rp- j jo, e 'T &13 1•© . 1 CtE' , ■■ " * vmX Ea.UEBAN&»MBNT i r * Reaver Station-r-GoiNo East. ' Ci * nS Station '*' .S- -, V \rrivcs at PiUsturgh; .10:00; A. M. 5 :35 a-»•' • „ ' . j z-'iS-e. M . j ;-.2;23 V--«v. : GOIJKf V\EBT— V lh !nt uaie Pittsburgh ntfoUotctr _ jj - * Arrives at Bearer, ......7:45 A. M. i-6:20 *- **' . „ «i ( .5:20 P. K. 3,50 1.*\ . BpchestcP...... 3:55, p. m. ■: s4s?’ . «»:•* ~,,...£T:2O a. M. ' 2:10 *• “: j. ,n. McCullough, rrc'i^. F. B- MYIBS, Gen' i Tck€VA 3 tnt. ' | WAYNE & CHICAGO E: E ; V 'Rochester Station— Going Ba«t. '-v leaves Rochester Arr. "atPitls. _ Aeboxn. 5*52 as 7sBo a.* -If- T?X'n' “ C;52 A. M.,.„. 8:80 a., • n C "i h . n n - -12.16. 2:40 p., 4 7 " .3:05 P..M 4:45 p. it. 4.00 p. 1m...... 5;45 p. n. ' 1:00, A. ■ M...... -2:20 A. M. ■: 2:10 P. ». > 7:35 P.U-. :B:3c P. *. • , Goiso TVesi;— v * ” ’ : Leaves Pitts., |Arr. at'Edclicsler: idßrieVnAccom. 0:00 a. m:,....10:45 A. M. . n -L’n “ 12:00 (M 11:32. P. M. id BngU n (j . 4 ., 0 - r _ l,j V6 : 02 p. it. , 1 ■ i. - 6.-30 p. m...... i6:55 p. it, 4 [V o:4o'a. m...... ;8:05 a. m.. , ' 2:10 A. 3:20 a. m.< '■ Tl !£L«! ’ - 2:00 p/ ? r - :2:15 *>' M; oj tiprc- v Supl., E. D. & BEAyEtIjvALLEY E.lt. - Vc,motile opened .ftW [Pittsburg to New youugitowii. Siiarfln,Mercer, Franklin ■ aE iSns C lcave PiU£lturg 5:5(0 A - . M. arrive at Al'lcglicny 3:40?. 'at * TraitS \e { ayc ''* w Cftfitlo 7:jOQA. Mr wive at ' AU Ttiin?ka' : e Scv/Castle 4:40 P* M> arrive at Ne:v Castle for Aicrcer. 1- 'drippers o'ouM do .Well tp give this route ■\ Yici r VnoniiCii. Prompt attention- will Be ' • rirra io‘4onvarding freight?! .i- IVM. D.DICK.SON, Passenger Ag t. ' -.J.'ff. BLANCHARD Gen.; Sup’t THE BEAVERIaEKSUS ' - MARCH lSthj £.865- LOCAL and MISCELLANEOUS. NOTI-GiE; ALL persons knowing .cl 10 mo/or subscription io tile Beaver Jrvw.- priui* 1 o .1 an. Ist, lyd-J, svill please C.>ll. nr.’l pv.' up at oiu'C if they (wish ip save cos;; Joseph* Xl-Clwro is antlipHuM to receive unit receipt for the 'same, j . iB. L.. Im-dhu:. lEEE Kg^Onct. of pur han.dsj left, us week before,last, and tve iui'-p thus for beeß. unable to secure anbibeh This nvill. account lor our. late issue, antftbb ■want of pur usual amount 'of reading / maliv'i - Wo' hope 'our. readers, will ttsriiM) ust Tor tins-week only, us wo expect to t),e up to lime thereafter.'’ | Ar.rTifh't—-PVoT: Merccv.'oF life i’ca ver Female-Seminary-, will soil at pub lic out-eiy at his seminary, on Friday, •March 241 h, a larpe lot of-tfouseh^d s 4 ami kitchen furniture, ntc. • Thgse! wisbinghto buy should pot fail fo at tend, as. they will-Hie supplied tvitlj tiio vary best articles of ev{;ry deeded dew seription. Also.on i’!k! Samp day, ttvo t>r three- lots, in the town of Beaver wdl be offered for sale.. ' i o®,W‘c call attention to the i nett; ■=—'fcdvorti-smcnl of oiir .‘seminary - and ■ --j J Musical Institute that appears to-day-. It is Professor Taylor's, mlcntidn to establish a Musical Institute hereafter the plan, of the best Mjusicul .Schools of the East. We feel insured that no , to go,abroad for the purpose) of obtaining .superior advantages iq.j music, for'they arp .mjvto b'e^had.—■* j Wo notice with pleasure , the" very! great reduction offered to the daugli- 1 tors of ministers and soldiers. 1 . CONCERT. . Ihere will bd a concert of Votoal and _ . »i ‘fc Instrumental iMmsic (both saer.od and j" secular.) given-by |Pro|, BasslciCsahd ' Pupils in ibo Lutheran . jdjhurch', in llo ' Chester,Thursday evening,Mardh 23d. The Musicahpub'.ic is xtfspecifully ih j -v.ud to attend, T.he, Piano used on t this o.ctasion is from t’hcj Manufactory i ei Looker it New I York, tiind is i • ' un, lly furnished by Messrs. Ilolf i & IdLot-ite*, Pittsburgh. ■ j, 5 " —: «►— , t ] U '■ ofi tho; a g e ,TaS 1 j! i'-i-sed the-SeminaryiJiuildinir oc- 1 !‘ ,IC(1 , the two ‘| schools, -lie ' :S | \ understand,' to contact 'l' th ° n, °* t li^ 0 " al '»anhcr, ‘feiool tcaU-i •' miiin 9JU ‘ 01 Lh,: ' l>l ' omin ont dcmini- j among ii s pat^n^J C r fllCtod - £l3it W be. iu.ds ■ as'n ; ! ‘r l " e k ”°* '° f Proh Taylor j iUese Wil! ,)e - Mi is unipH.ofj iadrabS H W,il ,n “- k a ? Craol S reat I ■ I tiohji, m ° nt ,u tljc eausa of, educa- i l| all h ' , “ u, ”' o ' um u ,, sty- Wa loan, thaf! Mr. 3 error's w iadd nl 3 ro,ln d hhe.selipolias one,! ' cn.'ci ;>■ b ero( -°fore, have our influ-j ! Pther and *' lui9 counteract each [ |i Ul '4tif i°' Ul e^ orts to advance, the ed- I w«| s » 1{ : -b, :" n that lt “' pro.p,c,. ii.„' t a *xt term ar« flattering. .1 the Court Proceedings.! 1 The Following eases oflast Week: r-'- j tCdaimon wcKltli vs Stanton Gordon Indicted for perjury; case continue;} tt text term.. . 1.-"' t- -i. • .yd.l; . Same John Graven.; ludrctbd'fni selling liquor contrary to law;-vbrdiel guilty . " Motion Tor pew. trial. | Same vis Adam Johnson. Indicted for selling liquor to nun of ini^ompor,- ato habits; case conti med to next I *’ ■ I . ! terra. I Same vs Alfred Sl’Creary. Induct ed for assadlt and battery; Court a- process.for jJcfcndant. j _ |' Same vs Hillory Hen ler_l:ndieted for assault and battery; continued to neXjt term’. ;; , | ; Sjarae ys Margaret Howells. • Indict ed for selling liquor contrary ;,o law; yer.iiict, guilty;. Sentenced, to pay a fin'eqof §25 and costs of proseentiop. | SaWo vs Catharine Carleyl Indict ed fer assault and battery; continued to next teriin . ’ ‘ c --\ | Same vs James: Nor mole. I idicted, for assault and battery; verdict, guilty and George Brown, prosecutor, pay one bplf off tiro '.psts. ( , , ,- Same ys John Camp, j Indie.ed for felling' liquor contrary ta lay; jeontin.. 'Ucdjto next term. J I 'Sdino vs. Michael ' Indict ed fer gelling -liqiior to nen .of lin tem pera-! c. habits; continued to next term. Saine. ys John purjip'j Indicted for Selli|ig liquor to, .men of_iulomjperato habits; continued [to next term,! f j Share vs Jobif Hall and William J llalt. Indie me nt, Larceny; verdict, guilty. John flail schtoheod to pay a fine of- SI,OO/ andundergo IS' months Ii• 1 1 * , v imprisonment at -labor in the peniten tiary Win. J. Hall sentb.ccd to-'tfie iXoute of Hefugc.-t . ' LSaliaV vsi John Hull - Indicted for ifpri lai-qeny; picads gulty. -Sentence I deferred. . ; j - 1 j J Samc vs Adam Wigley. Indicted fdr assault arid battery;- not tried —de- fendant in prison'. ... , ,! ■ j. Same vs' Margaret Ilo\vclls.- In : dieted for selling liqiior to miuoijs. Ig bored. ,' ] , \ '. . j ] Kamo-vs-Jbscph Bendy. Indicted far larceny; continued Id next term. , J 7 I -r • • i j Same vs V\Tiu, IScriU, A. Court a ! jtard process for; .defend! nt. , | Same vs Casper Whitscli. Indicted for spiling-liquor confrary-to law; ca'so •cloritipned to, next term; j ’ 1 .Same vs Jolin Andca-scui. indicted for selling 1i qu ore on t r aryl o law. I Same vs John S. Anderson. 1 lijfdict cd : for selling liqubr.to'mecl of intem perate habits. | Ignored. - ’ Same vs Androiv Swancy. Indicted | r. f L 7 - fprycning minors;, coiUmned lb next term. - , j- ■ , 1 Sumo vs Wriv,-; Johnson. ■ In-dieted 4»r polling’ liquor to' men .of iiitoihper atefhabits; continued trf next tei(Sl. Same vs Darnel; Bajrnarp. Indicted fpr selling IJqfioi;, canirapy Ip law-. Pleads guilty: and sentenced to pay a line qjf §25.00 and:costs of ' Suino Vs J.'D. Kitchen. Kalscjprctcnses. : Verdict i. Saipho vsllaclud It i toll o' for false pretences. Ignoi Same vihSarali.J. Hem cflSuretyVbt itlic - I’cnc‘e; next term, 1. : J ~ . ! Saitio vs Jnb Michaels cl al. Charge of buroty of tbei Peace; continued to .next tbi'in. ! j Same vs, same. Charge of Surety i.■|i n • | •' of the: Peace; continued to next term., 1 ;■ .... _l i„ _ J •, i ; 1 . , . ' ' ■ i , . | i'i CSfiJohn LJ Heighlcy, port of on o of on;- Commissioners.' arrived at,- hjom* last week-from the South.havin'' been i • •, J i & pnsqncr months. lie'took a Ltadly, and could not have survived irtueh ilontterthol‘treatment received ; j ; ® i , i I fronxiho reboht j lie was caplurfcd in j (was"confined part of ; llm tiiio at Hello Island and. pa|t at | Saulsljuiry, North . Carolina.j Ho (says 'the reports published of'lheir treat ; racnl (arc true. ! Out of thirty-two I 'I • 1 i » *M I captured in . Iris company;but ninojsur | vived.j lie wlas fed on orm.-dialtppitnd : corn tiuoal periday; the time on | <imd He gel no j meat except entrails, heads and iiShts. 1 a • - i > - j- ! onayoung that; on coining ifflcl our ddiko exchanging jjicll ,t AlM**.!' I iriond'l said t jli ics it pdemi ■ fur heaven. _i ' Xa Akai, H. \Yo I'ecoi C. Wilson',Esq. title.- fi'om llk aril Gqc|dwm, 'j time t o exami pavilali examiil us it is a ha ll is •■yc: ■ It i.-i a.c N 1 Loo'lv/ tlio i consequences ai The styje is pie; t-he language i lO trace i j,ss of !, secessi <rk, ari,<l espce W how iuuc this rebellion 1 of Mr. .W ilso tbem for sa!< WOJ km to WO) if i . i i !. ? prosecution. Iruhetinc'ht, 1, not- amity. in. Itui reted •eft. ~J | icjr. Charge bintinu'pd to ISTOBV OF. SfcCEHblojf,— fed Item oui- friend J. , if; work with the above pen of Thomas ; Sllep. l. M. \Vo have not bad no! it thoroughly, but alior. sufficed to ebni ; workeyory one should Ic-ai'i fail and accurate X eiuises of secession,jits $ 'd probul.de result ; ng, yet forcible, ajnd best. Those who ®, LDtoption, and pro pij,. should have this !?|ly all who desiraiio 1 pfovcry contributed | The work' can be h,as bemteuds keep i Call and examine I 4 \ ■ S- iioroian, late of <3o. F, fiogt. Pr Y was last? week.dischargcd froth service and is novyj a; hjs homo in Kew. Brighton. — Mr. <melaa was in tho'.sorvice throe years ied fourjmontba, and a prison** or c ght. He.has seonmueh hurd ser vice at d eddifreil vbry|cruellrcatra,ont Iron, the rebels. Wo do him”simple justice when wo stpto no more faiths till, eonscioniioas'pjr bravo soldier ev er entered , the service. We know perabnillly wbpt wjo slato,and all who sorVpd with hunl- wiji l testify to the same. Since his return ho\ha9 bobd elected Justice, of j the Peace by the citizim'is of iTew . Prighipn, anavbiis opepecjan office under the Times of fice,Microbe will attend to the duties,' a«\d alio practice bis profession, fir. hM.Orctdri - is a good lawyer as well os a good soldier.. -Moyj he have the sue • i cess hia merits entitle him to. 'The Pittsburg Dispatch. We j[re glad to notice''the -Pittsburg Dispaidh has improved so materially in its size and'appeiarance It is now about the'size.of- tile Argus , .and- thir typejistdo best inlise.* The Dispatch is n<w cntT of thojbest daily l ' papers published, in! Pittsburg. It is-ably edited by Foster, Q’.Noil and Rook.-r, Wo 4e|commend, it as a-reliable and cbeaip jdaily- .f ' ■". .• j Tumble [l id foil on Thu-sday? to G 7 con Is, : than, it has been.for a year; and ■respect is tha; it hill All still Our finances ncvorhvcrc in bet-, .or ccjnilition’ ' Wlut'havo the croak er<* vvWso industriously proclaimed tbcrdiji of the national finances, to siv n!ofr? Rebellion and, gold tumbles V • Co iowei l hc .P lower ,_RRIED: | itlia,l4tl,i ins-t., by Bey. iSs Burt’ David, Eakin to Miss Mineuva |,; both of Brighton - tp.' Beaver f tIV 1 •Ou Mr. . Smal count ■Hr— I. WiUGSTOBE. IS p'.s. MARQUIS, M. lor. Bridge st. and the Dia BOOH ESTER, PA’., ii ' . rrj-TEIiS CONSTANTLY ON- li IV FVU. AS?OUTMFVT uv .t PTJIRIB IDIE&TJC t _ • Sua;o«3.ioizi©j ■ DYE° STUFFS,' E=> IS.I PUAIEir li, i - FANCY ARTICLES. i ‘ ■ \ . . I • ■ ' 1 !HEAPEST OILS & PAINTS .*1 IS THE VICINITY 1 ’ 1 i L I* s WIITBS II- 1 ‘ ■ okxitl Brandies, Foil JIFiDICAIj PURPOSES. ■ ■ . ■j- i ■ -I - THE GEE AT M XX 13 RE S SISIxJ |“FLORIUNE I” ‘ AfL AUXIGLES OF ' TA. TI Q IlSr l2" Usually Kept in a Drug Store, j ... . ' | PRESCRIPTIONS | | CAP.Em.LY CQMPOISDED, i •. | j • - -i*- •laa - OCfIBSTBRDRUG STORE INj T H E DIAMOND . po: Efc SPRING- OF IS 6 5 ! > IVIVL L [I‘APJSE, '- • \ wikdow shades; •b.okdbhs, and , ! D^COiUTlcfcs A ND E > T ERV ARTICLE IN THE PAPER ’ A. HANPING UKE, are now offLd to tho rale, anjl buyers generally, at (he lowest in<lcs posslWe. £©~CaU and see at Vo. 10/ Markets;, ietirnn Libernt and Fifth sir PITTSBURGH, A m«rl’6o JO'S. R, HUGHES & BRO. Notices ISlhcPehjigiTcn that the firm of Stokes & Jallou vrxll be dissolved on the let of \pril 186/jj, owing to the death of .dr. Stokes. Those havijng accdunta against said firm will present I■■ 1 ■■ undersigned, and those indebted wiL eallandjsettle. [maB] HOBT. TALLON B ■USH BHOTUEK, fc Co-0, Sxtra Chemiojf > « m l n jg Fluid,the beet tu the world at the Drug Store. Try if and be ooa ucea. by th« Amerxoan laic. \A. i Sale of Valuatte Beat: Estate: Tin beaver coujnrsv : HP. undersigned,^;Executor ofthfelast will of jAMS* JBj^K ? Ute ofßeaTer coun ty p a , deo’d., willsellat PublicVeudne, oa ' the at n o'clock, A. %f^ r I** the estate df 3.*fw4»' 6fl ,the- Public Bead } mile Uea,Vcr,‘ Beaver «0., Pa., containing'iSFpcresifl&oloaSid; bal ance well timberbd;, 70 acres now in meadow; buildings; a good two story brick.-house, large barn.icorntpib, Se.; fruit treM on prem ises. Tbis'farm'is desirably located,’ conve nient to. Railroads, Mills, Schools, Churches, &c., and is one of the most desirable, product ive and valuable farms Jn thbebunty.' Also two lets adjoining above! form, con taining 15 acres, one-half cleared and improv ed, balance well timbered. M ill be sold with sold farm or separately, to suit purchasers. Also, on same day, at S o’clock, P. M , on tbe premises, a house and lot m the borough, of Beaver; lot fronting 60 feet on'Third Street and extending. back 800- feet' .to. an alley; ■ bouse, two , story brick,; ; with bails building; Ujewhole containing " rooms and haU^f.collar underneath, a _ stable and fruit trees ..on lot. Terms at sale. 1 Further. information may be had by inquiring of theundef signed, l residing djmiles front. Allegheny city, in Boss tp., ;(I‘. 0,, Alicgheny city,) ofßaniel Eeisingor, Bea ver, Pa., or .of James Bakin, ott tiro farm aforesaid. ■ ■. . \ ' S !, • 1 ’ ; . aEOBfiE QUAIE, ' |fob2s’6s. ■ | , ’ ./■ Executor.; . ■i D., land, Atfl> A S3j •Y, AND El . ADMIN ISTKATOfig EOTICE.. "Y]TIJHEBE AS leltorßaf administration har , YV* ing been granted!© the undersigned, oh the. estate of Jaf. IV. M’MaSav; lateofEcou my tp, Bearer county, Pa.- doo’d,, all ,persons knowing thcmselrcs indebted to said estate are requested to .mate payment • immediately arid those haying claims against the same wi_ present thereto tho subscriber duly authenti cated for settlement. . 1 > • } : AfiBAHAMB, WOLE, Adm’r, nmrl’Oo | , ' ’ ■•Brighton.tp. ' • i \1 • / ■; J nriie Xiasfc Stroke I OF TIIK KiVM-MBU. fflMI AN, GRANT, PAR RAGUT & IRRY AS . PEACE COM3IISSIONEHS-! XT is our (jcricrals in Hie lielii: who only can effect. the pnco, of Domestic Dry Good, and so they hive luring' tha t last .suc cessful campaign , / ®;iijfccEE.rJilCES i- . Jr--' Q.ood' . lfi| and 31 .cent*! Good Sfuilin?, f jtor - j'. 'fe' ■ 20 ; and 25 cents; and aliCdtWj^'W^^feduced 01l per cent. . - IN AUIUVAL iOF ME.|vi/'GOC>D:S'-l4 SPRING DELAINES, ) DBESSG-O ODS ' ' k - [ Prints, G-ing-liams,! '■ .‘ j| ’! :1 ' .. ;■ J Muslins, Satinets, Cassimeres, BALMORAL SKIRTS, .1 Ho6p v ' -Slsdjrts.,; : BOX XET LUB B OXS, ~ C t. I T*' FLOWERS m RUCHES, IRISH lINENS, , '1 ■ <3-ILiOf7'ES,' |! v •'I . : l _ I ' | , Slilirt ; . Pronts f J . UOSI I'.lli &cl, £c., i I 1 '■''j ,• ■ :■■ ■ ' •'wftg -, jan be-' found '* 1:..?' At prices as Lowas ; ; anywferej ■' !-’■■■“ ; ; ' '! j HavdsLj fill been ]irch lasijcctJ:.- buyers icUined the recent great Aedii in \ j;^■ ;!■ I ! : ; , ?I ', ■ i. ■; ■ ij 1 ,.i V -A.. '■ T?)l I .' _ , ' Fi ' M r ;i i i ■ QELEBmTED !/■■'; rj' 1 . : : OEU'MKittSME ■ I' M kk[-: ■; i'ife " I,;’/.'':’- I ‘ . i , ■ I' . IN BOCiiaTER,. i ' i !- ’ ; NEX‘. -T boon to rdsTvorlncE., [fe22 ADiIIKISTKAToi’S NOTICE. LBTT£RS J Df.a(immiatrj|ioa pnthe estate of Slabo I E. AifKExr, l|to of tseuTcreo., deic’d, having Ibengrhntedto the n crsioncd,. aU persona,indebted to said esfatb wo requested to make immediate payment, and -hose having claim gainst ahid 1 .estate will presentl them to the subscriber properly au thenticated for settlement , ' . ! J\ HENRY ASKEUY,- Adm’i- ,| leblOido . Bridgcwhtcr. J _ \ si : HTTSiBURCv Pt. WA On and aflcrD-cc. 18, ,1864, Trains wi (TEnmlcariagOhi : , Exp’s. Mill. Exp’s. Exr’s." Jr-- • ■, t -MjuL-' Exp'S; Exp’Exit’s . Pittsburg ...J !■ 210 am •. 040ak 200 pm . 800 pm Chicago...:... ! 450 am 020** ’ Rochester-.„\! 320 “ 805 > 816 “ 415 << RJs)HK.7ano!; 520 “( 045 ■“ 617 “ JOog r Kb Brighton-/ii 837 .*• 820 ‘f.-SaO 430 “ilU’CiEßCrosj; 530 . 655 *•( 625 -‘'|llo;j “ Ebon-..'....... )l 425 “ 016-*.* '4'24 *• 522,.“ Clarke 606 “i “||ll43 “ Columbiana-ir£ol “ 1005 *• ‘503 “ 600 **, Hobart-..;.;. \\ 633 739 “j- 72Qi •i:t2()9A4t Salem; 1 531 “ 1038 *Hi,535 “ 688 “ Valparasb-i 700 “j 800'“ 7-15'** ]1210.* Alliance ...... 635 ** W4O *‘ 635 “ 735 j Wagatah 728 “[ 823 **| 814 “[.l# ‘‘ Canton—..... . 712 1240 pa 725 “ 825 Plymouth ...., 843 “j 930 927 “i;'225 ■« Massillon-...! 735 100 “ 750 “ 855 “'Bourbon ji 930 “I 957 fr 957“ “ 0rvi11e....... 812 “ 142 v 828 “ 940 ‘.‘ Warsaw i'looB “11026. «* 1029 “ .83>-“ . Wooster ! 848 •• 218 “ IWS “1016 “ 1 Pieroelon..... |;1032 “ 1047 “ 1052 “ 402 Loudonvillo _jl '939' “ ,326 “ 100 ft “ 1120 “ Huntsville ‘1043 ‘3 1056-“ 1102 “ 413 “ . Minsficld ;i!080 “ 425 “ 1100 .** 1213aH Columbia -,..! 1117 “ 1112 “ 1120 « 432 “ ■’ T iiAr iillOO “ 500 “1130 “ 1245 Fort SWayuc- ;1240mi 1215 pm 1225 am .60? “ lll3O “ 640 am 1201 am 125 ** Van Wert..... f. 225 “ 129 146 )32“ B^cyrus 1159 “ 710 “ 1229'V 153 “ Dolpboa ......!! 812 » 202 “ 224 “ 808 “' DJ Sandusky il24opu 757 »< 109 “ 230. •*. Lima; ! .847 «*, 284 “ 800 •» 845 *•■ Forest.... I llglf* 835 “ 144 “ 301 “ F0re5t,,.......'; 525 “ 8» “ , 417 “1015.“ timaw.—.'J.. r 234 “ 1010 “ 300 *‘ 414 “ D.Sandusky-3 600 “ 422 “ 446“ 1047 “ Delphos..i( 812 “ 1059 “ 345 *•* 450- “ Bucyrus i. 700 1“ 506 “I 5291 “ 112? “ Y4nWert„... l ji 342 “1134 “,417 “ 520 “ 730'“ 520 “ 600 ,*• 1201 pm Fart Wayne-11,520 “I 130 pm 600 “ 700 <«' presume , , )e , Csa<M clo 640 “ 12451 *».. Columbia-... 604 “ 228 “ 046 ,“ 745 “ Mansfield.,-... !■ ,780 “ 646 “ 713 “1,16 “ Huntsville....”, 624 “ 253 “ 70S-805.“ Eoudonvillo..' 855 “I 787 “ ”59| “ 159 “ Piercelon-... |i 034 “i 306 V 718 “ 815 “ W005ter....... 11015 “I 8301“ 848 f “ 247 “ Wfeaw..,.-. .1 054 “i 332 “ 741 634 “ Orpville 110#. “ : 900 1“ -915313 “j 80urb0n........ 720 **! 416 “ 817 “-906 “ Massillon..... ! 1140 ; “ 085 “ 95H “ 1 '347_. “ PlVmoath-;.. 1 752 “1 -Mo “ 848 “ -93(3 *H Canton*.....'... 1200 “ 955 “ 10171. “ .405“ Winatah...;„« 905’ <• 626 “ 1011 “ 1040 “ Alliance t 120 pm 1040 “113(1 “, '505 “ Valparaiso..., 927 1* 700*“ 1037 “ 1100 “ Salem ......... : 200 *'* 1116 “ 1205t»i 535 “ Hobart - -953 “ 742 “1108 1120 “ Columbiana- i 230 “1140““ 1231 000: *', Clfirke... ([lOl5, ** 811 “1134 “,1149 « Enon-...'. f 320 “jI22OAM 112.‘‘V685' *• tU.G;UK.Crog 111045 *( .851 “ 1203 pm 12I5pii N. Brighton-1 40.6 **11258 “ 155 “ .710 ,v ■RULUBJ’ju 1053 “ 1 991 “1213 “ 1225 “ Rochester ._v[i 420: “ 110 “ 210 “ 725 “ Cljicago ~-... 1(1120 ;“ 930 “ 1240 “ 1250 “ (Pittsburgh ,-^5345 l '“l 220 “ 320 •* • 830 “ f CLEVELAND Sc PITTS On and after Dec. 19. 1804, Trails will leave Cleveland.... Euclid street | Iludso.n...„r.'i.i> Akrbn .' ft Orryillo ...... Millcrshurg.. Rav jdna Alliance ...... Ray trd . .si... Wei syillc i- "V - -MM tfrw 1 ■Beliiire-«>sfeg£losoAM ;050pm, Bridgeport*. I 1100 430 “ 10(>2 Lagrange.. 1142 “ 525 1048 “ v ...-..\ -Steubenville..! 1213!pm ■55,"i “ 1105 ‘1 620am' iVcllsvillo [... Ij 130 44 '7OO 44 3200 14 720 44 SrniiL’gFerry,! l 152 * ......... 750' “ Beaver h 222 “ -S‘>s 44 Rochester i... !.■ 230 44 755 44 : 100a2i *045 41 Pittsburgh! .. I' 34 5 4 4 900 •»( 210 “ *t'?V ... IMTORWffgFra^S \Vill immediately relieve, .without pain,, all dist urnanccs ot rue periodic discharge, wlicth cr arising from relaxation or suppression.— They'act like a charm in removing the pains that accompany difn.cu!/ or immoderate men- j struationt and are the only, safe andTelinid’e j ■remedy for. Flushes. Sick Headache. Bahia, in j tlic- Loins, Hack and Si leg. Palpitation; of Jlle j Heart. Servoiis Trpmorsj Hystcric.v Spasmus, j Broken Sicep]- and other Unpleasant] ‘i-.'r.d’daji- j porous effects of an unnatural condition of ( The sexiial functions. In the worst.cases, of j 'Ptitor AlluffOr Whites,they effect speedy, enema Dr. Cheeseman’s Femalo ; Pills Have been used oveii A quahter or a cextu r.v, ( They are offered as the only safe means of renewing interrupted menstruation, hS;;t I Lfidics must bear in mind that there i&fcii; condition 'of. the female system in which, the" Pills cannot be taken without, producing a. peculiar 'result. The condition referred to is pregnancy —lhs 1 result, miscarriage. Such is the' iricsislible teujdcncy of the medicine t!o restore, the sexual functions to-a normal con dition. that, even the reproductive'power of hnture cannot resist it. . T lug -cannot df harm in any other way, ■ ! , • ~ Dr. Cheesemari’s Female Pills, Are the f.'?///' ■medicin& that married and singled htdih have relied upon for many years, or can yely tifinh now. | Ur ware nf vnilationsl These Pillaform the Finest\ Prcjmratton ever put for- with immediate and persistent' success. —■ DON’T BE DECEIVED.. . Take this'advertise ment to your Druggist, and toll hint that you want the,best and snort reliable Female Medicini in the, world, which is comprised in Dr. Cheeseman’s Female Pills!! They haqe received,' and are now receiving ing the sanction of the.mostemiVicniThj’sicians in Anjerica, ■. ; • - . Explicit Directions, with each Box,—the price, Oxr. Dollar per box, containing fronT oS tq. 00 pills. 1 1 ••, • j ’ .. ’ I’iHij, -.sent by mail, promptly, by remitting the pjr'ioJa to the Proprietors, or any.authori zed, Agent, in current funds. Sold by. JJrUg gists generally. , i ■ • ■ . .. lIUXCinNGS & lIILLIER, A.oprietors, ■. ' 81 Cedar street, New" York. ■, Wholesale anil. Detail by Dr. [ S. ;Sniilli, Bridgewater; Dr. Ufarqjiis and J. JI. Jlannch, Rochester; John Moore,! Beaver, and by all Druggists at Kelt Brighton.. ‘ [nov-only ascd 'millin' the the benefit Of. prices, ' 1 ... tuiie’s IS hereby'given that the partnership bere . toforc existing between AJG. M'Creary, ; S. B. Briggs, land Benjamin Todd, under the style and firm of ••Ji’Creary, Briggs & C 0.,” for the purpose of carrying oh.fhe business of milling, dealing ia grain, Hour, feed, &oJ, at the industry Mills, Beaver Countj, Pa.,j has been dissolved by mutjial consent. , The books .are in tbe hands of their successors, Briggs & Bro., at the Mills aforlesaid,; who are (iuthari zedtfo settle all business of the firm. ' ■] a] g. M'Creary, ; : S. B. BRIGGS, V ) , BENJAMIN TODD. ■ ISTOTICEt • - National Uase of Bsavsr Cousttl ' New Brighten, Fcln'l, 1303. f , Stockholders of “the National Bank . t.i of Beaver County”- arc 1 hereby notified that the Unpaid portion of the CapitaVStockis rcqnii ed to lj>o paid at the -Banking house in instalments Ips follows, , viz: Twenty-five per cent, thereof, on the first day-of March next, and alike instalment upon the first days'of May, July and September next thereafter. By order of the Board. ! a , . i EUWARB HOOPS, . ,■ fob. B’o-5, 1 ’ Cashier A. L. S. MORAND, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, (.Late. A. A.'Suri/. T T . .% Army.) ' IF Tt IE 3D O Id! , BEAVER CO., VA. fjur.J I i ■/* ■ -i TajLisa oolsd West. lr j,, '• Icoixn south. .), Mail. ! Exp’s. SOOasi 811 '•* 015 “1 130 pm 111 ■“ 232 “ i 9ui “1 !11 oo *- •* J jU3S, “} SdlOi'Mt 1 320- “ \\lo ■ ‘i -15K‘*i h ! «3;5 GOING EAST, j_J4.il a it, lExv’s. , Exp's. iAccoji . TUSCARAWAS Leaves New Philadelphia at 1.2y,P M “ Bayard at C4o P Jl • NOTtOK fcb22’os infbctWlV ,! witiofh-' WO .’ taflfScntfFtrt.A 'Turks i Si the constitutions bf ' multTtndcsof lt . Cither‘produecs olMs , irednced by. tin . (bj- . cbbJciT, vitiated elate, if the'Wood, wherein ■ hut linid In?conics it^ ■nTr.IK’I; ’it to rii.'lain lie vital forces irf tjieii* , ■igorous ;.it:on, mid :oaves the syrtemfe ■, dison'eb trad.-, |- (*ccn\,. i 11..-, jS?btV.mmntiojjirv,> nftisfy'-caascd by mercurial disease,-AloV ! •living, - digestion'' froiii unhealthy' food, ifitjmhre;'_Sllthf • find* fflthy ■)««&’. .the.- depressing iviecs, r.ml/ al-pvo.-albi'uy*, the vchoppal--infection. -rVYhatcvcr.. lie j origin, ite'is-hereditary iin the constitution;’... descending--** froth parents to children unto thethifd limit fourth goiieretion; ’* indeed, it . scorns to lie tiicfoilof Ifinvviio nvyt, “linU, the’ iniquities. of t! ;e -fathers ui>on their children.” The diseases it originates take - various inntnes, according to the organs' » , _ •attacks.-: jin ,the lungs, Hvrqflila, ptwraco* tuberplcs,! anil Anally,'fpanr-mnptioii fin tlwf glands, ~s wallings, wide! i .suppurate anti lie- . eptue ulcerous sores; in the stoinneliar.d ■ 1 - bowels, 'derangements which prcduccifidi gi-sUoii',dy spebs ia, and liver complaints ; ou ' the skin, truptiyo ami cutaneous affections.-. ; iniWeiallliiavingtiioiiaingorism.rctiuirethe . • same rcrnbdy, viz.; purification 'anil invigofa- .-• tioh of tlifc’ bfoo-4,.; the blood, amt 1 tliescdangerousdistempersleave you. 'With • j - feeble, feglj or .corrupted, blood, you cannot liave'.hcalth; with?timt|.Hlite,bf the flesh ?’. . licblthy, you cannbtthavc-'Ecrofiitousdiseisc., . 1 Ayer’s- Sarsaparilla ••i is compounded-ftoni’t bo most efTeelaal anti- - t fiotes thatiniedicailssfience lias discovered fof v tliiif afflicting di>teiiiifcr, and for-the cure of ; ■ the disbidefHt entails. I Tiiat.it is’fr.r .supe rior to, tmy other' remedy yet devised. i» known byiill who have given it a triai. That , it j does - combine virtues truly. extraordinary In. their effect .upon tills class of complaihtt,- ia inilisputably proven by the great multitude • of ipiibliCiy.known and remarkable, cures it '• lias made Of Iho/following diseases,; Kmg’a Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores,'. Erysipelas, Efflif.or St. Antony’s Eire, Salt Kheiun, Scald Head, Cdffghfi from" tuberculous deposits in the longs, White Swellings, Debility, Bropsy, Neuralgia, ByspEpsia, or,lndigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, ■ Pcmile, Weaknesses, ana; 1 series of complaints.thatarßi ftoiu .impurity ■of-the bliiod..‘,|liinntc reports; of-rndtrijluhl ■ ■-cases ma.y be 'found 'in Atok’s. AjlmiiCAX' Ai.MAKAr. wliicii is furnished to the druggist* for gratuitous distribution,,wherein nuiy bo b urned tlic. directions ffpr its um.', anil some' • ibf the remarkable it lias made' whehj all 'oilier remedies'?liad faileihto-afford - relief; Those ■’cases' are purposely taken, I from rill sections .bfVtiie-country, in order .that every! reader may have'access to M,im: one v.jlip cjm speak to him of It* be nefits from persoiial c-xpcrioTH'o. ■lSer()fula''J(p!'.i.-'fes"t!;e , vital energies, apd llntp leaves its victim? fur more I subject to .disease and-its .fatal result.! Ilian. 'sire IhcaUliyK coiistfuitions. ,:Ilencq' it tenjlsi to sboricnj and does ti. . the average- duration of Imiiinn life.- -The ; vast .importance of these considerations ha * led tis to ijpend years in remedy wbicli is Adequate to its core; .. Tlvis w(v.i o\e_, —rr--m-i» offer 1o public under the name of Avka’s _ Is■ ‘ KAiisAt’Aiiiu.A, nltliougii.it is emrfpreitd.of ' 1 n JSai AMi fßy ,• • ingredients, some of which exceed tlai^ia-rt ! _ j. ' 'of in alterative pmver. 13y its ■ ■ j oft ’ >n aid ybu nniy protect yourscilf from tlib raffer. . ._ a. - - l • I - \ ing and danger of those disorders. I'urgo .( Blf ( Dt BillirMfiTflU ''out thc fbul corruptions tluit rot and fester lls r "llr .IBllf irnlAllln iffilio Wood, purge out llig.eauses of/.i.-ease. Bill Ki SiiaOU W {LIVIIUII. andVigorbus health wiil lollojv. By its ptcti-; 1 .v' ’ tiitf virtues this remedy stiinubites the vital- ■* STRENGTH TO THE WTI3AK •' functions'and thus expelsithe. .distempieK? - j OUTH Td THE AGED !.- . ' on'-ny uut .. “ 1, ,' I T> • t AVb” knbw tne nuhiic have t.c-cri V-eeeivcd . Jhls proparattouts unecpialled.aia.Bcjnve- riianyj Compounds pf .Wpari/aiUhat- -t and Uestorer of wasted or rbert, tunc- a*t did uojhinßj.JmV.tlmy ' , i ~ , ■\ . . will neither be deceived. noFdisajipointcd ja j riioagod should bo cerium tamale the Bio- lts ~w vc lien.provJn by ahnn krenc a uouscltold god. musniuel! -.is it will ffierc no question of,' render t..ew- youth.a, m feeling. and. rn its suhiasiing excellence ffoWhe tiifu of-tlib siyeiiglb, aae enable ffcia to live Viver again affiit .,W j t !is interfflejl <o micli ■go day sJt their pristtnfe joy. it n*> only ox-., iimfferitlie’isaroo,»amc>it.iaTa verv b.lara'es but strecgtliens ; .m.a.ia.r,eilbv-an.m- <l,: !rc . r A n t modieine fronrrihy other>hi3i<has r-f'ri, s l ' esiul 'S; 'ospecrally ..to,. tuOse . who' -been before the people, ainl-is far’mefo-. el- reduced to a condition'ol servility,'• fegtuui tliim! ahv other 1 wlneliilus evef'lioea salrabnso. misfortune, or prdiaarj- sickness.- availiihlii lb them. •• what the cause of the■jiaobtenoy of- i 1 a ■ fey hranair crgan, this , p’feparation Will rchiovc the effect at. onie afill .forever. ' ’J- ";'^iOlsL-37©33.« :> ' ! Cnrw Ucncrnl ‘Debility ; liicnpacit-y.- i Spirit?, weakness, p) of Generation, Imbecility, Me r-lende,.£biaciation, Ennui. It has-a fWit/al and not'd effect upoi i vous system; and all whdaroin any trnted by nervous disabilities arc advised to seek a cure in this most' : and unequalled-preparation. * r.ersons who, by iiupriulcuce.havc Xihivral*j'ijor, will speedy f* ncnt-.ct:re in the & RAI Stations daily, Sundays excel 5,50 P: Mi leaves daily,) YNE ill leave '■.ago at BURGH RAIL-liO 11 stations daily,. Sundays excepted, •* ■ ■ i-rfu.; C.Z&C 'C.ZSC Mail., I Accom AVcllsvillc .„. 4-iO.ui Bayard;.*'...;.! ‘ 021 " A11iance,.....; 720 11 Savanna. .,,4 805 Jlillcrsb’urg.i, 8()0as- "ISpii 811 “i 828 “ 915.0 i 450 “ 1089 “j 527 “ 1229pm' 043 “ 218 “i 750" “ Orrvillc : }• Akron i Hudsin.....Jh 839''“ Euclid street] 1k942r “ Cleveland />35. “ I , ■ '; ■ Pittsburgh y2loam ’245r.M[ r ,G2O vai Roofiestcr ... jP'SSb “ i 055 ‘ j 735 * Beaver ! 745 * SmitVsFerrv .820 • Wcllsvil’e .y. 1 480 “ 500 ‘-j 842 .; Steubenville; il 525 050 “015* Lagrange..:;.,-:! '550 ■** 715'** 1005 ‘t Bridgeport... 0, 020 “ 802 “ 1100 “ BcllHi'rc:- ( .-..-.7 i; GdO “ ,815“ 1115 *-* .-Wrivcaja t Bay wU ; a t 4.10 P M V’ *■ Kdtv, Philadelphia at; 0; { r F. ID Gcnfe: ME • i jOiois.i7o:o. The Feeble, the Languid, theDlsps Old should give this valuable cliscove .it will be found totally different from fbv the same purposes. ! ,/iO Flv.M.i LK.S.—This preparation liable iriv nervous weakness of all kir will veai'ore tire wabted' strength with ful'pernijnenco. It is also a grand tonic, find will g to Dyspepsia,wi.h the first dose. At sistence intts use will renovate the I to a degree of perfect health and bat pepsia forever. One dollar per Bottle, or sis. bottle Sold by’ Druggist, generally? • s Sent bv express'anywhere, by addressing IIUTOIIIStIS ,<l. HILIXEII, Proprietors, ■ \ ' SI Cedar Street, NjEw Fork. tSr” Sold at .Marquis’ Drug stijrc, Roches ter, one door below Post Office,Sand whole sale and sotail by Dr. Smith, Bridgewater, Beaver county. ' 'y~V j’ [Spv23:ly ■! ISTotfc WILL be offered- for sale] on tbe p • in the borough of Hopkstpwn, township, Beaver county, oh I j Wednesday, Mnrrh y lothyli At-10 o'clock. A., 51. jthe following: di valuable real estate anil, Borough Prop< Aparcel of land lying on Mill icrt just outside the borough, limits, dihou about three acres of ground, wilh|a o; franlc dwelling Bouse of .two rooijns, for a small family with'a well of goo at the door of the dwelling. . ! Also, at thfc same time and in con with the above uescribcd property, : dwelling house and stable, on the mai ' in.said borough; the housed is 20 by - two [stories high with a one slory Idt connection, and two large two lown.lol together, on one of which said |lriefc Ij and frame stable is 1 erected htid ih a o thb same is a corner lot. - ; Tlii» properly isavery desiraljle Inv an 9 will be sold pri reasonable terms withstanding the prevolcnce of tlie-6 ; here.’' All lire invited to call and sec fo selves. It belongs.at present to the Dr. Samuel Wallace, deo'd. Theprope he shown at- liny time by the undersig . ■ S. If. WITHERSPt B.—Terms made known on day or sate ’ Property sold d'leothei- (,i .h two lota to suit purchasers,' The above three nrres are a good site for borjijg Oil Wells.. ' S. 11. W, ‘ I A*.' : iTfolldWg: uW ;ed,i TBAtyaaoutc XOKTK. t- ■; c;z f Exp’s. Acci .500 pm ■O3O i“ ..... 730 1 “ 813;“ •••■• v '«OU; ..552j* B‘ia"‘‘. B®'.* pijn •* 1 iOf)0 “r-‘J3j G6IXO VEST. Tufixps. lExr'-s ;rol Tioke e. as follows; q.z&G Exp’s. —if-** M oOapM ’‘■' 505 ■720 BJ9 “I 049 **■ ‘.‘ilOOO “i Li-i Acposr m 350p.m >• 515, NEM . 005. *■ •* C!o “ ; 8Q() -“ 51» .M A Agent. ! 1 PFCTQPt;\fc, Tho !' World’s , Groat Remedy .for ■ Coughs, Colds, Incipient-Cod- Bmhption, aud for the relief. . : .ofConsumptivepatieuts ,' ’ • 1 , Vi in advanced stages , ■ i ; j of the disease, This has been so!’long used .and so tiiii- Versaltj'.ikßOT'Jf, ihat ue need, da no uipro. ..titan assure the public (bill its qualify is kepi up to the bfest it ever lias, been, aml tbat.ii "may berthed on to do all it has ever (lone. • • X'reparcd by ~~ Dn. J. C.'Aveu &Co.,'- - • . Practical and Analytical Chemist*, ' M. i ' Lowell,-Slass. Sold by all druggists every where. _ r [ by J. Moore, .Beaver: Dr. Smith'; Bridgewater; -S; J. Cross,. Uochester-'iDr. S?av-, gent. Now; Brighton: end by dealer* every wheje. ■ i ]■' 1 , imvOTi-l • , Nervous Loss. of> ' the Or tal 1 ndj most ik L - thc tier vay pros earnestly cveellcnt lost their iH, perms- iriiijj, the y atrial; all other is invnl ds, ns it wonder- • MM I-I .DEMOKEST’S' Quarterly Mirror -ot iFasluDns, Witi \GriaJ Injprovtviaili and AddHPnSi . . , THE cnSTAIf.S ; ■ FOUR LAkGE & SPLENDID FASHION- ■ PLATES. THREE FULL-SIZED ‘ PATTERNS OF PRESSES,: - ; , i ■ coairnrsiW tub New French [Waist, an Elegant Stcevq, and » i iMissp3 jSaeh, and a Sh«et tf 'NthV ami! De.iut.ifoV . SHAID AND. EMIiUOIDFRI^G Together with nearly lOO'Engravings of, fall the novelties, for Summer Bonnefs, Cloaks, Trimmings, j t: Children’s-Dresses, &c., And valuable inforaianon'to Milliners, Dress Makers, Mothers, and XadicsJ generally, pre'- spntiiig itbo Ijliirgcst,“arid’beat fashion Mags* zinc in I lie orld, 4J3 Broadway,.. N. Y., :Snd- sold.' everywhere qt 25 cents, .‘or sent by mall,; post .free, on receipt of the.nm’t in stamps :or silver! Year $l,OO with the fol- .- lowing .valuable preptiriji; , Each -yearly subscriber wilt be entitled to a- - receipt for,the selection jof ;50 ceiits worth of plain paf tcrns, from the | designs-in the book,- or from IlicT show room,] or| they. may be or dered and sent, by mqil any timel during the year, by paying postage, j * -j-r ;i ’ , ; j B®,Spl(>ridid Inducements to’ CftfivasSeys. j B¥%»Sunjmer-No. now readv. - , ivo relief >ricf per stomaoh ash Dy's for $5. •onuses, vGrecne escribed drty,Tii: dek and ipting to ne story Suitable tl-water j ADMJXISKATOIi’S XOTH'E, ; LETTERS, of administration oh' tlic M* tato of Wm. Yoti>'o,'\ato.of Baden* IScon-- ! ontiy tp,, Beaver co>, deed, havingbt»*Rgraiit*> ; od to tlie persona indebted to i sajd estate jare* requested to make immediate, payment, and! those having diaims against said estate '•vjiUj present them to the 'subscriber properly, aidlientical ed Tor settlement. • ; - ! | .IKNNKT’ YOCNU; - ; raarS'C-j ; | v BadAiV' JAmiiStSrrJvf6lrs~XT;TLQEr WHEREAS letters ol administration on .. the. .estate of Thos. HoBSE f 5-'latetof Big Beaver tVtvnship, BeaVer"county. Jenna., deceased, haying .been duly grantotbo the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said, estate arefnotifled to- maktt immediate payment, nod tln.se haying, claims' against the same will’pre [Bees them properly, amfccntictited-for cetthe. j men-'.witbeaJeiclay. , i ■ John Retries hT?r I neclion . Brick i street 0 feet, iienm flying utliling (Wition, sfment “not:, I- fever • tbem icirs of •ly will, led. . )U.V i Adi - Pr ;^|L!isui r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers