cause, and w,e pledge them they are subduing armed traitors in the field, we will condemn,.at the bal lot-box, all those inonrinidst who are, not unconditionally to? the Union.” !- And this contention was not com ! posed of the leaders alone, but of the. people, the Democratic and the Repub lican masses, and, when it adjourned I under the inspiring-motto of Stephen : A. Douglas, that, in this contest, there -could be but two parties, patriots and traitors, the friends and the enemies of free'government. 1 2iow.whileit may be unfair to con-1 trust a mere county convention with a State convention, yet. when we con sider that James Buchanan is emphat ically the head of: the Democratic par ty of the free States, we may well ac cept-expression .of his own political friends as the expression of that par ty. 5 Ho tbllsius, and they telljns.lhat they are -loyal to the country. It Would be a cheap thing for them to prove their profession if -thcy|carcd to iSo so; hilt gb-earnest and sincere arc the leader and the followers that in the direct agonies of the republic 1 .they eannot-refrain giving laid and comfort to the enemies of the repub lic -and, accordingly, in their conveh tion of the 18th of June, they adopt ed thgfollowingresolves,which may be •profitably contrasted with the decla rations of the patriots of Indiana: ‘•.BesolreK That no higher,evidence is wanted by the people, of the sys tematic efforts of the Abolitionists jto . .... 'destroy the Constitution and the TJnjfpn ' "«-■ I tv.™-'®-? Tfifio- 1 than thedeclaration made by the ipdi '<the Union «*Me”.|aod their ? red[Tha t woheivtiiy a ppro-e ■ the Tbih ,of'June, and {the Crittendeh, resolution, {passed by, between the two -is Julv ; 0 that the? casual reader might last, declaring the present yai to-be !■ --wril hadvbeen held|>aged only; Ibt the > ■' am ; two-'dffferen t contiiiems.hnd spoke j> D S > the; Constuijtioii an. lbs . _>• ' the s cii ti ii fen is Of two differ e.|.t,pco-Und that the efforts, of the on- V pltei -'James Bhc’hannan'i cooyen.tion iistsand Repubhcansinand out o^Colf^ "A ; wb£ voted ftt. John C-Bicckiiiridgc of the war into a crusadefor-the ab >m 1 entire action shows | ohtion Of slavery, is a gross frau p ' that thevno' not regret or recall \ b' n those, who sp. a o •: . tfie'sh abort thus given to a secret I. arms for the patriotic purpose ot dt . '-llisuniohist 'then, and to ah aimed -fending and our m -4 r>bHnow. Acting, der advice, : the Hvhole'.burifeh off the foundation-of .the Government, i;.. theiAeonplaint fwqe Ad- and: not-to and overthrow - • : ministration-of Mr. LincDln.aiidagainst thpin. - i - , i - ■. ■ ;./thedpeefines of-{.he,Rcpublican {party. r Teatthe folly, fanahejsm <. Tliey'kvpariiemur emphasis wport the.! or cinpiy, whichever, it may be ca le , '•v ttlfegea' corruptions, of, the present; that bepks to turn ~tho slaves pF-jthe .AJimuistratifrh. .forgetting, the.; raoii-j Wise, to overrun t e V - >'uoiislbiiii)s nndeffthe-Administration'll orth,'4pd to, eijter mto competition BurchaOuh. ; wbieh-prepared the wav'; with fheewliitc laboring men. and 4 .The Democrats [of Ih. J wonxcn, thu|. reducing the wages of - diaha, bn-tho other hand, who took] labom and degrading the white race, ■Knars in State Convention bf4t-y placing them by the.side of the ■ Urn of JmuS. were animated hy-a ibw.ryarions jmcnimtiohs, meets K diftKent and bf-anized .fi>r a: yith:oim unqualified condemnation. V* differ#!* purpose.- Tlio^uionjEepuh'-■ It; WjWhe tliat Mr. Buchanan s con-., lihaus and D<kobrat§ bf Fennsvlvantay I vept'iort adW’tod resolutiosn denounc ,v ■’ wlK»,meet, at Harrisburg on thh] ing ■!Session, j as- trgisonj avowing .'■■■ 17th oT juiv.shoaldVau'se.and: ponder{tbufr purpose tp.sustaiu the Adminis upoli the )*KtliSta' of- tl»eiii* : 'Corh|batriot|l o, ' ntall, acts to put h?the They 'should at I but is above quo -itie satiie the. exan.ule.'of the of jeet tvas to hurt and yet to fielp ,lh e • Ladriistericoutitv, uuder the bad of .^ood> cause. The ex-Prc«dent him-. ’ ‘ juiiw Bufbananv. one niarshiU iiote to thoincarnato . •thenfto victory and hoiioi-, the other i iraTpra,’.. who subsequently struck at to, anti defeat, f The i heart of ibe Kepublic, and: en .tJnidnlSvate Co'uvcntion.iu which & ome ! the sympathizers of t-hc oidest DemocvaiwAook the lead, •: near bis-dwiiF .arguing in fits . : firsumimibated a uciket and [very,.last- r>ght of a placed h«t»n it two.of tUemoSl.promi- ■ State to paxae, and by following this-mth k-nt Democrats, and tl.dff adapted the. another imnment, (hat thefCrOTfrnment " -ollowiiiir. rcsoliniohs by aeclainalioh.' jhad no poicertd compel such State, to. re ii "X vxi’oiv'r* ' v ' : ~inx - hapypved-the sincerity' of if? '• .dfef "■ . ■ r •, 4 'vein's Infamous doctrine by retaining in : - Wiemii, Abe \ational Uoyeriunmt-I iils'Cabinet men who rcinainfcd there • is engaged in a -war •vaged ligaifrsl^it; q U j v j- Qr t j,- e purpose of using the Gov ■ -by itsjtnicmiciq lo?.the qyotyetl purpose og n destruction, aud , ' ,cl ..its • dost nirtitm and'-|.bty subversion - 'f c jtering the hands of .a succeeding oun-repunlican tdrin-pt AUmiuistralion. His immediate 1 par ibei-eTbrc, f■' i„ - . . . Itisaus, catching inspiration from this . 'fltescartl. ■■ That the present ciyil lej aw ipi e . •'pretend■ opposition, to the ■war was tovegd Uponutbo country by i tnutors.ln theifield,- while* ihly repeat the D'.snnionists in fne-yout.iern-.tates, I 10 | ow f . a j urn ,,; e ij an d misorahlo-false-. ,who gre now in repeumn against -tthe i jibb«ls..of‘the-, hiim who was their can-- . Gonstitytional Gojhrinjsentp that • in, didale in 186(J, and who is now a bn • *ae prcsenl #iatippal .wiergciity-, yre, j ,r ei iei-al in the rebel army. ' the people ot Indiana.^.-, uonyentton i T , °... .. i. . * u ' a* i ‘ aLikkm forgetting all former politi-! V 1 ? carotins contrast .to. .the loyal, ■ ' eai fi;fferotu-ev rrd recollecting -.only : .f ■Pennsylvania, .and with i ' ovr dutw to UicKyhole 4dunln:. dU tins mail seyd toyou lhe pro . pledge ourselves to aid, will! ii.eii and { ot the loyal people .of Ind.-j Lt. the vigorous proset-ntioh of!:,“ na ; dirertmg-yopr e^ce.dlmttcntwn • the present' Avbiel! is not being U.c gr. ; at,s].eoeh o tho Hon. Hep ‘waged, upanUUeparf brour K 1 ■ -.mertt, ibr t!,J mrpU of Knquest.- sub-.* powerful lb ter of the Douglas Pc Ao ■ - jmmtion, or Uic orertKowdm or in-; A" Congress. Hon.fJp •? K-riering wtuJfi the rights or establish-1 -A- Wright, | of-Jqs . d states] Ae B Bnght, appom ml to dhat pq?i-j . : but -to' «ujl|»rosB s,r.d'|>ut';dqwh'a'-nick- ; J D°n by. the l^pubUcan^Gpvernop f cd and eaujjeicss vebilllun, defend and j Mortoii. ; T . i -tx.-. srprcniacr-rdf, the Com- 1, * . ? *...• “ * i'j : 6ii‘.uiidi),.and*:tp preserve the' •Union!: •; GenlPetiiobew.— I This.rebql woupcl os''-established.* %'put. patriot fitt-bers, .cd Brigadier is a small, lea n.cadvcrous, 'j , ' witli all the jdigidty, . equality arid . and long-haicod. South Carolinian.—. rights c f the] seKral- States Uninipair- iHo is severely, biit_not dangerously,; ed. uni when ahesc chjcets are fully [yf on uded !in the uppe 1 ’ purt of; the accomplished*,land lidt before,. wo be-1 chest, the ball passing in near the l: lieve llie war on cht to ceaso’; and that (breastbone and passing out at the ■f- f we invite albtATo Coincide in those j should'er.; He is now at the hpiiso of sentiments! to.unite with - nesln support. Dr. Ga»bes.{ Ho talks freely; says ; of the ticket'this day nominated. ’{the '-South never can bo subjugated,” ‘‘JfctoirciK'That we dcmahtT and-cx-1 but .a^ds-,. *:if it is so, then I shall, go i cot! of efir Executive and. legislative !to Europe tp end my days, for I will bodies.,‘both State, and National, anlnevet-Jivcdu a disgraced country economical administration of govern-j - *If it; is!” tuiff yobr mind already mental affairs. ,aud the punishment of : made up ns to what you will do in case ' Iraud aganst the. Government; gs well lit is-! we liope more of the same, class as a fearless discharge of their duties. ■ will do likewise. ... - “Resolved, That, as long as patriot-H Dr. Gaines, of whom I have spoken V ism, courage and the love of\cohstilu- j before, , baS been gobbled up by the , tional liberty shall be and] Provost Marshal, and sent to Portress revered apaong the peopleof the United, Monroe. Two reasons are assigned States.'the heroic (conduct of the sol- for it. Eirsty- be nvade signals to the djere pf thc-Uniou, who. have offered enemy .; seedod. ho-thrcatened to dig' their lives ,for the salvation of theK yip the bodies»of all Union troops bnri-. .cbnntry, will b 6 regiembered with the x edi on his farmland' throw them into • , ' most profound feeling of veneration tb® Chickahouiiny, ; His liye bodjr hair and gratitude, and that we now tender been taken, and very properly thrown i , to them the wafmest thanks and last-' into a drugoon His c,lover fields and ■ itig gratitude of every mem her of this peach crop will be food for our Union Constitution. ' army, instead of any. part of said . , ,l ßesolved, That wo tender to the army Being food foi fishes.—Corretpon -60,000 from hidiana our dence N. Y. World. >-;■ heartfelt; cougratulations, and bail with! pride the ihet tbat upon every. /cattle-fieid where Indianians havaboea ; found] they have displayed the braver ry of patriots in defence of a glorious MARCH ONhs Heart and thick the T'i'■ The. proapeei narrow, dark, fe|£.ro— V« » few ateps the path.U cleans: - i ■'Fiar thosif fow slcW, march on t; ; ' -• ; ■’ \ *- 1 , *:• - ' . rocks that frown'aa if in wrath. Cite gianfCTanged across Ikoipati— - , BefuVe fhe gorge some ontleliath, j , Spitruetfullj maffhko>i!~ ■ > ■ ' ? ' •A'deep, wide htreanf iba.t glaas,.... S J Flatted by sleep banka of slippery .prase— There )* some bridge by whicfi .to pus, • ■So watchfoily march on! ' /i " *’ A r«mpest'i»ltljnjf in the ivlnd, . j THe sfaiTnj thunder-robes enshrined—, Poubi Tint f.ncltor soon tb find,) ftiUhope(Wlj v niat'ch:onJ | • ■' out—tbe tog upcrowd*; . % . •- Dai'sSeS~the face of heaven jnshronejs— invoice sbaU gaidi thee throngh'the '-■ ' Bo patiently march on ’ 'j } - If Duty set you on the way, I . •" You need not. musLnot stay ; SliljfiithXnlly jjpwcrf.voibijv 4 X v StilUuyally marclTon! . • --. J J* Let Hut "ySiijv aims be’highmhdirue, * . I’our spirit firmi but patienVtoo‘; : A. Titan’s strength shall go. with you, 7 Still 'fearlessly inarch on! Coiicspouj-.-iice of tic 'Philadelphia Pre»» i Letteir from “Occasional.” V/V ' ■ -k ->■ .C’XvAl 1 , } SftJ'How odd it is,” said Pat.'cs he trudged aloag os foot, ooa hot -snltty day, “that a man Tjevermdeto a team going the fam» way be me” MIME TBS SOmIEH’S. TBUB fllSSl ! ALWiTS R]S ADV. HOLLOWAY’S OWTWEHT. LONG marches, eore and stiff joipts, blisters «d end Inflamed feet,alltheee the.mUw' most endure, MOTHERS, REMEMBER THIS, when your sons are grasping their muaketa to meet danger, think what relief a pot of; thia ALL HEALTH? 4 COOLING SalreswiTl give to the one yon lore when far away from home and friends. ■ It hardens and makes tough the' feet eo thet they can endure great fatigufl. It soothes and relleTcsthe jjoflsxnedlfcpd stiffened joints, learing them supple, strong t and rigor otis, while for .(| -. _ SABRE CUTS AND GUNSHOT WOUNDS It stands unequalled, remoringand prerenting, erery reslige of inflammation and gently 'drawing the edges together, it quickly ana completely heals the most ftjightly wounds. WIVES AND SISTEBfe OF OUR VOLUN 't • TREES-: - Ton cannot put into the Kjoapsaeks of your Husbands and Brothers, a J|nore raluable or more necessary gift than, a supply of this EXTRAORDINARY MILITARY SALVE. Thi lonely sentry walking his rounds p night, exposed- to dre.nehing rains and chill night air, is often seised the roost VIOLENT PAINS, COUGHS and If SUFFOCATING HOARSNESS.-first symptoms of QUICK CON SUMPTION, but'if with HOLLO WAY’S PILLS and HOLLOWAY’S OINT-. MENT, all danger is avert*!, a few PiUs taken night and morning, and thh ointment briskly rubbediwiee e day orer the throat and chest will remore the SEVEREST PAINS and stop the.most distressing or DASOEEOUS COUGH. Thefore'we say to the whole army. SOLDIERS ATTENTION!! See to your own health, do not trust to: the Aniy supplies although roost valuable. These PltfLS and OINTMENT have been thoroughly tested,'they are the onlyTemedies used ii»*the» EuropeanjCampa and Barracks, for; over fogly years ' Doctor Holloway has ; supplied all the armies in Europe, and during the; CRIMEAN CAMPAIGN he established a depot at Bala-' clara, for the exclusive- sale of these GREAT REMEDIES, many" a tiroes his special Agent there ; has sold over. ■ a ' ton in weight of the Ointment in a single day. || These terrible and fatal enemies of the Soldier in Camp, . DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY. SCURVY, SORES and SCROFULOUS ERUVTIONB. all -disap pear like, a charm beforeji these PILLS AND OINTMENT, and now While the) Cry-rings throughout the land, '■ {'■ TO ARMS! TO ARMS)! '■ Do not let these brave men perish, by—dis-: ease, place in their hands these PRECIOUS REMEDIES, that will enable them to resist ■the dangerous' exposures, the Fevers, the Chills, and the wounds; which, they cannot avoid, and what is more, cannot frecptcntlyget succor in the,moment of heed, whereas if our brdve men have only to put their, hands into their Knapsacks and find; there a sure remedy for all the casualties of the battle field. How-, many thousands of lives. £vould thus .be Carved who wojiid otherwise pensh beforeTeliet coyild be obtained. • !: ■!- ; J' ’ CAUTION.—^J“ e arc genuine unless .the wonls "llvH'ju-au, .V-ric York and London,’* are disc'erhablc as a water-mark in every leaf of thedsook of directions around each pot or box; -the same may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A handsome reward w.lll be any' one rendering such informa tion os may lead to the detection-of any party or parties counterfcitingthc medicines orvend ing the same, knowing-the'm to "bo spurious. ! ♦•♦ Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New - York, and by alk respectable Dnijggists and Dealers in Medicines, throughout the civilised world, in boxes at 25 cents. "62 cents and $1 each. * jgy* There is considerable saving by taking The larger sties. ■ r A1.,8. for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each box. May?. - | " * JL2STBW ANP BEAUTIFUL EDITION - • , OS)THE : ■, ’’ v MISTAKES OF jCDKATED MEX. BY JOHN S.iHART. LL. D..-- 1 muslin, pribc 50 cents: paper cov | era. 25 cents. {Copies of this book, will be sent by-mail on receipt of the price, in postage stamps. Pleds^addrcsa J. C, GAKRIGUES, Publisher, 148 South Fourth street, Phil’n, PaT ; mar 26. j '(; . ■ 1 Mil E. DEMOKEST’S Quarterly Mirror of Fashions KifA Great Jsnpr6v€TMnt9 and v Tire' si'MMEllLuMßtll CONTAINS FOUR LARGS $ SPLENDID FASUIOX 'PL'ATES, THREE FULL-SIZED / ' PATTERXS OF DRESSES, y COMITHPISQ THV New French Waist, [an Elegant Sleeve, and a Misses Sack, and a Sheet of New and.; Beautiful BRAID AND EMBROIDERING PATTERNS, Together-with nearly 100 Engravings of ' all thol novelties .for . Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmmigs, Children’s presses, &o.iV And valuable information to Milliners, Dpcss Makers; Mothers, and Ladies generally, pre senting the largest and best Fashion Maga linc in the .World; 473 Broadway, N. y,,- aneij. sold everywhere at 25 cents, or sent by post free, on receipt of the am’t in stamps or ailverir- Year $l,OO with the fol lowing valuable-premium. 3 Each yearljr subjfcriber will be entitled to a receipt for the selection of 60 tents worth of plain patterns; from the designs in the book, or from the I room, or they may be or dered and sent by jraail any time during the year, by paying post ago. , ' , 90i,Splcmlid Inducements to Canvassers. BBS»Summcr-N<s. new ready. •; THE ■ satubday! mobnikg post. •■! ' { ';' The T>««t Fanuly Newspaper in WiESTERSI PEIfFA. And the only Democratic Union Sheet in Piltsburg. Vi ESTABLISHED IX 1804. 1. . ,It contains all the CURRENT NEWS 'OF THE DAY reliable, Market and Commercial reports and a choice selection of Tales, Poetry, Literary and Scientific Articles,- ; Valuable Statistical Information, ' , Agricultural News, &«.; —ALSO— ’ .The Latest Telegraphic News. Embracing every important*ltemof News, ' Foreign and Domestic, Congressional Intelligence, Legislative Pro t : ecedinga, 4c., io. * ~ . 1 per annua for a Singh Copy, or 11 Copia one year for $lO. '■ i AnbjttM JAMES P. BARB, - ' Editor and Proprietor. ■ r Corner Fifth and Wood sts., Pittsburg Pa. IQußend your money by mslil at my risk. e. Kerr’s Hote^, Third Street, Beaver, Penii’a, 8. KERR, Proprietor. WILLOW WA&E. Lusp*, 'Sbtdei, and Lamp fihUaitfat, at HZNBTB. JTOFACtORY .BT[TWENTY-jTHIW> 6 &p AKU6TRBST A? 188fc | Jfj .Yi : jj*i*/uiuMisn 18?8 ablishmest baa been in i.n for 124 yearsj and lathe largest i tbV United States. iWe hare on i afaAnre loordefreiTety description Üb» Picture and Portrait Frames, nuneoUl PlerJ WiU,,()i*l SMiflir! Connecting Cteniee* base and (leal'with i Marble Slabß. Toilet' , &«., &e. Mouldings for Picture I engths aaii&blefor transportation. Betting, Rosewood, Oak, Zebra, khottfiy, 4c. ; Our a«a» mannfsc (eDsfre facilities enable tis to fum '■> ip our line good ai the bestr '.he cheapest. ■ ‘ |i | '• * !l "'lip**' pj UKKKfr JT0&2211 178* XSTABLIB] rriHipt.* X’ 9P***tj of the kind bond or rail of Looking! Plain and 0 tel Glasses! Bracket Tl Glasses, *,d Frames, ini either Gilt, Birdseye, ij tory and ex ish any art and as ches e ib 4ti an invited to cad upon ut imt liew York. : We; claim to be y fe supply them with jerery o which they can possibly purchase rejby mail attended' Do not fail h i call whj Topm», IVo. % 5 Centre! bORACE V. SIOLEi mos. ;. ;; ■' Dealer ■When they (e able to sap »t cle in our I n elsewhere. *®-Ordei promptness. New YorkJ Office i Win May “■ GREi.T . IK RXW | ana Si 33 Spi’i C3rO< I**: . 'y-Kji tfte. ARONER IiET SI iEATTEjE, I.JTi Taylor, A. J|T. I Prin.'. : Taylor, Goyeirness. iT {CLASS SCHOOL; fIOR THE EDO; m of Young (Ladies.:; I Special rear ‘ * ; Primary and Preparatory De les except Tuition! and Washing ourtcen wLeks. sjiB:o .m $3 50 til $8 (jOiicluding lac spared to 1 rake the school Worth ence of it; patrins f for a. Cat Cogue. j : BBOTTPES! \i- 1 i ■ I • • : -5, ■ • I . , i Ispii ■ fßev| I A Fl | given iib tm ; piirtmonp; ' .\ll|CM>cn! per tcrnfof! . Tuifiqil fr cuttgps. 1 tJof ctrortg of the <j»nfii Bfcfe“ pem L_..r ! SUBSTANTIAL, LIFE-LIKE ri( - tEB csb now be bad Mjtheii: 1 ■.tores ore not mere dn»hx,'but war IERIOB toi|tny that bare erer been — 'ii t. ■ s. /~1 OOP. Ajt : t6h These |>ii ran ted Kl made i| 1 To be loi I'»ill wnj , to any . , T ... . f , Heaver eoifnly, by any olbtra'rtii anil eiaWinc apccimei jj|n bdt j a few week*. |f, j alljery in tbeßamo rnqm occupied IN;., J Photographic Aftist me in J Aor9 pilk ISTKAfUpIi’S I dn-hhel-csti te I Jacob Noas, peaJer’cq.j .Ucf'l, having it fhe undersigned, all porspns indebted ttr arc requested to) make imniedi ite lit; and those having claims against a lid j will prnttnt them to.j the subscri >er ly authenticated for sctilemeht. ; | HENRY 2?OSS, Industry t|>., I N Administrator. AU L E ship, ed to i said g payrn't estate propc; IECUTOR’S ujoTICE IRS testamentary on the estat a Flali, lateof Raccoon tp, Beavetjci ting been granted to the underaigrufi is indebtedtosaid estate, are rcquejstt mmcdiate payment, ind those haf-it- 0 4inst said estate: wilt present them to fsbers properly authenticated .foil set - |", : • JOHN B. itALUi j: KOBT. : STERLING* . I*' : Executors. T-fe I i Bcori dec'dj bat all pwsonS lo make in claim* agj (lie sabsci tlcmqnt. jn|«4- I NIST BATOR'S NOTIC 3. !RS of BdmmiStqinon upon!the es'- Of Wj*. BsaWtllGIIT. , : Beaver county, dej to the tmdersipnedj > Mid^e»Ute : _’»re .«K e payment, and those he same will prefer' :aled for ictlcmcnt, 1. 18C2. ( : ’ Laldm Stale towqship gfailtcd debtxd t imtnjedia against autHenti | IlanOTcl cea|ed,j deiaignd arcghotil those hi gem thl meat w? ij| 4 - iINISTKATOR’I CERE AS letters off ia< the; estate) | 'of; Cooju j f township,' Bearer j hating been duly! [granted i y , W; all persons indebted to said fcstate Bed to: make immediate payment, and iving claims against tho snme wfll prd 1 - >m properly authenticated for keltic bout delay. V'i |■’l'.. i | : :! il' A.IR.MIIXEB, 1; <| |i Administrator. jY- GJOE3;& Od)., :uiog and Commission JA gents. , -L ;.Asi' deaxeßs ] jApL idjTDS I ri|ype l P^ntlng j Mia,teriais l ,• »XTMO r AND PRINTING PAPER CARDS, &( »FraCES^Brown 4 »'*»iWin6, Phila< el phi a Bibune Buildings, New York. |,- j -;- j- ■ j j’V 1 "',- |-* .dvorj &! Experience of an Invalid ■jjjUßUSHfiDjfpr fbe benefit and as,|t 'warn ■K iig.ania cautionto young men who suf , w-from Neryoui Debility,'Prcinatui-ef Decay j|c., supplying it the satne time the! means c Self-Cure. I By' one who hap cured! himaell after being put :o great expense Abroujgh med ical imposition and quackery .; By Cncloeing|i riost-daid addressed envelopes, single copidl Shy .Jbe hid of the ! author,, NATHANIEL MAVFAIK, Faq., Bedford, Kinga C0.,-7N. V. I|mai2ti:ly. 1 •, “| ( . ]'■ ■ : , O GJUERSON, ■ ; WHOLSf ALB : | j j Commission Mtrcbam AIM Deiler-is-- ■■ \ .'< f . j::.!| OIKi, EtErEEDj )I>U(K GKNERILLI (ononzatieU'Hoase, M : ; :i i piTtsBU&GH. pa| JAS. -j :.;j i rotar &" so m it«tho ITtkc :*EY ofThriitl fOl F®f» com if* A YES'S I, : i*w: y Pill# IPWptjf ‘j, ; (svoAnjcqjLTED,j I ■ J ' cirxx xHX n« • Stovall do, FWlnn, Molktn, P)iy«hl«Wjl (Mr lOKU, i •f, r i ■!£»«>«■• ikuMtyntuim*-: L.-.-,a 'I ■ I I'. .{. ■K» TH* COBB «f f .f, I neaditobe, flick Heetat^,EoolStim»«i<A. ■ { . i . fmWM, Pa, I.l^L ~ g Aia. «r: I boyo bon ropeotldly ttred of t boodoeho ny bodyton how by o dooooTtwb Ilk. ltßoßof6ofeftom»*M»to«oek«hfck Moot one*, IfUmt willcut*otboo oothoj *> goctlo worth toowlot- > _ , » with mat rewrti J®. V* IKUW ‘ k “ “ •CM c/Olmm* I ■ Dtoerdew nl liver Complaint*. ■• stnuun o» m irrouoo, I> V IToopinmp, D. C, T FIK, 1 >**■ ( { . l am mi your PlHolamy grewol ondhooptM ootr rtaeo ywi BAlo thoA, awl cooaoiboal (wo to an too beat auhortlewo oankv. Ik«lrrofo itouof ortkm as tbo Bwp.loqotck udiMhM. tsoMonib Jly thlyoro to »'onul lodml, I how Mldom Bond « cow at Mom **■ UttiibS that UdU not ?W4 ‘° t •bnft.T Stoterholly yooro, . AtOWIO BALLrIt. ®4 dywatenr, Worni. h V ■ fOPtOfTtOt, ItllHUa IJT-Co, Mic», I(OT.;}& lUfc SaJm:ToU Wh:m tho perfccUonof modldjtt. Ih«y »»o|»obo By wto rood ttoalwtrty*. , BhohM bM okkond ptuta* ** “ 00 'h*- w «g» 1 «c to rtfiort £? Umd octtittenoed Ukin« Jo«r PiU«, whicbwon cjrw b«f, H •xiaUfojc large qnßtitfci rf won— (d«ad) fro** , a y wMo esiod him with two doooo of torn'JS&S& ot£*n»rw>d w paU fMn fln to twenty bOU,l£d lort without brio* cmod entlWy f itn lik. Soch o amUclao u roan, which k ortoolly 1 ■“‘SSj, I 'SSotih. ItAltMoi «■* Impurity of Ueßlocd. mu 216, Lj to with en you vigil st.,x. r. 1, Agent. r. ilimm, rutar tf M*mt Owt*, Batm. ■' DllW: I Vn'.'nwd yonr Pillurith gocetm to my fawMy and among those 1 am railed tojlslt IndletrsM. !To> regulate the organs of dfcwtloif Md jtorf t iy ibtfUood they art the Terr best remedy 1 !. known. «a 4 I eu conMantljr th«Bi toDy i «ra£ , Taon, . J. V. BIMKB. : S j-1. Vuun, Wniraa Co, N. T-Oct tl, JK*. ( i,j Dui to: lam using your Cathartic nils to Djrprto . tin, «>d flndtbem an excellent purged te to. deans* the ftaanad narlftthe fountains of to# blood, r I : " ~\J-. I JOHN 0. WKACHAU, 1L I). i Emlp«U»,Scroftilii, ? i , n C^ ETiI ’ Tetter * ’ ]};: Tnmor»,aßil-B«lt Bbenmr • ll |Vm a JbiwetrdiMff itovftstt'jo/ ‘PK Am: Tour PtUs are the paragon ofcall that la great! to medktoe. They bate cured my Uttle daughter of ulcerous sores upon ber bands and feet thatnsdmoTed Incurable fer rears. Her mothsr bad been loop grtoroo* . lysttWted with WotebM and plmpfea on ber skin sndto harbalr. After obr chfld was siwi^trirfhrW PUla, andthey hate cured her. ■ ABA-MOBPSnjQB. : . ißheomatiiia, Nftoralfia*ft»d .Com* i rr^thiXev/Jh-.l&UMitfthtMetSpdU^lapir** (r.; I Pirtmi llocm. SirijrjriH. Gjt, Jab. 8* 1W&: ; • Bewoao Sir: Ishould be ttnjgatcfti) toe tbbraliM your 1 ■bill baa brought me if I did not report my case'to you. A cold settled In my limbs and brought on ,f*crudaUng J .neuralgic pains, which, ended In chronic rheumatism. Notvitbstanding I had tbs beat of physicians* lb* iseeee ; grew worse and worse, untidy the adtic<Lof yoar]«cel* --I lent agofitin Baltimore, Dr. Markenxie, ItHed yourPlUa. - Their effects were slow, hut sure'. 1 By permlering in tbs Use of tMm, l am now entirely well. 2sr S mer '•as. CO’S, 's-;,. T • ■ i I • !.! fl- I' BUEG, PA. JTTS Scuts Osama, Batok Bocgs, Ijl, i Biu Atmi: Idjare bscn'tntinly eure4 bj w>ur Ppl* of ■- BhemuAtlc Gout —a painful diseaM.tbat had afflicted in* to i! years.' VINCENT BUDKLL* For ocopt7« Plethora, or kindred Cob* glalntp, requiring an active purge, they ;ar# au excel-; nt remedy. ••. ' -I -I. For Co»Utciim« or ConitipAUoii, and Mi % Pjiing'r Pill, tligy a^eagreeablexltd effectual. Flu, SappressioD, Paraly»is, Inflßinma» tloa'.int even, Dcafoei** and Partial Blind* Bens, b*Ve tnen cured by tte alteratiti atkion of theee Pill*. ••; , .•)••-•. -* • Jv, I Moat of the Pm* In market contain Mercury, which, al though a valuable remedy In skilful. bands, ,1* datgerona- In a public pill, front Ibe dresdfnVWPsequcbces fre- | KqneUtly follow iM in'eauticua Use.' no met- , cuiy or miners! suUtauce whafcrer.j. -j ,M‘!. -.-. j AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL , , roB TFIE RAPID CURE OP I |' j CIkCGBB, COLp», HOARSENESS, WPLC- .1 knza, bronchitis, wiidogisO j I COt'GH, CROrP, ASTHMA, IK- | ih ' CIPIENT JORSIMPnOK, . ' *i ( | f o r thereliefw consumptive patients in adrsncsd'i at geaof thediieaije. , ‘j. i{- . - | fSt-BMd ,no,'ipe«lt "to lb»"poblle (>r JlojTirtßM. onghont eVery.jtowo; and almoel’etriS hanflet ofthe trican Staler, Mi wohileifnlcneM.of.pnlinonKej <»“• nbilnti haieraadeTit; already known. Kay, few art tht £a,nlk* In ■tW-cisillied country on this fctmtin*iil with obt tocnU penowai txperfebca of il« effect; andfcMerjet , ifia community ahy '.*&«• * hirh ,M>re AiA anionc them' Muir* living trophy of lia victoryover the toUje and dan tfctm* dbearea of tbs throat and longs. * hUs It la tba Boat powerful antidote yet known to mah fcr tbefomb * cbitle and dangerous diseases oC.Cbe pulmonary organs, ft * tl also the pleasantest and ssfestreroedy that can bs em blared for Infantr and ywpg Pf«pn«. !*■«“{* AjSf I UiTs It in'aton against Ibe rosMfou# enemy tbatftealt npon them nnpMfpartd. Be bait abnntot pounda gt. • vTlere the {Very /Weeni •aeeamore Urea Wtt* Sumptions It prevent* than Iboae* it enrt*. Kiep itiby . yon. and irnre Tonr wld. while they lect tlrcm nhlll no tinman ikUI can mailer the '»*«»»'« • aSker that, b’ltened on the TitaU. j | All know the dreadful IMalily of Inna dlwn>r»-*”d aa. i (be, knew too the rlrtnee of •ht»«*<»« , s ai ifVS j more than to aaenre them it ia itlit made I he. Wripare no emt, no care, no .ml prefect ppulhle, andlbna’ affemf tßwo who >f .It the Met agent which cede ekill can foenlih for their cnee. , . ■; PREPIREO BY DR. J. Ce.ITBR, ; ! Praetienl nni Aanlytienl Chemlit,; LownU, U»J*- .;■ .. SOLD Br, : Cruel, .Uoehetef, IVnigponer 4 Lowry, Free : <lon; J. ’NinholSi Bmlen;’, J. Sargent, New Brighton, John 'Blnck,' Bnrlfrigtoii, , B«n -een & Edgar, FWleton.ijiid by Beal«r»3*erT ‘•here- . : ' f Feh- 12. C 2. j ►atsoir. ATiLAWf «( rt« Jftanondf ? PA. f : .-1. , (Shop ' k V CRITTENDEN’S I PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL ', ’ OOLHijE3C3-i , -I : * ,' in''- : / > ■ ;• • N. E. corner of7tK&Cie3tiiutSt.» ji PHILADELPHIA. PA. | TUIIS Institution, which was[ established, in | j 1844, and is now consequently in ths. eigthtecnlb year of . its existence, numbers omongits graduates,: hundreds of the most suc cessful Merchants and Business M n of our ’Cw»tiy. • ■! :i r! ■■ i. i, the object jof tlfh lnstilulibn'js solely to af ford young men facilities; for thorough prepo- I j-ation for business. ■ I>. f B j The branches'taught arc. Cook-keeping, as I applicable to ‘tho various department jt-of trade;, - Penmanship, I both, > plain . andjLoritrmental; Commercial Law, Civil Engineering, Drawing, I.Phbaography, and Moderi {Languages. 't: : •-- ,[■ The o.r Instruction is peculiar;7lo classes or set lessonsaro made nse 0 '. bnteach student is ilifaglit individually,{soiti at tojntay Commence at any .time, <fnd attend it whatev er hours arej most convenient. : ; v■) . I Catalogued ore .issued annpally I after the | 15th, of Apfilt containing names of the stu dents for. the year, and full particulars gf ' terms,! &c., and may bo.gbtaiaed ajacy time by addressing the Principal. In fextenjnve accommodations; vidc-spread reputation! [and the lengthy ciperitncc of: the Principal, itjhis Institution offers fiicDitieirsu perior to any?other in the country,! Ibr men wishing tir prepare for bimniss, and to 1 obtain at t)|e game .time A 1 virioMX, 'which will prove a rccjommendalipn for them to any Mer-; cantilc House. i i f ■•'".i r 1 : ' i j®*CnirresT>Es’B Seylcs 'of- Treatises on Book-Keeping, now. more widely circulated than any other work on the subjict, ate for sale at the College. ’ ' j ! l V ; S. HODGES CRITTES JEN, r { i. Allomey-tti-Lau. •- , ‘ j; j.- iMay 1 ■. j > , Notlbe. The accounts and snbscr.ptions to' ThK lAmus for 1860 which have*not been settled iin’p, ns well as . the; accounts of M. Wjeyard, M. .AJV .. Weyad(|,' an d;"Weyand and Henry, are in my hands for BCtlloincnt. All who arer indebted ; of these: , for subscription!; advertiser tent drjob Vrork ; will please call; ion' me -at the TaßAsijpEan Orrjcis. Many of i counts ire of longfltandingHidshdnid bo settied. : !- ■ 1. SAMUEL DJ?VI!NPORT. ' jfcMsT; - : .1 , I &AJLBEE&HAIJUD] Tpn« door o»et of 'P&ndli IKIIWSWATpt; PI ; ' r-..'/ i/i.l \ : i !REEI (ant OEIQINiX, OSLT TECB AKti OHSUIXe). r«f tk tun a n«vleß(MC4lir br LIVER : . A in AIL. SHJOITS DISEASES. V- i\- r * ax ' U ; ■ The ordinary evidences of iDis base of the Liver are-Pain, and > tenderness in the region of the Uvnyaometimes dull and aching, increased by pressure, pain and (fncaslptss in Breathing Pain in the right Sbodltfer* uneasiness -when lying upon the j loft 1 side, increased jsiao of the Liver, Short andDrj Coßghjdisorderedstom vaoh, Uinta, Yellowish Tinge on the.Oyes and Ain, Heada:he, ycl lowish fhr on the tongue. Blller - Ish taste in the mouth, heavy, toll sensation in thic |rain, l»c -pitSSlbn Of Spirits, amounting alaostl to l Insanity, slight Fercr , toward evening, Lossd f Appetite, Melancholy, with morq senpaa’and Hypochondria,* Nearatgia,* duiu ness, a general feeling of Fngasl ' ness, 1 * Languor, the i. patient Conscious of some'.hing wrong in hituaejf, sn£ disposed : . f to. see ilotlung'right-in'things| ■, about -him, yet wholly unaolo ; to explain the csuseof bis sen sations—wlthi many Others easily detected by resemblances to Bonxo one. or other of iho above, lu livir' Bill will almost cor taiply arrest the disease if taken, upon tho appearance Of tho above ■ syraptoo is, which lf| allowed to i tako its course, becomes chronio ■ in its;hatuye and almost.incu rable, producing great and con stantly increasing Buffering.' . Tba use of this inouiciae will neither. - C'Sate a new disease nor oa ■ ezistiag one, bnt, in most cases, will ' prepare the system for the acre vigorous ■ remedies jot tie, physicisa,'Woald it be .. . accessary, topail iubißoid. ! i v, !AS i ipiaiir aEoiciisß ■ SELLER?’ LIVER PILLS ;j- AHEjINVALUABLE."- ■ - 1 ;ipi»ljbe-.:.>gg' Cents. ' SELLERS’ IERMIFUjGE. w okr^sr . Every;rear Thons.oads cf Children: dio 1 from this horrible OVll. Thfj aiftrmins Wrv tality I»ndjy ct.llb for inerwed watchfulness; and' for rure in tte «hch'(m| ef the rrme ; dy. Xhs sweeping opposition of many phyrician* i\j atlTcrUsed wcnn 'mcdlcitjtrs Is, In; a ih«j»nrtv • ; jihtlf edJ by the iiynrioui qmilitifj* of gome of the : jtyrnUJopw, arii) .of tm.*t of the J(-called u Worm Comcction*,’’ “ Worm Candies,’ “worm Teat/j he. ErenJJsome<if the fitter arfj 'at pamtleu' at they are ivrJJicienU-inz rtwr urr.h.Vo thoughL r u3, *cn *tl»Uvraotli»:Tnwill -thiui IriCe with the iifo'rfbcr t!,.. ,fe- -.l.}:■: ■ '|r LET PHYSICIANS SPEAK. ■/ SElLElls VERiIIFUGE-THE BESTB ‘ : i: • ; ■ ;f.•» ■ i • il- **** HEItE .lS THE PROOF. . • * Jiclwj 17. 154.5i.-' "i » r * YcurYeraiAip»’T»oJ«ca«tf. nore »irtue thftn any I ciur I will *(aty.a Scwrrherpl Ravuoueriat.; My.bnjthVr’s child yas nhiny’knd: ufastihg to d mere fkrirtnnJ Jn'W aoursedter I gave ibts tl*o en^numi" 1 ’ quantity nflvr>y'fir>J uf vt fmrdr-d \~rrr 2M nctfTl Tllc child, that xik\ giyen np for Iwt, W V jiiOTv aa wtrU f a« uur hi *» "• 1 /p pr .! i - I i' A’rtnat t- l;« i; rcit<jt;ition iu any ■ rmlulyJ»ikjioir trial. 1 hr:' • *(> •■ : I ■' ’.|[ ] ' fWwf rirnfimi,- rJ. Oct. . • tfa. IEI Fruj**Ha ring n*fd it In my prac : :ih tt«-o for tb«j U»*t funr or fid TriujarlUiink il d*.*- i <*i;ie<»yl thb l*Ht preparation ofthi**h»d. ii Jia'yo heretofore nvd ?tha pfoporatfcm) ;of tho w^Vral i; olhcr reijK Ctfully. •V :i'" ’ 1 D. COUCH, M. I>. • . • i- : |‘ l-1 , - •[ '■ •■•' ' '• •" TTo jfafghiannmoraU bnmJrtds of other caaM. wery It!hoefMwary, but S«llri?* V«rpitftigalim atot d i (ho acanditcgicst of ai«*h'ca j fa*njty and pub- I i lie fer U*rf than * quarter of a which, of ‘ itjp-lf, 5 lmnctni)lr«jOf Its tntSft\tu/etjr t as vetl «< l^ccrfqiafjroflt» jp t «r». f-r i ■ r . ■ . ;cr |ES. • Non ck. 4* /-JrtnwrJinary Jnducement* aro W tfend t > dckcra to.reccmnjriul aiul Mil other V*r mjfogcs. fco not let unprincipled men palm off any-ol them on yon. Tt\p cn»y price, thecht apat, tlKrefdre mK for Sullen' Vermifuge, and fcie iko ether. / <' ! 1 -'i ? ■ '. ~ I' •---■! : '■ '' PHco Q 3 <3cnts. . j .‘I . r%Lfjjuo;jun» cold tr “.■). 11. E. SELLERS & CO. MjftgBPHCB. PA. , v ’ : rnn A. Cnblßft B. Ini D. 8. Qvd, Esq,— p*k'r Sir-L.} h reply to your •fivvor bf lWlSth instant, I would sav that thesalo of Softer*' Medicines-haa fcr exreedrd my'.expecta tion*! and in no csso hnve tlidy fuiledto prudnco thed«ireil .The Gucb.B>njp' i»* cur* for. cungtiSi'Cut'K 4e~end the. cbeapbrea of the Article <- p)acc4 It {wiihinjthe reach of- attC *hich,‘ ; together i witb ;H**efflcAcV»r-qtwHtie«, render»U Awnrccnoi •. i farodte Not a day pMees without noraeronsfcalle t ! -for u Che one rbln(r;needtnl,*''et thi*ieaeon,of,the. . , y«er,lTis. Cough Syrup: > J * f : tA.O* CURBING, ; i Price C 5 Ccntjij Sellers 9 VERMIFUGE. ■ '£ I. : ‘ ‘ Fhb <ka Bot. S L Wjtk«lleld, fbrmerPuur •f (be Ellwrlr Street M.' if.' Ctmrch. Hr. Ri Ek is from a *en*c of duty, a* .welt pa with great pleasure, that I bear testimony to Ibe Time of yuur justly ceh*r*ted :A>nn/fa«e.. I procured pHi«d« bottle, and gare it to throe of toy . children! who had been til weeks. The ' eldest was eeren yea refold, th*’next four, and thd, ; yoopgaat eighteen month*.. The first pawfrftfty-' • ail worms, thW/eecood fcrtjHwrf n, ana r th« third' n considerable distinctly recollected. Since then they hate been doing well, and are' now health, . . f&. WAKRjEIELD. ' ■'■'*• .; Cents. ■■ ' ’ PKBPMEO AJO* MIiD Bl , ■: R.E, SEULERS & CO, ■ v, pj! y*i Hotel, V [ ST3TA;:-ii. .lii .tofti. Begun ; J .1 War of Extermination Tttih ■ )' ' ■ { ■ Bad ' Bfealh, DUiattd , Guar .- .V I ••• ; Toothache,. Earache, alld • ; i, . Ol?B ABTiLLRRY IS\.: -j' •„ DR. WM. B. HURD'S PE NT A L T RE A S U R Y, . t * A COMPLStK sEr or HEMtIKtS VOtt" H s PRESKRYISG THE TEETH Prarlfy in g the Brea th hod aouib ;• ASD *. , ; .... : j CuringToothache.and,Neuralgia, Dr. Burf e Celebrated HOCTHWASH touUv ■-■; J i •Dr. Hurcft VntquaUtd. TOOTII POQhER I one box. , . V; V ’1 . .. Dt. Uwdt Hag* TOOTHACHE DROPS U one bottle. H ' ".i J- Dr. HurTf VHRtTALED XEVHALnrA : PLASTER. '• Dr, HurSt MAKUAL on the But Meant (of. Preserving including Direction* for git Prpjpcrlreahuntt of Children's Teeth. ■ e LOSS SILK far Cleaning Lclxetn the Teeth TOOTH PICKS, tic., 'tie. ; i'! . Prepared at Dr. Hurd]s Dental Ofi-co, TT Fohrttr St.; Brooklyn, (E. D.) 'i '.: Price, OK$ DOLLAR ;or SI.fH. ; JPSSf* The Denial Treasury makes! a pscl;a-> c eight inches bv five, and is sent V directions for hscis oh ierth a’-'iril ■ The! following articles, We can ly.bymaihvviz: : > The’ Trenliie cm- Preferring tir.Fpr.j'scnl; $«•; paid, on rckeipt/of l.wfiirc cz-'s'£j& 'stamps. [l\- .. . The ircrttftlgia. Piaster, for- h’eiv.MTVa ia too Face.jXcryaus Headachy. ar.d--Kavi,r. c, post- paid, '{jn’keccipt. of, £igju<j&&sq,te, or six stamps.-.- > XhehVetnfa&ia -atirt. RheudiS&c Piaster Hal-o’ size},! for Pa|W in the.Cl^i^hrahief.v'ilack,; , or any part af the body; -Sejfespost! paid,' bn re^ I ceipt;of Thinvistaen etii'A.. ,•■ ‘i /( ‘ ■ Address, . t '■ • IT.V. j 5„ IIlTtl). CO., ■ P 1 TnbyatJQitfljlihjs, i JVztt York,. . M JTurd'i MOVTJi ICi S 7/, TOOTH POT. DER aai TOOTHACHE i/A’OAs; canfcot bo gcnfjby mail; but, they can prulubiy te ob thineii at your Drug or.■PeViudtc&j/.Storts.) if they!} cannot, to us /for file DENTAL TIIEASCKY,-Price, jOxe Doixast r-Jiich con tains them;. i , ■ :|. '•{ r^ro*w.;'\ ,lf.E Bjl- Iflllu'.S tMlt;i'UVliiN.S' S'MS , ; The: best evidences that they-ate id, that their: \ firmest friends airf best, rii>j"bris arb-ij.-j-p «a4;’..;- have used! them'lopgtsc. • Br. irk i'. «.•-,• an .eminent Dy.nt-iSt of I’.unckiyn.j Tivnslak- of ’ the j<ew York,State jfc-i.tiks - Ackrotik. and | shese pVeparhtions bare been hyoil ;i> i.b . vat’6 practice for. years, rni c--?:: of.!Brooklyn ior.liVilliamiubg. excellence, while- eminent,; I York recommend tliem'as The bit V.-kvfi; to' j the-profession.- , IV.jtiiO'T The oid of; Jv-rf,/. : , i iiigi] dealcrs'havc sold theof-hf (he ■ g-r.-j . | The Editor of, the Jinohtyn -L‘s.V;i-Ti:-.utviyy,. 1 . i ♦ ■ “Weare ;happy tokuow'tlm oujr ■ VviVr.-a< ■ u*. ! |i*liur<i, ‘fs-su ccccdin g be«oh'l 'ail \ I .with Uh/MOUrii ;WASII aiid ,; DSR. .Thtf .great ■•secrci "f -;| I Willi'the.Tact f\yf , his ,rrr‘i"!rs unr! .1 j ihet/ &re"reprtsenifd' to be, m. ';rl * : f : ! i_r ,■ j ih?}r tony Wf.'j -;j , ■: V.l_ p; •, 5 j Li IjThVwell 1 ‘known Pi T. Eft iiWuVip Writes: '••tv r! f :^ind -voiip TOOTH I? lamilVrbMVe up.. iVtfJjnujHht- i/tt) : ■poic,d/r\mr (he teeth hair I 51*:vll • 1 -i fool obliged '-if :y< i U will seivd'inb aiiothev sup* y j ply at ihcOluseum' ni your c.o:i4cnrenoe r with , j''; 1 ’ l, -‘ - ;■/" ■;■['. ■ ■’ jj. ' iPiit tlieir •CG : st : Hiafevery ouemat | test the mn;ftcriforliirnsol;'. /'-•I • ' -i * ... ‘ 5 .! ; : of ihc-oHinary jTooth Powder*. I- Dr.* HimlV Toot h P<vvlor l , conlriny no acid?. \ ndf andi jjc lisUca ‘ without 1 Veariu^/the enamel'. Use no o .beia| i AVXtib DKT HUTUDSS-- REMPPjrs ; ...-1 , ■ p;,.ef™Ct;H [; ..!■; > ■ ; ,£)r. Hurd's Mouth; Wash and Toof h r>>w> ■ ■. trill give youiig jniUc?,tli:it- chaise ;i\ no ,• j s%vcet : .;breath and peaily t jict j. v . -.Try‘; , | ibCml Indies’, v■■ ;v '• ,' r ' . ■*.’■„;■ . ■ Dr. HurdV Alomh 1 ard Toai’n Poydfr ; *>'{ will7’cleiinse rhe /oal cshVa* ‘ it' usqd in tue‘ m-KlDU£>/Wii;! i:i-.u:<r . ,}(he Jkehkfak ~ more pleasiipU# - lilin'dred-j nfx. * ..•testify . lfyAhcir(. gcbjlenion.j ,|[ Dr. Hurd's Mouth unipTooih : .P*'.y»t|er j ire the thirbcVi prtjpai*aii[ons!m the woriU. ti-r had breath ‘auil, giving, Unii: ' hcaltliMo the; gums. •! ICuudred/ uf lea.'CS of -Discusid'- jjlwlhty ... Uum*, iSori;))/.; rh. \ fonhi | .bnve- been cured by Dr. ■ ‘ j,ent-.wa!sh.:, 'sf- . ; : [ ,l)r. Hurd’s 'MoutliyWash auft Too‘iy- I’ a'iderj ■ giveVafc lulditional ,;ciiarm twj chairs; ip, and ■ -! : :i nud wives t’.o'tlfcir btisbsinds;' [> They, b|| j '[used by cXery ypeison buying j v .; ‘ L| ■ j 1 ■ ‘ y A’R TI.PI .! wliict liifc ilaWeto : taint to the j■ Dr. Hun J’s Toorhaclto Pnebe .arising from 1 cxposfedS®3‘«s ? i.and nro! t!j»' •j'rbest fribnda ibat parents in tU i:.3a|«; ,j I'to save their oinltlren troiri^tiin ure ajt i !| I selves from loss'tft sleep ,4‘s : i ering. ■ , ■.' ■p. ■-■ : c •.■:':f ' - , j, ; [ll .Farmers and meehamrs.' yoiwinnot’tve.l at_ I ford to neglect jour teeth.' : jt'or'a'irfiling f-f-' I yon can! how get; preservativcE, than wbi:h Kdthsohild or Astor pan gef- nothing ijetterr. : Remember that Dutptptif and Coiu«.7io/£t>n l of. . the Lung» often bfigtnailj in neglect of Teefhv i Sisnd. fhr the , Treatise on Teeth, ani, rt;-yi ■ Pr, i Fitch’s observations On VJg. te» ) laic 16 arrest tlechy. in vtiur own teeth, ‘ tt« your children's teeth". , ‘ ; XEdVAIrOTA PLAiSTERSt— Dr.. Jin: tl> ! Xcura\gia Non-Adhesive Plasters are tiihn c;.! pleasant and sucoessfal remedies ever-pres;» cd for this painful disease.; The patient.;ap: • plies- one,' soon bt domes- drowsy, .falls if ' and awakes *frec jtbm, paiuj and no .biistc •. t i other unpleasant or iojurtop ♦? ' sue. ' For Euruche and S'e/poia Hemi\h'-' % r i’ply according to direction?; and rchet' iw i surely foiloh-.' Nothiifg cab be dbt.iinrl.’ia I tofltr.-.llurd's' C.dmpre.v, fpr Neuralgia i them, ' driicy are entirely p ifoyel, cu.-.-r-'-s fit i original preparation, ahd: wonderTuUy -''-e L ' I fdle They are of twp shos, one sai ill. a».t i foJcc, price 15 cents, And the .otlier' large,: application to tpc body, cents, ! 4i mailcif on recentt of price p/ieh one stum?. / TVIIAT 'AIiE JIIE FEOPL£ UOl>' • ■ The American people tue pniellighn'-'enoK: j rP to happiness of those using them, ah 1' wont tperdt Kvery mail brings us iotters, ■ ordering the Treatise on Tooth, some the ralgia'Plastersi and hot d fonv-cnclo-diif; for the Montb Wash, to l|c peril py hjat;- to Vhede- we are cdnineUctt jo' reply th^' impossibly to send a'-half-tpint bottle PS The people want those Remedies. ft» \mpplg them} 'M ; /; "v Now 13 the t \ •> . ; , > € H A X e E FOil A G EX X s Shrewd agents can maJto a small tor i carrying these articles around W famine-.. Dental Treasury Is the neatest article man or woman can carry around. /1 ;if , one land seS, or, better, a doten, wfl will sell, as samples,; for S7.' j»|gentrOK • liberally with circulars, '* n l mjVa to to go'into the business. todojjp)oda e a'profit. We are spending thousands _ . benefit of agents., New, England men men !- here is something nice, a»,d ®] c ■ take tho tide at its flood. I AddresV . V> - HUBI> * V 1 ’ -Tribune? That remittances may |Bo maim ‘V , donee, W; B. H. & Co., refer } a ■ I Brooklyn; to G. W. Griffith. Preside 1 , 1 i ertfand Citisens Bant, Brooklyn ; 10 i C 0.,, New York; P*lr r J . !Tofk.;«*o.'. cwv ii - V; ...f-N■ " : -]Z MI MI Eli i NM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers