El .4.lwMa. • .1 o : p,p,. isys..4tiv! El - ',• - ,ttinlia.'l, -- ,o.th - O's, - 0,6,`,.1, : .. HZ Aryl!. of this„wenk to Is' fstlwatotiveNts rysiptiattniblhm 1 In older that we may obsOtvii of s AO' *ltti the " - • - It (tbe noirtnt aftesid.th.coTctrary. To!' vstat:igate' soy :onel 4101,7: /tow lorie Apples syri `fitotts 4,1 t the - tnardere dekilbi* retiis an artiole "* l l.*tak Pne: 1 ; 11 e. Bueio 1110kIkeek's ' ' For low. apyt . 1 litt*iiiittf fox a tong thno. r , TACPieaent; in cony * _ tit (Nagfessmon:Egglustor,, it• or• two ego, thou - 114;1 0444 tatendttent would t Ort ottiAt' s Vadoral Constit9 pApitto s d .ji, l deta:ro to get .toruis' with Coripe - bikVikristo# -for.soine timoTl ' 'Args local= is disbatisttecrwifft - Ben. 4 , 441 and kasists Viol) a ohatige of its 114)y:tyry.tiiOefi C ttl ' To-,brinpi:thiir about, ii . :446,004 ~inrur, a ticket at the - Sprit* electioo,Which shall- e styled - '. l tipunY A.Metiett'" lAN the üblie is , , , • 41 4id§il'`' 01- : 1m ppoit -Iliiti m vement, lii'lfai'it•iiiht. (bits early to' know Ivii4t_ ivflCtie dolle in the eve t of.' its Wog sliteceesfeilwito.' ' Wo therefore , ; ask it , to spedify, in doted w erein tho - Piiiiiinli - ltf‘lauthorities have been .44;t: - ...:•: , - 4 • • , .. TrMtli )!., 41i111 ~ duties, and Precisely 1..14t vpiesis, wciuld be entered 'upon... isv.AtissiNe'`'''Y'pling America" ticket istiaedifitinieed •at the* §pring election; Atltl44l:s;;llle'...toeatiand its'. "fiends do % to* - viltOtkobtain, power u Idet false rillattoss,stid-this_being'4l;a.c..asci, we 4 lib i44cooitt- now. nliat nd v sordoi of dilniia' i . i.6 . iti4il i t . in :lie' nstitued, iiiirirtiii:loesl - inipreveme Is 'are 'in d . outeapplation. , Give us.l, itiktOto. Watt J'itritetB+e4 . theil i o 'is merit in lytent not:" The Mexican MU Ab o ut -itti tone Maxi s , esig.)4o.lek,pernteneiktly lea en; Winsater Campbell w oi - I l i s ii; and inenmpanied Stierinatr. • Befp're their ar ' ikuwever, thu .. caind of Maxi , der.wcut a changs, and he the reitittet- Goi - eintneri . idinit timebetore ha bad thy lt'.reetee .what . ta . the tame* ' * Iy . 4:Finitecti hie% to . do eo,.are • ;sit it ie - hipted that prrimi pots b'e,"ve bite!). been giver 'De *as ntii• the, possessor . o ago. At all ?Vents Max, assumed control of the Go fitexleo, - tied Minister Ca . GeDeral Sherman are ore home to announce that th -was .e-tfailn". W re.. hat, eti .•-.. . . .(kevert.matit will now taki Mita dearez in etifcretng: the l'rtriidetiei - of Meitivi of conjecture:.; THE L I OCCII I.*o weeks that Congress had passe .. thorizit&glbiee Sessions tf Congress during one term, and 010. the -1I mern bors, of the:- * Thirty-ninth . _diingres d lsolilff idjtit.rn on the 3dl Of. Match, and ,then .11raw. thileagif . for going l; loins and rettlrning ou t e 4tt;', *hem inlact they hid "r.e%'eti:', n oved from r i s iiiei r:Oom ftirta bin quarter .", We show editi the .tirgus-or, last w eic that•tbis Vailitlifilbstt; the sets tad species - Oaq that 114:Mileage .vra to be allow. id to insitiberi of - title' reisiiic Con , Wasp *ho;ivete rO•eleete ,to the next c ld ftbileggenvot; ,the idoca/ mittimi that. 4' . tel4 -114 0#114 1 x)d, but i deacored to. fillisifi-lte offleficebi,- stating' 'that, . 11 911 v :4111y there was .n ;such klause -4k t•hi bins" itrlfi 4 1 E4 `lt liiii owyput 'in a ft er the Democratic apcirs -calmed *shout agamst it." liqe is just as antra° &nit* fire trpiroi i k,- Von w&P; and -vie, elsaltiogalbe - ' ''t us to • ii tingle bill in Con-, , ` WS qkn,ing,' • iou on I, ibis subject, .orpopabto , kin , lbeti In saying 'WI - vrif.9t, "'t Jibe aab i lsot& ci on so stated 4,r A ues • • : t of e tatin aisjrio oi3ll.lritol .k0g4138.-nurriher of-dirti A bent cholera lot the 'feet r.g Deeetihiir 1 ' s 'ibe total , r.` tbber,:fis*tth -iired from these statisti ;wigs - 1%805, of which .1.,189 OUllerre • 184 _in Cbt6fgo, skeet 8, iri St: Louts: ; M itobise there were b merous other es* of cholera Wilke' °entry besides , 1 13 i 44 ' . rePt* - L 4. tit in tbexe matte obit 413 ih'diptVie. 148 time Cr' tVilitiartieTtaiitltteintor with st Nomilition for United 'State's Benater.{ , • • As we have devetecr consider - ' le epace, says the Hairisburg TdegrapN in showing the superiorelaims andAtt ness of. a- discirgnisted, Republicartfor the United States Scnatorship,itle due to our 'custom of giving "general news" to indicate who will be the re., cippot of the empty !loners of a Cop-, peilteadifontinktion i .- :this; as ;In all their , the Copperhead leaders are resorting- to their charac teristic habits of deeepticin._ SoMe one must be immensely •• rated--some score or more btist be disappointed—. and`cin equal number number - bought and sold, before a' final- dispose) of this recognitiely ; Of political grace is conferfred. gifore',the election, and. When the Vohad flettined theta ! ' selves into the faith thlit they would, have :a majority in - both branches .of the -Logi' were three catididatei confidently, expected t the United States Set cpiratior. of Cowan's to a C. L.. Ward, from the-nerthotty Bill Bigler, - from the . central ) sindl.'rideney .Tonesfront, the enstein part of th; or bore of "Little ifillowir-aapir.ed the same hiitiors, het IV , ivis"' atetuipi: ration nursed in - Seered tee:feeble of itself to derive of utterenCe terd,i Bigler and Jones were: ; the gladiators, who lone would come prominentq c the scene of-action:-- For moriths each. of bautici:s Was slandering the otter. When , lies namO WAS; I.1001.10i4U ) , % Vara squinted like an owl iininersed in gain light; and when. Bigler Was told that , Ward had hoviis.tions Senatorially lie insinuated thity j!tfip.itated) that Ward was too deceitful. and -overbur dened wittvanity faithfully to serve any people. Glancy Joni! *as Su. eandidate,andsteed Off . tfrom Bigler and Wardineoliltlia,daiii; chanan upheld Jones because he Avant ed a to:col in 'poweir,for the" balance of his'days. * Old Budic hid trusted Ward in-'s diplomatic. way, - and foundi him most welling wanting, tivhily .the kink !a 'Bsgler's kneeti was-always a source of gret4 unnoyatee to him. Thus the fight 'Abed while there was a hope of Copperhead suc cess. Now that hope halided, tierer to return to atimato Copperhead furfegainst:thoGovern. merit: Neither literdilliglei or .l e oriae are now auxfeas for.Senateried hoots ; Bach has private• business to look at. ter. which. cannot be—negleeted., this diletrimit, rem° one bt'i . et be bad fitted and. willieg fo tieaCrifice.„4l, *As a long tint fore a !dim could be found-; but et length a "abject or JAiest,er l ;olYllier.4lbe coining men ! general consent. of tbe Cop, Clymer : Os meat worthy of ti nouliva.r. tion foi \ 'Senator., He knowsnrhat it Vito run bebindtis yeket and be de feated, slid-dieta:we is just the man for the saciritief. - We give this as-the news the • dep. Mr; Clymer will once tnore.pick .up • the di4y, flag of Copperheadisin, and after CarirYing it far a few brief hours, _ he and-the party will sink into_ir,retrievable oblivion. a 'on day,- • fist -00 Af Suits) Focal: That's Preek• headed t, in un ility log we nation of Ohio, tThat. the ; doom° a ion, and n mom es than l a partieu-, ay.-judge he mono• "tom ' , Man will I. - -mg Alexi s ordered General I. val thorn, milian tic-, ' , gain took • vrhieit' a 1 oeylitdown. .tbat of kr.own, es of sup- I t -him that eclme time has- agtuu .errHtnent of mpbe and their way eir "mission ips out owLl to further his claim to is - s subject The Case \ of Mr. Chibror Bon. C. V. CUlyer;: who waa,`as our readers are`_alraro;:arrested some time since on a ben arrant of James S. ityers, and ecinfined in jail . . in Frank lin, Venting° county, wai on Taiielay, Dee. -18th : ~releasui from auttOdy by the Sekimil4t-Arms of_ the -.1-TOme of Represeueiti,7e, and taken. to Washington, he lasts admitted to his seat in bongrees. go . 01eged - a iaw,.au The roptilait k feeling in "-ftiy6t-ol_lir. Culver runs liery high since- tliti . Oub• lication of- hie latk letter,• and large number of eitizeneaccompanied hint from the jail ;to the dep ot. • The fortitnekof thbrgenifeinerf ieem at lit , hate reached heir leweet ebb, , . rind it ue,hopo thift v with the fail liberty -of' vinditattint character lyiatri the Many ithicritioneWhich hare been 'Cast open .t,",:propperkty, may o nee=m l ore visit his"bueinese 'relations. ' IRE Local alloges'that in ..aconver sation with a t‘NeNir , Brighton radical," the latter made some derogatory. re mark!concerning tlie. Argus. We do not believe a word of it, nor would an "affidavy" convince us of. its truth.— But if ittcus true, how unprofessional and contemptible they .Local. makes it.. sell in retailing it. Thete ib scarcely a week but We heir Droerats[apply• ii ing some opprobrious epithets 0; eitherj the 4ocal: oi:iita editor, and wo simply!' permit thestCremarite to pass by withj j out giving them a moment ' s itp?ntion. litil en - thi teiy. hi , :thit - dui -L;s , qt• fibi(tisid,Thii:fiOtioniVbuit . Tow .44,0 Yon coasernio the-4,01/8j !ye' Oce),y . , s businese letter -10 m _ it, lireiniaeit Demtierat - Lit . that vicinity, ..ia - jOieli , the folliiiiii 'eehtectee ,OeCiail: '_ , ..' llip 'Local has i gOt il vt**itMottoyfrom .ine l i ian4l thicik, .grit 1 sae "4t mi!.iiy,.olthOiO t .i I this place. i lify,cmp.,pipettimi hit bimcsßen,..a.ndil Mid yOur Feu:tail& hails more truth thaii.pOtrilii 460614' How does the Loeitt relielfi Oft halt news from ,IsTeiiis'Arigtltoo ? A free I trio:Ali:tit:it?: et It - Wai& 'tend to tshow that thilLe:2d:Was about "pieyel du' i 1 n. that Tirtiiity. . ' 1 Inviet' it lot right the Lo thing"or o be an- ties at Wash , ttielts a fo* yzatio4 touch. 4 , , ' II II I El -1 -11 41; 7 ' 47 V 7 aigriirttirs - 1747 days 4,•0 „from I,lle Second At ST ;Trea t rota 2NI 0 :,.r 11bo . e, •peP'a itOnt, p e'er at litin'avilOf ft,. ;.; y.,;" • To Fenian prisoner!, no tentie - Of deith in Canada, bay° alt been - respited bf the 9-0te061.-tsenetalinn -111.1ktetiroh .18th...1,. So -the.,Unitaii Stotts. Cosistii; in , OsnO s tin inforawoor ernbilins. A 'PARTY composed of members of tnenifieri! Coogicas are . Triad ng ,the Sontliern,Statea Politica, it is .skid, . hay. pothing to do. with the eletriiiol2. Sohn !W. steels. yhi3 Oil Oity Regist er ;contains• the; ft:Molting, which will be Interesting cia many of one readers - Coticed - la brief,,in yaiterdity's; paper, the sele - tif the.„fahn, Ste - 018,f more; fainitairty' l lcno we as the lirldtivri 31.cen etack farm, hy the 'qui ad - Stiitee; deputy - eulleetor, W."l4jUr.rtivBll,toitt!4, ibfiy the claim iof .the tiovernMent - foc i. taxeil - anti: ;It was bid in . by the Govt erririlebt-ta secure amount; tog 'JO 4,11,66 0, . previous oele by the eteriff.of nty„1174,000 : Was bitl:.fpr the 'proPert4 but tlfe..Ballwis, stopped, 'thet'oyernmetit prating Ere dr, agituat the prop; eitytaie hettyy:r . 4.fbrierlistoiy ;Cr,. this farm .may nOti l. proYe iinibtBreating. large elltas,of oyr readers. The.AidoW Clii4oelt farm, ciaailistiakcif eboatAlr nerds, is immediatef,), oppesiici the floarishiiioown of Itonsevillta, on Oil area:-I4 Wet one of the first itmong s the :oil producitag.fartne of the yentas., „The Yen Slyke well, on this farm. struck early in 1863, produced for ionic time at the rate of 2,500 barrel- of oil -perjday The 'Hammond well: struck some time after', produced at the rate of 600 barrels per day. la 1864, 3.ll.B2 , ldeelintock died. lien death wits caused by being badly burn'. 013,1whifit kindling a fire with .crude' oil:! "Aftei her death,, it was found by her will that . the farm - end all tier pos sesOCM3 Were left entire to. her ado eon; Johni W. - Steele, 4 youth "5f nineteen or twenty. The daily income 3f :the farm, accruing to the land td-_, tercet at the tiine' of her 'death', avef- 1 aged about $.2.000: In the' iron safe whorl Mrs 316ClintCek kept her limn. ayj . r r a ipundl $40,000 41, .gold and $100,0) greientiike. fell • '`lrt r • • • cc •- a ...........-.. - t . , ~...,. p".. ..,.... _ ---_, to iiiii:flteelle as heir: Ile Was &young-1.1. is, not mor#... , than ~o ne fer.th of the - man f fair average principles, brit I farm has bee . u ll borred . .ever And yet uneducated. 'No sooner had ha. clb--il this old rinkni....Wltli this:Mitre of wealth, tarried phasession of hiaproperty 4 thatti flowing-Ili upon him,- ait it has been for he t ;' ' was surrotinicd. with parasite-- l. ; Months, Rectal:LW brivehti idea of What fire an: oast' victim to 'these 4yo is worth. *Only last montb,he was shittrpert, who went with him all the I lamenting tk; bile4ent, had granted. tithe, l 4trid - be .igavc no 'heed to the aix Jlegoes ti op - i - ,.01' "01210..7 :Says , attieeta of itike 04), !ere his host: . 1•1 - o. 4.1 `: . 710 . ~.: 0:41 - on'A.kno,- frfep•AN . !To.finiap.,thebletn? ill ,wi. w,' whit /1411 1 V: ,••OP erilfigiatilee' , rer. liffirely f etsle, tbiit;Ar. Steele is now too old a man *a Weak up a new litreh; reducted'to Poirerty„.. and 'is shunned but I suppoW,it Oist• be done." A b 3: these who fawne d upon him in his few days - hair be -wailersen ilri4iiig ,fley. of:proeperiti;„> •• his horses amid .Itillatticg -the plow. ,_............_...- ...-..---- probably breaking -ip a now -corn iPoirits in ;the 1 0iztver Oase. o ,Filich." Pour'a ma I . . : I h this city the Winter has brought illAsura' arc's, Dee.•°...o, 1866.. I its never failing . se,aompaniments : - In the House; - to-dziy,..ll.r. Willialin, 'Fairs. and Festivals. 'tone, for thehen of Pennsylvania, Chairman pro to?,i3Of , l efit - of? the Catholic thnrch, eleie, ed 'the Judiciary 'Committee, read an r . , 10 'a session of fehr dity4lagt_night.-re and Volunilhotie report.in r4la-tiori rte, plenishing - - .their treasury, to the-:a. 114 fire l o ll or , 'the - Privilege u of :m Immot of twenty nnefittndred dollars. goalie la:the.arrestandlritprisonniatit The Presbyterians hod theirs on nest' of 'the Hon. C. V. Catieti,.: the Repri- 'Tuesfla,y, n arid' 'the Methodists enth sentative from thefiweitierth Penli3 -I .' , 1 01enco - o..Thntsday. :,'So,II - the . Ico - cise vania District' to %the- .presont iConi- change , i i i AS, i:iiutiatkit.y is lint setur grass. - The following are the vOittli od, it will be t rio ftialt of the hidies.- 1 Orion which his release form jail `N!!" One interesting featUre 'cam nee* !Ordered: ' 1 •.- • with these Feilberg., ere series of 1 i 1 I. No precedent can be h:und in .he Tablearil-solie - of; them verYfine ;-.... histgrE° l 1 . 13 - 17 Arnerh- 311 ° Gluigrem- W . .' ...,I overheard crie enthusiastic attendant ' iicable te the.Sll9o. : .. rasing the . Itirsbfox" - (perhapi your 11. The CC•nlitientional clause of versatile cote ratio will give us the' rivilege meet be-.explained and inter “P,looffsh” off ilfs) iti'ene Of the finest rated by- the common law and Eng.-'• • e-hei;e e i. et . w i fe t i s h& 1 • , 1 tish -Parliimehtary precedents. .0 m i . ' of the t, ,a+e - atelitl. iv& attendine , I . lIL--Talcivig the English precedents p e i fe .be r •- hee irihe ii re of y i nit ae • t i.*, e it for our guide we find . thatthe .privil.; nigh y teiv e rm w;,l4 'lotteries.* age of membera of Parliament front , A r q ie r e e : eri.-ei de .t, e s..i f T er ..lo sec e li ,, arrest and imprisonment except - for, e n . t h e . s;: er t.re' e io n Alliin,"' rindli many i treason, '•ftldny -raid breach' of the: alive iiebni - ndetedlfiodrolisse tickets peace, bud its -origin so far be . in 11R t hem who 'would-chair* aptirfied the the Infiitys ii.geh of Abe past, tha ' tte 1 kit * ef - darriblidg laittii)" - ;forat::;`• It, is t, rigie cannot now be ascertained; ':. - i i o des aiss e it, m at* to ext,hdii - , t o s IV:a-This !Privilege from - arrest,' child, -or any 'Ons'else - the-rbffereitee 'tla.: 4 ,ndt,Lii 2 : 11 „"elvil i lltitlill, el; whe ther , betweeti burls trot for a "chance" orrinvinsene or nal. ' , '.l -at fai r, --, -r -, I l i .4..-4.1..r..44..., Th e a anu 5 .'"."'"("H 3 V. • -The priViese - extendei teMetr. 'rash-34er* ` of' ' - loyferlan .F ait once= of.COngrist in -going to attend- 1 itivel kiitect 1-ii Alf " fitithingi of ttliii Ailec alitm 14 returning rili.nil%lie; initiation. net itirid, and the) , :a*;likierVieg of il: ir.6. sessions of 47tetigrei - iii, and ahenvefilent. - t t r ais the : il - 0 Mitre' 4 0r , (toile before going and after returning ; Pbristians ehietsbefe look to`this: , - ' iit alsh'extehris to ibtent,theritberis dui Thi ne ..,l 1 - 4• .', R u h, I , ,x6er, ring the• session whether; they tAi" . l(b. , ,, . ' . __ i-:.•;.1t- . ,-..------ --••`-- -- tient' with or Wifbiintleiii.e. - '-- . NEW Boa urom Ps. :-. Vl.—Than rha Vl.—Vl. proceedinga by , —- , 1 Dec. 22.1 which Mi. Oultiiii Newfield 'ender the ~ Mr. Ediii.ir - 4 ; ,_ Ititis , ent known to , Penneylvania law of - :lftlitrafe: not 'in. I you folks at the ; corkety, seat, it is to their Maitre Criminal; heti for -thweh us up bore;, that; out!. fbrineir editor 'ol forcement ofi a private right. •` -"••• - 1 the h'ra (Wharkeill:his_ become one Of 1 . Vll.-iThatthis arrest atulimpritimi- the editors-of-the:'aitica th - r)lik Vail* , ment constithted. a ' brasphl. ef. .-., prt.v.i6 1 Met. isii tweet one.-). .M bile here be did ' .age, - and ~ -is- entitled - Ay - Ws:Alal. not know whet, ito .he in poiitluti-:-. - charge. 1, . • - : .--", :.,,. :. 't radical or copperhead--and like /die.. • 7 ----,- • --- ..„.... ; - ' i 1 awbar, was - waiting for something to THE .Natio i nai i nt e ltigencer , q'V.lislii- 1 turn uA' few pennies would have . ington. Lt. , C,, ilea the following &Over- iveexed him either way,..end ae the - th en:teat: • 1 . • ; radicals wbuliraik s buy, he, now turns 1 eaesitit, tst's suannithan. -,, .nP Ink. 4,1,0:- coPf"wir a d 9 * - f f Ihe7. is I .thermised:to - donv this - ,' wish*. to ask , sAtt-'--The houstiiii - which Gen- - 1-- •e e 3 • hi nd : ir .he has dot on Fevers. occasions [ eral Lee •sersend e . red :the LifArity .df - . • d .. .ra to heeetee,ecormeee. ' 'Northern Virginia" to.fleneral Grant, • ex P . . -• : situ sa - A 4 rT Office! ' The politics on tbe9l.ll of April,lB4s. --• We offer the .hOues,,llarilitami,' oat of sfle - -, -i * •-• ' ti. a 1112 1 111;•te.evidenCy a , !big , and - hie Words through the hoases,atockvite:ovitte floe: acres' of t hing"- „, ... o have a tramendona t lend,:ttor.atte,tintittlie 'let. - day of Ash- ~,.,- P-W1"-nr. doubt vemeee'Ase.t. Vuisry, , ;1861.4. :IV; ili'•;he‘ Appsaiiiittek [.`"" 111 " 14 7-''” i -''. - -: - I .4 • - , I.Courr, :11000aikiltbiiirilbitV-11/01",/kfizlek ball • mike of ,Appenatsositaltation , ce 111 0 "8 0111 1 11 "-BIdeirruIrtisst .-,=-; l;--,:. •... -..-li 1•-.1- ,;..; .." ; , -‘ll 4 iviansidebietri• - - I L p•g , 74fiveriiitttoi:OormitIltitiae, Va,orr: .;,-,",-, Roots ir,, , k gds'.; . .z..-. , -;-r,i , aly - ,-, - -.:- '. •iii..Vi , 214 - •1111 , 4 - intiprelts;;and ill alttittlf of- V, lstivt llet'; rdetaito;vpiet:pr;the.litheie'-eis it wit , dri Abe iriereing , Of tltelistrirens •.i/er,:*iiils• la e;voitilittii _pr Ihd'elliteie . .rittaint tal l .0 time. , '.' ...:! -- .:al•V:- . Wr6tr.o-I(4.:Cee.i;y: ,• • MI --- .uarettrente tut.lll l Theexceed* low price of; oil 'eatill 4 l., -. 414 - 4atsiVaastrwiSatlY, but 1 mem W O glin theliielc;atid" , the isocrimeor Jars, eseregt-thwseiser3rl of towleasth mgibAlialreloptes stream. EsSIVReg •,tba: le cwt.' kolotpil itt_fuji. 011-ittAil t prleel itt f ore4 - tang', Ole criele4-4toef fee cloliati*r.:htirrei - 10 tOditeelltlibift* *WSW. Alles3' =is l eery4o , ltetrtit!illistait.ititmt ed hot,- tope r! - - :4 •-• .. .;. - - ' 1 All sorts of cirdtenisfara proposed ! to Vtke Matterecitsi. "Oetroiaa 'would hs!. Arintige . :Oeifiergenizeii: to tcusk anst.4ektaelhietilthei , iiaateni• sPeF". -I PW.—ciltrx.btrlk 41.."thfic.. serapes"- 1 .41.,a nett4r, ,cfr ,Apipther . stiVegisik- - *milt ,Tuirtksilfi 'the wells stdeped. icir,lnt ' di,„„ T h.,. WO& • PI course - ii i 4 (gado 0.7 4ttabeir: %!' ( !si ( 1 - giValraeff*, "fik'Ortittil 6 - , .. end soater, a lithpe,taixe roa n . . t to eirldent - thaf, the iiipply is far is e4licea Prilii delhandi *lid - Indeed . 64, been ; for7Se.:&et year . ; 'Day, blid 2 4 the' . stOsitlii,-blO het' 1 . SU accuutule.,l latiog Willi awl larite; .r.i."; tt', buth.in tilts cOantry,:"Staln *pope, uptit at OW .time the:stock . _ Is gintense. .•lbe supply mast; .4aSseasSilfir PPulf , new I 40utet t :e peed'b for„ the oil,- or the- It !lees can l*.Aktnce. .4illlthe ret nevion' tfi,Creek,kactict4pld'*,ork, anil. probably tlic liege cnee alsewhm wi l d Oise. Irado,ic : inerif4 . very i z) chil in this:iigioni*o ir t ip'tipit Emit; "the States7Ara.corree, ire are mar mg upon a !lessen ! of geoerat d pres- ' sior. in bush:mas t , -.: 1•, Tw -: , , . it _was forcibly ramia4d.of theoht;, changes wrotight on- Ow preek WitbiL I t two years, on ' ilbeariag, of the ef, et of the Steele Patm—better know •. as tho widow li'Clinteek%..Vaim. _ kii* wss sold to satisfy . a .tilf4al of :1501e, Sam, ,for old duties! on Grade oil, !ascii was streak-offlor $ll,OOO, and a.t ithis was ,bid in -11. the Goreruir est.; •A more "healthy.; price is, usked fosi-the arm of Jobri'llecnehoff, near the run named after btM„ w.hiekje ,now the fa vArtte oil._jrnd." Vie , modesysum, oI - 1 1 `tour,W - ftstipitiritiVt.3 , ' Thousand Pullin* is isite,d:,flii. ttlia, Win, :ai'd tTve years agCarOul4gsta been taken up instuntecjltqs riittm is - ulready,sp well devcitlyq l that t r be:luetmie nee fu to - . • "- - tog to the jot r even at the. Present price vitcikjs 9 v* thirty thrit thourvq ddlats nttOitk.... 'And at I • 1.0 ,1, - ,..f....„,,-. ~.. .._. 1 The tsmii?rairmitelireqrsi of (Ten -1 argil Sherraen fteiti the if elicit , - Mill' 41tiiiiiiiiii bean .troneenced to the goy !-- ---' . and i •esented, • • • orpiment mrspr as . be ing 'wholly lin noniiiiiaciiie . viith . - WO' in *l'l'7o%ol4 gleeiflici tint*titbit' ',iiiere eiiiiol3- - illikte ireT4it ant; 'in ittinVirlA it , AO adatkid - tribeiagii; . :in in l'Affieby -s - titiknill ,tollkeititer , camli . . lielL ' Ge,beritElberitiae is eipepted in Wasbiiigton ' olli ,Tnelidai or 'CireOneei ti.iv of .nexe create - 1 ic- ... - - , .. t lig at Beaver, Pa... • :- < - A. M. Western mail due at . 1 I A. M. irseterAsicailleinisAll Stamps for sale oonstantly. Dee.26;l4it $.-11 - 011AP-IP' • fart, ETTEBB iestaiheatiui the' 'tektite .14 'or- gaer.r: tato: Brithieul tottrit ' llhi.pi Boa* cikuttli tt..• eled-temiits• been sreated t 4 the. ratitersigne4, pppona, tafiltr.. ed.to eetate- are requestedima e t,' itamediettleiritietti, stetitli,ate bevini is skiing tbarifeiiii will preheat: time watheatleeteil for.seffitanent, ' I - . ' • ••1:- SCOTT Y - , '"I teeters ? • .• • liten tp. LOOPe IMRE! , 1 _.......„..,............. _ : E i ~,_' ___,_ NO NECE,SSITT PO ,GOING ouTedpm OF' 11 PER :TOI 0E 4 1' GOI?D I "1 , • .. cfßochantes Tilli - undersigned • having p rebased' - the . Grocery Store of 'Anderso . & Sen,! (for merlyl Obeupiod by:, Joseph C. ilsott.Ctakes pleasure in informing the Pub ic that he is about ye fi tting: the store -. nd • replen. ishing the , stock, , aid in -the fulture will. keep • ' All. Kinds of Or:oceri % es, 1 , - whiCh he wkat eell ate - Lowest Priees;poss . i l ible..None but the best articles in the market kept. It is the desire of the. - undermgned to please all whit may favor him *lib their patronage. Deo. 26,;'66:8m I HEN ' Y FRICIIT. 1 1 Valtiahlo l Property for Sale. R . E eubse iber, wishing to close up'his buy viness.in .11eaver„ offers. the following. property far !sale : One' /lonise and lot. with stable and other out-builditigs, situated On north-east corner of Diamonch' 'also; one new house and lot adjoining school let. Said house ' is just finishSd in the latest and beet style, containing eight rooms. • ' theheusew herein n owaide:s. sift dot' *don the bank'ofth'e Ohio riven said house Contains twelve rooms being refitted anew in. thi.best - style, and is in good order. I tot con 'loans stable,;coal house, stone =OlO house, wash hankie' and ware hou..e4 together With all !kinds (iit fruit. and shru bbery. • liu i tnediato possessiolt given: -• • . , I 1 - Also, two out 1,) s, cmitaiuing .abOut siren 1 acres..belog!well watered . : and well" salin 'sited for . pasttire o• grain.. • 'Xie - abciva . property will be sold cheap- and • ternisinader easy, - For partioultirs, inquire of . • • , JUSE.PIi AtDI.IISON, tit3e2G'66- 2 -3t,"/".• • On the prenftses. - • - 1 • Trtustee's Sale of Real Relate. • : - 1)111* virtue of an Order of the Court or Coin men' Pleas of Beaver conaty. the Under signed, Tinitee appointed -brsaid I Court to i 11111 i MO or feel estate . Joseph Alcorn, tits of ilitivtawnship,'ln said tainiteli' dined, for tholeatilit:Wf the Common fiehooft township, Will expose tn - Publie Seritie' or out cry;upon the premises, on 71, ‘ • . .31 nada u dinuarg 30fk .1867 • at o'cloch all the foi wing; described 1 tract °fiend, late the cue:o , died.;situateitillo'on tonaship.iusaid county "i• of. Haver. Kate of P,tutellecsoia,:fo wit: All that-trim!, houndedon theaarth.hy the bits of ithe botongb of Freedom: on, the east by land, formorly •o; 'Retry . Mein**, do the' sootk by lands Lot Alpro and others, on this lest' by lead :of ' ;Al.nira,•Jl,Sob VOgt and Jacob .Wagner, coritaiaing about .111 . 7 acres, iboet,l7 s .acres - cleared and in-good state of Sultiration. the balance Well ,tinthered ; tricithense and logbarn.on the premises. ' This. is a' eery de ` gable "faem—gently, rottig, roil', expellent; Well watered, itc. ft is within mile of the Olticeriver,i era mile of the Rochester . Station:, at tlusitincaloi of the Pitts. Ft. W. &.;C. and p. P.. Railroads, 25 miles 'iron Pittsburgh: , !It will hi sold as , a _whole or • divided to suit purl:he:seri into two Pareels, , by aline running lan a northeira'atid Southern direttiOn through : it, - *ating ithe eastern division' to contain abtnit 100 sores and' the western divisicin about q 147 acres: i'_P_oasession given April'l,- 1887: 1 4 TERMilj,—One-third of the purchase money ! to be . paid nit:cot:fin:nation of _the tiale'bi the crurt, balance in two. .annual . instep 'meats with interest from that date, to b e es ; ,ourodirtliond aid mortgage. I • . For farther information ingul of the in- Idersigised, , residing in 'hi 'lO tiship_ afore f V. said. ' or by l ett er at Water ure, aver coun • • !Ay, Pa. • DAM L.A. I: • dee26llo:3f. . ; I I Truitee. 6460.00 } • w - 111Eitchtint4ing. •I - • • • AND LYON. t • ifirinii/1 ?SAL-hints are adapted revery de -1 .. seriftlinspinf Willy sewing, lad will stitch from thefinestipirrHogno - ,the think:net %Saver .10th wittkostiftny .c.h*OgittP.l lo 44' l o , ed:e or tsnsica,, and run` for tin) yeare•Withent taking apart - tai Sloan.. :',lf : t he ,furilliai,lter,.. atter a fair - dial; tdoesynol - ,, regard jthese I%ls shines as superior to any machine in the mgr. :link: lis cosi raturWit ainitare .his-'money.— `lt makes the LOcK,,VTITcH. 'Etitcheas'alike i on both • ii4les,l. which -,wilt not. rip or!ravel.--- Thi*Cliespest nisehine by twenty por t cent. in use. 'Warranted tar. four 'years. It has been lines inthiii.PlaCe 'for telt yenta, and , has giv en satisfaction is elf eases. plain 'flash ap 1 0l to niaheiguny I inlaid with , pearl,. siliii-plated 1 d rosewood/ . . .. -, i .' 1 _The attention .of tailors. 'Shoemakers, and "harness laike rt, is called to No 3! .. 4 ' . 1 Aid 6, .. i _• _ C- ,Ilit2l) 01U . ' I - '. • . i • CLARK -& : SHAW :1 . F. SEViN G- M ACHINER. • :, ~_ ,i- .s.i. .. ~ . • 1 r'-t • Warraidea IVA years, and licensed.. . . . I ' •'; H. -. ALSOi , , ; ' .c . 1 1 4kik!l ' i - - Pl i rdikAP lti gili . . , 0 1 , 1 0Qhinie Whieb. " Is. the . 144 1 s and : will inte* kind of ; yarn ;! if r2 " airs ; B4llllLY. , 44P/ZiEf,',. NO s ive t niox.sys-DItE:•• _, _. _, : 'zl , 44144 3 ' Gan iii r ii %pill It. - ,4 Alk6, l tbriitt l eutlitroMPF7 l lll,4 dimuotainpiial, sod' saastah.cdkoL' '-' • 1,41/144624011i;WARXE4: ,, ' 2 Aiiiimess, , , - *ltli Alte*lN '. 2. I 7• 7 H - .. 7 . ;' , :. 1 ,*... ii. Wick ~. t l' ti „1... i t .• : fienirall ,tlgiwit, . ''. 1 . 0 t i ript at. i' ekpiiiiiie filhe'dril;' Pit ton*, Nuia. ` , l : ' '-- -' 1 : jiielPitts " 'ijihrlstna.lloack'Sf rkfrt Wriy.htSii; .Pthe J. r'ot for Bei i krei• ennui i.., ,- . .., . _ .' 1 ;. , .. -... , ),, :; • . ~ - . -_ :~ • za , • !:'• GEA.VSe I S • • Teo st 7i60, 'lli'. 31. ea;'i: ~: ..,.•, • • , - .••:- ' - , AI SIIOE-It FORIEN, CORNER' 13 Rllltl E 4k MAItItET STs 'WAN! 1 tvii arm of _ description, eltesper than ths . cheapest. • Velve t- anti Silks Bonnets; tbbons, Plotters, Planer,' Otnameets, &e. : A 108, LIPP of UAW, sn'el Misses . Flats.— -Very Call and see them. .• of all kinds; for Aromas I and . Cloaks, Gitopt, Cords, Laces, Buttons, ! PI - it 11,i 1, " 1 AT 1, NE4t.gll4l._;l4ll,FltY . ,' e • : TM, k I MUM 1:IA14114:MA1 . o At. U 00P SKI wrs, CORSETS. H AIR NETTS, _ BKLTS BIICK-LES Ac. , MEN AND' BOYS' HATS , AND ;CAPS, - DIENS' KNIT COATS. LADIES' CLOTHS, ,coLOns, - r Verr4eap. Cotton s ; Batting, _ Country Runnels, Gentlemen's Furnishing G oods, Gents ' and Ltutics' Paper, Collars, llosiery MRS ! ';FURS ! Clkeaveri,han eve "WOOLEN Zephyr Knit . §hawls, Hu Square and L A • F X EC)I L. . Seising off , at •1 111LLI • Boatels altered and .. ta awing, !Pinking and ankh" . on Feat shirts 'mad t ;ant CALL ASh Yo TRUE"! 8.1,R Betztembir the .plaec—corner Bridg anallarket etreete,liridgeseater. - lir'Al7 - GEALY. N e S t o Cy- - 0 0 N. ti H e • IN:4r , w NM , - HE eutpieriber .k!egir-Waves to Awaounce to aiialtivess of Seiner 1610 tiai bays Alrinedis name mug styli of , NELSON & 1 . for tis'purpos• Pity' .Go in, ill its -yarfous b entire freak stook will ateN issiribls style 4;4'1 33n.'Ess;c3vcoocoil EVERT;DESCRIPTION, Ell f FR4NC;ii MERINOS, coat ROS, it • - SHAWLS, _ • 11.00 PS, I I • I Ell tai s fitlyitsortimuit of i 45 - Ge(ficilez: 414 -- • I . , AU isf lihiesetursir.Glasoitunterbeitelentiobb • ZilatainAliatittill, for. SASH. "Mak' - onabla - tur'ttrunil - theur rat-tbe,i lowest ,prieeis Ptif minsual ;large, I P ~:*4I X -#T,ll9,„«etVissiies tikekt 1. grqu oau before purchasing eiserirlein, Irf kkernell i ssoda as kegler rates e an) seise in Pittsburg. . - • ;. • ' **LBON, itOESSLER. In „the 1);a».)ad.,,,R1/..,10.:51,--i., tti,=‘A,ll4,4oi - 'PDAIITNI)SO X &poi , • . , IiPPR : O LS T ER ERS BM , 15 0 , 4 4, 1 t, and liotelstetritneooft r b, a;roe % - N r DECORATIONS, ETtl A.gents--NVanted , roe.Tinkmprr+ApeLmi . f And Best S.tiliny Sabseription Ni l Published ! 1 FURS ! I 'Call and ice... GOODS. _ • 'ode Sontag. ag 84swls. 3/118. s than cost ! - HRY, cleaned, Cl/CA P.• ail Cleak Collis. , ishort aoilce. r. Machina stitching SEE .VE • 1 1 //6-1V !GOODS hundred neret;: tired-anti ATry 11 state' f ruhirn. i‘ the" fartn. riAft. 1 4onblelo g lrwn. good • o good well nt ti and a good apr V A a s, m 1 i 1' psriaerahip,,~ta , EM • ROESSLER, earrying on ' de- Trade • Dimes. The large a ;comprise the latest, SCAR , ',I v , •%, • ‘ 1.,. 046 . 96 & 98.Thtrd st - rneat Iv o d • 5 • _:. L,LITIS al: i1j . 1,-, PA., ■ ,anktfintnre -and keep on in .1 We their' linc;..vi z: . Lace , Cu rtaioN Coroi{.." 'Skit CeUrtaiti Trinualago, Sllades, BedAiaa. anti Bo:. stern, uovirrts;lllaaketedibeets '; , n d Sli ps. Cow, , Spring s • • and )Mires sos of all Vjails. ALSO DEALERS IN deel9:4nicr ILit g are the most extensive Pah l vy. the United States, (harin g R i g h ou l r and therefore can Itrord to sell bcioltaileifc and pay agents a tooreliberalcoramisaisethu any other company. - Our books d 6 not pass through the haedi et. tleneral'Agenti, 'tie nearly all other subierig ;lion works do.) therefore we are tailaedltaf give our canraiisers the extra per cent. wi l l& Is usually alloried to General Agents.' Elf.. ! rienced'oanvassers• will see the advantage: et dealing directly with the publishers., Our series embraces - the most popular vari l on all subjects of impertance, and is sellin g rapidly - both "Nori h au d-SoUt • ' Old agents, and all others, who wait thebeit Paying agencies, will pie* semi foreman' 'lnd see our terms. and con pare them tedltie, eharaeter of oio works With those 'of ether P ublishers:4 Addresv. • - • • , N Al' I ON A I. •Cl).. Philadelphia, Ps: Hosion.-Mass.,lincisti. Chicago, Ills: I:ouis: 110 cr Richmond,. Va. - VM.U,ABI4E - FARifF:O4 SAIE I ' , .•e.., , i,euti for tie. , heir: ci , irate 4,f 6 n , lit4try'qtwalinr ; , IBC' d , nfter f.,r !A t :lit ho¢l .iri:ei . S.o;n...l!ll3,: t in liiiliiin, 4.ii.1.,:it., ht ..., a:l4 vnt-tilftff 17, , tr..,t1 TL.• Ohiorit or ;;1i.1.a. r t. I,..wipl•liy Mei. Iliqc7. ..!' Irg [ • .......t ,, 11...r1 .. .1,, , i‘A : , t NI& tit Win Bally: ' e •titituleii lA.' ILnore! or !a.:. , . a' , crat. 411,:',11.th . .., errs ;Overt-J. tn.( tinier s goei 14,m.. ' Two ,tmeiling. hone; vaie'Ati , /- .7/ ne hewed Ing',! 41 1.,41,i,.. wagon shed. grnr.i.ryll ..clinr , l,i 1),,n tile rreutise.7.: : t. dodr of one .Iwelying Aleze, ug . near the :cilitr, and 3.1. lr I E I r .. John nee , Boater cimmy, firm : - call • ton niaiip.'ar,r miles fsf.nl !i C. &.I'. - 11:illroa; fl Samuel - Me) t (.! 4eed, deed.. well*erect further parti , tilar4 init::l;fl ' . V.111.k REEL, I I) • ll.ton. -Be trereq.c or • • HARVEY 111;011; .• an-the Felnisei . IFlYi.e7ntor's. 1 ---- • 1 J, T HE •litidersig „ .te , will et . pose to .public ou4ery's::,l,ll 41 . I , P . q; Borough of ,Benle.r,•P:s.. .11/02VDA ,Y • the '_.4th oi et at 1 o - 21ock; P. Sl..cs. farm !containing' ens 11e seres--Iso-of . vrtieh - is cleared and snit fence, Lbe.iimliti;loi: sell titubereeLl!te estati bt 41sreiiiss J. -Judy,. Tilt in, to . sit Raid Brighton township. BieTeieso. 17, Ps., -about three mile.. west ofthebotaor of Bearer, *bout the same distance fioi to bort:ought of Fallston and l'iew Brigigta For further particulira inquire of the pits. T . Terms 'mule knoven on day ..f • . .1. c.ir,31,0.. • ks'r of N. 4. Judy, dK Fur terms an the .kuliktiber.l deel9:7l nov2R'66 Auditor' et ..?Notiep. IX the Orphan ' s' court of Lister cJeco. - In the matter of the settlement of ilit , tate of 'Jamea - Nlayi, dee'd. ,' - And now, to' . wit: November litk, 1ie.4. 11 motion the Court , appoint Wm S. 31erlo. Esq., an °Auditor td,-make pip rata tiigriN . than of the asSet s 'in the hands Of )1 r• i''' graham, Administrator, to 'end smenV ti eretlit ore. ' • [FrOta the Ilecomt. 1.• ". .' Aties6 -IN°. A. FltAZtil Cll. , . . . _ , • The Auditor ahove nmued will pert parties intereited for the parpoe of hit 4 Ll pointinint; at tag office in New NO" , the 2.dth day of Decembet; ISO, alio° e 4; 4 •• Ili., when and where alt parties inutter may attend, if they think proper. ' 1 decs'66:lit " W..S. MORLAS, Awi i ''''' FARM .FOR SAO . - I HE Itubsc;iber will offer for sale torte out=cry; at yanport, Borough eaier county, .Pa., un. FRIPAO'' l ' I at 10 - o'clock A. 111, a.iertain farm cataii. 97 acres . ;' about 30 %cress or which ii eltgl i , and alt under fence; . t Wu hunareilt4 l l 4° and ene hundred peach trees growiegtio:°f. :the remainder of the land is well titaW s • a number' of good ;springs of water tSeleJ!..- Said farm is aituated.in Brighton ies "" t00,,T. "14:161nliiflands ofd t the estate of Il tb *liana% William Moore -an i'VlOr t‘ ; lohniton.i Far fa-Tiber partieulsrs ingtiFe the subseriher,. ' .1.. t. iTa 9S ` dee12416-3t. , I .-. -13eanr..... IPuli - lic rrnE undersigned will offer on . TR URSDA Y,-I ,lailiktry 10, _' fat hie residence in Ohio ttivriltbii ) I ville)ithe followini,.tlescribeil prop , IHorses. Mitch Cows of the best quality,'"' I Cattle,- Sbeep,.llo'gsi..a .t mi bors. ~ 1 carriage,' harness, ,plowtt, barnets, tors. 3 ._ lothe t!-- rye, hay, potatoes,Lantl a variety , l i ,ticlimateo - numerous i eiutent ion. 1 - ~, is II Sale - to continence nt It'-1. :%1-i. lilici l e : ri r f‘c.; will he" made knuwk... - 1 - ~ :: *09'1866. 1. - V,NI. D.DAII . , (peert.,,,. , •., • I': • Ptilt IC 5A1,14.1. , . i t , ,41 41.1C111E, nuderaigneil will offer ea f. k.. it Iprenustir,„an, TB l.;lttili.tY;_ in,:en t 1 tbi , 1146.0; at : 11 u'cloel, M.. 1:14 fA u t "; Brighton tp , spar! 1 of Ike Judy farm se' r ,. Lowla.orßenter-) containing 34 acre 4; o''' . •,', ,are etected*a •good two story' Itrig.lic4j.z !Frame .Barn ! and good ont.boilitiak• A . ~,' inch-TOW of coal on the preuti,es; Odie, orchard,. arid a ioand spring near LIR d ' '''. . .• There Will oleo ;be siloseil t 0• 0- 11.1 '. i -:. lame 'time and P:neo, a 'Horse. a clw , 'Buckwheat, a lot. - of Vern. &v: 1 : • • BEIF-Terni:, col ti' 1, n.,... Vern. . 6p jf .jf : w . dealt ,1 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers