THESE 3 POINTS are going to make life hill more worth lving! WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT MAY WEST DENN FIRST POWER CO. hhbbrhbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbih IN BELLEFONTE CHURCHES. JLLEFONTE METHODIST CHURCH. Church school, C. C. Shuey, Supt, 30 a. m. Extra events. League ith interesting program and lively bject, 6:30 - p. m. Worship—10:45 m, special exposition—*“Conditions r a Continuous Pentecost.” 7:30 «The Ethic of Pentecost,” ingent preachment. Tuesday eve- ng, class. Wednesday, mid-week mgregational gathering, featured r praise, prayer, world outlook and jristian obligation—Ilocal, national id international, exceptional oc- sion. Commercial travelers and sitors invited; men in particular elcome. Pastor responds to calls r his services. Easter had exceptional attention 1d interest for the Methodists of allefonte and their friends, The ;ague conducted a very helpful rly service, well attended. The urch school had 345 attendance La goal of 333; and with a $50 ‘orld Service objective, condition- g a special gift of $10, it turned $100.50, making the total School fering, $110.50. Special events lded interest to the program in e school. A class of young men om a rural school led by their acher, was introduced. The be- nners department, in charge of perintendent Miss Green, had a easant period for their exercises. iss Mary Gehret recited the entire .apter in Matthew's Gospel describ- g the high lights of the Resur- ction story. The congregatiomal exercises were ry attractively. At both morning id evening the chorus sang two ecial selections. While the mem- rs of the church were largely in idence in the congregation, many rangers and week-end visitors ere noted in the sittings, visiting en outnumbering the women. At ght strangers were yery numerous. >ur members were received on ansfer certificate by Pastor Jacobs, isisted by official men and women, y members. Horace Lincoln Jacobs, Minister. EVANGELICAL CHURCH 9:15 Sunday School. Wm. M. sman, Supt. 10:30 Morning Worship with ser- on on “Friendship.” At this serv- e the 1.0. 0.F. willl be our 1ests. 6:45 E. L. C. E. Miss Eleanor =nner, leader. 7:30 Evening service with sermon 1 “The Meaning of Pentecost.” You are cordially invited to wor- ip with us. A. Ward Campbell, Pastor. BOALSBURG. of Bellefonte, among Mrs. Mary Condo, as an over Sunday visitor iends here. Warren Cupp, of Williamsport, ent Sunday with his wife and son, the E. M. Kuhn home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGirk and nn McGirk, of Altoona, were sitors in town on Sunday. Capt. W. H. Fry, of Pine ills, attended services in itheran church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coxey, diana, were over Sunday visitors the home of their parents. The instructors and pupils of the igh school enjoyed a vacation on sod Friday and Easter Monday. Mrs. Jackson and daughter, of ate College, were guests of the aarlie Segner family for several LYS. Miss Mary Hazel returned from imgersland, N. Y., last week, ac- mpanied by her niece, Joanna axwell, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gimberling id son, of Selinsgrove, were visit- s at the home of Henry Reitz, st week. Mac Mothersbaugh, Grove of Philadel- the - of | and Sunday visit with his parents and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Dale, Misses Margaret and Marian and Frederic Dale, of Oak Hall, were guests of the Misses Dale, on Easter. Misses Marian Dale and Margaret Gingerich and Messrs. Russell Bohn and William Sweet, of Lock Haven Teachers’ college, spent the Easter vacation with their parents and friends. : Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Knarr and daughter, of Milesburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knarr, of Pleasant Gap, Mr. and Mrs. John Weber and son, of Bellefonte, were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuhn, on Sunday afternoon. Paul Dernar, of Bellefonte, spent several days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dernar. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Goheen spent Easter with their son, Richard and wife, at Holndaysburg. Prof. and Mrs. E. H. Meyer, of Newark, N. J.,, were also guests of their daughter, Mrs. Richard Goheen, the | entire party coming to Boalsburg to spend Easter Monday. ees ee etter. UNIONVILLE. In the published account of my trip to Buffalo, last week there ap- peared a statement that the Lar- kin Co. employed 350 people. They employ that number in their gar- ment factory and about a thousand all told. Mrs. Anna Finch will give a dis- play of Larkin products and premi- ums at her home Friday, April 25th, | afternoon and evening. All who are interested are cordially invited to attend. Dresses for women, misses and children, and many other things will be on display. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kerchner and daughter Dorothy were guests of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shirk, for dinner on Easter, at The Markland, Bellefonte, and Sunday afternoon they all drove to Jersey Shore, to the home of Mr. Kerchner’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Easter day was observed in the M. E. church by special in the evening by the Junior Epworth - Leagues. The were under the instruction of Mrs. Buck, and the young people of Miss Alice Bauder, cial music by and the choir Rev. M. H. Crawford. Union Grange will meet Friday evening, April 25th. An interesting program is being planned for the lecture hour in memory of William Saunders, the first master of the national Grange, Mr. Saunders was a great lover of the beauty in na- ture, being a horticulturist. His greatest achievement was the plan- ning of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg. Among the many visitors to our town during the KEaster vacation were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holtz- worth and family, at the parental homes of Mr. and Mrs. D. Buck and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Holtzworth; Mrs. Robert Keeler, of Buffalo, N. Y. at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bullock; Mrs. Charles Nason, of Philadelphia, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Williams; Charles Keatley, of Pittsburgh, at the home of his mother, Mrs. Maggie Keatly; 'Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Updegraff {and children, of Williamsport, at {the home of grandpa Bauders; Miss | Flora Brugger, of Camden, N. J, {and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waite, of Stormstown, at the home of their | parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Brug- i ger; Mrs. Carrie Rumberger, of Du- Bois, at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Francis Hall; Mr. and Mrs. David | Holter of Howard; Philip Holter, of { Howard and John Holter, of Johnson- burg, were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of their aunt, Mrs. ia, was home for a Saturday night | Francis Hall. services | Juniors | There was also spe- and or- chestra and a sermon by the pastor, | PINE GROVE MENTIONS. James I. Reed transacted busi- ness in Bellefonte, on Monday. Joe Harpster, of Mill Hall, is now nicely fixed up in his home here. Mrs. M. E. Heberling is an ob- servation patient in a Philadelphia hospital. Mrs. Gladys Fry and son Francis spent last week with relatives in Altoona. Mrs. Robert Brennan had as an Easter guest Mrs. Kyle Alexander, of Julian. Mr. and Mrs. William Bodle have as a guest their son, S. B. Bodle, of Clearfield. Jacob W. Kepler motored up from Philadelphia and spent Easter at his parental home. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Clark, son William and daughter spent Easter in Pittsburgh. J. L. Shank and family attended a family gathering at the home of Joe Kepler, at Runville, on Sunday. Prof. Frank D. Gardner and wife spent Easter with friends in Washington and at College Park, Md. Mr. and Mrs. James Lytle had as guests, last week, Mrs. Gilbert Watts and daughter Betty, of Bell- wood. Miss Annie Harkins, of Blaine, is at the Rev. J. F. Harkins home, owing to the serious illness of Mrs. Harkins. John Kocher and wife and Melvin their Betty, Cr uality Furniture Co. | 905--907 ALTOONA, PA. I EIGHTH AVENUE Nine Years of Honest Dealing Selling Every- thing for the Home has Made Hundreds of Customers for Us in Centre County. We Cannot be Undersold on High Grade Furniture | Visit the Ouality Before Buying and Convince Yourself we Can Save You Untold Dollars Peters and wife, spent Easter in Tyrone with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Harpster. Mrs: Ella Krebs has returned | home from a several months stay | with the Edward Lohr family, at} Akron, Ohio. Dr. C. L. Goodling, dean of the Farm School, at Doylestown, spent part of last week with friends at State College. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Johnson and Miss Bertha Johnson, were here from Philadelphia to spend Easter with relatives, Miss Margaret Sunday, who spent the winter with friends in Ohio, has returned home, all the better for her sojourn. Miss Dorothy English and Miss Lizzie Archey, of Harrisburg, had a three days Easter vacation at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. M. C, Wieland mo- tored over to Stormstown and spent Sunday with Charles Rosenberg, who was ill with the grip. Mrs. A. S.Fye, Mrs. J. L. Holmes and Mrs. Roy Homan spent the week-end with Mrs, Frank McCor- mick, in Lock Haven. Frank McClellan, of Centre Hall, has established a meat and fish route through the valley, going as far west as Baileyville. A family dinner was held at the A. B. Musser home, on the Branch, on Sunday, at which Miss Zoe Lutz was the guest of honor. W. F. Thompson has been ap- pointed by the State Forestry De- partment to have charge of the road over the mountain to McAlevy’s Fort. Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Hartswick i motored to Williamsport and spent | Baster with their daughter Cathe- ‘rine, a nurse in the Williamsport | hospital. A troop of Boy Scouts is being { organized here under the leadership lof Prof. A. B. Corl | will be held in the band hall on | Wednesday evenings. | A family gathering was held at | the home of Mrs. J. Fred Meyers, {last Thursday, in celebration of that {lady’s birthday. She received many | i nice and useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs, D. F. Kapp and | Miss Flo Kapp spent the latter end i of the week at Dry Run visiting Dr. | Koons, a former resident of Centre county, who has been i health for some time. At the Easter services in Meek’s | church, Sunday evening, in charge {of J. Fred Rossman, an egg dona- {tion was lifted for the home of the ‘aged, in Tryone, | tions totalled one hundred dozen. | Word has been received here of the | arrival of a little son in the home {of Mr. and Mrs. Black, at Allen- town, Before her marriage Mrs. Black was Miss Mildred Campbell, a well known Centre county school ' teacher. WINGATE Mr. and Mrs. Florence Walker and daughter, of DuBois, spent Kaster with the James Snyder and Mrs. Ida Witmer families. James Snyder, who had both legs injured in a fall from a wagon, two weeks ago, has recovered to extent that he is able to get around jand do light work. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and son Mahlon motored to Wilmington, Del., last Friday, for an over Easter visit with Mrs. Smith's sister, Mrs. John McKee and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Shawley and! little son Roy motored to Clearfield, Thursday, to see their daughter, Miss Hazel, who is seriously ill in the Clearfield hospital. Following the Easter Milesburg, three persons were im- mersed. The were beautiful and appropriate the day. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Witherite and | daughter Ruth, of Osceola Mills, were Sunday visitors at the Mrs. Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. Michael! | Witherite homes. Mrs. Irwin also had as Easter guests Mr. and Mrs. | Irwin Reeder and two daughters, of ! Clarence. — Pennsylvania led the United! States in the value of eggs pro-| duced during 1929. The hens of Centre county laid 1,150,000 dozen during the year and they had an | estimated value of $391,000.00. {10 inches in length, Meetings | in poor and the contribu- | that | Sunday | services in the Baptist church, at | services throughout | to | at the time specified above, wit — Five Altoona fishermen, last week, caught a string of 57 trout | on Logan's branch which averaged or a total of 471 feet. one wanting their LOWING.—Any Err ramer, lot plowed call Harry E. 438-R or 360-M. XECUTOR’S NOTICE—The under- E signed executrix of the last will and testament of William Armor, late of Spring township, Centre county, Penna., Decd., hereby notifies all persons having claims against decedent’s estate to present them, properly authenticated, for settlement, and those knowing them- selves indebted to said decedent shall make immediate payment thereof. NELLIE ARMOR, Executrix. Bellefonte, Pa.,, R. F. D. 3. W. Harrison Walker, attorney, 75-14-6t OTICE TO CONTRACTORS.—Sealed proposals will be received by the Bellefonte Borough Council up to May 5, 1930, at 5 o'clock p. m., for furnishing labor and equipment to exca- vate for and lay and install a 16 inch Cast Iron Universal Joint Pipe line from the Big Spring to the Gamble Mill, a distance of approximately 1680 feet. Pipe and fittings to be furnished by Belle- fonte Borough, F. O.B. cars, Bellefonte. Contractor to consider unloading ipe from cars and distribute same ong route selected. For further information, call or address the Water Committee or Superintendent of the Water De- partment. Phone 600, Bellefonte. 75-16-3t A of Common Pleas of Centre County, No. 23 September Term, 1915. Re: Application for the appointment of a Receiver for the Bird Coal and Iron Company. : The undersigned has been appointed { an Auditor to make distribution of the funds in the hands of J. H. Rockefel- ler, Receiver and Trustee of the Bird Coal and Iron Company, to and among those entitled to receive the same. The Auditor will meet the parties in | interest for the purpose of his pppoe: | ment, at his office 11 East High Street, Bellefonte, Pa., on Wednesday, the 7th | day of May, 1930, at 10:30 o'clock A. M., when and where all parties having claims against the said Bird Coal and | Tron Company or the Receiver and Trustee shall present the same or be barred from further participation in the | fund. | 75-15-3t JOHN J. BOWER, Auditor UDITOR’'S NOTICE.— In the Court i | HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a ‘S writ of Fieri Facias issued out of i the Court of Common Pleas of | Centre ounty, to me dirccted, will be exposed to public sale at the Court | House in the borough of Bellefonte on ! FRIDAY, MAY 2nd, 1930. { The Following Property: {All that certain lot or parcel of land | situate in the Borough of Elilipsturg | (formerly known as Lloydsville), County | of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, | bounded and described as follows, to wit: | cor- | Mayes, et ux, | Eleventh Street, (formerly Calhoun | BEGINNING at the South-west | ner of lot of George R. {on | St.), thence in a Southerly direction along said Street a distance of 60 feet ito lot of J. B. Ard; thence | Easterly direction along lot of said J. |B. Ard a distance of 200 feet to an | alley; thence in a Northerly direction a | distance of 60 feet: thence along lot of | said George R. Mayes, et ux, a distance | of 200 feet to the place of beginning. BEING a part of the same premises | that M. Ward Fleming, in an | Executor by | | deed bearing date of January 31st, 1921, | and recorded in Deed Book | page 93, granted and conveyed to Jaco Solomon and Dora Solomon. sold as the and Dora Solomon, his wife. | of said day. Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa., April 7th, 1930. 75-16-3t OURT PROCLAMATION.—WHERE- AS the Honorable M. Ward Flem- ing, President Judge of the Court C No. 125, | Seized, taken in execution and to be | roperty of Jacob Solomon ' Sale to commence at 1:30 o'clock p. m. | DUNLAP, Sheriff | | of Common Pleas of the 49th Judicial Dis- | ed for holding a Court of Common Pleas, Orphans’ Court, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace. trict, consisting of the County of Centre, | having issued his precept, bearing date | of seventh day of April, 1930, to me direct- | Oyer and Terminer and | | General Jail delivery, in Bellefonte for | | the County of Centre. And the Grand Jury | twelfth day of May 1980, at 10 o'clock i A, M., and the Traverse Jury called for the regular meeting of Quarter Sessions Court will convene on the Third Monday of May, 1980, at 10 o'clock A. M., being May 19th. And the Traverse Jury for the Second Week of Court will appear \e ¥ourth Monday of May, 1930, at 10 o'clock A. M., being May 26th. convene on the Justice of the Peace, Alderman and also such Constables, (that may have business in their) respective districts, requiring to { report to the Honorable Court) that they be then and there in their proper SpSOny eir records, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, to do those things to their offices appertaining to be done and those who are bound in recog- i nizance to prosecute against the prisoners of to Jail there and shall be in the be then and that are Centre County, prosecute against them as shall be just. Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the 12th day of April in the year of our Lord, 1930 and the 154th year of the Independ- ence of the United States of America. H. BE. DUNLAP, Sherif Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa. ...76-16-4t NOTICE is hereby given to the Coroner, | ——Announcement has been made of the marriage, on January 26th, of James Elmer Weaver, of Bellefonte, and Miss Elsie Leona Kramer, of Salona, the wedding ceremony having been performed by Rev. M. C. Piper, at his home in Milesburg. ‘mma aman | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ANTED.—Money to loan on real WwW estate security. J. M. Xeichline. Atty., Bellefonte, Pa. 75-15-3m ANTED.—Money to loan en real WwW estate security. J. M. Keichline. Atty., Bellefonte, Pa. 76-16-3m: came New York Curb Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, Phone DYER, HUDSON & Co. SUCCESSORS TO C. I. HubpsoN & Co. Established 1874 NEw YORK OFFICE 61 Broadway New York Stock Exchange, Atlantic City, N. J. Newark, N. J. Binghamton, N. Y. New York Cotton Exchange, Cincinnati, Ohio. New York Coffee Exchange, Cleveland, Ohio. Harrisburg, Pa. Wilmington, Del. Williamsport Office 132 West Fourth Street PAUL. O. BROSIUS, Manager WILLIAMSPORT, PA. BRANCH OFFICES Scranton, Pa. Syracuse, N. Y. 1 Toronto, Can. : Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Williamsport, Pa. 2--4684 UE Saturday---This Week Bia Double Program All Talking Movietone Feature “Crazy That Way” First Pennsylvania Showing with Joan Bennett and Kenneth MacKenna. Also Tom Tyler, in “Neath Western Skies” EU Showings at2,7and 9 P.M. Continuous, Saturday, 2 to 11 P. M. Lowest Admission Anywhere - - 15 and 35 cents Monday, Tues., Wednes. Next Week The Stars of ‘“‘Sunny Side Up” ina ' Newer and Greater Picture— ‘“‘High Society Blues’’ ~ with Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell. It’s Simply Great! Thurs., Friday Next Week Evelyn Brent in “Parkened Rooms” STATE THEATRE ALL THIS WEEK All ( Technicolor) Natural Color Vitaphone Super Picture “On With the Show?” Here is the Most Gorgeous, Beautiful and Entertaining Picture to date. It has a Great Story, too! ALL NEXT WEEK The $1,000,000 Super Production “Broadway” All Talking, Singing, Dancing—with a Story that will Thrill and Grip you from start to finish. In spite of the great cost of this picture it will be shown at our regular admissions — 15¢. and 35c. Two Shows Daily—7.15 and 9 P. M.
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