p El . [Ole estimadort,grettt iniPortance'is rttich• mentituade'as would ensure justice to con-. tit this hill, and no uctiop-of tlietegisla re (sinners and producers without Iteing an es eigrgOes a elocier or mote Careful :scrutli ';:•-_ penSe the Statd../ - 't 1 .-%-:\ ~,,-. '.., t prertsPios concern the entliti tolkiniun 'J. . ; , ; 4 i ot.tr KS FO . ll rut cArftrod AT Itige„HtilifTritit: d iti that caic!oterit , tfaitittitif ot,bc ogervial. ,'Last year thel d fipro ri p ' g r af l ' ' Attentnpanyini 9a/will be i,f( titti a etik., In bill W'asnot pti:sed.lintll t h e li t.ste ight wt., Cularfrom nuineroa . erahers!, the tietintd !'s. .1 I iindlllousc of rePresen ti es O , theCtrilltiti sessiop,, wliertjt. AVM luirried througli iict i st •?itncliespfilieLegislattire; and e e at te ,‘„l,.. l l S'tates relativeAtion a of Cotigfess, ;• , ,passad I 4.,-1.6 , ;',InlY 2, 1864, levleinetenc -and . 011 hphe lo.w !saint t irning p resented forlqiprova, ~..,:- , ~,,,...c . 0 Provide hi tl. furnish ;..states, In ~i it atfortling . titne for the neetc.ssary'irivestiga. f' suites 8 t t lad, iind'S'alnecting the J?,xeCittitie, to the al-- i: tn3 011? or h.r0,"zZ,,..,/I_4•_..,t'.4.F_e_d_in_F, ,two I _9l .- . • f ,,-;„te 4 . I t -with e ll it s , he per ke. Inutoutrior cacti_ ~,ttp, Ar..ifeceaFet . t,P..._7l. lll l. l Leman% e t). 1., ;.. .;. have been citizens thereof,. and illustrious it,ipl a or . sillietidiugylbr the ensuln i ,o..year, tilc . l ,!whil ; r h ittip;nsabfq niettris for the oper.ittoris of tire foT.l l ... ll : , ' , lt ;o l l i i i s . l o dt p i te ci n ta n iiri Wn; t4 '' o ft ri €s4. s l :ln,!, ,, t sv l l 4l ir i :,,,' Shia flovirnine i tit: llt ifs, thkrefere;•darre, slyi-i'ginsa (41SfittiFitlialC ettrigniiinii bii -liiilliy Al l ' desired that OM approfirfallifri.billife taken i fa.l . , t • ~ ~ - ! • ii„i. -,„ , , ee „ . 1 ,.., 3e , . it r e i g e m e t eet ty („. i thts.ria i comeutora t0ri.,,,.-Thellutiintion - UP , 4 11 ' 4 e.g zipi P\ 1 " 4 •••••••L i i• • • ', Li f i n place 'statues, *hen furnished: hi - the; I: perie..4,la ,' the -,-s:sionto ,om de it to re-. ~ Ohl tall of tl e saot..RepresentativeV !in. strayed shat. 111 'r i i ill g h essIIIIIIIIiP' ti 14° Y -..'-. -th •Cmptuit 'or the . United. ' States,. irldele' la lllW'rtlic3 4e441.11143.'' . ' . ' '.. .. '' - • art' "it•li• II • in • tritifinnal ritattiarv; for -,„ • se ap ad A • - ~ , , . . rz. . t , ..ITS 'OF DIOPICIt ~, • '' .ic that' iro! rttoile..; tither :Statevoiill'i.dOtt - bttess : 'n , : - l' 1"( . - Still. t eata,,iVßl t IMprivi e e v . , , ?:' 1(111 ' • ' ' '•• ' N• 1 it ‘a .- of I ' • 1 - 1 f , •-tinfttpilin; :•• Ver,.. tininyirierious , etwuposaits , a aye, meen : ..... i: '- , V ;innift ihould tint be behindrtheim 1 - 6 z o us • i Made fin.'inatty years past, r e lative to theltosl eeterneinterurmg the menial inf. ) her '..l.llseirii. )tesitino, Of I litij - .elehris which, ant:an:illy • ennuttrt*,o itiout the. Capitol.,. - .This seen,,toi, 1 ~. ite.ll i tiiisb eel diqi& ..• •:•- • • !!•:..! ~‘'; „noir,. t. : k ~:! .0i e Ott* rrniTrort , ? • ~ _ h.i.reheeit regarel-legitimate per9ttisitesi 1 -,..' , , •!, , : p, r!. 2 ' II': '' " . , . 41feer,itaiii,attaelio: Of the _ set:q t. : o legislative! I' i',That Pennsylvaniamight•be unit:l;4lr rep,- tin,l other. deliartments, and has consequently I resented in .the , "biotic', American ilSehool led to mar:tires Wiftch slinfild be prevented..-- Ifouse,r at the! Universal ...Exposition of all 1. 11 ikallegettlthitt valitae,p I bl rofiertVl has 'thus •g et ie es , ,, r e mised to . he .:. forwarder! ,to •the. Kenn takhn p tistissictri of'M tivplit.si to per- I. l American. Cnmmiisinner' at!Prtrisri.in .July ! F.nrral uses, 'or sold for theft, nominal sums; arid.' last. a!box containing - re,-large - ' number ~cif t lie amount !itlitliiied Ivriyat ly appropriated, • boOks and' documents relative to .tIM-1 VarioUs ..Crettiy .9 tit• thisCYll'is to aillw no 'P°r'llus- I depart ents-rif , the Cominonivesiltin.iiNvith / its-whatcYrirtormy of the employtJs- of the 'i a Teti t timt, they' be placetl in a . prominent ;govermitent..l4tilaries, sufficient in. rill cosecs i post on, that-visitors from •distent! imut4 roe the seryleei rendered,!shoirld be, appropri , I might hareeßpfmrtunity” in 1 obtain:' , from . ilted. bevonti which no other ,consitleniti it their pages a correct.idits of the mregress arid should be 1 allowed. The adoption of this ant mrtance ()Mite ~ Itif- , e. , In acknOwlettling principle %void remove the temptation - fort t h receipt of tlik•letekligell Coinmissioner young melt in the. departments to : resert .to l so u es; I hat its Contents were ! disposed of" as . improper Praeth;r. All the public prnpertv, - , req tested. Anil We are Assured! that .the ' of every de icript ion, a s , we ll "!the,.haihling ;'represtentat ion Or the extimit, ohor ieteristies, /intl f xrean i lls..shoulell , phieeil in charge of the ~I.l s ource,i, progress and Atricileges .of our sititeiOte dent- appointed for that purpose, ca d et r y, es inutile i n t h e l erme e ti ,„ ii• otee, r , chewed for his known integrity and. general ,'• and `•Free,(ounnon .Iciclionl-llonse, .ettrac T • I eapattilfty; and , required to give sufticienfl te d urew d se f earious,ipl interesteil •visitors,, 1 hotels for I ht. faithful performance o f his 'do and would ,Renter 13f. de and -p n ermaently, ilk 11 Profierty nod Material not nestledi n distinct form, thejloctrines of, orir II epub, . '. for fluidic:use• the smictintentlent 511 0 0111 :he , tic, a nd eresidt in a rich return to the : United J regnirt- ,11 i" Sell'ol 'Public' •! ,11 ('.• and !pay nv . er 1 States for the outlay, and_a higher (mire- 1 ?:' time prtict'iNli to the *tate 'freasury.' • . I etat h, e . .nmoAr the people .tif.Eurorie,! of.. the:. . .. • t,,. .tor ILVII.ItOAD r.Aw. . - ! statutes antlinstitutions' of this, lands of free-' , . , ~ . . . - • *.itloni anti equality." Ttw 4tll:wer (if a general rail mail' Lily has • . , , 'long briN iitritati^(l, •tpd although it has foond I „"I;'! eilv° „ /1 T. 14°511: :'!, i 7P 1)/s.r , / II : (114 :, ~: , _elplionents, bet tiny Objection: hare been urn; ', In conformity •t. 41 an ,act of Assembly "for -I .•ett against it, Whilsrlrniiiierits ar:ettninfate inte , , bet ter p roteet it to of per Son, property and it: favor. It svelte , iiiipossibleXiat limy poe7life. in the omittingregions of the Common stnl van reepire injury ,frnitilviits' ladopiion. !Iwealtli," approved April 12,1831; and ou the whil . 4lts benefits ay I)(..felt by nitlela , ses of !earnea appeal of many citizens, T appointed, l'ili:.elT 4 .: En(' the. chartered romp - mile:- !liintoodia;ely after that date, a' marshal of irt've no react ,thlf .I.7rtninris - for mrposition.— Y.pollee and a liumluir of subordinates, to 4ive '0 of tic' , Prnim- 4.4 1:1w i.:lnit to I proteclion to the inlishitatits of SchutAlcill I I C.' The me litioyet ~ impose i 1111 IN.. , ileilme th(ie of any 1 4 'W .I 1 i4/ 1 ! ,11 ' , I) . lnf 111 S t and Nort linnibet land counties. In these ('country will be proper, and will doubtless tie es.: but to ‘i eure to "thee.; the saute pi ivi count it's, tor a long time previous, crimes Of e \ peeted by all Who were earnest in their he •+r: and, °ppm midi ii - for eon iimition lt lictimits , liar:Lett r teem of frequent occur , I desiresand co-oPeration for the suppression tt ill °Pelt 11011 mottles Ipt eisenit in trkets ; I lent 1 ,Conilitil tt ions of de .perate men it ez eI of the rebellion, and 'who are now equ tliy Intone'. the slue et pl*opertv; give new ini formed to te,crie 0 the, inept-it tors and sti in earnest in the' if Wishes and endeavors to pulse to rintniei dm put addition 11 I Ind,' 1 e -of the mines, and to control 'secure an early, final and permaneet set pet* rit intent under t 110 A 1114 , 11 • qlllllllll l e trade, 12'4( til their entree ment i'itirens mere murdered I tlenu.nt of (air n itnal di trieul ties, upon the mire in len fell! 11 A inil meeletnic at t to in 111 i Meg.. mid on the roads • others lev.is of loyalt at d p iltiotism. en , ise 1 pill ig• . Nfld.")) great er in het inc•at siet it niii lied 111 th eats. woe d then flora the Contrary to thet hopes of tlici great masse. .ir e h i t , i1,11i., 1,,r teen d , and ill In our "Len I meth •• , •Ina A ti ding of ins •cm Ite and lof our people, that portion of the countrt PI ii Pro-Pot its' Other Si 111 q II - it Irk' I thi' tt erne %ei ; eenetally pre; tilt il The ail :'.which (was lately in rebellion has not yet ai evil 1 int •nt with s lite,t 'mom results,.l' 1 I ;nt n ; - t r nor.. °idle kw, , cell usl i, no r Owl,. it 1 ;en m hvPen el les . '• to It lined complete tiranciiilitt And this st VMS Perm.% Irani I should Suppress tie , mot r 1.04, or hiring the guilt; to have licen niel f noble ; for all history teach b• t lag cirl in the grand mare li t of proems' , topllll . 1 1 Sithe •t 1 t a t ha t l 1 I n l l an lim et rie 0111011'. l.• 1111111 •in 11 11/1111111 n 1( n es us a rot) 4. alo ene eye ict perpe vim , the Der, role,. fee,. ti it In trlt ible change lest, a to the helm' t me- yr err:ohne !lots till. , •n n 1 ;e e All law 14 1 4,4 ("1/1111/Initions ttation of high rimes ( tenet entirely nor tinmetliatt IN 4C1t,111) their consequences• Nor, tinn 1 1 tadr•t•tili on the free principle, i'• 1110 Ii lA.• bet it dele•res . !, the person , . eninpitsitur pnerhap , is it desintble that they should.-- I (11111clinn 1)1 Cll ' ll.l ' . ` c for I).l ``< -1 ' nntl r ''''' l " ths•in hI% ii"r ch" liv 11".1 : not a sin - h , Tamil , ' ti,),,evvi rm. niiiN be, it is certain that per to9l it roeonts r )imi. is mininein talcs,This is a mittei that run - • l' not% oie hive been; feet repose canndt•bA secured until the insur f'erns el ery indi ; ideal. TI ansporhilltnt 11 ill eil 'emit ti. il ,en immense, amount of capitol lectionary State. shall 're-mme their original iln 1 ea‘" in qn Inlitv in Pr°P`lr'i°n[t° ' 11 " r" Ilk ali til het ii w ithilrawn 1, ts returned; awl; rim trot illation to the General Govern dm thin of its east. and es the t wilt iini inr.e ee I he 1 1, "Ph' elite%• the assermer. et ,Ifety and , inert(:•the cosh ; d•• cre Ise, the more N it.rnm,- will he protection A similar si q.t. of allure: to that lIL 7 Itl 1 7 tl ' the development of our itniestrial rcti tutees which e‘isted in the counties named is said I nr, 7C WIL all . ail?' 71 if rem -t big Can b e i be-,t done, is the great question of the• pees- i iin litiilrieals twill dente more la petit from low Pt.. . • tto prevail in some parts of the oil ri ,ions, ent than f in 1 eserhe it eh trn , . r 1 U - The increase and , 4 1 11 . 1 t r tvi I and freight wil be cosh treater erif tiepin. itiolis haws been made for, the ~ That the Slew 4 and court]ions of a benefit of the abet el7um tl get It is. 'there-' individual, how l ever high hem iv be accident• in s siortio bank g y -1 hanhintld agat" lin the inerca , t• of e . ns,. The ir insper e on; team of t hiAil e r Cots het •little more n'tnntenflf 41 flint its Prot isions be c t Ir and temper" c \ alta (I, Altotild be allowed porary, on,illOgik&o. extentlett to those. or to any other enmities, 'lO cont 01_97„ lilyvetnikietrweretrie-Vineoi ~,,,...- ati Iv' , , - " hi than that of one tit it is empty In the matter it theti ' lif leS V e'- Pir OP 1.1011 .) 4•41 411 .1A-- -1 , -- . . ef p isteet IL ! ( rs 11101 w, it is reason veer -- , WFII4IIT4, WE iqt I‘,Eq, O.O• _ the pe „„i e I S the ne 11 f fled he voted the I tssa ` - t item c t• e„. 1 ., 1 0, 1 .1 te 11V 11 t . .es ant e‘traordinary amount . o voted for trill be tht• number e , , • send vou, I l an d it rcquar 4 - theme 'ear of f r lair tto transit ,rt it - 1• . II find'ntone, the papers I . .. 1-, to kgsollle that , a Chief cent that he votes .01" 3 ° lce " " r ''''' P rlv : l'''' . n • i•cl. •to freielit ' Nen " 1 -',, f 111 e isurcs, t to ut mill eilmntert it degree or nn• • ti , T , Tin. wip ~., trite le reg o li It di tw st 11 ill ilo7ert cars;ran .tent o "" 1 " 1 " (11 1 11 " 11 .‘ i• 0 a WV; i I...xecutive of •t le nation, to a Y _ _ ter lent,, and cum DOI .• 1110111 In, 1 ni, , . Icu stances, is the United States . .• ______ ..4._______;_.......... k tor the cotta ne t . .. 1. „ Imo .1 hi izer vim, m ill., (.41,1(4. time and nu, or ttu e r T• t or suirstance, if not in Lperks subeiltuvl s %; ttli ut el y rim il !Will N 1 , ~ ~ ~;,,, i nt t boll of rt. ort t e the action ot . t , te L.,,,c,. And yet in cl ec he rn tti lean 141.‘ talk! o x timed shortly after y r D a vis, (Demi ot • e , ~/„Feetn's her. Sio " s t. r • t ~ c ,..st. at were re • hitle.t4v2l • 'tiler ‘‘ It l eft renec therettii. As n the I 1 1 , p.a.n ters t 1 is r v i z" ass d his armed thres, °lntim' for the purehat of F e l it a Con tent litmo 4 eslvAl` s in "' . ' -ems t 1 nn one 111 tire ol Maine in r .t leeks an • - I 'n lortaece and in- ,the s urreneeil ti. ..ct• an , co _ lr a e,,, ..-.. .., s t for Senators, I 1 itt , et eider ereater to • 1 o r ct is oneof etmet a 1 1 1 . , ~,..„ t b.*ha r a"'" - n '4. f the ms - tl c Presulent and In has continued t° s' , g' ', lit h lic Ln Ty (Ben I fo r your consitieratete. \ ) t ' e. bet i suite po, don 0 t .rest it is presented to , - 4 , tion even in his It.te norm- rooms , , c , c , . f i* g costly f I thet ',tamale t le adoption t. , act on this a mup ' while claiming In I 7ed as an mileage, no i i . n _ i n‘ 1)r 1‘ 1%1(41 " 1 (.1",""Pt"112 TT re.sewcers 1. i ii. rr. 1 al messoge, in 11 Well, 7 dings Jan. 1. nd our I ) 11 e — , 4enate Pre' . to out for ethos a -t le , - o t a mr . too of enifort i rat!..• to ~ ,,i ii, ~,t, t ttl,, Ite report 01 '°' words unku wn that I Davis o elg, elangs %%1111 Mlll be 1.011114 t be the "el fled defender" ofl 31r. Dtas no d ;of I m et r e ight, s . zratlnated a . 1 t • c r o ': v „ att ,. ni re i , 11 -im""lcclm" "-)ntea lestitutions, to on Cone-ress c N ebo are tn / 11 •ni ell %lel% anti rt•stt dal II . t 3ntn,. m om . nee to ' ' le c ni."""11Y4"11.3 ''' k „ ,Democratte politaaßt "3 nu l f t ' l''''''"'Holt I , 4 nt• mvei 30, lwiti, relit. t h e ncop , .r, eft i bat -0 ~,irt tiet of .nrli n oris , • ascotf T the i . the statute hoo s v anti etienehme • iessenini , the price i• the ~ ,„,, t ee ot• fish in the Sesqueltanna river to` ,f umc a il i t ely- strik49' uti v tcu i.E.„,,,,,it. rest. of devilled lit et et In - , it .„ ( , 0 . 1 -.. . Wq./ ' 'lli"' " 1' Iwl 11"11" 1 1 ,1 •4 1 uid Its t„b„..tr s 111 TePnti ' la l elinn la 1 r its plan, oil it %of that ptrty a tg the cot ~,,,,, Ve cnl ' el" -• , orbit , Con menwea. I That Cougrestc" will ourre,i” PENITI:NT1)11111'11 tl despotic eer * "Intl instance It "-‘, ..t to every clit iit 1 reconstruction" to this intim est dential canvn •. . _ ~e, ir, I mailect demaud, cannot be even imagurt was l i to, and where he lige ou _ 1 , 0 "-- m et , urea That plan, carefully m a lim it • etssue I e brought forward! a prop '," ancl approved w lion it was a ( le . State thousands at .illrd fully It )i,cl de is eminently just, wise and , would cost the ,w exTe t 0 1_ insistsl 1' that nlen whO n ere loyal i be of no advantage t patriotic. t ' p or lot al In their \ acts awing Lite rebeltio , , . f Senators, and a few Ot ' In • til hi alone partielPate I° the ol Wire feeltugs, Mu 1 i o the;.`. innureetionary service, would T , mediate es et /IP" - "' e • -urface while the peefit ' •Going be)ond the me.c b , tenon distilets. loctri e I . 4 111) It. rests him:ltchy on the important t . II ' t "bib, endnever eve that trit destinies of the nation can only it. , t the property vAdols •ii the 11 tnd4 , of Its Mends; of t ose , safe " 1 pot •. 1 d ntoral, natures remain 15owego I. whose bull an }sea a pat ri sufficiently pure to -fed the hurl °then and the obligations of eat . waes the Con- That policy wine* fittßP- t t c d, and 1 grestaent • 11 plan, which fhas obs rue, nit t . i p istently endeavored to defeat, •it,t pi tg notes: all these :• Important cowaderattons:— i Wring• done thisot• consistently triaintains that those wbo devised themtifamoguts measures of wit,atid for . y r 4 relentles_ , porpe tratedt•in atd of their purpeSes, ft,, plunder, murder,. starve . ton, d assasstba b Ili, P— leaders ot the re e q tint}—tine very . 1 tax failure, should beallowed, after invQ,lin Y , to possess all-the rights and piaci te rr T 1 g° citizens. That fi t scheme So glen an dap Serous should be sternly opposed. ,by "every true patriot, ought to admit til• DO donut: , The tact• that, it has lame advocateri renders it more important to sustain the contrary • proposition. I_ T. disa a t Penu lt' my inaugural addretts, ~,th sylvania will confident a loyal Congress, she ~will not ,hesitate. tOl3 t.llll It lyky her influen ce and power." .This repeat. Nor Can , I : induced to change is purpose; nor do 1b i hove the people oft e State eau he.,by eppeals to the „hureanttaiintilsm 9f the me,. and . the has invocation for mercy for these siti, l o o3 atlrred - Q es his r 7l deeds have darkee the pages of our history: , . It has been well SA d, " the pity of the maps. et L. trate which stifle a Criminal darigfrous t r o in . , society to escape from tleserv.e,t.l puuishmen , 4 rin e , . it, - is not mere), •bu • weakness True mercy m uch stati dere a n u d the unfortunate , inclines us to pity and relieve . and guilty; but only in accordance with jos- et value to thenf moues . wns I • t to The fi let la n4 9 With . t ce• And it may well be added, that t is a in least a weakness, in not • a crime, to permit , still due th I has ca use d unrepentant, and only outwardlY subdued, itslimits. ade, out, and traitors, to exercise the elective franchise, hel l _ offices, or take, part in the deliberations a legislation o prosperit), the w at lists of un Merest up till d the amen imv of h f the nation. Its stability an tiring TM. o e P hereatter, cannot permit these things society to Individual interests, fth esple now mid June]. 1 unties inter .. to be as well as the genfr.at, them en to he dais on . ested. ;hioh surveys Man/404°86 81 The tinnumal condition of our national ewes Iti would be greilly beneutted by the shoplift. h a ve b e tacquisi ; cation of internal revenue taxation, rplindrig payme ot Paid by th e the number a itrlicks taxed and insurnighon ___.„. tract , 0 land \ esty and faithfulness in collection: The a r i e d , s i t s u t u o '" i, Z k f duetton ot ta - les on the necessaries of Idlei On manu ' tactu 0 that are in nomPe,titlett wl Iwl ,there the Products f foreign labor should I* . eniel F ven lig ‘.5106,. coutße'ed, while the tax on luturies and ant= 'bare um i d,aitpb eatto ,, i • i. lent to sustain the „ "Ol ports ahould he made shale 1 2 u , , 94 0 returns• expenses 43i. the government. t ~ . The people of Pennsylvania, ever true. 0 ,•hat et , the2Uumn, and unswerving in their determin- I 015 4 t. eetY slant:ie. 1, ation to preserve its Imam, integtiS3'. anaP e( e l , l " 1 0 Ake the nu. i Piet:ll3,am prendinattree to assert_tno s r ,t t nd .. la nest; of the national debt, multi:it thitiltlina cso e sattglin e Pe.) tnent in full must be seemed.. , , , p kto,4 wous. As regards the tardT, tht proteettonbfhome ,n n . uur „ 1,1 031 , tenor and rem - threes:l need only rifer tallier 1 ; ' . ' 44 e l. views expreesed in my inait,guna Time and i •` tu • coattnued reflection have ttrentlierielithe i i 1.1•I1ITWNTI AIIIES. • l'AsettX:XCE 111,:eXIITANNT. • .. . ' • iFrom reports of the inspectors . and direc t[?:;tit ;maim ltas been called to th e subject ' t,m , -, it wilt be seen that, in order to ,carry i u ,,, t t a ili - T , a nd At) importhnt dtte;cit appear ma:the State Prison system, mlditional aecom t h, t . 1, - ( 1,., 1 1 1 it w orthy. ,4* legt-lat ive constil;:r- t ~,lst:h- o rts sho u ld be provide oed,. either.rby crec ation. Mny millions of Ifyllltrs -are "w ' n- 1 ling 'extensions to prsent billididg:s, or ivtl, inche United Suites: io instirsitetNand ; snintditional peuiCeuttary: The aPpropria . thn amount is ochig ,id t' int:few:ed. Tt) : hrtuatle at the lastssion. for t on glut rd the lowest:: itf inurers. our it!w 3 ore i th i n hospital in coueptiri t hi r t e e nt th,Wst- • Mad t.ottatA'and therefort. neill a thorough, re- i ern Penitentiary has not, been extiended, the v isi tom JAWS h:aVe lICe.II CA:0)11:110A ill Sever- I board cif irgpectors being,unwilling to Seltict • al of our tilql;r StallAlN 'lll4 ' ''l i4.1";"4111 "Ve I a site.until it is determined -by the Legiia been t illeir operations tiatithe insurance cow' ! tutu whether or,„not additional wings.. • or , pa ale.; 111111!:!'1111/ter theta common' it respect , eel w ill be constroetek. . and tat nildence Neiliell IS 110 t eX (elided to 11111se ' . COVICTV. PlllSOlitt of Pen asylvan' a. 11'1111-A,a Virgo portion of ' the•histirituce I,tbdne,s:(ll:Sev: York me t Unfavorable reports. VC made. re,speetng iwt his State. some of ottr tirmpaniesjhavo. re. t many of the c.ounty , prisorts. Some Of them cently abolished their agencies in New York ; are alleged to be insecure and otherwise unfit ho o nose, tis they soy, no oae there yill insure I for: the purpose intended ; other tire o'. in a Pennsvlverdh:Compary, beconserinenee ins'afilment capacity so over-er6wderif r, • of the lax of outtmetrancq,laws. The poi- ' as'to endanger the ' health of the inmates t., . cies of many organizatinActinder fir present 'i while the managenient Mid diSeirdine of . • laws, are alleged tube wotliless,and although I nearly all . might, •i übtless, he materinlly , 1, they are continually fillihg, otherl 'of similar . 1 Unproved. The policy Islmt., a Sonnd ; s one. , I • 'character ate starting nate existence. Width) i that I crew& logether„,. indigerimintitely, ~ a few months die fire Visurance compardet children and others conricted 4 - tliiti first., ' :have, failed, bru; of whichltad issned •pelicfri : andlriffing offences,' with. .nien N. ntui. ' avarnem -to over one million of dollars, aml other Heti t whose WhOle WITS have been blackened witht • outs defeittiims oreof fro/inept ocenrrenco.• : ' Crime. .. • • in view of these farts and the COstly exper• , IT O& cOaCtliSsio*Das. ,•• ... '.l - fence of the people, I Wotdd reccimmend establishment of an Insucatice Departmeot, 1 In accordance: with an net . of : ' AsSembly similar to thosit in NO York and magssom- , approved on the rth . of A:Pall:fat, lifess; . • setts. that KIWI have supervision an William IL ..k.rmstrong,'Of Lycoining county, oven ii ial companies allhwed to troniset bnai- t Theodore 11. Nerin, of t Agliciv, virm: M. , • nes4 i hi), this state. :Snell enacttnent ( Watts, of Cumberland, Philadelphia Henry 1. eotret for the r ecrui t vof onticatizens. y.it- land N. II: Browne, f • were fo r of dollars are paid not by them annually i unpainted. commissioners "to inquire l i into er e for instineeoult of it mulct. such eircum- venom; systems of prisn . in to prac- . 'stints% a to voider it impossible tbr a private tictaftn other States and touutries."l T,hese. .. - i odivitinat to kn.vw whether the company to gentlemen enteretlitp,ort their ' diiklet ' - and w hich he pays is, or is not reliable. Dare , have.yisited Variceis ,-prisons , one;.Of • their; Spervision. by a fl ed appointed' nurither luvring, one to Eurotio . .for that by. low. and poblisiled reporift•Ol" same-un- \ purpose. The aet, however, requiring them . der oath, ,could prevent touch doss and frond. ,to report to this session of then - Legislaturel !The security of the companies thernselvesl does not allow them sufficient time to do • - requir an in ranee Departinen!., !The pee- - justice to the subject, and they ask 2rl amend- 1 • _pie den and protection front ignotlee fraud tnent extending th e : time for their report \ hiultilso venev.. Consulting insunt Ve'journ- - until. the session of 1869. ' ala i lye dhd that tui a general ithiter, Venusyl- I Among, the ticeornpsn'ying 'pap rs will be • voot ia , ,n.on mu t e companies ;re %mord ring atOotintl a report by Mr.,,Mahlon 11. )ickensciu, unenvlable reputation abroad affeeting the was uppointal in' contbrinit - with fore • honor and go;s1 Rhine of the Suite. The great 1 act of Ilie last Legisliture,* "td t, , - pupl;se of the prOposeil department should be ; philanthtopie Purposes, the • prisons - and • pr4,tzeties, html iii • connect out wit h It there I atins-tionses in - the various c ounties Of the . outst be fees suilleient to cover ail its legititimte t Controbnweitlth.", • The report 'will be found • es pen4es mind prevent it becoming nburthen 1 interesting in• sit hi details, and the. ,Writer's', ' . • to; the Commonwealth, • - "t. \ suggest,ions deserving of "especial Attention . . , - olks. , ~:. • i PA:goo:is, • • Complatrits have. been laid before me bY the ~a, • report is herewith submitted of they • . . . : consumers of gas in our large eines, and from 1 pardons, remissionsuf tines, .tbrfeited recug- '- a sonso - Of duty and-respect to them I- lay:the nizance and death warrants, issued by • Inc i . • matter het tre you, It is stated that they have' during the past year; with a tabular state- I - -no optics' or satistientry mode of•rediess for ' mod of those issued from 1791' to ' • alleged ) nrositions of the gas comp,anies.-i`fo ' time. • This report is . Made' in •ftecordancei 1 what iix titt th ese enniplaints are justlit wcalld % with n nose °Nutty -to the - Legislature '.andil - • . •. be.' • diffi lt io-ascertain, but that therlt is ca,nic •• the public.tvlio' have A right to be • informed i ~ • -. ;from of them' may - properly , lict;nfezied IM . what manner and' UV tyhtit extent .:. ;from the ;timither,,intelligence. An especta- Executive eleinenef:.'-has" , b een empleyed . • Tite r'.bliit of - I,Te is:altos - br. whorri they atir:lnUle. toward tiooy icted- c raLs. •It.-is' also' Inc re is.r,o . reason why such a state of thingslto the'itxectitlve himself that - his action , 'ln - • : should continue to exist, •whilst . the -people' t tills regard slnaild " tor understood. . On - i no „ ..tlimrteli their repreAnitatives,AlaYe. • nit easy I subjeet has there been greater rnisrePreatayta : • And effeetnal remedy. L . ' - • • lime . than on that which srelatoi to • the , ex.-' • - The Legit:later° of, a moghboring State has i ercise. of the pardoning"; power: , : iceitri,:t- , .• • crested the olliett of inspeetor of gas and gas ! tiims have repeatedly been published" of its *- ' W 4 -I es,;'' A. 'hill-oiled be enacted critatie.g a' ahlise, and cases . have' ~b een 'titetk in .. proof almilot pasitiOn in rtny•eitv in' Which lt niiiy thereof/which werC.nbvet evetkpreSented 'to bA requlrt,l*this state, and 'snelt aerang,e• i'MY-notice.: Criminals , 'were liberated !: from m l . ' . ~. El ME Er . • , i prison idler Sentence, mid. clamors nilsed in • relation td their pardon ill cases In which noirppentior. clemeogy;had ever - been mat e'.',' •• pea blvestigatpm,!it haS been as4ertaln tt a, tom ' 4 ovatls in' the court df quart ' J 1 a : Iladelphiii, :to. re consider ratkirtit ''''' nd Isptb seht4e.s, .weekstoti, . mtintha - after tit r: 'aeliv and •in -this, 'llitich iittliegisr4preian • - t an has orighia , t, l'eit.—llttrrinttite-Mt4eitr; its' -rimy - convicts •were , thus liberated:Trona the Moyamcxising i jail as were Pardoneti. 3y me from all the -prisons,--:tni--tbe—Colionswealth.--1141 - deg whielt - ii It iitiVeriiiiirelie hid ~Oielf,terniii of sent° Onr:re4ttetd. ' ?top, ogittslivi, r eE under vi fallillt i i .„ty,this Armin* a t`liastdotill c it is imp Ole .: lehtn; but Unit 'bis liable mtbiase;im ' tri outhirelOrtio : - *::,htlv7 (4eius evident- _ The sentence. or A 9011 1 /jet: I if minter t ar::,004 - , imp*,ttoida*litt '_ shoat recetVe.most "S4riOns considtjrationkelb , t'• - 1' : • aetqrfplllo,lil 3 99' ll 44, lle At e lt e.lV i f lt l9i 11 ••• ' hifS `beecit,t, 414•1 1 , 1 AttOiPfre,ctiitts 'the (Vtflittitli/ 44:0. . o, n4oloflsilloWni• -- Sfill f e 'Oiiii ' 4..the,r'9 4to le6tr,ot dofik t i.ditiAti oiiiecii, s , 1 ,e, w.rp r ei'fwS'it'll't' Vicky 15:0.' l ohni t it*i i '' iiinat !, 1 10.411ti11 1 0 4 ,,,VA t 1/iW e i ,:*e i/ O /r {:1ek194.4',6 -o.tlfrtiutt,:ar,soo,r4,ll,RScvtotee,. ti4 l ,'Vn 2 • crease if;r4iid ,thlit. is,n•tiower.`„da'r* , r . '.. , :allow:any o,l;itli - a < leld. : ill, r,Ortlttr; Th il: - t bk. law,fatat:lllnitttig l e e;:filiti#iblirtii.•' re; it. senttniceS 40161800, s it roiVrcil r hatjtiLlg,• .- '0" all otlieroOrtS;Sliould be lut'eStpd ,ii,lili, .the saite:preroglitiVA,6ii.o . it _.rtOrifeik!'4•s', .4re. tneht.to.shOwWWlVA:tt:,da , tetoul4,VM:e4k it , lefg. l 4 l iP• -use&ooo,l l l l .S't • he.; 4vptigii',o,ii= dari.v? be- coo ft fied to t lig. i nit, AatitOt 'ni ttinges tit: et./.!9rA9 / 19P e § 0/ 1 5 P /41 *.VM 'E 't ( o t /107 ''' hority... : . .'! . „i• t 1 •,, i ,.„ • Fiirmer'LegiSlitures Wilt liad'illetriittcpi t ion called to T tlie,factlthat • pia'aglits, , lN„l'sgw . caiitifieda cim.enitutv,p,riso f tt4,un.decSellt4 pe ' or,dfiati4,sonic of theti. llo iikl.Yl3l , 4 4 .‘ (r464 l . do w ,i,Elppt. Nirfr.rp 1 never rssutsl,',; dild''iii tvar4,whom the sev,bre pcif,Oinfit*; during whoseterin ,they,..wciWes'entenced ' . ,Cottlit hOt discover enilialent, es usclor .the g*felse':ol" 1 the p4rclenmg power f . 'The cugtiii t9 f s, pea ty)n each governor l declirte Isstil t y:4",a'..detitb wart:Mt which tad. r hea... witlllll - vy, - ;hiS predticeAsor., ,- 1-leocn . f these - biMVict 4 ;:.Seniat evl.to-death, tor ylibse . expentioti, the , pre= vinitstltiVernor4o l J tint u n ite wort - 4'oi,, anti Whoin,, i; is port:llo4d they.beliiiyed depe,r,Vkij a milder punisbinent,, Must. either . ha, pqr; cloned or remain prlsoners l'orlifi. ' TO reale tly this the Governor shottid be Vested with authoity, to commt rk tiro death Ipecalkr, - in the cases - only to, w licit allitsion has been' made, to such a term of imprisonment as Ids 1 judgement would aPprove, and to remove the I convicts from county. jails io the penitentia 1, ries.. cATI6 - '.I.L t ArIi.AII I IS.: • A brief refcren 4 to the condition 4)f the ME ilet';6 therein` a{ .. ~ 13 - 8 0,10$ 1 committed In.ttrittlit:o44l.titirozror. our I FOPI'I rin' .4 ;, v• - • iv It, ' tow. rill .. c u r O - .4itge ha test. ci ;,..,Th • tiel li tA , .., ...the i ll . . Sta ~.sh i 17pr o , . an , ;. . 4.:.. ; ;,:" ..' ' ll ./,r) •: 11 s k ,ol_4‘ er t • , . 7 ling , I , 00 0 - -, 1 ,,, ..i r i, f-- _Cooly n . °the, 0 , , Jr. fftwOns 1 m i t 4 , ;,...,,,, i .„,,, itie'iikti . , s,•• ..ani! A y. 11 ; n., - • ' . - ';sto ; roin „ neswn .t te patipin - andlhe 'OUL/re or our ?- I toyed Ocinannwenith.' , :- - -' 1 „.:• - ' • -; - - 1 • ' ' ' 2 4 1714tk.3L_,D.EARY.,,.... - -.-- tkEol,,'..iV). - CRONE. , •'..„ . - a mt . L , . .i , ..?;'..- r!.. - -.-: t• .. . , Ili .., - ..; - :-.- . • --.. ~.,-, Ver., A. •f .. -.,- .. ...-;i!-"C- f: _A. e.:.11:, f. ' :( /MX ftioßrivatklitideiitt.qt•FiotoiLi'fAC" ' _.l_&•, NV t•tiftl 4,1.c . L. i-4 . . s' . % r-.i. ~`'~' f A - AlinoVaLiw...ll4l,ll, ;Wea# l W e lAr,r: ll r -1 ~4 4: :Y elf • 4.ilf. : *41 9 -Ci***ki K 4 6. etisrgebikiciaid, ;Wake to OissibillPP Kink 1 doors and,Pihichistitieie litmluippy.cmm( 4 ,l i19;::.,./o,ii::ehrtOtii,M. patent' 11,* f. 1 1.? f OR witar,oi , ; I:3,;;;; , 1... *4 'l . ' 1. , 0Tif1 1 3,,. ./.1....7 .. i I t.t. I:. r ..‘ •'. .1 - I , f alTiremnettfigeof GoVe . oticgary i ncievpieS ittefit'dtltirtliti•lllll! ' - lel;4t .iii nienndlil ii . 4t,l4l4,riiCOA!iitliiiirittOilr4liiirtrie chni- PionfoAlwa4hl 2 , o 4, 4, n rYßil 4TFt.l4l'F,;:ad of nireffineanit. Itienlitai ' * a aiit;in, iparilme- lir,4bicrifilrilti)e - " it, .iti !if itrifilitittmito tl l ,,igEft4qll ' Orlis'fA li i i , .Y .' #,,, I ,f l 6 kfirgl ii i . alb int,9otft4)o,tlle, 840 , i 3 i. 4_Lde. t -.i!seli , 1 pas boon , Teducea,4Bss go. Si • , Well:Anne , itroStlitiit , s6l4ititVal ttt.. tig . ', 2;ear &Rate' , cip4 ,- :•,--;, , fart t it, ti•• 1 1 ..... t - t_".9, 0 ~ : riT,7" - Gagne-111i .I!"..4intatT,o than likely ttrrn.nattnbel ineC fniPit;sitteiif iti 180 1 s ig;• l l!ifiAtip — fsii3firtiii . : the Bth otJannaryy;th final andlltest 'a,f:lield iiek:4,4faSttnetikii t katiOne , COnventi:Onlb port:- The I,'onvention , lions, adopted of structioe acts of Congr espousedlhe doctrine of , . ,bin ; E;titmli(,olz, n Minister to China, prasap . i l ied to. somc ti *8".0 by the Emper or of f country to ae, as irisagent In mod fying, t 'mites with Eu )pean P , owers. 'Mr. Burlin g me tt_enepted c _CommiSsion, and will ij it ie tend ;Ids resigtintien us .. i A e inenpan Minister to C a,:tis lie cannot be permitted . to enter upe , , be service, of the Empertir, and at the lam into hold .his po sition as our '3l.inisti.r successo . r to Mt'. Bu rliugante, will t he i eforef,baire to be tip poi rtt ; ed. = P ,_ . . . .. . . ,• 'O7; questlons of fins ,• e the Pernii4atie party. is hard to compr • ' od. Its • - pOsi.tion t was originally for, hard , ney, and. against I State tanks; theicloASiate l banka 'and oppos ed to giteribackl4"arilo ' • tli for greenbacks and ar.ill'Al4tiorial ha k _arid sliii(rld anyl iinproventenV, bo..sagg., . .' l ln thi, Israthinid bankfngsystemi•it dot i .bcfbr tlicr.Nailowil' hanlisand against im , .rnrement. A contem- Torary , on 11 1 ,1k :- , * i 4(.:' . w. - . - i' ,, q , -- for all the prineipl ,-.;,... ..v• :. ,- - 1 . ii'lie won voted for had. be voted the-11441ea11i,94t,c cept that he votes fol . :, them a year orrtwc ter. es v7h c • * Tim ".nuier.4e d" unity insinuating du d r e , are .‘teorrapt," , raturr in th e 05135 o f Wolk" awl' Ort 'variety of Other off( updri selves 'tell:vie- wyat o es.sfoo;o , Ovidevien insinuations; 'tar sonic /lo they not InisdemeaU 9 r or, el lion dna: abet tibol nsf ~r'.r iS - State` - '-'.- '; A ' 4 - iiliiliii a. ~ li - i.....ihe Meeting' of the Teachers' Lull as the-canditlat (, ' --- .-: Tun -•:. t: . tare tp 11-_ . , . „, taw ) - .. " , - - e- A ! t ha C 2 PaYeaucti • for vO r ' according tolaw. - elktitite..prinaptli .. tufo in pas place in December we were call? 4 'Pmiiient„ofilie 'United I stat es . ~•„. 1e , , ~a . Fatal WA! . til's cachets present and' ~ t ipinlinotis'ltith'hearty,f 4 l 6 ,. , • " Ti ISlTzetbirit,E, fi election of hi, L. Gra . . , Apeglt +My. as ita',..preeiding'cilllecr, ~ t ~:t ici ~ to iittiv)deit ucattonal columwin' 4 .*T10 - einaliiing resolutions of th e scrims . m little `teftectien we poed by the Committin. oii-RL,, oiuic.,, ' - ' _t*e Ho ..c,ppld 'lilt agrecupOn a Speaker.lt : t t e .:. : after ; M'i. Ditils ti ghiladelphia waii the • Republr ~- • et d o i ng etniir luive ac: tte' then tAited 'without tit.. e 's• t ' --'''' _,. ~ n., 4 „,, t , co coal . an d 3in ; Tonga o f B or k o. ,i . ;ow i y nnt4e sn es tangment w th. Prof. 0.• Istitlettbyletaiated rentals of appLi u , t e: ; ,., rie' mocivittiittudtditte. - Some eight or •...r. ~ . : aba ghton,to titre chore( Rn nuptp?, , 4 cop,mitte,, o r om ,-, ~ iimrt Is an wed / till h 4 'iilbOniilissi nik Ala i ---' - • lr ''"` P tC h -Reptiblicani, ho'kever...refistati to vote f0r,31". of 1 _(''' Xr. Ebe-- m a e I n .„. Davis c and the , reknit of Oda , refesal vrali t4t successful, teacher, and we doubt not .grill Exeititive.Ceininfuee,. with Gen. _I- 4 :Itite , - reviitikeilietum attuitOniltutuittor ink nialtiOilicolmnn not -.only attractive the. Oirtl, Alithihtdelphia, aseh tt inj o e t T one else. The 'clime f ailjoith.4 from .day to_ ;Jai, . th e 61in i ty but tItCT 404,10 On tut?. 1 94,0f Gerteial. c o w, of, 1 , 110.3 ,. 41),f;i3tiiMirapeater areickieision,' but the I , li tietskirAfi JI is ~. ilea pliii,the follnolng relielutton s w • el , • . as. )adotied.• - ne'erelecting one: 'Oa Fridir hbure er , the der , t ers may expect , tofind a e ue.di o ...Vlrived. 'That the Olieiritian of thi s. Cob. 'Arrietetwdibihr , re dot oa , g __ .- iir 7' 13 " b -715-e r nitr i li i ir°r"ll3 , .--, - --; i ed . lM den ol !i th e n ni7, B 7= d , tacm",r,,nt' r - m ibeiniaapportedlifr.:Thivie toOlectidia....• The Mod: •• Med Aty < the •gettlienum t Jittuukl.ll irfct (*Uhl trinibt; t i at °1,n17-.i-thts-t.l6"at `ii"' 4 4$ u " tialaiseisiorthirlatl•siWittridefi (We pith; ceiduiunittationeon etlbiteseloasj subjects must sent the Boy in Blue of the tit - i;';,T• i' p el:6 * illfettlike riiiniaiireelt l "4o, l fiOn : :o9' ilre'addti t(i . hiri; 00.44. Briitain? pil.:ti aylvania ot t e National. Itailtfelian (~;n e r " ,! ' g ic44oiiiifivQ, , • ,wf, ;1 7 ;1 _ , _.„-, j .i . ;, , dn. •..„ • - • .• • .•.' .2 le 11. ''''' 7 "'''''' ' 1 c is% ,i , tlO , ll to . beheld at Chicapju Murn ext „-„•'.; . tlivit': - 7!AF-4,,u.c. P° ~ OW will .delpotiqp.lat ia..arucaw • tn_ s„. ' -..- v oiioatorniin g ;ir 'twin Peotere. ral .s be,' ..,$.4 it spronalt from:Washington snyt: F. , . I Gran& ittdi etitti&lTA-thes• o fg e 4 -- .4 .t i t ; fq fojahe tidelatijkorthi , misii, ii'giktihrOy ea- :i ,t n EX"NrOrp,b ( 3 ol 9f i ffnlfg*s 151 1 11,4 .. E4 , :e6k, ; ddttkend Vice President eft the United ii r •lT . o,46iiilp lit , ..,art;;„ ,it ~ •, , d , ..,,,• 1 . 1 t . i . .7 . 1 : ,..! . ?..11:•••! • . i w ut h y d• r bs ep h t :tly ti e , ,ni ty t t= 4 4,.eili e.yr iatf . V .. o i r i ke\ s,:vi. j 4 i a l h t tftilieoviding ' for, mi. It iii) ; 1 . , 1, tfli !li. - .•r 4_ i ..T4 l )9ltiPgAtePulllcsA4t*itlYttUt: Po' teinecracy will'ivViiiatffin 10.. , )i - 1: 4 - r" I •i'peotof atc(nniiitttee ow an Ildd 1) 4t. rest- to -ik e site,huirbad tecord wap , ,not *til,!ftiOtorY, to ,-14 1 :;c4 fia,; been ',itid ti*ll.*•,l - 6370E4 ;#44actsof PPRPIA - ania,vasaibipt.L. Gckt thetrl at: the'O l Uts§t,piiri,hitt bfr Attdi ' Pledgertpemierat of thei..Unifea ItitiOti„' c.:l4a iiirildotz ;21, 1 ,..ifaMt*Yt r hilei: . ; of ; indiana- c o u nty . .i . 01'6111446thiiiifOliat'lliOre Taros' of the:plattocii of hit , part-s ' friends ' Au. CR:do i iCieded"`chcirintw - i:feth co - ' ismitteas -- - - ' w-3 fi.#41: 413 ;F17 1 04 ilf4., i ifiluiP.c l o. !• • ~ i. should have its "due:mCight: '' That , the JIM held l i e he lart even Ceu 4l lt g urat : l l Zl sB i which w, Ir. I NS ..:•,G"it.-trUstrtr''' 4 - imi' . mal F --,•,t. k 4c,e'' (i .. l i g ',, : i; . .4;_ i ni .. ,t . ei',14,1,4,9ft„hp De ,. , rape, tic part i • y, of the URI . I • . , wits ably *pali!jetias tielik pl.i.rtihjiNgUls, en‘theilst te-d•qiitates•lo••te,repdViate the ••lfittlonid•debtii and eloquently nddres?ed by Gen. Fisher, tt Ats,Wes.: l ll'ON,fin pi!' ,1 4 a ingh , , 4•, 11 46:"Ca1T 1- :initialling' IWthat, to astrulai . the 4 rebel•debt,is td;a6astdr, and 6ploi,it Ilutei l isc HN o f c en i er ,WC,.. ll ;4 ll Prlica. KeTr*4-Ated ' lWirrti rl fi r. r 4 i .. ;' ... 16 'in 'iv' ri'' irent 're ' ''tla '' The 1 county: ' If 14191•892N4VglietiqPit dip „ROI Aeadquar- • ,..., . ~, g : , ?.., .. RP , ( ; dread.l 7.,.„ 3,'• • . _; , . ters t ,„ . - J'AC,p)atorlOrs tif titiiipsece,wyteurrest- ,• • for either o, th . ' alter r nativem ' i 0 by thepilitikry,lhat afterwar4o,ly, ; order of - • .p \ lt net of , pinver, 114 , :iit -that, ,way I' es OennufM.4 . W9 1 . 1 49ri10il l!Siv , i l3. the .civil p • cut the 'accomplishme t•• of its base and ti11t4r,1F 101 4.49 r,v)%7-14(1,i4et.,ottli:all ': . • , • - .ii --, •, : ~, ~ , , , itioiue. i .• . . unpatriotic : purposes. . - If any persowiteheve ,t me, a g o that ,• • ' -General HandockVeorirseln! the fifth :31111 tOry - , 11 -Asttfi . i .l 'if, pittd ,b4. l 4 ,.si;itHi , 9ttiq'ofitoy good iii .that Ip i calityok tcy,the coioittrf at large, we trustithat 164 now sundeceited. ;Ilia policy iwill •• int f 4ti , ,The • terninr of ildevt.., -cnt i -th'FOOtNtiqi4 ; ,4UPICTCY 4 ,; ' OIt I / 2 ; A d tfic, ' 66 fnilv thorAtiesotimplympaus•th444hg,Onit igeslit punishedi andineryptitt4nisol'understands it llidtb. "TKO *AinretiltbrefOic tinst:o4,gress so liniMO's'l*iecUiratinCtiOttr, net as ig , enable I .Grant to relieve•iiancoeft; tuid.sProintat.6_l?i -rnander in his stead whd will not play "toady” to' the rebels,hthindlisg, criminals over to their simpaqiii,ini friends, bdt Who . Will see that they are triedy the strong arm of mill tail law, and ptth lied according to their &- scrts, the bcttcr its ill be fer the respectable and law-abiding citizens of Texas and Louis ) lanti, anti in fact tor the whole country. •••••••••••••=O/11 ‘II,II.MAT -45• =ail MEE 1• •..,.. - ~- orphi g NOR I trt9r tlemodratienota ',The "iyreietOremN S,V41 1 0 414 ll . ;: ;P i ? ,Stntr4l.osh l o: ll 4 heir. cdtater'Co,nven ir..,delVitee,An! iltC irif 'Min their' ini)- giving these instruc t' ngninit the recnn 0, and also _ virtually rce trade, '. i - . GENEnAL -- Ro . nnwr-E.lLuit is reported to have said that "the enure p of General Hancock Was thefirst doWn of hope he hod seen for the people of the South since the termination, of howar."—Eziltanie. ..; • . 'We wonder. if lira "dawn". at, the present time resembles that Which enraptured . his vi sion in 1861 ?. Min liesaw the destruction .of the country in prospective, and placing him; self In:the hands of the conspirators, render ed them all theeid in his power in theitdev.. ilishindertirking,i item he sees loyalty 're -1 buked and driven fromplace,his rebel associa tes placed in Positions of power,the murderers Of GeriO a m m. tnreti,i over,to the deqiauthor - 1 ity, by whonethey are 'Bare net to be. punish ! ed, and then cooly.tells us that .this is "the I :llitit datinUflopefor the people of the South be has seen :sinet.7 the i ; tertnitiatt6ii' of the War.".Gen„-Lei therefore :being the fu4ge,. the „ ji , ii6. 2.ot lost; but is being revived by 13331 tlikgiDand•titiatn:4 enCh mittgiitoct and ioitiheoinei,reacAery.' Vice Pres! eats-,E P.' Rolfe (seaman) Colonel Richard EMS, Sergeant James Higley, , General R. L. Bodine, Major 'O.P. , Roberts, General W. I. .1101 ton, Gen ! rat I -George A 31cC'filii C Drone' 'W. A. Sands, C. , optain 7T. Divan, Colonel P. A. Filbert, ;Itfajor. G. - A. Bayard, General J. .Ely, Captain V, H. :Mc 111 Keelan, Colonel H. J. Schaffer, General-4. I Wistar, Captain W. S. Rome, Colonel D. M. I Jones, Captain Forbes, General 11 Allen, General, S. R. Dick, Major P. A. Johns. I Captain J. A. Streteh, Private A: J. Elliott,: Captain .T. Darragh, Captain Connor, Gene- 1 ral IL White and General G. Clark. . I Secreary—Colonel Jeines Given, of Phila- ! delphia. , • I • Assistant ' Secretaries—Colonel. [P. I 3fosen, Major .T.. C. .11a evey, .Lieu ß tenant I Rutter, General H. A..3.1cC0v Private E. C. I Reed, Captain A. Tyliurst Aergelint .W. 13. 1 Brinton, Captain D..T. Price. Captin R. I Dennison,Colon e l C A. Green. _ Colo a nel L S. • B. W.-Mitchell, Liflitenant Aitsfrew Rayne, ' Captain W. R. Rest, Captain M. R. Adams% Captain A. P. Schurtr Captain J. B. Al len. . r I Sergeant -at-Arms --Captain Agar. • • • Assistants-4Malor J. B Roberts and Lieu- . 'tenant Wm. C. Bennett. • . .. 401.-E,,ia4fuliet;•ie .Dl9 Democrats --7.-'o9n. Lemuel' Todd, St . - Cambria county of. GAS cOu rityihreatricw . l..' Ilia .S.9 l P,e• title ago i from the Conim Wee on es4lut ions, submi t with a public prosecution ,tor, something. the' t6d the followino , repo t': , .. -s. • j .ei rtfuieriiclibotittitigiu B.; Anderson during' Ilisolied, That We, the rePreseniatives '4l the list climpeigu, •- •-, Wg took the wind otit.of the soldiers andsailors of Pennsylvania, in . the-1:411s Something or', four weeks ago, 14-:, ponvention assembled, having full' confidenee • tojiing,thears!tgr, afread,oo,•, th ey 4i.kbi,•s 41go in the wisdom andloyalty of Congress and theory n . , pla. ot ahead" ,though, 'nor did we . heir anything• • ir r l it Y.'aPProvng 4-s constructing the disloyal States.as the only .--, .. • wore said ett that SUbject,. until last week's means of securing the rights 'of the loyal i • •'cii4 uji*9 • Ifes.'apPesiraM: t e. In it' ..a . corres• citizens thereof, and . fully recognizing •ti r; UTE RAVE A PRINTED R EAT. I , ...:TATg RI pondent says - there:494d be no use in prose- Pa i t tl e t tn ' inte g iit Y, '4" services cnting u.S, ,fer • ony '`big, 'brother—the ensile,' 7 -,..-"." . 'All U.tteraGnraptn'Stilgall)irdof;fl.loraPtritillif record Nit It 8..° for re. :: - e. i.,ni1t.°,1.,!:,aL.v .. ..,"ki,..L.:v.,;1':: of Gen - i pit:eat:3rd tcemitaini/LittniroVit."rteaneituitihui.fteltalio, xtwonbf be's;nre.to'clOir its., , That is just I the prinsitPles and measures 'Which, unde r 1 terest;ver tm c'm t ads. ° llottio, Tamarrie. t ill r,,. whir'".e think toes.' 'lt ,nett - any other court 1 his lead' triumphed 'over • treason and .t. cbel would likely find a man kulity who had corn- I lion and;uplichl •the' just - and • loyal powere u„4° . a 3 7'' ' ;II tit of• ''' ell 'ft ! " ~ Lgnittburba.n Pro oony., Tithi ii t t te .. x.,,te t s ,.. m i e . pr ail, irit 111 .,. , of the - Government do hereby nominate him nutted no clinic,. riiir c°rres Pondent 'lmw - I for Preside r ' L T • . -- , ter'wh the 1' 0 tt., ti hi Lot fail t..• cotp•uit.. , •:. p i t o the ailed States. [Tremen- ' er° a th'all ' 6' h I b tonitlici LI I • Piirttes Isla/flag ta boy or sell Heal Estate, DO D ''' .. ~ ' Heolater, a.reopy or ir lid) can , bi• ,r, y 4_er begs the's - pies:thin.' If bilnselrand friends dons elieerino..] believed all the While, .that : " cl" 1 ' " A delemate." TI t I.* 1 , 0 el dif ,augh i .i )-jaunrissq67olr,:l7.. lanualiy . number now rt•ady. , • ~ . ia mn ion s.c it . , Brand - enewed applause.] . , 1 t-' would not convict us, why;iwere they contiu. Re at, That • Atidrew 0 Curtin no it P sily tirreateningito,carryns before it ?'''Ahl o svea ti ag ( i - appi atm i j, by his disti aga i sh n ed ' q 4e'f?l.9.dfii,..eni7e;clp,pe.sdare Well did l we ? - and r ,' public se ; .CVB 411 emillent - ettptteiti and yinir'ilesdid'alisititilie "milled court", being 'fitness, It he 'devoted attacinnentlo the our:nig brother now is only a stupid way soldiers Pennsylvania, challenges 'mil. ititliesr-resipet and!' confidence, and .4ipprn. Of gettlSPi aura theiddletdons Lek in which . P liriately . italic:deg-lam' its 'new choice for Yeti find 'yourselis Aged: - 1 • 0 / , . .-• l•• nominee fOr the pcisitien orlhe : *Vice PresP ' As,we , are`not then to be tried by ii,court of I deny a'rhe.Thitte(i.states° [A Pi' lgtise •-1 • justice, let; us be then 3 the bar of pub.( Reogleed, That the Administration ofGener, l' • P John lIV. Gerry meets with our unquali: 1 ALL RINPs" or lie opinion: We therefore challenge ani Dern,. • a fied approval and contidenc•und exibits in , • • neentl4 -the,ctifint! to ;Kiln out the article! or another 'and ne less honorable way, thsi ' ';• the paragraph iriwhiet, We !hoed Mr. Andes. wisdom. saguitY, courage, and administm• son. If after it is pinted on ,we are unable to 1 i t tive, ability so illnetriensly distinguishing hini i hroughout, his military career. . WC E 11, ' S' 1 Prove its'truthildnoss,_hi the affidavits' of re- l Red:ol4E4, That we retain unchain !shed con.; • • ' I -' • ' • , spectablc and.ruliiiiiiewitne.tiesithen we Willi fidence in Anditor GeneniL Hartrantt and . 7i . . Make' a pulffic • retnictiO n el the Charges, and !Surveyor Generid Cataitbell anti Proudly cl'i for " A I ' point to their official career its evidence of? ; 13 I beg 31r..A.nderson's 'Pardon for ;having done the greatness and r ' v of nee. t I him an unintentional wrong. : , What; More militas7 capacity air N‘ ' . ' ? 3 , r h th et a' a a- of I.T, ES, TEA S, 8 1i,f 4 , • 4 i S, 51' . • ~• tan cosropose? Our 4•hig brother-the tad_ suttee orfaill qullifications . for the able dis% 1 U PS, alio L AS;SE,S, SO ilkil I ' t. , 6.1 tealt," will not be a ' 'Sty ' t is La ves _ charge of civil duties. ' . , i - . The first resolution was unanimously adopt- • 'I, !.sI;OCEA'pPscrIAPNEIR)JBkSB. SPICES, .' igation. ed.' , When the.second resolution was read, ; a - ; . 'i question was- raised as to "the propriety of t 1 'SINS , 'ENG'. !SIP . i nominating 's' candidate for tlie Vice Presi- j • - 1`• CI.7ItItA'N TS, t tiettey,"whiett'resUlte.ti ins vole being • ta' ken 1 / - PIGS, . , for the choice - of' the Convention for • that ,I• I . , i office, as follows : • ' , 11, 7 , 9 LA FEED , l i . , :rsa, oie A ix,. ,( e ., &c, Eton. Andrew 0 Curtin receive(' :1 22 v otes . ' ,• • • - Ge neral Philip 11. .Sherldau.... •'' ' ''' '''''. -.- - • .. i Th • are con tan tl • receit In v.:a fresh avvortment of „lion......,Bcitttyler Cott a :.,• '.- ''''''''' : '''' 1 ‘ 1 ~ tl emceee t. •• s d tb ) c ptib/lc. 7 / 3 1" relr upon "ittliing "EL wrn• a 'Koller ' ... '''' ' ''''''' ''''... 1 4 :: . trl% Ma ' } gO I :JO as tlie market -rtif. . • • .----:---..--.....,—...1.,„,71,;: ~, . i •20n•lOhn W...oenr?,6Tiiil '''''''' '''''''' Ix9i: - 1 : All y Mil delivered it requing) . „... .. . .. JUDGE,iraFTULUT: of. .0 hi 0 trecciited,•• • ih e ! GeniginS. t e t t l ln-ence t" '' '' ''' ''''' •' • ''' ' ' i 8 • .. 1 i"b:.1.1.. . ' ' - rothltioe.ratic nominationforXeited States Sen. I c;e." `"V• • F. 1 474 1 aL1i: '' ',..: ''''''' , ''''' ' '. l .* '''''' ...' 4 3'' :: I , H _ - , - , • Dp r-----, ----- t -- ‘7 -7 , - 7 - —7.. c.0 t •-• I, - •- I' , tN kfil ‘' ator i fitr, tlisit'iState, beaOrig- Valfaadi,,:h a , . Hem Ranailialliandin. ;•Gain Sii.a .. - • ‘l.' Grow . ;7' . 01' '‘ ,0 .-..' 1 .1- 11 Ix 0 % ' " J ' i -I 'T. ' -7 i noire' thin) two te_on.e. .•Thp,,yloto ;u • ''cai tc : 1 :! and Edwih 3E: s tant on : f .aeh . r - o ii: I ‘,„:. I ;i3 LA NR 'WEI*. A IfTWARy; or A ( . ;nEF;MhZr .; l , 5t9041: . rur Thurman 51• f'.l7 th ••t• h ' Vote '' ' •''' ; ' • ' •-• ';- •Fe . C 4. --- . ~' sasseada.....subi,o,uss' s Wornnoto. tnniraLtni i .„ . , r.or 1 a • llulg atU;... ~ .. .• . -. ~ - , . . s 1 - 21 . .• -,..;': -- ':•: • ' • -,•• -• ' t -...... • • • Or • 'f i " ' •, • • i I Motto% t e name ~14.1 ndrew fit'iirtth I 'alt. , ' aa I. .cart i 4t h C ,:a ot r, C., 1 10.11 11 4 Ai WSlXel rie. bi. b. .". , l ll l.. st s t r d at .„ tta ti . e l t ro t es ti or rit te .:l ~ i ' . . I • ' - !, , . s• COM:Hague has boon . pretty active' friniii the holidays, arida great amount of the public bus- Incas' has receiet! More Or. less attention. The most; tirepoita t matter before the Senate : since it iimiiii c nvarted. is the report of the t e ComMittee in, case of Secretary Stanton. It Vivid!Eites fit o' Secretary throughout, and I eabelf4deitiltli this visolutiun : • i dtaiiteal,.lllmt, IniViugicons'idered the Iri i -donee:and, te.pso*Likep by tile PfresldN. his rep"ort:of December, 12th, 1807 for theses, F pension Nom the ollice,dr S,ecretary ofiViir of, rpdsvjh 31. Stanton, the &nate do not concur, ' in nob suspension. I ••Itotix Rouses are.nour at Work on the cur 'rency and tar questions, and before the pros ant month 'eXPlres, we' are,. promised some -dung in these respects that willbe satisfactory E to..the.people and: advaatageonito the eon,-. try. • let us hope that.these priimlses may be fatly 0.9i0. '.. • - - ' - .14r I GEN. the PresL doing frd N tary „District. . Ile has all.eadk removed Gov- HL .ernor - Jenkins, and State Treasurer Jones, and appointed twittery officers in pet r stead. Thespublic May thereforO preparethemseircs ibr ahotheT"howl" trora the ex - rebels eim led wit a demand for his reniov a L . _ p- , ."4 • * EMI nix Reconstruction Commit ee : tlte :House of osentntices hare a reed upon a whici, tleprt es the Prelti4n of al! pon•- ei ofjute feteneeo I.liesubjeciofi:ocOnstrito •tiottin te,Smithern totes. It inytnitseit• Grant. among , Other th ags: ty it& the,duty of "Nkihitiiig'and lifAtri . et dentniiin- Aern:: heipethe biltw become a 14%) analinited States Senate ; Look" uc~tori. on the StantOn Suspension ease orio last lifenday. ' The vote on restoring Win to the War office sti)od': - Ayes 33:Nays 6. A ceiftlt fled recordrof this vote was rnadeout nfliM.- liiered to the President at nine o'clock P.M. of someday. : "BOIS It BLUE" CONYEN ;710N. 1 , So inallOn of General Grant' for President and Ez-Governor Cur tin for Vice President. TS TIM Conventien of the Boys in Blue of Pennsylvania, fir the nomination of candi dates; for President and Vice President, was held in Horticultural Hall, Philadelphia, on IVednesday. The ball was handsomely anti appropriately decorated and arranged, the ' stage being ornamented with a miniature military encampment—the wlinle nprear: ance of the hall beitig entirely a la militarie• Upwards of three hundred delegates were in. ,'lttiendance,manv. of whom had lost a iinib and were otherwise scarred. and, with' the exception of a brief discussion of the propile i ty- of nominating a athdidate for -Vice Presi- I dent; the prOceedingi were "conducted in! a Spirit, of unanimity that seldom prevails in Such . assemblages. E'W-AD V ERTIS.*XEcrps: ' r - _........._____,..._ P. .0 HE NS ',.. . N ORDER BALE`! 11 IE OF ORDER OF Tlii ourr Axs , 01 Beaur coydity the undcreigned wan. posa to talc, aelioblic on 1 t-ntr, un tbepronbea,in i , irE.DA T E.O.Ii, Fc6: 12011868, ' . ' f‘ it 1 o'clock, P. , M. of paid day. all the Mout; de. 'Scribed cal rotate of Joi4ah 11cCowan late of . eater bounty .dceepaCd. Amato id :Darlington' box,* Bowe county. l'a.. viz: Adjoininc lands of NztlaY Eakin on the North; !soda of John 3lcil'anzbtry on e, .F.:Lat,V4da of•John'Afelinight, dee'd.. ou Sontb,itl laude ••-14,1 Dilworth on the wear, contatnnp I 1 , „LiNIS HUNDREDAND EIZVIN :AClfki, .3forAr lees, eighfy 'lfeten of Nihlch ars 'cl , arv?.`"::3 'the pular= v 4.11 timbered.: On it are ureete4 a sw r ,.., limbo, one story with' hutment. kithen and cc!'.nr..- Alto, a etorf 'and a half Fume:Boum., 'boil elhy 14 feet. Orchard of good fruit on the premlw, Fuca well watered, and In' a /rood nate of Calticaann. A font 1,..t vein of gelid tioUl underlie" about. -treaty. five titres of Jald Inuit Preml‘e* within I'i t2t of Boon Station. on r.I Ft. WL A el R. R. TERMS.—One-third of purrhaio money la hind ' upon condrutation of ante by the Court, the beLince la two equal annual jnsittllmeets from that date 'Cate. ,' serest from same time, poll ‘wcorsl by /veil an: enr:. I.go,tte or 'the premi"e."., The punt aser•tu pay eNp. r.- I. 1 of preparing title, bond and mod:rage, and ::11 r.- ,,, U 1 site stamps'. -For tallier information loui--- ~ ..1, underelgned. Princeton. I'. 0_ Lovrence roma . , la „ or S. H ier, hlz attern,iv. Heaver ni, . 1 , II l'Gli BAYNE , . Adm.r. de boje!s nun. sum b./Novae r ~ , ,:e. jaols'67:lt. : ' . - ME R. A 'N,(Llte tVI 800 onventi;on 4 , a 1 ,t Dl ' Hoc ' • 1 JOUN CROTT ..... CROFTi I tit PHILLIPS, Real 'Estate and Insurance Brokers, i" • 139 FOURTH ST?' ?'!'l'. , I , . PITTSBURt. 115 SIMON SNITGER & CO., OM (AL M° old gland, ard ouvet briver, / DEALERS IN • Wilson, :ON t STEWART,W tun IN s Shoes '? , ti l., ..11 0 vi ' • ~. d * " ,• _ • y libbers, LD STAND, 11; 0 N D, lESTEIi, I'.l =1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers