. _ TIIE BEAVER ARCMS c( . Ts rSBLISII"E'D EyR : :RY WEDNESDAY 1 in the,.old i knous !ndlding, on If Surra, P.t., at TW9 IiQIA4R B R.ER "Wri WiAItPE. / w i g * copies of- the pager": will .be into/shed, lb - r - icni ppent, eV/ye eente,each: . Conemnideattone on eablecteof to‘l oigeneeal tereetere re spectfully eolitited2 To- thinto attention; w o re of this kind mast invariably be atcomponted by the name of the author, -not..for pnbllattion, but as a ' gor enty against - Letters end eonuntudattions ithould be addressed to , , Editor et .Propietot. • IC 0 TI.O • . LieTrillr the l uteh. te els hidebted to Bob m noteoro !wise s are reques- ted to call nt the F,al ton Woolen MW, without delayi. and settle their iutiebtedaess. irs'aPnos. • itTll.RATtti 81W1*.. •. ' N q v TI: C . - E. .: e tuulerAgned lag pnrenased the Falb/ton rrb Is Vrooten MW, formerly owned by Epbraim Smith. end fitted Aup wittilthe on Improvodmaebinery. ire P to 'manufacture m Woolen Goods in the best 00eMble Manner ; comprising Blankets, Cloth, .deans, Yara: Ett ': • ,, r, We also keep.on band goode of our own manatlictare go exchlinge tor,wool or =eh. Cam a LOBLEY.. 5111y1,Y71T11145.4. • . . . NOTlC..—Nodee is hereby given. to all concerned. 'that the nederiOned comadesionere, appointed by the Oonrt of Quarter Seepiona of /WSW county, to exam ine the proposed changfrof the line between Brighton tind Borough townships amlreport 15. 1.0 tho propriety of making that Chan g e In said linwtirayed form the ye titton of citizens of said tovinshipa,. twill meet at the eture of M. & Barragb, In _Borough townrldp, at 10 A. X., on Tburaday, the drty bf August, ISM, and, Truro thence proceed. to• the discharge ot. the duties of tett . appointment. A. P. LACOCK. DAVID FEtIGUSOST, • • . . IVABAT. ;peoples Savings -Eta ,IXCORPORATED 1866] p . CAPITAL $100.090. • OFFICE NO: K FaCRTII STREET. ) PREEIMENT 11 . ); Vier; PtermpFxl LL REA ' VEXES' LLOTD, iI.IIEt.I. 1 3 / 2 iNVIT, T. P. Jo:sEs, Wig. M. Goloriy, cq_. -Nolli So.—The . . required to call, a SECRETARY AND TREAIgEriI i ER : , A. N.,. on the groni .- entering upon the( SIDNEY- F. VON. BONNUORST. , '„ Any Committee fa/ • . Els_per cant. Interest allowed on time dependti. In, thorized to re3eeti. Teetmeittn made tu Vatted States, Stine of Pctintiva. i,,,. CLA nia and. Heil Estate Sectuitlen. !Link open tally ! Ben blooded stall(( (sundry , excepted ) from 9 o'clock. A. M. to 4 (Penick,' Yd best blooded sta P. M., and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, ' lw.t blooded stallh from fi to 9 &clock. P. M. - ' '.12(1 hest blooded eta wricE—lnterest will be nllowed from Ist of dale .— "1 t Nooded nubbin' Time deposits will bear interest from Ist or Muth of , "71.)c4 i blooded ida • mutt monthif made prior to or on those dates. •:- , belt hi ,,,, d , , , T maul , lyni:3miss.. • - IN beat blooded inn TIN-W A R E • *WHOLESALE AND RETAIL • . 17 DratlAß IIt.ALL_KTNDfi OP:, -.. . • - , .. `Tin,-Oc•pper- . Jiii Sheet "VV,.,a,re.' • 4.ItOTTOP. KEF,IPrNO CONSTA 'PITY ON tAmi kin& at TIN, cornot AND SIIISET-LRON AltEqbkh 1-v ill cell Af;IVE LairESl"Pßit'ESfr ~ ~~ • Tin Rooftios, Spouting - Sr. Job Work Dyne to order lwthe been poseible manner, and at ottortort notice. tlstag Done hnt the boat of Material, and having, no but,the beet of workout'', WE WARRANT ALL 4WORK ! iIIOP ON TIIE LOWER OF Third sty e - Gye W 4 a Call, int! Examine our Stock. 4apanned ware kept constantly on hand ogl'b;:U The Greatest IN GOODS Nelson &Roessler's licit - door to WILSON S S'IIEWARTS" NOT '& 'SHOE: STORE, 4~ IE I'lR, IA. 1 !Y Goods, Trimming, Notions 41 'lry vatieti'of 1_1171411 of aide ,ref Without. Regard to Cost: 7 4 ice to examiie.Ottr eOodAk add for of Pittsburg 3 ' . TRl4rceri; .$' 1 i Wm - 11A% INA; 1 1 '.lf, " :ll.7.C P :::. C tr . I Wtan't -A..-HtBRON Ni ; 8E TER, P.A. fYc'Th ANSIIUTZ.I',‘ -AT INITIIE DIAMOND. • 4,-, A complete line ot -4 - , •• . . • , . - i . . • . . ... . • .. . .. . ... . . • . i• .... . ~.. . • ,•. . . ......,—.....—......................... —..._ _ . • • -- ' ' '.., ' all -;'''., " 4. - ''!!!';'.! I. .I* : .p:S.'t•l , +l , •• •l4l -FIT . -.- •....;: - ",.• , _-,:t.c1.-ar •-••• • •••:“ t .e.i•-...i.-•-••,.-- , r,-... 1 -11.i.'-•': :•-..:::. ...,,,,,,,, 1 ..• ~. ~ •.- ..,.-.. - p ,. ~..• • ;..,,,,.. ~ ...-.1.,....-.. '. • .31; ....-., .•, ,-.. .•••• - fi... tlnt . ,:' :',,'.4•• — .Fit . ' '.. • : 1- : ''', /`- ' h " -. ' ' 11:' ' ' ' '' '' .7. s' t- •• ' : •-c..;,•• L.t , ..'L ~ t , ..":. ' .'.. 4 ... .. • .•..' -' .!- .' . ,I - . -...- s , _..., i-- .111-6: -,-,,, _:t i yi, • 4 li - N-: ~ , • ~ , ' • ' . ' ' ''' '' ' 1• • ' 'st • '.`^f . :: , . ; ;_ , f ' . , . ••' . - .•... .- i:-, .. ...... ...,,, ...:,, 1 . : „ .i, c . , . ..:,.,:;.. : ,: t .. t , ,i ,., ;.. :, , T ,. t.;: , .T 5 -., •' .. • • • , .:.t. , “ ,• i.;i\ 4 ' ' :,. ~ . ~_ . „.. . ~.. - •- ' . ..' . . , , i :.! , ;i: i•'. '',• . 1 , • .. .. i. . t '''' • I' l R :-'' " 1. --"'" : :': f r . l - •• 0- r' .' :•:.. ,,, ;-',. , 21 q —ls: : '-, r ,-.••• I I i. • ' ';'' •. ' (^-r- •.-• - : 'fa .. ~ •,..,,,,,,, , , I , ', -..t .4._ •i: -. •., p , ;i : i _'' - ' • • ~ A •,' - . 7 _. .1 .• ...• .., . ...it 1 •,-, :-$ -- 1 1 • -,=: • '.' L . -L' ' -..— W, ; f.: - •ii /74 : $ ' .' i .'''' . .....'..‘. ‘': ''''''' ':".:... '. '' - ' ' :'': L .: ,:: .L . ' "L ; - L is:': - ,L,- • :,.. 'i •'...' , L 14 . : .- 1;i: '-, • . ~.. .,VI . ehl. ;.; .' ii ~. ', • ; , ,i,r . i ,; . ~,, „,; ..., ;/. g. ; . , . '.;.•0 ; . ~ . - ‘1 .t , 4 , :. ti t. , it: , -,, •• , 1 . • ,-• • - . • , , t • , • •1 • 1 ; ''' •-• •-• "•i - ••- t't . t .-- t ' • ''...t•'itr•t- s.'•• •• :. ' ...-i - t :,-•• .-`, - •t;;K - tt - - .l_ ''. ,!-`, t "“• '' ''' , '''-'; -4 '.* • '-i;i` - .1 ' ' !•-•;!.-:., ~• ~...-•.. , '• • • ~i, .4 t ..• •i.:: ttt--• .. ' • •:: t t t." • - ' tr . ''. ' ....... • 1,. J I= Vol. 9,,--No .3 1. List rreimumal, . . _ To he 'acin ea' at the FAurteenth unual , • Fsfr of -th 13cLivr,..Csiptity Agrl tiltural Society, to belditt jlitiver, Pa., , Wed- P4 nesdhY, Tlittsdhy 'dud' FrldaY, tober 2d, 8d and tb, 1867. I i PRESIDEET.;—) VICE PEESIDI Donald and I Con. S MIAs, :4; MAiTAGEEB. J. J. Hazen, ' James Warn Witer ' A. Lain,: Soinn a lit. ter, Geoige , W A. Viewing., CLASS NO4I cilitivutedi T t • t,ei,, tantion t=f4 1(1.14. 41LIGIUANDERSONi Dlrrligh, J. ill. Goehrine,, • • is R. Harrah: iesepli•Lodlio. I —.Joseph C. Wilson. I —East Skier—A W. With:tins, John WolE Johns Baxter, Andrew Carothers, :John R. Wray, t3amnei-,Gibson; W. Robert Potter, JOhn Pot- Shroads, Jas. C. Ritchie, Jos. FARMS.GAR : LNS . anot leas than a 0 acres; s I at , dto the style and condition '!of oat-. skillful inallagknoifut; etc . i ' 4 13 1 $B-00 6 00' • table garden - 3 00 egetable garden ~.. „ 9. 00, . atneutal.gardeu - _ 800 . orptnenzal garden . 1 2'oo l in Henry, Richey Mitt and . John byadt - tilttrated - ve •2d beat 'ildtivated beat dower Lod 2d beat ttowdr and. Jc•Dares.-L••Willi , McKee. • g.t..—GRAPEVINEYARD_ rd of not i ßsirthan 500 ,tines t Pnrict >aid to thettfrafftioti did condition 10 00 00 CLASS N Beat Grape Vtuey attention being of the 'Mee - • 1 2+llYest do (Ss. Fore.—Compet mid 2 must funds. the 15th of Sept.. INorr 2h.- - The Judges oh classes e es above:) ors deeiring to enter claws Noe. 1 the. See'y with their_ tames ;before mese:lry traveling expense's ;of the o. laid 2 will be paid by the Sixt: I ' , udges on all the several cbir4ea are the Secretors" a office at 18 °crock,. d on tbefireedo• of the fair, hefore diities..and procure a blank report. ing to do this, the Secretary LI au , eir report. .I . • S NO. 8-11ORSES. - ' ; n 4 you; and npward . $lO 6b , ion 4 yaws and upwa.rd ; 7 00 n 3 yt ars and nUward • '.•700 Ilion 8 year* and upward ; 500 rntwo years and upward 3" 00 lion. 2 years and upward 2 00 I year and upward , ; ` 800, 'ion I year and upward , ; 200' ntist allnw her stock, 4 year % 5 odi I, Old And 111AVill' 2d best bll/01101 . il tbd upward bait spring colt • 2d beast spring colt best stallion for all tS best stallion for 1 nisi; Stallion for all itd best stallion for be'stirtaillon for all 2tl best stallio” " twat stullipn 241 best stall! bftLt brood mm • and upiv fld befit brtio 1 WIiA 4w. i bee heavy heavy : 2d bee heavy bee heavy dn 2d beat heavy Vest heavy,dr 2d N 7! tear. ,"bee' Jest heavy dt id beg heavy beat heavy dr and np 2d heat tear, • and npers Et span smite. best apad 1021, t family °anis i d W l atMat* c 2d e best . din T g &y .. e best gel ding, 3 years; 2d best gelding 3 yeas 1 I•e«t' ge 'ding . , 2 years • .24 B er t gelding, 2 yea best gelding, 1 yeara 2d beet gelding. 1 y • best mare, 4 years an 241 best mare, 4 years i best mare. 3 years an i 2tir beet mare, 3 years beet mare 2 years and 2d best mare, .2 years best mare, 1 year old 24 best mare, 1 year o best saddle issei‘e or si 2d best saddle horse.° best trotting horse or 2d best trotting horks best pacer or racket' 2cl best pacer or rle best strait wallike, o trance fee charged (Id beet straight walki entrance fee ehar2 . l bet span heavy drafts 2d beet epan heavy d heft heavy draft home ed beet heavy draft ho heat heavy draft hone dd beet heavy draft ho Beat Jennie ad be.“eurde • 1 .beet duck Od best Jacki, hest spin of mnTes",.4 y 1„41 mul e of mules, tre4 u cult ' best -taulA colt 'Juoor.s.- - -Thos. Brown. CLASS 4 0. 4,--CATTLE. . Best Durhain bull years or over': 10 60 24 best Durham bit 3Tears or (*Cr 8 best Durham bull 2 years or over 600 1 2d best Ihirhata bn 11 2 years or, 4 00 best Durham bull\l year or °vet 2',60 2d best Durham b 1 1 year or o•Ver • 100 best Durham bull t months over 200 24 best Durhajii bu 1 6 months or over 1 (k 0 best'Durhani cow years or. over 8 00 24 best Durham co v 8 3-canker over - '6 1k). beiit Durham - cow •••yatrs or over s'oo 24 best Durham em 2 }Tans or over 8 0,0 best Durham belie 1 year, or over 2 00 24 bestd:turhani he fee 1 year ekr oyer 00 best Durham ealfli .4er 1 yotiteldi t• 200 24best darham 'under 1 year' oldr 1 - 00 - best Devon brill 3 y ,its or upward 10 00 24 best .Devon bull : years iir upward' 800 best Devon bu 11.2 y lilt or upward •8 - Op 2d best Devon, bull I'ears or upward . 400 best Devon bull 1 y ar or;upWarti 200 24 best Devon bull year or upward, • 100 best Deton bnll•6 onthi or • . • 200 24 best Devon bull months old . • 100 best Devon cow 3y•rs or over . • 5.00 24 best Devon cow years or - •over . 800 -best Deixd cow 2 rs or Over: •, , 8 00 24 best DeYnn cow• ycars,ot over • ••` 2.00 best Devon beifer 1 :ear or ever -!; 2 00 24'best Devon heife I.yearl.or;o•ter -1 00 best Devon (*Wand r I•yeari year;.. 2 00 2d best Devon calf. rider 1 Year 1 00 best native nr cross w 3 Years or over 80 0 24-best native or c ss cow -3 yrs m over 400 best nativcior cross w 2 years or over 300 2d best mitilve or eO ' m 2 yrs or Over 2 , 00 best native or . cross leifer 1 year or over 2 .00 24 best native or cr 'heifer Iyr or over 1 0 0 best native or cross •If under 1 year -2 OQ 24 best native orcro s calf under 1 year 1 00 best yoke work oxe 5-yearS or,over 600 24 best yoke work o en 5-yearsior over 4.00, best yoke - work oxen 3 years or over 400 24 best yoke work oten o_years or over 3 00 lest beef Oi.in cow ; 15 09, 24 best beet or cot s . • 30g Junci*sr..Tohrt 1? ley, Wm. Irons, and Abraham Wolf: 1 ' CLASS Bst Spanl4ll buck - 24 best Spanish MO beSt 8 Spanish ewes 24 best 3 SpanisliLew 600,8 yeltrirog 24 best 3 yearling! Sp best Saxony .bnek 24 best Saxony buck! beat 3 Saxony ewes 2d Nit 3-Saxony ew• beg 8 ',ruling 6a" xni II e, 'must show her stank . 4 Y'ra . :400' 12 00 •• 1 , nrp0.....a; 4 years and upward :10 001 parpoirei.l4 yrs .2 upward 700 'lmplant, 3 years and upvrardi, 7 00 purpotea; 3 yrs. 2 upward; 5 00 mrposes,,4 years and upward I 00 _ • and upward'. 200 and upward :1 . 3 OD mar and upward 2 00 •;k, 4 years old • 15 00 Mock, 4 yrs cold 14 00 upward - 10 00 ind ward Upwa up rd 1 0 00 0 and upward 45 00 1 upward '8 00 and upward 200 upward 8 00 Id upward 200 tack, 4 years I co stock; 4 yrs , 4.00 00 4 00 3 141X1 3 00 0 I .e 2 00 1. ,i. 00 1 ta '4'oo 8 00 ..200 ^2OO 00 Co . Oo ,0 '3O 14 00 10 . 00 7.-00 ICW 71 00 :e or mare; ten"per cent en- I oo g boree br Mare; 10 per eent (1 • 7100 orsea or mama „ • 6.00 11. bones or mama 4100 r mare, 4 yeara and npward4 00 e mare. 4ye re and up 3OO .r mare, 3 yeare end np CV 6C or mare, 3 years and up 2100 rpward and upward 1 - t n, a d n l c s upward upward d upward,. and upward upward nd upward upward nd upward - upward! ..' Lint upWard re nary. 4r nure Best hiVe Italian bees Dip. & 3 ot. beSt. hive common jbees - - • .' .do .3 no best lot honey in . glass • . • do 2 00: 2d hest•lot honey in glass - ' :do lon best honey in wood and glass. ..do3- no 2d hest honey in wood and glass • do I, on best honey in wood 'do 300 2d hest limicy in wood . • . 40 100 bestsAargell col. of honey fromiltive s do A no 2d bestalarpt 6.4.0f1i0ny frotulhiVe do / 1 00 556 • Jr - opte.-31rs.11bston lir& ro Annie Seegs, ef • 5 se MrS. tlizabitli 314 - Wery-,David W. Scott l'ilon7 ate s k j o trose Brady and James Thompson. 4MI ' • ' N O . NO. 10—FLOWERS I; variety and collection of flowers 3 ix; et-, Imo Grove and Capt. JO= Pe S V . I d best variety and Collection of flowers 200 hest collection and iariety.in pots - 2 'oo best green-house plants ~ . , , • ' _ 100 best basket of flowers -.• • . _ lob best moss vase *with' flowers . .:. 1 00. best dish vuse with flowers . . 100 best hand bociuet ~ 100 best flat hoquct ' 1 00 i hest table hocpiet , - •, . . • • lØ . floral Oesip,O. ,• h '-• . . . 2. 00. .. . 2d best floral design . - Ino - • 4lonnv.s.-31imes Mangle Anderson, MarY Agnew 'and Senior N. Briffhton. ';-' 0 CLASS NO. 11—DOILMTIC MA NUFAC... TVIIES. . . Best 10 yards brorid,•clOth best 10 yards satinet hest 10 yards eassimcro beat 102:ards flannel hest . 43i shawls' • 1 ' best sewing silk, domestia ibeit silk vesting ' best made dress 'coat - • best made oyerOnat : hest satin or teli.et vest , best pair of pants 1 best 5 silk hats • t i best 5 fur hats Junags.--Charles Boatel, Ephraim Smith find-Benj. Wilde. •'. • - ' • • CLASS .NO. 12---CLOTIIING .AND FUR- N.LSIIING. _ . ~. ere. and upward yeara and upward 5-SHEEP craved ..; li nish ewes r=2 Bea; 20 best 3-yearling Saxony ewes best Cotstrdldbucl( i - 2d best Cots Wald brick . . • best 3 Cotswold ewes • -.- 2d best 8 CotSWOld ewes best 3 yearling Cotswold ewes 2d best 3 yearling Cotsivold ewes best Leicester; buck . •', 20 best Leicester "buck' best 3 Leicester ewes' - • • 3d best 8 Leicester ewes . -• .best 3 yearling Leicester `Meuse ' 2d 'best B.yearling Leicester ewes . best Southdown buck ... 20 best S,ontlidivwn buck' • best 3Soutluldwn ewes -, W best 3 Southdown ewes . • ,; "II best 3 yiarling, Southdown - ewes ' •' • T 2d best 3.yearling ,Southdow a ewes ' 5.1 beet 3 fat -Withers . v.- ~ ' ' - ' I '6 2d best 3 rat withers : . . - sOt Juncur.s.—WM. Gealy, Jacob Gabe • and John Scott. '• • .:. ' , ; s - .0.4454 NO. ti•--SW/NE. 0 best Suffolk bor 8100 20 best Su ff olk oar -1 I '5 00 be st. sow and pi . - S • 800 t i , 2d bcst,lsow fusjigs • . '''' 5 00 _ best suffolk hr nod sow .. , 500 2d best Suffolk I brood sow s ,, , 1 800 best Suffolk. pig,* under 6 months - ' 3; 00 2d best Suffolk 'pigs under 6 months 200 best Chester w late boar •. ... • 8' 00 2d best Cheerer white boar • '•• ." •5'.00 best sow and pigs Chester white .• • 800 *I best stsw and. pigs Chester white s •5100 best Chester white brood bow ", '5.00 2d best •Chesder wfiite brood smv B'oo best pair of pigs ender 6 months•old l e - 5 00 20 best pair of pigs' under 6 months old • 3.00 • Juno ES ..—J ohn 3lowery,,, George Bat:Flay and 'Henry Phillis. CLASS ;NO. 7—POULTRY, i'• " S best 8 hens and cock. • _ ; . Dip. 300 best pair turkeys' . Dip. Jr 1 ,00 best.pair of Muscovy ducks : , i A 00 best pair common ducks ". 1 -00 best collection of chickens Dip. ft 3 00 I - • JrDG EA. ---jobrk Mowery, ss George Barclay and Ile dry Pll9ls. ' '.-. , ' • CLASSING] ; B—PANTRY. ; , • , • s. Best print or roll buffer 6 lbs dr over - s 00 2d best print or roll butter. 6 lbs.or over 11 .00 best cheese 10 lbs and 'over ~.. 2'oo gd bes t•.c h ees e 10; lbs and aver - 100 stest maple Sugar . ' . 2 00 tld best maple sugar ' ' ' -_ 100 ' hest sugor from Chinese cane Dip. & 3 00 12d best sugar froin Chinese' cane Dip. st 2 00 befst molasses orsagar froth same Dip 4 300 20 best mo. or sugar" from same Dip. it 2 do best light bread " Dip.- el 00 2d best light brews' . .. • 1 ,00 best light cakes , • Dip, ft 1 0 20 best light cakes ' ' ." • lOO best 3 vat eties of cakes • Dip. 41 00 2d best 3 Varietle.4 of 'askes • 1 IN) best 3 varieties of preserves •'2 ex, ' 20 best 3 varied ai of presefves Dip. s , 1 0 0 best 3 rarieties euchered fruit" • 2 00 2d best 3 varieties !niche:al fruit Dip. st I' oo i best hal f gallon grape wane 3 . 00 , 2d best half gallon grnpe win;e 2 od best half gallon currant wine. 3 00 1 2d best half,gallod currant wine_ • 200 ' beat B.varietlt frtiFn b a ttle ol4xll ...8 24 j14 14 fir 11 rift .4 ll'altila vi 800 ' 20 best .4 varietieslfrult, " 2 no befit specimen pickles ' 2 oo 20 best specimen 0 pickles 1 00 best specimen soap - 2 00 20 best specimen Snap . ' 1 do, best spectmen candles • .' - '2"00 „ 20 best specimen c a ndles • lon JUDGEB.-:sirs. R oston, 3lrs., Annie Sc r oggs, Mrs. Elizabeth Mowery, .David W. Ela?tt, Montrose Brady add James Thompson. CLASS N ( O. 011.0NEY, ' Rest silk_bonnet , 2d best silk bonnet _ best silk or lace cap ' • best and neatest ladies' dress 2d' best and neatest ladles'-,dress • 100 best dress for child 2 years old " 2 00 2d best dress for child 2- years old t 160 best madeAirt and collar t,-`1 00 best embradered skirt , • i 2 001 241' best embiloidered skirt ;1 00.1 best embroidered pillow slips 1 00 I best do -4. ottomon cover - 1' 001 best embrold'd stand cover • • 1 60 best embroidered stool cover ; . • 100 best embroidered lamp rite 1 00 best embroi'd undersfroves 4sehmiet • 3`oo Sdlest emb'd'd unddrnledves & schiniet 2"-.60 1 best Set 'on OM • :00 2d best sct on quilt - 8 00 best patchwork on spilt. . 5 00 241tictst 410 on quilt . 300. best white 9pilt . • • 500 2d best whlktegnili .' ' , ' 300 best bed spread • ~,- - 400 2d best bed spread 2 :00 .Ibm:t pai? blankets • • 4 , 12d best pair blankets 3 00 best quiltAl comfort •-„,,•' , '2 00 2d besyquilted comfort' 1 00 7 i 5 0 00 0 i 7 00 5 00, 6 06 Iv 7 00 5.00. 7 00 5 00 s'oo ‘, •. •I Ter) L2B -, .'-• . . ,". , a t. o 4 . *ciollin•coOrt ,-40 "silk drinure It''oo, 2dbel4iinalett carpet, , l(qata. tternxire s. oo', b e st cssist,- - i, .:.-f•-. 0e.,,,, , ,- . !.., •.1_,... -: 3 00. s ea rag esT ot ,:. 1 :_r!,,..., •„, .... 03 , bast hearth mg', - • .-. 5 .-'',!: ~- !•'.' :'. , 21)0 241 .- best. ltearthtiag -.id 1 ' .1. .:1 - # . 4 , 4 Li ;:- 1 : cp. bit dOitaticlitiothi s - lldn li.' s •!- ,. , Il . 1.00!., bast iipecimen linen:thres*; ) 4, 1' '.• • '' I 011 - ', bat spectmonthiesd 1aie,i4:1041... . 1. be best:knit Wooleafatookin - :.' '-, ' ' 1 , 001 .bist ; thnaid 'or natter r' ' ..-':..-.1. oco ste r v t besterciehet otiMit:chair. ' i ti: r -„: . .;:: . 2 .00 - .2di best crochet or ' knit carve : ;.!i.: '-•-• 1 , I.KI -bat crochet Wreak tanzal -p.:.!' -. -:,2 20 2d bat crochet borate = - :'!...tF • , 7 :4412 test enichet'shttidcovue..ftiro' - 7;1 ...1 , .2 -be bat. enibroidered kilindkenth :4,1 hili: 1 7 22 4 beet einbroldered pin' enable - - i. , '..:...!;:. :j i b°. best. mbroidered' «Mei -- iv' ...,`? :,• - !-; ..• 1 - 00 , best bunch artificial "Lowe* - 1 ', , -P. '. 's 100 Oest. hunch artificial w ax . -, .r; :,:: 1.00 6 lat basket Artificial War tin ._•-:•:, !.P.... , . 100 i . libtit..--AnY artiOeWhlebnuta'.• ' iteretitirOrel receitl s pr,emintri;:lieihlirdisa, - wlll'uot be , csiderod by thaJod* - 4 7 ciFtapeting. 1 . :Ak 4, M.a . . °befit ,Fippeit'/eil ni Jte' made •Within• the Present. year,... - - -.••• ~".•.;.. . - ...;- 1 : .; . - 1- . , .: , i ArTaxi- , -.(44 , ll 6 6:f:tengttp.kni!ns Snaith 1 an stlettj.,Wila. - ''' i" - t • ; , ~t j . .. .' . , , , , . • , .. . .6L/1...58.N9.13-4nEtaivixops • • **Were white whoa . ::r sn.f.it:h.-.1 - . 4•06 2dbest acre whlti - wheit. ,- i'vl'. - !, ,-- -. ....,. 1 = _2 00' best acre red wheat' • 4 l'Afi.... :l' ' - c,r 400 i,2d - betit aerii,ired yin* ~ , f' e.tl,y‘ -, s'.• ! - .2.00 - best: acre rye ''':. I . :. • - JAW:.,•,' 11 011 241 bat acre Itt, 7 C- ' "•"" I ,Aer> ! best screbartey , : . 71 " , . .,7 - ; -.. €2,3 twat aiie. hailer , -,' *!.,:. . .. ' best acre._ acre _.- ':, ' " 4- • 't• ' 2d best acre oak !*.:; `, . 1 , 17 .- itt 3 - I best sere corn • °I . 1 7 cVr.,.• 2d bed. acre Co i n , , . :.:.t.,ff,-.. .. 'Best vihiteeced wheat;llttidi • . , 2d beat white' seed'artteit; rfbnatt . best rill seed - what; I.bltelW r •,: E 2d beet red - seed w heat, final' ! :- •-, bat, rye 84+1;1100k '.....:.:ni',..: - !hest - seed oats, lfblisTi l'.•'ffiA,_ 1: •": „ bat aeetti barley; t balk i oa• - • 1 ; -: • - : best .iced Corn in atOltalliebti. be 4 clover seed, 1.6 Instetrit ..;.: - ' • i2d bait' darer seed i i g•besiti't e- - . ' best tlinotby sad;t . tuM.5. ,, . , 2d .beat timothy. se 3. tusk - --, u best flax seed b ' .' ,l ' $' l C:. 3 s.:' • .'.' batbeans )4' biiAlt , ' f.-t4i.:-. 7 1: :. best red potatoes % -bush . ir '' • _ : .. • butt Nottannock - ltbn. best Buckeyt li lid's w.:9,74 •!•.4 • 1 ; best Chili W.bush; , r •• ..4. 4. : 1 best seed Buck.wheifsl**lo,,._ ...- ' best specimen : C f hltielikariok 4 8 110 ,1, beSt acre Neshannockpankint„ . . ; .. -best acre red ponttee! , :dtiii,4ol:;-„ ' best Peach Blow,patd 4 A. titl!!,•- . beit Prince Albert, pots i• L.- • .: best lot sweet potattilCvit.4; 4 .4..:, . .. best lot • manguliff4lW4ml4l?!:ar , ": best:lot earrots';:i ,I -7y:' OtAi.'l.• ,• beat lot 'ttiirdper , t i,, t, : t.,:irt,,;:5,:.41: • • bait lot rninbagt", -: If.tViiii - : ... best-lot enbbitge.n . ..ii , :r .---4-..... 4 , best-lot onions ,-. .! -,,.. 1 41.,C,!;, Wit lot, turnip beeta.:-; ..-,. best, lot pitsulps;,.:•:,_, .if.t beet.lot. sWeet-pu .. , ‘ , 7,4:8 best collection of .... • : , - best colloctiontleartOr:. ,;, best col of illstlL,bU l- best 1 bushel corn beans . . : .1 - f,,, . best 34 bushel sow beans 1 '''' . - Bo best ga 1 llon Lima beans • • . , 00 , test 4 babel bunch beans - . 1 donors.- 4 / a niel Dawson, Andrei'' Water son, arid Johu Furguson. -, . ... CLASS NO. 14—FRUI T: - .. 8 OtF T OW 5 00 9.00 5 00 1 zoo 3 to 1.00 *3 , . . Best 6 varieties 54 'e 1 apples 3 aR.4 ..i. 333 2d bat 6 varieties fall apples '3 .each 100 best 6• do whiter apples 3 cacti 00 241 best do ", _. .. do do 100 best & largest. collection apples 5 00 3d best and largest eiillecuon apples 200 best 3 varies simuner & mini lt each 200 24 best three var. sunir & fall pears 3each 1 0) best three varieties winter pears 1 00 best 6 varieties winter pears. 3 each 200 3d pmt 6 varietv winter pears 3 each ' 1.00 beM 4 verities plums 5. each . ' . . 100. 00 best collection of plums -'t • 0 best dozen of peaches i ;, , " 1 Lito 1 Uo' best dozeri,of quincts • -,• • ' best eatateba grapes %. re : it ~ 2 N„„ 3d best Catawba grapes ier . , ._i. best Isabella grapes %p • ~ :< , 200 2d best Isabella gnipes "4 ,peck-, 100 Est collection out door grapes. . 3.00 2d best collection out door grape ' 2 - ® best dillection green, house grapeg 8 00 2d.best coll'n green house grapes * 200 best corn fruit generally . , to one.person .4 03 3d best corn fruit gen'ally to one person 2 00 best dried peaches % bushel ; ~ .1 00 , , best dried apples I ,,i' bushel.._ 1 00 : JvpoEs.—Da idol Dawson; Andrew Water- ti son and John gnrg•uson. • ji CI,ASS NO. 15--kAlliil liIPLE3LB.ST&' 1 Bmst*twis boric, plow 2 00 -best one horse plow - • - • •I. U 0 best hill side plo* .: , ~ ,11. 00 I,best corn plow, k • IOU best graiivilrilt -, dip '& W. 00, . ..... „ , best reaping mach ine ' . do 10.00 best mowing machine .• , - .do 10 00, best carp ,planter - . best square„htirrow , . i.:l CO best triangle harrow . * , 100 best clover.huiler- ~ < •T, 3 ,4 * best horse ha% take' 100 ' best cutting bia • - , 1 . 1 00 best machine for gathering Clo'rer seed 1 00 best grabigradle MO best tliteshlng machine _ I • " dip & 3 00 best corn sheller •,, 1, 00 best CidCr min " ' 300 2d best cider Will •, , ~ '( ~., .2 00 best fanning mill , ~ .2 00 best corn cultivator •• . f ...' li,' .f .' 1 00 best horse 'shoeing • ,tit - i diii &,.3' 00 best hay ladders'i . - 4 , ' 1„; 12 00 best farm -do It. long 4. 1 . : ~_. i , I.'oo 00 best -garden do * . do .r.l best farm roller • - • . ''' 5 00, hest 6 axes 1 00 best - flour, barrels ; % dor:• ~ . 1 O,J bestcol'n agricultural imple'nti dip 4'lo 00 best wool roller , „ • - - 2 00 JUDGEB.-4illl ponds, John Patton • and James ItLeGnire. ~ • ' ' 1 • C1,.1158 SO. t6-31EClidITICAL IMPLE . ME 2 00 1.00 1 00 2 00 lIIMEE Beat 9 horse - carriage or buggy dip & 5 001 2d.best 2 horse ca.rrtagb or buggy , do 800 best 1 horse carriage or buggy • ' - do 800 2d best 1 horse airtime of buggy...: do- 8 00 best too horsewagon •. -; do 3 001 best dressing bureau ' - do 300 best Sofa • • do 3 001 best ti mahogany chairs,,. ‘. do 8 00, best 6 cm:amain, chairs ' • 1 ' /, 00 I 'jest cane seat cafe ..,. .00 i bfga dining tabl e,l - 41 ~, ; 1 00 best *ash stand - 50 hest basket split . . . ,59 test basket wino* -. heat picture frame - ' dip It' 50 Best earring oirwood - '. ' 100 'best dozen buckets : ' dip &1 00 best halfdozen tubs dip, & 1 00 best white.lead ken' . o • dip best churn' . ' dip &1 00 . •.-,. .. , best pump r , dip A - , 1 00 best bee hitt 1 • , 1 . dip 'tt .1.00 • f 4 11".1141(44 ' 2 'lB6 dnesa MEM 1:00 8.00 •2 00 ; • 200 - "8 00 2,00' 11-00 1 00 200 '1 00 1 00 1 00 • 8 , 00 I 00 1 00 1 , 60 00 1 CO 1 00 • 1 00 - 1 00 ll . 100 ' 100 2 00 1 ' I'oo • 1 00 1 ,00 . 0 0 ...H. 1 'VD . • It .00' 00 • •111k..".........1.1.-art JNENTS beat iinre forks, .11 • liestlutrforks,6 '"' I . best.broacl,axe', • tat Ctitiery -- • ; Win spec: iron railing ' boskeooking stove • best cgal stove for htiatiMPAire' - '.ancJ school ' 'houses be atiltings•gie,nerslly best.stono ware - bag fruitiara, :six 3 cita , ' 'CUP 492 best fruit Jars, # „ x2,qts • 1 nu, ben plans ware,' : $ 1 DO •borit 13m 4 brick 1' • ‘'' • dip & DO rbes . t common dip & 1.00 I li .Jumpos, oruell ;I enr u ow , n*.lKorgan and vir-1.744THE1t • ' MA - NUIrACTURES: • 0 0 difskirtiiiileather do sole-'leather 1 1 , - • • 2'oo flo tiPperJeather , , • I. 2 00 do • brulle,leather.., - • -2.99 do kip skins 4 liiither . 2 :9 1 •do Calf skins 4do • ';' • 200 do dth het oIP4 arrtage hitness '• • 800 •do single let ofearriage harness •. - 500 do- doublet Esrtn.lunesa .4 .00 do mates saddle l ' 4'oo dolatlia? griddle , „ . _ , 00 do firrdlelnd 1.-00 d 6 haifm :• - e'%: , 1 00 do,horsc collar ..1-• • 200 do:leather trtink" - 2 00 .dgi.pai;44B4l..e.alf halts • • •• • 40 0 do pair getftli kip boots- • " 2,: 00 do pair gent's stoga; do 2 00 do pair gent'sdo,shoes _ . 1.00 do pail' ladles' boots • 2 00 at, pair ladies' shoes 1- • " 100 do pair ladies' slippers •1 00 ' Jonas.--Samnel Moorhead, Peteilifarkee and. caw Calhoon,' of Brighton. - CLASSI!Zi-niaII'IZTINC, PENMAN- Best oil -painting - .Dl & 00 2d best do painting • - • do & 800 best photograplis . do &3 00 2d do photographs . do &1 00 Best ambrotypes - do . & Oil al) photographic views - . •• ado &8 00 • do display Photo's & ambrotypet 'do & 3.00 • do specimen penmanship - do & 2.00 2d• do specimen penmanship do &'l.. 00 do,specimen do with' left hand% do & 2 00 2d do , specimen do with left hand do & 100 Jr Dom—David. McAllister - • and Clarke 4111 am- , , 1 In , this class may be - found dal various arti cles on exhibition notenumeratedEtour l're- ' mlum•List ... --.. - NOTE I.—Judges are requeited te - 6 , 11 the attention Of the 'Discretionary. Coittniitt • 2 to all articles entered in the several chisstwhich I are worthy-Of a prerniuu t .but in- no • ~. to make an award of premitun to an article lot enumerated on - the VxeMitim list of the &Cie ty,Xqva.2,--...__lt.shall- be : the duty of- this ..I)ls eretipto.ty<turunittee to examine all- such ar tides as - altEl be iewirtmended to ,them by the judges on the various - Classes, together with those to :which dem Attention may be gireetetl- by the numbered car& (19). ;ort each 'and, alio ;FIT tirti they rri7Apm. wortbia, Fm - nVt""" --.6........th- sum - tryst - -mt-tx al' . Y • ' l j -- itmli- culled to it by the judges ( class. ' All Discretionary Preiniunis to be referred - to the Board of Managers. . . • • : , litules and' Regulations for the Government of thesralr. ..,_ .:. ametTION TO COMPETITOR& • 1. , Competitors at the Fate must become members of the Society, and have certificates of membership; which must he shown to the ISeeretary" before any entries can be made. 4.They must also be citizens of the cOunty,- and owhers of the property exhibited for premi innts. . . , 2. Numbered csirds must be attached to all • aides, stock, Sc., - for exhibition, which will Ibe Ihrti'Shed by the Secretary- 7 -heing an exact copyoftis 'entry—but the names of the own ers strictly Cieludeti. . ' ' 1 a All anintsts" or artioles must, bel on the ground before 10 cklock A', M., on Thursday 1 ;1d, (the second day of the Fair) 'that they may be arranged iii 'readiness for examina tion bY the Judges imluediately thereafter.— , Articles may subsequently be Offered for ex hibition, but, not3br a premium, _ • - 4: The same article cannot be used to take a premium in t'vo different 'classes. +. • & Exhibitorit are not to' mike th9mselves knotvn to the - judges, unless :it lie'conicl her canary to the examination of stock,macbine ry, i&e. Judges must not be interfered With ln any Manner; by any:period.' . ' 6. Competitory fors held: crop pierditims must present certified statements of tliq'nter ested tsons. 7; No animal or article entered for pre_nai niTlS can be'rennivecl until the close of the FM r„ except by special.peribi--shm. All stock, &c,, ', on exhibition -w ill be Subject tothe order and ' direction of the Boardbf3lanagers. ' 8. - Hay or straw for stock will be furnished free Of charge, and grain at cost price, and an abundance of w . aterwill be on • the grounds for all pnvpostsP ~ —;-' " -• . ' .. `• IL No premgams will. be/paid until thirty (30) dayli after the Farr; andall premiums -sent for will be paid only on a written order to the Treasurer of the Sobletyadefs. C. Wil son) tobe retained by, him us All voucher for the . samp. .In all past Orbmiums to be re ceiptbdfor to the Treasure'. .• ' . . 10. A Committee will direct as tothe. loca tion of any, article which may be plabed oh ex hibition. . - .. . 11. The Boned'of Managers will spare no Pans to 2Orcl4Outodate competitors in every class;-every precaution will be. taken 'for. the safety. of all articles on exhibition, but ,they will m no'ease be liable for tiny loss, or. 41117 age that may ,occur. L _ , . ~„ . Instructions to "1. All the judges ' are required to report , themselvek at the stand, it 2 o'clock, on Thurs- I day; otherwise facanoes will be immediateln tied up by the Board. . They will make Nil and detailed repetts.lind return them to the Secretary before 2 o'clock, on Friday. The judges Must corititie theiaselves to the articles in their several Departments, 'as set forth in The Premini Ltit. . 'When. a worthy- object hi tiresent they are ,to refer it to, the Disere edit tionary C nimittce. l i , ~.... , .. .g.: Judea wilt not awaisi first premiums upon.indifferent objet.s. With little or no coin-1 'petition. Tint may award-Fremiums of a low: l er grade, - or do premium, as they shall demi propel...„ .-- ' • '':• ''N 1 -3: -ledes g will apt perniii ' exhibitors to ' make themselves ' known unless .if becomes necessary to th 6 =Min:dint' of stock. &c,. .' ~ - ~ Juctges are requested . to make a note of ecerY,articie that 'comes before them,• as the Board wish,,to Make a full, report; With the name of the owner attached, but - will-not a- . ward preiniums upon talkies or animals 'tot enumerated in their own particular class, but such as they' think w . ortho they will recom mend to the attention- oh - the ,Discretionary Committee. , . 1: , . • • 5. Judges will iu no c_vr award a premium to any article the card '.of Is-hien-V 3 marked Ell Ettallishdd'lBlB 1 00 0 I‘o 200 it Oft 4es, t dip a~ .! secondday entry. . , • • a Antes will permit no person,tobc,pres mit lit their examlnattons, except as above dl-' • rected.' l l • - ' • jr,7. NO person will he permitted to serve as a Judge, if he or 41e. LIVIV be competing fora. Premium in the seine Olisis, or In anyway in: terested. - • General Rifles. 1. C i neiliftNiti „la( Life 3teinhership ench)'achnit all' mem liers 'of the family to nil tlfe';pritileges• of the Society, except Males over' 21 yearstarage, .• ,• , Certificates of annual Membership (I 1) give alt the: privilege for:the year, Including succeeding 'election, and 'admit to the Fair Grfuhd,"clurine 'the - Exhibition' tlfe heAds ,of. Dimity snit child"ren residing at: home, except. males 4er. 21„yeam o nge.• Slagle Tickets (25 cents'cach) will be, geed for one admission only. " - • ' l 8. All articles in the 'Manufacturing or; ' Mechanical -Departments. must be made in ',the county, - anti within, a keried of one year previoug to the : i present Fair. , 4.- The Board of Managers may award 'premitinia en articles of special merit from] other counties or States. . • . • 5. , Any. person who may bring intoxicatingl Liquors on the Fair Grounds, - either to drink himself, or to give away:shall be expelled I from the( enclosure, and net be permitted to I enter again,. , 4 .4, . • 6. , Each • Morse or Colt brought upon the Ground;' (except those, engaged in hauling articles tit the Fair, 'which shall not remain;) will be taxed 15 cents each---a, pair of homes (one owner) in. harness or ' otherwise, 251 • 11 Qarrivcs. Buggies, tae., used in the ring, must be,dftvett• putidde of the ground'; immediately after training.. , • • % " I 8. All Carriages, Wagons, or Yi;bieles of ' any ki nd,l coming within' the enclosure (except the 'provisions, in Rules. 6th . and 'ith,) must be entered 6m-competition, and have a numbered card placed thereon. None others can be naiad:Z. 9. AIII persens having horses to exhibit or train in the ring are required to' show theirTertificate of Mianbership, both at the • Stock gate and (entrance tothe ring.,' A.•-• The Board -of .Managers (which in cludes the ,Officers) will be present on the Grounds, and Will-be pleased to give any in formation to competitors oeothers who may desire it,• The Managers will have an Auctioneer to I sell any animals or articles exhibited, which the owner may wish to dispose , ok,oti. the I the third day. • 1 . , B. The Scemtarg of - tbo'.fleciety, (J. 11: will bit ready to receive entries for two 'weeks previous to the Fair, and Would I earnestly request all who•can, truutilie cation before the ;fair,' as it will facilitate hi‘ 7 I ran meats that may be made• torah* 'tic eritaltiotiatitni. In presenting the foregoing List of , Prendi tns, the Boon' beg leave to call attention. to the fact that it has undergone a thorough ,re-. vtionind- ciiiitetion, and they ,would invite attentive'alfd'areful.perusaL feeling that in variety and extent fix aggregate, amounttrinituar t offered) it is nOt surptts-', sed, bY.t of an County Sooiety our State; ' 'raking these facts hate eensitier ation, ilierßotird yottli.eetidliffy invlte•all'to COMP6tei haring Abatifae-atarkaie,:an , ..tx--1 2.1x."...t...4..-4.2..x_s—rii.......i.aa v tu r A:pr af twad a to. terests of our county. IsA&L, • 'Secretary. ITS 4s , ,--, SUERIWIN A7C HONE. A:titiriespelident of The Cincinnati -Coin merCia/ wri tes Pleasant sketch of a visit to .t . . , the house of the Sheridan family in Somer . :sot, , , Ohio. The family now consists of the father and Mother, P . L: . H. Sheridan, John . Sheridan Michaelt. Sheridan, and the deuiliter and • sister, Mary, who, about two years since,was married to Capt. jiiim Wilson, who is a na tive of Perry County; Juan, served through the, warlin a Michigan regirent.. ; 'Mary ,is, the onlydrng,hter, and since • her &iiirriage-alie arid her husband live in the honk with her , parents. John Sheridan, father of the Gener al, is apparently abOut 65 years of age, of san . f'S - • pine teinperament, a rugged; muscular, h e n- . est-lOoking Hibernian, and notafraid.of work . • . . He can b e seen at almost any time 'cultivating tir iniferoVing the. li t tie farm of :Nacres that is iiow his tare and pride. John L. ; is a. lawyer . . . ~ . by!profession, and lies recently removed - in Columbus, Ohio. Michael V. has fa' commis sion in the army, and is;,on duty at'New-Or limns. • . . • -. 0 :.; , Concerning SheriditOs youth, wo quote 1 ~ , "'Philipll.Slieridan was horn at the. City of Albany, State d.New York; in; Febreit ry, 1831. His parents are natives oflreland Coun ty ,of Kerry. Their oldest child Patrick, was also born in Ireland. About the year 182'J, John Sheridan and wife, with their first-born,, bid farewell to.their natiie.land and ettlile. to America, their adopted and, chosen horac.. 7 —, They first located at Albany, N.Y., where, as before stated. Phil. Sheridan was born. They resided - here about : I le years. While Phil; was very young, his rent s removed to Soul= erset,Perry'county, tile. ••.The parents were in quite. limited . - ciretimstances. and Phil'i early e t xperience Was that of other boyi simi larly Bthtted. When the turn pike. was being built through Somerset,'Phit'S'fatherilted to .9wn.and drive a cart, Men of Phil.'Sage tell us that they have-often seen him hanging on' his father's cart,' and 'once in a While, when he e;ould get to drive, he would •he highly de lighted... Phil. mustloavo ben : regarded as a very fieriest boy., far., while very• young years; he was taken by John Talbot, ahe m ware merchant, to serve inhieStore. He serv ed Mr: Talbot satisfactorily abbut two years: After leaving Mr. Talbot, the. subject ,of our fkettli*ent to stand in the store of D. White- ' head, a dry gliods merchant - of ;Somerset:— Here we believe he remained until he was ap- pointed a cadet at West Point- (lea. Thos. , Ilichie; a - farmer livin,g _five miles east of Som- ; erset,lad.teen elected to Congress for Via l distriet compoSed of Perry,llforg'an and Wash ington: .; Me. Richie was a good, judge of char: ! rioter.' He wasacquainted with young Sher- Wan, topk a • fancy to him, and propoijell *2 .tend him to West Point. Young , Slieraliilio was. willing; and his parents agreed to it. The•" lawyer. Who drew up the papers-in thwcase k , I told me they were not very sanguine that he I Would be accepted, on-account. -- of his size: He was very, timallfor his age. But he was duly! accepted, and took his place as a humble stu- ; deitt at this great Military, school: In :due: Course of time he graduated, received an ap- 1 pointment, and we:: placed o i l duty West of.; the Rocky Mountains.. lli;tfe,, in some enr; counter with the Indians, he won and receii- 1 ed his first promotion. There was mot Much ; Opportunity to. achieve military X - inction i there; but at length the tsar came, on, and his subsequOnt military career is well knot on. .4 . 9 incident is related by a ft iend that: will . give : sonic little insight into big eharaetCr nee a boy. :. A. traveling bookseller 'was stopping with his booksat a hotel in Somerset. : Phil. Sheridan, i. then c.bitut 9 or 1(1 years of age, stepped up, and iii,zooud clear, yjt repe.c.' fill t- , o". in quired., 4 . - eive - „tott a nything'- oii- the liuman ; . - AintitTISiCMENIFIL ry uukted\ **lttor :P ovr ove# pulse for titst. inriertlon, and , k.or each aabaegiread, cents. A liberal dlsnonLt made'esc jualtir— lverttseurente,„ „ „ s . A apace equal Trn linos a this inxtineiniid as Btlettleftw't 2 alet c i eat tut"! i4ead Allately affcr tha loc_al newa, aryl be aimed hitti conialiiM trn each 3neeKion. - rl 114 , 6eifitikaniiOnented hie etas/gig • the ptiolidter i:esercea *lto lright to change mitre* Wemante from oua place Jo tim papet ; to 'wall% whenever it ildeOnible do bo. - • mimujaVoitd IT;Otian`de4 ItietOrtai . ll4,4t Inuremoor to lneertioa In that vreWaPPIFF — r :• i , .vot.le?', The naintind ngt.tite kixtd-OPP the" ncititry Mt : fora bciy of that age. 'We tisk men or a the same age as Itit'and'iblio, kno.w bim in Somerset When 41110% whatt they remembet4 him. and the general reply is that theycils. member him as a short.l-gged little boy, who could run ;or jump in ' the (hist or mud - equal to any boy of ,Thc...tpwruthat h owas lit tieill:Mil/ fellow, • an inveterate' tall as there was anyase oV.: Tlietaikingpartatl we all, know,PlidAtis left off._Re moat ltavo I said it nearly all 'when he Was a boy. "your eorre:Ooddinit,:vaii in 110i:terse; t'l7 Years ago while'Phil. w 10. s, stu dent at West Point., At the time he was fit , .home on a furietigTo' tenitshber seeing ,liim in hisiihdatunifortn, in his slipfers and White socks. sapping. ft,bo.l4 , tovizi ,eud calling upsin ids friends. lie hail, an intrependent, satisfied air, and seemed greatlY peacitirlth himself and the !. We met, him at large, social dance... lie chosLa partner and !went throutrh a cOtillien orlwa Ike:01;kt of abstract , ed, careless way,, and;tberq,wetsthallp • youngliloods there that` altogether ontshpne I.loin in the 'O)4 dance.' - 1 7 , onV c rrespdnel ciit, wlth.others,.4botigirt a young - man be• ling eduwted at public eslierise,for .the trade of war, in a countrythat wnuld •he it! peace for the next . 50 years, WBS miceergrest, Makes, after all. -,"Den..Shcridan Was at hoinfhPr a; p i of t tWo at a time during the war-once Wben be was transferred from tife ,- Wriat to the East, and on!one,otherbotasiott. •Ifewas UttOtr'ir belieged at,a hotel in Zanesville; sl3d: ire ations were being niatle. foe 'sotno law:Vet great oemonstratem,- But the 'General, by the aid,of Wendt: made his "elleape out Per; 1 back way, and wakfar on his Way to: Romer; set before it was known thathe haVell,'; the', city, The: people of Somerset Also .11rottgli0 they must make a regular denuinstration tri honor, of the. dit,tingutalled• soltiiir.:*They marched in Y94-alar'processioa tit4llo aikultu ban residence of the Sheridan: family, ancra citizen:was appointed to pettrato a Writ- • ten'address at the General. P it came; , out, and,the people gatiteri:d'unpa thetrtmjz! the yard in front oe the dweilint. Pie rsteiv , , -.respectfully to; the, addiess, but all tho' white kept shaking bands with: tht9ittle girls land boys.wfm tathered m near. hini, 'At the doze he simply thanked the. peoplh' for' the demontietion• ofl Opeet. • Oenx,therldan, disrespectful- never means to be , tothe people; but he has such a diStasto.ot behmthe . eentey, l or subject of a "scene," that he always'avoidgi I it if he can in anisort of - aril thanner: ..•*? has,atwilyklual great !sffeetiots: -for his parents', and keeps-mirk Terulaidtor. rusa•t pondenee with them,and the other • inemiotte tof the family. Ever shim he hiss - hadit caw:: (,mission in the army, ha-,bas:hqued:•.,his: pa rents mueh,arid.asslited thepi_jn } purcbasing and improving the home that they, now ' - 116 also looked' Welt toithe 4 educatiort: • of his 6tithers - anditiSters.7.• , :c, , r .. . . . . • - _.:Perstisylvtsl4lla 'Denity.,i.T. - -, The ,address.of ihe.Detriocratle Bta.te - 016.1.- mittee „iif e.iutsylvartin. has: one medic i$ short. - r ., - ;That, trier its it is; il i 4olitaiimalradst ilif . Many &hie assertions at sentimesS, -- and , 4ll-4 , . - -11 , ifiett. - of the Tcryiworstkind 4:41. politica; trickery: l .- -411 the evils oftim,Witr-rithe , -108,9% life, taXatliniAebt, high fine:o,o4*f ctirracy .. ' —are enhme,mted9is the direct - viork Of ttt - eites yolilim,n,lia.,- NOI - 1 , *ord.'s - sit d',Or r ihri 14ggfi#1....Vi7e - tvpnderhat ale% I IcO.,R24o l t!o t teine . C". 'ilfitei --'-' It is true. taaf*effOelt. , - , - bears as heavily upon Republicans as onDem- Dern t";;. it is true that we are severely taxed to • pay it; tt4is trne Olaf prices are: high. tbattbo currency:is depreciated. All this ire•know and . , lament:-.d it is. also true that we - owe thew evils, tirtit., to the Rebels, and Second, to tho Dena critic party, and wholly , tOtheir com l . .---. bitted efforts to d_estroythe Union It seeing . almost absurd -to repeat these truths, for.na . ingenuity will - ever , conceal the great fact that the South rebelled, that - the Democratic - -. party Syriim . ithized with. rebellion and that the Repiddican party :directed and main- 1 tained the War for the Union and brought it . . to a triumphant end. ;It istotorlous that the . Rebels depended for aid up< the Democrat le party; that the official action of that: partY. • Was hailed in the: South as an encouragement - - to.-Opersit lu rebellion ; that it' ithad not been for Demobratie_ opposition: the war would • • have ended years, perhaps; before it did, and the debtrind all ow national evils would now. be ,itinnemumbly . less. There is nothing plainer. tlgtn .- t h at the. Democratic • party-- next tote Ttehels—is resptinsible for the war and the Misfortunes .that have- fohoweeit.—r • . We repeat, therefore, that to compare thersto of taxation in 1800 with the rate in 1866,1 in pelf that the Reimblican party has misinn.ag! . ,- ed the fi miners; Ai t limit a w.ord of- referenee to --`, • the war, is situpWrthe meanest kinflorpolit l .-- 1- trickery,.,and .C ertai n to damage ,the. Cause :It T wiis meant to hel 4,, This address is Insulting 1 to thee intiAligenee. of the reader; and a . Blatt- 1 der of thig:artii, for the,- Republican .pargF and the'i\prtli, throughout the.war were rule and indivsible. It is. all thiOoy.al SttiteS".. - that this Demoeratie Cornmitt& accuses' lit' tvrany, and barred; and terruPtlotiliri Y. , Trlbterze. . , ~ .. • • -'... •'• - -: pe.Thel: Ex dition.to Alaskit - - -.: . i .. . . We Warn - titorn our Sau Francisco exelgui: ges that pease, ion is. to be taken of the new. Territory lof Alaska, with eonsrderable for; math)-. The sailing sloop-of-war JamestotVii ' . l is to be reCtillkeil mut put inorder tolfe ilseol..• ! as a-gnareishirrat Sit li.• The Steamer Mehl-- ' can, Comivaniler Edward Simpson, and , Re saca, Com-Mender Joseph Bradford, from Pa!' inima,-with,lie Pensacola and Stiginaw, WSW .- at- San Francisca:will - form a fleet under Corn ; inaud of ntuliral Tliatelief,4,ltieh wilt - pro- - med. to Sitlat,te be' present at the fOrtnat ta-. kingiipsii...4.4ion of the late Russian , America. • The reirenne steani cutter : Lincoln, .noiv , - 'itt , - port,deft rect.:tidy. .i,v-itli a.neast survey, party; ' who also Wilc..probably . he present - orrlho eventreftirreil,to above. The hitter . will be engaged (hiring the remainder of-the seaseii,,,'?. ' in tairveying portions of the coast of ...,klaskai; returnin % - tztt til d e co tumenqnient oi.winter. , i4estd -7- 'en.t.' Preaut . Slap. , . 1 Mr. Pierreitont, in the courseOf his - argn mentlathe'Surraft, trial, the other fitly, dentally,'-alludeti to ate . portentous dream which .tr. ,Lincoln had the night' before his , aSsassinatikm: The fact was - :Mentioned to, General Grant among others, the next day, and tint President, expre.-4,scd a• strong desiro to hear from Sherman, whole army in South • I Carolinaltas the only one not telegraphic_ communication w ith Washington. ,The dream. was uot related by Mr.:Plcrrepont; but it was .told by, M Iducolo.,before his death, and 1 6 thus described in the Wtishingtinl -- : Chrorti r?e' ' • . • . . lie'setined to be at sea itt,a vessel, that was. swept along by an tr_resistiltle current "toward a utteletrimiii from which it seemed no power , I could save her. }aster and the whirl: ingt Waters swept the fated • ship toward thol vortex untiLlooin , t down into the dark abyss,. • ! Odd the • deatimin„. roar . o the - waves, and;, With the sensation of sinking' , down, doWn;. down 'an unfathomable depth ; . the . terrified: dreamer auiolte. Mr.' Lincoln -WO -Abe same , remarkable dream four littiefi first- before the battle °Mu:llton, again before: 'the sec-: om' hefe tit at - the same V are, galit-l. , cfore tie. 31 ti fve.,•! , i,f unit lii 11iv 'on - -thA night Before 111:4 te, v p a , , ••• . . . la. 1 1=1221
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers