i ; betf.Susta tried i~ workofthekinArnth^VyoHd.”- i’’ *''. Critical Ifo.ka of'iffi&rtif? v,!. 1 - "It is- the foremost’ day. ! The IteMMeSHrerJtM a-V«Se aejijWtfailcoin paaiofrpaor the million ftiena, thatf * ■i - ■’•-•; V.t %{i- *>’ ;. "The most popular -Monthly in {the Wbrtd.— Tori 'Obttrptr.ut, /'■ -fc’r. A •_ We roust rpfer ipjems-bfetilogy to tie • '.high tone and varied cxccllept ’of HARPFa'S ; M*o,AZlsß—a joarnal\with.:k,monthly circula tion of about 170,000‘conles—•inwhose pages i -aretphefouiid some pf#ic choicest light and r general reading of (ho day.' 'We {speak of .this ii Work as an.evidenceofthe American People ; • ' and the popularity it.hasacquiredlis merited. j'Each number contains fdlly-144 page 3 of 'i. readigglmaUer, appropriaftlyiUastrhled with . l good wbod-cutsj and it oombinesin itself the: racy monthly and -t.fiS;:inbfe | philosophical ■ {{-quarterly,' blended with (he" beat {features of .i : thq daily. It has great-power in{ the dissem ; ihafion of.a lore'of pui». xer’b, Guide to _ • V The volumes bound constitute pf themselves : a library ; pf miscellaneous" reading sa6h as • ■ cannot be.found in the ,% other publication that has under our • ? notice.— Bostor Courier. i • "T" .'./p-ci t { - i ' - SUBSCRIPTIONS. - >|“ % * ’. f» ’■ ; 1865 l { I :.'!»■ I] ■ '\\ v ; The {Publishers have perfected! a ‘system of ’ {{‘mailing by whichrthey can-supply''tlie MAoa _l j 2 {ttik and Weeklv ~promptly to those who pre , , fer to receive their periodicals' directly ■ from "* ; the officp of publication, . 1 ' Tl'S* : ! The postage ptt .UAttPEn's Magazine- is 24 centsjiyear whiph must he paid it’ thd •/S’ui icriier’s post-offiCe.■ .{ t : . ■ , ‘/T r • Terms,: {L'i Hakpkb’b Maoa'ziks, one ~ si 00 ;d- An Extra copy of. or Wejki.t will be supplied gratis--fo'r'jevhryv ; Club of FiveiSuuscbibehs at $lOl cachihoue . remittance; or Six Copies fpr $2O 00.-y - V. ; v I Back numbers edn be supplied at any time. . A Complete Set, now comprising: Twjfnty 'nine Volumes, in ‘neat cloth binding, will'be sent.by express, freight at exper se- df .pur-, chaser, for $2 23 per Single vol ■.: umes, by mail, postpaid; -$3 00.’ . Cloth-cases, ■; for binding, 68 cents, by mail, * Aphid..' Ad • dress ! UAEPEB & BROTU: • FbaSkun JSsdak 000.00 KALE OS TEMAL - TO SELL New Steel Plate Map,of the. United Gapadas, and New ’. : From recent surveys, conn 1862; cost §20,000. to. engn year’s time. ( Superior io any $lO map ever . ~ , . , f ElSw sells at, the liny price of Fifty Cents; 3X0,000* names are < ngrhyed on this map. i , i’ f.- i It is -not only a County map, bu it isnlsha . COUNTY & JIAIiLEOAU- JIAE of. tide'll. S. &Cauaduscombined m'pbe;giving' , Every Railroad Station anddistanoc* between. .' Guarantee any woman or man pcr , day, .add will take back all maps that I cannot' be sold and refund the money. " . . ‘-.11 j Send for $1 worth to try. Printed instructions how to canvass well, furnished,all our. agents.. , '.' 1 Want ed—Wholesale Agents for tur maps in every. State, California, Canada] England, France and Cuba A fortune*, maybe made with a fcjv hundred dollars capital. | Noncom petition; ■ J F: Lloyd, 164'Broadway, N.' Vi. - i Wa ■ ■department uses our map of Vir ginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania; cost SlOO.i- POO, on which is marked Antielam Creek, Sharpsburg, Maryland flights, Williamsport ■Ferjy. BhorersviUo, Noland’s Ford,; and all 4 pthers on the Potomac, and every lother. place in the above named States, or uioney refunded LLOYD'S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OP i KENTUCKY, OHIQ,] INDIANA, jand : tLL“ ft t the only authority for Gen. RoSecfans and , the War Department. Money refunded (pi ■ any one Ending ah error in ' ■ T :i • '• .1; From the Tribune, Aug. C.i '3; * “Lloyd’s map op Viboisia MAibaAND akß - Pennsylvania. —The map is ‘very) large;’ its cost is but 26 cents, and it is tjie lest which can bepunhasea.’' > . ~ Lloyd's Great Map of the-Mississip\ From Actual Surveys, by Capls-. Bit Sown, Mississippi River Pilots, of Mo.,shows every mail’s plantation a name from St. Louis to the Gulf oj 1,350. miles—every sand;bar, isll landing, and all placcjs 20 miles ba] *. river—colored, in counties and Stat ■sl in sheets. $2, pocket form, an linen/withlrollera. Ready Sept. 2i Nart/ Department, Washikgton, Sept. | ■i J, T. Lloyd—Sir: Sendmo-your I Mississippi. River, with price pd copies. Rear-Admiral Charles 11. I (banding the -Mississippi squadroti, ued to purchase as many as are r use of that squadron! • ; " WELLS, Secretary of I NEW GROCERY ;■v-| PRODUCE STORE. f 1 subscriber respectfully ani ;X the citizens of Beaver and vioji he has opened a GROCERY & pTORE Jn the room formerly oc< Stokes & Tallon, anil directly op] ilryiM office,* where w|o will keep con I'Oftnd' and for sale' - a large assc (Jroceries, such *as • | - f COFFEE, 'j HLCEr . TEA, , 1 MOLASi SUGAR, . SYRtyPj Also, FLOUR, POTAT' other . articles usually' let Grocery store. ; 1 Country produce taken in c for goods, at thohig.hest marl dec9 . T. T> McKI *' : KOLL OCK ’ S DaiidelioiiGo: IfIIHIS preparation, made from the 1 Coffee, is recommended by pjiv fTnperior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAG Ural Debility, Dyspepsia and all bill 4erg. Thousands who have been co abandon the use of coffee, will use tfut injurious effects. | One' can cm Strength of two pounds of ordina Price 26 cents. . | : KOLLOCPS Z%VALV. The purest and best BAKING ’ known,,for making light, sweet and Bread and Cakes. ' Rice 15 cents. Manufactured by ■•' , M. H. KOLLOK, Chcm: Corner of Broad and Chestnut s£ „ i PHIL ABEL. And soW by all Druggists and Groce ’ mairZß ■ 1 | • AMERICAN GOLD FEU GO UPi Manufacturers of Goia .] Pencil Cases ;of every descrip ’ Sole Manufactures of the Celebrated Angular Nibbed • 1 A supply just received and for sale jfZO] Bridgewater Drug Sian ANDREW WRAY. ATTORNEY AT . >;■; . BEAVER, PEXNA. Na*Mj9 jfrt«! ffegu" I] : • ■" K. ’ ■’ '^i - , .*• *• -r . . It-S m I - . . . vy-‘'t •••'■-' >‘ ; t .' fj' ■ .. v .;• Th'. and • ' f- t One of niwjr 'MohjWiddf. • ' ‘MaMe^^and. ’, JtytesJlnfeuigenee., 'N^ >e6ius for the'New Y Pros] .< , f»eciu. ~ow rear. r.pn assumiag; ,<>ontrol of the at the oommcnceafent of- the yea?, the Conduc tors announced l -their 'DETERMINATION to infuse a we fifelyind vigor into its columns which should-render the paper MORE THAN EVER ACCEPTABLE TO THE READER. The Rapid Increase in Circulation, flatter - ing notices (f our contemporaries, andTJbn grotulntory. Letters from every quarter, as | Jure ns that our efforts haTe hot becn lunsuc acessful.' 1 • v ' ' - ■;The Commercial HAS GROWN “DAILY in public favor until it nW ranks the LEADING Jp.DRNALS in the country In’order loiKecp pace with the demands of the reading public, and at the-same time medt the increasing,, pressure! bn. our advertising -columns, we some months since INCREASED THE DIMENSIONS. OP ,TDE PAPER TO THE EXTENT OP FOUR COLUMNS. Among the Reading foalui-es qf c full i reliable ■ telegraphic • from all -the leading .points of interest. It devotes specialSattcntidn'to-' • '-‘.fi 1 yf MARKET.REPORTS,;' including the JKON, OIL, CATTLE, :LUM- and thd 'PITTSBURGH GENERAL - MARKETS; Our " ; ’ • h j RIVER NE-i^S, receives particular attention,; and in this De partment the Commercial has. no rival. The , AND STOQK REPORTS, ■ofulie Commercial arc prepared with care and will be found to he-unuguallyfuU ‘qjjd relia ble. the Reports of 'the i 1 t ;OP THE COUNTRY, .embracing fEports of ihe "DRY GOODS and WHOLESALE MARKETS, 'and Special. Re ports of,Oil stock, financeandtrade, to day. . . J •labile spcoial alfcnlLon, .will bd given to these several Departments, the Commercial -lays claim to rank among the leudingjournals of thc country>as a medium of J - t v ; . J ! ' GENERAL INTELLIGENCE ;-Mts niin is ,o give none but healthy reading suited to.the F.ttMfir Chicle", and to he a weE come visitor- o the discriminating public - r , THE PULPIT \ ,i ■; forms a peculiar feature of (die C mmereial, , By i giving. evqdy-''Saturdoy anoiudix.\i, Snt* non, prepared esjjrcssly hyrU.'Minister of the uoefel, in Pittsburgh or vicinity, (which, al *W goes into tUcAveckly,) fiftyffwo discourses arc.given in the year, by not less than twen ty or thirty different Ministers, witlibutn*.' gard to ‘denominational distinction; Thii.De-' part meat of ihoX/nnraercinl has attracted much attention: Rearrangements nre beingmadeto in crease its recognized importance and value. As a featurei at.'once novel and instructive, it consUluf.es- hot the least of the! ninny-claims 1 of-the Coi'am •ra’ul }»• ' in polities the Commercial will bo an un deviatfng supporter of tlie Union, jaud' carn'- ' csliy loyal to (he Government, apd ns far as consistent with this aim, free from-Partisan ship. ■ The Commercial is'a .large folio sheet, ami,is published in Iwo editions every mofhing, Sun day excepted., , - ' ’ ‘ : '. Termsby mail. $lO per'annumf City subscribers, served :by carriers-, Si Riper annum,in advance, or, 25 cents per! wcek.pay ,able td lhecajrrier. Single copies 5 cents. A discount made to Agents; ' : The SATimpAY CojiMEtiniAn—A large sheet ’ containing all the Current News, -Miscellanl eons, Literary, and Soionliflc Intelligence, and Valuable Reading for the Family, is publish cd at $1,50, -’>2 issues,,) per yc.-Vr. lu Clubs ofTwcnty, si. !- , I .. Th-C Mcjiey for Meekly and Daily mini altcOr/e ~il(iamp<wy till, or<lr.and in no inelancc can (lieu Icrmi via ul from. , - - >.i asters are requested to act as agtsnlr-fbr the Commercial. • 75 ifIFTU st., opposite Posto'ffice. C, D. BRIGHAM...; lEmron. RI.D. THOMiPSON .Bcsixess MSsageb. Address f i THE COMMERCIAL? I ■'■ Pittsburg, Pa. NEiST BRIGHTON RETREAT ORE. •NTS toforcd e: i 4. ■ - ul one jade jl>y Col- pi Rirrr. irt and Wm I St. Louis, tnd owners f M cy.ic fl - an d, town, ik’frotn the ]es, Pricey id; $2,50 on MEM AN AfeYLUMFOR THE RECEP TION, CURE AND TREAT- : WENT OP MENTAL*—. . x. Alienation or DISORDER -Anaother Nervous and tJhronic Diseases. EXCLUSIVELY FOE FEMALES. f I ''HIS institution Js now opcn.for the reccp -1 ,tion ? care, aiid treatment of ’the- infapen '-dent class of patients wlio arc laboring under mental derangement; or other"nervous and? chronic disease. We makcspecial mefition of nervous and chronic diseases, from the fact that seven tenths of. the female patients that are committed .to oiir public Asylums, to be treated for disordered minds, are.reduced to that lamentable condition through previous physical disorder. By a well timed and judi cious treatment »f chronic and nervous dis eases, all physical disorders, in the majority ot cases, may be removed ; and thus the mind* having suffered through the medium of the body will when free from- the . exciting physical cause, ..throw off the shackles- that haa bound it to worse than midnight darkness and reason will, once more;'resume its sway! clothed in all its primitive beauty and wonted excellence.. Hence the necessity of all those who arc laboring under the predisposing <jr 'exciting causes, calculated in the end; to im pair the niihd. to resort to.an early anil judicious course of remedial'ngents. ■ The Institution is a large brick building with a, stone basement—four stories high and wclLvehtilatcd;. It is.situatcd on an elevated, table land which commands a view- 'of entire to.wtf—adjacent hills—groves and neighboring streams; all 0/ which arci calculated to* pro duce favorable- impressions upon the disorder cd mind. * ; ' ,<< ' . ■ 16, 1862, Map of tftc r. hundred Onvis, 'com is -author hquired'to- io Navy. iminecs lo ijiuiry,; (bat ,'IIUDUCE icupicd by jpoaito the nstafilly on ipiit'mcnt of ISES, 'ES, and pt in a xchange :et price. 3BIN. , The Institution is complete in nlf ofifs ap-1 poiritmcSts. i Having been tastefully fitted up atigrdet expense, in order that it may meet the approbation and views of tUc n-ost fastidi ous. . ’ •jj ' -J-, • _f' ' ' T'he water closet a and bathing apparatus have been gb'ttpn tip upon the most' approved mpdern scientific principles; This department embraces'not only .the ordinary .baths but, also, (he mhdicated.-warm air and ascending and descending Soothe for tho there effectual and. .Successful treatment of cutaneous and other scrofulous-diseases. . . [ beg, leave to say to all those who may be disposed to commit the interests of a dear wife,' sister ordaughtcr, do our charge may beassured- that no means wilLbe spared or efforts wanting on our part to ameliorate ! licit condition or to effect arcstoration to their ac customed health and vigor of mind. ■ -For. further particulars send for a-‘ circulars communications should be addressed to r E. KENpUXCK, M. d! ’ Supt. of New Brighton Retreat • i New Brighton 5 povT- fi— ■ . " ■ Beaver Co.- Pal ; lied. best Java Isicians as Efo.rGcn oils disor impclled to this .with intains the iVy coffee. POWDER autritiotyr ■cets. . ■PHIA, UIY T ens ! and tion,and . ADMIN ISTKA'JOiIS NOTICE. \\[ HEIIEAS letters administration hav -f T “g been granted to the undersigned, on the estate of Bebecca Reed,: late of Indus try tp. Bcaver county, Pol, dec’d., all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make- payment immediately and those haring claims against the same wi_ present them to the subscriber duly authenti oated for settlement. I ' ■ ' • JOHK SLEKTZ, Adtu’r', • Pm. atlfae , LAW is iurh* botIS ' ! '%■ T^r u.s.T-aoLOr The Secretary cl| the Treasnsygivi that subscription j vfill be received for; Treasury Notes, ] layable three yea#s fi gust 16th, 1864,' with semi-annual inti thqkiate of :: 7'iB-] Oths per cent, per as prin&palanddnti repfc both to be paid ful money. ; ' ~!• ■. ' Theae notes will be convertible at 1 tlonj oftbeWiplder at " maturity, into cent!, gold bearing bonds, payable "t than five nor morje than twenty yeai their the Governijientmay They .will' bb issued in denominations $lO6, $5OO, $1,0()0 and $5,000, and subscriptions must'be for filly dollars multiple of fifty dollars. ' The notes;will be to the owners free of transportation charges as sooh afler the of the original CertifibaWof 'De posit as they can bo prepared. t As the notes draw inlerest from August 16, persons making- deposits subsequent date; must pay the interest accrued -frbm date bf note 1h date of tleposi t. ' : | dqppri ink V twenty-five tl dusand | dollars and upwards for. these note's at any ope time will be allowed a commission of onb quartbr bf one pe: ■ cent., whichVwill be JJpid by the Treasury 1 department upon the receipt of a'j bill for* the amount, dertified 1q by the ofSc'er with whom theGeposit was made. No deductions for commissions must bs nTade froihj the deposits., / Special Adva nl ages of this ] joan. ■Xt[is a National Savings Bank, < ffering a higher rate of intores than any other, and the lest security. ’*Any savings, bank which pays its deposit or s in ILj'S.'Kotcs, considers, that it is paying in the best circhiating me dium of • the cqunt -yi and it cannot pay in*any thing better, fords ijiwn assets' are either in government seon|-iHfcs or in notes.or bonds payable in government tponcy., < ; “• It s equally convenient as a temper ■pcrm|aneat investment: The notes can! bc.sojld for within a fraction of their fal mulatcd ihtercstcd, and arc the bcsl with banks ns collaterals for discoij iTtible into a Six (per cent 6-20 Gold l addition to he Ivory liberal; inter} aofes .for threcj years, this privil conversion, is now worth about throe pc; per annum,'for the current rate for is not less than nine per cent. premium, ai fore the war the j remium on six per cet S. sock» >vas.pier twenty percent, be seen! that the tctiial profit on this loi the j resent maritii rjitc, is not less thi per cent, pcr. anrural n.r Exemption frir.i Slate or Municipal Tai " Blit aside«from..-illj the advantages, wi enumerated, a speci'-tl Act of Cnngress 4 <tll ho:.da and rea tun) notes from local In: On the'average, this exemption is about two per cei f. annum, accord the’ratc of taxatiju |iu various parts couhtr . | ' aceui rity i Com: In t lie .utrj» _ , , ] , i It is believed nosccuritles offer sJ great inducementsdo lenders as thpio issued by tlie government. In all pi her forms of indebt ed ness,fthe faith of (ability of private pivties, or stock companies, oir separate communities, only; is pledged for payment, while the whole property of the country is belli to secure the discharge of all the obligations of the United Stales. ;} i ; • i . AV'liilo tho government offci-s 'the} most, lib eral [terms for jits Idaris, if believes that the [very strongest appeal I will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people. ' | Duplicate certificates will !be issued for all deposits,-. The parly depositing must endorse upon! the original fcert neafe tile denomination of notes and whether they are to be issuepg-in- blank or jjayable to order When, so endorsed.it, must h(e left with the 1 officer re ceiving the deposit, (to be forwarded to the Treasury Department,. ;"■ i“ Subscriptions will bef received jjy fixe Treas urer (of States, at IVashingloa, the several Assistant Treasurers (and, designated Depositaries, and by (the | ‘ National Bank of Pittsburgh, Third National Bank of Pittsburgh,. ' I AN P BY ALL NATIONAL which are depositaries of Public mono?, and' all I 1 ■ . r . V ■ T ■ RESPECTABLE; BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the countjry will give further liufor matmn and ' i . 1 ■ Event Facility to augriT’Gl—inside.p m. 1 ITISH PERIODICALS, London .'Qcartebm KeJibw (Jons err.,} Edwbuboiijßetiew (Whlig.)' ■ ' Westminster-Review (Kadical.) Noeth Bbitisu Review (jFrce-Churblj.) . i asi*, j . 7 tkwpod’b EoiKßpiiou MaJjazise {Tory.) BR The The The The Bla-i ,TJje Amcricanj Publishers j continue to rc print the above-named periodicals, but is the cost of printing has doubl'd, tho pnoe if pa. per nearly irrhlMj arid taxes, duties, licenses, etc., lafrgety increased, they are compelled to udvaioe their lermsjas follows: ■-| TERMS PORIBSS For any one of the Reviews—..s4 00 -For aiiy two of the Reviews. .... 7*oo For any three of the Reviews p(/ qq Forifll four of th s Reviews 12*00 For Blackwood's Magazine... I*oo For Blapkwood and imeßevickv...... 7’tfl ior Blackwood-and any two Reviews.... 10 00 For Brackwood and three Rciriewß... : .. : S3’od' For Blackwood aid the four Reviews...’. 15,*00 Thp works will bcjjrinted on a -greatly improv ed quality of pnjiirt and while nearly all American Periodicals are either advanced in price; or reduced in fizc-and very generally th ,r,’ Ce Bfcal ? cofdinuo to give faithful cOpies ofo/tlhe mnttcrs|.co|utaiucd in the original editions. Hence, onrprosent'priccs will be found as cheap, for the amount of matter fur nished; as those of any of s the* competingper icdicals in this cohnljty. | : ; .Compared withfthe cost of-the originals cd 1 which at present premium on cbl ! 'T OU W be about $(!{)() a year, our prices /sj; are exceedingly W. UWd to this the fact tb 'we make onr annnali payments to the Brit Publishers for early Wheels. 1 - and. copyright ffoW—Sl costing us at this time, (Jan. if nearly Jj)2,00 in we trust 1 in the scale we have! adopted'*© shall be tu*ely justified, by bur subscribers' And! reading public, ! , . Thp interest of these Periodicals to Ac can readers is rather increased than dii isliod by the ilrticjes|thcy comain . on our tl Hjar, and thoiiglij sometimes tinged i prejudice, they .may still,- considering 1 : great abilility and thc.diffcrcnt stand-pi from j which they are written, • bo read studied with by the people of country, of every jjrcjed and party. THEFOTJR k>. S for 18i A copies of tbe above remain on hi and. will bo sold at $5 for the whole four. S 2 for any one. I i . . ’ Wd also publish; th-c - ' . „ FARMER’S RIJIDE. By Ifenry Stephens,.|t)f Edinburgh,; and the late J. P, Norton,; of; Yale .College. 2 volt. Royal Octavo, 16Q0 pages, and numorouaEn graving*. _. 1 i I .il ' 1 PBlC£*s7 for the tiro volumes—byJdr post paid, SB. ] ' > i LEONAEJ) S£«LT & CO., Public A*'). -S5 Vtuilker Street, yew lor i - Ohioftp', .k: nqticr Coupon rom Au- tercst at anum,— in-law- 1 tie op jaix per noitesg ra from ;leoL-p ill ib fa- ir some iry or ilways ice and :seca nts. Ilnr.d. cst on egc of •cent.' Bonds t:d be it. U. :;t win )4n, a in ten ruUf'ii, e have 'tfmpig '■'rlioh. woi'th ng to of the 1 Subscriber A ' mcH imin- : Cv with their (ints and ’ this Review at' —r, -r'^rrr^ l, ~' rf “ t T7 w * r^ —n« p, - % Av%'CalUl., The tf'i/ W Begun/ trer qf Extermination agaim Sad Teeth Bad Breath, , Diteatid; Qtmt ;. j Toothache, Earache, ’• ' .' .[ and "i . ' V ■: OCR'ABTILLEByte) 1 , :J)R.WM.B.HURD’S, DENTALTREASUrV | a coiiplxtb *kt of uutai to* ' 1 P&ESERVm« THE TEETH 'Purifying the Breath and Month Jiring Toothache and Neuralgia, hmU one Hurd's Unequalled 'TOOTH POOER,D Hr. Hurd’s Magic TOOTHACHE DROPS, one bottle., ' . ■,' PIASTER* VBRIVALED irtURALQTA „ Dt - KAKVAL on the Rat Means of Preeercing the Teeth, including Directions for the Proper, Treatment of Children’s Teeth. - I • ToomPici , Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office. 77 Fourth St., Brooklyn; (EvD.) , Price, ONE DOLLAR ; orSIT SS. . ■ . . Dental Treasury makes a package cl inches by five, and issent by express. ‘! SfSP Full directions forusc is oneaeh article. ' - The following articles we can s6nd separate ly, by, mail, viz; • ■ ..M | ; 1. The Treatise on Preserving theTecth sent;post paid, oh receipt- of Twelve cexts,. or' four, stamps. ■. > . - r ’. 1 ' ' The Ncuralr : - PU t* —iralgia riaster, for Neuralgia in the Face, Nervous .Headache, and Earache, sent post paid, on receipt of | F f ighueh 'Cents' dr si stamps.- I ', ; .1 ■ . j The Neuralgia am. Rheumatic Plaster I large stze,) for Pams in the Chest; Shoulders, Back. 01; any part af the body, sent post paid, on re ceipt of A irly-siveii cents. ‘ - • TPifc /A HURD, CO.,* ribtmc Building*, Kcw York ' • Dr. Hunf > MOUTH lldl.S’tf, TOOTH HOW DERani TOOTHACHE DTOPE. e;;np«(i be sent, by mail, but theyfc.in, probably bo 'ob- your Drug or-Periodical- Stores. : 1* they cannot, send to ns for the' DEXTA • TREASURY,; Price, Oxe Dollae, which i on tains them. ; 3>oX>'W. Are Dr. HnrtT »■ Preparation] Good ? t The beat evidence's that fhtylarc is, (hat their hrmest friends and best patrons are those who have used them longest.. Dr. Wife. D. Hurd is aji eminent Dentist of Brooklyn, j Treasurer of the Now York State Dentists’ AssMciatloq, .and. these preparations have been used,.'in his y.ri '[}'*? Pj 1 ! 1 ;*-* 00 . f° r years, and Ao loading citizen of .Brooklyn or Willianisburg questions their excellence, while eminent Dentists of New ■York rqfcammeud.thera-as. the best known to the profession. Withoht the aid of advertis ing, dealers have sold them by the gross.' The Editor of thje DrooklynDailyrTimcssnettV -‘■tie are happy to know that our friend. Dr." Hurd, is succeeding beyond all ’ cxpectalions with hia MOUTH WASH-and TOOTH POW DER. The great secret of his success rests ■with the fact that Ids tinkle .t dr\ prkisehj trhai they are represented- to be, as tee ian ■ testify /rami their tony tire.” ■ • * Thc'wcll known P. T. Barndm writes: ‘ “I found your TOOTH.POWDER eo good that my family have uscd it all up. We-.jtnd fA the best powder, for iht teeth ice. have ever wed: I>T stall feci obliged if you will e'eud mo another sup ply at the Museum at -frith bill. 4 • ■ ';*■■■ - 1- But (hoir cost is sq small that every one may test ibo matter for himself. ' i', J6@T Beware of theordinary Toot h Powdcrst; Dr. Hard’s Tooth Pooder contains no acidsl nor alkali,, nor charcoal,, and! polishes without J wearing the enamel. Use no other.. fJI WHAT WILD 1)$. HURD’S REMEDIES 1 ! Dr. Hurd’s Mouth Wash and Tooth Powder will give young ladies that finest charm in wo man—a sweet breath and pearly teeth. Try thcm, : ladies. i ‘ ■ Dr. Hurd’s Mouth Wash' and Tooth Powder will cleanse the mouth from nil foul exhala tions, and if. used in flic morning, 'will' make the breakfast taste sweeter.and the day begin; more pleasantly. Hundreds of persons can’ j testify-to lhis. Try them!, gentlemen. | Dr. Hurd’s Mouth Wash and Tooth Powder 'j arc the the best preparations in the world, for I curing bad breath and giving firmness and health to the gums. Hundreds; of cases of i Dictated lilading Gums, Sore Mouth, Canker, etc., have: been cured by Dr. Hurdfs astring ent.wash. \ i',l i *■ . Dr. Hurd’s Month Wash and Tooth Powder give an additional charm to courtship, and make husbands more agreeable to; their Wives and .wives to their husbands. They should bs .used by every person having - i i | v ARTIFICIAL TEETH, rt t which are'liable to impart a taint to thefiouth. j Dr. Hurd’s Toothache Droops euro loot h . ache arising from exposed nerves, and tire the best friends that pittents can have in the house to save their children from tort’urp and them- ; selves from loss of elcep and sympathetic suf-' cring.- i, y ’ ■ \ ■ ■■ Farmers and mechanics I. youcannotwcllaf- I fonl to neglect your teeth." For atri fling sume 1 ■you can now get .preservatives,; than! which 1 Kothschild or Astor can get - nothing] better. : | Remember that Ei/spcpsia and Consumption of . ] t/ic Lnitys often originate in neglect of'Teeth. Send for the Treatise on Teeth, and road Dr. Fitch’s' observations onifhis subject. If too j late to arrest decay in,your qwn 1 teeth, savoi your children’s teeth. - ‘ I •’]. - NEURALd/A PLASTERS,—hr. nbild’s! | Neuralgia Non-Adhesive Piasters are llic mosti I pleasant, and successful remedies ever prescri- I jod for this painful disease.' The patient Up- | ■ plies one, soonibrejmes drowsy, falls asleep/'! and awakes free from pain, and no blister’ or other unpleasant dr injurious consequences! en sue/ For Earache and Xervout Headache, 'ap ply according to directions, and .relief 1 nil] : surely -follow. Nothing can bt obtained equal to Dr. Hurd’s Compress for Neuralgia. !’<rry , them.’ They are entirely a novel,, curious and original preparation, su'd wonderfully success-, nil. - They are Of two sixes, one small, fotrthc face, price 15 cent* and the ether large,! for application to the body, price .37 cents. . ’ jriH be mailed on'receipl of price and one stamp. , 1 ’ WHAT ARE. THE PEOPLE DOTXG.7 . The American people are intelligent enough to appreciate preparat ions I hat contribut e so much to happiness of those using, them, and they wont them. Every mail brihgs.us letters, etae ordering the Treatise oh,Teeth,.some the Neh r ralgia Plasters, andnot a few enclosing STotgl for the Mouth Wash, to.be sent by 'mail ; Ibul to. these'wo are compelled td reply that '-il ii ! impossible to send a half-pint bottle by 'njaill The.pcople wanLthesc Remedies. Who WiU - supply them? ’ , - —. .. , ] 1 ] . Now is th# • ■ 1 I ’ CUANCEFOB AGENTS. Shrcw,d.agents can make a small fortum canning these articles around to families;, Dental Treasury is the neatest article thi -man or woman can carry around. , Send4foi one and see, or, better, a.dozen, which' w* : Jyill.scll, as samples, for $7. ' Agents supplied liberally with circulars. BgT - Now is the time ■to logo, into the business, to do good, and make ja profit. We are spendiug_ thousands forlthe (benefit of agents. Now England mcn or v,o -i m?n! here is something nice, aid a chancu to ■ the tide at its flood. Address, ' . ■, WM. B. HDKD & CO., : !’ t . Tribune Buildings, New York. 1 . That remittances may be made with confi dence, W. B.- H. & Co.,' refer to the .Mayor of Brooklyn; to GT. W, Qriffith, : ,President Farm 'irs’and Citizens Bank, Brooklyn; to Joy.Qoe, rf.. Hmpt Fhrif; to P. T. Barium,Eaq , Now iTMqaie fnft. , \' ' I, J 3. md, dr era* EFFECT ? fill iwiif SEWING MACHINES. 1 , TKe Best, Host Sellable Sewing 1 Machine Sow in Use 3 r - These Machines make the locjc-stich alike on both sides, and Use less,than half the thread and silks that the single or dou ble thread loop-stitch Machines dp. It wil ptitch, Hem, Fell, Quilt, Tuck, Plait, • Gather, Cord,’ Braid, etc., all without previous basting;’and aire better i ' ’ ' »' ’ 1 ' ' V •j . . adapted than! any, other- Sowing Machine in use to ; t-he frequent changes and variety, of sewing required;in a familV; or ‘ ; I ■ >: ' 1 1 . J • • . I they. will sew from one to twen ■j ‘ ■... ii .• •■ ■' ■: • ;. ■ ■ ty thicknesses of Marseilles,with- out, stopping, and make every stitch perfect; or from the finest gauze to the heaviest heaver • * 1 - ' ; . ~’ cloth, without changing the feed needle or tension, or anjr adjust,men t of machine whatever! It lias the following advanta ges over all Other rriachines: ; , Ifar 1 grodlcr jyariet^feof. wprk; bo mty and excellence of stitch; 1 * ” ' i V- . spefed and squietness of "motion. 'simplicityj of construct ion; ease and njahatfement; elegance bt design' and finish, _ , 1 These are peculiar facts; and >.v ill, go far to determine. the choice of nit 1 intelligent buyer / i ’ ■ 1 ■ j | *- ■'i ■ cab and examine. B.H.PEIBSOL, BEAVKIi, I>A„ T aug 17] SolO| Ag’t for Reaver cb, ■ 'CRITTENDEN’S Philadelphia commercial , r ' OOILiLEfa-E, W. E. corner of 7th &Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA. PA. THIS Institution, Which was established in, 1844, and is how consequently : in t e eigthtccnth year,of its existence, numbers' ameng its gratuates, hundreds of theTinost suc cessful Alcrchants and Business Men of o'Ur Country; ' - ■ The'object of the Institution is solely to af ford young then facilities for thorongh prepa-- ration for ' business.'. • •,. ■ ' The branches taught - are/Book-kecping, as applicable to the various.departments ol’trade;-’ Penmanship, Ijoth • plain * and 1 ornamental; Commercial L.w,. .mathematics, 'Navigation,' Civil Engineering, Drawing, Phonography, and Modern Languages. _ ■ i The-system of Instruction is-peculiar; ino : classes or set lessons-arc madensoof, but'cach student is taught individually; so that helmay commence at any time; am) attend at whatev er hours are most ponvenient. , , Catalogues' are- issued annually, after the 15th of-’April, containing names of the stu dents . for’the year, and, full particulars of terms, !&Cj, anil maj'.ho’ohtaihcd at any time hy-addressing the Principal.: : J j extensile .accommodations,-. wide-spread reputation, arid the lengthy experience of .the 1 1 rincipal, this Institution oifers facilities.su perior to any other in the .count ry, for. young wishing to!prepare for business,- and to obtain ed the some tithe a ujploma, which .will provp a Irccom.niondation for them to any Jler-. cantile House. • fgsy CniTTKSDEN’s Scries -oi Treatises W Book-Keeping, now more widely circulated! 1 than any other work On the subject, are for sale at the College. '\ . 1 , J nvrtJtP.^ES’ D YE ING & SC DURING ‘ KSTxVBLXSHiIE^T 1 U 30 OHIO STREET, , 1 (West of Federal,) ALLEGHENY, PEN'S'A.. THE Proprietors of 'this Estabiishmen ■ have been engaged for a number of years I in the most extensive iostabliehpicats in this j country, imthe cities of New York and-Phila | dclphia, where 1 all the improved appliances and apparatus are employed!. 'Being also, in pos session. of the very latest discdyerics and me thods of European Dyers,) they' dye and finish Ladies’ Silk, .Satin and Merino Drosses, in. a, superior style In many cases, these articles are made in color and finis h, very* nearly equal ihappearance to ndwtloods. ■ . (!■ •'*S& a ,All Goods‘returned in iwo weeks i JLiand urgency. rpHE undersigned.'having established an I AGENCY fob the sale of heal Estate, in the city of boonville,- COOPEE COUNTY, - MO., would call the at tention! of Bis friends in.'Western Pennsylva nia Ito the unprecedented low price for which laud, of the first quality, can bo bought at the present time. i. Persons desirous of buying .chcjap farms will attention by I calling at my office in Bopncville, where they will find aB descriptions of farms on the jegisy cr, with price', location,&c. Office: Morgan, st;* 1 ijan2q 65',; . , JOllfi MITCHELL, j V. .gc. _ imcni Uog-. ivegi tor, for turning botlrirolli,together and wh positively prevents the rolls from breaking twisting on tbe : shaft. It is not only a p feet \Vringer, .but the Cog-wheels give it power which- . tenders it a most ‘ £xcellji and separating, as it. do the dirt with' the. water from_tiic elotl leaving thotu .dryer;! whiter,' and smoother tl i when “nrung’jTMhaud. : The water can press sd / £rom:lfitgo and small articles, -cos quicher,<Tin(f more thoroughly than by'the i dihary. ;old-fishibiicd' Ifitck-brc'aking, wri straining, and .clothes destroying process Thc.Cog-wfecls prevent'all “wear and 10: of clothes friction of the rolls or lire ing of Stitches by ttvielmg.j yrithout Cog-w acids, the whole strait forcing the qloth thronghj the Machine is upop. the lower roll-, and the cloth is made act iirdhb' Wace-of .Cog-wheels, to drive tipper rolH catming' a.much-greater strain on,the IqTOJwortMhaa- w.hodXog-wSWhvv our Patent.ilogtihitor,aye ils.cd.liosidcs the tra styai|i uppnhh.,^dblh. :: '''-.VGood Canv.r wautedTlirevery ; Liberal induccmt offered,'; and! exclusive sale guaranteed. ’ K'C.dUIGWING, Agent. 347 Br&way, New Yo'rl _ , y.-M/Gi WOLF, Agcht, May 11,-’34• -.!; d sorongh townshij -Bi (fO|)lJ is/AgfentLfov Univc Clothes Wringer id the Township cf- Me Hopewell, Independence, iiaccooh, Grct and Hanover; ‘ r. T|IE.i<3IQSAT UAUSEOIi' H n m an ."M i s e i*; ■ Juzc PuiUdied ih a f'\n'do~r.; Price G < A LECTURE D\%= lluj •e<7LVBftWB •A ,0N THE,O.-VUSE AN6CDIU: of Spcr t.orrjicca, .Cqusitmption, Mental mol Plus DebUityi Epilepsy; Impaired trifiou of flic Body; Lassitude: JVeakncs;- tlic Limbs and the Back : Indisposition. Incapacity £br study pmd timber; thillm-.o Apprahenafejry.toss of-,Mernory; Avcrfiei Society; Dive of. Solitude; Tfcuidity; S Distrust ; Dizziness; JTeaEiche, Affection! .tli^Eycs:. :Fqcc: Invol'tnt Emissions, and Sextmi'fncapacuy ; the Cut apucnces of y-oiilit fid Ipdiscrelion, Ac., fee., .. foTot-.Thio adtairabbkLee!tire clearly |,rt that the abive ennifcjhii ed", oftcn'sclf-afliu evils, may bjr roiiiovedi without medicine without.-. Dangerous. £ni;gic;il i.operatioir;, should be-read by every youtli.nnd every a fin the land/j ' | Vi’, ■'• - .1 * ■ ■ Sent lindep seal, to nny address. in a ip! sealed envelope, toi the reei-ivt of si:; centsi two postagehrambs. I*y atidvessing. j,. ’i..cn.\s.„J.-c. Ki.iyi; a co.; ■ id" Office Jiox.iSSt. ■ ~j r y a" ' j ITS -loves and 1 hates, sorrows* a;i-I anger, hopes.anti.fears, regret's ..and joys: .'•L,'. HUUDjdiow losl,['howj restored: the ’ n-itnijc treatment anjl.radical {cure Of-apermalfelrt or sepiinn'l weakness; l&yokintary. emTs-sio ts, sexual debility jiud iliip'C'.i::a-'nJs. to xilhrri: gc 'generally'; ncrvdiisnet-s, consumptioit, fts, mentiil-'hud physical incapacity, resulting frbm SELF-ABUSE—arc fully explained in 'lie MA3iK!AGE (I Ull ’ 11. by -VOUNtI, M. I). This most extraordinary.book should be in he, hands of every'young person cuntcmplat ng -marriage, ’and every man or woman who Ic ,\J?ircs to limit jtho numtiqi 1 of their otlfprmjto their circumstances. Every-pain, disease i tid ache incident al to yotii 6, maturity and old age, is fully explained; eve -y parlicleof knowledge' that should lie known is here.given. It is dull of engravings, lu.fact, it discloses secrets t tat ; c'very one should; know}: si ill ti. is a book t iat | must up, andiiol lie about the horse, jlt will bo sent to any ope ou ihe receipt of I twenty-five Cents in tipcci.e oiyportagC stamps., - Address Dp. YVm. YOUNG, . lit;'.Spruce it., above Fourth, Philadelphia. \ ‘ CS?" rIJJ/icled ond Utfffurtnnau, no matter,w mf may be your disease, [before yon placd%ojur s.clf under the cisve i)f nn\y offhe notari jus CJiiacks—nativlr or foreign—tfhq advent's! in this or any ; other paper, get, a copy of'Dr. Young-’s book, and’rekd it carefully.. It 'ill' be the means of saving you many a dal ar, your health, jand possibly your life. - , Da. Y OUNG can be [consulted on auy of ih» diseases describcd_in| his publication, in. hi; .office, 41C. Spruce Street, above Fourth, Ph la B@>OfficCj hours from 9 to'3, daily. [mai-2( . , l ;> id:6cEAsf 7 iii lonKiM-piAss & piwomiiii MANUFACTORY,; | NOS. 221 EAST TWF.NTA-T.MnuV Mllillj 173 & 175 GRAND STiIEUf AND2IS * ■; CENTRE STREF,; ;estahi.isiiei>!lB3B. - Nl Y.l kstabushki. I*K TIJIS Establishment has beon-in-suceerJli operati<gi fur 21 years,-nnd'is the iarde of the kind La the United Slates. We have! ( ,ha*id 01, maniifact tire, tq order every descriptu of Looking-glass, picture amiVPortrait Frnn c Pliwu and Ornamental [Pier, Wal!, Oval-&Mu tel Glassgtjr-Opiiheiting Cornices; .BaJje it ■ braqket fables,- with Yiarbie Slabs,-‘To 1 Glassos, &cl; Ac., Ac. v ".Mouldings for Picl 1 FrameSftitlengths suitable fortrLuspi.rlati, eUher VrUie'fEcriing, Rosewood; Oak, jjchi Eirdseye,.slahogany ! ’, &e.'■ Our-new mamif [tovy and extensive facilui'os'cu-.tble.us to fu ish ajiy article in our l[ine, as good as the-lit and fas cheap as the cheapest.- - • Dealers are invitecl to call upon us When they visit Now jYork. YVe clftitu to able to supply to. supply them with every a cltfin our line which!licy can ncsslbly purch elsewhere. ,-d' v '■ j t&- Orders by n>iiil Miticn\led to Vv ;prozuptnes'S. Douotfoiil to call when veu V New York. 1 ’ - J Office j- I Van ’.rwm.i; .Vo. 215 Crr.lrt St., X. HORACE V, SIGLER, A vt nl May7—owes GLiDRIOUS NiEWJS! Not from the Army [but '~To\rn /V;j ,'j oj Ben err. , •New Shoo Store.' - - > THE subscriber would resputfully inform the citizens of Beaver’Couijty that, in r d ditioa toliis well selected stock of CLOTHING HATS, CAPS and.GENTLEMENS FUBNIsiI INQ GOODS, ha has lately purchased a wfcll seleclcd^slook,'of BOOTS.a'nd SHOTS of every kind anil variety. My stock is the largo«‘l C,ver brought to the county, and I am determ ined to hell ‘‘cheaper Uian the cheapest" J Mind fhoiiwn of the »,‘Big Hat.” , Sbpt.g.TJS; h N. ATKIN*. ; BEAVER SEMINARY. Tuesday the 3 4.0 f January; ■ 1 565, $55,00 pays for Board and Room. J , R®“For further information sentl for a ca aloguc. Address ' ‘ ... I. •■ s. it. Merger, ' dfetllViA. 1 r • i I.’ . Beaver. Va. j, T .. T 5 ***** »ES* - ' ■' .1 -i John Stewart ■?. , ‘ ■ „ J. W. I)eckor'a Li ;«X «„' James'ltuacaa" .. Rollon , tukeis Si Ejtcsoa' ? .. If,?. N '- **kJ ' Patterson „ J^sC< l !Um.&co .. STm! •** ' i - -5; A.'ftooso wet* :j • *k Wm. Ealtin’a Ex'r Vll ~ I ■.' Alfred Campbell-' ' T “^ r J Jordo,,. . Commonwealth, use .. WasVtn Bail'd. £?•*« John Mullen <, , or J Cole; Charles Thorn. : rf*# , Thomas M’Uughlin P,n' eam Hi ghy * Richard D. Hudson;.. Th/' ' fiarid Scott’s heirs “ ArchT . same ' ■.< j 1 ll «hcri S on hath’p Rawdcn’s h’rs “ JohaT’,/, 11 -' > Beuj. K. Bradfordl u Gon* John Swick , : K Ke .?i Porter." Hugh Wright,, ct al Mary Broavu • ;/ ■. jdal WT- - f ft’fgit ■ [' 1-ATlTiov | BEAVER S g.:.; ‘ ' I* the - Orphans’ Court; i a ,' ■ j !'• ty.pf Bearer, ana stato of p‘ 4; 1,,e c »sa in the matter of the partiti™ „r tata JlithaelS, r Mrc. to wit: N’ov. lyth, Ui’.i, P.u! e ' ?«<i to*. ‘ ■legal representatives of said j ” “*»5 «d : Julia, intermarried ivith W ra - Bn? 1 ?,' 1, intermarried-with Peter AV acn or"i■ : : Vm '>U l aels, nqiv; or late of Si, Vu intermarried with (J'cnr-e Ito.K. f ,r! Eti she wa-j divorced, and-Tifr'’W a man-named qmvcJ,hiHi,_ap.l .Tii W ’ tercstcd—di'on dud e- iP |, „ r V.;„ to he and nppfcar bcW t!le a"*** i| of said|Couvt,-.pn the' firsi y.-.i .T’ . next, to-accept or refuse- ,hi foil U:tiV said deceased, at the va! u ;.i, an inquest duly awarded Vv .-i i“ n po “ | returned by the Sheriff IVW fe**’ |,aml m (be event of nGll _. Ut ; t cause ivby the Ssi.t.es! v . lll Vi.'e f V,? i ; 11 ' # - |,J -*’' V"* f.iiriLiH ' ■VU-..J : 1 of put jaa.l; i-Svl r WasnotiQe. . BEAVER COUNTY g<c . [ I N tbe. Orpbnn,: Court ir. ami * r • JL tyofUewraß.l Si:«is. V«T- f 1 *' before the Ho:iornb!? • lu.lbp limiter uf ih« iM fi'jX f,,./ 1 ‘ Anil. m; tv, i u .v,-;:. >;,,,• jV. 'CCilJjClllO-Wlf: . r. w ,• ;: : ■• resuhny i !>e &ta«.. of !^T'r4/V'" f - KI iZ:I i Jcl !, ilV, . KU \\';^ r Joim A. J'.jvwn J i; “; w i!; :,1;v via have; vi,v, J a .. , , ■ * . ■ Ul ’- - -i *'••? )*J* a *• •. •' , A'' l '- UIULJU.giiW b.aiif, .1 .a. | Itir. Ibfi j. ~o 7 c ves I ted in.l IS --P A RTITICW* TV'tie Urpbmts J,,uri ,t BeaverUu.itv -fi “ ■ 1 In, Uu> matter 1 of .Q t-rtllti... Jto KvX \ • *,«. .WillUi !; I ui v.ti'l'‘oiuii v; To \li<' j|Ancl* legal \>i* «\-cM • l f!_ivitr DaviJ.*rfct, Jamas Price. anil Mitra.iV |;;i’nco, m-; tho fuis'uf MlJif-V."' 'Mary I’i tee. _ residing 'in 'J t( » yiait , ; f ti' \yrk. : and uU - nrbers ‘ inicreslkl iaiiil 'eacji.ofjtgu are beveby. notified dngtusUiaii in .make partition or viJav-..;’ the..,real estate of BaidJoecased, u-iil b-i'-if joa the premises, iii I'rnhkiiutp., Beareri'.-V the 1 of February. IStis, at which tia.i jatiil ]VI ace .you. may attend, ifyoa' ifiinkpro'.-' i 1 ’JOS. LKDLIE, Si'-t' i JStlKßtrr'-t.. OrvriT, ,V , , 15ctivor,jujji-l,'oo. j . , -ive .oi - n:u m 5 i lit" itim.'i- W.HEELEr& i; ¥/!ISON'S i SEWING; MACHINES, i i u moioftsml (zonfi'ieace iu ii:> .is :!. k 'ilfSt ' liViitjJjlii FamtTii .\'T iiof r hi i/.Cv, "e claim' lyr {uliuMrint: advantages ok: ; auyymd' a’il Sewing AU.dip.i.w; . Far crpater variety jof work; beauty ■ iiti-i in*.“ ccllence pf stitch: t*peed and quietnc*? ,of >r lion; simplicity'pf ease i.fuftts lion sink management; elegance of dcs-ita si-i finis!:. It will . ’ .V 7 " "X. Stitch, Ijoiii, Fell. Quilt, Ilitid, .Tuc£> . eFlait, Gather. Cord, dirsid." AH - Without-Atiy previous lusting,.' \lt. works equally \v-ell ojp the tbmnost « thickest Ifabrics, from heavy- beaver or pilot. to the finest cambric.- s.' H. PiEIRSOI jy2o'o4] ■ Sole Agent - 1 : igwy. A Dil t S-lET A ifEO :ck . LETTERS Of administ’ e estate •.pf.,l>.. V.' Wakefij late if A'e»f llrigiit.on, - Reaver i ,:(g- bccu granted to the undersigned, ;.ll:,j-s~:-t;;- in debted to said .estate are request-1 t-'.nsie immediate payment; aml’.hese havtij-ciitai** against-the same will prkcttf-jfr.ct.i'- authenticatcii-Xor settlement..} . . , . -, . JOHN All DELL, Aum'r. jail 2d Ay' t I'Xbl ~n~ IvTTKRS v>f ' u :!: ; “* * Lv :, i c T::.v.ni.'\ 4..:« Ccav-or x p,‘ i’cav.or u vcd.l\:\ vii'£ ’it•.[i to tUc uuJi.-V.-igzu:*l/r.li p.- t*aol 'estate sive reijuc'>iK,>i ; r nul merit..aavi those having claims riK r ’^.’ ! f 4 iii-tftte will present them, ~tbe ipropsrly amtomiettt*! i\a-»c'uien..-:.t -;... ,• •" OUIV.EK Ti:r4xi.% w.j jf. ;,^ e . »’ ■ I , A'l) tflNYs'niAT()lt'.S Nth/«<>-_ EKTTEKS pi adiaiiiifnivUiuiv vu'iY of -ClKoinjsi \V, Ft fj •''■‘ 1l Erighion, lleaver ooumj; dee'd.. granted to the undersigned, aii pe*^ 3 - 1 ® debted estate arc J“^ e immediate payment', and tlio-o Laving against said estate will ita ■ subscriber properly aiuli.emicutt-i J -* 1 tlement. - ; ■ ACiNKW J>t:rFT-Adm r* | Jan IS,’O-3 ‘ - "New ik igbio--, - I s . jVE. . MoCord, Notar.y-Publici , • ■ OFpiCjJ .wild ' ’ Ir- B. B. CHAMBERLIN, ATT’V AT Ay • {Near . lLirsh? 1 '"- a wc ’ ;•, ! - iiAo'ADir.ir.YvA’.H ■-aa°' x ' i BEAVER COUNflf. EA. - ; PROMT attention given 1 to the dra*®?^ - EXEMPTION; PAPERS, and all m»«‘ •• .■connected with ike draft; also - fered, acknowledgments taken. tccJ &?■ i O v [WOOLEN I'ACTOH- THE Undersigned, expects to coam-J this week. Carding, Spinaiifg. Finishing and Dyeing;'also to manats ‘ Flannel, CUth, Cassimeres. ‘ Satinet!? ! Blankets, at my old place 'in Fallstoa. wear and durability, 1 tan warrant .ue g mauufacturid- not to bo surpassed.' r accommodation of those on ‘the cast si the Beaver JllVool,'etc., can bele.fi- at“(s' - 4 in .Pulaski !townsbip I( , : or*John Hoag* l store in N'Efe Bii e h I on. ■ , '>*' ~-mt 1;• ‘ [EPII .<(■ - IiHEM - 11 L :D; fe-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers