11 ==:; - r B EAirsa tri.4o; ''-'-'. • - , .. I ISIli Dlt V Vier' W.ED.NEabAY _.o.'" '' •' ~.• •!/ - ...; I in the/. Old 413011:14 ill4dillg, on •Tuqui, 4.744 lorE o .'” at ' • -: •••-` :•••••,.. •,•,:.,..... 7vo pOLLA.RS rat TV - 1 . 4.1f 61 ADVA : NC.B.1 -1- , I. •• st o c opleE 'of thepaper v viLl. bo ,ftiraiiiili,:ll,l or rre, efire COO mil:. : . ~ .- --.... ; ~, :. ; ;. cormunirations cui sullocts Of local or op i , er witi: ~,, respectfUlly irliFitea. : IV Insuse,,o4oßtiop t , to o of thiA Old oust invsniablt po occompglle4 by de fone:ofthe auttuir, not for pnblication,,bot, all a qiinst impooition. - .. S; , v i et terr: and cammuOcations should,be oddressedi to" .' " .1:5.41"-A,:ip.,.Ed. ildr:&, Piviiiiloi: t J D D 7? .G. C ICIO - $.• FANCY PA STR, 111UN D I: ERSIGND ,II ... 4 VIN G I. CLASS COSIICTIONWIty, .. • 1 g.ft!tron` d St., New lErr!ghlon4 .- . 1,, Tor,ld luforrn the Onblic that they . are *covet urmit fdr t yk es; pc., tor i1VEDD1NG15.,1E4.11 , 42.1 0 14 r~11.1: t:SE, aleo, Oysters uppuhttort pinticg, at ..;, , i .. c i,,6- v tiree, and in a atyle nttanrpaakadty y ' • egiNt+funente. Prompt attehttOn - giiitle II Celt If c..Y . • -* • :lit ortlerb :rom a digatice. Thrir • . . -. , , .-.1 - •:• •-,4 I_ ' OTSTER , '5 &Lgti:i • ' - • BCCotnmo ere•-ivily fitted iv, Ss copell for the wabt°/ nevi durftig the comlim seascon: ' • GEO. • - • . , i-r‘j4N.W . A...R ,-. E:, I- VIOLESALE ,TtET444; PEALER IN ALL KINDS OF . , „ , Cepper Sheet- Iron Ware.: • • FROPOSF. KEEPING CONSTANTLY.ON uANJ 1 all kinds of TIN. COPPER' AND SffEET-IDON WARE. which I will pcll . • A T TEE 'LOWEST PRICES!' ;, IMMI Tin Roding,Spouting & Job Work pno ertier in the bro rtest notice.p per, and at the ho. • none hut the beet 'of -materhd,"nud barincnorte but the best of workmen,' • WE WARRANT ' ALL. ! SHOP LO WEIR 'END" OF,: 121 'cll. itiieet, r __ BEAVER, PA. u eVis , L'aZ4,. Xramiise Japanned ware kept c.onstaPtly otv4hand. Ell - 11A.J.LROAD$.. PITI`B..I 4 I'.IyAYNE t CITICAGO,tiAILVAY, . On and ahn lkt. Gth, 1857. Trines .wilV leave Ntatione daily. (Sundays excepted [Train leaving . , • e„.llii.tgo at4:soi 1 vett 441„v r i - . . =I Itnid P aehamh i , tevtr • Pant m.:.. 3 (Irng' db et .a..nt i:~~•diuc 21e , 4144 Samin•ky 'A . 171,P t :mhia . 311. =SE IMEZEICEEM • P.x4. - O.lE;r . 0.1 lezros • --. .. • : 7 , 20.vm 1(1011rm I 4504.1 t 450A7( . 004 , ;1;115Am! 01.7 AN 'lOO 1035 1,51 ; RIO 1.415 • • 1.:.1.V53, 11111 41.17 .1 . 1 1219 pm 340 '-i••94.1 ittrr 1 .135 1030 11135 ' ; .., '230 t 551 ; 11.36 1110' IMO 1.1 1 .31A 44 ' 2.57 1 4:01 '493 ; 141' 13M 50 3 I 424 • :11'p31 .214 1 511 r O 5 ' 1115 . :1, /11.0. 4 ' 6` , 9AN' 4;7,7 3-411%.r T . SW • ...1g • 21 ,5141. 537 1•2117' 540. • '055 913 137 013 ; !gm 'Nk 1004 in • 1'633; 1100 1100 ! .; 7391 1,1115 .1132 327 , 759 , 1149 • 12.1.04; t 45 11.10 215rx 230 ; 1;25 : ; 1045 310 . .11t .1,7,1 Van `V —t ..... riper ~'rr.Biur. ~ , trr. r • r -ter • .11 Nem' t t....t1e and Erie Eq)r s' es. lea f..2.-towl, at p. in: New el i stle. 3:40 pan: arti*eii matt p. Remrn gittibuteh, a. m: arr. at N. Cam 7 1(mtfis,q;biria.ft:30. Y .,. An',: ,. (11% I). New i'nstie and 4'itt..ltr^.ll Areontmo- Yomi:estmrn. 546 n, m;,New •;,211 - ..i , , , a! 10 . :00' a. m. Rethrnitig, ' ''" 1:.41 p.,nl; arrives New Ca€t e, G2ll .1 za:l,,anzsanin. T:t) p. M. z 14'1 ' F. It. 31YERS,-Cleneral Agota:. fLI*ELAND PITTSBURGH. RAILROAD. .ftvr - Ah.t.5...1)477, trains will leave Stations ;y Sandal e xcept - .SI as follows.' - notrcu sot•rn.s: MAIL. ESP' s. MAIL. Accp?! itdfd '•lre^i fb,4,4 --sr -1010 111 ... 1110 223 I •• • • • ' 4 : 17 " • . ••? 1141 252 • i• • • • • .•1, ill, • .... IWPat • 410 e • ... • r =EI Exr's , - • -• • *AUK i - 416r1t . • .. • .. ' . ....... ~1 115 615 ........ ''lt)lex I ,654 - .1234 .1 718 — , 137 991 s.• 111, 1315 W elisvitte ' r Ftr t, n. , I•• lead EISEEEMI 633 ; -VAMP SLA 7.23 ..... • , .. • ... 430 IKO irl 942 f.F.4 LW 912 5:71 . _ T 9 , N. 1 1 \ 1" , rry A • r EMMEN xi - IExP R.l ...... 4011rM ...... .. 72.1' :-A5 • • . . 11:13 - 315 ... • 1311 • • ...,t: •••, 411 • .... ;PA I 520 1111 ' Itg) • .... 11.45 j ' 1.10 VPrhr rt : r r-te c • • 1 " 6cl or hapaited pier. jernanitutional -relations with LiniGaFernineat They {failed .to Set; coed in`ivithdrawing . thelr terrlinik=frem , IrscAltsw.sq ISRANCI but;as tares Constitutional :; law and Airil•cs • ravn ftpr:',.a.nr • 'l Federal nuguirity: was e , eneerned:! they .rie /:-esiyyagE, Z, l .: ( *; - 2 1 "" A lin ge at ' feinted its eiereiie until 'the !bi -- et-ref arms' < I - I =I EMI I ' ' 4 1 .. . - . " - . , :. ' / ~... 11'.. 1.., 7. i . ..!..r. F ._ 1:' , .•f: , -, - ~-.., ...!!-1 .1 1 R . 1 Sgt. : tile- - itic ;i3 V•edif -. • ' 01- •••.-- 4 46..„,„:„..„.„:„,,"•,...: .t, v.v.:if fic ,. ;: , • ~.,,, ..,. 4 . iII „..._ _ ...,„ A ukv , e ,.,- 7 • ?, ... 13 i lia. .. a . 1 ,, ~,..„,..,.,,,?, zji , . ovemilllol V. p , V. , . p ..,,4. • ..„,•: , . 1...„,,....„...,,,.„•,.,.,„_. •,..„.- ..„.,• ..'it! ' ► ' ..,::tit,:;.)at •'SY .:f i (.- 1 . • • ,' "." iWO ,i;j: , tt•r.tto'i ,-,, i - r•••• F•• . . - 'Zfw , •••• 1 - ..- - :"• • - :,- : •J• O. ,: -,l` 4 - ..: - 1:- ,- ... .. . .U1:11:111 . 1 . ,i . .1 nCait •-: • :4 , II3IIr 7 NAITIONVIC DEA*. rop,ltt , .r s• gadred • N. , ' .rft, tr 4 ". ",-1,71a"' •• ' J3 11 °77 • : )1 .49d i :4 8 'l' 4 --z,Yvt i pen • • • th• •-,.T*. c iii opt ep* ; • e bFa~e ;*.e,ai~ta ;opt "4!)4clizO . 'oll '": ; ; t; • - •••••,-;:its I'l maaj IkTrTiVi,"Taft,Wfi 413i.maM),In many 4 cold .Tr , e , *.eArziocutinil44tOid k i, WrP7, .44 d !TI P i ATi ln . I ' l4 l .; • • PrguLl sf or4M Plain w ArestrOc4 o 44 l 9..gr.zore of th9selv 9 - 1 ! For me.and_youl, ! „ v : v . ,' • . Good frjenda,,for siandyiu!.;. f:in•ffmnY d bloody plain +.lll.eir ;estdi aword i tbe7:a.!Tr.. And poured thelilire-iilocid,ll4e A holue=u v _ .• T4FathAforPe4 4 l l 7 4 Vri 7 la •*i tail+ Our brothers, muatmyßa our Ode, They mantled and fouglu• and bmvely died ' 'FOr yol • , f, " ' GoOd Mita* tor ate . eintiloo t: v . : MEIN MEI In treagon's firienn hold • . . Their iniiriYr ar Irita gre7i To Itattir • e• ; '" Whole amid akcinieOintold ' ' • „ They stari9forne,and "' • I* , , gotid; theiiikieni and theiried-j. : Fonr hainii€4,thixidand raen . haVe died Fornie:and'youl - •• • .. Good friendii; for na4.and,yoti t • • ‘i „ . To the Union Soldiers—Address or the Soldiers! Rita Sailors'. Union of Washington—An Appeal. for the Principles Defended on the •Field•:of , Battle. • Correspondence ObloState Journal. C.-; 9 1 4 `iciil l -rou 'in earnest and ilinging addiesi adnpted byZthe Soldiers' and 'Siillors'...Union of Washington, • last evening -Let .10,,jubl-1 twit Copperhead deeetve, him Self by thinkiv . l the soldiers of the enutitri either "defeisted!of - „ discouraged., Dp you,. the simxmd B vas Rant ; the , . mitlanZuMer :of ! - Attairtittewelio*-be ersooiiiireat-, 'paitl4l4ittat befOre; vitOry - , - Aust'. be 'wrenched from the very jairs ' of defeat, and., the Standard of liberty be ,kept forever .np perniose'' Three years ago the glory, of 'Cc dar Creek reitei fresh-,tiros the Union arms in the historic valley of the :Shenan doah. That victory was literally organized from defeat by the genius . of . Sheridan, and iron by the indomitable' „valor and fundying faith of :his , comrades: , To-13a:iiijet .us soly take that great result as oUr guide and encouragenient.. • 2 ' R. ANSSUT* MEI kirl. -*A • li3OAll-215r.ir 1010 ' 1222 Pm. 533 ••10,..' HMV.' 158 - 1 517 , 210 36 255 • .813 315 1 840 1014 MD 11045 , rl6lO 11120 1 940 _ ;1150 • 713 755 1258 .910 1.216 100 . "AM) ,1113 1 n2o 111240Aig; 604 , 121 1 . 854 1 751, , 357- . C 927 : 350 1120 310 4513 4 . 15 SIM *133 • 703 '135 907 935 1000 a 11:i* 124grx 152 313 415 592 (1(O 111 ECM Accox i~ • it.skNr. sio• ...111em 1101.5 , ME IE3: r' B : lAccoa 11050 140191 , dm 102 1:15 7a3 330 01G lEEE Ex roq.l 14te#2 • ,ICPM • I l'lo PM 515 • 445 nr., 512 522 r 44 i 716 1120 , 925 . ! 1 .. . . • • . . . • . • • . ~ a „ ..... ' I ' i• -,..,..; I;• ! . . - 70 f:Til...i•re - i• ~ ~; 1. ,i f: ~.2 . I .: 0 ,•,' ; ~...,,..„., . i .,,,..i. ;..t•• . ,„ , ,,,,,, l i : . T . -",'.11,. , • ..),! ! !; , ::4• 14 ;.;it/o.)i';,: ,, :1:1 - rd;47 islr - Jf . ' ' Ai! ,!• It.ii - •••:.' tt i.-T. '..-....,''(.; !nt_tih cc 'Olt ,1 : 4 4:1.hie• . - . .. , X1.. 4 ; .i.4ls) ;... , 51,7i,; : !% , ....1 :: '11)a :1;„11.4 li• S. ... , Ili - ...',,,A. •:it .....4. V.' - :::••,T •i•l;Ll, , tt . t• , , ~-,,,. :. 4 . , 4 7, , ~, !! ') . l ll' * 7' :. N i. 1 . , t ,- ..t - .i.t. , ,... 4 1 .- - :•*. t .i ....:: OS; t!. 'o' ii" 11 l • i. Ili 4. - A 4: , f 1 • is. i :.• 1 , '. , 1d1 - 3 , :fPlt.,:_h I -,, rr - . i I :;:lif 4; 1 31 • , ,;!...!:..1',..!!:. i . i t i , ir •i'd , 4 64,4 :?, 4 , • ..,t Ire: :-... 7 .1! : "(, 7:.. 1 1 ,. .qh 11;1 %.!'.' , l:i. VITI .1 . 0 i i .- --„ ~...,- + .i..., :,",,i 1+ ~ -,.. : `'Fl A' 3. i!..1 : - ..!..(piti.i'.. , x;.. 1. 1'...;!:;'i r SI: 'l: Pt) . ... !... , . . '" . .!, -,.C. !,..,. -'. ' lit il •$1,14,:. 11; , , , ,!:;.; : !jj .... . .. ... . . ;..: ,7 ty , ,;,1 , ;;A:,., ,, w - I+4l,i!'''f'.',l :!:Pt l.l, n) 1.4 D '.' . ,!: ,• i'lltr: A .t. , ! . .tt‘'..T....,r.. -.474•ri-9 ' t?..x.dift,-;( - .."4712 , .. '.., !. ,•6f -:•••_ . -1 1 .-...0 .FPli -- ...i'/() .. / - t`7 :' , :frfah! . .;W:lll' 1: .f.f,iti-sitiflTil.k.i:*(ll,,b.' Ma IBM .~ i'4'~I~:: EE = MEE ....,‘ .' ii Lfv, IMIII 1111=MCIE Up many A fortress wall ' They clnirgedLthcite boy:Sln bltie— 'slfd.stirging imeke .and'vondy.a bail . Thibravest 'veto the:limit to fall— To fall fet.me.ratd you • The noble men—the nation's pride Fonr bandreti thututantt men have died and Ynn •: Good friends,, for nanand you! 1. r •.., I* de . be nem' can • "' ' • To thent is 4rtatlyAlue, '• • - And the nation's tat aCEay • - ; OnichildTeu's ;haft mix: . • • " t•Thej ‘ ciied cor - ine*ityint "' ' , . Fone,hondredthchtsand brake Madethis, out i4iutemCd 'sod, *derive -. ' • i?or me icteyou'l. '•.; *. ." ' Hood frienda,l r tiny and you! NE OF- THE "COFFEE . •FOOLI?.9:' Crntr..KerEs :—Our cOuntry is again threat ened bl the same political power that eminL seled, "arid pl4nged into bloody cil7l war. ;• • , l'he•hand'of the assassin;hasnmilasiced the , treasonable spirit that - 81111'1k from opeikeeii - - - flier ip the'lleld f and licensed new briiies: for the accomplishment „ballot.; 'of : that` which the armed• hosts of rebellion, failed to secure by' the:hullet. •-; . • . .The pailiy,'of Erni**. men 10;setgrid'.of the., loyal si,i6,B.),*been 4170 upon „the :Mies of rthe Govertunent reactirm in .their favor; irid. the passlobit land' ; prejuillees of. , a portioii.'el the people ,!1-400,ii,10iii to' over= throw tbe,,ltgisi4tive branches Of die. Gov meet:i•-• "7 . 1 :: '•• .• r , ~..‘l7he' men who loitered and defended ' the Constitution' flag; .critinfif are charged by those Who- fostered and :defended rebellion as being the enemies- of -that • same. ConStitution and' the biirs - 'Made in piirsti. Mice flterpof re are told *hatw v ar., has closed, and thatAreason should be revrtirdetil and - not -punished asa crime ;,that by . roteo ofailtihlw&Thate inadti-ottretihnticit• in the field- the smile - lord citizens as though rut . % I • , • - • war had:bet*ly:iie4;:,thitt-Fiiiii*k,•:gtilarati :; I tee or - pledge •riebela.are entitied to ,the exercise of political . privileges which they. enjoYed before the ,that- we hive no 1, right, to legislate - safeguar4for 'these wborW, Iwe legislate to. be.. free ;,-tlrat r Senators and lßepresefitativ4 of oVen -thei irebel on gress shall be tidmiftedtO'iatitibi - or ;atlotuil Leg: islature; ,that . -the V . p11 4 rOUicht the field and who were drieerkby-yeux bak ! ()Pets into the only - t f itgitalice ,fiti:i C4Tt; fit vote orwithholiNet toiteithat . now. - oontec.4 - , tilt widows. and brpbans of *the hereto dead ; ihat'our victitrY .s was:noty. triginplt of prin. - ciPles,. hut or phypiadpovierelone,. and ti . u4.l :loyalty' is - no 'test .of • , citiz:engdp g c bat • en meaning and deapolieiihrabe i that 4the Aiht ncty:ied by, the rtattk•b°4/ 'be repudiated t• thsyowfulther.: bounties 'op shotild he' granted - , stightih the that'cost truosferredircint the conquerors toflie C0r..4 qucred.• - -13 y the .war the encluS' 4epiivedthetukliriis , . or certnia.rights dud privikan , i,, an d annley: ME cca . iri a i , ,• , ...- l e ~ t C14.1*4-, - ,..is r voit: ••:,. .... ..:. , . f `. .4; , , , i i i i i.W1411 11 , 1 ;! 0 r iL. , Pe '. r sullen r; t 4 Y, ) -- .v . _ ! "', • " •• 19 ".. ...- . , ft,. „. 0, 5 .iiMthfcir l ;tl(l7oritiation't farniteirPnfive ;States are ahatiwlY spipre6lllt4tleFtf? xeitrili* fOktilift4;ituiiiiiollllkrciied: remii tpdq .ln C 0131700, ~.,' taVaPnrcigliOrFO: 941 1 MqP)19k0Y 4f i l At O ' i 1 1 the Republican 1 41 8 Y, 4M% , 4 1 1 4 4 417. 1 ,kbe GhiVerriment thi* stssainadltoArtTA lenPrema o 34 4 F 4 xlirastes are 4: ,wnatiiiiiittirit ,tdoktothertkephwmiii made satiairOprignwit#4l44lohand those tliti.:tf r aciiiqiiiiiiigkliii ! Trildiioio ibigriti I brho (*matted treisoware ahkrable to the iheyi alienate 4 i t 4 1 46 : ***** F : oif, ihtwoolobrigriamso 44.446 wf,i5ty4.95...m -meta ands, ita anthoxity,-., einintittod; .rtituffikbebt the 'l6dotilidiPditisa.l,4o,•neps: i t tiiiiAn. iikritnit itii laissi e litaitisig,tuidlits Boil; i.i . ii , iititalai l ltitittao, o trtilii4ii4 lifttlord th:4;_till . "44i*4o* * , l y 6 r, 4 >f,itlrerithitlit 2 i, -:#4 4 4 iii ;... ._ WW _ ..... ''.... ' -...._-' : -ci. ... :40 ; 104 ,4 1 ii its;protoetiett e i , -.:!'.',-) • , , - /i - -.. , ,-,,?. , .., ‘ t 'i :I.; '4'1 1 1 1 1 :7 1 -.; ''' u6 :1411v _., ~snAtlreit, : .: rrh l J. _,____, 24o : ' ilikkilaWill •:Thtipirre 'conquered puldlo..enetni4:4l4 arld' th aturepeerrer"enrot ''' ' ' nneri ' have iit;'rightthinsiii: ellattlYht titatai , cirlisi-) iiiiiiWbrig*iiiiideir : ;: , 4 4 . ~ .' Aili,Widiti iil l4l 4 l 4 4*tir 4 A , l**ilra 4 t. "o tai,i . 4'o iiiii Jieglii#44 , 4 l liiikn ' 4e i.: , :tti ..; ' +. l :-, ' ; ' • 4 ; 1 . 1 eons:Out of Cep gross. ; f.';; ... ; `'::'-:, r:: '., ,-,.. . ...)7UliliDestior.tatie party! k• • , ~,,i They have incurred disabilities, ,Which stirrendettffliehidelo 4 l4sem . at-th 'Unit he •- i*iritWbefiiiie ' Martian enjoy:' the iii#feitir?liti jirlillegtiic , '• 1 ll:q1 : rei' l l : :. riglits of 004,i:44mA:the . finliti; PitrV ii.** : 0 41. ...! : r , ' " i — : !IM : :: •- t 1 ! ; leges growing :Outif those - 404. i4. - JA , kii ::•1 1 55 11 Rcilafaicail pert", '• -ii y :, 0 : 6 1 - ncr metal or leo.l\ight to thi s 'i . resteri4n of p in to they ; tiel4o:.;' . '' '..eit i niSitii4 ii4pliirileo,s . ror lipitmlti4s ;Met bYthii-war pow ii. to . 4 4 4 .ia 1. p y ~ • 40 : ru f iii .. iopi. • , !niiiitir 11,:; 1, t':. savelvliai •iiihnuioq; al* 34144' 'eke u ferr:_. l: ', - against theiGovernmenti. • 7 I • privalt4tut. pict we tind -- le3;al : State . ..GosernMiintsilifthe ektfas'oriilljiilitlirsl 4 ; iebelthins4States when the war eisuaid 1 1 .- If .. ' , N:ity;i4 c .ii i iiiii : 44 l "i, ' l a ! iii . M-hft o lid,. the supteinactiA Federal :, authority -re - mi a fr o : 4' ' ‘,. 4- ' .., .•.•.. • I. .• , , • ste-ed them to their former relations with.the - , - S .,- i '," • • _ • If __,_,t • The Renuldioan party* . 'that this V ii. General Government. :, , we, /9/111"'WtSIOyal -,„ _• '. , ''''' : •.. i , •• - !,:..lts ~. ~ • StateGevernments the residing power,. cer " tiP the lC o ernul resso'd tt" ° Of -Ari e l : l e .' c e ' "" .' " i silif tid as3'. tr iik*-4 liiiy they were hi with the Coned- i l a' , ... ti •- afiki .;1 0 , a1 .„ 1 '''''' 9 ........... na ., : €44 : '-tation, and /*add, net,, Without usuiriiiiiiitt 'Of t ip - P.".„. 1 `. 1 ?,...., P .. .7 t ~,,_,- . , 14 . - 1 7177 'l'77' its authority, be so restored. ~ If tile' Aerie:ie . 1 l' o.l9 qA l P atil i"Y W ' W!'',r,'‘ "AV .• : . 111-, 1.4 Government . ad : poV,ei tik ' (Miami the , dia-.1 14 ', Tlteatle party :writs' that , the ' few 1). 0 .Y.4 1..13 ,0..:9 ii PtideP t ' *ls - ,lier *. s t :anY! i l P#*i i 4 ' .i ll . 7 o l / 2 :0- 0 :1 14 .!*f..S t r;:qr slat° 4l4 Yerilloc l 4'4 l 4 l4B ;:/4 1 4 7 ,A4 l :1;01k, Wil t' ll24liU _ : 1 d .....,.. 1K' 11 i1't° • 41 ; 1441 Y 7 - 0 t4_,_,.._.4 ' Pe. 2 _ L ii : fitt,ii. banktf e nt r:•: , ' 7 , -. ,'t 1, n',..! , 1i,'.1 ;Ail 1,71 ir.. %. .. ~. who'clinfitagated to 01144414 3 itibereinte:ll6,9lSte. Itftarnmetteittriati ilefe,o9oo4o , lia.ilfili4 0i1f.7 ; I - : : L 24.1-"s , l i'.:].! thigysiese , net iteil;''Polititizif SellitiSiiii'!iiidi ..7 ; fhe . itePublimyparqritltthit 'these ,reo the General Government e ff eetnaliy . ille.strOy-i I weromadelreenot.by .theiri own : acts ,;-and ed, save the territory. , alone, which they could that hipnanity us: well; ilk Allei laW demands not ienityy l 'e,' and in w hich the' exercise of that the,:iihouhl ' he' pOcr in, the ettly- FedeintatitheritY, is preserved' only 'by. the merit of 'tlite,libet4,ll.Ml.i jfitieuit of .h• presence of the military forces of .:thii Gov- , pinear.'". -, .. •:,I, • '.' i' _i‘l.-. ! • .::•;;' - ? -7 ;:: , . eirnment,- Thus possessing !no rights under ' . 4 '6; c ' t, 4 14 Der *, 2 „ at i q; /.ty tle stre to the : CO 24 .i tlit- 1 ,0l 4 or e, Its, ' Jr! i e s P i ' l 4 m ft, 1 1 6 skiedrebytlielaid•ofillif tittli loll ,titkie';iielai „that •suilleiant guarantees flik - tn.!'r fu,tureefr l- t &I.'. o:7j!!er 'ot tlid:•Geeeruptestk:while , the duct shall die gisien, :Congress dpmmulp „that 1 it e i m bikan k wi t .,iii, o ,ai rit h ii : t i t iqa,ll4 he . con thei r naticenstitutions'for the restoration-of , ll'dedto i ,noneh4 144 1 ,Pieii...,i; i 111,„ ..,-,.,: theiigtate Governments under 'the Federal '• The DemOcratic party nursed • treaso n Constitution shall content to the spirit of-the , . the'criidie., and is the parent tints infest) , text. and crimeit .. . The Republican party„ *kiwi; offspring of libmax--founded by the immortal Jbfferson, defended by the blood- ot.hineOln and • the three hundred thousand kisnil• hearts. whose grayer atted their Mel* le lis. - IWinelPlee, and ti - hose, triumphs 4**C that in, Vila countty "the auwahall lieltNei:i flee-,Up on a timste!i• .er set nTglit a alalreill' -.l' ' ' ' ''' - 'The Democnitic party . 4lvoitsy ;and I lia Irf;tesie aiii - iiidcorisiWitt, ro liiiiisnies!in the gOL :1 -. i ' ce:. •,, , 4_,J),-, 1 41 - , .•:.- ~, .- Theßepublican Teter sear itAkirMtneM itiiOe rrenti: !iettlioird of MI VHDB ,~ ~., MEE =I MEM . .. That they shall not politically enclave the minorities-that remained loyal during , the war ; tlit all-men, as ferias civil AMOS are concerned,•shall stand equal before _the, law, and polliteal privileges 'only boWithheld by The will of the majority, or in punishment for crime. That no reign of caste shall abridge therights of Imuumity ; that freedom , shall mean freedom and not servitude ; and that ev.' °Ty:citizen , reg,ardless of race or ceijorc "Shall enjoy persi3nalymtectlea in that.liberties-by'libertics-h law ; arid; deed.- That . treason must and shall le:', - 11n)".githd its : : crate . : - -i- •• -- .- •, ! , C. T4tlotrie oure,:snevole": , 7lio(gifimoo , y_. ~ political power is too dangerous an expedient?. to experiment upon in the restoration or,:this r , . Union. ..1 • . . • W hen they enter our national councils they justly demand an apportionment of the;',Gov ernment, patronage. They will . ask repre sentation in all the varhais departnientS to an reitent greater-OSn What they enjoyed iltt , ' ring thawar, _(luid it seems almost that they . could receive this now, if they appliert tion With certain niditical pledges.) They' -te wiltdemand . u.sjilonsin . eST , ariiif and navy. Would our.,sriny . tir nairk ' be safe in their han6l' We committed them to th'eli . care once, and we reccoliect with what honorand fidelity they served their trusts.- . 1. Who of,you,,fellow-soldicrs, wonld like to serve under the chivalric gosby, who stealth-. I . ly- scanned , the rear Grout.. armies „to, murder those-who Imprildently withdrew frolW,the limits of camp or the strict line of.marc l l? - - - Who of yow, uotrie sailore.,wonid like to, serve under the . murcierotts pi rata Sentmes,. - whose' eau trlgehttrneklunarmed yessegis ank destroy , ' I ed ou r pedeFful OMiierce'on the s e as ''." ' . These are; no„overdrawn fif@qo`i'to! if tlale mix urepermitted to fill,,tiac itigk,pla ces of ontt.-VoVertitneht, they • witl tittlreatiti6l front WhiCh we latie just, , epsi'tti"recnll. Would pat:trust:l4mM -,tcl 'couilllii.a.i),u'i*,, ar mies ! : Would . you trust themta , etimmand oarnavi.'F;'.No,never P.' It then it.be unsafh to place in.di.sloyat hands the niCaris'fiy.whicli We.proteet anti defend our 46vernment, by what process of reasoning; van we-submit to 1 Phiee the.: GOvernineitt itself i w the keeping of' those whets:: haild'S'are yei,ract with - lilobd.—. ' No; thank God„it.will neTerbe done:. . 4 . - . .. ' 'The' people:are not yet ready to surrender their liberties. :''Tfici,”simeli - . ,sacritiere;' 'too , ' much :blood. too lunch trtq‘sure, has . 'been 'poured tmt for us to . step upin, :i.lie:thresh hold of (*Mr libertie.s rind iransfer °arc:freedom - 1 to those Wh'onisve ednquered in the:war for ~ • •. , . ~ its supremacy. • • , If - rebelirre•admitted to 'Congress anrlto• 1 tii6ii share:of. pupil° inttronage,What higher .eptiopument wilitliSir need:te recommend an applicant than Aim ,arit,,that'lte was Ariemost fir thi effort todestroy •the' Governmeta they F l 9w l' i fqoo °lit!t,l- -. . .„.",::: 1, " : • alwsiatio.c . .tTlkrxia*l4 o( tii;`.o , ,,*;l , :bit. d ' witit,s militia 434:tato& i n the .iib#" Wit, kittlit (Kerb / KW sendshebei (AIL firottsm ',.:4ke1l itif,(6kilVei clatltitiNAP.itiiiinditik thscgavehonoribie service' in the Union at. 'my, ' These: are truths .that cannot ,he de tl: a:, - '',. ,'• ''' : -".. ''.. • . ~ 7 - - common Witli er s erypairioflw.t'hirs irtni . V,' Wealesire.tatarchirynaM,a'pe:oly, and her=,, Wainlottsir Trstored.i; 'legit...must be trtored. '4Poit l ittei.:prittetples *Vett - garY;ft!-btrth-7--'; napongi n gieacigpgi.rt 'o4_ ~,....'fiAl4 f *lfri tl*it' tyranny and aristoera6lithall -Mitt liktoi sul.r. .'i;ertlie . eitYtti'imd. tienioeraey.t 'that .the ,Sittl• i i ,iigliftyaf ii 3 O : , refit( slinll'Aie rabrirl*d• beioa iiiie 'theartsditt : or 661 itio6ricie hi& tr;liiie our .welveslin col* that trzith, ;justices tpd equal. :ity,tilialrreiga and rale supremej j . They are . linperiaitable' deCremi',-ti4: e ; Heeren. !Nye haie,. t i ll s in the, .party igtßtict,t, day two. Parties, ;.I knovin as 1.10 Dentoer;s n and. Republican. They haie 'both asierteil through their rep= - . . . , reientatße laders in'N . mgresi , and ' o at 'Oat of it, ... their plans of ,reitorati* . or reorganization ; The Deroheriiie lai, asserts .01 8 1 , bYthu NM ,1 , ; ,:rc. •: ; • ; Tlbo'Densioralie yaity &cling the weir a . k The Reptillican party Incufft a tea. - - 4 TheDemocm tic party was disloyal, shorn, ):/f its power—defeated. • •• '` Thd• Rdputlican party. Ywas trne to • the , Maxims of par' independende, victorious , in authority—lrian/pin/M. - , • The Democratic party denledthc right of sphliersto ex. rtide 'suffrage• in tie 'field. • The/Republican party extended the privi lege and you potently, exervksca it. • , With 'whom, then, twill" you, serve ;.• •with I the 'mai of treason; or,with the_defenderSof universal liberty ? • Willyon follow the immortal Lincoln in . 'hicpreeepts, or the apostates of his teach ings? • • • Did you flip to, :iestore. rebels. to pnwer, 'or did yon fight to make the& aulisciTtent to •• • • the la*? • _ • • ' Was'it a why; to er L%blislt. thge ographica l . limits•of the .GOTemment,,Or n / ear..to' intab- I lishitsfutulamental princlulea— human !Jil and milgous litierty—"to make treasop, o dious'-''and a crime that' ought' to be pun 7 _ is ll oll 2 . • - • • . • •• • It' you ' were / fora conquest of territory, along, go Iv ith the Demociatin party. • If you Were 'Cot' the ,deftdit of the inalienable rights ofmankinci,stand by, tha.• itipal)WiM party -teLdri . 4 : • I • f yon 'Ste tbd - tietena of 'great princi plea, never surrender ,them to the I,Yrants you defeated. - . Feitotr-comrides, we are told that tb.osn who defended,' Maintained, - and consecrated it w ith their hiorl are now the enemies Of the :liberties f9T.wiAPIA.Ateli-h!ivade; shunsae rifiees.l •flut lwho are - our - accusers? What dale have -they , for political rupecti Wala • tliefr ilbrminated at Union victories I' Or dld their hearts sadden . a t • . • • ~„ Did] they offer tr; feed the"starving garrison Sumter?of Or did:they cry "You shall, not coerce or subjugate ear friends r!!' • ' Sari:their names and. ,ee it they tore not the same , polluted ( scabs t.. , sur faced . 4bejorda oftha niitionloryteriaose *S*litfiliiettO i rriiihingftlibitei glies• he tho ' events" , 41M - inst. few! 'montwould: hate to: : their political , gni "unwept' unho noted, ' ‘ 'ar:.d . 'unSuag.,. liippited by the apostates of liberty; these men :now . seek to Leontriii.tbe- 'destinies - of the ',Government; :Their aigOutei . ,ia afk: the antitedefoiittuttief- tem: troth, ~ysticc ,,, atid liberty • t4t r . hain. I . ever characterized their. Political Peet.:,i3Claioled i,ri :lho; , :iturserk, of . slavery, traluesl.. , ..ti bow ,1s rely (o ls' titee } 'theirs'iilbtbn .canei ~,r4P4l4oodig.cca#T;ori#k''ilVii that have just :escaped from theitti tyraniii•and , isoppreea* plead I inciter ejadlee against kecrrarltich God :has has lidOti , pfeaSed to . b4toW, upon. au unit theiatitetla ,With assumed ideh'proiii When they declare, that four iuul,s. leilf . tail' io* of white voters are to be enguipbeibiltia Mae a half million of colored. • They -can lee not ink info theli• rys but iisions black . _ . .. . . .... . . , • . ...- . . ''• • • " _ ~..„_,.......„ _.......-..,. _.,,........ : .__.._:..,......._ : .;.....-.t..:... 7 _ ........:. ______;:.. fz....-...:-..--..'.::5-7-2'.t... ~ .-•vj-_,•1•5, i 1:7.31 ..r.,aa !•sitt - - ' 44' °Jai t" -:I a ;:1"::!.47. • -•,;'" 1 - - : . - 4.f 4: 0 - ,„"r . 3;1614 •,... .. . • t . 4,....,5 7 . 1 - Ni ..tt...•.. 141 . : ... . ....: _.,: , ~ ',i...;7.,.!* , a 1; "..'-'.• ; ; I ...:, ~ I' i'. l a t riars i bi a ra W4 tic I ' . - .... : • ..F.t.?2,. In ki .. • - (:t :, . . e.i.a ftY '.,,,./:: ttl.g.::o--f;'l & ! 1-,. ~,i ieweeam, A z - ''' .4 % • :V.' f 0 ~f.;l- -• i, ...''.; I.JO % ~.f it :7 1 . . ri t i p iojv iz --- -, I ni.f.rie, v , ;i, , 1: !• ~..... la Eitt, IA :gr Y'ti . .l !)::: : 7J t 00.2,. 9, - ;:# . .:lr .. tT;:r .la IF: A 9 1 a 1141414111111 . : .„ ----....................._ rt , r.4:filir_: . .. , . , e , ;.q,11 ka f !1:?.! ~.., I• i v r i "Kt: ..t! I ("7• ni f: a d c. , ....fi.,-; : .:'• 1": tr,. Jt... ~• it I iii iim i w ati ccimo i l : • c.l - ,... - na, ±., f 3 it."- 1 1' ' 7l- - "• 46: `," . :11 - ..: • ' /q , , r .r ' 1 P .. , ,Tr . ii ' tl ' :•:.,0 e ' I I ',..- ' .11 . F. I I • ' .1161164 4 latilfitie ilk , t . . • ;pet LI -..., •-y,...: i ji.l. 7; --,.:-...if.-.:.' 'i•c::'.*-:rfl.:, - . ,- .1 . 1 4 .....„ - , , , , ,tep ., 7 1 • :valF.-.111??.. 5..! •p.!,'.l4rn- , 41 .J. ''.. 44W* _ .- eiritigiliwow_ . _,.. - r+ ;'.. k - 1.. -';11.1.11f; , J- 41 k- ~,,/ ;has-, ''; 0 It% --, • 4 ,•-• , crf .. 111". ,Mlle ' . -' iiiiii...... g1imm0nnii .... m ......--. , . ,Titli naiblialier t•';: , ..')'.:L'.'j bil. 71?-7; • , ,,e!.. L ..,.. 2 :i . .;! - !:r..?,7, f,!,_%!-L:_:::.,:q[.., MEM Imp mama.. ,{And, Ow+ ia, , citizedio*the:pr.lrhicktiff teetx l4 4* l l4 l ,. Sargilzo, l 44 l AF:MV-,rWie". ticwiikkr!494PrOrkliioPßTlti, ila.rocals pigo 1! , 1)tylr, Niwoe.:4lpitow_iroof4o.= Plow_cryrAtift linorms**o4.lkappriwclKibil..,it IsiVOitaPdAlPhl , 4 0 #8 1 4. given, : -Yost a/4.1K05k41 WriOvlotg:! 3 / 3 .reR3., 261441111:1404 rilv9u/d1tr9P 411 1 4 7 1 % =T '4 l _l EAXimge4l PiviDeStr: c? f P9 l / I !t is T AP! t i9P , f** , skuleoauol3,er.M. F;e4T, piticorionc : v9344 mlciFM3l,4,:slypmtp4, : er • oworosiolictovy eh knf,l4,,rogett-., A".46":7 chiand Mtn would supplant the beak any.; eminent of the earth.r Cpoinuka,,let ypur Sly _vottaswnd it= influence. 1" 3 : 1 ! tho agußti..oo l n orstre - Dgai at "%OW, SY,' .7 _the : h : er .9P,l r themirr6by entatt, zinortiffila, .ITT° ll '" #T 47 ._ ainV.l4lohlefh ;k y 4. P S SBN: gic,ke l 4.",_ Windredo4. o o"SP 1 04 64 4 1 e s tgiTe 'l Sm. he ': iblc - PriraYgO.K4 4 1 PP9Fer , giat 4° O'r e !"' Cis lo 00 000 tl!el4 l l 44 :w il .t,lie,PliulPfsk t r, oci l with less )mOO than Ann Sends ,of rpbethon who failed the bullet . Your pptitopan4 arnltiralor caved the nation in ha hoar of ,peril, let , .pot iota ~apatlge Istaoy the &at 4'or *tiny. The loyal men ot the *Kith lookto nur ball* as %lig. dg to Yourinalata. to IKF,lfie *PA -0 03 ;MeV - ,ftn6 , repo t:, If Y Ol 3 , a,r l • trFfrl99P. bleadog in iiirtao3rviirimlthokzAPio ourbendwitiPertii94ooPAn4.Pon . ; s• •ittiwinsl stelainttatthaPrice otlhag,ty,„;l, riAbet - zr. iciLtriiariox AT Tint COILNERk POLLOW EDBY'A wmcir use hOME EEFEIi- EYCs TO A BHCEITT POLITICAL EVANT: POBT OPletS,COlcitiVitri rt,<>Aos )-- midi is !tthe State nv Kenn:l4oo • • Odober,22; 1 • We hit( last nite,. our • - at - We - Corners, over the rimult otthe Ohio and elecclinns. ' It Wasit glariousoc ceatitus,snd one all& wuz calkelated to'cheer • the Long deprest hearts nv the ;town trodden' De nzifierhiY, 'wlelfi it did: The , church wuz l l ll gorgusly illoontlriated' with • I candles,.hung in festoons in the Winders. Deakin Pcigrarn; in honor cm the oecashun, loaned us the yo•ogetivi his two keroseen lamps;.--the pride nit -1 hei Corners—wlch wur arranged ,in a labial in front nv the'. pulpit, over Wich was hung in peeeefhl folds, the tWOCotifalriti lags, wich'l Kernel McPelter's reghimenthed b?rne in hon-. , cif over inyraids of ded Yankeesl r Tyte survi- I via heines attic Lost Coz in the tabby was red • • present, atti in their soiled uniforms,,Snd overythin atintit - thedemoirstaishnis wuz as sidritln as teens possibieto make. it. -Short ' 1 andliertirientiddresselivait made by the offii,., eliela.'Of Church; 'vier I ;adz , - iriiiiii• - aliimuitafthiiiliftilnlahretthroeml DeeleloPogrernSirivii With- unwonted Haney and unparalleled dqvuutnes: He hies+ I ed the Lcird for. the I mercy wick lied bee vouchsafed us. The people Cif th'e North h vindicated the Skripters, anti hed bin wean froni their infidelity. Now ho 'felt' ho. coed • wallop a nigger wrinst more in safety, and putt his l'oUt onto the necks of the deeendanis of wick w.vi ordained from the 110%1.-7 -Ile felt thankful for wat hed bin' :done for us by Ohio nitd - Pennsylvitny,and he :hoped for as ranidi front. Noo York' • Shoed Noo York complete thn wink so gloribusly commenst•byi Mane and Callkorny, and so happily carried forerd by Ohio and Pennsylvany, , then he elided say "Now let thy servant dept xt in pecan." If he should survive 'lke joy olf ocallion, he wood to wunst recap Cher his nigl goin—rich of em as was still in the land of the, livin--and rodooee them to their normal . coa den. .We wood hold em by force, trusth lj in the resuleof the next Presidenahel eleeshunl to ratifi!watlip bed - done. -He shoat to onco bay -wat 'he teal of Confairit skrip, filk• bias the Lind, ho felt noir that the - Lost Coz I 'wasn't as radchlost as hetbot It '-'otheri,Peithee All3.1:11MK and the mentiu, in a state' of high hilarity,'ldjourned to Has cOni'e Wrlier , witiutile a niteof-lt. . aurrived Ilirobably the' longest - Of 'any of the- square ; drinkerg. The• was those who held out long er* restirtinlosielx•oritnauly.subterfuges as ihriiirintherilikker ovet their!' shoulders and takiii llte drink's, •butisieh 'ain't 4or me: It loCrks, as II IS;likd a thrbwinaWay of the goOd' gifts of nacher; a saerlficin •of the blessins of life to a:foolish pride Suthin I never will One by one; • cm droop and:roll gently - 611i.he benches.- IS-saber Gavitt first, er next, Bascom next, and finally Deekin Pog .l*ke a giant oak to a'hwrricancjtottered, ratite • tottered again, and , and I, &din:that - 14 time' too; beds come; **Pt, 1 1 1 47 'der likeirise.` • I slept, and sleepiri dreamed. tbiwt "ws . iit a" bildin constrtMfid in the °Handle stile of ariustectobi„ to wit :. roof sap Ported by pillers. Than pillers Was labelled with the names 44; battles ibt .dciorin Mallet C,ltiiluni ind shelled , war.with treat Brilid4 die iti•bngest and newest,bein Makat ea with the battles - Zombi doo?iiiii tbe ' f "What iiitrikteir is thid"Susktlbfthejaniter oftheinatitookhuri: `- . • • , '! * ha Temple • uf: iLlherty I' l snared be "Wilt shoed it 111.1" add. L , , "ligrith pleasure air," .iedrtte: ,Tbe .present „ . ocripatit of the 'Alden and. be who now has Controinf it; is in an inner dumber. Woicdst *midst," remarked I, and : he showed me i r teiigiiet See* 'Ot the ' carpet en en 0r.9 ts,st iat( the fem.! ofa gian t bt;Sticler shenld4wa, deeper in the ehestoinii iiiessitssin mere Ind'. cashnna _.etat,rgeo and endocirance *sunny, i :Igl2* X:hed:ever seen. * IDS Mee' was' rather goolle#lii,etid'nehle; the ante It there, was . 'an and,sidnlS: • He was Ihstiiileep, and sleeping as a Man does after-a " tail* e*penditoor of physikle and mental streAtlr:. ' - ' ' "WhCi itthis?" askt 1 of 14 tide: MEM — ..,":xiej,nhii, hen 0 . h e 2. . - 1 ., , '' . • - if , ,• - •,... • . 4 110india em I C ti i 2 holds 80 I n y Inldsarnr—ssigif, .--i-t: - ;1-. : s t •,!: • IN . "MI , e,,ni.ti ! . 14i,,e ...„ ,-. I. rill f, tliel t i lletiatle„ Of - wtc , l4o otft)ipaitt .. t ,id•eorls i f FAthito 3 g i tar . dial?, .Ife r luy!aiiii itrt l 4.!, ekiiii4 hiVermii 3 :- eYive l ileltecther are to ' 4 33i6ni 11nd - drlig heels." _,_ ' I ''' ' • - .*, .4 31T - 3.1 ..1 ' r 1 -f -E • - I I !•;:qkitti cs1 4 1:14wAy, "Ad itlal.s t,liat they Oar 110414 • M i i ii' 14 .- p: 4114;0.6a sifigu;s_. theresiu its atllitiviciitkoet er:itelleith, iihd ta i t t l h t e quiter: kis heels Wfkathetn wichlila#- fbrtnnTity failed in thelititielViii to gi't criii of the tereilk - i°r!),Eq ihs heft', Of .hts 1140' 'onto them, it 4Pffli!id Ka,t) l clokY7, 2 - ‘ ' ,iie.'liiictir - li • restrain. itrain. Kentucky , - ,vataiitirc and Maryland he hedlightlytripPed between bis tkozakandlinik ... , I , 1 .., „,, ,„ _,.. s : , . 'tWliy sleep hie iti xviir:i 1., /1 ., : ;... :.1 . ':, ' ` -0 titxhaustiri,",sed, Irei I , .I' . l ' el:4llie Aii;ejlois bed to imPellourl l 44o.rthte°, ; !i -Pour' long yeers ht e r opposlnipoivers attempted bs.l bostiliti, txrillsmOists IdmologryinriChi he'lwili 04 7. ° .444 "every., pint ? and fox dime' r-ars. hAii PehtWe Pe I pin, limo Oii,t 6 , l ?)m. 1 doorin w 'eh he has bin betrayed by them. he , grimed was l*Photen apol - trusted frientia.z-- 1 Enstyneche WI a terrible conflict with mut' ana wuz yietotus. but the strain Wig too havy, 0%9. Iglu apkile, :.alAn asle!,p, ,ever- sene,', re . coopar,tfn. Besides some of -Ids_ litfa*dio 1 PhYdeialle, 0 1 ,1 14 h _eta he bed. milli_ d Pet:/,PrLbct i ediol*Npftdssapdthevhmeo i 4": witiii.el 1 3 stsixaOves that, however good tfiey infghf he, ' wuzatipreatisOy.l4e,sentedy tor, ,t.h .. thee,eud, they lectemat alo git4-T 3 1 1 0 er ' Fl' e w.4 '' labor4r.; Desk* he was'stiacit titik &tic I head, and In adtlishun to 'ill this there was • . .1: o f barnae j les._and vampi res., arl übl st.c. Lrao i all klinds;wieh farthur weakened in.Llatia 4 hey , hard he breathes. I t., And hi was a breathiu hard . ^:. t: . . 1 'At tbipirprecise, minit methawt th gide (1 - 0 appmled - artil then was - a aghast un' of , the 1 eurtals Of the &anther. ',- Slowly hey lifted I tip; an to my suiprilte I aim fetich rs *it% II recosnl7.oll 'Vallandygum pee' ' in, , and i Seeing that the siantwaiiitilkasiee come in On tip toe, beekOnin others to Poll v. They i„ come. ',,*tere'was -Thurraan of 4 do, YtAry hem of iti4nytinotehee;shatsttrilhtßi#.ej ry BlackorPennsylvany: Seward. T. erpiTilo Wood and Morrissey of Noo York, rd-Joha., son, Pirce, andlloolainan, and the vhole'glit- rims company . • deinartens Cautiously theyl crept in and timidly ranged themselves about; the sleepin giant told'ainuned among them selves. ' I •... 1, "That was too beavys, lad for him tor - I ry at - his age," _chuckled Eon, Woot:t i pint' to -an inanensoburdenstiapped to his ts . hi:. 'ell o n-wich was written " )Equality bt fore the *Law." 1 "Yeti:: sediTohnson, ".but he w_ he .si ttiroo_ who riMitehitt 4 yiplied him:," , "It *as I w - ptiti;the 7stene d *n •'' wish tie mostlystumbled," red Seitaild in 'whisper "To blznisy ,- red Vallandygum. "1.. , u git wat t we kin' afore he awakeus," ‘ „Lau I kt fir Tinarman slily fingßed • awayAilip, d' t - . withoui disturbin bin) much_ Ile di ! cv ' lately, And moved uneasily. Sharsw t atr iTerrylllalt very adroitly slippe:ti • Pe • - lv i s by out from under his arm.'and gin i e iti ed up liestlesaly, and sunk hack Intel' -ur bei agia. Emboldened with this, FerrumdoW t at • -.1 *rs ittPAI away .. i . ' ME ■ VA 3818 . . _ fieymoni.attempted, to Steal away liq 01 wich was the piller unto Wich his heed r sti and. while they was manooiiiin it 41 .4.'e • !, rible noisc, as if he was in agony. I -11 ' ' ' "Its thedeath'rattle in his throat! 1 .ip! the ten Mates under his heels, Idris - into ' ; lea themielves. ' -;!" • • '! - "ItaGie death rattle In t his throat! \' sh e ed they all, throwin off 'all stealth an , -al . grabblift fftait. • . -_, 1 r ; In an lusted the scehe changed. - T1 1 hi oTerdid ' it, The giant awoke and sp ng to his feet; giatied itemly onto em: • ' ' '‘'Tlie'dn.lth rtitle Is it!" 'led his ins. VO ce "indef.: ' lailut !yen iniriteke the sill° n A ..,li i i r d. s*Fiiii giaiat:foeo4:dentli rat ler- Itrinit, *iv I do'nef ••'Sleepin iiii long and non , : in idl the tintii- that Atssassins lurked n ,ound rcie.!',,- iihalfinthe barnacles off he laid • bend . ' him freely. lie pitahed' ernando and Bey ' mour.out head over' beelal and Onnsw pct his right arm disposed of Pierce, IBC. , until and that pack,and then anisidn Giffound c;; ii sllvanychenbserverlyalbuidygnm anffFti woodinurkinoff.with mi. Utterin'll w! rage he sprang after ctn. TWo leeks js fit( and he -wrenched thnStalcs from their' re not, however, -Ont.!' Vailandygum *ad bit thundeOn'slice out'itehio, .and Shit wo one r4rly.• as large outpf Pennsylverni ... l i it- this! pint I awoke. The m ors 4 . si 1 wit's:sending her brilliant beams thrn th wi I ders of Bascom's; "Around me lay , r lui prl t r trate'ftontr of Deekin POgritm, Basc'om t Gt 1 1. ! ! tam likPelter, Issaker Gavitt and the others who' hed 'bin with: irre the- nite - afore: I Thr 1 Waiiiiileepitt andit inioritt ;as peacf4l as l ever did. •• Tire doom Nod bin, left ; open, Open, k 1 tie yillagers-the early birds who trti all, akind ketch - hi the '•winvirs—lied coll'ectedat r the . door: , They did • not •Yencher; din, _ nol: knowinhow sound 'indeepr We .• WIZ dllOl7-- 8 . ! rine of cm toltl me afterwards—he lied .seen a *0 1 '; belonging to BascOm walk in ,the 'open ,doerand root, among tlfr ? gruntin appravinly, as •tho it reminded him ofhis childhood's days, with indeed-,it did, . as, he pad 'alltiz bin fed at i diutillery-r-aral then •iathdied that Iwe Was, tirooly asleep, tireiWillieffin and helped them: selves to refreshments agthe bar. ' TUrnirt ern out quie4y with if, stiugin rebook for their Ala,- innaaty #k tali4p advaniaga "at` t ong iielplia aa taacc 4l ! •w* I, emptiedtli. e.(inteiii•-8,,(4 his, I!irawer,Andaeltreirin it in my boot; to dOwn es:though.l was asleep, till they ihimid•awatie. In an horn,. he awo .4 s iver 1 that he ' k and di k* ' el' bed bin g , utc. 'giro; - I , ' . "54/h&c:pod-her done it sed he.• ~ "'lly dear friund,7 sed "yon"Wa shus PIO to leF ‘ e.Y°o 4 '*;i' ii1;"4: And I Opted to thevillager4iriehril trett.., oThejercTirtniztibut yea ~,---Irritao**.! • *Wet; • tioCinents `froiiirors ; kl6 'Walk - bak:to a ? ~ tairmaimamsis etiolate imitindin str , , oon to him. ,toreition that , reeleis popsN l4 4l l :- itst4r febt wJc grdeatE;llllo TiidEd*Litobnittdb llie3if enittipskiraielt weniih : ib•'pda¢9,!Tdten+t:ae~rthat I. cad Isei resisted It bed! - attest& And I awakened Olt litbelfiw,and - helped him him of. ei4lrsectotleakftift. • ;I. 1, srAimorrim. - 7 ..fovieiwg:Pi4suifer4 ' ,A, !bait; litiei t aiii; • ' , LI irk. '')': • 4 :7.1 , 11Wt...) , , ‘:31'..1 4 1 • , 1 ;..i* , -, , ,,, f ;,,, • -4 -. ~ ' , Ir. , r ti. • 4.TiikiClPl?l i f; i *t lli l" • if. . ' 4 0 git.rAc.4iivA ?Igii *l t lalaist(l "' .-- - Tipcirdititirl9!k ' * :' 4 o4 . l) . i 7 .iti.iiiittiQ 4 `ft 4ppkrs ,as sig,_;if4o',.. - W 4 fO4 5.11;s liii. count in ii Lite I finsWer lit'"Wil ' '''Stilile-4 _i the Times:" I ' . • • , ." 1 !: .: " 3 - _. . , 41401141p - iresate 11,14 - b 10, to New - . York an usiii idseeakiiii)cligrfrioui Ori:: - t'i;c ifiacii&lik.adit Ws the the 'old Anise iretted nis ;tilelirroY, waif it .' iainetiiiie ntidt ildi &ight, tWo-lnibi •i ' le l Il i eiiis',lll . l( l :66;;s.*'Arei r tiettgaii cornii. -- 4iy:ant, d're l ihe''Liaypeptcecaliericuiv' illit.t iioeh k r4ii ; ',-tliirxhiii..'ivoi theltrat . h&ii, itineitAr:iheiliectoo, 'and - 110fitchtiati the thifd:tLatty - Ehlflblir was-ibitd-bi all the heAtg, 1 -iiit .i ti A,yeik - or tili!,dayg - 4heidafteKtti ;Went thre e - mild bet* indidinessi; overtba ' Brian' Course, and it'wes etinimendmamo a ' tif - fottrlioati:" . ' The first was won by thille;- , h-' nianY . The second I waslitoutlyconteitedi l ibni I Aintrictts - Wiin'it. ' The third- heat; li - suinr* ' hiitlY l i citite.Stedtihan llai l litter , tvo'cnitiff sr, ? 1 1- Snited in weeadbiletbetiiien the Old licirn e'' Me, - Ainerieng. 'toady ffoliffolt7l.lBlloW Tided' Old 1 " foie nOtWiening it beef (nitre; and thebetttig [A:as•htaq; Dutchman' aying the colt -ithe' rI it')nt: nientex:' day - , tizia_iiniyrn itplditie...ii iiciew. I 'At the sale& tithe' the hettien)t mike, II oven.,‘, and with' fading gleann; :or- dna, yellotlight, the stin sink , into 'grad banks' , .. ..c Op da. They, niiainted.higher, mud seem eilto iie lik'e 'e lad upon *,«; 'Weary. earth:- , Tie iiit was intinse,ind not's breithnf air' stirring; to break the' =kir., reporttOVitth• the last tileke- of day,` the sWilil acne tegialin fii oyerhead, and tfie Seeming solid Clehdakth • .toWer up and come or like inovinkinotintiiina. llt was l ilark when we got into ibeinikles: and; soon aiteittitart, the storin Parse upolOts' - 4 with . a furY) lave never since seen 'equalled: T rai h n e - w ro i i n i d in b to lew rre a n h ts. ur as rica th n o e i;g a h nd i ; k t e l , r . e al t: iiie eiii peltcn o g f i .. . 1 the skies gad opened all at once. liotlenl4 could have ,overpowered i t ' ie mighty rush of Ithe wind and the furious Splash tof the ' l -raba • _ : I o, but, theld o , de r! —it ,ed to be dsclutrged Ititht:l4er 1 1 cur he nff only a' tew yards *trove tit— ~- rcoi a i Nothing cold have penetrated thOncltdirn: ' fund gloom of thatditiknessbit.fhti'ividiatni . rt _ jt ‘ t oe b la r. or the forkelightninv , 1 : ~. not See,. In 0,4 short intefille tkittie;i' the ; 1 . Mitkei4 thl:6aiiiiii3e4fitiCkoi i iiielii‘eff .1. me, and then, in the twinkling II ciesk*s; fia.. .. . , . , a thou.h the - darkness was torn tiwelike ... ,n;v_eil ' , i , by , the Almighty, the whole courae, thee:, stir id iour!ding country, to the tillnutelit' and tit:mi tt distant thin,i, would taftev . iiticd. r i'hi, silrea 1 , of the ohm - ohm of Nor/ail:lc eight' unties' off a NVe Could i.eS ,more • plainly"' than' in Ma , .,- . a : bird dayli g ht, and: iv - ,if - noticed ~ that: rt .as the hot faced the linwling elements their m- i..earsiay. flat upon 4(eirne ks. :tetireeithesei Tosicsofplereing, all-1;2 . 4110,4 10 11 * 1 the nil succeeding claps 4thunder, the ens - Otiose and 0 , strain upon the mind was terrible: . ,We knew id, that it was (1113111 4 -1 . 10 4 1 a-taah4e'thaS-v . e - . 1 -70 1 t. er . 1 tars of the earths bat i vo rode Oft,;Od,, l tintit 1 itlad rattled over our bads, ,wewere silent. , cl i l'Then, in the biank darkness, as we want on' ise Iside by side, we*ould exchange cantlinia.— Neither could see the oilier;: nor hear,, the i t . wheehinor the flridio l y of the horses, . ,i;(*soll , c h \. of the wind timi'rain. - , .. , ~ "'Look out, Hiram,' Spicer waahl.f f'tt , ' °t r. ie d I wo shall be into. each' other.' 1; "A st : few ridee l fu rther an, and i'lronld sing la ' • ' I I ,Cnt : ' ' "'Te ti )f 1 -• i ,;• .- t lam.' •• ' ..1 1 ; - 1. - ••,„- • , - "Now titinoi.4e of the vrheela and the tyamp 'ori he helves c i o uld Mot be ~beayd win fhe roar . of tiro wind and the patter, of tie- raln,sfia yet'our 'Tomes mild be, , and". wey ., /,, +'orir 'mileand ichilf,4n-tbe yery eratey, Uelt . ,Yer,e' 'of the volcanic irti . of the iltycgelt.linql?is, c e p side•by side. :Then•theDutchraart last I ,g„rouna. • The trieh wasclayenaiil•ho hving ,fi::1 on fiat shoes; began .to Flip and slide • atfqvcry for stride,. - Amertc,us gradually drew, away. fro* , De d Min; titid, - when t iliceached --the- staid. at the a i h. ! end ofthe'bectiret 'mile; I stopped': I' have t a l seen a greet many summeistorMsln: my life. ) ,ad iand hive been Out'in not a, fey, •of ittetn, but of all. :bat' I reMember, none; tiSite, *inane& ma l in terrific fury aril awful:. •graulletir t thlit i n . which burst over thes.,l3esicori •Coetneijtiet na r ;• ; , a . we began that *at, 'Sillier says•the same." ,ap„ DrjUNG the:IMO t!ltthingf a. pom pous individasi• Winced' up :eftice of en seaside,7uit4and with elytitidprahiejlour •lsh;usigued thc..boOlc,., and. in' a -load Video exclaimed. "Ilai goVensor of doesn't make any: differire," says the landtird. "yool :be, _treated just,' .as welt ;as the ',others," A FROvan infonna us bra fatibkintning 104- riNi: who.kegps `!a ;millinery shop- in „New 'Or leans, who has buried mien husbands, and is now abOut taking an eighth one to her Ardeni besotn first hu.shand died . in a foreigni SM; the city: the thirdll,- 18S2; the; fourth died, the felltiwing item: 't the fifth in 11357: the sixth in 1858' ; the seir nth liced ti 111864. this thne theVidow has lived cold and 'lonely. - • . ' • • • •-• . Tan sth Ohlax regiment, whleh ( served-under General .Lander, given a' - gold ,bagdd the' Twelfth_ :Corps ; to hia widOw,; who la nciw playing in NM • ; A PO OR feanu,trrFs, in Irdw ',lrCork,‘ whcr makes pantAlopus for eight . coati d'tiatic• Was' kicked out of doors a tiw :ago' -by _W. brazil timployitr, hethiuseilif;*reftiaed to tail twenty-five rents forfewr tuitra.- _ • -•• ' "." " •• . '; • 1 5 1. di • • e ther ! thro tho I: put the ir I 1 eor,ge ; you mustbe dose to care, Mr la El M
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