Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 22, 1930, Image 1

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——The Democratic candidates are
laying a substantial foundation for
a certain victory in November.
— The decision of the Supreme
Court declaring that the perforated
ballots of Luzerne county should be
counted gives Mr. Pinchot clear title
to the Republican nomination for
Governor. We fancy that Gifford is
more or less disappointed with the
ruling. Think what a grand time he
would have had posing as a martyr
if the court had ordered them thrown
out and he could have run as anin-
__ Dr. Thomas, former president of
Penn State and now president of
Rutgers University, advises the two
hundred thousand young men and
women who will enter college this
fall, to “leave their conceit at home.”
It is just too bad how educators mis-
understand the youth that migrates
to quaff at their fountains of wis-
dom. Dr. Thomas might just as
well have asked the girls to leave
their lip-sticks at home and the boys
to forget their silk pyjamas.
Mrs. Renshaw DeWitt, of Wil-
liamsport, spent Monday and Tues-
day in Centre county doing a little
preliminary work toward organizing
the Democratic women for the pend-
ing political campaign. Mrs. DeWitt
will be better remembered by Belle-
fonte and Centre county people as
Mrs. Fleming Allen, who some six
or eight years ago was an active
political and club worker through
out the State and appeared in Belle-
fonte on several occasions to the de-
light of all who heard her speak,
When we first glanced at the
proof of the advertisement of the
First National bank of Bellefonte,
that appears on page seven of this
issue, we thought the philosopher of
that very sound institution was go-
ing to give to the world another of
the bits of condensed wisdom with
which he occasionally emblazons
that ten inches of space. The text
is there and he saw it. Any in-
stitution that has survived fifty-sev-
en years, and still goes strong, must
have ‘merit.” Why? The answer
to that is not “social contact.”
—To say the least, Mr. Pinchot is
not being as fair with the Prohi-
bitionists as their blind devotion to
him seems to warrant. In answer
to repeated interrogations as to just
where he proposes to stand on the
“wet” and “dry” issue, already rais-
ed in this campaign, he studiously
evades a straightforward answer.
“Im just as dry as I ever was,”
says Mr. Pinchot. But what does
that mean? The Woman's Christian
Temperance Union of Centre county
would never endorse-a candidate for.
a local office who would be as eva-
sivein answering like that to the
qualification they think the most es.
sential equipment for holding office.
Unless we miss our guess Mr. Pin-
chot will keep on fooling the Pro-
hibitionists until all hope of a deal
with Vare has to be abandoned.
Then he might come out with a flat
footed statement. But as long as
Gifford can keep one foot on the back
of “The Brewers’ Big Horses” in Phil-
adelphia. Luzerne and Allegheny
counties and the other on the camels
in the rural districts of the up State
counties, he’ll do it. If Pinchot had
been living in Lincoln’s time we fear
Abe would have pondered a lot be-
fore being convinced of the infalli-
bility of the conclusion of his no.
table epigram: ‘You can't fool all of
the people all of the time.”
— Talking with a Republican from
West Chester, on Monday, our cas-
ual impression of John M. Hemphill,
formed on the first and only contact
we have ever had with him, was
confirmed. We met Mr. Hemphill at
Coudersport some weeks ago, Be-
cause he was the nominee of our
party for Governor we yielded to the
urge to discover just what manner
of man he is. Always we have been
interested in psycho-analysis. So we
subjected him to our amateurish
processes and came to the conclusion
that from whomever he had sprung.
whatever might have been his en-
vironment, his training and edu-
cation, here was a sound, clean man,
with a mind capable of realizing
that its possessor owesa duty to
society and has the courage to advo-
cate principles that will discharge that
debt. Our friend told us that Mr.
Hemphill is one of the citizens of
West Chester of whom everyone
there speaks in a manner of pride,
That was sufficient confirmation of
our own conviction, That assured
us that heis notan opportunist,
that he is just what he,a plain,
old fashioned Democrat who thinks
of his duty of enfranchisement not
in terms of office salary but in
thoughts of possible service to his
fellows. We might tell you a lot of
John Hemphill’s record in the World
war—We won’t parade that. We
might even challenge Gifford Pin-
chot to show that he has abstained
from beverages of more than the le-
gal alcoholic content longer than
John Hemphill has but we won't.
All we want to do is say that the
opportunity is here for Pennsylvania
to get a Governor who is thinking
of nothing—no ambition to be any-
thing else, no thought of serving
this, that or the other crowd—only of
trying to help those who are inter-
ested in having Pennsylvania be-
come something more than a pawn
VOL. 75. B
EFONTE. PA.. AUGUST 22. 1930.
i NO. 33.
Shouse Accepts the Fess Challenge.
Executive committee of the Demo-
cratic National committee, cordially
welcomes the challenge of chairman
Fess, of the Republican organiza-
tion, with respect to the issues of
the impending Congressional cam-
paign. Senator Fess declared, in a
recent statement, that the fight
would be based ontwo major issues,
the tariff and the record of the
achievements of the Coolidge and
Hoover administrations. This pro-
gramme is entirely agreeable to the
Demcratic chairman. These ques-
tions will be discussed over the radio
by Governor Smith, of New York,
Senator Robinson, of Arkansas; John
WwW. Davis, Democratic candidate for
President in 1924, and Governor Cox,
candidate in 1920, and others.
But Mr. Shouse will insist that
in the discussion of these questions
all the salient features of them
shall be fully considered.” Mr. Hoover
has been in office with his partyin
full control,” Mr. Shouse says. “He
has had every possible opportunity
a President could have to make good.
The Republicans were willing to take
credit for the Coolidge prosperity;
they must take the responsibility for
the Hoover hard times.” This is
an eminently fair proposition. In his
speech of acceptance and in other
speeches during his campaign, Mr.
Hoover not only dwelt on but em-
phasized the claim that all the pros-
perity of the past eight years was
directly ascribable to Republican
policies and administrations.”
It will be difficult for chairman
Fess and his “spell-binders” to make
an intelligent public believe that
tariff legislation, which has aroused
the protest of every commercial and
industrial nation in the world and has
cut the export trade of the United
States at least fifty per cent, has
earned popular approval. But even
a greater problem confronts the Re-
publican party under the challenge
of chairman Fess: It will have to
show the farmers of the middle west
that the Hoover farm relief plan
has brought prosperity and content-
ment to them. “A President who is
capable of leadership”
continues, ‘is also .capable. of mak-
ing the breaks for himself.”
— The American Bar Association,
in session in Chicago, is making a
noise like a body that might be
going wet and Mr. Wickersham,
chairman of President Hoover's law
enforcement committee, publicly de-
nounces the Jones five and ten law.
Working the Old Bluff.
The organized effort to deceive
the people with respect to unem.
ployment, for partisan purposes, has
set in. The other day the Depart-
ment of Labor in Washington issued
what it calls a “survey.” In this
statement, which is anything but
encouraging, the usual smoke screen
of prosperity just around the corner
is set up. “Some seasonal industries
are showing a pick-up in employ-
ment,” it declares, “and more is
anticipated asthe fall business comes
on.” But the actual figures do not
justify the prediction, as the only
sign in that direction is “a further
stabilization of work, beneficial to
employees at navy yards through-
out the country.”
The United Press news association
in summarizing the bulletin of the
Department says: “Statistics were
based on returns from 39,546 estab-
lishments which in July had 4,806,-
458 employees whose combined earn-
ings in one week were $121,582,968.
These returns showed a decrease of
2.6 per cent in employment from
June for all 13 of the major in-
dustrial groups reporting, and a
decrease of 7.1 per cent in employees’
earnings was shown. The other 12
reporting groups showed an increase
of 1 per cent in employment, - but
even in these groups wages have been
cut, the decrease averaging 1.8 per
cent. Building continued below the
high peak of previous years.”
In view of this condition in the
industrial life of the country there
is little comfort in the promise of
activity in the navy yards beneficial
to the limited number of employees
in those institutions. The recent
order of the President to release at
once $40,000,000 of federal road-aid
funds which had been scheduled for
issue in January next, as a measure
of relief for the drought-stricken
farmers, will help some but not a
geat deal. Presumably that money
will go to farmers temporarily em-
ployed in highway construction in-
stead of to employees in other
lines of industry. In any event the
outlook for improved industrial con-
ditions is not promising.
—— In the light of past experience
it may be hard to persuade Bill
Vare that Mr. Pinchot will keep his
in a political game.
Jouet Shouse, chairman of the |
Mr. Shouse |
Careless or Uninformed.
‘engineering mind President Hoover
is surprisingly careless in the use
of language. For example, the oth-
‘er day when he appointed Major
General Douglas MacArthur to the
office of chief of staff of the army,
Mr. Hoover said, “he is the only
one of the Major Generals having a
sufficient period to serve in the
army before retirementto serve the
full four-years term of chief of
staff.” This statement was in the
form of an apology or explanation
for jumping General MacArthur over
the heads of several seniors in
the service, some of whom. atleast,
were equally deserving of promo-
tion and quite as well qualified for
the job.
As a matter of fact there are
ten other Major Generals who might
serve the full four-years term be-
fore reaching the retirement age.
They are Dennis E, Nolan. Johnson
Hagood, William D. Connor, Fox
Connor, Preston Brown, Malin Craig,
Briant H. Wells, Paul B. Malone,
Frank Parker and Frank B. McCoy.
It may justly be said that there
was no reason for apologizing for
the appointment of MacArthur. He
is a very fine officer with a brilliant
record in the World war to his credit.
But each of the others might set
up the same claim for preferment,
and some have had longer experience
in the service. But the President has
the right to make the choice and
to honor his favorites,
Another instance of his careless
use of language may be cited. in a
recent statement he is said “to have
found a way to save $100,000,000
and thus avert a possible increase
|of federal taxes.” His budget submit.
ted to Congress during the recent
session called for appropriations ag-
‘gregating $5,000,000,000. At that
time he knew that certain battle-
‘ships were to be retired, but now
‘he claims that he will save $4.000,000
'by this retirement process. Other
{items by which he now proposes to
| make large savings are of the same
{nature They are the result of Con-
!gressional - action and President
| Hoover’s attempt to arrogate to
(himself. the
jis absurd.
| ;
——Sedgwick Kistler is entirely
| satisfied with the attitude of the
Liberal party. Then why should
those who are opposed to Kistler
, worry?
Public Service Commission Troubles.
The Public Service Commission of
| Pennsylvania is having a hard time
| justifying the robber rates of the
Scranton Water Company. For more
than two years the struggle has been
in progress and hearings have been
held at irregular intervals. But al-
ways with the same result. The en-
gineers of the corporation and those
of the Commission have not been
able to agree on the reproduction
cost and the hearings are adjourned
to a future time. The last meet-
ing was held at Harrisburg, last
week, and because of the usual dis-
agreement commissioner Young, who
was in charge of the proceedings,
adjourned the meeting until August
The principal point of difference
between the engineers, the other
day, was the cost of the reproduc-
tion of the corporation’s office build-
ing at Scranton, The corporation
engineers place the figure at $400,-
000 and the Commission’s engineers
fix it at $300,000. The Commission is
waiting for an agreement as it has
been . waiting for an agreement on
other things for a long time. Mean-
time the corporation is charging con-
sumers on the valuation fixed by
its own engineers and pays no at-
tention to that of the state engi-
neers. That being the case we can
see no necessity for employing and
paying an engineer for the commis-
sion. His estimates are of no value.
At the meeting, last week, the
chief counsel of the corporation de-
clared that “efficiency and econo-
mies in operation have greatly in-
creased the company’s earnings and
that as a result of this a reduction
should be made in the rates.” But
the Public Service Commission is
less generous to the consumers. It
seems to think the corporation has
a right to charge ‘all the traffic
will bear,” and the victims of cupidi-
ty have no redress. The plain duty
of the Commission is to accept the
estimates of its own engineers as to
the cost of reproduction and relieve
the consumers of unjust burdens at
the earliest possible moment.
Forest fires are driving Lu-
zerne county rabbits out of the moun-
tians into towns. That may mean
out of the fire into the frying pan.
—Are yon reading your own. paper
or some other persons?
For a methodical man with an |
banker-farmer activities revealed an
e bankers learned of the 50-year
oredit is as. false #3 It betitger e :
sm T———— -
| Pennsylvania Bankers Meet at State | FIFTY
That millions of dollars have been
added to Pennsylvania farm incomes
through county farm agents placed
in 65 of the 67 counties by Pennsyl-
vania State College and the federal
government, was an outstanding fact
brought out by bankers at the
eighth annual conference of key
bankers and members of the
agricultural committee of the Penn-
sylvania State Bankers’ Association,
held last week-end at State College.
As one of the 60 key bankers and
commifteemen alt the conference, N.
E. Robb, treasurer of the Bellefonte
Trust Co. upon his return from
State College, declared a review of
astonishing scope of cooperation with
the State College extension service
for general improvement of farm
conditions throughout the State. In
almost all counties the bankers, farm-
érs and State College, through its
county agents, are joining hands in
improving agriculture. State banks
are now putting almost $30,000 a
year into cooperation with upwards
of 40 different kinds of agricultural |
projects, from girls’ sewing clubs to |
gending judging teams and club dele-
gations to young farmers’ week and
farm products shows.
In addition to Mr. Robb Centre
county was’ represented at the State
College meeting by H. L. Eb-
right, cashier of the First National
bank, Centre Hall.
Taxation costs to the farmer are
out of all proportion to those in any
other business, bankers learned from
college agricultural economics spe-
cialists, and they commended the col.
lege for studies which it has started
in this important phase. It was
stated that the farmer cannot pro-
gress economically under the present
system, and bankers urged college
workers to continue these studies
and evolve, if possible, a tax pro-
gram based on productivity of their
farms. Where farms are no longer
able to produce economically college
specialists recommended reforesta-
tion. In addition to economic prob-
lems facing the farmer of today,
“experiments where it was
shown that every dollar wisely in-
vested in fertilizer returns two dol-
lars to the farmer, and on a visit
to the livestock range saw the ad-
vantage of fattening steers ona corn
silage ration.
The biggest thrill for the bankers
was an opportunity, on Friday after-
noon, to meet with the 850 farm
club boys and girls who were visit-
ing State College at the same time
for the annual young farmers’ week.
There they saw the direct results
of 4-H club work with which so
many banks of the State have co-
operated for many years. Dr. Ralph
D. Hetzel, president of the College,
characterized the occasion as rep-
resenting “the most constructive
factor of the world today, the coop-
eration of the wisdom of maturity
with enthusiasm of youth and forma.
tive processes of education with its
research investigations.” President
Hetzel added that the college, through
lack of facilities, must refuse many
requests from various State interests
for special research, instructional
and extension services and despite
many new replacement buildings
must still refuse admission to hun-
dreds of qualified student applicants.
Judge Robert R. Lewis, Potter coun-
ty, until recently Secretary of the
Commonwealth, declared this situa.
tion deplorable and tragic in view
of the concentration of the “pioneer
spirit” of the entire State in its
State College.
At a 8-hour meeting Friday night
chairman W. S. McKay, of Green-
ville, called for reports of activities
by key bankers of each county. It
was then that the county agents
and the college agricultural exten-
sion service, directed by M. &. Mc.
Dowell, came in for great praise,
“Our county agent has been worth
millions to our county,” one key
banker declared, “and he gets all
the respect and attention of a
preacher. It is seldom that he
leaves a farm without a donation of
a chicken, basket of apples or pota-
toes. County agents are all right.”
Every key banker has commendation
for the farm agents, and Director
McDowell, responding to the tributes,
thanked the bankers for their spirit
of cooperation in extension activi-
ties, especially in club work which
he described as bearing a most im-
portant relation to the development
of proper leadership in rural com-
munities, the hope of Pennsylvania's
future agriculture.
——On Monday evening a resi-
dent of one of Clyde Jodon’s houses,
on Pine street, was burning rubbish
in the back yard. Some one saw
the blaze and sent in a fire alarm.
Both companies responded but their
services were not required.
i George Barrett.
Items from the Watchman issue of
August 27, 1880.
_—_All partiesagree that the grand
Democratic mass meeting on Tues-
day night last was the largest at.
fair that ever came off in Bellefonte
after dark. There were not less
than four thousand visitorsin town.
Maj. R. H. Foster was grand mar-
shall of the parade and his aides
were John Lane, L. O. Meek and
There were ten
divisions in the parade and they
were headed by five brass bands
and three’ drum corps. Hammon
Sechler headed the veteran - corps
of 81 men, then came George Arm-
strong and his Hancock Legion in
full regalia. There were 100 of
them. The Silver Grays 135 strong
were next. Following them were
the Spring township, delegation of
105, Benner township 77, Walker
township 140, the Penns Valley boys
403, Marion township 85, Ferguson,
Harris and College 61 and Bald
Eagle Valley 550. This made 1723
marchers, not counting the bands,
and everyone of them carried a lamp.
Among the homes and business
places that were outstanding in the
brilliance of their illumination were
those of Gov. Curtin, D. G. Bush,
Geo. W. Jackson, the Lane home
and grounds, Isaac Guggenheimer, J.
P. Gephart, Miss Ellen Woods, the
Brockerhoff home and grounds, the
Watchman office, the Brockerhoff
house, the Butts house, Ceader’s
| store and Fred Smith’s. While there
'were many others that displayed
flags and lanterns those specially
mentioned atttracted everyone's at-
— The thunder storm on Thursday
of last week was one of the most
violent that has ever passed over
this section. At Clearfield the river
raised enough to make a good raft-
ing flood and so many rafts were
sent down thata jam ten miles long
occurred at the Queens Run bridge
above Lock Haven. At Osceola the
Moshannon overflowed onto Curtin
street marooning residents in that
section and when the dam of the
Moshannon Land and Lumber com-
pany gave way five thousand logs
were swept down against Moshannon
bridge on Curtin street and piled up
against the houses.
—_Michael Kane, aged 45, was
killed inone of Valentine’s ore banks
last Tuesday. He was mining for
ore and had dug a deep pocket in
the side of the bank, Suddenly the
earth above him caved in burying
him completely. Fellow workmen
dug him out as quickly as possible
and summoned a physician, but it
was found that his chest was so
crushed that there was no hope of
his recovery. He died that after-
— During the thunder storm of
last Thursday a large oak tree
standing in the meadow of George
H. Zeigler, near Philipsburg, was
struck by lightning and burned af-
terwards as if it had been saturated
with oil. Witnesses of the phenome-
non declare that they had never
seen such a thing before.
— Sunday last was such a beauti-
ful day that complaints that the
Sabbath schools were not well at-
tended were heard on all sides on
—Mr. James B. Lane was pre-
sented by his wife with a hand-
some boy baby on Thursday of last
week. Jim says the very first sound
it uttered very much resembled
«Hurrah for Hancock and English.”
—All the machinery of the Belle-
fonte paper mill was shipped to
Lock Haven this week, The Penn-
sylvania Pulp Co, of that place,
bought it and that is the last of
Bellefonte’s paper mill.
— We are sorry to report that the
venerable Mrs. Ruth Harrison, now
80 years of age, is suffering with
dropsy. The old lady, in all prob-
ability, has not much longer to
live, :
—John Anderson met witha very
serious accident last Tuesday. He
was helping to move an iron safe
to Frank Galbraith’s jewelry store
when the wagon on which it was
being transported tilted up and the
safe rolled off pinning Mr. Anderson
to the ground. Drs. Mullen, Kirk and
Dobbins were called and while they
gave the opinion that no bones were
broken they are still in doubtas to
what his internal injuries might be.
— Last Saturday morning D. L.
Confer, who occupies the Clyde
Jodon farm, in Spring township,
brought a ten gallon keg of cider to
the Bellefonte curb market. The
cider had been made on Friday and,
naturally, should have been nice
and fresh. But unfortunately it had
been corked tight and when Mr.
Confer attempted to remove the
bung when he reached the market
place it blew out with a bang like
a cork from a champagne bottle,
knocked off the owner’s hat and
the cider spurted out in a foamy
stream. Considerable of the cider
was lost before Mr. Confer could re-
cover the bung and cork the keg.
— Some otherwise discerning
minds will never be able to see why
Sunday base ball is a crime and
Sunday golf an innocent diversion.
—Fire wardens and deputies who ex-
tinguished nine incendiary fires in Mifflin
county mountains have been instructed
to shoot to kill anyone found setting
fires in the woods if they try to escape.
Setting woods afire constitutes a felony,
T. E. Harbeson, district forester, stated.
—A part of a meteor was found in
the back yard at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry J. Cook, of Renovo, last
week, following a display of shooting
stars. The meteor, which is of peculiar
shape, weighs nearly half a pound, and
in falling struck a galvanized wash tub,
making a large dent in the bottom and
side of the tub.
—Pleading guilty toa charge of
chicken stealing, Mrs. Evelyn Aumiller,
mother of eight children, on Tuesday
was sentenced to from 9 to 18 months in
the Columbia county jail. On Monday
her son-in-law, her admitted sweet-
heart, and her daughter's sweetheart,
were sentenced. Two daughters are in
fail at Williamsport on forgery charges.
—Joseph Schaeffer, a merchant of
near New Freedom, York county, had to
be treated by a physician for severe in-
juries to his head, inflicted by an in-
furiated steer which kicked him as he
was leading a calf out of the barn.
Schaeffer was knocked ten feet by the
impact of the blow. It was necessary
for the physician to take ten stitches
to close the wound on the man’s head.
—Ralph Potter, 32, a Dunmore mer-
chant, died on Tuesday as a result of
diving into shallow water while swim-
ming in Lake Arieen, near Scranton.
Physicians say Potter severed the cords
of his spinal column when he struck the
bottom of the lake. He was the second
swimmer killed in this manner within
the past few weeks. The Potter acci-
dent occurred in front of a private cot-
—Pennsylvania will be unable to de-
rive -benefit from the advance of Secre-
tary of Agriculture Hyde of the State
share of federal road aid, amounting to
$5,500,000, from next January to Septem-
ber 1, it was said at the state highway
department. State funds for building
highways in Pennsylvania have all been
set aside for work now under contract
or more to be contracted, department of-
ficials said.
—Prospects of the greatest potato yield
on the farms of State institutions under
the jurisdiction of the State Department
of Welfare have been greatly reduced
because of the drought according to R.
Bruce Dunlap, agriculturalist of the de-
partment. Dunlap said that up to the
middle of July institutional farm man-
agers had exercised particular care in the
spraying of the potato crop which gave
promise of the greatest year ever ex-
perienced, but the serious drought will
undoubtedly affect production.
—Exactly 313 silk workers were in-
formed that their services were no
longer required after last Saturday by
officials of the Susquehanna silk mills. A
short time ago the Pennsylvania woven
wire mill shut down indefinitely. John
W. Dickey, Pinchot leader in Clinton
county, and official of the wire concern,
failed to explain why the Republican
prosperity pledged by Pinchot last May
is not functioning in that section. Every
layoff, politicians believe, makes more
votes for Hemphill and Kistler.
—Three bandits are being sought by
police after they held up and robbed
Samuel Heninger, owner. of Point Breeze
hotel, near Shamokin, of $230. Two men
early in the morning stepped into the
hotel and with guns in their hands or-
dered Heninger to ‘‘put ‘em up.” They
proceeded to the cash register and rifled
it. ‘The proprietor edged toward the
counter, but as he reached for his revolv-
er one of the bandits shot him through
the right wrist. The men escaped in a
machine parked outside, with another
bandit at the wheel.
—In the will. of Dr. F. S. Price, of
Carbondale, instructions were given to
the executors that no attempt be made
to collect debts owed to him by hun-
dreds of patients for medical services.
He left an estate valued at $75,000 and
it is said $20,000 is due the estate on old
debts. Dr. Price always said he believed
most of his patients would have paid
these bills had they been financially
able to do so. He sets aside $10,000 to
establish a room in Jefferson Medical
college hospital, Philadelphia, in honor
of his mother and wife.
—The two new industrial plants erect-
ed in Ridgway this summer are about
ready for operation. The new sole cut-
ting plant of the Elk Tanning company,
located near the Eagle valley tannery,
will commence operations Monday, Au-
gust 25. About twenty-five men will be
employed at the start, and eventually
this number will be increased until 150
men are employed. Ten men are al-
ready working at the Viking art metal
plant. Machinery for this plant is being
moved to Ridgway from Jamestown, N.
Y., and more men will be put to work
as soon as it is erected.
__After three unsuccessful attempts to
commit suicide John Miller, aged 61, or
Ganister, near Hollidaysburg, is a pa-
tient at Mercy hospital. He was ad-
mitted to the institution at 7 a. m. Sun-
day, suffering from a deep laceration of
the throat and a fracture of the left leg.
His condition is reported as fair. Miller
is said to have stood in front of his sec-
ond floor window, slashed his throat with
a knife, then leaped from the window
to the ground below, approximately 20
feet. He is then reported to have walk-
ed some distance and hurled himself
from a bridge spanning a railroad a
short distance from his home, fractur-
ing his leg. He was found by a rail-
road employee and rushed to a physi-
cian’s office.
—Warrants charging embezzlement were
issued on Tuesday against Fern A. Oliver,
former cashier, and Leonard Tartaglia,
former teller of the Electric City Bank
and Trust Company of West Scranton,
at the instance of the State Department
of Banking. Oliver, it is charged, em-
bezzled $40,131.22 during a period ex-
tending from January 7, 1929, to Feb-
ruary 13, 1980. Tartaglia, in a signed
statement in possession of the District
Attorney’s office, is understood to have
admitted his defalcations totaled not
Jess than $9000. Oliver is said to be in
Altoona. The Electric City Bank and
Trust Company has not suffered the
loss of a dollar, the authorities an-
nounced, the bonding companies for both
Oliver and Tartaglia having made good
the defalcations unearthed by the bank