! OENERAI, RULES. : 1 .1. Onifeates of membership (oqo : dollar tact) all ihe privileges for i the j’ear, including the succeeding i eleetipn.and admit to thplFalr Grounds i during the exhibition the head offami i lies and children .residing at borne,ex cept males over ,21 j ears of age.- — Tickets for single.adrtiission 25 ets. 12. The Board of Managers (which I includes the officers) will be present I bo the Grounds, and will oo pleased ■ to give any information to . or others who m'ay desire it. if 3. All articles in the manufacturing /or mechanical 'Department, must be made in the county, and >vil|iin a peri od of one j'tiar previous to the Fair. ! 4. The Board of ibanagers, may award premiums on articles, of special merit, from other counties and Stales. I 5. Any person who'jmay bring in* t< •xicating tiquors’ob the Fail Grounds, either to" drink himsdlf, sell or give away shall hd expelled from the en closure, and not be peimitted to cuter i again* ,• : v - ! r G. Eajth horse or colt brought upon the,, grounds, (except those engaged in hauling articles to the Fair which shall not remain) will be taxed 15 cents each ; a pair of horses (one own er) in harness or otherwise 25 cents, : T, All‘carriages, buggies, &c., used in the ring, must be driven Outside of the Ground's immediately after train- All carriages, Wagons, or vehi- ! Organize! Organize!! oles Of any kind (except those coming The loyal Union men of Beaver under the foregoing provisions) must Coroner, County must begin, the Work and pro be entered, for competition, and Lave TITOS' DEVINEY, New Brighton, for t j, e Bec on«f Tuesdaj’l of Octo a numbered card placed tbcrcon; none ; Poor HojusO Director, birJ Both .Uie State and Count}* ti^k- horses to ex- TOHNE. POTHER, Eaccoon, e t are now it, tjje.ificld, and the issue bibit or train in-the ring, are required ' Auditor, lairly made up. In a few weeks to show their certificate of member- JOSEPH H’CLURE, Bridgewater, W e wilFbo called upon in,the comity ship, both at the stock gate and en- Trustees of Aeadeiny. and State to decide between loyalty “TL'tfJSr.,»v....... : s.v« u.mem- to sell .any animals cr article | WILLIAM ORR, Beaver. Itory of this country has their been an exhibited which the'bwners may wish i cleCtoin of suchvast "importance;— tii dispose of on. thcHliird day of the .Nc.ver before have such grave aud m . .i ' vital issues been involycci-., A t,ri ll. The bccrctary ,ot the Society , . ... - - . >i ,| T (A. G. M’CivarJ;) Will icce.vc.eqtri<is 2 ' Woodward a J ,d * o '' r \ for two weeks previous to the Fair, would be a triumph for- slavery and -and'-would earnestly' request all who i rebellion; A triumph for any one on •canto majce-appuciitioh belore that' ■ ' 1_ ,he Butternut ticket in this' county tithe as it hill prevent confusion aud Union Executive Committee- ” J- lru ;V ors fad iasure.airiort- exleiidoijace'jinmoduUoi;,' The Union .Executive Committee W 9 U 9 I ( .• w ; \ !,_ ■ An address, will be delivered from'- 0 f Beaver ■. Coilnty, are earnestly re- treasonf Our enemies wn no._op|niy •G»e • stand at 2 jo’clock,'p. m., on the „ eet( ; (1 t<> . me ,i t al tho Court Meuse. assail'the Tlniori |or the flag of-'our ih;:d d:.y of the Fair; the award ot * ou Thuvsdaj- 271 h inst.- country; • But | they will resort;’ to Sw:d-J;. V ‘ I • 1C ' * A full attendance > desired Lit ev- cyfJY. falsehood and m.sreprcsenta- In mvV-cntiiiii: the foregoin" List of! ery member be present if possible. t. Oll-7- tin} will * n j ,l’reiniuirjs,‘lhc'ißbard would invito anj' . ’ ■ D. L. Imiirie,- Ch'n. dice and passions; and maao all kinds uilv.ll live"and. careful perusal, hoeling Tho fo ,i o^vincr . alo tUe names of the- of false promises that they may be that in variety ami-extent. it is not , . ‘ o ehabh'd to carry out their treasonable 1 ..massed; if eciuailod. bv rljatW any gvnU.men composing the committee : ‘V 9 *• ; tiie pu0]) l 0 1 oih*er Goiinlv Speivt V in'oiiriiSlatc. the D-iL.-lmbric, Chti. , D.B. Short. purpose, and o ; murium of ortercll [f.looo] I { h "C ‘ . : iSandUh the. goyernment.; - They «r»l Mug higU-.i- than that of any previ-j 'Jlooi-bcad; 1 Soto ill Stowlcs ’ j organize every , where ; nothing. t\ hl •iKS vuar-. Wei offer ija many ihsian-,.TLus.-M. M'Cord, ' W. ,W. Kerr, ! lie-left undone in their efforts to yar eA-. Ihret- gr.t.ies’of yrl’.vtw«is (Ist, -Jd | Rcton WalWce, 1 Joaathan Paul. fM- 0U t their • treasonable' hiid lie’.iish ..,.••1 -lil rJA', ;»n liu- s-uno i.|-tici,> - John S Herron, ' Sam i. .Man.'.mj, J • =l,; ; ~!.J 41 tA,- .. r n I I,L : -ame -Ij‘ti<■■■! 0euf N . Tav icr, 1 Geo. Rouscber, designs. Xbcyl have got thci basest iMoie.n inel easioir L V 4 Samuel A. Po»e., I SUcrlock Stone, - j unscrupulous ScrOUlulrels psymiarn.. affording a more ex gatauel .Mitchell, ' 'Joseph-Phillis; . a "[ l * n ?T 1 .*1 •1. n , lvvv o,.„ ti/bdeJ eoiiiT.euUon. (liking, these .‘.John Quthierison, , | James Warnock, ‘ a'Ud traitors to bc.oand -anj W.niro faeis . into consideration,‘•’she ..Board (S. J. Cross, ' t Ephraim Smith, iriivcrsing the county and State, and ■would-en.-liaily invite | Jtos. i Whilst" they are profiling loyalty hojung til:.*. |wy lpjVtKun u .-y i: J .'‘| Mi lnmiav.-re’ncc. . ilohn Wilson. Ithciaro iiis’duotlslyland treacherau.-ly tioii lliUl will-prove lUiioi creditable V. ■Chiistic,’ J. S. Kutan, . ; - ■ ,1 I;, 1; () r this t > .«-• > ss-.i-iiitloii, and to the Agri- ; , |Working, fbr the ]()eskf i.mio.i. 01 turn .cirilui’a!'y.teres!t'i'!" our County.; . Sentiments of the National Ar- igrcat and good gdiverinueiii!. I j\A- G M’C RLAHi, Sec y, : . ’ my.- , ' —Then what is iho duty oi- av*ciy 1 J 1 r-v •j I -In hdvouaUifi' so earnestly and 16va! man of this county and eountryL" 1 hofdVowmij are ibc* rniiecrs uud m • j ; ° -■• ■ Vl • . - ... • , - % „ IX M.uiage.v t"” thL* eusuiiiLiivear.; • ikuloualy, IA’UCc at anyaqd all sacn-M t 18 to and i I-retiarn; — AXDitt W At A iluT H ELIS. ’ j fices,. uii.J by .Uitir ..fierce .and. malig- earnestly, andwoik until tbo last vote y-I 011" \' I, Vi I ' : ‘^ 0Lr ’ WIL '" ! 12:1,11 -»asaulis-bn the 'National Admin- ; 8 deposited In jibe ballot box im 2n|l ItoDEN. I intrafion, the copperheads .of the Tuesday of Octo'jjr. > \\ c. imisi com- Cvr. Svr;;ar;— il. S- IIUTAS. - I‘Xorlh -unwityni'gly have rendered in- menco now —w-c must, organize in [vaaJffrt .b JAMES; IiKIX- (valuable-' service to tbe cause of- the ■ t Jvory township ahd school district. - TAIN. R. I’OTTF.II, y. w. VoTTKIi.. WM. ■ LAnuii. enough so, almost to atone IGr i >el ns know who are for the country, ® CK w3siKx iS ! thc,,aid' aud comlort-lhey designed au J who are against it.; The tiiite is c VMFTO.V, i. tv J T4I (,i U N 11.1; V. C Oil S E I.tt.S l 0 afford and actually did give p. life, short— our cause is just, inen, let W ’ G ’.' WCX * j rebels. But for tho blatant trjeason of every patriot dp j his duty.. ; ■ ■Vc.-.fa/i—H. M GCIUE aadC. UIIHIGS, 1 i the copperheads. Uieir boaste-d agree- jjjg S.oldiefs Friends ? ' m'enl of ineir dueiririe- with the views As the Copperheads frequently de-. enlerlamed by out 'nrave and gallant s j i 0 eoiivey the impression ‘that soldiers in the field r miglit have re- l [ JO y aJ . O especial: friends! of the iuained utiehiilienged; and certainly Soldiers, we beg leave to call the at uncontradictWl. TbVbold and defiant lention of ourireadevs to tho lollp.w -IiWI has, leaver, lb,cad lull. «p» g,, * the altcnt.on ; of the noble dcienders of 0 „ r 8oldiej ; 8 in t i lo Jiddi was our flag, whoso -principled! aud patri- j upon its final passage injthc Unit lolisir. have thus been assailed, by pro-| e j States House ■of itoyrosentUtion I tdaithine to the worhUhat they w ? re -it received a vote|of one Hundred and | upon any to: ,r.s. Hie solGicis o‘ l ' o j vo tt.-il against paying our brave li-oops seen and licard the falsehoods aud 1 jy er e j■ ' j' !.f u iiy. understand the ‘ teachings of| Clement L,Yaliandjghain. of Ohio, those cdj.perheads whom they well [now in exile in -Canada buying : been 1 . V ’ " • 1 11 1• . I charged with complicity with the know to be even more wickedly hos- - ' tilily to this government than the 'B e nj ain i o \Vood.-of Xej,v York. ro- Soulhern slaveholding rebels' in arms, elected Iveprusejitativc .10 Congress. » In meetings of soldiers in tlioir H. C. jßiirnblt, of Kentucky, expos camps, in correspombnce with the ed from the House of ibpreser,unties * A - l . , . for treason, now in Uie reliel army. loyaljpre a ?,j and in btlcrs ta their En j ah H . Norton, ofcMissouri who friends at homo, the earnest, and ran .away from ;i»i» hdnjc, and ' abw in heartfelt patriotism of our noble do.- the rebel aVinyi ( . 1 . lenders are giving .strong expression John W; p ß|eid,! of Hissonn, expelled , . ■ < - • j * . from tho House ol Loproscnttitivcs to their almost unanimous.and ardent M lrctiBon nirJ now . or \ ivtc ly. in the desire tor a vigorous prosecution 9* |,rt-bol army. ; . ; ' the war until this internal rebellion is j Xyw .we beg our readers'to bear in utterly subdued and lorhver extin- ni'md.tliat tin: Convi;nti r in ichich nomi cuislied. There can be no mistake as mde<l[ Woodward and Lowry, endorsed to the real sontiuieulls of- ,oiir bravo Yallandiyharix. Who ever, therefore, and patriotic soldiers in relation to the votes for oodw ard and Lowry votes war and its objects, else why in addi- in effect to ftarce the Soldiers who tion to their 'expressions d<> wo find arc fighting for the Union 1 Let this them in every battle field and in every fact bo*blistered into thelfaces>of the skirmish arid eVery- contest, upon sea. eopjierhead leaders, and [brand; them or upon land, so gallantly contending ! : wilh the infamy which they deserve. and fighting for the stars am) stripes. ITo bo a copperhead is to be more Nor can there be any mistake'’as lb! than a traitor it is to be both a coward the opinions they entertain .of the';|ami a poltroon, in addition to being a miserable, craven h'eart[ed cowards,! -traitor., , who to gain place and power or to, Wno wishes to support the ticket gratify malignant hatred of our ftioc :of. cowards,l poltroons and traitors? government,' traduce and vilify ohr |; lf . man : dourt ’ lut him voto ior heroic, men battling for our Woodward a nd. Lowry. But. if, on stitutions. It is true a few in-! the .other haml, hc wishes to array stances may be' foundof contemptible himself on j the side of li.yalty and cowards who to‘hide their' want: of! Union. Then let-him vote lor Curtin bravery'and patriotism, nuder a fajse ;rirul Agnew. . Eemember Curtin .and plea of wetness or something else re - ;Agnew means loyalty and Union !- turn from, our armies, and join .and Lowry moans cow copparheada at the Noiih in tlieir and treason ! j.; ’ List of Grand Jdrors September TennWjmmefijung 2dMonday. ( Blii'liiosi Ip : RiwMl: Wray* Jo.hut SiVia'il jrlt ■ - , ; 1 i Cbipa’.t.T 1 tp: Jobi, Hcnon,-ji% James j Kt-ncily. ' ‘ v .l)iir!ii.gfon-l[» : John J3!ack, Ephraim Booib. - - s Economy. tp : James Logan. ■ t ' i Croon ip ; Janies Kamsey, 'John! Johnston/ ■ ; ■ .Hanover tpJohn B. Svr avenge n] Joseph M’Ferrin; • •; ■ Marion Humes. yc w Brighton boro : Evan Town fond. Joseph AVilson. ■ * .J\ew Sewiekly tp : John Cbanoy, Abraham Hunter. B. P..-Smith.| ' North Sewiekly tp.: .1 allies Coleman. Pulaski Ip ; Wnv. Wallace, f I’atlcrspn tp : John Sims. Rochester boi o : Cleurgeliinds, Wm. Porter, (Foreman ) South Beaver tp : Reuben Watt. .Ohio tp : Win. Cui-.iiinghUin ptrir juttors: Boi.mgt'i tp : Robert M'Cabe, Hiram M inor, Henry Diiloti, ■ Big B.jav'cr tp: Ihlberi Wallace. ■ (Jhippawa tp : 'David Thomas.- ■ Darlington Tp : , John .Elder, Win. Powder, John Ai Clare, (J. AN . Haris- born Eeontuv! ,lp : Sani'l Ifeiiilrickfioii,'; AVnJ. Dunlap. J ' Frankfort tp : J. J. Garothera. | Franklin tp : Lewis Stame, James 1 Dobbs. '■ <( . . 1 , . .Freedom boro; George Barns] Georgetown boro: Standisbj Pep ■■ pard. ; "' ~ I■ j 1 ■,—Hanover tp: Aaron Moore,l John 7 M’Cauley Sam’l Moor©., j.; 1 I Hopewell tp : Amos Jacob Fig’ey. - • Harmony tp: David Hoffler. i jlndustrv tp ; Joseph Ammon. New Brighton boro: Jos. Alexander, Henry Boyle,A. Gilland.E. D. Merricki, North Sewiekly tp: He ßbly, Hugh P. Wilson. New Sewiekly tp: Geo. Bouscher. > IlOcfikster tp:'Henry Bosemger, Thos. Hays. fiaecjoon tp; Bichard Calhoon Sam’l Seawrigbt. , Sputfi-- Beaver tp: Jacob Smith, Sam’i Gangbey. ’ ■ -•Brighton tp; Milo Grdve, W .B. ■ .. ‘ - . V ; , | ARGUS Wednesday, Aug 26,1863. • . v- "P D. L. IMBRIE, j Editor 4 Proprietor. For Governor, JSfDREW G. CURTAIN, HON. u OP CENTRE COUNTY. For Supreme Judge, HON. DANIEL AG NEW, 01 BSAVSH COCSTT. l-f ■ XJSfIQIV X 6 U N T Y__Tjl C K E T . t Assembly, WILLIAM HENRY, Fallston. ISAIAH \yHITE, Lawrence County. Sheriff, JOSEPH LEDLIE, Beaver, ' V/ • Register & Recorder, / ALFREOjR. MOORE, Beaver, Treasurer, JOHN CAUGHEY, Beaver, Clerk of Court, [JOHN A. FRAZIER, Dailington, j Commissioner, JOHN H. BEIGHLEY Economy tp?, NOTICE. HATING disposed of my interest in the Beaver all those indebted to me .for subscription, - job work, etc., will please l call and settle immediately with J. L. Ander son, who is authorized to receipt in my name. Fob. 19, ’02.. T. C. NICHOLSON. false and , slanplprous expressions against the eoldifera, butihe number is °- I ’ very smalt, and! they are men of no characteV or standing. From'tile ban acks-and the hospi tal, from lite can p and the field, arreds a united voice oft contempt of the‘ cop perheads and cowards, while from ev ery glorious; bautle iffield, the heroic defenders of tl.e Union hurl their curses deep and |loud', at the traitor ous crew who would barter away the very-principles of national liberty and unity, for which these patriot soldiers bleed and die; AVhcn men thus speak as t boy do, face? to face with! the foe, tli.o cowards anti con- temptible sneaks at borne may well hide'; their. heads, and tremble at thb! retribution, which surely awaitq them. The day is fust approaching when our bravo and heroic soldiers will aa surely crush out copperbeadism as .they will Southern treason and re bellion. Some low dirty dogs] proba bly instigated by some leading copper head, to nnako an assault upon some pat riotic -soldiers, bad .'some slight foretaste of this; in Beaver, a few evenings ago. i Butternut Convention. The speaker attho Butternut con vention, which 'viii bold in the Court House, in Beaver liUt week, denounc ed Governor Cvbtik in vile terms for not having called out the Miiit a of the State a . week sponer at the | time when Leo’s ftrmy threatened to invade oar soil, whilst be {know in his heart that he and others, belonging to his crew, whet thp Gpvernpr did issue his proclamation cajlling for troops lor State defence ridiculed the idea and declared that it wafc .only a wore and that,there was no, jJauget cif lan inva sion. He know, t<jfo> that he' used all his persuasion to prevent volunteering for the defence of par State, lie also {knew that be naverjindicalcd his own Intention of volun tecring defend our firesides, and he knew he hover would. ■ > • ,/ ■ • j And yet still ho had the cool brazen impudence tq-rshuse afld vilify |Gov. Curtin for hot doing sooner what he (the speaker) had before. declared should never have, {been done. 1 “Oh 1 shame, yrjhere is thy hlush’A and what seemed strange the dole gates t to that convention appearejl to lake] all ho said for the truth and the greater the lie the louder they cheer ed.; I This, howevtr, may ho accounted for by the fact—i,bo' more glaring the lie, the loader hejcailud upon his Mak: er td witndss the truth of what ho ‘was saying Everything i will.-be rcsortedjp by the enemies of the government to deceive tho people. Thenl let loyal then be prepared to meet‘tliem»wjth|thetrulh./; . ■i Jf ■. i~ --- - /" i. .• BfiyC'apt David -of Co, .j‘C” 100 RegimcaC (Ronudhoads) and Surgeon Sheclbdk of the same , regi ment arrived at homo last week, on a short,-leave of absence. They arc both looking wpll. The service seems to agree with them better lhari with most men. was one of the first tovjalhulocr in this county on the .breaking out of the: rebellion. J He bus been in the service over two ■ years and has uniformly discharged .1 his duty as r becomes a bravo and) efficient officer] Wo are' reliubly in- [; formed that he is- regardedias one of,; thcf\host. office •& in tho acryietj. ■ Hu j ■ is a complete n aster of military tactics , never hesitates in; tho performance of | any duty and 'bhriuks from ho danger.; IHe has seca much hard service with j Iho regiment ijSnt it giTc» oo plooL,irn| |to record his fefficicncyj, and bravery j j Doctor: Sherlock now SuVgeon.jclf that | j Regiment whs at oho time 'Captain .ihj the same Regiment, havirig’raiseiL and | j taken, into lh|e serviceSh company from s ! Darlihgton, jo this l-outuy. lie went; j With his company to South Carolina; and assistedjin tho capture' of| James i ;i Islam! and .Port Royal.., He was Sopn \ 1 after proatriitcd with a fever jjcculiar | ■to that climate and was compelled to j I resign.‘Alter recovering; ho again | ! entered the service a& Surgeon. 1 As i Captain he was beloved by. his men" ’ i ai\d -esteemed 'by his superior j for bis 1 i efficiency aid bravery "Ad a Surgeon * jijic is if possible even' mpro tpopular lull Icstilyiiig to his Skill and kind ; treatment pf the sick, Pennsylvania Nominations, ' The Union Staid Convention met in ihtlsbuTgli on the slh itist., arid noini-' nated His iExcellcfidy Andrew G. Cur tin for rc'clection, v las Governor of Pennsylvania; and, lion. iDaniel Ag nuw, Esq.] of Beaver, for Judga of the Supreme (pourt. , j | Gov, Curtin is now a tried loan. — lie has pijoved hi)nself to be adequate to the demands of the times j truly a j prompt and energetic in life raising of forces for tho war, eon - j servalivejol Pennsylvania’s best inter ests, fearless in the discharge! of duty, and untiring in his industry! Those who wdujld urge the'war'efficiently, to the preservation of the Union and the enfpreenjent ol tho laws, have gyod reason tp confide in Governor Curtin. , With jj udgo Agnew wo haye |io per sonal acquaintance; but wu have sal* i islaetory. evidence that ho is an able jurist and a man of great integrity. Presbyterian Banner. Judge Aonew.—ln tho nomination of Judge Agucwj ofßeaver county, as tho Union candidate lor Supreme J udgo, 1 the State Convention has given ns a really first class man, well known in all the western portion of the Slate as a sound lawyer, Iparncd,. clear headed, and (eminently fitted for the. highest judicial position."' His elec tion will be a viduaffie addition to tho bench of the Supremo Court. want of spued wo are una blj id publish s . this week the re port-’of the Secretay of the Ladies Aid Spoiety, blit it wilb appear next week.. Joined the Navy.—The two sons of our much esteemed citizen, the Rev.; Issac Sawyer, ■ pustpr; of the Union Baptist Church,,have recently joinecl the United Slates Navy. Mr. Edward II; Sawyer,lately a Capiain in the merchant service, is now acting Ensign, nnd Mr. IsaaclSawyer, jr., is Master’s Mate.L-Jpitts: Bizpatch. Post HbsFiTAi., Folly Island,& • August'Sth, 8168. ; Mu. d. C. Bpeyeukk.— Dear Sir— When I was at home in May last I promised to write you a letter on my return-to fny regiment, brit since my return we have had pretty' active times, and circumstances have occur red over which I bird, no; control, is my only!excuse for not..writing soon er. I distributed the tobacco' and ci gars you wnt to the company, and; gave them'each a good drink of the Old Peact : j Brandy," which alt pro nounced’ the best drink they! hack, got sinco tbey left;"their- noble Keystone State near two years ago j but ii mim lier of them’ since has bqon:slain in battle and now fill a soldier’s grave. On the 4th of July our Regiment, to gether 'with the. others cohipaning our Brigade, left Port Royal on Trans ports, hound | for Fplly fa|and,and got iiis|de of Stono lnlec the same night about IQ o’clock, but could not get, to land, and hud to put to sea and lay lull dhy Sunday out of sight of the | enemy, and the same nighti came in! again; and af daylight,'Mdn-i day morning was all loaded on . this Island. 1 On Wednesday' evening the :Bth ourißr%ado was. ordered, to,,get j in serf boats and rbw up back; of 'Fol ily Island ready to attack the rebel I batteries orr the lower ehd of Morri 'Tsland the next morning at daylight.;: but owing to some uflsinainw'eiuent ou the part of the (Quartermaster a suffi cicnt quantity-cd boats wero not pro -1 vided, and We had to postpone the cx pedition,iihti! the next night (Thurs day) v Avheu wC { ail got aboarjd, and with' niutllod oajrs proceeded to llie /00l of MorrisJ.-flatid where we arrivv-j ed between daylight and sun-up. the next morning, theJOtli aboutij 800 or 1000 yards from the Rebel batteries. About teh minutes (after ourf arrival, our batteries on the upper end of Fol ly Islatid 1 opened upon the Rebel bat teries, the HrsttshoUtlisinomaing one of their gu’r.s.and scaring them .put of their tents like angry bees out of i their hives. 'JLiltlc did they think un til tlijs;titne that Yankee foes were so nigh. [After jour' land batteries bad fired about an - hour, our ■ little Moni tors came steanMng slowly up . and openedj.-tlieir fire-in the Rebel rear,} and shortly afterwards orders Were 1 given for the infantry to land and! charge; them in their Rifle pitts,which.' wo done on -.ffie double-quick, amidst 1 the roa'r.of the deafening Cannon, the waving of flags and the"[cheers and ' shoiitsj of thousands of loyal hearts; j pulling themito flight and following! them up to within BUO .yards of Fort . Wagi.or, W hen ihe-'fßliplls from IhisJ Fort a,nd Fort Sumter .stopped our ; further! progress.;-!; We Iffy iiefo all; day, hn[d night On ,our arms, sereC*fing 1 ourselves as best we could fnjtn tlie j shells jof tho . enemy until the next | O Ulth-Uj Uv.i tliu •» "Vh- j Brigade was drawn 1 up in line of bat-| tie to Fort Wagner. ' Tlio Tth j CouneicticUt was in the advance, the j Tfltii Penii’a. next, and the rest in the older [assigned .them iii battle. This [being ! the .third night we bad; done without sleep, and two nights' and one <i:iy without anything to e&.and lighlibg in the hot sun with liic'lher mome.ter standing iu the shade, vary ing from', I*B do 108 degrees, a great many jof our men were completely ex hausted ; so that.when our I’eginicnt was drawn up in line of battle to sto'-ni! the Fort on the morning of the , lllli ’of July, we had but 357 wen, ! and wild of lljuse were 1 killed wounded j and missing; | General, G tlmoi e iii,his [shmaellL official* report to the War Departm’eqt | j„irtdn l : <) saysjfiitr loSs! will pot exceed 150, and j that of the, epcmy.Avill not full short t Xiirof, Bcj.vo ol 200. 'Thcreds certainly sonic ntis-! witnesses, Cbas W Cii takein jGen.Gflmoi e’s.repOrt) for the .Mathcifey/ h -7th Qpnneetiout lost fuflyus many j ; Wm ’,S[.llueJlan, Frank! wo did; besides what the three other j-tbii t-b; witne.sse!j,.R C I)o Regiments lost. It you look over the j ifm-ger. I I; - . ■ list of killed and, wounded! and- mis- j UU ies Adams, Chartiejrs ■^■slnngto^ sing in. the ptipeci you can see then c 0 . witmj-sses, AV m Alla ns. J0.hu..1- who f-nearest the truth. other. Coy.[ [ nr i - ■!* Biiga'dc, save ours alone,, done any Absalom t’ox, Indopondepcc,|\Vasliing-. fighting V .Morris-Island [until the to „ bo; witnesses, George l)odu, Gcp IBth jof. Julv, andy-lo it belongs the -j,i r ,ville. | - , J;. , n 7 I honor of fouling tile enemy on the Major. W Wallace W , -dfddieton, lOih jof July ail'd -getting | Wash.Sngjlon-co; witnesses, Uv Berms, of atlleast three fourths of the Islaiul; D W Royd. J >• • all. and no more of which down hold Mathew jWilson, Cannopsburg., to-day. Our’ Captain, John S. Lit tell i„gtOn ,cV; witnesses, R S Robb, \S m has been in command of tlic llcb, Dickson. r\- 1 , 1 . land id the 1 charge on tho 18th, when am uel Rohkin,) North Strabanp, thrcii Brigades charged on itapd when Washington co; bpecr, wo Were kcphlsod [with a loss of 1200 Ro y t c.M’Nary- ’ ! ~l •„ v . i hundred wounded and -mining, Joseph Roberts’, Chartieri, .Wasbuig nobly and fearlessly led it forward. —-’ l( , n (. 0 . \rimesscs, J-AV Deuds, Goorgo Our 2nd Lt. Wm.• S. Morehoad was Lnn a. JI J VX V put fn' command- of company I, and Robert Chew, East Belblchcm, \\ aslv bravely led it arpund. 1 was in-cdm- jngton .Co; witnessess, Ileory Snider, niand of °6ur own company ii compa- 1 R o b L .i-t[lloaston. ’ . 1 ny it could be called, lor it liien had | \y m : q jM’Minn, Car uiehaels, Gfecric been; cut down ,to 11 men": twp- .pfj eo; witnesses, G L Pennington, Aaron whom (jtoberi 1 Boptt and . Gebijgo 1 Q re j,„ | ■ ‘ j french) were from Rocbeslcr, Micha-! Lewis M’Clurg, Fulaiki; Lawrence co; cl L.|Anderson from Bridgewater, the Win Atkinson, Rowland, rest [from Pittsburg and Miuersville, EXE j n>x o account Cf. uro’s ok sa>le all which proved themselves every JlO jseiioi.d soiv. js'seiivicb. inch; a soldier. In, speaking of Cap- , ! F . ! n ' „ '-tr'whihi/- toin iLittell, of Uookstoivn, Beaver. Co. Hcnrj- Be.inison, Buncgal, « X think it is due to him to say for j ton co; witnesses, W G An.u rson. his friends and acquaintances sake at'Bamuel Kirk leasi (if not for himself) that heis one | AudrcW Gillespie, Jefler.v.n. as of. the bravest and most fearless men’j ton co; witnesses, Rev. J u .me, that!ever led a Regiment of company jJ C; Walker. , , - .j intoibattle ; and when I say so, 1 -but Win S M’Feeby, Cat-Jroll, V, hsluo-ton express the opinion of all acquainted i co; j-wil nesses, Tuos Kennedy, v> with him in this department of thefßently: w . ~ ! - , afmjy In the Fort Wagner Willian Berry,Northßtrabane, M ash of the 18th 1 -to had the 54th Massa- iriglon jeo; witnesses,. Jplm -.oserry, chuktts (Colored) Regiment, and 1 Robt;lE6rron. . io seo ibv sonic of the papers in the Robert; Williams,.Cajrrolh W ashington Xoiitli tliiU the impression is that co;^vitacsscs, JtC Bobinson, Ueoijge they acted cowardly and had not Lawacijce. - ~. ] done their l dutv. Col. Shaw of the Jaiiies <i 'Kerr, Pc]tprs, M aMiiogton 54th led it in advance of all our Reg- j eo;| witnesses, Jane Kprr, Jas Craw imeht and when within 100 yards of ; ford. , „ the IF or l gave the comimaud, “Fix Bay-! N oah. Galbraith, CaTroll, AVashiiigton oncts, ForwardjDoubto-quick; march,” i eo; wit nesses,[ Johr. Hill, Jbhn Guess andwbeuat theFbrtat the top of bis room. / 1, . "l , • voice,saying to his men, “onward my >Vm Scar£ssaT f Law)once bravo boys, onward,” over the ditcli; cjo; wjthesses, ilufgarcl Coartoss, npbn to the parapet, and into, tbel Sainpel.SheHock.( I . '/ j Fort" itself they went and engaged the [Joseph Molfitt, West 1 Wash enemy in a hand-t[9>haud fcoufliet.-r- ingUw co; .wtupeshes, Wm -.Mot-iu, Thhir loss on . that occasion shoWs ; Iwiae Wright. v t ' . . _ whether they wb'ni fight- I' safv James M thein, ihe.-efiy-C I' ibMieve theyr will, vor witnysses; ;Jas M Kail, Bononi fight as well asaa.y white ( Oav son. ~ ; dep tlicj sairio cireumsta(icoa..“. I \Va B I sput to the 11 capital Here! 6§i Folly Is land the 22d of July, 1 am getting bet ter and, wilt-join my Regiment Jo jnorrowjwhichhas gone toj Hii ton Head With about one tenth 'of i ts- original numbers fit for duty. Bit, I have al ready' written rpfueh more han’l in ] tended ahd'uiust bring'this letter to a idosm : ; f 01) !■• that this dreadful Waiy was over j the sadpess, sofrov and suffer ing I hayeseen, makes the heart sick and is ever present] to. tnyimirid.—- EvcryWhero in society ik to he.tpnnd something to call to mind the great struggle! The marching ,of| soldiers to martip! music, the roar ]of cannon and rattle of musketry (1 fills, mid parados, the national [uniform passing at every street corner,'t lie kick, pale soldier hr the 1 limping! crippled ones, the-hospitai filled With, .he,.wrecks of thoihrave men disabled in tin ir eoitn try’js■ -Hfervibe,, J' in the habiliments of wqcjduid isilepce and gloom' | i filling./faces wlufo :oy and' mdriment should dwel Ir—these firs the .mementoes to be :bund at idw>|pe/inf every .ebmintTnityv God, ; J|r»rtt tii catrtlfings 1 may 7 1 obn have an end and that peace may he restored agafir which once blessed our bneo; happy!! but now distracted country'. . ij. Yout Friend, -| ■ ! R. F. MTLVAIN, , : i jlsiXieuf. 76th Tenn’a Veils. P. S. In reading over wliat 1 have {written, I. see that I huvje forgotten ! to say that Robert Pury [ Roches J l.ter, wasjkilled in the ehjar|(o on Fort '"Wagoner, on Iheinorniijig.of the llih; of July,- jineT that Albert. Purvis was wo'undyd' at the'sumo, time, pi-bugh the side j since which" lime I have not seen '(din'and don’t ‘know! I whether, he is in Hospital at Hilton Head.'or gone jS»orth.{ L . J-Mcv n . r ll' ■ I .[COSTLVUfiD FUOM L Exemption EXEMPT BV REASON 'O'E IlEINti ‘VEIKNS. t | Frederick Pocky, Roebestcrbor, Beu* .vcr oou lily; witnesses; David /(Cohen;. 4 MiohatlljCinnp, jr. a , Sutcliffe., -Scottj Lawi-ento eo; "witness??, ,-ft*idtiiis Sutlitjo ■ Adam -Bison. I . ' ■ $ fyosbua Puirnoll, Carroll, JWasdinn<'t'6n j 1 eo; witnessles, Samuel Thorp,; Thomas I Aston.! | ■ - ; j, ; ] ; | William Drckson. -Nojrtli Slrabano, ] IWasljingjton coj Robert *Du in. Tlios, 'PurjjeWl r ■••... : ;■ ■■ Patrick il Sheehan,] ,\?a IHngtbn, ■' Wash in co; witnesik-ss, 11 1 ,Scton,- Jamesißuiiii. 1 -| -** , ; Robert 1 Dick, JcHersoni, W'ashinyton . eo; witiiesies,. Wm L Are hen. Win' T :Dec.' I j i '■ ' i„ _• V IJinoohißoinrisoii, Carroll. AV :jsh.ing|<>ii. A ! o;'Be!iJ Rollihson, :Wm Dav s. ]< ~ i'Robert |-Wilson, Cross . .Creek, 1 Wash. ! in<rtoti eolv( witnesses, 'vWm Wilson, j ?. ■' rr k:fi - ' ' .Tames .TeffersOp, AVs slui*»lo*i j eo; iwilne'ss=es, W m L Arener, \\ iiliujit i Leo. ' ; i : • 1 James W j i'noton to; i Y Wilson sVeph'er ‘1 r,i‘iico:eo; ’Jobi. T >J John Cal 1 eo ; \V iUK. Brown. Win Skill witncSics F.XEMVjf I OE ?lbT YEAIIS- Ismi.'lndependence ,W:islp ■witiicsses!'. ■ \y|’m WiUo.}-,. i to sc up, Littli Beaver, La.\vjJ ititnosses, StiopliC-'uKlvuscui'v j i 1 len. ,' rv. . | louder, Carrol, •\Vasl.in|'loa !b.acs, Win-M'Bonati, J'tyi ip Jen, durrol; iV:i“hi!iigto4i , JVin '-M'Doiiald. J;fe Brow n. j ON ACCOUNT OS IVKI'iO VATJIKtt. UEP.LEbS ■ fyljljlittlis l it Nl'Ktv Ip I=o XgT' WEEK.I i i -* < List- f* ! jjolny Kjrl.uy-, i sr, Linv-remic kinpjbell,' J 1 n, Washing (id, Ghristiag trdon Scott,- Hanover, ; Wm Horiuan. Levi Davk" EXEMPT ON ACCOUNT lop HEl\r i; ■ 2(r:T E Xn B > A 0 ? N 0 VSDE *: Thomas B C'althviptf, Washington t,. [Washington eo; witnesses, Sarah ij f jereon.-EddaCaldwell. _ eri ■!Robt-:EJ«k| N Lawrence ' ' witnesses, A L Diek.SFosenh P„ r Geo M ilent-y'-Nottingham, Wa'J'iVi'.v' ton co; Witnesses, Jacob Henrv tha Henry. ; . lar ' John Carlisle Smith, Xoy S'ewb-u Dvuver-co; witnes*ess, j|hn d iAndrew MADaniel, Franklin, ■ton |io;j Andrew ‘M’Daqiel' i Daniel. ') David S Shenravd, Shei\an<'o. \V. V ingtoh co; VV;m Shearel-, Shearer. J • ,t„ f •'n,‘l - l ' f- •» Martin Conner, Shena' -—, WasJiiij., ton co; i witncHses, Jacoli edm.i,. Mary Conner. * j;.!; 1 Jas N'oiih, Jefferson,- coldnesses, George Noah, ilugli Brannqn, Darlington,' - wilnessesj JO \yc 11 Bniniicto, fine Brannon.- f •»,' ' ' ’ Edward Tiusb,\Vekt Hetlilelicip. Irv ington (id; -witnesses, Win 'Ga/ll'' Jacob Rind). i, ■.7 r | Sellars Millar,; Independence,- ington co ; witnesses, Joseph Mfi;.' Miller, . 1 :. ] ■ -Abralmm Reed,' Carmichaels, (:!rcen> eo; 'witnesses," Matilda pjack.j Marv Armstijmg'.t .. • | J'" .rCeorgei 'W j Rolen, East 1 Wasiflngtpij eo; witnesses, Johu Bolt!, James Murry. u ,1 EXEMPT OX XOCOUXT Of BEIXO 35 V4 J *hs is; ' _7X ' MARKIKU. , ■ Win WMolrj, Ilanovcr, ■ co j witnesses,, Jessie W lierjry. J :i:r v : Wherry. I. •\ brahatu Chui.riiie.. Bethlehem :Washington (X>;- wilooses, Barclay' "Cifinrii*-iiie. Samuel Garre It. .'■'■• All'ri'il Grant. 'Carroll, WaMiirrglot Sajiuicl ticket.' C 7 .rallies! Bririn. Ifeavyr i-o • .witnesses, bamson Kerr, 1R V ilVgn’ew, ■■•'•. j. W m Kojnnicraft. Korthi 1 Striibane, : co; wUtiessoJS. \Viiv'S"3f - ; E G Alexander. .*:- . i ' 'J. i, ' 1 -MilKir, West; BcjlilMumii', Vt'a-li in.glon co ; lhivki'; '.['ilicr Mafg iret Miller.’ '/ • ' | Jolm II Miller, Vest !-?<*i!,!.-t i e«a r \V aLshington co j rfllfi.'A.-eA,, .Riim.-s Weaver, Join; S’ La'ivi er. ’ | John 11. Joliiiitoii r»V:isL. uigrhn co;' Samuel iJoha- SOM. ’ ' i| DiUifl Jl)iu>s(il\- v. ■jo; \Vi: •’ sa-R I)hflh(i;-(-!irmi.<;hai-jV. f-' Witnesses."Prisi-u EHi-tr.-Si'.'i))'’ * :!>li l>:ll Hi!:,’ ;; - M )Ip- ;T:u no; I oil i: ■liimi! no; \v \Vi!s(i Sami jvv;* 11esses, _ H £ll ry M'U n '■ ■ U ■ L Lnwrcr, . West., br';vr nur.lit**'*'., ;is;. M'Cni kit:, SomorS»!t‘': iiW:i-l(. i; nesses,, M til'jT/Al1. : r tf _ i M :i iy •iojuy Lil'-VI f'V.IIJV u (■<•.-; irH. VTtir lii' laS;'U'.l'll U li!. js, A-V : I't’iif vVL'il.; FrjH.fcV* li Iji-ston. Alii-n, ii'SaW, Bolij LialOlli lii^.llii-ys’ kUv Hill. (ly Kiiocii ariw's. Snut- ;f J :v** > ;.V:U I ••vim ri'THKF.RTSi.pv:! ■ t'ajtf.aiir A : Provost jMa ‘.Mill District V-r.xsiT order of ■. . Col. .Ip.i' I’I'O.VO.SI Jdarsllitr (■' ■.•.I 1 . 1 ;-..:. J rßv Wash tKToots of botriro.caioli sU ti";.’ ,i’ the earth, anil h!o4w»n)-<;V« [ire .door i n si i'll t o!’ heaven' Sll MIEI=EI=I i:N,aro never so easily dei‘(". ■■ ji.thcy are ;■ \v! i o’- ers.J MARRIED : July 23d> J S|ferathen.-Mr:- IIauiti ss.1 1 \'; *■ to ATis!* Euza As* Strain, all (.ver t ounty, Pa. y ; - i I DlEll j Uljj> -Alii, • 1863 V J jptu.us.of Marion Ip.. Beaver eyir ItPa. Ay.od TG year's. - - fieavef Marke ts ’ ’ ct)ttXlKCTKl> •■WEEKLY- FOR tIISV^HOi • r , i ' : JFlour per bid. ... [dp •** 100. lbs. Dried * Applies,per bushel - [do readies “ “ • I AVtflCllt ‘ : ; y?" . ' ‘‘ : ; [... «!>•«_ ( , .. j v ..,y [■ Barley “ “' Clover Secil. “■ “ r(V-& I ■ ' Timothy Seed, Flax Seed, J Beaus. aloes, i Onions. ;• “ . “ Corn Meal, “ “ - 1 dozen Bmtey, « lb „ Hams; -‘f , “ ; t-lioulders;, V ■■ Sid**, Tallow, • l,ard. . “ *' (.'nndles,' ** I poav. ; " - ‘j\lolftsseis ' Mlbirbon Oil; i i, > Pv. .. ‘' | EXECUTORS 1 XOT11" j , c .-ctrUIEREA'S letters testamentary Y Y been granted' I') th't* the estate of Joseph rAVtor v lllv Cliipp'ya tp.,.Beaver county. 1'• > • t knowing themselves indebted to r . are * reiyuesteH to. make payment and those having claims : ,agam 3 ' £ • }u - esent thetndo the subscriber J! - . ■ ealed for settlement. T’ ■■. 1 ;t-. . jOUNATIiAN TAVLQB, AMJREW XAYLOR,;Hanover tp- Au*. 20, ’OB. _J—- ■ i! , EXECUTOUS' ! •TT7HEKEAfS-jl(*tters tcstato*^■ ; \\ estate ofJ-OSKI'II I’UIU I;''- i township lieuver county. ’U' 0 ’ 1 * ! grantC(lto tlw undcptfgugjV- tt j !dejjtctl to said.cstatc tire r^- ic ,‘ : | immediate payment, ami tbo.-* , y>- ; against‘tj»e game will preset ; authenticated iftr scttl-rnou;-; • 1• ; - • >;. * \ir.hh i* f 1 | Aug. «3, ‘GS. 'VVtVrV v - : i.’^l» I;;-? iit? •I f.fJ fc.r J 7 ifi '% »'■ i• i $ Gal Um..;!.. , 4 i ■ ~ ’% C**'"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers