II I ft pittbbproh; b,b. ‘ j / . ■ dCMMEB '/J ■ ,; f<? . - CMv«r Station— GptNQ i': IfL,, Monday, May 16, 1864.— Tratnt ' Station »/o!Unc.:\\ f r • ... ;•/; y- r l S „ Arrives *1 Eittsburgh, 8: CO a. x. • M 5 *' -J •' .. J ■••"■ , ■ B:so>.in.' ■ .*■ , w vi, « :r -'. l 'B;o6p,'-x. 't^ r * " • Ootso I W* ,T ”. * ?.'. --I M. 51 /MM mthttrgk at f(Moteti. . ‘ .i.! ' | .&!« Arrives at Beaver .7:40, A^x. Jf* -J.. 5:20:».rx.' i* d Rochester,..- 2:26' ».;x. j »/" .....i-IOiJX. 1:C()A ; J. s. MoCCLI.6uaH r ; ’ f n"‘ MYERS. OtrCt T diet Agent. :. , : 1 FT. W AYNEA CHICA.OO B. I Rochester Station -Gorao'fiAST.> 1 ; W . Lesvet Rochester. An. at Pitta. ] -.iT.ncb’n Accom. 5:42 a: 7:20 A. 1 X. j *•• A. x.u—&2o A.iX.; •• • ... 12:33 p. x 2:86 ru x. j rustle " I S 'W p - *—"• 4:50 “• ! . / 5:16 p. 7:00 p.ix. l ■ / 1:00 a. x...... 2:20 a. x. ->* . / 2:10 p. x 8:20 p. X , - J S’ ■ 6:45 r. x 7:50. P.;x. < ; ’ ccult,KXP GouiO' West— ■ i L. Leaves Pitts. ■ Arr. at Rochester, j | iihmco Acoom. . 2:10 p. *..... 8:30 P, x. |r |,tßrif!b’nA <!com - 0;l5 A. X...-—.11:00 A.: X. 1 InS.h'n “ 12:00 A. x 1:82 P,ix. idßnghn 6:16 P. X. L/l .... .. - 6:50 P. M 7:20 p. x, I li-1 'l' 6:30 a., m. ,8:05 A. x. I ■, . r.„riss ' 1:00.A. x...... 2:10 A. x. ■ Si 1:10! P. «....... 2:20 P. x. | Sd . P , WM; P. SHINN, B. D. ~ j“ J Ouarterlv Statement of Bank .of Beaver County. “• s' Skw BsioHTQA^Aug.3d, 1864. ■ ■- ' RESOURCES.' . i ■ •.•■'! ■ y u i c » and bills discounted, active ; s^), .seme under protest-...-:--■.-100.00 V. 5.6 percent, coupon bonds ~,120,000.00 1. S. Siner cent, trees, notes. 3U i 9|0..00 j , ,'ViiucnS EEpensCS...:...r-v- ; -:J"” x ' 4 "5,^“ ,ptrnixre and office: fiitures... ...... 1.968*6 \ Piic from other bunts! ■;••••• 44,803 36 S 'Smcs mi./ checks' of other banks and ft V. S. Tnwarr noied 37,025.46. jmsd. l / [•-■«*•. r t iccuuaf...' «• 1 ‘4l * ■.r ; s j’ 's3os*46*^Bl * I.IABIMTIKS. v ; 1; •HViti] -fctock •„.«130,125 ,00 j- ,; • \fffir in ( , ireu;a , ibu......l -780 00 - : v? depofitors.. 152,831 81 . I 12,139 88 .f. i I t'oEiingpxU-funds;.■ 2,808 85 . V unpaid , lioB6 87-. / •f.-fSi*' uD'l earnings.1 6,300 *95 ' •• > E T 5305,468^31. ’ |**i f certify that the above statement is true And j ! -j fmrect according to the!best of niy knowledge ici belief. . • Edward Hoops, Cash'r. !■ Affirmed.and subscribed before me,. this 3d 'i»: of Aug. A.' ]>.;1864.{ V i H. B. BEISEL, J. P. BEAVtR SEMIWABY: " THE PALL TERM OF - FOUR 1 .MON'l lib. will open on . , ; .Soaditji' Ike''2WA of Awjuht, insf. tunher infor nation send lor a cat- j Address ' : I ■ S. B. MERCER, f j I augl'.'lihlt " . Reaver, Pa. ~ Ltfibl List for Se]it Term 1864. ■ - 2d mokwat ,;• \ ] f JtanCoilins 4’Co., ys/jw; M. Shirts, it al j ft'emffl.asfalih ug e, .. John Duff’s Executor i .leln .lhillrn, .. jos. Amxnori. oral ; ! ‘ ‘•mJ'.bcli.- ‘* ReV.cccn('am.pt)el 1a ad I■■ finer A wife, “ iffm. Welsh, Ot al ‘ ‘ ' ''''iiha flays. : “C. W. SiU, - t'iteej i* Beeson,' “ jDarlington ME cli'ch leftist 10, 1864. -1 M.WEVAND, Pro. [VARRHOEA, tJXTEBY, CHOLERA j < HOLERA JUS. Ac.—Certain,ane taediafe cure. celebrated Diarrhoea hns;hccr i with-unfailing success t tljc t'holer; is on of 1832. A single will usually ;k the Diarrhoea in a few '• j N° f am nould be without a battle s season o o year. For sale at this i JJnit/ A,, in Bridgewater. \'X ' tPriceo' JA csnts. and selling fasti !■ “ ' r OH’S NOTICE, 'fion on fhe;/esta Vd, late/of: ,B having bee Dqrsons in to main claimt nerly 11. I I , Diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, • HOLERA MORBUS. &c —Certain.ind ■tnsediai'c tare. This celebrated Diarrhoea . has;hcen uBed wiih.unlailing auccess wet iljc Cholera Reason of 1832. A single will usually check the Diarrhoea in a few war?. I No family should be without a bottle 11 '“is eeason'of the year. For sale at this i iJrtu/ Sfhre, : in Bridgewater. • onlyv.2sibAnts. and selling fasti— *"■ . .>D.|IINIBTARTOH'\S NOTICeP; T KTTKRS of administration on the'/estate lj 01-j Robert SrtNspk, dee'd, late/of: .Big 'Jri rj lownship. Bearer co., haring been FM’caito the undersigned, all persons ift /Kedio said estate are requested, to. makie : oifaiiie pajnient, and those haring claims 'tMM- l iir same will present' them properly for settlement. ' ■ t lAS, K. THOMPSON, Adm’r., North Bewickly tp. ’ SECISTER’S NOTICE. . iIL persons, interested in the following , * n ' r >ls t rati°u and Guardian acfbtintsp lave been passed and ■ filed inv ths' , “ Office, of Bcaref county. Pa., will i ,I,c same will be presented tif,. 'r.V/ , ns '-hurt, to te held at Rearer, oni W- I *7' ,lie 14411 <Jay of Sept.' 18C4, fpgi ‘“•j'mtion and allowance. . % ri*"! f \“ al account of Robert M’Cauley and *“eth Mutser, executors of the, last will ,J Janata Musser. .dee’d.- ’ ‘ , account of j Reiin, damble add VVi Vi Rambd,'administrators of the estate • ••Irsßambo, dee'd. | ' i , a ? count of Rosanna'Endris*. and '■‘‘aufclberger. administrator of the John-Endriss, Jcc’d. ; ,• d , , - i i’.-secbuul of J.jlt, Miller, ezeentor " iU &r *' r -.'1 , , ) 1 1 ti-Martin, dee’d. 1 i..j c 0 :ui:i (Heal and PcrSopal) of Benos (rt„a, ulu.iuUtrallor of'the estate'of' .'.'Anderson, iiec’«l, | ’ ’ - -iccuuia of xi) og jAllisoji, administra- VIr ~on ’ w ‘ l '‘ annexed, of the t„. ,4' , f?T‘e ,,a M. Lyou, dec’d. ' [■ • r f -r. ? cl, ° unt °f Anthony Knit, eiecu- Pi, “ lH " ,!1 of Henry Shafer, dec'd.’ ' r foooutivof .AnSreas Leitcb, exec- W+SI ■ "■ iU H ni(:i f'C'tch, dec’d. ' f '“. c !' cunt n f Ucnjamin' Anderson, ■>. -[ j i . ,j C y :i ;l will of Benjamin Ahder-. °f Benjamin Anderson, ‘ e sst Nvill c f Alexander M. An- j l? eal and Personal) of James i ! W I oWm " ,S,rs,or T 1 41l « will Rnaer. He i ■ M t '>swcll, de :M. - !> busied °/ ’ , ° l ‘ n 1 assen, admiai r*tr»- j > ■/''a C rees ’ ? “take-sil* of jhc real estate in (jA. ** under proceedings in t, Ena] aec„ an f H? urt ° r Bearer county, j . «4S h ' (R oal).ofJohn R.hlc "'J’Won lrwin ra / ol i , of tlle estate of Fr*n-, Tl ‘ Kawti ’ ’ l « * ' ' ' ! ; account yof The,L j n * A - Thai He te? and Mary’ l^isnfc^ouht dee'd d4O : B 'iuu. He ofPhilin' i»f Thoms*' Allison, J^ley,minor dnugh ■lidmiley, dec’d. " Qeibaeh, minor Philip “nuts'; of Philip Oil in.sila Louis* films, Blinn.,d«e’d>: . Pf Hugh And«nos, yilUsn Anid«r*on, A R. MOOBB,' BogtsUr. SAlter*-4.4v • >7 «« Jmvk /ircT Orpbios'Ooart, ioftheCountyef Bsaref/ tiittadsrsigal wOl upoM to Wby PuhUs VtkdusV out-cry, on thepreaisju, oa SA TURDAY.Sept. W.18C4, , it rwl eststo of Johjft MaJey. iUte.ofOhte tp,. to Mild county,JeeM.; vjn >llJthitlfann or tract of about -■ ■ ■ - • *•-.-• pv ,-{; \One MuHired\V& {Fiftf JBightl ■£ Acres, jsiiuou it Rayl’s X Beads* in Ohio tp..»fore- bounded north byltnda of J anies Cal- Tin and olhers, east.by. Utids of the Mein of |Noble Kay I, dec’d.,s6uth by John Johnston, and west by Wm. M’Kee and othenj; about ll'Ctaotea and in a good statoW culti vation, balance well umbered; farm well wa tered. Improvements! one large, good frame Mouse, one and a-Malf rstotyhigbi one large, good frame Tjarn/good 'frame 'stible.' wagon eked, and other oat-buildings; about 700 good, young bearing apple Itrees; about 200“ good j peach trees; also plums, pears,' &c:, on the premises. ‘ ' T£EtMS—-One-thlrdi of the purcbasi money ton confirmation of sale by the Court;[balance in two equal annual payments from that date/ with interest from same time—deferred inst al ments secured by bond and mortgage.! 1 further information'inquire of the undersigned, at Cannon’s Mills. Colombiana bounty. O', or of Wm, D Kayi, on the prem ises. j JAS. I>. ANSLKy, aug10,.’64 j ' Adm’r of dee’d. . -A SWEET AND •, - Pekfcjme* Breath ~-h VERSUS | A BAD BREATH. What lady or gentiemto -wottid remain under the cam of & disagreeable breath, whcby by using the ■. |-j - BALM OF A J IOOp . FLOWERS, it could be eared? How m*oy larat It hu Mpimtal Ila Ilbw many friends forever parted ( lie SruuoT n oo Dkucatk, your nearest friend will notmeutktut; and ye, are yourself ignorant of thejfsct. To effectT radical curio use the Bala as a toolh-Jfrakh night hod morning. j » TDBBtIIM OF 1 • i THOU I) F t OWEES a u,fcl and delicti tfdl. ltAa MmpoMd of Palm-pil and Uoney;hen^cjmo cipai s . . BE'AUTIi’ULjWOMEX; of ancient times used beautify their complexion; .but the combination' and other valuable ingrer (iipntimak's It'stlll moreysluAbiei Fur boiliing 1 auffering Infants, a few drops poured into a basin of wale* will dls* pel all feyer, tetter,.i-c., 4 few drop* poured on W»ur giav ing-brush makes ft beautiful soft Uthek4eaving.tb{ fact pure and white..' [' .{•}'•■ • j When used for washing nfcht and morning, eradicates alll Tan, Pimples, and Freckles,* rendering the Jskm soft, and , white, and fiee from blemish; . . j i */ j A supply. of the genuine article Just [received from j the manufacturer and for sale arthe f | • v f BRIIHIE WAT£E.DBUO 6TORB. • jdljr .j ''.'J •! ■' | LIST OT Remaining in vcr. Pa., Aug. Tlanholomtw Fred Clelan CM .Christian Mnrgarel Game Nancy j Dyer James I Duffy &Shaw Fry Gerrge Goddard James Geddis Enn« I Lighthill John I ;S®»Persbns callin list,.-will please, say ti Office Hojjre.from llsto I) EMAIkING in ter. Pa., Aug, Ealcer .Charles | Cleese Geoige | Coons Miss'Li«ie Fimlk'John '2 Gillan Mrs Jane 2 Glendale Mary J Hamilton John King J M- . Kiepp Gregory Logan Charles Milliman R, *, Mitchell &. Feeael y.' m hours, 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. -j INTO PICE. jW, Wilde & Co. was'dis-. lh of May, last,, by the Yilde. The business-of settled by the surviving BENJ; WILDE, j lIORATIA W. WILDE; I HE. firm of B. * solved on the death of Mr. \Vm the late,fina will I partners; i !IP. The undersigned itb partnership under the & C 0.,” and,will continue latefirm of B> & W, Wilde BENJ. WILDE, I HOBATIA W. WILDE. '? ly u, 1864. ; ; - COrPAUTNKRSI have entered ij the style of ‘. 4 Wil4< th’e.,business of (tie s*•>. - ( ■ New Bri ;hton, Ji :<■ NOTICE. :T ETTEKS iif administration on -the es :/JLi of Uas'l;M’Ceat, late, uf S. Shea vet 1 tjk, Beaver county,j dec’d, having been grant ed to the undersigned! all persons indebted to said requested to make immediate payment, and those hiving claims against said estate will present them: to the subscriber properly authenticated for settlement, ; f SARAH M CKAY. Adm’i, Jy II South Beaver tp. EXECUTE WHEREAS, tha. Probate Court bf iCglum biana county.; 0., baring' granted to. the'Undersigned letters testamenUryj on the estate 6f jHoratia Nr Barker, late of i Perry tp. Columbiana county,; Oh’id, dec'd.,_all persons knowing themselres. indebted to said estate are requested, to made ; immediate' payment, and those; haring claims; against the Isakno will present them properly} authenticated; for set tlement,’ i ‘■ '-( |' ■ ■ . j I ! G: S. BARKER Ei'r., I'.'T Newjßrighton. jWwi i i •Estate i of John Imbrie, dec’d. rn ■ .T< , "'Tr | - LETTEBSofadminSgtration on the«iut* of i *"* X OUI1 g» John Imbrie, late of Big Bearer 1 (oral / hae’l een far'some time acting ai ship, Bearer County] Penna., dec’d, haring (uk-geor in the Army, haring returned been granted to the' undersigned, allpersons 16cat id himself in ; j indebted to,said estatiaire.requested t 6 make; Beaver County, immediate payment, |,and those haring I claims - _ I ; 'll > | 1 " ’ against the same will present them jnroperlr h,s pwetsional serrieeato the public. : authenticated for settlement. |, ? in PhilpsJ building.' [mhlo - 63 'j;- D. li IMBRIE. Bearer, . "L. i; l '' T, i~ ) ' B. S, IMBlUE,..Darlington, uiGY] C£ffl & GO*. . JC ~‘ 64 *' [ ! ' Administrators. Adjjßriuiig; and; Ccomliaioß Jgfentt / ADMINISTIIAtOK’S NOTICE. j ] in X ETTERSof administmlon pnihe rttatß of INKS OF ALL KIXI)S r Typ. r i rtstio* MU'*]*. un lersigned, all persons indebtStosaid wtaie WO-AW) PBINTIIia PAPKB CABDB, *0 i are requested to make itnmediaie payment, and ' ■■■ - 1 ! 'l '■■‘ 1 " :, those having claim j gainst said esiate will OPFICEB--B rown’sßnildinfl, Philadelphia* present them lo the snbscriber an- Tribuneßuadii gs,Newlfork. theniiested for settlement. ’■ f-.-i • ■ mar26:lr.; > r ' Ay P|LACOCK, Adm’r, ■- } £-■ .j] - ' M —— i -I. jyl«M -i : Rochestert P . | | NOTICE. ; ' 1 ■ \ . -v ]I •- APPLICATIi )NS will: be receirad us to iixAngdrtje h,lB6d,ftt ten Female Teach. «« •« *•«*' the Kew Brighton Union i Bohoo’, by theAoard Of School Directors for a Hhe mstriet of Mew Brighton. ; T ‘ .. <y I„- A■] ®* PlDlltAJfD.'See’y. Beard." '! Jgiy 37th. ibm. ; v ,1 JDp* ’Kinney, , '/~\FFERB his'fpo>, liiul iferripei ia.th* V.f oitixena of " r,-f 'T-; • v ».. '■■'l ■’ 'V'V’V, BEaVERAKD ViemiTT. &■:■E. 'O&isefM deelQ] the Dintdond. Beaver. PdV ] ■ ■ ■ . 1 u\- " . F 1-; L .1/. LETTERS the Post Office jat Ben, Ist, 1864. ' j'r . i ’ (Moore George ■ iO’Hara Wnj S ' Sauoerman Mary ’Stone Captl Mi 1, 1 Space Sarah j Smith Henrietta . ; Taylor G j White Charlotte ’Wallace Mary] i Welsh Hinnelta ' 5 forjetters in the above tey are advertised, f ANDERSON, P. M. ! a. m. io 6} pi. hi. '[LETTERS ! I lie Post Office.aljßoehes, 81,1804: ,[ • ( ; <j.- , !_ -| Moschel Jacob ’ Megdwn James G ’Pond .W S 2 . Ray.Kitiie V Steen Capt H R ; Stoop Martin i Sherman Misslßell • Jm'/th Jehn' 2 1 Smith J ’± Tcrley Francis ; White Miss M N • j t Warner Mrsjß I T. M. TAYLOR. P.M juring* the, summer, from I'S NiQTICE. iPis &, i ?.{ "j.i,ox? \-'f± i wn -nTrna ~ lb*N*B«nib/ua, of Con|y&^|fgi^ *H ®SW?f w*4*f. ttito 4t* *WI b* EXEMPT rftOM UXATIOK by «rjnd«(uf ' stat? -or to these ' Botfds arb _ 'iSSied .State* notes or National Banka.' They.iiraTO BB BE* DEEMEDIN iCojs.nl the pieasnrenf the-Gor ; eminent, at-any period not Uu tltak'Un'norMore >.<Aan/arlpy«J« from the** date, and nntQ their redompdoi mE, PER - jCJENT. INTEREST" WILL ’on Bond*; of not orer dollars annanally and bnill other' Bonds ! Mm-aMuaUyi /.The Interest Sg, payable. on. the fist days of- Maroh end Sep tember, in bach yoar-4- •. «r_-; -'.■ -.-.'f • ■ Subscriber* will receire either Registered or Coupon u lhqt may prefer. ■ Register ed Bond* are recorded on the .books.of the D.S.Treasuijer, and; can he transferred ' only bn the owner]* order’. Coupon Bonds are pay- j able ,to besrpr, and are more convenient for eonunercial nset. • Subscribers to this loan wiU.hare the .option of haying their Bonds draw int’e'rest from Muroh Ist* by payingLthe secured interest in coin—(or ln Stated notes, or the notes of National Banks, adding fifty per cent, for on received them drawlng''interes form’the date of. snbseriptisn -and deposit.— As these Kinds are ; ‘-.A ; ■ EXESIBT ipjßb.W JIONICIPAL dR SPATE their Value It inoreued form bite ent. per! annum, 'according to the leiries in Taribaa parta of the T.vt ■" - 1 ’ ent rote of premium mn goldthey 3HT PER CENT INTEREST TAXAtIQN, to three.pert rate of taxi' country! , At the pfet : -OVER EI a currency, a permanent oi j It is belie great induce) ad are of equal convenience a* a temporary investment. red that no securities offer iso aentr to lenders ,as theraripus of U. H. Bonds. In all oilier biedness, the.faith or ability lof sor stock companies or separate only pledged .for payments debtj of the United States tbe ty of Ibe country, is hplden : to aymentj of botU principal and a. descriptions forms of indt private partii communities while for the whole prdp.ci seonro the p interest in ooj J , These Bonds may be sabscribedfor ifi sum froip $6O up to any magnitude, on the same terms, and are thus made equally available jto the smallest lender ahio.be largest capitalist. They.cau be converted into money at j any mo ment. and the holder will hare the benefit of •■he interest. *' “ It may be u that the tuia itfui to state in this connection Funded Debt of the! United ch' interest is payable I in'gold, of March, 1864, wa55768,965,- erest pit this debt fur the.com yess . will be $45,987,126, items revenue in gold' ’for the 'ear, endin'g June 30th 1864, has the rats ofovrr per- States on whi i on the 2d day t'OO.' Thi^ihi thing fiscal while the cu current fiscal been so far at annum. . j;. ,• : It will be si icn that even the' present gold te GoTernment are largely in; rants of the Treasnrvfer the; Id interest,- while the recent in-* tariff frill doubtless-raise the an rom' customs on the same a irtations, to $150,000,004 per - - [■■ : • i 1 to the National Banks acting* were not issued from the United revenues’ payment' of g< crease of | the nail receipts ( mount of imp annum.. | I Instructions as loan agents I State Treasury L first three we averaged !• mo iVEEK. . ( ’ Subscri pilot First Natibi Third Nbtio AND! BY which are dep all |i i‘ RESPECTABI throughout tin tne National I further, inform j until!' March £G, but in the i its of April tile subscription >re thin TEN NILLIONS A c s will be receired by the ; iial Bank of Pittsburgh, nal Bank of Pittsburgh, ALL NATIONAL BANKS ' i isitaries of Public money, and I E BANKS AND: BANKERS ii Country, (acting as .agent of [ epositiry Banks,).will furnish tition on application and- - vry Facility to Subtcrihtrt. : iside 3m. 1 " Afford, En mayU’tid—ii A DMI N If T KTTERS.O I J of Robf.ii township, bent granted to tir debjed to |aid imrnediateipay; against said es subscriber] pro element. ■' ITHATOR’S NOTICE ' administration on ' Moobe, late of. South Beaver er county, deo’d., haring been I unde reigned, all persons in state are requested to make aent, ind those haring claims ate wja present them: to the perly i authenticated for set < Administrator. C. KERR ! Strviett to the People of B Vlclif IT Y public patronage. [C* H ' '■ • Offer! hit\Proj BEAVE 1 cuwna ; A js late of ftndsolicitg • «] orr •tel, Kerr’# j H Beaver, Penn’a. ■jlL . ?r * dnelfi.'ai; (CEjCIR THE" Bubscril ’ with h'U Q ICE I in the Noikb-1 where persons ehereof tfa'4 pal , m»y2o>66 lsr. ypt ana again EAM SALOON. >er hag opened, in connection ONFEpiIONABY, on 'REAM SALOONS . [ just corner 'of ■ tho Diamond, cgn jbe accommodated, A >Uo.p!|ifdn«ge is eolicited. : Walters.- 1 PAB|B/pc/»Ie »t theßridge* v 1 SUBS) i T of the ■■Spwsfr*.., i New Twenty Tear R per ct. Bonds. ...' .1 -1 l, ''■ , ; i -! '. -!■•• I of the United BUtes, designated ae f'tlr*. Twenties," redeemable atthepleaeureof tho Government, after fl*o yeare, and antboriied of Congress, approved February 26, ► Bio COUPON BONOS are iaaaed in sams of •7 f|p of $6O i •T’:: interest at {Six 'per; cent: per annum-will commence from dateofporehase,aadis . ] PAYABLE m GOLD. 11 Semi-Annually, wbieh.ii equal, at the present ANNUM 0 PERCENT; • Farmer*, Merchant,, and all who hare-'anj know and remember tL effect, a FIRST MOBf roads,' Canals,' Bank!] and the immense prods tores, &c.„ 4e|., in thef and ample prorision.il) the interest and liguil Cost oms j Doties, Bxeii Rerenue.serres to ms) Best, Mast Availall ~ Subscriptions recoil) der Notes, orj .notes Via par in Philadelphia. 1 receire ' prompt attent and explanation wiU I tion at this office, 1 [ A full'suppljrOfßop for immediate*deliren . JAYjCOOKEj, ■ ;• JONES’ DYEING & SCOURING ESTABLISH iTEXjT. - 30 OHIO STREET, (West of! . ' ALIiEGBENY, PENS'A. f THE Proprietor* of shment ' hire \ieen engaged fdr'tfthimher of jean in the most extensive estaiU*lim'qnt» in this country, in th'e cities of New Jfork and Phila delphia, where .allthe improved appliances and apparatus arejemployed. Being lalsoin pos se jstonof the] very latest discoveries and me thods of European Dyers, they dye abd finish Ladies’ .Silt. | Satin and Merino (Dresses in'« superior style | In manycases, these article* are made in color and finish, very! nearly equal in appearancojto new Good*. , , 1 O&.A/L (fooils reiurn(d in im weeks < KOL LOOK'S x:, 3Z>andeiorf Coffee. rllS preparation, made.fromthe beat Jata Coffee, is'recommSnded by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for Gen era I Debility.pyepepsiaand all billions disor ders.. Thousands who haye been compelled to abandon the use of coffee, will use this With out injurious effects. Ons tan contains the strength -of two pounds of ordinary 'coffee. Price 25 cents,- , * • .. :j ko The purest! known, for ms .Bread and Cal Manufacture .... i . M. of 1 Aid sold by al aarSfi .’VpBTR SKMINARI AND! INSTITUTE Rev. R. T. Taylor, A. M.,Prin. Mrs.A. S. Taylor, Goveynsa. '»* HE NEXT 'TERM WILL* COMMENCE l uesday March', 2Ath. 1563, And continue 14 wecks.;f The 4 aim - of I the school, is to make its pupils thorough, esps-'j cially in the Co tnnjbn Branches. * ‘ . IVormallClaseu I for the benefit those wishing to, fit them-: selves for teaching, will he formed' at the commencement of (he tern*. .7! Board, Room rcnt, &c......... ..i£§& t)0 Tuition rariet from $3;60 to $B,OO 7 . ' __ flatter particular* inquire of the President of Faculty. 1 i ,• ■; • marl’CS ■ . ' ; R. T. TATtOII] NEW C?rROCE RY ,■ .• .AND ! I" | PRODUCE STORE. / : r |' subscriijer* respectfully announces to . • . the otwcna, of Beaver and vicinity, that RTnnpi° * GROCERY & PRODUCE o ( ‘V". E j!"- 4 * 1 * rootn formerly, occupied by Stokes & Tallon,: and directly opposite the Arp., office, where we will keep constantly on hand and [for sale a Urge assortment of Groceries, snehj as coffee; kige, ; aSn ' MOLASSES, SUGAR; | SYRUP/ | \AUoi FLOUR, POTATOES! and all other articled usually Rent in a Grocery atoroJ • . >■ ■" : • Country produce taken in exohanird for goods, at the highest ,market price deed [; T. T, MoKIBBIN.' ; ; '1 V 1. Ohio township. Pension, Pay Agency. riddel. No, 135 FOUKTH ST., « PITTSBURG, Pi. fS nfor A n/?Jrv-mi 6n * l l en t 0 Ule Election 1& SOLniPHa N n °l sloo ’ due ‘® wound- SOLpIEH& *rhp ba?e eerred less ira« " f :b,cll “ novr being paid. , »•' communication, addressed a. aW, rotnptjjran.wered/by retUEn ofPost. j«8,’64 - 4- 1 Sestwick:; BROADW AY & APPLE STKEEr ' " j iVew Brighton, Fd, ' • t ; Wholeultt' and BcteU Dealer . la ; Tin, Copper,. apt Sheet- Inn Ware, most approved patterns of • Filteburg Cooking, Fdrlbr and Seating ■ . ■ H; : ..sjoiia. ’; -V v : [mar23’64 T r CfIiKDLER. J- | SHEHBONBENTIST, i “aver station, where he., will ettendto SKS^S 4 ” ,,a R 8 Wo * spited. 1 [jenlS’M Ertate Brad*haw,deo’d. mad fn »V ®** T * r 00-. dec d,, h»Timbetni»-t ssslft'afife^ssaSia P^ v ' iAdm'.., j J “! r*»W«, P*. JA I yv Jewbanies. Capitalists, tonoy, to inrekt, should ist these Bondi are, la TGAQB upon all Rail- BUcl» *ad SeettriUes, lets of'all tho Manufao eountry: and tho 'foll lade for. tho payment of lauon of principal, by is.i Stamps dad Internal Ice these Bonds tbe ■ « and Mott Popular'. 1 the Marktt, M»tPAElnL#galTen nd-ebooks -Of banks at Subscribers by. nusilwOl.' lion, and oreiy facility; i>e afforded on applies-T ids win be leapt onhand Subscription Agent. LEVAIA’. • ]\ , and best BAKING POWDER ■ ting light,, sweet and. nutrition* ces. . Fries 16 cents.: ‘ ! d by ' I ,f > , j.; H. KOIJ.D K, Chemist, ■ road and Chestnut streets,, PHILADELPHIA* Druggists and Grocer*. -i "i • ".I■ i EA 1: It IMbfe Vu sSlfcfrP** a! «>ai^BswSSsr-v.^-- .. ; imiMM -AT--'■■■• v ••- * J <:i :; mbtßaammm u« Bbi oatbitnorth by riSley, °“ I*/: Market" street, andon the’ rtr * et < i dpon which said lotNotl76, is erected a Brink : Boose, twen tydlyfeet front onWater street, by eighteen «n Market afreet, with an addition fr<jnton Market street by stories highweald building contains^nin«|r<Soms and a hall.with a- cellar mdrr|the front part, also a' Frame Wash HooMkiateea feet square, and an old! Frame Stable sixteen feet square. -••■-./; !■•,•■ ! Tibms.—lue-thlrd of ihepnrcbase money on the ; confirmation of the sale-by thheonrt; Iwlaneelnr annual payments I from that date,. with' interest : thereon from same time, j By order of the Court: !'!' : ... !• JOHN BOSWBii, ■■ 1 ;■ ,Srecptora of George Boswell, deceased. VAttAMFiMArotJOAL WKi) FOR SALE*; 1 ... A °f Mrst'&tr land,'■ altdatein iTL P“PP«w» tp.. Bearer county* about' S *W*f FS» « f New. Brighton, on the P r Ft. W. containing ONE HUNDRED At KEH.isofferea for sale on farorable terms. About seventy acres o? this land aftj cleared . VS O * l elate of eultiratio’n; the balance wjeu timbered, .: and . all under fence.-. There are on the premUes a atone dwelling house, a “??*. I bouse, .(the upper atoryof which ie now need as a dwelling, (andjhewed logbarn; There, le a rein of excellent coal nnderiyingA large portion of the trait, with opening .near the railroad. | ... 'si-| ‘| Wcf" Per further information inquire j of JamxsFim, Em., Brightou, Pa:. K. P. Fh- Mjuk, Esq.., Pittsburg, or M. Wata*d, Pro! honotary’s. office. Bearer. Pa. JeB,?6wt44 .James Thompson’sAdm’rs, } 1 In thi Court and Matthew Thompson A I of Common Pleas Samuel Kennedy, ofßearer|oonnty, T *‘ l ; .• j 'Vend. Ekp. 80l Emmet B. Thompson, j 11. Mar. T, 1864. - June 11, 1864, on petition of SheriffLedliet ;thje Court appoint James 8. Kutan, Auditor to distribute j the purchase money a tqphg: the lien of creditors. * ' BEARER COUNTY, 8 ;s t , A true extract from the Record. ■ Attest.* , j 1 M. WEYAND,: Pro. Kollos.—The Auditor shore named will attend to the duties of his appointment at the Court Housed in Bearer, oh Monday, the lst , dajyof August, at 10 o'clock, a.m., ait which time parties interested will attend, iif they think propejr. J. 8. BUTAN, < je29’64 t‘ ■ i . Auditor, | £ WB OFFER TO TUB PUBLIC . WHEELER & WILSON’S -1 FAMILY, f‘ '. •’ i!- ■fj| SEWING MACHINES. W in increased confidence in its meritsas the B 'St and Most Reliable Family Hewing > ; [ Machine no}.o in use, . v W i claim for it the following, advantages over any and all Sewing Machines; Fargreater variety Of work; beauty and' ex-' ce lonce of stitch; Speedand quietness of mo tive; simplicity of construction;'ease of opera tit n and management;, elegance oftdeSigirand finish., It .will , ■ | -f, .PUteh, Hem, Fell, QaiH.Blnd, Tuck, ; j Plait; Gather, Cord, Braid, ~| s All without any previous basting, i It works equally well on tie' thinnest or thickest fabrics,l from heavy beaver or pilot cloth, to the finest cambric.' ' | H. PEIRSOIi, beaver., pa.. 6*64] Sole Agent for Bearer county. NOTICE IN PATITION. JN'the' Orphans’ Coiirt. in and for the coun ty pf’Bearer, and State of I Pennsylvania: the matter of the. partition 6f the real es tate' of Maty Ewing, deceased. To' the heirs and legal representatircis of said .'de ceased: Take notice that by virtue of a vfrit of partition,, issued out Of the Orphans' Court of said county, and to'me an Inquisition .-to make partition or raluation jof the real es tate of said deo'd., will be held'bn'the premises on the SOtH. day-of August, 1864, at [which time and plapej you may a&phd if yonl'thihk proper. JOSEPH IEDLIE, Sheriff. Bearer, July 26th, 1864. 'j ? ■ij . : CASH PjA-XX) - FOR ; \ Jl,;;* . [ BETTER JJVD i . by ; ■■ , •. 'i \i 1 .. r -■ ;,] i ■ 8. HABVISY, Bridgewater. ; . NOTICE. ; • ; ■ q ■ THE STOCKHOLDERS of the New Brigh- Manufacturing Company aie hereby, 1 np uned that the,annual meeting and election for offi<an. win be held at the office of B: B. Chamberlin, Esq., in New .Brighton, oh Sat urday, the'6th day of August-next;'between the hoars of S and 6 P. M. ■ By order of tba Board of biteetors i i i | ! EDWARD HOOPS, SeoTy. New Brighton, July! 19th. j ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. 1 ■ll/! HKBEASletters! of administration*har i ling been granted to the undersigned, on the estate of Ass T. XAConun.date of South Bearer tp, Bearer eo, Pa, dee'd., all persons knowing, themselres Indebted, to said estate are requested to make paymentf immediately *nd those haring claims against the same will present them to. the subscriber duly- authenti cated far settlement. .■“ ■ .-Vjfc BOBT, B. BATL, Ad'm'r, with" will annexed,' ijy2o’64 . ' South Bearer'tp. IADMINI^RA^OR’S^OiTcETr "TTT'BEBEAS letters ol administration' 'on fp, the estate pf HtiOH Tqcsa, late'of Economy townshig/Besrer county, Teun’a., deceased, haring been duly granted to the un dersigned, all persont indebted to said estate are'no tided to’ make'immediate payment, and those haring olalms against the same will pro* 'sehtr ijiem proparly: aulhentioatedXfqr little* ment without delay. T : ' : I. . ;]■ WM. YOTOO, AdiiiVi, f jylB,’M * Economytp. .. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, f Vir'HEBEAS letters testamentary im the . TT estate of Aux, Asmnsos, lata 1 of Big Bearer tp.. Bearer eounty. Pa., deo’d, haring been granted to. theundemgaed, idXperson* indebted to said estate' 1 are requested to make immediate paymCnH and those hisring claims againstthe same willpreaeot them properly authenticated for settliunen*. - I pit ■- y : { 30S. ANDEBSON.Execnter,: ; ; JylB,B* j. Big Bearer ■ RAlt-ROAD HOUSE, ADAH rOHNSOX, PRC BUOBSHU, PA. EMI - • 1 • ' i r .....1, =I Third Arrlralof Spring Goods* I.- - ! - nformation for every.body fru of charge. I, | iTirtrt < at Fortune 2 eases best Make fist 1 ease | fine bleached« I ' ' ' ' ~ ‘ iLAWNS; CHALLia , VELOURS, And a fall line ol ! Second Jlonrni SHOES 1 SHO. I I Luting CongressGi " Balmoral ! Morocco ; Bo And a large asso. BONNETS, HAT | CUES and Men, and boy#’ Hiits rhd Cap»./ Sun Umbrellas- :] ' SilkjCottoh orPrcnch ■ Gingham ; And a large assort mcb£ r of ; ‘ FOREIGN and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS opening WISELY. Give tin % cell before buyittg - ».nH. examine oar stock.and prices. I All goods Warranted to give satisfaction. • ' ‘ ' 1 ' . . . • I FORTUNE’S (f.HEAP STORE In Th. 3 Diamond ROCHESTER, FA. ORDINANCE. BE, it enacted by the burgesa and Town Council of tbo borough of Hpokstmvn. and it is hereby enacted, by the authority of the same, that from and after the 16th day of June, 1864, all teamsters hauling coal to citi sens livingin said boroiigh of Hookstown, Taj, shall be required to have their coal-wagons measured and branded correcily, indicating! the'number of bushels isucb conveyance, will' hold, and the amount'hauled .to the said citi-' sens in said borough. Any person failing or. refusing to comply withj said requirement shall pay a fine, of $lO.OO for' each and every such offence; said fine and . forfeiture tb be levied and collected the same as any other dues or fines'in said, borough'; Approved May 28,. ’fid. Attest: , JNO. A. SNOWDEN, S. W. Mu.ua, Cl’k... j I ; Burgess. r.:.~ V alunbleßeal Estate FOR SALE. THiJ, subscriber offers for sale his residence on Third Street a| House and Lot. \ The improvements are a. Brick House 50 feet front by 36 feet deep containing 10 rooms and Store Room, Cistern, - Wash Mouse, Stable, Fruit Trees,’ Grape Vibes, &c., fcc.' ,; - Also, Sixty acres first} rate land, 4 'miles below Beaver, unimproved, standing with ex eellent White Oak Timber,- one mile from the Ohio river. i 1 | .1' ; j Alao, a lot containing 12 Acres, one' mile from, Bjaver, enclosed with a board fence suitable for a Gar.inererpr. Nuseryman. Pot further particulars enquiire of the subscriber. Titles indisputable. ■ ] ~ ! May 24, ’64; KQB’T. M’CREERV. DR. GEO. CLEIS. -' QFFERS his ’professional services to the eitixens of BEAVER AND BURROTJND -VILLAGES.,.: •: / 'Jj- 1 r. . Office is in Phillipaburg for the present, where he can be consulted at any ’ time, Wednesdays. excepted, which ‘ days he can be seep at his office- in> Pittsburg, .where he lias practiced for morcthantwenty years. ■ Dr. Cleis calls the attention of theafflieted to the following diseaxea;—Scrofula, Diseased or Weak Eyes, Rheumatic Affections, Female. Complaints, Chronic Diseases of long standing —all of Which he treats with' remarkable suc ™ i • : -"V • [ I ; • dec23:4t f I CE CREAM 1 SALOON ,'"i In Brldgr<c|water. ; ■ ' | HE subscriber haa fitted np, in an elegant »tyle. to au ICE CREAM oALQO>, hu hhoteon Aha. corner oTißiidae and Mulbeny Streets;” , ? , Calces and Confectionariea, of ail kinds, constantly Kept on hsndit ORDERS FORIt’B PROMPTLY ■, , . FILLED. v? My jiaeiQ4t,:f[’ TJOSS RROTHEXlACo’srffitta Chemical JO iathe'world, at the ttyitt and be Viheedi Manufactured by the Amsrrcr . Ink Company. . i -j ' '- > ' l ; • I i . • •*R r' y**g*t"‘j*+ »;jMBW- t^, >-7*-‘-* ■■■ ■; j.-.q ;• .;i,‘ pened Mil ’• Kew S tore iJsrkocH (TER, PA ;7 -C/.AV color calico at ' 18| mslin at S PLAIDS, , SREPAR. DELAIh r ES, Plain Black and ig Dress Goods. Cheaper .ban ever. VS!! SHOES'!!! tmeni of , vhildient- ry cheap. 1 thoei, Vi [, FLOWERS, fcC- RIBBONS in i,- 1 ‘ iAKIETY. GREAT •* Remember the Place ' or U 1 TIOBf,OIFRJS dJTOTRIJAT MENT OP 'MENTAXs; : ; ;a alienation ob > V: ■;■ :| j WSORJJEIfc «. ■., Jfcrroiu and Cfciroxfo .IMaettea* - EXCLI7SITOLY POB.>EMmSs^ rjlfliS - institution is now tij»*tf-fir riiivewj,. ' 1 'tlon, oare, and treatment of the imUptn~ f dint dm at palieiits vhti' art; Übßriqg jmder , ■Mate! derangement ; or other nervous "jm( • , chronic: disease. We mile spiocint mention of nervous end, chronic diseases, ■ from the fact 'that seven tenths of the. female patients thst trt committed to<njr patiUc. treated for arc'redu’eed to that iamenUMe tfonaiilolkt through previous - physical disorder. By * well rimed andjudi-; cions treatment of and nervous dis eases, all physical in the major! tv 1 f of cases may be removed ; and tuus the mind, .having suffered through the medium of the’.' body - will ; when fceej. from’ the oxeilirw physical cause, throw? off lie dhaolrieittW naa bound it toworse than midnight Idnritnefy; ' and reason will, once more, resaiuei hnswuA / clothed in all Its-primitive beauty land' wpntt. I . excellence. Hence the necessity .of alLthos.rJ wh.o »relnhering under.the'predisposing ■ •/ exciting causes, calculated la thread to Im-» pair the mind to; resort to an | eariyai. t judioionscourseofremedial agents. ■ The Institution.j&a large, brick bunding with a stone basement—four stories high au-t > veil ventilated. Jt is, situated on {an elevate* table land.which commands a view of-ent : r - town—adjacent hills —groves and W streams; all' of-which are calculated to | pro-... dnee favorable impressions upon- tl e disorders ed mind/ < - v j 1":. ; : ; The Institution is complete, in all' of its poihtments. Having been tastefully fitted ?.,! at greet expense, in order’that iljiiiay in:-, ibe approbation and views of the t>ost taau.e on*. . ■ 'il '■ ’..1 t,. i The whter ] closets ■ and • bathing appa»a i u "WUD^l^’ JDSWs ! f . . \ i ’ , i. have been gotten np uoin the mo«*, approvr ! modern scientific principles. This 1 departs;.' r. 'embraces not! only the Ordinary! baths .jb;.i.- alsOj the medicated, vtarm air. and asoeudi - ; anddescending douche for the more; effect uV.T and successful treatment! of" cutaneous ' other scrofulousdiseases.■ , . ‘i i jV !j We beg leave to'say toaU those who mn v I I disposed to cominit uiteresta of a iic n; wife', >iatcrordau'ghter.'to'our charge—iin;;-. ' be'assured that no means ‘will be' spared 'h efforts wanting on bur port to amel; o ratctht : . condition or to effect a refrtoratiodto their sc pustomed health and vigor of mind.: . 1 ( , ' For further particular)! send for a circa!nr 1 All eommunications should be addressed ioi ' E. KENDRICK, M. r>: iiupt. of New Brighton .Retieat ' New Brighton ' 1 Beotver Co. Fa. , r C’ttITTEIi’JDEA’S : !^ r I PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL " ■ coXjLecs-e], .'’j- H,<B. comer of 7th &Chestnut ■; ‘ 71" >, /' ... U -1 J'.'IILXbELPt lA. PA. 7 ' iTj'JilS,.l»3t:iutioh. which was in j ■ 1844, and is now consequently j;: i.?. | eighteenth year of its [existence,i l among its gramates, hundreds of the moi'lciic - cessful Merchants and Business .l Men of our, Cjoniitry.'* . , - | The object of i the Instilution is solely tojaf ford young men faiilitica for thorough priepa-. .ration’for business, v * '• -j ; If ■ i XUe branches taught are. UookLkpeping, n j npplstahlc. of, PpcTnansbip, both- plain and ' ornsraeptaf • jCommeircial , L:nv,.; mathematics, JsayigatT--i , Engineering, ’Drawing, Vhviiogra’phy, and Mddern Languages. , " . si.vl2'G2. ol Instruction is peculiar; nl °. r sot kssois are 1 made nsejof] : Vuf ea.-.ii f.ud.ont :c taught individually, to ; that he may commence at any rime,* a!nd attend at whatev er hours arc most convenient.; | 1 j | arc isstiei] naryaally after ti c 15th of-.‘,pri!, .containing names "of the stu dents far the year, and -.'full: particulars ;oi *. ■ ..terms, &c.. anl m£y be obtained at* any! time *; by addreasing:thiy Principal- ‘a j ; ! \5 ■ In' cxtejisive accommodations. wide spread ' i reputation, ahd ihe lengthy experience of the j Principal, this Institution offers facilities hu : pet'tor to any other in the country; for young; I men. wishing for .business. and 1 t o bnbtain at the same time A i>u-l£>.ma,: which will i prove a recommendation for them fo anv ller- CJißt:lc Housed . ' t !• * ' ...... ~ i ,| Series o! Treatises ,on Book-Keeping, I now more .widely -circulated tuna any otherUrork* on the subject: are for - sale at the College. . . • 1 ' S. HODGES tfiRiTTEXDEN, Atfomey-ai-iaif,' | . ■ i . I’iiisciPAt. May 7. | • IVOTici]- ■j' j/' I Reuben H Fry "j - - I | ■ , T S‘ ,' > Alias SiJbphnni-TOvorce, i Rebecca .Fry. I >■.. .1 ■ 1. -■ . • j -Settee to Kebfcea Jrni.y—Xnn nr hereby cotn nyr&dedJo be and appear in your proper per before oiir Judges, at Reaver, at the coun ty court bf Common Pleas, to be held on the Second Hondo;/- of 3 Srpumhir, 1864. 'Ao shew cause, if, any you bhave, why the said Reuben 11. Fry shall not be divorced from j the bonds of matrimony contracted with you !• . . . V . Joseph ebolie, -sicff. Shse|fk?s Orncß,, i 1 [ 1 Beaver. July 12,’64. j ft- j •; ; lAn thef matter of the appl cation for a' Char. of the Mt; Carmel Presbyterian ChUrc.i of Moon; township, Beaver pounty] p« ' . . :' nd bow fo wit, June B,* 1804, Appiioition being made,- the Court r Jirelct publication ac, cording io- the J£ct of Assembly, and that uhL" less cause be shown to the'contrary, the Cha-ter of incorporation will be granted by the Court at the next Term. I : , BeAVKE I COD/iTV, >B.', ’' . .♦! V, ' A true extract from ihe P.ecnr J ' . V jjjlS’64 Attest: . - M. WETAND, Pro. WHOLESALEDRYGOODS. wmjmeou C 54 Wood St., PITTSBURGH, jJJ * * ** THEIR 8 TOC K ros TH . SIPIR/lig"<3- o^ 1 1563 T Lowk " - 1 r■■ 1^ T “ E PpffANx court, in andjo:; Ihe oaunljr.of Bearer, State, of Praia,;! ▼ania. .In matter:of Jtbe petition for'’•*■»■-■• tiHouofjhe Qotleib-Miclieelk d !° d .. th « heira anWegal 'reprreeßietiTdl of said deceased. and alt others Interested:" You and each or .yuoare hwty’reqnirei t« be and appear at an Orphan*’ ‘ComeJtA H Baiyer; in jindf the Secora %n» pt jgei^® S r,v 4ns *’ »bj *n iinqaest to.pisk* partition• of ; the real cstatr of eaid dee d. should not he'awarded: I . ~, v l r JOSEPH LEDUE, Bh*ft ’ i ’Si 1 - |. ■• ’j, ' ■ I m PA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers