f Tfifi tfiIAYEH ARG?S> ». I. BVTMI I sJl r RUTiLN ,Co. |"t /nirnu uni ntMairiou. = v NOVEMWII 20th, 1868: Liberal InducementstoAgente - I ' f > • <■; for the Argue. ; • ■ year is drawing to a cloee, and we are bhilbdsto; inoreaae'ourlist of anbtcribersfor : •heityear. Tn bHeV lo' do tbiswe propose thalall new, subscribers nowpaying for 1866 Ittiall receite the paper for the baUhoeof. the; free of charge. We will alsffiend the AfjSs fori one year to a club of five or more: new subscribers,' to one address, at. 51,75 in, advance. Anyperson acting as Agent and i raiding a club of. ten, we will In addition ]gire 'him the papier. free. : Any one.sending-ns a ; elob of twenty new subscribers, witlpay in *. adTance. we will give them, in addition tola " copy of [the Aiys* for one year,. “Raymond’t Life of Lincoln,’’ containing over 800 pages, ; and:'well bound. A dollar and seventy .fire , 'Cents for onr paper girea na a very small profit, yet ire are anrioOf <6 ■extend our .circulation, . and will ftrirmah it at that price to elnbs of ■ flrerbr mdrehewsubsoribers. ' ‘ Every, .person [ should .take a county paper *nd : £faere are hundreds in the county whowill v' subscribe' If splicited.- We hope Agents will - go to workinevcry township. We will do " our best to m|dcohe Argtu a good' paper, and ■ ! onlyaskin return aiibersl anppdrt. • Oldsubscriber* who bavChot,paid up, must do so before'the end of the year, or .fifty cents ' additional will be charged. It costs ns about ' One Bundted .and Fifty Dollars a month to , - conduct the paper, and that amount-has te be paid in cash punctually,. We dialike tVrefer to this .matter so often, but necessity re ' qntresti. • „ f '->/ '>, - Mooting of Congress. . Before oar next issue Congress will haveconvened at Washington. The' coming session willbo the most impor tant one since the; Revolution., The! , session of 1861-62 wassecoud only ,- to that 0f'.76, bat the session 6t 1865-1 i[’6o, .whether Viewed in the light 5f the or fata ro in tteVcAl of this great nation,, will be second. to; none other, .j Great questions aro to bo discussed; and decided;' new issjias will be prc« ; seated, upon f tho correct ■ determina- i ,tioh T of wbicjh -the lj | the life,-of the;nation is involved.— ' | While the war lasted, Congress had | but to provide ways and means to re j |, cruit .our armies and supply the Tress ury;—good officeisand brave soldiers did the balance. Since the adjonrn , meat of the last Congress, oar arms. ' have been triumphant and peace re sided to jhe con rl try. The; present Congress’ basTo complete 'the work Of! restoration and; reconstruction, it is ■_j. a difficult.’ task to perform, and; is fraught witlijembarrassment and dan ger. To rigidly apply the lessons of! ■ the. past) and revise its mistakes, to legislate so.wjsely that the futnre inay discover po | such glaring defects in | 1 our Government ind institutions us the last few years have demonstrated *5 oxisMne^iQ ■ other, and devise 'a scheme that will • unite all under one. Government that ? will be equally cherished and feared, ■ is a task thepresent Congress, if true V , tO l 4B trust,, must perform. Its action —the action of each mem ber-will be dpsely scrutinized, and to future, if hot ip the present, each must answer lor the manner in which that tfiist is discharged. All those who prove equal to the.omergency, who act wisely.feaylessly, devotedly, the future |#Hl reward with honor and distihc tion.lifte that bestowed upon Adams, , Franklin, Hancock, and the hosts of a other illnBtrioua=meraberB of the Con-| -~t g r esf o|:’76.| A mistake made now , may involve Us in trouble. ; evon before ; i the present igerioration passes away. i i it i 8 ' nec ® as a r y. iet the Southern bo kept out for years rather Ethan the nation be imperiled. ||th rough too hasty admission, Let\he f. P lav9l 7 question be fprever settled d>y t adoption cf some* system that will insure justice to the negroes, and f | a *ting pease-to the Country, Lot ev .l ffj niember of Congress decide for j himself; hfter cajmly weighing all the I argnmente produced, what will best t-isubserve tho great: interests of the jconntry and all its citizens, and then fjff l independently, if heed be, of par *•l ties and power. By so doing, they I will rise, totbe dignity and response j-i bility of the position they occupy.— ■ Thia ia no lime to follow blindly in the wake of politicians, or meekly accept r and; iumbly defend the opinions of j others. If they are right, it will be | ' proper to do so, but if wrong it would be both cowahlice. and treason to risk the welfare of: the nation j,ftj minister ,to tbe selfipbnessof the present On the action and wisdom of-tbe members of Congress, thohappiness, prosper!-: , perpetuity of this Government ! , 8 If they wish to deserve weth ■ the county they should endeavor fhprove worthy. CoNOß*Ba.r-The Senate of the Uni ted States stands—Onion, 38; .Dorno crato, 11. House—UnidA, 143; Dem ocratß, 41. ; Sonte of ithois Democrats who have boon returned as elected, will beonsted on contest,among whom - and Dawson of this' tho Udiod roa— Tbii ohhing eW H L b f Bemcerats are not JSS y 3rf' I, i ei f® r .°. ver y materially ■ F legislation at the next a session of Congress. *| ' r _ U ."{ -rK avJ."‘fee I -?•**.- ;;^ppliJjM<*i' Sift., of Washingtbbcounty, member’ of the Legi*latorofrom this District, fu Jo town Ijust week. Be ties entirely'til? coyCrecir from the- effects of bis late illness, jind looking better IMB-Wp ever saw him. He is f a candidate fpr Speaker of the Hoase.andfhipelec liouj ia J conceded in iall parte jof she State.; One or two otbbrs are named in the West,but they bavepostrjsngtb, I and 4 will • withdraw before thecaucus is held. 'Mr. Kelley has served two terms in the Legislature, and sained | for himself Sn.en viable repataltonaa a ' is a young man of ’ ability, fine bosicess;capacity, correct habits and unbending iuiegrit I ty, ’ \lf- elected.he . will j make ahefßk cient .and dignified presiding officer A farmer by occupation; a Democrat S'y.-edneati jn.anda soldier ';wfap wins isabled id the service of his country, be found bis devotion to the TJnion must: separate him from (be party with which, her bad action, Undlwisb hosts! of others be allied himself Ip the patty that was tiruo to the counlry.4- We knbw of : no! young mao i in the State ; before whom there is aibrighthß future: fr -; •< 11 " - 1 ' “ !’ Editors: Afcons:—lri my desitje to be brief, last week, 1 used an expresj. sion Which may be rois'cobstruedl It* iswhere Ijspeak of the regiment bd ingrßuddoD'y confronted by ; the ene my. ‘ “It is not to be inferred from ibis, tbatthe regiment' was surprised or taken unawares. This w«s| not the fact. ;.Eprja considerable time be ore, we badfJtoan supporting the JBln Mass: Vole., which I was sharply engaged ; | wHh the ; enemy. >\e were then in the woods,-and wore gradually pressing the enemy l ack. •The lbft wing of the l|4olh was in the ■rear of the right wiiig of .the 28th Mass | : la order that bor Ireg! n4nt might open fire, the movement by tho ; right flank took place, and it] was! when :we { emerged from the deilsei smoke and woods-into ; the open fieldi that wo camo upon the enemy. The] situationi was a most perilous o ie.— ' We, were sent in tccheck the rebeli advance, flushed success over Gen. Sickle’s wers bdtj two regiments Pf our Brigade eng »ged, ]he 140th ancT66th -N. Y. YoL These, 'With j ihej2Bjth .Massachusetts, j were farther advanced than any other reg iments' bnjthat portion of [the line; half i mi|e, 1 presume, in advaice t.f theiri supports After Col). liobeils fell, Lieut. 001. hraser ,wa« in com- tna'hg; of the I did ri him. j I presume he was' in: his on the loftof therogiment. . Mj iwks with t.ho right winp. ■ friend enggests tfae~regimet orders to j fall buck. 1 kiipiy was a cry v raised to fall back whether it; came from Lieut. C« Eraser I know tot. . 'j. ~ ’ ! 1 Thomas Hes i I General Logan’s Viewn ■ •; -j 'i •> .- J -j- 'i The appbintmbntof General 1 1 •fitfppb’r fera oT the Monroodoclri i ambassador to the .Republic of S co, is significant. Only eleven before he was appointed Minista Mexico, be laid, in-a speech ran the Brooklyn j Academy of M usic: I “So far as lam concerned, Ib; that Maximilian 1 in holding Mi to-day iS'- part and ' parcel the rebellion against this Go: ipentj I [Cheers,], * * * That a part 6t the [rebellion] it is a* pa it to-day, and the Government p J Uniledj State? has only to say to imiliiin:' Sir, you nmstpack up duds and travel; et •h another tremendous ontbun cheering.] The Government ha suppressed the rebellion until it this. [ [‘That’s so.’] I, for one, propose, to give that State to; Mai ian j ‘ for one, am in favc oiur Government saying to 1 ‘Yon | were, induced by this rel to lake possession of that cot and attempt to establish yo) there] |T will not: perrnit you te there] you must g* - ' that try, and leave - icon/ [Cheers.] | The Soldiers* i 6 r.*. tion of; a Major-General for Governor Bas not gained .to. the Democracy of Ohio so. many soldier’s votes'as they expected. [ Whpn the .vote of the sol* diers was | officially canvassed, |t was found that Morgan had only iei 687, against 2,428 cast for CoJ exander Long, the avowed cha] of the right, of Secession' four votes.) ' i, 1° the Bemocrats tried to jcbeat' the soldiers by denominating their jacket “The: Solders' Ticket,” and placing a Republican General at the head of it. Still, their caddidalo renSainediin a minority, receiving on* ly 607 yot«sa against 716 given )|to the radical Republican candidate, JStone. . The CoNsTiTDTipsAii Amenil H lO twenty-five legislatures fhl stitatfOnal Amendment abolishio yeryhas been rgt'ded; and nil La|ibeen rejected}?bnt one at le the; latteV-7-New Jersey—was se by the eleclion for its ratifil this Winter; and it will also p: the legislatures ot California ani e K° i their next sessions!; ' will complete the requisite hum! twenty-eightf ! ;■ 0ov. ! dosm has arrived a but too ill 11 t?nd tohis Executive dutiop. Hi in a critlc«[rcondition in Hew taty f^ro 4 weeks beforo bis rei bomo.j,^Bec.iSlifer attends to tb|i • off cp'in the absence Governor. I l ' ' : r ’lr l-l- I -i 1 ' ' - ' n '■ Cpmmentibgon ft j'nmark lbs Spti|igfield ..]VtyvHimn tt iibalihen|ki] .bear jits true andhouorable name,a call Itself R^pblioak,”| lho Ohio* s.•< '.lf-'hl | ‘‘Tbti Republican parW oallod jta the ‘[Union. paity” during the 1w; because. it in not was {the only Wn il partyidihecjountry.l It represent | andlwps thcjexpbhentof the mi earnest and bpwareribg iehtiinent, i loyalty at a tttae when fidelity'tojthl sentiment wap. a pioliUoa!; teat, ano patriotic dnlyl It waa-Aherefbrei tr ly filing and'proper that that, par shonldr be called tbb Union pari; th(it expressing-, its trde,character, j Rnjt.now tbaT the war is over, f i Bepnblican party baying carried ip country safely through us'periijit ! i fitting and proper that we should Vc turn to tbe gopd old name ol “Repel lican Marty,” wblch is also express! \ of itej real character. ; Nobody is i; ignorant as not, to-know what tli tqrm republican means, and so long i| we prove faithful to the meanihg ; that ienh, wjeTprove- faithful to li principles that! should ever lie at tl: foundjition ofj pur -institutions,! an I that sboujd over I giye. vitality; Ip oi 1 great joationaljdpotrinoof self-goyen i ment jand theilreCdom of mankind, j Wa thorefoirjeXficnrtily say anien li I tbe proposition; that ‘henceforth li the RepabiicaO! party; bear Ifs | trt and honorable name,’’and demonstrai ■,its worthiness] thereof by its piactie influence_in |the Government! an: throughout Ibb whole country, iii fit Tor of the, trUk principles. of republic .tanism; . ■ ' Is ■ 'h> ' I : fj. —-ff!- ... A; WSATHrjuL REBKL.-j-Alr Edwpt i A. was editor of flip Richmond Exxmlner during thel waK has written a wrathy . letter toj the New Cork News. We qiioiC; | *: rbero is ajnopeful future foil tbis SohthLbut it |s not \o be found in tie; counsels of - those tiine servers| an 1 submissionisia ,who ape for yielding unconditional obedience to every b(|< ho?trof a political parti’ in power,an I ■are anxious jtliat those lin authority may'{•pit uppii jthein, that they mar give svidencls of thoiridocHity., The South has- nothing of good to expect from its timid and mercenary pres.. Itbis nothing., of good to expec t from Ipis^e.prcrapbtatiyetT’in Congress!, who . claipi a^jb decisive .qualificatioil, and a peculiar- 'merit, that they caii swpar that |i li; la war jwhieb juvadei the' hdtnes of 'h<i Souib-tnhy weie the heart ess erd; tores who; stood 1 mute ahd'nbiitral ipj tie facoj of the. gran 1 tragedy that ran with blood and teani, withoat aid, bomfort-. or Iconnter.nncß to their eountrynioii dying boforoibcir eyes, i-cnchingf; thcirlbands for tiread •- f ■ : ng 1 ‘ J. Jt seb plaOe place I bi d theiro : Monk) fighting und's Viouu banners > and Cjp/doo BY. Jersey: possession oli i and <!(?niinces to be npp.)intc' of tlifcj Court of six years, a Gt the Court of ] a Chief: Justiol out ofi six. arid each folding sides thosec a|ci and , Sheriffs j ( officers in all, 1867 fop a t< Republicans ; the impo iogan. no; us Moxi - days 0r idoin jiicv’b esico I of ?ern was . ‘-t of »]f the Max your : ding i t of riJ- i -UK Whsliii that Kennel li Houit& oj Oort. His p|alform| the colored n! < ly mekjwljo si left 4wD3t - tijh the- last, to testimony off measure whicl readyi inform Sort lb is impel ro.adjnissionN the Hnion, 11 is ndl dogs don’t irail* r of m:- jolljon intfy, mraelt o stay conn- “Count;Mb in.’'— The New Yorl Evening Poapelatls tljat in a recoil con vejrsatioojiron. Grant, in bis nsuti homejy way; remarked: “Wbor.yoi talk sjf Mexico; count me in;” and er presses a hop£: that Louis' Napoleot understandsf English Sufficiently |we i to know whatlihat means. If ho | do« i r, ft> h:s friends across the Chiinmi can enlighten him, for ffie phrase aii pearsJto be a; fporite one tbero. ; mma« joined AU apiont, leived G?s. Augur! has issupd an oiderdi rooting that nd negro shall' be vvbjp ■ pM in bis Department.' We though [ **7* P<m*, fbe Proclamation <|l ±jmacjuipalion [made all such ordetfa Unnecessary. Our generals sboull enforce-, that proclamation and! not issue |iew; ones. " - ' ';j - •: tbe blest things of the seaso i iathat of Bishop Simpson, who hua declared in favbr of paying the reb(i war debt when it becomes due,! vis; “twoVears after the independence of the Confederate States shall have bee 1 secured.”' ' .! i“ IENI" | Con ig slit, three Sajstof feared batioh ■Gun. Lee rel quest to Wasl to retaip a few ces of artillery theinstrnclioni 4n gunnery pn of War, Howe military officer! Richmond. j|" F 8 in rOrs these •er of t his at* a lay J ?orb noval > da f the Eetuhns frbi efect {HcConai State Senate j[r< by hixj migoritj cral; anotbetf. jjiivingj beneath thleglc |>V Lee; Jackson .Picket i rj-Tlie RepujdicaiU gel jfpw Jcrs'ey veryoppor lie term 'of ■ »** fumrtrentiOs Jnniiarv 11 * I - i v 1 i* -j« 7 ; three years, there af-j d four oat of six Judge 5 (" Appeals; i Uneellor,presiding! bvc: "Ibancory, /ear.-, i and three associate j ;an Attorney, Genera Ij, affice seven years. | Boi the clerks, surrogated h Counties, aixlyVihreii -will bo elected ij i’in .rw five yeais. | Thb vil( thusiget control ft tunt offices in tire Stall j. -I ir.gton Republican fsayp Rayiier is elected tixthc .friomi in jjortli Cfirbliiii:. ■ * | . ; ! *’tts the expatriation p| isn of’ |,is I'Ntmo— oil’ U»-firive their sense g lem-r— and I opposition to Ino admission ofi .thie eijroea in the courts— t i |tlie President Lab a :d Jibe people ofi tble catively nocessary "tjo Ihl »f the seceded Stales 1 1 ■ -u: .1 1 Wnify foi warded are t jingtoo forjperraiaaioi i loll'United otateapied »t ; Lexington, TaJ, fo *■ f of bis military school twice. The Secretary > Jfrer, promptly, sent u Ito convoyr the gaijs td »Pennsylvania soldien j ighy, "Union, to I th<j im the Adams ! I over Union gain. .. -I '■ ' -.*>! r| : £f! IPMPI Coart ■ bar tb« i of Hott. , Tfaotn«j| Cun piftnamiandCapi. Jobn'Cuth -1 /-DortiKm.*,’ : fj On th» b£]Ue pf : ftoartjthe followingproceedings and rbsoluiione of theMembore of theßir . of the Coart; j d - rotation *® tko, death of. Hon; Thomas I Cup* , hlngbam and Capt. Johif Cu th bertsCn were. reported,- In the former oasifby W. ; B. Clark, Esq ', Chairman of the committee, and in the latter by.JI. B. WeUh .Beq., i n \jropm of .Cof.; M. S. Quay, the Cqairm&n, who wasabsent. The occasion wasasoleran one, and willnotsobn be forgotten. the distinguished members of the Bar were nbfcin thc : places tboyjocoupied at thelast term. Death badseverecT their communion with j their aseoei afea, and taken. them a highertri-. banal. . Within the last threoyears four of the most Joyed and honored had fallen. assembling together ! °9 th.dt daj was a painful reminder of the great. losses sustained profeßßlOh ally and f ocially by hit. Gen. Clark, B- D- Ohamborljn, A. R.- Thoirtpson and others made eloquent and!beau tiful addressee. After some’ remarks from bje Honor. Judge M’Gnfifa the Court adjourned uniil nextday/outpf respect to the deceased, i r We apperid the proceedings and resolutions pre-i seated to the‘Courts and ordered to be entfered fiPTength upon . the minutes. On PrijJay, Sept. 29th, 1865, the members of the Bar and officers of the Court of Beaver county assembled at; the Shelia's office; B. B. Chamberlin Esq.;was called to the chair, and John A. Frazier appointed Secretary; The object of the meeting haying, been stated, a committee was appointed, . consisting of W. B. Clark, Henry j Sico bod John B. Young* Esqs, to ' prepare and presetil resolutions ex pressivC Cf their regard and esteem tor jibe deceased. After having'iresolvecT to attend the funeral in a bbdy.'ahd wear, the usual badge of mourning on ‘ the left;arm for thirty days, the meet ing adjourned to meet at th’e {Court J House, Saturduyi-Oct; -i'.li. f j I . j •Satukday, Oct.' 4th, ISiib—Upon : the re-assembling of thornecilin'g Wj.'i B. Clark, Esq., Chairman of thej 'combj mittce.prtsen'.cd q| Series of resol iliohivj which wereutiunitnon-Jyudoptpi:; and | on tbo 13th day pi November :186oj! presented to the, . Court of Common j Pleas, phd after some very apj ropri- j ate and feeling repiark* hy.JuJjio.M.’l' l Guffin, '.bo proceedings were Ordered i to beet tered upon Mie recordV.ijf tlic I _Court, am) published agreeably to the] eighth I'csolulipti ’ I ' ; Wueiiklas, it is Avith unfeigned sbrJ- ‘ ro'V and regret thni’ive have heard of j the dealhjot Thomas Cnn ningliam. jato t< clisrifignishcd mem be i ; pjfthc Jjaf counly; ’ :j . ! AtidjipFAertps hjs highly; proper and antf known bi',n ,should give! public expression of our feelings upon this soleihn event, and of onr •Appre ciation of pis ebarae-er as, a Itiwyer! and citizen, and pay a suUab e and proper of respect foi; ItiA mem- J or J'i . r: ‘. , '[. :'K Theiefofc Resolved, That in the death of our fiiend, Judge Cunuingha m, the legal , profession of ‘.this, , Common wealth has Inst a| member, e ninept for his great legal learning ar d un surpassed ability. His sterling iSid unbending,iniog r it3', his energy-* and railijfulnetfh ,ut iho ofj 'eviupy ' duty whether ppbtic or Jprivatii, amt his, many manly virtues rendered him an ,object of respect and.;admiration, nol,ohlyjat home amongst’ bis iiiimedi’.! ate 'friends and acquaintances, bui . throughout the S’.iUe. > ; 1 Resolved, That his firin ai-d jnanh- 1 ; support of the I rue principle-;* nf hu. 1 ! man libyity and right, in his uWiring, and eloquent .efforts to sustain the National authorities in their jleier-1 initiation to maintain our free (fjsiUu. ! tipns and the integrity of the Repub'j lie, he took a high, manly and) linde- I pendent position,'which endeared him to the great mass of the people, and established for himia brilliant reputa. tion as l a patriot-end stalesmkt, of: which ho and bis frjitinds hail jusf .rea 1 -1 son to feel proud, j ' * I : . Resolved, That we heartily join with’ ottr -fellow citizens , throughout the country, in their sincere sohigiw for the death of Judge Cunningham. who by his great professional ability, his learning and eloquence, andr by {social virtues j and kindness of heart, had j risen to a high and enviable point of influence and ppwer. : < 1j; Res'lvpd, That inj all the relations of life, whether pubjie or pnvato.pro fessional or social,Judge Cunnirvgliani w a»justly loved and admired.nnd had secured ■ for himself the entirb confi dence and esteem of his fellow citizens as an eloquent, energetic, firm[ geher. pus anti; noble-hearted man. His loss is mbet deeply and sincerely lamented by *lbe members of the Coiirt, the Bar and the officers of the coi ajiy. Resolved, That wb tender to his widow and daughters onr true and lieartfeltsympathy hi this and afflictive bereavement, which', has; fallen npon them with- such sudden j terrible, weight. We’ commend i tbbm tolbe kind and tender carp of a! wise and overruling Providence." Jj Resolved, That aa an; outward evi* dence of our appreciation of the mem ory of Judge -Cunningham, we! will- Wear the . usual badge ,of mourning tor thp period of thirty {days. I j| Resolved, That the Chairman of the committee be. instructed to pf|esent a copy the proceedings: of this meet ing to the Court on the firstlday of tho next term, with a request that the sarnie be entered at I&rge npon their records. -. ' I Resolved, That the Chairman and ■Secretary da instructed- to present a copy 6f i these proceedings to Mrs. Cunningham and her daoghteraj Wilh exa I« J 7 . le 16 IB I= , LS_ i tktactionof the|boi ’ | pesotvtd, That the .1 together .with the pn Cwirt lh wlatioifUbei id the newspapetis of; ib; tbb ij|7oi»imer^ ; ;;'4 Httsbargjiiridthe?/ iitte df Ph|iadelpbia.l -; i'lTpon. information that Capt^Jobi. Cuthbertson, Provost Marshal’ of the 24th ( District,; Penua, and a member of the Boater* Bar, was < deceased, the raomhero Ot the bair, ; officers oftho Court and cOnttty ; officon* met in the Sheriffs office, 6n!the| 21at foy of.glep-- .ember, 1865, when jWm. : B 7 ciark'o, Epq., was called t ijlbe Chair, ipd Mi S.. Quay, Esq., ch« sen as.SecretarV.-fr The purpose of I hsl meeting having been stated. on motion the [Chair Up. painted Mi Si Quay, M. B. Welsh, £hd E-18. Dougheily; Esfas,, a committee to prepare and present resolutions ex pressive of their regard for theda* ceUsod, whqreupojn the raeelihg vja‘d journed to asbemblo igain Oft llijp Vith .day of October.}!, ■ : ‘ ..," ■•\ -, j’. October 12lh, tB'( S.—Thc meeting having ro*assombifed the committee presentcd'a series jf r esqiutionsVwbiqb '.wore oq .the) 13th of November pre? seiitcd Co. the Court o 'Common !Bl< as, &c., as follows, viz: •Iv i The members of the Bqr anch Offi cers of- the Courts of Beaver hayingrcceived tlio nnnbnneerhont of the [death of Capt. Jjihq Cutbbertspny do hereby resolveU 1; lii That in his premature decease [we bavje to deplpre the IHsa of a member, of the legal who during tbb brief term of his active practice, evidence ofnbililiy of a high order, and promise of nifuljimutely brilliant and: useful professional career ! [ j' . That his withdrawal from the Bar to enlist in iho sej viejo of his imperil 'ed cbfiiitvy |for jwhioh he afterward risked his life aiidj hisblood), Uvr yol||ing,: us. it dijd, the! unselfish and j patriotic sacrifice |of tjis pbrsdhai inter- j eßif> r comijiaifd3-burj,<uimiration sipl : dignifies hlsj-rnfluroryi in the estbcnr-p.ri evo'ry friend of tbedifbvornmehtl I [ ' That by hia seryibes in thq field, where he ,jdi»playWd Jir; camp, qndj fir! battle, the qualities ofl a true and biavo soldier | and [efficient .commander, as J welhasjby 11 a . wfluiw »,recei ver;) at the olj his coniman 1, i,n one of the j most doppei ale [eng: gempnts of, jjlre: I wajitJT»cj deserved we lof his country.. : UiauppoihUiu-ril l w&Ci: disab'od ‘ jinii j discharged the service to the poihlioii I under tljc . iLJuru|isti-»(ioi-, which he ( filled at[.lbo time oil his decease, was ! b«t; a just; alnd jSi-tiiig rocognitioq of i his merits, ids services and VisjsuiTcr | in g for [ihe r&tionnli cause] and .the ef i ficieiK-y,| ability, ajhd scrupulous fideji j ly Xo.the Cohcriimei i: w,ftb which he 1 discharged its dcljea c and erabarrns.|- | irigdatios,' \vjcVa,c|ed:tahlo to _bims«d£-' jandjlo iho'mitilary tulhoiuics j,u rider !w; libra he served.! | j /. j,. ,■ ! ; [That we iris bercavid fani-[ I ily onr a«siirancqii|.' o sincere ily'nipa-:; i thy; with : thcnij.iir ilheir’ irreparable ! loss, and, that.a c'ppy|H>f these proceed: ' in,>s be ftifnishod t.- ii Thaii in; te'stimp 4yjhf onFreSpect fjf, i jLi i-.’i.-. ,—l--i.jj.-y L.lf.. U- ► |L*-» -«rS«wr »isv».-'l*«rf\a-,• ? a * badge of moui drjg farithii ly diiyhl I•; Be verb \4/nvts of this coun ty bo requosicd ih in|er,a'eopy of these i procecdjings on th mi| niint|tes. j'. J >?esi[ersi UHEE^.f-About,five years ago the- first dicesef-|actdry vyas, p. 4 i tablished ft* Gbip, ir i in! evcijy town Usualtyiinju.lhriabM pay the factory fur , doing Ihojwork, nod divide the cheese. | Generally : abj.iut it: pound of chqey'cftaSfibe ipb ; tained febm a gal Salt is : added jat th% rat '.phSbrM poundB 1 o ;onc bayidred }spi|ing | skijmanilk cbeefo bold at'Kijfteeh cents I P'er. 1 |Bekt«r.id»e|j«i, madhsiticbii: i has been sold higher. pays lars Jn one Season, at present ralcS,' ; »nd there is no business in the! ednn ■‘try mote. reifiunei-ativG. Phiniers in I olhcPldpalities ara lear.rdng ■ this, and elieegc-tactpries a v being sol) uj^in . -Vichigun,. Illiiioi j, Wiscotfiii and !Iqwu> :i '■ i ■ l j j / ‘A j j CosTjoftEjAisijh Corn Ln litiNois; i —A Wuri’en Courtly corresponder i of llie Prqirif Fgrmh says; “The great i staple section ils ebrnj foirj which fhh-eprtete partiCulaHy iwell.ar dap ted. Compropcrly taken careof, dpes not; gondrally cost ovei twelve cents pqrpiishel cribbed. Last year I! raised; lover 1 thousand bushel*; at ajeost of nineldt hen cents! per bushel wqen the husks ciw Any person dbuhtirig this,can have tbe figuie.s of every item charged! in 'ray farm ; acpoun|" j 'K, . / "i" ' j Strawberries in. November.—Tl» e fjitlsburg 1 . €opmerci/fl BoyeUblift Mr James Bown' lias :gdtberes' frpm his strawberry vii^s,lin. his. at Ui and view, nearlihat city, a .second c r,pp of slrawbedios- or |a.t least] {ho hfcs ex }*' bUed| iallbp Commercial office, afipecimen polled Irom bis .vine's last week. The berry was fall grown and nfr*. Rod as fine'a: specimen asf would be expected in~Jußo. S." ■; ■ ! f :1' I ■■■ ■! •.• The - Hustings Court, At Richmond, reformed to grant to a colored rnir.> isltjr a license to solemn zo marriages apipng the negtoes. Tnthe judgment of. the F. v ‘ ‘•‘roes have no right; ji John,- left his cd and gone pondent This seif, been one lease, j . ■ • iii Bii m 9 n<l - p f f /erjad'< en people,; mostly .{raeftb&hts, indtt ediin aj- Mepty iat Paris, - ■ GeSEZA by a pabl the Fifth Monday •< vvjo: >*j|ng E ’• f', ! !c REM Valnable Property gpr fed*. . if forsale the house in which'Tnow ; JL reslde.aiidthtce lots belonging to the same; JPm hwse ia agood. two story frame, contain 'mg.; si* rooms, with s' coal house and wash ' iooataltaohed. VjAfgood stable on the lots.— f: ]For terms, Ao., apply to me at my residence, Fearer, -Pa;'.'' .■ p; V JOHN MAT. • in. |>" j; . ' j ..«,.usai, BXhk or Bi\TKR j'l i . .'.New Brighton. w '' ffIHE-SloeV* ' r~' \ said proceedings, oceediogs - of tho. feto, bepabl isbed j ibis oonnty.'ind tndChianicle of 'niied Spates Oa ' si-,| i l '* Election IVotice. 1 1. " Natiosai, bLkk'' or, BkATKR Cooktt, 1 |‘.. > • ’ , New Brighton, Nor. 29,1865. /; fBE •Stockholders of this [National Bank.'of 'Bearer County L are hereby notified that *eannnal meeting; for the election 6fJdne,(9) Jirector* for the ensiling year, will |be held at the Bonking house, in .Now ‘Brighton, on i the second Tuesday (9th) of between' the hours of lOo’elockwhd 2; o’clock of said day. ■■■' ,;■■■. ;,V >‘j i ■ i!.. '-J By 'pfder of the Board, i ! j ij iVI *v EDWABD . r ADMINISSATOK’S notice, j T JEVi tRB; of administration ion - the es- ] I jjtbite ,of TBpg. Cc.vKisouAM. lalc of boro’ efß6ster,BeaVer ch.dec’d., baring i ed to the; undersigned, allpersons indebted to I jßSid, estate tojnake, immediate' 'payment,and those haring claims-against; tbe' dictate will present them to the subscriber properly authenticated for settlement. I' JOSEPH C,WILS(?S, n0v29’65- /Adminfatrator. TO SOLDIERS AND SAILERS. TpHE PITTSBURGH BO LDIEUB’ HOSIE, under the charge OfDr. .Cyrua King, an experienced Army Surgeon,, la: :npw open for the reception of sick,'wounded, maimed, and helplcsseoldicrs andiaildra. PBEE OE EXPENSE.... ' |! "V | -AppU anfs kifl receive a jPenfrit,] . jby applying to any of the Directors, and be admitted to the Home, provided their dis - charge paper* are approved l-tyr the Surgeon. R. Ci LOOSfJIS, President.’ ■ I QiiMSßr PHILLIPS, Sec’yv : Thos. Bakewell, C;A”. Batchelor, N. Holmes, , John Watt, >: 3' S \?‘7 en ’ Jno. W Chalfaht, | Wm. McQreery, G.L. R Felterriian. ;■ nov22’6|JL. • ; r L. I ,yi E T IjES^ 33- CM! TJ L n EIM’S : - ; BlU I DGIv ST.,,BUIDGIivVATER. ~ Vi I : ■ : ; j ! .'"'IF" .TJ'llE subscriber respectfully informs the t;. * .public that he is now-lreceiving JVEW . GOODS in the 1 line of aU. the_yarious TOYS ■ 3 "bd VARIETY GOODS (or the Fall and COM- r ,WC HOLIDAYS. Having purchased in Abe ■ ! Hastens cities ai low prfess, he can sell cheap-' j«v than any housoin Pittsburg.- ! ' V* i In connfetribn with his collection of Variety ,’ v ; Goods, he keeps Stationery of all kinds ; Oil ; Cloths of all School ißooks of, slide-'- scriptioas ahd priccsi Albums, Looking, Glas- 1 j pes. Blank Bobks of alf eizos. Day Bobka. Lodg |j**rs, I’eas, Pencils, in short everything'ushal .ly kept in a Variety store. : ; ’ [novUT: ly 1 ' - "iESiY’S -V - PATENT SELF-ACTING t' ■' „■ i M--” j'-f- i VWagpri Birabe. |f- - "i -. . i _ l t: ■' | JL ty; ,inthe order of Townships, I o selhtho < right to use, make and vend, i.'.il - ’ |Healy’« Pt. Self-acting Vyagin-Bpake, | j-an invention perfect in every respect, forfhe i ? .use of all kinds of Wagons, Carriages and Bug- j gies. It is a perfect Regulation tolevery vehi- ! cle to which it is attached, adUng alike prompt! and certain, under alt circumstances.on all i -.kinds of roads, by night as well as by day, r ; with the greatest safety, case! and 1 coipfort to . horse and. passenger, without any attention 1 j whatever from thedriver. I will Sell individ- 1 ]jual rights to i;se this patent brake, or Town-a | ship and Borough ~to>Mechanics. '■ I I I leaver, Xov±re.s ; , c. LUDWICK. ; . [; CHAS B HURST ‘.-1...; |Baiiker and Byokcir, i I ,j ■ ■ lASbldkaJ.Ek'j!!;' v" I Beal Estate, Stocks, Government | Bonds, and other Securities. I nr SUBANCE& CLAIM AGENT, || ; Conveyancer A General Agent/ j i f I 'HE subscriber having opened an office ai ; i" » Rochester, (in the room 1 lately occupied , j,by F. A. Fortune) respectfully solicits the'pa- 1 j lrahdge Of his friends and the public in iren- i lierali.; - ; • ; 1, ; . i. . • . < i - Fortictiidr attention! given to the adjustment |pf Officers’'accounts, land -all claims arising' lout of the present war, such las ' !'■■ [Pensions, Pa/EHft, B'oilnlia, liman ofVPavl I ;l Prize JfpMey, fc., Jc. , ' ' ; r Being agent for th» ASthaTnsurance Co. of Eattford, Ct, the North America of Phils jdelphia, and the Manufacturers’ & Merchants’ ,of Pittsburg, I will issue polities in cither of jthe. companies natiiea. I I Farms, houses and lots for aftlfc. ''i. . | j ■ .Shares in the oil lands of the celebrated jisl ! jani Run region for . sale, where every wellhas; proved .a success. Also sbareffirwellspro- j dneing or under way, and leases. L i ; I will- also.selljmy residence in Rochester,! beautifully situated, and within a Kttr myttilei I walk of'the Ohio river and Railway stations.! Terms liberal. V j' I j Deeds drawn op.and acknowledged. i. :| Fire risks taken jin ifut I'lass Insurance; Companies. v * !"i ; 1 ; Revenue,stamps always on hand. .h Refers to’ John A.. Cnaghey, Jos. Pluntnei, IWm. 11. Smith &.Co. 1 , Pittsburg.'i 's' ! I i CHAS. B. hu&s't: i : Rochester, Nov. 29,’65 i; i , | El i ORPHANS’ COURT SALE. BY rirt ue of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Bearer county, the undersigned will' expose'to sale by public vendue or outcry, oh the premises,; on ]i ' j 'i 'j; Wednesday. December 20fA, 1865, 'j at o'clock, p. doj, the following described real!.' estate of George W. : Fulton, [late of. the boro’l Brighton, ih!,said conntg, deo’d.,Tii: j All that piece of land situate' in thejjoro’jof I Rochester, and county oUSearer, being part Bf ot t-lof No. 67, the same being lot No; 625 •of subdivision—beginning at I the t north-east corner of said lot upon Adams street, thence west oh the south side bf Adams'street 160 feet to Massachusetts street, thence south 60 ■feet In ihe north-east comer; of . lot No. 622, IhcnM Cast !by said llot 150 feet to ah alley, thence north along said alley 50 feet to the place of beginning, rwith the appurtenances. < MuTcrmsmade known on day of sale. | li.noTgmi : AGKEW DttFF; A dim't ij itriot Jhas ry’pgood. as corses. ily j Sews. I tk> have if bis re- OB m of jin-knbwn W beautiful SUMMER RESORT AM) WATER CURE ESTABLISH MENT, Jn| Phillipabiirg? Bearer oounty. Pa. Domertia affairs compel me to dispose of the aborenamed property at rery low’ andeasy tem». , For furUierparticulars, inquire at B. MoLAIN t CO.’S, 102 Fourth at, Pittsburg nbrOipt- : . •; It W.|cnunpTTl led; at on' jnren l ■spast Yt»rk, if-, 4 j.- . .’li TOYS AffD BOOKS, At •R SALE-* posiii v'-T ■.* iiil ,-Finite - /H / ; ' ; , IN KOI * t Eli I IS-' ’J- H'-| -j On* efts* Good ; D*r [ -.‘l On* 'iiii' beat | Car t ’■ ■' Jj ;• i, ■ On* cm S-4 Bletcl (foil bale of tnfoeae! 'These Goods art J ■' gains of! =EMI SO pieets all wool has f , only Si ■j » ,f. 'e ■■ -, | 6<J piece* barred count i 'll V.';',- “ jj- ' :[-« ■ feather Ticli! | • Bm| 4-4 bleached ;2C pieeea 6 T 4 Wool I)ei {' I , ■ $1,30; woi !' v >: r2O piecas best doublt !■ i color*, only $1 Boys'Shocs. only 80 Boys’ Retry 'Brogan 1 BcyS’ Heart Winter V Hen'aHaU, frotu $1 i ir.i.TNKiiy c.i Ivl-AS NOT! =MI ■ ! tIA’WLS. 'BLANKETS PANT iwsr t4sß *sa bo hu'l =MEM OOD u»|o> - i FOk ; VVIN'J i Only }l ; U:f j • . - ’ ' ME | Wt do'aotwish to a r article* calculated f the Aaoua, and » re better and.che*[ here, wc mean it; te hind patronage ilicit |a continuance ad well arranged U< : pmt and tee :/o . r"|■ yurch tO TROUBLE T IN Afl Ooadi warrant* I ' i ’ ■. , r „ , RBUIUtBEiI' i . > ■ j f. ", A.. B'oftine’* Ij ■■■■' CELBBIf.\TEI| v- C 3, oc »P^ 311035* • ’J. .. f. . ' • " MOTION ST€ ‘ kbxtdoortv rosT^rf 10 *- \ :BOCHBSTSR, PA. -J, ERBEY SWEET Ft BEBRIE3, receir Btom tSsauar r , SALE m rd 6. ,j . vj. ■. 1 1 t ;«HE's, i hrstbb: i' -1 MS •» m* 9111) % lif . stilt id Muiliu, !<V Muslim,^: ■ t ■ f • r X the ftrtaltH fijf, thi Seattn. ... fed miners’ niuik cents. • ■ ,j y Fl»ndeli ( osljjj*. ig. onJj.eo ctatj. Muslin, iOfctMo, J / Ain«». >ll colon, th $1,87. j . . / ! twilled . Morisoi, j ,$0; worth %i. ) BeHui ■ j is, $1,04: r j ’ ‘ ' Boots, onlj;sl,M. 1,2 s upwsrdJ ■ ;I • ’ j H ;V >I)S ■ | SHAWL* KS, : - I V pi AS ■ ,• • soyr.tM.- f non i f*, u . _ . nr- ,': Chi‘a\Vi [.. * |- i 1 . ;.r 1 ;.K ;. lEEE! j | ' r I TUFFS, snd , , DOMR3TICS; ;i j 1 " i •loowilsr*. -J.'.,)' 1' C.IS-SIMKREI ■EK WEAR, ♦» '' - ! Mti. ' ■ ■ -' ; , H . -i - / irertise worthies! gs*i< jto ; deccire, the resdßJ risen we siy these g*** er than, can he hsd'eln and feeing thankM w heretofore- hestotreii," of the same atonrlup u m in • youriie 'vu; bf& Ming. .;. , ( - ■ I J |o SHOW «0ul& l»d!!fa* ai4 ft** - . y ias etai* - : J.- ■ ■ ' I ; '’l ::1:\ -• -| • ,) V . remnant* at 00l ■ ,B£- • 'BE litAUl la-xobs^ o®^ 0 ®^ 4 h 1 7 V 4 In" I' 1 -' ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers