■ &aavr..) : < 9n *B»»»BabßjMyanr. (WWg.V. i]*.,*" ■>- ■!-■... / fMtWietjUj^a'Bßvnnr^lßiAlc^l.) . TB*J*»)»t».Bw*iwß*raw(Fw*-Cliur«li.) '■■* ’• • ~VV?-,.5, ;•• 1- * i'aho •••.. • -'¥r-f.’i-'>/, ; PUo^pOB’BBBIMBOMB.MiOAIuni^Toiyi i ' .J fe>.p-i. -/■;’ - : r*- m’"'; * PubUsheraeonUnttetd re the • costWpribtlilg h»» i^W F the wbe of pa* per nearly, tr*ikd,andtaxes, duties, licenses, ;J etc.,'largely increased, they (ire to ndvapoe their terms, as follows:... i\ -,'/ \K,--, I-. - ifj* ■ i *7.- For any one otitlie For «njr two - of tl»e J ;Beviews.'....<... ••“•••• f»W .*- For any three of the ReTieffl.*....* lQ»vo, ;.Fbr»lffouf of the-8eri0w5—.......••••••• 12,00 - i For'sl%o)nrood’e Mega«oe_”"“ ; ’>* ; *»”v Forßlaokwodd end dneßevi*w.-... .7,00 ForßJaokwdod and any two^Beriewe....; JO.OO : three-ROTiewa...u.. JB I W. r For Bfibiwbod elnd the four BeMews;... 10,00 i h Theworks will be printed on a gteaug foiprori ’ id quality of ohd while neerly al - American Periodicals are either advanced.in pHoe or reduced la sue—and very generally Both—we shall oMihne'to gif b faithful copies r . of aUthematterfcontamed in the “original ! .: editions. Heucei our present prices will he found as cheap, forthe amount of matter fur bished, as those Of any of the competing per * - iddioalsW;thia country,' :, j. . I’ wilh tiio cost of the brigiii&ls ed liions, which al the present premium on gold woiUd. be ,about: $lOO a year, our prlcfea ($l5) . %tQ exceedingly lop* ■ Add to, this the ...fact that .w 6 naka our liQ&Qfll ' the 'British Tublisbefafor eiriysheets and copyright 1 ’ in coating us atr. this time (Jan.. 1866) tariy ln eurrency—and ,we trust that the eeale Wehavo adopted'we . shall be en cly Justified rby our subscribers and the ' readingpublic. : - ; i The intefeat ppthesa Periodicals to Amen* , can readers is jfhthef increased than dimin * pjhisd.by the articles they contain;' on our Ctv a War, and; though sometimes' tinged with prejudice, they ' maystill, considering their great abilility and the different stand-points Jyom which i they ■ are writ! en, be read and '-,j Studied with advantage hi‘.the people of this i of every crjed and'party. . irHE FOTO REVIEWS for 1863. ' | ; ■ Afow copieaofthe above remtin on hapd, : j hod will bo sold at $5 for! tha whole four, j dr ..j" s2for any one.: f .''.j.. ’ ~i i' We also publish tho >' i ■ 1 - „ FARMER’S , v J By Henry Stephens, ,of Edinburgh, and the ■ luta J. P. ifortonj of Tale College. 2 vols. Royal Octavo, 1600 pages and ndraerods En gravings.- Mj' . >}.' i ! -■ 1 . PfiICE.ST -for tho two volumes—by Mail ■' post paid, $B.-■■■- i-' .A' , ’ - : LEOEABP SCOLT & CO., Publishers, Jfd, ZB’Walker Street, yew York. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. LETTERS of admmiatratfonTrin the estate of Col. James Q. AsdeAsos, late of the Boro’ of Beavotyßeayer co., Pa., de'c’d, haring been grahted.tol fhe undersigned, all persons Indebted to sa|d estate are requeued, to make payment, and those hating claims gainst the same witf present them properly authenticated for'Settlement. ' ■ > .. HUGH ANDERSON, Adm’r., nor 16’65. ' 4 .- - Bearer, ADMiy.IST.RATOR’S NOTICE. . VAA HEREA3 letters of administration s Vf : the estate of Aabos Hood, late of. Greene townsmp'jT Bearer county, Henna., . deceased, haringboen duly granted to the. un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment, and' ;■ those haring claims against the'same willpre i sent them properly authenticated for settle ' menl without delay. . j a«. t ’jj ' $ ' GIBSON HOOD, Adm’r.,. , norlfi’Oof ■' ; ' ~ Greene tp. 1 J. T ETTERS of administration on the estate of B i Jas.E. S|iCKEEET, late of Bearer boro’, ■ Bearer co., deo’d, haringbeen granted to th ' J. undersigned, allpersons indebted to said estate j are requested to make immediate payment, and those haring claims against said estate , will present them to the subscriber properly au thenticated for settlement. r BOUT. M'CREERV, Adm r;, ; uot.lo’6') I Braver.' : |J J: ; BOTlcli! T ■' I T ETTERS Testamentary on! the estatej of I : JLj Jons Tbets, dec'd., late of New , wickly twp., Bearer county, haring been | , granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted %o said estate ate requestedrtp make" ,! ■ immediate payment, and those haring.claims !, , against .the same will present them properly I authenticated for settlement. i! j . ' .-1 CHRISTINA C. TEETS, Ex’rx. .: -.nor 15 ...—, New Sewickly tp. EXECUTOR’S .NOTICE, T ETTERS of- administration .on the estat® I'l of Thomas Stevenson, late 6f Hanove r township, Beaver County, Pa.V deo’d, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said, estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those, having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement', , •f ' JAMES STEVENSON, pctll’6s. ' Administrator.; , ‘ EXECUTES NOTICE. r ' ■ 'VTT'HEREASIettera testamentary haring 1 Tf. been grantedtp the undersigned,on the f „ state of James, Feeql-son, late of PulasSi tp., ■Bearer county, Pa* deceased,; all -persons knowing theriselyte indebted to said estate ;■ are reqnested.to make payment immediately andthose haring elhimsagainst the same will present them to the subscriber duly authentL cated for settlement.-r.. EDWARB HOOPS. ; 1 .. . JAS; C. FERGUSQN, f *t x ”• novB • EXECUTOR’S NOTICE,. . Tsttera- testamentary on th* . O *T estaU of AUce De.«t,. Into of New Hewiekly tp, Beaver county, dec’d., having r been granted tothe andcrsigqed, all persons knowing themselves: indebted 10. said estate awrMnested to made immediate, payment, • andthose bavlng claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for set tlement.' ■ : REUBEN Ex’r„ norl’6s ■ Economy tp. ATTBXTIOQV! I HATE constantly.ou baud c supply of the Putnam (Iron Frame) Clothes Wringer, - and would c»U attention totheManufactur er;s advertisement! for the Universal Clothes Wrmger, W. G. Wolf, Agent;’ "Mr. W. hiving .removed from! the State aid transferred his machines to me, I wiU keep a constant aipply. Also, constantly on hand, Crude oil by the Darrel .and crude nil burners. ' oo2S JOS. M-CLURE, Ag’t. BeaVer. ■ T „,,,eOAL! ■' T Uvi ■ del t Te ? to the citizens of Bocbester. i Bridgewater, Beaver and' vicinity, • good - quality ofCbal, at the shortest notice." Wag. W ‘‘“e. * u PPlied at the Bank, m M n K s le;r l ran > adjoining :the bank of, ; Wm. Porter, Esq; ■J: C. MOLTEB, . ! nOT ° :rr : r~\ ■ Bridgewater.' BAMS: ;; WSS” 1 *" "“o’"" • Buitets for'' do •do . s weights and Iron Wheels; .; Dry luthber of aUklnds; i - ,r .yipoitog,| Siting; ShtaglW and Lhth‘'eon • staidly kept on hand.. 'J > “ : ' Bmlding timber sawed, to order Without ■** 8 •* I■H•■®JS*liA 1 ■ H •■® JS * liAQ ■ '•ngBo6s:Qt. , Sharon Mills. \\£ i -rigVs -Am '1 '• v y •-] v - •' -'-fjir.VK; chambemjh*detjgstobe ' tIJT '■s Cfin beJijindA fvU auortiv .^1 j . - V■■ . h xrs,Ei iDißxr ‘f’ ’ ‘ ( edici: ES, , CHEMICALS, and FINE LI( fall Assortmi ' i »<»,:*• NDOW ■ V, ■ PAIN GLASS, ' PSf .NSEBD. OIL, i i* i- * NEAT’S FOOT oil. W 1 '? /' .V SECOND QUALITY WHITE LEA][): BE ■so, FINE TOILET SOAPS, j " VARIETIES BRUSHES, THE. BEST PERF UJIERY, NCY &TOILET ARTlC'4es’ - D POPULAR PREPARATIONS H --1. 1 ri:l -J FOR THE HAIR, i: ; is offered ,at low., prices, not- of which late advances. i ; :hstanding .ion-of Phyaiciinais •Attem riptiuns vriU he flci tose iprcsoi 11 hours. railed at stq: id'Fortune's fat, door VE i is A gALL, ict2s:ly S T E\V STOIL JOUX HTILI9 ...WM. 8 SUAIitE! BEEUEB. FILES it SHAIJiENBERGEE, -j •' ' BLALEES IS j,-. !f .. j FAMILY GROCERIES, : : '.J. r ;I- ‘ ... * . 7 Country 3*i*o<liu.ce 5 l* tJ fiST’S plil) STAND,) | BRIDGE WA TER, RA. , HAVING! refitted. the| large bkok store room formerly occupied by A. C, ifurst,; Where!wpbaye received and opened a full as sort nient'of sUch articles as are ushally'kept in a first-olass Grocery, we respectfully*inritg all purchasing Goods in |our line to call and .examine our . stock, |We arc| determined to keep everything of the best quality; the’mar kets will atford, and to sell at! prices, at least as low as the same character df| Goods can bo t ought for, jih this vicinity 1" Our [f. lock of Queenaware is large and well selected, and will he.sold low. } FLOUR AND FEED | constantly on hand; also afine lot of . CANNED FRUITS k PICKLES, , iffljife, IFirtSotcl Glass, <tc., together with a variety of | r Toilet Articles and Kotioas. . All. kinds of country produce wanted, tor which, the highest market priqes will be paid in cash or goods. I Remember the place— STILES k SHALLENBERGER’S Family GrqceTy, (Uiiru't OldtUmd,\ . octl9:3m I j BRIDGEWATER. Hew Silo© Store IN BEAVER! j. E gbert tallon would bespect- FELLY announce his Customers and friends gem irtlly, that file has just opened n New Slue Store ins Beaver, and is,.non ready to .supply tike,public ndtb the best assortment of ■ i i' ; MEN’S, -• ' ■ 1 BOYS’. i ' ‘ •■vi tJ’ lDlES’and, j.r r CHILDREN’S j WEAR to this county, ■ Ladies shoes of a test qualities, i They were' Ivantagcons tettns, and will be ted rates. * ’ ■ '.j;:' j »nd see, one and all. one door Eastof I. N; Atkins’ ! ' - oot4 everbrougb all kinds ! bought on ii sold at red; i ! #6J“Com i be undersoil i • Boston | Clothing Sti i Itch 11 iTcims; Scratch! ! Scratch !ft AtON’S OINTMENT •RE THE ITCH IS 48 HOURS, jure* BALT BSEUSH ULCERS, JBLAINS.and all ERUPTIONS OF I price 50 cents. | |Forsalejby all ig, CO cent?to VrEEKS & POTTER, ■ Wasbingtdi ‘ street, Boston! V b « forwarded jbyi mail,Tree of - f»y pwrt of the UfahedßiatesT ' , Co—Cmos. ! V * ITCI Scratch WHE I WILL Cl 4'LSO < CfilL SKIN. Druggists.' By sendii Sole Agents Mass.,Jflvtrl postsge.to -MptSOV H a \p t>'o, n, , DEITTIS'K' : "HIS BERVICEai TO TSpCm'- OF BEAVER A|»D VICIHITY. ' > on" Thirdstreel, 24 door ieasl of rrwm’a store. ,j [novKi:Bm V\FFEBS ZENS . »«_Offic H. B. Ande MMIM lllii The. Besftl Michim y Those . : !. '■ ! ‘ ! ■ locknßtich a U:e on und useless than hall and. s Iks th it the sii ble tt read 1 oop-stitc I ,db. It will’. Stitch, v- -■:/!; ,1 Quilti Tuck, Plaj IT ■; ■ Cord,... Braid, j etc., , previous baiting; am lr i. adapted than any ot I: ■■ ■' :v Kj jj. Machine in -useji to 1 T ■ ' | •'! I ij' 'J; changes and great sewing requiredin ’/hey will sew [From.one to twen n J " J . yli '.’j I . ... ty thicknesses of Marseilles with-. f j ' I 'j ’ ■! outl (.topping aiid make every stitch perfect: or from the finest -ifl . i- ■- i: »auz< i to tpei hea; r iest beaver sloth, without jclianging the feed nee or tension; orjihaking any —.}■ ■ ' .\ i j -t.' •' • adjustment of drachmewhatever! T ;,Uj. . V, ’ • ’■■■ l-iv '-•!T“ j It, basilic following adVaiita. ‘her machines: $ ■ X.i' UORS; nil of ■-! '.f i IL, V OIL, LARD ijlso called, ately com- jes oyer all 6 =I . [ - DI A :ond, and e: ?pee4 and qi: (i ocLs-stqre. INEALL. Dry Gt ;! • • / : ietness jof motion; . , ; ■>i j ,J. ■ simplicity d|j constt ease and management; elegance'oi design; and finish, j i • J’: / Vli:f j' _ ! . " '■ : These arejpeculiar, facts* and !■. ' :||;j • - -T-t-: 7 '’ 1 • ' will go far, jto determine the . ■•! \\V -j’ l •• ! :■ (choice of I an‘intelligent buyer, j , ; jh | •'' • " :] 1 Please (j.'l and examine. S. 1:1. PKTBSOi., ONE A !-*' * augj Mari INSD Incorp The Qrer SI I -Cas Builiii SUM Brick .a Risks jny3l 05 Hibe -ira • i ATTOEWEYS AT| WILU. to legai business of ‘ oil kinds. Prompt attention given to col lections; Peeked [Agents for col lection of Bounty. arrears of Pay, Prize money. Pay, etc., of Prisoners of Waif, and all [kinds of military claims ag'ainst the Government. Office— ] [) j iConer of Marhei Strut and the Diamond, (immeeiately injlthb rear of Court House, Vll | IBEAVEIR, | PEN&'A. (>u4 IM Manufacturers’ & Merchants’ COMPANY. ||] OF PIjTTSBURG. • - IT Office: -87 Wat# Hagnley’s building \J. I.BENNETT, President, ; I ! M J; W. CHALPANT, YiMPresiU^ Wm; Joses, tjco’y. ' 1 W Insures Against Loss by Fire Insurei Steamboats andjt?aryoes r i | And on property in transit against yxe perils i. of marigation'. •. . I | Dies prims. —James I. Bennett, Jacob Schwartz, Robert tee, I. C. Pershing, M. W. Watsoni !>• S' McAboy, A. E.' W.fainter, j" lsaiah Dickey, Wip.. Walker, It! G. Bushnell, Johh [Wilson, Ucni-y A.’Wearer. Bisks't aken oAjthe most liberal terms, bV j I I CHAS.B. HGBST, Agent, myBl 65 , Rochester, Pa. j • We cannot r. F. A.,jWIJfTER’S ,■/ ; MUSIe sijo .1 Brighton, Pa. 1 !,- ■ . I*' T'i PIANOS, Melodeons, and a choice colied tion of Musical Instruments, kept for said. Also,! Music and Stationery. ! K t Sa-Tnntrumental mnsio taught., fseptt I IP jroh want ti buy the best Paints, (M Dye Stuffs, go to Moore’s Drug Store. T T>oBB, BROTHER, & Go’s. Extra Chernies JD’ Wriling Fluid* thebest in the world at the Bridgewater Drug Store. Try it and be cob] Cineed.l Manufactured by the American Ink Tompany: ■ _ fp.jr t._ i . ' - if IP yoiJ want 16 huy„tbe best Cigars and To'i baedo.gotw Meert's Drug stors. ■ -: j ■ [• J i-= i I ' ( 'll INE , '• - Let il M G MAC! a2Ol it Sellable Sewing' how I. chines r variety of work; xcolience of stitch; Far ; grealci '.BEARER, IPA., I ' • I}-.'■! I - . i f] Sde||Ag ? i fbr Reaver co. ie, Inlao d &Fire Insurance. RANGE CO. joF NORTH ':■ AMERICA, • , "■ PHILADELPHIA; orated ,179-t r. Charter Perpetual •Oldest Co. in tha U. 7,000,000.] Losses pard jin Cask, since , > its .Organization, t Capital and Surplus Jan. 1, 1865, 7l. lings,- Merchandise and. Furniture in ed against Loss or Damage by Fire, |On-' the nlo|st | Liberal 1 Terms; ■ ipd Stone Diellings lAtured Perpetually. taken on .the most liberal forms, -by CHASi B. Agent, »rf- J - Rochester, Ps. | Ippil®: : !- ! V. t<*%. .0 &m%-Y& m : ' •■ ■V-: gfc •■ ■' PAUSE; *BBEKfJB ATO EEPLECT iIHES, % lir V - ~, ',' _ 'C~'.. maktji the “A Thing of Beauty i both sides, [f the thread tgle or dou ; L }'' c. ‘ - 1 ihl Machines -i Hem, Fell, it, Gather, *■:> . I- i '-- ;i i all vrhhoat J - ! id better MJKE thin one hundred per dent.saved »t|Dr. Q. W.SPENCER’S Steam Dental lishnunt, t«o. 254 Pcnnstreet.thelar gest, first and only Steam Dental establishment inthe Elate. • .1 .'; ~ !'- j[ “ Only $5,00 for a, set of teeth worthsls,oo. Qply $B,OO ford-set of. teeth wprth $20,00. ottlyslo,oo for a set of leethworth $30,00. ' o|4ly $15,00 for a eet of .teeth worth $50,00. , Only $20,00 I for i ‘a setpf teeth north $BO,OO. 1 Only s3ojfor teeth wprth $lOO. Take notice! at Dr. SPENCER’S Pittsburg Steam Dental’Estahlishment, artificial teeeth are not warranted for a month jor a fewnfionths, but for one year,'; and if not entirely satisfac tory when made,need not [be taken away, All. the machinery and appliances in tholabora-: tory, ;and tjie lathes in the offices aijferuu by! a six horse power steam engine, at a great sa ving of ioth lime and. labor, fir. Spencer* baring at the present tlmle dine first class-as sistants lf graduatea of thebest Delftal Colleges in the States, (iJlso a lady? to'.recwe and us-; sist itr waiting tin ladies land children,) he‘is ; j enabled to'make from lOCj.to 125 sots of flatti ficial tucth per wcekpsoitliat persons from, a*, distance need'only stay in the city, from six to twelve hours in order", to he supplied with a' superior set ot artificial'U tth, warranted "com fortable, and to; |ronder good satisfaction,ilhuS getting teeth anfl a visit tb our city all iojr .less money than they would dost you at Natural teeth carefully treated and filed; with beautiful and permanent gold fillings. , ./ Remember tile I place,. No. 254, 254,1254 PENN STHEET, "where you will - be made perfectly at home' through the oOrdialaltcn tiona of the proprietor, his assistants and at tendants. j; r N. Ri—Use Dr. SPENCER’S, PURELY VEGETABLE CELElill VTED CIRCASSIAN TOOTH POWDER, Soldi by all Druggists. ,1! ■ I ' ■ -•-pjj..’ hfer Sewing ;he frequent Variety of fanfdlj; or i * ai ml Tci _j.»e been ous sources, both Public and Private. , . Self-Adjusting and Adjustable! The only Wringer with 'he .Potent Cog-Wheel Regula tor, for turning both rolls together and which positively prevent* the rolls frombreaking or twisting on the shaft. It is not only,4a pet- Te'et Wringer, bitt'.tlie "Cog-wheels give it a j power! which "tenders ‘iC a most Excellent \ Washer pressiig and separating, as it does, I j the dtrl with the .water from the diothes, 1 leaving theln dryer, whiter, and smoother than ■ 1 when ‘•wi ling" by baud, j The water tan be • press "(J.from largo and small articles,' leasier,' ; quicker, and more thoroughly than by’(he or dinary..; old-fashioned back-brga)|mgii) wrist straining, and | clothes destroying process.— Thfe.Cog-wliccls prevent all /rwear and -ftftr” ! of clothes by this friction jif tht rolls orjbrCik j ing of stitches by twisting. .)’• t I Without Cog-wheels,, the hviidle strain qf I forcing, the cloth througli thh Machine ia put upon-the,lower roll, and the cloth is made to. act in ! the place of Cog-wheels! to drive the upper^oll,.causing a mucjli greater‘strain up on the lower ro)l than when Cog-wheels, with onr Patent Regulator,are used,besides the ex tra'strain upon the doth. A Good Canvasser wanted in every; town/. Liberal inducements 1 offered,: and exclusive' salfe guaranteed. 1 I i . 1 j |R. C. BROWING, Agent.* 1 4" 1147 Brodway, New York. •I ■ Ir; .) : WM. Gi WOLF, Agent/ ’ , j' .May 1.1. ‘G4-- ( I’urough township, j 11. [TODD! is lAgcnt for Uiiivcrsa i Clothes Wringer in .the Townships ofj Moon, j Hopewell, Independence! Raccoon, Greene, j and Hanover. !| •■ '. ■ j j A CARD TO THE LADIES. " j X>r. Duponco’s - Golden Periodical; Pills, FOK FEMALES. *1 1 , ! Infallible in Correcting Irregulacties, Uemoy- Jag Obstructions of the Monthly Turns, . from Whatever Cause, and ; r ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL AS A I'RF,VESTIYE. - ' f ’ ‘ » •’ ! _[• ■* I It;is noTCrovcr thirty years Since the aboye celebratpd Pills were first discovered by ,i)r. OCpONeO, of .Paris] during, which tinie they have been extensively and successfully used ,'in most o‘f the public institutions, as well as in private practice, of both hemispheres, with unparalleled ■ success in ;ver_v case, and it-is only at the “urgent irequcsl” of the thousands of Ladies who have used tbem,Hhat he ik in duced to make the Pills public for the-allevia tion olf those suffering tram any irregulari- whatever, ns well as to prevent aa in crease of family,‘wherehealth' will not [permit it. Females peculiarly situated, or[ those supposing themselves so, are cautioned against using these Pills while in that condition, as the proprietor assauiesno responsibilities; af ter the above admonition, although:; their mildness would. prevcEtnnjy mischief to health* otherwise tjiel’ills are rocommded. .i| - • , Price Spoy per. Box. ■ Six Bbxes $0;00. - Sold .by S. Smith, -Bridgewater, Htyble & Hamilton, Beaver, jl. Hannen, Rochester; - Ladies! By sendikg $l,OO to eitherjbf the above agents; can have ibo pills scnt;(confi dentially) by mail, to anjr part of the coun try, or address the Proprietor, "ii j 8. B. HOWE, !l New-York.. oct 25’65:1jt. Dm. ITKINNEY & VMCHT, HAVING entered into partnership for the practice of MEDICINE and SDKOERV, tender their professional Iserrices-to the cit- : hens of .-Y 'l'-",' 'l'". •' -V . BEAyEBr;BQB£V; AND COUNTS; i or/ic;:: . " P' Two dooors below Moores Drug Store. * Beaver, SepUStlm, . | • - :I , • • - • • a Joy Forever.” •-• 7 , 4 • ; ' • ■' ‘ V) V Q:-‘.V’-.-vf'l MPBRIU r ■ *■ vi -i4rt i VM. EEICH’S, : ' ’ " S, : L,: "I BSUM2EWATBR. • V|;l. ■i P Hi .* r-i h'-V ■■■' FobPAL. ' ‘J;S>r '•'i • _ ? \iVl w\ I; ;!' I 1 harttjuat >' I j Of Oycicoatii I " Lasaimcr ("And UE3 ■es for Business Suits, - 1 i', general assortment of Veatin g All kinds olj I'i.-.t Gemini ' ! i, ' V V-J -i, SupL as djiidc ■ Uraworg, • j ‘Line: And jtoo’mi (i lot ;(■ V lu all the.lal ' ' »i ! ill Kit IEM Stnca. OCtiXo 800 ‘S ' 3 5 ! ■ -■! T THE PE EMI El I - , - i Chea BOX’ il • • ■ / : • ' ■ 1 ‘ / * S’.' J . , i.uui Manopa. l^botsa He ket pa an e ■ y ' worl >Boots and ?ho .■ tice ai ixdetlent- supply of ready-made k constantly on hand. i | iesf'made to order on shortest no id most qqasonabld terms, f i; [workmen, - and can't be excelled |er establishment in West. Pa. j Men, Women will find : it to their j advantage to give him a call. ■! : ! : I . . ' !' - 1 ' !•* 1 i • ! • He liuß‘ good .. by any dtl ■ For the test and cheapest, article go to| V -.j ,'i- i LOUIS e.jweinman’s, i •• oqt.ll’CS I ! Bridge si., Bridgewater. ■J^kuiT, IftEES &c., &e. | J APPLE, '!■ . .. ,r i ■ PEAR, • ■;.'f ‘ : | Git Apia‘vines', • •! ‘i “I : ‘ • -'r 1 • . .;• STRAWBERRY PLx\NTS, •, And SMALL FRUITS, , In great T«riety I ftrflm tie Ninety of 4'j- >‘ i'- T.L. SHIELDS & col i Seiriclly, Allegheny .co., P», ■' ««t4 ;■ - >■ 'tLi/'' oMX il'-OAT:!' ■:K ■■ii.l:> =I I -aopnDs^v & bLOTHUTG, ■[l '' V receitetfq.® ‘iew* •tqokopfthis ■ ’ V »' j .WEST STYLES , i ME IN 1 - .. ' ,h ■ ’ EB’s Fiirabliiug Goads ,' I: ' .’j ■ ; ■ I' j I Constantly ouUind, ~ ' "si iris', .. hfj- ' ' i , etc.. ' )- -u “!• , ■ :a dna ; livleu yverabi'rta,! Colters, .%*. '. 5«& tlM,' mjr ollior articles, to mention. -[ t t 1; =Eli iiSGir-DEtooniUJU ' at styles, and at shortest u ••= /: !i ■ : ■ , ■ -1 : 'i '1 • i i m. i j' -' - , 1 •' •,» ; I’d ; Role, Bridge Street, BRIDGEWAItEU. ANiTSHOESiT < ’ ’ ’ i 1 • ,1 j Ell ;CB TO GET 'THEM' ■> s r and l>u.x*a.l!>le. i -i.;;; ‘ • -1 •I =I 1 * FAIL TO CALL, b'-WEINMAX ICTDKEK of and.Ketnil Dealer i iml Shoes, street, ]• A IRIDGE WATER. , -M iPEACH, NUfiSEfiY STOCK sMita i|fi® 1 CAPU*AI.J3T( *;-• ib ■ 80,000 Shares WOBKISOCA. : !;r3 v 'A ,T a-meeting: of; • rV above bompany, tneborough of Bochi thej following peraonk forj tbe ensuing year: , 'iT; i . I.*,*? =I i~:~ ~, ._ , i ■ PB j MATTISO ;V ' TgKASDBEB GfIABLES ' '■ .Dial . . Mattison Darragh, j Charles Stone, ; 1 James Darragh, | ' teri Brcnnaman, } |1- . .Charles' limited quid of i the' above Cpmpai cation at (be office of JguOffice in the jny3:6ru , CHAS. BKATKH MllOAl .ii:k * . , t . --5 - ftev.R. T. TAYU jfTRHE terms open i January 2, and S" Etcry opportunitj ■branch of science oi ‘meut; also vocal mu: ia affortled here at r< ■' iLads received in. I ■alio, small girls of ai ; prawing tind pain receive the special ii 'artist. • , K ]Tuiuon; $5,00, $f :ing to department.. iNone blit- tborougl enieii Teachers aro ] mjjat. For futtheciil ;: iaiig2’tj3 ■: R. w " .ines and Lienors, Wholesale. :j. Groctriei at I Retail or by Package, ' | FEED, ftp! \ j At, Peter Angel’s, Bridgewater. j , Eggs, and alt kinds of' country i idD produce taken in exchange, for wLiehl ;tbc highest market, price will be paid. In ] conncctioa Tvitlrthe Grocery, and Liquor store, ; rhe-Uakery and| Conjfectionary in, still carried on, where, may. be' found a first class assart— ] incuts uf cakes, odufticlionaricis, canned ii aits, j pickles, spiced oys erg, &c.[ A fine stockbfi: tobacco and cigars of, all fancy brands, j ■ IJ.iA pure : article of pities, &c., i for! ;Pt6dic:nal and sacraiiental purposes constant- ! ily: on hand. : , . : . ■ ’ M v . I i | C®“i>o uoL forget; the place, Peter Angel’s ol|d stand, Bridge st.jßridgewater 5 [ang2:3m Vi ; ■ !, ■ I ■ H ' '-j ■; 1 Sf HUE heirs of thi sil - Wilson, dec’d. >tice. w E;DNESI)AY,[ XOV. 22nd, 1865. at 2-o’clot k, p. m., at the - 1 Court Houseln the Bork’of Beaver, 'li. -' ■ < i; ‘■ i that large and well improved EIGHT-ACEE jIOT. adjoining the boro’ offlJeayer, on the i read leading to Bridgewater. | , ■ - | |.|i).Those desiring to purchase* will take notice accordingly' | i : j BSyTcrms made known on 1 day of aalcr . I I |covl6:lt . * JAMES’ WILSON NA T lON AL HOTEL !i. for SAiiE. f : ;T ,n / t— 1 , - > j". LARGE tTUREE-STORV BRICK ■ BUILDING, with the 1 Frame Buildings lifga a(3joining, aiid lot on i which they are erectedi mthe town of Beaver, known as the 1 ' 'i ■ ■ i ■ ' • » N iatiohal Hotel i ■ | ■ ■ '-I ‘ ' r 3 ’ ; i ■ i■■ • ■ I Ij' is offered for sale. ' . - ■ ÜB6&.particulars, inquire of TnqjtA* Mc- Ceeebyi or G W. Hakilton, Beaver. [novlS , A S t r j 1; . ■ ■; IIAItUEiI, , H AJ R-DH E 5 S[E R, AC. JAiIES BRUIN ik happy t,o announclto his his old customers, that hb has beep dis charged fro,a the service of tic United ijtStcs, v and opened a shop jn the fraine" building ad l joining Wm. Qrr’s Store.- Ladies’ hair cut in’ the; most approved style; He trusts Lib old ; , friends will renew their patronage. Having 4 ; carriqd the flag of the 45th Reg. U. S. C. T. > for almost a year 1 , in the battles around Pei . tersbnrg. he thinks himself entitled to a fair B share e/ the public J ! : I DPablib Noticet THE STOCKHOLDERS 0p THE MONON (iAHELA VALLEY TELEGRAPH CO. are hereby notified 'that a-meeting of said Stock holders will be held in Monongaheia'Ci i ty, on Satchday, Dm. dth, *1865, at 2o'clock. ! tp. m., at the house of C. Harvey,Tor the pur posa, smungst other‘things,' of increasing the capital-stock of said Company-to an amount equal jtoahe estimate cost of making such ex the 3 «d line as may be proposed Mpt' annm upon at said meeting; j [ JAMES L. SHAW, SeeV ■ | Monongaheli City, N0v.10’65.: ■ ] : VALUABLE FARM FOR RAT.i!» A ®ARM pleasantly situated, J mile from -LX. the town of Beaver, adjoining the prop erty of A. B. Wolf, containing - 42 acres, is offered for sale. It is Well adapted fc farm ing or gardening 9 purposes i The improve ments are a frame house and other out-build ihgs. A good apple orchard and other fruits' pn the premises. Also, a good stone duarty. for price and terms apply to ' ■ ■ I. ’ IVORY COLE. Rochester, Pal ! V■; i i ■: noviS’Co. i ! : ; l NOTICE, ' 1 BITERS, of administration on the estate JM , OfC^ T - JOBS CCTHBBEtioS, lote of 1&W Brighton, Beaver co., doc’d.,haTiig been issit ea to toe undersigned, ill persons.indented- JJI® to* make ImmdUte p«bymen*/ and Uiose having olalsis will present them, r£up» etly authenticated for settlement, r " :i* ELIZABETH B. CUTHBEBTSoy, Ailm’x. : , .pct2s’6s j New Brighton. E TF you want ..to buy. the best Perfumeries X and Toilette Articles; go to Ueore’e Brag Store;.. i ■ T* ■ ==l YANt) HPANYI sao,owv :...SI,QO each. ....... $lB,OOO. the stockholder?’of .the bold at,their office in ister, April S9tb, 1866,' wort elected Us: officers .( ■ r ■ BIDENT; 0 DARfiAGH. * B. fIURST. i CTOB8: | : f ■ . Milo B. Adams, • " Alfred C. Hurst, , ‘ John Bigger, ' Bobt. A. Cochran, F. Kendall. i - -j.'■ " i-! ttber ofgenres of Stock i ty may be. bod by.sppU ’ the company. ■' S' I ■ Diamond; Rochester,j Pa.' 3; HTJRST, Soc’y. SEMINARY ND INSTITUTE. !>R, A. Mi; President. cspectivclySept. 12, ’65, April 5, 1866. ; i ■',{, ; ' for instruction "ini any on any {musical inslru ic, private or in; classes, asonable-rates. | . < he Primary Department;' y, dcgree]of proficiency, ting of every stylo ;will mention of a .first-class ;50, and; sl2,so,£accord iiy qualified and expert employ cd in any {depart uformation address 1 • TAYIiQR, President. . ' T late Oolquel Joseph U. offer at public sale, on ."T life 1 |v.j ? ' Two doors west if p ost Qf 1 n : The & indenigned are gej and' well sclec 3)11 ©di ek i*aint Si ITE S J' ■ . £ Also, a i; a li a! •erriir V i'ANcr rery Tinety.and cl] g k«pt in a ■firsii , . . . i j--. UO?S ’ wjs! if OK MEDICAL PCKpoSESOSLL • • . . 4 1 ■ 1 ,0 . proprietors | having had .a .1 " tP***j<FWSSWit ? 2<r( * : ; .! -'-'OBLE & lIAVUUOS, L ex] tio tro THE TBi] PIA r ,■ in* st perfect rjaiiq CA^ T .BE II j KLEBER IJ2 WOGJjfsr. Agebts foi aojm, Pei^iiaylyania .'1 CHAS- S-HKafs'fT-lT Jankexr aAd^Brpke^ I, AS», pE<i.s;a in J lv ea| Estate, Stocks, Go.„ and ofe s^6cB; . Conveyancer &. General Ajenf. !. .: ... r- — b.-j ' : 'UK subscriber hi ring r.o, t-fficVil - 1 llocbester, *\_iu tlic l;itel^vo^iipied, ’ **•lA ecifrll^lKjitgTlePK ouage of-Ms'frauds' public in gen* all ■ J? I’ ; idjusiaeLt .(|ffcety account?, and all - claims arising tof ibe present waib-such-na 1 ; nsiojvs, J’ittmit;,- ifodnfw. ;Aneak f/ P^ ■■. Prize \ JTon> f/, dc.. ,t*cf] ;. Deeds, drawn up ami * *ickni)w!edj:cd. Firo'Wsks taken’ in i ; vst *lass liiswiaa uripanies. ■i ”• ■'**'. <. Ujcvjbnue:at>imp3 Impil, Refers to-;JoL_: X. C t-jgliev. Jos. P’unaiV ml.' lp SiitUli & Co.:>i(tshuVir. . Rochester, Alay.*UlC-f ,•' * . 1 . ; BBAYBB O A ±> ESM rnilE P«U Term o: i ommeuce* Tuesday, under the bhargci of F ' • j Mi GA\TZ .. ; . as I’rtncipul., . j> ■ It i!i the desire, and will be ’lie aina to.atil tl is a thorough English. Classical anilCaS’-. met sill School, and to sustain the tiglijcllb acter it has heretofore maintained. I ' JjGooijl opportunities v;ili be affeid«|ilj;o'7Nl| ’i nien and boys who deslredo obtain a tiorcugi ! Ehgliih and Business (Education, ‘anjl-to lil who njay desire d Classical Educatidn.W-li fit themselves for: entering tlit higher.CoUtJt: cl£sie4. ", J ‘ .For rates of tuition, sc., send, for circdlan >, 'Address the ' Prtnci ml at New BrigtW* Beaver county. Pa., or the undersigned. - -K H. MICE. J i See. Board of Trustees, Beater,/ft _ enn Plajn.ihg' Mill) ikkn & door factor? IJA i. |a. BHOLES.: i... .ALFBED lUt*> SLACK & SHOWS’ Cot i Penn cl?: Mar bury Streets l^ - -. y,. , | riTTSBUEG, PA. floor ng, Weatherboarding, ?*•&> ■ Doiri\ Frames, BvJicketSf{:'M'kldiW_ A 1 Ft y i on band dr madeto order. \ T jA. C. BARLOW, M. 0 , sdbgeon And physicu& TfTAiVING periianejuydocatcd inJBE iLll tenders.hisiprofelsipnal services 1 -j ditizens of Pearcr and adjoining riling ra {. Country.; Haring bad? twenty - vears „'„„> !)«' enfce (overfour years as an army Surge fetils competent to * llle those who may wi( S, day or ni( Office in tin he may he) when not pi eop2o’tis JADMIXIST TETTERS of au Jli of Wm. Obse. township. Bearer.epun, . minted to Ihe ufidorsigncd, e|l PJ?' ra ike debledito said eijate ate reques . ; immediate; thosc , ,hfm to lt# sater* “tTM ALE.N ' .SON. Admrj , 4p.n&h\t JESAXBC^- ms —-r^- : • J s<xy <j r &s.- 5 iflOL.j©^', •, -*•'-[- ; ' 9 ’ 1.1 Gl4i I • I - s 'sortiaeat of . f ;® ri ©s SOAPS, 1; '■HjES;, >ll othcrTirticl*'. : Drug HIM REAT ! ~ • • •'Svit■ rwii.T |p si fines in I the worU U> ONLY- . & . Bfc, , PftTSl|i%, ij Stckn-av’j J.’iaaoa hr K [niyllj’Go 1 this Institution «U 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers