Ti - E H _ag • Loca'W - Bi t. s6il buigrig the 'al l " j thli•ciy• , r AOTTLACTE J _Seca ' ' ' eji it in-contenifilii# l 1_ el meeting' the 1 1 'this (redneed43 ) 4 oiL, :Visit. ISung i - to the Econorey.Oit • nice Min, WO destroy ~ ErAtten4O4 i! ent " o l'; 01 . ; A na l ~ - -in tLi vicinity f9r d , - J u ltime, g l ad good J i I . Lim one of the bent! '. gariTgates,st Wt H locLet».. et, , '.Vit• . .- i G L air Es Fet:P. — • dee Seminary Ma l o t weal. The eall prosing property, pa Aberilswns' , Asimature:Com ceivcd ,an arionymou; •llookstown. , Undet 4will not apps i n t e l ted that by this time the writer's . name via littler before his' or i In print. SaariNo.—The irate-.! of last week rendere. t 1 t b,3 piing fokke:an . The dam. et Bridge N I N I N I i the advise of . this excelled by auy of tli ME • IIA:6 Ltutipsat.—lt; thistotinty. hnd °nolo' !injured, While workiti last Saturday.. .The it iron the well Lis the • , 4btill wheel" Toile ern' resolutions aft erl I . going around with it; - frith one ti•Oleu fenge I I Vgt.iroong t Ailurrt i recopyin:vie by tbiL. , il:c &•onte for confir/ri l Weynn43-, !ate v the :lryrra, tit BVI RAP eirst pron.6ted t , liir.ietito ranks: fts vo.itutcer.sertitspHfro Conuaer , btl. T.:.rv.RTNIN-mrs Vvlao , i.er 11,1;1 an ercuing, in4l3eir it:11111 tl:e Ml=l 0 ix - said:to 14 a •` : :didgit he project Wll9 pft , the entertaiument h ,, nent eft the .orgtn shniti 170 A : t :UU olnins eleven inma vf•the rlie riciribei already i -..tefore us. it. is hig4l ' -iille.m . tain mutepiik; I:ire'u tferm pf .Court a I , eff,xe:i Durilig the r generally !suveuded n and it 18 under each ti r iitu r riill) indolent 11 a .11:11Cwailt, ana i the viYi it on,their pailions. T. neighborhood. fau n lAt er turn up in Jail, to 'lettmore, Ttne.is titul everywhere, and."the_ai , cate7•-that in our own to l • it , ,elf in a greater deg , • ever, MMMI John Gea l , I Bide of the river, oppot finc, large skiff. float an; • 'Concealed in the skiff i‘H • 'cps, and :omc• - other pro woks. After having,''h lin a, couple of hours Fu spiel* us looks came alert their propeity. They dilapidatedte'n'd diettions ? 'ls 'resfste7l, and on tie - ' i ..cre other. rties at 1 n re: the skiff,' hey change hail; ditch medthe opv ti . . . tad all knowledge 'of ll _and conduct throughoutiw pr. Gear had them art . , . 1 - • theft, and takcn before a I vlio committed them tc ~ t heir names as Johnh 8 Etily;` and the presump l th le stiff at Pittsburg l on rowed down the river d i rt 1 up-in the morning, c otic the people int the vicinit y , their 'boat broke away I r before stated, 1040 upfb ia,3 that other parties * l ei tost,they "scated,' relit and thus • virtnelly 1 1aCil 'tiff ass either] stialen 11 1 1 ‘Ued to cbtaia control ot ' tt.s.a h - . , COII%.! ;ENTAItY.—A t ll! it,W aqiipst on County. last .on appeal* to, have gire h ir 'a TI.I Ex4in , r and IR( e i! ht urEzool thaycounty, . :t!t( ttrum of Jtidge A .; itripr si* . c litror. Judge Aclies,un; 34 Grr,ti Jury lied j3l re ar If ii;r_!h:r, oa the Eliot Eta.:, 44', ditilpated or tourredib, ' .4 lL' ~.y:!!. eft - lin-10y centels . to y , others eflour politica! o ut embers; of the 4pei qtrci.hly d ispr;ointed lin ' qt.i -ter puriled by Jtie Uzlt. t. tar g ke is elieri .1 ` ,,in t o, usi nit , in wr' , lot , ...11)1 11T. ' ER --itROVS. ,igtx-soo. 1z01713 b 4 Fifth •agdai t'or* the Aziaus , I sa.—We undirstand that to commence a protract- E; Church or this place sting. : . _ ;,.. I • An oil well belonging I onTanyi .4? !. Den ti by Ire last weelt2. tirccle4 1.0 the tylv.ertise 1. Ile llas taught music consldirable. lengtit'of lies, generally, pronounce leachers of the country. a & StOrart 'a, Diamopl, - • pair ofgloyea were found , on FAday evening of r . can have thetn. "by 1 ng cbarges,, and ;taking 2:531221111 ICATIO ~ unic'tifion front, ciretaitstanies it tiVe,ilad suppo-', ,resent Argui. every person knew that . Ist be givenio'the Pub .gineco would appest.l t e eoldiof the • tatter part . e skating very good, and yed tie sport hugely. I ter affords a field ;for healthy amusement not • skating .parks of our Tintitsatrom.--The Regislei is the name Iv anew daily paper just started at Oil City, Pa. Thetwo weeslies Of that place have been co • solidated, and The Daily Register now appea i in their stead. , Capt, H. S. Dci* is the pub , Usher and proprietor, and Capt. W. R. Johps the editor. The Register :maide'a a very neat appearance; and is its editorso l d publisher a-e both prdctical newspaper mcn, and well - ac- . 1 quainted. in the locality in which they have : I ' started their enterprire,. we have no doubt, per ofbrcret preutotions! if it is properly..s,uppqrta, thai the paper will President; and sent to I prove of, i in . calculable benefit 01 the r. ness men eg tion, ion in s e o liusi is tliat of Captain which i tpr i n t ed.; Tlil and . the One liiindred and ' of that • vi"'in it y, Mee:* and ''nor editor I er, Penmsy He shc , uld give the Register a hearty b , l1p1;011... , , I . . : lvan h_. .ge--Slates at'iVilson & Stiwart's,Diamon ; a i m ' of 4.3ict"o-s- by 'Rochester, Pa. I , t ' - ' - ty afterwards to Lieut. " -- of Its services :' during , the., E.N./.II9,IATIONS.—The examination the etithant ColOnel,inithe! pupils connected with the Beaver Fetnal c the-I)..th of- March, HMI ',Seminary aml the RCESTO Academy took:play I • :on Wednesday arid Thursday of that week. 1 ' 4)•••- - ------ -' ' ; ! Both these institution's have Veep under thp.. 'tie i ?mid Templars of direction: of Rev. B. T. Taylor, assisted by. ntert? . ,iniiient yesterday !an ,able Carps 'of experienced' teachers, 'the that villge. Davin- I first day 'was devoted to the examination of mitioitist and ventrilo- i . theyA .- . occascon ; t clasi pes.tortuFr, and as it.he , classes connected with the S e m inary, composed.ofyoung'ladles. Classes in Arith , .... w O I tactic, Algebra, Latin, Natural Philosophy; ucc'esL • T F l:te. Prolmetts History, Elocutionary Beading and ComPosi e to be apllo foi lb? . -1 t '• i ) i • ' lion were eiamined,.and all bore eviderice of ' tion, able [low-nura- . I t 1 iorough study on the part of the pupils, and . -of ,care and attention on the part of the in structors! - Tifireserciscsjhroughout were en livened bYminic on the piano Oda the young .bert Diek:ey, ''ot Sharon,. his hands julitty badly at the Sharon oil well bing was being drawn hand was caught under The wheel made aer ie eauglit,Bob but he finally' escaped 1 and a badly bruised . 'ctitt , nty e , —an number ear. 11 , 3ekoni.ix from , and the winter just vobable that the .Jail aers by the time tire t.iv'es, alma it ever did inter sensmi work is a locality like ours rettmatanees that the to keep Itkemselves . ua Lold a loose rein - . ogethenthey keep the , oroar; and , sooner mr 'newer fort their mit- general „experience Os of the timeoindi ,4nty it will manifest ce this winter than I9n sUnclny morning, esiding on the south i to Inchis67, caught down -the river.— re a brace of chick erty of the edible skiff in his•posses wo ten of rather .g and claimed it as .ked "seedy.," tiled, nil when their claim that there lustri : luoktn g out their ` 'tack," and ership of Ithe craft, Their' appearance I so suipCcious that led jono e elm?'g f ustice of the Pettee t i jail. Their\gar44 aton aitd Richard .n is thaithestole, • y Saturdai gh the night, tied' Danced foraging on rid while doing so d was, se we hare . Mr, Gear.. *Hear; i ; in search of the n!uished their ni;irledged., that the operty or- that they If it .by false pre— terukof',ourChel4l eelc i Ju i dge Ach; general satibfac 'err, tbe.tlemneent ais in the follow; .l• 1 ' ' .. create:l .by ills +is charge ,to the skis to the members Y of f e kiln, was his stibeequerit ac. tkat ‘4, in common ti faith, E e seed as Won, belle, been he O ffi cial course I e Alcheson. Alt le rd Sn expression • g hi. ,, the praise • CoNaktl.--111* 90noltirtAk....O4Thufidny. 'twining tank In ibe Senilnarylß4OuldeijCiie direction of Fre!. 2.lmbekt ilibievetbkinter °sting, and wan-enjoyed by 411 L The prograanzte wan abont.altollowin . Chorus--' Oipn•Y's *amine reoered the anis, composed of twelre:yountladies; • ton 44--" when you by Miss L. Dutton. 4-.- • • - 4. ; Fiano'Solo—bierch de Nuit; by kiss Lida French. . - Vocal . Duett—"Two Loving Sisters ;'"' by: Misses Oliver and Critchlow. . Chorus—" When the summer rain i:s'orei.;" by the class. , Song—"Darearolle;" by gilts Hattie Oliver ;. ; Piano Duett-.Overture. brildesers. Mellor and Atabubl. - - • Trio— , ./I t ow us Gently;" by Massa Oliv i er, Clark and Dutton.: Chorus—"We hs.il with pleasure;" by he class. Fluid Soto—" Sweet liome;" by, Allis Miller. • • -1 Ditett--..:The Hunter's Song;" by ..Mis l Dtitttai and. Cbote: [ Song,-- 7 ,, Sleep well; sweet Angel;".by M • Puett--..boat thou remember!" by ea Oliver and Clark. ' • ' • Chornv-- I .Aviay, away;". theelaaa. -'- Piano Duet" --'Gallop di pravouia;" • by- Maws-Mellor and Ambubl. . - Bong—"Eathleeni Mavourneen;" by *is 0. Campbell. Piano Solo.L:-"Lti Gazelle;" by Mr. Mellor Song—"Mibel;" by Mi 6 H. Oliver. Chortis—"Tbe 11fultitudo of Angela;"., by • 1 t e class. U The performer; throughout evinced mu ll skill in the science of music, and are no den deeply iitdebted.to Prof. imbuhi, then etliCie teacher ) ! for the prOgress they. - 11sveC Mat that branch of their studies. ZEir2oo pairs of skates, just recoiled, a for sale,; Tory cheap, at - the Boot & Shoe sto *l of Waken & Stowe:4 Ditiiaond; RooltO4er, EMBI The 4atalantions in. the :qademy Were mainly Powelh the latter a grutt f roste of dienesee.,lColloge, New York,, a iodug:gentletuan ; of '''rltre - scholastic attainwients; whollais been connected with the Academy ; ' only fora short periOd • While tening to the examinatioii of th'eciasses under . the care Of Prof. Powell , l we-came to the • eluSion that .111 r. Taylor had macle'a very hap ' py selection in the choice of this .young gen - tleman. ills classes in, Greek 1 , 11(1 Latin were thoroughly.drilledi and' he gave evidence of a fine adaptation tothe work in hand.. We congratulate Prof. Tayhiir upon the success which has-attended tire labors of his most, efficient assistant, and hope he, may be induced by sufficient patronage remain in Beaver: 69,..200' pairs of skates, just_ received, and . for sale, very cheap, at•the Boot $4, -Shoe store of NVilon & Stewart, Diamond, Ritielleater,Pa. - , TIM DINSMORE NDEIRDER.--'4e 9orotter's in quest in• Washington county - cat thp murder of I,rinemore resulted, strangely. Pogler, in his confession pays es - Plieitly that' yOung Mont i gomery was his accomplice, an 4 the latter wan caught far away from home, Seeing from the 'scene of the crime. And yet notwith standing this, the coroner's jury could not make -up their minds that he was connected with the murder. The folloiving, from the Pttsburgh Giwtte, throws some light upon (this singular finding, and "tho manner in which, it is( received by the community over there:. • 'I Wm. Montgomery, the youth_ ail,o was asso ciated with Fogler in the murder of Dinsinore, at Washington, seems to have found things ; not quite so unpleasant as they 'tnight have I been .on the. occasion of his, return from his brief trip to Wellsburg Ile found the most ample measures in force to .secure his acquit- f tal, if brought to trial, and if reports are true,. the most earnest efforts are being Made to do away with the necessity for an eiquittal, by preventing a trial entire'y. Whenhe entered the jail he did so leaning on his father's arm. We are informed that the people- of Washing ton are indignant at the manner in which the Coroner's inquest in the c'ase was conducted, declaring that. it was a mere farce, being ar ranged with the evident intention of screen.- ing Montgomery from the consequences of his share in the It is predicted at Walsh ington that he will never be brouiht to trial. - We learn that Hon. Wm. Montgomery, lath:- er of the accused, has retained for the defence of his son, in case of; his trial, every lawyer , in the place excepting Harvey .10rankirk, Esq. It is evident that nit effort will be spa red to effect aterielemse 'of young ililentgom- • 'cry. extremhouth -will cohoPeratc in his favor . " •. • A Washington rumor states that a friend of the accused, having knowledge of his where , shouts, went to Wellsburg in advance :of the officers for e ' the purpose of yarning „him to makesto_,Oonfesston. Fogler, _ conies sion, states that he did the shooting, while •'labe" Montgomery did the etsbbing. • Noi Tatrz—=These was'a Traitor. in this cinity daring the latter part of last week-that 'the Treasury robl•ers had'beeiaarrcitvi. This is not the cake. - • '',Nor Facias TBlll • 0014 M T .: The w#4!< eton Staid:est ad -Rojo of s ibatitobeii trailer, one of I,ho fou!4ler,iti of Bitaginnore, of thitl'e7minti, - wati intiive't4 Rea ,9odttlitt t:dd f: that4e tear the village of deorgelown: This 4117. Uit' he' was - One- of:the: muiderere. statee%hat he was bOrn in-Allegheny county.. When young,; for some . cause or Other, he *is cOmmitteci to the Rouse of Refuge,Lbui taken from `at 'the age of . eleven en; twelve years, by a. Mr. if.arVey of _Washir.g ! ton edUnty, with whom--he remained . until. March, 1 8 64, when be joined Ala) Ringgold Battalion, in , which be serv ed.' until the close of the war:. Rio record - inthe army was not good.' to ills cofifessieri he States that - Wm. Montgomery was his' occomplieo,' and k.the 'utter Was arres(ed while fleeing w-ay; and" COrritOitted jail; bat ' strange to say,' the Coroner's jury; - Ey greed 'that pinemore came : to his death by, the hands of Robert Fogler, and another person Shout whom the jarydis.agreed." - The name' of the other person IS not ritentioned; and why not, under the 'circumstances, is more than we yin comprehend. LIBRARY .OsocIAT;ON.-7-Att an tip-, formal meeting 'of.a few of the citizens of Beaver'on Saturday evening, last, 1 at the Revehue office, of which Prof. T: Tayki was•Chairrimn, 'and Pr. D. hicKitint was' Secretary", it was thought advishble to make an effort to organize t a Library Association in Beaver. To this end the membership - f fee was fixeit.at $lO and a committee, of six persons was appointed to soliuit s persous to •join in the movement.— The coinmittee is.composed of the fol lowing named gentlemen: Dr. M'Lean, We and, G. W. 'Hamilton, .J. R. Harrah, S. S. Rutin, and lir. l firKin • neyt. This committee, we presume, 1011 wikit.upon_all of our ettizons• who are presumed to bean favor ofa move meat of this character. A public libr l ziry is what every town of tile- size of Beaver. should have; and it is to be 'roped that . the enter ! prise will meet with the encourage. merit it unquestionably merits. A meeting will be held on Saturday eve - '1 I ton. , next at the' Revenue office,, at ',Arch time tbo committee will report and takes tk:h action as may be deem. fled necessarY in .the premises. PENI4SYLVANIA SCHOOL; FOR SOL— ORNIANS.—Ao official statement of the number of Pennsylvania o 1 - d iene- and s ore.= oti)han et4knied 'to be admitted to the different tichnols 'andinstliutionsto thisCommofic i venlth, up to Dec. 1 , 1.‘i63, is as follows: Dayton, Armstrong co ". ''forthSewickly, Bea; - ter co Pliilll,pSburg, Beaver C 0... Quakertown, Bucks oo Orangeville, Columbia c 0... White Mall, Cumberland co ruiontoirn Favette co Cassville, liontusgdon C 0... NicAllisterville, Juniata co Paradise, Lancaster on Mount JCT. Lancaster c 0..: . 11a - rford, Susquehanna co-.. T-Marof the more advanced pupils Nerfhern Rome for Friendless Chil dren, Philadelphia co 7 ..-253 Bridesburg Orphan ethool,!. Phila. Er:3l delyhia co 78 Gertnintown Orphan School, Phila delphia co St. Vincent's Orphau.ksylum, Phila'. - delphia co 14 St. Vincer.t'a Nome, Philadelphia - co 9 St. J'ohn's Orphan Asylum, Phda- • delphis co 44 Catholic Rome fir Girls, PhiLadel• ph la' co - _ ,20 Episcopal Church. Home for Chil-i dren, Philadelphia co' ' • 20 Lindoln Institution, • -Philadelphia • 1. c o I s 47 lipme for• Destitute Colored Chil dren.-Philadelphia co York Drpluut-- - „Ilome, Philadelphia cot " Total,of the more juvenile pupils Totat of all, az . Nearly all the pupils .of the' more juvenile - 5e book have : been .examined, found4o have made consider• abl progivse.l .l .• _ "Tax YouNG Fonxs."—We bays re- . cowed the January number of a.inag.' azine published- at Boston, Mass., by Ticknor . & Fields. It to a very inter , ;, esting monthly, and the , principle, fea tures of the N6:9 Year Will bo as' fol lows: The -department of travel, ,sus tained bylthe adventures Of Bayard Taylor and •"Itentid.the-Wurld-.foe ;" of pcetry,'filled by Longfelloar.. tow el!, Whittier, Aldrich, and OLIICI9 of of music, to be contributed by J. R. Thomas, the most eminent song-twrit• 'or; perhaps, in the world ; of gamed and sports, (ft new , one) . under charge of 'it intin'of pntotical experience; of stories and sketches -from the best %liters in the country; :of. full—page' picture's, inserted montliljr — , supple mented ,by occasional steel engravings and colored plates, every article which is i.apahle :of illustration being so au companied ; and the continuance; with new interest, of the "Rvening tamp," “Letter Box," :,and other distinctive .and favorite characteristics of ifpar Young Folks." 1, subscriptiona,. 82,0 Q a yearr tbree. cOpies, 85,00; fin+ cop. , ies,•B:3,Qoi pies, 815,00. Tr~cs111", Tesetv Institt.tflAlillrellatio. naafi on Thirsday believe this is iU ra*iiiikatiCar and all ,of its nielibetvillionld.make it point' to bo pf4l74fp the. 1 00 • i The e ntilei a ot r ,pfettli* s • b was I eel mist tide M r Mc*ltHn;:. Essay,by Mc.libOdeltlleleet Readings, by Dilates atcGaffi9lf.,Savagef, • and . Woodrotol L orttiviiia7ol l l;bo i - read by mix *alien T.oPulat:Aectii re, fiy , Dr. iiiclie4; #itue s ici - bY 'gift L'egicherfs- . All s well disposed persons:ir, invited, to be preseiiV;-• Tat Wasasia--ElaLurday mornttlg last was the Oldest *tither or the season.' The thaimolaieter .stood at eight .. 4l4nm- &bow, zero. ;Saturday night us oornn . lermak .snowing, sae ontinued duriniSunilig and Sim* night. On ittoudazeNie _snow was' about . ton' - inchesideeis,tand was in`dulgod in by : itirs_a -- baring a, taste for tbeamaseteot.• Distrib4thurs. We Would cith aitiintion 'to the opin.; io n of one .of the leafing papers of Canadalon this subje44-, , Most,,of our reicler,ichave no doubt read nom° of -the cianlikollB advertise. inentsef•Gift ButeipOses, Gift' Conw colts, &C., which aPpoisr from time to time' in the public prints, offering most tempting bargains totbeee who will. patronize than. - .: In *est .case's , these are genuine humbugs. But there are a few respectoble firm. svha.do. busi— ness in this manner, 4fid they do it :As a means of .inereasint their - -wholesale business; ar.d not toltalko mouey.— Tien'. su ch firriii, itiftrue , handsome and vatiieble artiolesArp precnied for verylinall "Ruth, and' what' is more , important ; no'one..is ever. / eheated.l-- Every . ]:;ertion gets gad value for his debar; becanervus. NO huve stated; jt is intended' to act as ' en advertisem ent' to increase their ordiniry business. 44 We' have seen numbers of prizes sent out - itt this wil ( iby SIIXII3IAN. .4. C. ' WATBONOMPANY, ofh.Nassau Sireet,, N. Y., and there.is phe4onbt that some of the articles are,,,w th eight or ter. ! times tb? Inoue); p or theni; white {we have !not seen or eird of a eirgle article WIWI ivassot fully worth , the IJollar wjneh it wilt. i.But this is Only It , one cf the exciipti . I.,tbis rule, for las a general thini, , Partiesengsged in this ,bbainess.ure_whing lilt clever swindlers -- ( Satiln4 header, Mon treal C. FF:. , Jan. 13 , 18f16.) ' _ . . DIED: ' .'•• . i • -Nor. 270;•183 1 6,,.at his.beldeneo, in Drigh Bearer tm towilihili, "efinuty, Pa., Mr. ii . t.. Sccrrr, in the 71st year of his age: ~ : .1 Deo. 1002,-1888, in Beater, PC, Virr l t.Ltz,.. son of Ca p t. Johnj and4dargaret May, aged S months. '. ' . , likiantil>lloolsCETS. - FORDACTI.X. Froor 'per `.'• 41110 Dried Apples per bus., ~ 25 0 do Peach - R ::I l i t e s ar i t : . - . ~:.. ~.,...,;...: h.,. , .: . ..!.:. 2: 4 0 0 Corn .. ' - 4 • • •V; Flax. Seed, -.• '• —" ' . ' 225 , . . Beans, : .. I ; -- •11,...., Potatoes, '" • ' . H . ...0 Onions,. _ • "'', 150 Coin Meal, . ... t' ' 80 ,Eggs, per di,: , Butter, 'I per, lb , 1 'l2 Hams,. i . Shoulders, : .'" ...:„. '- 'i ' 10 Sides, . I .... •-''''- ' ''l 11 Tallow, : .4 - ..:44; ! 15 Lard, . . I" ~ •. ' 15 Candles, • o i, I !" .. 2 0 Molasses, per gall ; ,' ' 41, ~,,, t I 2 ( ; Carbon,oil,, - ...'., - . .!, .. 135 170 .. 207 .. 60 .. 43 .. 258 .. 167 .. 159 - 139 1,667 • PETRQL.Erfrig •IkiLRECET. - Crude Petroleum it Oil elty is now selling at,s2 50 per bareel, iritS au Upward tendency. At the wells $1 89 per barreL At Pittsburgh,, Saturday last, it brought $3 40'pet barrel; At Smith's Ferry tie ruling rates ,are $2 '35 —at Island Suit $1 35. - ' • • - FLOUR... . • , • LO AC:ilineCtirCetivedTji*darli!li.ouorr SAIARVIINI/itridgewaier.. .. 47 LEHI „ . A.getsts • 3101 1 ,TSOPULAR, • I • nd - Best, Selling Subsorintion Booics , Published ! • IA7 E are the most eilettabre , publishers In V V the United States, living six houses,.) and therefore can afford to sell books elieaPer, and pay agents a morelilieralcominission than any other company. . , _ Our bookido not, psis through the hands of 'Oeneral Agents; (as nbarliall other subscrip tion works do,-) therefore we are enabled to give opr can the entre per:cent. which Is uspilly allowed , to4eneral Agents. , Expe rieneed canvassers will see the, advantage of dealing directly with the publishers. - Our series”ombraces,theMest poptilir works on all subjects of ithpartanee, and _is :telling rapidly botk North cud South. Old ageu.a, and all other s , . who want the best paying agenciesi will gleasarcend for circulars and see ourlerms,rividiXinipare thegl anitthe character o f- our works with those of other. publishare. Address, ' 'NATIONAL PUBLKI,-11LNG CO. Philadelphia, Ea.,- Boston , Slaw, Cincinnas Ohio, Chicago, Il s.,Bt t . lonia,. Mo., or Richmond, Va *sr Male . E* oicirtolvt, ynrgg undsisiinid, eipose sali I)3r public cuitcr,yar,the.Ciourt the . ough of Ban:ser i ...A* 4 . on • 9 -MONDA Y; 00 24th ortliteceoibo,. 1866. , • - at:Les/nett; P. iihtsbn conittintas about 116 acres--6p of ,ihtich-la cleated Ind under fence, tba reinainder well, timbered—late .the estate of Waioissa J. Jndy, dec'd. The farm is situated ill Brightfrtetmatip," Beaver cont. ty, Pa.„about thgealkittsa Veit Ofitte borough or /teaser, about the stuns Abstanset from-she botongbs of Pittston aid Nese—Bi'it For furtberviiticislarsinqttire P 0,0 sub Tema made linntrn °tidal' of n0!28'66 Es'r of '2i, J. Judy 14'--7'iii* i : : Ei -: i &r'-4i--! 17,=-F"'"' 'tr . '. 4 4" 1 , , '1""" r. New 11/1101 '. New - 1 ., - lIE subeeribet Lags loaves 10 aenouatie to Ags citisens-er Biwa , comity that ey.hiew - forinaa th-parteership under ilia nalecend style of . J. . • in all its various branches. The large and entire filoth - st,oele will comprise the latest . , and most le treble style of ratEss ME 4,;,.-_, o .d, IS =I , NELSON-& ROESSLER, for :the Purposeit carry' . ing pn the Dry lE4-ooda Trade i 1 '~ OF EVERY OEI3CR FR.J.NCII MERINOS, COBURhS, SHAW =MI sndls Nll.assortm Donitie All of the shove Goodahava • een paretiaied at Eastern Markets. for OA ;11, which will ,enable us to sell them at the I. est prioes.— 'Our sesortinant being anusially large, we would especially invite the ladies to *the* t giro us a will before purohasing elsewhere, 4a we guarantee to hell goeds atlower rites than rey_houss it? .. atl.tbutrA L • ' is thira & ito In the PianIOXII; R. 011EAPat THAN' f AT I GEA IBM rTEW sfILI4I J~''!v• IYI.I . A.N S EMPO 1,11 UM, CORNER BRIDGE 1t MARKET STS., BILIDGEWAT4R, M - 11.1.1riet7r. Of' every dersoriPttint,. eheape than the cheapest. Velvetfand Bilk Bonnets; Babolla. nowen,.pluates,J Ointments, knL 4 1 JOB' LOT .of Ladies and Aliases tate:— • • Very Chesp;, Call and see! thefil. ° Mr lirki..nal3aigiECii of all , kinds, fOr Dresses and '.Chisks, Oita I, 'Cords,: Laces, Buttons, &e. • BALMORAL. & HOOP i SKIRTS, CORSETS, HAIR Iti,RTTS,.. BELTS,LBUCHIIES,I&6. • • MEN AND BOYS' HATS AND 4 CAPS, loNsf KNIT COATS. LADIES' CLOTHS, ALL COLORS, ViDry cheap. , . Cotton' ,Batting, , Country I .FTOneis, Gentlemen's Varnishing f3oals, Gents' and- Ladies' Paper :Codicil-3,, lEic;sipry .11c; Gloves, FURS ! FURS Ciloaper thud, ever.. Call • ; WOOL= GOO Zephyr Knit Shnwis, Mode Nu • Square AO Long Kinor • • SIXTICIaner off at ' lag 'than MILLTIki.FIIY. .. , konatq alOrnd land abound, w.., Stamplig,' Piiiklig suit Cloak Cuttlig andliskist es iiliort . u4tice. btea'e ahirtamsdata order. Mach' nititabing. .17 47 . 4 - ,'-, lttifixame, ' . _ ._.. . --- • , , r, Nc) TROUBLE'to ‘IBOIV GOODS. iark..lterarnb•r:thi plane -- co ei BO,dge and Mariii streets; ihidiewstir. 1 • ~ . WATT aEA I= , Gtand kJpenifig INIM FrAl. Tr'srd. e .5 ' - - F. A. Fortune's , I 1 ' DRY GOO DIAMOND, Qu a prices i'ksiho favor us P t.)C3l3g, PTION.' Goods of _every daseript ion sold Cheaper! ;than. i ever. I • • Brown IVluslins at Bleached dO Good 'Prints; El , SCARF'S, BM o oths EMI =Efi EVER! El =I ERY, The, prices of the it— bove Goods we *arrant less than the same class l of - Goods can be for west. of the mountains.. ' - ' G-: • !!. ! nd see. • • 4 i • • - ,sghtsp• *oat! , lIY. I F ._ FOR TRIg . 1 ON' 1866, 1,, AT ~~ ~`i Cl-1 S S T 0.11- iliE °CHESTER.' • a4tanii' h!,, all with it c:all. MI Mil Pinta - Stuffs,' 'Pickings, : ' checks, k . ~Chnghams, ' Prints, ' Teinioh Ilannsts, - - Bed. : ,& Yallaur Flannels, Barred &Striped' do - - 'Balmoral Skirts, Hoop do - , ~ !Lots and 'Shoos; Haste and Caps', . ' Trimmings,- Ribbons, lliillinery Goods, , Efo., etc ~ete. INI Dress Goods in endless - French Merinos, Coburg; Delaines, • Poplins, Plaids, Cashmere; Etc.,,ete., etc., Cheaper than ever • !'• Blankets and Slankrt Shawls JO 'great • bargains. . - Reasembe . the place: roßTlricEts irTORIC, IN TITS DIAIOND, iiipen.y.sm..v.n.,- • PA:, Come everybody; an d see for yourselves-before purchavit4 NO TROUBLE to s io v 110034 , NOT 18 Tat TIME TO 11!! • ..44 - .. ..." --- 's t. ',2... - i ~, - -.1, 1 *l il a I if, ' - . ' -• • ,_ err in* ' - 1 - ' Ameitictah JeWeleyAsSotreikl;':i''' ' • Depots , : 86' 49r... 119 Nasinia,-adrso • --- - : 1411r YORX MTV"' '' . " Of RosewOod Pianos ind Melodeon - it, endffo4l::: ' • Paintings," Engravings, Silver. r,,Werletireld - = . iitint,Silver Watebei v edniiitliiiiiiitzb ;i77.._ tti a • Consisting ,et.Dinaissiik.Pii* . ' • . Rings, Gold litseetals_;.o4* Owl- • . ' tine. Mosaic, Jet,Lava;.' -.-• - . • LadietiSete,Oold Bia'i; . er old • 'Aril and 8111,,fr,X,Atii*ISteire erti,i . tiletitia- -- , Euttitteer: *is - lat' Stilt*, Llfsta. ' and ' Reek.. :, , ' - Clasilitn, PlainitpdOta, • ':. : . „, - • , ed - Gold Chains, $l4;-::..,,,' i• -4 -,- 1 • . 1 49 4 '44 1 i' '- 1- iiii . ..L .ll ' 1,000,00% . FOB ; ONE . IIO ai; which they . 'need not pat !iota it islutortil what is drawrtantliti vales.,- - :•-• '1 .'. • - ~-.,-?t---- . .. - THE AMERICAN ZS_ WEL-ERS; CIA 'TION calls your attentionto-tble:ACtif: 7 -'„ , ..,,. its being`thelargeet and inotditeinlziesTif,j-f Assoeiation in'the United Sales: . ' Vertiat:,:•!.: neist•is and always has beistltiadictedlii4.lW--.-•• - , most - candid - , and" ban° - Vriscnii7er.l tille• - • :- rapidly - Ind:easing traitsil is staegiatistetes4 in l; the appreciation of our pat : afar that ittetiiiiil Of obtaining rich, elegant tad costly Otnis.rr .. ' The sudden stagnation of = trade - iit'EttroP*, • owing to the bite-Get:min Wiii and reeeat die- . • estrous financial crisis . in Engjand„ hat eausetl the . failure Of a large number of ";JawidtrY Housee in London and Paris,- Obliging then is , eel' their goods' at''. a great. saprifipe, in iota, • instances less than one-third the Cost Of : Ain" ufactpritig, '.We have latelyipurclunied veil . largely sof these,Dankrept Teetis,...et x 41- tremely lciw prices, 'that we can efford4o will away Fider Goods,' and give betterAti#Ce a tto - draw theUiost valuable prizeslllian iipyreumc . establishniedt 'doing A similtsrlmaineeiel Mt ,-, - AIM ISt TO• 1 PLEASE. and Wei - feiiieetfitlfi.„• - . 'solicit your patronage, as We 'are rstredintraf • - . giving the uarost, tuftisfaction;.- Dnidrig' the - past'year, we' hive forwarded a. initialer at, : the most-valuable prizes to-ail parts ni' - kr ti47- country.- Those who patronize us will to; the full value ," of their nidney, as no !Or : - - on our nit is Wortit:lesti then, Gni Vtr , *, , rit: ~,. • tail, and there are no. blanks. : Paitissd deal ing with us_ may :depend on ompt i return, and the article drawnwilthe henett diately sent to any addrei r s by rah/razing ofr. express.' - . , ~... The following parties hare reeenliitlre;wit . valuable prizes from the AnierlottliJestel**- -- Association, and have kindly alloW,C.d:lltit . .nap of their names: , ..: - :., ..: '..;'.1 '1 Charles J. Gunter, P,(l'.. Tteasuil. D e pirt r , . . meat, Washington, -IL C. ' Pingo. valet(s3ooj; . _ , Mies. Anna G. Yates, 52.5 t. Mark's_Plice,'N. Y., Sewing Mieline, value $75; 144... IGezt - .. , • • ' I. L.' Galleon, U. S. 'Vols.. Nishißti,lT 4 44ii Silt. r Tea Set, value,slsls; Misa,Etrosi Thin,- . ter, 63 -Front St., Ilarriebiliwilill„ . - 'Ma Lae,value $6O; , 7 Lierit...ool.- I WtlierChit- n tie ea, juartermaster,..Loiiiiiiitle, - fienitrlti.• • • God - • King St., Charleston, .S.-C..llllvet ,:iyjit:ibl4: • - value . s3o; A t leati r nder ,lohnson, Eaq,; Editor- Aferkateur Pioneer , '*iiiiateui, )li_ruci."-Littdieti ' . - Enameled Watch , 'value $130.; Sanibel - Lee., - . Esq., President , Colorado-end lied. Bank Min-.. . ing Company, Sin Fraucisetk Cal ~Melodeon, ' • value $2.00; Aaron S. Long, -Eitt..l l l'liAsM , Elkhart. Collegiate institute.-liikhart.;' 'S. 4C. igazaand• Pin, Value $2OO, it. M.-.LongStreer, llfentgomery; Ala- Miisio BOX.;•ialine $76 Rev. Isaac Van: Duzer, Albszty,` , ls , . T.:Oat:old ... Lined . - Dining • Set. value- StiOni;...4littel Chita Litcuguer, Dayton,. Ohio, Pinizolortn; I valve $4OO, azid•Dtainond Pin; rains $1115.....i . -: Many names conld be_ "placed' on Gni,. Lilt! but we publiab no names without. peranasiati. . Our patrons are desired to.send'.l. 7 .sitett4laiet ..• currency when it Di convenient:, ' - 1 : 'PAItTIAL ~ LIST OF - AirtitlitS • •rO BE SOLD FOR $1 ..6, 'A (.7/44 , : '.- " Without regard to value, and notttobeptid for Until you know -whet rittrintffirrecele: - t'' , . . . - 15 'elegant ItitiewoodPfatioe.fitiat' s.2ooite 460 --, • 15 eleg't Melodeons:Reamed ca.r.ce Little 25$ - 50 first claps Sewiuilfachines ; • •40 to PO ,75 fine Oil Paintings ' • 30.t0 104 150 tine Steel Etiglaviegs;_fratue'd.. - . 20tej, ha - 50 Itisic boxes—. - •,_ ,-' ' 25,t0 ,44 150 Bereaving Patent CaitiiiklafiVet*l* 451 50 Silver Fruit and Cake baskei4:.:,2o. to 0 6 - - 400 Sets Or Tea and Table *Sptions...• •20 to 40 ' 150 Gold hunting ease Wirt elies.War.„ ilVto 150 10b-Diaiii'd ripg,Cluistept, sing stque- 76 10,4 44 175 Gold Watches ' " -;' 83" t'er - 15 1 51 • 800 Ladies' Watches : ' ' 69 to ICO 500 Sper Watched • '- ' 20.iti 7t' Diatnond :Pins, Brooches and Rai Dream:- . Ladies' Sets of Gold sett Corni,;Jet andifield.. Florentine, Mosaic. Lava , and Mateo: iteta•'e( Studs, vt-st and :neck Chains, plain andlidisite4„,_. gold rings, gold thillibles, fookete, .new!ratyl it , l . belt buckles, gold pens and peueili,fanct.weibi - ', - • boxes, gold pens with - grld and silver exteas*.s•- holders,- and a large .assartifent Of fifia4diteos , wire - and jewelry of every description: ' = 1 • • . . • es3„„A chance to obtaltraanitiltisabittis ... Artielea - for ONE' DOLL.tit, by pectins/et: it sealed i . . sealed envelope for 25 o'ent. - • , : • . I -,- ',. Five sealed Envelopes mill , tie seat for , ... $1; Elevenjfer $2; Thirty fors slt; Sixty:die *, for.slo; tine Hundred, fOr-$l3. . .1 . . •• .... E . ' ACISNII WANTS)). EVEI•IIOIR... . e - ' ' • • , Unequalled inducements . o ffer e d , ffd to-Ladies and Gents Who ;will act as inch. Ojnediserir . tire circulars seill-beaent en applict;.: Distributions are made in, the follow - Mats, nail--Certifictites naming etch turtle' leafed ire ~ value are .placed in sealed - esitibipbs, Which ars well mixed. O ne of : these enttidancitil:eonl:. - taining the Certitieate or Order farataltestAi- el*, will be delivered at: our o,ffieli• Or 'sent by mail to any addrea,s, within' Forted - Wilmslow, - on receipt of 25 cents. . ;.;„ ..- ,'.• -.* • - • On receiving the certificate the frarchtiser . wili see what article it draws and; itkvalete, 'and can then send 0311 b0Lp111.,.; an& xeceive the article named, or can isheoseany. Galeria. article on our list of' the itunitzvitine.:: 'r:',.7, -, - Purchasers of : our Suastrilxiiinxteti9asy,' in this manner, Obtain. as ertnifferiii44*.freitt . ', one to five hundred donate : ',J:..4 r.,,..,::,4 1.-...- - - Long letters aretiniteensit4o7 - - I ,..tint Lindliest to write • plaid , ! , tiirstilialmueff,:ist choosing different File*. Irate theintita: 'tial 4, -_ ,,td .1 11 1 I k - 10 lcts - 12 1-2 12 - 1;-2 alls mention tiestyle desirid. ** Orden'. for Basuto ENTIII OWLS - s. STOTI Ciao be accompanied with PUF-4ialt,.. with the name of the 'person bending; Town, Ceiinti and Stato:plainly Written , , Lettere should be addressett t fbrAlast gen, LB PUOVIV 't " t •. : 811EIV14111, WATS,nr * - • 87 k S9.Niesiv sr:, Altyl Oak at*; IARY - Fldoring arid comer IrOurditit JO quantifies to suitptirobtuaiitic fttisiilti july4:l3i If. 19Iaitaitqu'o; riI.TILDING,.. Bridge, or other timber, Icawed to order onahort notice, at; -:'_ _ ,l. u1y4:13 , - - JI. 11. D.teseou'e Sharon,. 5(1 cif: s e aria ..re.oeire* , ul.: ,. :fikr • jy . llfl;li - J. B,t, H.*DAIIVEAOI'III; LARGE lot of Dry Maras, end cv cellent assortment of plangleslcotOttutt'- y on hand and forsale, at_ • ••• 1 julykly J. Ss. 11..DAlt.ton'stigitirott_ WlLSEGEit 7 ilinprived Drliwer far sale at hilY4:ly J. &R. I),Aatt4an's • . , $904 for9il l oit i lr M: attide,,ltiti out.: Address 0. -I: AR.EY, Ctt 11-411dae. Biddeford; Me. , : I, I 33. IC, -13c:6_;r4pAy BEAVEItr I . • . • MIL! atfacited t kfi itoltsei - A prir4, S. Pr. CLARK, 1 II FE 111 BE i t ::. Effl
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