j 4 mw ««T El ,ißlßlTKttfXßftolC#£S, | itthe ab ore-nhm'DdpeHodmals, hntstiho f of*pa ncarly and taxes, duties,’ licenses, ■ . POr any one - ofthe l $4,00' for ahy-twoof?Ute Reviews^,, 7ioo . Fm any threo-oftha Ecviews.-i.v L .■••—-< 10,00 F«.aUfoneef-Ue i EeTiewB^w...«,.. vr ri%oo; Porßtaekwood’s {Magazine , F4rßlaokwo^»ndjtoeßcTiew r «... v .* v .7,00 ’ Porßhsokwoodandany two Reviews.,.. 10,00 apd three Reviews.;....; 13,00 Pifßlackwood.and the font Reviews.... 15,00 ‘jfrhowtorks Will beprinted oh a greatly improvl ■Wi'qiHUiy of paper; and While, nearly; -al- SioMttan Periodicals are either advanced, in' ioorrednced in size—and. very!, generally both—wS'sHall continue to give faithful copies ' ofisMtho matters] contained, in -original editions,- HonSe/cur present,prices -wiljU be Ttrahd as cheap, for the amount ofmatter fur- - {diheJraa.thosoofahy efthe oompetingper ijiitioalsin this country. ■ i ’> ip; ‘ c Compared -with the coat of -the originals ed- which at theiprpseirt premium on gold ■wijuld be abont slooa year, our prices ($l5) ate ixeee'iingly low. ' ’Add to this theX/act (hat wO m'akp our Onnual payments to the | British early, sheets; and; copyright in wUf~-£l costing tla at (bis time,-. (Jan. 1865) facjarly $2;50 ini -currency—and wettastthat Inthestalo-werhavaadopted we ;Bhalthe,en tirely-justified; by our subscribers - and the treadingpuhliol:"i-iw '.{rheintorestnftliese Periodicals Osp readers*: is rather : increased than dimin ished by the articles they contain : on our Cio <l \ ITdr, and though "sometimes tinged -VWjth prejudice, they ‘may still, - considering their ■gMatabililttyand; the different: stand-points from which they.'are written, be. read' and s.ti|<Ued with advantage by : the. people of.this ovdry creed aSd ‘ '■ s ; THEFOTJR S^^SibilB63. . Afe w copies ofathe above remain on. hand, and will be sold at $5 f6r tKe whole four L ,or •s2for any one!'l -•'We. also publish the ’ ' " ' 1 ■ By the date J. P. Norton, of TfiTo College. '2| V|Ols; Royal, Oclttva, 1600 i pitgesand 1 numeronaEn gravings. % ' ~~ t —-m-Jhvl*' ■ PRiCE'$7 for the tvrt .Tolnmea—bjrMail, post paid; s6.' s . I, ‘ “ ,; LEONARD SCOLT & CO., Publishers, ~ 'No, S 8 Waiktr Street, Neu'Torfr. Planing'' ■ Mill, FACTOR* f Xi 'f1H0tig5W..........;.... r iLPBID BLACK. ' SLACK &SHOLES. t; Cor* Paring i Mdttmry Streets, ' T ' PI'ETSBURG >: ;PA- ■ /Flo&rihg, . Weatherboard ing, Sash, i ■ i JtoorSy&imes, Brackets & jHoulding\ i on hnndor made tojorder. [myl7:ly •‘]ADMINISTEATpR’S N:QTI€E.. ■ ETTEES at administration on 'tjiO legate .JUiofCal. Jaueb■ Q. Asdehsom, latq'qfj the Boro’ofßeayet f ßo!tTeroo.,Pa.,dco’d,^iq; i . Ibeia granted, lodide undersigned, dll Jordons •i»4eh^tQ.a»id’^atdto k »re requested, tcwqak^, '.ftgqinat'the same'will present ti>env properly tanthßriticnted-fMAeltltmeut-i V . }j i 7«; i ,r ni. ,rHSCarA«DEESON, Adm’r.v''; \»:5p0!»16’65.-! : .lr4r,i fo-a £.«!•• .ii Bearer'., ii... ■ »■- ,r ■■-»■ I 1 ‘ - ■?■‘\\r HEBEASdetters olkulßriaSatratlon an' 1 •rfT ;" i; the'SeWkte‘ : <ef AxeoitHood, : late k£ •Pfcienß township, -Beaver- county,-- Bonna., Johekscd’, hk'vipg'bfeefl dulygrantedto the un •^rti^edi «ald esiato "fire kotiftfed Jp; hiake 1 immediate payment,/ and e efema "agaikstthfesame will pre sent them property anthenlloited^for'settle mynt without^elay ; ' X - pIBSOKHOOD, Adm’r., ; a'oylffl5 f | t j ■ . ■ • { ffie tp. : #1 ,^Mll^D|s-ATp|L t &-NlOTl€£!. ■ LJitTEUS of admiDistration <®iie estate 0* __ Jas. L. M’GBEEar, rate n <rfj2eaver boro’> lie aver op., deo'diJiaying granted to th ■tin Jersigned, all persona indebted to saidcs late iMo rehuested |o|make immediate payment,'and plnims agaiist 'said estate will J t pnesent ; . them;td. the' subscriber properly au- for settlement. 1 ' „ EOBT. M;C,R?ITBY.^Adin-r i ,' sV' norJ&CSs ~r '. ; V, ' j j 'BoiVcr, OTICK, X E'rTEKS opt lie estate of JLjj John Them, <lec’d., ,late oif New Se i wicldy twp., i Beaver county,, laving been ..grantod to tip 'undersigned, all; persons in ' (Iclted io- said testate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those laving claiins -against the same will- present tlemppoperly ■ authenticated for settlement.' ‘ ; • CHRISTINA C. TESTS,-Ex’rx. " f-r fgd&lS -f . NewSewielly tp. ■ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE r r. z ~ i j)if admiiisistratioli on the estate I i of Thomas SteveSsqn. late of Hanover BeayorCpunty, Pa., deo’d, having been'granled tptheundersigncd, all persons indebted; to Said estate are requested to make -/•immediate payment,', and those having claims . against the same trill present thein properly . •- . -iy JAMES STEVENSON. . Administrator. .aetli’6s. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. , ‘VTTHER'EAS letters testamentary having TT .been granled to the undersigned,on the 'state of jAMBf FEuauao.v, lateof Pulaski tp.. Bearer county, Pa, ’ deceased, , all persons kpoFing themselves indebted to said estate ■ are. requested; to make, payment immediately had those having claimsagainst the.same will present, them to the subscriber duly authcntL cated for settlement; t-' . ■fh---.; EDWAttD HOOPS. TSTt -4;?, novB j: JAB. 0. FEBQPSOICT Sx rB : < 7 exbqutotj’s notice. kk/ REReAS, letters testamentary on th® •: 'estate i«f Anion Dear, late of New : oWy tp * P eaTe T eonnt y. dco’d., haring j been. grant ed to, ,the> undersigned, all persons knowing themielTes Indebted (to said estate - ,are requeated to made immediate payment, pnd those having claims against the same will ; v Present them properly authenticated' for set* .% tlement., -..v;. 1 - ■ • I? REUBEN HENDRICKSON, Ex’r., ■’> , jj;-i . Economy tp. ■M; GOAL! I WILL; deliver to the oitixens of Rochester, Bridgewater, Beaver and violnity. a good s quajitypf Coal, at the shortest notice. Wag '■ ons-eamatany time,, be suppliedat the Bank, 'i ™,;>tttolnlng. the, bank of,' a .-I': - .■ Bridgewater. -r: : tV .r!f. .jtDBSTISTS; AiSmiV/ ! EENNOfIiBEAVER AM> VICINITYJ - ; ';^ i i|ai i f' iyi i ... Can be/ound a JuUnisortmen] '' ! ' !>r : ; -?K ;! '- ■-' s:;; - • •-’* -'•’’ •■ iptriida ±>!R*cr MEDICATES, WINDOW GLASS, '•■-'p ,:li. A' ■■ PAINTS, M ' i ! PURE ARE SECOND QU ‘white lea Amo, FINE TOILET SOAPS , ALL VARIETIES BBUSI V, THP BEST PERFmi PA3fCY&rSrLET ‘ARTICLE AND POPULAR PREPARAI All of which ts offered at IdwjTprioi wiehßfo^dirig^fe’idTsnoes., Attention of Physicians is also whose prescriptions Will be accurate!, ;- ; • pounded :at all hours. STOREJN THEDI^MOS • r ; v : •••'• •' fl> . ' f .J, X,. L &ext door tofFor,tune's Day Goads -TT? iIIX E ME- A' Ciiziii PSE JUSF ■. oct2s:ljr 1 ' i NEW ...WM. B. IjaALtESBEjtU. STIttS&SHALLENBERG. .if.c ! ...i .■• j; ' |‘ I '•■'btALEES IS ' j FAMILY GROCERI^, is, Cpuntcy Produce, ' (HURST'S OLI) J STAG'D,) , BRIDGE WALTER, PA .1 HAyiNQ- refitted'the large brick room formerly'ooebpie'd by-‘A. C. where we‘have received and opened i . sortmtnl offsnoh articles as areWul ih : a first-class Grooery,wercspcctfu ,lj all purchasing Goods ih oiir line to c; examine our;r stpok. j Wo are deter nil keep everything of the best quality »h kets will afford,, and to sell atprices •« aslow.jas the j same character of (Goods) bought for in this vicinity Onr pt Queehswarc Is largo and jwelL selecte will be sold low. 1 1 - J " t . .. t' - 1 FLOUB. AND FEED constantly on’bnhd; also ai fine lot CANNED 1 FIiUITS & PICE Nails, Glass, f i-c _ ’I.M . ’’ together with a . Toilet Articles and Kotic Alii kinds of country produce w.mt urhici ;tho highest market prices will’ I ,n cash or gtibds. - Remember the pi ice ‘ST-mBS k SHALLENBB EIG '^■ ‘| Family Groctry, {Uurti't Old i tend, octlo:3m' BJJIDGBWATt 23"0w Shoe S;< IN BE AVER I T>OBERI, TkLLON WOULD BESi Xli FULLY announce tj&Jbis cnstome) friends generally, that heTias just] opi Now Shoo Store in -Bei snd is npwj ready to supply tho pubh the best assortment of . ' i MEN’S, | ‘ -*'r ■ i'- : t - ever brought to this county. Ladies e all kinds best.qnalities.vTbe' bought on .advantageous? terms, and' sold at reduced rates. | ’’ SSLStorojbnoidoorlEait.of L N. Clothing Store. ' ' \ ITOHI ITCH I! ITGH IJjl., Scratchf Scratch! I Scratch!' I * !® wax cuee; the 1 itch in 4s hopes] - A 1,80 onrea. SALT RHBPM. Jricßpa iwh a,d •utsyppjriONa or BKIN. Priceso c#nta. vf *r«sf lw «tf Draggials.! I Js 7,; , . By ,send|ng:,6o,cent a, toTFEEKS &PQI THE, Sole Agents, 170 Washington! s^ a ® 8 ->^ t v? r, M ta:foDr«4«d by aai&free of PP?U ?^.i of tbo UnttedStatM..' nept2o’«6—finwa. . ... ' wpapiMßoj**, ' TOBACtJ(iIfIS X , ' COB DIAMOND A ffilffi ;)>>?!' \: T - : i' ' . Man a -i f- CHEMICALS, and ; U FINE LIQf Assortme: j LINSEED OIL, * NEAT’S FOOL Ol |V SPEEM OIL,, LABD I! / AND FOB, ..TEE HAIR, OM •I * MM / : T ' i ,f- STORE BOYS’. - LADIES’und CHILDREN’S ’ Tf rtT|rf-r [ *f nr ’ fßts*6fssi- ~ PPP lj| I '-’ .1:.,.' | [!'! \f-. .!•_ ; Tile Best. Mort BeUablel&wing ! ' Xmnpn I W; Machine v !: h ! These Maehmes : | slake. the lock-stich ali&e Von ■ h|tfi sides, ale less'than half t|te thread and silks’that the single or ;dou ■, I • t- , 5 i,‘ ble thread| loii >p-stitch *' del It will f,, , f roES; t >f Quilt, Tuck ■ -h. •]. Cord, Braid, pravic usbast adapted Macbinejuht changes ’add sewing ’ I'- ■. r /} ;•. they will ty thickneskf (' ! V' ■ • out ‘ St IL, s - !- ITT of Marseilles with , aKd make Svery Jl';i;!-1 ! ' ‘ ; or froin the finest 4. heaviest I heaved '•f' IV‘ t"| 1 •* •!+ ‘ * changing the; feed or tension,' or'fhnking any:, : mefttof machine whatever! m stitch • ‘- T ■ gajze cloth, needle « | :My, gNS not- r. i < allOd, com- I'V: .■ 5 ges ov Far beitiV tore. speed * ;k;. city sirtip! and n • - ♦ desig E&, ese VTh xv i.I choic f I;'. 4' store-■ Hurst, ’ull as y kept invite ill and iked to, augl EN , s mar 11least [ jan be ; >ok of i f, and El of LES. i BSi ed, tor e paid ER’S =I IP InTiU ■■ -I. ■EClf •a and ned a [’ : h I iver, with ■ •i * tj ■' n : h EAR iqea of were rfll be itkina' ImW Filth t 5 &s Wjilc ih the -ftp. »Bi SiiioglM - ft&d-Lctb ? lys- l'i-f s'-> •«■'■ : A «V?pl to oiier wSli! i* fAS. iH. DAUBACH 1 - * -- ] 1 j j - F ®T. ! ‘ fhfed to S»'6m ■ r J- -V-il -■ i vail. m r> . I- - titch, , Plait, etc., all ing> and any other Sewing se tq the frqquem great variety o: tklnri k'f'farmlji; or; .1... 1 i m|, from one to twen 'oAj- -I,!- ■ ■ ,'i- v .ttobiJr °PPing. perfect; 'M Ite . v 4 ’'X -> without ■j•; *r. I tas the following advanta |' •Hi i !i. ■! ■■ jer all other mach nes j. greater variety of work;! tttfulietness of motion; : I ■■ co.nstrupl. nent; ulc iish. ,11 i leijuliar to de^err 1 ; : ■i , | intelligent buyer .'I and examine^ ofj leasi le iIJEI AVER, P t for n Idle Ag ? cto'W'l: Eli ' 1 ■' ,yi O' GD , 0 TH ST f 25 FI .Uontlon of t .1 i Msortmei mycM I it of . i DRESS G 'CDS, SHAWLS, “I I • . oJlo vks, ■ vii- j. i, ME CLOTHS, - CASSIME ES, f OQDS 29’ENS’. I I . 'V-r* ‘j- ■ P 1 ft’4 »t reww) I ' ■'B K'-;' WHITE G ,1 : | . TABLEL TOWELS SIJIETIN.f PLANNEJ BLANKE 17 are celling = S&d _ a:~:~,ioii~a, ,_'e~.>awa- s"+tiir. , ++rir,+*+i• r.>- ~-.a; ~4:,,K.5~-rc?z..aYr+-~z..~.f+<;. 1 l;^;i;/^i‘Ltij‘f'.-'! fThebest,ehtxmst/i^^i^i^MuoasitftU^ ililil'llilili :. /; r ;^ r V- ? : I “Thebest Paper published ial the fruited ,- i “The HODii Niwstamb of oar qonblry— Complete in «U Uiedepsrtinentaof ah iuheri .Min'. Family Paper—Hxicria's, WaarLihsa a ftghtlip fia tme'AJOPB IT “This Paper tarnishes lie betf 'ittatiraticnt. Oar future "historians wlllenjrtoh 'tfaemhehres out ofHarper’s Weekly long after writers, and and publishers Yorlc EiangeUii. \.. ';,Jj.l -;j j 1 “A necessity in eT^/houßeholdi’^JSortoa Pameript,' •:’j ■ “It is at once a lesdinig' pblittcal ' and {torlesl annalist ef the natioiL’^UpAttf. |: : “Tjbebest'of Its elasSih Amertca.”- ton Traveller, ' ;i-'■ ' j - U Sill r“ It r f 1 ii.i achinei em, Fell, - i ; ; j ■ ■ . : Gather, without ,J,.| re tetter , "t ' : : ■ MIII Bailing by auppiy the 'i pin and I Wtsktv promptly-te those vrhd fer to raceire their, periodicals directly thaOffioojof Publication. -- Postmaster Others -desirous'of: getting up Clubs wi ■ suppliedwith*Ji»Bdaoae'plct()ral’ She on application. :••••>'.•! T’.• i •j postage on;.naßEßE’s Wbeult efcnts a year. whlc& must bo paid at the xo>tfr , spoßtoffice. = . , ’H-, 'L.”'* ! ' Terms.: H.vbpbe’s WMELVone "$4 6p M Ah Extra"<Ocfry. £/ itiAif (he Wixi.it dr i MAdXzinW vdt biivppUed gratis'ofevevy Club of FiTB.SuBsOHitiKE« at $4 00 euch'y in one re-\ \mUaniij;dr SizVopfes/or $2O 00. Hi i '‘ 'Back jCambiri'can be supplied, at any. time. | The Annual Volumes of Haucse's-Wi sklt, in neat cloth binding, will bo sent bV cx moss, jfree; o£ expefre, 1 for ,$7 paidiu f A ipmplt Cefiet, ■comprising Eight Vohm/s senton’ receipt 'of at the rate of $5 25 per vol., \freighi «f Ikxpente of purchaser. 'Address ’’■ i o abboxiibbs, i [ ’ ' Feaxkus “Unquestionably the best Sustained Work of the kind tn the World,”.' - t ii ait PfE R’s : Sf&W- MOUTHIjY ■ :',r . \-K-- ' ' It: is the foremost' Magazine of the day.—- "The fireside never had a more delightful com panion, nor the million a more enterprising, .friend,, than Harper’s , Magazine., —Meihoditl , ■p&Mtdti (Biiaih&e):- ?? * V H ■ . Monthly in tub Worlds— •W&’nwofoetv'K': ‘• , i..-'- . Wi refor ’in terms' of eulogy tqthe ' J tohe' nhd’lTaricd excellent : of Habpeb’s ;|M\3.Vifs^^a^n^SJs T llh a‘ monthly cljronla-'. ' whoso fpiigisj chbleqat light and : ; spirit Of. this,. "wort; I < cvideTicc;of llie : Amcrichn Peojilo ; aHhs'popularity it haS'ab.qhirf'dl Is fafofed,; .fctf''nSimli<fif' 1 oonVdihsf 'fuliy, : ;l4-l ! of i' ¥s*a&lngf&ukteH appthprialcly.iilustrate|l tvifh jjood wood-cuts; anil ItJcoiamneS Inlltsplf tlie racy monthly, iahiT the more philosophical quarterly, blended 'with the beat features of 1 the daily. It has greal’pbwpr in the Ai-.apnV ihauon of a loro' of pure' seu’s Guide lo American IMeraturc{.hon{.’6n\ ' ; The volumes bound constituto a library of miscellaneous reading such as Cannot be found in thjj same compass .iii any other publication that-- has Como . »md ;r .our notice.— -Jioilor Caitriir : *r' SUBSCRIPTIONS 1 - •NV" : • 1866. v?- : . The Publishers havc/pcrfected dsys 'mailing by which they can supply the ' zisk aud;WEE2tv/)ro«y)i/y to those w fer to receive thoir periodicals direct! the office of publication L ion; ehs| i- ■ ■ante o acts, atu ine lb HIM GL ■ The postage on UaHcka's Maoazim cents a-year w hich must he paid at th icrio«r« post-office.' ■ ' : ' '. |- Tferms :' llABPF.a'a Magazihb, one year...... :>lOO : Au Extra copy of either the' Haoajine or Wkeki.v will bo supplied prut is for i every • Club of Five SuEscninsn# atsloo each in one | remittance; or Sis Copies for [ ! Back number's can' bo supplied at any time. I _A Complcte Set, nor.- comprising Twenty nine Volumes, jn neat cloth' binding,l wilt'bo j sent by espresa, freight >at espouse pf‘ pur. 1 ohnjjcj-, for.s2 i 25 per' volume. . Single ,vo!-i | urncsvTty toail, postpaid, S 8 FQ.;, ; -Clcth crises, : for,binding, 68 .cents, by mail, ..postpaid'; IAJ -1 dress ' I '■ - l ‘ ‘ > ■ i-•' 1‘ nARPBR , 1 i caver, cc' .to S! il I ‘ ■ I U.\NiC.,i;; oiJL’AttE, Nkw VonK.i j)* s -MJBr.E....' ..........1. M;.iff a r .-cos. i THIRD STREET, ■ , » ICO iiEAVEU, PA.. ' , west of Post Office y TIIK undersigned arc just receiving a new, largo and well solccUd sickle, cons sting their lar :|;;-mSTCf(3-Sy-|i i' -j • ‘ ■ : • ;■ ."j -. . • - X• • -D i jpie is; ,Fai^ti,v ; oiis s l,;, _j ■:• ■ ■ -*r Ji" 23 Z J.l:r . , AND D Y,t2 S TCPP S: aisortmenl of '■ Perfumeries. -« • o''' '■ *'■ r * '• - : FANCY SOAPS. ; : / X*H.XrSBtE'Sv .• , , V ~ n‘ - -K' 1 ; k Fifth ol every] variety, and oil other articl ; ly kept hi afiret-cUs* Drirjj sU '**■ j" J, *-V” l-i _ tc*r ( .vi Jr.* 4 k V. !kc-M tc.’r 4.;.’ ;!''.-v f :■!■ 4, 1 '■'■ j And Brandlesi, ' ; , . «• % i 1 ‘Thftpr*pmt<»4i.h*vi»® Aidan • *tten»»b • faittijceWotlittUß tratinets,S»tt«r *' gfafrfenttai 4*Ulfoo trbaig*,,; Vn*'* fc'rmiio'iff bias*a rfrod* • '» ■ Gsv,-. - ; nKQBVB * HAMILTON. 4 . I *•. "J. »bl« pri< It'. - Z- I ,l'». I. ? t6 buy tho best Cigars X ta Mbm. Drmg stave. ' [ t|t i i fts ! '4 ; S’: 1 s'ii .-]i §IS: 1 :. I i( g? ■J ,' ; .i ■., -v V^‘ ■vl-.j,, i \ ; | Ihis -°rw. feßo* 5 • s ' ;r.-yS} «m of HaQA pTß- ,'ftoa i. &nd ittie t-biU tub- Qf Overiedicim Casaimcre - : ‘i'. -Attda - g. :■ ' '! i:. ■ j'=' 1.1 -i wr CLOTH 1 4. r.. ■; ! it eta of jho pro ty from ia 24 Bram JS USOAI. r«. ■ -• •■■' Ell £8 J-.:* and To- rifp? s GljMSWrt 112333 1 |>C:> |- raWATBE.' ' MMINI #o|)ODDS,^i i 1 Poa FALL fIriXTEB CLOTHING. II f EU 1 btrejust ■.! :,-r sewed stock of Hie ’ V':- it . , • • ’ : : - EST STILE* '• ! I ' ! ( i>;. ,v ,T: J or Business Suits, , j i aeral oakortinoat of Vestin g . ' ’ i . .. •’< ’■ T Ell 1 '•! ’ t ■ - •I ;, ' . All kinds of :n’s Furßibbiog Goods Geoiltm , ; i , . : ; Sucl> as Under instantly onUand, t skirls, , 'L.l.’i : JtC.*, ■ • .• ! ■- "• ■. ' and Woolen Orcraliirts, . Collars, •V ' , •; Neck tfa% Iy.oUler arl.iol9* lii mention. - • • • ' Drawers, '•}: Lino. ’! ; ■ i; ■ And too jnai c ..—..J.: r r :l.u BMi-BE TO 0IU) IS Jl J •, : . l:; : In all ■ !!' ' \ ‘ ; styles lind at shortest notice. V'W ■ 11 the laU 1- • ‘ !.!■ II ' i •f I t. i>. t !•■■ .' - =I f'W? . REICH, Stewart Row, 'Bridge Street iH*GSI AND SHOKS! ! - GOT EMI * I 1 i 1 !E. TO GET THEM* THE PL. Ell • . 1-li • '• CliLeap 1. _ - and Dural)l,d ■ i ,i. ‘ ' Alii TQ CALL. T:: : ... •; DOST’Tj 'in- ' • UHJIS F- WKINMAK Man op ac lioots'a; jrURERof anti Retail Denver.in aLShloes,, Bridge street, • , | IIDGE\yATEK. ’ ( E • ME iceiloot supply ■ of ready imadi : ejmatantly on hand. ' . Ho keeps an c jl ' worl Bools and sbp > I’l: ticc an !8 made to. order on shortestnor ' modt reasonable, terms. led’ Hp has good irorkmen, and can't be excelli j by any otbi reatablishment int West. Pa. pd children will 7 find it to their [Uge togive him a call*' :; '• f ‘ ; i—-t—■ ' •• '-i : * . find cheapest article go to ■ tOUIS P. 'WEINMAN’S* . Bridge »t., Bridgewater. ' Men, women I . «dTK : For this beet 00f01’65 ;, ■TniRTOX x ■^APPiißi ■i.h PBA 'Sifefe, STRAW *r; r ■■ m . - < =Ell V » ~ ' ... .... . , Wf> tnis 'v * ewer. ;:,;... v > Uw A Vj.DjCs. I A.J-!5 ■ ■ •■ nv- I QJR4£ , JB yiNES, ;': •• jt-‘> ■ •!;■ '* -'in i*j-y i : v BBBK SMALL<FRbITS, v '‘f n.j-j •.* 1( ... L-, { ; STOCK 1 r! | icrfe; shields & cb;; ■■•'• co. > |P»; |; n'; j\':.:nv ir f - "'Ami; • • 'i-ji : E •, 'atitatiiiiie . n Ju ! J V . m i ~7~? V E •-t’.V’J. i meeting of the steokhbldew of-the _ itore teompany, held", at thjjir-. p®«e, i» |eT>prougb;of Bo&estor r e fellowlng porsona were a&44;ito4i|em %tßee^n£gyeari;'^--' PRESIDENT: : v l : v .v.' '■■ | ' v TREASCREai ■;; t Charles' ,* .1 il". V. 1 ’ i ‘ • ■ • • tv- - If ■ ' \,i ‘ Slattigon D^rragh, CharlesStoSft f " 'James Dairagh, • J foylvlhrehn^man, ; '■ -{> '‘Charles' : r ; n-./. ~~i !:.~t' ■ * I ■ " ■- <6yA limited nmni of the above Compaq option atlho office of t ' I Bgg„Officein tiio 01 %3:oin CHAS. £ BE «<4r. T. TAYLOR, A. M , President. TTVHE Terms open respectively Sept. l2j.’6S, ;.JL jJanuary.2, and Aprils, 18GG.„ f ; - opportunity for instruction in any i Branch nf science nr" oij, nnymusical insfru,- mcntpalso vocal music, privateer in classes; is afforded here at reasonable rates. 1 j Lads received also small girls of any degree.|of proficiency, i Drawing and painting of every style ( will receive the special. aUenlion bf a first-lass artist; . i ■ j j TiiiUon: Ss^ - *nd ing to .department; ■;■■■'•- . ■ tj ; . • r-. cj; - . ( None but thoroughly qualified and expert onset! Teachers are employ edia any’Ucbartv nipnt.. For further information address ' 1 1. aug3’,Cs B. TV TAYLOR, ‘President: i ‘' I: - - v f. j. re Wittes and liquors, Wholesale. | Groceries 0 r by P</c%j», : . FLOUR, GRAIfT,. PEED, fce At Peter Angel’s, Bridgewater. ; BUTTER, Eggs,‘had alikindsf 'orcopfitry ; produce taken dn c*ehange.-Lfov.#Ulfch the highest market-price. will be paidc; Xn : connection with the I'bc Bakery and.Confe'ctioharyi'in still carried pn, where in ay be four da first clhsso.FSTi-t— -iheut of- cakes, confectionaries, canned fruits, pickles, spiced oysters, &c. \ X Giie Wck-.of. tobacco and cigars of ail fancy brands. ‘ J ' ; *T?- -1 'Pnro article of-wines, ic.,■ for medicinal and sacramental purposes constant ly ofl hand. ‘ ~ DM El ■ .jr;; >j ‘ j£ps“*Do not forget the place, Peter Angel’s oIU .«land, .11 ridge St, BrUge^aicr/, '[aug2;3m $AT1;0!:N AL HOTEL 1--K v i^oiß milS BARGE THREE-STORY BRICK Jt: .U'PIEBING; with tile Frame BuihUngs in».nijoining, and lot on iwhiclt they are erccte,J, in the town, of Beaver, known as.the i: ‘ j j-<. [ BIUDQEftV.VTER, { i ’ ( is- offered for sale: : •••, ■ •: B£V. For pari ieulqrs inquire of Tiiomas Jlc-' Or.eert or G ! iV, Hamilton", leaver.-, .£novlo H A R-D RESS; E R; &C, J\MKS BRUIN ,ts happy to announceto his ,his old customers, that he has beendis chii’rged fro n. tlio seryica of the United and oppued a shop iif the fraiuo jbuiidmg ad-. Joitlmg Wm. Orr'a Stor£. Ladies*-hair cut iri tbo.iiiost approved style. Ho -trusts his old friends will renew their patronage. • Having carried the flag of the 45th T. tarjalmo'st a year, in tlio 'battles around Pe tersburg; he think's himself ;entitlca-to' a fair j?hn;rc.ojF the public patronage. * * ■.t. % r.. J '■ ’ •'‘] • '• ‘ 1 MIMI 3 4 T i Kotice; »TStIE'STi)CKnOLD:EpSH>i' XIIE.MOXON IJ. GAIIELA VAIiLEi* TELEGIIAVII CO. irrei hereby notified that A melting of said Stockholders will bo heldin Monongahcia Ci ty, on Saturday, Dec. Oth, 18(ip. at 2 o’clock. y.jn,,at the house of CL Harvey,’ for the pur-,' pose, amongst other-tilings, of increasing the capital stock of said! Company to anamount equal.to the estimate cost of, making such ex-' tchsiott tie, the-said,lino aß^may'be proposed and agreed upon at said Sheeting.’ ' ; i .TAMES L. SHAW, Sco’y.. , Monongaheli City, N0v.10’631 ,! ■ I ' S rtTn’s BKR&ffaSd tiftipjiliiiiici: rßOum; tOMpAtrt;l ■ ?0-H‘ JSvJi tiih'T S3sfe f wfi piNG CAPITAL».....;.M, r:... r ;-WS%PP?.- !;;> Y?; =IS ;d idce&MkW? " 5 .' ’’ l :B. J&UBST ’ ! - U 7r ,7 "7 fr : I /. •- 4 c ■ors: ! ' slilo H.\Adama, • ■ Alfred ClUnrat, Johajßiggerv; ,V Robt. Ax Cochran, KendalL*' ; .V", ‘ Jier ;6f sflarC" of Stock yinay behadby appli- He company! : ; » ■ liimond;'. Rochester, Pa. lIUIJST.'Sefc'y. A VER ' ationalH ot e 1 ? Hice &) GEtiatiarL ; I ATTORNEYS AT LAW, | attend ?to legaij ’business; of MtU y.y kinds: prompt'attention glireii to col iefjiibns generally. : Licensed Agents ;fpr eol ation of. Pensions, Bounty,! Arrears jpf : *Pay, Prize money. Pay, etc., of Prisoners of. War, ;And ull kinds of military xblainis against tlitf Government. Office—'l. • ' ; Coper of Market Sixcel <riid (h’J)iajnorulj : in the rear of Court HbuseA . ; -H" MyA.:>|jan4 VALUABLE YARWfOR SALE. A sitUatea. j TnHe from xX. ibetown of Beaver, adjoining the prop erty of A. B.- Wolf, tmntaining- : -42 : acres; is offered for sate:’ ft is Well i adapted to farm ing tor-gardening purposes . The improVe menlsaro a frame house and other ont-boild ings.., A good apple orcharid and other fruits on the premises.- Also, a godd-stone quarry. For price and termsapply to i' , ;,. - " ' iypEXCQ%.. ! Rochester,'Pa. n0v15'65. ;ADM.IiNISTKATQiJ’iS "I ETTBBS of -odmuiistraUonon. the" estate Joas COTHBKXtBOJT.Iato of.NSw Brighton, Beavnfoo. j dec’<L, hariaj been issu ea,to too undersigned, all persons indebted are required to luafcp aid those having Plafcws will present then, rrop erly .authenticated for I seftleiffarit ■ i I ELIZABETH B. COTHBEETSON.Mnrtt, i ‘ * 1 - - iwt2s’os iSj in*,, t ?i_ s * ld - gta^ e aroicgaestcd' to makij •imnißdiafij payneit, and tfiostohsTinrf cUima i OgatnsV said estate it*l ]*ute«yiher-propody "authenticated-tot. oati jtleippnt . .'V- ; ■, -■' , 1 ,i -;uon 60. - : ■ ln'^epeiidepee‘'tpL 0 .'.- TF you want to buy Taro Drags. Medicine X anj Chemical*, go to-Moora’a Drag Store. ■,TO't4'i !iu ■’ &!s¥> OBSEK* ■>*t »t\r? "V "• "I r I ‘-' J h .v.'- •; •: rr -»?■! ;ir-; .. ‘•h*k^iV{ :‘A Thirtg of Bfeauit; . lir S,,ir K , vvf=^r n -~',.,f ... /»<'! [ rt >VV • ‘ v/r-VVV! v ~11 '-rfi: ij .*• i! i . j ■ j .. r* -K 2 .V*:' ‘ - MOEJJ.rtlianono.Jiu at Dr. G. W, 81*1/ Establishment, ao; .SS5f^ s '‘'’f4“E^ warranted for a^onth,oi l a7e ■bbtifor one year, and i? not eniircL“,^ ! ' when made,need •the) machinery andrnpriiWccslin toiy, and tie, lathes iri thol® a six horse power stcani cJineUt - r Ting of both , time and laffor. l ljr "' hating at the present tjmdiine&st cfe' sistanla. gradualea ofth; best Uental ctlh.lt in be States, (also a }£j to 4oei®g smitn waitipg cm -liidid an.'l children *£' enabled to jiiafcc frrini If dj-th ficml teeth per week, that pWsontS\ dislaneeneed only stay s. he city fro *? twelve, bours-in order tt be sunolial superior sc tot artificial fombje and to render Sood satisfaction il™ gettnig teeth and a visit to our city all f 0 ’ r l ey goney than they would cost you at haul-' Hatiural tpytli _ carefully trcaied landfilled will beautiful and permanent gchf fillings. - Remember 3 the plaer, No. 1254 o '?^^-,®' TKE '?d,lf> v he | )e wiH.ba ps,l e perfectly .at homo through the cordihl li°nllana h ' ? ' rrOP^ CtOl ’i I^: *f■ 9&l “ h,V *i J ‘! ; -If. B.—Use Dr.,Sl>>NCi;a-S. PURVtr VEtiEXAIiLi: CKLKUit.iTED CTRCfsUv tootii powder, soiA.byail Druggk: . .--"‘j '■ ’ ‘ < .;1; I'. oetH'.’g A£ARD j Golden: r.KS. ■, !' ■ I . PV-. •%wttik3,.fSeatn - •, A3' 1 -I*sSifriSTW!*!'•; It is-now ;ovor till;-: v .yeajrs iinco ilie aim cclpbvatcd Vills were ; j*/-r |li Covered’ by -lb. BUFOXGO, of Faris, daring>.~liU'u time they hipro. been -extehsive'y asd■(successfully''tncl inlniost of the -publfcj i: ist’ tutidi!?,'- as-mrcil' si in'private practice, bp’Oth hemi-ydi'rcs.Stgi unparalleled auecesdjin' cyjery case, arilill only Tat the‘•in - geid-rciiaes4/'olf ilK':lu'i;st:J! of,Lillies who 1)Otc nlted tjicai, ihSi'iit is Se duced to indite jlie Fiji! pull! Jc|for th?,allcyi»* tipn.ofj those VsiifPprijisr i'roji liny • Irreenlari dies whatever,iis" well asifo pveveman; in-, crease :of family, wh(r;umliih,|wUlact pencil it; Females peculh.r y, • titifatod, or lira’ supposing themselves «,*. are caiulened si-shy, uijiag these Fills, wlpl ;, in.] HiAt conmtHßj a (U’e proprietor, issamts noTjosptnfiliilirita ti ler the above admin itinij,- ilsif mildness would proven: anyjmischief tciiealii. 1 Otherwise the lhlfs .4r,; cceorniiidid. - ~ • ;Trice $l,OO per lips: ?is ihht-es . .Sold by S. Smith, Briiigcij-ater. N’oWe S’ Hamilton,. Heaver, S. dannen.iitockcster. L -I. a dies ■By j eiuli ig SKOii to either of the aljove. agents, can have the pills seU (CMS-, .dentially-yby mail, to, any part of ilie.voia try, or address.the l]r )prUt.6r.j ’ a il), lldiir.; loci ’i .Kewyni.^ Infallible in Corrc. .-*[ :in" t-j from What eye i." Af.TTA.T3 SI'cCESSFVr. ' . . -h 1 .4.4c1.41. ' 1 • -j; tHB Fall ■' Twin o commence I - fl.)l€Sd( l/, Si' wider the charge of .■I- >l. O-. ■ [.as IV ■ ill is.live desire, and tliis a,; thorough ling merciil School, i and u aider it has heretofore ■ 'Good opporUmil it 3 men and boys «jho t ,et lEnglish and liusinos l who may .deeirif a . HI fit themselves for '.cjif classes’ !.. •’ Offeiiitidn ‘Address; the . Print Beaver county. |Pa-i " ; • Sic: Board jof „-w ; L .;■■ :::;.■ i.C- The most perfect Pi; CAN BE H.KLEBE ; 122- WOOD St. J Agents fjjr v r L ro * Dm. M’EINN] TTAVING entered r~l pracHce df MEI ‘leriaerlh^lrWpfeisli BpJ , i KS‘ ~' I | J -trii, £<>xx ■op- r . . ' i". r ' '.'V-, • «A£i®X.}i'GliiVK K) ' V » rTf.-'.s; «■*. • ".*;•• & '6bi>. STAHIfUG ‘ > House.; ; ; Septejnbtf.l*-- *.O pT * m. dntyiwQ t;,, n WM WD.B UiH; .•'! i; T.|4^« 8 'j| % El Mil &t«=u WZA xTyi SgiaM; ' i ■ ■ .i ■ r ■ ■■ ■; ; 1 idrea n> ’CHR’ V :^».po ! r .. ■dical FiWi,' VEI2, BjS. taxis' if This InstitiiUtm' *3 :idi UtilSp, •' incipal.! '■ _ j • will lic'tiie aim, losu* Uili, Classical awK'-O’. ; Ue 'high -<^ r ' i maintained;'!'| ire ,to ij!|t:gn-a t’l'.M?- ■ and 10 w sssical tdrealson. ir!ng : t>c|>i o tcr&t? , §c.-, send ’for cin- 11 - lipnl at Xe)y. liris" ,a jp tlio undertijic;!- H. -lIICE ■ Trustee#, GREAT 1 :a . Fortes in th« worHi' CXLt H v; I -i :&\ BRO’Srf 3 ITTSBti?^ *v pi|^p m ♦ fi imas •Uao^ - =I ■**« V* r ' F ®W t n NE ‘ / *> {■■ii 'wy to-. ■ to.;' !rcts f-nrej' '1 •' I I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers