El 0 II The Boyer sixant, FEBRUARY VS. kV Loci* rind 111111C0114111041111. -; ar jandtdhilis . 'obnia on ,; 11 b nyipi - rir published to Shop county. Adoolln!irs will PeOnsole their own Inter= e n by g-- ,-;:...----7-------------- , ... g4V, 1 04 OP:(4lEntirrEilini: .•.: ;' . ~.!.....---- . e .. , 111 11 . i , , . Ili OW. 1 3m. 1 15m. i ly. . . 11 - - .00 norre7 lo 8 14 . -$2 is 00 $S 0048 00'10 00 two 5441 mt a a 001 7 00110 oo tO 00 it r ee ,Riouri , ',... 8006 00 9 QOlll 00 600 E wins .... 1 6001 8 00110 60r5 00 *meth co ...himo 700to001E 80 18 41 00 -tialr column 10 00 14 00 , 17 00 85 ;40 on eir column • 190 oo z oo'ao 00..t0 00:75 VG A daMentors' sad Exeentocs', $3 00 k a rts! Notices, per 114 e, 10 orTsimemetiobeissde Quarterjr,usteet Tritniskir, 11 0 11 0 01 t es,,,litii , _ l oonca , • eta 44 the Theensonieter he the nosh gild : De the. thofFebruary, 130* 2. P. X 9 r. deg. 40'deg- • ' At; der -31 deg. 30 deg. 47 deg. 34 deg. 50 deg, 41. deg. 29 deg. Ik3-deg. 25 deg. I 'l2 deg. 7. X • f:anti* . 16 . tz 17, gl) deg. ; 2 35 1 ' ld deg q : ' SI deg. r , 19 deg. R: T. Th 414311 -Mrs. Louisa Patterson, of Sharon, this couu 3.. Is suthortzV to act as ag • ut fur Tux Amu& Blegbans; Jr.; ftb strwit, Pitts pnrxL Re authorized Agent • g Alva, In tk o / • ' . • • • NEW ADVR*TISENIENTS. The attention of the public le -directirt to the I°l- I,wing neW advertiamenta, which appear fur . the pst tail iug.AßGue . ; . . re Sheritre Sales-J. S.. Uttell._ - 0 1- Escallop Notice--BMan and Diborth. to-renee ICotice--J. A. Frazier. • C C. ?iodate—J. A. Frazier. rri 'all Paper-J. Sbidlp & Sun. . , Fralarceo, Shirtide & Co. . •, W , ll Japer--Jae. R. Hughey& Bro. • Pairr and Window Stuides-De Zone. he. Son. rlfitoebeeter Marble Works-W. H. Marshall . . - - G. A. IL —The ea-ollicere and ieldient of pew ntLienn and vicluty, will organize a Post of the Grand kayo( the Ilk:public in that place thin evening. We Ototand that the ex-soldlert gener4ll7, to' that lc,- aUty, Intend connecting thetnnelyea with the ergani tote. • . Cormantetell rat !JilUl.—On Int Yrtdy a colored am named Reunick., Wisp arrested and brought to lent an a charge of stealing a horse from a Mr. El Eels Darlington township: Jastbm . .Y. C. Wltson, of Al place coMmitted hint to jall'to 'itatalt trial at the lath term of Court. Itannipk,lvie belly:, has been telit' l preernt qbarters before. , • Report or the Sept. of cpseeepoie •Seboelni of Petella.—A number of cdaplea o I the above work Iwo Wen rveelved,and are left in care of Jpbo 4. Pm &q., Beaver... Any person deeltinit 4' 54 PY rOCllie it busllingeet bin taro. J. WHITUAL Orphans" Home.,,--The Orphans' Home, at Bo deen, thlit county, under tho superintendence of the to. w: A. Nutmeat, it at:the present tiMe. furnish. t home for nutriment orpLans. principally fe .te~~te,rumc of them now Yount; vrpmen, who have treat the Home since childhood. The Institution ii heed of help, and' crontyllmt lone horn humane mite thankfully received by those lo charge. , ..„ ,Coed Spetillair..4Thoiearbiir.V.. the Patine. howl, moon; that In a spelling iael . their reboot ix lid rtlaaTr 011, ;wryest,. of all: tha irduia Oven In pilau kluce folirtilutor the day;•*iiiaoorreetly *nab mis wet/I,lok is good spelling,; for thlals the re- . ink cot (is fen. of their best yellers, but of propils• Fassi ;Ming tlironith tfiC entire reboot. - We under ranQ,ttiithcititention Of the leathers to• keep up It'4" l 4x l llltf4Yavtug bac avOil otlair j day , attssist Wit Dir dry. • e Moniajetur, Tuesday of this wiliaej.i4ather wai as dloagrolieine Oils locality siuy us Sire Seta (bra Icing ttmd.. Rata, now and not earl: wn 'b onalifully, !aeking ,fic• 'ln alma arll That toe of the .slippergesr" 'panty. Pe dormer on the mention were required to have steady 1,441, sad don "underrtandings" 14 girder to! "make • The Prospect In New Millais,lttlre.—The margin 'New ilarnpshire IN crolelng animated dal thi beth ,•tde,+ ft, regarded as invitivsng all the t•nnt , the. Presidential me, and the Interest Is eor ^tp,,ndlogly lively. A., so the proepe, t a latter to Tfthine Faye: it* the canvas* now cantle, it is linteresibie to deny that Goy. Harriman is mire of re•eleetion. - loiajetity all: certainly rent h SAM, and bete are `t te (111 the Colon men on an additio4ltaiki. ti'lmoZrats elsewhere nntY.donbt this. tentl'it is If they want fur fur9ee e.y idences of trae l •atata from this quarter,-their paPeLpvW ill hkiv° l 9 • rf IF abouuded as Is their hope rd some day regain- I tordial i aradlsoLiar of their former supremacy.!' ?ktlined.—Gtu. George ova„ the re apkut a few days ago of two Liravet rroti,ottons alibii. I laded thqi e Lident —Li‘inta Gen. and General.--, ital i rceident asked the Senate to confirm these. As ems apprield or mint the Er.ecutiva had done, j fm l'hoitta telivarhed tti•several :Senators j that I e terelved, la hi-. opinion all the proaptiona and intlfr. !kg he merited, and lie teretors tospoctfulij ; calmed Iho e e •just now ofiere,i him. He requitsted ; asSesate to reject them. Thil4 anothee of our di:a 2 itrti-heti General's notillcs A. J. that he will tit,t. aSer Llantelf to be ivied fp a uol 1 . 7 fury. o; a wicked ird stwtapaloua Executive's schemes. Enteitadmiscatt.—The .entertsmiteut given In E: Cbureh M.Drtn4ewuter on Diet Monday fetlng In behalf ordie Sabbath School connected .11'lldratdenomlnation, Is iald to have been a com lipmecae. The andl‘nee wad large ; the perform- I lTexcelknt, and the amount . of money tralized 'sloped to the expeciallons of thooe having lho cu. 'Ol4 In haud: Dy retptc'et of I.lln auulc,ace, thu en tranment tree repeated yu thO rdilowing evening.—' iluce audience was again prvactit. - - - N s iral --- Rotertal 1111 l ent,-There ycjll ho a 4htt td vocal and instrumental music by k .pile - of ‘"iklirs Molnar : " of Deaver, - Bided by the Braga Indof Nrw Mrighton,anti under the direction of . I,l thwtel A. Winter, on Tuesday evening March 3d, P. Church, of &nver. The Band Is under il liatuctions of Prof. Winters and to therefore ap ,rytutby nsrociated with the seminary in i tiate con ; lieeziteet the valuable aselabatiee 'ec'tte:tr. Dr. / "Ith l of Zellenople, to linig and favorably own to 54t mtt!ittis• a teacher of innate. Atalttazutree ante . No tickets . pqncert to 11 " 47 P• • Doors open at 6r. D. 11. A. McLean, Prin._ • - jirtarttee.—Tbe Bridgewater, Deaver and BO ''."l"NkiGiert Amsomation *as organized Jann. !ICIAlr: Pro= that time tog& pm s i mialtY has col. i n Itl . rivelv . cd by donation the sum of e2t4. ""ti It ku ald.out In retkevlag the ;KW $227. NA la: ' it Iti c hi, 4 4 .01" t. MUM ............... .............. .... awn. and Sharon 1. - 44: a ba!aote In the halals of th Treasur taol-lue • t Wrama, (0.) fit:Oster. oft last week Faye : 'tut Ilas" of the Iforointlo76 War, is John r:bo Breslin!' tilt' orpda emir. WM bialii 'l4:kdaiii township, In the adjolnlngnonnty of ...„.' • ...5 Is 101 years or age to 4 ay —Paggirtg into - "gutted and fifth year—born tit Virginia, a w, .. item /ft. Veruon, Feb. d, 1764. He anus "In . be it the siege of Yorktown, when 14 blf! 18 'h . • Icid hie of many year,/ ago, and nul -1111Ott 1 I , flOioo tin a year or two since It was 74 ~. ' the by a Special act of Contrail', throaCh I.l' ef Hon. John A.li Ingbam. A for tracks sln , :444 brillit was Food, but be Ils .nearbrhelplasi: efi24 ai hid, Ws eye -sight clearly giane, yet heel:Mid ,` t. , ,crutch el. Ito has been ~ is lif e , a great tobaccochine , l k q, s is L., r 1 hermbliran and will Tole for Gen h. - 7 . 1 01e to rile" thp . polls at tha.Pr cita tairiaal, kt„, Not satbat.—NoNe eve.* ry, (OM'S jr." • • • By ogler or committee _. ....... ......- - 10jogs s Osogoegt.Th6 C,• • • 114.• 4 E.tkr , 31., E. Church ot this place last • ''. . ' .',hit Ali' amtailiatQatpbUteCinto,"diltbl ''~, • iii;•,s24 l 4 10 1 5 0 thaM4f 4 thi t :# lol, • - r illlt übair °rabic:llo,a. 'The Sabo' o; an present isteno.re t lud titthe.hlgkeet pitch otandlundamn,Asw each performance ws greeted with repeated rounds of applause. BIN° of the P l ettelt 141Vgdia Mod difilitilt character, but even wen: passed ltiroi - gWsrith a confidence end grace, e vinced per ; eel insitery. -. TO truly gentleman! tsiastpr a t., t h e 1 ouug men COlMpolslng the club, . 0 a ablard • ot, pry. guent remark. And they may rest n ee d ' that they adry hour Ivitti* 4 the bet 4 WY of our common; agy.'isbould Mei ever consent to vt It na iigiinitheY will doubdes brfgfeeted by a large d appreciative' audience. P ro f, King, mid the Mhs Robinson, con. neateat With theidkaver Semina ry:. id ed pub_ to ,thi interest of thi - 'hiamion, by fouls 'iiimi'icical Oral. 1 0 4 iie/ hitva thodkuks oft Conituttkei of. arrangemute; de well iii%f all whir ' 'Abe plasanie • of bearing . thi nude.. Mime who- il tho respond- Isiliti . sitil labor:al ',getting zip the en utak, so entitled to Much praise: "-.. Tle names of the performSn, the; with, Aieli _ tc :airuneu Ipstrumente, see as folloWs : yigile„.w.l3.• Mimic, Esq. . Ifloll4l--Mr.' John Irwin. *lute —D. ,B. Thompson, Esq.. ' Plano and Viola—Mr. Eugene Snowden. Violoncello-10J. elms. I. Wickersham. , . We also furnish the programme of the exercises , j i b they were given to the andlucl. 1 Overture to Semiramide QOINTETTE. i. . inboard' Watch-- . ' L i - • MISSES ROBINSON, ! ) .. '' • . A . II 1 M i Te t ittmen Gilop . Rome, Skeet liame—ddnett-. 7 . Flute and Plano, MESSRS. SNOWDEN La' Gazelle—Soto Maim-- ' ?gm BNOWDE7, Wpfz- vvert , Cre—DlitSttiziamiiindrotiticl-= • Aubei. Go where the Mete are, Sleeping-- Scene de Ballet-Dnett-Violin and rieno-Deßertot. MESSRS. IRWIN AND SNOWILEN, . , Concert Polka-4010 Fliffno— lve!!,!!, MR. SNOWDEN. . s Fantalede Pastorale • . MEL POLLOCK. °slop— I t WINTPFTIL Election brands.—Election (rands base been so common of late years, as scarcely to canoe a ripple of sensation; but the lait one unearthed, in our State, i by the Senate-Committee oti Elections, Is so astound i nf, that its debit!. are Nally worth a Niemen ts 'atten tion, kilt. hand was developed in the progress of the investigation in the Contested cue of Robinson and Shugart from 14a /9dLana District. The chief point Nadu by Mr. Robinson at the outset, was that he had twen beaten by the votes of deserters tided* . bet the Committee no sooner began the investigation than it became manifest that the most atrocious villainy had been at work to carry the Democratic Bcnator. in that district. It is in evidence thatmtwo lawyerairOm !Ill adelpba," came to Phlllheburg, .Center county,' lad supplied naturalization papers to hundretia of Irish men who had been brought from Clearfield for 45 pur pose of voting-that there taws lists 'colored with strong coffee to give them the appearance of age. An Irishman named Casey testified before tine Committee, ' that be lived in Clearfield county but voted, in Center county ; that the ticket he had pat into the'ballot-box bad been given , til pp, and tint be coultineltber read ieilor anythinreisc. Thistion Casey. on retumingto Philips burgh was dubbed io death by the villain; who had led hins-lotolhutcrinteoffranduleillvoting. En. Onward tetittflolhit aid Made the - care with which the 1 1, ; p v ry was colored. Mr.thruerken.inkeeper, twears tbetb‘ botne was tilled vilth Idsh;cohntisis i from Clearfiel d. and flak he wits:engaged and paid fon 1 aiding the fra nd. ..Ils BM WS fliatentlfatber Trac', • Catholic priept, agitator it "lawyer frian'i Clearfield: . I offered him first one Mindred, then five bandred 7 ded i r 1 hare, if he would "go to New York" to avoid appear , king as a witness. Tin relieves /weber goes to sem* thlit some of ,the,coittO Onlchda ed.:1421•1110 tarp deep ly, ,r i s Impl cated in this plot. The fraudulent pormipV. pqrt to Issued hunt th e Court of Lnzeine county.— The I tisonotifry'of that counts; tgatilled :thuld did not feel authorized VI produce ti t reeord bonito of the minty.; The comuuttee th en ...vp tto Wilkesbarte.— They foinil . toe Prothonotary and one of the record book missi ng, i t 'ul by alucky cbahce the record of the wrong ;year bid teen stolen. They - land the book b. l inic,h the names of these Philli burg voters should wh have bun recorded, and not one o fitful(' mimes are hi the book. Comment on this is un ecessary. Not on ly hale the most flagrant frauds n perpetrated. bid ' forgery, perfnry; ember nation, bribery cud murder bare been resorted to, to obstruct inquiry, pr,vep.te,r,ppatitin 'and to overawe Justice. And in these . things we get en Ink ling of the deenerate chtlacter of the party with which we must ceofend ter; enturue.—Chumberkberg ' Peret All/. ' , Gen. Grant Serra/led by a Democrat.— The last number of The Nsto P . m* Citizen contains • Washington cot egpinulence over lire famlliar hire of "Mites In whio allusion is made to one of the many calumnies by, enema of which the en entice of Gen. .Grant are vainly striving to destroY ids popularity and,prevent his *morning a candidate for the PresidenCy." The Svritee of this correspondence, Gen. Repine, to no *lend of the Republican party, and therefore may be considered as a witnesi whose political bias, if he has any, is against Gen. Grant.— The charge to which be replied—Mat pf intemperance —it so abeured, and so many of our readers positively kn.tw it to he false, that we have not thus tar thought itiohe necessary even to notice ft, in p community ‘vbere Gen: Grunt is so well known ; nor do we now 'notice it because tre deems tlidludignint dental of Gen: Italantneeesaary to Its ITh:tattoo; but botanic it is that of;rt political opponent. He rays : It is altogether l id.obable, so' far as I can now see that Th e e . Cilium may be obliged to oppose the elec tion of Genoa* Giant. to consequence of the platform, upon which the Radicals are mideavoring to place him; but it Is no part of the Democratic creed, as It was taught to me in the old-time uomilig of Tammany Hail. to light with poisoned arrows. Isit 140. Merefore, after Mil examination, denonnceall these recent charg es affecting General Grant's habits as utter and dam- nable I fee. Another Stvlndle.—Another Pw In dle la per forating 'the country with its circulars. It comes, this time, from Chicago, and calla ;itself a "pawnbroker's 7e," a "sale of unredeemedpledges," &c., &e. It laims to be no lottery—oh, not All you have to do Is to send ss,bs to the pawnbroker and Me wpll send yod,Tlkisteal marked anywhere holm $5O to $lOOO. If the'fignrem are not high enough the happy plitrcluteer can !hark is over again after he receives M.. it Ulu would save yourselves triortifitation and pee, give a wide berth to drench achemea tinder rtiat.toeverNape they present theme elves._ : 4 5 1 A Fire Occurred on -Monday last In Cutout ow; resulting in the ditsliqsolion of a conaldentlfteamonnt of valuable property, including the McClelland Bongo, the office of L. D. Beall, Esq.,. a awaiting house, a burbar chop, and a store. A large. amount of whisky waidlstributcd among the firemen after they efforts lad been snows/NI, and • fret flghrresaltad. The , . Oeniu s of Liberty the•reports It : • They At and lit; rllfts.gougal and bit, A n d stnntled in the Tad, ‘\, cntlrtheLground, , , For miles around, • , Was klveled with their blood. $Bl 41 88» 48 11 Public Lecture.—On next Friday evenin g {Feb. 92th) the 'Nee. W. B. Watkiep . , A. M. will Milstein lecuire in the M. E. Church of tils'place, enb)oct :::-. ti "Origin. oddities, and office 9, prsper Names." 'it • mission •Z cents. Of the letterer and his' lecture, t e Pittsburgh Commercial speaksales,: . '' . "Tie lecture of Mr. Watkins, delivered ' last eye ing, was attended by a yory large audience, and Pis one of the inatenctive entertalimenb of tie ilea• son, The origin and historyof the =me§ we het i are themes of the deepest interest, as presented In , titer 4 thoughte orthere4i44locturer'" dr4iirs- ' ' " ' - We are. requalted to *to that the concert to . bre' e bees given at , P. Muth (flits ' Tr-eaday amaz )bas ton porphatni ess sultans et lea vault.;. esti: Tuesday eveactagOateh sd. _ . _... _ _! In Lastt~cr /4bitzky, = O N ofti mu3o - as ktonnitiqrj,. StnpUce Schacht =1 - For-TnfAaara t .-: • ' A wawa of masa:l Whig sallalpated hi *u mealyproleeted4owm --- 11hary ballast liffilMartial• tract, "mime maaatactorlin addltioia to the.. al* ready =UNA:ad-are eastepoited; sad cabertat*- prsaea all of which . ' any dselaaate pion 41444 to say mexi:,f TI ; tieeho4ientLluirAr sanded to;dm atbeetimi :orkeirkwonid like So presento 441111tioaal andreations relating tbdreto,topteacthatill wbo ayy Teed ** c 1 111 by proMptectli adapt like omelet aftleir;Whickernl In due tima l be mem in the Ilimiere mantra Mama and dwelling*, • • Alit . toinininankthal only ill TOM sit: o M* troitykekicerebitectureimin be made mteeettre' oe beandlOV- Sower m ame ibonse may be, it can be bunt WWI idiom:me to sconeltusea. neaumeamettaste. Inibat edmirable work on 4 1Meldtestura. 1 11),laiMilii ,Stonn.—tee almodnit lbiennalnuAnk INf!WrEisd! `4Wettligi, tie suborn's: . "The' iieraithi.inan may build; more extenelvely.-and 11 to more %Murk= ipleadekiligra onibilli*Mll.lChtlklaitakeitiri but he capiotlerild ;more roacroull . . tr. it. no additional lomenee iney ghro a WAY *tor* *is OS* tpbli hunibla ham*. ~The ainstmoretre• cluentlY: fsfiPies landscapes sunmaidinit Jams 101/3:. but 'AMIN collage, than those arounCt*: lordly menelon." ' , "A man'', dwelling at the present day, is seemly an indei of his wealth, hot abo orbit, denial*. the Ine: menthe benies to build, his bet tbr inungement, his private feeling,. the refinement othie tastes and the Pas callable, of Dislodgment. are all laid hare for putt He inspection'ind - And free use of this perosratipu- itiesim4s.ipt OW to be Made , end time eidatone upon the resin. We are beginning to see intellect admired more than wealth. ' or power; and theme, who builds a beautiful reel. deuce now, le u much respected as were the old &roue, 'with their numb, cargos and troops of re. tainers. -- ....±ltat no one can,messore how_much the :change of Home ere - heightened by adding ill the delignis • tsstefol elegance to the associations which•throbg its . :sacred fireCincts.. Around this sPot nn the arid elbctlons circle.. Here •Le 'pet, It peace, be riot found at home, it will pot be found on earth. Then, whatever besudites and adorns home, adds directlj , to comfort and happiness; nor b there anything 'wanted onistk to 'rice, as home'? idhning delights. Indeed.. Di! that is pure in . hompan neture 7 all the Itender affec now and 'geode' . elides:pietas. of *Mood, all the soothing comforts of old age, 'all that makes memory a blessing, the present delightbi, Ind gives to hope its spoor, cluster around Wit tudiftons t" Amain( Vocal Enlist. "Nor need we ;wryer RrettreUdoe— Wide ball or loAly tiiiree; The good.,the true, the 14146 7 Theeeforre papa'? In a locality like this. greaeuting as it doll, !tt many beantlial building sltkat-it weye almo4 like Mint!. tide la Nature, Mt tarebate to copy Vla: lam suggeitioos, in the man la • kgrea lind ;OM metry, beauty, and grime, "Mamma lay 'spread out on all aides round.' . . . *You are aware that travelers and Wish" in this, and in the Eastern hemisphere, have spoken o( this por; Ilan n the Beaver Valley, and its windings to the Ohio river, together with the grand oat-looks front some elute of your own town, as presenting scenery of Rs irpeltably pleturesime beauty and Wellies'. Bat we, to Whom it has become so common, and .fsMiliar, Mire less ancieetatioi of .Its real atrectirenase Man stung; ere and visitant. Doubtless, one or two, yule' rest deice in a more monotonous inontry,would renew our souse of appreciation. But, elititikl this love of na ture's lianditfork-,the to tie - .hills,:lho:gra00 1 slopes; the sitedy grove g 7-, thiyides, he trees, the lields—the flowing river, the rippling rivulets, the UZl lag skies, the moon and the starry worlds, above ea ! sliould our love a:Witham% evir grow Mid I Are we net lified v therehy, oat pc opr mead low yestate, into r purer struenilmieot bet* life Mid** le.nitglind, diviner joyy, than any we can knew In the pursuit of the bubblos crtiverddirillight r. ' : 1 ` . ''.. .; How different are our emottotie on betolSing a house of clumsyMiaztAlfgh )='-rstflatlig=7-- sti,nding o ut barren and au ~ . on Wilifet en 4 81e11910t4./10 tOust4g443",2"l'..ftt, with odd Mafia bent,' eceignident'' *wort 41 - - - eit 4 traUing,vlnes at the Windeles and' the door! itte one smyiteets' . *l'lo . iiwant iii' artistic butt-Ate . lecithmtmeM;iiider MIA 10110 g ,11i 00 id a plaiiiiikol46ll4logrAmii tti"the eye. -.- . , • • . . Again, if we look at the nrittar4tr dielapeq, late and cents merely, the arguctunit i altogether in inyniof.b . tentilitig ozioN ludiefatiori of . home. 11 1 ,tii; hue. moth more yaluablo dims PrieSertt. hicrine to a neighhorhc.;d, tawpot !Wage which is !!Iliktingeishud tot its Lideral dwellings; its handeome trees; and its noel surroundings. I, know men, who, If they had _near their dwellings, two or' three of the' numerous Oaks that now adorn tilts place—and whose graceful branches await the swaying oflinmmer breezes, and the return of morning birds—could notie induced to part wild' thins toe handier& of $d 'to say, the owners of some of these trees, talk of de streyrng them as "temberen of the grriund." Amy have been appealed to by the inventor tziwa, who ture earnestly reqqestecl thin to !!eparstliatte agegfOnlte now towering to the eklel,7and oe Inlet not In vain. • There Is another consideration which should deter tits lgdtecri>itthate ttist*tiPlE oP.tllce.' T*7;4 6 . eald, by some pillosophers, to attract. certain electric olementa that exert a very favorithkt hithiMicetspoo hu man health. Hut, be thla ' aa tt nifty, trees aVord a shade and an ornament that no band Of artean supply; nor couTd =taro 'Apiece some such tie now . adorn thia place,Rmtury. How nniverial boa been th e admii'ntion for tins by poets and irtTsts in every age. YoUocti in hie 'Toast? of Time" says , • "Four /nee I pinni not by, Which o'er oar bow, their evening Alamo (brew They were goodly trees; And when a hapless branch torn by the blast Fell down, I mourned as if a friend bad fallen." BLANES{ FALLS, PA., } Feb. 21, 1803. National Agricultural and Penneyline nia •Farm JFKriarnal.- 7 0as old and ;esteemed friends J. 2.k. D. D. later, recently of, the Lew renco Journal have pun:kissed the above 'paper at Pittsburgh, Pa. and are now In dingo 'of it. The Messrs. Koester are vraclical and efficient men, and if such a paper can be made successful at alt, they are the men to make it so. It is- not too late yet to sub. scribe, and if any of ens igrkulteral friends hinds county desire, first class paper of this kind, we urge them to take the one here referred to: Addretal.7. X. O. D. Koester, lfd Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pri. The Denutrnern dtter tempting Yr. Johnson, tale bid present unfortunate and deplorable position. now, denounce 101:4eilaring that they are not sesame} ble for his acts, find will give him iiip enppo Johnson might two bpownikie.. The party that , tried to betray the country wougliCttle hesitate 'to betray Lim.• • • A Great me weaned it l'Ithol• City otis Wizen. day, miming, which destroyed the veto of $1445400. - The.ftmotgtatliti host *C. tat rlthtgi4 . • lamp. MARRIED: COTTON—MORGAN—On the 10th that., by Rev John prowls. of SoobiMe. Now Sewickley Tp., N? Jell; D. Coltain, to Mba Maw Morgan, all at Pee V.V Ca.; ra:t . r . , . BOBS—RIERR—On the id ofJaanari, 786 b7nrtv. dalitigßa ej Lbe reekele.th at the , padre. hit: Henry 8. Robb, and Ina Flamm J. Keit, both d Beaver county" '• 811AFFSH—ORKPCI7It—On the Sain or 4atorway. /Mat by Raw. P. J, Warnings. attbe 'residence al the btdes nanny: Kr. ind'Xisa.llMa Grata, all of &tarns , _ BLIZELLDONLiff—On January IS, "lai, `a the reel dance of the bride's father In Rochester,. Pa., H. .n. Bssel. Rm., of if ew:_BripittimorntilLts. - X.I. Dm* on*troterelt.,,,; Q % - 1 . 0,1 ••• The above notice should have appeared some time go,' but sal inadvertently omitted, ..,. //WON—WHIPPLE—Feb. 10tb. 1968„ by Be,. J. 11. z jrbsr. at tbo roublesios of tin brides' f!ftbert. J41131* N. Barton; and Mao *ay 7 Wiilppbt. • bbfh of fleityof;ri. ' • • • • - "As unto the bow the teed te; Be onto the mid ii *Mai: , inc 9 woi she 6lme 3 . 4 o 4oilatidttite thba. Mews, toilets eeekeritheet &ream/ t". LEM -.;;:~;: EU UntiPi cat S an form i anbe Inatiathes entrancin Or Chi lOUS unit. Bull or ay have the, dOubt;lii. •WIWSI) 59b. found in offered tit beer - Thum to call on If you wam cheap, go to .T. Cluirff3t.,Pittel mitt at $l5, worth $2O. C ilEcurcittlf Vesta Boys elothial wmthimitisa tar !mite ;Ott iixiconildwat cut this out sti not forget WAILI • We wOol& ment•of f)e 2 Their Stock their wor relSreseat Weiltratted. !Riling.; acne INFERESTIN' ose of our . novation for the just passed will' dad Wall Repel direct their anent MULLS. Jos. R. a in otIT paper, as ' madam! as--to Hughta & Bro. ha' land a ß il ate willl4 *PH: • LIABLLITSS QP *OO2PPIr !VOID, 1A:7,-1888. • • Note 14 bank, - • . .1 8220 24 ,17nsett1 • . Bonds.leil (veterans am*, • ) . d ASSETS TO PAY 8/4111 Balance due on duplicate 1863, 4 1866: --- , 1887, • • ..- .1. .. by borough • Receipt for unseated *ay . , Naie,upe In 'Maury, e- • • - :- • L '27e the Itnierilmetfilu_4ltore of thsOoroußbsBo ofN e ar d It correct Brlftlintrte _ rmanKtraitiis iiitgrug. acconstotad fin. i J. N. WINANS. - } Andßont. ABRAM BRNTLIFf. Jr.' fehMPRP.M. (Local copt.) , 1 LISt of Camas for Trial atallisrch Teroap.lll4lBc. ter Ingot ' robviden• - 11111141 . 4L'i . T:icawiteesii. • ?aniga iif. woodwo l To;ptroopow of • poor of .• ti a*Ver lV-11. °4 6 - ter agru llog ielle . Thongs IBlAbilea. • • • vs. ilas. Gritass.'et al. Atka lg. anstl iKer; • Michael iri4ulbulki .‘. sagarmanupc. aobil Bradt Auous id y.• Mlitonu ohn DeakerrEgy. ^ , , ye. le. O. AIL V:11. R,Co. Robert Norm ' ' vs. Ragb - Andereee.' George Rinds gs. P. F. W. & 0.R.W.C0. Henry Barr vs. rge W. ;laming. G. W. Alexander's hells Ts. A Geo ; J.ll+tmtgrei et. al. John Stewart. Trustee. ' :Ts. J. R. kribrit, 'et. al. George Stewart • vs. Aaron . Smith. Jane Hannan vs. Ferris aohnsten. ' Fred. Boch, vs. Ann Millers Adm'r. R. T. Prif e & Co. '- • Ts. finafth & Rano. Co:same' • ve. , J: F.-Willionee b o Octet& Oil Co. _ ' vs. David Rowel Vet. al. Thomas 11. Jackson SW. W. i: iliWebti,..i. al. Joseph Johnston . . . vs. James 'Atoll. _ Geo. W. Cable et al es. ?Minas Remi. - Samuel Plemot - ' ye. • Dell, Br.- " D. A; Prttetuud et itt ~ ' NS. r il O aLed lOaßset- al• Richard Tea ' '• - vil: . : George Toting va. Alexandat YoMbell. Bents, &3 , ,-- 1 . - i - - - -, - : , vs. Jdhaphill, , Zip.• 14.1 ~N eraser& snewetstair - ' vg : James Joshua Dawson vs. Stokee 1 - 11 Oil Co. John C. Dttf - - lrcir A aingbi ' ~,... et et . WAIL John Elp_ea- r va. A . W . It al; G. N. Hoffetott vs. T W. S. W • • -'• •'• .....,„.• JOrg. !i •, • e feblol3. ' " (Loom &pt.)" .- • • -..1:3 li. . Notice' in' Paoit! on: ;: t . : ,, BEAVER 0001Thert iiii , ,-, ••= '. ;, t. 410: -' • IN THE ORPHAN% COMM. /11 , I ' ;4...... • TP A ' Von**, raithe IN" r _ Court. the matter of . . 4 ... • . S E ! lil t r agrail k . t r T l 4. ',": . . Hain v uh t ,m,, , coon mut Mile Otos, met, , . f std James HMG, deed., • 1 tn An widow of add deed. and Morgan with Joseph Gray, resift; In Tempaas'Arie- Omar Minty tig.Wlllfam 3 . Davis ( )'t urd ippe 'Darts IntermarrO AM WITH= H. lidd nag In Himinvell townahtn. Beaver aoasty,. and Sra inftrmarded with Wilma T. anal"' lo Prneno "oconds. Aldo, and all other* Gieenattoabow•Canse 'rimy they be b oned tomake polltion di thi tea) seats: el 11. ehoold not be awarded at an Ophank court at Desrar. In and for the onnuy anima, matiltlip E Mondayolliareh next.1181&1- -. • -'--- - 1— ~ A Uwe eppy.Otillne.T - ".. sll ..tt • . . JOHN A.-NHA N!IN. . ' ..JS. Llama, Shorlff.- r r -*- .. • .,' • ;:. "" girt . lllh (Wl TSt.'} :• i ' ' l. -- - -A i ' '' .:' '' ..'' feh.19'001.... ..- .- '"! . .. •c • ". --,. • ''' ::''''' " - Sale ot T5a ;11,0,14 - nurene sx AV araresid"tri r • . 1 : the Hem pnel 144 et the it N24; ars beeadeft Borth by_ Augn jibe . whiled Di, Watt CeniteelmikdeE! , i o ut tagratlle 6l ^ 4 4 o .6" l l r At tame a - 01i' ::ieisi -, iritipeatitliweie pi* and thitte4 , 94lkoht m Itwli • tame kttebee stun t& fterallestionagrerm: 1112Xtf.--One.fourth o n iettretteed Mew It n a keintestglettr ettail ;psyment..;:wob siesTedtbyZiagaett bo oxbow! avAtimele_git,b,-, • tabu% 14, I SL T fine a $lO ;tn nt, and cFa Pota to we &ft:4 4 belot of 12 WoM Pa. !Zit& At* re 4ard whiter .where,tp to We iirold IrtipieSt l o i t pf Pit re% , cid be price. jimars. largo stock on low.- Give them =EI 18 64 $l9l 10 106400 6RI 80 65 10 41 60 2D wpm: FR " • notan-VEr • Orr . 000 do stoft, tr -tioconticp-AT ...... 0 ...., I EMEI ~ ~,, MEE WhO' MEI I 1 Mi Mil EIS =II MEI dock ever tar well Eli .~ =I ESE =II , _ I.- ",', "+t • - W R GOODS At 79u strept:. [4l. ' M . - tthie. , WO 9.9.3 HOLIDA-YS. BO airy. - o :,L;L:i 4;f 21 '• • • • I " 4 .—' I !“ 7 "LOV kt# lll l oo 4 l4 dneceohugge Bar* _Vheaalind =ma mean or. every kin& • - • DONEBT4clit. . line and Rink; from Oti cents to TIN. took we bet we bevo.--Gocid Red Flannel 25 emits. Skills and Blanket; cheep:* Tldilmte from 10 cents up, army Orereoateandilbinketa. Don't fall to call. • - . , . . . • .' • . 1 . . • . • . • VOW 93 U • . Antra* t Nevus!: vviiss t ;Twi t • • Direct Itoin tenporteee and manop i reve ffee !mit aokotroded ohner offered. Cheaper . ever. • I EMI MEM .;! 021 A. 2113 • 11 E D" . .. F - R 0.-N T_. .... , ..: -,a• .. , 1, —4." 4_ 7 816 "..', ! !..: ' 45 ; .: ' ..:: • 441 t f1E :11.-. :1)•f "A Di: O ' . •-.,.., - .- . , ROCHESTER PA Z'.l'lls :SI ').f I 0 1122118 =I FOR mw IMRE =MI r IMMII wm , `.Fortun.~?s .. , , II OE 8 41ATICIST 41/tizgraerT: Ilnipors vpprorea *awing - _llfilloldits. -1' • . •• • r - % 1 / 4 , , r r""'" , SINAM Ilirly..lVjaWl,2?Se TAMT.lf s elin. dicer 4144 ` he 4 • ft,/ aril the cheapen ad Vie hie s **twill ito Au. kiwis - at imam's oirtso. , Alaska the 01.10005apprgT LOCK Ki gr rk a. tdithe only' Web width uls adipted to list clogs work.niversally • It Irtll shir tl . ktmts Al or materiel . ..ft ell wade or thosid.soo it!, as Nom uos Iteoperatkm sem, ppaleal mow machi nes . It ts shop: Nototrocliaa fM does not got out of or-, der r and a chl.4 .10 IMO It. It is an I. , liriilidetv;Cprder • #4l4T4lgullter. - re 0044 tiro ?corgi ilia ttilit eau be ap ed Ce mytA• In lutkidg— It also kepi simfge rn z NOMSUIr avramnorim and hike only ltsekine mak 101 p the Loef Bttteti Oat doee atakTbier practically; The' celpiiriteil Ware, r E 41411410. •-• • • 1, , _ rarTal 'Bootailiftboo Wawa. ' ilarras• sod Ow rjogsniloo mall Do oupplled qo the shortool Al.laektruta Warranted 'o f Tutee Years. • .41 Pe , to wirehair a Sm. actor ISt reapecutilly rolletted. to all ezilikke Worevall teR Madam, and foe am tit titatil on, at t o 11111111nery • Mont of Mn. A. Z. HOONIIIPE , on Diigh4racos do or *bore 16 Diamond, Roche oar. pArrft ecninfiJ Pa. , 'where will keep a supply on toad for ale. • lanir67. 14 tt in oO u Ve_, Actent,y.t ROCHESTR, '7OUNDAY, • • ' • 'l' I • • ANDERSON, eivriFftp iv a Co. As.ANEIPACTUREM_OP'SIACEINE cmaTinets7 .111 Railway Track and Car Castlngs, , Agricaltura Implements, Engine and] all other Outings madc at a drat clogs Foundry. ' Also, Slovak Grate Fronts, COM' Bldg Liners Oasts i-Welghte,'Hollbw-Ware,'lget tles, Iron Fence , and all i other C=fs called for; ou abort antis and of the vary bast - Also, .1. J. Andersoesi Justly celebrated lino Cook Stove for Coal and Wand. which took the ' First Premiw;d , • • . . • _ tit Me State Fair reeetriy beht at Pittsstongh. This aLdie combine. many new and Important principles, Which Aim It far Madsen°e of all others now in nee. Some of the merits claimed for it b_y the Inventor, are Heavy Metal, Well Proportioned, Beauty at Blyier and Flidsh, Ease of Draft. Easily Kept, Cleam,Regaires but little Fuel , and gin • . • • • • BEST, Ji)k.F. 411 orders tAtiktNlY i l eZletla and promptly BY , ' ANIL Attiipt. e:ltts.: teT.R. • . While livie g lu tha rood several of the- Masi Celebrated Cooking Stores made in that part of the coantry. and on mj y arrival two , lwai recommended to purctutie the eta Pubes. Stem (Itlso invent ed by Mr. Anderson as twist tbebest. I did 90, li g t r d used. It wif,traocd satlelhalloa. When I saw Mr. , dersoo neseMoterea was attracted by its nest appear ancettdd'dtt summing its Oren and Interior arrange stenta, Muted it possessed many advantages over all . 1 had amen. Ipmelymodi f sad have one now In use. We consider it superior to any we have ever used. It is all the investor cLatio and w a think, all that could be desired tn a Cooking Stove. • Carr. OILIEST Paw Disrow. ißoctinal en,Wor.llsf. .. ./. Saving one of Mr. Anderaon's new ?Moves to ass, itan fully endom Capt. Pendleton's statement. Joint Wil4usuut. Uretnrone of Anderion's new S t ovestv In cum, Imn folly endonie the above reeommendatins. J 1 Woormarr. , Having ono of Mr. An d new Stoves In use. Ire are tally s k aiisded with its good qualities In all re- VIKA& ' .7 . oarris .J271:4 YID Wirt - • • • VOCHIUITER. Nov. Lith.• flaring kept toots gar &Meg time, and toed a great number of Cook Stoves of different patterns and styles, I tot Wider J. J. Anderson's. new Store. In point of 'oxlnomyAn S. ready' cooking. and baking for tY /Leg' superior In an we have used, and cheerMly tee emuattend-it, IWbvlJ git IwW tender entire satlsltc gion. .' Cult. Loam.. We have one of Mr. J. 4. Anderson's new Flumes% nter liketered at the Beedwirter• Found.ty, aid' hiving hasit a fail trial , we find it cornea fully up to all that has been el/J=4llor It. 111 heatevery ranltnyilMtp hut little fuel, and is utmost excellent baker Air. , An. derma may congtatulate himself on' having achieved quite a ,riumpit in the'Tyr line of Cooking Roves. • • reepeethelly • Beaver, Me. IN, ITC: . A.- ?t-. Dr.. 4 Ellig I f PROCZBEIN & I PROInSIONS, IMI .I.Nre arm e. HAVING ON HAND, A LARap AND WELL meiseted Mock of TORN, ItiCO, • Coffee, , pneeib,, B T 4m .. m r - P. 9 Con, •yiups, Fish. hardware. F.ll,44l34lg4rlinrW9tAgi. STONEWARE. Pine Churns, Peck *awes, . Oak Chums I 3i Bomb. Measures, Willow Baskets, , Split, Baskets. Pure Slider Vinegar. , „ - • , -. 1 , . ,_ . CHOICE 'FAIN' .• - •• • • ~.. _. , -- - - 'FAMILY It'bpUlt. By to nOr - ral or ii twit conswitoy Ti Land. • it.WPriteg rerY /ow! 49 1A.11. HARVEY._ . - ..octrff:ll.-' ' ,•,' ' • •": 4 ll d gewats r• r a' EanisailvDOltactia Tin t Conn of Common I . as. • Pit tor Beaver county. No. tJoaepb Aikietkorient:. gire,,4l, pp, . F ort i n. this, .....t; B. 'Akins. tnanmins cum for gffint Jack Bolon..Anitsfar * 110. balsams of ttba price for Baty ants John Unfit WOO Wen. Otg pagnarstnikt tbe ;Ungar? W. ISM. on *o hne style of the V trim thoLourt:gtvejudgattent 011Cotupany. . \ tiyad*KAbedeftdants. Pt I Jaffi. , '.l.r.ilM% affidavits Ar efairit- biting Ale& Me on the Diary to oslase *on the Indolent In this aim 1 . ~ . -•- - nonce Ii band), given' to ail . ' 60; this said damages lathe asseaseu al the -Prot' — a entre; on the 10th day of March; A. D. Ito. at nte o'rlosk. P. K. - • ' 1 -it/UN CAVGIII.Y, J0n9:91;7. ' Pluiboootery, ' i • Ell I=:Mil R43G4sofivi.gv-NoTtireEt;- • Li. / 211 , 80 * 1 1 1 17141413TED IN TUE FOLLOW- , ••- - and Ortardtsa accounts, • Mel la, the is Cake fit Beaver Comfy • ra. will likened** that tile gatilt. J he grieentletio I I the.Orphaes° Co tft, to be held al 'Wee.eir,Wedatatreay of March , A. D. lefh. foconfrihgadtrahge. , The aceounta or. Cai.l Raney; Lucy , A. Raney raid' 11.0. Wort, Execrators of the relate e( M llo 'Wh' l 4 l6- inirea deceased, who Irak the Ourdiag til'it Wubor of Jas. War, a .ft.ftac o • , • !' -- - 131 eVelaa L a 'Tl'' ,l4l wwlocittratelOr. of-lie will-, of And Admire., wed. . 1 Accounts ar.l4". co, er. Gle*eir ef Ruth Gime and Eleanor Shanorip4or A of 3i t ubl u In v um tiettraMed. - •,•,•;•• q •-. r4 1 .• 4 ; •1 , ' •,•41 ' I Accra:at ef 7. Bente!. 1211ject.41A. of WiUrelndis, Wagner. minor daughter of lint it deed. • i ,AcilOunt :Val. trml, memtliall Rs lti : make Ira • ipe rat •• belloteed: • I Aceoadt M.' iioCl9ll:ralsor.Almatcht: Beatty, Minor eon ef 'John lleatlyt i Final *dowered 'David 11111 eadVe Ni- ricit Dow. Administrator of the estate of B HMI. deed. • - of Final acenent of Joseph C. W : _. _RIOT- the estate of Agnes Pavel. deceased, - .. . I Final seal estate account of M. Vero. 11P,.}... 4 41 I 1 ' J., ~ Nawi l who werAdraaialftttor Fif 114,1. pt. 3 Idept-e. - -t" ' .• ••• -' ' i I Aecount l mf Simone Cottom. Guardian of the mbar' ALVA of 410 1 4 'Cip. tamed: • '' . • i,;;;2•, , ,,i :.f [rt I amount. of Ro b ert Wallace. Admit:6lllMo; eltr the estate of Geo.'Weilitc,c'tee'd. ' • - t 1 I Final account , of We5..14,1.11e,,r1mm. A. Qt' the estate of:Minerva .1. - Ileahoesi, deed: Final ...wand of lemel Ihnkla, Mheinistra el ' ' Adiatiflati4lat . the estate of imam Teems., deceased.'-- -I _.• • I Final ammeter flurry Motlowsic4hatilsistlatuteut the estate of Beidandu Cook, deed. • i I Account of Beulamin Iluckley.:Admistahatorotllol;i: estate of Marrawet iter.ltk•rf'tlectratmed....' 10 A ..' I Final account of Robert Graham eaticalia: WiTtlis: 1 last will of Francis kale. deceased. I rinaraccoruit of Relieve Voce. Ruentrix of J. 11. Vcon, deed., who wee Ataninitarator ortler oracle of i John Crawford., decease*. I , i .t..l'' - ~.:•••• .• t: J:::3 iAccormt of Alla IR. Thomson. Thomson.' of the estate of wirapia utuely. dowered. - • •••••% - r. ,- - r I Final account or A. J. Jolly. Athelairarator of the" , estate at A. B. Jot*. deeeened.' -__ •. .• • ~- ~ Final Recount of 13, W.VP 3 n and 8. OrMoodhimteabwii- 0 atop of the lan will of amps eciamatearami,L.r • .. I Ageotrahrol Clw l Ati w n,Bleck. of the sailor Children of Ben .d s'•• .. .1 .. -,..?..{. ~ Accounts (nAtT al asremeal/mlVillio ra tto - ;thing Exectithr of the last will of Wet, 4.Wtt; . - Account otpeeidlretwasatit Owerahn or - - bus May. lobos eon of Ellen K. May, darstited.:- ,;• I FL at account of W . P. Tmeneend.Bassator of the 1 lira will - of Eliza Vas Borktrk. . . ... l' PIO ticcomat of ; w.. e. Teenema l u "1 1 11 1. _thistalette•tra. i of litritoir 1 1011. toieweetek!deemowid. , . 11 . , *.• 1 , Final a Id t * , INA r.""ricatoses4.4llllMblird Margaret Gilliland. &lid at 111...G11111114. ileewortel. , • 11 I First account of W. P. Townsend,OhannulllWl mai. 01111.1 and, Tjapr child arllforthetrOMlliessl:llqctll.:t. ~.- . 1 I Final act of 111 Stelnfeldt.Adminiettraor of the . estate of Sokm3oo llirahriT. deed.. who wall &tribe istrator of the rotate of It ra.vin Gook, deceased. 1 Account of Wllll. .Ueary.Eseeutor at the lastwill of R. P. Bober*. deeo.. who was Exalter of the last will of Janos Q. Blom; deed..- . .•.. , I Final aceoaet of flowlder B. DareeeP4 Chu. B. Beat, Adtepristratete MA Amelia 'rtstw. Acindratt. *atria of But meteor% e'ofte'llittird'acalar* .• ' Final account .of Thomas lierhestrey, A4ateistra tor of the estate orlaftowl - , 1 95 *WI ~ .Final accounts of,Elizaheth viand, istiorix of the all will of John eattio. asell..'who vise.lllswitavr of Wm..J. and 'peter 1, - .. Calvin, minor children of Wm... Calvin, deed. Final stironnt of Ell..abeth (Vein, Eieentsis of the L' st will or John Calvin, dee'4,---. ••••••••• •.- --, —•••.- Flee alicodhf. or )tary WWilialiy add - Reforial Wit , : 10 1.4dmitittlifitoks Or the estate 'of ReheirStlCsaY.:.-_, dreeased,c ' .11nat surcefunt of Dr. If. :Laslifenee. Adtubdiasstut of the eraite of James McKinley. deceased. - A .count of Andrew Weterion.lLT h ex will of Peter Small. deceived. .. , . Account of John Weaver, Galatia' of Slavic; Small, minor child of Martin Small., necraicet-• . ; . • .•• •• • ~D ::91.101.!TOPF. feb19.17:4t ORPH4NS' Q . 01:1, SALE: D Y VIKTUE OF AN 0141)ParOF THE OILPIIANW LP 'Court of Bearer coutityAkir undirected waltz. peril to rale at public u,titery, , bn the premises, op': I 31 ( 1•IDAY. )11reth 9th/ .It 4 S :. et 10 reelect:4i. n. Of told A4:4' the fokkortende iterftg es t ate, of loriella Moine; &tied,. elteetn,. , , in th edite of li an Port, boatel TowulkiPt 07;•:-..- -. of Il ea' and finite or Pennell VilliA; being tote v„ , 40, st, 4"1. 411 and If, itpOn w )44 •Is erected • wall pose, n dwelling howee. n a tau utAspis Lid m oll. rely, Shumaker, Jne,-,p ...C.putad, Pelts Mulesanoti. rind the Sew Mill root y. on the north beak of the Ohio river Immodinte above the tornett l tal lianTwo ~ .. Mlle run. eublect to the oldovel dower,. RNlS.—One.thfrd of the porebene money to be on the condonation of the eale by the Court. me. 1)01 at the end of one year from the , tand one al the death of thowirlowoirigr condrmalbm of the tale by the Conti, a il *r .turedr u ppnd and mortgar upon the Tin ere 'pa pity the expentire of _r le, bond k its t n e and •all requbdte ir= 111 " . I lltir Itteginr:f_ . zinqulrri bf the tuttlertlgned_ : Seam. Bawer tonsity. Pe. .• •. J. B . HAIIRMI. • Guar.of the minor &IKEA of borrelle Yokfton,dear. feb13'67:34. • ENqINE & REPAIR SHOP, • 1 In Fallston Unpin? Coynty, . . HAVT . NG refitted in d enlarged thy stock ef tnarbin - tcry and tools, and baring Feeured Nte etivteee o the beet of mechanics. I mu prepared to liniment all *orb done to give imp re ratt4fitctioa. I have on hand different patterns and styles aL Fughdery.diFtre Clap awls, and am preparilt to make or. reps* all destr.ip:. titnis of piachlueyy, "P Minion - able ocruar.. ' • (Jr.. I have alkthe i:eva plow panevesteatautt this market imong which is the -Great Western," which has been eweldow of the county for the last fifteen yetre. There etc five of this plow, all of which I numullactare and kec for sale; alto -Patent Lever"—right and left— •lloan tilm , ."--right and left—"filde lIW,' , 1104 nearly a the different kiwis In use. - • . COOK uTNIG,7It-..INIT:LIN AND Dy....vrima STOVES I liavinLmade several important improvements on the ..cli ,• , -bv mirk% cod or wood can be supplied without-fide,Z a end baring twri plsees for niPo, either or bo th ef-withh erm be need at lint lame t‘, with a v don to the oven, tine having the advitn tagep•of • k Cooking' Stove, Bake 'wpm end Franklin Rump bitted. This Stove-had bee)fjo • constaninse fdrAwee yam and maw. of. theft Hier bsitigts m s ms l SW this od of time, aro now in weed order. Is but a s l portion of this ertcyto that everV out. el and this broadly slid ; cheaply replaced. Tq 10 litiore WWI?. Velars! now pattitisr In alr i ke bruit - lining. 'Our other patterna are Ow Heystcnq ant: Premium. Parlqr litoves, , - = small heitin Stoves, Pranklin Stoves, Jetty A -Lind's; se .• Orate and Orme Fronts, Pernitars, Iran t m t. cartons styles, Wagon Boxes two Irons: T 1 Benders, Corn Shelters. Force and Cistern Pumps, Sad Irons, Metal Stake for kitchen. Sheet Iron and Tinware, ways of band and made to order, In fant:l nutria tare tunliketp for Sale. almost •sveryththg whited • the machinery or hardware line. In idddlion to our Whet - SP:wee, we aro now making - two new*ttcre, 'flq..l god 5, of the Greg It übllo. vattleleste hiking captive, 'the best C 00l es 0d • wives to the ccrantry. , i. • Second hand* novae .alwaya for safechew. Twle good new OnfoOloontria for gaw-toill'br eitorntwit. poees nets bk han4,tand ski be odd reasons .1,- 1 marlaVi--11. ...,/s 1 , JOHI : OWelfr - . . • • , - - '_ ' '_ Lam= torso Notlee.—Lettert kepi* r on the EI estate of 'Morn. 'Torr late of :liptaatry prsrnship, Delver county,:Pa4.ll4sol. haring . g'nutted to the undersigned, all ::pessort - Indebted , raid estate are requested to make lientedtatejikeftelk{ . „..„1 and thole 4aving datum against the NO" peewi t pyperl} puthe nitrated tbriiettlernerit I 40111TBLENTZ,.Ex'r., robin - 7:6C • Ohio ..v.; A dAust Istratoes-Notice.—Lettess of Ad Ratak. I tmtion be the estate of Robert .I.astiatita tate of (.reeve toemskip:l3...liver county. 'FE. 'keit.. lin ing; heed 'punted 'the .undersigniskideperOosts ht. Ilobted to the - said•ri , fativare requested to make ha.' mediate - ritstgot b , =those having -debits' Or de-' = l g irt ri t m without i' de r bst i vidd °b6."dent. 111.11111 14, adiusilstrater Greene township. j feb. IrrAmt. • • A the eatate of John :k,:evin,dee'd.; tale of ilopewalt township, Bearer county, Pa,. haying _bean pasted to ' the earrahroed, ail persons Indebted to said Piste Ire Wooded to - make ithosijate paptlent.and.thoad: - ` Ihseittittirdms spited th e iseeteill presettthcasprop: arty . itraentiented for settlement. 4 ' • • JAST Allenhenyaly, JAS:Y. W4,LLAVE, Hopewell' tp. Jantol7:at. , Raseaknt. e 97,1RTRD----111.71 WOILEN,OF Character—litoinotkL School Teachers, ind alr others so dirpoded. to rct a. Amp' forgot nahltaber. for Randall's new Utak of the Holy. Laull,; ettltiftt-1- 1 The Iland-Writing of • 'Rh is, nett snit 14moitant book of testimony to the prithetlctenttrorthe Ttlbte is now rvltiv: One sprat repoßts ierentrilty orders In tee days. Mint** thlter woke tf It ffett•thii•polplt valuable to the Chreolan 1h the stmlY of the &ibis. I i .lutee_twoltanittellniul aL tj onion so Cu."- ' -'} Addrest, With stitup, 'Otcrlvtive amain and terms, or apply. In to > •• • • \ 4. V. }MULE A co,Pgsusanzit : lehlSKAtit. IttftirZt . woot nrifintriti:TlL • . [IN eleleifiVrai , WOK ALL TI MM VIM ‘.3raaffer l'rear &elite of Lifer and. Sturtgat. finch Dllloneenria:ttleM Headache'. Cone tin.olo*.. Water. 'gash, Suur ettol* , ft, Dyati,opeyt, AC! • • DR. ROLintUßlit lIDADADIIE t • THUS rIUM Ace the moat perfect remtlly, ever bre - ht before.** ;unite, for all titmouse; of the Lires a : • t. They act as e CATHARTIC without .ealtening the Stotuach'or TkoreN:bat on the etintristY i • give to tuns those °mom dirtying away ail Melancholy Feellup. infusing nor,LUe apd-Vicur Iptn : tholstrin. , . p or wan by,: low. .1131i:04 . 4 and Country Mertitaata, throschnni nrlldtilliiityy. • .1. lIIENDERIA. , ii'iri'l.flurrty Pittry burgh. Pa.. WiddrioolViguts. . ~-- . .... .. ~ , i,;,a,,. LLSTON rouxrpErr Mows AND:P.LOW 0 0 El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers