. THE BRAVER ARGUS' will ba Published Every Wednesday ibt Miws’ Brntbiwfis, :IIB» ST-i iBEAViaR^-PA., 00 per annum in Advance .{ ' .*r ; l - . J i Ti 12, At?: lyltUera! and coniribtitiong, by mail f h*ll bave proftipt attejnaon- ' ; - ■ QUAY A RUTAN, Eds. 4 Pro’re. jIAJ.-CEW. HANCOCK'S *■' i | '.'l FirsjArmy Corps \of Veterans. f ,:i f se ; BIRNEY BRIGADE ! y M U Bounties and no\ Commissions. r>-U«TAU ON SHALL ! bvkk he niAMED : to the" PEOPLE, ,&VKBYWU£K^! "Rally round the end keep •step to the IVTusio of the Union • 4 : ‘ i\ V ... - M 1 BOUNTIES & PAY!. I ■ Hit no( pay lufci.Voterna.yolunteorirt Jlan-jJ , pick’s Corf# »i, vii: , ■ : .jf i boviTamont 4OO ! (jRy ol -i..... 400 jjonihly pv i)f 'V.S.Oor, SIC per nip... 192 C-ii.iJiiiig (iccduni, yearly.... • 42 llariJ l.Vi»(7?|»"rago) 25 ,(Mtr relief Tor faeTili.ca ofrtiU, $.O pr mo 72 The net pay o' n Veteran' Volunteer'for two ycv'.rija inmcort-'s Corps is,, viz: 4 . lii.rernmqpi' 1 11|n1nty....... ~ City,of I’liiliulelpliia'. Mom lily ry, yof:C. S. C ov, $Ur jier mo, flbiliin" account, .$42 perjear iViini Huimly ()iver:igc) I. rilyjrclief fur family, §(i per luouth Toml.—v ■ Tip! i.; net, pay' of % Volunteer for A ih'. < rsco|i;k , s''Corps.is, Viz: ‘ . ’ ! CiMvofninciii Bounty?. $ GOO ' If ‘ C ;fy'ilf rhibiltfipliia Mwifii'ly pay cl'U.-S. Gov, SK» pr m.o CUKing-aceouj-.T, per year....!... HVriJ Uouray, average itj rdu'f for fnmUy, so*p®rmb ’I- • I .. Organisation to Raise the fjtrigade. -Ti c r.iniTfiitteo' who; have cb.'irg.o of the or-, -Brigade-arc:, . I ,'! 1 0}\V. DAVIS. I : - V DV.VRY C. HOVELL. I I iIEoKKi; EUIJtOCK. ' ib.v/n-fAUST:. . ■ , .J(>!'S \y. EVERMAKi' * iTvtSKI’H V. TOBIAS.’ D;S. A'IXF.URKNEK., • SETH g.^TITT. ;-• zzT.crriYK orp-CEit orj committee, \ ‘nKNJAMIN FUA^KLIN' ° •’* -f Df'fith'f Police of-the. City of Phil. J* i TRRAftITUtR, AI,L, .T|K.. Cdihkr\r>f First Xn'finv-tl IJ'fatf. i j ’■ \ ' THE WILL HE COM POSE I> OF 'I'HI!EE PEG[,MENTS Oite wTII'Jjc rnifo'i niit»r tbo of the _of hi'oKlclphm. 1 jPromptbe.>c •Coppofaliynl tho of—j • ' ' (Vainef THOMAS L SCOTT, nc* Pr '.'idm*. of ihc *P(wusij}vtn\ta Jiaiironu Co Fll E : D E UIC K*FliA LE V, V' r/ fthe'SckityllriU X*u , f'fatioii Co cuAulese. sSutu; ' Vof ike Jifttiliny liitilrua,! Conpany -TIIpMAS C. irj.vjfl),' lnsurance Co. ‘ STBV'IiIKN A., C.UjDWKLIj. , Mr Utuik of VhiJ. ■Thc-.SKt’iiNDj UKGIMKN'T will‘ be wmod ’ ho..Giroclion of the Manufacturers, Mcr ; diaius, Bankers of Vlrila'dcljjliia. Tho . V-'mmutee, will bntfaist olsjc I ■ I lUBTON i • LEMUEL COFFIN*.- f'• i* IHJNRY LEWIS-. .1n.." CIIAS Ij. BOKIK, ■■ • ■ ! i (>{('. h. ,v 11. Bo,if. i , TOXIN (V. SEXI'ON. ; ; ’ r ' j _ Of ,hrf Cooke ,j' Co. •* Th'c THIRD REGIMENT. Will be raised un w 'lir.ooiion of tho Corn Exchange. The 1 nmitieo apiioinied arc—! ' ‘ \ i l-CUARLHS KNECHT, - ■ YO..iiJr n f ] r.f fj,? Corn 'Krehonye. V.. Q. JAMES, ' JAiMES'L. WAJU), JOSEPH \V -JAMES S PEEOT. / TO VETERANS EVERYWHERE. ' jao nnd join us, whether you’ live in ■hr-ac or Michigan. New Jersey, 1 Dcleware, h"s, nr in jiny j other loyal." State. All. who sC '» tlip gallant Hancock, nnd all 1 who crer r.o.ter' thetbrave Eirney, need no in ‘‘toysT'’*' Bring '‘i? 011 ’ a , nJ you shall be put in } ° y ’ aml ' vcw 11 hare a brigade f* V - ftrife " i Think of This, ::, ' a tbctMn, n' eh V" 010 '! eciJe - , W’e want , ■( un o through bcfoi-,0 the first of Jfiyr OFFICER^ V & I’Pl? 0 t I “ t an! ,y Gen I !li;ucc ' ck - No one >-.? ° n ,° but Tho Cour b"'li't'lfhiion, ' ® lbe tini e to decide upon. .' c ’"'"wt .hoi iV° ans "' cr letters. \rtVo V =! -' r W. , . b>,ld,cr * »nd [attend (oo^Beir s E S JA^IIS fk^!ccix. • c '<LC]Vollee, Mayor:! 6jite', Vhil ' F- .N>'£ •° racia ’‘ c7rrespona *k'i-h as pxMhifing . mil 10 tnn Recruits '; f Vlli ? P rnv itled for. , Circu > ric ’ c - «r he had « jilted; | iri «fr !^ne s ? atio ? ls > ( abont — m iectlfns of tko C> ’ 1865 Chi, t°S Detective To. ( Sir • •• ■ *i^ h - writ^ qllmßDt of velfr h^ y \ Mwd »y- b e /.SMicli ovv* ° r *i?Dm ? ua a®.* 11 mu!tered toyou f o^, S ' Ste¥ "*•'< «I’4 ,1* ,h * e **rUon you - ,p fc y »nd i ■1: % ■ •!- -C MIN ,s.■ 500 450 . OS4 . ‘34 . • 25 . 144 570 120 25 $2, u 4 j. .1- i . / - /■ ! ' ■ ■ 1 ' • 1 ;i i • - -. i Vol. 41--3 ST -4 , - i - 1 ■ trust that the success you have 'thus far mt with may lie an earnest for greater ]sucoess i in the futupo. ■[ " .. | , : .',l ■[ l ata, very respectfully, your olsd’t sorr’t, VttNFIBLD S r HANCOCK,. Major Qeh. U. S.\ Army, Comnidridiny.Corps.* . , IIEAOIjpAKTEES Ist ARMT COUPS, WAjjifisoToir, Feb. ;1.8,18(55, „ lienj. Franklin, Chief of Voticc, Comer of Fifth and Cheitnut, Vailadelphia ; ! Substitutes fori enrolled men do not receive lliej Government Bounty. Principals, are exh emptedfrom draft. Representative recruits receive th'e Gdvcrbtaent bounty. Volunteers!, substitutes, and representative,redruita;rosi ding in Philadelphia;* arc credited to that city in looming drafts) ; Pay commences front day the enlistment is perfected; 'Letter! by mail. ; [ W.; S. HANCOCK, Major General. ' ' U is tobo expressly understood that Veter ans, either [of IheyINFANTRV SERVICE, CAVALRY, ARTILLERY, or NAVAL, may be,credited ito the City, lowa, County, or Township where they reside. : | ? |" The following afedavit will exhibit at once Yhej admirable demeanor of the recruits when hey arrived! at Washington, and jhow they' vcrc mustered in. 1 j _, j ■ • Waruinotok D; C., Feb. 1?. 1805. ;| I hereby certify) that as i. Notary Pnidio ]! wan required to be| present gt CampStonoman , j yesterday; thoTbth, on F iion of muster ing in of Twcnty-'eigl recruited by BENJAMIN FRANK!.! , Chief of Be rrc ivesj&f Philadelphia, *■ they were al “siWrn in and unifiSrnfljJ presence, anc acknowledged tin hadfieeu pair alfiuf.the bounties pi them by Mr FIfINKLIN.: 1, . j| : ' t ‘‘l further slatoj thi the above met expressed themselves tied; jwlth tho comlHgt of Mr. Fyauk further say, o ‘ my own knowledge, that efforts were made by persons about 1 , the Baltimore (depot it. . Washington to induce Hie men to violate their j engagements with Mr..Franklin,.but: tamo of ! feet. ,1 say this'fjir . the eijedit of thq men whOse nitmcß lira given nihoye.” ■ S o OtVcuhr , '- ' A. g! LAWRENCE,) Notary-Public! ' ’ i CONCLUSION- a All Veterans who desire t > hajic their inter cst4 loohediafier- without b .dug; swindled- liy sliarjuts are directed-to the Recruiting Agen cy, ](h}'So|ih SIXTH t'trc'c , “Berry’s! Mar q%ue.’’whcS-isi tl-.o Rifle i,a to be seen daily yrh : ch t liciteJ,ei-;tn is entitled to Vct-p at tin exfiratjonjif his t(j.-naiol'' service,- akht'cli 'dis charges sixteen dipis per nijinute. i ' : ’ , 'All communications on this i subject nftc ■ Mhis csplapiaiioa must be brief and to'the'point. Will bo. prompllv-fllnswcred by addressing ■ !j- " BEN-lAMIN FU VMKI.IX, -■ , Clnrf Dt'&flireVfp’i Po/iVe.- Mayor's 'OJRre, •Phi!. N". 8.-ftNo Loatci-s, Bounty Jumperfi.or Com iiiMsion.^lcn' neecLappiy,' as no : dealing Will be allowed with th|em. i ’ .] CfeßTllemomher, (that each veteran,will be siiphiicd with ai patcnt-jircech lpa.ding rifle, (hat cin bp 'fired off 16.tin-.03 pci 4 minute. ' 1 1 r ..u 1 i-- -r I' I r- ! COURT OF APPEALS. r : j , • , ,t". 1' -> Ij; ; nnHE Commissidn'crs'of -Beaverhoiinty will jJL I attend, tße purpose of LJafiifs Ap j pen]s in the several! lomisfiips, ns fpllows, vii; Hlig I Beaver, March 20; 1 a*rii<t*i v >i t-i-V , A>47Cvyießi'xiiesiiaj'" , i ao 21: -I'K ; t P . -J’) . ido!| ! -do 2B 8. Yfrdncsdrty, ’ ..do 22;* Hhijo. M...RJ DeringerV Tjlin sday, j -do ■ 118: Bvighion, Ri Kakiujs, Friday, * I .‘do*-2*l; Industry. David EakirFs, j do 2o: rhippev.n, Azarialiiijmanjs, Monday,! do . 27; Pai;er*'on, , .tolin Bh|i? : , TiJcsdajv •. 1 do 28, No: th ScfwicJcly.N. IF;izcii'.s Wednesday do . 2'J; Fnlikliii, .lbs. Pbillis\Thursday, | ■ do 30, Marioji', Goo, Friday Vj' -d° 81; Pulaski. Elwood ,Tl|ouias*£.BMmJa^t' April 1; Georgetown. 0 Callioun'?,^io^u!ij* f ii'T!!, do Z M*Fall’s; ‘-j do, • pipi, do 3 s ßorough, Commis'nc.s 6H|co, Tuesday, .d;o . 4; Boijo' tp, i do I “’lib' . * .do-.,* dbf 4: N. RrrghtinjKeyj;toli>JiproljVrcdncyday do 5: Foßston, Sujml Edglr/s, Thursdajfdi .do fi Brildgewaief, 1 HenrJ' Xukchy’s; Friday, do 7: IMniijpsburg.'.H.-Biplter’s;. do 8: .Monday, \ do If) Economy, Xijcsdny,' J do 11: Grßiusohcis, Wcducs’y do 12 S. Funder's. Thursday, ■ |T ; do, 13 Rochester bor, W.Dj.Tojinstou's,. Friday do , 14 ilo -> tp; - do db I- 1 ): Raccoon, David Ewing's, Monday,. do" 17; • Greene,. B Swearingen's, Tuesday, i. .4o 18; liookstown, do |,“ do ’ : do ,18; Frankfort,.!. MTuteheon’s,Wednesday 4° Hanpxor w ßobwllarshe's, Thursday, \- do 20; Independence, W.. dohnstbn’s, Friday do 21; Hopewell.B. bouse,'^dottsyiUe,Saturday do 22; Moon; Win Elliott, Esq's, Monday, do . 24, The principal Assessors of "UichTrespective districts, are required to attend on Ibtdny oi Appeals,,with Uicir Guide Duplicates. Also all persons claiming exemption from.MUitdrj Enrollment, will give their attendance) oh said days of Appeal,. and*makc knbwnthe causes upon which they claimbsemption. Bv order BARCLAY, | Clerk. Commisibncrhi Office, V *. ; March 2d, ‘.l 5Gm..... / >■ . EMNIEI treasury department, Office of the Comptroller of Gurreihy 4 , ( AVASHm<rfoN..l)oc. 20, 1864. 1 )j WHEREAS, hy,satisfactory evidence prcj dented to tlie undersigned, it has bceif made to appear >. that “The National Bank of Beaver county” in the Borough of New Bright on, in the county | of Beaver, n.nd ,State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and according to the,requirements of the Act of congress entitled “An thi 7unTl mu n l d l empUor> approve! June 2, 1804, and has complied with all the Ba " ! Ac l re( )ujred tpbe complied with beford commencing the business of Bank ing under said Act; -,. 1 I%h M’Cuiloph. Gomp- Currency, do hereby certify that , i!l ° N f'b.unal Bank uf Beaver comity,” in the Borough of Ncy Brighton; in the county af Beaver,- and State of Pennsylvania, is au . thprized to commence the business of liankinv under the Act aforesaid -' ■ ■ E In 'testimony whereof, witness I r SEAL lmy hand and seal of office, this iruGu j'rcutLocli; Comptroller of Currency, j AtmiNISTA RTOB’S NOTICE.; tETTERS cf aflminisfraticm on the estate of Adam Goemly,( dec’d, . late of the avio of Beaver, Beivcf county, havingl been granted to ihe undersigned, ill persons, ia bS ? 81,1 •“' lte ary requested to'makc immediate payment, und those haviig claims Rgamst the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. 1 : ' ■ Adra’r., 1 Beaver, Pa. . nyu-8'65 BRIDGE LETTING. QEALED proposals, for building i (j, a s(on , I w °rk of a Bridge pver Little Beaver creek Jat Imbrie’s crossing, will; Be received at the Cotraussioaer’s Office tip to Friday. March! 17 By, order. * i* i Mar„B'fi-S. W p .BARCLAV, Cieri. - J'.'.;. ,- . --_---..-:-.__--.. - A- 1 ,-',' -••- . - ••:-.-•-. .. . • - `...- ;-,•-. • :-.- -- 'f. -.--- • - :%, - ._•:.' - J. , - 7 1 :1::7, -, ; ‘ , ,,„„ „_, - -, •k : ""7: - •: - ,-. ---- T 1-.- '.. '.- -- : 1 - -:- -z. - z•-r. , •t, -,- r .":., !.:". ''' -- .:7';.-- - 1 - i^ ?•' — i , , , '.. ' ••— ' * •. . .;. ~- ..... ;- 4" '"' -'' Tr.." ''' l t ' '- ' ''' ' ‘,l • , --•--- .• - -•—• - . -,;.,. -- ~. _ .• ._ ~....,L1 . .,.r ~. ...,... ...., , • -_ ..,.-...,,,• . „........ _,,... - - - .: , , • • .-,-...,. .. .. ...., ~. ... :.. •-• ... : ..,-., ,:,,,_ .-,. 1 .,,,.• ..-,, ---......-:-", __•:.--..:4;...t ~; ._; • ..• ...,. _ ~.....,: - 2 - .... 1.;..--, ~.•_, L. •,... ~,-,.-.... _.......1 ..„, . ,- • ~..., -. •., . • ,.. • . . „ : ____ o: , 4 -.,....„ .i ..- ; _ ...:.; .„::.:. :... ~.. .......„1...... ..... .., ... , .. ~ - . i . ......,,,. ~....... .,.. . .;• ... -- -.-.....„. ,4,4,...... : :,,..,_,,,,...:, ., ••.,: .t,_ .•....,;.) ~.,,,_•2, ••.. ...---: ..-„..,,-:•-?..ft ir ~. ~..f „ , ~,,, - 11 : -. • •., , .. -- ;..-: ,:?. ~ ~,:-..:,: , . ,-. i: ,e 1-1 ,r 4-. ~y• - Z- . 1 141'!„. , 04 11 , r ... ..si,' '..:: --. '''... ,i ' . ' . . I • , ~ .. - . 1 . ',. . ' • : ,..'!. 4- !' c ' ... i' 1 . . • - . '• . '.: kl . : .l . V ir . :'. ' - '--4 '.l.`' 4 ,-. .i,• -''' ~..:._,---.••.,:. .., .. , • . t . • - •- • . .. ... 1. : .-..- , g: - ..t.:: ~.._:.... ;,- -n-- - - --- -..-rir . ,-.".-' : .• _ .. ,r -: • '): '-..: ~ 1. •- :' :, .- -: ' . • ,• - i _ .- • ,: • I ~.. . • • i i ..-. . . , _ I .. . - •_. • c •.. ... - ~.•,..4 , - i - .•: • • , - _...., „.. , ~ ~. • - --; :-, ~,,, 5c) ... . '- 'IL. - ::- - - 1 I. ..: 1 ' ' Be av e r, ' "Wed.ne,a z 7 4, -4. ',3S/larbh , 15 ;1865,..E . ~.., •,:'E.4tablished 1 „;714 -;--,. g.. 3! 104;11 , 1 0 • ::, ma' liiti,'.'"•‘ , ':d liiii" 1 , eh. .th 7:•e6T,, :to-Pi -- .nrg,,, iril'fi :11. -- :itjili: 1 ii viroio..;-,. ;to •• - • -,- . .1 Ihis.' - ': -, ,If.i.•lt7',' - , - 7 PluVn: ftgat:tr f- *i*:-. ;1 •:.• : -., . • 4.-, - a I . ) , : I • ' I. Ic A El.b' 1 ,1 ..1 f. ' • f : , i yip e .. :.1 pit" •i F.' , . ...! The Mineral Wealth of Pennsyl ■ ' |.|| vania. ' Vast ad is the product of the min eral rogitin of Pennsylvania, iViades tinedin a 1 few years to bo far surpass ed bydovclopmcnts now in progress. It has only, heeded raijway facilities to insure these developments, and ns the iron highways are now penetrating eVefy portion of the. cbmmohwealtb, wo are witnessing a proportionate in?i crease of! mining industry. Taking eastern .Pennsylvania alone, wo find that the enormous dertfand for coal has caused many now mines to be opened, t 1 has reopened many old ones which, had been neglected, and has operated ks a general stimulant to er»“ banco tneiproduction ol all the mines. Then locking at the mountain regions of Pennsylvania, we find that the same!. state of things is yisable whereverifadilitios have been provided i tbe coal to rnarkei,. These j avenugsl it is true, arc still very far | deficient, fbo work of construction be -1 ing slowl -find laborious.. . This mountain division of tbe State is praetijoiliy the field of operations of the great-j Pennsylvania Railroad cor poration, through its main track from Harfisb irg to johnstown, its Phila r deiphia' apd Eric Central tributaries from Harrisburg to'; Lock haven, and the southern Penusylvania lino, .with its Cha nborsburg connection. How well the liaiii 'line business has been attendee t.o is shown by the fact that it cariici jdui-iug the year 1864 over .a million tops Of coal So- market. As regards tll6 northern line;- ij has just i been •opeppd, but great progress’ has | already j bpen made in qp*enipg coal, j mines and building branch tracks to > carry lh|ojeoal to market.' It-is along this ibutcj that, tho most'rapid pro gress::* ilifcely fb be made during tho year ISO5| andj wo presume that tbe j business- bo limited by the j supply qf jcoarelkrs, tho want of which lis the m|ost swidus • embarrassment, j-with wliicjh- the| coal carrying compa nies have -to qpritend In tho south-, ern counties Ofjtho mountain district the coal piinesalro as \-et without rail road falsities jcxccpt those of, the Broad Tbp region, but the active com mencement of the .southerri'iPennsyls vanialipd ensures an immediate future of great promise. • , .. . In western Pennsylvania considera ble-progress has been made in devil- ft-ji -j-— nwviuiiS' [in;* neglected: Along the western division of tho Philadelphia and Eric i Ra-iirouilll is business lias assumed a ■ large importance,and coal has become i a chief article |of transportation on j that! loa'j.i Tlioj -western division of I the. PentisylYaftjia Railroad also tra -1 verses soipo valuable mineral tracts,' pwhero the} coal uhundant : lj-.. The'market fori these mines is .Pittsburg and the west. But most of ; tho coal fields . ijfwwcs*.ern• Penusylva* j-nia are fjiil! undeveloped, because ,of 1 the absento of facilities for transport l.htion to market! It is, however, :ob jyious tint with the railroad fever now i raging in that division’ of the State j ipuch is ikely to be done to supply all Jtjjojso dclifjie.ncic?. - ; . ■ j ftdoc- not airnit of a reasonable jdoubt th tt, with the immense demand | now existing fodocral, and likely to in j crease for rnaiiy 3-ears,, the future of , the Roms vlvauia coal trade- is a'hriU jliant one, and wilLwarrant the build iin'g of alt the rail roads mow projected, j'pnd thp investment miliioria ! Of’additional-capital bc3*ond all that lis how embarked therein. The whole country is clamoring for coal, and pri ces stiowj by their astonishing increase' the magnitude of tho demand. Large? as the incr cased.product 'of the mines ’has beon|-it is fab below wfhat it should - ; bo.-cAll lL‘o coal that we can mine and send to nlarkot will moot with ready at* re niimiratin-g rates,and any well managedcoht cpmpan}-ought ter make monoj-.dnouglj to pay a hand-, on the capita!.; A earefjul estimate, oj;yhe eqal trade of Pennsylvania! for too year 1864 ’ makes tjlia value df phojiuct no less ; than cighty-two. millions of dollars, and with the results ,pf the last three years .before , , not reach an aggregate val- S S‘,l >f K l r t o “ mSIM of dollars., To effect this we must I’" Bl , f^ rd t as n|s possible the completion of our unfinished or pro minnil ra rt 0 m s ’ Un(l so ° ' that an ampfo supply ot rolling slock is furnished to t.iiusport ibe coal product to market. With o|ujr present ,imperfect data wo ean torm no accurate estimate of fhei °rt ! V ° 0,1 > Usino - ss of Rennsyl nnbh 'vi di 19 .’ ,n trut h,rimpossiblo for d ° 90 ’ ’ Tha ~ «Port from: the Atlantic ports to foreign conn tries is all thatijs really known. All the rest is m-erh guess:work. .It is beyond , ''fl ou tho domestic cocsiirap tion is much greater than the export but.what really ,is, no one jict some; statements published, (puiportmg to be reliable,-which make i the -domestic, consumption -not half theexpor- Wo are inclined to csli. ?i oaUc t of all the- oil wells m;ilion. ta rfi. at E °, m ! 3whero ' aboat three , millions of barrels in the year 1864. A great .deal- of the oil sent down the Allegheny nyer is not barrelled; hat contained in large links.;.. This is do -omHy for 11C refinerieB irf Allegheny ; of view the local con-i gumption in the oil regßns themselves f 1151 Ell / 'L / ,\I r v i Miscellaneous. 1- I Si i I ahd tho immediate • ; .... v - Dlili I, hues tin the'great . • y | fb^t;i‘ErielFaiU , b^f^ or mustered into rWPhilndnlhl in nnisf onA l b°milltary Or naval Semcey Whether Allegheny river 'ljthbie to V ffl 4 ? ba |i r b l C,^ }ued beroißnel or\ :or*est. B ? ;^ h &r „ d ’ n° Wn ‘ For'tho Dunk* region’ the avimno to mart* lonongehola t Wontfcg riverand thoiraili Hriioittffwh, via Connellsvilloj tbafgl: , f ’ r^idencn ‘Within the, I As however/6iln w beeh fbund *&*SJRS!Lrt per by boring in every .'ty Of Western Stfiffi ntom, o Ibmnsylvania, them f r Tn ****&■ alion, it is appAv . ibsufflcionS G °w- ra t 0 ever navigable iS railroads. f^ th(J exist,we Prosame oil business " f^t P *T- lSl ° n 5 i will grow and flourlsbpn other die. theendtM fair and trictf it must mdkelbtj&low progress untili\irnisbed WitKfSptiifc Maris- ™*.PJ no poitatiohv Thisisw3|the oil inter-: T h < l. t J l . ro r l loro . tban ..■ P )0 computing qubtas hereafter, credit o.i .8 there .n quant.Uoe ghal { bo | iv^n to thcWerUl Sta Tea and the companies dj tr|t , ts & a fl- Slm P en as it pan be tqkon lo cket. . furnished from them respectively,and ; It was for these we re- not heretofore cfeditel: 1 dhring thb ceutly said neyitabjy present rebellion for any pbriod bf sor dest.ned to bo- tie of not less ttu/tEemonlbs, Slate in the republic. ;3a.0 wirpleeonr.- calci?!at!ng the ; nuhibof of days for try wants our coal, on jand our bAch service was farimshed, arid 0.1. Wo have them .n&undance, and red^cing the Bam „ provided' bhouldonde a vo rt o rt he m n>ore ithat9|icll credits shall riot be applied available than lfgroads |, fo tho call for additiQ u al , tro o pB PP ado be built. tipsy will rq-Cmen abandoned tho Bres f do ’ t ontho2lß V day of mines, impart a fresh stimulus to the jjceorabor i Bfi4 ; y operations of iron millß,Und,give ad- ; sb'e. 4. ’jfo perebn of foreign'bit th, d.tional importance -vto betroieunv wllo .bus resided Jpfto.-pbited Stated wells. Western Fennsyl atjia alone f or tbreo yoara preceding hiaarrival, could at tins timtotpvjh.. OmfcWent at the ag / of 2 l|eara, shrill be exempt to all the i frorn enrollment apd draft on account t.iorc; and if there mile?., { ; be j - ftKon i-; °f road now ,oa, in The ug 6ection W.dos that there would not be a pule, too many the mustering. Ih of a substitute shall for tho rapidly business of bo -conclnsiye in fhvof of the principal, that section. Immense asis the amounc abd c sempt him from m jl itar P y ot capita invested in o.J iron i 6 to ‘ rm . fop which . bo Was drafted, in this Stole rit apl etn- As ' si g tant p rovost .Marshal Generals nloyment and the whole pou'ntry is are tc bo appointed by the PresidX better-off for .u Bat to rondjir many atjd cbargiablo with the duties of these o.ntorprrscs rcawncrap.vo,_as im ediatQ Between thePrWostMarshai they might, bo, we need morb capital jQcner aland the D.slridt Provost; Any . . buildin- too iSnr lin4 ic are ! p ! r - aoa wll ° haR bccn or ma } T b ‘° I A Kind Word For “MoThKR.”— building • half enough Give J„.tho at s P ise not thy mother when sae is old.; means of trunsportJtioA, and the oil vLfwSnS P t u" g ° Waste.; a mot her s trade of; 1865 will iri^in,magnitude t* s»’englb, limbs, seas Land os to an edualitv with the-vasfc.cOatnro- - 1 ” Pt : ®^ a . U - m>t. Be lawful , fp- tatc; bu k - her relation as inOtlior .is aAi dnet bf^the Sta*o Western penhsvl-. °iny perAon to engage in the business the sun when it goes forth in ts might, vania is one •■■- Tbo- ? f ' p ii -T 6^ 0 -s?si»£b* Itjia always in tho moriilan and Vmra-ivrVap re; Sxo being BariKlbvory- Without having knowbth rid evening. Thc potsbu- niav wdipre, and these must soon .lito the C Sir^ri ?eB T r «-.-s JJu. r ] y r< T. picana of conveying,their oil to mar- tn filo r>? nA r i lO par ,? at, °n i 3 ever in its flourish] It mav Xorth 'Auicrican. i- •' : . •' a " d bo autumn, yoa,winter with k woman. - -®. • - ;( ,-■ good character and g.vo:hond to. the but [with 'the mother,; as mdher. it is : The ’Emperor of.tlvb Frenola. .amoußt ot v oQ>OOQ that he will faith- always spriiig. Alas, bow liltic do ivo - ■ Even now irilh an cmiarohttv con- and obey tholawa and appreciate a. mother’s tondiMels while: i Jjvcr. now, wun qn aijiparontiy con : regulations in force gov.ornmg.thc oh- living! How heedless we afo in nil' firnicddynasty and a-supine people. 1 taibino- of rec-nifci bi,t, o HtVfo C r ■ •7. m-cuitss .we arc mall when tho /led of 25,000,000 is Econ .; \ I V recn ilTr r wS f 1 ' letl l os a f d k ' n dncss! put when driving a two-horio dra<' like a n-L-i I J ‘ o / 1 g nt T"-° oau ® oB she 13 dead and gone, whenlho car.cs v■ ; to*'«■”tilleman. to Iho he is mi i b ° ’° d in ?? D - 0 .l?W 9 . rc ®°* and pold.ntss of tho World colU with v„to ino jjoi v .iie is un , v ,ct, or person.under indictment for oringlo our hearts A'whotr ws exneri der- too, anxious.and studied pro.tec- !4 In IVn r.AmVhpd hrfinn .«h i l , , ucurt^rw non- w 3 expen (ion of the nolice Those two voim'.r i H =' ’ 13 t 0 , b 0 imnishod joy fine and cnee how hard it is to find trut sym : Sn“ SsbfouSble iSul oan- !f l P r,BO . n W «.«f;aay|iofficer know- pAtliy-how few will befriend us’ in y° l }: n o me Y 1 la. iiionqoio riu.i e, can ihgly mustering any deserter or m- misfortnnor—then it is tbatSas ’ftiihlf to ring-a ule ahead, am | sanCL ' on or b In“a condition of the moS we haVIStT that inrialciagcd 'gentlcinan, - ;r.«in«-! of. intoxication, or! any Aiinor without wi.h a lady,, behind | tb e consent of bis parent or guardian, . . Sharp Practice.— The k is mnolhcr; s real I k nclb of apparent shall, on convietidn, bedis h 0 n orably <lca ler mentions the W loungers nre on the vatch a ong iher.dismissed the service. -Principals who young man of J ride; and an armed ifope wp ll .^ 'efart | put'jin-jnsuftieiont jbubstitutesnre to bo '»%ho gAvc in liiaincod up at t.ho fiist si r. uspiflorn or | notified of tho lac;, in order that thoir assofcor at several thbm*an.d alarm. hen o/bafl as given to the , places may bo prJperlv supplied, pro- the; tax, "and bad tho plcasnt Hraperor and at, vir i e( i :tbat notief bj given to, such t.fgj.ri name in tho lisi arnoii guishqd dh( lint of in\ ita- j principles l within thirty days, In Ad- boßs of the-country. ■ On the! tions was ca.rcfully,re. sed by' the pro- j dition to the other lawful ponaljiics of of fthis .ho courted a wealtl foctyor Ins sub, who, ipt.satisfied With thocrimo of desertion! from milftary’ dauglrtef, and married her;' haying sumo of bin P 3o !^' o ,o^r[naval’service; all persons, whqhavo ivas tb&nd out that he had ho i,n the nnto-ehambciNnsistedpn cards deserted who Shall noi return, *of re- and 1 Had .sold his mother’s W of .ny.tat.on to enabldothers (d,re fl «e,d ’jyort themselves toia,Provost Marshal pay the ineb.molax. ■Thegoy rand fqr.tto to ryithin sixty days,! shall be deemed arid | madi a good thing of it, sb | mingle with tho compmyv, When the taken to havb yolqntorily rolinquislfed youiig man,and nobody will ca l® n ?J|l e , ror ' Bqnorod theliaron deTwOth.s--,^ rj jj|forfeit o d; t|hefi rights of citizen- whetihor the girl, or her pfirrii Lch.ld by jom.ng adapting parly at ship,j qnd their right ,io become citi- 'or not. This case;exemplifies’! |liis chateau; the entih establishmentJ ZGn gi' and a i; pe j raons wbo g ba |i.- borc desire of many parents was putinndor stnc tjji rm Z. <l ncejlurafteidcsort l on boi,rig enrolled, or shall^’cA husbands for their daughtei y»g the fqrwgbfc, and vrten depart frpm the,' jurisdiction arid regaid to thriir babtls£' s ti[i his. ImerialMajcstytpk ; the tied tho< beyondthe limits oftho United,States or intellect. W , I ft-- neighboring countrywas cernc like ; with intent to avoid the 'draft duly 6r- I bestriged jtowD.—<-atuwy Acijeew.. dered; shrill be liable to the, penalties Onitqf the Wonders op‘mE'i,'4ND. „ of this seetioD. and the President is —A writer for a Boston who has HowJonn J. Astorpeoame Rich, authorized) to issue; h.A proclamation visited the [great falls on fhi Snake that hq-willTpardon those! who return river, the southern fork of[tno- Ore arid serve out their original teim.— gon, says : | “The distance thekWholo This.act is to take effect ffomi and.at- volume of water,falls in one’ Bpcet,. is for its passage, arid nothing ■therein 200 feet. ’ Above there is 25 ©ik3o feet is to operato to depart frorri, or intcrl- fall before it reaches tho graiim- fall '—f fore with, pr postponei the: pepding The width [of the grand fall Bsbould draft or tho qjiotaß assigned thorolor. judge to bo[about 2,500 .feet. 11 bavo- Tho bill repeals tho third section of visited Kiagara inany times,: fiut this the present pniollmcnt lkw, which au!- fail eclipses it far;. Four miles fur thorizos Governors Of States to send thpr abpvo w-p found' another jiuq of recruiting agents iqto the rebel States, less note, where’the wateridivides in -1 ■ . JL. to two parts land fails a.disti.nco -of SiraßMAN.'—rThb Army and. Navj leet. WbOn the Pacific railroad a'review of lhc preteri|J;3SSfcals siOß3.;of the various military leador|Kbw, With, however, a wider rAngo of, Drought, out by the war on one side furiosities to attract the attention off '£-■ writer in Iliujor’.s Magazine, iking John Jiob 4 As tor, thus ika of the' mode ty. which he ac sd his great, weak: .. j■, , neither ’hfi nor teas that - himi 520,000,000 i When !, he: arri in New York contained ■ only inhabitants:, i 1800, when he ’to .have inonj* to invest, the had begun; to, publo inpopula*. and had adyariefl nearly a r tnilo lOihiand. Astor future ■h, and bought 11. the lands and i A lots just beyond the vrge' ot the.city tuathe could got. Oa little anecdote will show tbo wisdom of this proceed- T° a '“the vicinity' of Wall [street, in 1810, fir, ?V,OOO, which was supposed to bo under -value. The after the papery wero signed; komid disposed to,chuckle over his birgaii. ; “Why [Mr. Astor," he, “this lot Will be , worth 812,000.” “Very tr repli, ’ i.? ut you ehfl.l sec, what ftnn r d ?i, u th tbis mone y i With 88.- Set r hr tl c[ sW lots a °i° Canall liooni yonrht is worth 880 00? “ y i e - Ig u ty ,OLs will bo worth 880 00), which proved to I o the fact. doiSl rf • tim? ' the island’’was flnetf d L L oVer Wlth • lands.to such ah extent that the whale income .Matador fifty years coriid be invested m new houses, without bny mg any more land. - ; * CbSf m6S . f is to edit the Mercury ns a loyal sheet. vl thoavc- •• •• The New Enrollment Bill. - ' ,: ■ » j and the other, and.noticing) some; <?im gular parallels, gives, its; judgment of Shormah as follows;. “To Sherman" we can afford no par allel in theihistory'ofj this.'or any ojbh er modern.- warj An abler tactician than Joe Johnson, vphom hodut-ma noeuvcfodjfrom field to field; as deter 'mined a .fighter,- when the necessity arises, as either Hooker or Hooduas good an ( executive officer, when nnder Grant,! as either Jackson; Meade.or Warren, ho has shown in the combi nations,of his last campaign a strate gical ability unparalleled since the days of Napoleon. His able 1 gdyern ! merit- of Savannah exhibits a sound judgment and prudence, which, coin* bined with his otheyVdneqrialled excel* iloncios,, make ; him the greatest sol dier the American people' have yet ptt>d,ticed':” ,j - ' 1 ” • ’ ' . .. 1■ ' • i<T ■I •*•••. u ■^rg -7" Sensible Views in Fi ande * The Baris Temps, in its, review of 61 the says very wisely; ‘fin rapid review tl.e war in America-must only aj pear for form’s sake, can dp nothing; in the matter, .and the most'chimor: cal minds have ceased.to speak of intervention. .For the old world, this unprecedented Istruggleda a~Bpoctaclo rich i i lessons, at the same time formidable and con solatory. ; By the cost nowimpoaed»on the United States to extirpate slave ry,', it displays the terrible justice of history' and shows by wbptcfearful saorificos nations expiate tile prolong ed i tolerance of wrong. It I also ex- by the incredible facility of those sacrifices, that abundar ce of ma torial.apd .moral resources of which no idea existed, and above all, thbws, by. the little lo'seot liberty, they bare in» volved, that liberty is not. fii tally? des-i tined to perish in the tempests bf-oivil wars. On this poinfall European ideas,: including our own, ir*t pletelyi bewildered. The re-election Ojf ;Mr.' Lincoln, and the manner in which.it was accqmplished t are the pledge if an indestructible ; liberty, j'andl will remain'in history asfan ira : perishable pledge, of political and mprl aL greatness. , Surrender to a “Nigg. siege of Nashville was the. cn some laughable incidents, a lowing parajOTapifrp malett i in that city e&fflKcT :'. Daring the ckirmish iri^the cotinoiaance made by Stedma a couple of soldiers; of tb brigade came upon three reb : guns were jUnloaded, and cl their Burrchaer. One of the indignantly, refused to sun a‘'d—d nigger.” “Berry dorr) said Sambo, ■ bringing his p ready, “but we’s in a hurry, i fot no time to send fora whi he ominous click that ac the remark brought the s’cio airy to time, and ho jivas br crying and swearing all the ’ his,father would .kill him if beard that ho'liad .sutrendd nigger. . A ;V ow Accomplished.—A known gentleman of this city, bbitrdibas not beon.tonched by tl since the morning of the arrival nows that Fort Sumter was cap ho having registered 'a vow i should remain inviolate until th and scripes-onee more waved ot fort, was on Monday deprived majestic golden, appendage tofbi by ibo,longest .pair of shoars th of tho largdst manufacturing esfc me.nts in oho city could supply ddw presepts such an appearand his most iiiiimate friends baveti a second Iqok in order to idontif ~Tmnton\Gazette. . ’ f ' ipvettnr ,gf printing Wf fool; hnf’' l aiisecl myri; make lhoshselvcs, • ■ * ■,y % , 5 i) f < ■' \ l i -~ ICE TO ADVERTISERS.- "si - ■,. •**, in»eri®d i»U«I^OK NO r*- «9 >», * -i' C* AdT< per .jaqwaL'rr 50cenis. libeial diseqnfet*!made r tp yearly A erpaie equal to' rtrsera linoa cf type measured; as a square. s Vp.’. ,vw( Bpecial'uoticeB 26 per cent. iddifum toirpg ularrates. , ; -.l' Business cards, 76 cents a line, p«r ypjtf Marriages and bcaths, Beligioua, Politics and other; of a jpjiblio n,aturo, free-, 818 mV'.' ! | t “ T -C, i Religious. . I - - i-\ _Thd marked destitution Of reli gion in theoil region, and scaiHy ac commodations for holding religious services! in that famous rogwnqrcoun-, ' try, has- brought oiit the/fSTjowiirg | remedy| bya correspondent-to a Pres- . \ bytorian paper published in. :N.[Xprk‘ i It is Suggested i that Mine evangelical > society [take the tnattttr in hand, arid let a few traveling ministers fce |pla6od there with tentsiorjproaching injor ability to erect: frame buildin’gs &dr lompoiary supplies. .Churches, . have been startedin Tilust Hie and Oil City, but it is alleged inter mediate territo,i ■ rg co churched ’ T :: ' -J.g- | -—-?■ --:t- ■■■•- . —Tbo Unitariansbavhiadopted the course of the CopgfogaliotlßUjsls. calling a ' National Cpnveniion,to aieot in New York during tbo nisi iireefc in 'April. ' Gicaterbarmbpyaßd uniformity, it is expected, willinttpnd the.efforts- to advance the i ntercsts. the denomination. Tht Conyenticn, will; deliberate upon the various: meahs of awakening, Unitarian denpintda tiolnal life,: by moans of cplto ges,. seminaries, books, papers*jlraet B • reViofrs,’ magazines.: Sunday, 6, ib.OpJe, mission’s, church extension, and cnar- Uiesi /j ■ : ; : a ” —The icasion of >'tho lol or writen —The anniversary or the Mission* arV Society of the Ml E. Church was held at Columbus, ( Ohio,'ioine days since.', i The exercises continued two days and were very interesting j Bish ops J Morris and Kingsley, Drs Harris and: Trimble, Missionary Secretaries, Dr. Eefd, editor of the Cincinnati Md-- vccatc. Rev. J. M. Thobuxn, Missiona ry to India, and others, participated it' j the ext-reises. -j : ’ ‘ p little re-, in on onr( |o colored, pis whose' ;omandod Johnnies render, to i, massa ” >ioce to a e nd Lain’ V ito man.” : jtnpanied i of ehiy- in; way that 1 ho over Wed to a ' —A |monkr'of the .Russian Church. hasanjivtd.in Now York for the pur pose of establishing a church fop fhe Greek j commhnipn . residing'.id that city.* 1- is stated there are Vim Sew York! city] seventy Greeks and twenty Slavanians. A ; room in St. Uohn’ff "(Episcopal) chapel has been placed; at the seryteb of the missionary by the rccidr-l of St. John’s chapel, but it is Urbpospd’to 'get up acburchiof their ‘ ' -.ICC r —l’wcnlv-seven .thousand dollars .inigold was collected for the annual 1 : pews at the Unitatian Church, San Francisco, n\akirvgi .al attmFai.tbb time the Bids were made, equal tp SJOjOoO in currency* ■ i \ ,i , ‘ I".' —Jlcv. m 7 B. Riddle, of Udßoken,' formerly of,Pittsburg, son of Rev. X)ri Kiddk-. of Jeffo rscuCJcl Hcg o, Canons- has accepted a calf/frotfri the Second Reformed Butch-Church of Newark, X./. i - 1 -' ( ; j , ■ — L A , correspondent.,of the Obscrv'w complains of a pastor who prayed minutes by the watch,.,and says; there is a difference botween.piat'ing iu time and .against time 6r:oui of tlmoV;- H - I _ I d >! levoland is'a of a >od man o to tho dollars, D|d It: i "J ’ Some twcK-c%cars'since, 1 myi fath or bought a farm which was _‘wprkiid |to| death/ astho neighbors said. Wei!, iwb lo.und out how itbadbeenworked. 1 jw-ben wo put a heavy team amj now ■plow to, work, and the virgin sod was 1 turned up: six inches below the four iihcb.es worked to' death,; ’Our fjcigh liors; propbbsiod. a .failure,, aad Iw.hcn ■lour crops ffocNfitb and;cxcccd«djtheir own they weio full otisdrmisirigs|as to' the wonderfiil stra'ngers so successful, inlroiiewing such tilUkiilcd 3Dil.- | . ;t-“What manure did you put on that .■field'?” a neighbor, asked my father one morning as they were.looking at the deep,green waving corn growing so rankly within., , ’■ . . -j.- l p “Plowed deep'l. plowed deep sworpd be; “there is'-nothing 1 ! like' plowing deep, and thoroughly pulver izing tho soil, to scrops; in all kinds of weather.” .1 of see* > the na i'trongth y main's* Then it i money,' ?alch" to ‘ moment ) did the . *e much ills-have t ho itch- to get iSj'vith iaractor The field had been used as a mead ow some fifteen years, producing! ; a ton !of hdy to the. aero. \Vo. tlroke. it up deep, j planted one year,, sowed/ oats .the -next, 1 with clover and timo-": thy, and the third cut two tons to 1 the. acre.; j r ■ ' :'|'V. j- Wheat Growing. . J ■ The last number of. (he Jtoyal Ag ricultural Society’s journal conjoins Messrs. Laws & Gilbert’s occoun'frot their long-continued experiihonj in wheat growing and. the results.; ! 'AS. - an ihstalliifcnt-toward'clucijatiop ol the great question, We! epilojnise a few-,of' t% eoncdngions arrived ajt —~ : ,>Vhoat hasfbeen grown on • the ajirae lanauviihout rnannre, for twenty.y'cars in sucpessiof), the.land being of avoiv„ age wheat-producing <yiali(y»: The produce, average !for twenty y eara wia IjJi bushols to the acre. ; \Tho -sSahuot'- fafni-yard/!tnanuro, j applied wds an average of 82* bushels toll ho ‘acre; and with artificial iilar.ures,'jthe average was 35} bushels; bjy more,’’ say the experurtoDtaliels, thanl ? the produce of Great;/JBritoin, wbenpWheat is grown iq tb?,,orclihary cpurae jaf agricultuio in rotation. Min etal manures alone, applied ip the iiol able form, scarcely increase the cijop, while nitrogenous manuresdo occasion an rncrpase; [but' the greatest irpreaso takes twp.kftidaliro i combl'n'eri ' : -i-i---,\?!i well wlioso esteel bf'tbe itureil, .bat it 5 stars. ;er tjie of the a chin at one iblish . He io.that i) take V.Jnm; as up ,ds to H ■■“•■II IMMO v :*V*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers