=NZ= . . N ":,aL • r ..:4 111 11 9 s 1,9 - :2 .: } IA .. ;•71.4rT7rp,:A *ll,li PX.ali prit • ty .--.ox-4 4 6a4 21. ! , -1. , 1 , - . 4^d' '-' 4 : i;11, , .' ,t, !;,.-:". 1.'54" ,-, -.1 It S. !-, ... ' ..;.'".1...7...! . .; ) i i :4;a7;:.; -:.; , 1::' 1,-57 , --..t.4.1 , ,-D- : ''. .:.,'-‘.:•,.... =SZE :,. - 1 4.,;: - ' 1 . 7! . 4 :.: rs: 74. e, rar: - • =• F 11m• , 331 • - f• • • ME 16t II 1 , vC ELME MEM r:iasubscribir bip.lowroi to as 1 . -taxtba cdtiums-gllesTer Alowni vitosaillois• so 7 patassithip-zo • aUst of"' -.:,• - *Elsori;WF.Aog i ssii E i t ; ,thi impose of thel Dry Gioodik Trek. stf:lte yarknas braoiliss. The _entiro'frosh stook will oop l prise • 'llldlit—lMltni**ertAe of - • _I r•ltuss coo op - sylity DESCRIPTION PHENOL' AtERINO§, COBpIiGIS, OE 'SHAWL.% isd a full assortmeat of Domestic aood All of the above Goods have been p 11A, Eastern Markets; for CASH, wb - astable us to sell them at the lowest Tr; Our. - asaortment being unusually , would especially invite the ladies to give us a call before purchasing elsew we guarantee to sell goods at Ipwer ra say house in Pittsburg. lfety.respeotfully, 'NELSON & ROIII3SL In the Dicimond, Rochester . 44 - gents , Want FOR TUE" MOPT POPt LAS And Beni • Sailing Subscription , Published are the most extensive. pub the Milted States, (hiving si tad thiiefinat eta affbrd to sell, boo sad liay `Wats moreliberaleoinni any other coinPapy.' Our books •do not pass through tb General A.genfa,' (as nearly all other tion viatica do,) therefore we are e. give our canvassers the extra per c - is usually allowed to General Agent rienced canvassers will see the adv dealing directly with the publishers . ',Our series embraces the , most pop on all subjects of importance, and rapidly 1346-North and South. Old agents, and ell others, Wheivre • paying agonaise, will please send fo and bee: our terms; add eorcipare the :.character of our wake with those pnblishars. • Address, • HATIOt AL PUBLISH Philadelphia. Pa., Boston, Masi., .If.3obio, Chicago Illi St. Lo Itiehmoed„Ta. VALUABLE FARM! FOR , „ , - MEE subscribers . , agent's - tot t 1. John Reed, late of • Indust — Bearer county, dee' d. offer for sal farm of - said . deciaid, situate i i • towstabip, aforesaid, about two a - miles from Industry, on the Ohlo C. 4,P; Ra il road, bounded by' Al Boatel Hoyt, George Stod ard, he Reed, dee'd., and Wm. Gaily; ' con hundred acres, more or loss, abo •• - Bred ad sintyserercleat*l and ,- etite of tudtivation. • Two dwellin the tars, tone frameand :one hew double log barn,stable,wagon shed, 'Twa good -orchards on the . , igwod wellit the Ooor.of •as dic ' and a . good spring - near the 'ether well watered. -, t " , - - .I•Var terms. and NO* partim.l the subscriber, • - MILO RE Itillston, Bear • - HARVEY 'on the :. - deontt NEW EyIIIBER4/4 - . SHAVING ; tiAl4.-CurTIN, • TORN WILLIAB baying' e maved-biS • 0 shop from Bridgewater to Baver, wish to inform his former custom rso Ltd ths tob,lisdJOlNl generally,tbat be is now to ef[*f_o. Al l O -the _Houi wtsatik• wilkOarri cla I i ;Ili ormor good eika _tuitional& !Ode. ntlon to Whi be lbafeltolnerit sad s liter= mal Abseil of eublio_, - iStrOolaks. wiabbtg alons t. smooth SWIM or nab cistask okame =Wit 'atop in .*M stye Zola a Riil, and is "H" I mAilitd`tbst:b can pleas* St e Burgeon,PhYstelon 44 " st n o p A urvv " 4 NON , BRIGWrONs . it lower eat a Raga"' 4 also ifyn o a n y • litiD 0 A. VIONTEI l— ad tor az wrrety : Tto Albeit& 0. T. GA-BES 144611:4, • • 4 MOORE'S DRUG STORE, al ryt IN 1311Airali 112 Msy be imk the beet aratieent OI ndet . fit IV )!?' Aedi o e , IN 1-11 SE IKE SIMI that the in great variety, all of • the sold eheaper than can be • other Drug Stare FIZZ Dapineo's Female Pills 7 , Cheeserames, $1; Clark's, $ lk Lanternsi io glass • I oily .at Moore's , epet, than eau be Let those who doubt gity wlldoubt uomore I 13. 1100118. APPLICATIONS Thelareila .ti Lamps and Lamp' Trim Stationery, 'Windt and Puttl eier offered outside of the Prug Store, and sold - Oel bought. anywhere else. Le this cal, see, and airy w Dee1b,136.• sad tad DI ME ' HOODS RiS, El eilsed oh will iees:2-7 - • ge , 1 , 14 st leak ere, Ala 1 es than ti d . Books shers in houses,) cheaper ion than I hands of Isubscrip. o.blo to ,nt. or blob . Expo lige l or lar works a 'selling the beet circulars and the of other No CO. I Cirtoinrui I s, ?AO.; or SALE. heirs of township, the' home Industry one-hilf er t sod the Y. swing, rs of MHO ne trio , t one has: I I der a tool &onset on log) one! ' 0 701. 1 • A • t house.. and-farm iatitqiof r,co., .or 'REED; remises , Baas( %/,(1511141artieles, -jostl • of d rtl o n oleby 1744,4 4;ity mating , r. a vi V t :17 -tea • PTYR333 - q 1.. . Lauoits A ,.. WINES (I•Brandi n ew, . • AND FcF TOILET ARTICLE 13.13,T r Y S PATENT MED • ..1 ' NEW isc! r.'cm'iv II DUE SOLDIERS OF SHOULD BE PILEt APRIL lsr, 18; APPLY AT OSCIi '1•: ,arthisrs . S:CIAIM 11315 lrcs rbi9bithsuil per. We will, :if desire , is such localities is may b ,purposi of rCdeivinethoss. AN - Eo - xcßw wv, rekvy. , l 1 , • ATTORNEY- -rrW :L* -1 RACTIC IN 41 IN,IITELS :SEVERAL P COURTS. Of ,J/BAYER I COUralf , ,will promptly at tend to all 'kin& 'at itignnusinesii • in this or counties atoitti,o 4 :- 1- 1 , Collections will be ex Monti** made is all amounts upon all sorts Sir Claims, either in this county and!Statel.or in Mere - -distant 10. calities. f:.: In Conveyancing, immediate attention will be given to the drawing of bonds, deeds; liases„ - aiticletrof agreement, tro tbei. furnish in ef,Atbsfraets,of title,and to the carefulprops ' ration,of 'all sorts of /egallirsitentnents: Mortgages, lodgments and 'other , secnrities l'ht all stunekbon,ght'or ' DeL.Offiee in building of iles4C. NNson,Esq. nearly opposite Moore's I l Drug Store. „Third Street, Beaver, Pa. - [sag .115,'60: Tared. ICA* Male. 7 1 ' llEsubscriber offers his Parm,l ooniisting - -I , o f 250 ACRES OP , MCP, for sale.— About eighty acres of laid, farm is{ in Pulaski Township, and the balance in Neir Sewickly Township. The whole farm is under fence, and about one :halt il•it'aealisd. - 4here is t vied &eine house and alsq a good' rame barn cut the property, togeihet withl all other nec eMary oukbuildings. The lied is well water. ed, has two good orchnids Upen it,ielcOnvenient t4i schools and churches, 4dis ottAtaboutlive miles, Beaver, the cototp I friln ttnty 'testi', The farm min conveniently divided : iiti,o .":. smallei tract i suit purchasers. , - [ ' ! I r tto, l '66: JAS. C._ FERMISON. ,- XECUTO R'S NOTICE; lIBBEAS 101,6' 4iiiiiiunituy ant Vii Vl . estate of Mao Brigs, late of Free- . de, \ Beaver 'County; Aeceisid, ' having .".en grantidloihe waders, ignedisall.:plirsons kiwi - lag themselves indebted to. ,said., estate are requested to made immediate payment, and thl. se having claims sigainst the same will pieseri them properly authenticated for set tlement. • • JNO. 'SIcFAIL, Adm'r., - 1. '-- Glasgow ,Bcrougb. ; : • , 1 FREE TO EnTERYBODY I .- _rli WlGE6lv.. : Catalogno..teaChing hoskto Preineve • Tin, Preeldek Trmples; Blotches, .A Patches, Sallownesa, Eruption, and all hbpnritieirof.tintskiti.---Rdyr, to tot:aWhiskers, roi l tore, curl, aid beautify , the haue; renew the a , ewe Drunkennes" ; Nervous Debility, and o ei usefnl and valuabla j - 4 information. J Eve rybody send for it. ddressis BERGER, RHUTTS & CO., Chingst 285 • Rfier Street, Troy, N.. T. J J ' j ••L PEACE! PEACE! IT O holloipooro it ,t h,9 , 1 1, 47-1477"r four of A'.ls:lisifriiT... I, 'riles's:tic's op,kootkaoil for 4015,b..th0,13b1.,0r - • r„.: A. HAR,VE, TR /444/Mrater . • • L __ • •.. 4. 4 •ffi*-Alaile_' ,big;•sielciliOrk, '. -• I 4 .P - : fist froWity Wu blsei., I 'Asmvit. B ea . i rs itpiathoiliit iej - or . l itsi 6 c ... Verl 11•111 r o , i I '' lands c - • - w 41' AllialrallAL • • Alia*Lti3 ° A. -13 14 • n. A-4tititr, 0 . .2437Z) t • • ry rge, inviar-wolie urD PORES n I'm- • 41:. firritlAßLAltstivits _APLATinfr , *AXE,- T t . '•••••. ••••••-, PlLENciumpaasit iszorzEs, • • el*. AMIERIOAN' CLOCKS, ...rancyGhoodp,-_, e. 4 4. Il• 66.13p0cia1 attontlia , given to tho repair ing of all kinds of ilrolobes. , I I ' ,N9..A h rjrkg ATREEL__ I I .UM NM SOAPS, - quality, and •bought at any • he county.- 1 PH. R. MERTZ 118 *OOD STREET," PrinTSPITTIR.O-7:1, • - BANKER & BROKER, EN ALL EMS Oa - GovEßranurr SECURITIES, FOREIGN EXCHANGE/. GOLD, OILVNE & COUPONS. L r s ta r Higbut pries paid for COMPOIIND INTEREST NOTES. [augl'elfhly oento per boz; THE - 'FY I , . THOMPSON - ligii DoHai* ZIEEDI GROETZING ER. - _ . NO. ;16, 11#D1111AL. 81111EBT; REFORE WI ALLEGHENY CITY, 'A, I , • • /Lie noir reeeiTlng large ani elogint stook of addle,. 4 RAIN: Ib i lx.y : ',sllsk s 1 LK POPLINS. . • • sENTS I ki.'l9t4 , . Frenoli Ck 8 9 1 J I Jrk; qIEI • sttewi - persanaily: requested for the .PPlies,t lolo . - 11e5, cLoAmspiorme,s • 1 ' t 1 %, They slao offer, an entire Now,took of . CAlaTiiii a ei Aid G OTHS,.- 1 • -' 'designs ..: 6 )4 1 - All of the newest at duped rates. N5tET•?. 1 1 66 7 , 2 u 1 ' 7 : :`, .t 1 IN'4 rftliE uersiltried has been appointed agent I. for bc !Etna Insurance Company, of nartford Conn., - ,and likewise f or the Niagara Insuranc ConipeAY of 1 New York, and the Enterpri4e Insurance Company ofPhiladelphia. Each, of these companies insure dwellings, dit put-buil 'ltge # Stereo, Manufactoriep, 40.7 &e. against I ss.by fire - , on favorable terms: for five years or IPOS. ii- • ! ... • Lone, equitably adjusted • andi promptly paid when the insurance , is effected. AU bu inc - --- ul , ",hy" ..hig• pf. •" le 1117.11Eltisn. cegtatn, .ary on the Vy :eitate of ,tiau'L CIIIISTLEII, late of Ear .coon-tpi Bower! itettntyc k&e: 00'474nlve been giwittatt,ti; tia Ufdarilittatiti,Vltit litiebted to salaiMstate nrwreguesttdto inunedlai it 'payment; anti "tboal haring' . sfainat the mime will present- them,yr anttienticated forwittletnent'; • : - • • • I DAVIDACENNEDY:Riindoon "lAMT3BOI - 11, oetl4 Eiecul . , LAuGHING. GAs , DifINISTEBED BY DB. "MBRRAI", ' Bitoortwa*, PA.i in extracting teeth. have added t.o.my many other facilities for the, mien, Ertl proseentiort of my Profession, this invalWable pain-killing agent. All branch es of Diaistry performed in the hes nd most ,modirnoityle. All work done / * riche ly, sad fifty perfieent. hatter, then at any of r Bteara Dentellstablishment in the State. r y9.66:1, 1 ;•' 1-1 - :A. • • 17' 7L, 41701tri E V riollszncqu.l44olkss. bwin e,INII re-1 cepa . prompt attention. Also legally aadmrAW—Vile. l 4 o 4.,lthe-Aollelalaan of back pay, papdentik ton. fyiiidintrsidfliers' skims #ttoraiiraoltitier, Vaart fauggil,"66-Iy. mr -,A)litt- . _.-, .-. 4Wrf J 5711-6 E T l ETTifiti;);fl464**te ' ilis'esite o j i miefaAiiiitre,Tate- • 'be wieldy to, ~ i ' Ace ea, deitod, having kW& ipsated goa ls ' etiod c iuid fer-rt l atakV* 11 APIMIHOld*Ilks ~ .34 Rake baiiitlida yment,sad ebr: . i ii -31 11 4 Ti '. 6 ' .. . . , • ...., ... , iritl in. ' ' =...- •-z.:-1 i - I , ' 1 . 831 =I :11Livro, _ OVEvety peseript ion URANCE AGENCY. e - j BEAVER PA. -- .1. B. CL441.4,-, Proptielor. , , 41r )1) . tititthrcr * , 4.'4.4 - to this ;IA n IvaApg 4:111161. . ~lr, :vy; g , il .., . . . k l fr 44 ' 4 / .1'.1.4 . y - ..st A ~..i.ls.rilklitrtirr,l - Ik : . a t-: 4 lkzq sir, .1 , 1 : 7 7 , :a ytitiirl' :I '4oiii . :mit' Ifi 3 OKll_Utt _,' ~, t ;r. . :, ~,li.ti V.; - ;, 1 ' ..4110.M, 1.4 43,44 ans •--.. 14 t 6 ; 4 1 tfitit; -.` xtivari. - $4.-itAJT F-.. i__,.....„idtigNfii9lllll4ll-1i I ..„ toolg . nra,c, ,_. , t .l-4 4.44iiii,t7.4Mni .!tiod:s - :gw.,...t.z., s '? .j t f " l Reeniarnilltit b A . 4 N a il o w, iirfaclyl42 eticli4W,rol.ll) _. ' • ' I s ' f nit ,-4 11 P • 4.fitibustwitatt l f, • - , .; ~.:, -i,;,, '' - ~`-: ..;:-' l'''''' ... PIT RID 47:)11, IT Gsi 1 , -, ,,,,, ,Av . ~.40,„,,,:p.: 1...;:i;•:. 4.- 7,, E ,..• -1-, , , , s H......i; ;,-,t -- Is '' s,- ,:.", -.. ••••••••-‘ -•-" i • CiratibiLS - A ttitii - I - I- t•L' c'•"1 1 -• -:'...i ...-• , -,:va.:lA .tsct :1.. .....- ' ~. i • :.it . .; . .....1:.:. , ." 1-,. 114142:14QtrOE8i . . A'a... i'7"'. 'V.; .-4. .-. • .-i •—. l . .• - .. ' , .-. ' M OS- .1.1 1 . * :: 1111 . ; it.11 1 4 ,110 4240 ). . Zit ;; .Of . , . -:•; , •;-PAINTS,..1. -;:.: .1-7 ,-, - L , r,.‘,.. tt .... : 1 ; ,.,, ,:e I . 7, '; •1 1 '7,-.-. 1114 ' .- - 1; L/N,SERD -OH/ , - •,' - • - • . ; • -• , i —.......--; 1 :,...I.f TS . FOOT Olla, '---; 34,. --- i "; '. • - •• - .-1:-. ; •..-::-.;- ~. : ,Y.... PHRICOIL, . • :'...• l i --. - LARD OIL, . .. • ... .. ....... 7.,_ii:'; ...... : , ; I 1 . 11111111 MEE • •_ • I= PURR AV 043,0141 D _QUALITY . . ALso, FiNILTOILBT SOAPS, • ALL VARIETIES BRUSHRS, - THE IBPSTPTIRFITMERY,. ..,:':_ ~:-•,,.. .11.4V-fOra,TO Up POPULA FOR Af klub a Pots 1 1- Lie% CI Olaikrinot shritysa, licy.enttre.stoo haa bees parabesed for, ' • tacit and a offered it - the 'eery Low as" tunes: ••• 4.t.4 I'm& thoroughly educated Altai . and Chemed. pliyaleiais. aid , othere can upon having their .prescriptions , acca• ratelyllllosl 1011 1 - Pura Ifilicises . EZEI I=l LOl7 BR .. . . Jing. 2lkh, 1888—ty. . -- ' 164,P .40iT SALE --- z . " • • - L. -- ' •:-.• 1 - - lpurimancei or an °ruler of r the Orphans' a lCottitAif '- 'vet county, - theundersivied w sell at pub %vendee or outcry; en the Inisaa F eg, ...,I l lonlortj,NAg. 6 . , . 1 at one o'clock, ar,.. . rottowtng ttrenoed preipertf, situ* In ppewatownabV, Bea ver county aroraindAtekig ski isia coati, or .I:lo ls .S.Aekoilkt r iste of Bearer -pcnnty.r deceased .1•-• . -_... -,,, ' • 1 _,,- • 2 ... - • . , eglnning a} a white 'oak, thence by ' 1 • 'of John' and Janica Mitchell,' north 1 ogress cast 07 . perches tre-tenthe ioS he y of by's:A:of Ethan Tho- • as north 891 de' mutest 48 perches to a poso th ee by land - f the Farmer ' s & 3fechithic's,i 1 '• nk, soutir,f grees, west 198 perches to a r post; •then4s_by atd of James Kennedy,north de p gre ere e h s, e , s east : 4 c 3 t pe . m rc e h unre cs, to ; I la on t , Th w i h te i:h oe . k is , i P cef•teginn :g; 'containing 53 :tires. and', erected an came ent new frame barn, 62 by 39 - fe t wit ti -thre nettoor, - 80.byll, 1' feet Mews, 1 &., and three,s ble,e undernea t h ; also a log Sic xi illi d frame loreset'ulth a frame*kitchen, and a c lartioder park of 4he liouge '.. also a certain of er.piecenf land ad, pitting the foregoing deF 'bed tract O land; situate! ki_ aforesaid: 8 gint.ing at ::p white oak,.thence by land of - R chard Walton; south 202 perches to a stake: thence by land' if James liennrdy, - south 871 degrees, west -24 t. perches ' to• a 'white' oak; thence by lend i ket John 'Alexander, north I . bpee, east 202-perches ton. st i ime.and theke land of} Jades Scott, nort 471 degrees; at 221 perohek to Place of - beginning; con niog 29 aero,l2B perches,' strict measure ; o which is sir edatrime barn 48 by 18 feet: The above : 'bed lands are well fenced e cept about iteratTs . :Siiti-:acre's are in a ; 1 9 e state of 11111ra:ion, Sod Hthe balance is wood land. ••There is nn enetdkikk. -- .Fol!_rrif or chaid bearing . :fritit'ini the prenuses,consisting o about 180ekde trees, 100 peach - trees and' :Mint them trines .. ~ -,„: Is. -,... - , j 1 There areal*" 21'i:eagood : O . Infe 6r. dere? , failing water;_imd a coal bank opened and; in - . mg condition , ;k Ban es through a portion. of, said , the ranch of Bridy'e Ron, 141 are atwenty . itertialong - said inn -he consid ered (med Lian! ett'territory:-- tiar !lire - t steilis new eing - put dozen in-half a ile of raid priiniies; and prep-_ aid infire being Made to pat 'down four more "nlled* , ylointti ' ' ~. • "101 -= One-bait' Of purchase inoney in l• on teentrtnatinc'oftede ny , the pouit;: ..,.ranee in tin eqttil; anr0:1 1 '1410: 11 _ anti from that date; it interestlherbou - Front 'saute date; to be se - red by bind vati'mortglifre.• - + 4 " • - ' - ''' - - •SA3rUELNIAGAW; .. I *deer ofthe ' rte Of IT . It' Kennedy, deed. t deePell ' - i - -- ' 1 ••.: •• -• • ' • - A. A. .:.--.1-18, , ey; i t MIAMI IN .. ~ BOOEBPIP ' . Be - TBIONSI I - ---:-''' ,/.lies,. .Pri r r ii rOPl C h 11 1 1 . 14 4 1.4 P.f.i . : ~.,,, . . . ranberr 1 _ Hem Loy ~ „ +,, , _ Canned Pauli* • ' u'Tt i y Prangs, Toniatoes,, L -:. Layer Raisins, " Green Corsi - '' teectl_epi liaisins,,, i_z. fr 414"Pliallii."1: ~21 kmidea Mit'llii:' Rrlo-4CI*III/44,- ;.: 11 Giothipireboadm, .. - _, igsialitp,.. , .:, 1 rAWlPlWPagaieisi : . 1 . 4 killi ~ .Z . . 11 ~ r: - ' - ''l No; 4,MacketeL : ~...„A,lsco., a i p . ..leillteit 'at Rim; iilnkar,_ 111 14-1C09101...: 4 2 L.e.,-.. .- tilt. - :... i - 1:-., ,, ,.. May; la _ ~ ,4d/Air,CABEL , Iz.e*..t :••• - - ; , . _,_,.: • . - i... 17, , ,, , LA. lit RAlltaiiii - "4 5 : 7 _ , S 1.... 800 ginstil Bridpiextes: , titit:lo4 - AIia*ArTARD IP9II, SALM. LI 5 mlloalilklei . 14 .4 4 4 1 1. bor 114 - 431 1 i mm Tidal; bsdastry, Beaver ~Ay, Ps. l _lThala a / 4 11 b tO Ol running 0 4 -. der; •swl the-Boat Teed is sunielettiyjarire,for bl7lll usittilatar aktiti- of :atie 101• Wei AIM% 18:7; r. vitt be far r4d. - • , • rir Wats AK CAIR'N. AND , LET A T CLBS, PittPARATICi.STS THE. HAIR, ARS -1"011-AbC9, & 00: 1 A 11.-tiiit . i. v . lii 1 . ' _a - 4coiduioir. : ma: - , • k•.- f ?... f1 10 '' t. +al 't Ds NI 41 ra jox , 4 4 , > - ,-, • 0 , . ~ , P,.,,,,ri-,rl litypipti!W i itta%th .34:/ . ff: . • . 1.. *I , ~ _.„ _ , lin -- iS(Hre titego: 4 it . t„....,,_....,,,..,....... ...).. . ~...), ,-, ~..., ...., Al: . . • ; 1 7 , olnatilmemobsi - illid - pdall. . 4- .41 1 1 4 =Vl "%ial i Z siliotsdittiliblati warm! Or ~, r4r 4 ,' . i ,1.. , irt 4_c, , , .:.i: \:, ~_" ! '',::,`:- ~. . .' .1 01.:- s: - i - tti . 4104 1$ : 9 1 Me I tt fi U PIN Pd OndrO,P !B l ' , ' r' ilti iid•.r ,, *Slid Olniiiiiiio3B t • . : . 0/11MIR3, BLIP: EMM biaitetti to this inirdat itteitionJit ear aSce 141404.: , 'NU 42111.1.. , 11"t•Ctil t l ip 'ma .double scole'rottis4 riniarPilt- ;thi: -uplpoi revrei; c - bcott! ) A. 1 3 °0. 5 ! s Philifiittrt heavy kipOip: IcPoPint. tiPed .] • tel,d Boots. . . -15.3.71 - *lnd ; IP4 do.Ubl* _- = • 1443 Priaok' ki . liabeiFale an e. Ott Morneep pdhdi Boots,' oi4ers, till , 1 -" t" 1 stylist: • Ws pegged and sewed pot- Balloon* or the Ist- I,' d'Atcreavrnriettof '' - 1 4 :. 1 3!L1T t,CP. 4l l l toes• f .. ~ . . - Which* win Illt i'Oeterak ghi Re : l as,eheap, if, mot 'pits , ' , .., n bought in the city of PitistnirC-they ow ,he .„ . We would respectfully Invite•pnintn,.. A __ call and ems:nine our stock, compare our r° ces with other dealers, and satisfy themselres, before Porchisinglelsewhere. .:All. GOO* ,WAIBOTIOC' lad Clall talk - Boots ind '"'-'•iiia .t L 44re styks. • : . • icfscir`a •ErrEt h 'r, • lathe end,' Itocitisias. PA. t 048'65 - .7-71.7. Wintei- Fall O 7:1 MI 2, Teeelved• it" is Steak of X .HAVE • just' ST iTtilk . .L • it. WINTER) WEAR LIT Foe PALL .Gent!tmen's Furnlshln Gut! • • Cilstauttly bait& CLOTIIINCMIDE TO ORDER br all the latesti styles sadµ shortest notice. 'ELM - ••- - - ' • Steteart'l Aoto, Bridge strect, Illtri)ol3WAT ' i R.l r actlo'66 Dr. , E. G.. Piuy ILEC4I . O PHYSICIAN I.AND Melicai ElectrtoiaiLf, Ofre qer Hannen's Drug . Store, Opposite . Steamboat ' Landing; RO ohester, Pa., • • 0C Ngtikftzat snllChronirliO4 .Ses..pi .ieing.iiinduittu. ; tism, St. Vitusl Dance, Dyspepsia,Cancer, and al the old kninty diseases that are the.ourse i of the old wheel rhysicians, as it prores their . inability to. e r tadicate, are by this scienti fi c method coinpa . ., tively easy °retire.. A SPEC IMEN OF , .CApiCER OF LABONt GROlrf i li may' be seen . a Dr. liannen's Drug Store by: those intaiiito . and - references &en of the r 4urct.i - of othe Chronie• diseases - . ..Pirtiou*r r l i 1 attention: given to 7 Felr in I , . Complaints. ,and Private Diseases. . ' '- ' ' - N.. S.—Mercury Iliad Calomel are not nail' d by the DOetor . fnor2l'66"--41mos D G xv ATE It I - BR Mai is ii_: - WOrk.4: on - xercrwp; 1 r). CITMIII AND .NIALIWIN . - EMI! d Americin • Marble. Waui I • r T 9, READ I STONES, "e.; order. - me a colt before purebamag e Dr: Smith's Drug St oio,llridge Iratek. . • - ' pi - D 1 WpOpRUI.IP, °MIME 111L-rdaue.i Pleaso elsewhere': I Shop °Frei: street, Bri.. ZulY 25; $ - rxi xrAtzd l soo: g , 3 wti aeil or.stirmaar $2O-Sewing: Staabhisi.f r a m new kinds:, Under and trpprr feed. Sent oi - Warrinted'ilye years. Abeveisela !aid: The matt ma chines amid in limited States fer leas than -$4O, *Mei are Aril himself 1y Whee,lii liteher, lhisster .4 , , Co.' end • - ' 4, 4 11 - 01 °T.ikot•Plniadi4e*Aie fa tties) asiesir` the seller eraser are /We te...sr . 'intrliegrr*k •illiuttratid • . lira amotjims.• Afdralisor.mali upon Shaw k lark, at Bitlefkline meli s. 111. 1;1 * 'tin Vr14 , 1%; B: CX.4.**!.: . • ATTQRNEY AT:LAW 1 LF . 42 . 91 11 g1 1 9 , W•ITTILL GLIM Piumrr ,e a 1mv44170. 3 10 v Colleetroiui; tad The sale et Real Zetate. Aatirill a - attea4 .to the ntinatut 31raf : V v.-.larageida r: t 4 1 4 1 047 ' di 0f .1 .. 11 P 4111"),, Bimam Bridwitmothtetitober airy - eti . to order ontiltort notice; at jn13,1:17 7k' DrAaeoteo,.Shrirot‘.. .. • . - .'" -',1" 410 /L I' LlY"Tql. a At ----.:--.---- - ; , r „ e 4 o 4 / 1 .44"4:401,- 0 ,„- 4. ,,-. ~,,,..., i) , 1 , }...:1 , •".7.: , ..... TA IA ~11' . ! .ty., .. ., • ,:, 4.: , ' _. , _ ,i.f:,,lr , A-7 . - ro..ryLi• 15 4." , ,i,:: ;,,,, ',.;., 4 .;:, -i• 5? 'a ,:39..:. l i. , :.X4 .4 1 A- :17 2 M;•.411 I 1 . elk. * •4l ' . • .: ik , t4 - lA , .;gio • 31..fi ' F ;. : ai:? . LIT 1t , .;L;; . 4:6 '. . , ;.. 4.-.3 - ..i4L11:14 - 1 - 1.k,':..:..j...1 ..t • ,..: .,, ezlitirro , ., l 4%. r: , ,...! ...„..;,•.::;.:17...?,Lrfi.....1-.1 ,-.. ; ...:1.: -*;1,1107 .1; 3swekrit,.,ev isteet Marierremitriti&-TE- . 1 , . wuariß ltkrAlL • • EINSURIE DRY GOOll JEALERS: ..13 B 0 LEXVE-' TO ' LNFORM THEIR Mends and .p a t in as 'of Beaver county, t at their. second !Large Fall Stook of Du i:loads', complete In all deparunente; is uoyr . 4 %en for' lispection,', at very popular price.' . ••_ , • • • "Iss thit•oods: • &tin stripes,' ; • Silk stripes, ; poplihs, Poplin stripcs,., .Valenaia stripes, ' Plaid poplins, French repps;• Stripe;pop ins s , -= English ieppa. • Brocade poPlins,.. . French merinos, Brocade Empress . Gala cloths. Mohair cloths, ; Black alpacas, Mohaireepps Plain Barathess, Carded Empress , 1 Crape banishes . % Irish poplins, , Figured merinos, Er4glish merinos, I Wool tielaines, And a variety of 'othc! Dram Goads. i +.. ,Black silks. Colored silks, Fahey silks, At pneestelerslit the lowest. t • . . cloakiir* g Wick bester, clot h, fi Black nrelten,cloth, • Black French' cloth, ' . " Mack English water proof. .1 . " Brown English water preef, Colored sacking cloths, - Poodle - dog cloths. • • Cassimere fancy cloths, ' Plaid cloaking cloths, Cloaks,' Basqu 9, . Samples. P alet s, CiroularS, Wrapis, ! AU 'of the latest a{ lee. • ' =I II A.Wi_sigts Woolen. ' , , Thibet, dingle mut doublet; • Protoeuade, 13rgebed, - Breakfast, Caishmere, I ' Jawsraingt Stipa. '' t ' ' I ' • sew, deeirable and deap. ' ,•, '. SkIRTS Large bettutitql goods. trot• • 'to $1)00. Woplen'. Gray, • - Brown, • From 43,44 upwards. Blanket;. White,Tied, Yellow,- Blue, Drhb, Scarlet, 'olferino, Pink. Blue and White, simian kinds of fancy shirting flannels. - . . - as iVWI ere For loan and loo,r, o; Tweed, Batinetts, Blue A'Weeds, and a . large BLOCk of oeitings. I. • • 1 1, Line imirc.coctss, HOUSE PUILNISMNG GOODS MA1.13-riE • I • • • . • • . . • •$, . • .N A rKiNs, 11)0 Y . L ES;. rio , IV ELS.; IRISH LINENS, CHEAP !' CifEAP ! ! CHEA,P ! . . , corset#;:liooi Skirts,' hid- shirt Filits, Table Carers.; Cailea Batting 'All at rnittotillrkOterantiet - fatl'lsintif':7 - ' '~~: ~, . Xi GI- A . T. l l 1W 311t -- Nt. 1- i , • ~, J • A .N - . 0 • • .., , -- ~. i - , -• . EEI e eta, 3dLeaas3s.cirt 111K. 1 1 - •%•.- S- , - -'i-lA'NI) Ell ME =am ~1 ... ..:wii .i:t + 4 : - 11 ... t~.y t: 1~.~ 121 E IllE Figured Billie Heppe silks. ; BlatialtLeot4s. Whit Mim e, 1 I 3F i lexriaaelas. . s: Pittos, arm, Pa. root WM ME ICILEAP : -`.:-~ I Int ITS .ai t eg:Lit7ct ruterilvet,dzilktifulL♦ ir • ~, Attu 'Tr, Ever offered to lett). pUblie 4 7 : • .4. •• 415.. . a op/fit:lid. aititirtaieitt gf Ladies', Misises- and' cry: ' -P17104 at 811Alivi,fm. /611.qwklitles, styles and priect st , 12; reduced ratev. • • c&44TS, 911, C 1 .91•11x, R (44kt, lite:l;ai•gst Bteek aad bea t Aii,i l `.. -eti F l oorOitel6t,Ls nugi, Seer othre4l, landattlreeely loxprtcea. :Ti mone .10 tif anything in Snit', Weald do troll to give us a call, as w , area l' taintined to sell our. stock ar prises al l i g h astonish. • - Ng- Remember . . the Ward : • • ' DUNLAP; LUKER & .CO., -. 136 Federo'l4, 4 doors belOw Harket-iitlm, 06431:0111) - • ALLEGHENY CITY. , --- ORATE A., pfeKAY na. gON & b/CtEr'S i • - 3E3.1111.41. • ' t . 7‘la -75• 1300'1' & .1 C:111.1C ,; R ~-. ~ - WOULIi . R ESP be.TEIILY ICIO t 4 ;a -V V the public hat bete opeced*: WHOLESALE - & RETAIL. . ; BOOT 4Nt SHOE STOAA t N !'4.ltElt: PA ~ . . . Having' ' purcanzea i ..141ge r4+l. stiestioil , gtock Qr 1 Ladies', Gent's, Boy's and Childtsesi _ Shoes, Gaiteis,Stippers, &s., :(C9pper Tip . Shoes di Boats.) 1 ,• direct from the manufnetnrees, ill ate lo; pared to sell as `nbeap, if not cheaper; this; any establiehment in Pittsburg or this elastv As we intend to remain permanently Is t w, buiiness, _wo will "endeavor to eitaye eiteap. keep as great a variety and as rata article an the Camera mitiket affords. . fru-onagers will do well to call and else* our goods and prices before' purcitasistilst.' where. 4111.g00d. warranted: . ITV I KET & « Dimrs East of r, l Anderton'sFuiv..-' Nave, y $2,00 , • - 14Ait HAIRDRESSER, JA .lES'lllit'LN . ;sharpy to linnet:Deets kii. his old customer,, that he .hai two 010- •charged, from the merriest of the United Sittil and opeited a shop in the frame joining yirc..Ort's Store. Ladies' hair nu k. the most approved s etyle. He. uesiti kit kit frientii Will renew their .patransie. carried the Slag of the 1 .1,th F!eg 8.1:.1i.!, for almost a year; in: the battles.areund terebtirg, he t Links lii4self.entaiiilte share of. the pu'oliO-putfoiaikh.. . lie has ttlsti ei,i , hedi . broich 01,1 air room in the - north pert of the V.l3:ket !Wiwi tn•Bridgetsater, whtch will be keig °pencil . bleatonable hours. .-1 . • . • Ladies'. and Gentit44on'ellair-cuvigg att. hainpooing promptly atteridedt!N and exert; thdin the most approfed f viW NATIONAL ?LOW .. . • : ROCHESTit - 1;4 . i . • IVI. It.f; . A Alll UF.ACTURISP - • . !1 .. _-al thollarlettes of .. - i Steel , an d- - Cast 'lron P 100: 1. ~ - and ivould ; t all the . attentiOn of the Fanecit 11, • . Beaver county;-..wishing to rtirrhatt ; ! • • '• Pinny or Plow Pointy, nitho —; i 1 - . - Tqluperior ,- Finish' and . ' j ! .... . 1 . - Qttattty ,o..nar -.:- ' _.., 1 , . . ' IV° 14. • *•-.- ' 1 ! -ask-ALL U.O Int WA III:Pill: 11 V 1 •The . ,Pointi and :Landalide!4 51 the, twit. . pondingninithera of Fiktsburgploit. 11eirptd..plow . east Ingo bought: [apr All JAMES- T BRADY & CO ..• Suobestorsio S..,lones & Coi Cor.. 'of Wood & Fourth _Streets! • : • , yArristnatc..p.A. , Bankci.-ti IF3ivlcerti! mt.iLsits t7t ALF ICfIIDe or GOVERNMENT _SECUR III/4 FelltElG N EXC NGEt.', • Gold. Sliver Coupons, . . h . fgAtic ratc paid for 70'040E1a IOW: Sir , . riciLLEelltiNS made on' ail acetii i :; ° ki TOM, the• United States atolCanar: !,!itereast tallnyred ms time deposits. 0711:; 0-3Eirzus.V ! EDWARD-n-AzLtimr. .11,1‘ --- • - "TRaDUCE. Dk3AL • •••-: -- sag_ 9 1 vl , , - 21 M P • BM SZE C 31444) 4 , 7...• MM • Ail
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers