; ■-.**- 1 " AVE' VS. 18; yfS|i g~L IMBWE, TEBMS~ 5t l K, |p®*Suj»‘ »adFi«tCM*i ,py- amnia, i.l other* Ue Two Dolr ; will be chergej; No peptr ditto ant Inaed cjjtil all amaragej aVe Milled. ■ -jgrdettcr* and pogmmnfcatioßf, by jneii, ■•fbanbafe | - PRESIDENTS MESSAGE. Delivered Befbre Congress on, December dth- , Fdlo it dfoensl of the Senate and Sim--' of Jtijfrefentott&s Another veer of health and sufficiently abnnd ; imt'harvests hasp. passed For these, I ,and e«pceia!Jy_ fiqp-the improved con l ’ Ijition of our national affairs bur ie. revved bnd . profttdnd gratitude fo Soil is due- iWefiiornain ib peace and ; friendship with, foreign po'wert. - The •.efforts of disloyal citizens of this Uni-! . ted States la involve, us in foreign ; . .wars and to aid in 'inexcusable, insnr- 1 reetion have- heen> nnavailirg.yHer | vJritaiifiic Majesty's Go veimmon’t, as j . ivas, Justly expected. ha ve/exercised) their authority tff provenVtho depart- ) ere of new hostile " expeditions from j , British jtorts. "T^ieFiinperorof,France has hv a like proceeding promptly fh-' ' i db-att-dthe tvhihk he pro-.' claimed at tbemiilg s lining ofrhg con . test: Questions!:of great inmOstcy und importance have arisen out of to®*. Ijleekiide and oilier hwlligerent opera tions between ihe Goveinmeiit aind . :soye|al of the niara time powers, but’ ’ tbe.v] have been discussed, and. so far ns .was possible 1 accommodated in a Q . in it;.spirit of frankness. justice and rnutmal good 'jriii. ft is especial i ]y. gratifying .that «;tr prize courts, by thr.iwjmnpilfly. uf (heir ndjudica tipii-fiti ve ooihnwjnded the respect and t: ; cwi/'o'ew-e.o/' thepmanitime pow.ers. *■-i " • o.V F*>»kl| .v 7S KATlits. * . r i’ ;< Siijrpltti'.tdial tivaiy between rolled Staif|and Great Britain, ‘ siijtpiessji-jii of. the African V'v ( 'ri-d f miidf fm the ITtii Bay of C'j i'tii.'y las'.'. luibM-i-cti duly 'ratified-. - ;.uu a ;i: i i.-'J ri.iio dixtculioii'.. It'is. bo v,‘< •h’.t -o;iar|as: Atijericau.p.uUs a.'id American Citiicps are concerned, n.at inhuman :uKI barbarous traffic .fias'bi—n brouglukn yud. I iahall ■subip.lt. few the Consideration of the >ei-ate.- a. C<'litonlton for t he’ adjust ateyl of ppsscssbiy claims in ' Wash- j eet ritory. iarising out- of ,f.f,,. j i treaty ,of the 18tl| ol Jone. J- V K>. hr-f ..•-Ween i’n- Imileiji Abates and Gyea! : B wit aim j:>pd whirl; .have been thoj j <■ -r.;c. =,j tl jet among: the: e u: vsb'*. tbaj now Vapidly improV. ! jO rrt .;‘» -Uicjcoiintry * A i.ovei j ,;usJ ■: t Question, iM v ■ ‘lvTug the f the U.nr! time jin isdicfioi) nj j "hii h burioundl If* Warn] of t’abl.'ha* been deleted *uiurnt itacl.iiig la*. »iu-^a int odsi:. t- I- proposeii. Hi tin arnica me sr i,ut ; Q r;l-f U- to tip; u-biirauiefaioi' ah r> ’ • -1. S't' iiiioruatioiial telegraph -across the. , , jen V i..nr»r. ]!Ar (i>!i.voui-:ort (or j a t U.,is e -' Oc’-ai. -ai.j nNo 'of n • tncre remains, a? actual receipts, .m ~» Sc will L w tl,- tbh and 58 j "* S*. > ’ .1 • I-’ v, ! forts aiomrlho Atlantic sea . a-s fJready The aCfual receipts iVI n v-r<ip'v wty'M | l„, a r.J- s ,nd the G.iif of M-xioo. Such i : > ,ld dwbufrwmenta for the hist quar aj; Sruate : cRm-oaioni' with any rei-. V*. aud the recretpw wtd s;) ,, ;lble v> . b - ;, cot^mic!tl . disbursements for the remaining three, b;rCw.ell *. entire aid <to diplomatic, ?“?T tcr '? l f > [ Ibe current fisca year of: I 1 * • u^,r, " i l ' ,l, ‘' prmcif.lcis-; r v' «iii ! imvul se-vien .■■ . IdGi, will be shown in detail by the r.’ee, been horeUitoi* ndnputi j .- * ; “ ‘ ‘ .1 report of the Secretary of the Treasu .•.‘•.•i.'To'th* ibp?i'.A rpou na ” ! A .ip insular systems of-the r y.-to wliich. I Invite your attention. he tjralols'of De.-.:<urk. ‘ • 1: '! efKnnder the nieuts. ol: j t ■£, sufficient ,i<i aa'y here that it is' :[ .'.Trvjrrrr-ls 4itp Genhns to be , s | *'.foot} believed that the actual results. A- " 'K i 1 **•““* . and toyre is reason to hm>e £ will'exhibit a state of the ‘ finances. i}» h- ; 1 [ ,iU , a 'entipely so .wjiUi-j formidable to the' country, than (indent ■»ml tihat "W;''***® of trade, VWh will er- cstimatlis of tl ,at officer, hereto i c/r>v’l:i,!j ; Ml .° * -lonever peace i* . Q* ll * fore submitted; while it is confidently office.,*. ..fVl^trc'i! nm V*r r 6 * or ? ad b y v ' bca ..Vs ,t f.fe L; Uxpe<-tccl that al. tho close of theyear, I biJ-M.i.i!:;,' u,' cjii- i !M .decoding ; American a rights. lln . disliureolnttniH ar.dl debts will’ be |! Stijfcs. has beet-,l’rotocting our cdn.mercia -interests r tolln ., Ter „ CollBi( flj}. aW * |«£ siah -has 'Hn- -fv aiviir,! of, 0 " 1- hayd- necessarily ,had to j b een . aut u-i lmltH |. - fJ or rhe IC\ri ’‘ cncniintcr increased Llaborft and ra-i- i * 4 . : >do ns'lh i litie&- j» po w i ng "o i• f of the war. f ; ! <* *« WAH nrpfarMEST. ilhe ! '■•arlivs.' 'Vhi.-;T‘-cso for th'o most pact The report of the Secretary of War -lurf 'lath iM -' r “ 6 t''and discharged with-zeal and etH-?} document ol firpat interest. It t j/jitVv./'’iVsti-rt-icil 'i-iencr. /This just ; consists of Tiih hiiluary oper ;rh* ilu» Vum''r.'vard-1 ? 'JHtluciaß thoscjctiiwuls \yho, atiovis of tho detailed in the re- Ills ri;tv nni hive ! M orocro,. Egppt, Cliiiia and other ; P orl of the Groner^i-in-Cliiflf.- .Setviiid: [{> r f central countries, are charged wi£h ; Tho organization, fof <uiiored' persons t i ,i, juM S /'„ (n ' cosnjilicaitons aud .extraordinary pow-jl 'ol'O fdo war service. Tbirfl: Jhe ex ■ipciii'ot..- - : : I? of is .^tf^tb iv complied fHviihdrv : of the 'sbyerpl oigan- jID ter °f Yehwaj-, Hue leostli. .... ;ence In fflgar-1 t’hdzed is.generally , OperPt'ons tiu> nec- fop j uidry. :thc act ol ,ilic last! id Nctv httoxicp bavo not been entire- j furp 6^' detai lod m, the report of Pro* j.g ’into ••i'cet the -ly suppressed. The iminoraj rosoar-1 ' osl . Marshal General; l>itth: Thp or cru on the isulrject*! of Colorado; Neradii, Idaho, New 1 .! P9 r P!J I al Li- i 3lexicJ and .Arizona,- ark proving fair. 1 operation ol tho several popart iff in" the lusihcss i richer than heretofore understood 1.1 njentu r of the he con- lav before you a com mu mention on Coramissarj* Gonwall; Payninster. .ulc transit thifouidi ; this suSiectfroin the Governofuf Jfew 1 "^neral; Chief of Engineers; Chief a arc in lourse of j Mexico: | - : . ' j o Orduance and Surgeon Goneral.- lmeo&tbrmky with prin-| regain eibmit to vour l>as appeared imposs.bk to make a U!7i?> setl ’f.irtS m -niv -UA a.. n ., 0 r u ■ 1 v u , ■ yalaablo summary; -of this report, ex*- «v-ace t,o r; a, cept ivtcl} a 9 be extended for «”VC h-om VhV l f | wmjfor the encooragemcot of mi tU \ a p<aeo , tt ft d hen co I content my lambia Mtid h'ivo am* t * although this source of na sell in referring your to the Id, sttjfl drediled a 3iitaster, uanal wealth i« flowing .with greater . rtnni .t ao :r,at rjfppblic. freedom than for seyerai year/bafore l r ° P ° rt . iee Bjns np snLv.cv-d« ’. - the insorroation occmred. There is • I the condition of OUb navy- I zens jfuHOAD A!^D , clTr gtill a great deficiency of laborers in. The duties devolving on the naval , , V ' l; t ’ -.every field of industry, especially in branch ofthe service during the year, f> .* riCl£l ?. n ts occurring In the progress agHcultnre, anji in Our mines, as well and throughout the whole of this un ' *‘irntjjm .the uncertain state of the while demand for labor is thus increas- w ith fidelity aind eminent success,.— question touching tile ed here, tens of thousands af persons, The extensive blockade has been in jhts oountn' destitute of remunerative occupations, constantly increasing in eflSciency as ii '/ United States citizens abroad, are thronging pur foreign consulates, (},g navy has expanded, yet on so j. 1 _|?^ ;jr^Ao.s6sjipipOverninoDt: i. these offering to emigrato to the ,TJni- long a line it has sp far'been iir.posBi— h'tT^\ U - le least pari i ally defined States, if; but very cheap; file to entirely' Suppress illicit trade. j'X r '"7* 0S - In nd instance. however, assistance can bo afforded them. From the returns received at the • expressly stimulated that. 1 'fie If to. ' that vie' the|N fiepwtm' if ’ilr 4„,i: 'I la’ S I Uii * * t- (!;*» J-, r •*'* i* *;;« fiovVr ' ■ ir ■ 1 v -f’i.ilinn • 0 f ff,,r,•fl J'r.e. L’nili- :*i'o r ; i;<. ; ’.l:.’ !■ i'fd ■ tv : t'irTvi) lf>-‘ I'V; ihtl 1:1 >. n'llsMi; ' >l. ’:■■! Ilf.' cl;r.rr.;i 1 > a? th • ■ f'r n ii; t VllM'll tl. ( li ‘' •Hi .wa» pri-mpl] 1 i‘ : > : !><?>!; intcrtii? iViicln-d thiit c under •• '-’'in. tor carry! : cvi.(vriti<iii.wlth P ~y! (-la’miK. has- boeu ; Ul-i. ti i CiH'fti'* to it. ' T •'• IT. f IT- iiiiiT-oyea '-VKT;uru .. in U pc oj civil war, a .foreigner re f, In ibis counirv, within the insurgents, is to be exempted \>ce rule virliicu classes him as a '■Dfiat, wdiiiJ iiiicj ironj' till! in wh^c'behalf the Gov iW ■ |oa r . tr y ex . PijvUetee* or im muni tie* t? fmm Ihatpharapterl 1 regret ... ul ‘ “ owev erJ; that each claims i! < !a e ' l '. P“ l fo|Fard, and in some haw J" b *MW foreigners who a Slates the & W There' B JQti . to belike that many per "have •SSarS' f ?hi *** i ‘ ■ U ' • .. 1 1 . !MEM ‘i t3=f- ' . . i i\-- .-J : ■■ ! i . ji -r. b. =* t . . !, ■ VoT/39-OSr ♦* rbS^nd ; afedo*acK -’<ffa!i«i ha <j ' nri^ nt tb ® burden Of rpfj the referred to, tin bfcy : sbrvdW,fdffci Jis been W , 7 ! . ' #«vearisen;undertrWahdi «* the n»e»SiS found.diffleult or im-hiap.. Conveiuionsior;adj.iitmgmjaimsAotoi jlbsT V u*." p ? l i nfortmitionin, ro practicable to obtain this proof from, by.ypar bMn ppo- jlalJOD to pnblio lands,, Indian aflajrs Tf ni ® f r Knidesvto the proper{fc|*d-’to no/jWcLang pensionsi, knd' tiUter liiaitlS sonix-ea of information. These might! ddfinite hCsWer to 5 the him^navalvessel! i-ofpnblio eoneern pertain ini to hisjDe, be supplied by requiring the clerksof, yet been i«s3h»d fthd intrbdiict parent.. _ The sip an lily -of -.- lands pbwep f:|jbr- the; last and the, Inna.may bd made or naturalization'. f_' _ . ~ j -■ / * *• ~ . JLs.. effected, to -send-, periodicallyylists of* , The'Operations -of.-theTrcamry tfn-’ f . year.'Was three million eight biindred the nanacs of persons naturalized or; ”og th c bint year bayeiboqn saccess: '•b y Torty thbUBand and five brin.. of those declaring; their intention conducted. The enactment by ; ..'J n silv5 n drod 'and iortyiuiiie/acres ofwhieh I>T1 >T j.-to.become. Citfter.B, to theSecrelaly oC-4 °n« hundred and rix<?-bhe thousand of the Interior, in whose department has proved a; yaljable support pf the mp,-mbariL rino hundred And eleven acres were ‘«go, 0 War tbeeef names must be ananged *aod;;pn b soli fop cash; omi. million fouiv.huh. .Jy Wty mo printed for general information— n-latiorr ;;-relatibn s to • loans' \th n ;;' f - dredand fiUyssijs-tlionsand five 7 hah»* h <a h.'l conflict There is also reason to. believe that; has _fully answered thp expectation' i},kv n J Th« ied'kftd fourteen iitres worcftak'cri : ymrj3h.g, foreigners fr»qaently; bccomecitizens ; of lt - s favorers| so/pe amendments i.isi jV i ndpr thp homestead law/ and tfio j hdd been pres the United States for the sole pur- -{ n .uy hp requiredto [perfect existing bid nlLb nnon «rtdue 4 dmp«aCSfjbhdarr^Arainii^ jDose of evading the duties imposed , but no p/ang*? jin, thdlfcpnnci- >hikoareDcSto [by the laws of their native coantry,: plos or genprat scope ,isbeliiU-ed to fie A? t i°“ and |ther purposes:, -C■otlieW'siga#,' to .which, in becoming naturalized needed. Sincej these mca-mris Have "lffWnßnlrf W ApiWsrstlmtrth'o UV : $Ki pa*t hero, they at once repair, and, though ; hoen in operatfcp all|domandS of. the 'KwSls'liMiefo [oh the increase-1-11?dici.teiuhAjundhss'imongW^g^Ss never retornipg lathe; United States, 1 Treasury, pay of thd army l aif b He^ they still claim the interposition navy, havfe been) promptly mat.-Usi. 1“ T wisest.statesmen, tliat e, l a ?' n ,k.’. «»« {kindest wofdhlhialho; the Government as oitiz.ena: Many j »»<} fu >ly satisfied... Ko considerable' j ‘Tl' Jwbpro.pCJtho United States, hadia ' V F'f'Slan.'dtwere; u and great prejudices have body of troops, it ik| .bjjlioved.'wers 1 aKf .hS ?f,«4 wore enduVlhg ‘laterpst iii • IW : tpol totoforc arisen ont of this abuse.-.' over more amply; provided, more Kb-! 3 , ifl/ anff siibstiuitiarc^ite'- cohjinefw wa^si^ “'therefore submitted to your se-iftally and .punctually (paid, and, it f w !l . on ? lt might bo ad- i lt may be added, that by no " people > i,Xi' in, the amount of direct revenue' to be. ; Jl p Vb ®nu -furnished . visabie to fix a limit heyoud'-w-hidi ho! w ere, the, burdens- incident to a great .7? •“i derived from the-sale. oti thorn. •This ' wo threateijed with, Citizen of States reMdmg ™r more cbeerfuMy borpp. tail-- had.a controllinginflaonce, 1 iach aaditfonajiTyom the sain* “f tj-1 may | .ctatm the intoi T psitipn : Ibc receipts during ,thc year from ? r; fr?th the of His Government. Hie right of all sources, including;loans' and the j V.b ol ° of our nattenal dorahinV I may citle! f tca!hnd;raiNO oiir blockade ' T\|e had, •suffrage has often been assumed and balance .in the Treasury at its vom- ‘‘a’an thirche liberal''mes*. »° Enfopeah gov. exercised by aliens under pretences of mencemont. were] 890,125,674,88’; the : « ."fr• “ 5® .Admini#; ores adopted' in reference to : active anything hopeful, Upon this naturalization, which they have dis-,the aggregate disbursements. 8895.- ~?h,.s VkL i d ‘ ?PPbrthnt seUlerii.theigfpant to the States of the ,[ . 1 7 avowed when drafted irto the miiita- <96,630 65; leaviiig a the aB i ba - 4)66,1 * he ;P of the overflowed lands Within their 'limits iii 2 EWAvniriTinv rv service. I submit the expedient' 7lb of ' 0 'T* oi >ueh an anu iylnioiit la\»s •Of the receipts] there were derived.!; .^? n 'A ep i ul vehdbred : fit for cnltTratiott'" Thb -.'..Thcs' .-Proclaination a> Will .make the fact-of, os- from (custom-; 69,59,644,40; from in-1 L .if‘?! C S' 4 gMh*'^to rl»i!idad companies ot alteri I which was issued in'Eeptemboii; Was topnoi against spy piea ’on- ternnl revenue, 837,748,767,95; from i “ ,sa " a^ >"■ : .„»Mv«eotloij,r<of:iand upon Iho eo.b K 1“i )n 'f , K ils ned : P sriod to the ; Ue (rom military service, or Jot her _ ctyil djriWt ta.xos, 8148,510,361; fiom lands, ! |o| nfivU" ,lines.:of ( th yir ,road( When [g ,^n,n g °f the| jiew year.. A bionth I obligation, on grounds of aimnage §197.617 17; front miscellaneous sour- !i,, I complpted, Will largely multiply thbiM lt ’ cp ' , : h 6 tinal proclamation came, in iiicummori ot other Western Pow- l m*s., ?304.f*61.535; and from loans. ,? 1 fb dth.er .faciJiUos of reaching our uUtant pos-j t4)6 announcement thatjcolor ic;rs.ouy relation with Japan have been 6TJ6,632,361 47, [making the aggrol 1, so‘*$ 0 ‘* : 'j-'eMidris. This policy-has received its 1 6^‘ b 16 ” of condition would t r.jught into serious jeopardy through. g»te-, of 890,112.567,486. Of the di’s- i„ t - .the perverse oppositiompf the hered- bli'm-ments, there ware 232,539 22; L,L Ina -n. '“22S. Vf W U K’ tioil iu^recentenactment, granting P°W 6 f emanbipation and of the ilary aristocracy of the. Empire to ‘{or pensions, &c4' 84,216 ,529 59; "for ‘ -n f l homesteads to acting se-Alers since e ®pl°f merit ojf i black . soldiers,! gave [the enbgbtcneil ami i.herhl policy of. interest on publid debt, 84- LtlyheXaLarT'^^'^uT- V th ’ tho *■**&? «f January last,-the bo- thf • lutnre |a ■ neW : aspect, [aboiit ,thu Tycoon.designed t«bnngthem>un r :*l; lor- War Uepartmem, 8599,298, fpi% ,>mlhiiot.bd ymmniity ;ot one whob- hope •aiid.?'fear,hnd doubK-dn |rv mm.tne sm-ieiy of nations. It is- JW|S} for the i**avy Department, dere ahd h„ ‘£^ }< !r fo - up hundred aU fifty six .^ ned 'n ; «neertftin conflict. Accord cm.fi ,-86.324.100 21; for.’ the..pay-mont of ’u ‘' housa ' l d,,.flve % hindred and fourteen' pblit citl.system, as a mat. »«y b 6^^ 6 ? «?d temporary debt,.BfBMB6,- S ereB °t been taken up ur.l j «vil adih,ikiBtratio.r?, the.cfener 'f; -Y? as .^.>’o ur at-, ®2oot; making an.aggregate, of 886, G. h ’T.^’ 4oi*-iMipfwisioiis.-' Tbft.fWcf-nr.a W ! likd -no lawful power lotion to the minister residing there otufiM.iQoS, and leaving a balance of -rh a . tl^^*pd^4-f«fe.n “l amount'of sales, furnish grotih-iWi emankpation in any State, " I . - .- V 6 Tidpnoe of .StUaSSf! :h H had fiopeJ of the hvisiatmu aTYe,I6n 0 re, -“ ,8,,c P j v But the payment ot tho flmded and TOcn-Jh theipnhHb j x\*l* 1 ‘f 6 . «*ebe!.;{or. ■ could be saiiD jessed Ot thel.g.siatpi.at xeddo. i Hemporary- debt having been made rteri ln IhclS SSS «^ din g t b6 in which ree3rt|rig to ft as n‘mfltary y Arrangements have lfulu ; dionies, botrowed lidring the l 24daoat ih« aW> “® tbo energies of the-natijns Lu\*6 been I Jt.WOS:-«■! Xho ! while jlde.m h.p,,|( tin- Emperor -,C Kus-1 y uil K m*P' be- rfegardod fits merely coldSmd « nd < " hi< ? h po f^V‘ e /. htt F> e . Ce !l^y.f' )r it might -m. winch it is.believed wiH resnit in ] “ u ' aic '*| payment*, andthe monies of- exuVefdinaiw-t^B^W^ !f‘ rße » withdrawal of pur’' citizens t«dme,!and tlmtftl- iV should, the crisis effV-eiing a continuous dine of -tele- 1 borrowed to make them as - *SKisw , iff ?helv„'acqiislomed' purenits,J i-°f h.o contest [wpald. then bo- pr^shnG ■g!avJ!Ufesfe L BUUUKii tuJFo.dlrEV be faW.fui.re consideration the sUKect- of j deduced both Iroai, tho | rOeeipti mad r-* ’ J diaburtieinents. This d it is easy , see . jat under > sharp discipline ot clvjl war the na tion is beginning a new life,land this noble effort demands the laid, and ought to receive tho attention and support of the Govern mens. | Injuries ur.foreseen by. the Governmeot' and unintended'may in' some, cases have been inflicted upon the snbjaot* or oit ixens of foreign countries both at sea and on laud by persons! n thoservice of the United States, and asithis Gov* ernipept expects redress from other powers when aimtipr injarieaarc ia dieted by service op< on artisaas of tbe TUmted jStates we. prepared .to dorjusticnin if«K dgnera, If exist! ngjiidieiaUrib«raala prposei Cp' court may be authorised with >d. : {- -:ii^aFer^^Wie^^^^ ' i ~:. , • avy _/ep; ient :t appears that moretb.an one thousand vessels have been captured since the blockade wab instituted, andthatthe value of tbe prizes already sent io'for adjudication amount to thirteen million dollars. The Naval fierce, of ' the ' United States, consist*, at Hhis- tims of 598 Tesssls.eompleted and in the course and ,pf thea*, 74 are Ironclad armored .steamers. The eventsof the .War give anincrsased interest- and importance to thfNan-, srhjeh srilf'' exteWd fo b*w{) torn undo* oeniraoh and'ap ptoiaching aseeed in nnmbft; thoseof'atirfttKer i Ppjferj bdtwbUo theseraay beraliad r Lntsl ; -z• • rural,l, witu.fiigh -bCUAUcs-p&d.-JdP I army .rfecruits is beginning, to affect j injul-iofisly the naval service and; wii!, iif not corrected, be likely .to! impair I its officieuly h\ r dctathifcg I seamen i from their proper vocation land in-r j duehig, them to enter the army. I j therefore , respectfully suggest that ; Congress might.aid both the army | afnd nauul service by adequate provi ! Mon! on this subject which wotrltf ■at j the !san|ie !: time bo equitable to the i communities more especially intended. |. I [commend to y.dur consideration • th'a isuggosiiqns of- the ■ Secretary of ‘ the Navy* in regard to the policy of 1-fosteringand ttaiiihig’ sea'inbn for j naviil hcrvtcoi ' The baval academy is ! rendering signal service in preparing (midshipmen, for highly responsible ! duties -which iii after life they; will be I required toperform, ir. ordorthitL Uio ('country should-nob bfa deprived of the : proper quota of educfited officers, for j which legal provLsion| has -been fiiade. [At the Naval 1 School the vacancies caused by the neglect or omh-siqn ti ,onik:e](ipiainatipns fnlra the i?tufos iff finsurreetibn, have betn filled by the • Secretary of the Naby. Tile'school ,is now more- fttil and complete' than ■at any previous period, and in every rested entitled to thfe favorable-: coa» : etj|ciat;on ot. C bngrttis. . ; ■/ ’ : coN'oiTiov or -i at- pi o. de^arTM£nt j Daring. the r pantj fiscal -year, the fimUcia! condition of -the. Post Office Department bop heed one olincreasing prosperity, and I in bbing ablei to state tlijat thi accoiibla.pf pos- I ta! revenue has nearly equalled the • eutiw oxpouditbre. the latter amount ing fo eleven Inillioi : tbrqpj and; fourteen tltoujqnd . dqllars and ; eighty four cents,/aid the former to ; eleven millions one tuudred and six t.y tbroo thousand sdren hundred and eighity-irnio ‘ dpllara And. fifty-prbb cents, leAing a (eficiency of but 5150,417 2o! ln.lB6oVho year immedi ately prccednjg t)ei rebellion, the i deficiency amoUnte.j to 5566,670,549 ■ the postal receipts oj that year being j 8264,'072,219 less tba... those of i 1063. ( The!decrease si|uco *6O in the annual ; amount of transpoltalion has been I only about 25 pter celt, but thounnual I expenditures on accent ot the same j has been reduced ’%> per- «ent..;jt is T j, e attention j* Congress during manifest, therelpr- bat the I JWtmeirt may pebmo sel%ii||a.n r extont a proposition for - eu- Urging -rile; water commuhuja- Thi *!«♦ 6 S ®> V,C ®* e lion between the Mississippi rivci and J*, /t i ern *fi"^ ere “ oa . ; ?r-Northwestern seaboard, wnien propo ■ ft t n -* b £ ■Pf ,ue, P al J-hlti on , however, failed for the tfme!- which Jti l ben, upon a call of! the groat ih« C fl o ir* at IC J ® u KS e, . t , , ° n est. respectability! a convention has Inbeen called at upon the sajhe ■ j subject, a saminary of whose views : is -Th ,be^ I ! < contained in a memorial addressed to <M' >*****£ 6y the Presidentafed Congress,and which 2»l^ ted 110 l-«ow have the hOh& to I# before ?«>“• That this interest Is ene wbihh qf fatnre !ong will tofoo own way, Ido hot entertain a it is Bdb mim entiretly to yon* witdom as to what can be Uone.nqi|r,, Augmented caouot fisif-td beneficial iw ,ntereat is given Id’ ms adtuect by the OOWDiTIoh Otiftgai the P*l6d -KA:Ti I bia>'J adsplfest - I to bo favdntiie to its rapid! progress and f. • a / i T v.e el- 1 - : 6 10 1 863 #!;•• • '• .1 m- ICSOiPMITJUirT Voport <jf th* tow ui urn itut" in favor- engaged in, the mili| I laryand-uaVal of. the- United ; States, I doubt not that Congress willji cheerfully adopt measures asi will without essentially changing- tho | general features of the system" give] to the greatest practicable: extent its benefits to. those who have left their] homes in defence of the country inj this arduous crisis OCR INDIAN- AFjFAIBS. 1 invito your attention to the vi4w%j of the Secretary of War as; to the j propriety of raising,.by appropriation 10l legislation, a revenue from the | mineral lands of the .United States.—. The measures provided, at your last | session for the removal of -certain j Indian t ribes have been carried into | clfect. Sundry treaties dinye peen 1 negotiated, which . wilj, in due' time, j'-bo ./’.submitted tor the constitutional.! | action of ,tho Senate. j stipulations for extinguishing - the! i possessors’ rights of the ..Indians tali | largo and valuable tracts of lands. It ! |i» probable that.the effects of these.! ! treaties will result'dq the establish- ! , ment of permanent friendly rc-lutionsi 1 with such of those tribes as have been j; broughtinto frequent and bloody col- 1 Usiona with our outlying settlements,; find emigrants. -The sound policy’ and our imperative duty to these works of-government demand ear anxious and constant attention to their mate rial well being, to their progress in the tuts of civilization, and above all to that moral training which under blessings 'of Divine Providence will confer upon therfi .the elevated; and sanctiiying influence of the hopes and consolations of the Christian faith. I suggested in my last annual meg.-v sage the propriety of resmodcling our Indian tystem. j Subsequent events have satisfied mtjf of its necessity.— The details set forth in the: report] of the Secretary, will evince, the argent need for iiaoimediote legislative potion, i I commendthe' | Benevolence of the institutions established or patronized by the Government in this district, to your generous add fostering bare. . , INTEBSAL IMPROVEMENTS. IMIEZ passed, |we at £ other review;, press* dp still fu ci iin pi sto., open; river, the cou by the rebell ioi par's ; £>. . ; i ' Practical coraimtrnieation between : them iiid'Toiitififjsee and Arkansas,has j been 5 0 substar tiaily cleared oh iiasirr .[ gents’ control spjfutfliion'ce,. thuf. 'the j citj/.cnsiui each, and owners of slaves; : arid advocates, ofj slavery'V the l)egin ; iiibg of tiho rt now declared i i open!;: for emancipation, in the 1 !- re-1 ! spjeetivc ■States. j Of those States not , included in tue [emancipation p mc'la-* ; hiawoh, Marj-liiid, and ,nei , titer pi I, which, y|>xtr> ago, would, tol er ifciuby restrlibt upon Lhecxtc/isipn |,cf sfa into [ our torri tones, ony jjdepute ; now- £ s to th«S best inode j of rcnioviijg.it, fr juh witpin their own I, flits' '■ |! ■ : ■;' ’ ■ , . I; t)f hose who’ were slaves ’ aJ. the Ij beoinbrng of tl,b rebellion, . fully one Ipbabdrpd thoustihd arc bow in thb nul i; itary j service’ of the United .States, i' ahijuitjone-Larf jf which’ number kctii- I ally ibpr arms in the ranks, ■ing the double advantage of taking much labor jifTotn- the insurgent i-cai scJamhsupplyjng the places.wjhicti ; otherwise must be filled with so'many ] whjitc men.- Sc.jfkr as tested, it ii dif- j ficult to say that they are not.as good solijlie.rs as any'. |- JSTo servile insurrec tion o • tendency to violence OrvCrael ty lias marked the measures of iejnanv , cipation and arniiiig, thoblacks, l|hesci measures hitve been much discussed couutries.and Contemporary : with sjuch discussion - the tqbe oi public sentimentthere is touch improved.— ,At home, the same measures have jbeeu lully discussed, supported, Criti icized and denounced, ana. the annual peloplious following are highly oncour laging to those whose special duly it ill’s to bear, the "country through], this [[■great trial. ThinTVo hava the reck ||oning: the crisis which threatened 10 the friend i of the Ut ion is past. | UECOSSXUCTIOX PHOCIA Loosing now to the p fntttre • and with referen resumption of national, anth in tho; e States wherein th'aj has hesn ; suspenc ed, ,1 hav ■tit to i isue a proclamation, jwhicb" is ’ herewith transm | examination of this prncb [will |»l pear, as is believed, 1 mg is n l temp toot t eyood'whi Justified by the Constitntii a form of oatb is given; be is coerced-to take it; the- m promised pardon in rase lie fy takes the oatt < j'ho Cx authorizes the Executive to withhpld the pardon'ait bis < Inte discretion, and this in rito gra*’*- - dlk; - ADf power| to grant onterrae, 'ft esubliahed by jafjicipl ahd c iboritiee It is also proffered any of tbe Staten hamed.wnr Government itelrntt bo irt :l prescribed set ,np.' Such Gc ebali be rewijn»)B^ l 'T»dH , a |y thja Unltpd CUajtM, and u =ME r^/f • A T - -’ v ji'UcTVi:/;.-; BM MEI lish© itab; :p!ab’e vtieyi! i.ViL ilolior; 4 ■ < apal] icoinp qonif road. AGEIC: t/ru&Ai, djbpabt: |tlu> second anriya ijifhsioner. of the iiiulture, h. developments*: cf tl)c'nation. E REBELLION. . fi.i'ess assembled ■had already las te »-lis.and there hi j on botK . land a insults. The re [wd, back !ih to r| of tfe •went tenth vital . ’agßmic j FSjCorilin ; if' Agi i n , to ll interest pur mured to tal Tho rebel b'orde irtlier back, and . fc ink -Of.the jilfctd ntry dominated :> Is divided! filled m' !057! r - L'. <1 ... • ;a&,eents.' A jlibeml-;discount- made to ' *^ T{, *****nv and oolong advertisement j.- n' ■ : -JA; space oqualto :twriv* too* of tl# tale measured as ; a square. ■„■ ■ ; .■';.^-17-: dtM/Wilfeijfaii tolar rates, b 'n ■; 5 .. :■ ■f r. y.~. ;) iV -. v : .v ;; BwiincsaS cents V Carriages, aud Deaths,Reiig-oas, Pdbieil -and other Koticcs of a public nature * .y.n ' 1 :* ‘ll ii‘ 'i-U I ME MEM i/ •; sJ* v.^ 0 18 H tiip Stine -pliail, on •GO'^Jiin tion be is great ... .. . v ■*'••• ■ iiuouat copditiuiiS.-be protect**! ;#g.iin*tdmva .. sioiir and domestic-Tifweoce, - - | - .r constitutional obligation of the f Ceiled States to" guarac tee .to ©very state in a republican-form of gpvernaient, and; protect the stale' 1 in explicit anilfdli: bat why tender' (Ho; benefits ofStfais -pPb?»sioi»jdti(y ibi’ Stats'; govern idebtsi set jip i n th is ur r way* 'This 1 section or the -Ciinstitation conitem,. plates ;a {ease wherein the element within a State favorable' to a repub-i 1 j lC! * c government in the Unioajmay' be too feeble for an' opposite andlhos’; . tile element, external «.,■>' nmi ...p-t- j amr :SQcU. are'precisely £be witb we.arß'dealin ; i*tteji»ld''-Jfj»i gaarantbe and "pjmt|cl,ij. : revised State governments conktljict etl ih whole of in 1 against whose teetdd, issfmply, abaurd. Ther^mbit: tPjfoV&kP i^^pitraMthel •9PP? 9 Lbgiplemcnts, ,duild.onjy, from the sound,, and' tfcafe'‘-tiMV.Ja.,aj' sufiiciciit 9pd liberal which accepts *: as sound ■ wjioevor . will iriaKP.a '.swpru lecantatioin of. hia former unsound ness. . r r.’.l •".■■■ But jf proper to reqaire a-'tcst'of . admission to ; tbe . political bodv.i-an {■ of alfog^hfeo,to the Constitution ■ t.i of‘the United Slatesand to the Übioin fi .under it,, why not also id the lawstkind | proclamation in regard to " Those’ iaws and, proclamations wore enacted and pat rortb'for the purpose of aiding in the suppression oflthe rebellion. : To give them the fullest had KVoepledgas given for their maintenance, In ;my Judg*,. inept they have aided in Ji will s 1 aid the cans« for which. they were ; enlisted ;; To give -up “ this principle would ,be not ' (July to relinqnisb -a ■ever of v power, but would also be ciuel and astounding breach of faith. p ■I *naj’ add, at this point, that while I. remain in 'my : prekenffposuio^'f I - : shall not attempt to re'treat oi mddi.- fy the Emancipation Proclamation, nor shall I return to slavery any Her- • .son who is made free Ky. the terras Of ! the Proclamation; or 'by any aett of' j Coh-rr'sss. , For t hese ahd oth’er fba- : l-BOnSj,] ,i !». tli ough t best 'that /the .sup : port Of tb es ef ’ proclatn a tip od sh u 111 be ■■ . . included iu the oath, and it is beUbv-.' ed_ the Executive, tnriy lawfully! ei&m ? ■ ‘‘ • n *- ‘ il ' . * ' *{■ J—K •» • ‘fiNTiii ’■ i report Depart? ’ourat in that a jean jd near-' itdbeenj u«d sea, j ;:boiHoi>: educed [ hold grants ajrtVßp? terms which [he shall deem 'visesv’fmr [tire public interest;;'. •■’ ■ '-J-i I .;•■ •• . • ’• ", *•' 1 ' I , • |: It should b'e observed also that lihN ■ I part of the oathdist'subjebt to the miodh : plying nud abrogating pWer of Idgisv.- : !aubij and Supremo judicial deeisljV.v i j'The proposed acquiescgnpo of the nu | tioiial Executive. in 'any- iiopo:’;fele tcinp.brary.Stste arrangement for the freed poo pie, is made with the v|a.«r of possibly modifying- > tlio'V cbu;\i»}ou and distressed ;■ destitution'. .vydifch . miwt at btsst attend ci'assaTf j a. total revolution of labor; lhroiiglj|'.Qi. the Vvhbla, Slates.. It is hoped ibat.: the.already deeply ‘afflicted poopio| in those States may be .somewhat Vr,|t&.’ ready' fo give up the causa of vtlfflifitiqn _i and to, this extent-liiis ivr-' tal matter is left to themselves; while no poweV of the National. to prevent an abuse is abridged' byi this proposition. •• ‘ . 1 ys are by the ibsippi I over listhnt TifE plan- or Rs-cbysrkucri'j.v.r 1 • The eujpestiop in the proclamation i as,, to maintaining the political triune • work of the'Sliftes, on what is bailed ' reconstruction, is made; that it thay do go(M without harm]— • It will save labor and avoid great bpii fusion. But why any proclamation now upon lpis 9ubjeet?i]r This question/ is beset with tliecouflieiiug views that / the step might be. delayed too long -or , ■be .taken/100 sooh.g In some'States , elements (for resumption have beSen: ready for,Action/* but remain inactive apparently /for? prant/Qf a rallying ' point, iv plan pf; action. Why shalb A-l adopt the plan of. B, rather Ilian} B <■ that cf A ? and if,A and B should agree, bow can that.tfae general government bare! will respect i the plan 7 By the proclamation,l a 1 plan is presented Which may Oe jcc-[ cepteja by thera as a rallying pointed! , which they are assured in advance, will not be rejected here. This may bring them to act /sooner than they otherwise would. : • | The objeelipn to a prem»rta|ifh sentatioa of a pian by the ifatiorfal Executive, .consists 1 in the’dtingor fof.-■ if' .ioria ... >gor|o commitments on points which could" be more safely left ip, further'develdp - monts. Care lias bofe'n taken to shape: tl«s doenment as to avoid bairns- . rnent from this source, 'in saying that on certain terms certain clasps ' will be pardoned, with their rights ; restored, it is net said that; other ses, on; otiier,.terms, will noverljo |n-. eluded,; Tn saying that n TccynslVnc-*' .tion will be accepted if proscntett lit a specified way, it is not euid thpOt Will never, ho acccpffd in ahyTptjhvr* way. Tho movements byState. actifn; for oinHncipation in severaliof 'tie \ States not included;in ihe £ tion Proclamation, are I" 1 foa nd gratifl'cauoD; and whiJeXdg Bpt * repeat ip detail wha.tl-bave hemd&le - i; so earnestly urged ntpn tbis.'sPMeet, ■ , my general- views' and fe’eli ng* r ; emajii > ~'~ ■ w l M • these i rophriant step* toward thegreot COBsvraHUtiap, ; ; ; Ip i MATIOST. I '" ■' •esant and ico to tlie prily w iih«i i Authority w thor gbt [of'cppT trf sltted. On Imntion, it ifialj'nDth pis art ply on. True; jt no nan isn li cnly volant irii« mstjtui ion I'gra n« orj own also* eludes the S is fully ither. »u* l.thafc,rf in |t tf «ea|i of pe mode ivorncnpni • [fasrintleed- ■ jat; maser , .. . , v ««.r‘ -"" E ri'—t r |r ►f I ''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers