IMI . . . fhb ()aver -V '; 'REA v ER, JUNE: MR, 1167. yocgfri sP4i Kisell4l/I,9Us. to WM. SINSIOPIL.Js., bt x /um .street, littiburgb. the authorized agent for Toe liFoce in that dty. • I'cty A ert' U eriiti.'. The iitention of the poblit is directed to the col: i ew ieg pew • rol!rerdsemerds.. which, appear ter the eoi inns in Tire:Asoes today„_ • - For :Isle—S.lK Bradford. • Painter—J. - Foamy Acc*nt,—Brighton. Township. - - ;Bounty AocAntitL;-ChlppowaTtrtrniddp. B.iuuty Aceonnt--74farion Township, ••.VSPccial Boticoa—Wm. F. Clarke ;pedal ISO;krio-4, B. Rhodes.: • t4perlal Xotices—tilson d 7 BrOwn. • Special & Stewart.. sPecial Notlcer—Watt Sealy. Lame.' -W. Duel. _ Appeals 2 -Town spegial T. Take. ' Time Table—Correction. w ee ted—j. B. Bence. ' •iotice-rA: co.• _ • ••• . OrnSedndaaeretiinglsat in Meier, behreedri the ma in strort and the railroad station, q pirenlar made nt wa ie r ;:oroTireleth: - Tile' puler *rill b liberally ro sinvlcd by fearing the same at. this office. Minim FaVriesti.—We are tieithftted• toilets , that tbetilliil IS a fiStiral at the Briditelfratei Presbyterian cinrch, cm ening, the lath inst. Admis sion 10 eeti'l• Tie public is respeettalbr invited to at- .qh; les:ldeactat."—A tierce and protracted dog Said. at upperend allown;'.carlast Friday, dr died ofeatherinz quite a number orpersona tngeih 4er to witness At. The dashing of & few. bucket; amid wairr on the telligerents" had the effect 06:6•Mtnatinir the fight. A Wen or Vt'onns."—Nre have incidentally learned mas furlong "war of words!' occurred at the Conrt Hirwe Wt week: between two attorneys, who were t amaing a case before arbitrators. Choice epithets - acre frt and gracefully peed, and a g 4 old frecOight e time confidently expected. i'• Car matt Dm . ncrone,—At the annual TJecticm for Dlreelms , of the Beavei pernetery , itticm:bela at the Sheers °Mee, in this-place - on Monday last, the isilowim persons Arno Aiwa for the easning,year : John Murray, Geo. 19% - flatnitton, Sam.. B. Wilson, X Darragh, yrenieb, B. Mee, and C. B. Burst. XL DC NN, or Vanport, oilers lime through this 'fern Argo at 25 cent, par tmhbe. itbi lime bl t l Froken o by those who we the article. • - - Fr rE 0 haAX.—TheTrotestant Episcopal congregstiork of Rochester this county. last week purchased a very tie Ô. for. the usprof their,Cburcti.: . . • • , ' - Sur:ernes Sams - .—Tbe - S s „bale octunied it. this Aire on Pridl• last, and quite it crowd was attract liiither In constVence. The bidding for some of the riled property wk. pretty spirited, but as usual, the ienrepursos woo.. , . , rikrlvrr Enonom is—The county at the beginning of the, term of ergot this week, VMS ' entertaining elfrin goegta at Sheriff Litteire 'establishment. Within the next few days, !we presume, some of these will Ind for a time, at least, endeavor to "paddle their own FIRE. F nmvuLTS Tr.-Gfil Tuesday of.kult .week, the drellifig bon Fe of Mr. William Nevin. of Franklin tesnsbiri. lids County caught fire, and burned to the cmend. T h e fire originated from sparks.fallir gon thi mot Thelnied of the furniture in the blinding was cogpained. No insurance. Loss about $2,000. , • Wane Wearezn.—On last Tlarsday7rad, Dot a eel& hnt a warm, "snap" in this vicinity. The ther remitter Ptopd nt 90 degreei the shade. \ ATlT•iir; lA directed to the advertisement in'ttnoth- It . c.)lamr. el R. Bradford. kscj., real estate agent at N'wl l4 ;bton• nelonsiniotfered for Fee arßoler.- ylr, k ,aid to IT in good condition, pleasantly 10ca 1...J. and be mid at a ffdr prise. r• 4. etttotes Gaoram - St'ons:.—Wm. F. Clarke. Wtloso kroCe:y gore j u-t:aboi , the poet-other, in this place:. Ie dPi.errellly doing ti tine breeinese , . ll!vetoes. is good, hie prim. law, aerl hoLakes capecial wins to satisfy all it() Maf favor him with their patrout. Test .weeic be slided:lar , ,My7„ti) his stock., and he now prepared tofuraied families with ee "jilting .in 'tile pr ovieion liee.trom 4 erneltet to a bane' of flour, or from a her !tag to a ham of meat. Call Mid see. himt _ Motor Kruroor.—This distinguished divirie, who' to at present Bishop of this Allot:nee of the Protes tant Episcopal Chinch, will iscraites and confirm, a Oats in Trinity C birch, Mac/tester, thist con city. on • Sunday: the tttkl of Tune, at 11 A:,M. Person* d&irions ot hwarintt• this eminent Minister of the Gospel can, therefore, have an opportnnity of doing- so,,by attrd • * leg at the time referred to. Pol.MrP n IS " rtr SIMICALETTP.- It lA , said that the . Democrat , of New Sewickley township Seriously con template the reading of Petrolenm . V. lFasbront of their ' party. They say the "confonndeitold fool hasn't sense etssigh to keep Ow party's secrets, bat blabs o nt all he know, and due,ithem more harm than good." Tak mr thin yliw of the subject they feel like reprimanding him atihst, end if that won't Make him keep htimOnth !kat. then Out of the party' •.voes t. E.XIINSIVE CATTrItE.—On last Satnrday the. eon +table et this boretigh wits notified that a r dock ~of grantericenratfinnly called brokiXwere roaming over. the tonnscras • rit• the ordinances." , In such inade_andprovide.d." A little strategy., together %tit a bit of racing. brought the swine into an extelos- Fe, vivre they were held until the arrival of the own er. AG we believe liWes to Bridgewater. The pock trasiberod eight,. and the cost of redeeming them Smouta..ll in ell.. - • • . - - Toeatt's tstrretts.—We understand •ihat the Wash bar have fent two petlticms to his Honor Judge Mil , son, asking that the conduct or rogler's compel, t h °6l dlint or the unfortunate man's case. he made FtWet 4investiention. This is right, and we have doubt that it will result in their being stlck , et tun the roll of pr.abticing attorneys in that county. • Inc Nit&.: Reursvan.:"—We have received the first ~,a sher of a new paper, published at Miss. Trumbull -".nr.r. Ohio. Its editor it Wm:CampbetL, and its pub ills,. is E. Eak Moore, formerly of this place,and well ractrubly known to many of our eitireni. The Ihttio , c. is neatly printed. not the organ of any partY. Pential in nothing, but win give Its attention more par -I'.'iitclY to advancing the interests of thetelt awl vicinity in which it published. Success to the Reg : Wr, rays the Argo. • , PEIISOX\ L.—lt n fords as pleasure to bear testimony the ability and fidelity with which the duties of Ru k oircbar;rod by Mr. Herman Michaels, satbaVCcllrrille Acenmodation Than; Cleveloodiand N t eburri I tailteed. The reputation of the'train tea an Mallon is well known to the traveling public of t h'ss'etiel and . bd, maintained no lcaugauthe ofilee .f"tearkac%or is held by the gallant W., Skinner, and * biktliertnan with bin Obliging.' attentive and polite 4tweet, and tranticortlay character: remains as Bag 'e Satter. SI TrruLtortccE.—A steamboat captain of C' Place. hae jun returned from a "cruise., " uP the 111°1 "lat ,4 Oyer. informa us that In tiaveling a *trance et dime hnndred and fifty miles up that stream i-09,1 eirtr - , at' fifty:seven different yardat and out of ' 4, -shale Inind , er the owners of bat reran of them wrhe 1 4iij, names to a receipt for Our:mei pal/ iqimmentnry this Is- on the Institution t'.l)taridiritst "shame it is that there are Perot ) " I!"2_ 44lll, llnidst ihn would re•eatablish it lithe,' only lam and had the aldUty to do so. 41W- - * l t!tik‘Eo AND botaxatte.—Tie Editor of the • mt %Pa.) Amnia/ says ".1" .11 . lady M who Yetterday called the attention nt 'met tn . oar patc.ftai breeches, whereat they both Informed that a new pair win be iyar husband's "Bute hill" is settled : 4 due niarty a year. Notes-1, When you :2, l9mr azirialY era passer-by, and do not wish to tet ! K meatil. talk low. 2. Dont eritteleethe.poor Prin I, timely While wearing mile. Puraage4 • 1.,.."ztr6::e him: S. Teti 7ctex Jiesbind to send as and sate the coat of aa ont.tribsuif." LawriaMe4birnathittelk, the retinitioft*rremt litle - irrutty Metal Ise of thS hinfaage dent4iaucmi "We are pleased with the tewPt of the of the convention, not bparaie the dilator the vary worthy gentlemen who were uniecceishd t Arrive hew that they were worthy of the pith= :they MOW to. bat blcaFilni'Mc ° 4 l P ri . r oxl-!IAMod theesifte, nnbehieble'auttacirruptitdir tint he candidates For the other Allem leek none of the ca paidlitlea which the positions require. We are es y pleased that the 'boys in blue were ge rera bl y regarded by the convention; and We doubt not that the fad that there was more than one of the =deals defenders candidNientofthrtirmiaisfirie, was the only reason why each of them were tot sneoessfal; We iney be mistaken, but we hope not, and we say to•auch of them as failed of sucm.e, there is a good time com ng• . Fbotl Coloraustoff will°l?et re membered that ti few data after Foger's eonlassiourap peared In the papers, a counter-stitement,was publish ed by Mr. Montgomery, in which he son* to break the force of Fogier's averments by charging them to be the work of other parties, and Intended only to in jure the Montgomery faidly. Mr. Smith, the sheriff of Washington ronirty, took personal exceptions to Mont gomery's allegations, and is now gathering the evidence with which to nail them to the counter. In the mean t ime he publishes thakllowing part!, which expiains it self . • (From the Washiagtou Reporter.) Massaa. Entrons :—The heview ft Exantiser of the ffild ult., contained a lengthy article signed oe g ti r d . Montgomery, in which . that gentleman, to throw discredit upon the dying conlbssion of - R Fogier„ who was executed only the week before, sets out with the bold charge that. the coat ion was not the production of the deceased, but .was the work of several hands, and was gotten up for - the purpose of injuring everybody who bad taken tray friendly part for the poor wretch who purports 10 be Its author." Mr. Montgomery follows this wi th a second article in last week's issue of the same paper. In st,podscript to Which. referring to the card published by-the subscrib ing wittiest-es, he re-iterates the charge-in the following words: "Of course those who got it (the confession) up took the greatest care that the witnesses to the poer should know nothing of tbe,rtumner of its eon -w -Witg, lest; If collet on as witnesses, they should beconstrein ed to disclose the heartless conspiracy. The paper was [ first gotten up by. Fogier, and he transcribed It, and I thus it was prodared tottmeo tallness* as his own."— It will -be seen by this that Mr. Montgomeryacquits the subscribing witnesses cladeamplicirc In what ho calls Melo:art/en cousPitaCTrailatst hintsellandliOnliv. bat re-affirms the charge. 'Erne he names no Orion. bates everylwitly knows that I had the custody of Fogler dm , ing his imprisonment. and as it is also well IMwn that after his sentence only about baltadozen persods.were allowed to see him. novae who m vas , permitted to to his cell withouf MY kniSydat et-Obieet Of th e els- 1 go the plain-and doubtless intended Inference fs that I Must have had something to do with getting up the confession; otetleitsflitnevrislie Otte cegliged in pre- , paring it , Mbreoter, that' titter have ethreised some undue influence over Vogler is 'plainly implied in the remark.with which Mr.itiontgemery sets out that those who arrested and hung the deceased are made the medal object calls laudation In the:confession: Now _under these circumstances is it not my dety to repel these insinuation*, If ! should remain silent will the people not naturally conclude that!the charge made .by Mr. Montgomery has some foundation in truth ? Occupying the positieu I do. , I cannot afford to let his re-Iterated assertion that the confession was concocted for tbe - decessedbyothals trout redicted. Relne taut es Vwu t 4n impearterpu 1- - drislot Mani to 'rest under the imputation that must. of necessity, be intend ed for me. My engagements for the past week have been such that I -have not leisure atresent to do more than state my determination to r myself of thece charge. and(produ such evidence will satisfy the c r eru public beyond ajftionbt or mseatien-if indeed such a • thing be needed --that Robert Yogler prepared his state ment with his own hand, and without Influence or suggestion from any source whatever. I willalto show the recklessness and sitter futility of Mr. Montgomery's attempt to throw discredit upon, the confession of ti dying man who went to the scaffold- re-affirming Its truth,by bolstering np his. attack with the testimony of a notations prostitute and abandoned uncles. whose sworn „statements ;are equally unworthy of belief. To this exhibition I invite the attention of a candid pub lie. . R. R. Sutra. . A Fmnirr.—During Sheriff Whelk term of office. ■ man named *Hathaway was convicted in our court of the crime of bigamy. and sent to the Penitentiary. A prin cipal witness in the trial against him was& Mel McCul lough. of this place. Haringeetetted histiti4 out tn thit institution. Hathaway returned to this neighborhood, and on last Saturday nightealled st the house of Mrs. McCullough and askod to stay aree z night. This re quest was granted, and he was shown to a bed in a room in which no other pesron lodged.. The room In Iwhlch Mrs. McCullough and -her children slept was locked. ; Toward morning Ifathanzy knocked at bee door end requested adthission. This tanarefostd. alter Which he threatened to break it optiand go in at all hazards, My thli M. and bee thildiiin began to sermant, imd one4.theluttor s igungthig,thgostgit a Witt neighbors, Who Mao and drove the house. Whether he intended doing Mrs. 3Y: ire thr her testimony against him on his - trill; *Wetter other , mnthys influenced his conduct on the ocesilon. is not, known. At sal events the hinny were much frightened by the occurrence, and as a measure of security in the futnre, Hathaway should hrre bren taken charge of by the guardians - of the co an annuity. Entron AllGVP:—Having been' prevent at the late County Con 44Mtiou. allow me ifo, call the attention of your readers to what I conceive a notable feature in the proceedings. showing the difference between Repub i limn - and -Democratic conventions. On the assembling of the Convention. H._Odell, the editor of fie came I ntri the Convention. and took a proud:Dent Seat in front. and remained there until the sessiest , closed.-: He wee treated gentlemanly throughout, and no disre spect shorn him either by word or act, although he has. through the colnMes of his paper, attacked and abused every prominent member of the Convention. It wee right he should be treated I , 4).mnd-I refer to this to com- Mend it: hat I have noticed Democratic. Conventions act very differently. If - yon. Yr. 'Editor. bad gone into any Democratic Convention in several years., yen would have been inonled a hundredths.; before its close., In fact. it has seemed to me that Democrats make it a rule to see how InsoltinT and abu live they can be at all thesetratherings. This IF worthy &entice. es It shows of what kind of material the two'parties of this county are composed. - Recurarga• Programme for Teacher's Insti. tate. Nin a Entron:—The committee appointed for arrange ment for the order of exercises, submit the foll Owing programme: • - selecrreadlng by Miss Tucker. Cleves:trill in grammar by Mr. B. • Declamation by Mr. T. J. Itislnger. Ditcussion of the Qttery-lwoc. Reeding of the "Perlodiear by Bissell Whipple and Reynolds., Thole who, wilt favor us with contributions to the "Periodical," please address Misses Whipple ant! Rey, nolds through the post-office: • AU crmtrihntlons to the "Periodical" should be such as to have direct bearing upon educatioiml interests, ,and as' pitch are desired. - . 4 Institute to convene st the Mlle School house, in Beaver, Pa., Friday the 14th, at 11% P. IL , • Cotrjrr.—The Jane term of the Court to this =MY began se Monday list Judges'Actisson.Duff and Law rence all present. The term has brought quite a crowd of people hither, end we presume a large amount of ,buitness will be -transacted before lb; close.- At pres ent • sodnetloh ease from Economy township to enga ging the Attention of the Court. In oar next we shall gtire i llte f or the weel; than, pest. T Itsccooit I SALT Wonins.—Tbe Salt Works in Raccoon telOseshlp, this county, ere doing .ffnely, and the yield per, day is on In average ahoutflUteen barrels. The expectations of the corners ape_ ,i.sed, and tbem'la tint-Alttle dein* thstahi.lni -tmpllMS'ill lie source 0(prolle to those haringof it. The sale is a ' tine article, and sole 17se works at '&1,04 $3 _Per barrel . Tice water from which It is mannfacter, edit as sbendsat M ewer. as strongly Lommg ested-wleh silt abet finthilost to flew, some, years _ Tim third annual session of Me normal =plc school will open July SS 1817 at dm Musical Innitnth in Beayar; tinder - diMetlatt ot, A. N., Johnson. and continue tire'ireeko. Tuition tbr the Nil term $lO, or $2,00 pre how for the 8438131021. • . MARRIED: • GROVE—Wpi,VP Kerr, Mr. Kogton !ute' 4. 1817. by Nay. N. and Mae Cbriidina Wolff. DJED. ADAMS.—On the Alla of:Tape; MGT, itz / Bearar.-ili, Bon. Benjamin Adams; aged Si years. Judge Adams was one of oat Oldest aid InDst worthy citizens. Asa public otticei l he was highly esieemerl for hisprobity and strict impart/og% ho was loved and prized for his Positive,-annomprornit log religions Influence, and for his benevedinee, which - shear- responded to a worthy canes.. lie was penis:h.+ tal for his.iveracity and honesty pit' busincis, and now that be is pins from our nildst a wholecoptintirdty is hereared. l But big 'example tarn lives, lives, anchwill have an influence in ehatinsit* choris ter rod 'mien:din& the lives of those who survive-him 4 7. Ne. ~~~ I *lvied most mom:Mali asaitimes to &Went In drop and toodlelnes that lat prepared to tarnish at NIUMLEIMCBLEBRATZD .11281 *MEN I In any ir ulntlty. These ars only trai t nedkated Bittern now monniketured. A OfertalatNav ttie all As-. I .l°-* a t /*Yr Every dezen,eeeerely peeked fa a strong - baioiltb nest elbow out, circulate, Er-, Inclosed. NO chirp for baggage or boxes: J. B. Ruble* • Priltd.l. • •17 KI • •A N W .4104 =C. or Go to Gealy's for as klads oCllohatir7 goods Cheapest In Bearer Co. • fa'Boots and Shoe. made to . crpl,7_,A S eitirVic Also mists y b Is lxmitinatlevork. NEW 8 Thrirey Pnmes, - Dried Deer. ' French '" .: IRegar Cased Rms. Pear , i n r ca -4 - . Deenidast_ Rlo • ' • . ' • Dried Pleaelfe, Layer Ons, " Apples, Messina OnmeadLetaona, Fresh lard, riga Cocoa . Nuts, . 'Honey, etc., ' , • • I . Constantly on band at the Family Grocery of • . , laVa. 7. 'door Owe Poet Office, ' - • Dosser, Pa. iffrAll Work Warranted by Wilson £ Stewart. • _ • Sir'ratW444Bllo,d,COliket tee be toted am Irbere t.27 ' • Or - Wilson & Stewart's Boot and Shoe Emporium and Palace Ls the place for the mmlons. 131rThe beat Groceries in Bombe county are kept by Wilson t Brown. Firw A call consumers of Grocorks attenthm to our Teas, corke•Nommi; which amnot toe innasited in the • , t kilrlintsou lc Brows ale oelUng as you can buy Soul irbololllio to Pittsburg: rirGet One of Wilson it prcnen's, Suss C ' 'isms before , ilier,nre gone. , gar Go to Geidy's for Ladles' and MIMI Eats: Latest Miles, cbropro.t in _ Wept= Piqua. ' TEA I 'TEA TEA ! ! Young Prom Oolong and Japan. . The stove inn of tat Amid quality; and inunantixd - to 'eve entire aatlaractlon. • . Wle P. MAMIE, - Id door sane Portthil ea • - • Bearer. Pa. • rarEr m ' man, woman - and child in Beaver county wanted to call aid casual= Wilson .C-Stemart's large stock or Boots and Shoes. • gar Fine DrOas Goods at 6katifoli,iol and see larßooti and Shoes at any price at Wilson tt, gar - Boots and Shoes at pour cnrn price at Wilson & Stewart's ' • far Go to l*rarot adles and Misses . Shoes. L Lasting' and Morocco Min i on*, Congress Lasting, cheaper than the cheapest . pirVilson;& Stewart an selling Boots and Shoes to suit-all. • . • - • • jgrileaCep . Patent Mae; acei*etieg with with favor from all qua,rt era, they hare b adopted by all the public achoalpfin,the Eastern Meek owing to their Cheapness, dltrability.;neatnem, etc., most super teed ere long all others now in use. Mr. J. P. Ross is canvassing this and adjoining counties, and will attend to .all orders with promptinms. Wholesaled and re tailed by %I door above Poet Once. Seaver, Pa. lariVllsola Inalraifire iiettlag'SooCorand S4oee ' .25 foes eeit kse Oil' Ctidteitilielioagbilbil any • I.lrßase' Bari Goods at Ithodes` Drag Store 121rMeree Calf Conk. Gallen, °dame Tim, law rale. Cloth Gaiters, cheaper than before the war. Call and ier there, at Wilronit Stews-Ir.. . • COMPLETE NEW STOCK Comprising in part, n fall 'assortment of Canned Frain; and Vegetables, Jellies In glipia, Pickles and Ketchups Ealadoi,l Oysters, ICardines, ,Flavoring .Extracts, Con: fectionary. For sate by, FM. P. CLARICE, • Family Grocer, 2d door atiavePost Office, Nearer. Pa. t^ The target and beet selected stock of Ladles', Men's, Bore, lifives' and Children's Boob., Sboes,Gal tore and Slippers, & - e— dce., ever Beaver county, can be seen at Wilma &,Stewist'e. Blzare Eirelope, new style, wait and cheap, sad all sizes Note Paper, jurt received at Rhodes' Drug Store, 2d door wort of Fogs face, ,Bearer, Pa. Orpon't forget the pine to buy foots and Shoes is at Wilson Si'Stowarts, Diamottit, Itor*ter, 017 — The only place to boigood and cheap Groceries' Is at Wilson & Brown's. Or - Wilson tt 'mown are doing the Grocery-Trade of the county, call en!! /lee them • ' INTEREB FACT. Wm. F. Clarke Moly Grocer, 2d door above Poet Office. Beaver, Pa.. ofrets for eale the choicest Orooaks, only, and at prices as low as elsewhere, In or out of Beaver. Be convinced by an examination. • • IlleComitry people when 14elting. town, should not dill to all and sue Wilson Brown's large stair, of Groceries, - . , • WPCThan wonflog Cement will do well to ail , at Wilson s Itrawo'n, they wareint arm barrel. WGo to an exclusive Boot £ Shoe Store for Boots and Shoes, where you can get a better article,for left money. Mr:Wl*ma-Stewart defy muretitiou as tp quality s2l9 — ChlMesons Anklet Ties, Cong. sail Bal. Clatters cheap, at Wilion & Stewart's. • ilrftrfinna in need of pure Drags and Medicines Paints, 01114 Dye Stafti, Perfumery, &c., should Mil at, 'Rhodes'ltrug titore, near P.. 0.., Beaver, Pu. Ire take pleasure in .bowing goods andgiving pdees. ' _ gllr Wilson & Stewart are: selling Boots and 'Shoes . . regardless ofoost: • ilfr Chlldrenis' GalirP,l Balmoial and Congrces, sheipat Wilson & Sternt's. , VEr"Tia worth a cult to WlWon* Stewart', Boot and Shoe Palma to examine *Mir imp Mock aline and choice Boots and Shoes. . • larO r ntm• wa ll .4 1 _ IS DC. , cilEorl ll Boot will do well to eall at Wilson & Stewart's. I - lar'Wilietiellinibrteire:ititb lin &jots and Bboes despite the dell times every where else. • tair'Wilson & Steuart arc offertag extraordinary in. duCtorlonta to pafthasera In Boob & Shoes. tar Can early and secure a bargain it7l Boots and Shoes at Wilron Stewsrt's. WEDDING CAKES, y .3P a, t y 4 Finn?. MIIEILaIGNED, lIAVING 0 1 FUMY C V LASS COSYIATIONARY, oti Railroid Street, 41. W Brighton, Woeld inform- the public thnt 1M orAms far totem Ice Canon, 4ita. - , Pot IFFAIDINOS, PARTIES, or FAMILY VIM upon ' short notice, in =;prim% and in aet sninarpssed bY at 7 t7establishments. Prompt attention given to all orders from a distance. Their ICE-CREAX SALOON ' being expenvivrly fitted up, is open ler the Doc:memo dation of buvtotssrs daring the egatingseesoe. 4 CO. 4 ? t b y 7 1 1/W i l l , -,- ..7. iil.4-.... ,!, ' jo• (1..."'d , - - 7 . t':il DM IRMO OCK OF • & 0. EPNT am • : ~J,~ y: Tv r .ra ~. ,~.' r . I. l;sYns- - p ‘W 0.- ~ '' E~~V =I IMBRI I= 1111 , yrrAlinithi g ,- .ARD S N'O.E Ikt. -. P.9.1C4 U 14 ! s s, ; .E N r - pr.:BRIDGEWATER., TWO paps BALQW .i Eftl3 WATE R REMOVED ,ro rat nom'• bawled by J..2ll..Diegsr, be glad to am all my old Ilieeelez me with a Fall. cin Water at., where 1 analogic:loml an 0 • lan nevi rex:etch - It a litre' alai eik;tala Stock of latest Spring Styles otiellibery, 97rhstustuto; Mc., kn.. which will be sold fiery - MIL/oElhr or eyeri deseriptiotrirandlftssir ionneic Listileo' PaPl i r ies na l4W4 4 31 r , iltM i rliiillasees , ' 4f-1 ' '.. .: . TRIMMENGS • . 1 - --, • 1- ' 7 Of Ml k i !nds, e aVirereasi drsd Bar Cillig. 'Cord's, BALMORAL itili - 1100,r . SHIRTS, egfc,- SETS, MB!, NETS, BELT, • • - BUCKLES, &e. Gentltpte ar. plop ' . _. Furn'sblng Goodg, Vita 's4o l o l ' Paper Conan* NEN - AND BOYS' HATS AND CAPS. NECKTIES, SUSPENDERS. WERSHIRTS AND DRAWEIM WHITE SHIRTS, PAPPOIt i LLARS, Hosiery a,. d Cr-loves, • •• LAbIESO CITOTI73, ALL C:olAirtz. SPRLsiG AND SCNMED - DRESS GOODS AND tiIIAWLS,TRY CIIF.AP. — "SHOES. drat recetrail, a large•l4 very cheap. Call aad 111[ILLrElitY. BONNETS ALTERED ' D CI4I.ANED:CIILVAP. Stamping, Pinking . and Cloak Cutting Und Making' nit short notice. MEN'S'SillitTS MADE? f TO ORDER. MACHINE ? CALL , AII4I, SEE BIE. NO TROUBLE -TD Snow GOODS. xxxxxxse-issie n acs • Two doors below -SUlsir :411 1 Stuslleoberger's . Orpcery .BWwq WsAer stgwet, srdlZowater• . • 46114AL1K. I , U r AGRICULTURAL WORKS, ROCHESTER, PENNA.. A. B. oncra & co., r!toransroa9.: ANUFACTUIIE MOWERS. REAPERS, tTA Railway or Endlesathaln, • and Lever- Power or various sited. Threshers and Separators, Farm X llll 4 Cider Mills. Cane 31111 s and Sorghum Supermen., Corn Mellen.. Dog Powers for Churning, and all‘ollaim Agricultural Machinery. • • REPAIRING AND JOBBING _ - - . • t , Of all kW" done on gait notice. Machina or any kind built tor parties. • Hawing bad= experience of tliteen'yeartt in Paten ts , and• Patent Baatnent, we are prep to mate =mew , Applltsl ac.,. roe desirtng to take out Patents. • ilayingfttted up ottr iactory with NEW AND. IMPROVED XACEMSERY, Selected from the best Neste= makes,. in person, and empioying none bet the best Mechanics, we area pared to do 'work inthe best: style and manner. Hay / ""redaorrio" of A ?MST 'CRASS PAWS MAZER , 'we are fdr4l prepared to make any kind of style of Patents. tar attention raid to Repairing - Mowing and Reaping Machines, and machinery in general. • We solicit, and hope by attention and care to merit, the patronage of parties wishing work , done. Orders from a distance pmm tly attended to. ALL - WORR W TRD. Address A. 1. 43Mxrs t CO inortntly Roe/weer Pa.' J. &11. PIIILLIf'Si 25&28 Si CW3 137%; • 1 2 : 11 1ttl5131. .11 4 ' Xmas,_ llantdacterers aid Deniers in • • FLOOR tyIL CLOTHS. F URN ITII.RE OIL "CLOTHS, ENAhr/ILED OIL CLOTHS, TABLE OIL CLOTHS, - BT4IR ,OIL _ CLOTHS, Triuuspirent Green . Oil Cloth, Sir window Aides. Tropoparent Window Shedes, 'BUFF 'IIOLLANDS; SH.AIIE FIXTURES. ' • - TASSELS, CORDS, &c., be • • AVID, triLit.l6l,B 111 , 2 • InalirStrirribeldnirtieldan, uned. , sifteam . .micking. I.l "s2lloAVe Th iry 4 .' Oak Tainted Leather tielthid•Det'e Leather. Belt Woks , Rivets, Lubricating Steam Packing, ie. Arai fie tie- tinirersca doilies Wringer. A general assortment, of the Awe, named goods•al t l oy- o rders nw i o n s oy solicited and promptly finorton vriLt.ihr!l Jtonrpi, "ifs% sand OznamentO .P.A,:j;fir MIEL. vir Lettering elfalilfindi Xi:coded Promptly._o3 Carriags6i . Bugo Painttleg; dc. H Main Nvii • 841it,011,.. rk, ap:317:3113 . ...„..,„•• l y.... . --' 1 • ..., ,•t _ . • .•.„...„:„,, 3 . • -.• „-..... ,...„.„•,,,, -.:,,, •.. 3, •-,:•-,,• r.,•,,,, rp ~,,,,,, ME =EH ME F. A. Forti? N tit 110911ESTER T PA NEW' Li BESS tiOLODS,' , NEW _PRINTS;. • ' NEW DELAINES, . . and NEW :MUSLIN& GreatjEt*ktiit!ced PRI CKSV ; NEW MILLINERY GOODS!?' • - • II TS , FLOWERS RIBBO N; & c: . . • florbig . eNi4• : xtre4 the Agency W , the Einpire Sewingch•ine! . I reepectfully solicit an clOamlnation of the game riy the public. • ' . . - Tins Machine is constructed on anew principle of mechanism. porn her many. rare and valuable im provements. having been examined by the most pro found experts, and pronounced to be simplicity and perfection combined. _ In a meciumjcal point of clew, the advantages, we claim for the 'Maw Macrame." are-'- Ist.—The me,thod of driving the Needle Dar by a compound mak, which, produces the same action as heretofore Obtalited by means of a Cant ; 'but in a mom durable and noseless manner. hi.—We use. a rotating shalt above the table, and thus are enabled to else all the room reonlred under Meal= ; without detriment to the durability. of Ma chines; having a; bearing directly over the Needle . • • 34.--Dur Feed Wheel is M Diction died. and so ton- Atructed there Is but one Joint in transsaitting the mo tion !torn, die rock shaft to The wheel. Med abllke all others,,eatmet twi effected by ell ordttst. 4th.—The .Rock Shaft that works the Feed notion also drives the Shuttle: 'llse bearings of this Shalt and Centres are hardened steel and adjustabk,-no that we can take up the lost motion at will. - • i • • • The . following_ are the principal objections nrgorlik plant Sewing Machines: I.:leuxistire &Stow to thr operator. ! • ". - ! • 2., Liability to'get out of ceder. • 3d. Expense, trouble, „and loss of tinse l in repairing. 4. Incapacity to sew every'llescription of material. . & Disagreeable noise while in operation. • The Empire Sewing Maohine is • Exempt from All then „° . 01dt:ottani” ' It has ai Misled needle, perpendicular action. Makes tbe lock or-Ai/ilk, stitch, witich er e r n am eithPr nor ravel, and la Alike on both sides ; perfect, mew ing en every description of mat irons. Lestber to 'the finest littnpook Muslin.. with unto', linen, or silk thread, from, the consist to the finest number. IT ARKS, FELLS, BINDS,B RAIDS, TUCKS, QUILTS; PLAITS, and GATHERS. ' /` - ' - liaving - netther cam nor co' wheel. and the Ittat pot!' idble.frieticoi, It rano sd smooth as gloms, and fs Eumileittk;ally is N*l'selvm Madlne• A. For tun.(,',,s, MEE RED . FRONT,, Dry Go4§ Store, liOCilEfraßß, PA -AT--- 11161 ILI 11111 NMMI -AT - , . i =I 11•1 IMIEI MEI t 1 , , . ATI wstik•ESALE ' DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF ViCoriper Sr. 'Opheetz - .. .. 4 - ;L • -:' i ,- -.1 i 4l ,P•lnv . Viraree' l' ;PROPOSE CONSTANTLY ON RANI/ illklnds of TIN, COMB AND SIIET:IRON which I will sell ;' ' • • ' • 1 421 TIIE LoTrEqr 17RICES. , Tin Roofting, Spou tin g & Job Work . : Done to or er in' the best possible 'manner, end at the . ,•1 ' shortetit notice.' • ,•, , • Ueing mme bat the hest. of material, andlhaving none . but the hest of workmen, , . WE , IVARRANT ALL 11r0R1." : SW ON .7:11,E 1.0.1 M? END OF li r 'lit 410 t e •c:1 • BEAVER PA. • Give u;\. a Call, 'and Examine ! our Nock Japanned Ware kept constantly on hand. myrattf • - . .• . JUST 0 4 PENSD!"" MRS. - A. -. KOOKEN'S • Millinery Store, ROCBESTER PA. • ; A E W AND GOOD :A.S;;ORTMENY OF SPRUNG 3t LA - 6 . 0 9 .1;S , • Inelndlna' stritCr; mpt :Wonsan:: lkinnets, and Hats of every style and noalliy. Ribbons. Flow ers. Maliuc'. lacep, strjrw Cavil. and Tatieets, Crystal, Amber and Jet, gaile kring,e and Otiumente. H • - STA-.IIPED' GOODS Constantly on hand, or *tried to order with the new •FRENCII PERFOILATR- STAMPS • : ME3.1131..v; STANTING • Meltable for Ladles' and Clilldren's clothing, warming awash oo linen, cotton,' or woolen 8" 00 4 0 - Ewing, received n • • ' ' NEW AND INEFILQWED IitrESING 4 ./ k1.11) TILE L&TIOPr PTII.IDI OP B • AND HAT BLOCKS, • I ' ape Time prlpare4 to alter; bleach and laves straw goods In the best manner, and•on short .notice. niariTGT:3m. • A. E. KOOKEN. F4R . IIIEi:S, _R*4l), THIS! 1 • 33 1 703 r. MYM Ij[pNver and Reaper.! AGAIN TRtirsiruAxr This extensively known. and deservedly popular Machine wait submitted in the most yir.orons test of its superiority. at a trial Of competing. machines that took place under thel rnamtmment Of the New York Society, at Auburn, N. 1., in July, Min.. The commit tee consisted of : deceit Judgex andfortymaebinemtrere et4tered n contestants for the price. The trial lasted three weeks and the tests were most totigh. The result was announced at the State Fair hOld at Saratoga on the Igth-of September laid. and the GRAND' GOLD MEDAL was then awarded tho IEI icr ci. MG. I€l "Er M _ .. . as the ine , . . . . .. • SrPhRIOR VO . LI, 011.I.ERS ! ' • —. •• • , 'A similar testimene was n . ed it in the same State in ISM. This mactilite is • nrded by the thousands who can speak from ex'perie we, a* the • .. . , . . Best in the World! . . - • - , Dna fa numnfacture:d the Incorporaie4 compa ny of • C. A.uvrigA.l4 & CO• • i Persons WATifi • Tli any of these nuichinev, can have them by applying to the andersignetr„ who la the agent for Beaver county. JAMES PATTICRBON. • I . Now Galilee, Pa. aprlT67:3m U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE TAX. Cousrron's Omer, !4Tu DkirnUCT. PA., t BILIGHT,011; June Bd,- • 1867. OTICP. IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS who have been amerced few Income or Licence; (special tat Mader the ExelseLawe otthe United States in Beaver Connty,that their tiles are now due and payable. and that the Collector will be at the Harm House, New Brighton. Jane 24th: hat be Doncaster House, Roches. chatter. June2s, and at . - W.G Hamilton's - office; Bea ver* June 911 , , in person or by Deputy. to receive the came: sod If raid taxes ate not paid within, the time above mentirmed, the Denson or persona so, neglecting or refusing, to ;par. skill be liable to tire per termini. and one per • centum per month additional upon the amount thereof. United States OrNattonal Nude only taken in paponint.; lA. ROBERTSON. • • ..ies'6t2t. Collector. Mowers'Hubbard- and. Beepers.: , 1 . The - Beet Machine . inAhe , ' LL .S.! I A .131IHNIgTRATOlts NOTICE.,-Lettrea :4 adariet4- 1 ' i• • ---- - ' 0 4 1 : 34,1ar ... r . v .., sl' Le maitre .Itrrtas. tare otiutZl to tbe;ndPa li Zili v" M e .7l= ` ,ll l l ATI(11G and NATI(Ct i IL u li m .D '941.V. OF , ,• Iv: uns. itui,lsstle= weeks, Grand rn elkold Medul : t"pel "arit e4latt • I are nested to make itnow 4 bito and highest premium was awarded, to the Hubbard ' 111,;, are a its 4 " T hyliy= did. nr de.d. Mitnet. Cou!ilns4:lffinwer iiteaßer with Jeff - rake attechert art . with ; st 4 ; 6 . , MedOrit Will nW!C.,..k . WWIL" 10 1 e Mos - -•- --- -. -emit dsisv 'to iberbosti6mblned Mid - Tine. At. the Grand Mo lting. ' i ,,, , ,,.- • . trial of tba Fotnklin Institute, held at Syracuse, N. T i t - •''''. - ""`,”"r• in Angtud. , lso4%, the first prrnhun Grand Geld Ned I - . . . was awarded let the liabberti. The Tinhharct she tno,c. •Iv,•A..R 0 S E, M. D.. 1 .' ' ' • I • for six successive years the first premium at the Ohio vv • - - • • ' ' „ .t i Yaks. • • • int Sala by I - I'AYSICIA,N, SLlttar t.N .i AcCoftc.ltgrit, i uwavgr IrcoNix. -! Thri' .° . . ik on v a ll e y, p, ; pelinlinmitly loeidn We din . TOWN OF IROC/11Pct.„. • _ Tv.E. . Prmeet ler-mien 2i' . l,‘ t.l all- Vins, onCePtll.5S when lentfttionati:: euesir.l. , • 1.4r - Order: Atilo!tt - 'he. ""( . -nsion hones,... I n th e ' old CU:VI:1,1121d, a/all, ri i.:Alt . gb Depot. Roth , est7r,'Pa.. _,. . [hty29lE:tt . - •• ME mayirel:2ffi - T!UHLAC BALL. rtemendandensd wawa io it at roue :auetior. - on Bawds, antie 15, 180, at la o'clock. A. B. on the far* of Wilson' ennaltetata,. In Chipnva, tome ship; the Elgin*,ltaebtalToole.Bepe and prattler -Wong", tp the Baghhind 1 Choppy. • By ceder of the Compaay,• • J. tarlamefGßAM. • J. BF ai o:letre.erms. e 3f. TOVIIM Iy. END, . • jnarentit. ' • • . , „ _: . Pi 7111., Fr. WAVA *PlileiGGritilLWAlr. '''' and littleAprtt . ..49. ISK7. . ; Vaina-- - sttll Itatii• Staticrok .. daily. (Suadara exceptedlar tor.owit [Train leaT4 C flaw° at 4At, P. 11.. ItacPs daily.] • • • • * 'l . llAltiv COPIG WIIPT. • r . , . • * • * ' •*. V7i i 74 -- 4 :,- ...Fil ' rfi. iinorst. , /ates. t: t . , , __:........_ --....-- 1 —.........- Mit ptmezit . !; G.lsa.* ..4-21ami tlsr* 200 M& Itotbaler - -., Sri - 190142 --; 1i 210 - Salem =a .- ilt.nrit!'rat; . Aniatice • , liqo ~.iio •NO vaPten • ,t," - • 1 ,Itqtri reG ,NO 1i5mi110u..... - ..; • 44.0 toe, -... Taw . . ofivine • - q isa , . Isa Ns ' 111 Weaver -..' , '212 ' '322 ' 1 1510.1. .741 , . Maualleld - ' -I t AA -'. 140 11014 —VS ere:aline J ' • ' • I. 413 4/U 1 'l/li4s' ' Bucyrus . ..,..„,„, • 11A124 '' ra. - , . uct frrir .. I. l :pputt 4 aildiaky • . 'au. , vs' ttM44:* IA Vortast ' - ' 71 1 .3 .ii,... ,11:35; 1 Lluis - '4 1 " '' •:, - . • .f•tns . . lls ' • -Van WO. r . .. .. ltel4 .10.:0 . I Sly FortAravoa....l • 19401.14:114I I 520 ~1 SW !, 1 4:44unibt ..1 '.I ,' 1111. MOAN I CO4 W4reivr . fr.' .1 ... . . .-:..t00= 121 - - 4 ..564 ' 416 . - Plymouth ..1...J . . • :,..,3 1 3 220 1 751 bad 1 Vilparalao .i... ,,, ad • $l7, . 1 1 111 716 - chicago:... l J -• 670 1 fee 11 2 21 110 1 NE • . . , . 1 • etic*),..l.. 4 .1: .. . .... . 70350 1010rart 450r01 Vrelparilot*,....4 ', 904 ;1250 -r i 057/04 • Plymouth , i , 163 i • 'tZ , 510. •', Wdristy i • • 11:13 - t 4:0 ,t ' Illn ' I C.33mbla .' ''#.l.lrx'.. 830 . ; 0.44 .1 Fort Wayne :- ' '14125 - .7110 111110 II Van Wert • - • - V3l • • ii; Lima X II - . :Atzli ' n7,ry UpperSatulusky • IF.,yrps ' • • 1 ; en.,sfilne ' ' • Wooster • • Alihtiee .. Salem :. Rocherter Flitstiaret Yonngstovrn, New Castle and Ll' le gagpzeia Wives; Tonngstown at 3:00 p. m Near Pande,' l olo o P-la; lorghrl at Pittsburgh, Retuniteg, hsasesPltlsD 6:00 f. tworr. al N. Castle. irrs a; In: Yountratnurn,llo: Youngstown. New. Castle and , Pitishrgh Aceomssoi datiOn reareft Yuan:oow% . 5:45 at; eveCasile, a. In; arrives -at Atlekteny. MO IL -111 / 4 Wiruhs t leaves "Allegheny. 1:20, miler 24ew al e, p. to;:Youpptcniii. 2*.k. L'Oserrt 1141 Agent:: - 0= R:. ANSIIUTZ CLEVELAND & :PTTISRVIIGH RAILROAD. On and after April ID,: ISC. Mind daily (Sundays excepted) as Ulm-. .. ' . - 51 - iii r- r. 'fix *. 'Aut.. o F, , I Cleveland j ll Ulan.3 7 rlria' — ' Euclid Street. 11 881 - 4 256 1010500.- ,133 XX ---. '-. - M Bsivenna j'lolo Ales ••• ••••• MK Alliance .'lllo ' - ;510-'.. ...1.. 1180 , BlL,Tard ' . 11 !,1141 63 , - 1. Wellsville 1( tiorm ',lllO .•, ,• Gomm , 90010: .. , . . ~ 4 ii1141.14_ Eats: '' - , AccB3! -•i - - Wetleville • ' . I ‘ SIICLIi 4111 1 1E' r...'.... 1 ..:4 1 Bayard • - ;1093. • XX. • -::: '1 Alilanm ~ . i 1113.• .XS •'' ' .. iiii:2l Ravenna - 4 ilZhlrm 442 " • 6!6 • lindoun "•4 !MI6 1736•.' ". ' MO Eddie Stre'cl...'. ; .... .[ 13 .7' ' Eel ' , Cleveldt'd ' 1 • l 150 101' . I NM - ' lOW . . [ • ..- • ' 4 1 /prise EasT: '-- .. I .i - I, KW.. !EXP . III. Ear is: iiccoat —,-,-,---- 'Velfali.:; ". ,;; 41trx11650ax 10,10sati..:: Brlderport • , „ ! 440 - ',! OM , 1310- I ~... . 4 giinWuritie • II ', I I 1 ' 4.3 t-- 11313 " • Wellsville • - i 'IV ;BSI . . 140r12 En . ¶ STENO Feily .... ::„..: VW. ! I 842 i 312 OS \ 1 1 . 2 . 11F .,..... t !....: - iRd l . i Al° X*l - 733 - • •• _ • 020 1950 - le.' 746 Pit,tiitgli • ..' - 1-310 I lan , 250 910 CINtOIF . , Onto ' A IL R-0 ADS - 7.1t1V0 1 014010' Cit.& nt t sgl -, r "AG 5.18 11218 m SW .G 133 1 21511 , en on ass : • sto 4 Ass. . • 9ir• 110. %IA GOi ass - tau Gel //00 G 25 ; 1 4 IVY ,'s - 1 CT •1111 • , r '815.11 me' • IVO GOING sarTit . . i I ' GOING NM*.' PittebUrgh - i 615 in I I 'Meld - M Fl k VI: eettester . •. 725 , - 3115 Beaver ' - 1 WI, i 314 PO 455 innith"e Ferry Sr: '. ' sin , :M5 .544 Wellsville - - 0 115 42.9 -. TS 590 Steubenville— .... ...... 559 l2lO ' 1.391 1.., DriligePort ' MI ' al :OW , 43ellals , 11125 ' 640 935 , 1.... . _ . . , . TUSCARAW , AS 1111.C91C. s . • al• • l • Leaves •1 • - • • - - 'MON - • W. Philadelphia. 6:50,,p.wv I flaw& SIM . Bayardi 'MOO, m. - . ,•• • bi z T,lllllelphis,*3o4. til, I - •. • F. R;MI7SRS, General 71eld -4geiii..:' . . THE GREAT RA . 9 ICA FORNEY'S 50 COMPROXISZ GET TTIE AND .CRIF:APESIT" NZWEiI'APER • IN THE COUSTRY: • . - • TIES • . X fi rst-rings Doable r sbeet Eigbrptige Paper,:eontairr -ingtr Forty-eight eoluntns:. • _ , • Published Every Mornin. SoOthwel comer of Sev enth and Chestnut strft, TXI2MF: DAILY- P ' RE'SS . .. r 40 -per animra: •-• ; . Pm nthr.. • • mr three onthi. '1 • TRI.- EEKLY' • 44. 1 10 per Aniline. 02,00 SIF Fix Memel's, sl,oo . for three TOE SUNDAY PRE ECO* pct o st i t u m l ; Ow. 1 TIT*, IN BEKAA' TRESS, THE 3106 T VALVABLI) WEEELT • NEWSPAPER • • IN THE 'WORLD. tt'etntAtris Remo of intetest to even• one READ TIIFI . ER • P- per sesern. • 00 "500 60 - " • To tte ;getter np of arintrof Ten or nictie Copla3 &R -ostra copy will be given. , • • Aii , • prdem 'should addresned to. . • - •r JOHN W. ,TrOWNET. • !Editor and Proprietor. ' S. W. cor. Seventh and Cheentnt Ha.. Vbiladetplita, Pa. Qne. Cow: Five Copitv..: Ten Centex.... Tverity COles jeS'n4t R Tit 4 %,* FIRST Amami 4 0, CI a Myer Xediel . WAS AWAEDgb To BARRETT% HAIR. RESTORATIVE 11." autp.vaLitt. a.x.R.ETT ! s, r! Yege le Hairßestorative; - , Bair tl; Its Igabeid 011 1 / 1 prt. Ix o tas ito the of t>ta rlair i vAars o ate * Sun "I""W his= lis 1"."4.4 4 +sag ' ,poisiss sad rell. A. * et• arroushoss Walk Moth. rit+lr I 4 1 * i South. f R. minim ax. .p, iv. auXcattrga.. ' SOLD ai l siiiveartiTs, 06153111411.1. T. Aamyror—lbllN MOORE, Skxi'er MORGAN C:HATO, :New ' , • , ' jjaneFOß:...m STRAFED. TR AIM!) FROII T IE g.rascsissig. 0 day. Xi* Mgt. 11K7. 1 . duic brown lore,. rem, old. • Alk7 ren , o,W rivinz info:math:ft or inz the tfl ;frommcsandesl. at`tb4 Ten? Faerr. Re cbeirter, P. • P 2113 WWI M 4 lOU 0116,- 1 ii PS Mil NEU:SPA PER, PIMS. TRAITORS. 5..11 Adner; Fat -nt 3 n3Ol. .14,..ruvER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers