la r - ■ Beavrpr Argue. 111111.611M411111- ; • •' ter. 0180 D iis,ehl ,.ect ittreet,r 10,0101. • Itsby. rgb; o z ed a gent for Trris th,p option of • the pe t bile te hi throrted to the, fol io olvert€ s. aop(*: for the in Tog ARGO ioday Co. (71. J . Braon. .71;tlet dootation—Brannl.r.. er. - • :ore's Sewing, MacSlue--Jo&ept Brno. pried or stolen--4. Moore. Boyle & Co. • . Notices—Ahson S Brown. :P i 1 Notices—Nilson S Stewart. • I Notice -441 Clarke. isi Soar. r. "—rick. ,:ere discharged_ c ounty jail durldg the term of er:tap:lst do- Ten Ste held .there nt the present time. Three f erving oat s e ntences, and seven are held aotased.—The co commenced Ito lea. &tie place on the tid day of September contln ii, o f* until lag Thursday afternoon, pie ..unts tlbacodjearned. 1 huge amount of intslness toed during the oest.lon. - 7- - • Bali —On Thn6day last, a j hase bait doh ;Big Llivrty, cane Thither arid played a match sitb ong fifths dohs of this place.. Oaf boyit ax t r b e ol," and came out far behind. The score „ fit MAW club 17 ; ,for East Liberty clitb ;0 000 ronuty (O.) Fatr.—The Agricuittr ilechsical Fair, of riarrisort county, Ohio;, ,frbeld(it Cadiz. on Wednesday. Thursday . fgui,l l y ati:d 4th. The President If the; I. .idis! C. Gourley', Esq., lira! our thanks fop imentalVlcket of ii.dna.sion to it. a. . . via Away.—Ull last 'Wednesday everting, a , t o n ging to T)r.i3rLean,. of this place, ran stilt hitclwil to a hue horse Avagon„vontaining c • , gr . ORA several young itches. The young, ladies tadly frightened, and two or them, we Tat:neve, 1 • ' .; '• ..y•f oprd. I_ . • ..._ 1 . g r oyea or Stoterci--Cnpt. John Moore, of Van e meaty, lost a cry fine horse on the tdrrht of - lie has either strayed from his premises, or . rr;lea. Thoneh Mit for sal; the -Capt. would bre taken $l,OOO for Wm.. ' _ , . loirente Count y Indebtirdiniciss.—Prom sec Oetle papers,e learn that the official' in -s,4nt'•e: of that 'cotuty .foote lip the euttg e.ntunt Ft :Taxes in that comity. we take it, amount ethlng worth tali:Aug about.. If J. 11. 0: lived there hi, i; would be beard for "miles fotteetitsir, Taixes:—A. Robertson, Rs(., ottr •atitl Hoene,: Cille.tor, was in town on Monday ' 4,„toet:dite4 to the tatereste of our I;c:.,otly. "Undo Band Pin Eitut4l.-9n Saturday lnatn gentle brenst On Was ipleked up on the sidewalk awn de, ince and Ole Post Office. It has sever td be the Initials of the olvner's r.e upon it.' The owner can have It by calling at rind•provit4property," Bax Ball, —< lUot i ( one half of our whole people' uitlenal game'' on the brain.; but while Fe. it 1, , the opinion of a gooll + any others . that I,ell, though eve.,.?llent as an e; relse ithin+ do for 4n every (1:13- o ploythent, tad: vtla{: Set a place am' the prole ace tuterest4 of coaitri." , ti . The lillsitt NNari• Stollenit !Pen. Caine ,nig,_The nni.‘veirl.l l is the fist of tile art/eletz E.:uteri • .tenfny from the i , 9lenee of lit' m . Cameron : one tionen t sosens. marked "C t" - one half-dozen spoon.. MAI despist i vouns, ten tthle spoons, six forks, Pt'in Fillp forks, one large ladle, and , e butter knife -..,a1l Marked "Cameron ;" one fork 1 I msrked "C. l '-1141 - isliargh Telegraph, Sept. 14. I .• 1 iiiittilet TV 0rfr. 19 4-tiome of the t 'quiet teork" re . .. red to in J. It. 0 finance circular imldished . by i..4.11re,k. develops Itself, in the "bogus" tkekels. walla nether column. "liasolly , work" wonld when n raortlappritpriate name forpropets.of that Starter. if • , .. --...4.' :••••••----• . • Almod a Fa tal .:iecident.—One - day daring atter part of. - I:nt cock a little daughtet--aged fi • 7 wan -of Mr. John Shoemaker of thin place, ie eujoying tierseti . ivith T. 0111: playauttes, came ,sy tier being killed. They :were amusing thcm htt ovara table or bench on ‘chich Were a lot of crude+, sew hf fihem filled and others empty.— nritetheir pin this 'stearfore tipped over, and one -tit , norl:s fell upouf the forehead of the little girl re mits'sid iij tired tier veryFeverely. She will•prob. retoi LI, but her tscalie from death was a Very nal , ter and, Plert4e'x Paten klates.—The slate bere'referred WI, mainly int, rid,ol fur the pocket, and LS deCidedb , ar . otthe moatt•,,nvehi,ria arrangemen to that we eau cm:its , d. tor, dottinl. flown 'limiters and thinge in 'rl7 di! bn,an..s, hfc. We hare carried one fur a few , T041 , 1,t, arid noir find it altnovt indiepenaible. ii.Q.clwai) at thej procery Proiii.lon store of! F.i.larlie r Peas* Pa. • • 'Ver'('ounty rUbr.—Our agricultural and me trial Mewls tb county should. the coun should. bear . :1 IL:It our cr)it?.' tale takes place - on Wd enes- Thertitay aut • 'litany. (ad, :id and 4thl of Octo k. u.en Iu thn county should he P t it, acl4oll. 4ml Itey °lid the Ltitett. 94 —The girl; Evelyti tt.t. been n ont jail for km.. time !mt, and po-s, of a very bad. chiiracter. WILS the court. oo last Tlturmilly with the under., that ,he NN ituld retire immediately "heynnd She iF ,aiti to be thegruaiest. nuitaLoce thai t to C ! , llT..ift any coot n ty. Antaity.--,1,11. O. ham the dip )osition hot nr.4. ''''''!!! t , ) 1, a I , t , windlo r. Tak for inFtance lii , , 't."'" ti .•t polornianee : 11410 e tickets had wit ''' , ;‘ , lll‘ , ..o , latit l ll a ,lay . or two before the election , ik , Ili;.ll , :.ertii l 4 ReptlbiiCattP Inigtt, 1111Wittring4, . I=.'.•a wxindieil not of their votes ; distributin'g,i z! , .. , , Ae-1z... ta•fornilsy word needed, with latt , i ''' '''''-it'•::.' rtt It 1 1 ,! theat being' detected, rendeie , ';' , ). l 4 h^rmli,,, one, and Force to showntj the 1421 '4 (1 ' 1 ' .J. ;li. 0. has the iritt , but' not the T. ?"=. 16 ft.' a ”Iler, , s;-f4 . l"Poillicnie." L FtnrY l4 l ,"-'' ' .1 , - hi, ovin rascality. ' ! .4-:- .1. • - H Suinttry Oticulttl - 4.—Ou HnOth ingi_, the iba :'l,,e,',.,''s, luilary of-tid e place, (Pr. )11...ean,Prini 's- 'l' fi'vl with ii fair nutub4 . 'of pupil& Odium are EDITOR Aunts : In response to an irivita7 tion exteralikl by committed of arrangements, II attended on last Thursday, a Sunday School. celelinttion held in what is known as "Durl-' 1 1 Was liollow." 'The .first union school Of -1l lloorrtownship, united with the union school' 4 i of Nanport, 'and under the direction and man; • lageMent of Messrs. Dobbs and Lloyd, the au perintendents, the occasion proved a most 11ilippy one indeed. The day was find through-, I out, andthe attendance . quite largd. An - ex 1' . . , ten,f,ive table was criTtc:l on the green sward, YL'•: - .7.-...:.. z; 1 suniptuodsly furnished; all partaking . of the . (:.11,.),,. 1 ; I . , 1 *riot's luxuries with a will. ' The join •• ta:.!. the beaver 'Female Seminary a 1;11 ,',`'''',: Ell-tloue,i at.,,, - of th i s i, h t,, ( p rof . 1 , ,,,,i nr. i e0111111ittc•CT - ZarnIngeructik consisted of Misses ~,„'s ' :.' r , p •ne , l und(T far ofaMc artopiC.4. it to to ! 31. A.-Stuart, Haggle VV. Dobbs, Ella Dunn, ' 6 1 . •• , e.:1:. , .1 . ,c,-.10 . t. ibei.-e n w m u u,,,,,, w ill i m -, iib'r- I Loszio tiliroads Josie Conrad and Mr. John „.. i „ , ;` ,. ,.Z: l , l , :.r.p!ibiic. me best 0 r blaebers re Dobbs nu l l JaMes ElliStt, , of axe south side; ~ ! , ...hnit toillon, hoWitti . nr. - , •.t.e., can he and Misses lesg - ie Dentt, Clara Taylor, Elia • • • •••• ~ k r Et,- at any school of the same char- • .: C11:11,1 1 n., . ' I W Marcus, Sue ;eaver, Olive Morton, ,and .. ° 1 MessiS. A. Russell and A. '1 ) . Sick-man, alike ettlr4l*• !!:rr:t.r . .1 North - side. To the laborious self-denying 5:!! ) r. ;i; ' i efforts of these young ladies and gentlemen; leo much pral4e can scarcely belawarded. t..';. to i 'About the middleoftheafternoon the crowd L:1 1 4 It., 1 Wits callad - to tits stand, WMeh-was i i adorned r.‘4 3 . Th, , 1 1 ) with two ;United States flags, to hear • an CIO e .:7,.. !,w; n , i quent Mid appropriate address from Rev. D. ~ ,. ..:•111.,,,, e IR Lowfiry,..• • Atthe close of his remarks, Rev. :a a',.;.-4 . , J. S. Bracken ,was called upon and responded r, ~ • ' eau in a brief address, Olich was followed by the ki.v. ' sinning of the ..t•Royal :Proclamation," and : - .1: , ,..:•i 1 , co, ''i.:c . ~ tliree times three cheers, for the Milted schools, 8 4 ille - the celebilhtion and the, speakers. • The re -1....t-,;„ , P - ! netinder 04 . the tittlewas,. spent - in innocent .., ':'n,, , 1,, ell t4r atilitsement. The 'oecasien was both intereSt ed inz and profitable, and will ( furnish pleasant Imc mo ric i slfOr future years. A GCL.SI. 1. 1 1 131111 • -4. 7 -0-,--- h ‘‘ l udlPa "01at .r Pi lly Dollars.—Mr• SLdili l. z ` .rut s .i 4 the vielnity of New Lisboa, ivn' ....:•••!,:!!) d:lztil r ' rut Of - ti By dollarn, on Friday tive ''':'''•ll. a , linuilut Joie. Th'e Jew hnd pith him : .' !!, l .' 1,•!'iz.i.,..,,,,hiri, iteroprescAtad AA lmqvt,lverY k . ' " ' ' ' :'''''d. bil \ nced Mr. Bell to advance 'fifty ¶Ol. 'tatt•:. U. , n. 'A mort44l. and take the piettirtti 1- 'ttly The .t,•e ; 10 return and-redeem ..11 l ':::'''''. ! , ef: trot: the train SatnrdaY. morning I , ' , • 111 ' , .'4 . n. Tie pictures lert with Mr. Bell r"tkal"ratthrre dollars.—New :Linton Journal. • . _____ _.— _ _ • ---••••-•-- .t'alintitteati to anvt.—fin last Saturday D'iri+ wart twosight to ittaver ani ta pt rtie++ were charged foto+ r,tid nye bail for tttlr Pe vrin of court. 1n tarl. o fa-y gniiila hate done. they', disc tt satety then began to kook ileddiadia Ohio. had thern art) A-4, a+ aboye-etatcd.. - bt't , . 'c rolled the 'nighty reelodyota tho It t.":,:;7-, A multitude passed by—.• , ~, i „ •,-:-.., A tea of sound and su'eeinere i hei „ d and - there' li clear •yoang volciftealed high.' - - ' - .A glory crept along the vaulted root, _ I*d Unged the oldgraltstOtteo„. 1, . , ~ , '.,,, ~ The.tittitifilite kale It.froin the itlidows4heitt' I- 'lto saints each otoOdidone.i l : ' 1 .:, •.", lots knelt youth and beauty In th elryrlde, - - • ..t'ete ell the nowerg or Jtino. 1 '::, "::::,: , 1 ;..:' tiald that psalm of Arlie and a4..onY 1 Chink - with each yourig heart's tuna '''' -'1,.? And then the - heavy oaken door strung back; , I Air°mai:entered Wan In the face and weary in her mien, Tier pimiento soiled and thin; like a blot upoa the_ robe, she atootill Amid the gorgeous tune nd youth and beautpdrew themselves apart, And the 'went out again. , • :till where the pictured Twelve Apostleestood - T e light. cline colored fair ;,- • ,:- ...- , 1 Irtn i rt meditinght those then of Galilee' : ' 1 iil r ttscarce been welcome there i . 4 1 —food W0r..13. a . : - i i..., , ntenary Celeb tl?n, a_ Cro _._ Creek.— On Wednesday or week before last the hundredth an- niveniary of the pi-ea:chink', of 'the kuspel - w6i - iaf ihd .Salegheny Mountain* was celebrated by the Washing. , tonlPresbytery, at Cross Creek Village. It, was a glad day,longi•o remembered be with pleasure by those who were present. Several aged ministeM were there, who hail, listened in begone days to the brave hearted pio neers of the gospel in this settlement. The principal address (being a history of the Presbytery, from Its I 1 organization " to the present time) was delivered by. , • Dr. tviesou,tof Ilutfalo. It abounded, in Interestin,g incidents, and; we are glad to say, will ',be 'published entire, In pamphlet form. The members of the Cross thiek congregation are di:l...erring or the highest thanks fori the very liberal andeholee entertainment prepared by Intern for those- in attendance. We have beard it remarked by several of our citizens who were thereto 'enjoy the dinner, that it was the mot-t inviting and abitudant they hitd, over seen on if ladl an occasion. .1 • naakington Paper. 1 - - .. A Viaft to the Benser Public Dimon Aimee: Buying home leisure, and a desire to encourage the teachers in their work. as 'well as to tali encouragingly to the scholars; I spent, a short - • hour to the foarroonts of our public school on Friday 1;1,0, and very much, too, to my sallefaction. with the teac4ere and scholars. The friendly netts oc casimuilly of the:citizen.; of the - Place 'gratify- thosO thus engaged in their noble calks of training those "Fragile Beginnings of a 25fighty Bud." The (Mee of a teacher in -thiNeulementery depart merits is one of great restionUbillty, and 'every faith ful teacher, deserves' to be . honored. Let me notify partmts of the importance of Iteptlur Attendauce.— The number of'uttendance is I 4 . Thd teachers are lilt. B. B. Lakin, 4,rlncipal, In No. 4, Miss Mary Whipple, in No. 3, Miss M, E.' Tucker, in No. 2 and-Miss Nettie Woodrow, In No. 1. _II war certainly well pleased as In any of the 'pub lic echool l in Pittsburgh, which I have visited in eery ward, more tluiw once, and nddrcesed them. II think theli nest csatnination will, show =liked In-ogres; iu each department. Iblouday, Scpt., i I . .1 Mugu/tar Clreanatance.—Some two weeks 1 ago a very singular circumatanco occurred in Moye— r welkaownship„ i thia county. At about that time Mr. l Samuel M'CUllOugh, of that township; was driving his eeam past the house - of Mr. W4iam A. Thompson, When a swarm of betat belonging to the latter, at- 1 Mcked his - hories, and stung them in a teirible man. net% The horses ran a' short distance, eikered with es, and while in the act of jumping ty fence both of ilteni fell down, and soon after one of them died. The ‘ilier one was cut loose from the wagon, and hurriedly I altsn away] bat not until it too, was badly injured by 1 - i r ile bees. hir., the' owner of the team, Ilinaered severely in the attack, and had to retreat to a I char, to get clear of the enraged - swarm. Whethir he horse referred to above, died,. front the" effects of he sting;.„ - Or whether It was fright or injury in th e all ho received, that killed him, of course is not known, but be that us it may, theorigin of the caeca y is a singular one. '' - ‘ . .113fid • 33sisirsotosti—Te notice that krone fru , ' eesaiy, totluide nn some of nr E tree t.,3. 'flume guilty of the practice are request .d to peruse the following lines, and bed the very .elieate sug..ttstion they contain: • • -I.ld - reemau, spatt that trial • • • • 'Tit+ not a - hitching goat ; - Though to its infasey,• •It soon Will shade a host Tben'sliare, oh. ipare.that tree. - For lie who placed it dire, :Melult•nni that it slioald'be - .; By beast of thiue gnawed bare." Court Proceeding -2d Week. Itobt. Morgan vs. Mgt Iluderson—Sammons case fu assutupifit—Jury sworn—=c opened—Juror with- I:111m/, and euit eontinued until Nov. term, at pllrs cots. • nantilt m Kinzey and wife vv. Tho.. Poe and wifo-- SUM:11011S c:t inilalotrr—Jury fetnrn u verdict fur plaintlits in the stun of ;•625-thunattes, William Johnston vs. Wattsir Johnston,.--Sumrnons caj , — Jury render n.verdief - for defendant_ neCree of divorce grunted in of Ifobt. Porter vs. Elka Porter. - John S. Wihou, Esq., admitted to practice law as an attorney. Jos. Lotllte, applied for admission to the bar. Whereupou exatninon; r. ere apiMinted by- the court 211 u. Eurroti: The, dedication of the Soldiers' Cem etery took place on the l'alt itist,:at Antietatu, 11d: It will I — pretunie, intcrei•tivg tollyeur rcadert; to have the 'following ieirit liti ui the Regiments and Batteries of Petlnsleiiiiia's brave 5011.5 who participa ted iu that great battle. Caralry.--3(1, 4th, MI. 6th and Isth Regiments -lrliaery.—llitterie - s A. B awl F,lnt •Artillery;Rc ifrrres ; Batterleg C. D and 1, Independent Artillery. licraplry.—lKt„24,3 , l. nth, '7th, 6th, 10th, 11th, 12th stud .13th, IleserrrB ; 11th, t tli, 43th; 41th, 46th, 48th, zOtb, tild, lit, 1110; Ghth, 7let, Vid, 814, stpl, t td, St , , , th, 10)th, !UFA, Ai:4h, , !inch; 100th, lO2d. 106th, 107th. 111th, 114th .118th, .124th, 125th, ltihth 130th IVA, 130;11, 14th and 15,:itir.; I= Unr. ; is- • , - • 7 4:4t a 'err spirited contest of - A - owing, Ila -I,chine4AA of-i..t4Timis:l3to in Independence toWnship,iimvereoun - - Ta., on the 19th day ofithgust, there were ffieLroachhiCs in number which entered ,the" itinteit• .droveby„*.r,:'lll*mtvp Sfyilf Tl4rd—linprove4 ,'Woods r EP I I 11 1: 1 b0 1 , 1 :Tner*.. Fourth.-Buckeye, drove by Mr. Standish, - owner, and AM ai.d• lastly came on the BOA, Buckeye, drove by:Mr: 11 7 4' Brunton, owner.- -. • •. - , • 'These machtnis are all considered first:class . Machines. , .The trial nutria. Ginn ilargisol ling field_ of about twelve • aeres, `The, ma•- Ahlnis all did titeliiiiirk *ell.' Ite; vial soot found that 'the machines that mewed the Most spiiial afferitiO*Were the Smith's kr 'Oui-L . I•er and the Improved Wood's, owned by the iblessrs: Catitphell: . The gipundraone of the test caleabited , pieces for the rpose of testing the Capacity and capabilities of a mower, being steep in. phiees,-sidling and level in places, and the opinion - expressed was unanimous in favor izof.. the Smith Mower, The WoOd's machine had very little sidedratt Smithinimbine,Mmii at all. • 'rids was tested by removing the neck', yoke, when it was foundihat the pole remain ed in its proper place as wellwhen working ', as if the neck yoke had been In -its ,prOper place.-.• • '. This.,spiritcd contest was gotten lc **the farmers personally, for the purpoa f satisfy: ing themselves of the merits of the different machines, and was ,condueted throughout by them, and, mtdikq the majority of trials_ held,: Was free front all 'thOse petty intrigues and ait-'• irnositics)thatchameterize and disgrace many , mowing machine trials. In conclusion, I would my thats this has added another laurel to the many alreadyl gathered by the Smith machine, having, • a every trial at which it has been present this season been. unanimously ponsidered as the best machine that has yet been broaglit out this being the eighth contest. ThiSundoubt edly speaks bight f l it favor of the Sinitti Ma chine. A SPECTATOR. Atientlon Fri ends of T emperance. \ MR. Enrron : Please 'publish' the following' list of Temperance Meetings, to be held at title time arid place designated, It s is hoped that our friends . will interest themselves in giving these meetings publicity and in getting the i People out—let us have a general rally all along the line. Our time to :work is short, let it be well employed by every lover of his race. TeMPeranee tuen are requested to pi ganize in every .toWnship -anti 'borough hil l mediately, call public meetings, procure speakers and — gii to work in gooksolld earn -1 estnesi. We will do the _best we can to send sPe'akers to address these meeting, v.:hen de -1 ired so to do—m the mean time let-some home speaker, he secured. to guard. against tlla' possibility of.disappointment._ Our...ep -- l'' , peal is to good men of all parties and profes- I sions, wkhout regard>to creed .or party i names. . - . J. K, 3111.Lirr. „BeaVer Pas, Wefirmsday,' Sept.. 18th, at p'elock P. 31: Speakers—Rev. D. P. .T.mwa ary,l. P. Dram Fairview, Thor:4;1:1y, 19t11, at 7 o'clock P. M. Speaker-4. P. bravo. • Glasgovi, Friday, Sept. 20;14 7 o'clock' P. 31. Spcatcr—J. F. P • , Industry, Saturday, Sept. 21st, at 7 o'clock P. 31.. Siical ers7•Trof. It T. Taylor, J. F. 'Bridgewater, Monday, Srpt:2ll,at 7 oclock P. M: Sp6kers—ll. D.' M'GaV, Esq., Rev. D. P. 'Lowary. Freedom, TueSday, Sept. 24th, as 7 o'clock P. M. Speakers--11: D. M'Gaw, Esq., J. F. Dravo. Ncyßrigliton, :Wednesday, Sept. 25th, at o'cfock P. M. Speakers-41. D. 2&'Gaw Esq., Rev. J. 1. 3l'lllydr. These series of 'meetings will be confirmed every j night until after the election, at tune and place desired by the friends of the county Enriou AIIQI'tI:.,I see a stray copy of the' Li l eal now and then. The last one I saw complained that the "radicals" were "swin dling the people" at an outrageous rate in the : Matter iszoi State tax, Let uni:give you a sam ple of how I was swindled:: - hi 180 my State tax was five - dollars- and . sixty:eight cents:. In 186(1.and W 6- lnY . 'Stato tax. was just one dollar and uinty-three cents ! Now, if this reduction in my State tax is the result of "radical swindling," I can only say : "go ahead, gentlemen," and "swindle me again." II ut) F ISTED Famma Ebrron Annus: The communication in your paper of the llth addressed to "Any it may concern," and haN'ing reference to delin quent church patrons, I Inn told .has had a happy effect. Any one supposing that you were meant in My connnunication, is mistak en. • 1- As OnsyavvEn. ItICS AEI/SON—FR t:II-Septi attlicresidunce of Capt.S. B.Freitch, by Re?. D. P. Lownry, 11r. Jason. Itieliirdson of licavcr F allg, to 311. v Ilattle French of Waver'.; . . - BARCLAY—RUSSELL—On the ltlth inat., at the residence of the bride t+ parenti, by ,Ittiv. James N."' Stiel&, lg. c. IL:relay, Esq., editor t,f tite rottavtile tilt:Daunt, and Miss SarOta D.; daughibr of "Thos. itn,.,11. Esq., of-Bridgewater, I'm ' .I !. With the itbovi; notice came a nost tleilcitius cake for which we heartily' thank. the ; euerotUt bride.' Any herself and husband reap all. the,matyiraor6.l joys tluit i to rtala can lay claim to. - ~ . Go to Wilson S Brown s, for bargains in Coffee, Teas and Sugars. • PEI•RCE'S PATENT; EI,LATE9. . - Shouhl be in the. hands of every cliild,Vite t er at school pr'. at home. ' They .itro neat, eheip and aurable: For sale by . . . • '• -..•-..: ' •• 1V; F. - Clarke, i i. i Beaver,..Pa. . . J: BEsrw2cx Have band' and for safe,a large and well scicckxl stock of Cooking, Parlorand ilfmtingiStovea ; • r•• • gars, &c TE.Acturn-s can obiltrn a supply of Peirce's Patent Slates, at a handsome disdotint,,bs cal ling an W. •• • Ticai , er, Pa. _t 1 1 .133: order the E. Com. J. F. DRIVO, MARRIED SPECIAL . • WiISCIi L a& Drowuss ColTec, T Su- ME IN ttrt',bee; Huclaan,l' (forraerli •It. v -.Haftn, TAW tb Friday afternoon at;',l. o,elock, ono square Wow the National Hotel, Hower. LEAVE yoihrorder prOrd&ries;4ll#lVll - & Brown. • , , 7 1itattaalwa Witt bei,giverk at the . Attetion r A tla A idllirc4gt . . . . FaciLLEivi - Apples, nt 1.50,n cE Brown's. . . ErriLionnnienar induce . montl in Stsiars, bra now offoreit by Wil3Fis ;' ~rl~rnrrn Am-Nos. of Shot and Powder, at Wilson Brown's, very cheap. • r" It ' W s iiior-trad'e,- th eir and well selected stock. - • Go to Wilson a Brown's for goad Cookina . ppass. ; . •LlCA.rrs, Glass, Tubs, Buckets, Crockery ware, Belie.% Spices ofall kinth,Sosps, Wash boards &c., &c., at Wilson & Brywn'a. BEST rTO I . White Winter Wheat roar, of Wils'on 4-, Brown's: - , CALL and examine Wilson & Brown's tine sportntent of drocerieT„ ; ! Wilson ik t ijrnwzilt; warraiitel Pens CIDER Y,Z204314E, E 4 • Wilson Brown's. , BOUNTY ACC O.IUNT. L _ OCAL BOUNTY ACCOUNT OF SOUTH Ilf.W ver township, for thc.years ISt 4.1 and lreii,--. The School Directors in account with . Jesse 3f. - War; rid, Jr., Treasurer f0r , 1824. • • E 5, I D ' To .ats4 recadvaron bonds - 5 3396 50 To tax levied per Unpile:ate, 183 . 4 .4,013 90-41,410 40 , • • ' - CR. • • I By warrants, .- . • 6..;1tg 20 , By bonds pal 4. " 3,300 -to ' • By iuterear on same. - 34 21 . • By 4 per et. 01 Tr. for ce12.2 die; b 5 Sir lost rex,. '.• 70 76 By secretary service% and s tamps ; 27 58 'By balance in treasury f . 40 0 00-7,110 90 Silas Johnson. Treaaurer, IEZZ. Illt. • 1 ' Balance brought down . ITo cash reed on bonds • - i 8,67.5 00. To tax hoed per duplicate, 1563 4,*3 16-13,666 lf.f . -'. - • it. , • . Br warrants SX2 00 By bonds paid- 3,976 00 Interest on bonds , -.- 321 72 By stators % 5 00 - ' • , By soldiers exemption .t bat tax. 214 448 •-• By 2 per ct. for col. and divburan; 86 39 Becretaryver% ices • 600 : By halatic.lo treasury . 'l6O 37=-13,00318 Silas Johnson, I"rvipurei„ Mb. . PR. , To balance front-1507g • • '. • . '• 166 ,31 To tax leed per duplicate, 1866 4, 317 ::-1,431'09 " • CB_ By Ito Mir. paid a,91.5 01 fly Intere,..t. Off bonds . rlJi ft.; By soldiers exemptions and lost tax. 134 nt' '—, By .2 per et. for et.d. and disliurslng 87 trt• — • ~• Becretnry set-tides 7 00-1,670 f?) BaLanco doe tri...avtrof ; , 1813 W ! SMITH. •.7tlt)t) RE WA IMIC_E, Auditors. JOHN FAKLIC: Local copy. • NEW G-OODS JUST ARRIVED- • Dress Goods, • --C asimeres, Tweeds, of - cans Notjpns, CHEAPrit THAN .EITER.- TO BB 'I AD AT ORR &DAWSON'S, Third Sireet,Beaver CAM - PAID' FOR WOOL. an,T2l'4l7:ty 9 17 M 3=o pUCKEYf CIDER Mill AND PUS'S. • , .• THE 'M'S'HERRY IMI'AOVED GRAIN DRILL 1 - . ExEity 'DRILL WARRANTED TO Sou , Whiatc Itve,'Oatn,ltarley, Timoth and "Cleyter Send for de criptho Circalar, rim E!EINEI W Q. Sole Agent For -Western Pa., 137 Liberty St., Pittsburgh. Wholcmto ;u4 Ectail Dealer La' Agricultural kaplegLitts-it Sp,edi A full stock of reallowtb:egoodowlwarton htn rucb ns FANNING MILLS.. GRAIN -DRILL,. CUM TING BOXES, RAI: • ontrNeitt, . • TUISIS TO GIVE NOTICE riPIIAT ON THE 'Sill DAY OF i , EPTEMBER, A. D. 1. ISC, a Warrant in naukruptcy was issued maainst the -Estate or Daniel C. Stead, of Smith'. Fcrry,in the OM - My 41,C13caver and State of Pennsy)- vinta, who his been adjudged a Bankrupt on hi...inn Petition ; that the payment or aay debts and 110111417 of any property baought7, to 50th ikiiikrupt. w Mai. or for his use, and tranak.a• of any property by him are forbidden by Law; that a meeting of the Creditors of the raid. Bankrupt, to prOtro their Debt., 'and 710 elloost One or more Aavignees Ms . eettleosill be held nt a Court of Dankeaptey, to be ho den at the Ituron Mdse., New, lirkthton„ heaver county. N..- hefore Joseph a Doilley t - Bergi." , on the 9 t l / 413 Y of Octobet, A. • 'IIIOMAS A: BDU iL rLEY:, _ 11, S. inbiki. Pt`ptinri . :4t • Beavtr Batt' Manufaturing CO; rtnll.3 COXPANT lAMUFAC3I.IIIIN audpropurvd. to' uperior articir of pslt works. on , Itoceoon .q.reell,?-,41110. 1 re5,0 titer.ndo Aver All ordert.llert er-thelVoirka, or letttra- addterjed td; S. rt Freak,Bearer.#lll rectiye prompt .atte•at;.:.a. . . I.jyl.l".cr. „ . .I,ut _ . MEM . - ;:c -, •.r.r- ,- -: ,:::•:t,i:'. ,:-!..,.L ECM ",;-.1 :'! '.I.YS-p,il '7 0 . - • TT ; . • WE A. Fo El lY THE- ~ _ , j. DIAMOND, 'Ro Y s] Eu, 1A NEW DRESS tiopros, NEW 'PRINTS, • ' NEW DELAINES . • aDd :NEW MUSLENS -AT =. Gr . ezatly.l~educa-d PRICES: ; • • NEW' MILUNESY uoops II A TS, FLOW'FI:S, &c r . , • • FuvtvgFctureit tLu .. , far,c t ,ir I a - . , •" ; • • ; • Ethpire Setring Machine ~ _ • • , - • 1 triretraly olicit 111 c;.aminatton 'or 419 ammo by . • 'be pc: lic: - , • • ' 1 . . • • •.. . 'l . „ Tins 'Machine Is consinieted. on a new pr i inciple of ' inechmileni, po,,dtv,..r many rare and vaiimbia - iin provemetts; having been examined by the Mimt pro (0111111 experts. and prom/inlaid tit , be simplicity and perfection combined. In a mechanical point of view. the 40.6.nta g es we. claim for the "ExtentalfActinvg,"%ari-- , ' let.—The method of driving the Needle rby a compound crank,which produces the same action as Beret /... dine obtained by ineanii.of a Cam; but a more dural le and noselmis manner':,: . .2d, We nee a rotating ,saft above the ble, and thus ;are enabled to give ali thextgimi rented under the arm; without detriment. to -tlar Aurainti of alti ehhies ; having a. bearing directly ever, th Nexdle Bar. ' 3,l„—Our Feed Wheel is X friction feed, a d so con structed there is but one joint in transmitting the mu ! Mon from the rod.: shaft to the wheel, and unlike all 1 others, cannot be effected blot' or dust. • " • 4th..—The Rock Shaft that works the Fetal motion also drives the Shuttle. The bearings of this Shaft and Centres are. hardened steel and adjustable, so that we can - take up the lost motion at will. . The following are the principal 'Objection-4 'urged a- I gainst Sewing 51scbillei+: i 1. Excessive fatigue to the operator., 1, 6 2. Liability to get out of order. 3d. Expemle. tronble, and Toss of time in "pairing. Incapacity in sew every descriptiiin of material. ' 3.Disagreeable opinewhile in operation. The Empire Sewing Machine is t Exempt from all these .Objections., • • It has A Pi:might iik:eitle. perpendicular netirit, makes the lock on shuttle; Flitch. which will neither rip nor kayo!, and la alikanit lx>tWside..=; pprionnt. porfect Ptor iro oft every degeription of material; Irmo Leather to the finest INtinsook 3litslib. with cotton, linen, ar silk. thread, from the doereet to the finest number. • - • IT ILEXES; FELLS. BINDS,BRAIDS, TUCII O .B QUILTS,:PL.AITS and GATHERS. Itarina neither nuns nor cog wheel, and the least pos able friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is • Emphatically a Noiseless Meatlilac. F. A. 106riaine's RED FR•ONT Pry Goods gtore, I :•• HOCIIESTER PROOLAUTIOIiII fr Vtlik:sui-virfrCt9F. col' 'lltr..liers, - or Tint 1 _ General Aggemblf tbii..,CuaustontrOall)l4.o 1 iFiansylvavitat patittod. - art azt 'W reg,alaterthti t-ttiva• I lir Elcalonawittiln tbe,Cotuutaoyeol4`7ll,3.ken)obtaa, . a •tett tat' give notice • or etteh 'elacitinac MIT : to itua.., ts:111 said ridtgo %tat onlaara aT_.•to tx: a;ectis!l 1 Lys! 141410111N4 ff.: larirTELL,4. , i ~,, 4 ': • Sh!trift 'iitritte ecranti • nt_ Ocatiter,idl tiefabi r , snort aim! NM ens Initillc I notice to ;tllO 'dead • a the eettittl'Ornihtlir,;:that , an act_lea Irlll'ae't f? in' said ounri mt. the ' - ' - ~ SecolidTuesday of October neat lEEEIII IIZZI I r t r 4 IMO I!IM= ..;t1 at the several Election Districts , follows ' ' . The electors of Borough- township will meet at the Court 'Ranee Iti/the Borough of Bearer. - , The electors of Bridgewater bororigh nil! meet af the Town Ball in'Brirwater. . • The el e ctors of s Ptil . Ipaburg district will meet at th e public brick school rum in said borough. !: . The electors of }icon township will meet at the house formprly occupied •try Amartah 'Hendrickson, new by John D. Elliott. The electors of Hopewell township will meet at the school house in the ;village of Scottsville, raid I township .. ' • • The , .elictoreof independence township will nest at the' house of Alexander Thompson, deed ! , in said township. • , . • The electors of Raccoon toismshlP will meet at the house of David township. : • The electors of Frankfort district will meet et th e house' f 9eorge Dungan. in Fiankfort. The etcetera of Weintre's district will meet at the house of John Potter in the village of Hanover. The. electors of Greene township will meet at the house of Elijah Niswanger. in Ilookelown. The electors of Ohio township will meet nt the benne now Jamison Elliott. In said townsiiip.l. The electors o.f . Brighten township (not embraced In Industry districtlwill meet at the school hens e,near Elchny Eakin's inliald township. , • . . . The electors of the borough of Fallaton will meet at 1 heAcadany in Falls tou. The. electors , of Patterson township will meet at the achuol house in the village of Brighton. The electors of Chippewa township will Meet at the house of Arariah-lunian, in said township. The electors of South Beaver. township will meet at the house of .loicti Rowe, In'saltl township. ' The electors of-Darlington township will meet at the Academy in Darlington. - . . . The electors of .111 g Beaver township will, .meet_tit the bonse'of widow hiMer, in said township: • -The electors of Franklin towinhin will meet at the house of F.nglehart Auteureitix In 'said township. The 'electors of .North Sew ickly township mil wet, tit the house of ..N4thatt Hazen, on laud formerly of II ES 111 ME i ! Mil :i i ~ `GE! ERAb -lI:ECTIillit ?at, iienr. - CheiC.. * , The' ejectors of Pulaski • township will' merit at Daugh*!rty'a 4chord house, No 4, in said ten:m.lllp. The electors of Marion township will meet atthe honse.of Geome P-artztill, Jr.. in Said township. Theaelecturs of the upper or north ward In the bo routtli -of New Ilrialtlon. will meet al the Catventeri shop of Thos. Miller. in entd_borongb. : , 'le electors of middle warder' the borow : h of New Brie:Loa. will meet at the School House. lb said ward. • The electors of lower or south Wart' Of the; borough: of New Drighton, will meet. in the Car Pactory. in said; •: 1 want.; ,- , • , The-electors of Rochester•township.will meet at the Boiesi:ille sehoollunve. in said township. -- Thai electors of 'the bornii,gh of 'Rochester : Will meet at thesehool house in Rochester. ' This electors of Free Join borou • gh and district will meet at the school house hi Freedout. . . • _ The electors of New SewicklY loaned') will meet at•the house of John Fenzel. in said townsblp. • The electors of Industry-district will meet at the school house, in Industry. - Thri electors of Darmony township' will mee.t,Lat the hotel in Economy:' . . -Thu electors of Ecanomyloweship will meet at the house of ftenr,ie C. - Minis, in said township. The elector. , of the te•rongti of *Aver, will meet at the Siterltrs ()Mee. in sall borough. . The electors of St. CI: it borough; will -meet at the i r Sehoiii lionce..itisaid ho ongli. At !whieh Attie:lad fita6 the unaided electors:as afore aid will elect by ballot One personi.f.wand;rn of the Simi-sane Crank: . Three persons as members of the House of ileprc sent4tives of Pennsylvania.. . , one person for A..i-rir.late arOl:Z , er Beaver toutity..: • bait perdort fer;..l'rottninotary or Deaver cennty. One pertomfor Treasueer of Deaver co-mt".t. 1- . • One person for Commissinner or Ileavereataity. • One person for Jury Commis-loner of Deaver Omits% One person for Auditor of Deaver county. • One Person for Poor Douse Director of Denver Ontity. • .. I . Two peraecia,.foiTrcmteep Of the 11,..micr Academy. . 'Notice Is Hereby Given, . ; That every person except:reedit:ex of the. Peace. who *hall hold arty office or appointment of profit or treat under the Governme•nt of the rutted skitter; as of this state, or any city or incorporated district, whether a ererentssioned officer or agent, who is or elutll Lace been enndeeted - untler the Legislative, Executive or i.intliclary department of this State or the United States, of any city* or incorporated district: and el ' so that every Member of Congrees, and (tithe State Legislature. and of the Select or common Connell of ! any, city, ,or cenuni.sdoii4 of any Incorporated die , triet, is by law incapable of bolding or exercising. at , the tame time the office or appointment of I inspee toe,!dudge. or t'lcTlt of any el ection of the Common wealth. med that no Jethro. bispeeter. or , any other officer of such election, shall he eligible to ally to he [then. voted for. • Also- In. and ;by the fourth section of an act all preVerithe 19th of April. It S'. it is enacted' that the lath section of the act passed Silly 2.1. 'imp., entitled oh ;net reletiny to the. election , of this Centre n• we:oth, shall not he construed oas to preveitt airy military officer or hemmer otliger front ! service as Judge, hispector. or Clerk fat any general or stmeial , eleMtiowin this Commonwealth. . Arid the said act of Aesemblv, entitled "An Act eget:tiler; to the elections of this comintinwealtb," passed Silly :Id,. Ix 9, provided as follows:, , That. the Jerliernud Inspectors chosen ai , afore,aid. Oral lifeet. ut *their respective places appointed for . hohlinie the relection.iti the districts to which they respectively belong. before 9 o'clock on the :bombe: . of the second Tees - day of October, ISOT, MO each! of said Inspectors shall appoint one clety.; ',situ gall' he a qualified voter of said district. - . - , . In este• the person whceshall tiale received the see-. wad highest number of votes for Inspecter• shall not attend, on the dav of nor election, then .the persona wit() shrill have reeeived the second highest number of!vides for .Ttulge et, the -nett prect•ading eleethin shall act as Inspector in his place : and in case the person %vim shall hare received, the highest .uumber of votes for : Inspector shall not attend, the present rested Judee shall appoint an Inspeetor in his place;' ani: in CaF6fhe person elected Judge she Ilnot attend, then the Inepector who received the hitewser nuntber of votes shall appoint a in his - place; and lif an y v a cancy a ;, , .,i1i continue in the lionn.l for the space (iron e hour aft Isr the time fixed by law fertile open ! sing of the eleption, the quali fi ed voters Of the town -1 hip, ward, or , cliste.ct • for which such °Metes 'ritual ! harts been elected. pre'-eat at the place 'of; let MUM, shall eleettone of their ~'umber to fill such vacancy.; I It shall be the duty of ...s=ewers - rexpectively to (very gencrueleeteial of at the. place of holdiug Itatvuship election, during, the thee such! rnution ;is kept open for the onrpose of glrine infnin *ion tO the Inspectors and Jedges when called urn. m elation_ to the rr ,ht, o f iter pe,:s t ous riss„"ssed by thef to vote . arse& elections, or such other mutters in reation to the assessments of voters ne the iseid ft} specters or Judge, or either of them shall_ frvtio tintd to tinter re- ' quire. No person shall be I I I permitted to e:e at tiny el email, I am aforesaid, other than a white fr •cenci , Of - the age of i twenty-one years or more, who el all havlit resided! in ! 1 this State at least one year, and in the clecta:m district 1 t where he offerri to vote, at least ten dais initar:dlatelY precedlegettch election. and. within two •Vears - p..' ll ilka State. dr County Tax, which shall have biicn atk,ess::,t l l at least tea dare before the - election. Flues citizen i,:! the United States, who has pi-twine:sly been a qualified voter of this "State • and removed therefrom and re turned; tied who shall have resided,in the,election dis trict and mild taxes:aa aforwpaid,.shell be a vote after residing, in the State rex months: Provided. that (he white; freemetreitizene of the, United States, between the *lees of twenty-one and twentyst wo y care, 'soil haviee teslded itste State 'me_ year and in the election drstrlet ten (1.7. as aforesaid. shall be entitled to vote altlategli they lace notjpaid taxeit. ~ No persion shall be permitted ! to vote whorie name is not contehted In tire list o f taxable inhald tant, , ritrui.b ed by Cie corainissiouen--, I:Mews. first, he produce a. receipt for the oaymien within two stetrekd a 1....: lat.. , or Coonly lax. F" , ,A..,ScAI a;arcvalily .1., the iCohsttlutson, and give:, satisfactory ire.drieuett either oil Lie own oath or rawntation or of auother, that. he has paid such Mx., 1 or ott,ralling to procure a receipt, Alan plak..2 oath of ! i• the payment thereof: or second. ti he Claims a right to t I vole by beim: an elector between the age:of tWenty-,one year*, 40 siL . liiddeposeotr oatleor affirm:dire: that be has re sided m the state at least one yearderfore lila; i ap- piicat:on, tad Intikeet each proof of the reidence. m 1 the district as Is required in this net ; and that he dbes I verily believe, front the account glveii film, I hat lie is i of the nee-ateresatel, turd gives such other eyhtexce as 1 is required by this act :-whereupon the. names of the 1 persons eu relraitted to vote shrill be heterterl into. the ' ehritaherical bet US' the Inspectorre„and a note mode iopposite thereto by writing the 'word "taxi" if he Shall he admit ted to vote liv•reasou of having paid a MX, or the word ••age,"'if ha shallbe relmltted on acconnt of his nee, and - in either 'elec. the rehsonS 44 't•ltch cotes shop be called out by the Clerk. , , ,whir Shall make the like nines - hi the list of voters kei.t by them, ' I In all cases when the- name of perslin .claimitig to vote is not, found on the list furnished Itv the t'onialis-' stouter; end ; Assessor, or his rieent torvote, whether , found there or not, is objected to by alai' titailitled chi- 1 .zen, 'it shall be the duty of the Intl:o4er to examine! ench.person, , on oallipe to qualificatiottrind . if he claims to have resided trlthur the State one year ozinurit, his oath shall- be sufficient proof Mercer, but he 'shall ' makepr.oof by nt leaet one competent witnees; who 1 shall lie a quulitled elector, that he hay resided wltldn ' , the district for more than- ten (lays .itnmerliatel y pre-, ceding said - election, and shale also hintielf et . a.ear'hia' bonaride residence, in pursuance of hit. lawful ealling o , is within. the district thr the purpose ofvotiug therein. , If :myreon shall prevent orattemPt totartweet any ' officer of a pe h elenoti, or nee orthreaten, any violence to I spy such oftleer e or ''hall interrupt o il improperly in terfere With him in the =motion of his dory. or shalt', l blbek up tit attempt to block utk the window or avenue I to any - window where the o same miry be holdrn, or obeli riotonslyillsturb the peace of fuel 'tAertititi, Of Shallmseor prittlee any intimidation threats, force or •violence, with design to Inflt , Core ane nly. or overtime- I et-tiny elector, or to prevent hint front ;voting • tin to re strain the freedom of hie choice t such perotuilln o con viction- shall he tined in may sum not exceeding flee ' - hundred dollars. and be intprisoried for any Vie'. - .et , leas thap twelytentouths:an:lif it eliell.beeliewLbefar t Conit where it' he' trial 'of nacho offence etellbe. oat( ' that the: persen offending wax ! '„uot a resident of the city, ward, dherict or township' where the said offen ce?, was comniitted sad noCeetitledi to voteithereln, then, ou correictirth he shall he sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one lintidred nor more than one thee.- and dollar - twirl be imprinonednot I,ese than six men ha trot snore than 'two yehrs. , 1 , . i - If any pers4n or persons irliall maim any hot or wa ger twee - tile rc-t:At ef-ae: eleetiPa 'ivithin - this Cram ! - -! ; I ; - • -. ' ; • . . . . inouonalth. or vsbilliaS*4 to make sal"-*ii , cli betot-W4. , gr either by verbal prochunatlon thereof or by any -, •• :written or printesi advettiwuneut, thitilenAu. Or .haulm l ~ :ally person or persOns CO•ntal:0 such bet Ortvisgtir:upon • . • oonvietion theceer. he 9.r , U14 4 '40 311 forfeit, Al* ;PO -:•'''' three thin.-iTthe afuotterntrnot offered - ty be- bet.' ~ • . If any person not hy , laiV qualified, shallfrandulently •., ••,• 'vote at an ' eice.goll 'within- thleeprasnonsvealth. or lie, f Ong' other*ble quaiitieft 411411. vote.. out °fills. prat* •2' , 1 :illistticf,'or ttney istrAn knovAtig thtivisOt.'Pf lineW:••••Ii isitslificatlinie,tshaii iniror ter scats suchpersints tavola::: .1 . ii•pte *N t4o on or peria . ()blinding._ sus3l.•'. - , on :ttin- ~ -vietion, he Ailed Fo 'tory! sum not exegedlng Oro ban- f'''• ",. dyed doltay s inalxi paptlecnictlloranyterin not . toss ..,:': than three months.' ' -,, . '. _.. '3,lf auyi;eretneihail ioth - at film) nations electlon i r its' ~, Ott:tor Aitheo:lße. fraudziltiutly told and de itiehto thOjn-2 . ; e'ece•OfivOtte•kets tottether vilt.hthe lutes: ttorttwvoto . _ • litegaily.,er shell vote tha value , or.lf any "pentinishall. l'• ,', ridviiO or 'procure another to do- no, he ortlicy roof- - .-' lending shall:on conviction, be fined in any sum not ' - Im , than fifty, nor Moroi than five hundred dollars, and ~,...- he irtiprlioned •for unit term iket..l . ..nof,thark three nor p ::., .„-niore. than tivelvo motithil • ••••• 'VI i: • ,-,'- ' ij It norpOrson not' quallaed to retain this Cotonow , . .veculth agreeably to /Mr, (except the, eons of. qualified:S . ,: . eltteene) ehallinp,tear ut any place of picction tor the Intrfili t T of Netting tickets, or 6r India:nein:: the'clu.' . ! Zeus Plidcd to vote, he than, on conviction. forfeit 1 and . oayany sum not exceeding' 11101.1 ;hundred-dollars - for every, Fitch; offence—and ,be linpatoned"for term nut:exceeding three months: - •:- _. •'• .. 7 1 TiV, Iteterri Judges - of ref pective dirortets In this - I ',comity. arr, requital' to mid at the Court llouse in tlio .. ;hocough•of lie.o el.' en the first Friday after the elec.- i,, being the itilt 4X, Octoher. NG?, at- hi 'o'clock; then I and there to pertor.n thO duties enjoined epee-Silent . ... . _ TtiC Representative Return Jittigua will meet, in ac eentauce with. au act - approvtul May i5th.1864, - at this Court - House, hi hi the. borough of Beaver, on -the' ' seventh day after the election, being Tueaday, Oct. • 16th, .•- - . And 111 "An Ad retteing to Vier El.-coons4sf- • .• . .thus Comma* tomlll47p:Dildv? me 2(1 da y of July,. . 18* 44$ pivridcd atutcliecrlviovAlliim ; . •. . - . ..L. ) • c . Sec. Si. . Wheittwo or mere'ennUesalmq compose+ atlielrictlfur the choice of, a member. or 'lnembere-of ' Abe :taste of•thle Commonwealth., or of the tioase of 14.inT6reative, , at the Unitedrtitates:er of this Com- : ..., menvicolth. the Jades of the election in e ieh county, : havhar met as aforesaid, the Clerks Shall make nuts ' fair statement of all ,the votes which-I:hall have been given at such election; nrithiti the coauty, for every .'... person voted for. as each member or nebert4,>which, shelf be signed bjh e aid ; Judges and ntteated by the Clerks. and i**t of the.eald Judge 4 shall take" ehavrire •••• .'• of xnell ocitificatq.. imlit .4ml! ,produce the same-at a niccifilg pr onc Judge front Wy ly_ county, at suelt places. In 44 uch districts, ay. is or Orijrite . appointed - by limier the purpOsn : which meeting stall 'oe held •. ' out the seventh day after the elect:tom •. r ;-Bgc. a. , Thir Judtresi of the seveinl counties' bai'- • Jug gut. as aforesaid shall cast up the several county . r. returns:lnd make duplicate retttrtos of .4fil the • votes given for atteleogice in 441 , 1'dt:strict, and iif the names 1' of tlik peron or pers.euir elected. and one of said re-' turns; far 'efich office. stall .be: depositcditt•the office ' (if the - Prettionotary Of the. Court of Common Pleas of the rountyln - which they shall west; and the - other shall" by said Judges be. ti . epodited iht ' the nearest pest, othre, sealed anddirected as in parts two and . Ulrike UPS otghteentlfaection atm, n e t! `:cc. »t{ -ft shall also:. be the - tlaiS . -fir tlid; Return Judge. , inn.v4i64 egse, to•tes.rismit to each of the per , son-4,elecfed teservein - tongress, or in' the house of .. Representatives. of .thin Coninnuovealtii.; a certifiente , of lits.eleelion, within IRV days after the day of palt- r , ing upsheli return. : .. '' . 4 '. , - . ~ . . . . . A Flli ifEll. SUPPLEMENTT TO HE ELECTION - . . . I v 7 .l.,l:tvsr Taw COMMON CO3DIONWEALTIL . .-- ' - - -- I filen Give official notice of the billet - Ingo prey's.: .„ lons of atr act approved Jane 4th; tfiliki, entitled •tA • ." ,further sltilplVinelli. to the election laws of this Cola- menwealth." , , • . • ' , Co WHEIZTAs'; Ey theact of the ittrgresis : of the Unit ed State, clititloil,- 'tint act to-amend the several. sets; heretorore . passed tivivovide ,for the VECOViIIg anti Icallinft'oat the .National forces, and for othilir • put poses," and appettrearilfarch tlitril, one thousand eigh hundred and sixty-live, all persons who hasp • I deserted the military or riliValmerette hI 'flie ,Unite;l- .. States, and who have not been discharged, or Mile , - ' (AI from Ma penalty, or diotbility therein ,pPovided," art:At:ohm:it. and taken, to have volUntarily reliu- . ' itaiebed.' coil niefeited, their rights of citizehehip, and their right ito becenk , citizens, and are deprived. . ofea - erciong_any rights of citizens thereof: •- • • ... ANo iVirritiza.s.' Persons. not citizens of the United States, are not, tordor the Constitution and` laws of Pen tisylyaula, linalifie'tb electors of this Cfonimon , wealth :j . . . .. . ' S.E.CT:OX 1. Be it ehacted by--.the #.lciutte. and Molise of Reprerentativcs of the Commonwealth,bf I'eunsylvania in General Assembly met, and, it la', licrOy enacted by the authority of the same,: That in all elections hereafter to be held in this it shall be unlawful for the judge or inspec- ,. teri of any such election to "is-calve quay, ballot., or . • ballots.'from any person, or persons, embrace d': in - - ', th 4 provisions, and subject-to the disability. itopOs-r ethby said act of congress, approved March third, one thousand eight hundred -and sixty-live, and. it, .! shall be unlawful for any such•person to offer- to vote any ballot, or ballot?; - -- .- . Sxeritm 2. That if any ouch and inspectors' I of; election. or any one of them shall'ruceive, or con seat Ito !receive. any snyh unlawful-ballot, or ballots frem any such disqualined person; be or they,-isol t I endimg, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,, , tin • ' . Upon . - 'onviciloti thereof, In any court of quarter sea- - 1 spine of this donimonwealth,' hi :shall; ',for' each: 1 offense, Ile suitenced to pay-a-find Of not less', than -, ellr. hi:mired dollary,,and to undergo an imprison--I. ra - , at, in the jailof the proper county,' fur not, less' . , then siNty days, ' . _ -•_ ii . . riscriox 3.'. That if any pertain deprived4Weltizeni .. i rho.. and' clisqualitied as aforesaid.; shall, at v ituy - . - . elvetion„, hereafter to be held in this commonwealth,; , 1 - vote, or tender to the mincers thereof. and offer to vote, - i a ballot, or ballots, any person, so offending ,Shall be deemed guilts - of a miss emeanor, and on ,conviction" thereof. in :My court of quarter sessions of.this Coni-: . Inonwealth.; 811:111. for ; eacli ! Offense,' be'pitidslied in I like manner as is provided in the preceding section, , I uLthis act, in the case of officers of electiou receiving .. „.. 5te. , ,11 tinl m fat ballot. or ballots. .. -J • " • . •-,.. ' • 13izi.T.1.0..1: -1. Tip:Arany person phall hereafter per; -- :: made, or advlso.!any person, or persons, deprive of 1 eitizenShip; anci,ili'sqruilitied ugraforessid. to osrer . . 2 oi 1 ballot: or ballots. to the dine s or 21;0%* electien , he e- • -I after. to be 'held In t ills , Continonweallh: . or slailfper.• stride, er advice, any such loffleers to ris:etve" any hal _ lot, er ballots, from any person deprived of 'citizen,. ship, and di-Ana:tiled - as aforesaid, such person, so , j offending. shall be guilty Ora misdemeanor, and np-.;• on conviction thereof.! in :thy' court of quarter see . ebans of this Comnumwealth_ shall,. be , punished -In l i ke manner as is provided in. the: s - cotia section of , [ this act, in the case of officers of inch , ..election re ; 1 ceiving such unlawful ballot, or ballots: ,-...' 1 , _. . . . AN ACT - RECitTLATTNOITUE MODE OF VOTING . .. AT . ALL ELECTIONS. IN TEE SEVERAL: ' COUNTIES OF Tiffs COILNIONWEAL'I'II. 7 1 • I 111/..(14.7ire OiliCiA notice of the following --prOvW tous-of un net approved March 30, IFAn: entitled.--"AW. Act regulating the mode of voting at all 'elections in . theiseveral counties of the Commonwealtli.;,' - .. ;-,.. t3tcriiNA. Bt; it ensettal by the Senate and HOusO of Representatives - of tin? Commonwealth of Permsyl-' 1 vania in Generot Assembly met, and it. is -hereby en - - itctedthy the authority of the same That the qualified. , ioters of the several counties of this ommonwealth,- [ o all genCr,l.tivistishi.p.borough mid special:dm-Opus ~ I C ,re ,hereby, hereafter, authorized and required , to • Vine, , ,by ocket.ii. printed. Or written, or - partly print, `O.l and partly written, severally claysirted as follellsrt: . One tic..l:ei shall embrace the names of all 1 Ituktcs 'or, courts voted for, and to be- labeTted, , --Joutside, ludl l- 1 e• m iarit" one ticket shall embrace the names of , all , i state oflieers voted for, acid be labelled, "statiii."'one i ticket shall embrace the lilies of officers all county ocers" voted • for. inducible. odic or senator, member mid - I tnetubers of assembly'. and members of corigriv, ,If Ivoted for, and -be' labelled..'eounte ;" one ticket, shall embrace the mimes (Iran township officers .v 0 ,., I led for, and be-labelled, -township - el' one ticket shall embrace the innue`sof all horough-officers voted' fin% and be labelled ."htirough• t" • bald, ;each class I shall be deposited in separate ballot•bozei. - I .1 , 'I . I MNIMEI ~ 1 , To Tare the Senioe lb e,lPeeplefoll Beatier Conl..ty, Upon the Ittletittoti oT *Pro.. . hibitary Liquor Low. . I • S ON 1. 1i It en (Merl 1.4 the Senotei- and House (!t flep ‘ reArntativt4 of the: Commonwealth cf." 1110 4 , 0 7: ivnicr in Gentral .4sec:rtin tut, anti it i• _halal en—. ost < rt VMe ii,thority of Me same,. That Air- the pnr pcoe aii•ciertalvinc; the 'sentiment of. „the' ponple tit - Beaver coilutv, upon the etiestiOn of a prohibitory. liquor law, it ;half he lawful - for - the qualiti r eit ioters of Funl county, at the next izencrnielection hereafter, to; c xpr , rs thClr prefervoce balloM tkffballots shall bit* . labelled, upon T •riihiblotry lair," and on - the contain the won't:. 'Fora proldhltd;* ry law," or "Aminnt a prohibitor:, 1;w •." end l'add'hal•- e : • -halt be reCelvcii and countial4ind emceed upon returt sof el —lion as' provided for bylaw the . , . cam: of election of county oftiCers; and al cettilicate or, Gh result of ,alclel,attion shall ley tijetiOst the:board of retuyrrn juthzca in the otheo .of the, prothonotary of I the court or contintini pleas or. Beaver 'county; and the I cleethm ollicers shalt:he I:nbject -to tile etime.penalties i as to the reception of:111mnd Nosm , , or, ether utialtelia vior in otlico, in relatlon to thdvOtintt hereby, provided for, as are provided for by.thu general election laws the commonwealth iu cute of .6:flutist off news at geti eral elections. ; Git'en under my hand at; Ikairer, iDth dsy of Soptentha 41' the year oC ALP . our Lord one (Nilo.; , eight. handradt ' - antl•e,tatt•-Aevott and i the nintpttec ond year or the intleporidence'or the United -Staten. r .JUAN S.. LITTIILL, Sheriff. SEEE4Fr's OFFICE.. I Deaver, Sep. 10 '67,. •(j f 50611'67:4t.,, 111!ZS IS. TO , c;svt;klvoricu_s lil..vr:oltz ;TILE Vrif DAY . OF 13b71 ' TEMBEtt, A. D. 1567. a WarraLt. iullankruph•,y. Wat issued against the Eabite of itoss Forward of Whitt; in the County of Beilven and of PeinuSyivania, who has been adjudged :t Bankrupt on his own petition ; that theparmealmf any debts and delver Of any his belonging to Nett Bankrupt; to lam; Or for his use, and the tnundf,r of anY property - by, him, 'are. forbidden- by Law tinaa macting . of the errdlters of the said Bankrupt, to prove rDebts; and tothotate one nr more. Ar4,ignees Otitis ff,:tate. Will be held at a; Court prtatiteru*y; to .he. hchlen at the heron House, New - Brighton; Ilienverr-Vorrnty, Pa., before Josepht B. Donley, it on 'the itith day of Oc• tuber, A. D. at °it:o'clock. A. 31..1 THOMAS , nOWLAT_,.. 1.1. S.. Marshal.'': eepllTT,'t EvutAriiiNG GAS - A DMINISTERED BY III:: MURRAY. Batnorwa,/ , TER, PA;, in extra cting teeth., lhava adand tom? many - otherfarilltf& - for tho anecessftill . GI my proferdoO. this intaluabla pain-kB; lIg agent' All , braorhey or Duntirtry perthrineil hi The "beat - and modern' . ,rtylit. 'Ail work Anneal chelid,f, and Mr ! rept. hater anal at any other Bteani Derctal &tab ,incra to ti w" t ate. 1 truyirlifett EMI ME _ -f,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers