The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 07, 1863, Image 2

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    B'EttiilTS r ‘Enthusiastic Union
Hi i Meeting at Hew Brighton, oh
Wednesday, 1363. r the .3d of October, to Hear the
-■ 1 ' < Hon. ThomasQunningbam-
I-■ A'great and unprecedented meeting,
i was. held on last Saturday aT._fcLew;
i BrightOTijjo hear Judge Cunningham,
jof Beaver, for many years an active
SpWerlul and influential leader ofithe
f .Democratic party in Western Pena
lly Ivania,-proclaim to‘The people his
j determination to- stJUKI by aim ’ s\ip
port the Government of bis country
i against the treason of armedjrebels in
!lho South arvdsCbo infernal machinu
j lions? co
■ conspirators in the ,,
. _ j Although the‘people haS'ba^only
' • Assembly, .pi . about twerdavs notice of.this mUeling,
- V 80-strong was .their “anxiety.; to
ISAIAH WHITE. La ■- . • f. ■' ■ . , ■
\ hoar this distinguished aud eloquent
Tumre : m ■ ' Deinocra I ,ic leader,that at leastTfllJEE
_ , . „v, , > THOUSAND persons from tb.e sur
v Register & Recorder,' • . .. , .
•ILFKeA 3100183,i1W0f ; -r«t.nd=d. ,
' rr» J -- ■ Jr, About J 2 © clock -the delegation
't< Vr i i> l • > from Beaver about 500 strong with>
JOIIA CAUGHEY, .Beaver,... , , -.•- , , . .«r •
- ',rii £'n : superb'brase 3gnd,,iioaded by Wtn. B.
"VW j CiarkSf Marshah formed it the
. tfOHX A. rHAZIMii DaYhncton >, .
* - >} > pearl "House, and marened to Nas^
tnfrv lX7VV Brighton, where they were received-
H.^MGf^Y EGO^,u >; t Pih.y a procession of eitisens with a
r, . , band of mimic, and those bcautilul
THOo DEYINE\,fNo\v N young ladies representing the States
%-, ■ -JPopr House Direc.tprjv hf the .Union,- and escorted to the
K ; -POrTER, ground at the north-endpf th.frAown.
*' Auditor, _ j‘ At nearlyfJ’o’cloek theiiiimtitTng'^chs
JtCLUITp, Bridgewater, dp r g an i 2e d by the appointfnoufof Wm.‘
k--' - Trustees of Academy. , i Henry, Esq, asUrosident,. with a
i ßridgew'r f l, 0 f hi | h , y ratable 1
WILLI AH OKU, I", ! gentlemen.- as/* Vico !
T. M. M Tbrd nird A. %
Esqs, The President
then arose a’ndrafter .nvakiug a Tew ap
propriate • remarks, jntrbducSdH, the
dlouy Thos. G.unningbara r v.-ho-pro- i
x-eeded to address^the assembled, muf- 1
lilucle. A r o one; hs.ho,wa3:present, can •
ever fJrget its effect npon- the mass of j
human beings. FoT 1 , ah hour and
'•'arters he eontiuned to discuss
i Proprietor.
v'*Por Governor,' ~' .
or centre ..cousxy
Fer Supreme Judge,
a ew,
~y ■% !■-_■ for sEAtta cousti.
■v ; „ j
-AV tyg disposed of my, interest in tl*e !
..j-■_ j Tigftver nil those indebtcd'to mej
. stir'll and Settle immediately wiih Andor-:?
som.udio is authorized to receipt in my^arnc.'
;; ; Xeb^y. ’C2;\ • T. Cj. .■;|
V Send- ia the ~-Election .Returns 1
i/• -i*. .X■ \ j
1 : Our Iweiids Stflho' country districts j
■jail t< -d to t.h' Union !
.musV-'npt v •<>■ sehv. .ie > , ibree quarters he ty
II ead-Quarlefs; at Jveirs Hbtcl. Bea- j.with signal ability and power- the
yer; vihe return’of evcirj - township ns ' great, questions which now agitate the
spr/fi' AYe want to i people ,'pfV tliis country, leaving not
s’pul tile news Mistward by midnight j doubt-ii. the mind of any one as 'to
< o r ibeyl3;h, ti nt -Beaver county j hjd sound' orthoddxy-and.devoted pa :
: 4^vos :i |r nmjorily for the die defined his position as
j - - • w ij a tf[uc and democrat the |
■ - 4 schofil of-Aiuirew Jackson, but con* :
■ U i£^ epUty MarShalB - ! tended thiitMii this great National eri
• Thc ® l^^ l,al " ; np ' ,oi ;^ >i ; s;s. the duLv of eve.y'manrSfj
. , . rT j whatever .party :herclofore ; lo lay a-;
.1. thu \Vjfr^toi?»t , tineiil' requires unit • • .%• * i . , .. ■ i a ’ia
~. - . side all partA:je6ns!(lcration«fUna tloJ
theii\aci*duntji.must'show the number, ,'V \ ■ ■ . , , a.,
. - • ' , ;,1 ; all in hi> power to save Irs eouvilry.
, of Oflvß vfindovecir o-na i*r • . u-. *i
r.. :r -■ * ' yj . i fromxiev»nicnou at the hands of reb i
' fiiYc/i ’ what dales, the tcrcia $ ictrc rtj}d'ej .; , K r . . ( I r. ».
u • ••■ • - - _ . i, ; eiH wdiu without cau&o have brought;
r.r.” • 1 lieMfajnbor t>i ua.aos enured . *, v v i , ,
• :••- • -o:- . :on this unh.olv anil 'unprovoked Avtlr..
. bvctieii v: Tr»u**t-: T , , < * . 1:,.« . ... i
- V -fer * ... i -. . lie abused oo.tnun with j
cd Depmics- will attenrf illills’ , j % \-. ,*•
t-,- \ 7 *?'; ~ hiu; v . out jirOseiUed sutji :m array oi.
hiion a? ut».^^il'de. , “T^di-their' pay will * •. s .
•••• T * . ' * • Tlio'ls,- .and sound' and ovv^:U<dnuiiir ;
-he ;• " ' / L , i/;
' - • • . : nrgumenl. to conviiu*e ; inany - who j
t " " Y . have-iiceji horott)Kiiv: o irric-'l avyav hy_ ;
A-l—’i. „_vs~, o_llvj ; ,.oir...» l ie-«a,ce- prepnliecs. ‘ Ilhj solenmy
. j men lor Curlfd■ ; and lieqaeni ajipoals to his old jioliti-
AV-e iiave’iv.Cvsvi'd the iVilii/wij.g notoj'cal i/.-■ o d s around .Unh. and -every!
‘ -yijitli wiibHi its-df Ahierit-an ‘ citizen to ralii' for the sup-!
' nnonatjon ii-f the iiri*>^ *-Jrt?f-■ r j-r*\'i e- p,ort 0f the tipvcrhnienl, its time
it/'iinpiutce-ineii \v<> pbTi^e.'-.fl'f". Udal aud peril;, and lo gtd in* the
- Vrf- a\ least Vi x/who will vf-tei\-r far- jrrv.-ervatioiK of oar ’ gh.-riou's * rejmbli-:
“ tiii a'nd-Agm w. . . , ;; i " .. ! ran• institution's as handed do,wn to us'
■ ’ . ft'ALtlsT 0N,.0e:.. 0. TiOS* •' ’ by lorefathcTs. the
’ Mlt'< Kditou : I a:n tiiid that- n.v leeding.
-diainc,is .ll pbn 11 tr 1 if-1 ol>!^JWnioeral ' ■ Judge in.dear,
• i'.TcT. w d>!niii»tioe : : linn auJi manly tones position
IfcWd itf'tnt? SUir. h so.ii wnh ‘ of ilie tW O candidatos, for Governor of
■■ : odt d;-iJ>n» j» lMi ;; ?v lejinia.--—themne, G.corgu ff.
Atwtewtand the-Laiipii, aiei nave 110 ■ ' ... 1 '.i
ivfnpa'thv £dr traitorsl-Sontb'or'N'orth.; ood ward-talhng btmseli a l)c-moci-al
--w ■j. GOl>Altl).' : but wheysc (jpinior., expressed, to tbc
w- _ ■ ; Ju'lge iii conversation, that*our armies
1 . DEUOGEATS, LOOK AT THIS ! should bo withdrawn to tjlie- North of
' A^ , in favoro/a vigorous p.a.s-i -^ and Bison’s line ajnd ourblocfc
— , flttlibn &{tlie. ;war for thcsfupprets’iwu ; a ‘^ c of. the Southern porp bo <raised
■■ ( jp rebelli.oi \ - 'i ; ’ Ijtnd that thoa-our governmop't should
;? in favor of hunching tUojb&d oat term* of eomptomise to the
■ ■ Ib’c.jidont with finals / sufficient to rebels,—but upon the Other side, An
''dfarnii equip, pay.e.laih'e andsubsisl.our <lrew G. Curtin, tbe firm and decided
\ ~ariaies ’and navies engaged in its sup- patriot, the talented and upright man,
• pression? ' v who h} - three years untiring and eij
you in favor ot th,e'atncndmcnt| c ; r S e i-'Y Bup P °f the government,
to the;, constitution, jfeunsvlvania j au J of the pause of oni.jr»ged humanity
_ giving soldiers the-right'of stitiVagc ?; 'i- "as eyiderit that a doep and most
TV c.’woiildlxr - itAprcosion,' was made upon
' T lo these qiiesti vns Ahui au, may un--o f l *Va a dieDec.
’ , h-Jcfstand the j>osit|on.iof our j II)s vindication of the State and
- - eptempbrarr. *'■ ■ t J ' National Governments .was complete
, —jiheabovo qiTCTfiVms wc havc pro:[ an, i unanswerable, and hover did any
% Yp9* c 4 #dbe editor oft the Sfdfjn fiyq f-audiencc giye more . profound atten-
Use -a}3u. The! f>° n or warmer approval of a speaker,
o^certo thodips than the respectable and intelligent
’ ptm IbVttl. mah.;;yei tlie iSrtr regies audience present on that occasion.—
jinlv bv yerstinu 1 abuse. I isn silence All appeared alive to the importance
I-a 1 'one construction y Loy. of the great involved in . the
JBijaver coup^;;,do’‘.?? otest: readers totho
Aifersland tiiat th-' -el ,-Jpccch of Judge jCunoinghara at-New
- 4:•41
.jc gouty clique.
.Vfncb has nsnrpcd tUo control of jour
bolds— ■■ ’ .
■' l. That tho.yebellibn sbonldnot be
anpprpssed/ ' ‘
", -2- Tliat the.Preßident should opt be
supplied, with funds for the support of
>v " the n*i?tpy and t ary. of the Union.
' ,Q- That your khfdyed- now&ghting
tlia-battles ot the country, should not
5. the right ofSnffrage?
.. . l- f fo; ! can the^ 1
they bavc pii^e||*ii^feinination‘
,-g) XIJI. —Ajvote in the I4oth Eeg; ij
% for Goverqgr resultedasifollows.
W00dward..,...?......L...'. 16-
jC ( A voter taker, in Camp Tyler?, |B:ikr
’ r^miOrP,,’Sliown tl -ejoilowittg result:
’ Cdrtiiu.lL™..... _3G7
' 1
7 --;----
a g; n-jsSiiti
- , w TI
Brighton,.in the accompanying sheet,
.which was reported by a reporter
present. Bead it, fellow .citizens,that
"you may see what is your duty, and
that your patriotism may be fully
aroused. ’ 1
. After Judge Cunningham had closed,
Hon.; John Allison entertained the
audience for hall an hour with strong
and convincing-argument in favor of
tho,Unihn causeand the candidates of
the Union party. ; \
This great ,and glorious assemblage
of - freemen then adjourned, to 'meet
at the.polls' oh Tuesday iiext lo carry
.out the groat principles thero cnunci
. Thos. Cuncingiiam will
address a Union'Meeting at Phillipsr
burg, Monday, 12th inBt., at 1, o’clock,
,P- M. Lit-thers bs atoll out. ,
The Decisive ,pou(<o|^Hand-
Every man wbo love, 1 ,-t couhtry,
who loves the -cause free--
dom and hates despot
ism, must no\y bq“awako, to the itn
jfjcrtaikfacl that- tbrFtime- has now
arrived when it is their duty to devote
themselves to ceaseless and most Indus
■ , «tr .
trioiis exertions to secure the election
of true, firm and well-tried loyal men
at the next election in Pennsylvattfa.
This cannot be done without prompt,
decisive ar.d yigoiojus actionhyevery
true loyal man throughout the - coum
tryi We see, everywhere, that the
opponents of .the government, the
Sympathisers With Southern traitors
arc active, vigilant.and industrious
iu support of their unholy cause,--
They are -led on by nnpnnoipled aijtP
bad men, aidedjjy a mercenary pressj
With unblushing impu
dence the barefaced falsehoods to de
ceive, if' the honest But un
thinking masses' Such 4 foes, mean
and contemptible as theirleiders are,
must hot be Underrated. Thcpeoplft.
of- Pennsylvania were surprised at
the result of- the last election, because
it exhibited an organization of friends
ofßebellioun so Strong astobe able to
command a victory . .Their triumph
was produced by. organisation and
great industry. Their organisation
is complete, their party drill is une
qualled. No malterriwhat discontent
may prevail in their \ranks, or what
opinion they adppt, tlfqir men always
stand ready to’’Support, ticket
through thick and thin. This organ
ization the friends of Union have
to co'ntend against. We.owe it to our
selves, arid to our com rodeein
.the StTde'lrom the'hands of such men
a% are endeavoring to chain her to the;
wheels of. Southern Slaye
holding Rebellion, and make her once
more a whiling and obedient slave to
Sou thorn; masters.
We hope to see ..where Union men',
are in tlje ‘minority,' that loyal men
will, endeavor-to diminish the Demo
cratic in thei counties,
such as our o wn, where our major!lies
are certain,-, we hope to see every mac!
make every "effort fn his power to inv
crease,-the majority and the ror
suit throughout- the State is shown
the victory will bg found ,to be so
great' as lb have a powerful influence
not only in the! loj'al States, but in
thol Slates in rebellion -Against the
* Umop, aiid forever crush out thespir
; it ojtlreason. which now dares to show
itsdefoimccl and horrid heatl amongst
nsr will' bring -about a
lasting peace, and restore the Union
to its former power and .prosperity.
Freemen, we call upon you never
to loose sight of the important facet
ttiat every voce'givon for Andrew G.
Curtin, will assist in restoring peace
to the country, because rebels ami
traitors wilt bo convinced that loyal
men have roused -themselves to a firm
and fixed determination that the re
bellion shall bo crushed-.. : v
-The people of the South wont into!
the rebellion under the belief that the |
people of the" North untying !
and incapable of icsistance
unholy''.conspiracy,, afid now under I
the bt iief that a large mass of our
people are still in .sympathy with
slavery and treason .the rotation is
still hope of success. Of
this they aib assured - by northern,
demagogues who are in constant cor
respondence with them. Lot us then
make one mighty and united effort to
convince the people of the South that
their hope is entirely groundless, and
defeat northern allies! of slavery and
rebel'ioo at the fall on the 2d Tuesday
of October. This can only be done
by electing Andrew G. Curtin,, the
frieuT’and supporter cf the govern
ment. ; ; !
If the friends of the Union fail to
do whole duty, our country is in
danger ot being overthrown by. foes
within and enemies abroad. Freemen,
arouse and save your government—
One jmofe effort and you will be safe.
*6TCapt. J. 8. Winans, pf Co. H,
Glh ltog. P. R. C., has sent us the vote
of 'liip company for Governor, which
resulted as follows
' Cjirtin.
A vote was taken in the re
gimejnt, with the following result.:
Qnrtitt.A ~ •... 350 Ur
Woodward 00 r"
“Wo-, are,” says the Captain in his
letter, “debarred- the .privilege. of a
voice in: the coming election, and take
this method,of expressing oar prefer
ence, hoping that it will serve to'con
i vince our IrienJs’iat home that the
copperhead candidate has no sympa
thy ip the array, in this part at least."
I®*Will the people along the lino
of the Rail Roads . roccollect that
Woodward and Lowrie decided that
the co mpanies wore not bound ,to
fence their Roads; and that the owner
of the cattle, killed by the locomotive,
could not recover damage for the
property destroyed, but were liable
themselves |for damages done on ac
count of their cattle being on, the
i truck. This decision was made against
law and common sense. Will you
.vpteidr such men ?
Freemeh of Beayer County.
Do you wish to .aid and support,
the best Government the world over
saw? Then vote for Curtin and Ag-
now. - v
| Do you, wish to ia'phol id our glorious
country in her present struggle 7 Then
vote for Curtin and Agnew.'
Do you wish, to rebuke the disloyal
cowards who &te striving tp over
throw our Government 7 Then vote
fur Curtin and Agnew. > T 1 .
Do younwish a re
proof to the spirit of disloyalty v r.6W
running ripe a# the North ? Then
vote for Curtin antf Agnew.
Do you wish dash down the
hopes of the ieadera of the rebellion ?
Then vote for Curtin and Agnew. .
C Do you wish to lend.your aid at the
Thoet opportune time for striking a
blow to copperheads that will make
all- rebeldom reel 7 Then vote for
Curtin and Agnew. t , '
Do you wishitp partake in the glo
ry which Grant and Banks have ac
quired 7 Then vote for Curtin and
Do yon wish to assist the worn
Which Meade inaugurated at Gettys
burg? Then*vote( for Curtin and
Agnew. •: ' v
Do you wisff to assist grand old
Itosecrans, in his terrible struggle in
Georgia? Then vote for Curtin and
Agnew. . ; ,
Do yott wish to i nspiiro those, brave
men who under the lead obGilmore
and .Dahlgren, a ire operating in front j
of Charleston? Then vote for Curtin
and Agnew. I * ' '
Doyou wish to aid and assist our
•*. . Q ¥ .
bravo boys who are now baring their
bosoms to the bayonet in defence of
oup free institutions ? ' Then’ vote fir
Crirtiu arid. Agnew. i
Do' you wish to strike tenor , into
the hearts of the despots of the Old
World,? vote for'Curtin and
AgneW. ' r ; ; ,• .■<
Do you:, wish to make the British
Lion crouch in terror at the feet of
American Eagle ?- Then vote for Cur
tin and Agnew. '
Do you wish to make, Louis Xapo
Icon the most pdjite and accorampda
tinjr of Frehchnlon ? Then vole for
S ' *-v »
Curtisj and Agnow,^
Do to exfingnish the last
hope of- thfe . Rebellion ? Then vote,
for Curtin and Agnew.
Do you wish # to end this cruel war? j
Then vote fori Curtin anil Agnew; —|
And wo beg of you to
Recollect that this rebellion is now
on its last legs, and the k defeat of cop
perheadism in: this State, will-go a
great ways to 'finish the rebellion.
. Recollect, That George W. Wobd-
Wprd fo' iflroAbr'atid a, copperhead.
•Recollect, That Walter H. Lowrie
is an aristpciat |n favor of Jeff. Davis,
and the rebellion JgjA opposed lb jour
Government, and Tfa is’now doing-all
bo can to thwart the, efforts making
for the suppression of rpbels. 1
Recollect, That the potent voice of
of the did. Keystone State, in conjuTie
ticn; \Mtli her younger sister, the
Buckeye Slate, will be uttered bn the
I Second. Tuesday-of Oclobef?nbd that
jail ‘ oars are waiting for that!
decision, all the world is looking. The
•|. o ;
friends of human progress, are hop
i ing to hoar . the decision ' the
i O
j people, on the side of freedom. Those
j who hale Union progress arc expect
ing to have a decision in favor of sla
very ?
Recollect; That upor. that utterance
depend issues more mighty that over
depended upon the acts, of any of the
great of the Old World: j
Remember, That as that.decison is|
rendered upon that da}' by those great
Slates,will go forth.the opinion to the
whole’ vvoild, either; that all is lost,
or that every thing has gained.
Rcmeinber those thfßgs, and with a
solemn conviction, ofVtbo fact that;
| grcalcr. ior morel momentous issues'
! were never iu tboihislory of thjs world|
submitted to , your consideration, go
to tho polls and deposit year ballots
foi Curtin and Agnew. •
Vota for these men and you, will, be
thus enabled to . confer a lasting' bene
fit upon your country.
Vote for them, and yon can enjoy a
proud consciousness of having per
formed your duty.
Vote for them, and you can then
rest-in the assurance that tho bles
sings of posterity will ;bo awarded
yoo. . :.,'
- Vote.for them, and you will soon see
the this most mischievous and
accursed rebellion. I
Vote for them, and you .Will set tho
miserable horde Of cowardly traitors
who ore secretly in league with Jeff.
Davis ind bis crew to howling oyer
their defeat.- . !
Yolo for them and all will bo well;
Vote'for the whole. Loyal Union Ticket.
Peter Angel, of Bridgewater, calls
..the of bis feieuds and cus
tom ora—and those who desire, a nice
dish of; Oysters, to the fact that he is
receiving, duily-Maltby’a Oysters, the
best known. He will , also
sell by can or half can.
j Fresh Oysters-
Apreadftil National Calanjiity. Mr- totbiffStar
The most dreadful I that 'Ma.'EcMTOt.;—Jly rtttjsntWn has beenS
could - befall tbo| nation woabl bcj this called by iny friends to an urtlplv. ir.j
election of Wobdward to Uhp office tbe orj^^v ; ev*k,;Jieadod ohn
HtMl? f
ro| e s in |®r 11© .of ale to my own u«a a gue sent by Capt.
Oar Government, are waiting with Joseph MjEeed 4o ,bis., 'tatben IJh
in ten so anxiety for the result of the Reca, by m3' hand. 1 J. ...
election iff this Slato atid tftwj. aye jWi^With embezzling mofiey s^tby;
| H•• s' s is ’ f Mrs.>Mary Holst nger Wt-hcr softs in;
the of the free govffrjjmont the 139U / P] y., i^ my care. ,
in Europe are looking-'-jvith strong Tho notorious character of the
hope; for the success of candidates Sarifor. veracityand^the outrageous
'of the rebel ■ sympathizers' in ; tuofmthr the charges,'Kvhcn consider-,
xArth and .the moment itis aseortainL connectio'. will, the Bilence jn.a.n.;
;J v .i, j . tamed concerning them until th sJate
that Woodward and rehd(n . tho for
are elected, the government set up ahyjnjury to my election, buff l liave
in the South w-fl-bo acknowledged by ’thought it duo to the JU nion: men ofi
France and England. ' ■*' Beaver county,' who have -placed mo
j r . . f *u A in nomination, that it should not'pass'
, |Let us briefly review some of the- iinarialveredr ; r ! 1 j
opinions of Woodward the Southern The tacts are briefly lis follows;
candidate; for: Governor, and .ffee 'if - Isf. The-gun was committed/: to my"
tlie freemen of Pennsylvania can con- care; as stated by ; Capt. - Reedl anil
sistontly, withfheir honor.Cheir in, brought home by me. .Eight after
■I ■ : • 1 - 1. . *l,' my return. .1 came to Beaver upon
forests or th<yif the govern- I Dud forgotten the Jun at
.inept support him ifor- tbpir highest niorricnt oi starting from myjhonie
office.. (ten miles distant) but "in Bridge wa-,
jin thief first place he, as a member of ter met ilr. David Woodruff, vfflljo ask
the Conventionnhat,amended th> f brought agun;
'■ . . ' .r r lor Lit Reed, ns ho bad promised to.l
Constitution, offered a resolution to havi It brought down for him’ I told'* 1
amend it by prohibiting all foreigners him il had the gunand would ijing it
who might be-naturalized after ,tl»o wheft I Pest came down. I was iii*
-flthof July,! 1841, from votlnir or Bridgewater-om
J rc 1’,.. 0 . . X -S 1 *** day;’when I brought the nfle w th-njo
bolding office p this State :hil ,ia C a it to-Mr.vWoqdruffi ‘This
eated the same at great length; say- jg the history in brief oTv|bd at,cmj.t
ijng.thnt he bid long desired: to see ed appropriation ‘of the ,gun, and I
suchJf provision as that oflired by hcveisdroiupojHhat affy inte’rttfon to
him. Loyal Irishmen and Germans, Iteeji it to me until I
1 r , . ~ -'/jW, saw i the hvstei ics. ofr the Star. last,
are you prepared to vote foreman Ift 'nslatfon iff this I Append
Who would disfranchise you., and *ay lu, o [affidavit of Mr. Woodruff, a gen-
Hint you must be the ‘tlenian whose chatacter even /the stdx
Steclion only whlclMß given to the ityilljnoi venture to inijMign. j
to and priyelitr© - before I for
> , 1 . . . . •*!- ■ the . Potomuc-i m o*.*tober. IS.b^,
.. ho etijoyjs. -Again we find this _ •
Rdopded, selfish and 'ffastofo man-■ [ijows of my.sons ilhiess; whicln^rased
Tas a Judge jxff the, Suppemp Court Iher |to send t h.ui the,fm(/hev, caffie iinr-. -rr- .... _
deciding that, tfio soldiers pf Pciinsyl-l 1 inet this llo- D.'iu.nk—lt is asserted bv 'ove wit*
ivauia ' who; have sacrificed lull ihoi B^f Ibe 1 berrerptest, took^Ud.arge, m-sses of theliict, th^l' wlmn Goyer- ;;
; , . •• . . . _> : j., of two letters for her sons.J and a nor Curtin Iffft Rochester on Friday <
comforts andj enjoyments and j p at |j ai , e 0 p baper, envelopes,•;'evening, alter the Itejinblicanf jmeet--■ f’
n ,?Wy gone f<>sth ; with the armies to l-ono of tobacco. She 'iii-o gavff; me ingiHbc dhaitkyis to be. H^db[§ : 'tu
do battle against rebels and tfaitors j dollar to buy more tobacco, which I did get into the citr ij' : t.'toiU\-l/v; asiistftHce of’ ■
for the national life, shall not bA,_per—t as I, passed,through Pitisburg.l ao.d ti- tiro oien.. Tliis is the eandiifate'pf thp
mitted to our public officers. ,letters, .pajfief, tobacco inor^ran^ntel^l.
_ ■.■ 1 * 1, . Hffffngejj- boys in a single Ugont Reiiuhlican party) AVo believe ? .
yps, freemerl this man is now .asking ;A ftsr my arrival, in camp, m> trunk Curtin Isftßeavor’Abii as sober as^
you to vote for him’. He thinks, having been broken open upon the is usual \\-fth liiin. but as he Itad to; t
whilst your sons and brothers .are Ipasbnge, the-bundle, was abstracted ( wail nearly fw(> hours in
enduring hardships and herilliug al ‘f *fV | he l before the ■ starting \pf riitihf hi.T'
. 1' ■ *•' ' f though noblcgaljj-bound;to do ftri iinprovo,! Ute tiiiie bv\^ >
thetr lives to; redeem oor na .ion from yjvyouId its yaiue, tbrbugh'. Poor/Curtiirl fe/fe ■
rebellion, 113 car. bo olcetcd Bylhien. ithntglft bori then said r no. wonder Ht-eks in i
who like him,, sympathize! 'with the by ilheinV’and nothing was-jsaid by Ltio.n a relitgo-e&on thePiipbrlJi.f
traitors whd Arej shoddu.trithe hlood 0 HfflJingct:, at the lime oßthb^e-■ [ tho.membry ,
,i I .. . ' livery of.tthe letters, of their.bontents;.-OJ.wtomiptioin ' ;
your friends who dis ran- v-aWableTand no .fi! l or.lef-:Wu wr r.V Vn -f ~ V -
I'chiscd by hik decision, a dedisioa iftade ters in my east i)dyft>r tlie lohiliregisi .-ri 1 Lh 9 al)0 '' 0 .‘ ,xt ia ;t froiu
iby doubt with to], the ’ ineiit. Some weelfs after Jiij-. ref urn.; I U l £ r 't week, simply to ;shoiv;_
! present casej for he clUJong! Hri|. llolsinger inealeiftaudiugi; <*a( reigjbrirfohylna shifts the S.yes^
seeking this high position.’llUnows,j l!ie | J' 1 . V i d Hven rin ;theirf-
I f : \ i cure*, nrid cUiisivnitr thut.- vtirlj.t uo!li\r> p.Wi; ■<» .i ■.‘i i?. *.
and .mart that; er | J .h,;v.T. l j > s' l ; ij,e IjtitJrs. . Hifr iV, ‘ [ : V v b :^ d .r.“ a
! the best and truest loyal Unioiji men 'j eircumstancosi anJ t!i(f lac is Attending j c ' l,u '' il thousand. wit.nasSr
[are now iff the army. ■ as ' ihoLinatter wei-e\sueii ijiliar I. know this 15 s 0:111 t( ' sL tfrpipl, we charge Uvai it was
Woodward .and Jiii suppbAcrs
iuever Jimffti BUbimreios tU-H.ffft... f *Tr the • dsmcl-dr tug- .“rffljaihW; %
tkV ollhelVolee ir Haffd I - ■ 1 'v 1 * L ," ,Ud } >cl lhinr >’ iKaricwho
\yur. ciin©r Toiee or.nanu, Ii ■ .{ Brynn.: alia I paul hin* the. man- j- , Ar, ... rr w- '
Judije! Gunningbahii', "-withj jWhom||oy^j lime that 1 ' \vu9. 4 iHj|V|r‘ r Jp*
(you are iacipminted, .than whom no’; tthn had'-never sent u -i<,! 1 ;vr iirtn-. K-l-. 0.11 e ik. .has been and
truer man ifvesjffhis prtbliVi.uohcliesvi ry . a . ,^ vill to ball, for tile libel referred to,; .
i has piven ti the nublie a - I lie will find, wa' iiitagintL that he has
I g lveD Yf l,le a oon var^aupn,. 911 j., n sty well kiiowfti! .. . I ', ! ?’■ X> ' ; , ,
which he hk with Judgc::Wbodward-:| Hull dhif |wul be .inflersiohd 4by Ijei P«' d ; dearly, for Ins whistle W .
:in vjhieh lie said ho ./was in [favor of: acipiainiai.irs’ fSlie hcrseltj stated fo iff mje helm dpnetwith dh
; „jthdr»»iy 0,,r5mi«9, me;ir»ro;l f“f a wordto'S Soidio,., \
tot Masons- mdD.xori._s io be,- bSj- by/mejanff I ftps Gbv. Cutftiu pledged l.imseltA;
i sng tho of boutheijn : portaj, ilr!s. itffidayit Uyi to’ th« polls us maSi}’ tho
an 4 then oflering theraj convj .tlntt etlcet. . ' L ' : soldiers a Democratic! Supreme Court ■
promise, j , n I i'Aol«''w?.S^‘'.!p l >’<l^r' two bid disfranchised as possible, he meant
Thus wo sec this Judge of.the Sun 8 ? 11 - 'M u ’ »een .in the «cr- ].. he said-las the result wo have’
- j . „ ~ i vice,one of them since the breaking j y. 11 ' 11 h 9 11,1 .-ic.sint, w e nave ...
prome Court of. dis- : o f. liho rebellion', and :I, do ’not j <piite a! the blue jaekets
.'oyalty.(Wh eh should, banish him from know tjiat there was(anything erinii-j amongst us. ■ these',;-we saj*. let no; .
the society of - the good and wise every nal ; in endeavoring to linake my exv tb reap or deter vim Iftonf
where; ’ ‘ '' l ,(! |fSf !^ f ,d ‘ 1 [voting upon election clav> You-weW-'
coitld-sell to advantage, though .the' - , r -
Sfffr thinks differently J Nor do.I bp- j sel J•• h . O -™e without asta
live that the people of Beaver county J'oiir.politics. If you belie#Maf tlto;
will ci risider!it a erimWtts-the jS’ffir- election of Georgh -W’. Wood ardy*
does that I am not rellihgin wealtlgas forVffS%enCfit of yourkelves T.d- 4.
niy opponent ueo. Oj Alinis is, who is »■- : •*-
ithp'fatqpr of thAhnost’hasA malicious, y°« ar o, th • v O (eN
anti unwarranted attempt,to destroy j for him; it u.ol,vote for Andrevv J. Cur
iny reputation. If a.-qualifi- tin, who ha,s proved himseff lyu fto tbo ‘
cation for office, I .frankly goiitcss my - Government and to you. ' But”voie at
self disqualified, dud I have never rep- ,n rn„i\ -• ;f. .
.• i - ■ -t, .Cf. all events. - ffhe Democracy aremuot
resented my e:reumstanccs;,as cthpr . . .. .
than mhdorato, also charges I PS. t^ c .clause of the constitution, pro
lliat -I was guilty of profane swearing vitling that no militarjK force shall ho ‘
on; the day qf . the last clectio.n.-j- present at the polls to prevent j-ou
There aroke out of an Irpm voting and in some..-districts ofi
attempted copperhead outrage at, the thiacomity, they threaten prevent
poils/iu the course of which I bleoffio- yofebyfbree. Thoeo.nati.tutioniwliich ■
much excited. The copp|erhead,-> say, only intondeiJlythat no armed force
I swore some; perhaps 4 did. If ]I should be prosoat to ovprawe voters,iff
did so, 1 can buf dcknowledgo thol tho eioreisc of tbd right-of;suffrage
fault; and add, the.; conduct ofc tbe jdoes not apply to your ease, and if
traitorous crisw who gathCrod-agains t force rs nseit.refjet it by force. Doyour
mo that day, was enough Jo'have pro- home'as you have dono-it in
voked aft oath from a'sairif- thp field, and all will bo well for you, Mr. Editor, iff all I have fo say and for the country, -
}f- ' ■ ' j
It is furtl er stated hy Mr* Hart of
Phiiadelpbiu, a most respectdbld citi--
zon, Uiat on the way to and from the
battle-field of Gettysburg ho publicly
and unbliishingly proclaimed that
,be was opposed to, the war because it '
was an abolition'war and was unc.on?
stitntional. | He could see no right
had ! to maintain a
supfomafcyi of the constitution .and
laws, but could sec that the Southern
traitors bad the cohstitutionar right
tO|.tramploinpon the constitution, and
enslave men. Ho standsiiipon the
same platform - with that | imfamous
traitor,;Vail andigbam, who glories in
bis ticason; of which ho now stands
convicted, and whot hanked tjod that
whilst in Congress he had voted
for a single man to give our armies,
or a single! dollar for the supporti of
,<L ~
the soldiers or thyi'r wives and fami~
Hes- ; ■ j , ' -: ;r : ;\;r |;V V ■„
freemen of r Beaver county, can
you vote tor such a man; who would
betray surrender your gov
ernment into the hands of armed
traitors and deduce you and your
children to the condition of slaves
under a terrible military, despotism.
We you as you love your
country, your homes and the peace
and happiness of those yon love, and
as you desirous of supporting the
great cause of- human freedom, vote,
for Cuftin and Aguew, the true ahd
loval candidates,, the friends ! of the
soldiers, the friends of the country,
and'of'alll ll e oppression and suffering
'everywhere, M ■-■’.j
If youTefaae'to volo for them- and
cast your- vote for Woodward: and
Lowrie, yon will uport your dying
bed regret that ytou nave contributed
to the destruction of the best gov
ernment ea earth. , ■[ - j. the polls and vote for Curtin,
’yholo Union ticketf
ulTgooojtthe abjl loyal men. 1
J».. . -*| >.. , . . ,
uponftlio article jn the Star.. It is of
a Ipieee 'mendacity
which has lon-g'chiaractorized - |hat
sheet. .Rarely does,an election occur,
that is not ushered -some such
malignant and false attacks upon .the
character,of some oft 9111* candidates,
alia date so late that areply is deem
ed impossible. iThdy have- failed of
their/effects her,efolore, arid 1 thii k
will fiiil again. 1 aiii. ready to abide
by tlie., decision oft the . people, aptl
will adjourn this dftcussion with ilr.
Minis to the pollWi | ’ 7 . ' v
1 ft Jobs 11. Beiohly.
' -tj... v.. L
|BeaVxk Gotlntt Ss: .| ..
-Personally appeared I e-
V V fore tfao iijjbscri bereft Jus
tice pfj the Peace,jin and for said
county,' David Woodruff; who after
hefupr duly sworn [according to law,
saith.tbat about a week jor eight days
after John H. Beighleya came home
from the army, Eli Ifteed came to me
on his way to see 1 said.Beighley. j I
fold him Lwould see Boigbley and gut
®ie.gun for’diim.i I? saw the
mext; Tuesday and] ashed him if be
fetched a gun for said Reed. Beij ;h-
Icy fold mo he ’did. 11 made ad>tnspd
| for It for Recrl, and on the • ,V
| J. 11. Be.glJoy fe.chcd jno m,,, t 'J telc
[ and I delivered it to Eli Jiecd .I™ 8 -
! saitb njH: . ' V'. ’.v.’‘ * ur *
Before m*tb<a 6jJ» day of October
18CJ. f Stephen Smith, J. p ’ '
■ fiEATEB County, gg; , -J '
,(S) Perroiinjjy appeared ba-
y j&T"-- ft*ro Ibe subscriber-• rfi • '
fee of tie Peace in and
tj-yHannaU Hendrickson, who, aj te ' "
be tng according tb S2.'
«anh that Miry llolMi^t
mc on or the & tC *
said J«!rn 'lt. Bcighley :
»be fetid bhe gave to Beigi,| ev awet ‘i
ago, of paper, envelopes and tdK V
for her sons in tLc an'riv i ° .
bbr, Mrs- if
any money, and >be ahawered-and
-no, indeed,”-1 made an*w„3S •' ' >
I fould not know who to rod a bW
cent :vnd ! Inrtber rni.h^f
. Sworn and Subserved befoiv me*ti.r.
sth. day of October.'■ludd , ’ ; .
| ‘ ' T.h<«- U. KtRR. J. p.
,r • T , r Oct. 6.1833.
, Mr Eu KSbd: Dear; Sir—The Star
of last says that you 'applied to .
B.ei*jliie3’.for'..a flan sunt by ; your 'sim -
Joseph,,.to 3* da by his liaud, and that' !
he having [t in his poste-wionV ’
it bad been taken from
him by the
alsc. that be kept it until Joseph re
turned, who demanded and obtained'
it. fAre thesestatenients "
■' . /./i ■ -Ir D. L.iJUBIME;
Mu.lmbr.e .—The atat'emenls 'iru
not trite. I"never
for the.gun. Mr. W f Bridge-
walef, when I.was about to go after ■'
it, told me hejwoald she lieigbly and
get for mef and save Vno a* walk
to Beighly’a in Eudiiomy- r town
slijp. --lie did this and? Tgot the gun
froth Woodruff It waV delivered to
■ i n>ybefore Joseph returned.! . •
ELI RKi:i). ,
•ifr ;
A / Mistake.
We observed- in ,lh6 last issue of the
Nowdhdgljton !zunes, au eJitorial ar
ticle, stating that Judge •Woodward
had denied the statement of the Hon.
Thos - . CitoTiingbara/as to, the convert,
Ration be'bad with hi in,- in which
j Wbod\vavd"'siud : he was in favor of
I withdrawing out* armies and raising
the Blockade of. the;Southcrn Ports.
In this matter the limes was in or 5
ror. : No' 'such denial has tieen at» ,
tempted by Judge 1 ' Wood waid, nprt
will there be any. We are very con* J"'
fident that whore Judge Cunningh# lll '
• •. • •'' “ ■ > . ? |f * f • |
is' jknown, which .is very;gonenu,
throughout the State, wiK dare
to deny ahy statement of facts up ud l '
make. His. character/for veracity,
aniT- in every other; respect, is T #r ,
ahdVo, reproach -Ho deservedly stands
j high in the estimation; of ah c T® n
of his political opponents. BrOtl> er
Lemon you had , better . put J our
Bpcetftelo* o|£- 4