Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 10, 1931, Image 1

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——Wheat is down ilo fifty cents
a bushel. Surely the Demotiats |
must be in power at Washington.
—According to the statistical re-
port of the State Department of
Agriculture there were four hundred
and twenty less farms in Centre
county in 1930 than there were in
1920. Since figures are supposed not |
to lie some will be a bit curious to
know how practically twenty per
cent. of the farm land of the county
could disappear in the short period
of ten years. |
—1It is reported that president
Walker couldn't understand the in-
difference of council to his proposal,
Monday night, that that body start
something that might restore the
trout in Spring creek to their nat-
ural habitat. He didn't know that
he was inviting five of them to skate
on dangerously thin ice.
While council has been leaving the
people of Bellefonte under the im-
pression that it had nothing to do
with putting a chicken coop in the
town's beauty spot, in other words,
passing the buck to the State Fish
Commission, it is reported on good
authority that at least five of its
members gave assent to the outrage
before any attempt was made to
perpetrate it.
After they had done so Mr. T. H.
Harter was approached. He is a
member of the Fish Commission
and gave the proprietor of the “Big
Trout Inn” a letter to Harrisburg
endorsing the scheme. When it
was carried out and public indigna-
tion began to express itself all
parties to it dissembled by stating
that “Harrisburg did it.” That is
the reason Mr. Walker got no sign
of co-operation when he suggested
that something be done about it.
Not a councilman present would |
even make a motion to that end.
One or two gave limping excuses
for not doing so.
There is scarcely a paper in Penn-
sylvania that has not commented
unfavorably on the people of Belle-
fonte for having permitted such an
unusual natural charm to be con-
verted into an advertisement for a
roadside refreshment stand.
The people did not permit it, but
it is evident that some of the men
whom they elected to conduct their
town did. And Bellefonte has a
right to know who they are.
We have nine councilmen. Three
of them, Messrs. Walker, Ardery
and Kline, had nothing whatever to |
do with it, so if there is any truth
in the story we are printing five of
the other six certainly daddied some-
to own. Who they are will not be
bard to find out because the Watch- |
man is now offering to apologize, in
this column, next week to any one
or more of the six gentlemen who
will assure it that this charge is not
true as to them. The assumption be-
ing that those who do not so assure
us were actually parties to the out-
rage and did try to duck responsibil-
ity for their action when protest
came from all sides. If they don't
do that, at the next meeting of the
body we shall ask Mr. Ardery, who
was away from home at the last
meeting of council, to make a motion
for president Walker and we shall
ask Mr. Kline, who was also absent,
to second it, and then the dissem-
bling solons will be compelled to go
on record.
It's not a trifling matter.
The Watchman has often com-
mented on the fact that a town put
on the map by its big men is being
kept there now by its big trout.
Only Tuesday a very noted educa-
tor, connected with one of the larger
institutions of learning in the east,
dropped in to say that we “have kill-
ed much of the charm that has so
often lured me to Bellefonte. Why
have you made so unsightly and |
commercialized such a wonderful gift
of nature?”
The Watchman is interested be-
cause in this office the idea of pre-
serving the trout in their native
state originated.
From this office went out the peti-
tion to close the stream to fishing
and this office defended the
that followed.
very gentleman most involved now |
by then trying to “keep food out
of the poor man’s mouth.” |
Happily, the Watchman is not,
never was and never will be guided
by the thought that if it pussey-
foots on some project that might
cost Bellefonte, as a town, anything
it might get a job of printing or a
new subscriber. i
It is dedicated to what its head
implies: “Watchman,” and it is go-
to continue to be that, even
though it has to gide with the best
interests of the town, as a corpora-
tion, when in conflict with those of |
its best business patrons or most |
intimate personal friendship.
The time has come for Bellefonte
to protest.
When great metropolitan papers
actually devote editorial space to |
comment on something our council |
gells for a pound of groceries it's |
time to find out whether some of our |
councilmen are for Bellefonte or for
Let us take the trout out of their
coop in Spring creek and put the
jelly-fish in council into it.
| was influenced
| payments of
ces will
| vital municipal questions
calumny cil for final disposition. Among them |
|are the Lamb street bridge, the sew- ve summarily
We were actually charged by the er line down Spring creek, repairs
VOL. 76.
Why Hoover Objected to Payment in
Evidence that President Hoover
to the moratorium
proposition by purely selfish con-
siderations multiplies. Because of
frequent blunders the fictitious pres-
tige which he had acquired was
rapidly approaching the vanishing
point. Consultations with Senator
Glass, of Virginia, and Owen D.
Young suggested to his calculating
mind the idea that German relief
might challenge popular favor and
enlist the political support of the
German voters. He has no genuine
sympathy for human suffering. This
was shown in his attitude toward
the drought and flood sufferers
throughout this country a year ago.
But he has a full appreciation of
the value of group partisanship.
The moratorium met with such
wide-spread popular approval that
Mr. Hoover imagined it would guar-
antee his re-election if adverse cross-
currents could be avoided. The Ger-
man vote held out the promise of a
valuable asset if it could be acquired
with out alienating the hard-boiled
element in his party to which he had
attached himself. But the tariff-
mongers had to be reconciled or the
gain of the German vote would be of
no value, and when the French gov-
ernment set up a demand that future
reparations and war
debts might be paid “in kind” in-
stead of in gold, a danger of offend-
‘ing the tariffmongers arose in his
mind and drove out the hope which
the moratorium inspired.
Payment “in kind" is simply pay-
ment in goods. As a Washington
correspondent states it, “a French
business man orders a manufactured
product from Germany. Instead of
paying the German manufacturer the
French buyer pays his own govern-
ment and the German government
settles with the producer.” England,
Italy and all the other countries
concerned adopted the same system
and the result is that the United
States are eliminated from the
world markets entirely or will be
compelled to cut tariff rates to a
level that will give them a “look-in.”
This is why President Hoover was
so insistent that the French proposi-
tion to “pay in kind” be cut out of
the agreement. Smoot and Walton
wouldn't stand for it.
Office Seekers Very Busy Circulnting
Their Petitions.
The political race in Centre county |
got off to another start, bright and
early last Thursday morning, when
the candidates began to circulate
their nominating petitions for signa-
tures. As there are fifty-two candi-
dates in the field for the various offi-
ces, with from five to six men want-
ing the same office, there was a rush
to be the first to get around, and
most of the candidates were off to
an early start.
While the contest for county offi-
attract the most interest
residents of Bellefonte are also con-
fronted with the problem of selecting
some of the most important bor-
ough officers. Chief among these
will be four councilmen. Those whose
terms will expire with this year are
John S. Walker, in the North ward;
Harry Badger and Robert Kline, in
the South ward, and M. M. Cobb, in
the West ward. Mr. Walker is com-
pleting his twentieth consecutive year
as a member of council, during most |
of which time he has served as presi-
‘dent. Mr. Badger is completing his
second term, or eight years, while
Messrs. Kline and Cobb are com-
pleting their four year's term. Just |
at present there are a number of
before coun-
to the reservoir, the determination
of the boundary lines of both the
Phoenix and Gamble Mill tracts, the
boundary lines of south Potter street
and Railroad street along the Kof- |
‘man property. These are questions |
which the present council has had
under consideration but not yet
brought to a successful issue.
There will also be two school di-
rectors to elect, the terms of Mrs. M.
E. Brouse and Mrs. Caroline Gil-
more expiring with this year. Both
women were first elected in 1811,
hence are completing their twentieth
consecutive year on the board.
The terms of both overseers of
the poor will expire with this year,
‘and also two auditors. Whether the
| present overseers will again be can-
| didates is not known at this writing.
As to borough auditor, Charles L.
Gates will be a canidate for another
term. Judges of election, inspectors
and constables in each ward will
also have to be elected, but these
are among the minor offices.
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
Pinchot and the Philadelphia Gang. WIDESPREAD INTEREST IN
| The differences between Governor
! Pinchot and the Philadelphia Repub-| At council meeting, Monda,
lican machine have developed into “an president Walker ed the y ugh
irrepressible conflict.” In his mes- committee if anything had been done
sage vetoing the Salus councilmanic in regard to the removal of the re-
| apportionment bill the Governor de- cently constructed fish pond in
clared that “it isa clever and clever- Spring Creek. Mr. Cobb, chairman
|ly concealed attempt to perpetuate of the committee, was not present
gang rule in Philadelphia” This but Mr. Beaver, who with burgess
was an ironic form of flattery. The Hard P. Harris, had been in Harris-
measure was not clever and its pur- burg that day, stated that they Mad
pose was “as plain as a pike stafl.” visited the offices of the Fish Com-
In approving the Congressional re- mission but Commissioner Deibler
apportionment bill he wrote: “I re- was not there nor anybody else in
fuse to be a party to the practical authority who could tell them any-
disfranchisement of the honest vol-| thing about it. He stated, however,
ers of Pennsylvania through a polit- that quite a number of people in the
ical trick.” In vetoing other bills city spoke to him about it.
he is equally vituperative against President Walker called attention
the Philadelphia machine. to an editorial which appeared in
The friends of the Governor can- the Altoona Tribune, that morning,
not set up the claim that he was in- and asked secretary Kelly to read
fluenced by moral considerations to jt, which he did.
‘discriminating against Philadelphia. Mr. Jodon stated that he would
While he vetoed the bill providing like to know how the story got
for funds to maintain Philadelphia abroad throughout the State. He
streets he approved one providing also asked who it was that was
for similar service on the streets of making a fuss about the fish pond,
ONTE, PA. JULY 10, 1931.
NO. 27.
Items taken from the Watchman issue
of July 15, 1881.
—-D. G. Bush who has been inter-
ested in the development of a 35,-
000 acre tract of timber land near
Elizabeth City, North Carolina, as
far back as 1873 was convinced that
Norfolk, Va., must eventually be-
come an important city in the South.
In acordance with his prediction he!
organized a company to build a rail-
road known as the Elizabeth City &
Norfolk to connect the two places
and expedite traffic that hitherto had
to depend on a long and tedious wa-
ter haul. Mr. Bush was made pres-
ident of the road. It was opened to
traffic June 1 of this year.
—On Saturday morning, July 2nd,
Charles J. Giteau made a murderous
assault on the President of the
United States, in the Baltimore and
Potomac R. R. office in Washington.
President Garfield was shot twice,
one bullet struck him in the arm,
the other penetrated the kidneys and
is embedded in his intestines.
condition is serious.
Pittsburgh. The difference is that| expressing the belief that it wasall
the Pittsburgh machine supported
his candidacy last year and the
Philadelphia machine opposed him.
Both machines are corrupt but the
frauds in Pittsburgh helped and those
in Philadelphia harmed him. He had
the legal right to reward one and
punish the other and he exercised
the agitation of a clique of four or
five people. He also called attention
‘to the muddy condition of Spring
‘creek over the Fourth, when the
‘only trout that could be seen were
‘those in the trout pen.
Mr. Emerick stated that if the
| people who built the pond had in-
the right in full measure. But it is stalled a wire screen from the front
absurd to claim that he acted ip the of the island down to the dam, in-
cause of righteousness. Istead of putting in that unsightly
As conditions now exist, however, wooden paling that now encloses the
it may be said that the Governor pond, it would not look so bad.
has the best of the situation. Heis He further stated that he is
a capable politician and mutts like opposed to any more attempts to
Vare and Cunningham are helpless take trout out of the stream inside
in an intellectual struggle with him. the borough limits to put into the
'He probably inveigled them into pond.
the recent conference at Harrisburg Mr. Beaver stated that he felt
for the purpose of making the blows that the ordering of the removal of
he contemplated more humiliating (the pond was a matter for the Fish
land damaging. It is said that ven- Commission. President Walker re-
'geance is insatiable but Mr. Pin- ferred the matter to the Water com-
chot must have a cruel mind if he mittee and urged that action of
is not satisfied. There will be re- some kind be taken soon.
percussions and there are plenty of Following is the editorial which
reasons to justify a renewal of hos- 5p in the Altoona Tribune
tilities and a hope of reversal. Pin- and which Mr. Walker had secre-
chot is crafty but not invulnerahidtary Kelly read for the benefit of
ot -
——The indictment of Mayor
Kline, of Pittsburgh, was a step in
the direction of improvement, but an
arraignment and trial are needed as
|an evidence of good faith.
fonte have been betrayed. For 20
they have sported in the waters
|of Spring creek, the pets of the,
| townspeople and the admiration of
visitors. And now their sanctity has
bee myaded 2% Violated. .
| e Pit ost-Gazette, inan
Pittsburgh's Mayor Indicted. | glitosial oT, tells the story
| Charles H. Kine, mayor of Pitts | WS utiacd to transfer the fish to
‘burgh, has been indicted by the Al- | o pond as an attraction for a res-
legheny county grand jury for mal- taurant. Application was made to
| feasance in office. There are forty- the state board of fish commissioners
eight counts in the indictment al- for permission to make the change.
ready presented and the investiga- The first impulse would be to sup-
tion is only half completed. The pose that such a request would
misdemeanors of which he is accused | WOW. She 8. SORIA ition LB Stale
[onset x a tics) Scarcely have caused surprise if the
po commission had at once borne down
| favorites. Some other municipal
| upon the iconoclastic tradesmen of
officials are involved in the scandals Rgellefonte with several battalions of
and it is predicted that it “will have the National Guard. To the utter
'a big bearing on the political situ- amazement of the public, however,
‘ation in Pennsylvania.” it is claimed that the commission
| Mr. Kline is serving his second gave its consent for the transfer.
‘term in the office of mayor and has “Men armed with seines waded in
‘had an unusually successful career in
politics. He served in the General
| them as if they were carp instead
| Assembly in both branches and part | Jue, gamiest fish kifown. Forth-
lof a term on the common pleas ore 3 Dede
stream. Then outrage was to fol-
‘bench. While on the bench he Was ow upon outrage. It is estimated
‘nominated and elected mayor of that 67 of the great fellows were
Pittsburgh and became a political hooked by anglers and doubtless
|boss. From the beginning of his found their way to frying i
executive service he has openly and | The story, as the Post-Gazette
‘arrogantly defied all legal restraints, tells it, makes good reading. But it
In one of the important campaigns 13 hardly a subject to be treated
_ | humorously. A tragic tone would be
‘he publicly proclaimed that any offi-| 00 "ant “for such violation of the
|cial of the city who voted against
| the candidates favored by him would [Sradition, which 50. eine 9 cing |
dismissed less than outrageous. We cannot
In the primary campaign for Gov- imagine what possessed the people
‘ernor, last Spring, he espoused the of Bellefonte that they would toler-
‘cause of Gifford Pinchot and car- ate such treatment of the fish that
ried his city and county for that have advertised their town nation-
candidate by a large majority. Since ally for many years.
the general election, friends of the But it is even harder to under-
‘mayor have publicly boasted thot | Stald Why. Lie fish commission con-
40,000 fraudulent votes were cast sented to the proposal.
for Pinchot in the city of Pitts- | ee— i
‘burgh under the manipulation of the -——Contrary to expectations earli-
| Kline machine. There are ample er in the year the huckleberry crop |
reasons for believing that statement in the mountains is not as large as |
is true, and it is therefore not sur- anticipated, but the fruit is of ex- |
| prising that justice has overtaken cellent quality. Gathering the berries, |
|the perpetrator of such frauds. | however, is not a picnic by any
Congressman Beck, of Phila- |are more plentiful this year than |
| delphia, is the hot-weather optimist they have been for
of the country. He has made a especially the vicious copperhead. |
personal appeal to President Hoover More of this species have been kill-
in favor of beer and wine. |ed than it's first counsin, the rattler.
| ———————— |
A few more splotches on the Wiley Post and Harold Gatty,
reputation of Elder Will Hays may who flew around the upper portion |
get him into disrepute, even in of the earth in less than nine days,
church circles.
— A ————
——The Governor is moving slow-
ly but he is getting those officials | im advance of a mail plane.
who disagree with him on any sub- | flew high and fast and were
ject. only a comparatively few people.
evening of last week, flying slightly
| The famous big trout of Belle-|
‘among the beloved pets to take
—Tomorrow, Saturday night, there |
will be a moonlight hop on the Un-
dine's platform in Valentine's grove.
—A thief, who carried a ladder
with him, entered the home of Dr.
Hayes, on Linn street, on Wednes-
day night, and got away with $20.00
in cash, the Doctor's gold watchand
chain and a lot of Mrs. Hayes’ jew-
—Prospecting for ore in Nittany
valley, is now going on. The Hast-
ings and Swaverly farms are said to
have very rich deposits.
—OQur Port Matilda correspondent
reports that the hay crop in that
vicinity is very good. He says
that W. H. Williams showed him
some clover stalks that measured 4
ft. 3 in. in length.
—Henry Cronister, an aged and
respected citizen of Huston township,
was found dead in his bed on the
morning of July 6th.
—Mr. Ferdinand Beezer, of Benner
township, is erecting a new residence
near the site of his present dwelling.
—The thermometer registered 104
degrees in the shade last Sunday.
| Monday and Tuesday were a little
our residents with some ex-
cellent music.
—Misses Mollie and Nellie Lari-
mer, now being educated at Chicago,
are at present at home with rela-
tives in Pleasant Gap.
—The first fire fighting com
Bellefonte had was formed ig
puble, eeting in the court house
on esday evening, February
16, 1831. Thomas Burnside was
chairman and Franklin B. Smith was
secretary of the meeting. The offi-
cials chosen were two engineers,
‘sixteen arm-men, six ladder men, six
axe men, eight hook men, five di-
rectors, five property men, two prop-
erty guards, five alarm men, seven
line men and two bell ringers. There
were ninety men in the original com-
pany of whom Edward C. Humes is
the only one living today. Their
engine was the primitive “mud box"
pattern and when in action it had
to be kept filled with water by a
bucket brigade.
—Mr. Francis Speer will o
private school at Pleasant
August 1st.
—The contract for the erection of
the new water works at Philipsburg
has been awarded to Cyrus Strick-
land and William Galbraith of this
ap on
is now proprietor of the mail route
from Bellefonte to Milroy. He has
| sub-let the part from Centre Hall to
—A toy balloon sent up at Renovo
at noon last Tuesday landed on the
J. W. Hosterman farm in Haines
Twp., this county, four hours and
forty-five minutes later.
—New school teachers for Belle-
fonte schools have been chosen as
follows: D. M. Leib, J. C. Meyer,
Charles Hewes,
Lizzie Swartz, Lizzie Campbell, Bel-
la Rankin, Annie McAffery, Mary
Schrom and Emma Graham.
—On Friday evening, July 1st,
| Eliza D. Harris wife of William P./ turned to
| Harris died suddenly while calling at married.
the home of Adam Hoy Esq. on
High street. She was a daughter of
the late James D. Harris and a sis-
ter of Mrs. Orbison, Mrs. Sommer-
ville and Mrs. Hoy.
——Every man and woman who
means, as pickers aver that snakes holds a position under any of the peen complet
departments of the State govern-
some seasons, ment will be glad to know that Gov- nounced last
ernor Pinchot, on Monday, declared
a decapitation moratorium for one
month while he goes “a fishin” and
his man Friday, secretary Stahlneck-
er, rusticates in Europe. But the
hungry job seekers who have been
waiting at the trough for the past
passed over Bellefonte on the home six months, will view the moratori-
stretch at 6.10 o'clock on Wednesday (um in a
different light. If the Gov-
ernor wants some
gates next year he ought to extend
S. Larimer, of Pleasant Gap,
Rebecca McGinley,
presidential dele- At
—Anthony Companaro, aged 21, of Al-
toona, was accidentally shot in the ab-
domen by his friend, Louis Tartaglio,
aged 18, late Saturday night in Altoona.
Companaro died shortly afterward in the
Altoona hospital.
—Governor Pinchot, of Pennsylvania,
was elected chairman of the Delaware
River Joint Commission, the new body
which succeeds the Delaware River
Bridge Joint Commission, at a meeting
in Camden, on Tuesday.
—Between 300 and 400 employees of the
York plant of the American Chain com-
| pany, who were laid off last February,
| will be back on the payroll before the
‘end of the month. W, lr Brown, gen-
| eral manager, said improvement in bust-
| ness had affected the department @devoted
| to automobile tire chans,
| Illegal signs posted along State high-
| ways are scheduled for prompt and
| speedy removal by the Pennsylvania De-
partment of Highways, according to Sam
| Lewis, Secretary of Highways. Lewis
has directed his maintenance forces to
scan every foot of the roadside border.
ing the highway system and tear down
all outlaw signs by July 15th.
—An old fashioned spanking for petu-
lant, fault-finding wives is advocated by
| Judge Harry S. McDevitt, of the court
of common pleas, of Philadelphia, who
characterized the ‘“‘paddle” as a good
remedy for the divorce evil, “A good
spanking is a sure cure for nagging
childish wives,” he said, "it proves a
man is boss in his own home.”
—While drilling for water for the
| Greene county Children's Home, at Way-
nesburg, workmen found a fuel supply.
At a depth of only 350 feet a gas strike
was made which is estimated to have
a million cubic feet dally Mow. om-
cials at the home plan to pipe the gas
to the home to be used for heating, and
they will look for their water supply
—Blacksnakes, which negotiate the high
wire fences protecting young ringneck
pheasants on the Jordan State game farm.
in Lawrence county, and devour the
birds are proving the most destructive
enemy of the pheasants this year, ac-
cording to H. J. Sines, keeper. Ship-
ment of ringnecks to all parts of the
State started last week. There are
12,000 young birds at the farm and most
of them will be shipped out.
—Producing natural gas wells in the
Tioga field today number fourteen with
the bringing in of another shaft on the
M. P. Close farm, on acreage of the Ly-
| coming Natural Gas company. The new-
est gusher came in with ~uch force it
blew tools from the well shaft and its
initial low was estimated at between 60,-
000,000 and 75,000,000 cubic feet daily.
The well was brought in about a hun-
dred feet from the famed Meaker discov-
| ery well, largest east of the Mississippi.
| —There's a happy husband in the Jer-
| vis household in the suburbs of Philadel-
| phia. Two monkeys, fifteen turtles, six
i , fifteen cats and dogs, and 100
| white mice are to be given to a zoo by
| Mrs. Irene Jervis. She promised a judge
to do so rather than go to jail. Mr.
| Jervis laughed when he heard the court's
| dictum and explained he had nothing to
| say about the house; the monkeys ran it.
Health ow.cers started things when a
neighbor was beaten with a banjo by a
Vis’ | Jervis monkey that turned burglar.
—Mrs. Laura C. Patterson, aged 055,
| better known as Cad McCartney, of Dus
| Boils, commiued suicide, recently, by
| hanging herself by the neck to a water-
| pipe in the basement of her home, ac-
| sorting to investigations of the Clear-
|fleld county authorities, The woman
| had been dead several days when neigh-
bors found her body. She is said to
have been clad only in undergarments.
| Her body bore several bruises and there
were evidences of disorder in the room.
Hunger, worry, illness and despondency
are alleged to have been her motives for
suicide. No reason for foul play could
be discovered by the police.
—G. Cleve Zimmerman, State game
protector and fish warden, filed with H.
|G. Stackhouse, deputy State Fish Com-
missioner, at Harrisburg, a report which
| substantiates complaints made to him of
the killing of several thousand of fish in
/the west branch of the Codorus creek,
in York county. Warden Zimmerman
learned from persons who live along the
| creek that in recent weeks dead fish have
been seen several times floating in the
stream. ‘The fish included carp, catfish,
!sunfish and bass. These killings usual-
lly followed heavy rain. It is believed
| that the water in the west branch of the
| Codorus is being polluted during these
| heavy rains and that the source cannot
be detected.
—If the remainder of the matrimonial
voyage of Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Hughes,
of Pittsburgh, is met with the same per-
sistence as the setting out, all the well
known rocks and storms of this turbulent
sea will be mastered. Or Monday Hughes
and Miss Zora Dick, 19, of Wilkinsburg,
| set out for Wellsburg, W. Va., to be
| married. ‘Their car overturned in the
| ditch and was destroyed by fire. The
| wedding ring was lost. The girl was
| bruised and had an artery severed. They
| got patched up and caught a ride to
| wellsburg where the clerk refused them
a license because of Miss Dick's age.
| Undaunted, they went on to Wheeling
where a clerk with more romance in his
soul issued the license. Bruised and
bleeding, but still in the ring, they re-
Pittsburgh by train, happily
—The last of the three coffer dams
| which have been built to “unwater’’ the
| Qusquenanna river for the construction of
[the power house and dam of the Safe
| Harbor Water Power corporation, which
| will extend a mile from Safe Harbor, to
| the York county bank of the river, has
, officials of the: Arundel
builders of the project, an-
week. The water of the
York county channel is now flowing
| through the intakes of the future tur-
| bines in the power house and through
| temporary openings in the spillway sec-
|tion of the dam. The hydro-electric
| development being constructed at a cost
| of $30,000,000, is ome of the largest In
| America and will have an initial instal-
|1ation of 255,000 horsepower. The ulti-
mate capacity will be 510,000 horsepower.
present 2800 men are at work on the
dam, construction is five months ahead
of schedule and delivery of power from
seen by |his moratorium until after the 1832, aret units 1s expected early fiext