,TIIE GREAT RI:),AiCAL N EyNSPA PER, FOTtNETS- PRESS. xo C0NP.110,14 WM TAAITORS - GET TRE'BEST ASP UFFEAPF;4T NEWSPAPER - IN TILE COUNTRY. Tit E PRESS, . . _ A tliat-class Double-ilteetEight-page paper, contain ing Forty-eight voltunnti, l'abliehett Every 31. n ning. "ontlivvest corner of Sev entli and Clicetunt tarot% rhilaaelpyia. EEEED DAILY rnEss AtiSK) tier annum.. &LW for gi.x .14,00 for three months PICESS $4,00 per annum. $1;00 for Pak months. $l,OO fur three menthe THE SUNDAY rit.E. rper annum. oo fur six mouth.; ~ TILE WEEIT - LrY PRESS . •-• THE MOST VALITARLE NiEERLY NEWSPAPER ~ IN TEE ,WORLD. • It centaina items 9f intern [ , ry WEAR Tui"TErtms. to every one. - ,;• \ I , - • One Co v... \ .\ j 'i -.—' $2..00 per annum. Five Copies , 900 ' .. .Ten Copies:, • . ,;...17.50 "- Twenty Copies , 13,00 " " - To the getter up of a Cla of Ten or more Copies an extra copy will be given. I , • . AU orders should addressed to. .• • - JOAN W. FORNEY, = • Editneand Proprietor, S. W. cbr. Seventh, and Chestnut st.. • •! , • l'hiladelphia, Pa. EOM CONVERSION OF'7 3-10 S: TN i gard to the manner of converting the Auxl REPLY TO NUMEROUS TNQIIIRIES IN RE -4 in 7 3-10 s into the new 54) Goldtoupon Bond we make e fol lowing statement for the benefit of the holds f 7 3- 10s.-who may not he informed : The Government computes the Interest on both , bonds in currency from the date of the maturity of the last coupon; allowing seven and three-tenths on' the 7 3-10 s, and charging, sis per cent. on the 540 e. For ex eimple : York- sent to Washington, 1,000 7 3-10 Bond which reaches there on . ' ' Bev Ist , - $l,OOO 74 daps interest (from Feb..ls) - • 14 80 5-20 s 119 days' ° Interest )1r.4 1 4ut igui, Ist.) ATVs is counted at $O5 days per innum)..l.oo 56 Allowed fur 7 1,014 SD Yon pay doyernmant • • It will be seen by this' that the Gold interest is given AA cnrrency, Which is of Itself a profit to the party con verting the 7 - - SOS nearly eight: dollars per $l,lOl, aside from the fact that at the Present rate of G01d., - the S-Ms pay over S per cent. per annum. We are converting the 73-10 s on mneb better terms than the Government, as the present buying and set- ling rates enable us to allow - the holder of the 7 3-10 s a better figure than has yet been offered by any one es a commission. •We also exchange the new 440 bond for the otitei i g i 7 on the most favorable terms. . es exchanging ' hrongh us, in - addition to' their . get ng nineh better termit - than they tan from the -Gov ernment, have their 5-20 s delivered - to them imme diately, thna psyln , '• delay. • We also register any bonds sent to AA witheut charge. On all bonds sent us by exiress we pay charges both ways, and send bonds promptly. as directed. -- • SIBS T. 1111.ADY (suce,oift to S. Jones ,t Co.;) ' .! Dealers In Government Secnritles, \ Corner Fourth and Wood streetd.. Pittsburgh, Pa. • • = SPRING 'ANI) SUMMER.: BOOTS AN!) SIII3F.S. WILSON & STEWART TV . OULU TIESPECTFITLLY TITE V Y lie, that they hap have jut received direct from the ts =teeny-hirers. lave,vt and best selected !WRING AND SUMMEtt STUCK Ors • • Ladttist, Gent's, Boys' and tAildreit's ' Boots and Shoes. GAITERS AND SLIPPERS All of the latest Ntyl , H, that have ever hoes brought to this comity, and which they are prepared t 9. cell ' CIrEAP, IF NOT CIiF.APER, Than they can he;bought in the city .of Pittsburg. Thankful for past patronage, we solicit a continuance of the same. and inviteparchasers to call and examine our goods and pricee before purchasing elsewhere. We have a shop connected td do all repairing. Att Goods' Trarran6d. ' WILSON & STEW.KRT. In the DiaMond. ROCHESTER, PA. apr24:67 T. & 11. PIIILLIPS 1; . 26 & 28 ST, CLAIR ST., rxittsplaiirs, Nand.; ceareni and Dealer iu TLOOR OIIA CLOTHS, . , • FURN 'TORE OIL CLOTHS,. ENAMELED, OIL CLOTIIS,; .- • JAI-ILK OIL C,LOTIIS, • 1: • STAIR , OIL ..OLOTII.S,!, Transparent Green , Oil Cigqi, for window,Fhades • .• Transparent ,Window iShodeo, BUFF kIO.L L 68. ' SHADE FIXTURES. • TASSELS; (;OBDS, &:c.,, &:c ALSO DEALtill' IN • , India Rubber Machine Beltipg, -.Steam Perking,,. Casket, Tubine, , , Cement:Clothing. and' • Rubber gouda generally. Oak Tanned Leather Belting. I.ace.l.eathcr. Belt Books, ftivet4, Lehricating-Steam Packing, &c. Agents for the Universal Clothes Wringer. , A general assortment of the above named goods al o ! ' ways on land. "otir Oiders respectfully ' solicited and promptly Elled. -• lanyl'67:6m A. S.,HAItirEY, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, JiAT:RECCIrED A Flinn Ath'PLY 01 Calmed l'eachee. ' do Tomatoes. do Green Corn do Plume, : Dried Corn. do . reaches,, • 1 • Alm). a prima assartmsnt orTerm, strictly CAS.; uostY66 ' W A. ROSE, M. D., . PHYSICIAN, SURGEON' & ACCOLTREUR, Raapennanently located in the TOWN OF ROCIIES TER. Trompt attention given toy' =UN-excepting • ivb.vn trofersionally engaged. z..1 10- Oftic.n Adjoining the -Mansion Ronne." in the rid (API eland and Pittaburgb Railroad Depot. !tech tater, Fil. F ' ' ::01.1 . 29 . 8731 , . 8Y.,; BUYI NG - : - - 4 1 1 / 46 11 1' 0 . ii, " 4:! • i:C Ines. DR1707-8, Also, - a full Assortment of $1.060 . 19 56 MEI = DEALER IN Turkey Primes. Layer Itototed.. Seedieso Redoing, English Currants, Cogheu,Chemge, f Sweet - Potednes, No. 1 ..111ckciel. r L a l A. S. HARVEY. Bridge street, Bridgewater SAYE YO : IpAt, HEALTH LOUIS BREHM I.k.' la Till DIAMOND, ROtIESTER, PA. One door from Fortune's lirr.Gooda Store,) Can be ' found a full assortment of MEDICIfIES, - OH.EBIICALS, and FINE LIQUORS; WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS, . 1 LINSBOD OIL, NEAT'S FOOT SPERM QIL, LARD . OIL, AND r PyRE SECOND QUALITY WHITE LEAD: ALSO, FINE TOILET SOAPS. ALL 'VARIETIES BRUSHES, THE BEST PERFUMERY FANCY &TOILET ARTICLES, AN.O 4 iorupAlt PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR, All kinds of PATffly rartula.NES alwkya on hand. *Lso l t 13SOARS & TOBACCO, My entire stoClk has been purchased rot' Case, and Is . offered at the very Lo wart Pawn. As I am a thoroughly' edUcated Apothecary and Chemist, physicians and others can rely upon their Pre scriptimis ,accurately filled with Pure,itrediciscConly, LUIS BREHM & cck. ang•o66:lY FURNITURE ANDTHAIRS . AT. REDUCED PRICES or ova owx, xixrrAcrraz azzi vrAzzarrzo , l PIRLOR, • - I , IBItARY, ' • DIN ING ROOM, And cIIAMBER SUITS, ' In Every Variety 'and Style ! qtatooLs, HOTELS, 'STEAMBOAT, and PUBLIC BUILDINGS, FURNISUED O 3 MOST REASONABLE TERMS T. B. YOUNG & CO, - 38 40 Smithfield 6triEct, mat`2o'67:6m Pittabirrgh, Pa. LIARVEY BROWN. NEW STORE, NEW .FIRM MEM= New .Groceries. W BON & BROWN , RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO THEIR NU. meroug friend!. and the public geieprally, that they intend opening a New Grocery Store, on BRIDGE STREET, BRIDQEWATER, adjoining the Dry Goods Store of. A. G. Hurst, on the sth day of March. It is'thelr hitentlm of *tug on hand, at all times, a full assOrtment of Hie BEST FAMILY GROCERIES, _ . .and-the l I*.leave to state that they are determined to clnpete withal! other dealers in the town or neighbor hood, as fftelr,Stock of Goods are all new, and bought at the !Att. -, gfe.' rednction, and selected with the great est care by Mr.'llauves Bnows, whose knowledge of the business cannot be questioned, having been with Mr. Arthur Harvey for many yters. They call particular attention to their steak of Teas and Coffee,as to natter themselves they have some thing extra offer as to rice . and quality. - The best .Srands of familrFlour always on hand. Produce titan at.all times at full market Oricse. An goods delicyra. WILSON & BROWN. 13ridgewater i , Feb. 21,:186771y NEW GROCERIES. EMU TE U N DERSIGNED , THANKFUL TO Ms Wends and customer 6 for the generous patronage heretofore extended to him, takes pleasure 1n inform ing them that he has recently Inade large additions to his etock;and that he can now nell .•- I • . r'-z•coc,erless Of thp vcrp lit quality. as low as they= be . plinth's cdvrip Pittsburg : his sock embraces the best of COtFEES, TEAS, { SUGARS, SYR UPS, MOL ASSES, SORG WU M, RICE, 'PEPPERS, SPICES, , ;SOAPS;CAIOIES, RAI - S, ENGLISIi 01:TRRANTS, PIGS, ko. And. in feet everything fill wiy line' that is usually kept In a well regulated Grocery Store. FEED of all kinds kept on band; and the best brands of FAMILY FLOURean always be obtained At my store. All goods delivered if required. jel9'67:ly. SI3iON wirinEß. C . L WENDT, at. ROMEOPATHISI, NEW BRIGHTON. BRAVER COUNTY, PA. ill-rift AND RESIDENCE ON LOCUST ST k.f between Balizeotasd Bldg. ets. . Latylltam AT •? - ,8 I MOORE'S 'DRUt STORE, 'bac . ei .4:1.- cJi, 1 p.:*-41., TOILET AETICLAz, SOAPS, .• • • ili,lireat midi, all of the best rituality, and Bold Cheap ,t or than can be bought at any other Drug Store In the county. OM Da co's reniale Nis, 75 cents per box; Cbectoe man's, $1; Clark's, $l. CARBON OIL LAMPS & LAMP TRIMMING , LANTERNS, STA TIONERY, WINDOW GLASS A PV'PPY. Ever offered oubdde of the city,at Moore a Drug Store, android cheaper than can ibe bought anywhere else. Let those who doubt this call *Agee, and they will doubt no more. . • J. MOORE. ENGINE & REPAIR SHOP, In Fallaton- Beaver County, Pa. TIAvING refitted and enlarged my stock of machili .l.l. ery and - tools, and having secured the services of the best of mechanics, I am prepared to warrant all work done to give entire satbsibction. I have on band different patter's , and styles of Engines, Fire Clay Rolls, and am prepared to Make or repair all descrip tions of machinery, on reasonable terms. • , AND 111 IN BEAVER. Mt y he. foetid the ben assortment-a ' - DRUGS' 3 CH: T, PURL LICLITORS, WINES ;- And Brandies; Paints . , :Oils, AND DYE STUFFS': u E,tti PAT , NT MEDICINES The Largast Stock of FALLS TON• FOUN'DRYI PLOWS AND PLOW CASTINGS. I have all the beet plowpatierne that mitt this market, among which is the ••43real Western," which has been THEeer of the county for the lastflfteen years. Them are Ire eine of thli plow, allot which. I manufacture and keep for sale; itbso "Patent Lever"—F and left- 'llonagaln ' —right and left—"S 11111," and nearly all the different kinds In use. ' • • COOKLNIG, FRANKLIN AND lIEATDIG STOVAS. Saving made several important improvements on the ••Climax," by which coal or wood can be ,supplied without lining lids, and having two places for. pipe, either or both of which can be used at the same time,- with a ventilation to the oven, thus having the adran , Cages of a Cooking Stove, Bake oven and Fthnklin Stove combined. lids Stove has been in constant use for twenty years, and many of them after beini6tur me l the this period of time, are now in good order. is bra a small portion of this stove that ever burns out, and this is easily and cheaply replaced. To make them still more lasting, we are now patting In tile or are brick lining. Our other patterns are the Enterprise. Keystone and Premium. Parlor Stoves,. large and small ,beating Stoves, Franklin Stoves, Jenny it c; , Grate and Grate Fronts. Fenders , Iron Railing of various styles, Wagon Bores, two Item Tire Benders, Corn Shelters. Force and Cistern Pumps, Sad Irons, Metal Sinks for kitchen, Sheet Iron and Tinware, al ways on band and made to order. In fact. I manufac ture and keep for sale, almost: terything wanted in the machinery or hardware line. Second bowl • stoves always Ibr sale ehap. Two good new engines, suitable for saw-tnitroesbop pur poses now onland, and Will be sold reasonable. - marls • JOILN TITORNILET. taliTl 4 nioirr NOW- IS 'THE - TIME FO 3i3a l rigEtirLlS / GRAND CLOSING OUT OM Boots 'and Shoes IN 13 El A.Nr It ' WILSON DICKEY WOULD ItESPECTFULIN inform the public in general of their intention to eloee- out their exiensiie etock of Fall and Winter Boots and'Shocii, to lirrpare.tor a Sprifig Stock,con elating ot Ladies', Gent's, Boy's and Children's Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, &c., Which will be sold at cost, or below cost, as we are bound to keep up the Linde, and that to the entire sat isfaction of our customers. AU goods 'corm/tied. • DICKEY & WILSON, . 3 doors East of 11. 11. Anderson's Store. " ,Jan9'67. Beater, Pa. • BRIDGEWATER MARBLE WORKS. DAVID WOODRUFF, MANUFACTURER AND LP DEALER IN Italian and American Marble. Sfonuments, Head Stones, Sc.. made to order. Pkvise Ow me a call before dare/lasing elsewhere' OrShop opposite Dr. Smith's Drug Store,'Bridge reet, Brid , mwater. 1115'66: ry L Jammu. W. DOLBY. 011AS:LIMIX6 - M. MILLER & CO. Rochester Plainieg,Sesh and Door Mill Rochester, Beaver Co., Pa (193 AR RAILROAD DEPOT.) M . • . ANUTFACITIRERS OF,' AND• DIALE RS IN Planed Lumber, Dressing, Flooring, Siding Shelving, Doors, Sash, Shutters, ac.,*.te. COPITEILCI'ORS AND BL'IIASERS Also rietors of Clarke dr - Ithinesmith's Patent Weather Boarding . Patented Ye y let, Idß, for the ex terior of houses, tire.. This aiding cora in farming the various strips of boards of a level taped= shape acre- its entire width with lower o thicker edge, made with a Imitable mould to impart &wen and finished appearance. Shop for the manalketure sad use of this siding in. Beaver county will be sold reasonably. liaviv had Mach =penance. in building, and the Lumberandmit generally added to our new facilities for itswatfacture. we feet confidence in th , rg our old friends and patrons to call and examine for them selves, before contratting eisewitiere. Laraftrettf Alt Hi It I Int.Ant.iiirain J. S. WIZT,..ELNS, • NEW BRIGILTON, PA., • mum Intl • 11.A11,1) W IRON, NAILS, GLASS, AND AGRICULTURAL XiIPLEXEN TS, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, I • BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, MASONS'- VQOM. SHOEMAKE 43 TOOLS, SADDLERY BkRDV ARE • BENT FELLOWS A SHAFTS, LOCKS, BOLTS A HINGES, PICKS,MATICCICS ik HOES, MCOUNTEE 3c PLATFOR M SCALES, TABLE & POCKET CIITLEAY, TIRE & CARRIAGE BOLTS & NUTS, CORN SHELLERS, STRAW ,CUTTERS. ALso, PAINTS; OILS;:VANNISSES, AGENT F 99 EXCELSIOR MOWER :41i1L4EAPER, AND NEW BRIO lITOK FIREIRRICK WORKS. jan2,'B7.. • • NEW ARRIVAL IVl:ullieim9Ell Store, IN Br.IDOBIYAFrat, PA. 25,000 Both ofWALL PAPER, 01 the latest Styles and POtterns jot received from The subscriber again thanks his numerous friends for their formeepatronage. Anticipating their, wants and tastes, I visited New York and !closely selected one of the largest stock of VARIETY GOODS, st.C., Ever brottgbt to.this cointy, consisting of Traveling Saeks, , iadiee Satekels, . Fancy Goods, lekildren'i Carriages, • Books, Stationery, Cerrtisly, Oil,Cloar. - Window Blinds. • Mors, Braga:, 4v., • All of which twill sell cheaper than they can be pur chased for in the city. Give one a all before porous ing elsewhere. B. MULBEIM„ Bridge Street; 'Bridgewater, Pa. . . . ARPETISTORE Reux'o - • R I C . INA/JIM IBROTIERS Will remove on Mak h Ist, 1861, from 87. Fourth street, to their new and defiant I , • Wareh Juse •• NO. 51.FIFrH I STREET, , • ABOVE ' W on Bt. • • PITTSi3T_TRG • Bullthy them expressly for the accommodation of their and increasing businesa. Baying very superior facilities fee business, they will keep constantly on hand a large assortment of all (foods .pertaining to the Carpet basiness,which they offer at Wholesale. or Re- tail to the trade and public at lowest market rates. martro7:lr) - McC ALVIN 'BROTHERS. I M=7! MI EDWARD POERITER, , DEALEU IN 1 WALL PAPER, VARIETIES, FANCY GOODS AND TOYS, Gold, Glaziid & Common t wall Pa pers, Paper, Oil , and Transpar-' • ent Window Shades, and Fixtures, • TABLE OIL CLOTHS, &e. I WHOLESALE ,j• RETAIL, , 164 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh: GEO. C.,SPFAVERER, Corner of Water and Janes Street, ROCHESTER, PA. HAVING ARV:MN - ED FROM THE EAST, I AM now evening a large anti well selected STOCK OF GOODS Whichwere b ou ght a peek Price.. and which will be sold at thc lowest ible ][Y Stock consists ot DRY G DS, ROCERIES. HARDWARE, QUEENS ARE, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, NOTIUNS, &c., And all articles usciallY kept in a Seat, alan Marc airr3ll7:3lll DAVID WOODRUF J. L T11011P503 F. 8. HAMILTON. ' 4. TII.62IIPSON ofki HAMILTON; . Sharon, Beaver, Co., Pa. - •, , call DOOR 'NORTH DARRAHIFS STORE.) • 1, IUFANUFACTURSES OF FANCY AND COMMON 1,1.. Broom,, and dealers in Handles. Wire. Twine., Sc., /Cc. AS work warrantlui. Having purchased an excellent lot of corn; and provided. ourselves with all needed bellitku, we ratter lonrselves that all Brooms manufactured by us will bs as good, as the best, and' chime as the cheapest. Cap and ice us before perches fn elsewhere. ADDRESS--Hox Tr, Bciner, Ps. Eapagrain. • 1C L4116111111 0 ,GAS. •• . • A DINISMIKD BY DIL NIIRAT. BETDOZWA• 11 ma. Pa., In extractigteeth. I have added to sir many other facilities for successful peseeettion of' tny profession, this invaluable agent. All brandies of Dentistryperformw in the beet and Most modern style. All work done as cheaply, andMy_ pa. cent. better then at any other Steam Dental, Estaillbh scent In the tSate. [atini6:tl SADDLERS' TOOLS, PLASTERERS', TOOLS, MINERS' TOOLS. HORSE 8110E8 t i c. NAILS, AND PIIT.TY. MI NEW YORK - T'ScßOs.g - ' - c - o SECOND DOOR ABOVE Tins !Lit:, 711W_YORK 4 '.131'1ETI ROCHESTER , PA., EPS ZONSTANTLY ON BAND FOR SALE AT LOWEST MARKET 'FiIIICES. A ' COMPLETE AND WELL ASS_ ORTED ETOC) H • Gipods, • . 1 - • I,' • CONSISTI.VI OP _ 'BROWN & BLEACHED MUSLIN, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, DsLAINE, ALPACCAS, COBIIROS, , FRENCH MERINOS, FLANNELS, Plain and Barred, WOOL DaLAINES, all Colors, BLACK SILK, TIEING, - -TABLING, TOWELING, ; CHIIO K, JEANT; ;'TWEEDS, fIATINETC, CA IR& riZ; BROADCLOTH, ; CLOAKING, ;• - • 11- Balmo al . and 800 8 • NOTIONS, UOSIEBY, GLOVES, bc HATS AND. :- o r APS Xeres sid Bate—a large stock• of the latest styles BOOTS Men'., Wawa's and Ready-M SCHOOL BP • 3Erel,l•lti.*GrtiaL•o., • • A larg e and well AllSOtted Stoct,ootialeting, lit part, w 0172 1 110.12;Y:, Carpentera'. Toole, of all - Emds BUILDING HARDWARE, BUTT, • .F.TRA II I NQH, tICR W,_ HUTT E II MGE, 130 LT- • LUCKS, . - NAIL, t.c. • Window Gliass„ Of all Sizes, and Double Strength SPECIAL ATTENTION Paid to filling ordpre of Carpruteres, Coutrattoni BnAders fur IiARDWAAE, GLASS AND NAILS, 011 i, BENZINE, COAT'S PATENT .DYER; PAINTS OF . ALL COLORS, WHITE LEA, GROUND, DRY AND la 011 ralutere will du well to examine oui.Stock and Pd tee beibre purchasing elsewhere. Cliert:o46 4 ol . lPgils • - A Fresh and Full rappryconatantly on hand at yery °west prices.- , . • C,110:ICE, BRANDS OF . . E„. • . FLOURS - . I'X''.B.4ItRELS .I.ArD . SACKS CARBON OIL, LARD OIL, QUEENS WARE., STONE WARE, &a., °=a - rf'All navy gOods delivered free of Cha r ge. 'All Malt; of grain and country produce taken is ex. Outgo, Itavgoods. pirt3. J. MOBS Is Conveyancer—Agent ,flnel Shoes and the RoChester Lend Company. Also Agent of the Merchants' Unted 13:pecan Company. ! ' • • Remember the place : S'ke:ORJE, 11100XD nuninita ASOIR Tin 11,1140Akr,, NEW YORK STREET', r r I , R 'deb, s te r., jaie2 l 67;ly 1 1 _ 1 • , =I CHEAP GOODS! SHOES . . Ginn liixects, Carpel Clothin TATIONEM. E 1111 PUTTY, . MI Mir TUE PLACE .TO lIVY /IMI CALF. AND SEATEEM . - .., , . j • . • 'EF-AVCRO RECENTLY PURCHASED' A (XLM IL PLETE AND FriE ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, . NOTIONS, L HARDWARE, j. Q 0 BENSWARti TINWARE, G.EOCERIES, &o. VIE ARB PREPARED TO SELL ' AT ASTOZTISH ENGLX win PRICES prints •inghsms :... Brown Muslin Sleacked ]Bustin . - - 11% -•` ~ - 1 GO ODS .;1 - &num. IN PRpPoirnolt. . . , e %au and see oar goods NoArgell for Ehowing tb Idiraiii AU kinds of ' - n, -Sir Goods. , Cog " ' i;t.. P r oduce taken In nx- ONR & DAWSON \ . _______ , /05:.57 • 31n ' .. Ttdrd Illeet, Beaver. PL.. ..\ SPRING &SUMMER, ar00032119 I I' M:YE-JOST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK 69 . 0D8, of the LATEST STYLES, For Spring and Summer Wear. r ••••••=••• GientlenteniS FarnliskiniGoods CONSTANTLY ON HAND ,CLOTIIING ;4ADE TO ORDER Iti!atest and most fashionable styles, and at abort notice V1M,L431 REICH, • .. .. ' Stewart'e Roy, Bridge street, ocloll6—mra67 ! - . Bridgeyater. AL 3, M. II ar ton DENTIST \ Ted.. udunted 'nn 811;rer, Eniffsti and AVaerican Vulcanite, Teeth extracted without pain by an entirely new pro cess: no Ether. Chloroform, Nitiow..,..oilde or any other antethetic ueCti In connection with tee apFatits. .M - Oillee, on Thiret street, 2d door] tofH. B. Anderson'a .1 ritore. It 1 febsD'6%Grn. IW-S T OR E.! NE EXCLUSIVELT Boots and Shoes ! El IMII PERSONS DESIROUS OF RCONOIIISI'NG., WILL AO it to their interyst to cell at RUS.H'S NEW,. STORE. BROADWAY, NEW BRWIIT9N., [Orrosrrg. THE PRESBYTERIAN tIIERCII.I • The underaigried, - having had seventeen years expe rience in the . business, feels himself fully . confident, with his facilities' for receiving goods . .direct from the Manufacturers. that it will be to every person's adieu lege to call and examine forlheraselves. [atoltr7Sm PEOPLE'S TEA STORE! WILSON & UNDER,WOOD; WIIOLESAI.i.IIID PIMA= DEA= IX TE4S, CHOICE PAMILYGROCVLIES, NO. 15, SOUTH WEST DIAMOND, (Adjoining Bepler Hotel s ) /1 A.ll4gheny City, tar One jot the cheapest $44 best Wholesale and Retail Stores to the two cities, Call and examine our Stock and Prhxs. WU.E. P. ONAUAX OWEN DE NE. Gr.&13.440.!„ & BYRN/ 1 : 1 . • Fashionable Hatters,l No. 152 St. Clair front, 13 ° 0 7 'lien:r aw opp se .cair. now. ' PITTSBURGH,' 4. , HATS, ;CAPS and STRAW GOODS, Of every style. and quall-Itt the very loweth, pricer. nuty#llh iy BEAVER FALLS MILL. • TaBRAY PAWS MILL - COMPANY HAVE thaeir = New MI eorn plet,and In aeceasul pper- Mimi. In addition to Mercha ed nt Work the n y arc f zun ;o pared to do ail kinds of Custom Work, in tie cheat manner, and on 'abort notice.' The hightail market Price ho rod in oh.tJ - forail kind! , of dell% erect 311 I lit . • i 111.. 1-1.4111 Cereal Change! PURE DRUGS & MEDICINES • I ' 1 4 , AT THE . Corner of Die & Third it, 1 i i t T lllRtnUton E DRUG STORE FORMERLY'ot,OI2PIP.D Aulertun beim y k l b y gl 4- 1 • 4 - ; B. R I* - Q s PURE DRUGS & MEDIoms, =MI e• xi ru; _ SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLES, Arai Brushes of, All Rind, . 10 mtg., .1s " • 1234 " • ' price are prepared to ecU Pliny, .AND Qum,'Ty. WIIITE .LEAD, AND .011 S of ALLH- Karp% at Fittipurgh prices. 1•11 MI AND 33 c4Vvreter, 1:6-t. WIIO NOW OFFERS A Pull and Complete Stock of MZEC.4kI,s PRQPRIETARY,-GOODS AND DYE-STUFFS zies. Pkati Call and be Ccnrinced!! INIX)CT GLASS OF ALL SIZES 45nr stock Of " e hlenhol Wm in. 11)411111pp, Artii,kp q , and o th er Lititiora:lwillhe found - tompleto. and. b 6 ,4 selected with great care, can' he relied aim Ai t.eig Pare as can be obtained, and-will be t , old for Medici. .Xecbinical, and Sicraxneptal pnrpO vN oily: mg. Prescriptions Ankrarally Receipts Accuratel i p Filled at All Hours. , ' Onn Prescription ant) * lkteilicip o s Department friar l i under the per en pion of Mr. 1...3i.11A1RP1 T, with an experience pen Years. ire flatter 0urf..1 , 1 that we can give full -.faction it/ any branch et the business. : rirßememtier the place—near the Post Oficclon. ner Third atruet and the Diamond, Myer.- AB are respectfully s kinned In csll and silence or. goals and prices before purehaelne elsewhere( Beaver. Apr:so .1 7:ly • J. B. RI DUES J. 11. BEN CE, THIRD STREET, <1 DOOR BELOW SEMLNIZ • L 6:FkERS TO HIS FIIfENDS AND cU.4IY reloct Stqcl)c of the • T.E S. 'IF •S T I, ES' • .lEri EDDSIMILiERY,' • 4 . , LACES, •• , • • . • LIBBO S. • BUTT(iN.S: HOSl •• Y - • /P 0 RS ETS.' GLOVES. .11A.L. SKI Eli. The new stele. InvlAible Empreee. !Frail poet . ..sal. Veil gidirs, Gana l - 131hrrnr. • • Zerligns Ladies and Genf., Paper (tuffs and 'ollate, &e. MILLINERY, OF EVERY. DESeRiPTIW;•. - Rata and 'Bonnets, very cheap. ffiowct et.F. cheap. • liats - mut ilowwts , and cleaned, cheap. , . DresF.,makinz. 5a,...k , . . . . Xadame belly» , 4t's Late,t Cars= in N 1", :A 1:- I • zni.atil'attorne•coastataly or. hatti • . ' PVTTERNS FOR SAIL; . AP our atock ha. been' p l ikta,fa. at k m ar ,,:,?....f . offered at corre,poilding low rates. Girt: ~.., a ttn satialy yonre!ell. • •• --- ' . . .. . • "Ornon'i foiget the pht6?—one door be.o% Wary, Third atmet. Braver, Ps. sprl:67:3m • • _ . Fourth rri sl_ of NElv (MOPS Is . s A's o .•. , • • •• THEUNDERSIGNED; TII NKr LI, rirl„l Mends and cnotoMON, ftir the getasnm‘ heretofore bestowed, take plc.leave In ter:Hui:l- that they have just received d- laree anti %tale , ment of New Goods, con. , istiee of CUYITIS, CASSIMERES'ASP P - RT.SS - I.• ()12 ' s. r; i epest Purchased Since the 'l.ate'o.- . , . Decline in pricf.oi• , •rt , .- 'f! • A splendid stock of made np Clot hir.z. 0 , • ,;,.., material, - best: workmanship; and a the ',mart ~. • Jest opened. • ~ ; f r . ; v ~ ...t A full assortment of 801it....5T , W 4 a nd "' ' um, always kept on hand, and sold at the to r. ble rates. - - - ' t li , i• r,"' ' Rho-beet sagarenredqiavas. Side-Teo 4 4,,,4,% ingather with art extensive stock or 110.:.. -,..,„, Plows, Plow-shares, d-c....kc.. kept. and ogee , ',7i,„, 9nt - stock of Groceries, Teo, and .Syrepe..t. rti t " - ' l4 tiled Can berrchased, and our msolll,. nitirly kept np.' for (]Dods theee.int'sthefreairto°raf°hrt, ttn'ekrzern',ilties"4'' stand, opposite National Hotel. Ammer:Ps , _ . , T11031.11:01'CITEEI °' ' jel9'6l . :lmo. I ------,----------------------, .---.--- Hubbard' Mowep3 and ReaPe rs ' . . —' • The Best Machine in • the . 1.1 1 • • 1 . ._ AT THE GREAT HATIGN - AI. Fl-11.1110.1' t.,',7' • N 1. • • Mowers and Renpcm, held at Auburn.. ,/,,„,s iy, 1866, and lasting thtee week,; Grind tiod,-1,,,30 and highest premium wm us ....ideu to the lip s Combined Moater & per with eett•ealw atl; t i, v at' the best combined Machine. At the thate • ..„ y. 'trial of tip_ %M . kiln Institute. held at twrAcP" .. r ve4 , in An,gast. 1 the fleet premium Graa GOA - 7 t,,0, Rae awarded to the Hubbard. The liiihiOra tilY: -„,„ for airsucceselve years the fird pendant at OR t , - . . Fur Sale b e. ,_ 11 .,: .... HARVP.I :%1 (l , . ri . Enon rioll,!• _ 4 2:M:2m . ' • - SEA ISLAND 511121,1.5' . ' ....rt`!' pgit,s,..olis , •wiouNti ic••.' , A ti()}:N I -•,,r; g, W."^kP 311 d , 010611110, Of, ornament t'4o s :ToinElid.irt.:;:t: J11,:41%,np...pn1y.r:....::ti,1,..:::.k,,e:tae,:i.:::,,,ar;.1.,.:,..,;,::: 1:'1t'"4.1% *hen . a -golendirliit;or Wa,h-it ! , E.N T . ' ' .i,'11Vc4'.1:... ! , ' . . .. - • .. . • . . . • r E . c• J: E. -BENCE INII
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers