.Ijff 1 ' 1 - BEAVER j^ftl t ,F1 1) :EC, MBEft --:a,Mhsk MlNWigi , , Nomin| - .-.tunVjfj.'.ii’.iv’iiJ; -*"■ . :. u ,i FOB; AUDITOR. QENEU, Qsa. KAB^i \ Montgomery coiiiii ,f .<! '.SOtt 'V ::-p rXr ‘-itf'KfUthiingi eointy . j t j-lNonp I - Assembly. j MitfT'FTR #• S !I QUAY, 0, I JAM ES li. -KELIiET, Was ? -jpSGfrff BIWRLSHi,Wae Treasurer. MILO. :Bo; ADAMB. New : ' iii ' Olsfriot Attorney jAM.BjrS.-i RUTAN, Bor n< " Commissioner. ■ JOHNiWfLSON, Iu( , • .County Supveyoi AiZARIAH \VYNN, i .. . Poop House Direct Samuel, Gibson, Auditor, i hsn HUGH I; itARBH lliL, Coroner. • THOMAS M<sGOy. ‘ Trustees of Acade -■A. T. SHALLEN BERGEE : ■ Rev.J). P. EOWAJIY, . Tbaddeus i Stevens o •‘j /•. , structlon. the 7th insk Ho ,u£ pi ~ <*ny, Steveps addressed the pc ' Hence in, organizing this' rebellion they paster county upon the si lace gcted as -{states. It is no loose' construction;** Hte positk unorganized rebellion .havingnodefin .taken, and his argument, | d boundary or possessions. It hits a -« . * * •' boundary marked .ov.-lmesof-baronet^ iliefntAble, and we regr * tUid, which.. can be crossed only by space will not permit us ] force—south of fßla-line iienemy's-ter ■ L.remaiks trt exU/nso before ritpr y, because it js claimed and held ! ■Upon the status of the tL ! ip pcssesaion by 'an' organised, hostile, s -• . t . . and ■ Hdligcreni power.*” What right ; " , ;,»rf •' I, , has ain r one t 6 direct a convention to ■ Two positions have bephsuggesipp. 1 te del d in a sovereign ot .this lsl-r-To treat those SU|tea ; tw never Unk)n,.-tot--amend ;i 8 constitution'and having been out of the. Uition.because lri . Si .,.jij e the bualificotiortajof voters'!’ ir j_tbe constitution forbids accession, and £j 10 SOVG y e janipr.wer ot the -nation is | therefore, fact , forbid Jen- by law odgid ir. Congress. Yet where . ;is . _ could not exist. " j . _ _ j t,’ n o warraht -In the constitution for ' > :2d—Co accept the posi,ion in whmh. , uc p, sovereighl potyer, much less tlipj •hey placed themselves as_ severpo xe tivp to intei meddle with the do froip tTie JJnionj an4ndc|>endent go ( y- raest j c institutions of a'State-mould; - jprnmentde/aefo, ana pn alien enemy. - l8 Sftvya, and: .reguhtte • the elective to by dealt with according to the. l£ vs f rar c hise ?»" ijl would he rank,danger-■ -Vf ,Vf aP *V , ? /ous anti deplorable ’ usurpation. If to mo that while ,ve uo_ to l | reM ns true, lop, therefore, no reform' b.y.opthat the United Stn.es are QOUjUd ; p all (j e effecigd to the Southern States r lo peat.- them as &|i alien -enemy .1 et; t le y have', never left the Union.— -they have a right |tp.ele ;t so to. qo it) jj ut reformation must bo effected: the) for the intqrjest--{1 the .of theirinstitutions, both’| . T ad :s' a *' p States • irp municipal and social must be j r.'istcipped from denying - hat postti ~ n ‘ 'ji arid felaid, .or Sa.II our blood i ’ South Carolina,, the leader and lijeasiira have been spent in vain. ! h.|dinieiU. o,f the reffelhon.in tno mofith:,|rp fi d ajl on jy n-oating and oi jJanunr.y, 1861, jjassod the folio-ySng ling them as a conquered people, resolution by the unanimous vote ot f hln >1 things .. t L r - woulu have 1 foM; power , teresis in the Conslitmicn of the fJoi- l ? fpr.lheni; for the torrito - ;.tcd Htates; and that the only apriro- rie ‘? f i aro ..«P.t under'the Constitution priiifo negotiations) befvreon her and ; B° far as lhe-pxpress power to ..the Federal Government are as to ff,?^ ern '•bom is given to Congress.— ' their mutual relation! as. ford on 1 bc held in a territorial - ODd,tl i on -."rttil they are fit to fotm The thatforme/!-the' l '^i te . L: ?! ls! H u| ii OUH ) republican in fact AOvyrcmont,of the qilnfi derate States '“'jorralonly and ask admission and ail the eleven States that combos- |«V? I ’® Cbion -as.- new States. If ■"V edv.lf. .adopted (ho Shm 5 deelaratVoh '| t ; 0 VK ro< ‘ s , approve' of their Constim;, vortd pledged their llH ; es and fortunes ! :* ,l<>l J rt ' ariC l think they have done.works • .to support it. Thac GovernmcatTiiis, t ln , for they would bo ; -ed largo armies', and by ls'^ ,t . ted ne ' w Slates,.-If their'. ' power,,compelled i(he Nations of 'thet,h°t* tI,ULI( , are not.approved of, : -civilized world as we;l\as - our eWn j l . y w puld jbe'sent back, until They * ! -«*ternment> to nckifowledge thiM'aa become: wis.e enough so to purge i»n independent belligere titiidrby- y le f 1 ’ as to eradicate e.voi-y •' : Ihd law of nations} to bo consiiderodia»‘: de^ tl ? and >evtd,utionary principle— ; engaged■ in) a public W, and', hot U "\. , 1e ,% h&,| -s av « iearhed to ven-. , : mei fely iir ah insurrection, it rs Idle < ’ ra p et * ie iiotrlarnlio,n oflndependonee. ;wc. treated thomjil a 'Mr. Stevens is o r f opinion that as /or.ri’^aDject tol^ho°lifini |f South ' craated ike - Rl.mp enemy.Wjo blp shaded ttjeir V" 1 t ob F forcing war upon ms «»• Undoubted, ' a ( li: «pon their own people,they should - ; '.ent right; .the exlontrof coast blocka ko'made to pay tbe debt, and also the dahiages which the rebels have done '■ “ S l irat^9 > % or- i But>yo propose to confiscate all the 1 mw”® the,r ® a ß! k *Y«- c rfeWB.to-be..tpeat- epliite of every rebelbeiligerenl whoso T Pr .n°? erS 6t - a, - v W ® ack «Pwl“ e el ato vas iwonh 810.000. oV whose a r '“ mm " shMr lrorn M»o. liln ' d «xceedjd two hundred acres in ..; was suffi- qunbuty. Klioy if not justice would' t.ent to screen Sorames and his’asSo- ret uire . that the poor, the ignorant cir,tea from the fate of lawless bucih» a ,ud the coerced should be forgiven —’ 1 e6ra ' Yj°! )ut an a ckiu wledgpd gov- They followed'the example and teach erpment dejme or A/acfo, could;hive it-g&jof theifiHvealthy and intelligent 'rhl^LiV 88l % Rn A V C D|®’^bborB^ bbor8 - The rebellion would nev- T nn/fr««? d ,t r 8 ° f o lo i’ ! ' l Sta tes w|re havo originatod with them. For not treated as outlaws, but ns soldiers tiiraioly those w.ho would tflus escane . T* majority oSgl? : ‘fi m b }. i ®?® r9 \ h ? ldln g commissions though, posaeasingibul a smallportion . fropthat government. The Con fed. of the wealth. The properliOn of : »V 8 States were for foir years what Phone exempt compared with the nun -:: : 'Uiiion' tvbieh U,Tl’v n^ Wllhln i h ' e 46'5,000,000; "Of'thwJ - .ffayened tho ConstiuuioL and fhere" ea(ib adall male freed » fore they were naver e’ntnt P ,n' Sup^B ° there aro W million' ‘••■feiMlw-wttr 'Kn»' mlLi» en R a ße4 Tljat wou d require 10 006^ • Ibd" Uiiitod 'states • ! fi‘-S 'eaves three hundred and . Jw- dfit |b e,4li.d .„ . f-i »■. - * ( J ; llh b ( rime of "treason can, bd corn milled wily whbr&tfio person is ac tually or potenifally’ present 1 . Jeffer son 1 Davis sitting in Kichmoncl/cobn scllmgjov adyipjng, or comnyinjijbg : uh&li:ro!>d; into milled in overset in ibis SfaSo, and can bo l ied ifany where only In Ibe BiWmbfnii Distiact. The doctrine *'ol constructive presence, and coiifilr a Cl ive treason, will never I hope pollute onf stainteStW judicial iSeiect-. «uT i ft)partial jartvlfcom ir’g&»- ; la;tunti 'i t .is obvious that no’ cnnyic-. ticjn bould ever ;be bad Possibly a jriry .gt packed tprcpnvtst. but ibat Win IQ not] bean bimjuirl,ial”,joi;y r | il'wbbll be judicial niuide'r,and .would j frank' ii i inSadty Wtill the trial of Lord j Basse),;exceptfonty;that tho’OMb 'was; .the an yirinoeenlf man, the' other of a traitor! The. aamo tliflS™ cullies u^tMil^tozi^t'liVi^teinpting'for- Mtdres,,^hib|i l canl. onlyfollow con viction in States protected by. the cbnsli union;'and then it is said only for the Jife ; of Ithe raalefaeior. Con gress ;an pass.no .‘‘bill of,,attainder w I'Kbr under that theory, bas Con gress, milch tiss th'b Executive, any power to interfere in remodelling those. States upon reconstruction ' Wlliai recon-trUctionis needed?- Hero, are Stales \Vhlch they never hbbninbt of the Onion, and which are c'||isequeDtly tiow in ■ it without "ask"-, iog ipbve pf hivy orie. i They are com petenC and Members to Cb|greBsi.. ;Tl>n slate of war has .broken no’constitutional ligament,for ii was only, an insurrection of indir yidnais, bot.a ; public 'war waged by .Stalein reasoning, not withs{anding,evory.Stale acted in its miKirilipiil capaeitiy; and the .court in tjh£ prize cases' (2 Blaek‘ 673). sav GUS. 65. . litions- bAnpt, lAfcrv ■ PBELL inatiom liiVei; liingtoD; Ijington; llrigUto: ju^h; iustry; leaver; ir. ' r '' Irighton;- lig Beafftfi Moon; i . ijny i ,Koohealer; Beaverj Reoon.- L i.Thaddeus ple-6f Lari - bjeet of re ne are well to cur or.rld at that bur to place his our readers. )el Stales ho =I i =I * .;HI .w. ' j. . ' 1. Invest 8300.Q00,000 in six per cent, govert.raentbonds,' and. add lbo Jjileresl se rqi-ar.pua Ily^to.lbc pen'idns of those jhjhq hnvojbeoqmo entitled by IhisyUlaihbusiWar< 'S ! ; I ; ; 2KAp^yo^Vip»’' pfjr the (damagea tfplne jo loyal raeo.Jiorih s roe 'M | N 3./Pay theTfesidue>ejhg ! 000 towards the.payment of the Na i tional debt; Wljat loyal man canobjectiothia? Looks' arojjqd behold yonr neighbors, sorn£ !s Swh_ah arraj a^regi^oiie' ih • eye carried a Way"’ by '-rebel bn Others; horribly mutilated la - every form. Apd yo? I.njiniqroiw wearing the , weeds . which. mark the- 1 death of those- da wbom they leanpq for support. 1 aments ofji.ebol perfidy.'andof -patri otic suffering, and: then' say „if ,tbb much is asked for ohi* yaliani soldiers,", Look', again, a'nd; sue loyal men no-, duijed to'poverty by the, confiscation! by the Coji finder ale Stales',and by tb®i rebel States—see Union man, rpbped j of their property, and tßHir .dweJlihgfy laid in ashes by rebel raiders; and say it isfaasked 'ot them.; Bdtl aboyd all fel. its inquire. whether ibn-'l , peratiVe djuty to the present genera-j lion and rib posterity does not com, i I mand us (to compel the w : cked enemy "ti pay 1 tliel expenses ot this unjust war. In oral nary transactions he w.liorais- 1 cs a falsd clamor and prosdeulesian i unfounded.anvli is adjudged to pav-iho costs .otf ;bis defeat. Wo 'have scpn that,,by the law ot nations, the, ivan quishcd in ah unjust war must/pay the expense. ! . ~j . His position is in briet thStTl Bhnthern Slates though not right ft 'tout, of the Unjon, were but in fact 'Bach an ektent and i:i snuh a mun as lb constitute them public onemii that' as jenemies the United Sla| treated them daring the war, a having conqucrcd thejn, can oxei/; i pf Conquest over them, a that It isjlhe duty of the Government to cxercise-fHhese rigljts for the pUn isrtimer.t i,of. the chief l' indemnification of loyal citizens. 1 CXlinguisinuent of ; the National d-, anil the J protection of the naiio'i gainst /the recurrence -of into-' wa ? r. ' - - ■ J ; . ifigflio Locil says it is waxing upon new subscriptions, ami as a i ter ot it becomes facetious •funiiyi In its ' hist issue it inaum tufe.s aj series of ' resolutions .ft “Mutual Admiration Junto” a calls posed of UiCj cuutuy, it inlnftntcs control tliuii ’iualion§! of Lhp jitcgiiblltan ' purr \yo -1 the' -'l&cttl.- notice? that junto' that nominated the tickets; I liffrarrfiis fljes at, its mast-head xai) 1 ,rj, It— r.— Tuesday of liopi - can coiiiilte.ssvho-io majorities rise [ the thouh|indB , soinetiineS fall a upon their watch, |bul Beaver n does,- Sti|e is' one of the stars never e’etj Notonce in ten years her elected tc office a man was nijgjlrue to his country -and I.os liic to" huniuu bo:id;ig.\ d'ecro i,s more probability xhnli a Democratic ea ndi. date will bu strul.-k by lightning ipon electip.n da}-, than that he will secure the suffrages of ■'jjv majority of her voters.! ■ \- Theirtiolo of] iho Local is the most ghastly attempt; at .wit which yet adorned its columns, and ir. new! | of the ijnariner in which .the .tickets' now hefjjro Ibeptpoplo were nomim ted, is peculiarly entertaining. For weok. before the Union convention Ihot the names of. the candidates for nomn.u* tion Wore before! theipoopio, and their respective merits were presented by a ■personajl canvass. Perhaps twelve hundre(!l-citizens participated in the priihafejr meetings, voted for the men of their choice, und deputed a dele if nearly one hundred man to it their will, by w.homjihe can. wpre placed in nominating by \ a viva voci vote. On the Democratic [ side no annoutfcjamorits .were made Eighteen districts halt pi. the county, were iircon venlion,.some bjybnt'one4jdegate , ,and some’by self appointed delegates.'|Tlio convention was-hbout las large as a good sized do mm ii too, bht was still too, large to be allowed a voice in, the! 1 nominalioss, sol-a subcommittee. of‘ ■three wits' ajfpoj|nlod to make the lick-, ct. They reported it, thecon vention had Gut to say amc... was a bJunto” for yon, Mr. Local, With : a vengeance !—three men dictating to! twoHhousand voters for wjibm LlieVi cast their ballots, bm a J in' the! Democratic wigwam! itxvas ail correct of course. I I gallon -repfese didaies suebj a difference shonld b> tvrcedle-dum and tweedle den.” •; The News from hfaine. of die^and make jno sigh. At the! recent elec ti6n, io. bonjo districts hot:a Mngljj: Democmic vota was polled. , |(3bv|: Coney is hej-elec led upon.a very light yoto by an increased majority. . (1 ■ - f ' [ '- : j .q— ■! .■ ~t . >* *®r t®? ioca/ Km not answered ffar qudstiem Legislative ticket. Will the,: Local winch: is pari excellence the friend pi the die, card Mr. Birchyor and support James R; Kelly,a wound:' ed private soldier? j 1 - 5 J' 1 1111 H rtfp&Jtes n kske ) ’ '•; |2, 1865. ; ,f] j'hasjl flo^tjpu . i&ai | : her £,gi»y,. j oiairfie ol c | gf A.utarrtrj ■ h^ki- lT’acmft',Qi(;j.ht> leaves of the forest tbeglorious tynd ; beautiful tints, Upon which a Rapbaef 'dr a Ti , guzairt «%.pi|irtf >ofj nwftfc', tion 'Tjfie inn looks on,, earth With a mdder-glancc.-nntt-ihn'soft'rv-estern breezes; cumotadeuwuh grate talcoob mass seemingl'p, «j bispor tulcsj df.the llMnd» ocer vfander . ed.* All creation jslnmbefa ;in imelan .! choly Ipyejltnoss. . |Kalurft,j«yeri|york ing, aecump lis hos her wOndfWpehun ges silently, but safely, andj liko ‘ a sUillcjfrfeiitbHttiti'ef.W varies hbr ban ! quola' of. beauty;- that their . bounteous | profuliionn'eVer satiates! - ■'■'.% ■:■ ••. 1 In lariicular is Uie Soul.liefnf|seqtion '■ of thi ( great country blessed with her) I'la'visl favors, artdj mail's ■ 1 see mi hardly necessary to cause beau-i Jy AW bloom to gild :lhe ruins of ;War, gntj-.l ansfonn tpsruiles the of desoli lio|i. ,ly, : •... ( r% ,• . Th«ie is a noble Vicwto- bo obijain— ed‘ Wyjni the” is|al«< capital.which; crowns the eloVatkirTTirthofcenler nf ihK-tity. 'iluaMlly '-iwauiit-al at iHiis; sens'd!, when the landscape' sleeps in a b'u* hazy which give>i : ko tin' gently sloping, distant bills.. And l T -tbe tvindjiug Cumberland, an [ inexp essibie charm, , lliiitoiifteiously | a tiMei ir dreaming influences teals over jt he hj, riu, like' an Arabian - spell,.ar.d, j invent the'varied . prospect, >vilh tbe : j rosy 1 fht ot fomjance. ' j ' Hail by lies tl[e'’.hat, busyacity, its: labyri tb of streets trod by the, -hairy,*' '■nig cr wd, but insli"CUvely the eye j wande h, from t/.o sordi'l scene, roams over l ie circle |of bills and vales, bound d by Ibo horizon, ami bathed in an mean of mellow an mum Miu shine. How. infinitely, lovely; view! The. resuljls id human skill and' j labor ( nU to; insignificance; compared' with tjis ainl bow ' beloiethc display : of' liatfre's handiwork.' ,:-'■, ; f'‘, 1 At lie present time, items syije' very |si-arce\nd, con.-jeqnenily. newspaper j coiTi'S|imlents,iiiOurn. The fere.to j tore rioij-s. fens, leveled Ip- sup- j pH ing U(-:'New lYork press w!|ilk the', .‘■latest,j are bijkinr.ing to rdat 1 fori want ol use, atHf uieif ownersi begin to'.reali t ihe.fadi, that. un!f ss :t magi', natb'ji i ones to the fescue/tnejr ;-oc ’ . However;it is gen h& tly to Aes ind ■ise, r.d- ►tan M>e jthe jbt v *rt tfOMO.j LCIIIKI inl and 1 facj : e rally. idieved t :iat those eiilpp'jtrising gentlcrien have ipportun iliek pf . see ing- anqhcnring things, nevefr droarnv ,«d of -hf lessfortunatemen, .whlcmuver the r.cCssilies of the-Journals they reprcst it. dcmi.nd something 1 iulbr- Jvsiing and aslo'u'.di wliero with to regale heir credulous readers Pus; hly. the .{aforesaid gci/tlcmpn are fa'iriid, will) visions.wherain t})sy. r.eeeTvi wbnrferftil revelations, and t bf things id cornel.., One of/ .them “will —.ySfc 1-Aii mot'e! *- 1 , i 1L u ‘ although not wholly among ft -certain, class ~, J.asUn, c w „ b are happy to be ahe to snv, i. D i,ilv dis appearing before thV grab,! , v i va! , ce of -sentiments -and C'J.i'trhi . pnlilieu; . views,.; The „ ciltl, n 8 j loiiigjfuicc began tO' comprehend that,; thcißwas.nothing to bo gained by per sisf.cnw in a diihnal .coifr-e;’,interest, apart from', higher ciinsjih-rai for... ji r gei .them. to.. re! in n to the path of loyalty, and with. shine show of wilv lingncss acquiesce in the va-t chanees wrought .by tiitjj war, •' j i ° - Ilobhes, the Celebrated philosopher, founded his peculiar system.of pbilosO ophy upon the theory,that self ! inter ts ; l - i s Jho great! conu-piliqg ,nj-.iivc,'of jmaii, fr all bis relations.'" I’ei haps hid deductions are nut the less.e'prrbcf for Presenting sut'l an in,flattering view of ouj- common liUniaiiiiv, Coin merce,i which jhas. been Styled, “the! great ,civilizgj , ,' ! nnd. which ,will un doubtedly .prove the most' effectual ‘.‘rocot]siriiclor’|Vo,f Our ielation with the jaijuthcrn Status,' is in ;iU many and vai ied rarfijipcittlq’ns controlled by motives of liidiyidiiaj iiiCeriost.. The/o are. occasionally. very ' arnuMpg; as ovujl as sad incidents cofij.ecied with the, return of tile Confedcrafe soldiers to,their homes,| !’ i)/ An anecdote! that ; partakes of the Bad : and iin mor.|>us, was related to me recently. I wilt venture to give l it to' 3'oijr readers: ; 11 . A young inan 'of ihis eityj who, just previous’ To the 'O! onmg of, the rebel lion, whs engaged in ; . inarriagb .lb a handsome young tady, on the break • ing out of the war comditded to'fore-7 go matrimonial felicity, and' gd; forth, in delenso of. Ids “rights "What desperate deedf of valor lu< gerforni ed, how'many Yankees, fejff beneath his urm,;it Ja.nol known,: -TJ/e, umphiof furiio jhasnot proclaimed, to' an admiring'world, his daring IdWds. .When [ihd.lCJonfederacy .gave* apt lie! ghost, our-hewi, in amiood of subjlmo i scorn, arrived t»>, the l ’"Concids|pit,',yhat, he could iiot.exist under pur tyVdfifcal form of government!, and therefore, with njiiny of his Yankee hating com pat riots end grn jeil f,i •; the happy> li ores [y»l M‘|kico -M mey, ; however, li w’its |, pot to jje galhefcd o.d the streets, of that famed auriferous land, and with out that' necesfiaj' atticle, oven 'i*eff. exile (hr piincinle/s itie'ds -apt id be come rather iinpfeasaiit a« ill loses {its ,MbvJeliy; and'i flhallyffturrfriendyurter due| ddiberijlloiW resolved !lo to Jiis dayvp ciiy,jmarry his laffebtidnate brigo, and rusuma his.aUcgianee-bver mpije.- _ Filled .with this apiuhle add praise,worthy /itu-niipn, ,he 7 reached .Nashville a short tipie since. . On,the evening sabsoqhont to his arrival, he prepared ar. ,elaborate anil! sal- ....... lied 1 out for, itlip ..purpose /visiting j| [ EX EC UTO R’S ’ X OTICE. !! T the fair «>ne„a«rd .rejoicing- her . with ■}\\f Tettei»! : ‘teatatneiitary oi.'tbe thy siglitbf her long] absent, lover;— :'!■» of SAM’a.. ,SH»iajTa, ;l*te: dfi OWn-being.uidieredintoheriprekenfe, h.f.TsiLnL ?^v. et ! <, x2 ?ty ’ ■Wring!; and juppartnily‘teejmg . perfectly-ati those havmg claim* igainst tKo &xdJ*Ul ’ borne, tcurooly able to properly aotbentioated for' get cpntrol the indignation excited in his ; e “f nt; 1 T ntpa „ !‘ ‘ v ill 1 i breast by ibis crowning spfctaoio-of i «ipt2o'ds. ** J OHIf 8. SHBLMTO.y f '■ 7 " '! T - -j-'jj | *' ‘ • .V ■ Rji'*! j ir a lOIU •Hhe hiiOi 5,000 .■bnn übli inlo sloop lever. :tbal; lavo who *li EM= ',Y anfejee "’jpresntnptloti' and ah£i'||iy;jj iv | jsl 'War' Taxi ••• ; ckUed alibi* Whs together, pn-<ii Wi&-Ij rvVIS G~ %o t'ho unplcwUnt-tfest.lta to intruder f r<|r 4 t-rlxZ ; ffi'-l*" ■ 5* nor'%!>ekogniic(liibj him,, unless given jdeHUnia j to: bo blip ted; or aclerfc specially authoru iirms,heiguaod.fc a':i 1: ' ■■■ '■■ s£hisL-boS6Sa' my Vl&iU'l• * J - , ' ctVunteniSDCo ■ ‘ |.-_■, Disju Penn*. object of 1 |»i** qffectipnij, who, Sad t<| to say, dieplnytjdno burry or anxiety denionfllbak : lfoi»jon, the contrdryi appreqiatlirijj' thc^vkkwtmineii,iof^ttto«itaatwn,alie disconcerted, sand!? 1 trpjjii^ed, the ~.blpe coatcfl y«jd : .ak'Kejjhpshandi i linrribtdiy departed, tdlhdfaitfileasneas of Wotnan. ■,,, ] ■ | Somopoor follow, of sim ; . : yAr. exjienence; otico l expressed j '■ blip feelia*| ib_the/pl!6,\vingj linca: L So is WotnaU' evanescent; shifting* with the ■;. : i.- ‘ shifting present; i i j'f ;! Chang ag-iike tlTie chaJiglng.tido, apd faithless | ,■:’ as tile fickle sea; , ’I" ,'■ j' rj 1 - i Lighter than the wind blown thistle;'falser |.. j,. : ,i . than the fowlers Whistle.; : j r . : ;. Was that coaxing pUce of hoaxing—Amy Mil ; Eton’s lovi to me." j ; s .'-, -j; Jji . ' ■ "' j ' '’’J. fj j; : Democracy and K econstruc tion. y,. President ■ Johnsdn’s} rdcoiistruptipn jpp’icy’i deman(ia. as! aid indispcnsitijfp prerequisite .to of ajßeb* el Statjeqn|o the Cnitjii, thatjit !sba r forevjer, aboUsli slavery by con'iji|.itvi| tional enactment* Jl'ba, Ddmoctacy cf, il.'C.nplsylvaDia endorse; jthjs.policy;l but aix monlbsngo ovoryDainocrtvtit i'tho Pennsylvania jjegi&luture vSle:! against the amcminientl t 6 tboj Const]-• tut ion of ihotJniteii sluypry, and sprap.madbflabored'ariin■ mwvts to prove' that the insi jtution was ofi Divine origin, 'and should-no i I be- disturbed. _TliQ:‘'Pjrgsid.ent s the offices in liis ba'nd,|an‘d'ibe PcmdC' racy ai'e a 'mercajillilo egtnmtny tyt j | ' ouri..Peniperalic [;fiiienii]i b’ring.o u ut : i»few oi ille fiulterhuybt'eaii r - ■: -i * n- t i ■■• 1 i j [ pins Uiey sportoif last yearj-jnst-to ti low the returned spldieVs tOs'esaini # c the iiKtiel.e '! of give us‘.u'lj'e.wjof jilioi ehetrs for Jeff Davis ‘wiiieb 1 . used |lj tnake.'uigU.l liidcous In some.,’quuig'di ofi '.liis county ? : ' ■_ _,| ~j ‘ • .fijair Will the. Lncal\ -jdeaso • i'ayL ns vri|:li its views! iq|pii rebbl| and 'equality,.of-’whiefi’ wo uiipiiieJ: weeicoy two ego. '| j; i 'K. i l . -.-.. ■';. '1 , ! ory 1 <■ > i-I ri , '-I ■' ■■ h i 1 A X _ : 1 F. A. FORTUNE'S, ! -- " /*-• i . . • 'j . i ;r .IN ROCHESTER. / I', ! | [■ '}■ GREAT BARGAINS I. poor ft the Pp^jo^cdi;: MEI ftdl line of aU kind) at i'. | ! BELIEVE COOD ~y iuve Uto^AsrcEi^.j , LOOK AT QLli pkICES FlWr ||Go<i*l fust ccilorea.prints; only}..!. < , ' ■ ¥ ! «t j r 11 • 'V j Gp9tl unbUacbed'm.uslins, onl; * '2O c i J ]‘ *. - —-r. -J .j-.A.-'i., ■Got d bjcaohed niusliaa, only,.'. Splendid BalmoralSkirts, an|y.. : j...’\L..^3' Of;ESS GOODS’OF FVERV Kl‘ • f . . . VJ?RY. CUE^P: . BARBED & PLAIN F 1A T Fl|ESCll MEIGS OS. j J‘ ; ; COBUEGS, v - i_. , . DELAINES, AU.MURIiS. PIiIXTS, , '.! ' ] - . * i 11 TICKS, &c : i : ' ! i JjJj.;-i/ ri- :j j- boys’ - . r il-A-TiS <Sc , Men ds IBoys’ <Sc SHiOES j- ■' tajdiea’ aid Children’s BONNETS, HAT' ' t-- - - -'S.J NOTION; All of which isire sold yin .proportion; t > 'i , I‘ ' ''■ above prices. I •**’ : DON’T VqRG£T THE jPLAC S • H -'V : ' o- r f GRiaA'T'BARGAIN STOR ,HT. THE DliMO' I'. * lU-4 -■ !'. i; ROCHESTER* PA;, NEJTD.ObR TO-' j - 1 -I'm ■ tt-rt'k. LOST; i)o ~ in BeaTer. ijr on the * id betWeenthdhoaWr of Jubsribor • inOhfo township and Reaver, an Told leather t opt, contaninlngWaoaWd^ftrgreen back, oi o 50, cent’ piece, and one o ccnt piece I'/rhciiona), ;cdrr.ehcy t "and|proiniB3pry notes to . ttlie amtmnU.bf si* br.s'eren hundred, ; i ; Tho finder Will be liberally; rewarded upon . 1 earing it &t>ihiso£&ce f . ;■V b:v i. £ ' _ < a tl i ; ,= _ 4 ;-;j _ , WM. SLENTZ. ' : ! i • EXECUTOR’S NOTICE.- j WJ HE KEAS; letter* testamentary 6n -thej |W estate of Kobt, Nlivis, late- of .Franklin township, Beaver co.,^ * Pa., dec’d, having bece £ranttd,to. the.undersigned, -ail persons indebtcl to said estate are requested to make Ihamedfate andthose haring claimi against thesame will present them properly antb'onticalcd for settlement. 6„ : _ |OfiN SLATER, - Ex’rof- last will and testament-of said ijec’d ; »ep2o ’ p , ; Franklin'(p. |~~l,A.:C'i BARLOW, M. D , SURGEON ANfc PHYSIt r : |;| aIvING permanently located in Bfe AVEi li 1 1 I•' tiomierir bis professional services to tUt cit iicns of ‘ Itekyer and adjoining villagcs’anii country. ' Haying had twenty years fajicriJ euce (oVer four years as an army Surgeon) be compelcTic to command.tbe confidence .of those who niay wish his services. j r iCallal da!y or night, promptly attended ! 4 1;' Js@b.Ofliee in the. National Hotel.building, ] iwßerc tic may bc.fdimdJjiraU o:• bnghti wdien nolprpfessiqmiilyl engaged, i sepdl '’6s' - NEW GOODS! JUSt received from I‘biladelphia, a frcsl supply of Goods, consisting of cloths, c*s stmerei, satinets, jeans and tweedy, and made np clothing: ladies cloaking. .merino,, delaines, jirints, giughams,checks and ticking with a great! variety.ofJarticles iti our line with a good | assortment of groceries. Routs shoes undlsalt, tv:il;ije s'dd cheap for cash o country Iprodjtee, at, the oU st and, coivod 41 I and liiamond. ; TiiO.M A S .Mc'J RK% K V ,J, . sept t ‘ ' t !>j lion of >aulcot The • autliio j tUeha l*! appoh ' Tveol e; ( ' ; i ; purch a j saU fjl |j.witp4 .vcr, Ub Orphan's -Court of Beaver county T'lcjndtter of .the partition'and viilna the.njal espitie of Mary hiving, hue- c; maty, dcc'd. • j ■ ' , undersigned- having been appointed a ; i '.fb distribute iheriininnnt of'money ie ids of 1 toseph jLcu.lic.JSheritf,' Trustee i led byJsnid.'OovirtJ to upikeisale of sal State, feeing; the first instalment of thi , ise money, to.- and; amongst the heirs li deceased, and parties entitled thereto leet at ;my office, in thejborougU of Bee Jeavev icouuty, I’aJ, on Monday the i l ■day df October, ISOo.'iu 10 o'clock, a. n !; i for t lie purpose of saiil appointment. ‘•'All pt * dsous inierestcd; will take notice, i I . ' | ■’ W;M. fi. CLARK. ' ] ituuT itVui ; fT&n ;fT; ij Seri* ch! ,S,eratch ! !Scratch.! i; WHEATON’S ; OINTMENT, j,!' , WILL (kRE tub) ifCH IN 48 HOURS] ! •Hi jl LSrt;jCures SALT EUEUM, ULCERS,; - iii CHIjLULAINS, amrall.EßC PTIOXS OF ; j IlruggislsT' • ~‘ r '' " : ■'■ ; liy seDlingiCticftnls to WEEKS & POTTER, • j ! Sole Hvasliington street, Boston, i j Masp., it will be 'forwarded by mail, free of I ; postage, to any naj-t of the UmtcdStates. \ I i ■ septgtvos—- . ■ * ■ • !;■ i ,■ 6reodi Old Vrl'Cf •I*} ! ■ -S’ f’DIfiCONTINUAJe! ►::* irirn j i! AS the time rived, for 1 ; I !i«V. o!)owoJ the r j 1 heretofore. in si l! i.thiir meeting on t' j-'ptvißg rcsoldtiot :tS; I ■i''lfAv!ve'i, Tim t i SstncUn nff f roni ItJ! i Wlt - the- <si st fo iJ - ?l>c Boa..l^' ts. • I ' c ’l u Cdt agenlatj •;] j aC;,lha same time 00 i al, y "Rom they b jj I conlintiarico, to d iJ| 1 -son at the Conni jj j their statements ' jj I will be inves'tig j-j proper allowancf S ! ■ Uyi order: j sepiO ; ; 20 ij VI. ' ■ .'t *i .V- I rpIIE undersigi ■ Urge arid wi of eTery Varied, and oil other articles usu • 1 Ij kept in a fi^t -class Drugstore., ■i ijftUO RS, ,"Uf; ’ Brand ies, FOU MEDI&AXi'PUiIPOSiIS OSL ■■i'i 'v* j. • -I*V • - . The proprietor* hairing bad an ettenai .experience in the prescription business, Set l themselves that theycan g{re entire isatisfa lien to aO whomayfaTor thoni with their p tronagei ' ... ■‘ i '- 'i~; ; : j • 1 ■ eep'Km 1 XOBLjE & IJAMI|,TO!I. 'f ' i* 1 J i ;i ;i .K ZVc>tio fV, iOTICE pE OF RELIEF TO F t \ S-OF SOLDIERS. * sapproaching-, or perhaps Ihe discontinuance of. the iviivcs anil tamiUos of soldi i‘n;iee,' the | Relief, 'RoaraJ Hfe, 1 C>tU ult., passed the f ip vii: ■ !■ •" | ' t ] ■ nithc entire, (Relief);List n land after Ibis payment,”' .jfa'ent'). ,1 ■ | , (directed j.beir iSccretaryj jnotifyirccipicntp oftbeab.nf that' ii' they knj j).eht.v e ; needing: and Ucservi c< fo appear in f imssiouers’j o flj, cc< and m i <»t ibe questi ,u?d,‘and.j if siiwfactorj, 3 of’ relief, will bd prauted k RICII iy’ U.'AGXEW ! ... . v Sdcrc(ari lIIM a. uajulto; EW *. t. a. xjonte-„. DRUG STORE! THlfe STREET . 'BE l! ' AVER. PA .. ' i;; , ? wixt. of Post .Ot'fit4 ) - r i ( Twodoor icd are just receiving a newt ull selected stock,corisistini of. rI * r BE.U & <3L 1 o 1 331'0-js» , OHEMIOALg ,** f _ i Paints, Oils^ *A JftD •, t . . i l . ; • L • . a. .-, 1 DYE STUP P s: Ala<v a lull Assortment .of 1 Perl^imerl^ ir 1 FANGr SOAPS, : / f . sii es'^' *}. -T' I* XT E, ZB El i-vf. *-• •: § r r£v''‘' ";r r ; : - - ip S «! neccsaai J tp find t : necosaai issuing m 'j.tLff -f'-t. • ;l ‘ . : !■ ■ s fHo f ' n - > HAN; Corn tliov vr NERY t; • 1 Wi. .! m the '■l : . rI _ ’ 5 | ' Ladi is', 1 Missel and children >• tv I; vies. iaclndifig the . lis very handsomejand becoming u a L -) IT N K .Vf a|,_-a jrery pretty jj--cnlivclv new. f -- i SCOTCH—This; hat, isjajlriiireili,; 1 J a decided success. ' - - ! t EUGENE or Kim.NG HAT: verft . JTor evening, and is Avorn-altogether £ ■ I ji ' T'BTKlSll—Another pretty style-' ie 'l)suitablt for oil, anil a host of ot’t: iTr.erousjto.mention', ! ' ' l s. i_ | . C;in• early cmd get your cho.'r'e. I ,V- 1.,' r- Of a’ lot ci • IT-ij Fs U >»s ■ tr ike iop El for. :Q»sls.ets; ■fc f s': • * ' ! Misses-and ppgged- shoes, and largeraai «tock,vrbieh will be sold.to suit aU ; . ■ I : - •!•. ■ • - ' '-.-I STAMPING. BRAID Emtoro Stamping donb to order; latest sVi Pinking,i cloak cdlting aml maps, notice. ... .' ;i . r ■ WINE '■ J alii examine for &0 TROUBLE to SBOV> v early and secure B* ; . vii» ibe'above • ;• '• - • -r.l Don’t tb<a place? slßS: stand in Bridgewater. r =EI ri.' ?■ . I. "WJL'PT V- SHSBKi s Mite CM Wi?4'SL*' F *f* lndies slou, NEALY’S . --_T w Alt) ’ TRmHIXG EJn-OR^' 1* the e Former!; (i K3fisj 1 -f^ElEs zr of Bridge ab.'/j\m t ? B[fs ' oooi)/ ; hrge ; vsr, P ct - : »; 2••••• , a 'Uret'ah'PSatm lotfet. latent styles, and in^uc'siofttjj el Tri^iiinizigs, 1 Itinda ckotoTs cap. ' .. ■' ’ ’ _ ;;■ 11 ’ _ I ES= - : '-I LOWE IR^CHp.S, J :\ ■ incj .Articles ‘ >r > almbral &; Hoop BplilAuid ,-viry oiieny. &■; 0H« : sierv MI Eiiil yroicterie full »j(oek—vgrv ;:licap. i f". I Ladies*' Cloths Sicques an{l \ t ' i .*•* « V' —■ L — 1 NMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers