B'EttiilTS r ‘Enthusiastic Union Hi i Meeting at Hew Brighton, oh Wednesday, 1363. r the .3d of October, to Hear the -■ 1 ' < Hon. ThomasQunningbam- I-■ A'great and unprecedented meeting, i was. held on last Saturday aT._fcLew; i BrightOTijjo hear Judge Cunningham, jof Beaver, for many years an active SpWerlul and influential leader ofithe f .Democratic party in Western Pena lly Ivania,-proclaim to‘The people his j determination to- stJUKI by aim ’ s\ip port the Government of bis country i against the treason of armedjrebels in !lho South arvdsCbo infernal machinu j lions? co ■ conspirators in the ,, . _ j Although the‘people haS'ba^only ' • Assembly, .pi . about twerdavs notice of.this mUeling, - V 80-strong was .their “anxiety.; to ISAIAH WHITE. La vvrcnccjCounty.tf ■- . • f. ■' ■ . , ■ \ hoar this distinguished aud eloquent Tumre : m ■ ' Deinocra I ,ic leader,that at leastTfllJEE JOSEPH LEDLIE, Beaver,': _ , . „v, , > THOUSAND persons from tb.e sur v Register & Recorder,' • . .. , . •ILFKeA 3100183,i1W0f ; -r«t.nd=d. , ' rr» J -- ■ Jr, About J 2 © clock -the delegation 't< Vr i i> l • > from Beaver about 500 strong with> JOIIA CAUGHEY, .Beaver,... , , -.•- , , . .«r • - ',rii £'n : superb'brase 3gnd,,iioaded by Wtn. B. "VW j CiarkSf Marshah formed it the . tfOHX A. rHAZIMii DaYhncton >, . * - >} > pearl "House, and marened to Nas^ tnfrv lX7VV Brighton, where they were received- H.^MGf^Y EGO^,u >; t Pih.y a procession of eitisens with a r, . , band of mimic, and those bcautilul THOo DEYINE\,fNo\v N young ladies representing the States %-, ■ -JPopr House Direc.tprjv hf the .Union,- and escorted to the K ; -POrTER, ground at the north-endpf th.frAown. *' Auditor, _ j‘ At nearlyfJ’o’cloek theiiiimtitTng'^chs JtCLUITp, Bridgewater, dp r g an i 2e d by the appointfnoufof Wm.‘ k--' - Trustees of Academy. , i Henry, Esq, asUrosident,. with a i ßridgew'r f l, 0 f hi | h , y ratable 1 WILLI AH OKU, I", ! gentlemen.- as/* Vico ! T. M. M Tbrd nird A. % Esqs, The President then arose a’ndrafter .nvakiug a Tew ap propriate • remarks, jntrbducSdH, the dlouy Thos. G.unningbara r v.-ho-pro- i x-eeded to address^the assembled, muf- 1 lilucle. A r o one; hs.ho,wa3:present, can • ever fJrget its effect npon- the mass of j human beings. FoT 1 , ah hour and '•'arters he eontiuned to discuss i Proprietor. v'*Por Governor,' ~' . HON. ANDREW & CURTIN, or centre ..cousxy Fer Supreme Judge, a ew, ~y ■% !■-_■ for sEAtta cousti. IUKION COUNTY TICKET. ■v ; „ j -AV tyg disposed of my, interest in tl*e ! ..j-■_ j Tigftver nil those indebtcd'to mej V . stir'll and Settle immediately wiih Andor-:? som.udio is authorized to receipt in my^arnc.' ;; ; Xeb^y. ’C2;\ • T. Cj. .■;| V Send- ia the ~-Election .Returns 1 i/• -i*. .X■ \ j 1 : Our Iweiids Stflho' country districts j ■jail t< -d to t.h' Union ! .musV-'npt v •<>■ sehv. .ie > , ibree quarters he ty II ead-Quarlefs; at Jveirs Hbtcl. Bea- j.with signal ability and power- the yer; vihe return’of evcirj - township ns ' great, questions which now agitate the spr/fi' AYe want to i people ,'pfV tliis country, leaving not s’pul tile news Mistward by midnight j doubt-ii. the mind of any one as 'to < o r ibeyl3;h, ti nt -Beaver county j hjd sound' orthoddxy-and.devoted pa : : 4^vos :i |r nmjorily for the die defined his position as j - - • w ij a tf[uc and democrat the | ■ - 4 schofil of-Aiuirew Jackson, but con* : ■ U i£^ epUty MarShalB - ! tended thiitMii this great National eri • Thc ® l^^ l,al " ; np ' ,oi ;^ >i ; s;s. the duLv of eve.y'manrSfj . , . rT j whatever .party :herclofore ; lo lay a-; .1. thu \Vjfr^toi?»t , tineiil' requires unit • • .%• * i . , .. ■ i a ’ia ~. - . side all partA:je6ns!(lcration«fUna tloJ theii\aci*duntji.must'show the number, ,'V \ ■ ■ . , , a., . - • ' , ;,1 ; all in hi> power to save Irs eouvilry. , of Oflvß vfindovecir o-na i*r • . u-. *i r.. :r -■ * ' yj . i fromxiev»nicnou at the hands of reb i ' fiiYc/i ’ what dales, the tcrcia $ ictrc rtj}d'ej .; , K r . . ( I r. ». u • ••■ • - - _ . i, ; eiH wdiu without cau&o have brought; r.r.” • 1 lieMfajnbor t>i ua.aos enured . *, v v i , , • :••- • -o:- . :on this unh.olv anil 'unprovoked Avtlr.. . bvctieii v: Tr»u**t-: T , , < * . 1:,.« . ... i - V -fer * ... i -. . lie abused oo.tnun with j cd Depmics- will attenrf illills’ , j % \-. ,*• t-,- \ 7 *?'; ~ hiu; v . out jirOseiUed sutji :m array oi. hiion a? ut».^^il'de. , “T^di-their' pay will * •. s . •••• T * . ' * • Tlio'ls,- .and sound' and ovv^:U^ *-Jrt?f-■ r j-r*\'i e- p,ort 0f the tipvcrhnienl, its time it/'iinpiutce-ineii \v<> pbTi^e.'-.fl'f". Udal aud peril;, and lo gtd in* the - Vrf- a\ least Vi x/who will vf-tei\-r far- jrrv.-ervatioiK of oar ’ gh.-riou's * rejmbli-: “ tiii a'nd-Agm w. . . , ;; i " .. ! ran• institution's as handed do,wn to us' ■ ’ . ft'ALtlsT 0N,.0e:.. 0. TiOS* •' ’ by lorefathcTs. the ’ Mlt'< Kditou : I a:n tiiid that- n.v leeding. -diainc,is .ll pbn 11 tr 1 if-1 ol>!^JWnioeral ' ■ Judge spo.to in.dear, • i'.TcT. w d>!niii»tioe : : linn auJi manly tones position IfcWd itf'tnt? SUir. h so.ii wnh ‘ of ilie tW O candidatos, for Governor of ■■ : odt d;-iJ>n» j» lMi ;; ?v lejinia.--—themne, G.corgu ff. Atwtewtand the-Laiipii, aiei nave 110 ■ ' ... 1 '.i ivfnpa'thv £dr traitorsl-Sontb'or'N'orth.; ood ward-talhng btmseli a l)c-moci-al --w ■j. GOl>Altl).' : but wheysc (jpinior., expressed, to tbc w- _ ■ ; Ju'lge iii conversation, that*our armies 1 . DEUOGEATS, LOOK AT THIS ! should bo withdrawn to tjlie- North of ' A^ , in favoro/a vigorous p.a.s-i -^ and Bison’s line ajnd ourblocfc — , flttlibn &{tlie. ;war for thcsfupprets’iwu ; a ‘^ c of. the Southern porp bo osit|on.iof our j II)s vindication of the State and - - eptempbrarr. *'■ ■ t J ' National Governments .was complete , —jiheabovo qiTCTfiVms wc havc pro:[ an, i unanswerable, and hover did any % Yp9* c 4 #dbe editor oft the Sfdfjn fiyq f-audiencc giye more . profound atten- Use -a}3u. The! f>° n or warmer approval of a speaker, o^certo thodips than the respectable and intelligent ’ ptm IbVttl. mah.;;yei tlie iSrtr regies audience present on that occasion.— jinlv bv yerstinu 1 abuse. I isn silence All appeared alive to the importance I-a 1 'one construction y Loy. of the great involved in . the JBijaver coup^;;,do’‘.?? otest: readers totho Aifersland tiiat th-' -el ,-Jpccch of Judge jCunoinghara at-New - 4:•41 .jc gouty clique. .Vfncb has nsnrpcd tUo control of jour bolds— ■■ ’ . ■' l. That tho.yebellibn sbonldnot be anpprpssed/ ' ‘ ", -2- Tliat the.Preßident should opt be supplied, with funds for the support of >v " the n*i?tpy and t ary. of the Union. ' ,Q- That your khfdyed- now&ghting tlia-battles ot the country, should not 5. the right ofSnffrage? .. . l- f fo; ! can the^ 1 they bavc pii^e||*ii^feinination‘ \jW NbARLT ALL THE SOLDIERS K>t ,-g) XIJI. —Ajvote in the I4oth Eeg; ij % for Goverqgr resultedasifollows. W00dward..,...?......L...'. 16- jC ( A voter taker, in Camp Tyler?, |B:ikr ’ r^miOrP,,’Sliown tl -ejoilowittg result: ’ Cdrtiiu.lL™..... _3G7 ' 1 rza IBE 7 --;---- a g; n-jsSiiti ickot 'V 2| - , w TI Brighton,.in the accompanying sheet, .which was reported by a reporter present. Bead it, fellow .citizens,that "you may see what is your duty, and that your patriotism may be fully aroused. ’ 1 . After Judge Cunningham had closed, Hon.; John Allison entertained the audience for hall an hour with strong and convincing-argument in favor of tho,Unihn causeand the candidates of the Union party. ; \ This great ,and glorious assemblage of - freemen then adjourned, to 'meet at the.polls' oh Tuesday iiext lo carry .out the groat principles thero cnunci atedl . Thos. Cuncingiiam will address a Union'Meeting at Phillipsr burg, Monday, 12th inBt., at 1, o’clock, ,P- M. Lit-thers bs atoll lr.ru out. , The Decisive ,pou( T 1 . Do younwish a re proof to the spirit of disloyalty v r.6W running ripe a# the North ? Then vote for Curtin antf Agnew. Do you wish dash down the hopes of the ieadera of the rebellion ? Then vote for Curtin and Agnew. . C Do you wish to lend.your aid at the Thoet opportune time for striking a blow to copperheads that will make all- rebeldom reel 7 Then vote for Curtin and Agnew. t , ' Do you wishitp partake in the glo ry which Grant and Banks have ac quired 7 Then vote for Curtin and Agnew. Do yon wish to assist the worn Which Meade inaugurated at Gettys burg? Then*vote( for Curtin and Agnew. •: ' v Do you wisff to assist grand old Itosecrans, in his terrible struggle in Georgia? Then vote for Curtin and Agnew. . ; , Do yott wish to i nspiiro those, brave men who under the lead obGilmore and .Dahlgren, a ire operating in front j of Charleston? Then vote for Curtin and Agnew. I * ' ' Doyou wish to aid and assist our •*. . Q ¥ . bravo boys who are now baring their bosoms to the bayonet in defence of oup free institutions ? ' Then’ vote fir Crirtiu arid. Agnew. i Do' you wish to strike tenor , into the hearts of the despots of the Old World,? vote for'Curtin and AgneW. ' r ; ; ,• .■< Do you:, wish to make the British Lion crouch in terror at the feet of American Eagle ?- Then vote for Cur tin and Agnew. ' Do you wish to make, Louis Xapo Icon the most pdjite and accorampda tinjr of Frehchnlon ? Then vole for S ' *-v » Curtisj and Agnow,^ Do to exfingnish the last hope of- thfe . Rebellion ? Then vote, for Curtin and Agnew. Do you wish # to end this cruel war? j Then vote fori Curtin anil Agnew; —| And wo beg of you to Recollect that this rebellion is now on its last legs, and the k defeat of cop perheadism in: this State, will-go a great ways to 'finish the rebellion. . Recollect, That George W. Wobd- Wprd fo' iflroAbr'atid a, copperhead. •Recollect, That Walter H. Lowrie is an aristpciat |n favor of Jeff. Davis, and the rebellion JgjA opposed lb jour Government, and Tfa is’now doing-all bo can to thwart the, efforts making for the suppression of rpbels. 1 Recollect, That the potent voice of of the did. Keystone State, in conjuTie ticn; \Mtli her younger sister, the Buckeye Slate, will be uttered bn the I Second. Tuesday-of Oclobef?nbd that jail ‘ oars are waiting for that! decision, all the world is looking. The •|. o ; friends of human progress, are hop i ing to hoar . the decision ' the i O j people, on the side of freedom. Those j who hale Union progress arc expect ing to have a decision in favor of sla very ? Recollect; That upor. that utterance depend issues more mighty that over depended upon the acts, of any of the great of the Old World: j Remember, That as that.decison is| rendered upon that da}' by those great Slates,will go forth.the opinion to the whole’ vvoild, either; that all is lost, or that every thing has gained. Rcmeinber those thfßgs, and with a solemn conviction, ofVtbo fact that; | grcalcr. ior morel momentous issues' ! were never iu tboihislory of thjs world| submitted to , your consideration, go to tho polls and deposit year ballots foi Curtin and Agnew. • Vota for these men and you, will, be thus enabled to . confer a lasting' bene fit upon your country. Vote for them, and yon can enjoy a proud consciousness of having per formed your duty. Vote for them, and you can then rest-in the assurance that tho bles sings of posterity will ;bo awarded yoo. . :.,' - Vote.for them, and you will soon see the this most mischievous and accursed rebellion. I Vote for them, and you .Will set tho miserable horde Of cowardly traitors who ore secretly in league with Jeff. Davis ind bis crew to howling oyer their defeat.- . ! Yolo for them and all will bo well; Vote'for the whole. Loyal Union Ticket. .............48 _oo Peter Angel, of Bridgewater, calls ..the of bis feieuds and cus tom ora—and those who desire, a nice dish of; Oysters, to the fact that he is receiving, duily-Maltby’a Oysters, the best known. He will , also sell by can or half can. j Fresh Oysters- Apreadftil National Calanjiity. Mr- totbiffStar The most dreadful I that 'Ma.'EcMTOt.;—Jly rtttjsntWn has beenS could - befall tbo| nation woabl bcj this called by iny friends to an urtlplv. ir.j election of Wobdward to Uhp office tbe orj^^v ; ev*k,;Jieadod ohn HtMl? f ro| e s in |®r 11© .of ale to my own u«a a gue sent by Capt. Oar Government, are waiting with Joseph MjEeed 4o ,bis., 'tatben IJh in ten so anxiety for the result of the Reca, by m3' hand. 1 J. ... election iff this Slato atid tftwj. aye jWi^With embezzling mofiey s^tby; | H•• s' s is ’ f Mrs.>Mary Holst nger Wt-hcr softs in; the enem.es of the free govffrjjmont the 139U / P] y., i^ my care. , in Europe are looking-'-jvith strong Tho notorious character of the hope; for the success of candidates Sarifor. veracityand^the outrageous 'of the rebel ■ sympathizers' in ; tuofmthr the charges,'Kvhcn consider-, xArth and .the moment itis aseortainL connectio'. will, the Bilence jn.a.n.; ;J v .i, j . tamed concerning them until th sJate that Woodward and rehd(n . tho for are elected, the government set up ahyjnjury to my election, buff l liave in the South w-fl-bo acknowledged by ’thought it duo to the JU nion: men ofi France and England. ' ■*' Beaver county,' who have -placed mo j r . . f *u A in nomination, that it should not'pass' , |Let us briefly review some of the- iinarialveredr ; r ! 1 j opinions of Woodward the Southern The tacts are briefly lis follows; candidate; for: Governor, and .ffee 'if - Isf. The-gun was committed/: to my" tlie freemen of Pennsylvania can con- care; as stated by ; Capt. - Reedl anil sistontly, withfheir honor.Cheir in, brought home by me. .Eight after ■I ■ : • 1 - 1. . *l,' my return. .1 came to Beaver upon forests or th f brought agun; '■ . . ' .r r lor Lit Reed, ns ho bad promised to.l Constitution, offered a resolution to havi It brought down for him’ I told'* 1 amend it by prohibiting all foreigners him il had the gunand would ijing it who might be-naturalized after ,tl»o wheft I Pest came down. I was iii* -flthof July,! 1841, from votlnir or Bridgewater-om J rc 1’,.. 0 . . X -S 1 *** day;’when I brought the nfle w th-njo bolding office p this State :hil ,ia C a it to-Mr.vWoqdruffi ‘This eated the same at great length; say- jg the history in brief oTv|bd at,cmj.t ijng.thnt he bid long desired: to see ed appropriation ‘of the ,gun, and I suchJf provision as that oflired by hcveisdroiupojHhat affy inte’rttfon to him. Loyal Irishmen and Germans, Iteeji it to me until I 1 r , . ~ -'/jW, saw i the hvstei ics. ofr the Star. last, are you prepared to vote foreman Ift 'nslatfon iff this I Append Who would disfranchise you., and *ay lu, o [affidavit of Mr. Woodruff, a gen- Hint you must be the ‘tlenian whose chatacter even /the stdx Steclion only whlclMß given to the ityilljnoi venture to inijMign. j to and priyelitr© - before I for > , 1 . . . . •*!- ■ the . Potomuc-i m o*.*tober. IS.b^, .. ho etijoyjs. -Again we find this _ • Rdopded, selfish and 'ffastofo man-■ [ijows of my.sons ilhiess; whicln^rased Tas a Judge jxff the, Suppemp Court Iher |to send t h.ui the,fm(/hev, caffie iinr-. -rr- .... _ deciding that, tfio soldiers pf Pciinsyl-l 1 inet this llo- D.'iu.nk—lt is asserted bv 'ove wit* ivauia ' who; have sacrificed lull ihoi B^f Ibe 1 berrerptest, took^Ud.arge, m-sses of theliict, th^l' wlmn Goyer- ;; ; , . •• . . . _> : j., of two letters for her sons.J and a nor Curtin Iffft Rochester on Friday < comforts andj enjoyments and j p at |j ai , e 0 p baper, envelopes,•;'evening, alter the Itejinblicanf jmeet--■ f’ n ,?Wy gone f<>sth ; with the armies to l-ono of tobacco. She 'iii-o gavff; me ingiHbc dhaitkyis to be. H^db[§ : 'tu do battle against rebels and tfaitors j dollar to buy more tobacco, which I did get into the citr ij' : t.'toiU\-l/v; asiistftHce of’ ■ for the national life, shall not bA,_per—t as I, passed,through Pitisburg.l ao.d ti- tiro oien.. Tliis is the eandiifate'pf thp mitted to our public officers. ,letters, .pajfief, tobacco inor^ran^ntel^l. _ ■.■ 1 * 1, . Hffffngejj- boys in a single Ugont Reiiuhlican party) AVo believe ? . yps, freemerl this man is now .asking ;A ftsr my arrival, in camp, m> trunk Curtin Isftßeavor’Abii as sober as^ you to vote for him’. He thinks, having been broken open upon the is usual \\-fth liiin. but as he Itad to; t whilst your sons and brothers .are Ipasbnge, the-bundle, was abstracted ( wail nearly fw(> hours in enduring hardships and herilliug al ‘f *fV | he l before the ■ starting \pf riitihf hi.T' . 1' ■ *•' ' f though noblcgaljj-bound;to do ftri iinprovo,! Ute tiiiie bv\^olt.iVi.r-.ir.i.jt- > thetr lives to; redeem oor na .ion from yjvyouId its yaiue, tbrbugh'. Poor/Curtiirl fe/fe ■ rebellion, 113 car. bo olcetcd Bylhien. ithntglft bori then said r no. wonder Ht-eks in i who like him,, sympathize! 'with the by ilheinV’and nothing was-jsaid by Ltio.n a relitgo-e&on thePiipbrlJi.f traitors whd Arej shoddu.trithe hlood 0 HfflJingct:, at the lime oßthb^e-■ [ tho.membry , ,i I .. . ' livery of.tthe letters, of their.bontents;.-OJ.wtomiptioin ' ; your friends who dis ran- v-aWableTand Di.ad no .fi! l or.lef-:Wu wr r.V Vn -f ~ V - I'chiscd by hik decision, a dedisioa iftade ters in my east i)dyft>r tlie lohiliregisi .-ri 1 Lh 9 al)0 '' 0 .‘ ,xt ia ;t froiu iby him.no doubt with to], the ’ ineiit. Some weelfs after Jiij-. ref urn.; I U l £ r 't week, simply to ;shoiv;_ ! present casej for he clUJong! Hri|. llolsinger inealeiftaudiugi; <*a( reigjbrirfohylna shifts the S.yes^ seeking this high position.’llUnows,j l!ie | J' 1 . V i d Hven rin ;theirf- I f : \ i cure*, nrid cUiisivnitr thut.- vtirlj.t uo!li\r> p.Wi; ■<» .i ■.‘i i?. *. and .mart that; er | J .h,;v.T. l j > s' l ; ij,e IjtitJrs. . Hifr iV, ‘ [ : V v b :^ d .r.“ a ! the best and truest loyal Unioiji men 'j eircumstancosi anJ t!i(f lac is Attending j c ' l,u '' il thousand. wit.nasSr [are now iff the army. ■ Suflf.men as ' ihoLinatter wei-e\sueii ijiliar I. know this 15 s 0:111 t( ' sL tfrpipl, we charge Uvai it was Woodward .and Jiii suppbAcrs iuever Jimffti BUbimreios tU-H.ffft... f *Tr the • dsmcl-dr tug- .“rffljaihW; % tkV ollhelVolee ir Haffd I - ■ 1 'v 1 * L ," ,Ud } >cl lhinr >’ iKaricwho \yur. ciin©r Toiee or.nanu, Ii ■ .{ Brynn.: alia I paul hin* the. man- j- , Ar, ... rr w- ' Judije! Gunningbahii', "-withj jWhom||oy^j lime that 1 ' \vu9. 4 iHj|V|r‘ r Jp* (you are iacipminted, .than whom no’; tthn had'-never sent u -i<,! 1 ;vr iirtn-. K-l-. 0.11 e ik. I.ong .has been and truer man ifvesjffhis prtbliVi.uohcliesvi ry . a . ,^ vill to ball, for tile libel referred to,; . i has piven ti the nublie a - I lie will find, wa' iiitagintL that he has I g lveD Yf l,le pup.nc a oon var^aupn,. 911 j., n c.jurisv.is sty well kiiowfti! .. . I ', ! ?’■ X> ' ; , , which he hk with Judgc::Wbodward-:| Hull dhif |wul be .inflersiohd 4by Ijei P«' d ; dearly, for Ins whistle W . :in vjhieh lie said ho ./was in [favor of: acipiainiai.irs’ fSlie hcrseltj stated fo iff mje helm dpnetwith dh ; „jthdr»»iy 0,,r5mi«9, me;ir»ro;l f“f a wordto'S Soidio,., \ tot Masons- mdD.xori._s io be,- bSj- by/mejanff I ftps Gbv. Cutftiu pledged l.imseltA; i sng tho of boutheijn : portaj, ilr!s. itffidayit Uyi to’ th« polls us maSi}’ tho an 4 then oflering theraj convj .tlntt etlcet. . ' L ' : soldiers a Democratic! Supreme Court ■ promise, j , n I i'Aol«''w?.S^‘'.!p l >’ You-weW-' coitld-sell to advantage, though .the' - , r - Sfffr thinks differently J Nor do.I bp- j sel J•• h . O -™e without asta live that the people of Beaver county J'oiir.politics. If you belie#Maf tlto; will ci risider!it a erimWtts-the jS’ffir- election of Georgh -W’. Wood ardy* does that I am not rellihgin wealtlgas forVffS%enCfit of yourkelves T.d- 4. niy opponent ueo. Oj Alinis is, who is »■- : •*- ithp'fatqpr of thAhnost’hasA malicious, y°« ar o, th • v O (eN anti unwarranted attempt,to destroy j for him; it u.ol,vote for Andrevv J. Cur iny reputation. If a.-qualifi- tin, who ha,s proved himseff lyu fto tbo ‘ cation for office, I .frankly goiitcss my - Government and to you. ' But”voie at self disqualified, dud I have never rep- ,n rn„i\ -• ;f. . .• i - ■ -t, .Cf. all events. - ffhe Democracy aremuot resented my e:reumstanccs;,as cthpr . . .. . than mhdorato, also charges I PS. t^ c .clause of the constitution, pro lliat -I was guilty of profane swearing vitling that no militarjK force shall ho ‘ on; the day qf . the last clectio.n.-j- present at the polls to prevent j-ou There aroke out of an Irpm voting and in some..-districts ofi attempted copperhead outrage at, the thiacomity, they threaten prevent poils/iu the course of which I bleoffio- yofebyfbree. Thoeo.nati.tutioniwliich ■ much excited. The copp|erhead,-> say, only intondeiJlythat no armed force I swore some; perhaps 4 did. If ]I should be prosoat to ovprawe voters,iff did so, 1 can buf dcknowledgo thol tho eioreisc of tbd right-of;suffrage fault; and add, the.; conduct ofc tbe jdoes not apply to your ease, and if traitorous crisw who gathCrod-agains t force rs nseit.refjet it by force. Doyour mo that day, was enough Jo'have pro- duty.at home'as you have dono-it in voked aft oath from a'sairif- thp field, and all will bo well for you Jl.is, Mr. Editor, iff all I have fo say and for the country, - }f- ' ■ ' j It is furtl er stated hy Mr* Hart of Phiiadelpbiu, a most respectdbld citi-- zon, Uiat on the way to and from the battle-field of Gettysburg ho publicly and unbliishingly proclaimed that ,be was opposed to, the war because it ' was an abolition'war and was unc.on? stitntional. | He could see no right had ! to maintain a supfomafcyi of the constitution .and laws, but could sec that the Southern traitors bad the cohstitutionar right tO|.tramploinpon the constitution, and enslave men. Ho standsiiipon the same platform - with that | imfamous traitor,;Vail andigbam, who glories in bis ticason; of which ho now stands convicted, and whot hanked tjod that whilst in Congress he had voted for a single man to give our armies, or a single! dollar for the supporti of =I ,.. , . . , uponftlio article jn the Star.. It is of a Ipieee 'mendacity which has lon-g'chiaractorized - |hat sheet. .Rarely does,an election occur, that is not ushered -some such malignant and false attacks upon .the character,of some oft 9111* candidates, alia date so late that areply is deem ed impossible. iThdy have- failed of their/effects her,efolore, arid 1 thii k will fiiil again. 1 aiii. ready to abide by tlie., decision oft the . people, aptl will adjourn this dftcussion with ilr. Minis to the pollWi | ’ 7 . ' v 1 ft Jobs 11. Beiohly. ' -tj... v.. L |BeaVxk Gotlntt Ss: .| .. -Personally appeared I e- V V fore tfao iijjbscri bereft Jus tice pfj the Peace,jin and for said county,' David Woodruff; who after hefupr duly sworn [according to law, saith.tbat about a week jor eight days after John H. Beighleya came home from the army, Eli Ifteed came to me on his way to see 1 said.Beighley. j I fold him Lwould see Boigbley and gut ®ie.gun for’diim.i I? saw the mext; Tuesday and] ashed him if be fetched a gun for said Reed. Beij ;h- Icy fold mo he ’did. 11 made ad>tnspd | for It for Recrl, and on the • ,V | J. 11. Be.glJoy fe.chcd jno m,,, t 'J telc [ and I delivered it to Eli Jiecd .I™ 8 - ! th.cr saitb njH: . ' V'. ’.v.’‘ * ur * H pA VID VVOOtiJRUPP Before m*tbbe ahawered-and -no, indeed,”-1 made an*w„3S •' ' > I fould not know who to rod a bW cent :vnd ! Inrtber rni.h^f . Sworn and Subserved befoiv me*ti.r. sth. day of October.'■ludd , ’ ; . | ‘ ' T.h<«- U. KtRR. J. p. ,r • T , r Oct. 6.1833. , Mr Eu KSbd: Dear; Sir—The Star of last says that you 'applied to . B.ei*jliie3’.for'..a flan sunt by ; your 'sim - Joseph,,.to 3* da by his liaud, and that' ! he having [t in his poste-wionV ’ it bad been taken from him by the alsc. that be kept it until Joseph re turned, who demanded and obtained' it. fAre thesestatenients " ■' . /./i ■ -Ir D. L.iJUBIME; Mu.lmbr.e .—The atat'emenls 'iru not trite. I"never for the.gun. Mr. W f Bridge- walef, when I.was about to go after ■' it, told me hejwoald she lieigbly and get for mef and save Vno a* walk to Beighly’a bdii.so in Eudiiomy- r town slijp. --lie did this and? Tgot the gun froth Woodruff It waV delivered to ■ i n>ybefore Joseph returned.! . • ELI RKi:i). , •ifr ; A / Mistake. We observed- in ,lh6 last issue of the Nowdhdgljton !zunes, au eJitorial ar ticle, stating that Judge •Woodward had denied the statement of the Hon. Thos - . CitoTiingbara/as to, the convert, Ration be'bad with hi in,- in which j Wbod\vavd"'siud : he was in favor of I withdrawing out* armies and raising the Blockade of. the;Southcrn Ports. In this matter the limes was in or 5 ror. : No' 'such denial has tieen at» , tempted by Judge 1 ' Wood waid, nprt will there be any. We are very con* J"' fident that whore Judge Cunningh# lll ' • •. • •'' “ ■ > . ? |f * f • | is' jknown, which .is very;gonenu, throughout the State, ho.one wiK dare to deny ahy statement of facts up ud l ' make. His. character/for veracity, aniT- in every other; respect, is T #r , ahdVo, reproach -Ho deservedly stands j high in the estimation; of ah c T® n of his political opponents. BrOtl> er Lemon you had , better . put J our Bpcetftelo* o|£- 4 MEI MI