lt-y•,;: , • • 1 Kenneth :,Davidson In OM Court of Common ''' ' • —711., -- '• PION of ter ebent, No. • (neigh Aily k thicaiJem as Merck T,' ion. ~11, a kin 4 A. H. Jenkins. Atiacimmitt In case for Vi. clack Bolts , Andrew M.. la, WV= of +the price for laly and John Grafton, boring an Oil Well. partners under the name Jannaty,Hth e ile t on cao mid style of the Vienna tion th e Gout InUmeitt 011 Company. against the de n nts. , Jan. 27, IE4B, affidavits 9f Iclatin being Med. rule on the Prothonotary to assess On the Judgaient In this cue. Notice 0 'hereby given to all concerned, Cure said damages will be amesseu it the Pro.honotarta oftics, on the 10th day of March, A. DAM& at two o'clock, - JOHN CAUGHERY. janilif6iProtbocestiwYs • ' • ‘ TN TILE COURT OF. COMMON PLEAS OF BEA AMR COUNTY, .NO. 169 NOY. TERM, 1867. . - In the matter of the application of the tltochestar, Building Aaioriallan No. 1," fora charter of Inorupo; ration. • - And now., Nov. 19, 1807, Application. presented , whereupon the Court having examined the accompany ing Constitution, and being of opinion that It confabs nothing contrary, lo law, direct said Instrument to be filed in the Prothtmotary's office, and order publics don according to law; and unless miss basilhown to the contrary, the aforesaid Charter of itleorpondidu will be granted by Court at the next TerAUGHIGY m. • JOIIN,C, - Prothonotary, int2TOPT, Dissolution Notice. NTOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PART IN nershiplieretotore al:Metalling between William On , and Geo. W. Damien, In the business of Merchan dising, am been thn day demisedby mutnalemmeat, George W. Dawson retiring from salA Arm. . , All peiions indebted to sold pirthereldp, are rennes't ad to call Immediately and sottle the same with Wll. Ram Orr, who will likewise settle all demands oh said • , WILLIAM ORR. ' GRQ. W. DAWSON. ' Betwer,lan. I7th, ret..lanlT67:3t. • • . , , MOOBE'S DRUG STORE; IN BEAVER, ME May be found the beeesascirtaaaat of DRITG L S, 3kteclioliaen, PITIZ-111 Liquoßs; WINER - kd Brandies, PainLS, C0i1e9.4 1 AND 'DYEj kITUFFS: TOILE ABTIcLEN, SOAPS, 13 S S PAT,ES I T MEDICINES , all of the beet quality anti ;old neap "Ii n than riet7 can be bought at any odterDrug • litoto in the county. r ' Daponai's reinale Pills, 75 cents per box Meow ;man's, $1; Clark's, C. TheTergeat Stock of LAMPS & LAMP IG TRIMENGS. LANTERNS, ETA TIONER.WENDOW GLASS & PUTTY'. Ever oared outside of the, city* Moore's Drag Stem and sold cheaper than can be bought anywhere else. Let those who daub. this IQ MI is and they teal dWo mow st mom:. • THE. LA EST AND. BEST 1 . k Singer's improved Family Sewing aehii es 1 _ • `; . . , QINGERIS NEW NOISELESS FAMILY sayings 10 Machine with all the recent Improvements, le seer - considered 1 The Reit and thel Cheapest • • • And the mum. Machine, thari i rill do ALL Mods di TAIIIILT SERINO. It makes thetiffl:1101111 LOOK ITIT0111; the only Welt which is tudve'rially approved. or II at MI adapted to Ant class workrit, will sew on all kind" of material with all !Linda of thread, and It ts as Nom* is in Its operation as any practical Soling Machines. It la simple In construction and does not get out of or der, and a chid can learn to use It. It has an proved Hemmer, Feller, Braider, corder, and gather. It bas the orb! nrosna and lIIIIRmra that be Isr ed to advantage In Tucking. It also has a simple am isoinstryirrAcuxxxr. and la the only Machine ma big the Lock Stitch that does embroider proMicolly. The Celebrated Singer Pdanufko turing rdaotarliel. For Tallors,ltoot and Shoe Makers, Ramona and Cas• rive Manutleturess, will be supplied on she Mildest notice. • AU Machines 'Warranted For Three Neese. MI persons, whether Intending to purchase a Seas. log Machine or not, are respactrulliiolicited to call and examine these Novel Sewing c hines, and see them In operstion, at the Millinery tore of • Mrs.. A. lECKHIX.N, on Brighton! St., one door above th Dhimond, Rochester, Beaver county, Pa.,...where will keeptisupply °upend for sale. . y J. A. KOOKEN,' Ajents, lova. . Singer Manuracturing CerktAany... T INWARE WHOLESALE ~AND , MAIL DIALlit IN F ALL KINDS OP' Tin, .Capper & Sheet-. • . Iron Were. I PROW * Iteiti r fif 0 CONETANTLY 07,f RAM all MIMI, of TIN, COPPER AND EIRIEWROIIf :- ARE, whic,bi soU - • • • AT TUE LOWEST PRICES! • - Tin Roofting,SpOut ing &Job WOrk Douro to order In:tne beet posing. manure, and at th • r Shortest notice. • _ Ming tone but thebeet, or material, end hula/ none but the best of worlunen * • • WE WARRANT 'ALL WORK ,REcT;or Tlll Lbwakiimo of . a r a eat. BEAVEIL. • Aid di . CM; andlirdiviiid air . Mork. WIWI kept constantly on hind. 4 i i ••4 MEISZEIZE 'eke. imic A rvimuc. I . A LAVIMEIMEEMOMMNLY WITOMMID WAT JUL different parties hare been guilty of purchasing sacks th at had oncabeen' Au& onwhia. we had placed onr brands; and Milling them with an inferior article' of flour. and thee eellie.l the same as flour manufactured by _us thus being guilty of perpo. Crating a bon fraud upon •us and also on the pidd i e. we desire to capon tpe basemen of such parties' and bring theitibijutticeinnd we therelbrp, of fer a reward of twentty~ fire dollant,' , . tb: be paid to any peison who will furnish us' with Ninth:lent !Waage to convict any partotthe fraud aforesaid. , - . John Edgar; Mellon t Douglas, J. W. Wilson, I Noble,Bnpetintendent Seaver Falls Milli Company Z.M. Alexandpr stiteesaor to Williams & Aleaandla debrelfam. ' AGRICULTURAL WORKS) 1 • • • 41: IIigAXIIPACTURE MOWERS, REAPERS /VI Railway or Endless Chain, and Lever Power o. varlone sizes, Threshers and Separitc"'lrarm Cider Mills, Cane Milli and. Sorghum Rvaperatets, Corn Sheller', Dog Powers for Churning, nd all other Agricultural Machinery. • . Of all kinds done on short notice. Machines of any kind bring for parties. Baying had an experience of fifteen yeses fn Patents and Patent Business. we are prepared to make Models, Applications, ac.,. for. parties- desiring to take out Patents. Haring fitted up our FaCtory xilth Selected from the beat Eastern makes,' in 'person,. and employing none but the best Mechanics, we are pre pared to do work in the best:oWe and manner. Raving secured the services of A FIRST CLASS PATTERN MAKER, we are also prepared to make any kind or style of Patterns. Particular attention plaid to Repairing Mowing and Reaping Machines, and machinery In general. We solicit, and hope by attention and care to merit, the patronage of parties wishing work done. Orden ALL WORK WED. from a distance prom tl attended to. Adders" A. 8031111111 A CO) *One oche.' ter. Pa. . NEW FAMILY GROCERY F, ~~~ ,\ Cor. Iltalbri s ad Oroidnik aid New Volk' Rt. By • 17...0 E & D G El •t:1. Family Groceries and Provision, Fish, iPloir, Cheese, Batter, lard, Bacon,,oll, Pure Cider Vineffm. Str• . • ups, Molasses, Salt, Teas, Cedbes, bugars, Crackers, Tobacco, Cigars, Queensware, Willow-ware, Wooden-ware, and ay.: scything In their line, and they hope • by strict *death:in to harness, to merit a liberal share of • • the Patronage- N. B. All kinds Country Produce taken at the price.- . , ROCHESTER FOUNDRYI . • ANDERSON, PATTERSON & CO 11/ANUFACTI7BEKB OF MAMMY CASTINGS` .ITI Hallway Track and Car ' Castings, Agriculture llrentt Impleinentadingine and all other Castings Wade at • ! class Foundry. Alia, Storm Grate ~ Fronts, Orate Bars, Liners Sub Weights, Hollow-Ware, Ket tles, Iron Fence, and all other Castings called ter, on short notice and or the very best metal - . Also, J. J. Anderson's justly celebrated New Cook Stove tor Coil ; and Wood, which took the IMI * it. l. 3l;7l : ),_._'r .1 nommerna. Nov. MM. Raving kept hum orh along time. Ind skied pusher of Cook ed diderentpatiebil I consider J. Allfietilelell new MOM In PO t economy in feel. ready eacd; t al r bd . bektnis t : else. superior towiy.we Inn and theerfu re ! commend it, belleving It. .ten entire sa ciao. „ Chau. Units*. • We hare one of Mr. J. J.. Anderson's new ntores, wan %factored at the Rothmeier Found . and baring given it Air trial i werand fteomes fully up to a ll that beenthdmed tor U. It heats very _rapidlA takes bona!, ft), and Is *most excellent waxer, N t N er li dein ty'dottgratellais 'Unseat tm; tarring- ae quitli a Oomph in the Line of Clooldni Beater, No!. 2sd, leer.“4"4"l7..ll.lll.tenain- Axsavre., . . . . - - ' ~.,,i•-• ..-4,,,,,, - ...1e • '......'5..11:-.1 , .. - :."- r ."...r. , :r4. = ... . .. . .., L.. .. .„ ITXCI 0 11 ROCHESTER, yEsNA., A. B. 111111UTH 'As `460. =1 REPAIRING AND JOBBING NEW AND IMPROVED MACHINERY, ♦ID PROVISION STORE! ./ riEocheater. wallas M.&! BS !'O WD COE & DARRAGH. Rodman& OM. Ist. 1867--0ct0'67:17 First:.Promiuts At the State Fair iecently held at Pitftebngh. Ttdi Stove combines many new and important principles, which place it far in advance of ail others now, in nee. Some of the merits claimed for it by the Invemtor, are Heavy Metal, Well Proportioned, Beauty of Style and Finish, Ease of Draft, Dully Kept elean,Requires but Fuel, and the „ . • •. • . BEST BAKER EXTANT • All orders thankthilt received and protoptir filled. ' We Cali -Attent l ion thi Following Statements : While living In the lied I need several of the moot Celebrated Cooking :Stover made in that part, Of the couit=nd on my arrival here, I was recommended to e the Crystal Palace Stove, W (also el* ed y Yr. Anderson) as being theheat. I did so, and used it with good satiehtetlon. When I sawldr. denotes new Stove,l wasattract.dh Ita seat appea r. anon, and on examining its Oven sa dlnterior arrange. us tits, round it possessed many advantages ,over all I had seen. I purchased, and have one now in use. We Consider it superior toany we have ever need. It is all the inventor claims, and we think, all - that could be desired In a Cooking Stove. Caw. GastimerParanarow. • ,Itoannminjeavalit. ltiving one of r. Anderson's new Sines m use. I ean rally endorse Capt. Pendleton's statement. ' - Joss IL Wawa. :Raving eee at Andenotes new J. Stores Isrusore Iben telli,enWee the abet* recotentendhdlml_ , WOODRUM. Baying one of Xt.-Anderson's new Stoves In nee, Ire are rally satisfied veldt Its good qualities in ail re. 'wets.* . Jose= Ism ants Warn. Ydl i c.,. ~, or e,s,e l' 4 tail 9 - .., wag Goods' storel• IMESIMIN ROCJIESTERi.Phe - : WINTER GOODS H.O. :UDATS-. Clrind opening of Merinos, Delaines,Cobsugs, Bar. Uf atheaa and Draa Goods' of every kind. DOMESITCI3. Muslin' and Prints from eX mate to iSti. Look we advertise what we have. Good Red Flannel SS cents. Shawls and. Blankets cheap. Tickings from 10 cents up, Mmy Overcoats and Blankets: Don't SU to calL- • 4 : • , • . i . • • : . •, . ' roast PUB MISS I FURS 1 . 1 Direct from Importers and' manntactursre the largest aesortment ever offered. Cheaper than ever. ■ ENNII EMI F. A; RED fßoti 'T IN THE DI AMONDi NEU MIS i , , \ i I 11111111 f-_ ,) YOE THH. WI t G t. f . .7 -r Fo.tu'ne's MUM I= ROGRESTZE, PA. P -a New kid; C L RING,. ; Valk_ cuPll per teat. le end 17 aeu,lo Come and see motto be,* dollar the othing. which hy intend to than atoziannttn the let county. .; -a .llsr earnal. ana ymir PH BITELLENI3IIRG, Broadway and Falls street, New Brighton. Pa. nort1417:813;o - & A. Harvey; =MI & PROVISIONS, GRO AIM c9. - vicraare. D -A LARGE ADD WXLL 44 11CFAVING ON a AA selected aLoCk Teas, - Rice, Coffee, ' Cheese, asur o r imes„ Syrups, , • 3Era, cillarette. NAILS AND WISDOW GLASS. STONIEWARE r Pine Churns,. : ... -Peek-Measures. - Oak Churns ; Bush. Measures, Willow BaliketkV ' Built Basket!. -. • . . 'Pare Ciders Vinegar. CHOICE FAMILY 'FLOUR By the or In larks, constantly On band. Trleon.sory.lorr, call and IMO. 8. HARVEY. Bridgewater. ra. 0et9 . 67:1). Z. D. DERRICK C. It. DERRICK KEYSTONE STOVE WORKS Car Factory Building% NEW - BRIGHTON, PA MERRICK k- CO. JE4I.II7I7,4OTUA'EREI OP 4.57) WHOLEUVII LW RETAIL DNALIIRB IN cooitna STOVES, = =EATING IBTOSIMO• : asass FRONTS and PENSEILIy ss. Sys Ruby Cooking Stove N 05,7,8 & P. THIS TOVE &rW the ate FalM E Cooking Stove, and eve thelete connw , IWe nee no sersp iron theh manersetank bdnuike erelnetvely of ,No IT* Metal, and warrant them In every respect. ' The Baby bas the largest oven in the market and consumes bntlitt le tool In biking, owing to to oarisi GRATE FRONTS AND FENDERS: it • - . . We are lately to the mambas= °Muhl Fronts and renders, w fah we enamel In an oven ectmi men. eeeond quality /*ins trash, Thla enamel re• nitte Inearrow alenit_thae,Vll not IA and taken" 'Math enzieirior Ma tolhat ot• Coal Tag. i , mama Pita& We arellio midday Sheet bent aufeiner PHear lihr which we hare applied for a Macs )preased in Hydraulic prem. They ars =Eh Apar tharvast . . Iron, mud muchubeaper. - • ~ ._ 4,~. i HEATINd.BTOPEa „ . -•- • Ws data the headiest heattUßtors to th e MOW divas don, and see the best 8 in Ahefr tee/use' lion; Our patterns an not Jet etothlete, Wit oarE fit; petition to hems g saeoronent oar We also toot the Preostont if the 'County' no ” •=ltimetaboldOehrteetterediti tithe • toe use tho i beet °CPIs Metal end mike good yak. We remedially rioted a alone of the pat i t zd z nonage, and would be phased to eee those artog la oaf line st oer woke; Wholoso: —. " MIME & 00. ==ll ;;; 1_ BW . _ _. 1047 0 ...1 • . i * * 1 1 . I Slid Irbeeel . . CLOTRING STORE, lAA received - , • frozauthe Sock of terE OW v. AT N VERY Debraes • D CASINETS, CASSIMERES. LADIES CLOAKING, WATER PROOF CLOTH, BLACK an 4 BROWN, (HOSIERY; GLOVESI NOTIOb BLEAC WHIT .. IP. A. 'AMMON., /. X. lIIICXIST. • • al ..." 1100d& :1 1 ••1 1' mv.tirrie:Pill!ii:ii 21.7 !El=iiiilli Reduced Pr14%4! OM WI • MEM Tossl4o Cc's., EU It= ~., . ,~ .~ StAND. ESTER , PA... ROC 1 121030 nciil Tnwsesi LOWEST FIGURES. , , Great Variety, Prints Fancy & Solid Color ', • • COBURG et,p,icq As, MERINOS, GINGIIAMS, FLANNELS, TICKING, - - CANTON FLAN NEL. , . SHIRTING CHECK, • , "JEANS, - . H E ED and BROWN MUSLIN, GOODS, am, Itc., and entirety New Stock of Made Clothing, R snuffs ., DRAW - jai, VESTS. PANTS. PEA JACKETS I SACK COATS, DRESS COA OVEKCOATSTS,. kf806,73 ids,AND SHWA qf HATA C Vor mod Stook of - • • 3i3Cirti.weitare. TN Has been largely increased by recent purctuute in the 'East, at Pante Brines. • . To this • • • eni consisting of. Mechanics Toole and all kinds • Building and Housekeeping, Hard ware, Cutlery and' Nails, we Would especially call the attenturn o conetructon and builders. LEAD, LINSEED OIL, CM Aura I 1 Au. oasoYa I D, DRY AND IN GROU 11, BENZINE and DRYER. TURP re materially dedlrm i d In prim And Hardware Department. We are de • be outdone. by any house In the wen- These goods In this. as hi termthed not OUR STOOK or oeri.ea. ar FEED AND PROVISION, =IA tail and ximplet.• • bmi..7,cociti! , b/fPe,:otiip. Te l -! defter Mae of ' , TRY PRODUCE COII at blittuart Xarirat vela*. costatumi for put patronage and so- =MI= mono MIMI ROSS &CO. S J: =MEE OE E 5 WIYORK STREET, • RAILROAD " - CROSSING, _ is IEA2 R.o' • patilkly h e 6. t er, Pa. i Aceto . Q.. T I FIINT OF TIM 1 CONDITION OF .TRE UV " faidlof Won township, Beaver ixsuity, Preis . - • Total Indebtedness of talDgeroslain - lik_ . nit' . .Sbrodes7 l A 1 iltoes,ldsgS 14 ) Ofded. 4s 0 ' _ ;rim J o hn Solders of WOG* teened by- John Davis aria. W, O, Timber. sapersksesi . 5M1.411 - To • odd Davis and' Misr. ssjs!!, -- vlsors, ----,--- • - - --- r. -:-- 110.01-41DIKid Imbed is Mows Obr then put into mei the gitt: “cal et ;sly, 15511. 15. 05 • . 111007 343 . 400, "Supptenentary cider . July DM, aoo.ixo " ucWilDee.:lB64igkin 6681.166681.16 • For. serriee, o f 1111PC111501114 ' Printing. teemedfeet, trending • - • , • • panto, discount, . 156,10-0506,6 CiONrItA. ‘'lts—lat of BNB • dapilade. (C. ?-r Johns collector,coll' bee . 2031,05 it e =taadtar.l4s,Nl, sa,st—nesti id 1210. r - by, ddieeter) 1209,41' Bzeiteratlons $38,5D, mitiettura • Res x,98--1167.6f twry of 1886. dupliiteh)cate. (W. Da lton. colim -110,112 itionerallons 1554.51. $71,52, Wuldondialf *Kim 7r9twalee.4d Amount rec.'d. Dom collectors. 511115,17 Tres's. bee TKO, Oink Debit, $1,50, discount 1.1" Net am't. applicable to Infield ' De b ts 5053.151 Debts, bends. &03-. paid. 6578,6r—eme Balance In bonds or Treasurer % *ll ' Balance of indebtednes, with . This 411 This on the buds of the hidebt edness shown by the Board of Auditors as. stolid, butte thb must toe add ed ' aforesa money borrowed by the superthin's, bat lot embisced in raid settlement its: Mott $l5. 1. Neale $25, D. Springer $lOO. Entire indebtedness Ito Ow as known (without hawed), Add interest, intimated at Total Indebtednes. Assets to Inset same. balance due from C. Johnston. C01.,` 1411.81 Balance W. Besancon; Collector, IttUrl Balance In Treasury. . 86.16 619,91 • Ramie unprovidad for, ; April 29d, 1867. - • . $472601 A true exhibit of the BOuntyluad of said township, se it stood l e • pill $20 ,. itilff, so far as the data within onr reach bles us to present It. But we do not as- 1 pert its a ate correctness, since it is found the set. ' Bement the Ammer r card. does not present the true hide vines* of the township. st its date, and we are unable to And any record or minute of the Board of Bupervisori issuing the bonds, showing their tree date, wheninterist begins to ran, or of the issuing of warrents, or oli bat account they were Iqme.l. No. could the requis ite information be obtained from those issuing the same. As to any other alleged errors I, said former settlement, or discrepencies between the same and the records of the Provost Marshall's °Mee as to the number of men but into service, &c., we now deem it outside our now outside our du ties now to investigate them. ' ROBERT COOPER, } Auditors, JAMES W. JOIINBON, FAIL & govocorosis • • T HAVR JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF .1100DS, of the :17 LATEST STYLES, FOR FALL & wiarrEa WEAR. gentlemen's Furnishing Goods CONSTANTLY ON LIAIND CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. In latest and rund fashionable 'tyke, and at abort notion. HARVEY BROWN.' WILSON • & B4OWN, GA 0 CE RS P r oduc e DEALERS, BRIDGE ;STREET. BREDGEW4TER, R. _A. WILSON. DAWSON & RICHARDSON Beaver Palls, Pa• 1- TIAVINI BL &ST OPENED LEGE STOOI OP Au. aZ NOTIONS, • , ,' ' .--ROOTS&SHOES • • • HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, - • , ' •• QUEENSWARE, ''TINWARE, .. ' NAILS, • ; - DRUGS, &C. . - Window Glue all *bee and double itnw`t6. dal attention paid to filling cede= nor ore —else window pee s fec. Also,] i - • LINSEED ' ",' CRUDE BOBBING OIL, . , 4 BENZINE, • ''•OOALE'Er PATENT -DRYER, • , taints Of all Color . Ofrad..Dl3'sa4 an Oa- !Nimbuses wfi . do well to all and exambo oar stock of Wits betor pozeliattag ebewhars amid Sad to Seek& All Slade or Coma* , produce taw in exec ands to Goods. ReuMmasse lk. *ON 11171 dope stwo tato Oaddly. y e w dims: • EM:= UMIEM NM rll; , WglaYri U. MI ! 1 ' r''' 11'011*OPATIIII3T, , --- WirwintrilnTo7f, =Arm courrY, PA. - , J (OFFICE AND RESIDRNC.F. ON Leer sr ir between 1411rodA stud Bridge dts. f el3T67•l ts ' .....___.2_ • TN TIDI, UNITEV-STAVER COBBT, WElTrpi rinsilinlCT OPTINNSII.V.iink sc: ' At' yitii. boffb, gat .17,4 .ocotber. DM The ntelmepea berebyAltee node et Its 1490 4 „. inept lIS Mime of D. C. mean, of Sudth's rpm h the Corntv of Bearer., and' BSite of Pentoyh sithiri. id a diatiet, who hal been adj*ela Bpi: rim ppm Ale own petithet by the tate Dtitritt cows of said Dtatzlet. • B. B. CLIAMBEttIa. ~ iin.W67: 3 t... - : : Alga* VALUMILE PROPERTY FOR SALE, rtnE SUBSCRIBER WIPERS FOR SALE ' Bonseend lot situate On third etmet In the °ugh ofd . Beaver. 'The property eligibly sheeted to puTille buskins, formerly acripied by John. p a w taveruatuid; and now lathe occupation of J. C. ith. sem The house is huge and roomy; has are rem arid a kitchen on the lower' Soot besides a /lore an d attached with shelving stud counter all ceeto ete. sod well fleshed Own above said store room. Aed th em lads° &good cellar underneath the saw Th., , also four MOMS on the second story of the &ro t the garret is finished and .well cakalated M r het e;, rooms ; hall through the house with cootipact4 sty: railing to the ganef . ; good stabllng, cola tome, pals I house, treaty ees, he. Th e lot 66 feet et front Ale ?setback. Forparticolars all with J. C. the premises, or the subscriber. T 11031,18 WALTER& 100,00 455M8 750,00 1106,78 WILLIAM nßicn, PB2iN l ik s Ell DZOtIOe• ORPHANS'_ _COURT SALB Blr VIRTUE OF AN OBTIETI OF TEMParts. Court of Beaver county, the underm irnt pole to sale at public ont-cry, on the premhes, THURSDAY, February 20th, INIB, - at 1 o'clo i t Y. of said day, all the kilns,* de. scribed estate of Benjamin Q. Jackson, 6 - 4. o f Bearer courtly; deef,sitnate In the Town of Bev el . Falls, Bearer . vim All those two t ot , or ground, numbered 68 and 169, In Patterson's pkr, lota in said Town of Bearer Falls. Said lots 193 and 169 adjoin. each other and are bounded north by pat street, must by lot No'. Fa on the south by osh sp, i , and on the west by lots No. 164,163 and 164: and on which is erected a one ,story frame dwellhnt Said lots hare a front on' Oilr. street °taboo t 40 tett each or 80 feet In all, and are about 109 feet In depth. These lots are very desirably located for persons want. ing homes in Beaver Falls, one of the most donnab• hag and enterprising towns of Pennsylvania, TERMS.—Cash in hand on emnirmatlon of 110 to by the Court, held on the 3d• r donday of lianh,l36l, • - JOILN jaffi9'ed 8t New Brighton, Ps. ORPHANS' COURT SALE T . VIRTUE OF AN ORDER ISSUED OCT Op B the,Orphane Court of Beaver county, I will ex. pose to sale by public Tendue or outcry, on th em , lone, on TERTIISDAYi February 20th, 1868, at I o'ctoc'k P. M.; all the following deseribad peed re tract or land, - part of the farm of which mow n. ton. rate of Chippewa township, in the county Atom said, died eeized, being the rotten `portion of nid farm, and bounded as follows. becinflnteu Ilse of lands ofiJames Kennedy,Sr. it rode from the of lands of -- Denny, thence by said Ketiticdr, line 66 rude to land of Denny. thence by bads of .14 Denny(late of H. N. Kennellybo corner on line of kis of James Seott, thence by said last mentioned about 60 perebes to a post, and thence by adirect ha to the place of-teginning, containing abcffit 71:1 sem, most Of wblch ia c.e and and In a fair state of cu)tin. I Lion. TERMS.—One-third of the Intrclune meaty tote paid on the confirmation of the sale by the Court, the balance in two equal anneal payment', sub hutted from same time, to be seemed by Judgment tondot bond and mottgace: All expenses of preparing deeds,• bond and mortgage and otamps for the eameto bepat by the !purchaser. For thrther Information Inquin of the undersigned at Beaver JOSEPH C. W11.50:1, Adder of Illom.o Walton deed.) itnITOTIt ORPHANS' ,COURT SALE. ttit TaftTUE OF AN ODER OP THE ORPHAN'S 1.3 Court or Beaver county, the undemigned will tt• pose to sale, by public yendue or out-cry, on the pre*. eOll, 011 SATURDAY,: Rebniatt 22d, 1561, at I o'clock: P. M.. the following real edge of the helm of Mark Clark. late, of North Sewickley tom, ship, in said county of saver, deed., silage i/11 , 411 townehip of North Scut*. viz: All the anti:tied one-half of all that certain tract of had. Mandela the north by Connequeeitingereek.on the cast belerti of Mts. Ann Clark, on 1 the south be of Se. Clow and other!, and on the west bj lande of Aunt ah Hazen, containing about 5. ac ebent 45 um ciente& and on whichla a mall dwelling licit:lmnd other improcemente. TERMS.-4/00-third Of the omelette roonee to he I Raid_ upon the confinnation of the sale by the: Cc the oaAnce In two equal annual instalment. , from date with Interest from came time, and to be lured by Judgment bond. or, bond and mortgege. Allen I penile of prep aring deed, 'demob= deeds and huh lo be paid b the purchater. For further intorulale Inquire of Ifre. Maleina ritzeimmona, on the rid lea, of the undo:lived: \l"nrtemborg. Lawrence tom ty, Pa. Is JOSEPH CUNNINGHAM. • Gurtllnn of Jane ,t Mary Chet . . Also, at the same time and place. and poi the terms as above mentioned. I will expose to oak my in terest in the above described premloco, betne the otte or undivided ono-lutl(ofthemane. Thus enshilocyl party desiring to purchase. to acquire title tote eu• tire premiers. ,SIA . LVINA ORPHANS' COURT SA DirVIRTGE OF AN ORDER OF.THEORP:WO' BY Court of Beaver county. I will (Toe.. pabli vendor or outcry, oil the premises, Ant 'Jena e doseriteA, nn TUESIY. Fe.bnary '2!%7b, 1 141 . at 1 o'clock. P. 31., all the following' de;vri".*! °riots of land part of the mate of Chae , e4 sna :to • of Brldgewifter, Beaver count-, Pa., deed.. ft:: 1. All that lot of ground aftnate in fie. Becoucti Beaver. to the Coin afite,4 9 .l. utnber2 , l 9. In to general plan of out 1014 adlolnlne said north by Wolf Lane, east by lot No. la, !meth by len 2 1 %;oa a . e 2 re a i n - d ri, La u n t d 0 7c e l i b l t eo t iLtAi v sl: l B , ..; garl Dro s T ta e t m e en of t fi a ltlit i ltl , , o b ii i t 't r. nc;• 4 lla,t i t il i lay underneath. form ?Nona on zood each to barn !cur. and Seek kitchen attwhed sut hr feet, coal house, wash house, Ac., a good well ar.dcis. tern on premises, a variety of fruit trw.applo 9 Pe 9,4 ' es. &C. ,Thls is a very dssirible. torty ly located, •wlth abeautlful view of the surrocndis: villages.the Ohio River, Railroads, dc.. a nneenietet , churches. schools, Railroad Station!, de. No. ASA. the undivided two-thirds of a certslo let /tulle ta the village of Sharon In said county, bounded by Ico formerly C. Gould and. George Boldshai. public street and the Big Beaver Creek. ' • TERMS.-7One-thlrd of the purchsas !WWI' aid on confirmation of the sale by the Conn. Wogs n two equal annual Instalments from the (We sit! interest, and to be secured by Judgment boo& " I a bond and inOrtgage. The purchasers to pay ail ev penes of prepAng deeds. mutts.i. atampo requisite for same. For further Informs:lea Inquire of the undersigned. whore, residence adieus the!premiseifirst aboTe damlbed. • D. 11. STON cud. EVA of last will of Chas. Stcne, ' janISIEV.U. ORPHANS! COURT SALE; TIP C on cert OP AN ORDER OF TIIF.OIIPRN 3 ' A.J" Court of Beaver county, I will expose to sals by public vendse or outcry, on the premises. on j at unes l o'clock,rrfiUßSDA.T February 20th, 1:30. P.0,31E5.. gth.edfec,ollozreidn:g property, of the no I. All that certain parcel or lot of lend altaste l 3 IS Township of Greene, In the county aforesaid. Wand. ed on the north and west by lands of Jacob 11. Diehl. and on the east and South by lands of William WO', lie, containing about G acres, all cleared and la rem state of cultivation: A small dwelling home, se-01 premise*. These premises at , on the road lesairt mom Georgetown to .Washington and about ii' cal' himthe former lace. . Also the undivided (741) seven ninths of lot No 34 in the Elcrough of Georgetown, bonded setts ty lot No. 55, east by spring alley, south by chirc lar." and west by Market street. being about tnell ,o b e ll with old dwelling house thereon. ' TERMS.—One third of the purchase money ut WI 011 , 1 o ldn . nfirmatikm of , the rude by the Court, tolato Is tw eel= anntud pirimento from that date. with LW'of est from gam e r!. purchaser to payerl ell'e a ' l Ll. preparing d bondto gc tut IX anee of purcmoney, sin stamp' for rare. " .. further loformatiou Inquire of the undcrsignol Georgetown,Beaver CountELy, Pa. . • IZABETH JAMESON. ianirlfat. Admr'r. a James Jamrsoo. dea. -- --- ORPHANS' ' COUB.T, Sta. BY "ETU OP Al ORDER OP THE OR Ml9es AN'S: Court of Heaver county, the undcralgiled V pose to salt a public outtly, on the premises. on • . , WEDNESDAY, Feb: 12tA, 1668, a ac at 1 o'clock, P. lif. Of meld day . .. 411 scribed noel estate of Josiah lieCowanthe foliowisit late of List 7 comity, - deceased, situate In Darlington 44 Beaver cooper , Pa., els: Adjoining_ Wig Eakin on the North,snds of John Meesughtrl,A 2 aa Best, hinds of John MeKnight, deed.. on i , 0 31 loads of Hugh Dilworth On the west, con ' OHS IItiNDRID AND ELEVEa ACItE2. t M he o bounce w eutg l t i i t m y baere o f Own h lt i char eis reer d--ia,.. House, one stOrY wlth-besement. hobro an d co t wily Abu a ototy d a half Franke Ilous goo II feet. • OreUrd of t fruit on there:dress, _ln" . A well wstered, and in ; aa good sttite of cal& nf' 7ls . „ but feet vein of good Coal underlies about Mr' Ise scree of said-laud. • Premises within lIA Of_Enon Station, on P. rt. W. ACR. R. , i TERN--One-thtrd of purchase iispallt upon condrmadoa of sale by the CV% Int na b. Iwo ettuil annual lisebillmernta from th I_oe. terestftom same Um suitsecured by ban Sage ea the Preanitei. to fraf 'Y A all re 'of weWtritlfies'botott an ur ic an- alba Ida tril• For figebar tutbrmation ingolo„ p,.. andelittnid. Prbeetoll6 ik . 9, traWSUCII wen t . P a a ins: hie attsithor.-ersr Ps. fa • Itviik I , • HEGH AtNer. Es 60114 nOn, elm tutameto ffsm—• Jellinit. i i la
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers