/ ei VVill be 'sWi<si4fy ■ o', BirADiifGs;. yiilUD ST,., BEAViiK, PA., E er annum > contribnUons, ‘by; mail, • 6 hflU have prompt attention. QUAY & RUTAN/ Eds. 4 aV' A S^K. E ’°CILU R E' v | bnt !t was - by mil tlie UOR. A. «-• -M *■>%* U,±C |Jj moral power of a great and free nclb -11 OF franklin county r - pie, wfahfaheir free press, (SS ...i, - i-r'w*vi' ~ ' an A educated and required, labor. It ffe publish tins, week tb|e Groat therefore ohmb'with neW duties 4 . fjiccch of Hon.- Alkx’. 'K. MCluuu, its faithful ally. Ffjee speech must be os Joint Kesaju.tion ratifyingiAmend.-: übridged-tfreei neiyspapeis must lie m ,’ut to the Constitution of Iho 'Uni- c M'eum«cribod,, It c'oald.not stand tlio ; vsb sft ■■in the Homo. of Eepr.eseniatives of Christian pepple must aiiAjfa fa power Pennsylvania,' Feb. B, |1865. It is a and permanency. It demanded that powerful and exhaustive argument in Abe mails be subject to its inspection^. Ivor of the adoption c|f : ihW Amend- ‘hatthoy berifledof all thatjaaghttlie i maatorlv renlv to f'w nr C mcnples of freedom, and it wasdone. Kent, ar.d a masterly reply to t. c ar- j oarn £L do4ments,;books not wor gariieots of t-iie opposition. .Colonel’ at the sh'rinevof .slay.ery, were jl’Clube is , thp ablest j debater and taken IroniAho mails by authority of •writer ip tlie’Style,- as Our readers will J aw > and mmirniltod to, the/flames, : ’_jll coucode after 7 reading’thisi Speech;, (est some 'poor* slave ; might learn that >-" ')[r.-Speaker, 1 am.’ constrained. to [bo Godmf thokoppressed ever lived io ' differ- with some of the! gentlemen bear-tho supplications of the lowly • 'my own side |of the House wlfo' have a . lld vindicate justice in J/ia own good snokcD on this subject, i I think/that To. the Democracy it appealed,- iniuatice hasbeen done bur Democrat- and won itsbloitod triumph by which ic ffierds/Knd I rise mjainly [ for the ,n half of the lermpry of the Re-* • pnrposc l of- vindicating] them. Sur- P u - b “° freedom of speech was madba prise h’as Aec-n expressed, by 1 several Granger, and freedom ja fugitive, members 7 in thc courso of this debate," . Dut it was not content; not suprema. - that ncgifaive votes should -bo; cast on fttnusteopo withanenlightebedsonfi- 1 'tbop'emli'ur proposition lb ratify the “leiit/wUh industrial progross.vdth.the "cbnstUulioual'aholilion of slavery.— prosperity of educated lii.bor .contrast* Home of tlie-morc ardent'have- census edpviththo tvitheii'mg desolation'that, ed.in advance those who shall record its fatal (Jread,]and unlesXjt. (lieiroH-h votes against the disenthral, fpaid.invoke" the sacred s Ishield-of the - ment\6f the nation. They do not .Constitution to protect and extend-.iV • merif'ik h is daf.} to tjrciri consist. "" ltfl triumph would be fruitless. It had cm-jt-ilab: to the history of thb Demo- convoked tlio nation in its parting cl-utie orgaiiihation; duo i,o its (earnest; wUMhefroc territoiy north of 36 deg., JipslilityiortfHyoause oj the ; govern- min., when Missouri admitted, merit from ibc- commencement of Ukv a,ld >t" must regain ii .jiT it could not war .until now, that every - member : ‘ I " 1 "C"t |lho predominance of the freb - tvlio nrprosciitsf'it on-‘this/flobr shonjd lt, j wanted tiio virgin terri voteagainst any proposition | striking -'t° r| os, pot to rnako the r ifapom, blit at the vilalityiof huupujj,slavery. <c \: to arrest the tide of free industry an|d •It might npt bo arifa'S tb remind thus q,evolo- thorn to eescilation. It Ihcm.iiiat'fa the, earfei-,< ays of Ure rl-. Ptl ’ugglcs with its; at limes, faltering [iiiblic-f-one iyho was scnii.-whiU e-.rli- •P , --nidi#ra'i.o!.allfas, in cjvcry/possible nciit as a s'.alcsinao, ibid-.for whosc<< > ' v " a Ti •o/bompasS its 'ti’ar-hings-ihey pyeless.th'o profbund- y ab a ffcarlui task Thjs Democratic .ist i-ovorcn.ee,' tells tee country that jmity was wil'ing,uu{ thof-e were time’s, vic- iving<l;ivcily.-artd>i-Es p" -obably stnig- Respite thcprieslof jieaqoi' that the odt glcsii!! the fuluro for Shjrtcmlcy, ho raged Hdntiment-of the iucnplb-hurlid ircm-fclcs- wheri. ho rcrTiiiffljers" that them from power arid. vindicated tlio d-od.-is jiisl. Ale knew j i wbil u L . eanso of liumatiity and. frefcdoiji. But" ‘Viis a fclave master, and foresaw the j't ''"ns’lirolessin its caci gics. cxhnndt rofentlyss ocpr'ts it Would ,c . ts ir ‘ "! ,tH .resdureow; atfddt was übc. paSkp fc niitioiifi/it-y and by defeat, nbr did. it diss .the nUima/.e, violent conflict, fai obedf. P :tlr at the dccasionat fccf>le"perfidy of —cnee to die laws i;f eternal jilstico,, to tts rnajn source of posyci. ;\Viien iis •cradicjwc-it (Vom otpr. cscutt-hooii.— '’ffmc rang but. .along the i Democratic i " s V T tor.t-"Jel|fer&h..fho gieat Democratb !«noB-."with; its. dazzling fp.romjsas , of: I leader of. other • Jay-j,- eauro the Ordi- : si tl organization; • vfpuTd'raili* Sffuueo of Df-r.pr/strieurigidavcry with-■ uv uu'olhcri struggle, arid follow ifa"; limits, K.thor!fniiibiu faster wiilf a devotionnvbrJtliV of trie ■iflpifrtfHfjftaif' mobfest |3f7caq3o3. - 1.- t; ; P f tbfe govermfent ,rc-l It could hbtlivc unlessinatiQualizocl;.! iemcF-hv ) ' J,l r fr , ” nsl ’i' l,(s ! supreme. have V no diversity of the prepondcraucoof power: must havb ’." I' o . '1 f'Atc-.dny.,an<l ov- be Inc linswujviiig ciuuidl of its nowr or: It • nnst slatej lo :>;;<■« stS-55a T dn-iM ; ■ ’ f * f " n -- lls - { .Siweirygdas mlceiiai appetite.. It .faira-red-Wntf ,ijn:i..Kh i .tep'nc moj-c iln-I more dv-l mid Deuioei-acy dcii.vcivdl the ro-izo i .-umg,' Liic tcac-hiiipot the foinidcf-.s ;It dc-inanded that the iow mlfei-Mri ■■v’avof' v? I, ,'? c, ‘--' vLf V ’j 1 ’- a imistfiken j bhoubf Ifelii-uitlulof Slates a $ its iuie£ • - 1 " f l " -Vp.cuit' 11 c.y,c cmr|ixo ipicd Willi jests Andri.MiprAtmcv in- the- S*nnti vlS’db ub a j ms «bt<fi? a ß<l.>n3- Dcinocracy d| yiauuu Ciuilli, hat-O, loijg -.sirtea been.! nommaGnthv the bond-thafc'"- it Lh n „lS l! ; r j ! f Tow-; be ijutil it shojo L...’ ,'i.rf "'■Hc. su-ji-by nlep,.day j equal- trip great Middle States ’ifTlhi •■'■av-Tin , y ° ar , v } ' hriK li ”' t jc Srida,livc tribunal ot Mio nation! b l 1 h T\ ‘-W* it.was .stjii not sulprW" Tht I t Iml hist.ory of tlio idask assigned: the Dcmocrati) i " It- iCi " ■| W!IS not iperfonnud It| must have rale t-'-ehri : ris ,C • yon [.’-° r V -d c: i hn^.Dorroriraey fiiiifillcdAla del • P -' 1 revoking rami and 1 mn-nd- • And when once alt war it m(i J KmV^ns‘the'A 10 !’""?'’ J\ : A L “ ; and its.bidding wal *™robodiou"o iitT’Z- [ f v '}°‘ ic i tbrntory.(sufficient t 6 fhc bhuidishmonis 1 ,Trk hP n W .‘ 1 ‘ n o ' O Ul u l s . coro “fStatcjs. wrest] U--,u sllm V 110 hoi >or3, the oduronnMexico. ■ Still it was not eoh l e : K ? i t ’ s Zt ! Vk IVT • W ’ Cl ! I l ]6 , ouW P ot c- onipete with" th<| : to the TiemSi ff 5 tu . l ’. , ' ocl If ?nd progress of freedpm in thl fit up-ton-itones, and its triumph threaten J lilted" - and ed ,lo durn to, ashes "in its hands, ll , ?L unilllt M’Pealedto the Democracy. The law rtble catalogue lof nmiP'' “ torj i ot . ojvthzcd world-must be revers-l has at - oaiior al woes, and ode, Slavery must be made the rulo-i ■lifamo first Wti . U ,T . d , eel3re, l '' u prnnc in tfir, territories; liaiial riirhl to nucsl the constitiK or it must perish- in tho strmoda. It A free peo- Irirnocl to the rieAly ;w-.tho law IS y i S' bts .Ps d betitipn- ncs abd to the rich soil of the West, | tegrity of the ov.® ll^ ID ~ S R OOn l ° biJ Peopled and potential in the ! 'Ament and it W-i -iVl'' 1 U °' l ’ vGov ' Ge l VJ h ic,. and it must grasp them in k has j a U V uk at A la .vcry. Us fatal embrace,jor surrender the con, ' Sr U,gl:?t , gI :? t St ™ g ; f' Ct f ltmuSt ohrogato the common ' ~n M , U,eco6t of |a "' pf every. Christian .Government! »b«it-th e R om,;ik" d: ■ C °!- d 1,01 w . lt , h '-‘ andc onfront the law ofHim'who croJ ttei -It wt 31^ 1 fa,Ul *' atCd all thin g s f «-do> .From His hand V/ . - bout f° war u P° n camo oo man. no thine another’s Ah!i c l! u^ undat - ion 610n .9.°. f lhe Ac- slave. . T|c territories of the far Weak deckrr?i g h Cat P r,n(:i - pI c 8 of hlOdtniDg! And fragrant as they came, AAt tou ! aod 7 , on l' fathers, from the Creator, were by Hibi deHJ thfi v 0; 2 llts ; It came-to law ok nations so regarded for eenlu7 t: A'! and U 7L. lS o f°7,' DBXil[l - 7 es " P ut slavery doma.n.Hod that by TioMvTth K “ ’ ot ,n hostile array ChoArbitrary organic lawi of man ill ifkideadlv^r 6 - 1,8 - "fAiHed. decliir/ right should bia recognizecl to make a| vo uu . e y ,' nU 11 oa-'ipn- -withered waste wherever fa should Wren Borie«f« - Demoe ,r a ?y with choose to tread, and fa Was done. .• To T Aid"nqaiiiTv , P fc CC, ' U ' n . d b '. d thetn tesl - t il was fanaticism,-treason; dis-i rich, i lh ! batloa bj ’ 'A°* t 0 Batitai o abd extend fa was de-1 f t - t a Ppeal in%ii r^-T pd 1 ;° n V dt - d , id clar . ed i ba bonly; path to'concord and iu. friend -n- not " I,s , ta V oat.oual unity. Its marshalled forces, A had w ll,n f <il ? odr ° nt '[ ndc r the flag, ot Democracy, did their r - loas iF.)oiw ?, rs or lbrc the ani. ( b-oidc ivull. It appealed io the fears I| lk h «'A-,4k '- G . VC, al ’ battery'mf thc timid, u. thi cupidity o/tbc am ll, U A A-libSfao, * c f , ®. wn ? d^ a .s* hjt'on e f the weaky.anJ in the name of Iki 011 " fb'bbcdfa, ® f , bat ifg? 14 * V mOD lVßl . rt \ (ik the deadliest blow-to whicli , !!• 10 -. the , : 'ebebing the very vitals of the Republic. 'bth C ti adc, :S. Gained g dm? 10 iHs L erv 1 It domaDdc d.empire unlimited sayo ?ti ti' Auialof ihn-ii X, ‘r ,- 3 I »y the boundaries of the continent, and •in S rc «t of tbaub' l P - t ' • be of positive law for Stk ox-1 Cust their vntJc t ’ an - Zat, ? n jstc-nca wherever the flag of the free >a^|S 6 lbis ave tllev g n^ ,, ll fl -°^ cd ° ver its owtl dominions.L'But sg: c V ? : UD not but j urolesa as were the efforts of the Do thedT ul ia n‘ slavery lost "'in the race for ‘fer v !? rcst ughts of I P o&B ® ssioQ of the blch/slopes of tha ‘ O »WnT a - Bnoi ibug corlint k r - P o, l Pac,fie - All was done that could bo knd s 'tcceßsiv e trin ,Xi r. i ° Ver dlg l’ osefi . however man proposes, ieu 'A'’-"'! the right JIL ‘. a r ad - the triumph of slavery in the .f t , P ell *-i filexu'-aiv acquisition a crowning] dis vC A O T . *. » .* A- -t. 1 ■ . ; I Vol. -41-3 ST •o*rs.' I 1 a" _X j^i; - J a *; °‘>?* ;:[. r ;.- : "■■'•'' ! t’i 4- ' ■ -1 I 'PK .. , -'r appointment. California was bold at tho do.qr ot Congress with Ihor Eepre flQntativesand Senators for months to giro Slavery and Democracy some pre text tarejpet them; but the power cf; frcedoiq on the Pacific became strong er with each ajt lastThby bowed down and cqnfessed'tbell' dis— comfiture.’j ; ' j 1 I But, disastrous as was the defeat.it was not; dismaj’ed. It still had a will ing and! powerful party at the bead of the Gorerhment, and itstruggled con fidently; defiantly, for supremacy It wrung the Missouri Compromise from lan unwilling people, years before, and triumphed thereby; but it now Blood 'd the way of the iharch of slavery to universal dominion." It was a sacred monument of the solemnly plighted, faith of dUr fathers. For a quarter of a centuryj it had 'stood unassailed by any. one; but it confronted slavery, afid it lUust bp ruthlessly destroyed. l De mocracy was summoned to the tiisk, a [ nd the crhbl work was done. Again, was thojtjanqnility pf the nation wan tenly, pffCKealy broken by the Democ racy in.obedienee tb slavery,fund when; its convulsions threatened I the very, safety of puri institutions, tho'spoiler came again with the seducing cry of peace, by Submission 1 to its wrongs -A What fojfloiweq is but too well remem bered by all.- The revolting scenes \wbich made np the early history of Kansas,[abd the Lecompton infamy, which w'asjmade the : test of? devotion w “"yPeinqbratic Administration, are WiPgjf l equels ,to the cririW that hud on the violation of Ihe-Mis&uti compact... . i ’ Still it wim not content. Tho right .ohp.otitiiujJhhd been restored;! the right 1 to rifle inejj mails had been abrogated, and cr.ligliione'Xnrogrcss was on ev~ cry hand! besetting this monster foe of' lioerty a|itd]law.: ha this extremity it 1 .turned tb the judicial tribunal ot last rpsort p court whercKqiW sat a slar shall and ajStory, and rn the name of Dpinoerith’Hlemanded that its life sbouW liphleclared to dssnh from the Constitution itself, and thauiby virtue of that; sacred ■ instrument jf. could ' R P. re ?d Cs polluting power wEicrbyer it was not expressly interdicted by\mtr nitipal law.] it had but to omraand, ahd it ihis| obeyed. ’'The ;territories Weresurrendered in do-' fiance ot, the accepted law of the civ- ! ted ivcrld, to its desolating tread.— rbc Slatesi were pfqnqa'nced fits bb6- ; dfent sorvaittsnri' the .maintc iktieo of ! juiitbi.iTfy clufine!} as a IreingVwitlioutl rights • .which any one was bound to •inject jThjs was its chief, its final' .triUmp.,).| The year that witnessed its mastery oyer a, free people and their institutions, dated.-ils decline ynd fall; a r.d jno wvjtlui r ejec tid black man pleads, in ii' court Wjioro, lydt ft few \ eftrs hcA\ as dpnied mqnhooj übcossary to maintain the prerogative aof a.suitor. A ( t this demon of discord and relentless fqq of our liberties had ex hausted the uses, of the Dt raocratic party a .party of administrative -power. It had so prostituted a'nd de moralized that'organization! that,it yas impotent to save: slavery from the dpbm ot .subordination, and with it su-! bordiuatijqn Iwas death. It therefore spurned jus. faithful insfrutrient of -tvrpng and r.Cnt it in : twain at Charles ton; It did-not mean..,to sender the union. It was not prepared for the war with which it lias thadbwed the land in niourning. It saw its power ( j®y a J! tln gi a pd it must bo supremo or 1.4 It resolved upqn a final, hxhaust-j ’| ing effort; to prostitute the North ati its feet ’and : ;socure, its perpetual and unquestioned power by -new and wholesale; organic concessions to its ! vitality. .It j therefore thrust out the * major portiop of the Northorb Democ racy, and! reckoning by the history of the past, it confidently,expected to see j friend atpi fojo paralyzed into submis sicn rather tpan brave its vengeance. But the ago bf submission was past, ihe tree North was moused, !and ro-. solved that the right of the majority ! to rule in with tiie laws should be tested. Vainly did its re jected allv the Democracy,'plead tor it in 1860 ' jhpl the'fiat, of th 3 people d ° c ,j r ?-tl4^^l avor ymu B tlienceforth yiejd its pwaf boasfed-, supremacy tb the, majesty bf the laws. ■ It was no unmeaning victory. I It was not achie ■ved to bo basely ■ bartered a way by compromise, in vwhich right should I surrender] tc-[wrong, ‘ Slavery was appalled at thq rotriba ptiqnit ipvited,; bat it did not de spair, It, saw the sbeptra of power depart, bit to scdaco or in- Umidate tho great North from iu set tled purpose to vindicate the laws and the force pf- tpo Government. It saw an educated, and requited in dustry giyo rich fruits in prosperity bnd progressj in thoi Northern States, while its c.wn fair hqraes wore marked by decay. It saw a vast pretender' aheo of pppulaticn, gathering iboat it whoso honestfaims bf life, maio them its implacable foes, [it saw every ele« ramit of greatness with which a bene ficent, God had blessed a free people. It saw sqhool-boiiais at every cross •' road scattering wide-spread edneation —its deadliest antagonist. It aaw the siorrcs of qur churches pointing to hea ven in every community, each,stcadi lydnstilling the gricat. eternal truths which ’sliylry accursed of man and jGod. .It saw fisitig hero from day jto day which in time musticrush it as.the foe of civil" ization, of humanity and pence. It saw its bwjn power wasting ffom to day beneath the; inexorable pro ■' ' ! 1 '1 1 • " I ■fkl-. ,sc idoihg, cVojFj haffe quibhl, logic of evci Uic national^. to o ui\im por i I i elf iiieUUU i oh V,. the! gentleman *rotn Northumberland' nt ' d 3')- didXhpt declare in the columns of his pajipr that the South ern Confederacy wa\an established JacUas he afterwards,did.; Ho bowed to the resistless current'of: patriotism ho waitcckand watch ed |for the period ; when JliVcoilld ,by stealth,- by cowardly inuondXby spe eioUa assaulisiupon itbeladraiciWration of flic government fstriko'morefcUfcet qully at the yery vitals of the Hefoib !. ic i L. Afcd - fi,r > wit;h what matchibsa ty has this cruel task boon -pofv! ; formed. The genljcraan‘"who lust ad-A | dressed ibei House in opposition tpltlio r I has,from tho’timo this war ' I commenced, persistently, condemned j every measure proposed for the vindi : cation of pur national life, Whop slai ■ very unfurled its banner to the breeze, proclaiming .’relentless! 1 war ' upon our own people and'thoir institutions, ho answered -ifo doniands by denying the right of coercion—by; ■ refusing, to the nation rigpt to live. There has h|loly been, an argument emanating/rom: the lead ers of treason in .Richmond that bad not in spirit or in terms beenre-echo- ■' ed by the gentleman from STorthum berlpnd, His own constituents, I, be liovp, declared in publio meeting that, , the Southern Confederacy was estab- ! hshed.■ ■ i : . .a ■ ■ 1 p Ay v • [Vye omit here, tborunningdobato between Mr. M'Clure and Mr. Purdy, the ‘Democratic Eepresentativo from Northumberland, fori want of space.. It dpes pot interrupt this argument of M’Cluro, only drawing him off a few minutes to give Purdy a; terrible caa r tigafion.—Ed.'Ahqcs.J , , V . However disguised by professions of loyalty, the teachings of the gch« Jtleman from Northumberland . (Mr. Purdy) and* his political associates are aimpd to paralyze the power of the government and ' tp'j strengthen the handsof its deadly enemies. Wo are tolditho war was.fruitiessjthAtit could not jbe successful;, and faithful men werp staggered by. [the earnest,, tiro** loss, imigbiy current, of; poison -that, flowedfrora thpDemocratic leaders to make the people their’own abd their country’s foes. L except, as I hayo always done, the masses of all parties! Iromj the terrible imputation of disloy-| alty ito the. Governmenfe They have’ shown-it in every jstagepfthls conflict, they, have defldd their political lead ors ip tho.darkesthqfur ol the, nation’s > an< * rusbed 1 to:llB,rosene; but theyileft behind theba . the qbibbling, craven traitors ivho iwcre too base jtp aeiond their nationality and too cow ar~y assail it mabfuUy.V' ■, d inquire ipiwhbra. wo are in* j for ttle turbulcbco that has plotted pur history in tho varioas sta p9 x 1 6 _ tru gglo for national, exis ,^ Dcc r; Whence caibo disorder, con* 1 ®Haw and riots in out*own free • or | •. ho taughtthcl deluded vie- ; ' gross of intelligence; , da its armor tor its fh dethroned, itresolyed . be woo to the vectors quishod in its lastconl t Agaurit tnrted'ito’i ly ip thoNortb. '* It’-' Northern' IJemficraoy mis, and left it witboul but whali it Jr tb inakel a patipnbow s|ifinV,or accept ?its tbr itagain 'tuinbd tp| lii moots of tbo: Detnoc “■There shall beWUpqi Dembcracy shallbotl ry.” T understands the fearful import [of 1 mean it in-its broadt slavery rcsofvbd updo resort, sbbnld thoNc integrity, it turned to Jtracy and was assured of s; / and tri umph in grappling w very life of the Republic. Hov -tt has been successful, let the ebequK& history of this bloody war, ednfident in the belief, pfwicjted upon p6si tivc pssurance; thatga~.Democfaw cy would paralyae’ tbe Jwtb in tbo attempt to exorcise aliCftaight; that there won]|d bo a j|idWe(Mparty. that, wbnldsustain It withmbfebless fideli ty oven nnto death, antHfca bond is al|out to be fulfilled to 'And wby should. it not'?. Aogbt«j|e would be bijtt hblloqr hypocrisy %jra shamblesa ffljwafdioe. ’"| ’-‘. J ' ‘Slavery reckoned bufrfbb- truly ‘on the power of DombcraqMn this fear ful conflict; When the gdniTpf treason were thundering aga^hstpam' tor, ev cry ruembor of this floor responded, to the call. Of slanpry by vpting agaihsttbo orgaidifetiob of any force to defend tbo’StftWHpr' the unity of; the Republic. !And ! 'fl|thpiSenate. when ou- ‘ '■’ ‘" arm a foi ed[ by t! claiming mint of mind of member son the linin'or i preserve By; their triiih of islativo hi .And af i|h|esß tlie 01 L'' ‘f ■ > , .fe»ssb& E ■*■:[■■ |l?emocrati_«s leadets: tommug* tSs&WwiP* thlT bnt*i« morsel oss ;irra n n v MStST^f S&v2P??^ tf ? 78 ‘ wiich werb S haa K h f® f l“ 1863 2 ' whoa. Wybdauampetillad «h*kS- IfcwH. a tkpy ia W tho bittor cup prepared ■ f fQr; otberB.^Tho rjdfcSla AvocofSlatrorj! and Treason: kut 1 JJbrthom! Pbrdy,) they j rioufod a °!!! Xe ' t of ‘««K the more fen I** 1 ** ,f n the ° f tO tUe Union. alu® 7 ob hehodts of sla- Very.aDd thoy gaje rich fruits whore- WHh to gladden despairing traitors. > , o .', in our oWn Statd have 68 9 ?688 to defeat the strengthening of our armies and pro, th^..Vttr for - fresh , sacrifices of Wood and treasure? Whence has come disorder here ? Not from Alio §??, ny .‘ , 07 P? Q , ator » or Lancaster, or Phvladelphiaj but- from the I sections where Democracy could boalst of its greatest .fiupromejey. f Whefico came eaBon ?. 11 w 4® not inherent w,th the people. They are , fas -loyal now as they wore in 1861. Whe then, by tireless.arts and purauasion, made them strangers to their own best in-, nentance and foes to government and law -f 1 saw bravo men clad in their country’s bine,-{ march from-the bor der when the cannon of Early thun i the Potomac—not (o make >ry of Sheridan, more decisive, 'force the laws and ipresriivb i bur own then, thtchtened •Wealth, - -ji ■■ ■ • treason flaunted its .bloody on th? vory ibordbrl of ’our einocracy,its 1 faitLful ally, Was icg revolution | in tlip; strongs its leaders, to rihpcr the hearts mgth.cn tho anns of those who ' thrust the torch 6f [the bar! 'rid ply the trside of. tiib frep our happy homos, I'andjmafcb ion fields desolate bythair brd- U; v; Thyso rare but -the’ currants: flbfWifi-om-. the deadly; fountain, iad'tOTioursc its way to every in the Jand aridJoava ;; :its.fatal — upon mankind ! '■VEiib gave -■‘tain pf treason life and poW er, to.threaten'a nation’s noble sttrng gle with disaster t Behold the men. 1 who at every stage, of thov=3gardiave resisted everymeasure cssentiaf'to success.. They det-larjdd trerison too mighty for tho Government |to sup press. . They -appealed to thp sordid to arrest staggering, taxesandldebtriy demanding peae ( o, when well they knew that peace'involved dismember merit -anth. death. They plead thpir unholy cause to thb fcflrs of the cow ardly,jand implored i hem to avoid the perils, j ofi tho field : by || resisting con scription, and impair the pbwei of the. Srriraont by. i ,iTh;qy ied the prejudices jjof the bumble, dmipg to the degradation bf-ncf* Quality, arid oven ifnon plumed as pppufhr leaders j seemed ,tp ipar thrit they iwpro so poorly endowed that t|be bOnighteti African might Outstrip them inj the rrico ’of ambitibni They ap pealed to every prejudice or the fee ble, the, venal, thd; faithless, tbarrny ■ them against the .free institutions wlfoae beneficence gave therii -every social,, civil and religibiis right. JJut the people, although attiracs-faltorihg as tbo dark .shadows of disaster en veloped the nation, were still' 'faithful to ttoir Government. . [Like the dis turbed and oscillating! neodip, that pyer settles to the! pole, they would rjisp from the cloud of perfidy that be sot them and give, their hearts and sac rifices to preserve the Republic of out fathers. i .v*. ’ ’j|.' ;■ |, ‘j- -■ ' lonldi Vifcfc-4 rSwgtW: u oatnv iatlyty id? ete l ; JsaiWj : .One hope remained for Democracy and* slavery. ' They turned to - the court,of last- lesort of Penpsylvania, .and, in the name of Democracy, do manded that the only means by; which oor armies could bo filled apd enabled to triumph, should be set apidb asfj an infraction j-pt ~ the sovereignty;! of the State, add; therefore void. Theyfib|)- that the people would bo glad to grasp this pretext to turn upon themselves, their country,theil children and their God. /It was the task of despair, but it waa-performed, and!! the right of this Government to defend its life when treason' Vivas' fastened; upbn; it ; in deadly strife, pe with hooks of triple steel, was gravely denied, byiiheSu §reme Court of Penhsyljfania. j: Then' id treason, the twin-bom of slavery, triumph in our midst, and'fcoinpassed the Judicial^'—the, last refuge of the' people—id its slimy embrace. But, it aroused the people to amightystrugv glo. Impelled by the despotism of treason, which mocked them iti theif perils, to 'the moral ■ heroism /.which I S ever strengthens right iij its midnight: j of .gloom,'they reversed; fhefr cdnft by the, decision of the' BailOt-box, from ■ [ which there is no appeal/ and I thank i a just and merciful God that the!Court, j the State, the/Nation, llvjed; and lived loyally. l [Applause.} | I /This record^f 1 unminglod !wfong And tcacliery.is the historjy of the' par ty whoso j representatives to-day wig cast their votes against tlyj. ratifica tion of the pi oposed amendment to the 'Constitution. 'lt is tbbirj worlr—they .11 L- v.-:j lo^r^y-.J !; •. _ . yrero bo bidden-by slavery (and - they obeyed. Am Incit; right, /sir, in say ,«g4hat they aro consistent ? ddfar from than they solvote I s hould think it ‘strange indeed did they not maintain ithe shade ofvirtue' that! consistency and fidelity may 1 give them.: Slavery,codcoived isjcrime.&nd faithfuljto, its creation; .for more than tcreejquarters Of a to finish, itb when it ffcnrnk for tho lastjtime to behold i its friends in the exercise Tof pqwor, it jw.oajd -be creel, inmost indeed,, for, Vheox to, ?pprri it aniLloaye it to die unmpuVned and dishonored. They oWit'to tho 1 whidh they i wotshlppedi Wheti i if was to^ht£,3^^ til & made hond '*& ‘ secMonal— nntij it sahyerted lhe genius of thegOV-' government and its fnhdametitajilaw ifc plunged j us ihtp _ causeless Wat and brought bereavement tiTevery circle, and now, when fie s wh6 rales over all, in the fullbessj of His time, has declared that “vongenco is mine, I will repay,” and wbonJEfia last relent- > jess stroke is about jto fall upon it—it is fitting in this Lonm in- thisldeath struggle, that they jshbuld bp faithful ,to the institution ■ other days madp them great. fGreat Applause.] iteli g- 1 - 0- !-.3 ~ ConffideratpMothodist church, on Madison Avenue? Baltimofeji wap dedicated Sunday the 29th of Janua ry Rev_ John Chambers, of Phila delphia; and Kev. Henry Sheer, ID. D., officiating on i ■ This church has been bud thy persons' who withdrew from 'the r M. E. church on -of tho anti-slavery jand loyal .position' it assumed. Is ; Rev.i John Cham hors in sympathy with their In dependency or disloyalty ? Dr. Slicer is; said to ho l a Pcac&iDemocrat, ■ dr at best, not rely'-, particular about; the; question' pdbstiiules a:loyal” course.; It rsfalso affirmed this church? is as disloyht to? the M. E.'Chnrelii f’ ~ ’ | \ —The C6mroittcc| of llio TJ.j P. Gen ova! Assembly on the New Version of the' Book of Psalms, have just closed a.scsssion o£| fbujK Ayhiclx ■ , ll . m P Jhey. .jixamined-worsions/of ap: wards of onb •hundred Pdalms. ; [Most of these selectiofta-have, been modified more or dees,. sd as?to meat filler:(tig ‘ RlunyhrfflT Sion.-,. The Cammit|tee eipect to have prepared for<hstnbiitidn fifty of these Psalms, before the riicctingofthoi Gcn- oi’al assembly. The next rrtoeting of the Committee is to; bo held in Xenia? Ohio. • - i ,[ iV 1 =1 ' ! ‘:f 5.,- i . i; • r '• / v' i : ' is stated' by tb,c( rules of tbe /Episcopal Church in the .genior bishop possesses somojoff llio prerogatives; here vhiolii' in/ehtalehes (iegaily constituted office By the' Eisb. HopkiDS^f^crrnon t: becomes president, i Owing Co the pe culiar views of-Bishop,HPpJfins qn the slavery question aud bis ebursc those times/’ his clovaHon to tbis positiaa is, 'not relished 'by ; loyal ehufeliinen. | • " I College, at Mcadvillo, ra ,' under tho-auspiees of the M. E. C.hurch, ha-i received cashbe iefao fions : withima few months amounting tQ ; §50,000. /Ono.young man, made ■opulent by'-the' oil traffic, has just 'gjiv.cn §|sioSO.’ The colfraf au ibori ties BB,OOO in orna mon tingle .-tfqjlege pampas the corns Ing sprihgfani summer/ '• • j —Tbq tobjectof instrumental; music is attontich [ip, the . oUnj'tod ' - Presbyterian Church, ‘judging from, the n imbarof articles which have Appeared iff. 1 the United PreaJiytmanfi recently. . if .thinks [the i ventilation of the ■ question will); do I good, and the result tvill.,Jbuhtlcss bo I a more general and iniclligontacquics | •cenee in the order-which Sie pJroposod I Directory for Worship ■>' —According to smtisticaffi'Bcyhan ism in Brititm, In 1864 2l bishops, other priel||p/jj,133 -churches ana chapels* 58/;!reli|i6®, houses of meft,>2or conjontts; colleges, being an, inCTftuiaAirffco 1850 of Al bishops, church es and Chapels,- 41 fifßgipns houses pf, men,i 148 cpnvepts, andiii Ap{lego. 1 Birk Session’s' ynanmious opinion in favor oflstandihgdnrufg {he singing and: kneelirjg at prayer/in public wprsnip, Was read in the;-dan* nongaleohnrch, Bdiubtrgh, Jon a re cent Sunday. - Bo|h ministers approv j!d-,the change. ' f ’f / ' " —Eecent intolhgcr ‘ ! agcnco slates that a gracious work of revival.exists in the Western Finale' Co%e; Oxford, O. All txio young Radios yrho' wero uncon verted, save one; have professed faith in Christ. . .1 ■ i ,: v ;. -’-The foundation of & Catholic ca thtadralhas recently bpou laid at-Can ton, Chirm. The cathedral is'.Urbe erected at the expense, of the- French emporior: ’ , j.,.. J i 'I 1 .;; ~.v| ..j... —lC'itvar estimated : in 1861 tiia’t 200,000 persons of adult years,hi Maryir land, were .reached by., the ministry, out of a population of-700,0o0.! j ; —According! to Macedonian, the .schedule of appropriatioh-byithe tjn ion for the.Hustcnance.pf sions for tbo year^cr.diny « wftLtU*t: .1665, inclutii foots-upi in , rnnhd 4tri lifiy jd hon sn nd; d oIM pjp*,_ ■m- ISM 'm X ; r; : la: ! I'?:--? - . .J iyi - “I®*** each subsequent insorlien w cents. A ÜbtoptiisaoSLt-nradeio yearly As' -vce equal ta fwityi lines. 0 f thia'ty pe T ~' . squaie^' • Op * •r , :C\.jA.fi'pt , l. j Bpcaiql notlde»26 p»l««it;s4fia|fi^ 0 J^j[' 1 ul<rrales. .- '•; .-U.■■'?.!■ ■ j Business cards, 75 cents a line, per, ycar. i' .. 1 ; Manriagea and Dcati a; VL'^i^oiii . ahdotber Notices of A ’ - N -- - • • i. .• >.!-•■> ncraavii, .tJJTiB.v.V. i'lj j-- ■■' Throat iu ; -JePhaps borne'b#. pprnao ,onr colum namayffebbHpcs; i imes' . . \yhpb- they have. commencpd goring- ; worfewith tbeir'feams io.gopd co^’di-; V tiofc, andwith as inpcli plowing; and" 4 1 hauling io 'do at. tliey.bofild 5 pteiTbly ?-f. ■ good ’seasons Aftefiget-.' > i IWperbaps,i half TCa^biougbjaSlip.,^ jdipJH. t.~- cough’, shortly-followed c wlU»a“vciy"f >o bbro throat, imh a - 5 n|ffraB:fnj'trtthe boso^ria 3 Bn. , Wo>i^B6 , ‘' opccughi/Hb \yo«id drink jwith, diffl-.-/. quantity ofipacas witb it: 1 - Ipso his appbtite;; also his ,J > or tporu be entireiyum-' fit for labori In a lew .thftj f throat would become ijttuch.swpJlen, . and break and'{ discharge outwardly. * Ifi great care is not ozedcised-to Irceb tub ,sick and wellaoijpaUseparated,... it {will go throughout the whole stibp.L i Iff a'vvell horse .is put In' a Stall' whbro' - vl a .Sick one has stood, he ‘will Habib V; to{ take it, although a“. conSiderabie • Jtime after thedrsease has passed pway, . Unless disinfectants. haypbeep-frp6|y used. A thorough whilewasbihg.wilfe i As soon as tbui symptbiilS appear, igiyo: a heaped tablespoonfab of com-;. mpn salt;twice a day.. Lot an assist* . apt open the animal’s month,and "w tli' Ajwooden 'epopri orpaddle laly thd'^ft 5 -; well back on’the tongue,! and hewilf •’ bpj obliged to swallow itS. CouwVae.v this treatment until beia.betfbr, ..AtV tef learning! this remedy' Ilbarf’'bu.t,i one opportunity to tiy 1 commdmratcd it-- to {my Brother, who kept eonio piic Ur i pight horses bn his farm; and ho told j nap, about ten ycars,afteiji thot ,lie hadj had the distemper’ among; h(s'jidfSaa" ’.seypral:times, bit 1 by .treating--it 1 in’ - ;tUis way it was sd light ('that hdcob-i siduredj it of. but little disadvantage-; ft«f worked Lis horsed m^dciiat«il(fallt!;: ! jhc timje, a|ui- they lost. littlo ITosU.. ■ : I have not proved' ibis’ j myself,;,, the above testimony is rella^ 11 hie,'and I offer th' ’ sdv laS l it is, in confiilep ; chanijei'. / "’I wpoas »v:• ! ■ Lr-i ■ r vsii ill r ■ 1 Wh.cn the enpw. haa fiAtirdv i that thcdeaves of last yearsT afeobpsjs->~"~’ ited in much larger, iifasejes than-ci-uid ;.■ •on!- aecpunt. of ijb.e-■ heal ;Iy,! ( t*ppsian.t- ’■ piesonco of snow tile : I of win ter, .which.prbVen ted the m 1 r oiif, being; scattered' over wice spaces!—i They :will thus lie rgadilyhfoU.ealod for transportations to the. 4tubks; peii.v : {.. ■ - and barn-yards, and no .firmer should p allow; any-upon Liii to rot '! anywiierecl.se. - Straw eelTssO-higM iii ; the market as a strong induce tnebtto secure every! cart LO;klh pf *: L leaves front iueCwbooa’that 5? posable. •; When they diij in, compact bodes, a wopdcnjfork,aiich as th'-bsli- - V ing, is the handier tolohd with, :huß • \. ■ where? theyl> are to bo gathered up _ i in heaps, there is notiuug ;bettor lUau ; , thecommon wooden rako[ j.j ■! )■ ' '' i■' ' i _ "• iLi-’ -'. 1' ■ i -i J - 1 ' ■ r ' ,r ■ Grape Pruning v■ ; This should hbw'jio attended -to. ,M a- j ny persons seriously inju’rhtheir vines - 1 by injudicious pruning. WJieu the •• C business is n,bt utmetaYbod, it is . , ? better to employ an experienced • | !r son to attend to it d bring one Season,,! J 1 from whom the method can .bo -easily i ; '|'. learned. It ia boltor thaV.tbevcry, ro! bnsfvariotiea, like theConcor'd /I) i a na, • L etc ’ should not;-bff closely: 'pruned; j while tbo slower growers,like the Del- , aware, Bebpcca' ; >tc. . should; bo cut -f : into much more beyoroly, as they.bdati’ -d" thebulkoftheir frnit near the ground. I 1:-, Choosing V;*” ; ;Aa. a general rule" the ■ the eyia ! the' better the ' potato, as when j they are to full tin the eye they are-' an inferior quality or are run-' Y To ascertain if they are , v ,■ sound,■■nipapiece from, the thickest I ? end with your fipger bail. ,Ji g00d.,, i the inside will either ’ bo^awhite, v ‘ yellow or rediih hiie,according to the sort an d quntlity; if/ oh the contrary, • *— they are spotted, they areb&d or get ting sb; but, though this part may bo < : slightly touchod. by cutting aliUlcqff \ the outside they may prove, fitj for i : boiling. : •• j - *, /'-'T— ! To Farmers i A company orgabizin £ lor the pur pose of mapnfacturing.. paper icoin ' qorri husks a,nd tiqtii.as to the ambijhtWf Ihesearilfelbs tbatcan Do delivered afi railroad sta- -* lions nn.d steamboat landing, packed A"r': in '■'■■{J ; I and April; x a»a the price'; petv.ttiji.n- ■■■'•' .’t Letters bn; the 'suycet ’ddai ; i .'■ ■ this office imtncdiately. -witfl: Bejj-jcrf—j A. warded to the proper parties. ■ 'Hero T is an oppOiUunityibr farmers ,to findja profitable ro ark'ets for,' articles' hereto,, fore of comparatively ’little ‘Valne;^ GinCinnati Gazette : ;U *’ : ' , - ’ ‘ 1 ■- 7 Insects To keep the ih'sebts from frbit trccis dip old cloths iu c-oii I*-" 1 *-" -Ad tid'them around the-. ■ ' • >:i>. aro”- " ; ■' j ’'■ ’ MEM MEM ME i; 'a MCI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers