The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, December 21, 1864, Image 1

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    • ... ... 1 :Ti-; ■Mi.... :■. K - -r - i ■: , v v '-tnv
' ;• •"’'l!.---/-. V'. ',/ .-/ ~' Ify fc;»
ll ~Tf ’“'* i|i '' • -.. ■■'
ok, ‘v- ' I ,«(tB:.»,his 1 uttered pop i'afe*?- ■s'
•immeu &; 1 1; alivoe^tisib
',, tagijjja guei $. bis iotooli >t»,
’one oh deiv ;, jo>l,to p..i o death Inj wpi
• ail of the - u ' nef >\Sip 7|ng„tbo &mJ ;
to ; their : j- i]y v jl bei.weei -I is ,fingcf 'j id
ke the; StaVligi. «m AWfled ih ibpdy row ij*
t low 1 Bie;rOm«ntiv to: it fell to tlie n!
W; Jdurself ia ii n* '» : ed fremiti o bead, fchi hi
* Young AmeAla>. «k*l. . ' T
‘ a (id ibc revtfanf' bloc. you dpi g
f face and ! form> Not.. somewbi&ii «i
'd. Our LiUle Starltglit: v. I saw.a* »jh
bxtrethelyrsAbU ; fo. ; ijif.hp; f®H<M»,t!l rp\
'bich ;m?ghV’baVe been .flftet, head without «a>
bavebadadatoldT6ckdnfr'on||«d up lbs]bpdy,.andb tij t J
'aok as* ’ the aci’ttf' spades* a $»W£ from
> of ipides ii. excesfllveH jjndged that If was life .ut
'v. a ' ■ .‘ v ~ ••* v fpflmy breakfast. ;t| ,j."
>a froti ! yii}o -bfi, .be •■•BjVjfeJl, tli«t Igci
Yarn's/anjbng us£w< and Ilaughl g i
He wW»'soril toitbe Majpr. S ? ; ■
and probably ..“lireall kn
tbevieinity of iplj’l | “Ail ikf if
ornjftg aft'ef and Nvhtet fat fa.
id in -oal l *|b:
mp in d l M c 1
.quiok the. entiu >l|i
ftaw] ‘..J'Wbet <oi| ri
'<ix| jTbo liti -pi =a'
eivo gUn- in
1 icclibn, J.ii >ai
hq BUI
’ iST
lt.ll h:
THERE ARE two ways to uve
fb»rc arc two ways to .lire on! earth—
ways to judge —to act—pto liew;
V y or things here hare dtraUle hirth—
A right and wrong—a false and true t
55,5 Ne ttie home where kindness seeks
To stake that sweet which seemeth small;
Where every lip in fondness speaks, .
=■ knd every mind hath carefor all, .
Whose iamstca lire far glaa exchange ;
. of pleasure. free from vain ' expense; ,
Whose tho’ishcyong their means ne’er range,
Sor give offense! ... ,7 !
in n neighbor’s fortune find
'■ Xo wish—no impulse—to complaiu;
VTho fejl not— never felt—the mind
fo envy yet another’s gain!
tTho dre»ms not. of the mocking, tide ,
Ambition's toiled endeavor meets—:
Tke hitter pang of wounded pride,’ ’ -
. Hor fallen power that shuns the streets.
'■ Thonghfste deny itsglitteringstore,
‘lore’s wesfth is still the wealth to choose;
for all list caD purchase more
Arc goods, it is no loss to lose ! ' .
Some beings, whereso’er they go.
Find naught to please, or’to exalt —t
Their; constant study put to shots’ '
‘ Perpetual modes of finding fault.
While others,, in the ceaseless round ■ .
Of daily wants and daily care,
Con yet cull flowers from colnmon g^und,,
And (trice enjoy the joy they
(ih! happy they who, haypy
iVho,-IfeMiny, still are blest!
Who something spare for dthora’ sake,
■ And strive, in all things, for the best 1 -
That leading article' of mine—
-1 made the printers double-lead it—
-1 I see it’ copied, ‘every line, ; -
And not a v»P er gives .m^ credit 1 S
My ■wisdom, ringleted with fjrit.
Without 30 much as an iota , ’
0/credit, ’s copied every big, . V ,
. jAkdrfui. from Maine to Minnesota.^
- -... , - ...~uv,.
I hut piiriotic little poem.-tdo; ’ ■-
That lit.rle squib, that fantjy,locai^:
' That -’•pW” I managed fo put through; ,
Tj.'it concert dust rumen tal—vocal; . - ■
Tbjt spicy thing onthe‘police-i—■
Five hundred thousand
For here it’s copied piece bj^pipce— i, A, ’
And nut a paper gives mh credit
Fes, here are nil my odds and hndsJ
' All copied round as thick as berries. _
I've heard of ‘;Siive me 1 from friends;”
Save Jrh from ray “cofcmporinesi” -
Without fire minutes'time to rpst, .
—J clip, I cat, I paste, |I edit. i' i l l
• I'm copied Morth, South!, iiast and West!.
And noth paper gives mo credit J i
’Tip hard en nigh, as you’ll admit, i * ■
To be .filched out of one’s despatches; i
lour private “apcciiils”, made to fit
With what a sister journal hatches.
The news is copied far and wide)
; And when lomohimdred times you’ve readit,
to your honest pride, ■ ■
To find it at journal’s given credit !i
’Letter 1
om South. Carolina.
Largaret JS. Slontz, wife of
Slontz.'both formerly of tliis ;
is written .a very interests
o a friend in this place, de-
[»rs. A
Key John
Wittily, h;
ipj letter^
'faheif .voy&go from .Now
to 3eauiort, South Carolina.—
and li st husband are entering up
■on a y er }’ important work, asilviU be
,MD from the letter. While hoping
have the opportunity of laying be
r 6 our readers their future letters,
bid them God spSed.]
Beaufort„S. C., Nov. 2^tb,”di.
Pe.iaJ- —We have pretty cold
rather here, just now* ice half an inch,
|ck this moruing. 'Still,. strpnge to
. ! We i'pvff-un abundance of roses,
Ufa a good prospect of flowers in.the
in , ' "[intor. Tlib yards hero are
,J' l' protected by \ rows of ever
’>,ei) t,rc< -‘ 3 i iihd these
Vlowuc shrubbery; from the cold
‘ *• f can’t yatmuch
,’ a i 'ih eao aD ds,| or . theirlnhubi
. ij°pe to do so in .my next.
.. now] that the whole of
• “? s are D carly abandoned’by
iow i 1 ! g , l^ a - whiw are
Xhiuiuirt P°§c 8 «*on of the colored
■be nfii,.”’ 01 ee( i'men, governed by
;il Pi; oh u rv These color
!r*tuiled hl xb , lbn ' the degradation
ions arid/ .* aver y ; Their conetito*
ieem io k/ 11118 are broken, and they
They , Vei 7 de Pehdent people.
- b° . more P^irAfr'J
-'id bnt ijnu 8 !5 the Border States,J
>"m; mn t V ® t f <n , ova<l ab °ro heathen
'b'ake vheW -Vf * t^ fc Vho"wafrtwill
soldiers ~if fr ?V The y loofeootlj*
as tfis;r
»»ther a Voyj^*
• .• V - v* , ... •
oat, excjpt thatlall'! onr party but
myself werev 'while out r 'at:
sea, hat would recover immediately'on
entering the bays. , Cocsequently, I
spent lirm chpfmy liirio alhhe ondeck;’
for part if the time nearly ail 6f the
passengers Were confined to their
herths.,,., sea'aiciinesa is like the;
tooth-ache; in that it calls up hot flaw l
sympathisers. It was ratber*amosing.
to hefdtibe polite stewardess, v£hen
she wbuldi.carfy the ladies-a cup.of
warm tea, 4ell how mtch better they
would bcj for'this. . "
We left Na<v York in the Steam
ship FulUttiy Nov. 6th, ai.lo, am.—
Wo moved pal of the . harbor and
down the! bay flmoothljpj but soon af
ter,getting out to sea.We struck what
sailors call! “tapped graves." 1 These
gave a
the. ship! which - caused '’the' sea-sick
ntas.; Mondiy morning at "day break
we passed off Cape May and Delaware
Breakwater.. 1 went oh deck tosee
the sun rise. It arose clear, but in a
lew minutes was obscured .by‘clouds.
There was al the timela strong head
wind, which continued! all day.- At 5
p. m., head-lights on Capes Henry and
Charles are pointed but. One boor
later, and we [are passing rmoothlj*
up Chesapeaka-Bay to Portress Mon-
There anchor is cast, and we remainJ
tUI day break Tuesday. morning. I
.heard the anchor raisiilgand hastened '
On duck, but ‘eodld 1 distinguish
khe outlines of. the 'Fort. The air'
being warm and'pleasant, I concluded
to walk on deek and see thesnn rise.-
it was a grand’sight, and at first re
minded mo ot prairie scenes; but very
soon changed, so that the whole cast
ear horizon,- extending moie than half
way to (bezenith, looked like one vast,
polished mirror. Soon the.ocean also;
was another sea of light', and the
waves 'that bounded tbs horizon : ap-.
peared to. take ah individual existence, j
and there looked, like vast purple j
cups; a,t other.times they were trans
lucent—of a greenish color tinted, with
blue. : By thiij time we were fully ai
sea, and after the smooth .ride-in the
■ bay, we felt very sensibly the swell of
the ocean, which increased till after
. wo louuded Hatteras; then it appear
ed to be the same till wo reached
Port Eoyal'.Bay This mornirg wo
passod'.through a s.chool of Purposes,-
'of Sea E-hogs. It extended off to the
; least four mites; There
were thousands of them; they were
from four, to six feet feet longhand
garaboling, bf .lamhe-in
on‘ i warm'Bpfihg day. Sobtfafter I
saw a' captured blpckade-ra finer; the
■ captors wpre making to the noftfaitow.
ing their prize. A strong. beadrwtnd
1 Was blowing, and jwe w.ere nearly all
night ill sight 1 of light on Hattaras.—
Wednesday .morning, quite out ,of
sight of landi; Tt was cloudy and' fog :
gy. . I went bn deck very early. tTde
•’Lookout’’ observed a strange vessel,
and soon'decided it' was a Privateer
The Captain sent an order, for all the
ladies to rise and dress immediately,
and everything Wasvmado ready for
defence—guns uncovered, and every
man to Lis post in less time than I
dan, write this;! when suddenly! our
strange visitor ceased bo wing-' toward
us ! and turned to pay her compliments j
elsewhere. ! The Captain, I under- 1
stood, did not think ho Would be jnSs!
lifiable in pursuing her, as he bad so
many passengers on bpard—non-com
bat ants-—ladies children—and be
kept oWn.iconrse. Thursday ’,
the Blockading Fleet
off Cha#iqolon.,' Couldn’t even see the
pullinefoff Sumter, because of fog.; -In
Elbe evening! we were iri sight of, HU
top Head'. '{Passed into Port Royal
Harbor by thejsouth channel, and cast
apebor p. j ip. We remained all
night onithe ship. Friiiay morning
we Whitt' bn sh ore, got break fast and
toporpdtf ! ourselves to the Military
Authorities. ; We took the oath of at-'
legiancc; obtained passes, and left on
the steamer Syfpft for Beaufort,where j
we arfived al jp. m. 1 ,!
‘ A friend met. jus at the boat,.and
took ns to histiomo, where we found
things more comfortable than we had
even . dare hope. We • remain
ed in Beaufort till the lothj
when we came out to Dr. Randolph’s
plantation, wbjere we will perhaps .es
tablish. a' Mission Station; but we are
pot* yet fully decided on this point.- 1 —
We are all quite well.
. Mr. Slentz and the teachers went to
Beaufort .this morning, to return tbs
morrow—aiid I am sitting alone in:
one of the larie/roomsj of a planta
tion mansion, . The colored people*
have been calling on me all day r and I
tried to explaifi Thanksgiving Day to
them, and read pprtions of Scripture
that I thought | Would inatruetthem;
and now to-hight| as 1 write you, they
have met in two! gangs ani'are bold-;
ing prayer-meetings, and every few
minutes! heapthe sound of their voi
ces as-they sing in their wirdj pliiin
tive stylp. ! In my next I will try and
dcscribe|these people as found here.
Will bmglad to hearfrom our friends
in Beaver,' Or from, the friend* of the
Freodmen’s and Will try to
answer any Questions proposed -fjt
spooling this. Work. *'■ 'J. .V'
; kind Wsgar4s to all, and hop
ing to hear from you soon, I retnain
Yours, &0., jMABokaET E-Slxntz.
,Addres§lh|!warp of j>r. Randolph,
BcaUjfoft,' Sohth Carblina,. I
dream; f,f
bjra blae-ej’edi Pori, -aiKl mwafearaad
fiodji stovepipe lyitfjjNwwßte
yStefi^ck—is rather ttßpleasm^Jr-H
. ’ j‘v ; i • :'■ ■ t ■
1 It'wip soon after'the df Aoi
ierf ibVe f WildeVnessbattlek
liprS pg'^atLittlS Starlight madehij
dc»i appearance atnohg o|V, i'/ ?
V 'No V fiacre ydu any idea if ho Idtth
otaVligb’t want," v Very' probably"Trpr
l|ie;rdmintrchame;yba picfape'hiip' V.
yduiTwl£|ia n 'p&tty btfy~a J boaaod6b||
Ywing X mem aj w iUi cl patWi fHgca r ls| |
ajrid the revOVni", bl pom I lig ; .precbc} w i
face and Yp'rai.- 1 Nothing’ pf'ibei
bind. Our LiUle SUrltglitywaa
gro orictjih, ’JbitCretimiy;'
age—;which might'haVei baed."fifteen;
could webavehad a date |
'-—andaablack as'lbe aci'of r epados’
■when the ace ofbpUdesiX hxceaaiveH
black antishinyf 5 { V !
t Where bp ‘M- ’-M
never!exactly Jt’eeV, ‘Ha wW aij sort
of a maipaUrie' Yopsy, and .probably
in 'the'vicinity of
our bivouac. On; the _ morning aftel
the battlb he had been found in 6ub
hues, 'strjutting about t£p .chnr.p :in 'a
very nonchalant, way, : jvitlv a .quick
observing eye for : every||liing‘ He 6aw|
His appearance was comical in lhecx|
trcine. jtJpon his ebori bead, and'en«l
ticely concealing his crisp'd Wool, waa|
jaiintily placed a span npw artillery}
cap, which he had probablypickcdupl
from t!he] field.. He had fastened tp|
ilio right shoulder of his ragged coat|
swallow tailed’ blue o?|unknowrl
anliqiiitjU-an immense epaulet, prob4i
ably plundered from fbo baggage of
some rebel officorj while a|Bilketi sash|
of flaring crimson was tWined round
his waisqin.a manner atjjWb striking
1 l
at,id luirbpiric. with a tong 'end thatS
it'ii 1 ted behind like giudy.tail o| 1
some v - a negated bird. His tfowsers' <
—-we \vi\j akfp\lV ein ; : ' lot i| - suffice id i
say that (they were unmentionables td *
the last degree. \ ’* 'f ( 1 J
JSo ; ohi!?could tel I flow the little: fel4 '*
low gut i ilo the ciimpi'and'he would’ufi >
tell him telf. The pickets and Sen- 5
tries swore prodigiously that he had. f
not.passed them. So wb\vere c'om- .!
pelted to let the'mjslery. of .his ap- i
poafadee remain unsolved.' ' J
It Was shortly after sunrise 'when |
the cijirporal of theguard brought him j
before mr,. with ! - V j
j ' ‘‘Here’ i, a prisoner, or | contraband, I
of something of the kind, chaplain. I -■!
I just picked him up, aqd i don’t kuow ! 1
j lyhal to c p with him." 1 | j
irrtWdiav dysal down bna stump aria J
proceeded to ■ investigate* Captain J
Allen can eplong at the samo .
presently the \ilajor also dropped inf j
So we for ped ourselves into an in&yit £
mal court martial around the object of .
ouri the view of hav- ,
ing sonio amusement for the hungry ,
half boufj that wo'uld elansO ’ before •
breakfast The “brass”:of' |
■ surprising, for , he /ne never changed ,
countenanceduring the whole, ot,this ,
i ceremony, which wtf .mode .as impos,-, ,
jng as wo could .by word and- look*
[AJI bycs’. were luriiod ou Dje czpoptr '!
anMylso I opened, the proceedings. ' ,
| “What is your name, my hoy?” _ r
1 “Duii’n i, mass'r. ’Sp,ect| isfchfgpt
nonp”j!wsii the repfy.
a eparkli eg grin of ex :
breadth, as though his
condition was a matter-of
satiffaetitin. • ~ 7 ■
L “Oh, Vdu must have somb name, ,, |ll
said. ; “\yhat;did they ‘ call ybi£ Ist
Liiomej’!' p i\ ..i I:
: “I all'ers cam* wiouttalHnk But
when jit ijhiuned along kinder slow,
sometimes doe’dsingbot, ‘Nigl’-Horae
timo (“Little .den . ggin,
‘Hyae, you d— d Nig!’ I’ll bet doy did, j
mass’r? -yah! yahlTeb a awful *u9»,l
is!’’ he continued, svnngiug.his arms
gldef'jjllyabout and-shnSl'Og hip, hare
Feet as if contemplating!* breakdown.
' “SileiicjeJ” -roared the Major,- who
acted! as presiding officer, ; at tho same
time knitting his brows' tdriously. to,
cone,pah the - laughter - whigb' ialteokt.
choked him; : -i‘Bileoce, or I wdU
mit ylomfer contempt*?'
mon eom|this inju notiefe-tbe d
low remained silent,
hiia o(p, stroking Hi*
a serious) manner, wiuclT WM
comical ihan hismirth. f&t
,i Wjell, j; my triend,” I resided,
“[where dp-you come
■ “No whar of late, mass’J. ’Psebeon
slcepin’ batiecen’ly. You sec l’sota
awful] cu-b, I it.’ Yah ! yah 1 i’se—
“Silencp Squared, the judged | V
“Sairtin, eartio, mass’r. ’.Yaml
yah!’! V : ■'-V^p
‘• Who do you belong to,” I returned.
“Yah! yah! I ain't got none. : Yod
geo.he’s gwine away, he W’ ;.,y
“Bfit jwhat was ; your- master’s
name?” ■ : - • ! 4' ;v ’
. ‘iCr \4l Bill -" i i, i: V.: i ■
jqnn*.. Billy/* .
' “Billy jnrhai?” .->■ .
- “Di ii’iio. . Youseedia chicbenwera
leUbtlhfo’ wid old missaa an' de gala,
wile Mads’r Billy -twine,.to da
way sop to Richroon. An' yer aee,de
old' tnjrtsqs she dan gib dis nig ft lick*
climbs injlef debarn, Steals all de’pig
eons, kn’jciars de track forbid Virgil
fry. Yatj yah I Fee ft'' awfat 1 eyas,
;lar. , f -f i>. - ; V..’ -J--
• nU ! ; Whftt didyoH. r ’dowi(
[the pigephs ?2 »Tafck«di •my cantos*
ty carryink jnmftjtoiy tie ‘ a
‘ “
*!pL:bs prfpem ; b«’ shore, mas#
Bey’se bdlly fbdder,n iceida n dehai
;■ 3’M ■ ' 1 " ■"
!do not.
Bide Be ft
)h ali eta
iastic repi
in you at
;! o follow ■*.
« all around
s if Be could
*; under ll
i ;zlod/upou
up oufoet
; h Lis ejM*.
i urn which,
Y ort: distance
ielight te r
bought the
,i or, the' at!
kP throwing,
b lure of prid
II a- witu the ,J
fk master.
cr «d Cl
,1 o matt wo w
arum for pit
nihg tp mh : {
1 os pi lai day
i re. have bad,-
merely j a
hand for t
client idcara
ijor also, agj
id infinite! %i
i second dtQti
;h New Infar
o—bjr which
>wn tunoii£:
gesiioo pfjro
eding Uxel Jei
re” ; . " z \'
y. "No oSi
too much
. himself tb
then ' prcse:
ii(prm,ot v
i as a ydun
tail... . ■'
larlighl w;
f 1 should ij
•half of bis
\ “thesuß
tho anfin ihed taitf.”
>rgot oiil 6
vet oices! ively hung
derfei mbj rasofjiront
ed wiitipi ta munriui
fatigpbjtn: inches whic
moa,t the ital warj, fra
Veterans, md would,
execute \ iib gas to.
downs, J n Crows,-
Jor the di rbrsion of
sever aaw
aoderlfir^ ; and)! eei
hottest.Bo -tad al
talniug ti uphies on i
and cirri Wjndany
tpji nj>o't t. hji peri
'"j ulkiog ari
fence ho v ar.seen to
png 1 range,
lejsV the bast o<
| ■S’tm.J. f ue,'he Ihad
i grave bpi s f ’Ho yrk
thief,’£u<3 ; in f ippiil
imppizlog .totkffy f«
!Jji;nv o| th j gravity i
isVp.ipecl t i consider j
■deprared nod 'was,.
|pHl<?illy ’ ohiplacentl
Mrwj tdmshiidfa
j®sp;a,aV fvil eusa. nj
rch as X *
|nfc of|b(| ,dib tbpa j
tr oft the
I which jnc Hl h&veM:
1 'L > I «V# * • a t
>r>g up; with ijm. f
wrongpd|and imfpi
sides, the material■
1 i°g were.
pot 180 iniach ’to stbi
arid 'w heh an y oc o
paosb Mw-
hrtlcte;U]|£ Was'rq’al
4-pd ; itpeemed gette
hjs'viiftuesmorb th
his J ioihlt|j Por hie
a woanc
pararioe ra itwos a
(rfW’fdlleh foe. :
at redeemed fair
‘unfei whri
io£. the bird
iin till
mploteljr tWiit
renjuinod' in
i;®’ .ftw&M .** W- ww».
a my bonis; It*Tl coihe
I, knowa'i’ 1 )!'. be
i'^Y^weiBp ; “Tile
: PrcBident>r Proclamation “ has made
!ydd so; You have nothibg.tofearV’
n ’“X* 8 ’ *° mais’r, he replied. '-Ha
Presidon'r |iq am ajiijce man, he . am.
® u ?^ d J oesn ' t .f eel >t in deAone* yit: 1 1
ncbbcr wijl tiU J- git on him, yip i
know. JisTlemme git on to him' only
dnce.r'; ;•■■-•'■ -■•*'
;' ’.| : ' "■ ■'
‘o',% 010 Man—Corine] Billy.
!•“ ¥
Woad notkill your old
master?’';: - ■•■■ x ■'if •-.'‘’)
S$$ r 'W
/sUrliftbt',i began |to fumble
’SH/ h |»YPnWh|u a niaiher
*?®* bat conciliatory.
chicken,” be continaed.
“I keepsohde look bhi in ebery figh t.
I:seod him Hek ray 010 madder till de
blood flewl! Mis’ lemmo on: to him,
#riaBs'r,: anld you’ll see do blood fly
yonrsfe’f Yah! yah! \l’bo a lawful
cuss: I h.” I -; : i- ■-
i Upon a briefer acqaai n lance with
Starlight l ibould havo smiled at the
serio-comit? Warmer -in. which" these
sonli incuts were ehiinciateil; bat, as, it
was, I shaddeo d at the; intensity cf
passion which larked in his tones.
- And tli rough ail tt ose .terrible hat»
Ups, and rapid ranches, and j counter
idircbos, ■ with, which General Grant
tWiified and confused the ribel foe,
frbm tholßupidan tir tho walls|of Rich,
Li ttlolStarlight. conducted him
self with 'sterling credit; winning'gold
on opinions frotnj all, 1 and upon!-one oc
casion a hearty (hand shake from the ,
General of oir division, . ,
: It was, however, at the seve re skir r
on'ouriloftijiimmediatofy follow
ing-our general repulse from t lie rebel
wiMdis, and shortly before the transfer
bf oar army to ihp south hank 1 ! of llio
James, that Ihp part which Starlight!
played in the gWat drama was to as* ,
bume a truly tragic phase. ,i/ , ’
/, The enemy’s skirmishers and ours. ,
were hotly engaged, and the tight bade ,
fair to be bloody, if : brief. 1 was im- ]
mediatelyMn ithe rear of a portion of
our regimentj which was ia,reserve, i
huay tbQ,whanded;.and 9tarligUt ,
~^amjpptngyibwqos3y^ fie 1
gould Soiliesisi; but how and thin look
' dpg PP) | and throwing bariook glances ■
toward ,the fight,, which was not dis- |
,• g -• i ■ ].„•■.; -i |::;v i,
Suddenly at exclamation lro|rn him ,
caused me to urn, when I saw him t
Sizing intently, with liis hand point, .
g -i.he. ground . who]ro 'the
skirmish was irbgrdssing. ■ ! t
. r *llooray riimjray! Dare ho is! dol-o
be, is !’* ho'ahouipd.. . |
He succeeded in directing myatte a
tion.trt a fine looking rebel officer,'who
was cheering 6c his men in a ihargo. “
they were making- upon our position-, ■
.“Dat's himdat’s him I”; cried siur-
Might." at literatim time free! tig‘hi m-
from his drum, an'd easting it on
one side, while his voice was wild and I'
strange.with a fierce joy. . ' I
t ,c6ti|d arrest bifn,, or
exaetlyX under stand his intention, he
Htiatched N a munket and bayonet from ;
tbo ground^and ran like a Hper! after
.our column) was advancing to
repel.the tlireaiened assauli.!' j
From my-posUion I. could see the
whole affair. Mhe smojce of itheanus- I
kb try fire was ihick x , but a wosicrn (
gale was blowing, and the opposing
columns were pretty plainly jdisbhrni
hie. Then the firing ceased, and I
ahw them meet] in the shock of] steel
■t<> ateej; Tito rpnks of the rebels!were
broken, and they scattered back to- ]
ward and the'lbick woods ,y
or. their right; hut the’officers re[tain>.
ed ,their grpiindl endeavorihg toui.spir d<
it, their men by their own exaniples, )
and-fighting btavely. I saw -Little
'Starlight rush headlong at the man' to d 1
whom be bad greeted my attention, |
an,d l could hear his shrill cheep come nl
floating to moon Ihevviud. He'seem, f
ed to be but. half the size of his ahtag-:
otijat, yCt they riiet with a shock which
seemed,equal oh both sides. Thbioffis
cor evaded the bayonet of his puny
foe; and struck out shsrply with his
sword, and I saw: the blood spring up,
high from the a ugro's tieckl But>the.
agxt instant they closed; the rushing
-baypiiefcgored the breast of the officer,’ jl
and be rolled, 1 ty'the plgin. Twrct,*—; tjc
hbriee t.saw the flushing bayonet leap; dt
intb the atr, and flash, down again] np- he
on the prdsts;ale man; and then, with n|
a louder whoop i.han botofc, Starlight a ,
iprahg on farther into the fight; land c 6
Jtho Whole, sceht was shut from niy j n
yigw^-tiy.the gathering!smoke, for the Ba .
breeze hadidiedgway.,. ~ j i'- g]
The fight , was boon oyer The rob* ; .
.els.werhdnybn fair hackdhto the wobdsi
jtbeir and held, and wo
in pWsessioh-of tfie; field. My interesi,
in wiiat iMiad witlnessed waa so ihtCnso ca ’ l
that 1 immedia hastened to the vv<
j ground. .■ ‘ . ' ' " 1 ' ' "' *
I Qur loss had
[but that' hi the
jXhpic deaS aitd y
jligmuohs. I ‘ foul
I whom I had sect
j HeVt tbe inai
f tain, : and was s
breo?t pierced mat
thrusts, Aa I
0, came up to me v
cLitUo Storligbi
4bat for?” I
it at piy feet
which I
aa a present
lidipn; |6f ’ the,:
and -tutting;
” wtatßepe.
if he fight
r ‘i
X:. ii.X'J {-•'
' thqrq!" was
in every di-1
ny tbingand
-»n, - arid wus.
lioh to try bis !
ibg&t Bsght of
a« taking -an
p’ff. aud jwitli a ■
H towards it.;-r
itrap wok over:
Es were i,n ; his
lick, bit.,head
■ be;,rolled off
fflrisL uiid ac-.i
kaln All
nt. jWH
pom pai. j
yob txnyl
bt liuld
\y not
»idX :
ed; ami
»er boy,
y- ■’
of. tho
i—orig ;
jjTthJo ol
aspect (
y mor n
u-, in
fcSnW'' siif
ho revert
irk. 'We i
joughly it
bj liinl \vi
ph lie jipt
peacock. oJ
not- one j>f us
deriake, to de
birnsj'ual ebar
|d go tiovu on
jjmor.iW-tip ne
l»Cd his uletr
llcCwlloen 1 ur»
is dr
! tfjlßo till! Ut
i pof, bardiiood
i Mjfetbe' Vuii rch,
; «fe^rhrps.k;.-
; 4iicJ,l,CJB‘
I Weary rsgi
fl jflmch yfben
i >tin .'-tfrtdo** the
‘■tfda pa*.
mu .be was
it.'ji Moro than
n.£ls firearms,
S||rttfoav. ’Tj';.
hbressiv'h? j»or
rnfaivU. He
ro®ro mildso
ffh’lifc /usual
-jE-I la." tn ‘my
J, X
*%i him when
htfad tiogliect
isd'his brings
rest'of bis
|pk ! race.; se
t#-oif bis thiev-
Wras as ready
I&; to an&pv
fcne vthfch al
fay, Oycsjahd
Slailh for fr|e
"in sad
wstbtbo pro
V impfbve*
mm. M
been, idcoosMerailej , c
■••otjemj;.* was ,l«imC j
•pnmied' lur In ailM:- ■; I
; d ‘the jioffieer • with viii
. Starlight yki
iijhia 1 iof 1 k reiicl cap. $,
itone-dead. witii his it (
ly times by bayonet : /■
ira-i standinsr hesido ]
kK!——, of company ne
vitka irottbled lohfc. mc
tia ijiog, Sir,’f ifaa Jik
hi 4 g^U^. aa * [ t 9 VuJ l o. to see
. “Siarltebt dytfig I Impossible !* I
i ejae n at thriaiime time hurrying
to the pofnilhcßhited; Jl : ::! ,-.K , -
. I Wttlo Starlight lay at the ofigo (of
pe ; eneray!B works, with afrightfnl
gunshot wound inAhobapk, part of his
*?W.:i»nd as many'as twenty bravo
Fellows were cliiateriDg- ardand him
f v ,|.th.Bympath:aibg'ldokB\aad4 tearful
You may. not. baUevome, but
I speak pa tcnp j when I
that the brave boy grinned joyi.
mslv whon’he saw ice; J i 1 | '
‘•Yah 1 yah-! .MaSs’r Chaplain," ho
<rip, as I k oell by his aide ahd took
»m hand; “dis nigV don* for* beja
3qt did yersoe me in do fight, mas*V 7
see me tackle *dSfr bik icbon,
4 3tt i nce| Bi »y *; Yab i
i i tias mass *r K-T*<s;« Tswl of otiSi bnf
. 8e govifc,ut lastly -t , -jjgM;,?,.:
•iw ot V‘ I whfappred
.nth a.trertibnngvoice, ' - ' 1.
' ) ‘‘PeeeSom !”ierlbd SpHight, spring
i r*g to-his.feet. ‘ r • ° ‘ ®
! J , Baw Chat wild, strange- gleam of
Mission' leap into his rude features,
and pen hp fell back into T myarms.
“U am a ;u,blyday, mass’r,” fiecon
tinned, speakfng with great'difficulty.
•■lt urn ebening no w, ah' de. sunim’fiet.
l ing, mass r. But I .hears de big. drum
9b do, sky rollin’, de rebolliaTnb de
1)0 day, ani breakiif' for'dis 1
iri •' maBS ' r; for \ Use 'got it at [ last P’
; His voice failed jlnm hero;. He mo-’
vcd his lips; butnii- a moment they i
wore sillied forever. He was death; i
b laid him downgently bn the grass.
. Ihe Majorj hudJj also' beet, •stiinding'
h r - ■,, ■,i • •* • .-?•
* Comp-, said ho, taking me by-Ih 6
t ;rm “come, lot. us go.”. ; ! J :
I And as we Went away I sa V bis
nustachc U’Cnihlo pereeptably.
/ fheiv were three regular members
Of company C who died the death In
that skirmish, but I third): notjono of
them was mourned; with a deeper, sini
f|rer sorrow than - was Lillie Starlight,
Qno of the sergeants who was a indo
■•pymster in his waV, coptoosed a brief
•hitapb fordiim. Otherb of. the com
iany performed what little officjo they
: >uld; and the Colonel inquired par*
iCnlai ly intoddie cireumstaucesiof his
leath. Hie XJnion slain \v|ino buried
j|parately—they were so l’ew. ' 'Sta!r
ij;lu also a little grave of his Own.
r.o free at and bo tbuej came
Ito the ownership of about’fiye feet;
i ’, ■ wWobharj-mn bectr .a
r .-ry; uiroetionat-o'raothor ip h : ml .
1 said that he liud an .epitaph. It
«as scrawled upon the Mrutje I head
juard by the author; and 'Lrfth'ere is
m. toothing epigrammatic iboiitit, it
nty -not bo out ofiplaco to conclude
fir story wi th .
1 Heverieth Lillie Starlight;
i Whose ill-starred' spirit w<
right to blessed freedom
J. The foemah’s deadly gun.
.Bathe nil', doubtless, somewhere ,
oluuej brightly after all, ’..j
;As the §tars are ia their glory j i
■ "bon;the shades of evening faJL '■
i i , [Auliv.tic Monthly,
■ ' • .ft } ; ' i
■j j ■
Yays ut Wmen] People G ej- Sick
-|st. Eal jng too fast, and swallow
og imperfectly maslicale.d food; | •
3d. Taking too . much fluid during
iteals. . i- -■ ■
• d. l>ri,uking poisonous whisky, and
other! intoxicating liquors. . ’
4 thf Keeping late liours'at night
atu, sleeping'too late 1 in ih.e; raocui'ng’.^
| qth. Wearing,clothes so tigat'ua
to nipede the circulatipn. , '
.Olh; Wearing thin shoes, .
7th; Neglecting to take sufficient
exfcjrcise to keep the' hands arid feet
warm. , 'l . ' \ ■
B|.b. Jfe'gleelinl' to wksh the body
sufficiently jio keep tbo pores'.of the
Bkin open. 1 „• . 1 L '
1 9 tii. Jixchjir.gijng the aVaf'in clothing
v f <J i ll iu a ivarnl room during theday
or aght-costume and exposureriuciv
entto evening parties. ' j ; ,
1 )th.- Starving the stomach togiraiii
a vain and foolish passion! for
•ess. •• • ■ • ' ■ . ,
I lb Keeping up a constant excito
ii;r '.jlyeiiing iLo mind with borrowed
•orblos - , i ■ vj .
! I;:ib; Employing cheap doctors and
swallowing quack nostrums jfor every
imaginary ill. . >,
1 Taking the meals at irregular
iiiU- jvaU. ‘ . j
n*-a_old Joshua SwaJlpw, a'veteriin
liuiWtor, was the other ;d«y at Clio
neapbhjig aga'inst the “spiritual cull”
> tike ministry, and related an anec
otetof Caleb Jones, who gayo Jiis cx:
eriecco ir, this wise: “j was ono,day
Ming, and was called to preach W
voice sayipg, ‘Caleb 1 Caleb I’ Who
mid; have called me. thus V’ h A boy
i lue back paft of the congregation,
lysjilr. S wallo "Mai be
icaf a bull-frog, Mr. Jonei,;>
man called upon'inn unfortu'
ito lo pay!a demand. M‘f
;n never pay U,” Kivid ho, '-I urn not
nrth a farthing;- but 1 will give you
note—l am not so pootyyotbat that
can l sign a note 7 j, ‘J‘ ' T
£65" Why are ’“greenbacks" more
iiuablo|t_ii»(r<gr.ld ? Because, wherf
>u jut a “greenback” in yimrpock>
yo i aoubla it, and when you take
ont you find it in-creasot>.,
you don’t 7 Wish- togei angry,
fveif .argue blockhead. , i^e
emb sr, the. dollar, thafaror the more
kbie; you 'are (to yodraelf, ■ 5 -- ..
r \|?; '
Ws- • Mf >- •:;• ■ V' v ■1 -g
ail-g'- *>!■ • * t v' ■ n^g"'-^ 1
■ :? v ’"
v : -1-.,. .4-v> iafSSR3I
-®gK ga®a^
. .
4 4
. •
»- How to Oet Ilid of it Sook 5 " j
i Uriah-Aboil waa a Connecticut Lui- C '
iner, and,' .in his' tiraeA pretty
one, . His farm, like a: great map#
cither Connecticut farms', was full: of
stones, and he delighted io olearibett ;
off. out of the way of the plowv -
builtU great jmanyrods*of sdt>stanijj|
stonb wall, bnt be could. notusenpaH
•the btoue. He bad cleared one field 1 .
fef altbut one great fequ Ider, about the'*;
awe .of a-largehay cock, ; Ha'.waatad
,td get nd of that. He, would hav* i
“blown it; to. flinders,” as ho had •«
good many other's, but it was viiEja
liw rods of “tha boat, room” windows,
WihicK might gb ’
sumb time. So houUeiapted to dyttti
itj but of its BejJ 6be day,'.Afte?dir»
iag :his Own'' ana his'heigbbbr’a,6ic|ii‘V
and breaking" several-' chains, tJnth
grow wrathy, and dcclareU tbit : i*hS ,
would to any one that wro[uM
put that’pesky] rook out of his sigflt.”’ ,
[“Wia’al npow;. 1 don’t mind ’taking
the job if.yod’li find a •spadoaild
.throw, in some ,dinner, and. a mijglof
cider along in the afternoon/’ I. slv./ ? -
jTbis! proposition i was -made, fey ?*
stranger: who had just then, Come dpi
H|e was.h tair'Bpoci)neh l ofla. n \V 1 ",
Yankee,' and 1 Uriah"dropped tho bro
-ken chain .and kquare round . 10 "
look feim full i ( p tha faie. :■■ -1 „v
V’|‘yea’ril give it, and.thedinnerand
cider tool biit I won’t pull' niy oiefi
again at' that, stone, ■
; *-Do n’t wan’t you Bboul(Lpl]ra:;tq,
put .the stone Out of .sightl
smooth 'about here, sdyqh 'cap'pffeW.'
tight along. ThatV'whiit I’mi lo'dbT
ain’t it:”’ 'i ‘ ' ~;V /
■‘Yes, that is, all I want. . I'don’t
barb how you, do it; you fail Y
don’t pay anything, do” yfeu uiider-> .
stand? Very well,Milieu Come i« td
dinner/' r? \ ' ' . •'
That done, and a large cud o! tobac
co'|adJualc,d,'thb;'Ya!ikee thte\v off’ iss ’
and ; took up the spade. He gave
a look at the seb Wllich way
it would tip easiest, and( tired' tioiinj
monced digging a hole on the Iqwbt
side, largo and dccjfcmuigii to. bury
the hqulder quite out oil sight:' : la,
three hours be got out and. tooA ■£■
[careful measurement, and then.[dug; »’■
iitilaciuoto upotHqne -fioi
vvejut to the wood pile ant! got iisuijH/
stick pf wood, which he planted. tirr-r-V
ly [with. One, end in the. bottom bf his
holb"and the other bracing agaihsitba'
rock, . Then be began qiiduriuiJiogl
antj worked.till ho saw tub dirt bogiq
to give, [and found tha:; the rock-was •
rcsiing ppon /“Now," say» .
he, ,‘1 think that twill lake that murf
of cider/’ ’ : v;,' " .
bad been patching him,
ordered oat the cider /with a'right
goqd> tvil.L He even;-&flqrcd to add'
; “60inO denghtints and cheese.” - ,1 ; : '
■ ‘a r ' '
through. 1
'While the Yankee was wiping a Way
Uie perspiralion \aud drinking his ci- ,
dor, UViah. brutfedit Iris ox'eii around 1
and hitchuduchuid to the woudeupYiipl-.,
. ; 1 did suy’ I wouldn’t puli iny-oxaty,
■ again, und'l don’t. on»,
.!y s»«s»nact jerSSs' ’i. f.\
. Jqrßteit:, Hras, and. dotvn .went tW' -
boulder, and with it a ,shovel ful! of !
dirt,!-and', aucjtber and 1 another. iti
quick succession, .uiiuLall Was smooth,
uind level,'and long belore night juiV
j-Y'au^ebV'was- ready -to:’ resume ibis'
journey,- 1 I‘--H.1 ‘--H.
’Ctrtiiiere,!’ said, as he,handed.hiiu tb#
five ichdlars, “there .is spent :
five dollers, that 1 ever paid for work
pp.rayi farm.; Won’t you lake anothbp
drink of eider. .You are entirely wef- ■
come. I have learned something of ;
ypavr;.- :
Perhaps some persons who road
this may learn 'something—-learn ndyr
to ge't rid of someYd tbo'doultiers t| .af
emjmmboi the surface and whiehiarb
often-blasted and broken up arid hauk;
away “just to get rid of them,” at. s
nrueh greater ’expense-than it would ,
tequire to .hnry them.where thcyjiu,’
entirely out of eight. . jff'"
Bones for Manurp. .
A very valuable manure may- W
prepare 1 from bones, dissolved id'<&•>'
luted sulphuric acid. Take a lighl,
I wooden-lipoped cask, and eefc it and^* 1
|_cover or shelter with boards. PiA i 4 i
teight'gatlpnp'oiT, watei-, thiea pour in'ifr
little at a time,'to prevent top.;girtftft
heat, two anp.a: half to three of
phnric acid (oil of vitriol), which may
be brought lor.afow cents per pound
of the -manufacturer or d Kpw
put ih|epa ■panel) *dp.w'n with a htickiill'
the bones- the Hqpid; will cover,of'eveb
more. Lcavo thcm Co souk for sevcr* J
al weeks,. stirring them: well,; and
punch: ng .tbem down 1 every two-pr i
three, days, adding iaore;. boned %s 1
there 1 , i's room -After,' ei± - to ;eiw?t
weeks, take pul the DiulpßofaedpTecb.i, ;■
and niix the Rqiiidawitui a largepvvafc- , r
City of dry muck hr|lo»m ,to ;dry,ptrv- i J
This wiMrauke a hctVeymicle, cheap,
cr and stronger thpt anything whMt
'the market affords' if the acid anS -I
bones cum bp had at a moderate cosil
■ Csreshonid be taken, in .preparing, ;■
not to get any pi tUd,fluidon thefleah ;
or clothes,ae it will rnnkoßores and des*_
tfoytha clothing. Some weak lyc andja
hpeket|of wafer should be near athatfS
n wssh off with, in case of acoittoib ;
V'l r'. ■: vli
.o ' V ;