“or the fears, of a douktins. crew. The ' things that haven't been done be- fore, “Are fhe tasks worth while t or Te mick a. Saat. or “fre ‘you oné that shall lead the Way? Ae’ you ‘one of the tinifd Souls that quail, CAf ‘the jeérs of a détmting’ créw, Or dare you, whéthes ‘you win or fail, “Strike out for a goal that's new? : ’ —8e ‘TEACH ME TH THE MUSIC. e Club Vienna — just off Broad- Th Fifties—with a dozen dance. floor and two dozen glittering tables. Walls and ceiling by Proust, dance music by the Ban: jo Boys, ginger. ale by Canada, an excellent chef--and . Lanky McGuire, Lanky McGuire was hostess and h she was tall, thin and comical. owed had a face made for comedy, and she could make it funnier. still. Win a quirk of lips or a tilt of nose. She had a wide red mouth and beau- steely and hard. She had close cut auburn-—no, red; bright red—hair; and a. clean, scoured look. + Lianky could be hard-boiled: Lis- ten to her on the subject of men; to ane: of the Doloreses © or Mariennes or Jeannes or Liliths 38! who worked with her, evenings, to | Fonpiac the tired traveler trom | faonplac buque. . “Not for me! You fall for them and be sorry if you like, Not for this baby!" “The recipient of the confidence wehld purse scarlet soft mouth and stare uneliévingly from childish miscaroed eyes. “But —haven't you in love ?” an the were in vs wi Sia ait iviesnss. ~ Fm aL 2 them out ‘of nigh eas be 0 into Tie ah “the i! make ff their min y, col It was hard for Bn to make up | their fuzzy little minds. were torn between rags and riches, love in a garret and Apartments on Park Avenue, every i wire & the ‘ead week. But a world somé man, did not pla was a world incompr ee to them. “‘Rich or poor, men were all hike to ‘Lanky. She made Shen laugh g she li them; she ne the large, fat, ridion 5 Chen - The Vienna's press agent describ- ea her life as gay and glittering. At two in the atternoon, her maid brought her breakfast e Juice she and black coffee because bones were worth money to ot After breakfast she went to a not- ed school of the dance—for profes- sionals only--and there she worked for two Bogs hard, to keep thin and supple and funny. Sometimes she stood for another hour being fitted for one of the s gowns which only Lanky could wear and which were part of -the long tem of advertising by which, at twenty-eight, she had made her name. Later, she practiced songs, and dined lightly, still with her figure in mind, Emmaline he. Mi and out, silent and black, from she went to the first and then on to the made the .out-of-town- en she went phere, was in, the World who , be- 0... Ber "and she. didn't. care her apartment with o ut Tay anky McGuire for, on hd thrifty, fer. So ers. ct Get your sugar wilile you're hy kids,” ‘she advised her “Httle helpers. “And hang onto it. Broad- y mo . up, for ways a short street and Ee I've ro room on it for wrinkles. "ough put away right now" i ~She had had ‘eriough-—and ' ‘she'd avd more - before: she* was that she'd. neve have to "et | wheres depising "wo in a-beauty par ng | «But elon dari, whit's fHe | use? Because; my “dear, ‘we'll “an | be married!” “Well, you can pick a inan ‘bets | ter if you learn to ase your “hedd,” Lanky would say. And sometimes; you're right— | that night po ae fo Yo to nights § of Bt, cling- Rech \ i e.rough- in . ’ 5 t to ah Tai I Liont. want oct) tto vo > "rhe 's RSTn TI SR i PR 7 beh Ree i Mo RE . fe Srisecrn Se wl. "poor «Benny looked at hed startled. asl 4 ‘Who said: you. hada: fm ?y foi y pike on the . staff. ‘of | ‘he asked. “You're beaut fing eT y titra dings Tsing at him; we that ere are M “even. slog , rose BS a ig mi way, oy bye if ingit Br fifin” a e his | Béhny'squate otf "his" sensitive iti Advi yvsime ahd ‘her fe ‘Isaacson, wh half a dozen wns gd gray eyes that could turn melody, Lanky darlin’ ‘her and away; ever, really? Haven't you ever been ! someone : here ‘she glad-handed the WHS as “| her b black hit NS geranium | 1 SEE a) See 3 “Yes, Y< en, Mr. | | Isaacson---run over songs—I-—T1" Afterward, * Lanlky tala” Isdacsod Sat he thought, for ogtey: He'd | , Because when a er Wi a De | 3 why," I'm used to making ‘em feél gasy! This Pag, washout! Not ht, Isaacson; old i: Blt wh gi ee sat down at the | ayed old stuff at i sult a had sung. ‘nervous fingers pulled the oy the of the tune out of the Lanky gdve him thé tribute that one artist gives another; she aban- fast, doned herself, her vody swa she | 'hummed a little; she listened. omy muttered, "og some stuff of here. LAE hey a Jason of uc: were mere, com- pr the | an wae mem- F¥ive or the , “words,” she - said, | “Teach mé the music.” She smiled “her own’ smile again, “and this time he gave her a look, Reeting, “beatiful, at Leaky his. dark eyés - * cotild ng h a, She weould | ding) She leaned on £ Blasio odd | and. différént “Ad futny; she shouted her songs sumetinés and" na doatilint | she whispered them, and | 5 EER Benny's song she didn’t shout, or | whisper. = She just BONE #1t: “He's s lng i" ne gbes, 1 don't know _ what I'll do. Because he's mine, No matter how he acts, that fact is true— And if some day Someone he. eg And m from me— i argu a op the “Have put i for him; | ve put it over if it had | aD a but it wasn't a bust. It was 's words and music, and y. could write blues - as well as he could play them. . Blties; chords; a tune; i seiny’s it. apartment. snd and ér; ne got over’ naire; Sa lov- B | at ned a hie Comers Set tute, ‘who werd dafici “hdd a Me, pith nl ed” best Jie dia MoM Sho Wt BRT leat! | to pha wn § stnonse Ligow men! ih went into their amber, 44 RAG | rough it she was saying to YR, vo | Saw hp why ‘voice. i) rd introduced “Pick Up h Pieces” that very first night vaic Benny came, "tHe 9 : ME she | €d that aris. who. dreasne n, and "the “iomient “He sat Ww in a chorus. | {338 tr oR — Hue] Wavy rus. | wal | lege, hers’ ‘were: the ‘Jegs" that “were | noticed. ‘Look at the little one in blue! Ne, not that one--the one next to You heard them ok the gentlemen (ult ake jue To pA her “at once. ping’ down a ‘gol ders tt when she was alome for a moment ing ong | in Ae ‘baby spot, she got a storm lause. all to her e self. the others in the chorus hid worked for weeks, hard. OE | and hot just on, still a fittle | “Lap Bog abo! a slo cues, got S Se Fon a ne watched the ey.” Isaacson show with beside him. LE new kid's a. knockout,” he “She can have my ‘watch and | a What do you think of her, ya dozens My be ad stn len hor tty to rh Bhst to reply. sitting waiting his. tue: st lit [3 Bo we 2 | ne pew ye: LEE ie | 2h. could see his il Sort IP) ¥here ars you sta asked. : : 3 ‘ai 1 3 g aR 2 Nl he.88 | bit Lied gly BO Lanky said to Isaacson, eli kid” bor meet a it u he i ne Bowed up | inher the-motaror Mw hair: Hele outa a great girl, . put that over!" Be ver. ngh- | Ln af Fight, When } site ‘'wlisn't herein’ “What's the Teatter e 2" it ; a relishing yo eer AR Nita. And Nita, this is LankP RE. her- | Guire. She's a pal of mine.” { i fe i over | : fa w She is. Bosnuse a Me fg 8 band 2d nt : SE ?” Lanky their money—and I da too, Lanky!" she cried, suddenly aud onately. “Oh, I'm in a horrid old hotel— “How—how do I Know yl ever the worst al dou I Don't. ign pe vipodlF slaw love A Hn There was silence in the room for od al’ a were gone 3 a “A ¢ -empty-head like tities drive a boy like Benny gagath She advised herself. torched Up" nowy Pon = Ba But eso bl Spe ! ~ Benny: [sis avicag! ‘again; ue ing | to ¢ her a, net ti FETT. world es A able Ladiy EEE ozen into” o iier were in wd rim; Buses dérful” “Benhy hall’ wiidten a a Rots stuff for : New Yéar's Eve, tind" ia pd, it a0 Sethe Saacson s: was the best d ever had ‘at the chub.” bend Nita ‘stood, like the girls ih stories; at° Danky's ‘door. © Out of stor. - ‘Expensively clad— wonderful furs, diamonds blazing on her little fingers. . With the same ol trusting he. a ‘eyes and rosebud mouth, . to Lanky. “MTC conldii't sand it ns | cone 1 could. I—you were rent w x ng aout Bepny he i, trom oe he guried. 34 iy 4 A id SES Where ou’ le LA a a. 2 “You dan! “get me ‘back at the club.” Lanky, can't you? Isaacson will do dghything for you; - “Dat ogee to ian me’ : dworge, | ren tand x. to Dont be 1 co ame was Sohn. Thought me me back.” ns? me vcr, i id ht NI abel, hasn't Ye a. 2 nth “hind i not wi whet” 0 “INTM's Rr win a dis vate. Shes at’ iy geuinga ; She watched: stron ity; sdwe he into bis face, : To a ok Ses ef “ ja ; Ji hl BREE! at after that first. aw- k lwo w when . her heart hing. within her. r ‘nar even — she was a kid, Only her 3 ih . up her min to hve Nit ton ir a 3 ‘hard. _— fo time, ie wi watch- : al worrying about her, petting her, scolding her. li don't need ‘anotlter dress, in debt the in it with you, she said. “I'm. iad y Fou aren't even fore; HR's sO Wttareusry and "y yet.” business. ~Sonfebody's going ‘to grab boye— in, Th to hw ell 2’ X sweet and—dnd she goes ont with 0 party. And . “Listen, Lanky. I.can't. give. a“ monment.”’ ‘looked about her. a" iThiss Suttodi ple: Mould's be so ue got sense about money, bab. iy = Sor ¥ iow. Benny." won't fool qt a: Lattky.” ' I ‘never felt this way avont. any fellow’ Bes and" queer” vy Dan’'t. be scared dear.” “He's. never——even. - asked me-—— Benny the next 8 ar Wa bia OUT, “Listen,” she wd “Girls as prefty &s that don't wdit around Yohg-—mot in our Lier. off; . it ‘might ‘as wel be Yow - Just -what's the ides; stalling this way? What .age - intentions, itouna the ie i me ie pa how she feefs about Herr d. “Y ‘can't "tél." BHeone day * she's me. And the next shé talks about all she Wants-~-what snes going to in I Just had to have gets’! ng fo Death about _mon- all . .I'm-—I'm not the Bw SS “And about those . I haté I know if to to crab, Baby, but’ there's too many beautifdal girl ae hat to—T ° don't an "mm | parties in your life. A ‘party yes- know what she’ aah you were out - “Benny,” Lanky said, = hér voice © : deep: and (quivering, “she wants love. Any woman wants love. She's got ‘a lot of of idgas-1-bu,; ‘they don't mean 3 3 oi . Ive had ‘em myself— and * | Tow in thé Xi ba tne decentest, fel- r “al fe" time. Ui" Sqafiré piano fo Volar) it, 1 Tnadeson®s m SE, So. So Benny -stayed to timnr, and Played gently, piana, Tang for, EE ~elu WL Erie tppiie, fat-footed, narrow hall. Ba Celerant: fo your sss. "te. | SIO Sy BL the. ‘message. : “Don't” Be nad “oui, Jor azénly, b 30 ashi I $ F 5 i fs a 5 gw sid ot i 3 : g ‘ 2 » PHIC RO JE i 4 ] E Gos the piano; - out. with the. custom, ers and never looked his way... : at two-thirty a big party came in. There was. a, protiucer in° tie ‘drowd whose name was known slong Broads saw him % EEE oie? . en-fac- her ‘ad ifito the Cup, staring, ‘ds’ she pot 3 *Bennycwelrei toe lute. Ey too. late, dear... ‘Fve got to - s Hg latex t do you mean? Nita" ‘My Toon, I'm so Benny's eyes were 8 marks in a white mask. He started for the ne aS ey You Sant do anything; hou. cat yo now u're | elub’ dt tom he at the ie got to get out ‘6f here got could -s “1 wank to die. He's got mer, 1, Bothing i this night wan e."” great: | Dow an; hive so Ll 8 ww Foran -some They . on can’ v Issac. Bys Ser are about pi ae iE Sait. oy Es Ports Wa “rot: “fo En to: yow': i a A Lamy - 5. - divorcing her. She “came caught, ner 3 he Jad) You. Thats jo a | you trying” to ‘day "te lye’ [ie " Ls oki ’ tryisg te ‘your “What ard Vou, anyway? Al Ra sald n: ArdMIt Romat rans a man? you aren't the first. til tonight, I love you. ry Nenireso WHALS HE m afer GR four" 1I| g = me that were there! That had made tell you, I'm Yee to quit.” (Continued on page 7, Col. 5.) “#8he ddan't” “Wit piald spoke ini § frightenéd tone know.’ ECT RE sn ot het your mother ox 't 5 [But never BArongere “Wiel: tell im | 18 ref 1 a g t fr | 58 wii 1 A heat ma? ue AF an | pay ia tab ni me ol one: } om HBerity™" y' nid, Hh
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