u===== 112 =MIS Coal emir Ant Coal 'Tor Salei. ; T . mar taimuistoNso TnAmour, roil 6fe.; .. ploo. hefefolfri Ihrtowed_wpott ' )b oil plosion Ittadtmmusmil— , bfliechester, ; woof. Nair and Istaainding country, th at .! lan wed to MAO an c.xcellent article of ;Cosi •; and - Nat Mel, on short notice. either delivered, oat 7 the Batik, or the best oftlonns. Tee Bank it located twa ,es , On al Hr lion. near I ter, Pi. Orders left* .1 there, or at the Store of Th AlUsoo,itiltridgetra-; I ter; or at the Protho s office In , Bawer, sill be ,rrompixouia.,..94o furAvsaMl L 0 4 4 , jy . l7lMly. Mdgewater, rt. I -EsPi.&s. : • iflAliE TO TIIEPREEIBIIB OF THE SUBECIII - Economy &rousing, Bearer county, Pa.. 'on or - bo ot July MM. Only bud of sheep—tome with half left;idtisause with_liole through left ear, an home with crop od of left 04 - end about two thirds of Um flock with no mark at aIL The Dwain' le masted tom me forrrard,ProTOPMP ty, pay eiterge• and take awr y • flidl,l*- I, ' P 'RO N * • nowins stwzNa MACHINES. THI3UNDERSIGNEADAVINGIONTEIR rim i the tailoring baldness, in Bridgewater, P i., will in the Woo devote his whole time and attention togra, wing sale of ii owe'e Unrivalled wing Machines. Hi) wirerbom fa in Inc building fo 17 occupied by him. self mid Yr. Miller; is a Tailor op. These Machines range in pries.fromStifito 135, a will be. delLiveretbr good orde r to persons . purdsasin them: 'An expel axed person will accompany each machine sold,And the purelutser will be. thottmgbly_ instructed to Its use. Ile will also keep sewl b machine needles„ machine oil, silk, thd and all arti cles needed in sewing, and dispose of.them at reason} le rates. Thankful to the public for Wore hiretofore received; be 'toilette; in his new business, a continuance of thmitme. -- 1, .' feeptliket tf„ JOSEPH BRAUN. . v. miasma., .., " , L .1 at. HASTIOND. WitLRIOR •*. HARTFORD Have now Opened the W*ol , tlieleeilon of $ 1 .641:14,AND WOITER HOOTS & • Which they are seuttig GPAT BARG#ISTS, MEM AND pm.icms! Call and examicio our Stock NO. 106, STREET, • Oti1410; et fifth:Pittsburgli; novidlnlyi „ . NEW; FAMILY GROCERY• • , NM AND PROVISION I'iTOREi! Car. Railroad Crooning, and Kew York St. o chesiferi, ByCOE,&:.DAR i i WRENN MAY DB FOUND la t tntly GrOberiemind PrOchtten, - Fireet,liitinr; Cheese, Putter, Lard, Pacrin, 011,.Pr00 Cider Ilium:, ayr . npa, Molasses, Salt, Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Crackers, Tobacco, Cigars, Qupensware,' Wil r lpr ware, Wooden-ware, Eland • e ng in their line, and they hope • . • y strict attention to busness, to merit a liberal share of I . the patronage. • - - • . • /it H. Ali klude.Ccnintry talc' at, iftka mar tat price. • COE DAIRRAGIC lIMEI iloebeeter. Oil. 15t,1861--ect9'67:li ROCREEfrER ',FOUNDRY, PATTEIRSOR CO, • MAHUPACTURERS O . MACHINE CASTINGS` Railway Track and Car Castings, Aoricidtura implements Engine sad' all other Castings made at a Int ..class Foundry. Alan StoVes, 'Grate -Fronts, , Grate Bars,- lineni Huh Weights; Hollow-Ware, Ket• . U., Iron Yenta, and all other:pasting* milled far, on short n, Lice and of the very best metal. Also. J. J. Andarson's justly celebrated New Cook Stove for Cod and Wood, which took the • El First Piremiu - • At fie Eftste'‘Fali• ieceittlYhiid it- itobigeL This. - etove coillibiniet atittrtlew tin& important princlples, . which place It oitin advance of all others now' In use. Some of the merits claimed for It by the -Inventor, are .1 orrotal,- PA koaloned„ Bastaty•offltyle and • Illtde an of rift, ,MllO. Kept eksaralleqmra but Utile ell end the, .• . I ! 4 • • - • • 'BEST RAKER XT #ll oigeni tianiti r malty 30 - Kompi4;, We • Call' Atteitioii the Following Statemenlip: ' *hit e 'a 11;th rg e .1115e11 110Veral Of Mak ‘ C.9l.pbrated Cooking . . Ingres ustde to,titstriart or the i c t i ll. 4l3 orylai lli Pta r % l g u avti e pL l' 4, l l.l ed Anderecin) as.being the beet:' ,141 d so, and tUtek it witli good Astietiction. When / XL An idersett'r'ndw.Steve,l was attracted by Its.neat alipear -' • Since, hod .oh examining its Ovcn and interior mango ! laments,- rowtd it possessed' teeny advantages , over 'VI •i I had NMI.. 1 pttnituuted. and .hsve,onenovr, -in use. We consider It superior to suy.,ive bavp ever tiled. It is all the InventOr claims; and vie think,s4l 10 1 1Folad • be desired in a Cooking Stove. Gu.a.r.ar,i'Vcamos. ,' " • RoenEentialc4. • 1 Aiming' one of Mr: Atiderson's iietv Stoves In 4 1aui fully entiorro Capt. Peadlatan't etatemetjt. e , 4.. i Jai= El, Wiutnan. mei ena,et• Andersen's new Sieves bi mac, c 422 hilly °adore° ro above reaemmeedatlon. ' • - Honing one et Mr. An *neon new Stores hi Mei we are fully astlefied with Its `good quaNtles In all re, peat' . -f •• 7,Jourit Inv= AXV.INtra. ' •• •• - Roenrsers, Nor. kkk. Ilaring.kept nitrite for a long Was, And userill great Autrber of Cook Stoves ofdlfierept ,tternsandstyles, 11"etmsIder J.' J.- Anderson's naw point of 'economy In het, • ready , awkls er . , forte Ong, Superior Loan,. ~w e hate II 'and ' enansend It, belWatn,g• it will 3 man, 'as - doh: . • • ' ' CUs. limns • • • We hoe one. onitcri. , r..! Andeitore's new tholes, talbalhetrusd anthe Rochester - Founday, and ,baring given It a Dar KO. we find It outage; they , up twill that boa been deleted for It. It heatevery , rapitUy, takes hut Ilttle feel:sub le a most'excejlaut biker, Mr. An derma tear congratulate blhaselfon - ,hartug adder*: quite S'rkimptt In the line of Cooking Stares, very nepectrtdb': • " Beiisei; ger. Igd, 166 T. B4A4eltagr. • • ' • • -~_•~.~---_u , • CiAi'Deosnu miammeAcTußm9l.......AND , plite Sbbrvoil kinds of .Ll.4Ass. - 41P "modsip X9tta as te ter, ssorlf logOssite ~Oak% A l re.t" 4. ill , ?Forma- : '7,. • ..7, • r. ;.:••• .7,. • il, . .."'• i i i .: 4 , - Tort (itraipe3 . i.lie . ,••••,, • •... ~.7,..-, s: hWilawnire„,;,„,,- , la ;,,, t ,..,*.i, .....4... fir , , ,C*MVOMPI - ALSOa. iho- i;177 , • i In==l t - ads; it*;"-Aff-&3e: SpedesPoit GfaVeWine, This Justly celebrated native Wine Is made from thejuice or the Oporto Grape, rulseitin this country. Its Invaluable TOXIC 424`'S'IIENCiTIIENING, II PROPEATIES • are tin urpastml by any other .natlvie Wine. ,Being the pure .julcer.of the.grape, praltced , under- Mr. Speer's personal supervision, Its purity and genuine .,tess•are .guarantmd. The. youngest ;child may par take of tin generous (Mantles and the weakest twee- Itd- marine WO advantage. I t Is particularly bone last to the aged and debilitated, and suited to. the various ailments that afflict the. wealtar sex. It is in every respect, • AVINt TO RE IIItIEW ON:* • Ins slide nse Speer's Port Crape Wine. Formles tam Speer's Port Glans Wine: -' • Weaklypril'ons lind a benefit by its use. Speer's Wices in Hospitals' are • preferred to. other Ines. , Sold by Drazglsts And Grocers. ; • . A Speer's -Vineyard -rjev, Jersey: ;Office, .110, 213 Broadway, New York.. • -". roctlOVT:ly. • - EM 1000 FOR I- CM =II ME in latest Shallenberger Bros. Bridgewater ff ,rietta'a. NM PAULY GROOMES ' • " . :gutensviazir, : . otisg, nabs kim WILLQ . lIARJF ! BACON Flag GRAIN; MI HARDWARE TORII 7, 8. •WIWA.Nfa i --.: _ to r WEARP 17 4-RE IRON, NAILS, GLASS, AND 0 1 1tICIFFRA4P4P-1 4 4.4.g1i51 41 PENTERS' TOOLS, - IiOItprIMOES di . NAILS. 1 11.112.8 c pARBIA.IIB = IBOVOrtNUTII,. ,BORN 44 Plji+ARS !I:P . I IAF ,;1 I L7 I I I B Aim, PAINTS : 9MM A/WISHES, , „ _ _ ~(i f•' POUR TtARS OLD LL' & r•o4a::•te s E JUST EECEIVED A NEW STOCR OF DS, of the I Letztvr STYLES, PALL & wlrmzu smut. __._ ' ;% ilemenlsFurnishingGoods CONSTANTLY ON HAND. • • tVrItIN -111 A D CVO EDER and most fashionable styles, and at shartnotics. -- WILLIAM MICH, • auccassea STILE & SHALLENBERGEA DULZRS MS Countr , Produce Ing VARTOIIa: ILJXDIA, _ aaaass u- _ __ ACKSIUTHS; TOO.LS, MASONS' .TOOLS, SUOSg&V, 4 IP4 SADDLERS' TOOLS, PLIASTEREREO'I I OO.I.Ja, : ;,- ‘,..v.t • ... tit ~ ,;- :t. 3LINESS' TOOLS. trc 7 - I DLERX...ILA.EDIN ARE , :L , • IvrkautD.w§lt. - siti - FiTs, 'Lobk,s, torATii, ktriGi4, , P1,04W4.4'179 r ,C11C5•k-410:ES U r NT.M&PI4:,C,S ., :)43A Sy44li*, ABLE & . POCKET CiTTLEILt AND PUTTY. • . AGENT TOR ELgrOiCIMOAIi EW BRIG IKON FIRE-81L1q110704. it2,'6V. • • *- I .. . , Irf a Sri itri) - 1 '4+,: t mi' • ''' : ''. o= . irs THAT KATZ BEEN G" C the - . .. d miseries of toothache. and -dread of Ili& , d yon will and that :Dr. Chandler & Oar: I t a wd Zy to relieve . .#ke" use of the : , . • - 40 , t r •XI at. : . stake loAft , -of . . -• • _.. of e # (.7rre • :, 0i11' 4 ."-!'.' '. ta manner, and at . - . • items as by Ihen. : &A In the county... ,-,.i, WOlnce teserrort3tallonj Itochteter._Pa. . ly7-17,-.. - . • . . • :T. 4. OILANCLBR accept, SPILINGVAISIIIONSI • • • • 1_867. , i. BRIDGE STREET; DRIB GEWATER, NEW_Assoiffirlarr XXIINIRY DR openeo at my old stand, ' wishoecgd by Xr. Gesly,ion Thursday. Loch to In sty. Id frtftds, sad as many new ones reoei.4.. as-wlll en prAso pe netr 04:=1117filtinsyteat l , of th am erm '. tßistiVlb a jlea, and will e pleased with an nub' . bmar 18'67:17. XRB. B. * REIX. • t,• EMI BRIDPEWATIER, MARBLE WdIIKS: TIAVID WOODAUrg, -YANUTACTURRII AHD . 1./ DEALER IN Italian and American Monuments, Head Stones, &e., made to o Please give me ra call before durebas • jpE'Bhop op Ito Dr. eolith's Drug 8 • street, Bri dgewater. 745 . 80:1y I DAVID W Desirable Property Far S le. '. okraA LE AND DESIRABLE TW I STORE' 1 - 1. ence of eight rooms and , lot, is offered for sale at a low rate and terms, , Lot contains Site fruit gnpes, berries, Also, good cistern and all necessary out building, including' The s. ! The situation is in one of,the best thorelighfarei of Beaver. Apply. to < ,-.... . .• i es t ~ 0 ) .i.l. 1:Td)X11. SAN ItN : -- Sorderset, I , s_ ~ or.. NUL S. MA KS, Tee. , NEW . NOTION HO SE—s de0.5'67:2t J. G. KAMPIRUS PITTSBURGH, PENN 7. Wholesale .& Retail BASKEW. HOBBY HORSES. CHILDRENS &Rs tinges, Wagons, Penknives, Pocket Books, Look ing Glasses. Playing Cards, Brruihes, Fancy Gonda ol every description. [dec4'67:201.. UNIDIANAIL 'MAHN DINAH. BnION.111Ball; HIRSH&.BROTHERS.' WHOLESALE AND urri(o., trAusni p rs. ' CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, NO. '29 ST. CLAIR STREET. (Opposite iron Clkr College.) . Clothing wade to ordet un short •n0t163.1 iloCrGtly, HARVEY BROWN, WM GROCERS 111111 BRIDGE : STREET ME DAWSON ft RICHARDSIM Beaver Falls. Pa.}.- HAVING JtYST OPENED LEGEi STOCK OF GROCEIUES. t NOTIONS, . BOOTS & SHOES, f HARDWARE. ir GLASSWAP.E, QUEENS WARE, TINWARE; NAILS, DRUB, &C. '• And . tioabie.afrma . • attention void to iiiliZzders lot - oho window Lc , • Also, UEB`E BENZINE,IL; • - O • , COALEII PATENT 'DIME, • s Paint of Oa" (trottial 4 fhpaul Ai d im,, 1, a 4,,td stock ot Pollan begi janc , itastan elsenbssa:4 Also. Choice Brands of Floor la Balgel Lunn dicks. AU kinds of Country produce taken in esebang, fig Goods_ Iteprinbarlits slues. first abovn the Ceitissy, ..; DEALER D LIM PITTSBUR9E, PA. IMI WILSON BROWN, AND . Produce DEUER§, =IN 11=111 ' BRIZGEWATEA C,,... • PERVA, R. A. WILSON. 111 MMEMMI [slant ,I')4 , WM i :rlr. 4 ; Jqs. . . , ~ , . i s ; ;":4."::' "3).!.: 1 1.._ f1•ii......?..• ; : - 5 1 ,-t",:,.::: -.z., '1 . 111 , 12. .` 7 /NI 4I. )-• z.rl -1 .% ) .:0 ^, i, t 1:; "4 f ` :•: 0 " -4 ' 41 %-'l6 -4 1 •ac lt , cl •1 • ilit,ll " ., i..c.sr . z;;; , 141 I j:l7. 111 ... ji 'r! , it T t•P lil I r »c. , -I; ' =I =I ME "cr SlrettiSS b 67• tia • 1 :ri... 1 .71;f. ,e 7 !;,;- • .01L•D T - k11:11}4: • - u .1. t.i ME liOettESTrit, EM herr Bridge DBIBP mow - zinc PREBHAFRoirraw Wog, AT MIT LOIVBSTMOVEZIL. MAO -,ia• Great Variety, r,:. ) ; De/Ones iR •FiaPY &Solid,Color 1, = „ , , ccoirD(4 6 , •• . ;J 1 ALPACCAS,' , ' MERINOS, GINGLIA3IB,' FLANNELS, TICKING CANTON FtmixEt, • SHIRTING CI • , JEANS, ; , , • , 7 ,TWEEDS • • CASINE I PS. • - • CASSIMEitES, • t .. - ; _LAME CLOAKING, WATERPROOF. CLOTI , . . „ BLACK and BROWN, ' : ROSIERY, - ,GLOVES., • :• • - . NOTIONS, • : . . • .BLEACHED and BROWNIMUSLIIN, WHITE GOODS, &c., &c., . ECM CM _ - , 'A large and entkilly 24 ; r8 II a — dr3l. ail 0 . till L.,..__ "_ ..' P • , D wzus, • . ,-. SA MI E HATS, CAPS, .1300 . 2 14 AHD SHOES, . i On as Mteirilvvitise, =I His been bugelylneressed by retina purehastFltt the But, it Paula mom To this department einsisttag of 'embanks Tools sad all kinds, of Banding ;ad ; Iloueskeeping, Ear& ware; Cutlery and Neils, we wolthl espeetatly aiN OA attention ot construct= alnlballdent.„ .. • „WHITE, kEAD, LIIpIEED OIL, 1311 111 11; . .L .COLOWN, aRoUND,D.RY AND•.II OLEG-. 1 as ti DRY* Theeigodda bate leaterMy declined to Wee: Audi in this; es In he hardware Department:* We are oto r tatranca not to bebetdone 'by saylionie Is the tom- ..^7: 1.4 ',:i .7, =ME 1111 11111 ME Ur l e 0 e ;ON, "T• e e! et t 4sl46lo3;fialialC;3. al • 1:4• .. e dourer i,heavyjc;i4ii heed ..itOtTNTRY - PRODUCE , ~, j - .7: .:_ - :: - ..1 T- .: st btatkes itarluttxgn,e, .. . . i • " 'We think our knit mete repeat troaage and cow licit a continuance. 1 •:r... •!......::,;:,2, 1 : ',.--..* 7,.:rf. .!. i....i..j...,:ji.::::. t . !1 '. :1 " , ' , 7.• •- • • ... ....... . •-: • I. : v - • CRO ICv b,l frYaltr StREE. . .......... iiiiiiiiiiiii . ....... • " , , ; h S *WC.' El =7! ; Mia lEEE ERZ ME =I Stock of loth • JACKS Tl 4. K COATS. COATS, K-CONP.! OE EOM Stock et, EMI Ezm =I eillimarr e I , 1 i 6: - , •ns• Otite4 . o6/ktit • MIZE .•: IE ,Al ! tdditiorellosieri.zatemprAdidd. .". tatil Alut ciPtoPok PenlOPO if•J oblittik to wits Iwo Apriammt, apt war dollar ar de. m 4 1 1*"="4,1 4 '# 0,,14 . CiWIPIMA4II.er. • • - • . 1 .. =IS tulOiiiilillOrr :4 ;0.., ,• .:` tir, it. t'.:. ,;;(!. 139 - FOl3llllll1 1 011/10EZ " •.' ..V,u Trri l SßUßO'lll.l ll 4L' . • 16:then ter 'eastiditletta: ilesafptkier tor koadok- Pim and torms_jof ,thearopertiesentntstvd- to our are tbe Nile; Titan merit of lritin*llrlet Houseillote, -Cod KAM, Coil Works; Cad In tito W. 110,041,, , Touseriee. irtlts and Ileine Propel!: Restates. We -petal three 44il ief. aaw ; 11, 7eity5 1 1a:AIM -.Or` XV I 8 5 11 1 1 bir 144, Jan tabo er elltltesl llettlit ; tat wlierikthe ,leeredlolti _shoot *lot. tail to moth oar I :47 o : bi r:stat tie had by.ellikirycottr. IYALLSTOS, POtINDICiI „,, ENGINE AC:REPAR 8111)Pi . , County,' Fs; TIMING mitted antlesargersinY stem tir Marini= :' errand toads. and haft. secured - ler/fees of. the beet of the satifprepared to warrant all -wed; dMve give amend satialbetima.,l have on bind. different patterns and styles of Engines, Fire Clay 'MRS; did am prepared to make orrepair all &strip thmaormachinery, on reasonable terms. ,l • . - PLOWS ANTVPLOW CASTINGS. • I have all rile bertphrir patterns ttuit suit thliztuirket; among whleli li the';", - Vrat Western.” which has been ,THE plow of the county for the last fifteen... Tears.. 'There ate lire sizes' of this plow.' all of which I eimmtheture and.keep for sale; !leo "Patent .Lever"—right and left " Mountain King, and left—" Side Hill," and neatly-all the dlramt kinds in use: COOKING,'FRANKuN lump HEATING STOVES., - flaring made several impOrtant Improrementi on the'"Climax," by which coal or Wood can .be supplied: withentlifting . lids, and having two. places for .p.iFe. either 'or both ' of which can be used it the lime time, with a ventilation to the' oven, thus having the *dm*. tagefof 'Cooking: Stove, Bake oven and Franklin Store combined:, Ws Steve has been In constant use for twenty. yeam..and many of them after being used for this period of time, are new. in good order., 'There la but a small portion-of this stove that ever burns out,. and this Is easily and cheaply replaced. To makethem - still more' heribigOre .ere.4soorputtinin tile or fire brick lining . Our other., patterns are th e Enterprise. Keystone -and Premium: Parlor Stoves, large and small heating Stereo, Franklin Storms, Jenny .I.ftd'a: its, Grate and Orate Fronts; Fenders, Iron Rifling of "mime Stem; Wagon Boxes.. two Bons; Tire Benders, Corn Shellemi, Force and Cistern Pumps. Sad Irons, Metal Sinks kitehen, Sheet Iron end Tinware, al ways on band and 'made to order. In fact, I manufac ture and keep fot sale, almost everything wanted in the machinery or hardware line. In addition to one other Stoves, we are now making two new petters, - No.l and ti, of the Great Republic; which are taking: captive, the beat cooks and house wives in the country. - • • • • Seeped. hand stoma always for sale cheep. Two good new 'engines, suitable for saw-mill or chop pur poses now on hand, and will be sold reasonable. • J . 011.11 TIIORNILEY. A. S. Ilaa-vey, I= DEALZS IN L o. CERIES & ,_ ~ar~w~~ce. , Tri IVING "/ ON I ILL NO A LAROB AND' WEI Ok Of • Teats, Coffee, ; U P 4 aL 4 A lll 4Ntas ihrulml/2 : r tirOwcPrirstre4 STONEWARE.' • " EMI • . - • Pitts rhurns,' • 'Peek Measures, Oat - Churns • Meturanui, Willow Baskets; ~ . 8 1:dtt Baskets. Nire. pith* vinegar; MN CHOICE 'FAMILY FLOUR, *like Berr.tl or' in. 8/10k4 eonstantty - on had. • tirmees rert.lo* ein and see: , 7 ORE's' , .DRUG- STORE : ,.:r BZ A ViRS . • • • ~„ - IYRILTGES • • . i : 71,'; - : • • -.1 •.. lUt ktit cs 3aess• • • !•?. MejE a NCIQ:ILMB ": • :1 1 ; , ',13',1Z ; )! ,1 . A3lll , ,TElrrindie/4, "I'. .4 I; :I, r 'D YE ' "-SAW FVll:• , ' . 4 1‘ 1 1 toliktrnEßFAV Nh• ;'"i ?..1; -Mt '; , :11 7... 1141)1CISES 1 • t. • •Iliip*Tax4tri g t,qt&,iiistpinilmisoid i otair : .• • ,-- • • _ .Pme, id , rcent s pe r ;t iori ( m emo .; PAWISAik COWI9 ' EZ=l2l M WiwrieintrannwAmsw 1411INDOW wai* !feet; eartd die re tbe eity*whosvittig m ar , eel add lbw am bti *mot inkyorbere eke. doubt Vie canal. viektiati la IV I NT I """) . J r 31001116. Cllll PROVZIONS, Iffl Mice, Cheese, soma; Fish: i• ALSO :'.:: s' : i ... "~ ... , : MEM .I.EM"Jr.ii.Z.r " Irefit, j S :., , I.': • t ,4141 * ..,4„Ailas .... . . rf.,-..-z7,4,7-i B i., -r. natimiswA z100lll4sit11ii1g1110i106."—lir' A k laveslktttnll.q44zzinli..ihe- r.An fa- tat beWittitubst tined* et Thettlietl ~____ _ ..... .... m.. 17 imolteitatple , 'l/ N r i n g i Zrer anti r wa g eat,. better dies et eay . . , C l ortSkir' • est tees Illete., met e taatilllnnia..:a manatee for do moat as .TV. anitsksu book. la the ,saarkat.:Aa• Ageakare _id* Anamllelect liactesa. "•Wa nicer -mioftWaa WO wimpy. siaYi; 8i( f kraal - %WANT A ,Inrir- MIAMTIIACTIVtiNG. tape reragglritfor 0 , AO 1 .44 . biltatthe r tter. idrange ilvareffilik 41 1 E014; INLI le ce, will, s m Vie!o l lo w n4 1100111141RWS ItO3I.VWSIIIOIIIII /IMO at m. avol or ivier i tt r , mMospurk,. Ilk* ftli^ Soar ammo, pds, Zr . : DitalliALlNallin ) Ainiz-AND.AmBia !km ea meet. tintied.f. tivertmaggamthe public, ibrall dieamme_ofithe We and . , They sant a OATRA=C wit/tent weakening the , ilionsidt or Bowelr;but on the tmentirt eve to toot thew ottpths, dttritetioray lll • Batiantamiy , reelieve,- ,hdlieisii new Life anti Visor Into, the System .. Noe ode bar Dratteistkanit Cottatty . lilfetiOate, ~IV I M ERISON NEM, 116 thirty St-altar !lat h*. Yale !t Beliiivinig,; but .13sehm"_is n'. • IMITLABELniu Itluzica =numb STORE, .Rew „Wm% Pa.. beveled received from Best, a rite and well seloW Sod( of . . . , -1• C LA T . Rids, caps and tinierelomingr, wideit they Weatikey .swit per cent. 14,811 man nay stem in. me enemy. and see ooeinta elii/w=ind let your mentg be,n dollar as "a olhu. , Jos SNELLENBURG. Broadviny and rani' s moo.• 'N . ", Elqabton:tteetia. P• • -Wholesale :and Retail • HATS; CAPS "Ite LADIES:' PUBS. Wm. Ylemming, 11.30 'Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, Pe. riOUNTRY MERCHANTS %TILL 'FIND vr TO theluintereitt to call Lind examine:War 'Stock be fore making-their purchases, as our facilities for doing .0 wholesale trade artruot excelled hy any house In the ,United - Stattw. • `Ofort/Writy. THE, CHEAPEST GEQCERY AND. 9 ,.. :TEA H ITS E ~ INTIIEC -Y.l KOHEN & BROTHERS, RED FROlf GROCERY and TEA HOUSE, NO. 6$ FEDERAL STREEN', Beloit Rt:F . ; W..* C. R. R. Depot,i, •ALLE(3IIENY CITY,- PA) C. OUNTRY DEALERS AND MILERS ERTEREfT ed In the purchase of ' I.TEAS SUGARS AND COFFEES, Will study. ~iheir own interest by ogling on us before purchasing elsewhere, as oUr' motto is, quick sales and small profit's. ' •J. KOILF.N BROTIEER: . declllfrlitn, • EVERYBODY. LOOK AT THIS Reiman why Aotishould pay soar • 'S . ' BOOTS & HOES AT TIM , RED FRONT SHOE STORE, N 0•63. 63, 133, 63. FIFTH STREET . l lat. They sell as good Goods asthere Is made. St. They warrant every Pair they self. M. They guarantee their Goode to do - good service. ..41h-They repair any thing they seil. 6th. They ririe all their work. making it most ra 'du ble, 6th. Their work - Is the malt elegant and genteel In • - .1 ^ Ith. the City T . heirwort lu the Most darith, le and perfect in - • .4011: Toot can bay lower thaaat any other piaci. Ith.. They are the best Goods and yet the Weed F ie "?• •1 woos eastom Made, and sold km than troth -11th. T hawed sanntitenrio select from In 'the C U . No trouble to ;how , l 1., 4 in be Remember the be floodet money i tad et NO. OM' 433, 63, • FIFTH ST. , PITTSBURGII.:,PII.. Amr'm'et:l7. UNION :4114CU0VR4A,.. ROCHESTER • n., SMITH , AIk AD CI! • 115! 'r-iftilrinl64ls Alf up. ,i ogt , ÜBE RA Kelt.B, 'Endiede aid , Layer Porn? o f peas sizes, Tbrelbers - aid Separatoes. Farm Was Mk+ 1111.1 e ;, Cana lalls arid Sorghum Emperitorr Cwt shoals, DOW Powers for IC4imakig and an other SitriegitUrallb&erj•• • aliP/111111c9 AND' JOBBING ' • • Of•ail kilida dense es Mitt liaMdneo; 041/nY idnd boiltAirperties. , • ••• • • , • - I • HadOg OXPe*OttO Of IlltOeOlaani ftiterati Ana Patent ptedhatallQ , we we prepared - to resin Models. tg l it i V l , l4 d " i f i nF 1114 1 °ld 4 14 4 E lOW •11 r • .11M); IMPROVED lIADIDEREY, i • -• -'"' •-- '; lii• * f• Seleded• IMMti tbe ! best Eastern mak% In person, and einploWnme bat the, be . it stio PFt'' red. a =ln eN tir=lo tt air •Plig& "bibEERO Id* Piniefildfoilke. leA rtie z r style of Patterns. abrade& glidd 01 !topsider Ittiaiseand Maddses. and machinery in genet*. , 1 4 lice e nd end by attentleti 'end' tare to merit. inertromige e_p Of initik *cc CO. TE .; distent_ l i= t d be." ' * Wirer 3Y • _ A. & i t s •3. ammo er4 PIL - • -5i.1.,..;;":•-f' 1 • • _ .55 2 ' - • • I ' 1 , -•-• t I I • • lieu I rst, • -:tricsiliaftrankaidAvziecorrn PA. fIIPPTOC A.... - betimealtiliroed and Locus T Mate Lariv:3l2. I — T4 , . ."Ute... v .," )?..4,i'A' •*••••! NJ. il , ::..f . :'',A^. ••'; % ' i ' r . ..., t.. L i IN.ALLII !. BROining . , . 111*,l'1 STIIEZT, • • ! ALL „,s TILEs =MEI OAXL PEIPING ClOthSe &e. DOR ERED Gat n HEAVY AND EXTRA. WIDE Felt:lug& Druggets plic*D mpßArss, MYPESIOB - SAC Afill COT. TAGE CARPETS. 'II 'CALLUM BROS I .1 51 riFTH STEET. s• ' _ BETWABII 9 1 1TIIFIELD A.IID WOOD. , • .it t • ' ; ' 0ct16'07:13. NEW GOODS DresS Good§ Muslins, asimeres Tweeds, Jeans, • Noiions, • CHEAPpt, THAN EM I TO BE HAD Al ORR & DAWSON'S, Third Stree t , B Bvet Peon tzl,l CLAM . PAID ro ang2l'67:ts. • E. D. 111111111 ICK • C. N. NIUIC • • • KEYSTOMBI STOVE WORKS • FactoryCarquildinfp, • • NEW BBIGTYITON, PA X.I:SUFACTI7I2EBO . OF .431)1VIIOLIMUI UH cook's°Ts, HEAT[ 161 STOVE, GRATE PROWS and RubyOookl toirei N 05.1,8 aP. STOVE TOOK THE FIRST pitatrm J 1 tee Sbtte Fair as a Coal Cooking Stove. azd st Monate County Fair. We use so gasp Ime numukotare, bat make Mem exclusively of N ao. I !if ?fetal, and warrant them in every respect. The Ruby has the ;hugest oven In the mullet on 4 consumes but little last in baking,ovOng to to of l" ProOd Grate. GRATE" FRONTS AND FENDERS: . tt• ' We a" hirr eirgi to the mannfibetareOf Grin Front' and enders, teh hwe ernameiin Anoveu tor , mon, ee=d;..liti,and tine tha ,, h- " am. ' / tains lie lustre BINA Jong tim, will net btouetL azt makes a much superlor finish to that at Ci!s Tsr, .. , .:, ~~ i ~; •~; r;l •: c~N • • •Vre are an making !beet Iron Summer PIS 0 1 1 which we. bare.applied for w patens n . Vast"! gP Itydranile peers. , They are; much is OAP °' Iron, and moth cheaper.) . ; 1 Re delta the heaviest headed Store hl the t aw° fee the aim; sad victim best btuek In their conitro' lou. - Ohe patterns are not het aniplete, but It Is oar to' tendon to keep a eeepeal assortment la our Hoe. r5... .,.....W0 1 / 1 0 took the PrOlUillo st the Coact/ getterally,and motose tittered Ofty Leo the determination to Dee iheibes . end make good wort.' • We ritapeetbat request a share. °Lib* public pa: lad would be •pkesed to set More w wiz si tt i=la par tlate at oar woks. ' L itkisoLoii i to oats iiiii doom 1 : - iirllßßlCH'sit CO. no ictovay. 1 • '''' MI lIINE NOW NEOZIVntO Tha ;1 O! ‘, l r,r. /lin YARD.' AVERY LARC! ASSORIVENT OP JUST ARRIVED mamma, , 7. A. 11111 MCI, .... J. I. ELTILIXT. 1 / MERRICK. & RETAIL MMUS LS- irA3NDERS, tM 41116 Iliil t 131.72didE1l PIECES. 5T0 4 ) 17 6. gj II M WOOL;
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