ICI . • ’ t- , THE - jtoOTERf^MGUS^ ;., -;’ j j|'' ' 'ioiTOß* »»D PBOFEIITOEB. j ;l 22nd, 1865. ~ t . lnducements to Agents r v l ! fbrrthe Arguß.., ; v--’',- " —=. t«'i „ •■•- v j.; ■;. ■.. y; -.-— j -I ~: 7' j " t: : ..*& yearis drawing an “ *° •** ansTpusto increase our fist 0 5A|Sf cril) Wexjf>tor.l In |order io tW now paying for 186 A shah receWe the;paper for the this y tar frie of Charge. Wewill also sjpfidthe Ariui.tor cne year; t« a elnb of five or more subscribers,'' toone address, at $1,7& in ■ ‘advance. Any person acting as Agent and a cljtb of tenj;wtf will in addition give, him the paper free..' .Any one '.eending;«» a eluboftweniy new suhBcriborB, witl. pay in advance, we will giro them, In addition to a i copy of .th(| Ayut Jfor one year, “Raymond's Jjjo of Lincoln,’ ’ containing over 800 pages, v anuwell A .'dollar and seventy-five ; .eeplsfor givosua a very s: nail profit, | .yet weard Anxious to extend pur; pirohlntiodji •) afidwiU furnish dt, at that price o clubs of ; fi|o or mofj new subscribers. • i-: ‘ I Every_J>6taon should take a Caoaty paper ) hundtedslin thWofinty-whoyill :' subscribe If solicited. ’We hope Agents will. ;2 to work every township. We; will do ‘ ppWst the Aiytp a good paper,; and ■' . iittij ask reiprn a liberal support. . ’ J- cfld subspribers w&) have nit paid up, must , ,>dp po Pefore the end of the year, or fifty Cents, ' •. lt costs us about ' 'fine Hundred end Fifty Dollars a month to • conduct the paper, and that amount has to be in cash punctually., ;We dislike to refer tp this’'matter eo.i often, but necessity re f ,r/Quires ltv ;[.‘ :-|Th*Execdtion op Wirz was Ei» j ict;of justice on thejpart of the Goy- and the Dissident (fleseryps tor the determittaUoi? be mpni- iniresisting theiinpoiiunities of |isfl friends to. pardon hW- Wirz, however; was hut the sreaturo of the ■'* jponfederate Governmeot.aoting on- Idor orders from bU superiors; and doubtless performing thei? will.— V;■ Had Jefferson Davis and his co-agitors I land co-conspirators, not have inangu- Ifatodthi. rebellion /$d unholy war, and placed in po|ver, jauch (Creatures Wirz. tiOjisiich BCynes f hs tbosefrblated at bis trial would jiavo _ ‘f'jjjecn fprihjdj ex ‘ jifould havyisxiste.d.'' Had; the ", j- Confederate authorjiiies not have will led it, no f neb a?ts of cruelty would have perpetrated, and Wirz would nj)t have been executed. In the, ' : systematic starvation 1 and imurderjof ijouv priliohenji ho ikhew he was but ', I p'erformingittO'rwiU; of Jto* sup.eriois, ■, "-ft* is- I 1 though fppdrt of |lhe ( nqiatfer | had been made, by, an officer. | move human than bis fellows, no ac ■ lion wds iakan and the deihon was con i timicdjin^ office. Every circumstahoo ’ points iconclusively to the fact— ./for fact it is—that W»rz wds counte ■' on need and supported by those high est iri 'authority in the .ppnfedoyacy. That he should he executed, and- his Confederates, hislmpeiiors; be pardon t od,’is Contrary to any rule of law and \ : dictate pSf justice. ;It is l|k(S pardbn ' ing the Captain of a company of high way robbers, and punishing the pri* j f ’ ' - vales; like bono|fing the bold conning , mdrderer who kills a score, while you liang']tho mTseriihle. wretch, who kills bat oho. . If treason is a crime, and ■ those]who inaugurated the rebellion proddceil such creatures .as Wirz, "and appbiifted do such hel lish work,' lore criminals, the Gov ernment shouldfirst punish; tbd mas , ier,and,then the servant;* not the ser vant who hut did his bidding,and per mit the master to go sebt free. Let ihoiGovernment prove |by'the trial ■ and j conviction of the j master that 1 , treason is crime, and that the greater : , the criminal, the more dt Serving and , r certain they aid of punishment ' : Hos. PaEBxoN Kiso,j Collector of Ibo Port of New York.committCd Su , .Icicle by jumping from.) the Hoboken Feiiy Boat a fdw days since, while, la* boring sunder a temporary fit ot inSan ' ity. \ He had filled thercßponsible po-'j i.Vitiqn of Collector lor three months, ’ anditis thought care,anxiety £nd re sponsibilityweigbed nponhis mind so much as to pioduce aberation. He hud; filled various offieek of profit and 1 trust in. New York;, bad rhisfHstricira iramber pf years in.the '■Lower House of Congress, "arid filled i one term fn the United Stiles Senato. JuCongi ess be waaan i|ndnstrious.boDr bst; useful member, and able debater. • * - ' | u** ■.- -i. Few men in the Senate equaled him : tn hsefhl ness andpfacllcal statesman* l ’ sliip,' His death produced profound .ieneation and sorrow in his native' . State, and everywhere tlft sad tidings' baVe been communicated., In 1838 he was foF. r tbree v months confined in a Vi Lunatic -Asylum, but since that lime has shown fib evidence of insanity In bis death tbe nation has lost one of ! : iti bost representative mpn and ablest .statesmen. .■ .••'■i ■ h >!■' the government' ex penses for the nextfiscalyear nil! be about ’ one hundred Bullion dollars., Theexpenses r.f ibe presenttimeexoeed Ibis rate, but they j *ie steadily reducing. ' f j - ..,. 1 ...s ' I ' 1 *. mm Taylor is'.said:t> onbleq, h» pw, late* days, wLetbb. was at tho: battle- of Bouria yiata at by bod of the many]] marvelous (Ring* done and said lbcrfe aWioMing to torians,; which! hd neither henid, fed I soctoliWies wWstbeg i>-.aa at the bajulei: o< pKlurcdby some geDtloinfeiif of the presentjdfiyl ; Bat I was-Witjt the 14(Ul>. Pa, on that and .-ibd. allegations, thatchrpngjb thy neglect or iault the’ remains of CoS. Boberts werelpermitted tolio pnr [the battlefield several (Si ay*; ...'.Frojp tbe ieb arge* together' witb u the; tela£fdn| j I sustained to Gob |BoberlS,’ I- deemJt proper and necessary. toTwrite 1 the facts as theytranspired on{. ..that battle field; in .order that .the occur rences of those-days may appear >n their true light, before gassing { fr|ip lb edoiriiiiions | 61 j Bumpr, whose pipe is/hlbwr. by Burißise, jealdufeios and Conjectures; By (‘the change qf gle word,the language of the witches would uot be inapplicai Te to her: ’ ,i? „ / ■... [ •'..1 !■■ | " Infected be the sir whereonsbe rides; , j ' And damn’d ! nil those who trust her! sr _I know the jriilfeehoods of to-day,jiy instant rep©litipri, becotrio the fret of io-monfew, ; the doctrines | of next •' ;4 V,' |'' v . After considerable maneuvering On the .2d dpy of July, 186 J, and While marching by tije|iight flank; Cot Rob erts being in- his proper placodn that movement, .the regiment was suddto ly confronted by the enemy;'- CloJ Roberts halted nhd fronted the regi i.meril. We vtefe lhon in lipo.df bat tle, with the throe right comnaniefejin the open field, the remaining ?arjt[ of reginrent in the woods, Col.’ Roberts was inAdvance some five or .six puces The- rebelsdclivcrea a volley befprea single shot had been fired by par Irteg iiDypt;rpnd,ljaaw Col, Roberts fftll. —■ Then began a most fierce mid bitter fight. In the heat of this battle; pnej whom- I always lespected, 1 whose name need noil now P° mentioned, cam© to rae‘, id a very excited man ner, exclaimtng r the (‘'Coloneb is killedj the Goitocl is killed'.” Some of -tho| then hearing this ceased fifing, I replied, ‘‘we can do nothing fpij the woneded ndWJ'this thing must be fought throng,fa,'- and at once! [had those (resume! wm had ceased firing. For a .justification of I look do farther, than ' the item of dejrs of Meade dnjii Hancock, as issubd on that together with {para graph 72(4 Uof Artny'v Regulations, which is as fpilowtr‘‘During thcjjfight ■the officers and; non-com ficerslkeep thpmon : in the ranks, and enforce _obedi©nco if nceessary. | Spl- must npt; bo permitted to leave the ranks to {strip or rob ihe dfead;— nor eVen. .10'assist the .wounded i til ess by csprdsalpormission, which is only to be given afteAthe action is decided. - jThe highest interest, and the most press sing I duty lie Ho win the victory, : by winning which only can a propirjeare of the woiiiidedkfe|yßsured.” ; ; the RcgulatiphSj bat of common- sense. — But (I did hot stop here.Wo advanc ed the regimini ofterwa'rds some dis tance beyond where Col. Roberts ell,. .arid I I then ordered Corporal John B ' Clatjk and ills brother Thomas to car ry jhitn ’ ;tp thl rear. They.; Started with hiidj|lnd-: wore joined by Li ml- Stokes; but had not gone raptlle thafi fifty yards, when discovering lie' ya alrdac|y dead, thoy laid him cosfo. 1 lis propetj say! the throe camife )at into the fight; two of them woro a lerwarda: wounded. By this lfni !ll enemy hfed got on our Hank, atid in: king a furious ©bargein trontp.fimas ed” pieces. - JjVTcj. lo 89 killed and about 200 wounaent .tl enemy occupying the ground. |j Op t 1 3d] and 4thidays 6t July we tfcp la boit thfeelquartcrs of a mile front thr place 1 where the fight 'of 2d o> cur red, land wo were notponnlujed leave the regiment. On: the t)Vojrni ofjtho otbi.with four men, I reedver the remains of Col. Roberts,aqmje di tanco in. advance of our picfcet lir and buiiect them. ‘j ! l( p {There arp some other aspcrsic UDwdrtbyl-o't a reply.' 1 have;paid more regard didCplli' the puny attacks of the Lili]hlt : tlii the course of a long arid -act. j service,'ll have probably made mis tikos—passages in it Plight bo itri-7 proved somewhat, but not ipnch.. But | llihave observed that most men have their own troubles without {listening tb those [of others. Even adversity bath its uses;,it is the crupiblelnto which {fate casts one when she desires dn eminent saint or a grenijsintier. — Tt isjUbtlas one improves these “light afilictipne," whether he isas'goid from the refincrs fiie, or fine , gold become dim. The great beauty in life com gists not in never fallingibut in rising as oftien }as one* falls! And Co say yvith Philip of Spam, t think.fime and myself eijual lo any other' two.; I ieave'lray name and character as a feol dier, to itiefighting men of jtho 140th,. jkribwjiiig they will' do me full justice. To some few others, “the cankers of a calm who have fioi stood in the “imminent deadly breach”—who (< poor {fellows, had it riot been' for yil lianous I saltpetre, would {havo' been soldiers too; tvhoi have labored like little brifoes to avoid tbe perilous edge of battle, the work of -detraction fitly belorigs; bul even though it will J cost [them a struggle, fnayj be Enabled to sp]eak ibe trnlb, whon, their hearts are touched by ' the better angels of their nature.] , [’ ;(• -■ ■ 1 know I will be pardoned for re ferring t!o that which febonld have been! held sacred ,but the livingj have claims as well as tbe dead; and it is only]for a vindication of that {which the book declares cannot be; purchased by! ru bles, and is far better than great rich es. While my official acts are 'bpeo at all times to 1 ojaim; that those acts must .be scanned by | thollighit of- military lawj to which 1 was responsible; and. when all thel facta are' stated, I* do- not fear the Judgment that will bfWsdonp. {}■■■: ii--i } ThomasHENkir.-.I ' ■ J ! ' :|. J. . ■,j El SKS:-.; y fir ProoeedlngßOf Beaver; Conner Teaoheta* iMtltute. , The 'frefaenlM. £ Rced,{Snberinton t) i Pice FiWt\-3. I£; l>oi»jgap; : , . i t Recording Sec’y—iQeii S, !>• Russell; ' .Asa’t Jjj ido Ml6B^.oaia R belh . i Her. 1 do , .Mj*M. B, Parry;* i-f H: Welsbr; - _ *'■ Com. CainpboU^R.C.Eeed,ttM > Mes^, S; J.; it GoWan, yf t g: So|lyj l)p8. MarqaiB and Sbal lenbergets:..; • ‘ 1 Execirttpe.l CoTMTutfie— ■Misses 11.. £L Garry, P.! Newell, B A. McMlnn, Xiizßie Mfcßefaty, J. Mercer, S.D.Rns 4ell, and Mr/1 9«ed;'-~ _ • f( Com. pii Resolutions —Messrs. .;. H. XJangan.jM. li. MissesM. B. Curry an]d - As B. MoMinn} \ - ' 1: Com. onlMusie-t Mieses R. A. Camp bell' R. 0 S. D. Russell; , [• After tbdforegcilhg Committees had been aptWmted, tire Cbairman propos ed tbewlbwing question t&r-diions iß;on—Hpyv] ci»ii this Institute be made mOBt intcrcstfr.g ahd profitable A-Xpis icusslon was opeireMbyßeV, R. Jor of Blaver, ahiLpaiflicdpatod in by ' p ••*•' v - T ] Resolved tbatilnaliluto meet ai a [inarter before 9, am; adjourn a quarr ’ter before;l2, ifi.jjmeet at: li, and ad jtmrn af|4| p,m:,and meet in the eve;; Inina at i? O’clock I duringipreser.tsea- I .. p - j |l , I - I sions. -f 'll.: 1 *J" I ••- , • * -..u Misses B.; McConnell,! R. C. Reedj [Kate Rkd, S, Jelly and Ml E'Curry were ajjplolnled to ‘questions for difccussioh at evening session on school government,-and best method of teaching. I Tile remainder of aflbr [noon sesseion,iwiui occupied in.discusS- Img thef bait method of teaching Ele mentary Arithmetic. Different meth ods wete given by’Prof., .Taylor and I Miss Gu ry,! Mir. Dungan agreeing with USo fortaor. Discussion postpo ned fort farther consideration. On mo tion acHobrned till 7 o’clock, p m. ' | Tueido y Evening —lnstitute mot aC cording to adjournment Prayer by Taylor; Winnies read.and approved; roll called] |Bey. Taylor then entor ttajnedflhe; with a highly in teresnbg find and instructive disserts-, tidu oh j Music,! treat first as'an Art, secongasa Science, and thirdly tM necessity £>l tcacbiOgYpcal Music in our PjUtlic Rclioola. Recess. Meet* ing called to!order, after .which Miss Kate' ijßced pf ißddgewaler proposed the following Question lor discussion What'is the best method of securing the plinjctual attendance of pupils ?” Missnßn'ssoll of Rochester assorted that.wbib e Directors and Parents stis; tain the teacher in requiring^ excuses for ' all cases of absence a,nd tardmosi, 'the jpuncinal attendance; of pupil| is secured. Adjourned F WKiInESDAY' MOEKINd; I' * :l ' i r ■ m • , . Bedding (if script’iro apd prayor.hy Chaifmiul; after which fdllo'fod anan imatdd discussion on teaching■ Alpha-; j het and Primary .Beading by Mis<es ’ Cambell. Mewbll.and, Mercer.. Class-j . drill pp Spelling by Miss B G. y Reed; I remark sby members. Class in KenJ ’ |ng fby aMisaj Kewoll of Iloehester,; 1 ivhidh was commended by various! • meufV--s of Institute; ~A Lecture; on j i Giamrrar by (Miss Currywof Bridge-! is !wat|r,; sliovving iliat when properly ! tV taught, this s'ubjeet be rendered, Jk pleasing and! ,aUracuy«pto; pupil/i. — f- Mr.[ Oioks |of Kochoalefs_ipqnired of he Institute “At| what ago ayliild should ift- !conimi!n(io this study ?” ' Discuijsion ih.- iiofeircd. - J. L.iM.c«, OHI Clellard offered some rejtnarks oh his he tory ,( flwrittea language.lj'Mis,cella •he hcMs- business attended to : Adjouru edjlill afteeboon. ! i ; Wednesday Afternoon.—lU notes ‘ of io- forjmot if session read and to can class drijl bo ng maide niost IctScienl?” ilr. Durigftn, ■ed Misses Ciuh-y and Mercer considered is- att*Cntion,aud caroful study by pupils, lie,; and preparation on the paftof tijacher ;.asjindiajiensabler Select )ns; Mias Russell., Question prppOTtsd-by no M(ss : ! Redd |of iver stage 1 , Pf ladvalncempnt'shdulrt pdpils ;ans. begin to Wrjlel’’ Misa Kate 1-fee,d was <ve- in ; f fcvPrlpf teaching in conhjection with, Alphabet. Messrs. McClelland, Ddngaii apd Irpr.s| thought it jcctild bo r taught as an Art, at ah carlly age, bili npc od u beingitakon; th f i»t pupilshssume proper position.—- Class] drii-1 in by Mias Kald Reed. | Remarks dp the subject by Misses Rtiaseli add parry. Prof] Taylor slated' that Pnmhiy Go ographics should be disccrdedj diiid the tnrnejddvpted to pbfairig a knowledge o’ nuihbora. Subject of Grammar contjnr.ed.by Miss Qufry. Miscellu n sons l>Uai dess, ahd adjpurnmo|tit. '; Wednesday t) adjdutninent. . Devotional cxjorcises by.Prpf. M’Cliutock; minutes rpadand approved. I Address by Dr.,j)|ickso r dt Eallsjop; Subject—‘‘Populaij JEd 'Ration.”; Re was as eloquent i!nd -proilvej as usual] i On molian] a \ of tpaiiksjl was, tendered Ip Dil- J a sonJfor bis,cxqpUcnt address. jßeei Music.! j The following question i proposed for discussion, but ppStpoi tot]want; of time:—“Opes itjpay glate ot Pennsylvania |o keep u System; of Common 'Schools jP' Irequdst lan originaOPqeml [ cal “A pirgd for the Fallen,” toad Prpf. M’Clinlock. ,1£ was bcautifu. and todeping, ahd^'theplanner bf read ing appropriate to; the sentipiont.-r -[The pPem referred fo was published in <mr lieu t issue.— Eds, Argus J 1 1 | j j- THURSOAT | MOBNIka. .] lovdtional ezetciaes by Relv. D. P.. jwary; minutes read and: approved; l-cal|ed. Class-drill in Mantal Ar iiictic| by Miss J. Mercer; remarks position: In class by Profs. jSteven -1 and McClihtdck; X. Reed; L. Knight and lliases MclMinn and ercerjj : J. LBedd closing’dilcuasionj ’ observing that concentration ot ihd is one of the chief objects, of Lo Toll on so: M "Tbb PrbfeMor’s was Iby J. cCl^ocUVenbjeot;‘‘Ths Blind Cnltnio.ano -was presented in a plea*. dlßonssion: ing and [forcible manner. He.would, foakbiM’sof -bnrUbm-; nov-nodenratb to hir iu'jsgf drived i|rojn bn^te GuaVd£MS,Sr-they.badthe active co-j ooald «?ocapare witb«>lf ; colt|rom ejoj Prof. Mofiflliitdck dpened the d IRC “2* :*3S-4i^ u - eionj add was followed by Miss.'M: ET mind:. Carr*]' iteiwrs Knight and; Dnngan; jentiUed [ American Civilization.] j Ad closiug remarks hy Dhairman. nrglng journed .. , '*| - A-. k; -’A#A-a BfivJ-libwaty mafie rowiirfe /"tj ' [ ■'■ stating, that he did.pot deenv [this- the ~ Prayer by ;80v... W.G- Taylor,— tbe proberl place for disenpsing this Minuted of last meeting, were road, subjcctybntit ought "tabehi*aght.ttp Chairman dcsiyed ibat all.Toachero of in Presbyteries, Synod," Assemblies, the Institute would sabsenbo for the Conferences, 40. Bat in all the Pres- Pennsylvania JSchcmlA JouroaL ; The byteriea he bad; attended, never, bad. following persons were appointed to he beard tbesnbject broughtforward; solicit subscriptions; M. El] Gurry, J,-. He did hot atjffc mpt to defend th'° minr D, Irons] MissHarpcr. Miss 4. iler isters forlhjfer.eglect. butontho doc- csr read ;an essay on Inequalities of traryadmitted theirwantofattobtion, Teachers’ salaries* , i; ,-j■- and proposvd'that an order hot mere*; . Chairman requested - Miss. M. ily to’slir thd fitmtephere, biii\ lomovo Garry jto giro a ciSss drillinGoogra* jn such a maimer as to secure same re- phy, which was listened to. with mark-; suit, especially in Eoavor county,'to ad attention and interests., i 1: ' i i&ne a circular to every ministej, , Recess 15 imihuies, when jM,c. ]a pointed and brief, asking them to, Cleilaiid proposed practical qntwilions ipreacb an Educational sermon, And connected. with! Arithmetic.. Select' fulfil jtbeir .whoio duty to; the school. reading by j. H. Doogan. i.a I ; j ■ ;Bev. Glcnn : *t)f New Brighton, had . Question—Should pupils, under any been, impressed very favoi ably with circumstances bo detained after school what he had hM,td on*thW hoiirsf S l : ’ . ; i ; ;! He had faeoif IOT-cibly reminded cl bis pea<?hera jdiScred in rogdrd fo this duly in this matter; bad ieh that »bo subject. In connection with this, Mr. ministry should jbe more active; but Cross aßked ito whut oitent .that; much more;positive good] plight what 'circumutsncesi'-Bbouldvcorporal be effected % discussing ’this Subject punishmyit|bd admfoisterod? | Tpitch-; intho Confereu*MS,ur era decided that this punish raontshould ministers' moblings. Ministers if faith- be ‘rosonodj topn|y in extrbmejeases, i ful, ifcjs true, arej ferymuch engaged; and then until ihu object loirjso dbinig (bUt ho thought that taking active in» was accomplished;. Adjourned .till Is terest in public jßchools, was one of r. M.' i. . f > e | ; j 4 the most important duties of -the Friday . Af/ernoon.— Minutes read minister. The Common School is the an( j approvedi- . i-[J ; ; lband*maid;of the church^ and,tho con- Essay—Mri. Dungan, subjcofrr-“Ef-| neclion Of tboj ministry with the j ec t of the j moral and religious char-.; Lschool rnhst bo appurentjtp ereryjonc. a&eri’of jhb (eachcc on the; pupils.” ’ j lie.regretted to say he bsd been der- Discussion^—What thiugscoulribute elict in’tbiaduty heretofore; bntprom- mo st, to make the schpol room pleaS isod to make uplin the future for-.thb ant ond bpalthfuli? •! lj 5 neglect of ihopast.., Eev ( , Mr. iWood Bssay-r-Miss Of Preedom, though a, statger to the n lar ? estiniato of ftenchers. • Select teachers presen t,and a stranger in the reading—Miss Bussell, (by - reguest) Stale, hod very pleasing recollections Subject-MCfiir ;T!onB6cralifl|fß ” j. rdf! timesjspcnl in teachefSi’ rhopllng fjomroiitee on feioVations reported in other States. Ho bad taken, ft very the following, which were adopted : active part in the deliberations of Eesblced, I M ■ ‘ I »l Teachers iat their Institutes, and had <. lstj That jwi express our deTojut thank* to; 'always cpnsiderea the ylsilctioiis of Almighty Gbdi whosei lum 1 'schools as part.of his religion; and bad Ureranco Sad. lestofed Peace and Liberty *o [acted upon this belief. Ho had al- wfgloiy. in the noble deeds, ant ways cpihmor.ced his. pastoral [visita- wiU ciengh l a« a holy thine, 1 the memory of tious at the*.school bouse, because he aU those members or bur profession, whor’on there pbUined the sympathy of the t!ie field of batlle, in weary hospitals. or amid children] and through them thoisym* the degradationpf rcbel prisonsj simeredthat ; °t : u “,pr r “ t - a? the teachers professionone of the- deepl _ that lhcy onn rqturh to us ho most imnorlant and honoraMcj, in too moroi we rejoice that they )fcver disgfaced,; cPmrhuitily. ,He lia'l always since bis Cowardicehr.treasoh; the for 'which; tdunecllon. With the ministry, preach- they contended or She h^ncrA'»n“er Cd at leUt in-each’ year they feU, b'ntLo (sdhiectTof Edncatioufaml he H hopea while he remaiued in .the btate prftctieal ihstrucUhns received at this instiJ !lO be closely chduccted with' the,leach—and, have noticed with pl&aure the] inv ; ers of I Uie County.' , Adjourned tO : terest manifested in the cause-lof popular edjj mm-l si lim* 1 ' ■ ' UcatiOn by mfr members inoci at . at. ; | ■ will ’ Thursday Aflcrnooji. M mutes of; knowUd ua efaim previous syssioh were read awji a j throaghSiti our entire oi oTOVed Wl-wlled, nnvl •, niißcL-llanes j ence/eU-hjirk. -y v ous busii.cßß despatched. Select Bead- ! we, teadi j--,n gi 111,.N ? »ai, -*«*« W.pa«."dftirjasll«S I Distinct atticulation, and correct pro-z and also to t! | nunciulidn: bising peculiar character- add hospitable manner u I islics of: llusjexorcisc., .Essay py Mr. ciitcrtaincd during thi Irons ;• School Go verb me fit., ■B'ahjcCtt>4eu in setoiqn.,' .TiJiLi. .vil, 'iWk r , d - I- •Ai ' , in sth That; we are pleased' t» know that the j introduced, by remarking llmt li e i, r rattmero£i'idtstri4' We allied (. teacher possess the power to a : cpnl i nu btidn of, in | command-, some possess this ip a groat- a i te nd an ce at county Institqtoy thereby manr er do''r.ectluui,others, owing, to their ifesling a .desire to.co-operatc pith the epuuty | personal -’appealahee and manner.— j Superintendent and teiwhersjiA laboring |h 5» >«■ 1 power to goyeyn olhors, and ( tiny best j . d . d - cl iPi ock . and Dr. J;|Er.laA)v’son| for method of. effecting this is by 'learning aMe insirucpve addresses deUver^d to govern themselves. 1 Alb. Irons ip up •; during the evening sessions o| the Instit.me; nosed to m'ii'kuig many rules; Would > nlao to the olcrgyraeii and other educators who } ■ . . “■ A -J- ( «v,,red uh kith their nrcJCncc andmtluAneb. have every pupil strive to- do. Vig i• ] 7th we i r^im dcr'sasiing obligitions Punishment j sliould be propottioiiato j yifos A. Harshii for the nao of her Melo lo the offence. Ur. Dunganj prcßeiit- j p coni ' ani [.to all the ladies and-gentlcmcn njho cd a programme of scliool-rdom exA I assisted ip favoring' ustkith music, crcises. Prof; •McClintock ‘objected i ? rmedsol pleasing an'ad<i{|iw to the interest to its allowing but o.ioTucilaiiit.orf .to r 4 Primary pupils, , Mb- Duncan inqfiir- j j R ec< jJlA wise and efficiept leader, aieai ed ,of Institute if'l a recitation in .'ous and untiring 00-workbr in the advancement MoulnLArithl)telic tiouid bo prop; rly lof liie 'cause of education,! throughkwhijse conducted in filtcen|,ininulcs?| Prof’s. !■ faithful and untiring labors opr pid>lio|sohqo s 3u.ph. , i. ..piled th«.s .could most, iccitainly, provid^at. was cur cod “ tl ;j. h as passed. '<■ 1- If > ,h;ndc*a purely ?nental exercise, rroi. <hk. That weiacknowledge the kindntes? of Field said tdiere should beUprogramme Editors of county papers, in publishing ; .h< Of oxerciflbs in every school, W spocifi. proceedings of our annual; Institute. J';. 1 , 4 limo fa i l -roeltation.r iiln'd -pup-ijls;,. «» .<h°urn^.^ IkWv and jbe prepared w> recite, at! Rochester, Pa-, Nov! 11. ’O5: ' i 1 time appointed. Prof... I&jtepensoni ,[! A '-I 1 - '■ tliougiit all; teaclierh should not be re< quired 'to open .school 1 wilh prayer.—j ,-fto thgught teachers-pr ho did npt pro: fees could fjoli securei any good, i roßult from this exercise ' Hie own mol hod was to read a portion of Scripture only- ' Eev. thought I Prof. S. grcally mistaken in; suppos ing that ,bocausei.a feacAcrj does .not profess religion Tie is under up o,bliga~ lions to pray at the opening cf school, since every, one, whatever his belief, is in duty bound to pray, and the man who has moral character sufficient .to be permitted to leach, sh ouid not on ly road the acriptureH, bul at least re peat the Lord's prayer. If be cannot do this, ho should not }.each The i- Chairman concurred withlßov.- Glenn Jto in thinking that any teacher who ick«. conid not 1 consistently open bis fichpoi '.ess. with prayer should abondon the pro was fessiom pEssay on Teaching ; Mias inod jj_ q the audience listened with the gr oa t pleasure and: attention while a portrayed tbe true dignjjty and irfi , portance of the Tohcbor’e professions. Bed After a recess of .fifteen minutes, Prof by M’Clintdok entertained the Institute '’with a-short, butvyeryli interesting lecture 'on Physical Geography.— Prof- McOlintock was then requested to present the subject j df Norma! schools,but declined doing s<r owing to the lateness bonr. ' Adjoujrnod. j * Thursday Minutes of af terdoou'sessidn; read and approved— 801 l called, and mecvfng opened wilh prayer by Bev, W. G. Taylor, Music by Miss A- Harsha. The Chairman informed the ajfdience that the lectur er of the evening;,Bov. A. B Brad ford, wbuld not be present, being de tamed by sickness., He,bad however prevailed 1 on Prot M’CUnldck to favor the Institute with an address, i A is i i ; •: a '* i- ! j By ,t .<-s*'-} rl' .. (’ - ; jv;;* i! "-v ~j\ j t t *■ - - hi-1 'To 1 i^jRESERVE'IIEATHpB.T— Wo : hiVO a recoijpt for preserving leather, iihd which -it jo said will [mifkeit very (pli able and soft. ■ jj- I‘ ; li- ,j ill consists of four soap, rosin and. water. .{(Those! Ingro* ; dients are prepared as follows;: Twen ty. one (parts of tallow are melted in a vessel,(three parts of -ipsin added,tend the two when melted (mixedwell (to gether]. ‘ln another vessel seven pterls !,of gopd washing soapjtaie dissolved tlin seventy parts; of pare | rain; waiter, After it is dissolved: and the inass heated to a boiling poiht (we jf'adaj the part prspared before; lot it I oil 6nce more,!gently, and the! preparation is ready for use. It is specially adapted to boots, harness and leather gilding. !|; ■ ... -r •■ ;i- '{ S 1* Important td Farmers. —The Coni' missionors of Internal JKevoniioj has decided that a farmer j mannfac luteßlbutter and cheese from the milk produced on his own farm, is hot ,eub jeCtto license tax, 'though -he manu» fact ares more than $l,OOO per year.— SuchjHproductß are legitimately, dpfiy odfroro biajbnftifaess a* a farmer,! and •are ordinary larm products. \ |.. tS/~A GofeCnmentj deteotiv ; e I jiwno has just. returned' from a tour of ob servation im Canada;, says j ITohp C. Breckinridge is living irr elegant se elnaipn at St, Catbaf ihej CftnsdvWest. He especially avoids j Beverly .Tncker and |tb at ; class of rebel refugees. - TAffleriC**.AjobjmUiatiori > Society ■are about.to acrid thi.sohpbner HeniyT, Busi. sell from Africa'She will 'carry fa large' 'nunflmrof etriigranls', arid among thenumber about one hundred and fifty • j freedmen, from Lynehburg/V afi , They | arc mostly mechanics and agriculturalists. IMI 1 .i‘ l ; | Death op Ah Bditoh.— W*lwnrton L liane, editor of the PhihJeJphi* Ltdger, died 6t- she 14th Be Oorarned^od»^’ a connection ; with the er twenty-eight years ®dlin| which period lie earned repat»tion for constant .{p|trwU -of'-that jonr-; % ;; MBNT, in PhiUlpibw®. Benxer. county, -• Pa,. OWestio affaire compel me *P -^P 08 *, °* thtl! -V&f term's. For further narUculars, innuire ai:B. sco.rsl mPonithlsii, PitUburg. nor&Zt T| : : ■ ■ . H. W. CIMMIQXTI. ‘] TO SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. I; j , nriHEi PiTTSBOBaff SAMItWhX'" BO!U ‘ jtii DIETS’ HOME, wider thoehirgo ofDr,. Cyrus Xing, a* experienced Army Burgeon, is now open for Ihe reception of Bidci wcundcu, maimed, and helpless soldiers! and bailors, FREE OF EXPENSE. , ... ■*■ •.. •:.. _■ - r ! | jLppUfani{ : iritt receive n Permit, '■/ ■ - oy spplying to aiy. of the Directors, end; .be . admitted to the Home,, provided- their dia cbarceipapers are by I the Surgeon. ’.I: j: =.. R V C. LOOMIS, President. . OBMSBY PHILLXP3, Seo’y. - nnl Thos. Bakewell, ; : C. W. Batchelor, unl ' N;Holmes, 'i' ■ John Watt, r ;Wi S.Haven,’ : > Jno; W ChaTfant, Wik. McCreery; ■ G.L. BFetterman. Oni .’ hbV22'6s. j;; \ Tj? : rr^r hJ.riHOf EAtehi . Wa; tHEeubscriber:wiU canvassßaaver coun ty; in the order of Townships, to sell the ngut to use, make and vend, .j ’r ■■ ■ i j' 'I !i, ' ' . I | •', ' Mealy’t Pt Self-acting Wagon-Brake, aninvention poffwt in eve?y respect', fbr the use jef Wagons, Carriages and Bug gies. j It is * perfiet regulation! to every yebi, ele to, which.fit is attached, acting alike prompt and certain under | all circumstances, on all kinds of roada| by' night as well asbydayj with the greatest safety, ease and comfort to Boorae and pasjeiiger, without; any /attention /whatever I Will sell individ r jual rights-to nne^this,patent brake,- dr Town iship Sod Borough I Mechanics. . : ■ { ‘ Beaver, N<*vif63 . , CJ ItJDWICK. , i ' 1 / ■ i Li ; : LJi ! i_L c LEA I• • ' IEAXiY IS-||;STlllL'-";|IN , DGEWATER, AT HIS . BUT G I BBI' NEV i ■ I AS b E,EMP«IU tH; • f ■ i •. V [ <• ■ of Bridge' and Market jririMftt Comer 1 millinery. !• eilk and straw; Hals’ Silk, Fell' ■ ' ' I ' ■ - .T-rS -Bonnet: and stra-s Ribbftn . Hat at dresses, 6 ». - i , t t..' a, Flowers, Ruches, Plume*; jd_ Bonnet ornaments, Fancy head ed ladies caps, &c. : iJ , TRIMMINGS. - rialn ind bugle Gimps, Cords, plain trrl tinsel, Buttons, all kinds, cloak ornaments. I Collars, all kinds, jaconet and Swiss edgings aad Ronnoings, infants’ scarfs, balmoral and hoop skirts, fancy -baskcts. &c. Hosiery/; & Qioyes, Woolen goods. Zephjjr Knit Shawls, English Breakfast Capes, Sontags, Hoods, Nubias, Infants’ Wool en Talmas, h- j'J ■lLfes: FUItSI ■ atbsp, at extremely ' law priee*. A Urgi SHOES. eadid 'lot, yelling rery cheap. St ' it btlining 1 LOOK AT THE PRICES ! ■■■“■ v -., : :; '~i Morocco, worth 53,00; 2t. i\ $2,26 Fable calf do ~ • 2.76; do . . 2,00 Seotchj cut do. .2,60. do 1,96 polish oiit do. 2,62 do 2,16 Full' calf, .do 12,86 tfo 2,20 Children's, from 26e to $1,60: f-.; A- *pTi Bta*pißf[ Piaktagaad Cloak Call ■ ' and: mfci|g< /. • / Silk and Velvet Bonnets Altn In Latest Styles—Straw Bonnets and Hats Alter* - * and Colored., ~ : ; .) ■ .| - I r T&WBLBto SHOW GOC'Vi “Ret/ember the pUee-iroom former led bV MRS. : REES’ {oppaeite thel|toi C; Hint), BfidgewaUr. M act asALir, i ■ i ed $o seed] of A. • if == i-AXiIT’S ;:: S ELT-ACr g on Brake. . ING MKXieO.i l MlLiilNEllt. ' ~ -I- El aa^i&msrQ- !■ .'1 • Bridgewater, ; I : • • r- PPSITIYB • jl if. -■’£--. ’•- • Y; j lili r« ' '< j - ' l'- -r-J . A. FORT I , ■;! IN KOCH :ih Good Dark I'r «i it*, i >Mt Dark 'Pi ie case-t-4 Bleached ■ !I ' , is. hide of Unbleached i-’i-.-l- u Goods are t gains of ihf 0 |ie sit all wool bam . ' ■ ■J . only 50 i ■ ; ':V-; ■■■! 0 pieces barred country ■i -i >■ ■■■ H 4-4 fealhei Tickinc I .Best 4-4 bleaebed piece’s 5-4 )V'ooil I)eia .1 ■■ $1,30; wort ; *■;l ! Jr -,i f j pieces best double ' colors, only sl,< B|Oys’ Shoe:*, only 59 c Boys’ HeaVy Brogans, Boys’. Heavy Winter i tieii’a Hats, from $l,l •. ;: : .V j ; ]■* V r r ■ ■' : IIiLINBRY (rO, b£&AKPASI : NOTIC 1 !*' ; H ft-f,.!.'»: i - \' ' ' f' -1" AWLS, if BLANKETS PANT ' -i'.-' jl 1 -- . iw«r tk»m «»» k». k> i: - H • r i‘j _ i 1 GOOD UN 10 - soil., WT f' ’iJ NMI ’ Wldo aot wish . ot, articles oalctalatt ■of the Abgvs, and are better a'nd.chet where, we mean .5 the hind piUronagi eolicit a continual and well arranged EMI Conti* (ind see , P NOtfSOUBI , ju-'.'. :c ,:t.. i^vfSSi#. ■ ! V 'ff T * $ > All Qotdi wi I. 2,000 remnamU 1 , , / r y] i si ■■ 1 remb MEM - , F l .. , ,"■/ ■ r OELBi T^iEirsr^' r : ‘ '!. ‘I S ’ ■ ■ kmxtD'Xor ro rosr - J -/i •' I '7 IMO m*, GOOK AT ONE’S; ITBR. ■ TV. . BE ♦Vj'j » ilrtf-f!*: Qni ~~~ ~: Itwlini; ,On!j W ilcjjim. Oalj JOwtu: i< Greatest Bar , sew**? il.minert' FluitU, *nt».' r , . FUndels, o»lj7t«u; , onl j 60 e»hii. ."3 luslin, 40 c»iiu. : nes, pit «»V»n, n 1; ;b $1,87. ■' twilled Mtritw,; d U; worth $2. (ents; r " *1.00: | roots, onl/ •I.H; itapwsrd. P - t i Cft)S, 'fJ- : slum A “■ NS. } .TBUH; , sosms; - ; HOOD 3, Jlicap. :i 'f. r- BEI I-.-.} [ STIFFS, rtpiIBSTJCI I id tUf w j .\CASSfifE vTSR WEAR, VM 'r- ' r U<uiiU. ■ .1 M ,) adrerme "Of" 11 '" led.tu “ we «*/ ’ Ikper ih»n ( c» M it .' -and being «*i [e heretofore bes» Jet' of the same. » l •*. Boom in the ® I,B ® '-4' /or yoiifitM rchaiing- . . . K TO S^OW ea r.;,:."" hy « •«" tt on) THB BE! iKATRP
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers