrilllth, 186 8 , at ten O'clock A. 731.. th e folkiwing property. to licit; All right, title, Interest and claim of defendant of in and to lot No. 6, in Garen plan of lots In the borough of Bridgewater, llessee county, la., bounded by ,3ful berry street sixty feet to the' Intersection of the 'same with Fulton street,tboace by said Fulton street 10 the place where the same Intersects Clarion street. thence by said Clarion street to line alotNe. I, the place of beginning. On which therrop erected a frame dwel ling house, with cellar nodetneathruld outbuildings. Lot vectored and planted With fruit tre".. Seized and taken as the property of Sarah Prentlie, at the raft of Win. Stinmer & Ca. • iolt4 S. urrELL Stierlfre Mice, Aptil Stb,lBo3. = Sheriff.' .-.lpirrefl:gt. • . • ' , . .. _ILQV - ARTFPI".. .....0F . The Nat lona' Mut of beaver Co. •. „ liLw ninci, wx; Apr. 0,1868. _ .. ASSETS? Loons and Discounts 1 . ' t imam 171' - , ntstetr Protest ... 750 00 U.S. Bonds deposited isitb.U. S. Treasurer to secure cirenlating notes ' ' 190.000.00 U. S. Bonds and Securities on band 40.000 00 Furnittirtiand Fixtures .1 ' !Mt AS Expense Account' .1 , '. UV) 43 Beal Estate and Banking.luMse 11.501 95 Doe from Banks ! _ 4 'q IRO R 1 ,..... , _ --- Coin ..... .... • 1.C1,1 us Lcgal Ter.der,Bank Notes all Checks $1.610.".0 -, ---... $1112,236 91 LIABIL7IES: Capital Stock $130,000 03 ! National Bank: Chenhttion. I, .. 97,A10 00 . State Bank Circulation .1 '''' 110 00 Dividend, unpaid ' 1.955 yr . Contingent-Fund - ..... 9.50000 Due Depo.itore - r . 111.201 52 Discount; Exchange and bnctet..": - 0.550 04 .1 ~ P . ' 1 M. '256 91 a The above is corrcrt Osbert from the report to the Comptroller of the Currency. apr9lsB. EDlVti Bp 1100 PS, Cashlth CARR., M'CANDLESS & CO., DRY .0„.0V -DS,; , . . . . . . v o,,,it. ••.! _ .. -.-., 0. 4 • croct Olt., • - ' PrOgit uncut. • '* I 1..... • ' . • • : . : . • , i Buyers of—Dry Goods AL, invited to examine the rumple to Stock-over pat to this Market. Many Wm . most popetarS les are not to be found. elsewhere,. b elm. controlle4 rely by ns. Thecutirc stockhavitt been purchased the Icereet safes. • • 11; - VIDIVLIPE . TION I, '. . . .. . • PRINTS. -- D.ELALNES. i t, . ~..ARMLYIIES: ' • • • -- -C i RED ALPACAS. . - i : `. • COLORED - WOOL;D 'AINES, ' • - ; FRENCH GUI lAMS, . . I • • SCOTCH GILIIIIB, ' ' DO* ' C OINGIIAITS, I . CLOTHS. DOESKINS, EANCY CASSME 'TWEEDS. I - COTTONA I . . • HOOKUP 1. t SHEETING% ;! • ' SHIRTING% "- ' • TI KINGS, • CHEB:: A lugs and r N 0 Fr I HOSIERY, Buyers apr568.,41.._ TREASTIRER'S .. SAtE: • . . ... MAIM= 01 VEX, THAT VI PIM_ ... aerie of iiikAet StAseetably_eplds Ceirdeonwesunk the 11th theft Hatch, 1515,entitted. aunt to s. mod sb teetodireetles the 'mode of seUtns unseated ebb Abexes,U.4othe serer"! subsequent lbetas , :i i seta! tki, Sad the several sets in eoulbrmi , Letttrestiand dinettes the sale of Be - 1 k falere, Slate, Borough. Behooh Hoed a Dainty nem and the -41st section of the Itet ot. April lII* 181k-Sethetiring and di:lndus the to and sale of all' real relate as unseated lands are now sold in mithatetion if the taxes due and 'unpaid by the owner or owners thereof, also the sets authorit ies the eabsof misnited lots Lathe boroughs of Bearer, Bridgewater, llochester and Falleton, for tx=x es, the followittg lots .and n nd tracts of uwed n the elrydy- et . Hewer. or so ninth thereof as will Pe.l,o**lkeTbadef*• _of lazes accrued thereon for the years Mend Idesasild so much taxes of previous . years as remain unpaid,) will be expand to!publit.L. sale, It the'ettiatilocute, hi ilidßorough antearer, WT. ia . - "---, ~Of Of y •- the 81/1 of irutio:•ftezt •-•- cootinolOg the tame by adjournment If necessary. -, d-, BLIJAII BARNES -% se . 1 13 ; - -- f , :: ;: i : `3"Foittirer 0r.,/ * co. ,• arPersons deilrees of paying the taxes due upon any. Jot or tract In the following fist, are nodded to du so before day of sale, and no proportylrill he withheld from spleen a Premis(to pay, ~ i .', . 4 , , • • Ndrr..--All property marked 'with a star (*) is re-' tuned under the pat entice of the act of April 29th, i Sale. List., for the : - Taxes of 1865 and ' .' - 1866. REPUTED , OWNEIO3 Bin Braver Thump Herrin Thomas helot; feed* ..I,kaeert/loroced. ; Alexander-W - 011X lots ' 4 Furgusuu Elizabeth, part in lot , ' Thompson Wm A.. 2 Young Peter,' 1 lot* I ' Eakin. Alexander. 1 lot'. - Diarks Inane, 1 Ice . Borough Torruship, Herron Boron, Academy lots Henry William; house and lot* M'Kenalo Alvin. lot, ' Hisinger's Wm heire.2loS,' • Gordon Jae: riots' plan,l lot, Brighton Itnenship. • Dici.ev Oliver, house and lots • .11ritlgereater BorOugh. Hays Jon. Hays' p lan,l lot* ' Handl:two itothers,Mend. plMots. Finney Ovid,Mend. plan, a lots, •• • " .Hemp. plan. 1 lot, Porter Wm. stable and 2 lots, Wilson It, frontlotilays plan, Mendenhall 11, l; let, Mend.plan, Mitchel Andrew. 2 lots. Rawdbn Freeman, 11 C/iippitir:AdeneAtir. Ecaver mandlactoring•Co. land* I Aufirsta LmiS • •• En yt rich. liarria'a Co, ". Hardy C . A;' - Hardy A A, Union Co. • Wengb D D Env. " .. - Lyons James, l lot, Thomas! John heirs, 1 lot, ; Alcorn William. laud. - • , & Becoomg Township. • - Pitts. Ft. Wayne C. Hat. 2 ipta 4 P and 2 swat Imuclietnington, Fullston liorough. DickcyS,house,:hlot Bradfertua* , Olckcy Mrs A, land*. 'Meaner Mrs. 1 lot , . Wetelt'Mary, i lot* Omvner Erilmw.rn. 1 iota Rhodes M. Ramse's pl, 3 lots, Jame. Thomas. l ota. OwnerEnkuswo,tor.S Dunham. Lancastera Beaver rtv. oil co laud " • " • house.: lot Fre‘itont Borongh. Snoble lt,land bet. main St.IRR• Industry - 21nrustdp. _ Shomaker Adam. lot, • • • ' ' itarion' Tbie4u,hlp: Barris Ann, hind* I Moon' 7turnshiy. 'Potter R.ndi lands or Dondesoth. ld'lleraldsWituull Id's SimiuttO, ldj latids ?Carey -Vora iNeck4eit leitala 311tdoorrraniell 11.1r5 i lA thi s - ItanNev David, lano 3 Welsh Henry. hind. • BrtgAten Borough.. Boswell U heirs. I lot* ' Alberson B. lot. Mend. plan• Champlon.Wm,l lot iloOps plan* Forobell Jstues. 3 lots & hod* Lutz &Co, !t. Penoc:: lot. Mend. plao• Wluanh.l S;lti lot. " " • Gould Marla. house and lot• Leslie Ellssakds, School plan,.. Scott Wm. lot. . Townsend James. 2 lids, Evan Jatnes, - part or lot. • ' Forgeiscre Jas heirs, u lots, two Meha James, pirt : Pander James `• ' Richard Jame,.. Jr., I lot. Townsend Joseph. 3 lots. S: land, Wilson J 34ractIons td. lots, , Talhoes Wm lire, I free. lola, Old Ilrighltin Co, land: Hill Jackson, hones lot, • Pattendii - James, laud , - Broirii's m heirs. I I , lt . ..r.qtrle.k Edward, 1 lot, - Ohio .TownSh/p„ Keitlei.litooseaCo,idadjJlkultV Raz; IS'l',.land,•. • • Pala Ali Totragl4p. Eckler E. loud nil.) John laic?' Fetterman N. P. land.* Jackson 'Room, land. Shield's David hears. land. Rober 4 , 211 Arch] b 414, !aud. Du 014 Jitvocearind.. . Ten fat Ovcar, Ehlfnot Jacob, land, Rochester Tturottgh, Enloe' C heirs,' lot. Pinner pi* Erb A; I lot, flould'a plan* • Hood II O, 2 lota* • Keller J I lot, tlonld's Man* Setha t A, 2lotx, . * Wohmlth JJ, I lot. " '" • Elk F, I lot, Keno's plan, Elder P bout! and lot,. Porter Janie+, bonne and lot* 'Nun* D. I lot. Ileno'a plan, Munn Jelin. hoax° and lot* BattßroPo S, I lot,.PllttPY*Plan.. Niehoh E.:l lot' co loon swarau.. on Nell) Lulls. Hot. Noss E J,3 hots Pinney:B ;dap, . /Mae Ape Tern Ph ip - Arbuckle .t.EentleLold.lZeanel7". p rI; , ,WA V.ll liGnsteand,lot' , A 4 anklrf's Chefs's, WASI. WiTters'Llitbd. . r • Perris Emily, hon. , and 101. 1 Fells J. I lot, No. It, lieoo's pl. Gordon Amanda, boase and tote Ramsey A 3f. 11.4, Ramsey's Porter Win.Jand. ,/tornsAo. Itatplyi.3l, 1 kited 3y14: , STATE AND . COUIt trflE CIDeNTY I'lltRA 4 ;1111' P.Ti Wit. .1 the serertl Townshl itnilltoront .pocs orrecx.le:ng lh.. Shit^ nod Count) yeetlEPS, it the lb:m.l 7 4nd- plates, del viz : • Phlllipsharglt, May it, in Cool Freedom. WHaskt Harmony. Store; Roc/wrier harp.,' 13. Ankeny"s hotel; -Raehester tp., ' 111, Ankenels hotel; Prldreirater, • • -Pk Aleorn's hotel; Pula4l; 10. R. Wallower; Follpton. • 1 20; Toll Britton Now Brighton. ..11. Tfnron house; do do ' 99 . ltnynn hone: Plitterpm Shoillne'r Ptive: insorrettorn. • X.,<calhonns". atom: frbiormir & Ohio, 21% JoSiso Smith's; Ind . 95. Aber's store: 4, lthln • mot mu, , • - .29 ; Nfehey Fakiiite Marten. - .'' Janet; Getre,e Rartsclre; North Sewickley, 2. N. ikfzen's. ...Tele Sewickley, . 3. Georre Faneher's; FronolnY,• „ 4, ficoreeNeelev'e: 1117.. _ Beaver hotel: & Homewood, 29., Johnston's hotel: Tarlineton Anm../ 23. Anderson's hotel; Darlinnion born. & tp.,,24. .7. P. Tifiworth'e: South Dearer, . Joseph Lawrence's: 'ehinnewa. 29. Mrs. ennningitam's; Smith Beaver & Ohlo, 29, Keres store: ohio 30. M. R. Derinrer's: Roolistown, July g. Rotel at Rookstolcrn Rookstman & Greene,' 7, Rotel at Tiookstown: Hanover & Greene, R. Swearlacer's 8.8. shop; Frankfort, 9. R. sh•veneoree; • ITanoyer, 13, Fee•Ps store; . Raccoon. la, Roll's store: !admen& neo. 14, ,Tohn ,41n &. - 11opttTelt". Is. 4, - ,Dvie More; grip/ore% " •• ; 101;'•1t e; grou`R; Moon, 17, Wm.'Elliott's; • J • •c.; . ME cocoa , rigi — Parmentactn he rnade in the nAinininfi tmin t Al l _ l ieenses must be paid herrn," the. Ist day' of 'Tilly. . B. BARNES. upfaNiS:ltm. „ • • • Treasurer. ILocaiitip7.l , . . Lapp; 'TI ULI EAfgq, IN 4.1 f 1 FINDS OF • T if r ' - ±B7l:rruvx Anil/4.1 1 441'04. - • ROCHESTER. Ph. l!'ultY2T. e 'r°l - 47.Y, .Priam • ti arr.l3lt.tt. Ts; COVERLETS ed Stock of ULM E.Y. •&C.:.. hze izr:tzeco.Uti GRAND SPRING OPENING AT 4114--;, -BENCE ' S, TIIIItD STREET, BEAVEp, PA. Entirely New Stock IVIILLINERT GOODS I RIBEONS. -1 FLOWERS. HATS, . . BONNETS. . , , FRAMES, &X ! , I • if* 143 • ast 21 127 84 113 28 fin Gu J. 11. Bence 7r 1 68 91 .7 ,30 51Y, es ss Islas` receiving I floe stock of TRIM lIINGS of fey my kind, Dreu Trimming*, Gimp*, Lace* fur Trim Wage, 4tc. 3335 3841 41 2 57 in I t. I is 2 SS 4 ,.. We elaluilb7ini4 'stood nnieepon iihntyp on .Land FANNY lIANDKERODIEFS AND GLOVES, Of ill 14:16. . Cuff, and "Conant, Ladles' Scam, nvneh Ford.% .tc:, Ma 'Xi 1 VA I 6 90 • .=-Einabroiclery,.. , • A good msortment always' . on 7 4.1: Beautiful pat• terns of canine.' work for ladies' underwear, 1.c., Sc 5 03 -b4 . 1 13' 4 CKS Mi VEIL SiUFFS, 339 27 299 •-.26.11"11 41 *A 17 IR 9 1 09 W. 3 00 3 CO WITS AND BONNETS ALTERED.CLXANED AND DONE OVEN. WEAK • . Also,: p F e.ses and Sacques cut and made to order. d m Elegant Fretteh IVlhtbonc Gaeta, very 4eare PINKING AND sniiirri_va, J OR 15 71 .1 D) Thoec new styles of 1 Dl 51 13 11 15 95 Elia 2!, 9 4 R 1 le 4 RI 4M fri to st 43 2 3 1 - Our God are weteautable and carefully; aeleeted.-- I:verylfrtu: desirable In onr floe fs added townr stock au animas Introduced in the market. Our goods are what we repoxent them, and our prices as low as any. .Thankful our filen& and cnsto ni , ror plat patrou-- wei `would respectfully auk a ntlnuanre of the fame. (Are us an " early' • call d 'agtlury au:l36B:am. L GGG tiG7 ' 1 37 N) 1 93 X PA 190 3 30 IN) 1 'AI STRAW AND 11111111URY GOODS, 4 4r. 5 7S 1 46 4:0 61 Ifl4 5 51 3 65 1 7S 1150 I\TOTION fl OU S I E 3121 2 Xi 1 21 I'M Jos. Hots() & Co. -.- 1 71 4 27 81 1 21 t Call the ntt , ntion of Buyerp ;to thelrslar, , e, and choice I . V 123 113 178 16' 138 139 140 New Spiing and Summer Goods. Which al 1 he found complete in every department. and embracing all that is Nov, Novel and ti.nfill In their line. co t 1 co xL Y TAX• WHITE - GOODS ! L ATTENT)/N his. for thopur , tax& for the Ignated Embrolderi... Lama and Life Goode. Flouncing. • Banda.. Iturnings, Infant.• Cap.. Wales. Robe., French and Scotch Nccdicw•urk. Twig Stare: nyeKetra otEte: Fdgince, Hats, Inpettinge, Fonnetk Veils.' . Fr*met, • Tarletanee, Flowere, , Manner, Crape', - Uncles; bilks, HA - NRKERCHIPS; FURNISHING GOODS. Trimmings and Ornaments, llopp rikirtt, French (orsrte. Worsteds, Bair Nets and Braids. Dress Batton.. guspendeiv. brellao„ Parasols. Table Covers. Linens. • PaperidosUns, Towels, Drillings, Counterpanes. Soap and Per- . tumefy. Note and Leiter " raper r.nd F.nro- ',25 'LW , • lopes. • . Priers:as tow as Now York Jobbcis. Ordsts promptly attenaol to. 1 CABII -.TRADE Agents Fer 2 43IS3IASK, METROINSLTTALN,,i and KEYSTONE .• .• . . No!. 7.7,, Biaiket Street PITTSBURGH ? PA. astafitkit • . + 5 . , ~ .. 1 ~ ' ~ t Era Buttous: or . cyry descirlptliina. Done to ordet HOOP SKIRT. 3. THE LEADING TRIMMING, RIBBON, CM =I ' I assortment of Oar Stock of Plain, F.mbroLdered and FanCy Gents' and Ladles' DRESS AND CLOAK GLOVES, AXD HOSIERY, roflEloN AND DOXESTIC - Collar Co's, 11,09PRift SLATE TWIN CITI4LATEMINING aiturvAer . viis CONPANY. NICIIMT P EC, ILL A Br NDZlllereiary. 1 0)f, J. X. SllALLlVatipt rtsident. ' • sujhride4c4.; No. 43 Xeventli rtitreeti Plttaburc, pa. It is believed that thwthne hair,ome In the pra ms of American architecture, when the question nil w longer be asked. What 'shall we use rev reou ge , but, 'teem cart wg °ATM.% rut 11:4r Older notes bite long place eStabashed the Ik t. thatno "'Alerts' taco well *dived, and 443 So darahle,: k - for - covering 'buildings. Two Obstacles t a general use In thlei country.have-ethited hte,tozoit,: the transition chl7eter of society, si l ky necessarily opposed to permanence in ateldiset ar ,, I , i and snood, the great abundance and low pri es ' o r bw rzl- i_ hers. The brat Impediment is rapid It yleidlag t o , and riper ideas on the en of hulking, and the ab ,er must loon glee away to the rearcity and advaadikr 'price 'of lumber suitable for roofing pin*.set. We submit a kw leading srlenntages of a !.! t z , 3ttoi superior to everi other tnappearatc, It is easily put ou. It Plays lusurattee. It IN tire proof. • t is latperieltableX The Twin City ante Company's ilines are in Nes& ampitm Comity. Penn's. The slate le a besnritol dark. blue, unchangeable , in color, splits In perfect! smooth plates of any size minim!, and hardens Plead. fly by exposure to the atroospbere, Slste lath United SA tell IS superior to it,in an the qnalities ewes. tial to a good root; and we think but Huts erpialro It. It Is furnished at the yard ill Pittsburgh, at the rats ,‘ vs m a square roue lientinsd square tort), uhkli ayy expense of laying. will sill about SS per c'Ent, to os cost,of a shingle roof at present prices. Samples of Slate may be seen, and ordtra U tbs office of A. T Shallen beeps'. Mehemet. Pa. Jbartfai.; at a distance, can address J. S. limo: Tr . No. 43 Seventh stre:et, Pittsburgh, Pa. marlirrix:Cm. ORPHANS' COURT SALE BY VIRTUE OF A N.ORDETt OF I', II F: tißtllAX6' , Court of Beaver couuty, the uthlurAilmed will et. poet to We, et public, out-cry t ou th oa • . • •-• WEDNESDAY, April •21/th, at I o'clock. P. M. of paid day. all the felle-ci cz retitled real create ofJoellth If eC.evan. Ett.. of Leurt docity. deceased. situate Inup. ton town.lliD Bea. cur county. Pa.. via: &kind lug Dude of &nue thlua on the North. lands of John MeCa ughtry on tho 15,1, binds Intent John McKnight. deed..,llll the Swath. :111 , 1 binds of Ilrigh Dilworth or the Weat.'rontainion 11 DRED AND rELXV EN ACHES. more or la, eighty ALCMs of whirl' are clecirert, and th e bal m , w ea tlinben-d. On it are ereetecra Stone Dense, one i , torr with haiemetit. Utehen and cellar. Al-o, a story and a half frame honer, about IV by e 1 free. Urtli of guml fruit on the'pnwnlecw. .Yarn nen wojemli. and In a good etato of cultivation.. four fee: te , n of ;nod coatunderlies aborts Peventy•fivr scree of nib! land:- Premise* vri;Lick mile o I nn, n,cn FIAT, 8 R. 7'EltslB.—One-thlnl of pnrclt4e tnntn.y In !and upon confirmation of rale by the Court, th,, biaaarr la two equal anneal Itottalhaomrs roan that dye wait lr• tennit from same time, and secured by n•old and moa gage on the premliert. The tolreita.or to pay exi+rort of preparin g title. bond and mortgagc.and,,llt,muld:a stamps. For further Informa:lon Inqair , of If 4 an. I .r dur*lzand. l'rtnee in P. 0.. Lawrence county, Pa.,or U. Elute, litaatturt e , Boner, Pa. „HMI! RAIINFt.. Aditer. de bank non. rum ter to:1*mo ant..' u. BOUNTY ; ACCOUNT. CCOI . NT OF RF.CF.IPTS AND Td7P.3E. LI. Daunt shy School DirretoN 1/3.1iuut..1 twig. slain and Borough. fur hutn.ty pit po duria i g the ytra...• 1864, 1363 and lste,' Dr, .trom cu. llf . ho to 7.lvolunte,ro and l l to. 4lwaya on hand Tubonds ie,+ned • eraag, Byrtnnlpo nail blanks. By caoh t.11:,,,ht. Inc iii. Sogwy.. I;y cinli paid to J. Ctint.lti,:n:m r.r service., no y. S.t3f r rATTin:so:'.;, TrenFure Tai scar Mll. By :mount paid on bunch, Ify el)111•CII•114 CoMllli,..i , olt. :DA la' by error to a, , ,, , sawnt. is .t.; Ilylltr.t tax and vvineration. '"107 11 By earn In Tic:l4're, hand Mar. I, 't:!.*% t . 114 e,I 1 p.1:1 111 We hereby cortlry that we he I, I.ftre ..-.nn.'n.a ih.. firry l :.,!;,g L. c 1 .ii I.: n.. ! r.La:: :.•:.. : .1 :th.(l4 t.talcd r. r. . M MAIN!..I.S, Datl;ng,tun, Match 21,t, U• S. PTTERNA.L REVENUE • 1. , ''C)31 1 . 1).36 cyrier: 1!4 ItEltItCY GIVEN To Ai.l.l'Ellltcs'A interretrd that the annual liar 11111.....111 'ht. for Infertml nerelote tacen ibr re.a 1 fib. lin , boon tettmont to Inv by the .0 . r.r.11 Aorlotuat the 2.lth Collection 1/I.stiet and that tb-7 will be open fur Iflepectitin et the ASSESSOR'S OFFICE. In Waiftililif on. Penn's.. from the i Oldie dry vi April best, fluent: which tiind pergur.s s~,rir:rd tear make appeals from chat they c0n0.1..; ers,con.s• iunNt he io particularly thetinatter of cohipi.ilut, , a decision is requested. JAS..I3. It Ul'l.F., A.liieetor. 211 h U a.. Pa. marzra:at. ROCHESTER MARBLE WORKS! Ia aniurparEed W. H. garshall, ITALIAN/IAM EltglyAN 31:111.11LI: MONUMF.NTS. 11F.Mi STUN Rll NAS STON it ARP FOS lb FOR CEM RTE.( Ltns, • Of a itiperfor quality or. L•at:d r ALSO AVENT FOR THE Phenix hydraulic Cementer. ALL PERSONS I DESIRING MONUMENTS nr; Headstone*. give• ns a call and examine our eteck before purchasing elsewhere.- We have al*Ill" hand a Lugo and , superior stock of °lmbed west, hand we are selling Wirer than can be had In city or cagoes (rowboat:4lin agent' , through the comp tne. are If agents, call and examine for Sow: wares heibre purchasing. kb WlR:fim. - ',DISSOLUTION NOVICE. onor, IS lIEFIEBY, GIVEN. THAT TUE TA RT• neribip hcosiofore (Waling bet %cern Robert Tor, Nat and John Samoa. tit :law Galilee. Rea Ter tram. ti t Ps.. undo? ins Arm of ratter S 4ebeenti. trip di.. solved bratutaal conansit. on tea An dal of Nirt b. Imo. EMI pattoit t allowed t n tier. tbe nuno of that= in. do liquidatiou ear. Bette •- 110111... TrPI:T.R. ACLIStV. . ' iND 'OF Pm E, 4') HI I , VJ (II EMI —rotl rr, Nil DEALER IN AND MANUFACTURER OF G rind Stones
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers