! Quarterly Statement of The tional Bank A- Beaver Count; r-' - . Nsir plyeHTos, July 3d, 1805’. 'r u '; Loans. and ; $108,247 U. S. jßcihds ihd Securities C;.....150,000 Filrnjtiife dndbpffiecjl ~.'15,958 'SrjJe'naos toil t as(& ■• • • '1.075 ; ®o«. |by »17,9!>7 HJotn.j.; Legal Tender” i oilier bank notealX 88,410 'i-•• - - - CapitaV 5t0ck....;...... .yi45,18T;50 >> " National.circulation.... 70,240 (Kj Circulation iß’k Bonter Co. - 205 00 •, 4,000100‘ iJHyificnils uhpoifl.'..■...•••■■• 1,723 12 138*817 2Q . Discount, 6,144 80 ' ; $370,877 62 abore statement is true a correct itccoriflig totW test of my tn'owled and belief. : Edward Hoops, Caiflvr. ,'jAffirmcd and subscribed beforetrie, tbia' day Of July, A. If 1865, j.... , ; . ■ , ELI REMO, Asa’t Aas’r BR ’ ITISH PERIODICALS _ VIZ~<: ; - [ .'•/ Thk : ix)SDO!i (Jonien ' The Edinbcbqh j i., I'ue Westmissteb Review (Radical.) I I?he Koetu Review (Free-Ghunjli. ; :i,'■ . ! ■ ajsi> ;, ' j., .' BtAOKwpou’s EoiSßunoH iIAQAEisE (Tory, -I.' I. ■> ■V. < ~ l :■ •■T 1 : ■. The : American continue to i print Ihe above-named periodicals, but,an i coil "of printing has 'doubted,:, the -pr}pe of per nearly trebled, and ./taxes, duties, licem etc. "largely increased, 1 they are "compelleil adv ince their terns as follows: | ‘ , TERMS POB186& , For aiiy one of the Reviews— $4, For any Ivro of th0Review5............... 7; Per any’three of tjio ......... It, .■Forall four of tjibßeviews...:.....K, Forj Blackwood’s Magazine.......... i..iu ’ <, Tot, Blackwood ihd one Review , ’. For‘ Blackwood atfd any two Review's'. ...; 1( ’ -Fojj Brtckvr'ood.and three Reviews 1 ..;....' it For.Blaotvro'od sndthe four Reviews;... It Tlie Works willbeprmtod ona </r«a/iy ofi'papcr, and while nearly Amerioan.Periodicals are eitheivadyaneed .. price oTftbduoed,4n very genen both'—shallCQ&inuetogive.faithful co: of oil the matters contained in the origi i * ftencOiOjp prasent.prices will [• found as the amount of matter ; |. Uished, as those of- Bny.,of the compiling .lodioals in thisppunlry.- t J <. i 1 ’ Comparedyriththe oost of the originals ’ itionS, which at the present premium on |; , would be about' 1 $lOO a year, our prices (i , aro exrtrdinglii low.’ | Add’to this the fact 1 : we make our annual payments to the Bri , r* Publishers for early sheets and copyrighi tibld-r-%\ costing na at this time (Jan. li j nearly in currency—and we trust I ' injthe Seale wyhave,adopted we shall be tiijely justified “by our subscribers and , reading public.i’ ‘j i ' jTheiinteresl of jjtese'Periodicalsj ; to Am . can-readers is rathfcr increased than-dh ished by, the Srliclerthey contain On our and though-sometimes tinged ,t ptfejudico, they may still,' considering t great abililrty and life different. Btdnd-po i -from which they are written, Reread . studied "Swith advantage by the people Of country, of every creed and party. [" THE TOUE REVIEWS for 18' (A few copies of the above Vemain on hi nd will be sold, for the whole four 'I for any one. • ; ' I» ">• J " , We'also publish'the ' y i|' „ FARMER’S riUIDE. • lljr Henrjißtephens, sof Edinburgh,' and lie J. P. Norton, of 1 ' Yolo College.> 2 i toy el Octavo, 1600' pages and iiunierous irnvingß. 1 ‘ ‘ ' I PKICEIST for the 'two. volumes—by ' lost Jpi»id4sB. , “ | • » L ' , II tHOHAED SCQLT & CO., Publis ■ vj ,; / No, S 8 WalkerStreet* jVew lb 1 f tit $. BEATBE, - CADS Ml THIIK fall 'fermof thisluslitution 1.-, c«mmcnc/e . J.' ■ Tnetmiji'Sept. 12$/ 1H65,, lindtrllic charge of , ' “i ' ' M. GANTZ . ' as Principal; - , j' _ ti is Hie desire, and will be the aim, to i this a thorough English, Classical and i ifiorcial School, and to sustain the high i : abler it has heretofore maintained. G odd opportunities will be afforded to ; ’ men and boys who desire to obtain a tbo ■ English and Business Education; and I who may deatre a Classical Education, fit themselves ‘(or entering 1 the higher C classes 1 . ‘ji ... .1 _ for rates of Vuition, &p., sond'!for. : oir , Address the Principal at New .Brio Beaver county. Pa., or the undersigned! „' -v' ' H.HICB j Sec.. Board of Trusteed, .Beaver, ; ' *CUAS, B HURST Banker ■ and Brd ■: AXD DEALER IX , . Beal Estate, Government Bands, find other Securities. INSUB AKCE& CLAIM AGENT, : Conveyancer 4 General Agent. "" rpflE subscriber-'having opened an o I Rochester, (in the room lately oci by F. A. Fortune) respectfully solicits i tronagcof friends and tho public oral. : . Particular attention given to the adju of Officers'* accounts, and,aw. claims i out of, the present war, such as' Petitioned. Patcntt, Biuntite, Arrears, cj ■ ■ Prize- Money, <fe., Jkc.' ' Deeds drawn up and’ acknowledged. Fire risks , taken id (trirt.clasa-Ins Companies. Jr , ' .." v ■ \ Revenue stamps always onhand.' , Refers to John A'. Caughey, Jos. Pit TV mV H. Smith & Go., Pittsburgh Rochester,'|lay3V4p . THE GREAT ST EI - OPIA.NOS! Thc .tuobi perfect Piauo' Fortes jn the CASBE HAD ONLY "w' '; ' . liia. , KLEBER & BR i. ■ . - 122 WpOJD Sr,, PITTSBUI ISJBole'Ageota' for Steiawi M oatern Powhgylvaais. • : EXECUTOR’S \NOTIC LB'i i'sßß ! testamentary on Tlj« of Anpaiw Adah?, Into l of ] township. Bearer County,-Tiu] deo’d, Boon granted to the uhdersfgned.an indebted to Said estate are requested immediate payment; and those harin the same, will present them; authenticated for settlement. " TflOS. ADAMS, Hauorcr Bx 4 sepiO’i’.;. ;■ '7;^ *870,377 ■*“ TV. -Tea .... T® bv. lu oussources, boll) Public anil Private. - Self-Adjustings and Adjustable! Wring* f with 1 'be j’atont; Cog-Wheel B ogota tolr, foi tnriuhg both rolls, together and tvhiiji pogilLv sly prfeven'U Ute t'clls froffi brcalongor twistir gon the i miaft. It is -not only a pet feotWHngerjbut tie Cog--wheels give it a proper whifh renders Jit p> most Excellent Wash cV pressing .and separating, as lc does, tie dirt with .the wgtcr .from the clotlnes, leaving them]dryer, smoother,than when pwruflg” by ha«PjThe water .can bo, press'd fron large anttfsinoll articles, easieY’, quicker, and mcjro thoroughly than by the or dinary, old-fashioned hack-breakihg,. wrist . straining, land Iclotlos destroyiSf^proceas.— The Cpg-wh sels prevent all '‘wear and tear” of clothes bribe friction of the rolls' or break ing of st'aclftsby twisting, “ • - • Without Pogrjwlieels, the whole strain of •cing the.- doth through-? the. Machine is put ton the lov)er roll,-end tire cloth is made to it in) the place of Cog-wheels, to drive, the iper roll, causing a much, greater strain' np i the lowei] rolj tbaa whea Cog-whccls,'|vith ir Patent regulator,are used,besides thqei a strain tij ion-lthe cloth. ' A Good/panvasser anted m e 'ery town... Liberal. inducements feted, add exclusive sale guaranteed. ' 5 1,8. C. BROWING, Agent.: - I 847 Brodway, New York-. WM. G. WOLF, Agent. May 11,’14-j Borough township. - ffijjf.T, ; T.. TODD is Agent for Umversa oth es Wri iger in the Townships of Moon, ope well, : Independence,' Raccoon, Gi deue, id Hanoveh j< ... • ' Lhe UP 3a- acl to on 011 l ,00 qfi iOO ’ ,00 'OO . ,00 ;00 ,00 Cl ,00 Hi ,00 an '6v- all okl\(it.gl,vss &picains mm 1 MANUFACTORY, OS 221 EAST TWENTV-THIRD STREET, " 173 & J7S|GRAND STREET AND 215 :] CENTRE BTEEE V . '* ’ STA BLISHEP 1838. N. Y: %BMBLiBHEI> 1838 rHIS Establishment h(js been id successful [operation for 24 and ialbe largest r the kind jin Ihe United'-States. We havefon ' and or manufacture to order every description f Looking-glass, Picture and Portrait Frames, lain and Ornamental Pier, Wall, .Oral & Man si Glasses,! 'Connecting| Cornices, Base and racket Tables, with Marble Slabs, Tpilei lasses, &c!, fjko., &c. Mouldings for Picture mines, in lengths suitable for fruusporliwioii, : either Giit.l'Bcrling, Rosewood, ’Oak, Zebra, Birdseye,. Mahogany, &c. Our new manufac tory and expensive facilities enable ns. to furn ish any artich in our line ns good as the beat, and! as cheap us the cheapest.. . Dealers are invifetMo call upon us Whin they visit New Pork. We claim to bo' able,to supply to supplyithcm with every arti cle pin our line which they citn possibly purchase elsewhere. [ '! •’ ' • ■JJ©* Orders by mail attended to'with promptness!" Do not fail to call when you visit New York. ' . . , ; Office A Warefoonii, .Xo.iilZ Centre Si., y, I’. . I , : 1 HORACE. V. SIGLER,; Agent. MayT-f-Smos- ■ tiona. The interest to 15th June next will be paid in adyaMie. This is | now offereifojpbe Government, nndit is confi dently expected that'its superior advantages .wlI make it Ilia A Sweejt andlPerfumed Breathe • -muses —V-; Y "Aj Bad'liroath./ . IVhati lady or gimtleihan would remain un Mer the ctn oof a disgreeable breath, when by usiiig tie ' BALM OF A IfIOO'FLOWEBS, it ;ould be sicured?-. Mow many lovers it had so] larated! llq>v many; frtcuds forever partes ,T 1 c subjet t is so pelicdtc, your nearest friend wi|ll not mir lion it:an'd you are yourself ig norant of-the fact. To effect a.radical cure, use the Baltics a tooth-wash night.and morn ing-’ 4 ■' i ■ i THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN of ancient times used honey to beautify their ct mplexion; but the. combination witb tpalm oil and oi.hir valuable ingredients makes it still more valuable,'. IW bathing suffering in fants, a ft w| s poured into s basin of wa ter, will dispetrall fever, tetter, &c A few drops pout-cd on your shaving-bmsh piakes a ( J beautiful soft latter; leaving the face pur* and whltt. I • ’ I' ■ ’ j When used for washing night and mornbi; it eradicates all Tan} imples, and F recti*,, rendering the-skin soft and white and ftt e from blemish. , j, . | For sa|e at the Drag Store in Bridgwater ; ¥ »Uy LI ries “ al N( be 111 'ur i’er- ed- r old J f l 5) I hVt h ‘ PI «) £ h * G the f} uJB. (ind, ■; or the rols. En- lail, ICI'3, ■k. will make Corn char- oung ■ough to all or fb l allege cular; >hton; ines and Liquors," Wholesale. I ,Groceries at Retailor by Package. . FLOTJE GRAIN, FEED, &c I ‘• I \ *• • ’ T". T 9 I At Angel's, Bridgewater. * BUTTER, Eggs, and all kinds of country produce taken ,hr exchange, for which the- Uighjest market pried ’will- be paid. In connection wilb the Qroocry and Liquor store, .the Bakery and Confectionary in still carried on, where [may be- found a first class assort ment qf cakes, .confectionaries,'canned fruits, pickles, jspiced oysters, &o. A fine stock of tobacco anil cigars of dll fancy brands. 1 N. B.jA pure ■article of wines, &0,, for ’medicinal tnd sacrftnienial purposes^conslant- er, itecc at? soupied | J lie PR'. in gen- ly on hi ; B®tp old stand stment arising P<*S, Marin INSUi •ance npner, Incvrpol The Over $V ,JX world, CTS., UG. ' ij’s Pli [myl< raos for )’65 ♦stale (anorer baring parsons totnske ■ f claims iroperly m, cuter. lOCEKOEX d.- not forgetj the place, Peter,Angel’s' Bridge st, Bridgewater . [augi:3m Inland s Fire Insurance. dNCE fca ;OF NOFTH AMEIiICA, . 1 PHILADELPHIA} •" . med'llSi Charter Perpetm )Hest Co. in'the U. Stqtes. ,000,000 Cash; since its Organisation., Cast) Capital and Biirplus Jan. 1,1865, 01.71%|71 71. Build ngs, Merchandise and Furniture; in sure Jagainst Loss or Damage by Fire, j *'(>i»ftha moat Liberal Terms. Brick pi d. Stone .tyiqtllingt t /mured Perpetually. Rieka oiuthe most liberal' terms, by Tf ' CBfAs. B. HUBBT, Agent, ■ ;myBl'66. Rochester, Pa, garble I Di Irons, <• KET Sr., BBIDGEWATEE. ' ; MAR fITHB-i Subscriber announces to- thepuhlio I Jhal he is prephredto furnish to ousto mersaU hind of work inhisiine from s PLAIN BLAB tjo* CARVED TOMB BXONE. ' American and Italian Marble Kept on band, and all kinds of plain as well asOrnamental work done in nsatisfactbry tnnnnor. ,;'' D. IRONS. Market si, 1 door north* T. A llison's state, v : - ■ tanol ’fldV -•i »ÜB£ BROTIiER.S Co’s. Extra Chemical l»Writing Fluid, the heel in the world at the BrtdgWwftlerDrugStore. Try! if andbe con xiheed. Manufacturedby ttie American Ink Company .. ■, , s v- ■■ -sEwilig mini . ..,71 - i ~.. - ....L, - I: .. t'.:"_: - , - 9 :,:,H V1...1 - :... -..:-...'; '. UK BMt.K .Machine Bfow;ui 1 . '.’■'t ; /- V. These Machines ms lock-stifth Mike*‘do botl anduseless than hajf tfy \ei .iid. and silks tbit the single' -:i-" thread loop-stuch' bie do. It will Hi •T , iiijjk[') fPlait.; Quilt, Braid; ! etc.; oil Cord, previous basting; and a adapted- than any othe Machine! in use to the I-’|. ' 5 f-J ph&nges and great sewing Required in a fa they will sew from' one ty thicknesses of Majsei opf stopping, and ,ma ■* t ■ • ■ 'i V v 1 • ■ strtch perfect; or from : gauze to the heavies i cloth, without changin' j t ■■ . needle or tension, or mi adjustment of machine It has the following ges ovdr-all other mach Far greater variety. ;4 : i; :' -- ■ bc iuty and 'excellence Id&l, ■ *»j speed find simplicity 0.1, . 41x,; «: management; ‘ -■y- -, 4 1 -'. v .- ; 'These are peculiar and tv ill go -fa r f to. cl clor choice of i 'll -' p . Please | call aud e: S, H^PEmSOI, I)]£AVF'K, PA., | augl7]-Solie Ag’t for Reaver ei>. CRITTEN DEN’S '"! HI LADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COZLfEJSG-18, ; N. E.comerofTth sCheatnutSt.;' PHILADELPHIA, PA. THIS Institution, which .was established in 1844, and is now consequently in to eighteenth year of its existence, numbers, among its graduates, hundreds cf the most sue-1 ccssful Merchants and, Business Men'of our |L' ■ . i ’ 'dphe of the Institution is solely to af ford yodng meri facilities for tnorori|;h prepa ration foiTbusiness. ■ ■'ijKfi-fet£n<:he3 taught arc. Book-keeping, as: applicable to the various departments of trade; : Penmanship, | both plain and ornamental;! Commercial Law, mathematics, Navigation, Civil Engineering, Drawing, Phonography,! and Modem Languages. ' ’ ■ ; j 'The system! of Instruction is peculiar; no| classes or sotjlessons are made lisoof, but each! student-ia taught individually, so that he mayi eommence at any time, and attend at whatev dr hours are most convonldnth •: '■* | . Catalogues! are- issued‘annually after the l{jth of April, containing names* of the stu dents ‘for thei year, and full.< parijculafa. of terms, &c., and may.be obtained at. ahy lime by addressing the Principal. ! ?■ 1 In extensile accommodations,. wide-spread reputation, and the lengthy, 'expmnence of the Principal, this Institution offefs Yadxlities eul. 'porior to auyj other in the cdtbjlry, for yoiing men Wishing fo prcparo for businossi and to . obtain at thei same time a n/tfebliA, whtehwill prove a recommendation for them to*ny *Jlorr , .caiitile Ho;;:c. i > V .-/.-ft 1 XerCnitinKMsts i Series o! Treatises on Book-Keeping; now more widely circulated than any other work on the subject, are for sale at the College. ; . >| : . i TO FARMERS. i I will offer! at private sale, for a few monfhfc one 8-horse power thresher and separator, good as , 'newi and s in perfect order ; one-halt “ Buckeye” Mower and Reaper; “PxoelaiorV Mower and Heaper, patent drop delivery;—f- Wagons Plows, Harrows, wheeled Horse-rake', Grain Drill. &c.' The„abOve are all nearly new, and of the latest improvement : " 71 -i Alsb, a Srge lot of Salem Oook aadPorlor Stoves, the best in use and warranted in every respect. , ' ,B, O. COOK,’ = near Darlington, Beaver Co.; Pa. 1 mar.20, , 65; .. 'E.' ■■ NpTIC, 1 »ROPbSALB will, be received bjf tbe School r Directors of Freedom borough until the lrt;bf .Bept,l (at wi- s '- 1 ■ - Sdp’tlo make Principal an< Thesondor tinue six mi jy3’.66 I OFFER . borough ofߣ»Toi in which t nowresideLsil ueted on North-west corner [of the Diamond.- ■ 1 h&To refitted tho good'ordor'and built * good stable; a good cistern ondhe let.' i Tho house' contains flye rOomfc ahd-Js 'oonTe-' niently shhanfsmily. Pones-' aion giTemmmeJlat ;!y; if required. :f - ; Angl6,’63. , N' Jj. M’CORMICE | ; Widelg r GircvJated Papers Hn the State it," . Wittes'-Ike# JSa,rfi&s 4bp file New Vear.. ■■■ rSjSfc assuming control! of the Commercial,, tit wmew 'of the year, .the condue-i Wif i DETERMINATION* to j t &Rue> «<p ii/i mrf, iptq; its |_€o)umniJ r whiqh should jender,tjie paper AfOliE THAN; EVEB. : ACCEPTABtB#Sp.,THR BBADBK.'> j ', The,Rappel flattery ing nbtloesofour CoBbS poraries, end Con-: grqtalatory Lotters frqm every quarter, as-i sureus that our efforts hove not been unsuc cessful. ' ■ ; ■ 1 | . ■ i [The Commercial HAS. :GROWN. DAILY id public favor until it now. rauksamohg thd” LEADING JOURNALS in the country. ■• .[ i . In order to keep pacq;iwiththe, demands of ! Ihq .rbading pnbUc, andalthe qame time meet ‘the increasing pressure on oprriidrertiaing columns, we soma months since INCREASED IHEMJIMENSXONS OP THE PAPER TO THE EXTENT OP POUR COLUMNS. Ampngtheleadingdnktures are'full i reliable ; r-'IRLEQRAPIpb REPORTS; . ; ■ fcpm 'nil the leading' points of interest. .It i dcvotcs special attention to .j • : , } , i. MARKET REPORTS, - V-. T including the IKON; OIL, CATTLE, LUM BER, TORACCO, 'and the PITTSBURGH GENERAL MARKETS. Our 1 • ■ I 1 li i RIVER NEWS, i■ i" I ’ receives particular attention, uind in this De partment ,tho Commercial has no rival. The | FINANCIAL AND STOCK REPORTS, • of the Commercial arc prepared withcareapd will he found to be unusually full and. relia ble. Also, the Benoits bf tho . " LEADING MARKETS OP THE COUNTRY,' .embracing reports of the DRV, GOODS and WHOLESALE MARKETS, and Special Re ports ofIOIL STOCK FINANCE AND TRADE, from dayjtp,day. : ' ' ; ;_• J - j While special attention will be givenitto these several Departments, the | Cammercicil/ lays claim to rank among thclcadingjournjils, of th<f country as a medium of t' ; A ! ’ i GENERAL'INTELLIGENCE. /.% ■ to. —■'nc but hcaUhy'readine "• to be a iblic. | mmerjclal. iHAniSm ■er ofjlhe; 'Vfhich'ial disoourses ban tweu ithouEret This Oej ;ted much ig made to md value, uptime, it my. claims 8010 I W: IN' ■ v y. V K 5 Sewing fse;;” f r , ol V j - ' T ii' ike- the [»= SM I=l or dou ’achines rn, Fell, Gather, without o better Seeing fr|equenl riety of illy;;..or to'-t wen- i _ v Ties wilt ;e every. ,he finest t beaver the feed king any hatever ■ad vahta kincm of work; aj^stitch; motion; ion;,ease pie 2ance ol UM acts, hfid - mine the int buyer :ammo, T , - ?“• ‘S®- , In polities ;lbe. Commercial •jrill ‘he/ ani] un-[ deviating supporter of the Union, . and earn estly loyflrt to the Government!? and: as fijr as consistent irith this aim, free | from .Partisan ship. 1 1 Tii. ! The Commercial is a largo folio]sheet, and is published in two editions, every. morning, Sun day excepted. 1 _ ; i ; i ] Tebms of Daily: by toail, per nnnnmj City subsofjbgrs^served by carriers, si;B per 'annum,in- 25 cents jior wcet£,pny| Sable lothecarrlir., Single copies 5 cents. , A iliseouuttnndo tq Agents. ; j ; " ‘ , • Tun SATunp.vrjCOMVECdAn]—A large sheet, Containing qUlhe Cutreut Klews,- Misqellan- aid Soientifio intelligeuce, and jVaiuable Reading, for the Fahiily, is publishi ied *t s!,.?s (52 Bsues.) per your. In/Clubs ,jo’f Tivehly, SI. ’ . ■■ | " • i I The M nr.Tj far }Veekly. arid. Daily mueLiahcaye \accomf.any'rih£ order and in no inelancri cqrilheir [tciynxb deviated from. ■ [ [ . j‘ B@uPosLmaslers are requested, to Ml as sagenfsjTor Uie Commercial. , | if Office. 7STIFTII st., opposite Posloffice. C. Dill RICH AM.. t..' TJdito*. It. D. TllOMPSOX....:....Dl‘sinkss Ma>aukr. Address ,TIIK COMMERCIAL, . I a ~ ’ jlMtlsburg; Pa. SEW~ BRIGHTON. RETREAT ■ ■ j (.■<.!! AN FOE. THE RECEP TION, CURE AND TREAT-, MENT OF MENTAL f ALIENATION OR 5 t DISORDER I f v.,: jSLI3I<(3L Otliei* ■j; Nervous and .Chronic! Diseases. EXCLUSIVELY Foil FEMALES. Tills instiluticii is now open for the recep tion; e*r'e, ahd .treftimfjnt/of.lte -indepen dent class of;pati|nts who ore-laboring under mental derangement; or other nervous and chronic disease. We make special inentibn of nervous and chipnio diseases; from the fact that seven tenths of the female patients that are committed ,ti, our public/ Asylums; to be treated foe- disordered minds ,are reduced to that lamentable condition [through previous pbysical.disordcr, ‘ By a-well timed and judi cious treatment, of chronioand hetvpus dis eases, all physical disorders,I in the majority of cases may be removed; Lid thus 'the mind, having suffered through the medium of the 'body 'will; when free from the : ;exoiting physical cause,. throw off; the shackles that' has bound it to worse than midnight darkness, and reoson will; once more, resume its sway, clothed in all its primitive beauty and wonted i excellence, llenco the necessity of all those, who are laboring! under the predisposing or exciting causes, I calculated in the end to 1-im pair the mind lb resortJto an', early and judicious course »f remediaj agents, f . The Institution is a large: brick with a stone basement —four stories'.high and well ventilated.' Il|is situated op Cable. land which commands a view bf entire town—adjacent hills—groves and neighboring streamsall of which are |'calculated to pro duce favorable ,improseipps [upon the disorder ed mind. . •' f■! ' ■ ) . v - | , v Thc lnstitutioa is complete in all 6f-its ap- —Al— pointmcnta. Having been tastefullytfitted'up ; at graet' expense, in order that it may meet the approbation and views of the tr-ost fastidi ous. . V ■.. ■,-* The water closets and bathing apparatus have been gotten np'VDoh the moat approved modern soiontlfioprlneip'tes. This department embraces not only the ordinary b&ths .but,. .also, the medicated, warm* air and - ascending and descending,; doueAe forJthe mqre iciFectoal and successful treatment Of; cutaneous and other scrofulous diseases.* :i . ' i ■'■■■,■; u We begleave to say to all those who may bo-J disposed, to commit, the interests of a.dear wife, sister or daughter, to opr be assured that n ° means; will be spared* or ’ efforts wanting on our part! to ameUpfafc their Condition or to,effect a restoration to their ac customed health:, and vigor, of mind. : • ; «J'JBw;T|Urthe?,particnlarB head for a| eirenifr. AH oommanioatioM should beaddressed to. ji, -H R.,KENDRICK, Mi D. - : |i Sapti.of Hew Brighton Betrhat : Newßrighton - &0v12’62. i • - j .Beaver Co. Par SIZE To Stockholders of the PhiUipsbufg and i °©»v. ’> mHE StoekholdOT»f w* cbiapiny' 'Jh i wffl Herat., RMBester/ Pa./tifSjjflMT, *6s, at^o’clock, f. oflgremt Im p*»ttSee*pi meeting,TWetjr iwaertcd to : “^iB. ! BCBBt'Seb*v.'-’ ; 4*^l. ■'ihfclßWlJS-k^DREUATim OF TUB BiWL S OLDIERS AND SAILORS HOLLOWAY’S PILLS Qmtiiifeii t. hjk-- LLtWHoXaveFriends and Relatives totbe iAi Arinypr|N'aVy, *hoiild take especialcare* tW they be amply, supplied wjtb tKpqe Pills ’and Ointment; ajnd where/ttyle braveSoldlera and Sailors have neglected lo provide them-! SeWes with.,themjnp:better present cagfbescni; them by theirfrieuds. ' 1 They hhire beeh prov ed to be the Soldier’s, never-failing ' friend in thohourof tieedi' L, COUGUS'AND.ttOLDEAFPECTiNGTRQpP3 ■ Will hie speedily j retaoVed and effectually cared bynaingthese admirable medicines,' and .paying propefattcption to., the Directions Which are ttttached to each Pot or Bor. ■ I “. -t SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OR APPEr i ' TITE INCIDENTAL.TO. SOLDIERS, : ’ These feelings! wl;ich sosaddettus, usually arise froin trouble pr annoyances, obstructed perspiration.pf eating and drinking, whatever is unwholesome,^thus disturbing!the healthful action of tbe : livjer andi stomach.i ‘ These or ghVa must be reliev ;d,if ybudiiire to be! well. Thcf Pills, taking at cording! to the printed in: siructiohs, will quickly a produce a ■ health] - action in both liver and stomnqh, and.’ as a natural consequence a clehr bcadhnd good ap • OR DEBILITY INDUCED B 1 . • I Will 'soondlsappeaf by the use of. thcae/Ui valuable Pills, aim Soldier, will quickly ac|- quire addilionalslrebgtll. Never let the bow-- els bo either .confined or unduly acHsd upon. It may seeni felrange that ilolloivjiy’s Pills Should be recommondedfor -jflni, many persons siipposinglhatthcy would ibcreaee thc reUxa t ion. -This is it great, mis-, take, for those Ifillq will porrectj the Ever' and stoniacli.'and'tints remove all the from, tiiesys'tem. -(flris medicine will give, tone -andjvigor'to tbcj whole organic'jsystem howev er deranged, wUHejhealth and: strength follow as a : matter, opcokrse. Nothing will stop the relaxation of ti c* Bowels so sure qs this fam-r ous, mediejue. | , '*■.. ■ . ■ I VOLUNTEERS attention i mndiscee !./ * TIONS OF YOUTH. ■ : ; jS&res.and Ulcered Itlotchingsand, Swellings,, jtkn with certaiityjbe radically cured if. the jPills are. talten night and mowing, and .the ioihtmbnt he frdelyjUsed as stated’in tho.print ied instructions. - If treated in jany other man ner they dry up inone.part to break out in an other.* Whereas this Ointment will remove the humors frbtn the system add leave, the Pa tient a Vigorous and healthy than. Itwill re quire p little pbi severance in liact cases to in sure 4 lasting (jure. I . i FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY THE BAYONBXt OSSIASRE ORTHBBUL. LETWSOREfij OR BRUISES; . Y.rJ. : -to which evqry.’jSoldier and’ Sailor are rSflihlc, there.arc no kncdicines so safe; aaro. and don vcnicht'as'Hpllbw'ily’s Pillsaud ointment. The ■poor.woundcd aiidlalmost dying sufferer might iiaveius wounlla dressed immediately,, ifThe w|oUl(t only proVidc himself with this match less Ointment, which should.be thrust into the ■ wound and smtared all around it, then covered With a piece of] linen -frpnr his knapsack, land compressed With-j a Taking bight and iuorringd or 8 Pills, to cool the sys tem and proved inflamationl [- Every Soldior’s] knapsack: .and Seaman's, chest should be provided with these, valuable Remedies'. ■•.. ’j ! !•' . caution: —None are genuine .unless the words ”iloUovca’t/s JVcw I'ork a gji l London,”, are discefnabll.nsia woper-mark in every ( leaf', of the book of directions.lyound each ..pot or box ; the same may he plainly seen by holding (Jtejfaf lo the light: : A handsome reward [will: he given to oh;-: ,oue rendering such informa tion as toay Tend to the detection of any parly or pajrticshour tcrfcillng.thcniedicines or vend ing the same, 'mowing them to be spurious. ' *»*Bold at! the Manufactory of Professor lloi,loway, 80 Maiden-Lane, Nf.w York,-and by all. rtspcctiible Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines, throughout the civilized world, in boxes at 26 certs, 02 cehts aUd sl'each, j FS?"Tlmrc is considerable saving by taking the larger site- ‘ - 'N. B.— Dire,, tents in every ' ' .May ! 7. .'-k ■ 11111 Mil E. 1) EMO BEST'S Quarterly Mirror ot Fashions,' ( 1 . ii'ilh Grti l Irnjrrovertcnlf \ and.'AddU/pn3, till! BUMMEK kc3I»ERnbST.UNS) four large. > splxx/W) -faEinox " J>LATES, THREE ■ EL T bL-St£ED ,■ ■ T*A,rtERXS OF f)IiES_SESf*-' : ! CpUl'AlSpiU THE ’ • . j ’ Now French an Slogan I. Sleeve, and a Misses, Sack, and'a Sheet ef New ( • 4 and Beautiful '■■ , BRAID AND PATTERNS. Together a nth nearly 100 EngravingsSf \ ,i fll th.o novelties for J v !'. 1. Summer' BbnOets, Cloaks, TrimmingSi . Children’s Dresses, ie. M 4f And valuable information to Milliners,-Dress Makers; land Ladies gcnernHy; pre senting . the jjsxgest-’nndr best.Faghion Maga zine in the [World, published 473 Broadway, N. y.it and 'soldj everywhere at 25 cents, aj sent by.inail, | post free,\oh.receipt of the amt, in stamps or| idlyer,, Year $l,OO with the fol-~ lowing valuable premium. Each yearly subscriber -will be entitled to a receipt for the selection of 50 cents worth 'of plain patten i, ftom the designs in.thc bool: f ' or from the’ahoiv room, or they may bo or? tiered and soil bjy mail any lime durihjg-the year,'by paynp postage. ,B®iSplendi3 Inducement's to Canvassers;' Hb. now rcadv.- ‘ ‘I.' 1 ‘ . 1 r : c =II I I ORGAN harmoniums. ABLISHED IN lB39:-^a oijftst aiffl jnost. popular instruments S. of.'thCjkind in this country. - ■ <: h‘. M‘ .' ' : "; f ;. i ■ ' •' For Sale full/ at ; H. KLEBRR &;RRO’S., \ ; ■ r". 121 fyo'od : st\, Is'itsbufg; ■" JQySolo jAgenls for Carhart’a Parlor Or ;ganafor Western Pcnn’a. mylO’Go IjIBUIT TREES FOB FALL PLANTING; V. : -=i| ■ ■;*■■■s' ■ - ;■ 'persons who intend planting • 1 Orchards, Gardens, ‘or Vineyards, Are invitedto examine our Nurseries at Edge, worth Station,; on the P, Ft. W. & C. R<Bt,' 12 milc3 wept of PiUstmrg, dr send for aCat aloguo, *1)01016 ordering from irresponsible tree; Our stock js very snperior.of largeT .stout, heavyTcees, ap'd ihevarieties are war-. ;rttfijfed comet to nape.- Parties 'residing in district, by joining and Ruling to the Nurseries, or sending their orderirby mail, can have caoh lotptjt up separate and named plainly, and. charged., at the. rates per; hun dred ~-and delivered m PittsburgorAllegheny free of charge/' '■ j'-’ l ’ TT. ' . xii i -T. L- SHIELDS & CO., ; ,j Allegheny <io„ Pa,. C.; toEGARMEj ' t{- . • TQBACfcOKISTt; : (' ■ '' ! -COR- DIAMOND & THIRD ST. ; TOBACCO & SNUFF ; always ion hand.— .Uigaraimaptfacluredand furnished to ’,. ; ■: . •• i' » *5 ' B 8« 1 ;dtionS for (lie; guidance of pa • to each box. ]E?, 11 aViEL S I I f . - - ■ ' ilor Organs W- -®f !■ ■ i -V- • ■.. ITi . AND in >i*)n -a«iwy r~T '.' ,_ Vl^S^S^lk PETROLEUM ; 1 U rii,9T^.^-w^.,,n^ r,„,r„ f , '***■■ Hurt* MANUAL -on ,ht Se . „ 1 , Preserving the Teeth, * ftuu «f Proper Treatment of ChiUrtrt r f,,. h tion ’ Mjki ■ FLdSS SILKfor Cleaning be t L n , s -■ •' *1 _ TO<)TS.TfCKS,-etc., -etc. * ,k ' T "lk. _ ; i Prepared at JDr '.Hurd’s Dental A.’ .P . Pii] ■:, Pourtfeitj, Brooklyn, (F,. D.)/ ■- °ffic e , ;f rfRAGHi , | \PHce, ONE TJOLIAIJ or S[r^. ’ i. V., «®*The Dental Treasury niuLtl S ?' ; . " The. Treatise on Preferring (he Tvbr • • ’nigh,, -paid, op jrtteipt of Twelve c E v T ,' em 'r° K ;, «■» StainpsJ ]-;• j." ' , ■-. I " ’J 1 ’ of-four J°J*P * The Plaster, for Newiuu ' .A->- Face, Nervous Headache, and Earac’" 1 post paid*'on receipt- of Eighteen c ( 3 se,li :i; I atnmpsj ..j- -.j , v;v ; ’A:' ;i - ‘"v'« t si , The Kenralym ana RhrunJnir t . , size,) fpr pains, indite qiiest,iSUon!d. r K,*’», or any part af Hie body' sent post p,u,i’^' ceipt of h irty seven eentei - ■ Addre '■' • ..j.* •‘L ■ CA'pmfc ' l'8$oo6; Sb;fto|)|SUiros oi^r,Valueof;..^v.sl*(W:ckeh. ’" ■:- V -h ■■. VVii'K ■ M k Ti a :meeting of the stockholders of the 1 above company, hold' at;, their office in too b orough of ; RoeheBtcr, April 29th, 1863 j the f lUowing jjcrsOTls wero elected its offices ifdr’tl eensiling year; j j iI : ' ' I? ‘ PRESIDENT; 'T T j 3IATTISON DAURAGH; >. TREAbTiIIER * SECRETARY^ i. b. hurst. . ■ : ■ ■ ■ DIRECTORS: , Ifnttison Dojragh,, Milo R. Adams, .'Charles Stone", -Alfred C. Hurst,. - . . JainelfDahragh, 1 .. John Bigger, . : if* Levi JJrennnman, . Kohl .A. Cochran, ; j’ Charles E, Kendall. ■ I >• i: limited number of snares of Stobk of ill e| aboVe Gctfipany -may be. had by sippli caticriat (be ofiice-.of the company. ■ .-I m tbo Diamond, Rochester, Pa. , Cil AS. B. LIU HST, Sec’y. “Uriquestionably the bes j Sustained i work ot the kjnd |n the, World.” T; '!- 1 "' H AiiFF H V S : K‘ r MBVy MAC4AZINEI .’..it Ij. ' Critical Kp’fca of the frets. ' I It Is tlie foremost Magazine of the day,— ihe ;fircsido]nevcr had a more delightful com panion, nor the million a" more "enterprising; than. Harper’s, Magazine^, —Methijdisl Pfotfriant { BaltimoreV , The most popular ] Monthly in the World.—- iVno! 'York Observer. , ' ' -I ' i ■ We must refer in terms of eulogy to the bigli tone and" varied excellent of U*arKii’.s M.to^zi^K—a journal with a monthly circjila tionlofahout 170,00(1 copies—in whose pages are be Toppd some of the choicest light and goh|riil reading of the day. We speak of this workfas an evidence of thc'Amcrican People : an]lft;li(s|populSrity ii lias acquired is merited. Eacjhf number'contains ‘ fully 141 pages, of rfeadihg]maftcrr,appropridlely illustrated with’ 'Wotl'; woolH'outsfand it. com Hines in itself .the’ rjaej* | monthly- and jthe more/philosophical fftiart cr|y, blended with tho best features of thej daily. Kolias great power‘in the di'ssem inntiph hf a love of pure literature.—Tutu- Nfeif’g Guide to.. American Literature, London. ■ j'ljho volumes bound constitute of themselves, ti library, of miscellaneous reading such as caihnpt fye found in the same compass ill any ot|h jr publication that has come under our no! ce.— Courier. SUBSCRIPTIONS : 1865. ■ >Tlie Pulinyiera have- perfected ft system of mailing by which they can supply ibe ?>la<:a -zis{k land Weekly prnniplt’/ to.those wliO.prc fcrlt(> receive- ftieirjperiddicals directly Irpm ltd office of publication , i • • The postage on ItAKi’EU’s Magazine :1s --•$ Visits a year which must at the Sttb i •i^rj r 6fr , «,post-dfficcl < . , ~ l-iM r / !‘* *• '!* Terms :. '': ‘ ! - 1 IlAll;i*Ba:s MAGAzhtr., one yftdr;;:.;:;:”.S4;00 /Jih ISxtra copy df tjlXhSr the Magazine, or j will be supplied gratis*; for every Glub! of Five 7 St?nsdaißEas at $4 00" each m one remittance; or for $2O 00, Back numbers can. 1 be supplied at any time. ‘.now: comprising:Twenly nihe Volumes,-in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express,, freight at expense 'of pur- for $2 25 > ’per volume. Single vol umes, by mail, postpaid. $3 00. Cloth cases,’ for jbinding, 58 cents, by mail, postpaid- Ad droSS - ; HAKrKR. & BTsOTHKHS. ! i | . ' Franklin SurAßr,«Xr.w Toiiir. lEETH ! . TEETH! TEETH \ UTILITY i>- ; ■)!', , iHcaltli . -J —:■— rfl-vR; 0, .W. SPENCER'S STEI\M DENTAI ESTABLISHMENT, Pkns St.; Pitts BUiar-, Pa., isthe Iprijesi’Atsil ni«st fom -1 lere in the.Uuitcd Stales.. ' Sim first-clyss At ; iiiants always in. attendance; also a/lady t< Receive and assist In wailing-'-on ladies' ant “children.- . r i • •£*■/ . - I Full upper or: nrider sets of those beautifu [Vulcanite t*efh;i huclion plate with Artificial Gains, and warranted siiperibr mrtv^rg!res/teel to ; »riy made -in the United States, /or only $l5; plton teeth only ;SlO,- : [ • / 1 1 [Remember Dr, Spencer has. t}io ns •ioijtriieril of Artificial teeth andj Dental'male ever brought to the city, jof Pittsburg thins enabling people Jto pelcot iTcctli fo sm thcmsclvCS regarding/the, length, shape, color, j stie, &c., theyrcijuire.i; , ! References —The/Physieians, and Editors 0 the different papers in Pittshnrg and? vicinity IN. B. Don’t forget the' price—only $l5 fo xtracting tlja teeth and inserting a ri.the best style; guaranteed to‘ give perfeo-' atisfactioi/ Every Opctration purlaining It he Dental profession executed’-with aoatnes; phil despalcb.- | jOnlywrfrc hours' titne retjtrife'd to,maho yo» a jlct-bf' Teeth complete So don't forget lh« ilii^c 4 No. 251 Pehn at,, Pittsburg, two;squares .hove die. Suspension bridge.' mydillo 1 j =MI 1 ■! I Hiea <fe Untafi, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Hi . '"l.’ : I , I VE/ILL attend to legui business ,of all ' \ » kinds. Prompt attention given to col lections generally. : Licensed A gents, for col ection of” Pensions, Bounty. Arrears of Pay, ?ri£o money, Fay. ctc., of Prisoners of War, md all kinds. of,military., claims against the Jbv^nment.-';Offioia-\.. ’ - I tiiur of. Slreel'and \the : Diamond:, l(immceiately in thorear of Court House,)' j BEAVER, 'fENNA. [jan4 ; fpCEQXJTOB’S NOQjlpE. TTTUEUEA3 letters pii the W • estate' of, Nasct HindV late , (if pjrigewater, Ben'reroo., Pa., 'detf d, having bien granted to the undersigned, ail persona •indebted, to said estate aroreqnestcd to make tnunediatepayipont.and thoseharipg claims against the same willpresent them, properly authenticated for settlement. [ J , ' • ' I r ' SAMUEL DAVIDSON, .Executor. . >{ !jy26’65.' i-r - . ,fp- ■aiicr .. SI^OOO. a.m.... . I' » & ECONOMY ! aa<l : IJeaiifcy i\ ■ess, JCy. ]&. jivkiK cn rilune.limUm^X'viy^ i ' ! ! ■ I j Dr. lliirtT .l ilO VTIIM'ASiI; XQOTUPn w ’ VEIL aind TO ITIUCIIE Djoh cW ' ; gent -by mail, but they i,can probably be’nt* tamed atypur Drug or Periodic.,l Stores f ’ they . cannot, gelid to us for the UiIVTrV ■' TREASURY,- Price, O.nk Dou.av., which tains them. .i t- •- " . , . “ a- I' * ; <-«4 J TOW, 1 n r - t i ■ ".f ■ • - ~ . •, Arf Dr. IjHrtTs J'rsp'jrrJiont. } The bept.evidence^,that.they are is, that theV firmest: and best patrons are have used thepi .longest.-,. Dr. Wm. Ji. Itnrdi,'- an- eminent Dentist of Brooklyn, Treasurer of the } ork Slate Dentists-’ Associatioaranf .these preparations have been, used m liia nri-" rate practice for years, arid no 11-aditid ditjim of lirootlyn or. - Williamsburg questions their eiceller.ee, , while eminent Dentists’, of Ke* • York rccoimnend them as- the best known to the prqfcjssion. ‘ YVithout- the’aid ,df ing. dealers have sold them bv-tiie grosa r The Editor of thti Mrookli/d’Omb/Timesliyf. “tt e are happy to know that oar ' friend,' Dt.' . j? 'beyond all , expectatiaaj with his MOUTH WASH "and TOOTH TOW. DER. "The g|reat secret of hist success‘restj with thefacllj'/iot his article) ari'-yrecisch/ idct they ar f , rqoreAaite;/ to Me, n*' ice cad testify Jm' their Ipnjj. use:*, ' .j . : The jvi-u known P. T. Barnum writes: -1 .found your T<)OTH POWDERso good that m family have gsed if all W }V, Jnd it th , h \. .pyirdrr fcr the Irtih -tre have ever. useiL, I >l„] 1 feel,obliged if you.iviu send me 'another . ‘ ply at the Jluscum at y«uf convenience r-i vj;» ii ;■ - ’1 • :•(.* ' ,■ »■<*'-' ; • f . py t*- ~ ' . r ' ' •’ -■ IV But thcir.cost isjsosinall that every mag lost the matter for himself. /; : , ' JCgfpJiewure of the.ordiniipy Tootli,' Poir-ljn, Dr. Hurd’s Tooth. Pooler 'contains Ina • aciiL-, nor alkali, nor charcoal,. and poiis'liei, iriihiat wearing the enamel. Use no nThcr WHAT WILn DR. HCRD’S i- ; . - .EFFECT 1| • • .. Dr. [Hurd’s Mouth Wash and Tooth-. Powder will give young ladies' that finest chirm in wo: man—a-sweet Breath J anjl> pearly tbethi.. It them.'liitlies. . , : 1 ■ ■ -1 . . ! Dr. Hurd’s Mou th ,1V -I situ nd To-rtli Powder will itldanse the jpouth: from air foul eshali tiona, and if used in the .morning., avid malt the breakfast tastc.swcctsr and'the day begin more pleasantly. Hundreds of persons cut. testify ;fo this,. Try them, gentlemen. Dr. Hurd's MoutirWash sndlTooth Powder are the the best preparation’s in the world for curing ! bad .breath and giving 'firmness and hcaltjU |t|o tlie gums.. of cases of Dis'i trd P'.eyioip Game, .'v-.’-f , I'ri iy etc., 6ured by Dr. Hindis astringt ent .wash.}: 1 ‘ -[•• : Drj. Ipifii’s Mouth Wash and Tooth Powder give a'ri additional charm. to courtship, sal makehushands more agreeable 1 1) their wirts and wives to their husbands. '.They should be ttsedby every person having • ’ ' f J h v TKJvtjK. .which arc liabloto inipai t a tainr’to the month !.:Dr. ’Hurd’s Toothache Droops er.re : Toolh a'che arising- from nvpjiscd nerves, find arc lie best friends It lint parent:! .gjin-have in thohomf ‘ ■ to s.'.vc theirclui dree I'rmiy tevtime n:?-i tl'.f'-r. j selvi!s_froni losS-df sleep im-f sympathetic,!®!-- Farmers and mechanics! j-oiicanaittwellaf 'fordj to neglect your.-teeih. . J : ev a! .^an^ lyoujean now gct.-priijcj;vanrcf— than "hum Rot hseluUlOr Astor can get nplhing better. Remeinbcr that Vi/epeptk ieP C^map/uii'¥ the often originntedn iiygiecf■■of lecm, Sen I for,the ,T redlise^oh Teeth, and read Pr. Fitch’s observations ohjiiis njl/jfpt. ” tOJ ’ late to arrest decay in y.o:.r. own teeth, you? children's teeth. •: - ..." SntpKttm'A Jf£ASTJW?..±J>r- H«« N'edralgia Non-Adhcsire-Pl'istcrs are the m» plfeasaal find SncceSsftilrciaedics.cver pretert ha for.lhis painful disease.- The patient plica ohC; soon 1 becomes dro-.rs.v, tails asleep, andjasvahes free fro'm pain, and , pcwhb-'tet other athpleasa’ni ot injnri Otis consefiueiicese sue] jFor Earache rind ; l&r™ M U ply! according. >to directions, and -relief ■surely l - follow. ■ Nothing can be_ obtained,efi . to Drj Hurd’s' fiontpress fop Neuralgia them.. They are entirely a "novel. cnrioM . original preparation, and aa'ondcrfully »inte- 5 ' ful.i'They are it two sire's.'one sn!dl.,u rl “ ■ face, price .lh cents, and the other application to t ho body, priced” cents. be r'ullh'd on receipt of price and one wtiitap. WI%AT ARK TIIE PEOPEK VVJ G l Thd American people pre intelligent eft°ug . apr.reciateprcparatioaslhatcontribules’im _ to happiness of those using them 1 , an wont them. Every mail brings its letters.- -orderjug the Treatise on Teeth, someone, ml gin Plasters, and not a fen - cnctming r (for[the Month Wash", to be sent by m»* •. to we are compelled to reply that jimhossible to send a half-pint bottle W .j Tlrd people want' these Remedies,,.^ \ supjolg themt ■_ ~ ’ : . Now is the v. .. _■ • • ", li C KANCE FOR AGENTS- d*,, . Shrejsvd agents cafe make a small 1W“ carrying these articles nroundto fanuW •; Dental Trcasurydsjthe neatest prl’Cle y. Vnan or woman can carry around. »■* . one and see, do f cn ’- will sell, as samples, for i>T. -- Agents ShTt. ( liberally.with offculaps.„.J6SP'N<> w .} s nl0 Ai to to go into thebusiimss, todcgood.a a pVofit. We arc. sjenifiSg thousands f« benefit ;o(^agcrrtSi~ u. mehWeTla/>om^Sw^BWSy"y_.: take the tide at its flood. d’ddrcss, 1;. ' ' .WM.'B.TfPKD & CO., ■M i I : That remitihhoes may be maderut, , oJ c ( dehoo, .W.K*n. & Co.-, refer dodhfe|U»y Prooklyn-iVe. W. Griffith, Preside?* 1 Ors’and Bonk: Brooklyn 1 s ,« Joj. New-Tork j, t 6 PrIT, Batjnnm.h 31 !'’ ' I’OrkleW.’. f tc. : ADMINJSTBA^OR’^OTj O^, 1: ETtMa of ott '“' t«,ibhio, 'doSeensetl, lurinj ed 16} M» imdwtiguMi; i» ** are required Iq, wake immdjate f *S. , fto'se; haring claims will present tn ! erly authenticated for settlement :;.U ,EUZA:AIiJIIRWmAd^. Aug2B’6s. J 10 ■T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers