• ... ... 1 :Ti-; ■Mi.... :■. K - -r - i ■: , v v '-tnv ' ;• •"’'l!.---/-. V'. ',/ .-/ ~' Ify fc;» iSssias. ll ~Tf ’“'* i|i '' • -.. ■■' ok, ‘v- ' I ,«(tB:.»,his 1 uttered pop i'afe*?- ■s' •immeu &; 1 1; alivoe^tisib ',, tagijjja guei $. bis iotooli >t», ’one oh deiv ;, jo>l,to p..i o death Inj wpi • ail of the - u ' nef >\Sip 7|ng„tbo &mJ ; to ; their : j- i]y v jl bei.weei -I is ,fingcf 'j id ke the; StaVligi. «m AWfled ih ibpdy row ij* t low 1 Bie;rOm«ntiv to: it fell to tlie n! W; Jdurself ia ii n* '» : ed fremiti o bead, fchi hi * Young AmeAla>. «k*l. . ' T ‘ a (id ibc revtfanf' bloc. you dpi g f face and ! form> Not.. somewbi&ii «i 'd. Our LiUle Starltglit: v. I saw.a* »jh bxtrethelyrsAbU ; fo. ; ijif.hp; f®H bavebadadatoldT6ckdnfr'on||«d up lbs]bpdy,.andb tij t J 'aok as* ’ the aci’ttf' spades* a $»W£ from > of ipides ii. excesfllveH jjndged that If was life .ut 'v. a ' ■ .‘ v ~ ••* v fpflmy breakfast. ;t| ,j." >a froti ! yii}o -bfi, .be •■•BjVjfeJl, dhat.ie tli«t Igci Yarn's/anjbng us£w< and Ilaughl g i He wW»'soril toitbe Majpr. S ? ; ■ and probably ..“lireall kn tbevieinity of iplj’l | “Ail ikf if ornjftg aft'ef and Nvhtet fat fa. id in -oal l *|b: mp in d l M c 1 .quiok the. entiu >l|i ftaw] ‘..J'Wbet ai hq BUI I T # li Ats' ’ iST lt.ll h: POKTXC-AJLu THERE ARE two ways to uve ON EARTH. ! < »BT CHAELIS SWAnr. ! fb»rc arc two ways to .lire on! earth— ways to judge —to act—pto liew; V y or things here hare dtraUle hirth— A right and wrong—a false and true t 55,5 Ne ttie home where kindness seeks To stake that sweet which seemeth small; Where every lip in fondness speaks, . =■ knd every mind hath carefor all, . Whose iamstca lire far glaa exchange ; . of pleasure. free from vain ' expense; , Whose tho’ishcyong their means ne’er range, Sor give offense! ... ,7 ! in n neighbor’s fortune find '■ Xo wish—no impulse—to complaiu; VTho fejl not— never felt—the mind fo envy yet another’s gain! tTho dre»ms not. of the mocking, tide , Ambition's toiled endeavor meets—: Tke hitter pang of wounded pride,’ ’ - . Hor fallen power that shuns the streets. '■ Thonghfste deny itsglitteringstore, ‘lore’s wesfth is still the wealth to choose; for all list caD purchase more Arc goods, it is no loss to lose ! ' . Some beings, whereso’er they go. Find naught to please, or’to exalt —t Their; constant study put to shots’ ' ‘ Perpetual modes of finding fault. While others,, in the ceaseless round ■ . Of daily wants and daily care, Con yet cull flowers from colnmon g^und,, And (trice enjoy the joy they (ih! happy they who, haypy iVho,-IfeMiny, still are blest! Who something spare for dthora’ sake, ■ And strive, in all things, for the best 1 - A CRY FOR That leading article' of mine— -1 made the printers double-lead it— -1 I see it’ copied, ‘every line, ; - And not a v»P er gives .m^ credit 1 S My ■wisdom, ringleted with fjrit. Without 30 much as an iota , ’ 0/credit, ’s copied every big, . V , . jAkdrfui. from Maine to Minnesota.^ - -... , - ...~uv,. I hut piiriotic little poem.-tdo; ’ ■- That lit.rle squib, that fantjy,locai^: ' That -’•pW” I managed fo put through; , Tj.'it concert dust rumen tal—vocal; . - ■ Tbjt spicy thing onthe‘police-i—■ Five hundred thousand For here it’s copied piece bj^pipce— i, A, ’ And nut a paper gives mh credit Fes, here are nil my odds and hndsJ ' All copied round as thick as berries. _ I've heard of ‘;Siive me 1 from friends;” Save Jrh from ray “cofcmporinesi” - Without fire minutes'time to rpst, . —J clip, I cat, I paste, |I edit. i' i l l • I'm copied Morth, South!, iiast and West!. And noth paper gives mo credit J i ’Tip hard en nigh, as you’ll admit, i * ■ To be .filched out of one’s despatches; i lour private “apcciiils”, made to fit With what a sister journal hatches. The news is copied far and wide) ; And when lomohimdred times you’ve readit, to your honest pride, ■ ■ To find it at journal’s given credit !i Mi cellaneous. ’Letter 1 om South. Carolina. Largaret JS. Slontz, wife of Slontz.'both formerly of tliis ; is written .a very interests o a friend in this place, de- [»rs. A Key John Wittily, h; ipj letter^ 'faheif .voy&go from .Now tci'ijj’.ive to 3eauiort, South Carolina.— and li st husband are entering up ■on a y er }’ important work, asilviU be ,MD from the letter. While hoping have the opportunity of laying be r 6 our readers their future letters, bid them God spSed.] Beaufort„S. C., Nov. 2^tb,”di. Pe.iaJ- —We have pretty cold rather here, just now* ice half an inch, |ck this moruing. 'Still,. strpnge to . ! We i'pvff-un abundance of roses, Ufa a good prospect of flowers in.the in , ' "[intor. Tlib yards hero are ,J' l' protected by \ rows of ever ’>,ei) t,rc< -‘ 3 i iihd these Vlowuc shrubbery; from the cold ‘ *• f can’t toll.you yatmuch ,’ a i 'ih eao aD ds,| or . theirlnhubi . ij°pe to do so in .my next. .. now] that the whole of • “? s are D carly abandoned’by iow i 1 ! g , l^ a - whiw are Xhiuiuirt P°§c 8 «*on of the colored ■be nfii,.”’ 01 ee( i'men, governed by ;il Pi; oh u rv These color !r*tuiled hl xb , lbn ' the degradation ions arid/ .* aver y ; Their conetito* ieem io k/ 11118 are broken, and they They , Vei 7 de Pehdent people. - b° . more P^irAfr'J -'id bnt ijnu 8 !5 the Border States,J >"m; mn t V ® t f r. Randolph, BcaUjfoft,' Sohth Carblina,. I REDIT. dream; f,f bjra blae-ej’edi Pori, -aiKl mwafearaad fiodji stovepipe lyitfjjNwwßte yStefi^ck—is rather ttßpleasm^Jr-H . ’ j‘v ; i • :'■ ■ t ■ 1 It'wip soon after'the df Aoi ierf ibVe f WildeVnessbattlek liprS pg'^atLittlS Starlight madehij dc»i appearance atnohg o|V, i'/ ? V 'No V fiacre ydu any idea if ho Idtth otaVligb’t want," v Very' probably"Trpr l|ie;rdmintrchame;yba picfape'hiip' V. yduiTwl£|ia n 'p&tty btfy~a J boaaod6b|| Ywing X mem aj w iUi cl patWi fHgca r ls| | ajrid the revOVni", bl pom I lig ; .precbc} w i face and Yp'rai.- 1 Nothing’ pf'ibei bind. Our LiUle SUrltglitywaa gro orictjih, ’JbitCretimiy;' age—;which might'haVei baed."fifteen; could webavehad a date | '-—andaablack as'lbe aci'of r epados’ ■when the ace ofbpUdesiX hxceaaiveH black antishinyf 5 { V ! t Where bp ‘M- ’-M longed,. never!exactly Jt’eeV, ‘Ha wW aij sort of a maipaUrie' Yopsy, and .probably in 'the'vicinity of our bivouac. On; the _ morning aftel the battlb he had been found in 6ub hues, 'strjutting about t£p .chnr.p :in 'a very nonchalant, way, : jvitlv a .quick observing eye for : every||liing‘ He 6aw| His appearance was comical in lhecx| trcine. jtJpon his ebori bead, and'en«l ticely concealing his crisp'd Wool, waa| jaiintily placed a span npw artillery} cap, which he had probablypickcdupl from t!he] field.. He had fastened tp| ilio right shoulder of his ragged coat| swallow tailed’ blue o?|unknowrl anliqiiitjU-an immense epaulet, prob4i ably plundered from fbo baggage of some rebel officorj while a|Bilketi sash| of flaring crimson was tWined round his waisqin.a manner atjjWb striking 1 l at,id luirbpiric. with a tong 'end thatS it'ii 1 ted behind like giudy.tail o| 1 some v - a negated bird. His tfowsers' < —-we \vi\j akfp\lV ein ; : ' lot i| - suffice id i say that (they were unmentionables td * the last degree. \ ’* 'f ( 1 J JSo ; ohi!?could tel I flow the little: fel4 '* low gut i ilo the ciimpi'and'he would’ufi > tell him telf. The pickets and Sen- 5 tries swore prodigiously that he had. f not.passed them. So wb\vere c'om- .! pelted to let the'mjslery. of .his ap- i poafadee remain unsolved.' ' J It Was shortly after sunrise 'when | the cijirporal of theguard brought him j before mr,. with ! - V j j ' ‘‘Here’ i, a prisoner, or | contraband, I of something of the kind, chaplain. I -■! I just picked him up, aqd i don’t kuow ! 1 j lyhal to c p with him." 1 | j irrtWdiav dysal down bna stump aria J proceeded to ■ investigate* Captain J Allen can eplong at the samo . presently the \ilajor also dropped inf j So we for ped ourselves into an in&yit £ mal court martial around the object of . ouri the view of hav- , ing sonio amusement for the hungry , half boufj that wo'uld elansO ’ before • breakfast The “brass”:of' | ■ surprising, for , he /ne never changed , countenanceduring the whole, ot,this , i ceremony, which wtf .mode .as impos,-, , jng as wo could .by word and- look* [AJI bycs’. were luriiod ou Dje czpoptr '! anMylso I opened, the proceedings. ' , | “What is your name, my hoy?” _ r 1 “Duii’n i, mass'r. ’Sp,ect| isfchfgpt nonp”j!wsii the repfy. a eparkli eg grin of ex : breadth, as though his condition was a matter-of satiffaetitin. • ~ 7 ■ L “Oh, Vdu must have somb name, ,, |ll said. ; “\yhat;did they ‘ call ybi£ Ist Liiomej’!' p i\ ..i I: : “I all'ers cam* wiouttalHnk But when jit ijhiuned along kinder slow, sometimes doe’dsingbot, ‘Nigl’-Horae timo (“Little .den . ggin, ‘Hyae, you d— d Nig!’ I’ll bet doy did, j mass’r? -yah! yahlTeb a awful *u9»,l is!’’ he continued, svnngiug.his arms gldef'jjllyabout and-shnSl'Og hip, hare Feet as if contemplating!* breakdown. ' “SileiicjeJ” -roared the Major,- who acted! as presiding officer, ; at tho same time knitting his brows' tdriously. to, cone,pah the - laughter - whigb' ialteokt. choked him; : -i‘Bileoce, or I wdU mit ylomfer contempt*?' • mon eom|this inju notiefe-tbe d low remained silent, hiia o(p, stroking Hi* a serious) manner, wiuclT WM comical ihan hismirth. f&t ,i Wjell, j; my triend,” I resided, “[where dp-you come ■ “No whar of late, mass’J. ’Psebeon slcepin’ batiecen’ly. You sec l’sota awful] cu-b, I it.’ Yah ! yah 1 i’se— “Silencp Squared, the judged | V “Sairtin, eartio, mass’r. ’.Yaml yah!’! V : ■'-V^p ‘• Who do you belong to,” I returned. “Yah! yah! I ain't got none. : Yod geo.he’s gwine away, he W’ ;.,y “Bfit jwhat was ; your- master’s name?” ■ : - • ! 4' ;v ’ . ‘iCr \4l Bill -" i i, i: V.: i ■ jqnn*.. Billy/* . ' “Billy jnrhai?” .->■ . - “Di ii’iio. . Youseedia chicbenwera leUbtlhfo’ wid old missaa an' de gala, wile Mads’r Billy -twine,.to da way sop to Richroon. An' yer aee,de old' tnjrtsqs she dan gib dis nig ft lick* climbs injlef debarn, Steals all de’pig eons, kn’jciars de track forbid Virgil fry. Yatj yah I Fee ft'' awfat 1 eyas, ;lar. , f -f i>. - ; V..’ -J-- • nU ! ; Whftt didyoH. r ’dowi( [the pigephs ?2 »Tafck«di •my cantos* ty carryink jnmftjtoiy tie ‘ a ‘ “ *!pL:bs prfpem ; b«’ shore, mas# Bey’se bdlly fbdder,n iceida n dehai ;■ 3’M ■ ' 1 " ■" !do not. thernop, Bide Be ft )h ali eta iastic repi in you at ;! o follow ■*. « all around s if Be could *; under ll i ;zlod/upou up oufoet ; h Lis ejM*. i urn which, Y ort: distance ielight te r bought the ,i or, the' at! kP throwing, b lure of prid II a- witu the ,J fk master. cr «d Cl ,1 o matt wo w arum for pit nihg tp mh : { 1 os pi lai day i re. have bad,- everyth!a merely j a hand for t client idcara ijor also, agj id infinite! %i i second dtQti ;h New Infar o—bjr which >wn tunoii£: gesiioo pfjro iderfnt eding Uxel Jei re” ; . " z \' f^orhejJ JUKOWlltfj y. "No oSi «inl too much . himself tb then ' prcse: ii(prm,ot v i as a ydun tail... . ■' larlighl w; f 1 should ij •half of bis \ “thesuß tho anfin ihed taitf.” >rgot oiil 6 vet oices! ively hung derfei mbj rasofjiront ed wiitipi ta munriui fatigpbjtn: inches whic moa,t the ital warj, fra Veterans, md would, execute \ iib gas to. downs, J n Crows,- Jor the di rbrsion of sever aaw aoderlfir^ ; and)! eei hottest.Bo -tad al talniug ti uphies on i and cirri Wjndany tpji nj>o't t. hji peri '"j ulkiog ari fence ho v ar.seen to png 1 range, lejsV the bast o< | ■S’tm.J. f ue,'he Ihad i grave bpi s f ’Ho yrk thief,’£u<3 ; in f ippiil imppizlog .totkffy f« !Jji;nv o| th j gravity i isVp.ipecl t i consider j ■deprared nod 'was,. |pHl I «V# * • a t >r>g up; with ijm. f wrongpd|and imfpi sides, the material■ 1 i°g were. pot 180 iniach ’to stbi arid 'w heh an y oc o i St'irjiglit|s posterpni;' paosb Mw- hrtlcte;U]|£ Was'rq’al 4-pd ; itpeemed gette hjs'viiftuesmorb th his J ioihlt|j Por hie a woanc pararioe ra itwos a (rfW’fdlleh foe. : at redeemed fair pdsfdb ‘unfei whri SDSprocegjli-, »>»«- io£. the bird iin till mploteljr tWiit renjuinod' in i;®’ .ftw&M .** W- ww». a my bonis; It*Tl coihe I, knowa'i’ 1 )!'. be i'^Y^weiBp ; “Tile : PrcBident>r Proclamation “ has made !ydd so; You have nothibg.tofearV’ n ’“X* 8 ’ *° mais’r, he replied. '-Ha Presidon'r |iq am ajiijce man, he . am. ® u ?^ d J oesn ' t .f eel >t in deAone* yit: 1 1 ncbbcr wijl tiU J- git on him, yip i know. JisTlemme git on to him' only dnce.r'; ;•■■-•'■ -■•*' ;' ’.| : ' "■ ■' ‘o',% 010 Man—Corine] Billy. !•“ ¥ Woad notkill your old master?’';: - ■•■■ x ■'if •-.'‘’) S$$ r 'W /sUrliftbt',i began |to fumble #™2W ’SH/ h |»YPnWh|u a niaiher *?®* bat conciliatory. chicken,” be continaed. “I keepsohde look bhi in ebery figh t. I:seod him Hek ray 010 madder till de blood flewl! Mis’ lemmo on: to him, #riaBs'r,: anld you’ll see do blood fly yonrsfe’f Yah! yah! \l’bo a lawful cuss: I h.” I -; : i- ■- i Upon a briefer acqaai n lance with Starlight l ibould havo smiled at the serio-comit? Warmer -in. which" these sonli incuts were ehiinciateil; bat, as, it was, I shaddeo d at the; intensity cf passion which larked in his tones. - And tli rough ail tt ose .terrible hat» Ups, and rapid ranches, and j counter idircbos, ■ with, which General Grant tWiified and confused the ribel foe, frbm tholßupidan tir tho walls|of Rich, Li ttlolStarlight. conducted him self with 'sterling credit; winning'gold on opinions frotnj all, 1 and upon!-one oc casion a hearty (hand shake from the , General of oir division, . , : It was, however, at the seve re skir r on'ouriloftijiimmediatofy follow ing-our general repulse from t lie rebel wiMdis, and shortly before the transfer bf oar army to ihp south hank 1 ! of llio James, that Ihp part which Starlight! played in the gWat drama was to as* , bume a truly tragic phase. ,i/ , ’ /, The enemy’s skirmishers and ours. , were hotly engaged, and the tight bade , fair to be bloody, if : brief. 1 was im- ] mediatelyMn ithe rear of a portion of our regimentj which was ia,reserve, i huay tbQ,whanded;.and 9tarligUt , ~^amjpptngyibwqos3y^ fie 1 gould Soiliesisi; but how and thin look ' dpg PP) | and throwing bariook glances ■ toward ,the fight,, which was not dis- | ,• g -• i ■ ].„•■.; -i |::;v i, Suddenly at exclamation lro|rn him , caused me to urn, when I saw him t Sizing intently, with liis hand point, . g -i.he. ground . who]ro 'the skirmish was irbgrdssing. ■ ! t . r *llooray riimjray! Dare ho is! dol-o be, is !’* ho'ahouipd.. . | He succeeded in directing myatte a tion.trt a fine looking rebel officer,'who was cheering 6c his men in a ihargo. “ they were making- upon our position-, ■ .“Dat's himdat’s him I”; cried siur- Might." at literatim time free! tig‘hi m- from his drum, an'd easting it on one side, while his voice was wild and I' strange.with a fierce joy. . ' I t ,c6ti|d arrest bifn,, or exaetlyX under stand his intention, he Htiatched N a munket and bayonet from ; tbo ground^and ran like a Hper! after .our column) was advancing to repel.the tlireaiened assauli.!' j From my-posUion I. could see the whole affair. Mhe smojce of itheanus- I kb try fire was ihick x , but a wosicrn ( gale was blowing, and the opposing columns were pretty plainly jdisbhrni hie. Then the firing ceased, and I ahw them meet] in the shock of] steel ■t<> ateej; Tito rpnks of the rebels!were broken, and they scattered back to- ] ward and the'lbick woods ,y or. their right; hut the’officers re[tain>. ed ,their grpiindl endeavorihg toui.spir d< it, their men by their own exaniples, ) and-fighting btavely. I saw -Little 'Starlight rush headlong at the man' to d 1 whom be bad greeted my attention, | an,d l could hear his shrill cheep come nl floating to moon Ihevviud. He'seem, f ed to be but. half the size of his ahtag-: otijat, yCt they riiet with a shock which seemed,equal oh both sides. Thbioffis cor evaded the bayonet of his puny foe; and struck out shsrply with his sword, and I saw: the blood spring up, high from the a ugro's tieckl But>the. agxt instant they closed; the rushing -baypiiefcgored the breast of the officer,’ jl and be rolled, 1 ty'the plgin. Twrct,*—; tjc hbriee t.saw the flushing bayonet leap; dt intb the atr, and flash, down again] np- he on the prdsts;ale man; and then, with n| a louder whoop i.han botofc, Starlight a , iprahg on farther into the fight; land c 6 Jtho Whole, sceht was shut from niy j n yigw^-tiy.the gathering!smoke, for the Ba . breeze hadidiedgway.,. ~ j i'- g] The fight , was boon oyer The rob* ; . .els.werhdnybn fair hackdhto the wobdsi jtbeir and held, and wo in pWsessioh-of tfie; field. My interesi, in wiiat iMiad witlnessed waa so ihtCnso ca ’ l that 1 immedia hastened to the vv< j ground. .■ ‘ . ' ' " 1 ' ' "' * I Qur loss had [but that' hi the jXhpic deaS aitd y jligmuohs. I ‘ foul I whom I had sect j HeVt tbe inai f tain, : and was s breo?t pierced mat thrusts, Aa I thobody.Sergcan 0, came up to me v cLitUo Storligbi 4bat for?” I the‘‘iCourt.’' \v;;a»:by'tbo Vweri»ig;piok it at piy feet which I aa a present lidipn; |6f ’ the,: and -tutting; ” wtatßepe. if he fight r ‘i X:. ii.X'J {-•' ' thqrq!" was cqrujireUun in every di-1 ny tbingand -»n, - arid wus. lioh to try bis ! ibg&t Bsght of a« taking -an p’ff. aud jwitli a ■ H towards it.;-r itrap wok over: Es were i,n ; his lick, bit.,head ■ be;,rolled off fflrisL uiid ac-.i kaln All nt. jWH pom pai. j yob txnyl y' bt liuld \y not pf’f'h* i'vrcivfe fest'org rnuainJ »idX : ed; ami 'tdcliiin »er boy, y- ■’ Star ,;w!w alto- Viued Hqerr of. tho f.ng.of ie.wa* i—orig ; jjTthJo ol aspect ( y mor n u-, in rpasa. tOilP fcSnW'' siif ho revert irk. 'We i joughly it bj liinl \vi ph lie jipt peacock. oJ ifhiir not- one j>f us deriake, to de birnsj'ual ebar |d go tiovu on jjmor.iW-tip ne l»Cd his uletr llcCwlloen 1 ur» is dr ! tfjlßo till! Ut i pof, bardiiood i Mjfetbe' Vuii rch, ; «fe^rhrps.k;.- ; 4iicJ,l,CJB‘ I Weary rsgi fl jflmch yfben i >tin .'-tfrtdo** the tiatdJor.ob. 3^ld-orbaktle; ‘■tfda pa*. mu .be was it.'ji Moro than n.£ls firearms, tfeydirthe- S||rttfoav. ’Tj';. and hbressiv'h? j»or j|*i6-odhvirieo rnfaivU. He ro®ro mildso [Stnis ffh’lifc /usual -jE-I la." tn ‘my J, X *%i him when htfad tiogliect isd'his brings rest'of bis |pk ! race.; se t#-oif bis thiev- was upon pro- Mfegeherally -missing fiw’feOsscasiQn, mptcrbalanifed Wras as ready I&; to an&pv &g'l-he_poci£et fcne vthfch al fay, Oycsjahd Slailh for fr|e \oydtidn'iotbe "in sad edays.wbdn Jpsd.ptayei's mgyityiir. afcpßTmbp wstbtbo pro y’tbinglsail eiiSjft-wben:! V impfbve* mm. M CU been, idcoosMerailej , c ■••otjemj;.* was ,l«imC j •pnmied' lur In ailM:- ■; I ; d ‘the jioffieer • with viii . Starlight yki iijhia 1 iof 1 k reiicl cap. $, itone-dead. witii his it ( ly times by bayonet : /■ ira-i standinsr hesido ] kK!——, of company ne vitka irottbled lohfc. mc tia ijiog, Sir,’f ifaa Jik hi 4 g^U^. aa * [ t 9 VuJ l o. to see . “Siarltebt dytfig I Impossible !* I i ejae n at thriaiime time hurrying to the pofnilhcßhited; Jl : ::! ,-.K , - -.‘"-p-. . I Wttlo Starlight lay at the ofigo (of pe ; eneray!B works, with afrightfnl gunshot wound inAhobapk, part of his *?W.:i»nd as many'as twenty bravo Fellows were cliiateriDg- ardand him f v ,|.th.Bympath:aibg'ldokB\aad4 tearful You may. not. baUevome, but I speak pa tcnp j when I that the brave boy grinned joyi. mslv whon’he saw ice; J i 1 | ' ‘•Yah 1 yah-! .MaSs’r Chaplain," ho uld; and the Colonel inquired par* iCnlai ly intoddie cireumstaucesiof his leath. Hie XJnion slain \v|ino buried j|parately—they were so l’ew. ' 'Sta!r ij;lu also a little grave of his Own. r.o free at and bo tbuej came Ito the ownership of about’fiye feet; i ’, thaL.earth ■ wWobharj-mn bectr .a r .-ry; uiroetionat-o'raothor ip h : ml . 1 said that he liud an .epitaph. It «as scrawled upon the Mrutje I head juard by the author; and 'Lrfth'ere is m. toothing epigrammatic iboiitit, it nty -not bo out ofiplaco to conclude fir story wi th . 1 Heverieth Lillie Starlight; i Whose ill-starred' spirit w< right to blessed freedom J. The foemah’s deadly gun. .Bathe nil', doubtless, somewhere , oluuej brightly after all, ’..j ;As the §tars are ia their glory j i ■ "bon;the shades of evening faJL '■ i i , [Auliv.tic Monthly, ■ ' • .ft } ; ' i ■j j ■ Yays ut Wmen] People G ej- Sick -|st. Eal jng too fast, and swallow og imperfectly maslicale.d food; | • 3d. Taking too . much fluid during iteals. . i- -■ ■ • d. l>ri,uking poisonous whisky, and other! intoxicating liquors. . ’ 4 thf Keeping late liours'at night atu, sleeping'too late 1 in ih.e; raocui'ng’.^ | qth. Wearing,clothes so tigat'ua to nipede the circulatipn. , ' .Olh; Wearing thin shoes, . 7th; Neglecting to take sufficient exfcjrcise to keep the' hands arid feet warm. , 'l . ' \ ■ B|.b. Jfe'gleelinl' to wksh the body sufficiently jio keep tbo pores'.of the Bkin open. 1 „• . 1 L ' 1 9 tii. Jixchjir.gijng the aVaf'in clothing v f , 1 Taking the meals at irregular iiiU- jvaU. ‘ . j n*-a_old Joshua SwaJlpw, a'veteriin liuiWtor, was the other ;d«y at Clio neapbhjig aga'inst the “spiritual cull” > tike ministry, and related an anec otetof Caleb Jones, who gayo Jiis cx: eriecco ir, this wise: “j was ono,day Ming, and was called to preach W voice sayipg, ‘Caleb 1 Caleb I’ Who mid; have called me. thus V’ h A boy i lue back paft of the congregation, lysjilr. S wallo "Mai be icaf a bull-frog, Mr. Jonei,;> man called upon'inn unfortu' ito lo pay!a demand. M‘f ;n never pay U,” Kivid ho, '-I urn not nrth a farthing;- but 1 will give you note—l am not so pootyyotbat that can l sign a note 7 j, ‘J‘ ' T £65" Why are ’“greenbacks" more iiuablo|t_ii»(ru jut a “greenback” in yimrpock> yo i aoubla it, and when you take ont you find it in-creasot>., you don’t 7 Wish- togei angry, fveif .argue blockhead. , i^e emb sr, the. dollar, thafaror the more kbie; you 'are (to yodraelf, ■ 5 -- .. r \|?; ' Ws- • Mf >- •:;• ■ V' v ■1 -g ail-g'- *>!■ • * t v' ■ n^g"'-^ 1 >:lJiuj;;-!:^ ■ :? v ’" v : -1-.,. .4-v> iafSSR3I -®gK ga®a^ jy&sNw&fV ipi . . 4 4 . • »- How to Oet Ilid of it Sook 5 " j i Uriah-Aboil waa a Connecticut Lui- C ' iner, and,' .in his' tiraeA pretty one, . His farm, like a: great map# cither Connecticut farms', was full: of stones, and he delighted io olearibett ; off. out of the way of the plowv - builtU great jmanyrods*of sdt>stanijj| stonb wall, bnt be could. notusenpaH •the btoue. He bad cleared one field 1 . fef altbut one great fequ Ider, about the'*; awe .of a-largehay cock, ; Ha'.waatad ,td get nd of that. He, would hav* i “blown it; to. flinders,” as ho had •« good many other's, but it was viiEja liw rods of “tha boat, room” windows, WihicK might gb ’ sumb time. So houUeiapted to dyttti itj but of its BejJ 6be day,'.Afte?dir» iag :his Own'' ana his'heigbbbr’a,6ic|ii‘V and breaking" several-' chains, tJnth grow wrathy, and dcclareU tbit : i*hS , would to any one that wro[uM put that’pesky] rook out of his sigflt.”’ , [“Wia’al npow;. 1 don’t mind ’taking the job if.yod’li find a •spadoaild .throw, in some ,dinner, and. a mijglof cider along in the afternoon/’ I. slv./ ? - jTbis! proposition i was -made, fey ?* stranger: who had just then, Come dpi H|e was.h tair'Bpoci)neh l ofla. n \V 1 ", Yankee,' and 1 Uriah"dropped tho bro -ken chain .and kquare round . 10 " look feim full i ( p tha faie. :■■ -1 „v V’|‘yea’ril give it, and.thedinnerand cider tool biit I won’t pull' niy oiefi again at' that, stone, ■ ; *-Do n’t wan’t you Bboul(Lpl]ra:;tq, put .the stone Out of .sightl smooth 'about here, sdyqh 'cap'pffeW.' tight along. ThatV'whiit I’mi lo'dbT ain’t it:”’ 'i ‘ ' ~;V / ■‘Yes, that is, all I want. . I'don’t barb how you, do it; you fail Y don’t pay anything, do” yfeu uiider-> . stand? Very well,Milieu Come i« td dinner/' r? \ ' ' . •' That done, and a large cud o! tobac co'|adJualc,d,'thb;'Ya!ikee thte\v off’ iss ’ and ; took up the spade. He gave a look at the siohd.to seb Wllich way it would tip easiest, and( tired' tioiinj monced digging a hole on the Iqwbt side, largo and dccjfcmuigii to. bury the hqulder quite out oil sight:' : la, three hours be got out and. tooA ■£■ [careful measurement, and then.[dug; »’■ iitilaciuoto upotHqne -fioi vvejut to the wood pile ant! got iisuijH/ stick pf wood, which he planted. tirr-r-V ly [with. One, end in the. bottom bf his holb"and the other bracing agaihsitba' rock, . Then be began qiiduriuiJiogl antj worked.till ho saw tub dirt bogiq to give, [and found tha:; the rock-was • rcsiing ppon /“Now," say» . he, ,‘1 think that twill lake that murf of cider/’ ’ : v;,' " . bad been patching him, ordered oat the cider /with a'right goqd> tvil.L He even;-&flqrcd to add' ; “60inO denghtints and cheese.” - ,1 ; : ' i ■ ‘a r ' ' n through. 1 'While the Yankee was wiping a Way Uie perspiralion \aud drinking his ci- , dor, UViah. brutfedit Iris ox'eii around 1 and hitchuduchuid to the woudeupYiipl-., . ; 1 did suy’ I wouldn’t puli iny-oxaty, ■ again, und'l don’t. on», .!y s»«s»nact jerSSs' ’i. f.\ . Jqrßteit:, Hras, and. dotvn .went tW' - boulder, and with it a ,shovel ful! of ! dirt,!-and', aucjtber and 1 another. iti quick succession, .uiiuLall Was smooth, uind level,'and long belore night juiV j-Y'au^ebV'was- ready -to:’ resume ibis' journey,- 1 I‘--H.1 ‘--H. ’Ctrtiiiere,!’ said, as he,handed.hiiu tb# five ichdlars, “there .is spent : five dollers, that 1 ever paid for work pp.rayi farm.; Won’t you lake anothbp drink of eider. .You are entirely wef- ■ come. I have learned something of ; ypavr;.- : Perhaps some persons who road this may learn 'something—-learn ndyr to ge't rid of someYd tbo'doultiers t| .af emjmmboi the surface and whiehiarb often-blasted and broken up arid hauk; away “just to get rid of them,” at. s nrueh greater ’expense-than it would , tequire to .hnry them.where thcyjiu,’ entirely out of eight. . jff'" Bones for Manurp. . A very valuable manure may- W prepare 1 from bones, dissolved id'<&•>' luted sulphuric acid. Take a lighl, I wooden-lipoped cask, and eefc it and^* 1 |_cover or shelter with boards. PiA i 4 i teight'gatlpnp'oiT, watei-, thiea pour in'ifr little at a time,'to prevent top.;girtftft heat, two anp.a: half to three of phnric acid (oil of vitriol), which may be brought lor.afow cents per pound of the -manufacturer or d Kpw put ih|epa ■panel) *dp.w'n with a htickiill' the bones- the Hqpid; will cover,of'eveb more. Lcavo thcm Co souk for sevcr* J al weeks,. stirring them: well,; and punch: ng .tbem down 1 every two-pr i three, days, adding iaore;. boned %s 1 there 1 , i's room -After,' ei± - to ;eiw?t weeks, take pul the DiulpßofaedpTecb.i, ;■ and niix the Rqiiidawitui a largepvvafc- , r City of dry muck hr|lo»m ,to ;dry,ptrv- i J This wiMrauke a hctVeymicle, cheap, cr and stronger thpt anything whMt 'the market affords' if the acid anS -I bones cum bp had at a moderate cosil ■ Csreshonid be taken, in .preparing, ;■ not to get any pi tUd,fluidon thefleah ; or clothes,ae it will rnnkoßores and des*_ tfoytha clothing. Some weak lyc andja hpeket|of wafer should be near athatfS n wssh off with, in case of acoittoib ; V'l r'. ■: vli 1•12 .o ' V ; Mr