beaver IMQjj x and MISCELLANE iini o|ted 'to if on. [ of ! ; o .ho cit : ietift, of M'Sh '/•York oour.t.r,' delivered o sj'-'ull; * ' _ _ ,1 •'■I;?" our a purft 'nun -I'-'l °- n t,lp C - *?! . ,(;• wc erroneously K.tatoi tW. owner, Mrs; F 'on Uio. breast-pi "The i;ll l |j (i envelope edritaiuir," \Yt- ti'uvc- received from th . H;tv])cr’s Monthly.lor A Magazine for V sri . jron.l numbers.-■ jinvite'the auction , jlcon'icil t° tlift t-oiulilion' It‘ I';*- 14 b 'wiJ<lcrDoB«-;6f wcod| „ o i-v i ,.!in‘'f)ul(l «o't lorif ,i .If it is nolo their j)i; fans of-it, we tnirtt that r ,i to a docent bUio ! .n„ a iur;4 Ti .diirt l X insl ;’ 't ui*pc:irs Crshsi'i Maty C .-■ml lltfrJvu years of agwl . u . v V,iiii two otiior sniu irkiii-Xcrrics in Winr-btddlp’s ,a-i i.ii'ci'iy, OH i,lto tliH Mm ~>l in mi the mtel horn Mo niaupc beer, ei ■;. /iici ll'iit in piiMi.'Uins'jClfl "< r !'h‘'iviTiil Union firsl. ballots for if aiiij Tnisfoos of'lAeaile'in.i ;i.rn'c:lv uivpfi.’ For llio i 'in; ii'fiir'os u'orc; polled fd ■a ii iii v.y. lii':!i .were qiniUoil "••rt. the vote lor Rev, ji'l.iaHi ii<r. tlio liillur, as r«! fr,ivi;;ry to us, was 130 i . I-:is;*vt;■ pii!j 1 fj,lloti it." . Wt i ho V.niTouliou 'uoTiiorll .—;Surgtuitr IR S. V.,-Assistant Medical L ircelbr unwetit iof too OUfj, . Ims; Ijecn i.itii to i>p Litutcnint Co 3ne1,l y ■t. for'faithful' and nun iiorious iro during the tear. ■•Col. S. ot - id Uiife .sor.vlco from lliii* count: iv u;# summer of- 1861, an Su. f ,,u id i.ti.- Ist'.Caval >yj \v •\al-Vd'. in 12,' an. l orclerei to Co where ho had h'Vn'f’l’ the U-, S. Hospital, iiuti "iii-ii'tl Assistant Medical Hirer A)1:i4), .■■'■'.’•l j'.u-:-. lqu;u’i.iirs in Cine, fc.s .firmly ostabhsliutl lu ni thtcily' of.Duirbit, Mi Tho End' of the 7-3 1 ihylasl bond-of the ihird Thirty Loan lias bin tiip noxl C(.tigress ; ■s.ililii to, expect •(ioyermnont bonds. T L a )’ f'ooku as a i ' -t. ii by the mariner in u -..n.anagid the great loan *v tn'i runted-To j his, agency •cnnp'nt, r>:Oui of eight '‘.ojh'tv million’dollars'of t •! bulk's lie, lias'(disposed i millions in a very she lime..' p trot.nt ei>. — The nuiincroa ■ !i;i ninthly. estemed fellow p. Alexander Murdoch, E to-ieaTh .that'he h •ai'p-.niti.-d MarslraMor the, Pennsylvania, Du years he held t ■ u;: i disdiai'ge'd its (Julius ■“i'tficss-jiiiii- fidelity lhal , r <i:u most unboundud . uo u«. j-aU>c._- man nit. 11 i' the tout instil ' “ainely. ap i'iai> '.Ur; Murdoch, arid t ! l/ • !s always to bo edngr ' ■■" ■'Hi-h men Pro. elevated ■’N trust and responsi Reporter. . , N uhseuies:— A. T. L. Shields Station, twelve in 1 . l ; ■on Fbrt ’ Way Railroad,.will bo an "’ill 'enable the vi |'. L ' gi-oul variety, of triH r'.ffti'cons anil plants, in cul . firm employs, every a •!t>i targe experience may i the pVe'jiarulion of, y;i‘)|Uo improved .moiliod.- ii’f l ' 6 " extensive -.WI !T? peach,.tWo l ;).f '' •]: n UU ’ tilled ‘w (•.; 'I 1 t', la lt Clj ) sfiea 'as 1> U " liiiU.a Liia, &c.. &c ift‘^v <Cto, ’ S ' to P u *«- , urc a'u : £ culling,* of the .7 !;:i * -Wowci-ii ’ ■ivvV^v"'" oaiorni !n:‘y r^l h ' ::y!! '^ h,,u - m ‘ • ■ oll £ cxjiiri^uc.c.- " • it- .F : List of >•' tutors fbrSeptembsr V.D? *<s>, -, /:_c'o^SNci^Ojl^T'MONDAV.,, : :., /JV-|i "■ [, ,•• ' ~A; ' • '" : Oil b:/Dan|el'i^a'^Hbf|;j|Fwou|i'Ma;)''f ! ' = .fP Marion:.TWf?Biejr J„> Bpotv, - : . j Ncw 'Bonj' Jicdisyri; - ’ ' ' ,1 :; /' ‘*; Smith! ‘ BcirvotiMichael; Ganklfc, S iij \yarti HJSW e r; ] .ij ’ ~ Oji ijiiioHva .PolCf H&l«r ke; : . „ .. !, DaHiiiiitpn: GtJtt Bil worthT' Jacob Murky, ;"hj V ; ; : :\, : '■ t ; Vi ! Brightpiii John) Kirk- Wtrick. ■* ’ ' i ‘" .Vv*'.;,-' JUS i’ho’s qucnt i erry -11 the 13 JvVld R ; ii -that l ,u , -i Borough; . OiionhEh Econo in 3 : Big, Beaye liuccoaiii VI ,vr. ir 1 - [•. : Ifujfcluni ■' , I Hopewell; J011B;' ; | lioeliebtCn Ml: -J;' ierco, na'ftiu a pub ujiuat Jiily al Ibo jt the I | , r [j.l _ '■lack; Jus IV . Heaver Bo Now’ Brig .Corb’us. Jzni I IJ 800 no in}': ||L A'mler.sun I Big .Boavb itrra'iit;-.: thill;. : Il:u;cOOU:-J I Ohio: John j (of Sunil,)' J ' j Thoinpsoii; | iJochobtyi': j, Green; Jul Euiul. }} Chippie wit. so,n; j,;. - ,-| Now Sojwioklby:. Satiil DozifijAbram Hunter,-Jysse li Oakhiy; . ;. Hanover: William Gilliland; J . .. j ’ Fallstoji: 'l'll ohas Gll .ays; ■ . | Marion: Go.o Harlzell, hr; , ;i ;. North iSolviekly:, James, Marshall; James , . ilo|u><voll;|SiTml'Keuly,.J Civilebie; Pulaski: E]mraijm .Smith; • • Franktorli Koborl Vance. ■- income 4 and ;itr be rovineu it will by pri- ioailay that a ookle, life io it-'girls ivooils, Jb of a! Iragetlj .lied to pro em n tv TroaS' were fi.ruioj p A. G. in-'omf D. Itnrne.d I’KAviil \VU Will lliu tcniion Of .our i'ltu jura to■ tlio iulyor tiscmoul:-of iho | L eavov Acutlu,m}| in another column: - Prof. Gun?/ of&ow 'jTSrijjlvlon, has JliociV.ti-lcctcJ Prinyipa.l 1 of; iho and lias accepted the (liiriiioi.i jltu, was Assistant i’fini cijial jlast j - c:(r, hhd.won foi' hiiuself here, s Vis cisqwhort, at.fine rOputation as a toucher.;'' Pi of Agjnow. j retired,_Pro'.’ (Jiairi! now assu;hesuntiro •-{control of'tjioiiijw.i.tuiioh. Tlio ijclee iAitiow is an e>;c«|liort' one. Prof, (dims ij>-1 lias the rej>i:ta|iTol > ofiheing onorf Iho :i best" stdiok'rs *e>jr gividufllod from il Washington Collegia. , Ho wan for > fouidoWyetrs Pjincipal of tho New i- thistle sehot Island when ho retired il r. was with the ;«nii:ersal regi'et of ]>u ii. p’rls ' and hisma tage* ment \yc cm poet Beaver Academy to take a higl el?. stand than ovbr hjforp', >f ; and enjoy- Lli'o s icccss'that its a.iVat- Unycs deserroj. ’ ' " . . iiihtciu ulteci ilatiloi :ir.n;Ul iidijuai ichiga 11 icnes ol ii taken is ,1(D: , -Etna Ixauiu \voijlil call tlhfcfat of an, lie pin! ers to lift* adyerti Insiiramai Cojnipi urn ii Th. is is c » I eonipanies iji l Their assets [on -I last qfter p;.3’i Ivg r.iiarly throe mil paid by this* ec years anion it, lo 1 tnamjo hiehhi 5 whiij by Ih’ iupdrei lid ;S;v d‘ 80\ ei rt spaci seventeen 11, illibu am} dollars. Th auty of the relial Eve T-y property have his p - ()per jfomp.iny where sure of lilting 'f. 1 ' -Etna Ir.eui ajiico company; lye Eharies B. lines is the agon ,j |W; jffici I >i,o wnis iq., v’il as bee >V ester •ing.yhe to p[ isi i with ‘‘a it have u fid cm ro fil iitod I : Mr. Edithr: TJ of Union fildiot good,’’ for l|tio.\i aYo d—Charli l win,TMarli ■'£ Uy Mary' L. L lifter 1; !' -Vo. jo— ! (Teaei per,) II err ,’ Pal M’Cluro. ' J capae- 10 con ululate lO 1)0! H 2—(Tcao age) iloi'win B John lliuAiltoi Jamei* Sliuiimk joimic Small, A yitsi LI ( c’O’o., i lea 'VjCi ;no ar p|v r. I Div i<lc|n<l IVo. 15~ ‘ b ’ I IfATioMAii Bank of Quintt, 1 ■I- | : | M. New Brighton, july.6{. ; j CO r Preeuioqt knij Dirocto.ra io/ thig Rank i J- 1 have thSk dayf declared a* DIVIDEND OF o« TWp PER cjSNTj upon Us Capital. Stock, out ill, t;he profita| of (ho jlast 21 months, payable .to Stbqkholde rs orl their'logalj representatives • | on demand-r-}frce o(f government tax.- . v By : <jrdor df the Board: , I > • 1 . jy!2 ]f_ I|DW’D. HOOPS, Cashier. ’i' ADM 1 ST& ATO R*S rN OTICK ~ I T ETTEUSqf aqininiatraljorvonthoeatate of JtoBT. late of j New Brighton, , Beaver eo., dcc’d, paying been granted to the tmiersignedp all pcrijdns indobiedtosaid estate ' nre requfcsted to tqjtke immediate .pay'meht, and , thopejlytying.elatiis against said .cgtatt -will i them 'to ihtj subscriber properly au thenticated for settlement. '■ j v; JOHNiC. CAhlioON, Adm’r,, ■ ‘ * ’ - I : t’^ow-firlghton.^ ctr s,| vSn.i iyalii ppliuni iebm'i the soi of cul tajcils < $ (°* er Libusaod sj Uli c nU * ti ilaware, c,nal uiidani /:ij ici local'i M. jpEoARME* :i' | TOBaOQOJJIST, ■ COR. tiIAU ON D & TltlßD ST. ~jrjTOBACcb & SNUFF always mi hand.— I AL ixmn i&cturcd kad furnished to; |retiajefs atjjoweai prlcci: ' | [mjr3l:6m;‘ -i t rio 'So-j a^sur n or i -Pra j• j i i ' f. i ; _ X 1 - ; , Xk ■ fifjiyej v| j f N J .iil»yd, jphii Struck; -■■■'■ ’, 1 Janies Mtyirc; r: l‘li,rffus, ij’Cloilfitul; if in iiobl),lliuhuel Sprin •! N.iTaylor; •' ' Hoiiry 'l’eiuplc, -Jun Tfios Jackson- j I’ETIT JL KOKS. ! U ‘I •; ' JohiiJ Aber, Johnston l!e.i;,'J«bn Wilson, -Jr; n»: Win;Sim*lay, Sr; it on: Goo S liarkur, J tfcOhiTufi; ’ ■ Barnes;. . A<i';in> Du Jaimes S;pU; • 1 ■ , r: Jii.s ,iv Calliouti, Tl A J ,Coo|c; Joseph D C Christy; . | i IJarelay, Joh it- i>u no; jlj.nsi.oii ■ iliavgitlin, D J : f ~i •-'i!- I , Geo.G Guuiiiiighkin, iisjtOa, Caljiouu, Btim David Dunlap, Jho : V NCH CoMI'4N V. — Wo loution ol" sejmeut ot UlO •‘/Etna niy,’' in another to), •no of the very, best 10 United Stales the ’first pf Jqjiuary all indebtedness \ivas llipri do'lluVs. Jiosses pipany, in : lortiy-six the enurmbus su!m of stive hundred tjlous is is sullieienf jSjuar itli tyjyflho coin jpany . f -bcjddor ■ now s|jiouldl ly' insured, and j in a; itrciiHo of .loss lio isl his insurance. il The! Company ,ia Just the yould U, E>q., of liocbostcr, lips county. Auk'll«t G, | lie undcrsii'iicd, pupils 1, .liuvo Kloml (‘very Aua. 4th: 'rt'parson,, David (Jar 'on, Goi-liu Doi, elioo, :y, Clara Smith., -, MisaMyraMlar. lon, Ada Wulsh, Mary ' ’» [seai ier, Miss Minnie Sav irnos, Jol.ji Ci’ii vforil, , ■ Wiliie , M’Cii.jlockJ VViHiO. Sliol IrukoJ lin.a Wilson. j J. G. WooDjOpi-in: . i ! X’ : ; i! iy ’ : TJBOPOSALS-wflf beieceiredbythe School wr~ Directbrs brF’reedfrmi borough untHtlii Ist of~Boj)|l;(»l„whibhtime wo egpeeidieCoi.'. SBp’ttomkke publi<jorhiia»ttpi>»)foi‘oha male (Principal :aad two'htnalefiw.istehtteachcrs. .Thc sohool ii»iU \nll opeh Sept.lBth;.andctm linuesix >ui mths. Hy order of board: "I 1 jyS’lio ' ; “'W. W/ KERR, ,1 V Aja:tlitp'ir*s/ Pfotiffiei X. IN the Orphans': Courtof Bceref county,- In the matter of tbo estate of Jno Hamer,deed. And nowjtowjtv July 11,.1865.,'*ni motion of Samnel i| Magaw,Esq M • the. court appoint E: B. Daugherty, Esq.,; an .Auditor lo:;di*ttibj ulo the halfU c oi n the handsof PriidohceTurr uer, Administratrix of said decease dii i A trud Extract. .JOHN A. EKASUEH, CPk •'•if' ■ i ■ t ,* The Auditor will attended tho duties,of the abovo appointment at his office in New. Brigh ton, on Saturday,, the 19th of August 1805, n't lOo’clodfja. m., at which time and placepar ties in interest may attend,if they seo proper. aug2;Cs E. I>. DAUGHERTY, Auditor. Wines and Liquors, Wholesale. Groceries at Jtetail,or by Package. } PLOtfB, GEAIK, FEED, &c. ; At Peter Angel’s, Bridgewater- j BUTTER, Eggs, and allkinds of country 'produce' taken in ~oxchange. for whioh the highest market price : will' Jre paid. ’ In connection! with the Grocery and Liquor store, ihcTJakpry :aijd Confectionary' in still carried oh, where ; hiay be found a first Class assirt ment of-cakes, confectionaries,'canned iruiljs, pinkies,; spiced oysters,. &c. A fine stock of tobacco aiijl cigars.of all fancy brands- ■ | ' N. 15. A pure article of wines, &c., for medicinal (ind sacramental purposes Constant ly on hand: ‘ , - ' J fi®“Po iiot forgpl the place, Peter, Angel's old stand, Bridge st, Bridgewater [ang2:3m lou- BEAVER SEMINARY l~- A.ND ; ‘ i. ■'■ MUSICAL fSTITUTI iWI Rev.R. t. TAYLGR, A. M, President.. rnHi: Terms open respectively Sept! 12, ’O3, .'i| January 2, and April 5, 1860. ' ! - j - i-Every opportunity for instruction in; any branch of science .or on any musical instru ment; also vocal music,- private or;jn I, classes,; is afforded hero at .reasonable rates. : | ; 'Lads received in thc'Pritnary Department; .also small 1 girls of any degree of proficiency. ' i Drawing and painting of every stylo will receive tlic special attention r of a first-class ptist. i' '' : ''■ I. j Tuition;. $5,50, $8,50, and $12,50, accord ing to department. ; ! 1/ ' | None but thoroughly qualified end expon onsed Teachers arc employed in any departi incut: For further information address ,1 |>u S 2’G5 U. T. TAYLOR, President. INTERNAL REVENUE TAX. !- ’■ a, NOTICE IS HEREBY GtVE$ to aU sonsjvho have been assessed with Annual' Tax,'viz:] Inchme, License! Carriages, Gold Watches, Musical-Instruments, Silver Plate, j ic.'V under the Excise Law of the United plates, in Lawrcqlco and Beaver . counties, ! that their taxes mVnow due and payablg,. and that tlie collector V,-,;!! he i}t.tlic I’uUowihg named places at the time staled, in persoti, 'or by deputy, tprccsiyej he same: j ' v | At bis ■ office, in New Castle, on | all week, days. '■ ■ !’ , : ']■ ■ [ - j- r | At the house .of William Johnston, in Ro chester, Beaver county, August, Bth* 1805|. } At the office of George ty.. Hamilton, Estj.,. Beaver, August 9th, 18057 "j" / ’.J ] At the office of Elf Kciip, Esq.,, in New Brighton, August TOP} and 11th, 1805. f j At thc-offioo of ThpmoS’Nichrtlsonj Es>p ! , in Frankfort Springs oii all week days to August 11, 1805, • . : , J | United Slates or National'Funds only takcii in payment of j ■■ | ’7 DAVID SA.KKET, Colloctgr. j B.—Persons who have received special notice Aat their taxes assessed, pii monthly and special lists, vii: on manufactured [arti cles of every nature and,description; produc tions, such of coal and lime; auction sales; gross receipts from, stage coaches, ferry and other boats, rail and plank roads,- i&c.; slaughtered cattle, sheep and hogs; heei, !ale, wine mado from grapes, whiskey,| Scoi, jand whpjiavo neglected to pay, must nfct joomplaihof the collector, if they bo required ito pay penalties and payment [is the duly remedy to save costs, Jhe penal-: :tics haying already attached. [aug-05. j O-tiPlUitS’ UOUiIT SALE- OF .VALtfBLE REAL ESTATE. • ! BY virtue of ail order issued out of the Or phans’ Court of Beaver coiflity,.ihc under signed, guardian of Hugh, William and uette Byrd, minor children of William tiyrd, late of paid county of.licaver; dec’d.i wijl ex pose topublic sale at auction, on ■ ] j 1 Wednesutiy, Auiju&l 00, 'lSo's,| ’ | at 10 o'clock, A .M. , the following described real estate, bclohgiug to the fnyd minor child ren, subjept to the dower of the widow ’of the said Williiiiu Byrd, dec'J, to wit: 1 A oil-lain, lot of [ground situate in the borough of Bo c lies tor, Boayoreounty, Pennsylvania, hound ed and jescrihed as follows, lb wit i A lot- for ty feet [wide’ oa the Sash side'of Fraukiin’alldy, and extending castwardly the samp whlth Lto Brightpn street; the south line of 1 thiajloti is parellcl with Washington street; northwardly from saiil street, bounded west hy Frankain alley,east hy Brighton street, morph, by ground of Gcujrge I*..Smith, and south by ground of said Smith, Schonlau and John Tayloi, enclos ed Villi a gooff board fence, and on it iaerqct. ud a dood two-story frame dwelling lioijse, about 30. by l(i feet. A great variety of fruit trees growing on-the premised, and the Whole jis in.gond order. ’ - ■ ■ i j j., Terms. —One-third of the purchase [money on the conjirniation of the sale by the coin, balance in two equal, annual pay incuts from that uaic,- with interest thereon from same’ ljme, io bo, secured by bond and mortgage; aug,2’os. WM. SlJfPSOix’, Guardian, r ■ ' ■.. . ;•■•!!! biiPIIANS’ CO U R'i’ StVCE. i - -'' : i I J IN pursuance' of an order of the Orphans’ ' Court of Beaver county, the undersigned, will expose to public sale by'pubiio vendue or out-cry,' on the premises, oh ‘ hi 1 i . Thursday, August 31st, 1S()5, - , at 1 o’clock, p. m., tbfi following realestatc of 'Catharine lloscnbcrgcr, . late of Patterson townihip, in said county, deceased: 'j| -! I All that certain piece of lafad situate in North' Scwitkiy.towuship," in said county,. Bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning at the south east corner, thence by lands now or late of H. R. Alter, S. 68° W. 13o.{icr.',:to a .post;! thcnlce by land of Adam Houser, If. 1° W. 23 per lo a post; thence by lands of Jlugh Bonnot, Esq.-, ( N‘SU? EBO per to a post, thipco again by last mentioned lands N J° yf ?2J|is Jicr to a post; , thontc by 'pf Abs'aldm icily N s6° E 53 per toa post; tire Ace ijy 1 Phils and: Jane Kelly, S. IS_JJ d 0,85 pej to place of bcginning,:peoat lintngvdiirty pores strict measure,about fifteen acres cleared,bal ance well Umbered; cigh. acres in pieadow; nearly all under fence; On the premises there are erected alog lionse coitainirigfour rooms, double log barn and Ibg spring housfc; about seventy-five fruit trees on he premises. Prem ises well waWrod,' anijfun derlaid witli a three Ibol vein "of c0a1.:.. ,f i ;■ ... -j, i.. T IUMS-pne-third jef the purchase money fin dorifirmsfion of sale by tha_ConrlA balance iA two equal annual payu chts from that! date; with interest from sarnie t i me,| to bo secured by bond and I Mortgage. ; !■ I'Jl ■ ; I aug2’6o " JOHN EEEVEBIEi’r, j ■ 'j. ■" .' '.j'.; ;■ i l, j T y'\ * v ; ~ V‘ i j. . > ‘ • Hil IK of Beavercdunty.tlioj underrigned. ocator of thelrfit'willaod teatAQUfat of Mal ibejr.Elder, decld, jnU expose to ’sale by pdbllb irondoi be cuucty, bn the’ premises; tin.Vn^.'^G lt --’i | - ,1863,. : kt 1 p -.del'i^iHi^pe«srib«*-piebC»£ parcel ;oFland, .?ilWtc iai X>ftrliagtoitp.,;.Rea !ver county, bounded 'on; the west J>ytand.of jWm/Uarvey Knfglit/on ‘tbo north by land of Bclah Chamberlin, on tl e bust byothcrlands, jol said Teslater,‘andbuAb«oulh by Ihotail race of'the otLcr' lands of said Tbstater; about ISO jacregjjmorc of lass,’about 85 acres cleared aufi under cultivation, and . unqerlaid -with a.good' Sreinof coal; on which it ojrccted a hewed log barn, ’with-frame .sheds; fruit trees on the premises. The! farm’is well watered, and pub lic schools, pOls .ap4 -pfeeba about font miles trom DarUnitba., J , ‘ , 1 pf thepurohaae, money in hand on the conuruiaii m of the sale by the Court, and the remainder in two equal annual instalments, with - intercut|/>n each payment from the date of "the conhrpailon, of the' sale. by the Court; back payments to bo secured by bond and mortgage. , '±w- , Fcr further partiotilnrSiSnquire. of the ua dcraigued-at Elder’s Jlßls, Beaver co„Pa, ‘ -•’ h ‘ M-HEjUBES WATT, ' ■ jylO’GS Ex’rof MaUtew Eldcr, dec’d - IN the"Orphans’ Court iji aid for.the conn" ty of Dearer. /Tn t! ic rtosUor.of the parti’- 1 tion of the real estate bf Robert flitchm, laic of said county, dee’d:i‘ ; , . Thb Commonwealth ,c f Pennsylvania:— To the heirs and legal representatives of said deo’d, to,-wit: Wnu T. JUtoUie,, now or late of the State of.lowa; and Jonas D.Rihchic, now or late of California, aid all others' interest ed—You and each of yOu are hereby oiled to be and appear before thld Hon. Judges of said Court, iat an .prphnns’ Co irt, to bo held at Beaver, in and for the pOjUnty of ■Bearer, 1 bn the first September next,' to,accept oo refuse the real estatoj of said doc’d., situ-' tel partly iii Hopewell, ,phstly in . Raccoon and partly in Independence tojrnships , l Boaycrcp, ■ ,I’a.; at the appraisement'pul upon it by an’ inquest awarded by -said Court, and returned to June ferni; ,1865, andiljound to oontiia. as follbwp,-4b ydt: ij ' i ' : "o . Purpart'A;.Gl acres Ipf perches, valued At §25 per acre; purpart 8,,31) acres CO perches, valued at §45 per acre; j purpart O, -.43' acres 15 perches, value J at $63j75 pbf acre, and in' the-event of non-acoepfonco to show ,cause why the same should not jbo sold. ■ -- , , Witness the Hon. L. f BJ M'Guffin,'President of .our said Court at Bcjayer, this Ist day of July, 1865.' , ; JOS> LEDtIE, Sh’if. 1 July 18, ’65. ". ■ ' ft' ' '. • , , ; ORPHANS’CptniT SALE] .1, BY virtue of an order! of Orphans’ Court,' of the county of Beaver, directed, 1 will expose to public sale, on the premises’, ijl Economy tp.,.on II • ,l '- Monday, August 21sf/186i>, at 10 p’clticW, a. - in., the following real estate, late'of! Mavy Ewing, dco|d., bounded and do scribci) as; follows, to tipi: On, the north by Jos Smith', onth'e-easthy Robert Charleston, •and heirs pf Gotlcib Bopk,| on tho.south by tract IJq. 48 pf beet’s dialricU and on the west by .John Dippold nn’3 ■ ' j Fowler, containing 54 acres and - 128 perches; ibput 30 acres.of which are,' cleared andjundpr fence, and on which 'there is erected i Ibglhdus.e and log stable; fruit trees on the premises. ; i -Tkums.*t-,One-third of jthe purchase money on the confirmation of Ibc sale by life court, balance in twoeijuah airiuat payments, with interest' thereon from the' date of .the confir mation jof the salp; J;| | . *' The above dpspribed property will be sold, subject to'slatc of the husband of Mary Ewing,' dec’d ' r l JOS.; LEDLIE, Jy2c;cs, _ ■ ■■ :!,!!; • Trustee. ... NOTICE IN PATITIONj . IN the Orphans’ Court.! ih and for thecouu -1 ly df Beaver, and Elite of dn the matter of the partition of the real es tate of Andrew 3. late'of. Ohio tp., in said county, .dop'd: To tlie heirs and legal rep resentatives’of said depld., to wit; Phdeha Ji Glass (widpw), James Glass, John QlaSs,_Es ther Glass, interina.rieil With JoscphaJJorrell, the last three now or' lake i>fi Wells cdf Indi ana, LUctnda Glass, intermarried with’'James Barclay, now dr late of-Black, Hawk county, lowa, Wm. Glass, now o • late of Dewitt co., Texas, and all others it lercstcd, are hereby notified that an in‘qucst.| to mike valuation of the real estja'.-e of :said doo'.l,' will be held on the premises)' jjtuale in- Ohio fp., county and State aforesaid, on the 28th day of August. 18U5, at whiepi timo and place you limy 'attend ifyou (binjc proper. % :jOS. LljjDLlß, Sh’ff, SuueVsf'h OVwcb, V , JJcavo'r,jy.lh,’Gs. . £.■. • r . JST OTIC ,;■/ IN the.Orphans’ Court,- in and for' the coun ter of .Beaver and State of Pennsylvania. In the matter of-the jvetljtion for partition of Ifie real estate or.. Hazon, dec’dl, and now to wit; .July 11 th ,j-lSij-s, .'the court grant a rule o_ir the heirs au(l-l|gal’representatives of said!'deceased, to wit 4 Ann intermarried with John Trover, whq resides in W'ost. Vir ginia; Elizabeth, i who!is Scad, leavin'g a hns-' band, Kher Vickliomi god live children; Bira iuel and Susannah whd reside in the State of lowa, and all'others lni,crcsted;to show cause, if any you have, why -dn inquc’lt tomakopar tilion of the real estate of; said dco’d. 1 should not be awarded at an *prphan!s court,- to bo held at Beaver] for-the" county of Beaver, on tholirst Monday of nest., j J(|)S. LEDLIE, Sheriff. ’ NOTICE BtIPAUWTiON. / IN the Orphans.’ Court, iJi,and for the coun ty of BeaVerJ and ;Slate of Pennsylvania. In the matter of ithe partition, of. the real es tate, of Hugh Voting, Jaiciof. . Economy Ip., in said county, dcc’d. The heirs and legaT rep resentatives of SaidT dic'd.; to wit :-John -Young and James . Young,! now or lately re siding in ■ Scotland, }Wnt Young and Jano Young intermarried with James J. Conway, and all others interested, will lake notice that an inquest to make partlt i jh or. valuation of thcrealestatc of studidec’d., situate ju Efcou omytp., county, and Stalet aforesaid, will. be held on the ■premises] on tlioXGth day of; Au- Augusl, dSGo, at which time and, place! you may attend if you think proper, i !;■'. • JOS. EEDLIE, Shlff. Sheriff's- Orncc, 1 ' [ ' I Bcavcr.jy.l,7’Gs. (.' •! - ] * " BEAVER COUNTY, ss: f IN, Uio Orphans’. CdurLfpr said' countyL ,Ih the mattcriof the partition of the rcjal ;os tate of Gollcib Mich(icly t flec’d. SalepfsahJ ■heal estate by Joseph' Lcdlie, Esq.,. Trustee appointed by tEe Coqrl for that purpose.!. . And, now, July, lllh, 18Go, on motiop the Court appointed Samuel Magatyv Esq., an Au ditor to mate distribution of IhjO funds in the hands of the Tnuhtee to add among those le gally entitled thereto. By the Coprt: j 1 : ;. ; v John a. The Auditor ahorq-uaih duties of his appointment, Brighton, Saturday,iAugu clock, a. m., at whielijtiini tics interested may attend jf I'd | .‘SAMC(£t " ADMIN ISTKA TljK'SyNOTigij^ LETTERS (jt administration on the estate of >Vnxuji, Suaxb, late of. Columbt' coiftty, Oliiq, ; <)jpeaseJ, hating 1 been, is* sued to [the undersigned, -ill persons indebted are required to pijrme»t,ind thoee haTing olaiaigl.TnU present them, rrup crly authenticated settlement. . * ■ • : -■ .JOHKSHAJJE, iilrn’r..-,:.-.-' , jylS tis : | j Biidje water, Pa. " ■! ,-V - ‘ ’ 3SToi I©l ;|V;i 1 I ■ FKAZiEB, cVtf id will attend to tblc - at his'office in New til 12j 18CG, at lOo’- >0 and place all par- [ AG AW, =a 'i -:.-r*rW. ‘ivi&teii - ; -f >. vF V-- T 3 f i-tO PITTS;. Fy On “iday i. Stations daily;' ; lows: (Train lip i leaves daily.) '. . w. km jmjdaya ••)i , 8 iXllXtiv’ PiltsburjJ .r... ' Rochester..:.. ij" I S. Brighton;.' 1 phtoa|!' !Colambiaha .1 i- A-Uiandij rf' CuUtou I !p MiiasiUoti Ormllo,. ' I 1-21' 32< ijOAX- *• tin.- :* Ml ‘i Ml “l iw-v Tij. “. 812“ Wooslef f & is, •« i-2lBj Loadoaville.. !■s«>■•• :-82U'^> ; i Mansfield _..l IOMt -** j 425. “| I ( jn ;js \a; I Bucy*us....;. I'llliiS “it 710 *■ 4J; ■SandnaUy ;il24tU‘« '«7Kj. “ Forest'..;! ;135 ; “ . 833 t. lilOJ Limai. D01p1i05;...... |{ ■SfeS'** Van Wert 'i(3jl2 “ Tart Wayne., ijfibj «*j Goliimhin ..... ;jjcb-l “| .Huhlsyillc.,.. •![; t(24 “1 Herccton ■(■(334. Warsaw.....'.’;; i (SSM *•: Uourton :..... i 323. “1 I'lymbulh..,.. 1 762 “ij Wahatah....... .rUO3 '•■■l Valparaiso,*.., :,U27 “I ’Hobart it)s3 •> 4, || Clarke.. ’ Hilo ‘i illlC.KH.Cros j 1045 >< >RIsI.aH J'h. j 1155 Chicago ..—l.. 1 U2O *J OM IINB GOIN< 'AIL. t ‘ 62<)am 1 ms'm L.Ji “ o®.“' ‘M-73J8 “■ ‘•f739 “. *M 800 f ‘-‘ -823' “■ ?80 “ Q-u “ toil) “ 1047 “ io|o',“ 11J2 >-< ISloioi 129“ .202 “ 281 - 358 422 •> 320 >" 010 •• 646 “ i37,H 830 Chicago.’....'-;. M., tl.lsUUUuno it. 11l C.llUCros !t. Clarke ~ ■110bavt.,.;...",;. | .. Valparaiso.'iji 1., Wanaiah „.JiJ [ Plymouth ,ij. j Bourbqn Warsaw ...... Picrcclon..... WJ Huntsville ...' s, ■ Columbia...... j, Fort 1 Waync!.|! VanWertr Ltclphoa ~, Lima. v 2'. »i‘,. «lf EU •U* '** (t Forest. J U.Saudu3ky..|: CuojTua ,-<VP' U ' V" ' Z ;..Ar f.'Li )• Resume i! Ue: LaadoaTille.. :! 855 Woosier fAOIS ** Orrvillc . l lk)50 AlassilWti....'.' si 140 f.- Canton ;1200'i“ AHianco ii. 120 pm 2OO. i") jColuihbiaua; *2ooi“j !En0a..1,i....b r 320|“i ‘N. Brighton.; 410 “ 43U( “ ,000 Rochester,..'.. Pittsburgh jlc ahd Eric, fi. J&ms derive Alt |ft.- m; 11.50 $ For Kc 4" For New Cast 'cotoffloJatibn U Brighton—J) 00 4,45 p. m; Oi.UU ,'mi : , For Now Ci towa, : .l’a ,°?.50 j. tii. lallt, .Gr; ‘tiCUTi! ‘p.-ni. ! MYEB ,F.i K. 23 ... ywiys On.atM after M 9 ,:rions daily, S[ ij W.lSi jonqaya GOING .Mail. I 80I)*.ji 8U « ■01)5.“ Cleveland.... Euclid street Hudson.. Akron . ...... Orryille ...... Milicrsbnfg.. UaYcuna...... Alliance ...:.. ‘lanyard ... Wcllsvillc .1..; •or> )■ “ r 112 n GO ISO mJjL •135 a m; 014 -716 800 woiisVnio j... | Bayard... Alliance ...,. , . ! j Kavaaria... ... j Jilillcrsburg.. 1 .'.j-!:;.'| Akrous | IJudsou ...A.yj Euclid street; Cteveband B At: “ 942 - 'jju. “ - ; ■ —r- <r7 ;, j ■ COIKQ EAST. - ,’ i j.I a* “ ” " Mail, Accom Ce1airc........ 1050 am '4151-m 9j>t>zui - Bridgcportr.. ilOOj• * r * 430 “ 10P2 Lagraugc. i... 11-lSr- 4 : 4 525 ** 10118, ■**. Steubenville. . 505 “ 1100 * 0-Jo.\m Wcllsvillc ISO «? 700 i“ 1300 Sihilh’st'eiTy | J 62 ,;j...J.a' 7W»<“ -Bbavev ..:.... j 222 V ■■■• Rochester'..-/ j 280 750 “ 100-pit 800 “j Pittsburgh .. i oio ;*i yOo i‘ ; ■ 210 p‘| oi.o o . • - l | ~~~ -dfisp WEST.- - ) ; 0 [, •'jr-Tlf' 1 , ■ i j Exrs. Exit's- Waiil..' ...iWcb>i Pittsburgh ~ 210a'M 215 pm 01Oah 350pm1 Rochester ... | 330 “ 355 - 7854* ;515 “| .'Bearer ....J...t 745 ■*.• 525 '“ Smith’sE.qrry 820-“ COa -j Wellsvillc? J.. J 430 “ 525 “| “ 645 “i Steubenville. I 520 ,“i r 'so 045 “ . hOP.* Lagrivuco..... 550 “I 715 “,1005 ■; Bridgcpclrt... ,620 “ -802 “illOO l# ~ >; 8e11airc....... Oil) “1 815 “Hilo “ ' y TUSjCARATV AS LRANGJH. : | . , Leaves 4 • j Arrives I ■V ■ \ j N. Philadelphia 1.20 p m Bayard, 1-1,0 p m;' Bayard, 8.45 p{ mj INj Philadcl. 0.20 Pj F. R. MYERS, General Ticket Agent; ~ Marine, Inland Sc Tire'lnsurance. |KSDKa!]S t O£' CO. OP NQimi ; 'j ~ '• |,.[ -AMERICA, r i y",,' '■ j; i PHILADELPHIA: '; ’! | Incorporated l794 s Charter Perpetual. j The Oldest Co. In the U: States’* ; Over $17,000,0 tip Lo sses paid in Cash, Binci; , i ’-.JIB Orfaniialion. • ' ■ Cash Capif i} ind Surplus Jan. 1, 1865, Oi 71.* ..'I ■Buildings, ' Wetohandise;and Furniture cured against Loss or Damage by Fire, en the most Liberal Terms.- . .Mj, Srick aiicf stoii|i Ptcii linjjf Insured .jTejycfuaWjr. Risks takenjon! tht' most liberal: tenis, by ■■ y CUAS B.HDKST, Agent, - 5 h myBl*6s; j- ■ 4." I • 'j' ‘ ' ' Rochester, ;Pa. ' ■ Dr.JiM (Late ;surg ion FFERS bis’' •KVIF VIE W AND VIOISITJ7 '63:44 . f- J ',' i. FAI *uly JOlh., • 'i, I • ".:' 1 4-,iars.:, • SSar*»r ' •"-i: 'v msmm ■* 9 i < y*i &:'Cj' .Rt R. ffratns, OTceptcdv .as fot pagtf it 5,-VJ jP.‘ My , mWM &tuc..|| Exj|’s.; Kir’s, IEI ,700 a it 830 ■“ BJ3 •«! jVBS •• IOJ7 “ 1048 •* HBO •> 12-12 mi 1142 “ 313 “ 330 “ 424-‘* 508: “ 535 035 723 > 760 “ 828 “ ■ 005 •• 1000,’“ 1100. •< U3«L>> 10K jIO 1053- “ 1134 ** ■ isteji •• oao *.■ -332 410 ■“ -145,“ 020 «• 74ji‘-- i m- “ •851 *• 901 UBP “ 4. ■** V ,«■« i ,u £ki* % s v £xt* s Jo2orji aoo4 “ 1105 J ‘ 11431“ ■l2§Uasl I lo O •“ j. 225 “ 257'"=* •**?J I 1 , 442 A 413*‘.< 432 ' “ 600:;,“ '^T 838: :*> 845 '0 'lOl5 1047 “ 1129 V -1201pm 1245 “ 116;“ 159 247“* 815?;“ 347“ 405 “ •i s 935 “ 10.-50 “ 1116 ‘<i 1,140 1229 Ait fi-58 “ }10'“- t "id•.••I 505:“ 5S5| “ •■SlO'- ft >.40 'a: in. : Ac-' ScglVtny for jlfcw.- t m; ; 2.10 p. jn; ;onomy, 10,30 p. (UO iitid OifaieSa JlickcloAg't. I 8 ' I Qeit. 'S*|RR* - ns will leave sla cd, as follows. IT 5, Ira rxccp Mal iOtlTlt c.z&O Aocom 02Z.&C t '■ i '.XV'S B})oam B,H t ji •9,15! ;i‘ 1220p:i • 218 fi ft ; 313pm* 328 “ 430 “ 130 r: 141 1 ,242 ■ 027 i “ 6 48 (“ 700 320 085 At'CUM :out^, ,CfesS& C ' Hxr’.s. :si-‘s 'i.'T tH 505rj (5-iu- V3ji . 825 9*4: •IjIOASI _ 052 j*‘i ..7.00 .Bbo “ .'.flilO'; soowi; 6.( f0 '*• 72u 44 j .819 “ 919 ' wea “ 809 noil! ibio •' fl4th. Peh|i a Vqis.,) 'iccs lo trbc citizens. ijf • A ■,v ; fiiimtmiut ly relieve,' witlii>|ht ■jjafirjjuU r /' rbnnc/tii'o th rperiqti:c jUsolii^gej-.wliflili er aiisiiig ifgui n .Ration one Tbpy, apt Uko i ol ana. in rom./ri‘ug t tie. pains that.accoaipaa.'Vdillictist i ii. rar.iodcr; .t.b pion- ' Btruatiun t .and an thp.oux *»Ki and rppnhle.-. remedy; fuv..E'uihvt, Sick Snuhi|he, BaiW in [ the Loins, Bao ;• ai|d -Si.lci lie, Korybin' Ttems»>', jEyswrriks, I. Broken Sleep, uni lot her ,i riplcauarU and dai)- 'gevoiia effects iof -tii UTii aturul p6n|i>ien ef“ a lief ex mil Tau itious.;---,To the worst' ( cases of; ■FUiir j4l/,u*,ot iVLitts.ilicyjjeueot speedy cure. ' Dr. Cheesfemrm’o; [FemalePills t Jiayc been use! over a , tS«riEn ttr ii OitJmr-; ky, They art offered his tlonly sa|e means ' of -renewing! jnieilktvnatinri. hut ; Ladies’ must Ppitr -in -mi ltd I lilt I hire is one; roitdition of tills' Tcrnale 1 1 Jgjcm'in''kjbioK thol t Bills, cannot- lie taken v ;a ffettHar' rtstd/J : Tbe tconifftiSh referred tlv is pregnancy—ilti result,' » wnfrrwy;. ySitolt is the it icsistih'fe tendency [ol'jtlie medicine lo; .restore liie sciiial fnndli ms nociriai con- . dition, that even the re[rbduoiive , nature cannot!resist it. T’iVu canned da-hurm : in any other Way. : '.j , j Dr. Cheeseman’s Female Pills, Are the. only \nudicim tha t married 'and sin-jlr ’ ladi-.s liavereljted upon for mapyi yeat-s, dr, can.l rcty upon now.. '.Jiitsare \f iailinfitßs]:- 1 These , Bills form- th| ''Flreri /V j uit/o-r- \ ward, wi(if _ S'ii?lC£ftnf iand\pn,-ris'.ent, \snhtss.— i ■DON’T BE DECEIVED. Take this advertise-! ment to your Druggist,, a id toll-hint tjiiit-;y>u ivantiheiesl and' most, reliablr. FrKi'itl't‘'~JMiiiiic. id'fhe vorU, • which is - comprised in ;i'h Dr. Ciieesemaa’s [Female | Ellis!! They haiicfrccciyed, receiving ing thcsahctrtn of ithC'adEteaiibent.i’hyaiciaus in Aiuerient 1 ' ■, lv ' - J;’ .j‘, f'- y ■Explicit ’Directions. tyilli cachi^BpX—the price. One ! D' it pier MX, c'otHatning.'froin 00 lo GQ pills: ~ ; | j ' i'V-'.j ■•' i Pills, sen I i// mail, p-oinplh/', byjrmuiiu.ig thp price tho' proprietors, or. any authori zed Agent, It current finds. SoWi it/ Drug gists ffrnefafli , ’ : . I ■ ■ - j • , HD’TCIIINT.S&:UItqiEII, r '-h 81 Cedar street, Nc’w Tci/l;. . V\ liolcsaic and > Retailiby l/r; tcivatei - ; Dih Marquisjayd 1). If. hester;. JohnjMoore; Beaver..-ifhd istsatNew Brighton. ;[nov2;t:ly j 'BSuSolil Smithy .Brid liamicn, Hoi hy all Drugj LffEßEillENim STRENGTH? *TC)| THE WEAK !; YOUTH TO TH£ ! i ' t i * ; l (This preparation is iind<|usls , d as a ItojUrv ■ ■ Wtor aiui'Aestocec,of wastcdloi- inert 'fane-* ;tiuns. •» - | ! > ( • ■, , The aged should bb'tjcrfain tpmiikethi: Uib.--j jki-ehe ,a ÜbuSsehold gojJij inaadiud'ii ns It will Ir'ender tl|cm.. youthful | in feeling, and Snd cgbblcrTjlieiu; to live ever again:: 'the days of flieig pnfetijiej by. only .ex-;] hilarates bot-ltrCngUujng, inni jsrcaUyau iii-, '.valuable blessing,; bß)UeiaUy. :to! those, who have bccnrctiuGed to si Condition Joi. servility; Isclf abuse, taisiw-tune| or ordinary sickUcf.-j. No matter rhe caima o t ilie impel sney of ; any human j organ", ’ this ■ superb/i-preparation will remove the effect ati once nbd forever. Biotoene; •Cures Impotencj', Ueuerul Debility, Nervous Incapacity, dyspepsia', | Depression. I.oss of' Appetite, \Low"Spirits, .jwoakness of the dr jjene of jLieiiefalion. Imbecility, Mental Indn* lehcc, Emaciation;'Kn mi. It has a most [lyhtfnh drsirabU'and eltVct 'upon the ner- ; 'votis system; and all w hp’are in any way pro's-; (rated by-nery,ons disabilities ~'.;ire earnestly advised to seek a Cure Jn tUis.ctost excellent \ and unequalled prepa; atimj 1 - ■ •'[■ .- i - Persons who,. by Im rrudenco,h|avo lost ihelr.l iiatwfal\ yigfir, will tit dln speedy and perms- ; heat airo in the; j •;C ■ j ’■> ■ iOioM.s?’■;! ■' Tlic.paublo, the Languid, : theli|ispsring.lliel -Old should give this valuable discovery a trial:. i, will be-fouhd totally,djilVcreai icinu all other . articles fob the satire purposes.. 'BOTESIALES.-na'ldslprepaiia(ion . is iuval tiablc ill nervous wca tuiss of all kinds,, -’.'l it. will restore the wasted strength with wonder ;ful permanence.;. {->• ■ It is also a grand U nii, and wTdl give relief to.diyspopsla w-irb the first dose, isisteuec in its use wil. rciiovale-’ilie stomanlv ito a degree of perfect hcnllii atijl banish Dys pcpsla bitfiTCr. ; ■■ ". ' - -.'h . v One dollar per Cottle, or sin bottles f«rys3. Sold by' Druggist generally. ( ' •, f-’ent* by express any where, by! addressing ' j. & : HELtYER, rfbprkto.% ~Sd Ckd-.u Siiikr.TjlNEW-Viir.K'. - 4r@-Sold. al Man’juis' Drug 31 ore, lloehes te I ?,' onei dobr. belew.T’bst Cffieb, and- whole sale and set ail by Dr. Smith, (Bridgewater, Beaver county. : • i- [nov23:ly C ' FIIE , ’ : ' .Sits? JESXI ‘VST’ .A. Y ' • -px jf The mobt perfect.iPiuno Fortca iu the woria. QAN’-BE JIA I> ON'IA: at - . KiEßEft & ! BRO'S., •- r Li f . : ' 122 Wood s?., pittsburg. BJUSoIo Agents for StcinwkyV Pianos for Western Pcnnsyhfatiia. «, • [myltj'OS H. CAR i&qHqri, Organs ■■ y \ \ ■■! >ND. ■ ] v ;-.Vj I ORGAN HARMONIUMS. ; r EN 1839.-©a- THE oldest and most popiiUr instruments 'rof tjbe.kiod in this-country. j. I' , Ear Sale only’at '/ x ' .H.i & jBRO’S , Pittsburg. V, ' - "; i : ' ■ Agents for Carhiift's Parlor dr eam for i:\Voofeni Peniita. i ■ mvJU’O6 ■ ■-\ I' ■‘i ■ ■] ■' I- ' . ‘ 1 ■ ■ ' **v l Tr k tAryer* -V " ;: ■; ’. »ri)ic.-r ' „ Scrofula j£nd< j3:TQiVi*vk;^ /Voiii <V/.-* /•/•■ .fk .s' «j/ 5 „ r W' f ,-" f>>r7 “ bvl»i MMM.uUiii.'i aAfi-iw'.. '•’• - y»-f ifrhl-jfr fTaVM <■s■ i- ■• /*' foil r - a tritt* “■> •'»’•••'«V/ .• i’.jr; ... ao4‘- vv. ?. Piiripi-r-', Elotcfynd Xt*]\ '■. ceps, Ft&riV./kV. Ttuht, V) r/cr »>/»V.^ v; f • ■'■■.s• « I only do. in*/Inly to you ;.£■! Th.’p-jidv.v-:- .. s ~- •; TlT<lu iiiVst'ChtWiiony to paii}....:* ;'■•. : ci.‘siia|rviftuoi cl'yrtir M v **?>•:»;« ter, nA-.tlJ tcu.-l.ud :n: a m. J.»<r *; . eyes, dna U y.-ar vAtfu-'fk * •••*»> : u?uNr *vV , 1 wire uvralhvo tried urtiy been well ibrsaatc ihcrdu'J: 1 ' | •y •• • FrOl£'A&< X\ Vi r f W < etfi&nc&fadx of iAmw?.' ! W//< T ,/ i • Vsty (jLaghtrf bn*. ■'/' fccrofuloUpT*nvnti^»C , 'x\'J;w‘Ts \y‘rc\-i Nothmirl n»oTi;* d rd'ay-.'tiUri ivv .’ t con p;,u\ u^tvl^H~ • /Vvwj Chirks V, *!'/• i-Vij.; < ; / •-‘•'-’•••.v ,'C' , <J' ‘‘* v ' :! j.‘</)crd £«. A" .V„‘ //*; - ,1 , •'- v > v ; l liryl f«?r t-t;vcral :yt.‘i;r:: ; :r( , i &!iiUOr IU: ,*>- until it tUsffimroii my fciitiirc? No*wuu n-i i :"g ; .oraNK* hfnu*iio»>. I trl _y ?: . could of] both ndvj-*-. 1 !;.u ; rolhiCwhntcitr, uutj lir4«*uk: j;« TtlmnodlatrU* •t-r.-s as . i. it Tniy;ht fdr.a j Ini* in‘api-v -u-*- \1- ;. . •; fckiri u.s>xl>r ,tV; U‘;-3**c?,/}n-;r ‘' , •tinvnl .until v.y fnc * ip r ,s ;’• •;-• i, and I am vritlsoui j'njr:v. J ir.» , tc'»i«s ’.\\h ».. .1 k. iwnt*. I It-;•. '"•*'{ wlltix/■.■-, > dotibt it t f > your p N-v • k ‘ r ,' : EAsipelos— Gouertv i , | :. ”■■' ? From Diu-lioti: 77>‘\y -r‘ -•* l)f:. AT|’K« f Or*i*?i»lptn Tcli . . r.u»J Scr(rt';ihsti.iyi-r> .« pv;;: •■ ■'_• B.U’.sAi'.VKiiXA, nn*l I hiiYo !i.>v . nr-:il «..i . v CfW-ili.fJvUti't t'r:::::p- *«i nu.. j>oi>?o*s eipjiiN ilio-,v.\pL \i;\ j:-I:.\ y■•.:.• •• jjlii-d to*ihe jxroi*"*>:o!i tk vvkll]tfr.-ti. ’ I 1 *-'* 1 :*- •■" 'From J. !fcVr7u, T ii i*rdti Fi-hl, ;tTT»-V. fi/;;]. Ch-i ** Te»r Tisvlv*» : ychr.;,.i' had Ur* y<<y.>W.)'>: •- oh jut >iyht firm, •-.■•' 1 colc-b?aU*d l>lkVKrc»aua t y.'-vU'- ;T f lK • •■ so b»d tb r .t NiNm-, doctors dvkddDd V.iU mV. a fra ifiut-rti.u •lnyi:tor booan tU‘f, andsoian of t urod lib'. - 1 i'.ru u .'iv ,’u. wWI «»•» - f .'t'i-.Vii' Ib’jfifr'jn rbic-'; pn-.cio-i' j - *i‘v- v tv ,!■ b*v;|y ih thi.i coimntuhty, alii".- ■ From Hon.'jh?t>y;f Jf. ■■' . (•i. If*;, (t fa.dhtjj \ V-. >wni: ■';•-• •_• • i - v - -' ?•■*. . p * “ MkiVo nred NT.ur SaJ^.VJ] ■•\TiOi v*;ry bf.-u' l: :i comia'cuai!i;;>ii‘to SU Antiicny’s' Firo,-.Xij ,: -; ’ Wow 7for«ajr ■ I- lrt»wZ'vie«MO«'/j' “ Oar akily'yirilk,, attack“vl t'y pii-ipl-’ > *;;j !rl spread.u«tU.tfcry ft>ru*-‘l :|.l' •FOro,-.Vilt'*U I'I)K-1U-A b'.i f;l"' Ills oyr.t !bri. >rr ilryi. iV* •pitraVi of .-ilvar ah«* -otlj«T fippurcht I V-r ; lilp k m)Mv .Sm ]>■!«: lcrifcl* r a?»ir< , ornipt NfAtstt** : -k'aiv. Ihiv'ia^,*. t n*.-vl ‘ cvytfy-' • • hope fr<jm, v»k : : raiir y' t «P’* v hJi, r 'iho illfcct. ■ «bri* {. *tl;e Jirst l.'o:ll*y,;u. f t«jo -»*ytp 6utj yn r.iul jh*.* i' USj'.ilV oOirK’ i tbc (.bilU isurl <!}■. vSjphiJia tfud .\Ftcnn 2>r. flirtL't‘fib'cL'i ] jhjtl.yiir ti'/.l : :i*r iLh-‘ 1 w^-nlar.'/ »m<l l *.' Tin* i»r,o'*'Hsic>!; dr.*vvicl«tiH I best nioikiki*.* w«-; From jf. -J. /'Vrt/*. -1 fu 2f, i"*.* ■; ' ' * •'/ A*» >.<! •f! tkt <;/’ fif:?*"'. ; I “ L»k. Ai'i'il. My: df;ir; s?\USAl\\ k ;ii.UA :«‘l t'X.viii i lltjthjlf the' i 1 tosl'in koh*' ikal t>"» [ til ottt,T Vtl»\o}V*:-. \do IV \ j>lny' I \\ it}i urufiMVTi.;tiu(v *A : lululu-rutivi: | ! ZiVqtu. Vj. Vfj: • riml Uhi:irfful I:lWth '<\ti Tips (»****, vm-wd by JM*.{; v otpv. ':u ‘ t»C im*rc«ty» or <ft.«V s * yjrliisli -vn-vf aft;, -'); - xtmi iiini'ii forfvy-'*r& t li * •; i rtmAlyor * mt j|k»na?vi*rl*^;--4Usv •*«•'•••> ' liitn. .KiAV;c;)twi'F» lw f«i,ov-d 'ns(»;v. .'} “ <li?itn*sßui*r diiil it,tool: »v\ ••!;■- i\o<r.,- : bottloi to. cu;v: ' : S .. , ’ ■'/.• P 'XiGucGrrliqp.a >;AV^r£of^ iV'pilo - air*. 'jvtvnallV prjuTit&il-’ ■! V v .^:' •rrw(h"/ui\sf\T*!Xvxy' by ;lv. c*n!oct of-thik S Sonu- 1;.; f*?-. lvj»vevcr; la mdwfjtto; : ' * r.u:ii>rA- ’v'- 1 ; Frctn the. rm! -• .'.•P’/v .-<d I j- - •.’ Jtii r.U <o < V/f •,■-' »♦ 1 v i ! ‘‘-I h.iy<' r«ju->l V-V.itU. v ; 1l : ; 'jwfor.itivo In! Many ■*'■'. L i I.• i-t»vr*■so^riji.2 l sif -Tift -. ars,-r»,;tr: R'-mV; ih'* »•. ru r Ai’'*is-- .;, ; • M;iv*'-yinU> \\ trt t'hi-ijyr.; ~-5 !»\ ripfi-t ’.- ’S /;.! i ■'■. t ; m '■A hi V tw i w‘; u‘‘{ - /P.» >J //(-/■ ‘ th’- ! M-’M'',. 1 “ M.v .tn'-! nJT' vrv’ .Tin:; 1’« , in , 0 , . , i two lioMli** 2 t:-P Tf'ir ‘'ou» BliOUjiUtl'-jn:, ? 'iroj.r , i v -''Dt - >j* ■■V. V . v •<' ATJI Ain L- '(■-!.[ ;n:U,iy {in.ahr. -road I •jvirnu\-.,iirfjsit K«i»<‘rsr( ; !lipl (K>-u:o'n* lhpii|lo iquality is maihtaimyt \ ‘hits htvn. anil that tho : to, *lo ai| lmv l>y it* C- Lowvlt; iTiO --u <|V y •*; Urjilgu -vattV; gant, X where. ; ■ ‘'\ \uf •: • ‘ 'AI^T’S - :sJi(U’ 1 Tl, £iVw. -;l;j • ■ J I ' . TC iSyoh: !' ■ v ;'? I , > k - • ‘I i: ' ii-rivV-? !i?;v!. ;J ... —J; ; t :•• i yvh- • mhrx, V - ['lafttlT Jp>i (* ]; ; ; Lob •* u.t.v. ;i .viiV ■?;*.- • syuipvui:-,- ■•• '-}r :*.» .mjv oi:*..: . ; to yUi ior s !</«•< ; *; .Zi • r*- rwr: I V-» •>;’’Vi ii nsiK'-ly It .'.j. ;••'.? ' ■ f-jl iyi-ts . H'V- • . 0 t*J.* Ol*?V»!»»r>’ ;*s ,Vi* I V It wa»af vo i , s.ij "• ,j icrin'R • v • < i.-ir li ivi!‘JK'v»*- • i > Lru- of 1.-m: y^'WU.LV^’ :r r ~v : Co:-V. R ■ b’ vAY. / t*vVl. ;i v -J-’ U-r. Pv ‘v*. BEM iijiiiil'M ilio ‘V may la- ik--])*iai<. ■ ev<“r ilojiv. ■ ay ick, 4- l(iby ‘ .• Cy HeuVLsV' T aS, UuahosK - ?; jVj flint' h/'J;;:'■ lafMA BKiV V.iiMi PETROIEUffI, 1• r I ’ t<; s,-‘ .*• Capital £tock>... fcOjOQU Shades of J f11UC0f...... WORKING! CAPITAL, S 3 ' v |. j’. i J •■ ■•I ; A/T a of',t-hc stockholdprtff /\ abovt; company, Jicld -nt the Kochtjstcr,' April the foliating pcrsons'jvvere elected its| Q for ibe ensuing year; \. • ’“••a ; v . )■. PRESIDENT: 1 MATTISO.N. JDAIIILV-iJI; . TRRA.rI!REIii SECRErAKY: OUAIiI.KS J 5 HURST i DiiiKcrous;, Mattiem'.Darragli,.Milo U. Adams, .y Charles Stone, . Alfred 0. HurSt,\' James Dnrragh, John I‘iggnr, • ’■ LcTi-llr4nnsman; ■Kobe. Coenbftn.j . Kendall! ■ ' -i -r, ; v.- ~ JgyA imited number of snares of Stock of tlio ’ ab >ve ..Company find by. appli caliatt-at.tho ojßSce company.' - “ . SQJiOfhcc iiKihp jpiamond, Rochester, l“a. my&Unii: tTHASpB. HUBST, StyV ;. _T^r T IHO.TPJLCE To’Stockholders -Smith’? ferry and liittle Beayer Petroleum (Jol . SOT.SCIUBHRS ,'f £ tie. Capital Stock "off l tk pleiiSe call at - flje <ity bee of the Company and receive thejf ccrtifi- < 1 cater.‘ ;f- ■}. . -CHAS.TBltepttST,[,'■ \ o 'Roohester.Jnnfe 21LJS5. JTreas,- ?k. BOSS R&6Till*Rj & Co’s. Hit r& . Writing Fluid, tjhebestin the, world at tlic Dridgewa cr Drugstore. j sou -viheedi- . dadufaciuredbyaho American lalp Company | 1 1., i. * M '•r >' V'M =I BEIM / ■/)’ .i-'-V' Jp,-'" MEM - ", I ■ 1 -.J ~n , I -.i.'iV-'IV ZEE inv-A'iy; i....... IT,. ME • ~ v-i 1 ,'-s i ! rV& 1 \r& ;it- r.* 5> .i ;v €o*l to ... -til > % *•. ■ ■ ***• '(- 'fry j et\ in* iswt 1 > 1.. •
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