"•-W ; FAIR i " - friends ’■ :' sBa/rs»*u%*^ssfeiuoi,towi;Y’ s pii*i*s,| ? ;oi«ite*^^l“^^SgSSSa^S l S ■ora! fettEfr. llysrepsiaaud ail ies i &s ,-ni be glad to know where rv* RelMlresintAe ■ ' -CEKTIiE SJ’BEEj ;.:,■; r Pnce «eu£_ t: E VAIY ' '. - a *inliN* ! l Svtlwlth-tlicJa. present *an bewht hm V. ■ ' -^, 1U - C do." not ret am. »i "d by-using th«e admirablemedic.nes._aud F ro J a^ ! l a ‘ten ß tl.B4tt»We-for»tMWr^l>«n f "*"■ -■ ■ -,SSft^iswais ra -jpi^4SSsa^s 1 usually and a« cheap is iLejcbcapeit;., ,; , ’.N I ” ol^ arkcfroin'trouwT-«r annoyances, obstructed ji Dealers «re incited toi call upon U 8 “ ° ! perspiration, or eating aid drinking whatcyer vvhen they ri®L Nop York., .We claim to be li s unwholesome, thus disturbing the benlthful t# snpp ly to supply them with every artt-i action of the liver and Stomach. These or- c i e ;; n oulc line which they can possibly purchase : gana mustjm relieved, if you deewo to boweU. e j Be , Ttcrc . '., ; * . .I. 1 The Pills, taking according, to the printed in- Orders by lindil ’ attended to with i Structions, will quickly a produce a healthy . pr J2h tl}egi# - DonotfaU to call when you visit : action in both liver and' stomach, and .as a- Sew York . . .'. ’ . I ! natural consequence a clear head and good app jf 0 , 215 Cmfrs AV Y 1 Will soon disappear by the use of these in-, I valuable Pills, .and the Soldier will quickly ac quire additional strength. Never bow els be either confined or unduly upon. It may seem strange that Holloway 8 I ills j should be recommended for Dysentery and Flux, many persons supposing that t hey would increase the relaxation. This is a great mis take, for these Pills will correct the, liver and stomach and thus remove all the acrid humors from the system. This medicine will give tone ..ml vioor to the whole organic system hotycy i cr deranged', while health and strength follow as a matter of. course. Nothing will stop the ! relaxation of the Dowels so sure, as this fnm . oils medicine. : ;.■ 'VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION! IND.ISCRE i’t' TIUNS OF YOUTH, i Sores, and Elcers. lilotchings and-Swellings, can with certainty be radically cured if the I Pills arc taken niglit and morning, and the i ointmeut be’ freely used as stated in the pnnt icd instructions. If treated iu any .other nian | per they dry up in cue part to break out iu an ! 6th?r. vlVhcreaS this Ointment will ijsmoyc ; ihc'lutmors from the system and leave the 1 a -1 tient a vigorous and healthy man. It will rth; 'qair6 a little perseverance; in bad eases to in sure a‘lasting cure.: FOuHtOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY THE BAYONET, OR SABRE OHTIIF. IU.L -LET, SORES OR BRUISES, I i.or fl£AVJiU.v'Ot >CT.\ , ■ .*. •■Uv.-JV Th«»oiV.«MUcdan4'flatferingauecMS, ■ •In tha'iuutier-ul the.ai)p»icalion & CUtW. .. _, , gj.tcndcd; the .publican of Clan-ch m FaisV • ‘ water.. Beaver, county. ’ V>, he Vuoy n '•?‘ ; ™£’i v'. lb i e s. the publisher- to announce that »i>iM •* “The .• Methodist? Bptscwal; the Second Toluii -of■ vr - 't fsuel'thiidajS S.-til June. -New Features, ' ■ vii'ipo«-,.ta wit, June io'W-, taeupWie", - r : t ‘ ar.varjfiAiliitic, willbe introduced,;' I-on of John i JU inc * re i^'iiie ; value and interest of t! : >K «•«*£ I unanltipuiljv accorded to it, as the lead,, n'^ne^^lio^Baaiubell^Sun^ .Bceff, i. 1 .Wm'MbtStt.. 11. Dan agn-JcSn trtrock, Jod. lifter, -A,' IVilHatn. Adatus, of-ng fW-tieoepatiUtw to be known 1., :tUBs-}&me'-ef / €i.‘ s >ie,Tij ? d!s-t .l.p|gopaJ ' ..r having lor its-’objctt ' Aln.iV.ftv GodUofordmgtothc 'i4fchHin'l'’d’;icil>linc;?rtsie. Mclhodftt r.pisco •:•- Umted -feeie* of :Atneric ? , I'.prcw-nicd to .he C,cult.' whereupon. .WW ■' Wing-pc. used jhe’&idenitnugent, aad'boii g Sa.Ci-’diyecf saitV/nflmnieat. to be u.cdnn the ..’ pVstho:V)lai v’sS'ffn’e- and order publication ac .-iirdinfftoiawtandihi*, dji’e.» cause h.cerhowtij Vtoihc ‘ko aforcsaW quarter hi 1• co&Woa. will tnc.C ourt ht „ Tvrin. ' I ; , • ! ! nvi:>, ' ‘\l*f» . * U - !• V An£xtra copy will be allowed to.tb ’ “ ,• r 4' : .> C s _p >' C ' n>,,M - , Tt ur> ol* cvcrv Club of not less ibun five '• Notice in tao. Orphans Court, u - U Pt ■ ’%ne s drfw;s*j' This paper aad ■■• Act of;As emblViff ii;C * 1; -' A . rI ' - ° I ' JU ; , ' UlC ': a tOCIS H. STEP! '1 Publish erjfor she Propmlo^OS. fiio'i :ii s:u l oart, u»d W*-* ’ '». .-T ■ : „ : hcciV :- nl-l, <vis ;—T;ie. aiA.ua jj>f j ' LIgT • {) p LETTEI'.ti, U>CALIJ S3W. cf : . .pci-wmal. property f-ected f» pe rc-j I | n tbe-Port -Office at >c - wine’? -i;iov;^Wi| UabiSMi.-J JLi ISG ± I: i; ..,„f„th,|.ptwa-Tp.. -reew. .Attiscvv. to, -'■ -' M'Millin Kobt • Un-ytu y.X'vuur.- . . - ■ L±'ttri<d-.i Mi«aßachel' M'Cvecry Mis■ , ssssj I dec i- Andrew .1- —+• 1 Bria.o:. 'Am P , -ipaitnan HJ '..-tor. i . . i . \Tr- ; \nn • • ’ Price. Allison ,.fpcr*>n al> Prop.eny -e, I . ipt-iee Miss JI . tained -by J|ri>. Mat-parct y.otA. of ;.. L J, , IPoncc IVm SmiPi. late of p:DiM, s N 2 > iParfhcmey iced. 1.-p. ■.Udiiiummw. t ■ V While .Mrs 11: Amount ~f &!< -Jenson Miss tUtimed by l-Unihe;!. AiiMey. wjuow. »f Jj hn ; dJ Elc!lIlor - v i Saisl u Wm II - Ausley, I !a|e of-b-.mil dcaver Tp., «• l\ . * tp.ttlewcod'J-ohu Summons TTn ! -.-James 11. A;«l.-r. .ildi.unjstr3t.fr, ' ''-V • . kc'SeJol'nl ' (Rafferty Mis-f - Syf.ce is hcreW-jivoA .« all-credttißinnc/jbl.n . 'legatees, d'.stnbul.ees, tfnd a,ll .u ip « . . ... j f l!UYl. cd iifthc aboxe, to appeal-at. .Vpoendw....,™ i , of -aid rbun. nfai. 'and not later. Umn A nesday ihe tliii-i di.y.oi: the teru\, hem? . lUMilli ilsiV r i.*i'-the luonlli. to ?hov*’ cause.' !ihey h»Ve„ agaiint'l-ltc final coafinaationi , ' .ih» abbrejfi , r :ra ‘ !i ' :K; ' i - 5 * !-t iivu.cr, Hi./ Ai; s .. ntli . / Estate of David Minis, Dec ' Uhcrdiy 'given Umi letters yf |v»' nuiistrattuu huv'bc<*n ,gr«n:<vl hs VSoontlk* Oavu-M >l. i, lute of ISovurcH tj>.. in >a?d countto the “eciibcr residing in the Borough "i b’etevc tahl c-uistj .i’ rviU :u=Uo j-atiaejj'. crcditorf-preMUt U.Ci>c;t*« tvijnty ati.li.gnt ;*>d the übuersigned* ‘ Jl • i'AMKIi Ar.'KV’, A-1 i!i i*u’ ■ ' . Apvll 12. .A. IB'W. ‘and BEAUTIFUL EDITH f'.: HISTiIiKS 01* KM ; \Tr D 31 , HY .iuiix s. : | y'< 4 . ::'i •■cuts. ‘ tui-rb'-fu m, . « t v L ., ; .j or.'-rn ‘excel t. TuiU'm a, pvTiM/i-y lyitil, im ri'iTiV'! ' "i t,he; Ul ; TjL .y i V *vui; ur:<•vn^v^vk^.* r*U-:;rf .*: ‘ •■ ■* 1 71 \yn::i ' * . v V «; \w ■ ; pf\' , Tli c I n .mi , "''Arch Street atovb Third, I I. nm.Aun.rniA. r Tipton S. Newcomer, Pi r-—lns is rouiia). Coim-aior.i V ■ I ser.KBT 2.ij;.iay Cars-to all, parts i : ii.i in ivojy ■'j.a|-^k : n*ar' a/lai-U 'l I .L-fialuri 'Jli'l-'v/.ifi!i.i tiu* I THP.MS, SI jit)■ .I’lyiV l>A)i , : V r" : f ' * ; ;ty 13c?averv . JrXoLe JOS E ? E E ALL, Propri' Ise£iA <?v, I’a. i . •‘TT-VViyti liiofuupWy tineJ.r.p this Wise. | j j. c i- uc'\y.iT.’]i:irc<i' to »ocomii!''Hlmo,llls liu-iiUt*, iHii life jitibiic. jymsrally, iu tit'-' t"! 5 -' ►RtUfuctoryiTaaiiatr.’. ! . . [mnyty “-The Hov;e Sewing-Machine,” A. Ml Sl-GRtrGOR, CGKNi;iI '& S 7. i.LAii: STS., I - ,: ' ; rnis!U imixna r.rr? oni.v to pk see': EXECUTOR’S NOTICE IKJTTV'US to<tftincx»t»ry on the estate of I j L'i;Trvi/.'.V:.!,;--.-... huvulHlrcoivo ip.. I>cn vti'.i’o.i ucc’d. hcou paired to, Ihe un- Jcrsicne'i. aU person.? iiflohicd to said estate c;*c; to uiuiwe impfo«.l»ai rt pay.uii'.’.h i*ncl having claims ajr:»in>i w ssid rotate will . . present yflie’m lo.tht' subserbers.properly au : theticatvU for seltUV 'JAMES. Erftutor. aug-0 Sterling House, iVo. iO7 Second Street u h f. - (between wood-axp a.uuir.T)' PITTSBURG, PEXN’Ai BOAKPIKG BY THE MEAL, DAY OR WEEK. Terms Tety ll&lenrte. [apSQ : ftL J. 11. XTXXISGHAM, I j ATTORNEY AT LAW* 1 *Ojjice in .Gat. (TTi/soJi’s Office. 1 NORTH. siDBT OF THE DIAMOND, : 1 BE AVER, PA. tap 30,62 CANS, bsst in use, at SOAPS— Bosln,-Proctor A Csmtle’s, 6er man, Castile,'Palm and Eanctf-iat ■■■'. ,toiRT» - la ISflrtD REGULARLY EVERY TUI ESI afcd is for SaU: by aU Newsmen, and OlUce of Fujblication, No 11« Nassau New York. ’ • ; ! . TEIIMS: ■ : Three dollars per annum, in adrnn cents sinelocopy. FOR.CLUBS: every Soldier anil Sailor are liable llici'C are no medicines so snle, - sure ami coh vcuieal as Holloway's Tills and uirttmeht. a he poor wounded and‘a!most dying sufferer uuglit have his wound* dressed immediately, if be would only provide himself with thin match less Ointment, which should be thrust into the wound and smeared all around it, then covered with 'a. piece of linen trom his knapsack, jjnd comprcsseiv with; a handkerchief. Taking night and jmorningO or 8 Pills, to cool tem and prevent influraatlon. ‘ r * t V A Every Soldier’s khapsack and Seamans. — . shoilld be provided with- these valuable TO COUNTRY DEAL-t. j Remedies. . Wmi'Mvks «/i(f Stationery 'Whole - c ? {nus , 1 “ "“M? r- .' ; • - sale. | ' I ! t'io w.ords; •.•y/'ttftfway, A«r I -•-£ «nd London, ! sf.riWr has ill Wars OU Hand - arc ditccrnahlo as a watc-r-mgrk :c every den I he sub. (. 110.cr u_. | the boe 1 : of directions around each pot cr ! Osgood’■»;& 31-‘0 nttt-y S A. Re*t- Vuv Vamo-may he plainly seen .by hcMing ; deft, Rays, Arilllllietl.es;, Sjpddarufc ( /, e l td f ;ot!, tojh t A handsome reward Will • I Vrithmctie, Vinneo’s '(iramiijars, bo given to any one rendering such inforn a tad- 1 t.W *<j i Testaments. l-eUer-ifap and I ■lioivna may lead to the detection of any party: l,i a . . ’ Xr.te Tinner* KtlVelopes. or r.attic, eounlerfeiUngthemcdiemcs orvend- Cpminel-Cial ><-tc papo tL" ihgthhsame, knowing them to ho spurious.' , Blank Books. Pass Loi)ks.-,hsU 1 ens . |^ goU at (^e Manufactory of I’rolVjg-or Übli.and 1 Loiters. Copy Books. Siitca. ink, jj OLLOTrATI so Mpiden Lntie, Now 'lork. and •Lin ; ink stands.. Boiinet /Boards, if.. KC. b Ta ll respectable llruggists anil Dealer;! m [ind I Itcr-il 1 discount lor i,cashl' Goods Medicines. throughoiif the einlijed worjd, in. iia- 1 ■ V. ‘V 1..,,! ,V c nv* J rcd to anl* part tn boxes at "Jo cents, (i- cents and irl each,-...- i It %f' A -W. S.■ VU■i “f ’ ' illulS; 70. \\ 00(1 fit., tjjttsjdll srh j , B.lk-l)ircctions for the guidance of pa —J —-rj ! ieald in ijvcry disorder arc affixed to each box. ‘ 1 \ May 7 .! j .•’ , • : ol* L ,n ANI) \m i Rev.R.T. Taylor, A/M. ■'X.'l Mrs.A.B. Taylor, Govo 1 l\ FIUST SCHOOL roi -f Young; ' 1 .j:vcn r:t Ihe Pr'inti'-V 1 .■.".yp ' • -j— v 0 i*;T( vfs to m:iVc thcsi a a, ; J -V V‘ o^ih s ! UP p-uvon?. •' ■*. iSrail l>ii u:L'ui;ilu;;uo. ucsA. term cuir.iufnocs rop’r. I y Pah 4 -; of t lie I to the- uWic. etor, "Ol.l'vi'V r. ,\v- Hai foi'i* —Cnr VRi.uiAYCD. !SC’ll „HEfBY*S. 'l'’"' 1 ’ CjOMIC JoVUNAIi OF ' Ajikhioj . VANITY FAIR ■ cqjvics of \ anity Fair will be one eddies* f0r..... s. Fivacopies. t . Ten -copies. i SIE-ATV: V.‘m. >SitLr.^ v IV i Kiokv ■VIIKLER&; RICK WHOLESALE (iU and niroEiEES or | Brandies, Wines am i S AW..221 .j- 253. Cor. nf Lihtrty , ' : PITTSBURG, Pa- . Cotton Yarn, &c., &c., coastaqtly jf i ' '; on band., : [afgO v BEAVERrACAD mms INSTITUTION VML j_| ", 11 i MONDAY. Ist .DAT OF S$ 1 Fori ■ particulars address Ii r sl- B. MIvUCEH; B JESSE JOHN Gciici al Commission, Di'i/kr.in Hour , Grain, c ■ : ; ojf o,mitnj- ~ Produce. K" Liquors, Cigars, Tolu ■Office atid Warehouse, ,£o VDI 3?Hilad.eli ,! ggf Liberal advances made li o: VTiLSOi. S. B. i’BUIOTi iJAUES FISLAV WON, iILRM & CO;, S 4: Wood St-, PITTSBITR-a. , Save now iheir SPKIKG STOCK of DRY GOODS, Complete. Extra iniluL'oinoiits offer ed to Cash buj'irs.- : (mhli). ptetsbubg water cure. -jaTO Curative Agency is superior to H YDRO-' 1 Py PATHY for the treatment of all forms 1 ot Diseases, and no Institution ini this coun l try possesses greater facilities for its adminis tration than this. [■ ■ jg u Eor Pictorjal Cijejilar address .. . D*. W. K. HAMBUStOS. : ■ \. sttsbnrg. Pa. 111111 Mill I with he, is i, both iwhich he pa- O'ition at the •street. ;e—Six sent to s') 00 12 00 • iiO 00 ipgcUer kiopies. ■umbers lENS, iusau-st F.l> FOR •%v Itr-igh- : E r Elizabeth :1s Nancy 'argarct ss II ailrOUl' jMargt Ann E P. M IRS ITUTE ~PriA. ■. . i 4 I iIME. DEMOKEST'S; . J Quarterly iMirror of Fashions * 1 .H5{A Grtit't InjirorcmHqi and Addition*,. irness. rare irutcry lic- xnr. tii M.'ikr. contains \ . fork lahos.Kishioy ' i JtI.ATFS , THREE FFI.L-SIZKty ■ .r k\tt.}:i;sx of wi'icssES, j ,1 Washing. 'SoS IJU , COMPRISING THE • ! >* c tv French \VniSit,; an •‘Etoduit Sleeve, and a * jlisscs Sifek. und a. khcct-of- Seyr ,uol raorthy j • . V atiu' Eeumilt.l KM’hnOIUEUINO PATTERNS, together.with” nearly 1»>0 Engravings of all; the novelties lor ug. 20. -02, SON, Pitt's!/g Summer .Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, Children’s Dresses,’ici, j And valuable information to Millii or?. Dress; Makcis, Mother#, and Ladies generally, pre-, aenting tl.o largest' and Vert Fashion Maga zine in the World, published-dT": llroadtvay, N Y.| and sold everywhere at 25 cents,, or sent by mail, post free, on receipt of the atmt, l.jn stamps or silver. Year $l,OO with the fol- STSQ-3T, DEERS, Segars, *s* /ncm Z(J. EMY. OPEN '"o| ?T EMBER; the Principal. ;avcr, Pa. lON, >•: Mt*rchaul AKD :nd all kinds [Tines and acco. rt'-c. South Sd Btrce pUla. >u cpn.Mgi*nieuta • ««f! 28. lowing valuable ,. Each yearly suhserfher will be ensiled to a receipt for tlie selection of 50 cents worth of plain pattern", from the designs in the book, oy from the show room,- or they may he or dered and sent by mail any time during the vsar. bypaying postage. ■ ,'5 i' lnducements to Canvassers. Sgs„Summer No! now'rcady. . N'ew (Joofbs!! I!, S. RANG E H . Bridgewater, HAS just received l» largo assortment of SPRING GOODS. ‘ wnich will be'offered at ICJ'FICFS. Amongst his, stock can, at nil times, be found a variety of, - dress' goods, 'muslins, GLOVES, 110- I •; SIEUY, Ac., Ac., • t IRON & STEEL, all varieties; 'NAILS liv tlie pound or.keg.- V IVIUTE LEAD and VARNISH. , . LA lit), SPERM. LISSEUp &CABBQS. OILS WINDOW GLASS, all sizes, , , , QUEENSWAUE, LOOKING-GLASSES, &0,, All of which will be'sold low for Cash, or, Country Produce. •) Bridgewater, May 7, 18p2., , JAS C. GRIERSON* I . •wholesale; ■ Grocer & Commission Merchant, | ' : Also Dealer in , IPLOTJIH/, IHtEEID iSD PKOPULE GKSKRALLY, : I No. 8 SMITH FIELD ST.; ; “posileithe Monongahcla'House, ■ . PITTSBURGH, PA. FTIOB ACCO—Anderson'a Fine Cut, NatUa, I Leaf, Grant's, Baltimore Plug,- and Cue amlDryJ at - "HENRY S. Flavoring extracts—Lemon and v» nilla, aP‘t, ■ HENRY 8. MACKERAL. UoUasee, Mid New Tork : Syrup. at HENRY’S. > v MARRIAGE. f ITS loves and-hates, Borrows and angers: hopes and fears regret s' and joys; MAN HOOD, how lost,: hoW restored; the nature treatment arid radical' cure of spermatcrrlicc.i or seminal weakness emissions, sexual debility and impedifnents to marriage generally ; » ncrvoilrnoss, consumption,.; tits, mental and physical incapacity, resulting from SELF-AlsUSE—arc 'fully explained in the , MAUttIAGE GUIDiE, by WM. lOf-NG, M. 1 p. j 'This'most extraordinary book should bo m |uc J i.»n.U *'f "TCr” JOPP£ ;j marriage, and"cvery man or. woman who dc-, sires to limit the number of their offspring ti> their circumstances. Every jpain, disease and ache incidental to youth, maturity and old age, is fully explained; ;eyery..parHclforknowlcdgg that should be known is hero given. It u-fuU of engravings' Irijract, it discloses secrets t hat every one should know; si ill it- is a book that, must.be locked upj and not lie about 1 rj It will be sent tt}l any one on the receipt' (jf j twcnlv-fivo cent* m specie or postage stamps.; Address Dn.AV3i. VO.UXG, 41p Spruce st,, above Fourth;. Fhiladoiphift. ; " .. i■■ A Htiefed. i'ltforluriiift, no mutter wbftt mav be Vour disease, before you place youj-- sclf under the care of amir .of, the notorious Quacks —native or foreign—who advertise m this or any other paper, gel a copy of Dr. Young's book, and read it carefully. It will be ibe means of saving you many a dollar. your 1 liciilth. and:possibly yqur life.,- 1, J Dn. YOC-Nt: can be,consultcd on any of the diseases described in ,his publication, at his office, 41(5 Spruce jSfrect, above Fourth, I’hila- hoimp froin 0 to Ij, daily.: Till-: GULKAT CAL'S E F * II it ma, in 31 ise r y . Jute Published in if SealedEnvelope-, Price G elf: A LECTURE IBV - Bit. CULVERWELL, /V ON THE CAUSE ANp CURE of Spcrmii .torrboca, iSlicntal and Physical: Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy; Impaired j trilion of the Body; Lassitude : >Veaknessj of tbe.Lihibs and theißack r Indisposition,;and, incapacity for study - and Labor ; pullncsij ot A pprehension r li»» of Memory: ATerAon 'ftj. Society; Love of Solitude; Timidity; Self-- Distrust; Dizziness; Headache, Affections Mf the Eyes; Pimples on the Face; ruyolunlary. Etuis-ions,, and SexanUncapacity ; the Consc quauecs of voutbpil Indiscretion, &c.j &c;J ; BP&This" admirable Lecture clearly 1 that the "above dninicrated, often splf-atni.ctcd evils, may I he removed without medicine iand without Panpcritis surgical operations, land should be read by.cvciry.youth and every pnan in the land. I J" ..J, . ■■ Sent under seal; to atiy address, , in a fiam scaled envelope, jon l tbc'rcccipt of six or two postage CO .) 127 Bowery,New York.Pos.t tlllVcc llox,-hij-b-■, T~T>' , ijBKA|V r EU ■ -j. FEMALE SEMIN A BY. Rev, ; % W, Laveuty, ■ (bAYif.Esnmt jc.\r-t, of pev.; J.'|a. m’gill.V~ rputs INilllrUjflON,: fw tlirt-rcccpviwVpf' Vyiiiig L&mivS, will open on . j; j.j' , Monthly, th<( M vhhj'of ■ Hoarder*!' received iat.o. the family■ |>» i|»«| Viincipal. i- • i . ' r.. ‘t.;. 1 ! 1 E apt ll? os-Hoard. Light, Fuel; and Tw«ipn j I per term of 1;1 i! Tuittfu jilnne 00, bb,oo. • accvniiuc to Mincbi? a !siu(hcil.; j- j i* ! " KfiL' Tor futtlicr particulars address Hie Primal: J_|_; fiTR ATA)'H S NO|ty(fcE.J ar ETTEKS of administration upon Ihc'ts -1 j talc of jjcxßY Campbell, late of jGrcenc 'comity. Pa., dcc’d, |liavmg been granted to the undersigned, allj .persons, indebted to .said, cslhte, are «(. nested made imnicd.ato payment, land those having claims against the will Prevent tliciii mitheuncatcil fcnl r [v SAMUEL XEhSCtS V June 25 1862. • - Administrator. Aii3E3f2,oll"-Y-E)-HIS ! ! OOD, RD85.1 ANTI AL. 'I.IFE.-LIKR PIC- It n rnfi; oph hnd, «t the • ! EEA’S.EIt Thews a*e not more; daiihs.jbut ranted SUPKIUOK tbnoy Hint have yver been madoiiK Hearer conoty, by Wny otljcr artist. To be contbacd. oil! and exifimue epeeimet s I r ill remain bat » few weeks. 1 . AorO ' *') ■ 'I Photographic| Artist i. , ADMIN] NOTICE. T ETTEIIs of .administration up6n Uie cs-i I Q f w». Skawbk ut, late !of Greene. ‘U& county,!dee di, having hee, Tnntcd E to ttie undersigned, all persons in- debt'cd to Bnid estate are requested to makc i immediate payment, and those having claims against sarte. will present them properly authenticated j;, <. . May ill, 1802. j j iAlainistyntjor. TOY, COE & CpO-, Advertising- and Commission Agents ■ , | and dealers in ir -■ PRINTING INKS OF ALL KINDS Type, Printing Materials, , WRITING A&D PRINTING PAPER CARDS, &C OFFICES —Brown’sßuildinlj, P jiladelphia; Tribufip Buildings, New York. | 1 : , mar?G:ly. '. ; 1 .1 ■ i ■ JOHN B. YOUNG, Atfy at |.| Xj&rvsr, (DISTRICT, ATTOR2jESf.) ■ in the Court Hyson) BEAD, at WHIPS, <adj 36 f I •, . ■. , . - 1 ■ I , I •• . ■ AYER’S IpeTQitt ' roti tHE.'RAPII) ; \,tj .. Mo«irB€!i»cs«. . j,. J -i BaainnA, Bee- 18W* . D*. 5. C.AIc»: Ido not hesitate toy the best remedy I ha*e *»ef found Ooagbs, IbmnH, concomitant symptoms of g Cold, I*. Cnaaar pgctoaat.- It* eorntMitoi ay practice end my-BunUy for the Mian hasahown It lopoiuoa... Her Tin nee tor the treatment of t coAnfSnU. EBBS KNIOHT, M. A.KMORThK?, Es«iiOf Once,: ’ Med jrodr /Moral meadf end to"*--, . , .. *dn In Ten tod it, end believe it tlje best medicine-for It* DiirDOM orer nut <wU.-Willi «i t •lionlJ.a90 t **T d6U«rn fuf aj bottld; Cl/au da wilUout U, or, Uksany other remedy ” j '•)’ .• y' [ Croap, -Whooplne Congh. InnaenW. -!*, , ISpaiaanns, Miss-»eb. 7,1858. ’ B»OTadi Am: 1 wm.clioorfnlly certify, ytmr Wirt l< the best remedy wejpowem for llie curotif whooping ihimgh. crimp, mud the nieet diseases of cliiWren. Wettf year fraternity In the South appreciate yoar skill, and, ! r r i “ mttASI CONKiira.M. D. ■ i AMOS tERRifo. MoSTMir.Is-wri^tld^Jaai^tS*: «X bed * tedious Influent*, which roufinedimt in doors !j.' «Mks i took m.iuy medicines without i>Tief, .'tried your lYOrmt by the adriee bf The Bret ,fceo rellered the serenes* Inmylrnoat less then one belt the bottle mpda me cotnplelo y weU. Your raediciucs are the cheapest as well, as the beet wd Sm hny, and wo *U-em yon, tKKtor, and your remedies, ■ at Uisjxwr man’s friend.” . j. • • i. 1 Asthma or iPhthlslc, and Bronchitis. , i Wtai M»acncßTt*. Pa.fFeb. *,1858. i Soil TonrOlerry /Moral la pertbrmlug marrelloq* ) ■ enre* In this section. ,dl has rellered serersi flora alarm- r ™g symptoms of kml lenpw tracing atram i who has labored under an affection ottlraluoKs for. til*., Urt forty year*, : IlKhfßTf; ,fc*A|lK9, Merchant., J A. A. ItAHBETVII.D., OMgK tto»»d» Co., lows, ' I haiLfoond nothing equal to ' giving ease and rellSßb patients, or curing ' ench asare curable."!, j, '■ [ •r- *. £'■ '■ .f- - i* vTe might edd rolnmee of rridence, but the moat coo* Wincing proof of the Tlrtueebf tide remedy !* found to «» effects npon trial. i, ; '[• V I' ■ f’- Cfthsomptioa. ,i- .. w ’ Probably no one remedy has, erer becn.taown which cotM samany «od|*uch 'diujgeroas cases this. Some : no hiimaneid can rwb;'fo|t .ten to tboM the ffierr* ibeforai affords relief and comfort., „ ; [ i .Akron House, New SosK Cirr. Sian* S, 18W.- DoCTOfI Aren, Lowell: I feel it a doty anda pleasure to inform yon what your CArrry /Vcfond haa done for>oiy (j wife. She lied been Are months laboring under the dan- , gerons symptom, of Con.nmptlon flonj M *e conld procure gave bermucb relief- Shewsssl^lywth; ing. until to. Stnmg. of this dty.-here wb hsre ronm for ; adrlce. reebnuuended a trial of your medicine. _« e_bi«s his ns wedo your skill; for she. has fscowed fl-Oin Sy. She l. not jot s. ■iroptM .I.e nscd to i bc, , but Is free from her cough; and calls herself well- ( I T: Tours with gratitude and,regard,' . . l ; , \[!• . SklaNDO siIELBV.or SnrMTvtUß.; 1 tbmuinnfleM, do not despair till yon hate tried Area’s i CueshT PeCToaai; It ie made hyonc of Urn hestmcdlcal ; chemists in the worldj and its'euree all around us.bespeak : | . the merits of ifs; irirtoea.^ ~lynlaittyhia wg*rs , ; j Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. j t rri|lß»sdenceß of Cfiemlrtry aad' Medidao hare been ; I- taxed their utmjwt to produce this heel, most perfect , imrgalive which is known to man; Innumerable proofs . are rhown that thcnJ Pius iiavje rirtne* which surpast in excallence'tbe ordinary medicines, and that they win urn | ■ prccedeptedly upon tlip esteem of all mep. They aresafo. 2kpl4«sant to nteTbut powerful to cure, ■nK'lrprne tratludjiropertlesstlhiulate the vlLdncliritiesof thebody, ! | remoidtho obstructions of its organ?, ppriiy the bipod, I an d expel diseaee.;ne»purfeeontlbcfoulhuraora which i breed and grow dulemper. ilimulato eiuggisli I deredorgana iutotbclr flaturnl action,and itnieut healthy | tone wjtb Strength to the whole System. Not only_d? j they care the brenr-day complaints of erny balyij|bnt I also formldkble and dangerous diseases that bare Iwfflcd : the best bf human, skilL Whilo they produce powerfid j ! effects, they arc at the same lime, in dindnlahcd doeee, the , | safest and best physic that'can be employed for fhiTdren. i ; Beingsbgar<oatei they arbpleasiiut to take; ajid being ; ■ purely Tegelablb, are freic from any risk of barm. Cpro? j bare been made which surpass belief were they not,sub- I ! stantiated by .menibf such biudted ijoslifoo and character i aa to forbid "the suspicion (bf untruth. Many cniinrnt h i clergymen and physlcjaus hdre U-ntahoir names to ! \to Ihe'pdhllclhereliability}of my reracflles; : S|hcr« ;; r bara sent ine the assurance,of their conricliori that my I're pa rations conlrlhojp immensely to the rtllcfipf nj SHBicte,!, .offering fellow-meh. ' ,t ' l|j It, • The Agent i»low named ,ji plcawwl to furnish, grnti* my . American Almanac,TOntniningdifcgUonsfortlicir nseaiiil' •'certificates of their cures, of the following complaints: ) Coslirencaa.i Biiloua Complaints. 1 Klicumatism. Vnm< Heartburn. Headache arising from a foul stomach, hau- i ' scaTlndipeslfonoSloridd Inaction of the Bowel, aud hain I. '■wising therefrom, Flatnleuby, Lees of Appelfleralld.lcej, oua and CutauebnS Uiseaibw wldch TOluflo.att esjeuant J, masiirinn or Kinft> Evil. Tbey also, by. P»*n»y*- 1: “gillie blood,and itlmidjilln'g Uie wj«en»< curb many t romolainta whlc i It scbißß tl.lt; be supposed theyc could toch as Diraftiesb, Partial iNorfoiw Irritability. Derat'scment* or.tba, tlvcr an«l Kid*, 'nerl Gbuh andhtber Kindred ctiui'isints srising from-a. Fowtlifte of tbejbody or.oburuction of its functions. ;-, Dp.nbt be "put other pill they] make more profit on. jAektfonATßfk IhllMKnd take nothing blse.' No ptherrthey can pva yooXmpire. wlih fhia in its Intrinsic powemTj/The.sick wantdhe best sldjthere is iff them,, 'ftodthey should have itl Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYE^, : '! i ; ;i !•' , HENRY’S. its. at . £ r-:r 51 Practical and XnftlytieaVChemist, Lovell, Maas, Psics SIS Crs. pm Cox.- Fivj fiozrs foa.sl# i, /• •-! j * JgOLD BV ' '•;! _ ' ffift. For >f.le by 11. 'lhiis, - jr.i . llyayrr;, ; R 00-*. hicluter;'V.azi'on-r S' Ly «ry,-■ tree ,Um • Jl SiHiols, Bnjleu; d-Vban?™’; j Brighton, 1 John -Blrick,; Darlington* Dq,n-,. Edgar, Fulls oDjnndi hy-leolorKovery. whore- . CRITTE’NBEX’S' •>' i"V | PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL j •■: i XfE. corner of|7tli &Chestnut St., ■,V| : ■ ■ , Philadelphia, va; : , -i rjnHIS Insiitution, which wits. cjtahlihhccl in I 1844, and 'is how consequently in‘t o cdglhteenlh i year of its existence,. jnmnhcu among its teat nates, oi the cessinh Merchants and llusidess :Mon oftonr - C, XheoWcct ofthclnstitulibn is policy to af- ; ford Joung men facilities for.thorough prepa ration for business. K _ Tlic branches taught are, Ilook-keCpin,., a. applicable lb the various departments of trade; Penmanship, both ' plain : and ornamental; Commercial LaW,! mathemaf.ics i Civil Engineering, ; f Drawing, , Phonography ,■ •anti Modern nanguages, i rii. i , • The system of Instruction is .Jiecpiiar,, -no classes or Islet lessons are made ifeoot, hu(. cacti ■student is! taught, md.ividm.lly, jothat he may , cbmWcnce at any time, and attejid a^w^iatet cr hours are most convenient. j J ‘ Catalogues are. issued annually after the 16th of April, 'containing nainfs. of Inc stu dents for the yehr, and foil jMtrfignlaw of terms. iic., andlmay be obtained at .any time Wilddressing the .Principals e*' ■ ••• ‘ln extensive nccommotlations, .wjiic-sprcad reputation, and the lengthy i experience of the Principal, this'lnstitution offers "facilities Su perior to any oilier in the country, for- youngs men: wishing to prepare foij business, .and t o obtain at the Mtipeftime A pJcloma, which'Will prove a recommendation, foti them loony Mer -1 canlile House. : ' 1 ,v / S rgf Cuittexdes’s ; Series' of ises < Book-Keeping, I’now: mtaefwWchr icii-cjilW; than any other work on the subject; are 1 silent the GoUcge.l -w - S. lIWG.ES ORITTF,SI)E> , . i . A!loniey l nt-La<r-, j _■ Y T . , '■ PRixpJPAi. 51 ay 7. , ' . Notice. ' The accounts and luibscripti'pns: Tpe Argus for 1860 land 1861 Jwh have not been settled up, ;lis well the accounts of M. Wcyahd, M.;& J.i W.eyand, and Weyand;; and Henry, arc in my hands for .setllefnent. ;• All who are indebted to either; of these for subscription, advertisement 6r job work-,' will please call *on me at the Treasurer's Office. 3lh Hy of thd|eca eonnts are of long standing and .should bo settled., !■- . ' ' _L S AMUEIt f AYENPOHT. Do You WW Employment] y I OF FEB a pleaaant business forthc Spring and Summer,’with lajge profits.. Send for ;my hew circular, containing full iiiformatiof. Address «ar2*. ’ .[. 18l 'William Stv. iJ. T. mom MEN ,i,a f. r -; J si , ; ' ~ j The Baffle Call*l ' The War hat Ucy.nl. I sv, yJ • :) ;• (Ju i Wen- of Exterminalionayaum lini Teeth k >' tS' ’"I r ~ "■ ! i - !«#>' Vf ■ Sad BfeaOil Sweated Giant , '-[r . y\tC# f' T TC« • V*' L f' ■ r ' - . foothaehei Earache, , ■ :.<**. Xl ,**: „ ■ : ]f\_ and ycurdlya. ■. -r-m-y* ’’Tl .TTI r ; 'I T be it aktiixery is ' jr! / lr r] // DR. WM B. HURD’S .JLjJL; f (PENT ALT RE ASH Ry, -'i : ‘ AdOMn.BTE BETOF^DEMFriESIW rQir ill roll ?Tr ; v« i i'ubskbiissthe theni ' : -!' 1 ■■-■■-* ..I ctmt' ' -.rain! < JOMOE»AI,OSI.. - ASD QBSTnHBi I . HI gs.jrean • &*!• ■ LIVER CpIWPtAINT ,-j Laud axl bilious diseases* . -. ordinary evidences of Dis ease of tho Liver are- Pafe and tenders ess in the Region of tho Lifer, sometimes dull and aching, ■ increased by pressure, pain and ,| Uneasiness in Breathing, Pain m v l . ! tho right Shoulder, uneasiness' I • when lying upon the loft sido’, ] | increased size of the .liver, Short i and Dry , Cough, disordered stom- I: aoh, Nausea, .Tellciwish tinge on 1 tfto eyes and shin. Headache, yel | lowish fur on tho tongue, Siiter j ish taste in* tho mouth, hpavy, doll sensation in the Brain, De i. prel'sloU oft Spirits, amounting t almost; to Insanity, slight Fever !. toward evening, Loss ol Appetite, i Melancholy* with moroseacas and, { ' ness, a general feeling of Incasi ness,* 1 Languor,’ drowsiness; the; patient conscious of something ’ ; wrong in himself, and disposed to see nothing right, in things |! aboutbim, yot wholly unabla tb explain; tha: cause of his sen ‘ SBtibnJs-rwith many others'easily -s detected by resemblances to ‘f. some |one or other of .the above, i TheLivor Pill' will. almost cer tainly arrest the [disease if tahen,; upon the sippe ar aacd bf the above, ‘ symptoms, which if- allowed to take its course; becomes chrohib . in its nature and almost incu ' rablo, producing great atd>con : stantly increasing suffering. )■; ] Tho use of .this m'e'ncine will neither ! createla xiow diseas'c nor complicate on exibtiis onpi tmt, xnbst case?, i 1 preW?thssysUmlj6rthta o^vi s o . r ?H a : ' remedies ol.tho' physician. should it he ‘■accessary to;cail iii liis ■ ’ AS AjFATiniTr MEDHCINE . i SELLERS’ iIVER PILLS XHE/INVALUABIjE/ . . ! ice 05 Gents. l' | Eysry vcr.r *XliCvisixicl3 from this_hi>Ti'itlo'tv;l., |Tp-i ; wr 1 n l!y *a:!ij ( f* uiiti-!iu;iu-. w dwd'tfor.trrv.vr f &•{/*’?. *S I". ' r *T’| ] d,j, ju.- a ::y ja»sVu:Un?a 'jo uKcrtWd w>" nii i>*.V »-1 . nip ifjjwlj'Urf.nyjjlilH* of %'£»« ‘- f th° j ' tcra>i;u r .w...a:Kl -tiieiwUiv^^t^i^r^ If tNn s-w^Ucd, CauiliVV* &c. ji-V” /a/vv .Tr.* .c'/.crjuVjJ * r :* l»:‘t.\vn--Kur.M.AV c , sil.lr methiT, wiiMhis tfip Ip yf l^r ■Mk' ■■ Vi Kj v ' il '■ !■'. iUET PHYSICIANS SPEAK. | jsiui’S- AiObniluCK TflErfirst IN U?E'i ' | -■• ; ' ■xjKsifc-r-p.-fcf. f'-c-’V- >?■**-! ■I • - Mr. It. r. J'-.i. 1 . v i' J a > llal.v.' U.-t, ■ tilliil I 1 ; ■ 1 y ' Y : ' n l' ,■ . : -:= r I V:,:; i^-c.,.)■■ 8 ; i'qrimtUy *f\n* i V-? ’1 tv: f!.i .i. titilt ur.-i ftvvi; .!:■ ‘ - >«i; V: ; v,.:; k ki ' * t,V I- I | f n 1 j. , ’ ?VI ' ■' F>? n*.~ *■*•.;<>< 1 ' i.f. T* T r CriTTf, IliUl i HN.II H'.i-.l 1 - U-r-r-KVilkf ■ | cf-liiUv tilt- b'Y‘ V l *:- 1 » l,i r.-i jf-iW IW4 |Temiaht cimmijratij 0. t!l '' r nm •' were It ¥, i r-.ifn^liMs:u.v,l] ■ihc svKrcJiitva li *> 1 f*™ 51 *i’ a, r n ore ry.vhiou.o. . (kilt U I cinrtM»!v.j'-rjU <*?*? »'/''*." m “ l ; t<* <‘o; ;• : :•* •' ■■ ■' -‘ ~ | Soti;*.—vAtrrirJii;!iry .:mi,u->o;l,-nt» -ffrn of- Xrf .1 : to d> liar's 10, Ver mlfu-cs. Do not Ut. ,u;i|'r mpi p;ilni off ioror thtr, cm yU. Tl.i /«* 'at aiy •frict ti Uw. cicip'.it: tli!-r.;t.>rt uU for So'.K-xV an,l t.iU n» ' j>rico|' Ooivts.,* 1 1 , PRLfijit-O A?»P EOLI> .BY- R;K SELLERS & CO. I t’lTTSßl'oltn, PA., SELLERS' C oil G- H SirmtJSv from A.tu»hihs t S. Bend, Ind. jj> g Owcx.-Jy^q.— ‘Dntr .Sir—ln re|'!y to ybn»v. t£rJr of th»* ISth instant, I wonM Mv.that the eala * of Medieta* lia* far, my exp***-- n lions; and 'ln no .c*** hwe they failed lo pn-duco d the eflWt. j The C wfth Syrup U. cure for:* yj. ACh ahditl. x’ch. the -rude plac*» it \t;tUn fhaT«»‘h of •. »lnch. toßHacr, Kith ,itaj*ft«velo«(» quill :!»•*. renders It a wn«r*r«jJ feroritc* Not a dny without numerous calls ' ■ <=. for *• onp rilithir nml'iil,” at this acaaon of tho • ! . y Ti^ i ; M | cr, ’ Cu “ s! ‘f r ° P A. o.cusnrsQ. - K' r : jprico|«?s Cents. '' <•* ,sv / lid): i VERMIFUGE. ' Frem the Her. R. Wakefield, fbrmerPnrto* ~ of tiie .Liberty Street Mv K. Chnrch. 'Hr B- E. SrLLten—llls from® s»«n*e of doty, y -I weilas with great plcaat l bear t stlmoaj to • ' Itbe Tirtne of y.inr JiUtly celebnued ViTinifa***. I > procami a single botiley »nd gnvc It to thnebr my / ;. children* -who had been niforserer*! weeks The ; eldeatwas sevVo pld, the next Lor, end tbo youngest eighteen Jnotrbs. The first paasettfifly- . i six worm*, .the*ec»»nd forty-seepo. and:tbo .(bird , • ! • considerable ct>fc distinctly recollected. . i Since then they, have U on: doing ami »rej now. In good hfialdu; 8. ifFAKKFIfiWh ’ -Price 25 Cents. 1 - ! , ■ PREPAREDiItD ■Ol.rl'Blp. .. f R. E. SELLERS & CO, . rrmscßCia, pa. r ::-l 1 i i- ' ' ■ f. Prnrifying tlic Ureaih and 51 ou;v Curing Toothache and Nlura! Dr. Ilurd’t Celeurilfd MOI'TIf] bo*'ti I * 'pr. Hitird't TOOTH’I'C i &€ box. *i s ' v ■? ; ’. />r. llunTtMaijic' TOOTI/ACJ/I: 'j., onc loftW. '’.’ v “ , i J)r. Kurd's .U2\Rl\?A*L£D.' XVJ/k*, - _ 1 ; ' / Jif. JiiL-d'& MA XUA r.r». {J?r<wtV></7‘//.e Tir(h } yinc.U'J:,y / j ;t: :• '.Proper TreU(i>''/' 4 of Ci-iiortn't - FIiOSS X/LK lor CltCnin-j r'i T- 1 ’ , f . >*.. . -,.f Prepared at l»r. Hurds 'C£ 1 Fourt.li Stl, .Brooklyn,-/ * >, Price, OXIC .1) OIL Ail: or. .Trcasuri/ fiird-Xi a * eight inches by five, add is suit, /-V/ ili.w'rfcns for. i* r,i ,;./»/.(</, ■ aU.icies!’.ve'ji-r 1 ly, bv mail, viz : . -i Tl(c on the Twin a-•. r * !;pfiid. ou receipt. ot‘ T‘»tklv-i: ci-xi.-, ■ .■? ' r - . s '•' ' ■ >. JO •'*ll e. Xi’vraJ'jia 'PUatt-zk Nervous Headache. jsud Laraclu?. ::r; i’poHl pai(3, 'ou receipt of ' Ul/jhimt Cc/;.*>,■ c. si ■ 1 stumps; *• '■■ " - • i 7 The XcUrdlyi/l c.fui hhfurr.ntj.: v’ ' hsizc’i, for pains’ in ihe.Chest, <. *tCcn / lor. any jput-af the both*, sepi p>>-t pai‘j f oify.' j{ ccipl oi’ Thirty-iti'di c-itii*. . *. *’* !'[ Address,. r Dr>BtirtTi HO VTII WA tfl. TVOr/t f<> it DKliaui \ s-eiit by' maU/Jmi. ii,tV can VrQbtifJy .V'ioi tttincd'iil vtmr l>ru£ cr| Pc:-: ,:P’ rY ?■.■■■■■ - rliov caimpt, .••■Scad t■ P.I- ih .v 11 :. N ; TIVI'ASUI’Y, : Pri.'-. ns;; tains’tbcm.' , . ' , NOW, \\:v> 'jii. mpd Tucybpst tL:fd th finngi/t‘-iyk:; , .U> ht: i ,V:.y p ; ; have used ih«*sn l n n;;j.'h h . • ian ''.enuhen? I'criist d• rwin '1 rearin'i i the 'sevAVork Jjfute *0 .ri •; .‘ v • i*v*.;h»iu : n. ; ; these pfeparat tons huv: *. ■.•■vn. n■ • 1 ! Jr- f»d* yyaO iof IVvOoUiyh. ‘or- V.'iil? s. iu«y.’ ■ ’ i excellence,■ while, euiiiieiit yi-Onr.-n-- I York ree.OTuni-ojid I ihe OVuMO' oy iujr, dealers hare sokl,;,hi.'m h*y ■ i'i'iie itiliiur of th;> Jht, -Oyk wuuw.’l-,. ;; ‘OY.e a.CC'happvy o knoj.v r ijnt nur ;:: y Hiird, is succeeding;bev- nd i-ii ]'• ; ’ with his-MOUTH :W\\*H hn<V OO i d r j withJn’u t’let [ill'll ' liis'Ci ; ■! o. ■■■/ : to ht,: i it. ir.yr :’; 1 (h-'r 101 l ! , ; ' 1 Tin; 'well -kno-.v:’. X’.„T. I four:.! y.-in- TOOTJKIK’WpKK f’ 1 ■i'i'artii'y bf.yp''Usoa it a!! fl;*V# [‘ !> - oiKfUr j\c tye’.h h-r .I; ; if yr-.i >v|H rja-Mkr * j*lv- :u tLc* Museum-, ;your .y. [hn\/ r • ‘ , I. nm,t.si£ir co.-*!'"iy 'huV\l\ U&t v\'*;rj : f Cii'f ho Pi.'iiU-r I . ■• • 1 ■ r .-%£y t ‘ T>o'.v:ire*ol’ i hi; Tooth ,l v : ’Dr. . liijr-t'p r J'>**W J. r r r i.(’wy oontaius h ; ivov ai.kaVi, aw cjiavcoal, v.-otinng U«>; cnitn’e:. Lso.no, i-YTI! VT. ’■•WlLul-.jBTU i HKUD'S pF M..V ■■■ , . r•. i^fsa'Tv )' i Pr. IKir'l’s v.wl Fo^ti •! v.-iU !!■=■-' rint'' cim. fnianw-ii s'Vci'. Li-otvlhisw;.; pcj^-ly ;j i ! th;-vn, Mir':-- ; I • ■ '.(■■ . '' p|.' Div !lanV.«'-M.*m*s» ■■■’••■> y . will Vii<> I tloins; a: if-usoi. in &’ ■ ‘. ,J u'.'rn's.v: ! ihv* j*»rt*:ik ■ l'a .<U-| s w ca! if'tt :j* • : J'morfc pl.tvK'anJiV;.' || ii>i.a‘i,roa.> > i tc*i,|!'y Dr.- M ? *u3}j ,V> a’.iu » ! 7-iJt? -i-tiUr;, tiUr;, !'•> i cwru'i i. " *n \ t'TJ ; ,[^ I)r v Mcal;l lvo ;iri :£->i*t;siiil ~ nk:* hn'l*au*'i.'.niiMV :: Ui\\i \v.vv.-< to tUc.-A r<’ v \ rx I l-.'in.' JITjV ll I j nr: ri r i_al W'llich P.i'C: llM'.*’ o lu;' :V” j, :,I)r. Hull's To'i!h:icl'\ ■ nc’iie.flvi.-iiit'? f>in .nr/vj? .('best'friends tliat. nrou 1 ."; OVIII L;\>c Ito savsS-thiiii ohil lie«*ft»6t t'-'vii!--- ' s('lv('S >rall>.b>SS ’H'- sJ'X*P au*l ?.- v i 3 I- . V- Frirnll"*r.' U'i rfi*jr ! iV.r.l to ue.dlcel yourt tccltu ..fr-'V^.. ! vWcnu-. ;imtfjpit p;v,erv-atiyi**=. ■■tint [ *iv-.:h*-ch:M or Amoi*. r;in > .-.vy.-r. • j Remember tba*- '-'S" 1 : rhr '<olic!i uriyiiKiie in,'■;! I foiM he. Tr i 1 Pitch's ■■ubserv.itiqus; on tint yubjcct. ■ ! Utc in nrvi-.-t' dcohyJ in youroivn -tc-.i i your-cliiblror, .y tpoiii.' . f • 'it.KC'ifAl.aiA -m-. A STr.fi*.— l\ ' r ■ Neural cia Xoit-Ad.liesive Piastri s are > [pleasant aud>ueei~pnd r.AucVltub ever jed foi; viiis piijnfvtl .iliseitke,, plies 1 lino, sydh bfcojnc* di;o>vs_y., . .. land'awaises (roe frjfm pain.- and pb. V [other mijdoasaent dlf injuri.on.acon*'- !>|j't I slit*. t r or fiirutvVMtud Acr.'/<■• ■■■ I pTltt'. according Via directions. 'tfn.l ,r«’.i i surely '.follow;,;. •'•Nothing eait jhc jibuinf ’to Dr. 'Hurd's- Compress for Xenrartr* them. They* arc entirely a in.ivvT^ 1 original pfepavtitiqn. and tvnnderliii.V fuC .They, arc of two‘sizes, wo- >'o-T.. i face. pricej.l j centi*, ftdd the o;J>er i; [i,application to the body, price •’■■ roin-. hi mailed'un reccipt 'cf price «W:.w *-"V WJIAT ARK THE PEOPLE. Itfil The, American pcnplearc intelligent, <* appreciate preparations that contribi**., to happiness of those using wont-iUenia" Every mail-ljriiiga‘us .oMf ordering ou Tecih. = nilgia Plasters', aiidnot. n to ! for llic Mouih.Wash, to be 'sent by*. (■; j tO vlhese wo are compelled i«> y^P‘{\ l: b I impossible to send a haff-ptnt j Tile people want these iliemedivs. supply thew?. ' it .'- 1 v . • - Now’iathe ! e ii a xc E i- or ; a g e n 35 . Shrewd agents can make a smalt fj carrying these articles around t o farat Dental-Treasury is the neatest artne man or woman can carry around, i one and see, orV better; "a-dotcu, ' will sell, as samples, for $7- Age";” liberally with circulars. ; 86?“ Ao" j-' to to go into the business, todopoou l a profit.. We are. spending; thousan. [benefit of agents. • New; England n> 'merit here is something nice, -and .• take the tide ai its. fiood.,- A<Wj**r< Sitmj b; utriiii i b Tribune Rhildinps. >^ ‘ That remittances may be tpade '■ dcncc, W. B, H. &.Co., rcfpr totuc Brooklyn. ;- to G. W. Griffith, Cra’andCitizens Bank, Brookljo* -Go. r New Torkf » Vi Torli, «t». «*. 1 ers' 111 r K. ;■' 'j •I % .f. ME En it-f.i J>ac!vr.r( 1 in *A. yrx.m'I:n\ co. 2'rihum -JfuiL j2 t Ju-r nfi'.'V ' 11 ? !l, i Hi U-l'l. u ME i iii-l'ir 1; r. ; cil/Ciii ft-' 'U~- >■»’■?'*; •v, !■ i'i'-v MEN EMI viifl ••; i lll' ivv }'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers