The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, December 10, 1862, Image 1

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    KfiA'VKJR ..AiE-G-IUS.
: ~ ~ SHAVER, 7 '
Wednesday, 1 Dec. 10 1862.
T. C, N|CHOLSON &Co.,iProprietors
a | /£E It M > l -' R inslTirtJCEStg
--fcr aijriuii>,«£s advance: iihzrkj*? ■Tro'l'oi
, us) will'be'■clitr'gHj.- ,Ja>^'Opca'<iif!coptinned
anti! all ‘
' •■. cc7ri;Uirl;caticnF, bj mail
■hall hare prctnrt attention. i
rl!y ix*foj:‘3 .Wori\ru:Ucti the field demand 3 T our-,i)est reflections
VL *f «S * * ,;ive - ias to.yhe best mode of providing ne-.-
f i State • jlo' cause the .-cessnry revenue without injurv to Lii
case to oe couimianicated , bincss, and with the'least possible bur
cdininittec, ; den upon labor. The suspension of
; specie payment, by the banks; soon
, > ■ , . ■ ! alter the commencement of vour last
have ticen nvadc to;mc; session; made large' issues of Uhited
: r -“'cans of Atriran:-States Notes unavoidable., In no oth-
way could the payment of. troops
ich eoi'.mizatiQn as. was j and the satisfaction of [other just do- 1
'-V'rtvntds ot'Cf’ l '-.!-mauds be so t>cdnoink-r.IIv br 'as well!
; ; Iw.;iu.s, T ;.l hjfmo and ; provided' for. The judicious logiglit-l
V, ' A • i *' t nlot .‘'; e,< b t'ipn ol Congress, securing the receiv- i
j».iaw. < .w, ( ability 'of these notes for loans andin-j
ji-i inijiivucHHh hjyidiiliui- t 0 clutie.s. arid making them u le
■tc',,!cr ihr biher debts, hnsimadpj
i. •, ~ ■ V'bile on the other. l Uumi.tinivorsalcurrohcy ' and has sat- 4 '
The correspondence touching f for- \‘j thc Spanish. Ameri-. isUc'd,. partially at least, and for ti/e i
cigp aftairs. yhich Jms Jakcm‘-place j {j‘ have pis,tested,against Itirne.' tho long-felt ‘want ofaummiorm'
daring .l-be. pas vy oar. is isub- ivf’L M - c 0 °. lilCh u> * K l i? ’ riiudiunv saving 'thereby’
milled in virtjiaj compiL£nce with a ; tQvh!!' o'lt 0 ' ltS ' ’ lo the. people sums in dis-i
. that c!hc; uAado by the i ‘ , ;«'rcumstanccs I have i counts, and’ exchange. A- return to ;
rf. Htthsc jk/B^prescntat^as, tied-- the t i^v' •^ rn !{ r " C: ‘ C >° °" y to Bp*ci« .-payments. however, at thb ear* i
; ; X'-iose of session of Congress. c-oiainmg : liest period mompatihlet with duo rip I
i ‘ Ji‘ ihejcoiiilitlf.ii of bar relations w;ith ;'• ,-7* 'ts, government, with. gard to all interests, should' ever. b£!
. other nations is less gratifying tliitn it B 1 ,l " l ' '''b o1 ’ 1 0,1 ,*t- s ptfrt to receive ; kept ill view. j ' i j
•VH >*¥'y at it ;• S,. 1 - ;al i{ •' -BBtctuatioha in the video of current
li * *CT“.v ■more sat.siaetory >ba„ a : V cy always injuiliou'sj and to redact
u .p«l ton so nnhappuy _< hstrtmtcd as we ! H. 4.-^^ 1 ftliese lluctuationt tb thd lowest possil
, n, i i-X« j,,» „« »•;J
4. wdre : «.uegn-.rmls toexpectdi.ahfhc-V tae t oiun-; oOllVort ibdity into cahitris generally:
nKii-djmtjM.wers, wn at.thc l^gi, h V K%l X l'^°P s ot j acknowledged to .the Lf .and sureiil
■ .. l/, :. tJU! i 'h'ntcstir;, dilncuitu-s, s(i. t ,i;[- 'i i V'j" ,I C | ! 1101 1;0 j'jguurd agaiust tiicin, ani it isoxtremoi 1
univisch: and -unnecessarily, as J' reh"' 11 . 1 ['W *' ‘I ' " '‘ M ly doubtful whether clreula*ion. oj-
rtypgntzed ;tl>e.n, S nrgeni 3 .^ s .V ‘'V '‘t'.- ’ V, ■' ‘-’oiled States, payable iti coin, and !
Jhr .Jigt-rwK. Avoniu si(>o.!i recede from; ;n:dj Ila.vti as y ; r*t the ; .suiflticntly have lor tvnnU of the!
which" bits proved only 4 !".; : y c< i unttac.|.- u, wineli eoiouistsiof; people ciiii be perinam.ntlv. usefully I
less injurious > to themselves .than to. '" AU '-c'ceyt irpni here- could go : all ,{ safely maiutaihedi is "there then ’
«ir bwilf-inintry. lint the temporary , « cegi an.tyr ot ocmg received ami | a ny other mode in which the übccssaU
~ morses-which alieryvards bptbii-tlie ‘ “'‘“ib'' 1 ! c.U/.yitr..- and 1 regret to j neprovisious for the public wants fa A i
- t ‘ i '>B , l«lu.g. i bc.,nal<e, and the greatjudvantages of l
, r goifa.lcu h\- bur. m-loyal. citizens a .t<-.ou./.a.ton. »o not seem .-o willing, to' a safe and uidlbiau cunjeneV seeufed* l
' ‘;tyc hiiherto delayed •tbat.acti-,^; 1 -’^'^ I'’ 1 '’ as to ranne, I know of noue.whielj promiseg'-sd i
/ 1 tl!fSi C - iIU ‘ U u ’ ld ’ n!l '* at t' same • time, j
iocLitjl War, which has-, so radi- 1 petmtoos. i ticieve.. now«nu*r, 80 unobjectionable, as £ the-'or<miiiza-l
. ta.iy ebapged' f.-i- a moment the bceu-1 U: '' ■’i 1 ; I '-';.' • an.';..;: them .-in of Banking AssocilitionS undbr a '
pa|ions and iiai.ipi of.the American ■“'•'l. that yi-e io[ngj; geiiora! act of Congress*! well guarded '
' ne<-es : sar|.h-.jdis:u;:bed. the and,conj |in its provisions. To .sui-h ass Jfcationk I
Midjai -Co run turns arnl. juiectcd yry ' ! 1 'P b iiiesenlowi i the. Government might jlim-ish .'drea-f- i
l i a ' t “’ r! ?' ''B l '' which •we '■ ■“n»'.i s' I nueo riutesr’'■ ' Idling notes. loh of U-ffi
vt » lTi ,o' o :: B.atMias' ■ b i -«U Bonds deposited if the Treasury'.—l
' ["Tf '■> throughout ai ■ . H. ■ 4 | There notes, prepared under.g the i
, ik penoa ol ha.iga century, ; . , ~ I .0; m-.v. con-r.erJuH tr.; ?l (y.i.--twjjen.j stytHirvision proper ' officers, beint’
■ *V. 'the tsin,v.. excited po-: \ ** ,|w ftoi’.iurm i?i : and eccuritv.!
pjaii-ai ambitions,, aml^tipprchcnsions-. ! ’!‘» v •,<•:* in.t* . execujij);!., i riiab convertible always into--coin'i
yyTiTdriavc pnidue,/-! :l ;f,.<)(buiid agi- -. ;i - fC'-.-fthtMiiiar treaty’ha sr.woukl at'once, pfotect'ilabon. a.MinJt l
hvjanou tjiiroughr.Mt T |, t . civiliited-woHd. , ' : ’V l to turnthe evils pi uj vicious [curi-eimv and ;
; r IH u-nusKal ligi.tatipti. \vo havefijrfjoruo i ! 1 /" r Vv ! v •. l , n ';-^ ,, hrr:ii J - aid n uj nii‘:iit;if t Mcoihmeiv<* by 'che;ip' ; i»'d «*ifp '
J fi'om.takinjc-jvart.'ib am; coplrovorsv j ;‘ :tr * i-emiing wiM..i A modcraio h.k:
between, fpreigu-States, and diet jveen ! V e -A consideru- ilVuta the jir.tercsPomthk bonds won id i
; parlies or factious m such .States.;' AVe ; b.vjnn 10 o, mgeu eof tnc national com compeusatb the United Slates'tor liie i
, . have aueinpied nojif(*jw>;gd!;d:.Miv and vxpeglcd to 'result .frorti theset pwparatibii .and distribution' of : tlib
rVio'cVr 1 rt> .■: v - ~ r - * , .. .[. «>'tcs, bfibo
”■ ' ,t,? . '? ?y%7 u .U>u..c>cda.; . J ' ‘;T ;u system, anil would lighten the burden
MV.. nmm.gisment brills j ■ i.lortugal, K.<«.ssm, IVus- of that part of the public debt einnlov
• owjrajfnirs. /t»ur suMgde 'he.en.'l mark.; Mwedon uiid A.wr!a, cd „„U, , l “i ‘ J( ompioy
•oK.coar,.e, d-fit,-inp!a:ed iliy ‘ibreign j.-' t-Mierl.rnds. .linly Komb. -and "the • . Tho puljlie credit, moreover; : would '
nations with ret. lets-.. J..,; h-j vaiiv.pcait S,art;s : . reimujt uadis- jbp greatly improved', Wl^the riegotlasj
■ rr k ; ;i c,;| ' el ’- r rviuliiJMs : 11 s t tir.n'ol. rrcSvMbuiiH greatly facililateil- 1
■"TC- V'fr - . '• nnd [the cbn.e j c;o.vyi.rlc-_ t.n b- muiEUin.-J -vvjij. Taijli by 't!,e steady - market "demand lor i
’* ’•'■y-Hvw •.•:tj.!<:ns i f'f'b'- ( nina aiid Japan. * Jijitr- ; Goveilmnentbomis wi;ich tho adoption I
; -N 1 i: sl 3
Uv'cti j ;'"‘ a non ;uoge:oi -our previous rcla-.-j an additiotia!l
' Ire I ll ' ,,iS oVlt:i0 Vlt:i l ‘. je .‘v jSt:i!es of*: measure 'hi conshlerahio ‘ijn i
•• f’ wn conuiient "Kut, ptorb ivieni.lly'j my judgment! that it wbuld rei.ojici(c i
j.M-ntuncnfs ..-avv ■ heretofore ex- j as far as possible all.existing ir.tercals
' be. o'lfcrtaiiied by I by .the opporiunitv'olfere'd to eXistfftw
■;.ine.w- n.-ign-.i.irs-. \vn,>.-e . safety ami I institutions ?o reCogrfizV: under th>
pi--.grc-;s are so nuiaiaiidy coanccthd | act, substituting duly 'tne sccui-ed uni
r . .I.n - staicmont c~pe- ; form national circulation'for. thb local
pp.rcs .to yj.-xi,.,,. Costa ilica. 1 ami varinus circulation} secured,and
■••:;'ii..nd!;Tas..'.Vru and Cidti. : unsecured, now issued bjy them’ -I ~
. fllO' ( ’oJfV.tfM' : ■ i | - [ ■' b '
‘ u.M -- 'j :i •• ''i fi EASLEY .RECEII'TS. .
j ; iiic receipts into - the Treasury frotp
all spuyeei. including loans and bal—
aned Irom- the preceding year .h>r the
fircaJiyear ending on tho dull)of .1 une,.
Raid, were SoSd;S.S;),d47 05 of which
suijii(j'.Mi,v'.<7 (hd ; were derived from
customs*,; ■ 51,795,dt51 “Ms from the di
reel,lay; from public lands, Sl.jddbJJ!-
Ti tilVdm inisccllaiieous Sources, S! ( dt,-
ir i 0-1, from loans in alt forms; 65d0,-.
!idd,-U!0 o'J. , Tjie-remainder, 82,1157,-
Odo SO, was the-'balauco from last
year.- 1 '
- ! .-k 1 1 .v
■’f. ■. : ■ ■ r : : a I- -
Read in Congress, Des. Tst, 1862.
Felfoto of \thi2 &mte | and
. -Bmlse (ip jifjirfschttificjs : Since'lvoui
■ lastj'annunl as.-cmblinij, smother 1 ivekr
of b'cat''tTi_a.iid- um;‘in liarvcsl;-f has
and widlc ,ii !ia> ! suit -.pleased.
rr .,.A!iejA7^j : i4v to Mi-ss*iiV.,\vUhaFiiturrr
. ol' 1 •!: t v-sW ;■!). -uuk’d
■ l»r,fhe i?yst %ht Hi- gives ns. t: f d^liri«
. in HN oyrr. t.;inu aud \v:iv
• «JJ i.
mc.-ii-n i
A ■ .fl.llv
*~s* :
r-i I .A-
- J!•.! v
w* .&*y
v r.
TUe .treat v v. i\H *<.rivai
K l ' - |J| ur I 'A I Vi' •;, i: ■ fsV
li_v’ [ l \ ‘:-sy» 'U-,*n. lin
a ir
li i- titCiA 1
Ofj. * • : e r*:*ri *n I*
<A\ i
■?;'i . n j/
'ifu-hf. ni;*
N’UsVl t-siH.i C j(T[- if.v
, <*v!? :A 1)
sp': r . I
> # ' '-‘I:?-
•; v.' ■ .■ •' t£« United,-States.-arid
f, *jq .i.u f., ui wj »»?, : h(/. v.i . ,i., \ i> • ~1 • . r • . . •
; r J. ,;'J: ‘. ; I’; 1 " : .(‘.o*lA • lirtxi lias .com-
labor*., iwl: submitted its
• '•*••••■,.> T'j- '-pf *»•*-- pinpoint. _
■-i .iJ,! ii T;A'yrj- ■: - . i 1 i:t\ u! Juvurcn jirojoct- lor <*on
.. with |Eu.
(•Trt r, foil-liii: UT r V;y ««. A!jai.t.«f^cde«s-ap!t,;and
■ , ; 't : ,i- ‘ . '!" . V 1 ■!;!■;• • !'• -in San 1 rani-isco to coimectJ • , ■
Pjlr.4-!!; t r with.-tho \virq!| The disbursements dJr'ir.g the s.-imo
'ai mistake* n- exkmla ' 3 across tbye, period were : -For Congressional, Kx
i-i'ifjafir-s’ upon J '‘ ,U i' HV ' ' • ! '■ ’ ,"1 ,?"'!■ Jlulici ; l! SoiOSS),.-
■ 'heir sheets. .\ te*ritukiai, An’.vißs. ' ' { 7,5 ,l>f . tow«£iuiiUn«»aw* f si,339 { .«'',
rS ;v vo'iutw fi.r /: i~, ‘ ‘ >pr ;n- ■. • r . 0 ; f I *» oO ;. Jor..-' expenses/!
awt cam-on tr- de ■'-'o v , ? tones of the Slates, including the mi.ftsf loa ,s, post .office* I
> illations ‘is !'■ ■ftv/p-liV’ ,-,V- ! T^,!.i *, lOUM hiv V e re-, sletjoi.iMcies, collection of revenue, an.j:
, {■ Salats '.f V r ' ! ■ J I
a‘l -■it-:)- ti ~ I - . I-'; '/ V •'■ v ■- c - v "“l"fc ; expanses' .ynJer tLtf Interior’
•■J ’ ,1 <■ -Mi., aiii. tii.o to y--.j o! prosperity as uistit;es »'m cxper-ia-1 merit S.‘HtV> o's,> r. *vtr.r
~ * 4 1p. 1 ! ‘.'i.p 1 ■ ‘,r 1 11 *^‘t 1 ! 1 1 • ’7“ !!: > 1 ■*?. ’ H '’" ,l, a; ««»<* <>f t iiem \yii! sboa be in 1 Departinent,’ 5394.0G5.41i7.56 - un<jor
, ’-o‘ Vt ‘ C, , ! • ;i C: ‘’ , ,'! lltlon '. l ? Ik ': tii’gaiiizoiiv-as Staten. ! the Xuvy Dopartmciit..^,67^,so9'W
*:n pr.-M-rvi'!'* I 4 d > iuto', for in tort st on the publitdebt. Si^
In 'J- I r..v I V-i V i :r • “ L -e r i and for' ol lhl [.
'‘" !'• r -is - * -tf i s' -. 10.-onrcesof - tho:sn lerm<.rios .public uc-bt, including rttunbursernciit
< ■■ ;!UU ™ri**d!ou:chl to be. develope.l as speedily as Sof .tomporaW loan ?ud^l
I ''? • hvevy. step in tbuf/diree-; (J); making an a^L-ratH
-exHi■ 1../*' i • - ' K - 1 l *- ; 1,011 A . ifn-1 of SiiTO.SMrfhd {, b and foiviif-?a bai : *
■<47do !!l i «‘*v^;nn«ent| ance'.i., tbe 'jlcasiiVy .fejthe IsCdiy
sritjiu-nt is dibble-*l,-, tj’.V ob- Iv 1" ■ l‘«H «/V July. of 513j043,546 81. ft!
wof-eriniieiits n bo~e protect..n is d's iL‘t 3 °-3 r -ui- sci-!ous con-j should be observed that! the turn 1 ot
mv.dod l.y tiioa-bdnn 1 Tbe-'e’ • r-‘' , ! W extraor.h.ia-; 596.07G.U32 00, expended.; for rein.-
■lii^cvvep.-n.a„y :l^s in i'i e nT’ f t , o | ,ro !2l ,te the end bursemehfartd redenfption oftboplib
tinted Slates oir "s-o<y.',- U,’- i.r .T- t >P *?--!' ll ‘‘‘ n } l-!l “- s 'vhieli i le, debt, being included also in’.tbc
from.tiie naVal^Uditary-Vi!-’ 1 ii-tu.i'e " U>, ' lUmosl hkei-y jp be el-; loans made, may be pi-operly deduct
■iWsUW'.tf IVom ; b6tl, the and expon
-ninirk-s. whi, ‘ ;■; : ,m " ,i^s^^ , ■. , ' 0 •’ receptor.:
s £ oiu-.g; to -ivd-os* • . . .iC:i(iori;or the,year !>7J ami tlip cx-ij woman 1 tlnd!‘children.'.This altack j
ol §474,744.788 16. -Otheril was wholly unexpected, and; ther^,«6‘!
Statcti;. ti.u> im li'-.i .♦ ' / l ' : V’' l: \ f-W'ot bill j information on the subject of tho finan- nit-aiis of Jdcfehsle'; had bldeniiiroyiijedr:'
-lion-, .to .fxajiiidi- ami -i. ! i'bi* d' ' , f 1,0 <(ll “htion of; ces will-he found in tho ijeporf of tho It ik'estimated] that not'less eight hun-j
:P!aititsi- Xiiis ; ,i : r : rw uTm i wiLHaim - vtrllr ,llost dil *; SocretaiV-of ■ the Trcajsdry, to whoso dred were killed 1 by the ln|!
•inade • tV Ureal '• to|,!,u ‘ u,a, - lon :.. ■ j and views! I'invite your dians, anti a jladge amount of p^oper-i
I'mncc. to ,spa*fn; and. V, lViWbiT>»J' - -VivVscMr . • • j most jiaagfed and considerate alien- -ty was destroyed, ilbw {his outbreak!
■<?a.-h, if '.has hUhi .k:ndiVrccl‘Uvd N vT] , . iv," V, • ’-7 V... i tioD ' , : w!fs uJdhtod is not, definitely known]
.loiowas Jiivi a] ; v » ),tel- w : vc' ivv i eeitainh unusual in similar emitted. These reports, though ,ilili|ies WdrhibmniODced; that a sirii'til-i
provoMdd'bV ; '" aJ, “- ti . lt> -T ul cre.di«f?lcngtliy ; are certainly nbihing more Mabeous httabk liras-to ho thadb uphn
Umlih.ckaiHWfbreo off Wi'll i*f S S’ n^ n ' y ■mainta-i.ned...- .The'con-than brief abstracts of the very nu-lithe while st-tjtlements by allfthe tribes
tO T from leaving that mA . v :,h I ~ war, the j merons and extensive transactions and i'betwceh the Mississippi.riyiir and the !
Car S°-;«ot wit hstaudiiuf a kmiiUr nrif « mad^Hcces- 1 operations' inducted Through thebe Kocky Mpu itains; j| State jof
. / : , ‘ p iv-iiary hy thejaugmented foicehjnow in jHepartmeats. Nor could I give la
i v '
% i V
i iiA ji£.
'Jrluty ; lS;v J u«
j; V : : OW ‘5
1 .
./ C
-v'i i'-i •j-f/Moi: wit in,nit-.luiv-
Jill tin;
«•(.••! »• snlnniititil-l-V) ‘it. A
-.•■.'"i. 'V*. -t< - » fovivo thc»
'(•vvin.niiiy t.i! aMo todo
i i• r• 111; 11 j it- j Jjj. ; i/ - ( >. : Ti i «•. co i n mis-
A]i' t;,
• :j.;..
\ ' '
- if
■; /■
N ,
. "tl
Voi. ;iS--No,r>o.
■ -■ . .:S£'v/
I.sfd rfiA
toi.aj; r,'! , i i
t’Tc .So'iTM -:ti'v
iit iiitj
to vt iiL 1 . |_iropei|
‘ . the mi
bv : .m;,uiv in.-
Uiwaa-aj, lo iai
.* - r
a- vic'\yi to si
Ol !!<_>r
:i’"nar|. pon it*
others up.'ii
ami sr : li olho
thronic Konti
similar mc-as
bMtbeJl i|®l®
i r , Beaver, : ‘W r edijes<^g^
! T
i• : I'
summary ot themhereinpon any prin
ciple which would-admit of its being
■much Shorter thanth« reports : them
selves.! , I thefeforo jeontent roj'Belf
with laying tberepol-ts before jolt,
ai|d asking you'r attention to, them.
■ j irl . i
: i- 1 "'•* ' 'i-• j• * f , ■■■
; It gives me pleaSuro'to report: a de
eided improvement Tn the financial
conditjon of the Ppsijpffico- Depart
ment as compared with several pre
ceding! 3 J ears. ; iraieeiptsi fbfe the
•fiscalfVenr ISG2> amounted to: 88.349.-
*206 dol - hieh v ’ ;
-- which - emlj.ralf6d‘ the ii-evenuo
fronrajll the Sate? frf the Union for
throe quarters- of] tli
stauiliqg j fho -jeessatihn .otlreYenu^:
from the sp-eulldd Belled States du
ring tl/e last fiscal year; Idioiiucreaso
of the) eorrcspidhdetfre fof ,tho loyal
Stales lias beonisufHcienttd produce
a revalue during, the name 3 year of
§8;2i)9,820 90,' being i&ly ijo,ldo(f.less
than wasiderived frominll States'
of thej- Uuioh |durihg. the 1 r prc!yi,ous
year. iThe expenditures show al hi!II
more favorable iFesaltJ!The ‘amount'
expendedj in wa «i 813.000,759 11.
For the last yetir theampiuit,lias h'ecn =
to 33, 1 t&'oWiij**--
a deciepC of about ?i|l8I;000kfh<: the?
expcnd|iti|ros - as : compared, with i the
pi-ceedijng years;.about $3,7pO t tiO t O'as' 1
compared) with fhe fiscal year
The defieije-iioy in tbeiiSepartihent: for
the previous year wafjf 84.551;9()0) OS.
For the hist fiscal yeifr;it was reduced' 1
‘iThesolarorablo results;
are in .part owing. to ibb i cessation of
mail; service ilnj the I'fnsurrectionary
States, an[l in part to.a casu|il review
of the expenditures ip that Depart
nient, in jtho interest' of economy;—
The "cfticjc ney of the postalißervice, .it
is believe 1, has! also been biuch im
dyuyed. " ’ - j.j; p; ‘I , ■ :
#4 ! iie I’u: tmaster General also open-
C'Ja correipondcneo through the De-.
panment jf State with foreign; gov
ernments, proposing a convention of
IgPf.lal ijc.p resontatives,' for the" pdf pose
of simplifying jthe fstes. of foreign
pus tagej, land to jesepetiite ftho pfoyeign
mails. (This proposition, equally im;
])oriant k fo| ourgdopted citizens and to
the con nvcfcialdntoresls of this poun
try, lia r been" favorably I entertained
and agicod to byaljltho governments
from .wlio.r if replies hiiyo been reediyed.
I ask: li e fed the
suggsstioi s of |fhe’lPtwtmastcr G;eder
ai. in his reporfej'j the furih
er.legift ai.0.0 regnireicly inhis-opinion,
for the binufitk ofrfbepostafeer
vice. ’ f.g r ft: 5 . ;"' i
"... ptauc.tiMps. .. - . fric j
'. red
4 follows.jin regard to' the)r»ub-i
*:■. i ijc jo l mi-- ij—'io uavc eeits
a source of revenue. 'From
' J illy, |1 SiGi, to thb 30th of
■. 18CA3J the .entire past rc
liitlioj sale of lands' svurii
li, a slim much less than the
' our land system during the;
odi - The Uomfstead! Law..,
taite’effect on the ls|t of )
ext,- olfers'kiicri' inducements) 1
.hot sikles for- cash cannot
I to an extent suliicicilt ti?
cpqfises of the general hind
this cos.t v of surveying and
l e land info market. ; [
yepanCy between the [sum
1 aß;arising front fho
ic : lands, and-itlie sUih jde
tlie kamc source as report-'
hej Treasury 'Dcpartthcni,
uml erstand.,from th e I lact
iriodsj of tiniopthougl;- ap
cre flint r&tlly co-incident
i pons .1;
[ lie lan(Js
jf cl to -be
| Ufa Ist o
I Septembe
ccipts li-o
51.i7.47(| 2>
.expense of
Kamo -pi trie
which ivil
January nc
to settlers
i be expeotc
: meet tb i e
office, a 3l cl
j bringir;; tl
’here staled
of the pub
'•'rived d’roin
ei from tl
arises-, as I
that tliej ])(
parejitl}! w
-v[ i-, ... . .. , -y, . f v-ojijo ... 1 s .... . ah.-p' rirt'iii ; y ini-nSas- 1 ■■' s ’ - •• ■,
at-tbo banning ;poiii,ls. Tin- , ; Tre;pi- Thoywi-ilory is the only ;parf' liivli;= J ii*sjraVr.o’n-ri.C 6t Uslpivilacts, -m l ' Miont'i hairnonlze and
m-y t-epjn-t inehirtiii'j; a consideialde;
snm npSy. ,v hii:h ha(lfpre% : iously I iTcon lion passedii away, ajnl anwliorfeori; im u<-ie Idf j.V-csoV; ;-rfiKl : and-’fcot■ wjtfilch*.i,eseni ics K ?
reported ji jtn the’ liiLcrior; sutliclent- c-on.Jltli, but tiio eartldab detit ye-'•fliH : r>%m liai’dip sc-a 'ciiVst'- ■ These arlieids- are in- „
ly largelaslp: greatly jOvorr'cacb ;.liip forever. JtW of "the jlirst im j ituci> ‘'ly v' l ■ s okiafan - r/f
■Buni,den|ved| frotp the th,rcc riiontJis\v. • to-d.uiy <.on|iderand iMiiiiatu iliijs i ev-|of one. ifrtiori.' people -‘now tiiidy: ,pP the... plan" shall
jreportedl 1 upon jby ,tbei Interior,, and, op i ; i npffrr. .Tliat- .pprlronvot j|a id , jnny krovvt their w:iy-< tC I***: .eiuan-' -f
-not'by ttic Trcisury. . . . ;'^.tjho-veur,tirB. j !.s»rl:ieo ' whiph .is-’.ojvihVci 'iNdw'i York: to' SonUi ( wiiMydovvi kt/leawt jii several y '
J ixmix ' Uaod --inhuljityti. l>v' - y * : t 4 ' |KV ‘ StaiJ-s,T| As to ike article; •.*
i '.l i .. ■■. y i , i Whited States is well adapted' 'lb: I, eland to Asia le, : : tjati Franeisto', niaiu-ponitMiroj 1 I .
v Tll , c In, l|an; upon> our ironUtbd o(j *>*.hatiiWl'liar iklo I- t l||,. -.^14 ■■-'I: 01 »y : ' ■
j tiers Mf, dnm«|,lljopast year,;: man- i* not well adaptecldor two , j;.: .
Ina i , - nj ‘" nd ! I i tS,yWt e ? ct^nt »t 9 j^fiTV.-boiifAn, jinwl of
! “L't Vi° 1 ' ~,;9. 1 . \ B "i : ?i ,at t alld P‘] o:il,ci,on arbof advantage Igp'eaf intei-iorj; is lierel\- cdt : -tlTe -fchtHh-iof :
i-mohi n tffivcSnfe- S lil "f Y'. ;'PWV' v Hr W
ft . ,a ■ y .j. ■V ■ j tivy bee IT: in jolt l.let?, i.ut porliiVpis, a i»!i v&iortl ! ■•'' f l he , c ( niaiK , ipati(#n-\vill
•cum ma, tlie .Indian country siyithj steam liiui telegraplis in. • i nti by;'einl>iirni«sfctT-r and be piisatisiaidorv-£o-tliei advoeates' of "
ir„ ' ?yfc,h d u Viiii n ' y s ! OUB cnn-biuauon lor,oue unitcdlpcw- ;JF.»d whenever a dividing or fiounilaryV titao ' slioy!/l %eal!v^niliiraieTtheir
■>Stales-w|icldriven from.tfe' - : e slave i/WT. I,H ‘ Wl? I 1 . ( f
' KKS 'T 10^ “ f at . 'a,' ■
fettles. ; that they 1 did t,o in language wlu.(}ti I. p aLe, sontii of it Vxeept ’ iikdii' ternis ■ matfoii. , Tliev i'hvj sec it ‘ Wtncr^
!;s#i' » '*4 Jim, r
,and tl.atlho United States neglcl-ted countrv believes slavery is riabt and d Ikese oittl-t ; c-i«t west -r i ■■'»’> i Llu l, Wl . ‘ r?! tl,e
kns p attacked the settle^starttial dispute: yTKdp.^oV^A-Jbe.lid^b^t*'ibielf' o^' 0 V;l ? rant .
jthdir Ticiivity, with extreme i
"iU|ugnidiseriihinately, ihenp
merits in
• •. fi
ecetfiber IQ, 1862.
this Indian ytair. A lafgp. p:or-j
Jioniof her territory Las bdc^rdbppp-1,
t lated* and a seyerejj lujis hdsheon
• iaihed by the dostrdctihn of
-The people ■of Kthat-; ; r^ta’feop:m^ i ifost i
much ani ie ty for lih btfc m aval .of the!
tribes beyond the liimfs ofAhqiState [J,
a?-a guarantee agamsh , -jd
ties. , The CommissTonersof Indian -j j
Affairs' will, turuisil ItSjl details; ;' T U
subimt for your especially j dbiisidera- C,
.lion whether oar ?^dian--sy4«l»i;8Hall:l ! 4
not: rf modeledljj Many Hyjsee and i p
■ gciod 'ujoti' have, bobh impressed;
the belief that thi.s.can be. profitably il^
(lo,ie ' I. ■■■/. : T|£!:
I ~ MILITARY ROADS, i .t lb.
J' ■ | '■ • J; • -j •! ■ f
; I submit ; a statement of i,l lie pro- ; i ,
.feedings of the Cbi|tmin'siouefj’J ;
isliows tliy'progresh; thnto lilis ■
made in ihonnterpfiso of eons .firptibg*- ip
the.Paeific railroad; and thus-suggests (M'
f he .earliest; eoinplption o| thehrrpid, , |
and-also; the hctioh ( idf- Cdn< 1 .1
‘g'r|i|p upon projeptsPnow periding be-'S
fopfHhein foij ehlarb ne the - capacities i.:
pf-thp g rea t~f all als|; m' IS' e W Yhjr k. and! | 6 !
i as bcingdpf’vital ajffd fab- l"i
[idly, .Increasing, iihpartauee jto ,tf.oi;®‘
[ jwhble t naiioiij- landlijtppeoiallyl-to:- tjifd • ‘
Ejvast; interioi*tegioih hereinafter to bel 8 ■
fipjieeil at borne, g)|ijate>'. lengtlld’d ij ol
propose Laving prepared And laid ■ l|e- |Tf
To rip you at an .eaflpiday-isoijibrimdidu'-V
osLtng and .valuable; ptwiistiesil; iid<d--[ ;' v
mationUpon this. snbjdct, \ Tbe-dniid j ll
■ tary. and cornin <- rc-iul ;• inipertahcel bf t'
enlarging the jlllirjpis and Michigan.j
Canal and improving the Mlihois Hiy-!•
,er is; presented' jn; tpi sepatt fef Cold-|
pel Webster- to the Secretary dfhWirr;'
and now transmiued to Congress..; I
respectfully aslc attention to it. i - / *■;’
; i . * -- . T
vj To: tarry quf llid i pviVi6h4>’o|r\ttee-f-f< l
iautyof GVrigress oi. the IStirnfiMdy ol
tii'l. I have iif td,
agriculture to *4
he Organized- Thdij in
toms me tjbat witluu the'pcriod; ofjii ph
t'aw-'tn<;inlbsi. 1 b e dejjtirtment'hdjs.|es.tat|f .!
poiidehcadind exchanges, both jit hoitiit 1
aha abroad!, whschjnpromise-to feftejtt-! Jfi
liigli y bciijeficial resultsdif tIV6I Jdevel- j’.fi
opm4nt«]dya nojTecldfuowlcdgielof re'-yd
cciU.iniprov<«iieiita|in ag,ric-uj4u:e,- th |-tas
:tlre r.lroductipn Ot j procfutds ,ahjd j-th l
m ; tl e collection ,dfjtbbOagitci(ltur4h! ll *
Statistics of the diderent; felatjs:; Fh
that it will soun be |fej iayedtribj- \ Q
.uto largely seeds, ■.|trealS3
tas already ppWijjhijil- £tnd. |tbpra!;{yi ) jft
diffused much valmdde information. jn
i anticipation of a iinote elaborate rO-!i| a '
port,' which will ini dilo time'bciur- :h:i
pished, eriibfaeing Sbmo yalua.bltl' itests! if
in chbmionl aciencei now ini ijtberress iof
>ll*3 y IUOOrUI'OI'J' » p ;XltO 1 f.'[ r\ n
this department' -wah for'the nforemni- i'tl:
mediate bene,lit of|a large class oroiir o.i
.most l valuable: eitiiieas,, and I’' ttijpllj af
that the'' lihc-raf Fjqisis upon which,it, if
htfs been organized'iivili not only moi3i| ! ' u
ybmyappr<)batip!u, ibWti that it will t4l|| n;i:
alize, at no;,distant the idhde^il: l b
anticipations Of jifc I in«»£., sanguine ; /iil
friends, and beehnie’the fruitlul Sohr'ce j<4
of advantage'to! all.-oiJE-ipeoplif. f|;- ■ ■ J; ■ in]
: Ob tlye 22d' Sj.optoinUSr last, a ! tv
pfoclahiatioiitwas 'issued by'tile Exee- i a|>
U-lnvo, a copy of .which; is- |nsrewiFb; <4;
submitted: '. . I V.:F:
■ : 'I IV
Col M r fcjC SAT E D F.MANapATIO.N'.:.
I;' In .accordance with'; thejpu
invgiqd. ia lliC second : j)iu:agraj i rh ot1|"
that pajicr,:Fnqw rC-fpcbtiuliy. i[oeal!l ; |
ye in; attciilion to what 'indy the oallcil i[
‘ i Qom[ieiif'!il,C(.lr v EinaticipattQn'.-VKi- -A}
nation may be- said to consist oi‘ its’
tpnitor 'its' people and it..-- "la>
. . - .■‘“fiv-- .
clause of tiio,. Constitution. "ami |the
law ifuvtho suppressibn of|lio Affic;i!i
slave trade ,arc . _each as weil-jien
, forced, perhaps* as.any law can ever
be iii a eonimttnily .\yhero the' m;6j-al
Sense of the people imperfectly sap
ports the law itself. . The great hotly
of'the people abide by tbp dry legal
obligation in both cases, and a liew
break over in each. This I tlunk ctm
not bo perfectly cured' and; it wbgld
be worse in both cases after the. Re
paration of the than before.—-
Tlip foreign slave trade, now ijngei-'
fectiy suppressed, would
ly revived -without rostrietiofi in *pne
section, while fugilivß : slaves, : ho\y||jn : '
ly partially surrendered wouldjnot-bc
surrendered at all by the others.
Physically speaktngi- we caninotjire^
if 'I
i T' ; ' v ~ i|
lldvo OUT \
al(||i other,
■;a!l be Five
.'he may t
li t prose tie
ach other,
mi count;];
irii:ot buti
iv.tsl co.ntii
ynrsc' mor
iu sfactoi-y
U- : ? T;uV
'*'? 1 isit'ii'jis . eaii miilre, laws.? i Gan
•eating .poj rixorof-. fUiitJi ' enfWeil
ilp.’t'Bn aliens ihanliiWf sij|^ng
lesyisT/: go to wac^-olf;
.11 iji io t ‘ irghl «Tl paym k ij! d. \v h pfe:. hirer
hi|;h losi;'(]: V'bolV' sitl-jfj, ai’.d no* gain
n fildieK/^ou'itioaitff'ftglftinVc, ylfe uibrp
(o£t’l _ old ipibstiopsaa -do terms of hf
crttduse dr-d jigaifi. tijio.n iychi.”’ ••* ’j
H'MT NATijßAi'iilXCl'dS: lu'VUtb.V,'i
H ‘.M: 'j: ..... ;.; -Jo
:e is.ij.o lino, taraight, or brooked, ,
ui table tdra natural boundary vfpoW
tUi;u!i to tliraodli iVom'
Mto west - - ff-'i 1 •■! '■ s
lie Idiot) i anti sluvefeeCHinirv. fend- vM bjato wliarein. ala
lidil find at i 'n-nplpshalKjibohsh
f ; are To-Uo J*««.?*«•**«? V Ift^r-bofore
ifu4<od crwJii to 1^ ! * ? r -, ° f in l0 1 -™* l- f
4tiyated;:.!ll.kddv:^ l ionyiiotn feules I
ifeikfueArliv aljiits rLmubiikr . coidpoiishtioatfi-o.n, the
'0 ' -Sov f£, UI W&' »««* H- tO ,
d.ic-h , a .co.pie' | .nay :wtiflc.->uek!^ ? ral i . tinted. States.;
;rth. ■dsktliduttanf' 4tihsiWu«^i v such.State,bonds :■
hyaypteMmce.'' So- .inter
iin fbe.madcl ah^morhkiiffioat WfcUw ' the-pile each flare ;
7^ritingtU,^, 1^I V 13 a l /ldMn^^ln h^l l Htcmn iptbb
Jcht, ' *rV national bmmdkrv; [ The # sus
fctjof.sypaVadori. iipj #.U.verg^.• to 'such ;
:>.; tllo.-pa'i-t oft tiliiiiSa- m; , o no par- J
Jhf.upoii-Hlse'Seceding, p
giltve slavufelafeses kll
bdr const! .ufioka} dbagations one .ttmeanthid -,
,ri Section- soce-i.'d trtm -\Vl.]lM! web btate aJpkiinerest begut-p
espewf-.nb treaty stipulator. i*?-'™ 11 upon-anymph bpnd.pnly from-d-r
uiild' bVteTbo '. .pkde'to 1 lalfb. iWi%' P r ?P e ? ‘i , - , P. e d f vor T: ««/
aetp ‘I T ; ; - !v: " -V" ’- ■ aforesaid andj alfctyards Any State^^"
: ; I' 1 ;[ .v ; , '/■ '■■ >■ t : 'lita’-iiig rec-eiyed ktionus as aforesaid,-:
iva.i.-ib siiosijjjfnE.' : tolera-
minions. ; W rst iocky . ■ ■,i
insy g.dutli lirie-■ along .whfc-R '■ ’A rtl ? I I k' 'd "if r v ’
■«ridiu^>44ud«.y*:d-cdhumtkJ c ”J , k v^ :
j)art of V'h-Ida t '
■rt of 4!if.ojr fcantf^k^'l b .^^^' U ?P^ s^ n ' f* -
■io. Kdifina,:-iIS-ciiiiiiH 1 ~j\tlf ie o 31 shdl “ ot
inois,- illiks mri• 1 o\va Mim! havo , • bccn , diskyal si,all' be. «ontpent /,;
s6ta.-a.vd C.a lerntoHwkf J^kbta!k1 sate 4 05 : 3 V'* f ?...^«t-, : "
obraska: a,id part of J r abohsh,
ove teal.inii poonlok and v;ill j f of .J,ul tn .such a, way ■
ve. fifty:niitlions witibln fifty;‘ychrij that be tw.ea _
naf proventud by any politiodl ibllyl.-ktd.ft:
Jjiiatakc;, li cousins' ulbre than
- r fJ--Va tho' coaPtrv owned' b 6 provldo-loitHai. ;
■with/- '. ■
ioi| million or ouiijare -niiles. unco -half v • ~ *-i r T '&f
.- a --■'f - •“'• i ••«, ■ ■ \ -wj tlxe.l.niteu Staies.
ttdtiikLiuiVirmaie' tiiiap scveiitv-STe • '■ ; . fiAUjioxY.. ,'y • •
lliona ; ;.T )i li.p’p Wgiance a'l| Ftbe'i- x . ~:'. ft... '• i.. .i--* ■ ■'' ; k .-.v ■ i- toj tbesc.
isdho,;grektibody liq.i.biier: p 1:?!’ 0 -'; 1 #0 i 1,c . 1 . ,i ‘ ! ‘- t ' , T:’■
m d'tluir pa t- a.|e bait mar-dnal-ibortl ' vl : tl.out %very the; rebellion e o nl4 .
i- to if,, the magliiiTcent nurroiilHrop-^i^T-hl^®^^ l ??’ »MWl' .
V• nQt ' « O I, u JP.“?-i. I'-Arabn?-Mhof-. ,
the Paoilid-feeing tiiedepncsti 'arid;°:‘ 1 lh< ?- f V. 7,, '
o the liebfe't in undeveloped; rc-'j a fV V H g
itciri in thoip.'bdiietionj of i ,n W al ' d . ,an| thd
.s r - grainV, and. all* which u9 ' Wf d . ll i
*ocd from greavii,htemoa:: s^^!!
pirni is. bat iVafS- bile' of U l e in l ostt so 'P e : abo ¥ t . I V'& rad »P n y ,h ml " W!th . j
■ortaiit fn 1,: ■ • / •'■ : compen.flalinn, eOme. would remove
/■ V. C "'■ ; ! thfv ;'freed people from jus, arid some •
: I.OV;o;o&yfKra. ,■ • ;(],w^nM ; f - etain tltefa. Witli us. anrßJthcr'o
■tsr.-or.trhu: iVoin-tl'liei statisfics the yet other Jmuib'r diverßilios/ "Bo
t!f ]frufeyi thnivi' l cf these diversities ..we waste;,,
ns yofe !ic|ei.i. biyiiight hno.fe-.hU!vaki m «‘; h i.l^Mglh-. ; in ’amongl
ol'a. hf sn-! •" l by ;nt'ut\:al^j^')iieossioii ; ,rve' :
. —; -3csi, :s no proper
jt.i'aii. .All; afy hmtor than •<ntrioi%
•iill >i»f tins - Scoplc-'l
|tc jtlA'if;siijCuosnKi’s ilirovor.
[vitftclym they frill., not as!? where
ne [of.scpai[ati(|n shall be, but will
Pather tjlfot’ thejce shall lie no such:
j Nor-ajroj the, triurgihali regions
ui through them to the great out-'
wioilrk | srod. leaehf oi;
r have access to ttoisrEgypt of the
, rfhil w ?M I but playing i toll h at the
;crjo|sing '(jfl any.xjalionkl" boundary.—.
national atpiffe tfpraiigjnot from
oiiri ,lperniariont part, not. from. ; the
land, we inhabit, not from our national
homestead. There - isno possible sever
iin[g|ofthis; but would, null tiplyand not
imitiijjate,; wilstiamong dsPlptall; its'
Adaptations' and aptitudosif’demands
jllesa ii
!to ;.n
the n
v >Si
1 :=41k , ;;,'Zi.43
i I r: +[ '
! i .> v
t:.. ■ • .
respective sections front
nor build •an impassible; 1
A.husband -ail'd
;e divorced, and go out of
• > and-beyond theireueli of
,■ but the different, parts : of
cannot! do this; I; They
remain, face (o face, ami
either amicable or ‘hostile
ijiol bet«oen them. . I#*it
theiij 10. tnalcc that' iid^teg
tulyaulugeous .or more
’ftcr aeparation.thaif; b.a
•ina;kc treaties easier
e ns
! : • i
| Advertisements inserted at the rate of: 80
| cents per square—each subsequent insertion
1.28 cepts. A. liberal; dlscount'jnade to yeatly'
adycftisers,. v and bh Nr
A space cquaJ lines of this,type
measured as a square!.' ~'l
■ Special notices 2q pen cerit. addition to.reg
ular rates. »■ j. ' j.‘ ]—" \
business cards, .751 cents a line," per yt«P
, Starriages and Deaths, Keiigioup, PnV.I ica,
and other Notices of a pubjic nature, free.
union.and abhors separation’. In' fact
it wouM ere long force how-,
ever muehof blood and treasure the
separation .might \ have east. - Our
slrife.perlains.LO: ourselves; to passing
generations of men, and; it csitin.ot
without convulsion be hushed foreyblt
with the parsing Lof one genel-atipn.
PROi'6sixiosfToj ABor.rsnajtA.VEßY
this ,j view I rec.oipmeinl the ■ a
sddptipii ofthe foliowird resolution and-*,.
‘ articles amendatory to; the Constitu- ’
it ion of the United Stales: . V :
‘■ ‘■ 'Rjivlved.. By thO'.Setmte and : Hbnse
!of Eopresentat/yeii/qU'the: 'United l
! St%% of' in? Cpfigress as- ‘
i#hh!ed; fvvo thiros of both ' Housed ‘
cpifeurriug, that Itho. following Aflh
'cips- to the I.egiHlatures
■ -ef: Uoh vc tifiiins :of • the several' States; ’
as jamendnienta to the Cpnjitilution of 11
llfe United States, all of atfy of which
Articles when ratiTiedU3;phree-fpnrtbs
jyf fcthc' said Legislatures or Converi- ■
>t p be valid, as part of parts of ,•
lhl.aald,G , <MiSliiutio.n. l vizp:vi'i
~_ca+.~ ~ii..l}'L.
Jon wi» f — mait largely atttmi im- ~ ,
iHodiabcfi' emancipation in joeaUtics '.j { ,|
where their numbers are - '
.cry great,
tin(l it gives thictjipsp'iriting ■
tbeir shall jbe- fr^o^': ;
forever. ■ 'l'- - gr- ■ : -J. ■■■■ '', fc.'.i'
'•:} I'bo plan leaves .to each Slate eboios- ,/’ 1'
to'act under H?to -
■how-or at tho end of I lie ccnlury,'or
■at'4iny iutemediate tinic t f
.extending over the whole or any' part '.-..F
of tlie pci ipd, and i no' two
States to. proceed alike, ft also prgF i"
v ides for compe.njhuioniau i generally' t i
the-inode of making: _it , .This, .it" .f ;
would seem, must further, mitigate ‘‘
the dissatisfaction; of those who fuvbrtV
perpetual ■ slaveryjJand . especially of? ''
those,, who
tion. Doubtless Some of those who( -if!
are to pay and not to receive,- wifi I