r^~. II nnVßy a;' { fr ? ■ j q V- WedflMd«Ki tiOitrJ!’.' 'r<'. * flic 'lerfa' ■-?■*•.•<{ •/ of^s tsfftii. P Vw -»b«ijw ej> rfeatas*’#* ni , V; - ? JjO ite flavli : B-aa a,- itnffi '>Ui VtfillM® Publi'heA-tver itJjj-.OISIVirjMWIHB s wiling, * 11 ; JVliscella; ! yjgcteist tho t«<k^^Bifei^rphi| yoiaU'veitpi.thft pdimsaiOnif|| J . jarUe? M r ' 'witnogsfv B Section 1‘ Bo it enttetod by ib4 Senate and House of Rmroaehtativol D [ the Commonwealth of Penn sylvan ia| , in General (net,. and, it i| hereby ffi? aiitfiority of oarno, tbatinM tcUtls pro* tmtcje pr otrar person acting; in,a fi-| ! duciary ortifieproecntaliva character!; although aj paytj psQce,pding| . ip tbo.Bubjiss* roiaftf of controversy jc ay he,oxamin? cd' a» Vwilpesg; and .the right lo clairaij commissions or compensation ‘shall -w deemed- PR'iAw'itojbpsMArtfflfß^ . toifcalifyieg porjic n *Trpm being; ' as anycther 'i e itnoasmProw* M, ibaV Ibis act shall rit t.apply, to any, case in 1 ■which a verd|ct deredvijudgmept renderpjLjjjai a-.tvrit of eiror tikonl Jany .casino w? ■ nendinir in any court of thisCpminon-: i-atith ■: ; A'. ; ; ■> ' Speaker of tho H?p isp of Hops. '. WM. jr. .T.mtREI,L, ; . . Spdaker of Iho Senate. - 1•-. •• ‘i’TS . if ’i'k' ‘ ‘ "*■' ?•■] Approved tjpe ‘ t\veutj r seventii day, of March Ariho Domini ,pne thousand eight hundred apd sixty-five’; , -■*: ' /■' a / j* i.' ■ *" An Act ai)icnaii)g t}ie in • • - .Section 1.,i Beit .dieted by ‘the, Scnatoaiul lloaye of Beproaent&liveii'! of lift* Slaty cjtPen iisyl .'lyiia in .(inner- • al Aaaembly mel,,apd. it js benfeby en!- •acted by tlie i aiithbrity or Upb same,'; that ©Hi at law-dr in equi ?.] ly'niay cbmpei any alycrae party or aris person lot* ‘.wlyose odwmi; a itch actiop' or plrh • feeding is instituted prosecuted or de:. tended. Xoiestl^’ os A.,wi,t«ieBB„iii iita^bq- 5 bait add Subject \o Vyovi.dcd boWevef thßt ho party ahpft be altoivcd tocbtnpef i;n, anp.wer.to -aj ; hill of tl/sooveryfrOfn ]ai ahd alaot to! compeldiiih lOLtoalitjftfc r: 4 ; . A. O. OLMSTBD, Spcaher of Uic Hbn'se'bf ltßps. ‘ ‘ ‘ . WJI, j; TUPRELj ; ' : ‘ , Speaker of tho fJenato.-r Approved tho-tXven ot March, A. D. on'o: ! hundred and sbrty-fivi [ t FEE BIX. I, OF ALIIEE.ME • | OF THE PE ' As ‘Act increasing the 'of tbo Peace apd . Constables in certain • Common wealth. Sec. jl. Be it enactci and House of Represr Commonwealth of II 1 General Assembly .me by enacted -by their 'same* that the fees it: . Justices of .the Peace, : .Constables be asfojll) “7 Information for cbir ' of the Common weal 1 1 words 2 cents; Docket entry on bo men weal thy 20 cents, . Warrant or mittinr ‘ the Commonwealth,74l Writing - ->pn't ein'mii plaint of defendant,, i for every ten words 2 Administering an lion, 10 cents. Taking a. rccoghiza inal ca'Re and rctnrn court,-50 cents;- '7. Eodejringjudgmen lor fine, 20 cents. Recording eonvictl of, for ovary ten wort -Warrant tc levy' fi 40 cents. > s - Bail piece and retur 25 cents. ■ ■ .'Discharge to jailor Entering discontin: aisault arid, battery. I Entering complaint tress or apprentice, 2f Notice to master, ' prentice, 25 cents. Hearing l parties jn complaint, 4(J cents; Holding inquisition and tenant act, or It ! entry, eacli cay §2,00 ' rcc 6pt to (Sheriff, Recording procee'd j °-•restitution, ■ warrant to appn cents.. - 7 -r "1 „ " a rrant to appraii return, . Cen^ lorin S act ' or *. i i. ul ? mortB , ca P °rai is additional first, 5 <- , SubpoDrii duces tee auai:r-' ing : l r ?turn malifyingi constable, 1" Ts? continuanoi - Mal aria judfr^ J 0 , i- j'idgnlent ) 50centiB.- by ■ bail, 25 cents. : 4 .-■ P<s lo.cents. 1 i i ■«. -ii r •- i ' , ■»V ''<Ukau. A’ - • - “■ ’’•••' •:• .i'l&voottt3»jbrod. '-»• Walfod t abais? ; ''■ ;(» H-\";*jfpamaMegy!%~ii H'Bf^lt'iH7 1 ! ' :»-iyu-»rr' 1 I' : -Wf.m-. t ;J i'vlJo tbb str Jf , .16;< tak%B»pdbUi<w:b| 'bUdJ' 1 IWMttRi TfancasterJ Hpose^tA^QOti l.ia» 43’|s Mbn faWtfii 6f%itftHtfcfrfiud, Columbia! irnmodi*lfii a .-4uoiJaJJ%> v.3»4tco.i>4 a | fair offetrin; 'lea, MWWfbiS, waSk tffs' , fecfstp|i a<I?MLJir r a/lij ibhlpl tta ttiyo£lg£tfB3raßw|-. ijwpß,*' lirh ft#-- mlevi iOn cenis,- 3fWt? tb is fMit 1 6pHtt «j| >rter ® .to ; naf(#f M fll 3SPsgbi f > f <k| itb te&3 (i loidstot« : .i[b| wMsww* M.{o (Mi M l i.paf«^4»py '* |r^M)rbiw -apeferW bmj|• llii ;^..;■! vj' ; SUsS * iffa^bbdanon'ifttlnlTf4 J ' .; ; !,j a *.<> >«!-t>.j' te’tftigf-l imicdßl , t 7Bntry,-«ilft'! j jWlpofls»«,4o;cc) TO n} Interrogator •&r9|Blfli/i -iJi v* pil< rn-Wotmfto <iaab judgment itkdnoa. .v reta May/jo£ipjainti' -%*n£lfeOA|<>tW _ -tiQri, 10. peals,-iji : »(- any !*. Opening judgment n&r:~riai4jarinff2 i of a’’ il> : ' icjttd : roeoga - jppealj.im JingJi Izunce.rSO »»»•.-- -3'.l b; vuU ' r '% j -.Transcript. ofv judgment, iincluding .certificates, 4Qjcenta. ,, iJvi*£»,*g ; Receiving amountof { judgment i)»tf| foie oxoculion or -vhbre execution'll&4 ißguejJ,, aiid specitriv ballibcen,etite rel£ within twenty-; days pfter jtdgm jnt *®d payipglhorßaroe 'not' ex flooding ten/dollars, 20 bents." > aboyoten doUarsfknd not exceeds ipgifprtyi^&d,centa.^,!'}*>ri: . It aboyoidrty dcliursand not? ox- A rA?n-.: , -J-' .t' abo.jre* ««Ay dgUin^ • Every search 1 whofejiio otlib •’soiOldeM is. rendered:; to. which any fei or • he'd ore attacked,;ls cents.-■ •• ’ - Enterijig: cothj)iaint in writing case; of lattaehment and /'qualify' complainant,itO oents - jAv ■ •pjt- Attaulimeni, BQTceirts •! Entering return and lvo)derSj>ls cents. | ' AjWcrUsenVents,'. cats : Order Co sellgoods J ■ , Order fote.lrefiefiof Justice, 10 cents. >■' 'nr >w of evijdenco; Order for />f * pkupc Order to seize' gacd 8 for ma naftce of wife or children, Sd penta. : ,Grdcr L lbr jireiniuiir lbr wolf or] foxj tpalps : Kfche-paitt.by ddio-oaoiUyfllff Ibpn'tSi- , [■, -- -t ; c -j. - i ]/ Every) |P.f a ;j)eed;Qi&ft!&, ini»ttnaawsni of- Talfinß, !ai«l eHjidugf acknowledge * «fJ fid ifi thVe‘ ; Of? i£h‘ rtpprentroeji ■,. lndentnrt], 25 cents. J- Comjparing and signing lax di .cate, oipf cents.. •, ■'■ , • >■ Marrying each conptcj making ord thereof and certificate to pat 83,00. V > : ' Certificate of. appn Justices -to binding *aj directors or overseers , •cents. 1 ' !/ ',| . .[ Certificate!|to obtain - land wafi 50 cental , |. j [• Swearing or affirrmrig tniasionersy Assessors, [etc., 25 con rrovikztl, That - this Section i hot apply to the cphnties pf T Gambrih, Potter and Grcenol i .i? ■' ■ ■•'.r - ■i • , j CONSTABLES’ WEES. | ' j . , - I BKCTIOIt ily-rSeyenlh day thousand eight G. CURTIN. :k and justices ACE. ■ \ \ i foes Of Justices Aldermen and i counties in this id by the Senate jiitatives of the 'onnsylvania in t, and'i|t is here uthonty ot .the )/be rofccived by (Aldermen and. vs;. i ‘ ; Executing; warrant Commo|iwoallhj- 50 ci Conveying to jail warrant!, 50 cents. . Arresting a vagran son or Other offender (witholit process) aii( a Justice,. 50, cents. ' Lovyilhgefino or, tor rant, SOj cents. y •' ’ Taking the body mittimus! where bail tered before the prise to the, jailorj 50 cerrt ; , Serving subpoena,! Serving summons ( crce, suitor, mister; prehticei, peisonally 20 cents. |' <■ Arresting on PapiaS, 35 cobts. - Taking bail bond Jon cap as oi delivery ot goods, 20 s&nts. - -Notifying plaintiff where defon has been arrested on.captas, to be by plaintiff, SO pents., ‘ Executing landlord’s warram scrving joxccutton, SK cents. Taking inventory of goods, 4teintwi> .cents;: " ? ’ 7 ! Leyying or distriinjng ygoodi selling fbrWehdollar exceeding thirty,-, tt oßpts. -j i For ekch dollar above thirty, 4 jAnd, haft of ithe (commission whal Allowed! where the money ispaid ( levywithout but nO commi shall iri any cane do takeft on than thjs real 1 debt. ’ „ : [Advertising tho su me, BO : cents Executing attachtnont, 35 cent : Copyi; bt Vebdde paper. whei .manded, each Hem’ t wo conts. . Putting up notice <if distress at sion hbusoorothor public place o u the preinispa, 20^on!t8. t Serving scirq fadiba "pertonally, 20. bents, h |•; ~.i) ■; ’ 7 1 . Serving by leaving a copy,,2o.cont«; Executing a bail piece, 30 cent s. ; Traveling; expens es in all. cose i for eacbmilo circular, 6 cents; \ * Pijovi tog', That th' s' Secti in doc s Apply to; .the conn jes of-iNoitbla ton: and. Fayette. 7;- 7?' r.\-v7;; sections. v-7r V iphat •ally fees hot Buppjied;:by Act ‘ehall reiaain si heretafore. ■ ;i, ; section 4. ; ' This kot shall pot apply to the city pf Philadelphia, tht counties, of Erie,:j plaihtionbehalf h,_ for every ten ial{ of , the Com- as* on ; behalf of 0 cents. V [nation or cortu or. a deposition, cents.; iath or afSrmac ace m any cum-, ing theaamo'tb pn conviction in or copy -1 here !s-2 cent*, ic of forfeiture, : or supersedeas,; ■j2s'«ont*. lance in case of 40 cents. l of 'iniutocrimijiw tO cents. . mistress or apf .nddiacharging under Jandlbrd caao,.«f forcjble 50 conic. . ' ■ iiiigs, 81,00. : , J5O cents; fee damages/ 40 ;J'-.v :aj-a, 50 coAls. ' o swine, entering sic., 81,50, . ; in civil case. 20 . y \ ab, each.2o cents!: name, 1 ttflbi*-' the •j* •' ~V, - a um, 25^ents.. rT . cd summons; anjd 15 cents. . ; i; .s and' bai(> bond, of a suit, 10 ot« " * ’tf .3W^4tSHmo-wm» J oto» .ktodt d*rUgb| £f. 08 * ln * he 8 * -‘ . afi 4 ' ~^iniTrwwinP " r SSSSSfi ffiSf?S Slm *• «•-1•; t. •iW-WWtffcMfr 4 *mmttm&&BiSSm M»* ii si VWb(Wii«m si f* |MjraC^>piftgnitiW«i*trtl ’ Wf %wl| 8 ' /^HP^ l 6et Of i lijii Jj, • h -j r«ji < it i s i: i v s ;• si <5 l&J- i aTJ *o dJ L Lee Telegraphed Davis Sts . Mas wew£ ■'>•<««’ fyl tMif‘ iti^rh^MTh4 mint4| ■i 'Detailsi ; ti-ty:;;: riublw 4ii'si!.«s*{^ K webaveitwiodhefbreidwelt upon the Subject ..of the'ewaoriatkmdf B i eh mbnd p-and'the in y etpientiftr feadT ,ful conflagration, 1 i t iis-an ■ ekbaustlesu tbeme,iajid:HO:loDgiaß.Woc)iftfdP l ßisJv neW facts in connection with it, not fear worryiogoor readers. JOE atriojvthpasfe thri'Confedcratei batvebeen evacuatingtfaobity With’alt tHatspeed. and means ilbiy <Jorild' icpiri mnrid.fcut spmohdwthdpeopldrbfriseit to believe that itboreinovnl' mebnt evacuation, • arid.airdfldftredtbatthd Jißpasufos wbre only Wont on in this.manlier WntiV last Sunday, the <3onfoderu(ea- : Hnrpy»’ rng. nWay.'.iOvory apcciefl; of VUe- people blindiy refusing that th a eity ■ was td -be given- hjv arid:' dinging to their Confederate slunplus-v ters us if they-werertbings of worth| 4 Sunjdnyfjnqining;Gertirnl Ijee tele-i ■grajfdijßd>to ! iDaviir: I gibing sr tt'£odrint; of the .general ■ attack:-Upon- hlsiineiv stating that th« lines hdd bcoti! piercijdl: in ftajny'plaees, 1 -arid 'thkt JrtnlrisSjllei ■could i Po-establish. tliefri,- Richmond must deriven up that riigbiU His tone’ twos? i dfor -. itho; first- time- sinbb th&Wdftf despondent. .;Hesaid in ' f'-tns i. - . ' : ; ippointjitvg. TOC.-? li, 15'cents, 25 cents. • a, panpCr, ' *’ •! vO' J/’ 1 ii- :fcpl£ f Ml ! not.cpmirig op to their iw ■ * Ab'ClPltea dAdphlf fhaP .telegraphed that atf eflSi -ItffmeafrflSiyTWr the officials-In Richindrid' panic.) Still the majority Cle were dark; an' r . _ clieve thcir eyes, 'so remained many of.'.them, till night. The gold andsll- belonging to -the Jjouisia'Da banks; and recently by. the) Confederate Congress, wag-run down jto the Danville'tiain in hot haste . So also wnS the specie of the Richmond banks;. Then the programme Toy the departure of the pfHriinlsXwas arrang- i od., A number o*f trains were to leave, during the evening; still there was not rOom for all whp thought :tdeki~- Tablfl.jlo get away. Davis was.to dpi; part iat seven o’clock in the evening: to go off on horse back.j with the last of the army, bn,- Monday morning. • • * i , : v At |.hc request of thp Mayor,a mect-j ing -of the.Council' was held on Suh~ day. evening, at four o’clock, to’Consult] .a# toJwbat was best to bo dom under the circumstances. ..The Council,aftor| ; muchj discussion,'. passed a resol'ilion) appointing committees for each of thp three!Wards, who should, when the ifact that, tile city was.to be abaridcjnV !«d should be ascertained,, propced.jto dostrpy all the' alcoholic liquors. |in ‘tbeirj respectiy'6 wards,, giving ‘ iihe] CouribilV receipt for the same, to bo, paid for hereafter. The object of liiis. stop la. obviousA-tb prevent disorder resulling fromUhe intoxication of tha troops of cither array atfd of thp.pyib disposed among' the The or der of the Coupcjl was only! partially executed,' but Itbeypis.no doubt T.batj much evif was arrested’. ! * * , r ’• Affer dark tne Council held anoth« or conference, and tbis time being as* aurod by the Sborptary of- War . that H.heConlederatepicketswoaldbewitb ’draw.n from frontiat three o’clock Mokday, morning, and .that |it was calculated that .the city ; w oulji evacuated; about vnigbM >i ; was (determined-That acoramiuee of nrominont citizen*, should attend fba with a flag of truce, to the ini termediato line of forliflcationk, a;nd that there Up might band over the city to JthjO General commanding the -.Ac-l imy of the Jknrcs; Judge Lyons, Judge Meredith giid several mombsra of : tne ■Council -attended-therMayorl ■, i j ; Injth'oiriearitTriio a’ saturn aiiadmd :bpgun ip, the city; ’ igovcf rifherit Ppm.rriiasaries origan th'p ot an immonsp qupntltypf (whisky add Vrnnd v.s 1 n the largla Ibuildi og formerly'Witlace’s,wholesale grocery «|,ore, northwest corner! bf Pearl arid,Cary streets. ''Several boo* dred I soldiers ami citizens, gatherpd j in hnllpfng., arid, contrived; to savc much' pf tbpjiqaorjnvpitchpre; bottles and ‘ basins.'. Thp liquoF; Waa dot Slow In manifesting! itself, Crbyidibocamo a mol}, apd! jbegari],tjp. -3opfi othercrowds,had,collect jpd .uj front pf plhorjgoyepimont wpepr. hpuStes,: 'Some! attempts woro madp to! butso/ren^ied bjid fbri- mob, hecpipe' thp papers ijri, ’raariy pkeps had.tp. fPr. ahrihTlives. ’ V " . : i' ? ■ All through the night crowds of raenj women and children traversed pli« rec-j ties,! obation ol in npprt ntia W ibe poo two; 3 by *. 50 •ant, lorn- ts; ;i ihall dga. o ? on boh ilf o: snta., the an . mittimi a op i,;disor lorly ■ against the! a bring ngb< pcr laws :fore < . feituro on la 1 into .custod is afterward net is deliv i en ded ! 5 cents. • or notice on' i mistress, oi ir by copy. rcf [ ap» such for ciant paid each orJ not eta.' ill bo laftor 8»ion more de*: lan-i tho for not n ■. , ,tnp- this 4W. tcmpti lis m jam>wB‘ . gooflSjWhili to W*y, fjurnituro work went uter mid' oq> lw# riffafifed-jWiiie'v {he iPotersburgh ‘Wls'ebiftiiei?’ 4!*' TTi»A>#a< Qiißep’i Wiir«hdßbe, ! ii lyqP WthWleblf wfJßi trill’s WafelioitflH/ wd 1 * WoetS? aft ? tiibby prre(ihT l '' T Wjpfcf rifacSo tf ys ris-ihri^- ftirih of aVTi fcdtfeßiftihiti j ; hrlm tie»'4g'mstr't\ trip afisti ng; P f : JFr, ; i> ]&&,'■ were i*e(Sri one of a jarg|t ifkltd’ atbnndthelWlifr itappfearftfj-/hSK jifjortepf tKefifee riltea* nothfnS Mr |jtlio Wj waft :pdrtpr^'«tn6f ~afy . . v _, .a aijid Virginians,' and longed fair noth-; ing mote khan tosco the last bousem the city a ruin.•, j,_ , *',*_ T jTwo 9i visions—Eepsbaw’s and Ctis tip.Lee’s—'with,several light batteries wore-holding theliuesbeiow the city/ Gradually 'during"the cighk; those, troops were withdrawn by brigades. Tjbo .first' movements *• were orderly enough, hut towards moaning the re* tijcat becamea . wildflightl It, was one bt the. of this ! ■nwfhl night to see a long lino of men, flitting like unholy shade's ,through the crowded.streets, their forms made hideous by the gjar’b-.of the incendiary ■fires that.already began ;tp glow.:— This - train of fugitives jponrodon un« ,b|rokett up Mnii/stro'ef, ..dowpj Ifour tdenth’ ;slrleet| ; until broad idayiight broke upon tbo scene;, Before, thb last passed over the bridge, it had al i ready becn in flames more'than an , hbgf; ’ ; ’ ' ! '■■ 1 / '' J, , 1 i ? j The jlroops do tailed to fire tfeb-.watod 1 houses biypuaced around the doomed buildings,’ ready at a moment's nojticbl to begin Ihfsir. work of bvij; bnt before' they received’. their ordor somo .ama torir incendiary fired a..canal boat,' loacled with moat, which was lying in. the dbck.lnear Jdayo’s bridge. , ;Thls; was tba first Bce'Tn tbp city, if we bx»i cept'tho conflagrations ifttheat recta xif all the ['papery; documents, of. the First and Sepood Auditors’ offices, inrhTcK tpojk. placp early Sunday night,:: The* bonk wp_b*Wp j aatipentionedfiredf :two swung under tbp: bridgpovertbpdock,, andaet itonfiro, thereby neafiy- cuttiag bflf the retreat* of five or si^; ’ Confederates;' About this tiipe thefConfederate gun* boat Patriok' Henry, lyingi nthVriver kjff . Eppkbtej !was fired, and soon after .the order* was given .tp,’ fire the ware-; .bouses. ■ Tbo order was exeented with alacrity ; }nprdid the;" ruffians.confine themselves to the buildings tnqueli.. lion, (Gottioga tastbof incendiarism, the congenial work seonied to please aboutset-i ting fire-tb, every house in the yloinity of too warehouses,! The incendiaries at Shbckflo fired’ overybpuse bn, Shoo? kop Mr. , ware house.* wbotn was otorgduipianlity of Itejnoh Thore was a : guard of Fre ncblocal troops. th is bui Id-! hDgj hnt thoy were .dnycmpff. by,.the jCoofoderates and throaumed ;y|ith death it. ihoy-atteiiipled tb^xMngaiah. jthe'.flarnee. .The torob was alsp ap pUed to all the buildings recentiyaa : .Conledomo occupationjrom the Tred gar w;brks on the canatabovethe city to tbo navy yard at J dis tance of two ihne|r^including ; ffob Mpdgries, --aitilfbry., shops,, l)opoti .gll the. commissary land buddings on apd ’near sb.nr tenth found* ; builtoga t andloeaUtiea |*£hi<fh hbjretohwj mentjoped. Sy seven‘ o'cloiclc! ai in-, nearly .tbo of thg ,eity soutlvojf Uaju street between Eighth and Fifteenth afreets. it waa.parL/ tide' «&& -Siojf -Xfeit dayjjgbl tbofCnim^ ■ notfive miontes ahtfad .pf tbodjmoH! tftjitbld .WdWfaflfom oi .buaj^- TOW Mjop.bpU, iera*a&| M %%«<#,, bOdher ot ihom .V^ BWf. almost oKlbppoint of ? u 8; oi -trupe, parlv.altpDfi^p^ I^SptoPStti.%,lute flcajtiopi ■ iVK##Sj^RJl n ° turnmkpand Mewl WWrHwe; af»4-stops atcly taken to preborvo'ordejb in; t}jp, city, and itwcmldhavqbeea|dbne ete great fire'then raging,. WhiCh prevent? ■ed. anything-being done;Cpctii itiptldi /?o‘6otlonpi!dor.:i.,Thepopßlnce J -whito bla<y£ wilil with.excitement, word Cycry-store $n .Mmtfatreo.t.r-i Tllo’ XJnitOii Strftoi ttatboi'ities at oncdr setal*tti : bf tfcfii flames; and threwoat paptWto puta Atop to the pillage. JP;'m. the. fire was .oomjopredjj though nbVoxtifi<juiBhddj and fonler was,'re-* woredy f-y; ■:% •• I n previous notices of the corrflngra* tip!i wo have. mentioned? '{hat a-laVg* number of person's wore burned- to; death,.‘ I'bofr, number or identity wi'U :never,bp k.npwp, Children, old and j infirnv persons, atidf many persona un“£ %£&&**** 6f t»«o- liquor drarife ,ed by- 'cktflb«|ddW u TTOg slaughtered can only'be Wecountod fon] by tb« fnof under: a stoop hill which stood bstween it and I the City on two ,sides. I Messrs. Win.’ •Rbystej and A . J. Crane struck; apd knocked down , by; k \ flying frag«- roent (ft shell ; while standing on Mr..{ '.Royster's popob, corner of Fourth and ;<?aiiy streets.'. Mr. Royster was seyoro ■lyi injured >about i the. abdomen.' Mr.'- CVtino rgcciyeda,contusion'in itho tem ple. A colored' child, about,seven years old, was knocked down on Mr/ Crane's lot on Canal street between; ‘f ourth and- Fifth. There must have been many casualties and perhaps some nmm teaem ira oxttetaiJ \nJ mm (t^i^a^c?| remon* if sdcßwoa* ■- ' -■> aiUtje.r.on*. >t£ and otli| >r;Stplton| hiing; , jUo wWrte liriisted'tbd itff,and nbar-r , dealrpy; J pu tlia <r >ed -> jtr . -ny._ ana perhaps r deaths (rom : ,thia bombardment which wo havo not heard < of. , Kot loss than one,hundred, thousand' shells exploded dd the course of, three or| four’ hours, LBcatldringthoirifragmeolS; thickly oter acres of thA oityif Many jpieces, weigh ingiseveral pounds eachj ,fell in the capitol square. -Vi • . I'-i ’ Truly, the ways of; Providence arp inscrutable. This ofourgood- i ly eitywduld seem apjifst glanco an ini mitigated evil. is anoth-j or view’.to be taken of Jt.plt! hashed one 1 certain godd cffodt. If there lioji.-l gored in the hearts of any pf our peo ple one spark b|f affection foi the Davi's dynapty,- this ruthlessj causeless, wan-’ ton handing >ovor to tho \ flames their fair city, their homos and altars, has' extinguished it fpreyor. I ,' s The Price .of Battle. : ; rAt the battle of Ah play‘the Anstri* ana lost, in killed and wounded, 18,000, men; French 15,0(00.; AtHobonlinden the. Austrian loss ’.vas 14,000 French, 9.000. At Austcrlitz the Allies. sojooo nrfeil, loa|l 30,000 in killed, wpun-; dod or prisoners; tljoFrench lost oh< jy (I) .12 J OOO..JACjenaand A:petBtj|rit,! Ihb'Frassiaoß lost’3o,ooD .men, killed: ■and wounded, nndtearly jan many prisoners, making nearly 60,000 in all and ibis French 14'000 1 In killed andi ■yeotjAdieti. - At the terrific battle df'Ey-i ilarn the Eussjana losl 25,000 in-kilted; aod wounded ; and the French,'Bo,ooo' At Friedland, tlio iiuaaian ipsa WoS !n| killed; and - founded; ihs; Ffench'l6s<j,‘ 8,000; At [Wagram, iHe.t ■Aaatriftnsand Prorich lost each 25,000; ;men, or 60,000 in all, in killed’and [Wounded.;, > A t Smolensko, the -French loss ,was .17,000 men ; thatofthe.fius isiaba, lljjOOO. ’. Ajt. Borodtinp, {| which is iAoaot&hib isodi pq4 „ upeq' eadq oi pins, and- obsu hdtoiy fonght battle on ordjV tho French lost', in killed ded, and prisoners,' ;sQ,oot‘. men; the Russians abpUttbeeamopuraber,;' mm ,king in all, 100,000 tnon in one battle! •At Lntzen, the French loss was IBjooo imed; the AllieS; I5;O00: At’ißantzen; the French lo»tA5,000 rtied, the Allies, 15,000 At Dresdeny-where the battle lasted twb days, the Allies Told,in IHIU ied;.waanded aijidpriscinen, 25,000 men And the French’ between ,10,000. and 12.000. Atlieipsio, w’bjchlaf.ted three days, NapoleOn' lost _ two. marshals; :(vr ehty genOrpsi and iWmt OOiOOlftheh, In killed woqndod-ahd prisoHewi ; the Allies,; 1-790, officers,! and almut'-dO.OOO 'me n—■up wa rdol dOO,OOO me ri in all. : <i .■ i, ■ ' I .Ti ! '■ • i ■ : " bgtaiai wnfidnoEalrr^ gross in the! Baptist, Methodist a> Sfes^^^’sfcshs- Supnis the interest. that mi recsi itwßßfOcccptfid JOor theatrical oipwMe.4«BQ«i)e &3QQ titf byriising wejce oapoclid^f^tbei^sfiidt|oi -*Pf »i dfods .Were brought under,the.pov \hb V* -tb^a^^riWWttlb bLOftrtej wKcsb had wqbraced’the' I/Op/ prayers. fthal ; tb|e; the iognlaMwonthiy meetin; icpn,. s'hcb.jit .“traak 'reported liiMWCofc * been' ohanged, |atid v pernitmibW' 9 .been granteddoi thb agorit of <i*s Land Testaments;] .Apuropnatipna tyei 1 nradii iw the'bnHhfbg’y’opr’.to 'the fp) Iw£h :M6fiOO. r j Bookh >wHro granted tp ihe ndihbgf 1 States ‘.Cb .BishP’ Xnhea. was' ’appointeil a dofegate/fc j,th6 ofjbc Srjttsb'anil':' FbreigiV Brhle'Sb' «»o% in May. ! *";>■■.>• X meeting jn behalf pi tl ehrWtTah'Cdmniissipn">aS beldin-iHi Academy;' l cft , 'Mdid6,‘'iTcw Xfy&i fetf ■fiabbitßj’i even •*•; Rev. j : Dr;' :,; V?r preswlpd,, and made an eianioßt-.'Sln Tnptit'oflUggreat woEkicjjeßagtv jFerrfng,,. to thft said the other is is Si vtng. Thd .foiloVur^ 1 fa itS'-Arbre sti ,ted:. 1n;J863,- itho: Ghrfistifin Gommis •aiori receiwvd i.0L1g63... 8358,- >h^1^H.,;..|9.1 .1^97^77,. '; The Amor, •'can Tiiblo ‘Socioly donated to ith«. ln books ./\b : thd, I r amoiintof'Sla,2^;.feTB63;^,vo7i-Ii M'd, the following hs-'ltWa ■■' 'they are.ltoo from allegiance to kings, biahops.councna and synods—deriving their authority from Jpsas Christ, ther head', of the Church, arid- responsible? to none but hinu: Our Conferences, Councils and Slate Cpn-'- ventions arc only,. advisory,' :or ; arc, merely!missionary in their character.*; There is nothing above the Church, und'that derives iteviows.ihstrnctions and ordinances from Christ; himself.”, —RoV. Evan M. jdhhson, an Epia-' copal minister, who 'recently died"im -Brooklyn,, in the 78dyear of'his ago* -daring tbo coarse of his ministry of ififty years,united nearly 4,000 couples; ;ui and baptised nearly' 10,-. .000 children: . At the time of his .de cease ho was the oldest settled Epis copal clergyman i in the State of New York. * -~Chimqay, who loft the Catholics and joined the Prosbyterians, seems to ba in bad odor among them. judging , “The best specimens; of rtdtatbeil Trotn the severe ofjumby growr. in Sandysyil.havequiphlydM the press of that dononunatioti. i It gonorated and given pnlv uu irimffor^ 5b said ho.now-stands 1 impeached.bo» ent crop in the strong clayey ’ fore his own Presbytery,V; in Canada.; itlie neighborhood of Sippft !?. 7^ h i lO 4 et i f°r discipline in the the foundation.of the sgeiety, inIISQO, •Old Presbytery .in Illinois,. ;■ the members havP'madcnntucrbfis bit . ,'44hrf Ghmtia* Register says, theJp« rim « strong ligH clayey, :Amerie,an Unitarian Association has Sf av PMyi. a L n d B lpny sods, Tbost>ciety. Received permission from, the Secfeta-procuredSamples of every ry of i War of sending its agpnW and' And. they propagated publications to: any part of the army, produced, tjio be«| ■ Arrangement* are now- jn -progress t 6 a P® a b« trial they have general son d athOnco i its agents to the- South! • found that thir greatest-naWber dr ; -v-| r , j potatoes, succeeded;,beat dovishtihfld:: %• ““At" the commnnion’ in tbe-United pjiitey land; ' They found however iMt ; Presbyterian church, Monmouth,|lll!, thefong potato from Algiers: bbcime a short time since, twenty-five persona rPtfot i a sandy noil, ond'prodttCed connected themselves,., with, fee con- aa 4 p.erfoqtly roantl, potato; Ain gregatjon., Seven of these were bap- slrbnd land: ■ The wbita kid- !(; ;tilsod-' bb ’ the" Satuhda^.preceding 1 the; |hf;;no|§^- : p|ai|^y^' , cOmmlinihn, by thb pastor, the Pav. pfoduceil potatppB, qpite redj;,3Cfoa qq’.' ;D*,O f: pradfoEd,-l- ■'■■■ ■■ - ;pjpty tas ofTerdd teA m , ! seed potatoes to.-aby ftnbbr^ibd'^rill' ’j.i * S%!i Aontrilmto£ve > ligwm rs tho.Pewvine (P a o : idle |ondiifdtf that fo Wm fu»".th| : LiUheran (fonreb, in : whiph more than. persona,; many of.them heads qfoatUy of potatoes and ; se SrS i& S they fossod lQ bajfo fom. ; 4 peace in bejiey t ng; y 6 m the Savior! . 1... - --.:. v . El pr.\Ne»lo,! :n a scrtnofr de livered atthe Socpndßaptist Church, Boston,made a a eloquent plea in favor of 'open icommunion,"and .a. more en larged* conception;of Christian broth erhood.- ■ V. jU >" j ■ ' - ; •!• ■v-' —Rev. Charles E. Robinson, late of iVVoodbury; -.Conn., Vae l installed oft itbe;} Ist inst., Presbytery of Mohawk, pastor of;,tho Presbyterian ;cbnfch in. Oneida,Eg Y. The ( B<Mrraqn ■wid preached bV fioy. Dr, Coh.djt» of Oswego, '• 1 - : ■■■ ' ' r "y'". ; *' ! f-|-Roy;' El rßcently Unpointed fclsWnhrifes -to" Egypt', -by the - Board of Foreign ■Missions; ot. the : Presbyter iatf Church,. .are.; preparing, tdienvothei* iL-s t~-W t , T E icpltt, late ,Gham< h6i4b‘urggPa.V" h'ah ,'tor T of the-SCCond PftosbyteridncH nwdi' in St. Louis;. The inßlallmcntrictmidtr fwas-.by ■tbo.Jßov. .Dr. Lord, of Chicago. et si to >|t' ill?9*rv& jCTg dimTVaudnof apples. Far-;.,, ib fcoisEnifqf thii Aott mdi.S SBSIIwR, ' .f d&tf tea* Smtik -i Tospect of success?, w /! .lift lenthd btigbear. Apples are noiy , JacedmfKaateiTl|tJe|j|i#^»<H4iai .Didr|dtift^''i^|^>ey^SM i ef!^ \i : l^rH*r} : »;^‘ , »~ !fB - i V. hards, or ; aft moKlind ’ 'nly'seci ; th at ■ dy.arflii Oitfae lKnd~cqTulitido;4»d;tb« i Tncifai'uro or trcesrp growing iq more ,:, j n the nurseries than topftypthsr I, ;auseifc Froquen ily,' when trees .are '"<. Mnjsliinedi v sp } FQc!tsii«v l |?s£ \ ’then* growtllHaf vnjqn >t j- ont \ 'n'p^r£(ittr > . iftny i.nijtancpi ’ nrp th'rttroes, after getiingjthem home;-; ;. bit I dwog^rbethto ; t tlnra!n onldjTt he | ;round.fqr a pnightancin | lay before planting. Treeft oblamcd ' fojn'i'huVspry slrb'nliTjd at oi»K>heelV . inriplil they arc dranlod, ■]. npye.d, to the holes {only ;jv,h.onthoy; ; ire to'be set., ■ ' ‘‘i 5 r ' # ’ " iW'F.tiglKiViti'wh'erq, 1 their thpy arc now using lime, extensively; ;l ifd'itttriSpliihtirig trees' bt ’all* -1 kinds.— - f,A epiajl iqpanlity of irro^say r at the ! irate of four busheja.. (ierarrrji} nSut in each hole arid Ipjc soil’ bofhro . seurftg the Irdei (: ; 'ftls- - H n by yyhat prqeussiit ceii, boning'V® know noij Jthnt thb liihe wswtchdency’to" posit : for ward y the,-; 'roauirqsjnstjsaclv - iOryp thing' riolutivo to 1 -ted apple; o,rchardsi rnayiftqrv-*bejheld ! lyilhout fear of aqcccssfq}: jiqiilradicr sdn.'. ; io wit: that thdjr are fuljj ,aa profitable -as 7 any crop -raised / P}J|Hi£ thfe farm, and, pertain ’. ip the yield. :. There are, seasons when, .sevj era! crops of’ farm 1 will 'bo 7 very poor, and ,aometimeß!tliere' willbobnly one, or perhaps all will bo|gopd.;;?Thp satne ri&k rniibt bo rah with the apple drop, and the same'general ft|lesgcty- : orn all.-r-6 ! ermank)fpft Telegraph. , .'-| i : *' " b i “ ■•'"'■l K- „• ; ■ ykronwiei' i'vei mßßPil*' l '' iiC ultu re iiT JJuiatoijs.-- Atoagricalf rtural society established at ip Saxony, under the title pf“,SQciolyfoj' Jttie Cultivation of, Ppifatoofli’’ jrdady a The followiog ia ftU ftbitract of n pa-; peroa tho potato: - i;; 1 J I TLitch ihe’trhces .at full ieng'-p. di rectly to the plow; then- tafcbd enroot* ;$d jiick ptick,jikoftpiepoof OldscjLUw apath, jtwo and a,half foot longjshar- ■ brfd : ‘to goiinto the'nftks/bf thPitracephaln»;)th«n‘ putdtißndertlWi horse just fqrWarA,. of bi? then get a strflacnor about oigntlucn ieS'long,andpat;it4U dojbjto tjhePpfeftr is yOn cap; this wUL.-givnglbbjbbjSO jptolily of room tor his hind foot, and Wofth right" gtfio and bpahesApd, never iojurMfcpsfcr;, 1; I- ... SiVibi ■ r • Virginia Corn-Bread.—.Dissolve hoetableapoonful ; of bffttbi c m tftM# stria scald one quart of Indian meal :’ bboi ? add'|half%^l^y‘yf,^^cir Sfjil hdt f and twq, egg? well pvofl Itogether,' arid bake ifi | wivl’alri *; L •tins, vro-Il greriacdoj' buttered. .• i m , wiT .%`-:~~ O
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers