Dr. J. M. The Be 126 : Gegreos “West twen- years of educatonal service to the firemen been | i Aing-tenth perches to Youth of Bellefonte, Centre county and °dUiPPed with the modern fire ap- To drive out impurities and excess | North forty-one and. one-half de: other parts of this and neighboring PAratus they possess today, fige | 20148 that cause: irritation wid results | Eres West ten perches: thence alomg states, during which time it has 10S in 1921 would not have exoseded | T S000Ne wp uightn Trqutat ' desi: Eres Wash tp a [isty-nine de brought thousands upon thousands of $9000: The actual loss was $37,000. The | » leg or backache. BU-| ner on Public Road cor- | dollars to local businesses, will be un- Denk failure in'1992. ‘which cost usu E15 the bladder physic works pleas- Furnace; thence along the ame NOMS J able to re-open its doors to students Dice sum of money, did not help mat- aptly on the bladder as caster oil on the | io ste SOETSEY oat jaws heiches this fall unless it receives financial | '¢™ any. We have never been able Get a ec test box from your uel Stevenson. N he Sam- ! assistance. to recover from the above losses. druggist. After four days if not relieved | Quarters an, te Sa res. | Prof. James R. Hughes, Headmaster | 1D Only lien against the Academy Bu a ey. You win | besinaing. Containing fourteen acres”and of the Academy, conferred with ir Droperty evaiuated at $193,000 is a $49- er after this cleansing and you | he undred and thirty-five Perches neat in wage (00 Mortgage held by the Fidelity Title ~~ ©" © | Parmait Tox 3. Boaubed ox the 'to the crisis which the institution now hd Trust Company of Pittsburgh. ee pu—— wu bags on the Nah faces and i the sta which Very Se | on the . B. Waddle and John M. Bush, ughes ’ LEGAL AD | West by lands of W. Sacssiart jaoued Hie Shulcment Wish SUHERY, cs LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS fon and John Dillon, and on the South by a go-getier and one who “never says HES, | == es Hands of William Reed. Containing uth by die” should satisfy everyone that his MOTOR CAR ACCIDENTS S ERIFF'S SALE_By virtue of a a two story fina hetoen, erected emma in ToL made | RUNS UP DEATH TOLL tre County. to me directed. ii out | the improvements and appurte- \ , to me directed, will be ex- | like many other prepara schools Pio | posed to Public sale in the Court = No.4 I throughout the ya ory had con | aos etl tol) ro Holos ~~ is oo te on Bue | bej . apd known ru omas West: Sigeraiile losses during the business 1931 it was Sa hx ™ Dr. The fa AAT 5. oe | yn aug one quarter a Nn Mr n | Emlyn Jones, chief of the Bureau go jo 8% certain messuage ol perches: nat *th and Swe, . Hughes declares, and we believe Of Vital Statistics, as all belated | and lot of ground situate in the | George. F. ' Stevenson, South fifty-seven : Chinese Horseshotrs Take No Cha him t that it Sauses Bim a great deal returns were compiled in his office, | bounded Collage rgre, County Penna., nd one-half de Ses West, forty-eight neces. barrassm umili i ows: i rches : same “@Prepared by Natlonal Geographic Soclety, | of th compelled to ask financial lity 10 be/ ond the final figures entered inthe! 2 kinning at a stake on the East rite | Soh tonty-oue 4 vos “West thirssen Wayiligion, D. C.)—WNU Servies. 9 le ripelition sulle for a turns [from people of this vicinity. This OE ent records of the Common- BA 2 BOF a als South cornet of | Boueh ~ it ae THER pinE. 33 I'ER ten montis of arduous m Peiping through however : . | lands ad Hoauaa! thetty along ‘West, y rn degress traveling, thirty members of China, and a swing through southern Tt do, , and since the Aca-, This is just six more than the | Bast 15 guid wy % i North 56 degrees | corner twenty sight erches to stones, Asi emy has been a benefit and a credit 1930 sid stake and the West | Stevenson; and the Citron Haardt Trans. Asi. | AS to Syria, but the disturbed state | to Bellefonte and year recorded, the figures for | Ro ue Alley, as marked on a draft | liam Reed thence along the land of Wil- atic expedition hav dived of affairs in China necessitated the more ways than Centre county in that year reaching 2424. It had | the West ai John Hamilton; thence slong | hall os fifty iting and om- «Piping. In seven tractor ve ar ved at | <hipment of the tractor cars by Yo and patriotic f ome it is only proper previously been indicated that the desrees Le, of Apple Alley South 4 corner Ys Xt Siatytour ches to Twelve of the thirt to French Indo-China. The ret ip | have the or individuals who totals would show a recession of all | Hodes aad end oF'i Dei hay hu (three _and_one-Dall, degress Hast fwenty. 3 y members of the | bo urn trip money to consider carefully death certificates which | Hedge and lands of Johi Hamilton (how | oa and eight-tenth perches, and South = tion who arrived at the Chinese | go Bug yi oh Indo-China, Jie Jushy business proposition which rious reasons, had been io Va Tot hee pout, 48 Segives West |on vo commer of. Willian: Boon . : eft Beyrouth, h a, and Persia to th : , eh a e and th 0 Reed; 1981. To them We Sie. - ApH 4 ing point, Beyrouth, i Do ages etl herewith historic | a) Jats fab automobile 4) A Bb North Ong “the Bult side gh Tha ag R marked the end of an 8,000-mile jour- What One Sees in Peiping. Bellefonte Academy continue its noble for the first time, Raat ar a oie beginning. Cone | South eight ig cup, ' ‘Mey across Asia. Peiping Is a * work? | years sh past 12 | aining about square feet, Tore OF | two perches’ to. Black East forty- ¥ ping Is a “city within a city.” After forty-seve y ow a total death toll of 20, Charl the same premises which |fifty-seve es to black opk: thence North rom withering heat of the deserts As one passes within the Hb n years of happy and | 445 persons. In the 12 years reced | Garles, W. Stoddart, et ux, by their deed twenty-fou peta Bast ay iihering heat of he deters YE earn Sa wails successful efforts in the interest of | ing 1020, the total 12 years pred |e eoordery fies of Centr County: | mas Containing SHS does aod Torn. India where the thermometer registers | keepers; Instead he beholds b op- Stusation, is, indeed, humiliating to| from such accidents reached onl |in Deed Book Vol. 139, Jemre County. nine perches, be the same more or less, ap 120 Segrees above zero, the ex- | avenues three miles ov 8 ord peal for eb vo alk (ide : Pale ap ig sespencing with an a a ph ag Emma 11. 24 | Purpart Ha ie of F Robert Reed 2 stone ; on slowly worked its way over | Squares as regular as those ¢ most period or the year 1908 | defendants. : : |along land . thence ’ of a check- critical . From B of same. South “the Himalayan range, across the tor- | erboard. oe long and interesting he Avujemps 4 in a single year to 2,430—that paid, taken in execution and to be |e to er: Quttiees Bast twelve eh: vid trails of Sinkiang (Chinese Turk- Then the visitor begin t . |tusal of banks and . re- | the way the death toll has in- and Roy ie property of Emma H. Snyder Road, South. sixty-six Hog thes Public -wstan) and Into Mongolin, whe vt P h 0 suspec 'So-land loan corporations | creased, as the years have goneby. Sale to A do | ty-two perches to corner Rat, Sir mereury hovered bel igo , re the | that P'eiping is the one spacious Chi- |g pey SA of money, the diffi-| Each succeeding year of She 24 of sald day, at 1:40 o'clock P. M. thence along land of Wiliam Raed n zero, ese city because it is no in negotiating notes | since sta ; | thirty-nine d The light tractor cars of the ex not a Chinese | gpg te records have been kept, Terms cash. | seven-t gress wast lonty. (res and pe | city at all, but a Tatar city, b our inability to collect many good has shown P JOHN | enth perches to stones: «dition swept across Iraq, Persia, Af- | adven ' city, built by |pills long overd a decided gain in such HN M. BOOB, Sherit Along land of Thomas and h A turous barbarians of th I ue—these conditions deaths, with the | Sheriff's Office, Bellefon | Thompson North i ghanistan and India with little diff e north. | have made it impossible exception of the | arn’ thgiee. Bellefonte, Pa., | ty cou er Te) or . The Chinese partion of th : for the local years, 1919, 1924, and 1925. : ' 77-16-81 | §. St perches to corner of land of Sarah Say. At Srinagar, the members gird: | ing back to 1548 Is . e city, dat- |Academy and many other private | greatest single year's increase The| —— ee oe [Norte iz iene along * he <35Mp lemselves for the herculean task | center. T s commercial Schools to financier successfully dur-! that of 1930 over 1929, h ! by HERIFF'S SALE.—By vi perches to the place ot (East thirty-four “of negotiating the passes, (0 Gilgit | hundred he Tatar city Is about three [Ing the past two years. Several schools figure reached 375 more "hen Ae) writ of Fieri Facias Jasued out of | fuming nine acres and one wd ‘and Filigte trails which never before had | city which Include oo. > Je Tater ae YeSUIe Uperutions last Sept-| ed by motor cars in 16 peutic 4 tre county. in To and, oun yA same more” oF loss, SEMARA1S)> WS: Xie “Selt the vibration of a motor. Wh olin es the famous “For- than in the form to public sale at the C od Begi ro en | bidden City,” of which the Dragon | Most schools began the current The State - 1 the: Bureugh ‘of Bellefonte on stone borer on the line of Dr Busi : alayan | Throne of the S year Department of Health thence along said J. M. Bush peaks, was reached, the sturdy cars | or of the M e Son of Heaven, Emper- | With greatly reduced enrollments; | ®XPresssd an early opinion that the FRIDAY, MAY 5 19% six and re a North eighty: Fmd skirted some of the world's igh: |) Lo e Middle Kingdom, is the cen. Some opened with only a 50 per cent crest had been reached, and that The following property: | Jour perches. io a stump; Sreate. Sian “est peaks, passed through gorges Th ’ Sia. Since the opening last|1931 would show a decline. Advane. | of Put hist soveial tracts or pieces | degrees h South seventy ‘and one-fi where the road literally hangs to steep e famous throne Is of rare wood, Septestiner. scores of boys have been ed estimates proved inaccurate, 'T® County, Sear th Towns, Cen- | perches to corner of of Sallie 8 Sth <eliffs and crossed Himsy bridges which exquisitely carved. Behind it Is a pelled to withdraw from private | however, and the final figures zogia- | dereribed as follows:- and 20a; thence al lands of said pH Aart agit oir non, Tanowtiey | our of. goles Tacquér 42 dainty ‘a iis betaune tli Jarenis Were wn. tered a gain. It was only a gain Of | thune“hning at a Spruce oak grub; |fortytwo and wo Th th forced youte chung 5 ‘and ys - design that it seems a bit of filmy lace. le lo 1a of the six, to be sure, but it was a gain. | (82%) degrees Peat he and “one * haif | #1Ehty perches on thence Ea “@lsmantling of the cars which were Around this throne room are the pal | headmasters a a Svmerence oe of ge ad figures issued March thence’ South thirty tec: prt | he tourty gempscn, North fitty-six and nrriue id cookies to the clear road gi shut in by purple walls, held recently in Harrisburg to di was by the i gy fatalities, Siew ) dekresa Wess One Sl ean to ston thence slong’ Sud four “a mile beyond. ‘he streets of Peiping reflect th. (Plans for next year. It was deemed the correct total o cence by Reuben | forty hes $0 the ity’ : a / . —2,4 3 ntz South six y - ? ] est One pags negotiated by the expedi- Shy s infinite variety, Every thorough. |8dvisable to curtail the expenses for | fed out by the a fa South perches. 0 a degiens a as. “Con thirty. 2 etn - don wan venrly ‘tree Wiles above Sed are Is alive with beasts and vehicles |NeXt year in every possible way. 1t | Sylvania, in 1931. May that record U7) hints dogtees est seventeen | same tore "or es. As ‘heasure. be the level. Beyond Gilgit, the impassable and humans. was decided that all teachers must be Dever be surpassed. and one-half (57 any seven lager tract of land known as XA : ‘wond forced abandonment of the cars. Imagine a city where camels go u,. dropped at the end of this present {BV ad §iz jotithe (550) perches to the hast luo: ire ‘Ponies and ysks carried the leaders ol down the streets upon legitimate year She could possibly be dispensed | He (putting his hands over her 9789 (1%) acres ga ontating one hun- | white oak, tence’ North Ening t 3 tf the expedition Into Sinkiang where usiness, not in a circus parade! The with those whom the headmasters eyes): Guess who it is in three 2. Beofinning at a stone corner; grees East seventy-four 3 de- they were met by the second unit of visitor strolls along Hatamen street elect to continue next year must ac- guesses or Ill kiss you. Port. outa ot Gideon 4 ‘Notth i Ban thence South two, de- ‘the expedition, composed of heavy oid breakfast, and there they are, on Sept 3 Xendanuale ‘reduction - salary. She: A Jolaen—dack Dempsey — West one hundred Alf, (71) degrees es loa hickory tree: thence rtenctor cars which had left P their knees, blinking in the morning other schools Academy many Buster Kea one-half (33 -t Wor gr West one hundred “when the leaders bade oii Veiving sun—fine shaggy, brown beasts, . good sized deficits = ue ureseing ‘ Re 15 pos ; t nineteen. G9) Containing VI on Siuuing.. Toth, aslo} White OUP Taher dirty white The crisis som IL . %. bo a Jou wile Somisg along | h a ourh ars”, (40) degrees East one 35 ut measure, be the same more or # Gilgit trail, once the lair of bandits, | ju; mong them, chewing their cuds In (up to the citizens Pests . ving, 2 { the place of to stones, Purpart Ne. “a. deaf. and political lenders Spell) pivepient before the county to decide i Sows asi S20, dhe Souk a turn for the | 8). acres, be the sume, more ‘or “IE | pout thence: Gen A tronics Sud “often feted the expedition leaders. Not iither they have carried mer. Academy that has started hundreds | of surveys | heatuut, Oak, corner | hundred a ogress one Nt: epgruitition:. reached Chitan | Audie Bas bem. thelr caravanmry ‘young men and young ladies of | Witham Miller, ‘atari ntes’s name of | tenth ‘perches SHrLleve nnd, seveh. “wras it disturbed by marauding hii for the night. There are dozens upon Way to successful careers _— ey = ou Beg it in the Watchman Bett Andrew Pettit, the hme Jeph | Qurtye ght d West seventy perch- “quen, whe stole their supplies, From dozens of them lining the sidewalk, up [brought hundreds of thousands of dol- you w it's true. land" 38 of corner of pios No. AL, y neha Pho es North artx-tuo snd + day to day the leaders could receive the street and down, lars to our community, is to go on with | | ues: North thirty-two and artition, ty-seven seven-tenth perches to n imo definite assurance of their safety, By and by the drivers come forth {ii sie work. The money spent by Setement o! Qwyersitly, teen (115) rods EE hence Norn East: seventy. perenns to | wy Tg Li | ViroughNankow Pass. throw their empty sacks between the | eq Fogoninid folks has been distribut- | 18 compliance with Section 443 of the | West one and one-half (5735) degrecs | mim Nike Containing acres and Wild mountain ranges hen wmmps of the animals, rouse them, and | guy reasonable proportions among th Hid Regu lations the state- | rods to Hemlock 3d seventy-three (173) | 1 good farmers Centre 1 thence «che old caravan road Ke “ ed In | lead them off down the street, slowly and the business 3 County of P. 5” and Y cumhde that the | ben Prunta South thirty (30) by Rou | Boot stone Fo of yd of the - ve last hun- | and softly steppi : : professional deceased, are sole owners + | She dred fifteen : | said ~ William dred miles of the trip, and rocky d ) pping. In single file, out of Bellefonte. At men | “rhe and publishers South fifty- ; thence Reed, thence North forty- . \ ky de- least fourteen-fif- Democratic Watchman,” a week- | Jracven and Gue-half 57%) NOS | Gne and. one-half degrees Bast ten perch Chi gnlini sir in beneath the great stone arches of the | teenths of all ly ead a) Mena, te "Px | recs East one hundred - |es to a ; thence a ‘ - | Hata Gate, then w money received from the that ok Lo: | (168) perches to the ~elght | one-half . f and driven cars. In Kalgan, a , then westward beside the students has been are no bends or stock on | Con Place of - egress West pe to : y quaint | frowning butt | spent in Bellefonte the property in existence. ! one hundred and y | sap pine; thence North medieval city known as the Gateway resses of the city wall. and Centre county. We have been GEO | acres ninety two (92) Maw Ex- | Brees eleven perchs to 20 ontgen de- + to Mongolia, preparations were made | C23 Drawn by Guesr Animals. ‘making a hard effort for two years to TE Dr. | To srl no Daimaist described two Phorce Noth seventy-throe Publis Road? for passing through Nankow pass, a Almost as fascinating as the camel ‘make a loan that would help us over — thst at post thence North | ye rod: thence South seventeen aa * remarkable Thermopylae fifieen miles | *™ the éarts of Peiping, or rather il Some the disadvantages of the finan- ot thirty-tifte (33) degrees East one hun- West 3s and six-tenth a “In length. This great defile drops from little beasts which pull them—ponies, c crisis, but we have utterly failed. |: stones; thence South fifty seven (87) de. | thence along said Norte tena: the first terrace of mountains fo the | doNkexs, mules, and nondescript , | It may interest the readers of this pa- grees East Jeyantyrone i) ) ae d West twenty-four perches to ‘a plains o . 2 pt, elus- | per to know that after post; thence thie i i ey Oa ro To ark gus f north Colon, It was first Ive creatures that are neither horse, several years for the a tae Biles 90 Erchen, tones clehtoen. (118) Dy oa ora nd one. “opened up, according to | mule, nor b : ; North -seven degrees West t aa Jegena. br wie, St Fini gobtle, tn Btn — Jroperty, we located educators Word frre wed seventy-one (71) Porches (0 sad Wiltiam R stake on the. line of the ; Ghosts, patrons of artillery, who blew | Sure they are horses, on the second he really wanted to purchase the : We a acres and "seventy-elght y {land of the sald William Reed; South a passage through the rocks with their | 18 Sure they are mules, on th ‘and would have done 8 Drajenty in Time stones cighe “and olghtstenth perches fo the ~oannon. “| is equally sure they are SE Je | year just Eo - the FA on Jine of Reu Sin oP te ® The inner branch of the Great Wall | the Stripes worn off. One historian of | distressing financial oF Shue ' vnshail isis degross Kast” minotoen (41d twenty-one’ perches nest measur. ‘of China crosses. the carmvan rong | China speaks of the ancient Tatars us | : pre- Pee the dog, cocked Pye ohes to lack Oak; thence North Seized, taken in execution and to be squarely In the pass but the members | POsSessing horses, asses, mules. and The sale will be consummated as an ear and growled. West eighteen and one-half (1812) perches Sold a he Sivorm “Hoten Myers. Saven- of the expedition found that the great “other peculiar breeds of the equine {soon as business picks up again; it is Strange footsteps were a 1 one; hens South (23) | Sale to commence at 1:30 o'clock P. M. wooden gate, which used to be closed | fAmily." These ancient other breeds | temporarily delayed. Wien the proaching the farmh p South “to a West : oy ot sad day. : 5 at sunset only to reopen at daybreak, still trot about the Tatar city. : Faiwiph oe fall into the hands of 5 8 Ouse. Pe Hence Jo og fa degrees ie i JOHN M. BOOB, Sheriff, "has disappeared, The caravan route The city’s shopping district stamp, |make the ty i otherwise to With his torn and muddy six (46) 3 he East twelve po s , Bellefonte, Pa., ei Hot he traveled by ordinary ve- | an overlasting Impression upon the land prosperous a institution sented a he stranger jpre- FN the Place of Seglaning. out ning one Br April 11th, [982. 77-16-3t x ween Nankow pass traveler, | than ew 40s 3 perches, Dlece so reserved ne “Peiping the expedition ro— — quarter OTe ator fe, Legn}ion will oe Academy management 3% the Llazk amily. having been sold. oy. M. Mingal and Sllaais wavied. way, Jeudig 1. the gate. Thig is the i re ey Mt wa) honuy of ear ie jie setond “Naving sheen) 30ldi10" Adam o Lo Stten Wn oF the Ming dynasty, a | and Broadway of Peiping and rich Until that happy day arrives, we a bite to eat?” sensed, u Bois in execution and to be Good Printing i et a il Bigutic. | het xg PS Sea it lo 3) dix ust aipea) (of 2d in Disingiié tulle spite the dog's pro- and Gertrude B. Kelley, oot eney e as moving. The commence 88 Another difficult stretch experienced | Side Chien Men, Each street In given |2208.9F Ee nresyovne Theuedt. stranger enter and_share of said aay. ot 1:25 wielogh. P., M. A SPECIALTY “by the party en route to Peiping was | Over to dealing in its own aia “" |to see the Academy closed and : the evening meal. He ate Terms cash. at the ‘sthat between 1 ar not want we do ravenously, his JOHN M. BOO Liangehowfu and Ning. | ticle. Lantern street, Silk street, Sil- to lose our property after the stant] Ey eyes Sheuiil's. olfics, Boni, Poor: Snerif. into, in China's “Wild West.” Because | ver street, and Furniture street tell mage years we Jaro devoted to its de- door. y on Pete and the April 8, 1932. s "raga WATCHMAN OFFICE extremely narrow and hazardous | Py their names what is the main ob opment, that have made the old . ’ ; - | school Suddenly the is me of from : voalis, ‘traversed mostly by camels, | Ject of trade. There are, however, fur |and i wu RHO North, South, East rang! “Man he telephone HERIFF'S SALE. virtue of hea “Bodger” to fin. donkeys and coolies, more than six | Stores, bazaars for the sale of jade and |the fri - Now, what do we ask of way — dangerous pr S 2nd. Plu. Faclas " «days were required to make 300 miles, | Precious stones, tobacco sho 't a igh in a hotored 1st) ter!” Details of the sher. Pleas "of Contre county i mo diporen, BOOK WORK ~ Motor progress was also interrupted rants and banks scattered TR rustay ution? Moi we - most earnestly iff"s description were lost will ae to A i ne at The that not mont th a long ferry trip along the Yellow | the vast area. In addition theaters |fer financially able, to of- i ihe uproar a the fours. Howse in the Borough of Belle- hor Be Ma BER Jw ver. and places of amusem wards loans ranging from nger or consistent with the class of Arrangements had been made for ma for the Shen: have hea $390 26 Up 2 Hd pes Sant in Joss with; Pete at Wis AY. NAYS Im oe.” ard ‘the deposit at Ningsiafu of ne merchants and tof Yoh 14 mike may have Inoney in The following property: w trac. and public. The whole ks, drawing a much smaller rate of | The sheriff” or basis, jen serve instead of | forms a seething district of narrow, | Dterest. him easily a ound and wheels on the expedition’ crowded streets, strang na | Such small loans bring increas- tree, a sarrival, however, it A , on barbaric splend Sfange smells, and |g hl a to Sues vil Sid maple the, dog State of Pennsylvania, ah Nvands * had ’ that the splendor, h who lend and will on guard. “For scribed as follows, to wit:— nds had been taken by brigands | Let the recent arrival at a Legation | ck the dagjfegale mean & Sum Sull. ine Bg oi Lg ge Bi E 1 while on their way to the ci -egation cient to satisfy our credi ow pine, thence by lands m 0 ers Peiping. Two camel ty from | quarter hotel step into a rickshaw and |able the Academy Todor 3nd ea South arty. two and three- ) Foipius. Two sume: caravans savey. | veer hes maple words “Chien Son [ver to open n° Septem suv scven itd /IVhis Ind Y Neg ssuiies tor the ‘cxpetiiion were | Wel e delighted rickshaw coolle | Every loan will be paid back with in stump; thence by lands of Mrs. S. S erests You . p of | gring with glee and breaks into an In- | terest, as soon . Stevenson, North fi and one-fourth China. The expedition itself was not | stant gallop. He knows th sumat as the sale will be con- degrees West, th and The Workman's Compensation a CUO Ee! cag net | Saat Pa . He, s that accord. |Sumated I appeal to those interested perches to stone: thence by lands of P.| Law went into effect Jan. 1, ERIS rondved by some Clans Vhl I J ra to he can ex: Ang Susnelady able to help to com- Hd Lilie. and Dr. Jush, North -alxty- 1916. It insurance com- ~clals and by forei rs 10 per cent of |E0 CR th me at once. twenty-eight perches to stone: . ‘We specialise in Aly andy reign Sissitmarics. the sales price of all articles purchased | Please give the appeal prompt and by hp Moses EE acs Oe Taoe | von 4 We piac- g the expedi- | by his passenger. It Is part of th worthy consideration, for two and a quarter degrees East, twenty- Plants and Suspect rtion have a unique and comprehensive | “squeeze” system by whic © | tion with our ' the situa- eight perches to the place of begl ‘xecord. of 1iifo. custom: ystem by which China has Academy and many oth- Containing five acres and fifty-six -| Prevention Safe Guards which poi gh we SSupations. been un governmentally and commer- nb Schou is a most critical one. Those es. be the same more or less. Reduce Insurance rates. : « ons | or centuries, utions that can Purpart No. 2. Be wiilch Tave bees little visited since a ~ BigHes Of course, actual through this crisis 3 SiRseastuly pass con yat No. ‘ne of hing ot a Mone It will be to your interest to Tr Pos fs. an 8 never seen by the | ous years ahead have prosper- Srey on He ie Tn Cp vas | Soudult vs bette’ placig your Original plans for the conti ti pagesnger. “Hia% ust knows. it ‘goescen, Three facts in i Mra. Sallie Stevenson. North fifty-six 26 Iaguifance, nuation | as he knows the earth moves, | terest you. closing that may in- F grees East, thirty four and SoYelt tenth JOHN F. GRAY & SON arm 7 same North ffty-tw " ogrees Hast. Ewanty aight. porchen ta | CT CoE Qelntanin
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers